Annual report2011

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Exposing Deceptions. Affirming the Truth.

Annual Report 2011

contents vision & mission 3 contact 4 message from the president our commitment 6 our work 7 our speakers 8 new releases 9-11 evangelism 12-13 india report 14 website updates 17 broadcasting updates 18-19 health 20-21 financial report 23



vision vision To be seen as a primary source of information for solid end-time truth and the revealing of deceptions—a resource where people can come with questions and where they can access truth.

mission Amazing Discoveries is a front-line evangelistic ministry that uses innovative methods to reach people for the Lord Jesus Christ by spreading the Gospel, exposing deceptions, and presenting new perspectives in science, religion, media, health, and world events. Our message is delivered through seminars and a variety of print and electronic media, including satellite television, internet broadcasting, social networking and DVD distribution.

Exposing Deceptions | Affirming the Truth


contact 2013 248 Street, Langley BC V4W 2B7, Canada Toll Free: 1-866-572-9457 Mailing Address P.O. Box 189, 7101C-120th Street Delta, BC V4E 2A9, Canada US Warehouse 8420 Portal Way, Unit C12 Blaine, WA 98230


message from president 2011 was a busy year for Amazing Discoveries. Even though the economy was fragile, God still blessed us, allowing us to add many new speakers to our programming on ADTV. Through His provision, we have been able to stay on the air one more year. Unrest in the world is increasing around us. Natural disasters, political upheaval, financial instability, religious conflict—all these signs say Jesus is coming soon. Prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. Even secular people see what is happening and are wondering where it all leads. If there is any time that prophecy can be fulfilled to reach the whole world, it is now. With today’s technology, almost every person in the world can be reached. People are crying out for truth, just as Jesus said the rocks would cry out. I compare our DVDs to rocks, as they are made of silicone which comes from rock, and they are helping proclaim the message about Jesus, who is our Rock in shifting times. We, among other ministries, are circulating millions of DVDs into the world, many of which have been shared with others. This, however, doesn’t mean we should relax. Technology has increased so dramatically that the Gospel can truly go into every corner of the world. Should we sit aside and allow technology to do the work for us? We should be personally involved in sharing the last-day message with a dying world. In Deuteronomy 10:19, we are admonished to “love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.” Each of us has been a stranger in the land of Egypt—a land of sin and bondage. We at Amazing Discoveries desire to use the resources God has given us to love these strangers still trapped in sin with no hope and answers for their future. The time is now to reach the world, love the world, and work together to fulfill the Great Commission. Wenzel Goubej


our commitm

ent We are committed to expose deceptions and affirm truth in health, science, media, and the religious realm to seekers around the world. Our materials provide lifechanging information and reveal evidence that allows people to make better decisions for their lives.


our work Your donations have helped our efforts in the following areas:

broadcasting AD has been broadcasting on Galaxy 19 since 2011. This ambitious project reaches people 24 hours a day, seven days a week on TV and satellite across North America and the world. Through our expansions in the Internet streaming and introduction of popular receivers such as Roku, we are also reaching areas not accessible by satellite and are constantly looking for new ways to grow.

missions We support Pastor Victor Gill and others who are working to meet physical and spiritual needs of hungry souls around the globe.

translations While we have some materials in Russian and Spanish, many more translations are needed, including French, Japanese, Chinese, Czech, and other languages. Through volunteers we have also been able to make some presentations in Croatioan, Estonian, Hebrew, Indonesian, Korean, Portugese, Bulgarian and Romanian. Our dream is to reach as many nations as we can and are looking for translation help to achieve this goal.

evangelism Our main goal is to share the Gospel through seminars around North America and the world. Our pastors and speakers are fulfilling requests in North America and beyond for evangelistic seminars on the subjects of Bible prophecy, health, current world events, and more.


our speakers

Walter Veith Professor Walter J. Veith has traveled widely throughout North America and the world, presenting his seminars to large, enthusiastic crowds. The information presented is based on his in-depth research in the areas of evolution/Creation, health and diet, and Bible prophecy.


