Psalms 48:1-2 (NRSV) Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God. His holy mountain, beautiful in elevation, is the joy of all the earth, Mount Zion, in the far north, the city of the great King.
Who We Are The Beautiful City of Zion Evangelistic Ministries is an international network of churches and ministries, composed of diverse groups of leaders engaging in a wide variety of ministry forms and methods. Our passion for God, inclusive, affirming, and progressive evangelism, and pioneering spirit compel us to take appropriate Kingdom risks for Christ's sake and cause us to birth ministries where renewal and revitalization take place. Our vision is that ALL people become disciples of Jesus Christ and reach their full redemptive potential in the earth. Our mission is to empower, equip and encourage believers to become effective disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ around the world by fully embracing every race, gender, culture, sexual orientation, family configuration, physical or mental condition and all other distinctions which compile the rich tapestry of God’s creation. Pentecostalism describes the methodology of Christian churches and movements that emphasize the work of the Holy Spirit through spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, deliverance, divine healing and expressive worship. The work of the Holy Spirit is a central theme throughout the testimony of the early Christian Church. Following the miraculous events of the Day of Pentecost, as the Church evolved to become more institutionalized, the practice of Spiritual Gifts began to shift as the Church gained more political power. The Holiness, or Sanctification, movement in the United States is considered to be the most direct influence on Pentecostalism, as it embraced the conviction for a personal and individual experience of conversion and the moral perfection of the Christian individual. Progressive Pentecostalism endorses the fundamental principles and expressions of traditional Pentecostalism while embracing the progressive principles of human inclusion, social justice, and political action. In Acts 2, the church began as an inclusive body of believers who “spake in languages that all understood.” The famous Azusa Street Revival of the early twentieth century emulated the work of God in Acts 2, with black and white people worshipping and fellowshipping together during the height of racial segregation. Our conviction is that a hallmark of Pentecostalism is not only the demonstration of the Holy Spirit, but it includes the eradication of barriers by the love of Jesus Christ in our hearts. The Beautiful City of Zion Evangelistic Ministries was birthed out of a unique fusion of traditional Pentecostalism and the progressive move of the Holy Spirit in the 21st Century. In 2014, Pastor A. Marquis Hairston, Sr., was formally ordained as an Elder in the Lord’s Church and installed as the Senior Pastor of The City Church by a council consisting of Bishop Donagrant L. McCluney, PhD, Apostle David B. Lay, and Overseer Judson Medlin-Fraley. After his ordination, Pastor Marquis and several other church leaders embraced the idea of creating a separate organization to serve other pastors and churches throughout the world. With that thought in mind, the Beautiful City of Zion Evangelistic Ministries was designated as a separate entity from The City Church, and became a fellowship of churches, ministries, and leaders who share similar values and a core basis of union, with Pastor Marquis Hairston as its Apostle. Since its inception, the BCOZ has ordained, affirmed, and legitimized several leaders into progressive Pentecostal ministry. Currently, the organization spans across the east coast of the United States, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Miami, Florida; and has international representation in Africa and the Philippine Islands. 3
Apostle A. Marquis Hairston, Sr.
