September 2019 Ambassador Newspaper

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September 2019

Seth Halpern Editor “Rest in Peace” is a phrase we often hear and say regarding a person who died. We here it often on the news and on the posts of Facebook and Twitter users. Whether we knew the person ourselves or through another, we use this phrase as a sympathetic acknowledgement of death. “Rest in Peace” or the abbreviated “RIP” form has been used seemingly more than ever with the recent horrible mass shootings in Gilroy, Dayton and El Paso. I seriously doubt that anyone attending the Garlic Festival or shopping at Walmart that day would have thought that this would be their last day. After hearing about the tragedy at the Gilroy Garlic Festival, I said something that

A Joyful Noise by Paula McBride

the news, the blaming begins: “Too many I wish I hadn’t. I said something that was guns, not enough control”; “Security is not thought to be in any way “prophetic”. too loose at events or in stores or public It was just in a fit of frustration, anger places”;” Not enough is being done for and sadness for humanity that I uttered the mentally ill”, etc. The politicians find the words, “This tragedy will be focused on only until the their platforms next senseless “What about each family and everyone mass shooting” I that must go on without has an opinion. didn’t know that But what about their loved one who may my words would the ones who become reality have been in perfect perished? What within 24 hours. health? Is “Rest in Peace” about each family Oh, the horror! that must go on enough?” My soul grieved without their for the loss, bloodshed and the pain loved one who may have been in perfect that each victim’s family would suffer. health? Is “Rest in Peace” enough? Today, I went to the funeral of a friend “Why?” I asked. I was not alone in asking from the church where I’m involved. that question. After the first few hours He went to work one day recently and of grief and mourning by all who heard

When Did Things Go Wrong? by Tim Cole

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Milo & Friends

"Meet My Friend, Sadie"

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suddenly his heart gave out and his vehicle crashed. Mike was a good man, a hard-worker, devoted family man and friend of many. He (and we) were no more expecting that to be his last day on earth as those people in El Paso, Gilroy and Dayton. He was in decent health as far as any of us knew. In fact, we have many in our small church who have significant physical problems that keep them in and out of hospitals regularly; they are continually on our prayer lists. Not Mike, he was one of the strong and healthy men who would regularly be called on to help move tables and lead church workdays. All those at our church believe with full confidence that Mike is truly “Resting

Continue on page 16 1040 Lincoln Rd., Suite A, #124 Yuba City, CA 95991 530-933-1385

The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

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The Ambassador

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Roger Shadd- Owner 226 Bridge St.,Yuba City

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Northern California Best Family Fishing Lake

(530) 674-1660

James Gallagher

Caldwell's Custom Countertops,Inc.

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The Ambassador

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


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(530) 751-0505

1179 Eager Road,Yuba City

1321 Peach Tree Lane, YC


504 J St., Marysville (530) 749-9248 Sunday @ 11:30am

Craftsmen for Christ- Tues 6:30

Saturday 7pm-Sunday 10am Wednesday 7pm

The Father's House

Gateway Calvary Chapel

Hallwood Community

Hope Point Church

Sat. 6p.m. Sun. 9a.m. & 11a.m.

10720 Live Oak Blvd., Live Oak Sunday - Worship 10am Monday - Prayer 6pm Wednesday - Youth 7pm

Loma Rica Baptist Church 11449 Hill Rd., Loma Rica Sun. 9:30am - Prayer & Bible Study 10:30am - Morning Service

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Word of Life Church 1229 Buchanan Street, Marysville

(530) 742-3724 Sun. 10am & 5pm & Wed. 6:30pm

Pastor Stan Reynolds

808 8th Street, Marysville Sundays 10 a.m. Wednesdays 6 p.m.

Pastor Doug Hileman Sunday 8:45am & 11am

An "I Love You" Church

2825 Hwy 20, Marysville (530) 743-7961 Stacey Hanson, Pastor Sunday Worship - 10:30 a.m.

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2727 Fir Street, Live Oak

Sundays 10 a.m. Pastor Sean Blount 530-695-3996

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Praise Chapel

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Sun 10 a.m. - Wed 7 p.m.