Pastor Victor Gill

Dr. Rudy Davis is a blood analyst and professional body cleanse specialist with a creative streak. Rudy and his wife Jeanie, hold public health seminars across North America, bringing the principles of health reform to many people who would otherwise never enter a church.

Francois DuPlessis fell in love with archaeology in Lebanon 1966 when he saw an ancient Phoenician sarcophagus, and his passion for Biblical research continues today. He has traveled extensively to important archaeological sites in the Middle East and his research has appeared on several TV stations.

Pastor Victor Gill has officially retired from 20 years of pastoring in various churches across Canada from Newfoundland to BC and years of evangelism across Canada, India, and the Ukraine. However, he continues to minister through evangelism and revival both at home and abroad.

Mark Cleminson

Francois DuPlessis

Mark Cleminson is a lay speaker who desires to expose deceptions in the spiritual world, sharing his messages in Seventh-day Adventist and secular meetings. A history buff, Mark is an avid supporter of the Spirit of Prophecy and the impact it has on the living faith of Adventist believers. Mark and his wife, Diana, live in New England.

Jeanie Davis Naturopathic doctor Jeanie Davis promotes raw foods as a recommended diet for health and longevity. She and her husband Rudy run a health center in Baie-St-Anne, New Brunswick.

Rudy Davis

ions t a t n e s e r p w ne joined

in 2011

Speaker Daniel Pel has traveled extensively to present relevant and engaging topics from the Scriptures. Daniel is a keen student of the Bible and specializes in apocalyptic prophecies. Born in New Zealand, Daniel has spent most of his life in Europe.

Dan Gabbert After 25 years of full-time ministry and a Master’s degree in Christian Counseling, Dan is currently practicing Biblical Response TherapyŽ with his wife as mental/spiritual health coaches for the Black Hills Health and Education Center.

Daniel Pel

by Mark Cleminson:

Exousia The Greek word exousia is considered to be one of the strongest words for liberty in the Greek language. How does it relate to our society today?

Now is the Time We are living on the verge of a tremendous breaking point in the Church, our society, and the world. As Mark Cleminson explains, now is the time when we must choose whom we will serve.

Purchase these titles and more online: visit


new speaker s

eries by Daniel Pel:

Echoes of the past & Pictures of the Future (14 DVD Set) Journey through the past and into the future with this exciting series exploring the apocalyptic prophecies found in the books of Daniel and Revelation. (see page 9 for speaker’s bio)

For Such a Time as This! (11 DVD Set) Join Daniel Pel as he explores today’s application of Biblical prophecy. What can we glean from Old Testament stories, Jesus’ parables, and the mysteries in the book of Revelation?


Purchase these titles and more online: visit

by Victor Gill: The Narrow Way (12 DVD Set) Do you long for victory in your life? Are you willing to allow Christ to have His way in every area of your life? “Narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matthew 7:14). In this series, Pastor Victor Gill goes through the Scriptures as he explores the path to life. (see page 8 for speaker’s bio)

by Rick Howard:

by Dan Gabbert: Meeting the Crisis in Peace (8 DVD Set) This series is designed to prepare you for Jesus’ Second Coming and your destiny that will be decided on that climactic day. Dan Gabbert uncovers end-times deceptions and shares the peace in Christ that everybody can have. (see page 8 for speaker’s bio)

The Omega Rebellion (3 DVD Set) Join Rick Howard in his study of Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy to uncover the truth of the omega rebellion. Rick Howard’s five-year experience in the supernatural arena coupled with thirty-three years of rewarding pastoral ministry provides a unique insight into the end-time deceptions God’s people will endure.

Purchase these titles and more online: visit


2011 Series by Victor Gill

evangelism Weekend Revival Meetings entitled “Prepare to Meet Thy God” were held in the following places: New York City, NY – An independent group of about 30 Adventist members desiring spiritual renewal requested the Revival Meetings. Five or six meetings were held for this group the first weekend of February 2011, and the group was very pleased with what they heard and were very thankful for Amazing Discoveries TV.

Remnant SDA Church, Silver Spring, Maryland Revival Meetings were held in the Remnant SDA Church from February 24 – 27. Approximately 150 people were in attendance, including members from a number of other churches in the area. Many people expressed their appreciation for the meetings and said what a blessing they had been to them in encouraging them to be faithful and ready for the Lord’s coming. Vic has regular contact with one of the elders at this church.