Our Founder Apostle A. Marquis Hairston, Sr. is the Founder and Apostle of the Beautiful City of Zion Evangelistic Ministries, Inc., and the Senior Pastor of The City Church of the Carolinas, Inc. at Charlotte, NC. He is also the CEO of the City Nation, Inc., a non-profit organization organized to address social and systemic issues of marginalization and oppression in minority communities. Apostle Marquis realized the Call of God on his life from an early age, as his childhood was marked by a spiritual awareness characterized and framed by visions and spiritual visitations. Throughout childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, Apostle Marquis served numerous ministries across the states ofVirginia, North/South Carolina, and Georgia. Apostle Marquis is also an avid psalmist and musician. Reared in the admonition of the Lord by his paternal grandparents, he learned the ways of holiness and quickly applied them to his life. From the age of 6, Apostle Marquis was a tither, a praiser, and from his grandparents’ backyard, a Minister. One day while preaching to his friends, the Holy Spirit consumed him and he began to cry and speak in other tongues. This day, he was filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost, and began his journey in ministry. Apostle Marquis was baptized on February 24, 2002 under the pastorate of the Late Bishop Roger L. Jackson at the Greater Deliverance Temple in Danville, Virginia. On November 13, 2005, Apostle Marquis said “yes” to the will of the LORD and accepted the call that was on his life from birth; to preach the Word of God. On April 15, 2006, he preached his initial sermon at the Guildfield Missionary Baptist Church, in Dry Fork, Virginia, under the pastorate of Rev. Dr. J. Rolan Cohen, Sr. In November 2009, he was ordained as an Evangelist by Apostle Alice Caldwell at the Tabernacle of Praise Ministries in Charlotte, NC. In 2012, Apostle Marquis was designated as an Elder by the Real Life Ministries of Raleigh, NC under the pastorate of Overseer Judson Medlin-Fraley. Also in 2012, Apostle Marquis became the Establishmentarian of the Beautiful City of Zion Evangelistic Ministries, Inc., a ministry of evangelism and community outreach. Apostle Marquis was formally ordained as an Elder in the Lord’s Church on Saturday, May 31, 2014 by an Apostolic Council convened expressly for this purpose. Since then, Apostle Marquis has served the Kingdom in whatever capacity his anointed gifts and talents afford him the opportunity. Currently, Apostle Marquis serves as the Chief of Staff to his Apostolic Father, Bishop Donagrant L. McCluney, PhD., who is the Primate and Chief Apostle of the Progressive Pentecostal Church Fellowship, headquartered in Nashville,Tennessee. Apostle Marquis received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Ministry from the Carolina Christian College in Winston Salem, NC on May 20, 2017, and is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity Degree from the Wake Forest University School of Divinity in Winston Salem, NC. Apostle Marquis is the father to one son, Antonio M. Hairston, II (affectionately called, “Junior Pastor”), and the oldest of seven siblings.
What would happened if we changed the way we look at Church? What would happen if we simply followed the pattern of Jesus, who connected with people intentionally with the purpose of discipling them? What would happen if we stopped worrying about getting a big building and spending a lot of money (that most of us do not have), and just started building people? For those who are already laboring to build a church, what would happen if we stopped focusing so much on how many people we have at our church and started focusing on truly discipling the people that we have? It is of no coincidence that we find ourselves worshipping amid this coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19 has completely and drastically changed the way the world in which we know it must operate, in order to stay relevant. Today, I have the humbling responsibility of sending forth eight leaders into various levels of ministry. I have often said to them that we must raise up mature leaders, who are not enamored with titles, vestments, or credentials (although all are necessary in their own right) but are focused on living out what it means to serve and serve well. Jesus did NOT tell us to build a church! Jesus said, “I will build my church”. (Matthew 16:18) Jesus commanded us to make disciples. (Matthew 28:19-20) IF we will focus on “making disciples,” He will take care of building His Church! Hence our Spiritual Directive for 2020: IF we will “BUILD PEOPLE,” God will “BUILD HIS CHURCH!” Let’s get intentional about people and watch what God does… Humbled To Serve,
Apostle A. Marquis Hairston, Sr. 6
J e - s u s
o u r
S a v - i o r ,
b l e s s e d
f o r - e v e r
m o r e ! *
J e - s u s
o u r
S a v - i o r ,
b l e s s e d
f o r - e v e r
m o r e ! *
*Lyrics changed to accommodate gender-inclusive language for God.
Saturday, July 11, 2020 • 10:00 AM Apostle A. Marquis Hairston, Sr., Presiding Introit...........….........………………………………………………………......Musicians PRAISE & WORSHIP PROCESSIONAL “Holy, Holy, Holy” Acolytes The Candle Lighters The Processional Cross The Diadem Bearer Ministerial Licentiate Derrick Lamont McIntyre Diaconate Candidate Thomas Flynn McIntyre Presbytery Candidates Taylone Ariel Banks Naji Dormel Carter Angela Renee Jefferies Cassandra Mack-Jones April Leatrice-Javelle Roberts Anthony Lamar Williams visiting clergy The Council Of Apostles & Bishops Apostle A. Marquis Hairston, Celebrant
CALL TO WORSHIP Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of God’s Holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion, the city of the great King.
Declare His glory among the heathen; Her marvelous works among all nations. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: He also is to be feared above all gods.
Give unto the Lord, ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord glory and strength. Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name: bring an offering and come before Him: worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let the nations declare, The Lord reigneth. Let the sea roar, and the fullness thereof: let the fields rejoice, and all that is therein.
