Fruit Powder, Fruit Juice Powders, Organic Fruit Powder Products
• We stock 80 different types of fruit powders. Our powder extracts vary in strength. 100% pure fruit powdered No added sweeteners, colors, flavorings or preservatives.
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Apple Information & Purchase Buy Apple Powder Here‌..
Apple Powder Benefits
• Apple powder is used to control diarrhea or constipation, and for the softening, passage and collection of gallstones. Apple powder is also used for treating cancer, diabetes, dysentery, fever, heart ailments, scurvy, warts and for cleaning teeth.
Mango Information & Purchase Buy Mango Powder Here‌‌
Mango Powder Benefits
• The insoluble fiber, present in mangoes, helps the elimination of waste from the colon and prevents constipation. The tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric acid found in the fruit help to maintain the alkali reserve of the body.
Pomegranate Information & Purchase Buy pomegranate Powder here‌.
Pomegranate Powder Benefits
• pomegranate is used for hypertension, congestive heart failure (CHF), myocardial ischemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, acidosis, hemorrhage, HIV disease, tapeworm infestations, and opportunistic intestinal worms
Strawberry Information & Purchase Buy strawberry powder here‌
Strawberry Powder Benefits • strawberry is used for GI tract mucous membrane inflammation, diarrhea, intestinal sluggishness, liver disease, jaundice, upper and lower respiratory tract mucous membrane inflammation, gout, arthritis, nervous tension, kidney ailments involving gravel and stones, diuretic, supportive for heart and circulatory ailments, fever, night sweats, blood purification, for stimulating metabolism, anemia, as a tonic, for inhibiting menstruation, and supporting "natural weight loss."