The Newport SDA Church, New Jersey From March 11-13, five Revival Meetings were held with about 150 – 175 people in attendance. The members were very grateful for the messages and remarked that they had not heard anything like it in many years.


Chewelah SDA Church, Washington The Revival Meetings in June were well attended by the local church and some members of the surrounding churches. Approximately 75 – 100 members came out and expressed how the meetings have affected them.

Hurst SDA Church, Texas Five Revival Meetings were held in the Hurst Church from October 6-8. Approximately 80 people attended and many remarked what a blessing they were.

Barrier SDA Church, Barrier, BC A small group of believers met five times at one of the member’s homes in August. About 30 believers were present, all of whom were very positive and appreciated the meetings. They requested that we return again sometime.

McBride SDA Church, McBride, BC Approximately 60 people attended the five meetings held in September. The members faithfully supported the meetings and were very grateful for us coming. In summary, Vic has repeated phone calls from a number of the churches asking for advice and wanting to find out what he is doing and when he’d be able to return. We are very encouraged by this feedback.

other evangelistic series: Evangelistic series, Louisville, CO The Louisville SDA Church in Colorado hosted a three-week evangelistic series in April 2011. The meetings were well attended with 17 people asking for baptism. As far as we know, six of these were baptized. When speaking to the pastor of the district, we discovered that there are more people planning on being baptized in the near future, so this is an ongoing work. Our fourth week there was spent visiting those interested in the faith and leading them to life-changing decisions.

India pastors’ training sessions From November 17, 2011 to January 25, 2012, Victor and his wife Nettie returned to India to hold a number of Pastors’ training sessions in four different areas. A full report has been written in regards to the training sessions and it is available in the summer issue of the Faith on the Line magazine and Amazing Discoveries website.





ia report on Ind In November 2011, Pastor Victor Gill and his wife Nettie traveled to India to train Seventh-day and nonSDA pastors, conduct evangelistic series, and help at the Balm of Gilead orphanage and school.

The 70+ children at the orphanage in the Rajahmundry Conference loved the Vacation Bible School Nettie ran for them while Victor ministered to the pastors in the area. Teaching in the school was more of a challenge as the schools lack money to buy adequate books and supplies. The cost to feed orphans and pay teacher’s salaries is $2500 per month. Major shortage of Adventist teachers means that children are often exposed to Hindu beliefs alongside Christian teachings.


A major part of Victor and Nettie’s mission involved delivering an evangelistic series to 25 surrounding villages, one that took place before Christmas and the other in the New Year. These meetings began with a Bible story and memory verse by Nettie, followed by a health talk by Reuben Lorenson, and then Victor’s lecture. Reuben Lorenson is a retired missionary from Canada who discussed topics such as AIDs, cleanliness, eating properly, burying feces, and washing hands. The highest turnout at these meetings was 4000 people, of which 37 were baptized.


The harvest is ripe for workers to come to India and share the love of God with these people who desperately need it, as many cannot read and so cannot even discover the truth of God as revealed in the Scriptures.

te website upda We are continuing to expand our website. You can find more galleries and articles on important topics such as science, health, secret societies, and world events. Our site readership continues to grow as well. There were 2,998,191 page views on, and another 489,413 on

top 20 nations to visit 5

1. United States 2. Canada 3. United Kingdom 4. South Africa 5. Australia 6. Philippines 7. Germany

8. Jamaica 9. Trinidad & Tobago 10. Netherlands 11. India 12. Kenya 13. France 14. New Zealand

15. Brazil 16. Norway 17. Sweden 18. Poland 19. Romania 20. Mexico


adtv on satelli

te We are taking the Three Angels’ Message global. People all over the world need to be warned about last-day deceptions so they can make decisions that will affect them for eternity. Our satellite outreach is still young with plenty of growth possibilities for newer footprints and increasing audience bases. Future expansions to Australia and Africa are also in the works.