Then shall the trees of the wood sing out at the presence of the Lord, because he cometh to judge the earth.
O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever. (Based on Psalm 48:1-2, 1 Chronicles 16:24-25, 28-31, 32-34)
Opening Hymn...................................................................“We’re Marching To Zion” Invocation READING OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURE Old Testament Reading.........................................................................Joshua 1:1-9 Reader: TheWord of God for the people of God. People: Thanks be unto God! Responsorial........................................................................................“Doxology” Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise God all creatures here below! Praise God above ye heavenly host Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Amen! The Reading from the Epistle..............................................................I Peter 5:1-11 Reader: TheWord of God for the people of God. People: Thanks be unto God! The Gospel of Jesus Christ.....................................................................John 15:1-8 Reader: This is the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. People: Praise to you Lord Christ! The Celebration of the Gospel........................................................“Praise Him” 10
AFFIRMATION OF FAITH We affirm our faith in God.
We believe in one God, almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
We affirm our faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son, conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
We affirm our faith in salvation.
We believe that Jesus Christ suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died for our sins and was buried. On the third day He rose again with all power and is seated at the right hand of God.
We affirm our faith in the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, God with us for guidance, comfort and strength; Baptizer, according to Acts 2:4, and given to believers who ask for it.
We affirm our faith in the Church universal.
We believe in the Holy universal Church, the communion of believers, the fellowship for worship, the beacon of justice, charity and service to this world.
We affirm our faith in the love of Christ.
We believe in the love of Jesus Christ for all people, regardless of who they are. We believe that this faith should manifest itself in our service of love as set forth with the example of our blessed Lord, that the Kingdom of God may come in Earth and bring everlasting life to all people. Amen
Hymn of Celebration......................................................“Jesus The Light of the World” Statement of Purpose ECCLESIASTICAL GREETINGS KINGDOM INVESTMENT SELECTION OF PREPARATION THE KERYGMA
Apostle A. Marquis Hairston, Sr. 14
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THE SACRED ACT OF ORDINATION & ELEVATION Blessed be God, who forgives all our sins.
God’s mercy endureth forever.
Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy Name; through Christ our Lord.
Hymn of Consecration.................................................................“Draw Me Nearer” Presentation of the Ministerial Candidate PRESENTER: Apostle, the people of The Beautiful City of Zion Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. support the licensing of DERRICK LAMONT MCINTYRE as a MINISTER in the local body of The City Church of Charlotte, NC, and hereby present him to you for licensure and your Apostolic blessing. APOSTLE:
Has he been selected, screened and certified as to his character and obedience in accordance with the beliefs of this church? And, are we convinced that his life and manners are framed and found suitable to the exercise of this ministry?
I certify to you that he has satisfied the established requirements and we believe him to be qualified to be licensed as a minister in The Beautiful City of Zion Evangelistic Ministries, Inc.
(to the licentiate) Will you be loyal to the doctrine, discipline and worship of Christ as this Church has received them? And will you, in accordance with the belief of this church, honor and respect your Apostle, Senior Pastor, and others who may have the authority over you and your work?
I will, with God being my help.
Will you strive to do justice, love mercy, defend the poor and liberate the oppressed? And will you teach unconditional love, forgiveness and the acceptance of all God’s children to the table of the Lord?
I will, with God being my help.
Do you in the presence of this body of believers commit yourself to the responsibility of a MINISTER?
I do.
Will you faithfully support the vision, mission and goals of this church with your resources to the best of your ability?
I will.
May God who has given you the will to do these things, give you the grace and power to perform them in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen
Prayer of Consecration Vesting & Presentation of the Ministerial License Presentation of the Diaconate Ordinand Hymn Of Consecration............................................................”Bless His Holy Name” PRESENTER:
Apostle, the people of The Beautiful City of Zion Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. support the ordination of THOMAS FLYNN MCINTYRE as a DEACON in the holy and universal Church of God. We ask you to lay your hands upon him in the sacred sacrament of ordination to the Diaconate in the Lord’s Church.
Has he been selected, screened and certified as to his character and obedience in accordance with the beliefs of this church? And, are we convinced that his life and manners are framed and found suitable to the exercise of this ministry?
I certify to you that he has satisfied the established requirements and we believe him to be qualified to be ordained as a Deacon in the holy and universal Church of God.
