TE-Basics: Traffic Splash

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TE-Basics: Traffic-Splash

Brought to you By Blain Jones and Shane Bost

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Getting Started with Traffic-Splash To get started just click the “Join Us” button at the Traffic-Splash login page: http://www.trafficsplash.com and you will be directed to the page to create your account:

Enter the information required in each of the boxes provided, check the box to say that you agree to the terms of service and click “Sign Up.”

Next you will be taken to a page which tells you how to get some “fast start” bonus credits and which also reminds you to check your email to verify your account.

You MUST verify your account, so go to your inbox and look for an email from Traffic-Splash with the subject line: “Your Traffic-Splash Login Information.” The email will look something like this:

To activate your account, click on the link in the email and it will open up a new tab in your browser to inform you that your address has been verified. The email also contains your password which you will need to sign in. That login page looks like this:

If you are unable to click the link in your email then just copy and paste it into your browser and you will be taken to the same page as shown above. Just enter your username and password in the boxes provided and press the “Login” button. Note that there is also a link for you to click in case you have lost your password.

Clicking on that link takes you to this page where you will be able to have a new password sent to you by email:

When you login for the first time you are going to see some special one time login offers. Make sure you take a good look at them to see if they are a good deal for you. This is an example of the sort of offer you can expect to see when you first login to TrafficSplash:

If you don't want the offer then click on the link at the foot of the page to continue:

Members Home Page. After the final offer you will be taken to the members home page which looks like this:

The page has an extensive navigation menu which is found on the left hand side so let's take some time to get to know Traffic-Splash. You navigate around the site by clicking on the tabs shown in the navigation menu, so we will now look at each one in turn.

Home: The Home page is where you will find some general information about Traffic-Splash.

You will also see links on this page to the FAQ page and pages for the privacy policy, terms of service and the “Contact Us� page.

Members Home: This page has information specific to your account, such as the amount of credits, banner impressions and text ad impressions you have available to use.

Support: If you have any problems with Traffic-Splash or you need some help then just send in your details using the form found on this page.

Surf: The “surf� tab takes you to the main part of the site where you get to look at the adverts placed by other Traffic-Splash members. Looking through the adverts on a traffic exchange is known as surfing. As you view pages you will earn credits which can be used to get your own sites shown to other members. Of course you can also buy credits instead of, or in addition to, surfing for credits.

The main surf screen looks like the picture shown on the previous page. The large image on the page is the site which is being advertised – in this case a page promoting ILoveHits. You move through the sites by clicking on one of the surf icons which alternate between the top and the bottom of the page. Just click on the matching image:

Let's take a closer look at the main header (footer) area to discover some more important information it contains:

To the left is the Traffic-Splash logo and underneath it you will see how many pages you have surfed today. Next come the surf icons where you click the matching image to move through the pages. Next come two clickable links shown in white which allow you to: • •

return to the main members page, eg when you have finished surfing or report the site you are currently viewing, eg for breaking the terms and conditions.

To the far right of the page is an example of a banner advert and the text shown in blue at the bottom towards the middle of the screen is an example of a text ad. You either click on the banner or the words of the text ad to view the page that the advertisers want you to see.

Surf Rewards:

Depending on how many pages you surf there are different awards that you can claim. The awards available to you are shown on the Surf Rewards page:

My Websites. This is where you go to manage the websites you want other Traffic-Splash members to see. Free members can add up to five websites, Specials can add up to 10 sites and Pro Members can add up to 20 sites. To add a site then just add the URL of the page you want to display in the box and press the “Add” button.

You will be taken to a page which checks that the URL you have provided is suitable to display properly and once it passes the checks then click on the link to return to the “My Websites” page. To get your site seen you must now assign credits to it:

Just click “Assign” and you will be taken to a page to assign the credits you currently have available:

Finally you can also choose to advertise a number of sites using just the one URL by making use of the Traffic-Splash Rotator:

Just click on the words “Traffic-Splash Rotator� and you will be taken to a new page.

Follow the instructions on the page to add a rotator. First you will need to give the rotator a name and then you will add each of the individual sites you want it to contain. As the name implies, when you advertise the rotator URL then it will rotate through all the sites it contains so that they all get shown in turn.

To add sites to the rotator then click on the “Manage Rotator” tab.

Enter the URLs of the sites you want seen in the “New Site” box and press “Add Site” and then as you do so, the sites are shown in the boxes beneath. To delete a site from the rotator then just press the “Remove Site” tab.

My Banners: Banners are added in much the same way as you add a website and you then assign credits to them to get them shown. You can enter between five and 20 banners depending on your membership level at Traffic-Splash.

You need to enter the URL of the actual banner itself in the top box and the URL of the site you want people to visit when they click the banner in the bottom box – then press “Add.” When you have done that you will be allowed to assign credits to your banner.

My Text Links: This is a very similar process to adding banners.

Enter the URL of the site you want people to visit in the top box, add the text you want displayed in the second box and then press “Add.” Once you have done so you will be able to assign credits to your text ads. You can enter between five and 20 text ads, depending on your membership level.

Manage Credits: This page will allow you to convert credits into banner or text ad impressions.

One credit will get you 15 text ad impressions (views) or 20 banner impressions.