2011 ADtv satellite range area

future expansions (in works)

on air

Amazing Discoveries is featured on selected local digital TV in Southern New Jersey, Southeastern Pennsylvania, and Northern Delaware on WPSJ-TV channel 8.5.


et n r e t n i n o v t ad There were 720,000 unique visitors to in 2011 from all around the world, including citizens of (top 10 countries): • US • Canada • UK • Jamaica • Netherlands

• Trinidad & Tobago • Australia • Germany • Philippines • Norway

We’re on


Internet streaming of ADTV is now available in Adobe Flash player and mobile devices. This means that everyone—even Safari users and those on their Androids, iPads and iPhones—can easily catch our satellite programming and video on demand at

Anyone with internet connection can now watch Amazing Discoveries channel on Roku—an Internet video streaming receiver box that connects to your TV and uses Wi-Fi to receive satellite signals. No satellite dish is required, which makes access to our channel much easier and affordable. There is a one-time $60 charge and no further subscription required.



Amazing We believe that wellness is not just physical but also mental, emotional, and spiritual. For that reason, we changed our logo in 2011 to better represent these principles. The Amazing Health logo was designed to clearly depict the essence of health, which is founded in eight health laws.


Health Its pure iconography refers to a simple flower or wreath formation; its eight cheerfully-colored petals each representing a corresponding theme: light blue for air, aqua blue for water, bright yellow for sunlight, energetic orange for exercise, fresh green for nutrition, deep green for rest, roadblock red for temperance and calming beige for trust in God.

s t c u d o r p w ne by Drs. Rudy &Jeanie Davis:

by Dr. Raymond Obomsawin:

Healthy from Inside Out (14 DVD Set)

Life Science International Seminars (7 DVD Set)

Naturopathic Doctors Rudy and Jeanie Davis present health reform in a refreshing, understandable way, helping people see not only the blessing of health reform but also its role as part of our end-time message.

Dr. Raymond Obomsawin holds a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. with concentrations in health science and human ecology. He currently serves as the Executive Director for a First Nations Health Centre on Canada’s West coast.

Purchase these titles and more online: visit


There are millions of people in the world – friends, neighbors, family members, colleagues – who are unaware of their need for Christ and the truth He stands for. Our desire is to

share this truth.



the message

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... partner with us & make a difference We encourage you to support our satellite programming as a monthly or one-time donor so we can continue providing programming that uplifts Jesus, warns against last-day deceptions, and provides informative, uplifting, and challenging truth-filled messages. Call 1-866-572-9457 or donate online at:


But we can’t do it alone. Donate today to help us spread this life-changing message to

all corners of the globe. Amazing Discoveries reveals deceptions and affirms the truth in health, science, history, media, and religion. Your funds and donations marked “wherever needed” go to the most urgent needs whether public seminars, DVD or web evangelism,

broadcasting, internet streaming, translations, or mission projects worldwide. Every little bit counts

and carries our ministry that

much further. Thank you for your support!

thank you! We at Amazing Discoveries are grateful to you, our valued donor, for your generous support of our organization.

2011 Figures 1,200,000

To the individuals, families, businesses, foundations and organizations who have made Amazing Discoveries your charity of choice, we offer our deep appreciation for joining us in the work of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.



where your support went in 2011 The work of Amazing Discoveries would not be possible without our compassionate and generous donors. Between the two ministries (one in Canada and one in USA) we have spent the following funds on our programs:



† ^


Broadcasting Missions Public Evangelism Building Fund

$ 1 087 358 $ 37 388 $ 447 636 $ 423 575

where we’ll need your help in 2012 **

0 Broadcasting Donation Income Expense

International Missions **represents donations

received in Dec. 2011 for V. Gill's India Evangelism used in Jan 2012

Public Evangelism ^ represents evangelistic

series by Walter Veith, Victor Gill, Daniel Pel, etc. around N. America

Building Fund

Wherever Needed † represents

donations used to help cover shortage of funds in other main areas

With our Australia and New Zealand expansion and urgent repairs and renovations needed for our building, our expenses are growing. We project we’ll need the following funds in 2012: Broadcasting Missions Public Evangelism Building Fund

$ 1 400 000 $ 80 000 $ 500 000 $ 500 000


Exposing Deceptions. Affirming the Truth.


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