(to the ordinand) Will you be loyal to the doctrine, discipline and worship of Christ as this Church has received them? And will you, in accordance with the belief of this church, honor and respect your Apostle, Senior Pastor, and others who may have the authority over you and your work?
I will, with God being my help.
Will you strive to do justice, love mercy, defend the poor and liberate the oppressed? And will you teach unconditional love, forgiveness and the acceptance of all God’s children to the table of the Lord?
I will, with God being my help.
Do you in the presence of this body of believers commit yourself to the responsibility of a DEACON?
I do.
Will you faithfully support the vision, mission and goals of this church with your resources to the best of your ability? 19
I will.
May the God who has given you the will to do these things give you the grace and power to perform them in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. PRESENTATION OF PRESBYTERIAN ORDINANDS
Apostle, the people of The Beautiful City of Zion Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. support the ordination of these who stand before you as Elders in The Lord’s Church. They are: Taylone Ariel Banks, Naji Dormel Carter, Angela Renee Jefferies, Cassandra Mack-Jones, April Leatrice-Javelle Roberts, and Anthony Lamar Williams. We ask you to lay your hands upon them in the sacred sacrament of ordination as ELDERS in the Lord’s Church.
Have they been selected, screened and certified as to their character, obedience in accordance with the beliefs of this church? And, are we convinced that their lives and manners are framed and found suitable to the exercise of this ministry?
I certify to you that they have satisfied the established requirements and we believe them to be qualified to be ordained as ELDERS in The Lord’s Church.
(to the ordinands) Will you be loyal to the doctrine, discipline and worship of Christ as this Church has received them? And will you, in accordance with the belief of this church, honor and respect your Apostle, Senior Pastor, and others who may have the authority over you and your work?
I will, with God being my help.
Will you strive to do justice, love mercy, defend the poor and liberate the oppressed? And will you teach unconditional love, forgiveness and the acceptance of all God’s children to the table of the Lord?
I will, with God being my help.
Do you in the presence of this body of believers commit yourself to the responsibility of an ELDER?
I do.
Will you faithfully support the vision, mission and goals of this church with your resources to the best of your ability?
I will.
May God who has given you the will to do these things give you the grace and power to perform them in the name of The Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen
General Examination of Ordinands Saints, you have answered the call to ordained ministry. The Church now confirms your calling through ordination. As ordained clergy, you are to be coworkers with the laity, the bishops, ministers, and other deacons and elders. Remember that you are called to serve rather than to be served, to proclaim the faith of our Lord and none other, and to look after the concerns of God above all. So that we may know that you believe yourselves to be called by God and that you profess the Christian faith, we ask you: CELEBRANT:
Do you trust that God has called you to the life and work of ordained ministry?
I do so trust.
Do you believe in the oneness of God, and confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
I do so believe and confess.
Are you persuaded that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments contain the Word of God and all things necessary for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ? I am so persuaded by Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grace.
Will you be faithful in prayer, in the study of the scriptures, and with the help of the Holy Spirit continually rekindle the gift of God that is in you?
I will, God being my helper.
Will you do your best to pattern your life in accordance with the teachings of Christ?
I will, with the help of God.
Will you, in the exercise of your ministry lead the people of God to faith in Jesus Christ, participate in the life and work of the community, and seek peace, justice, and freedom for all people?
I will, with the help of God.
Will you be loyal to the Body of Christ, accepting its order, liturgy, doctrine, and discipline, committing yourself to be accountable with those serving with you, and to those who are called to cover your ministry?
I will, God being my helper.
May God, who has given you the will to do these things, give you grace to perform them that the work begun in you may be brought to perfection. Amen.