Buy Credits: At Traffic-Splash you can buy a number of credit packages including: • credits • banner impressions • credit and banner combos • and various special packages

Start Pages: The start pages are the first pages members see when they begin surfing and are some of the most sought-after spots for advertisers.

Start pages are bought in blocks of a week at a time and they often sell out very quickly indeed. In the image below the dates marked in red have already been taken.

Upgrade Account: There are different membership levels available at Traffic-Splash – each with different benefits. The benefits for each membership level and the current prices are shown on this page. Upgrade from the basic free membership level if you want to take advantage of enhanced advertising opportunities.

Promote: This page contains a whole lot of super goodies to help you to promote Traffic-Splash which will help you build your downline and earn up to 50 per cent commissions when those members you refer upgrade their accounts. It contains: • your main affiliate link • splash pages • personalized splash pages • banners • HTML ads • rotators • emails • text links and • various promotional graphics There is a lot of great promotional tools on offer, so do take time to check them all out. Here is an example of a Traffic-Splash splash page:

Referral Rewards: From time to time there are special referral contests at Traffic-Splash. Check this page for details of any contests which are currently active.

Commissions: Your commissions can be paid to you either via PayPal or Payza (was AlertPay). When you earn commissions then the details will be found on this page:

Downline Builder: The downline builder helps you build your downline in a number of programs listed on the page. Everyone that you refer to Traffic-Splash will see your links in the downline builder and when they join the programs listed then they will sign up under you. This is a great way to help build your downlines for minimal effort so be sure to enter your Affiliate IDs in the boxes for each of the programs for which you are already a member. If you are not a member of that program then just click the button to sign up and then fill in your affiliate ID.

My Team: As you refer people to Traffic-Splash you will be building your downline and this is where you will go to see how it has grown. You will also be able to send credits, text and banner impressions to members of your downline as an incentive or reward.

Personal Details: This is the page where you can find and edit your personal details:

Traffic Exchange Dont's Just like everything else in life, there are right ways and wrong ways to use traffic exchanges. Here are some things to avoid when using traffic exchanges: • DON'T use standard affiliate pages (DUSAP) – You want to use either a squeeze or a splash page to get visitors to click-thru to your site. Surfers generally only have around 6-15 seconds to view your ad so make sure it really stands out from the rest. Don't cluter it up with 15 paragraphs of text because this will just ensure that it gets ignored. If you don't know or don't have any splash or squeeze pages, we recommend AdKreator - the very best and most simple splash page builder there is out today. • DON'T sell to people – People are surfing for the exact same reason you are...to get their site seen by other people. Therefore don't try to sell directly from the page people are viewing. Instead use a pre-sale splash/squeeze page to get the surfer interested in your product so they will click-thru to your site when they are done surfing. • DON'T pitch other members in the surf chat – Use the chat to socialize with other surfers because you may make a new friend or two which could even lead to a great business opportunity down the line. If the people chatting like you, they have the option to go to your profile on the site and see what you are promoting there. • DON'T promote every get rich quick scheme there is - Surfers remember what people promote, and if you are seen as a person that is just hocking the next issue of crap to them, you will quickly lose your credibility in traffic exchanges. • DON'T always promote to your list – The people on your list subscribed because they like who you are or the product you are promoting. Don't try to sell them everything under the sun. You will lose a lot of customers that way. Instead why not provide them with quality content?

Traffic Exchange Do's Now that you know what not to do, it is important to realize what you should do to in order to make the most out of your traffic exchange advertising: • DO use splash/squeeze pages – You need to be using a page that loads quickly and is appealing to the eyes. If you don't know how to build your own splash/squeeze pages, we recommend AdKreator. • DO brand yourself – I always recommend at a minimum putting your name and picture/logo on everything you promote. You want people to remember who you are and what you are about. • DO have a budget – It is very easy to spend a lot in this business. You need to have a budget to start with and as you make more and more money online, you will be able to increase your budget and earnings. Don't know where to start with your budget? We recommend The Pizza Plan. • DO get social – Get into the chats on the exchanges and let people know who you are and what you are about. Once again this plays well with the part of branding yourself. • DO build your relationship with your list – Building a list of people who trust and have a great relationship with you is a priceless tool to have. If you have a list of people that trust what you say, you will be able to easily make some extra money online. Don't have a list? Get started today with TrafficWave. • DO be different – You have to stand out from the crowd in this business. There are a lot of people in traffic exchanges promoting the same thing. What sets you apart from the herd? Be a purple cow! • DO track your results – You always want to track which exchanges are bringing you sign-ups and referrals, this will help you direct your surfing time to those exchanges that are converting the traffic for you. Don't know how to track? We recommend ClickTrackProfit, the training they give there will teach you all the basics on tracking your results.

Recommended Resources Here is a list of recommended traffic exchanges and tools that will help you with your business online. We are recommending these sites because they either bring results or play a part in the results that we have gotten: Traffic Exchanges: SiteXplosion IloveHits StartXchange Sweeva Thumbvu Traffic At The Races Raining Traffic Legacy Hits Top Flight Traffic Tools: AdKreator TrafficWave The Pizza Plan ClickTrackProfit TEtoolbox TE Profits ThankYou Page Maker

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