LAYING ON OF HANDS & ANOINTING WITH OIL The Celebrant, facing the ordinands, calls the people to prayer. Ordinands lay prostrate in a moment of personal prayer and consecration. Celebrants & visiting clergy will stand prayerfully, bearing witness to the transition from laity to presbytery.The Chief Celebrant will anoint each ordinand, laying hands on them as they come up from laying on their faces. Ministry of Music......................................................“Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross” THE INVESTITURE The Apostolic Council and the special guests of each ordinand will vest the candidates in appropriate celebration attire. CHARGE TO ELDERS As an ambassador of Christ, you are to preach and teach the pure doctrine of God's Word, administer the sacraments according to Christ’s institution, instruct the young in the way of salvation, counsel the inquiring, strengthen the weak, seek the lost, reclaim the straying, comfort the sorrowful, care for the needy, visit the sick, minister to the dying, and pray for the spiritual welfare of every soul under your care. You are to devote yourself to the meditation and study of the scriptures and carry out your duties in conformity with the Word of God. You are to be an example to others in godliness and christian living, putting no stumbling block in anyone's path, so that the ministry will not be discredited. The Apostle Paul says, “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction. Keep your head in all situations, endure hardship; do the work of an evangelist; discharge all the duties of your ministry.” (II Timothy 4: 2, 5) Official Declaration By the will of God, pursuant to the voice of this people, and in the company of this holy aggregation, we do hereby declare you a Deacon & Elders in the Lord’s Church, in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen. CONFERRING OF MINISTRY APPOINTMENTS Pastoral Appointments Elder Cassandra Jones Interim Senior Pastor, The City Church at Charlotte, NC Elder Taylone Banks Interim Senior Pastor, The City Church of Philadelphia, PA Auxiliary Appointments Elder Anthony Williams Lady IyssWatson Elder Naji Carter Elder Angela Jefferies Elder April Roberts Deacon Thomas McIntyre
Victory Broadcast, The City Church at Miami, FL “Butterflies” Trans Ministry, The City Church at Charlotte, NC Administrative Secretary, The City Church at Charlotte, NC Director of Men, The City Church at Charlotte, NC Adjutant Apostolic Director of Women Adjutant General Director of Security, The City Church at Charlotte, NC 22
THE APOSTOLIC ADMONITION TO THE CHURCH APOSTLE: Saints, this church is the family of God, the body of Christ and the temple of the Holy Spirit. Baptized believers are called to make Christ known as Savior and Lord and to exemplify the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.We are called to work in the vineyard together and proclaim the loving Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. We are called to serve this present age with humanity and faithfulness. We are called to do justice, love mercy, defend the poor and build global missions. As people of The Beautiful City of Zion Evangelistic Ministries, Inc., it will be your task to proclaim, by word and deed, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to fashion your lives in accordance with its precepts. You are to live a holy and blameless life, to be faithful to your leaders, to walk humbly, to support your local and national church, to do justice and to love mercy, to liberate the oppressed and to serve this world. Having heard this admonition, do you reaffirm your commitment to love God, to serve Jesus Christ, to live a Spirit filled life, to support the Lord’s church, to live holy, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself? PEOPLE:
With God’s help, we will.
HOLY COMMUNION Communion Hymn................................................“The BloodWill Never Lose Its Power” Benediction Recessional
The Ecclesia
minister Derrick L. McIntyre
Minister Derrick McIntyre (he/him/his) moved to Charlotte, NC in 2009. Before coming to The City Church of Charlotte, he attended the Unity Fellowship Church of Charlotte and later the Sacred Souls Community Church of Christ, under the pastorate of Bishop Tonya Rawls. Minister Derrick loves the Lord with all his heart and soul and is humbled to begin his journey in ministry. He enjoys serving with the TCC Music Department and wherever his gifts and talents are needed in the ministry. Minister Derrick is married to Deacon Thomas McIntyre, who is also a member of The City Church.
Deacon Thomas f. mcintyre Deacon Thomas McIntyre (he/him/his) moved to Charlotte, NC in 2011, when he married the love of his life, Derrick McIntyre. He also attended the Unity Fellowship Church of Charlotte and later the Sacred Souls Community Church of Christ, under the pastorate of Bishop Tonya Rawls. Upon connecting with The City Church, Deacon Thomas took on the responsibilities of serving as the Director of Security. He is glad to be connected to a ministry, such as The City Church, that gives him the freedom to be all God has created him to be.
The Ecclesia ELDER Taylone A. Banks Elder Taylone A. Banks (she/her/hers) was born on May 3, 1992 to Natalie Bacon and George Hinton. She was baptized and received Christ in her life at a young age. Over the following several years, Elder Taylone served numerous ministries as a Youth Minister, Pastor, and Bishop. In the fall of 2019, Elder Taylone heard the voice of God and with the witness of the Holy Spirit, relinquished her ecclesiastical designations to align with Apostle Marquis Hairston and The City Church. She is proud to serve along side her fellow clergy within The Beautiful City of Zion Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. as the Interim Senior Pastor of The City Church of Philadelphia, PA. Elder Taylone’s favorite Scripture is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”
ELDER Naji D. Carter Elder Naji Carter (he/him/his) was born in Brooklyn, NY in July of 1969 and is the youngest of 4 children. He served in the US Navy from 2000 - 2007 and served his country honorably. At a young age, he knew he had a calling on his life, but really didn't know how to express it. After he left the military, he moved to different states and joined different churches but wasn't happy because of what was going on in his life. In 2011, he moved to Charlotte, NC to be with his beautiful and awesome fiancée, Elder Angela Jefferies. Later on in that year, he joined Unity Fellowship Church of Charlotte under the leadership of Bishop Tonyia M. Rawls and later, the City of Promise Christian Center under the leadership of Apostle Chelsey Simms, who credentialed him as a minister. When the City of Promise Christian Center disbanded, he joined The City Church of Charlotte. Apostle Marquis has molded him into the leader that he is today. He is currently the Director of the Men's Ministry and Adjutant Apostolic. He lives to serve God with excellence and without excuse. 29
The Ecclesia
Elder Angela R. Jefferies
Elder Angela Jefferies is a native of Greenville, SC, but moved to Charlotte, NC in 2010. She is the owner and creative designer of Royal Designs by Lyrical, a published author, model, actress, and prophetic liturgical dancer. She graduated with an Associates of Applied Sciences with a focus of Computer Drafting and Design. Elder Angela has a heart to help her community to thrive, doing what she can to serve. She is the mother of two daughters, and three granddaughters. She desires to be a beacon that will help those to understand that they are absolutely loved no matter what the world has tried to tell them. She desires to be the picture of love the world needs to see. Elder Angela serves The City Church as the Director ofWomen.
elder Cassandra Mack-Jones Elder Cassandra Jones (she/her/hers) is a woman of transgender experience and has over 24 years of experience, working with organizations that provide services to the LGBTQIA community. She was honored and blessed to be happily married for 21 years to her soulmate, a wonderful man who loved and respected her as her authentic self. They raised five children to see beyond the labels of the physical body and to honor and love individuals for who they are. As of March 2016, she became a widow. Elder Cassandra is honored and proud to be serving at The City Church as an Elder, Director of Administration and she is currently being groomed by Apostle Marquis Hairston for the Senior Pastorate of The City Church Charlotte. Before coming to The City Church, she attended Unity Fellowship Church Charlotte and is a founding member of the Unity Fellowship Church movement where Archbishop Carl Bean is the Founder & Presiding Prelate.
The Ecclesia
ELDER April Roberts
Elder April Roberts (she/her/hers) is the daughter of activist Lesia Roberts, granddaughter of Evangelist and author Mary Roberts and great granddaughter of the late Reverend Philip Roberts, so the mantle of ministry was set up before she was born. Elder April was granted the gift of life incarnate on April 1, 1982 in Providence, Rhode Island, but she currently resides in Charlotte, NC. She is the proud wife of Lachee Roberts and mother of two boys, Zion Roberts and Gabriel Roberts. She is the founder of the Misunderstud Project which services the need for unity and education amongst Masculine-Identified-Females and Transmen. "We fear what we do not understand. However, just because society says we should be this or that doesn't mean that is our truths. We are just Misunderstud." She is also the owner of The Zion Gabriel Financial Group, LLC, which provides financial literacy and wealth building education to ensure generational wealth.
ELDER Anthony L. Williams Elder Anthony L. Williams (he/him/his) was born on August 18, 1980 to Maeola Ellis Lee and Frank Curtis Williams in Miami, Florida; and is the spiritual son of Apostle A. Marquis Hairston, Sr. From childhood, Elder Anthony knew that God’s hand was on his life. Elder Anthony has served numerous ministries on his journey to this moment. He has served as a praise and worship leader, adjutant, and whatever else his hands found to do for the sake of ministry. In 2014, two years after the founding of the Beautiful City of Zion Evangelistic Ministries, Inc., Elder Anthony expressed his desire to connect with Apostle Marquis Hairston and the BCOZ began to think of ways to incorporate membership beyond the local Church. It is because of Elder Anthony’s unwavering commitment to the BCOZ that many of our parachurch ministries (i.e. the Virtual Campus) exist. Elder Anthony is the Founder of The Victory Broadcast, which airs weekly on Facebook Live, and will be working to establish The City Church’s presence in Florida.