Saturday 7 p.m.

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616 C St. Marysville

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(530) 923-7204

A Christian Fellowship Church

1596 Maryclair Dr., Plumas Lake

(530) 434-2562

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Kevin Carlson,•Executive•Director 940•14th•St,•Marysville 530.743.8777

Samaritan•Village•Orphanage Tanzania,•Africa

You CAN help save the lives of children in Tanzania!

Contact Seth at The Ambassador

(530) 933-1385 Call Victor Savage (530) 671-2219


The Ambassador


INSPIRATION - - - I’m Ready - - by April James What do you do when your loved one say’s they’re ready to go home – ready to be with Jesus? Even when you have heard the doctor’s report, know the test results, and see health declining, it does not fully prepare you for the moment when your spouse says they are ready to stop treatment and to be with Jesus. It was no more a subject I wanted to discuss then, than I desire to write about now, except that hopefully someone is encouraged. The weight of the statement implied that I would become a widow; something difficult to contemplate. Nevertheless, there was a white elephant, figuratively speaking, in the room that must be addressed. To ignore it – though not fully possible, would create its own issues, an uneasy tension, or even shut down communication at a time when it’s needed. Death is an individual experience, yet, the dying process affects all those connected with the person; and just because they are nearing the end of their earthly life does not mean their feelings and opinions are no longer valid, that they are not concerned for loved ones, or have matters to settle. It’s prayer time! Time for a frank one on one conversation with the Lord regarding what’s going on, all the wild emotions, concerns, questions, doubts, and fears; a time to hide nothing and a time to listen. Then to take time to bask in His loving presence, to receive His encompassing


The Ambassador

peace, being assured of his promises and faithfulness, to gather strength, courage, and guidance to face what is ahead. I find when I’m at peace it’s easier to have the difficult conversations; to clearly address concerns and know better how to pray for and with others. Having first settled matters with the Lord, I was able to discuss all that was on my husband’s heart with relative calm. I was able to see from a different perspective, not by looking down from my point of view at the situation, but from a kneeling position in prayer and humbleness, looking up to see from his; with God’s grace I found the strength to say it was okay for him to leave if he was ready to go. For some individuals facing the end of life, it helps having permission to go. It lets them be at peace instead of struggling between wanting heaven and feeling they have to remain because of loved ones. A hard prayer is - Lord, you


The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Painting With Water by Christy Boals Don’t you love the way it looks outside after it rains? It is especially pretty out in the country. The tree trunks become darker, more defined against the sky. The moss on their bark brightens up as it soaks in the water. It all reminds me of those paint with water pictures my children enjoy. The ones with the faded looking colors that magically brighten with the swipe of a cotton swab dipped in water. Sometimes our lives also need to be washed with water to bring out our deeper colors. We may not even realize that our lives are a little faded, until God allows some rain into them. This washing can come in many forms. Sometimes it is the tears of grief that flow over our souls, bringing healing to our hearts. Some days it can simply be the awareness of grace that God showers on us to brighten us and in turn inspires us to shower grace on others. We do not always get to choose how this cleansing will come, but we do know that God is always with us even in the rainstorms. Baptism is one of the most beautiful pictures of this washing with water. I personally believe that baptism itself does not save us. It is an outward picture of what Jesus has already done in our

hearts when we accept Him. However, whenever we obey a command from Jesus, such as to be baptized as He was baptized, there is a special blessing, a brightening of our lives just like those paintings my children enjoy. I just love the picture of being buried with Christ, (going under the water) and being raised to new life with Him, (coming back up out of the water.) Isn’t that awesome? Fresh, radiant life in Christ! We do not have to go through life living faded, boring lives. We can be washed daily in His grace and live exciting, vibrant lives in Him. “But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” I Corinthians 6:11

Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. Psalms 51:2 KJV

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties



A Joyful Noise by Paula McBride What joyful noises have you heard recently? Perhaps it was the squeals of school children greeting their friends after summer break. Perhaps it was your grandchildren calling your special names as they raced to hug your knees. Perhaps it was as simple as the wind chimes on your patio or the splash of oars as you kayaked on the lake. Because I live next to a park, I hear joyful noises every day: the slap of tennis balls, the shouts of family cheering soccer or baseball players, children calling to each other on the play equipment, and sometimes even conversations as couples walk their dogs. In addition, what joyful noises have you made recently? Were you the one on the lake with the paddles? Are you the grandparent greeting those precious kids of your kids? Did you reach up and activate the wind chimes, cheer your loved ones on the sports team, or speak affectionately to your walking companion and the dog? Aren’t you glad God created us with the sense of hearing? Whether you hear naturally or with medical assistance, I believe God intended us to hear “noises” associated with joy and make those noises from our hearts. In fact, joyful noises are to be first directed to the Lord. It’s

the King James version that gives us this translation: Make a joyful noise unto the Lord…serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing. Why? Several reasons follow. First, because the Lord is God. He made us. We are His. We are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Therefore, joyful praise should emanate from us, for the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations (Psalm 100). “That’s all well and good,” you might say. “You don’t know what I’m going through. How can I possibly be joyful?” There is only One who fully knows what we go through, and He is the One who empathizes with our weaknesses because He was tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). He is also the One, who, “for the joy set before Him endured the cross…”(Hebrews 12:2). He

is well acquainted with our grief. Now you are saying, “I just don’t feel like it! Any noise I make certainly won’t be joyful!” Is it possible to be joyful without being happy? External circumstances may not be giving you any reason to be happy, but as blood-bought children of the One who suffered for us and who has great plans for our future, we have enormous reason to be joyful. It’s an inside decision to look upward toward God instead of downward at our circumstances. One day God’s plan to defeat everything that hurts us will come to pass. In the meantime, we can say, like Habakkuk, “Even though I have nothing, ‘yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation’” (3:17-18). God’s hears our hearts, not our tunes, so let’s boldly make joyful noises to the Lord!

David A. Shaw and Susan P. Growney. Securities offered through HD Vest Investment ServicesSM, Member: SIPC, Advisory services are offered through H.D. Vest Advisory ServicesSM, 6333 North State Highway 161, Fourth Floor, Irving, Texas 75038, (972) 870-6000. Shaw & Associates is not a registered broker/dealer or registered investment advisory firm. Official voting results based on Appeal-Democrat online public survey conducted in July, 2018.

The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

CALENDAROngoing Events




AWANA CLUB - Sundays 5:30-7:00 pm. Check in is at 5:15 pm. Grace Baptist Church - 1980 S. Walton Ave. (Bogue & Walton) Awana is an amazing children’s program for ages 3-grade 6. Our club runs from September to May. Come join anytime. Kids memorize Scripture, play games and learn lots! Call 530673-6847 for information. CELEBRATE RECOVERY - Sundays 6:00 p.m.-8:30p.m Sutter Community Church, 2900 Acacia Ave, Sutter We are a Christ-Centered recovery group that provides a safe place to share your struggles experiences, victories, and hopes with others who are also going through to a Christ Centered recovery. For more info call 530.632.4166 LIVING WATER CHRIST BASED 12 STEPS - Sundays 6-7:30pm The Bride Church -1321 Peach Tree Ln, YC We use a Christ-centered workbook (provided for free), which walks us through the problem and solution. For info call 530-300-6751. ROAD TO RECOVERY - Sundays 7:00pm Crossroads Community Church - 445 B St, Yuba City A Christian support group for anyone who has been involved in drug or alcohol addiction.

HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS - Wednesdays at 10:15am FUMC – YC, 3101 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City This class offers a comparative study for Matthew, Mark, Luke and John’s Gospel accounts. Categorized by subjects, this study also offers side-by-side review of what each apostle recorded in each of the four Gospels AWANA - Wednesday 5:45-7:45 p.m. during school year Evangelical Free Church - 3785 Olive Hwy. Oroville Awana is a boys & girls club consisting of small group time, games, large group time. For information please call 533-6866. GRIEF SHARE Wed 6:00pm at Crossroads Community Church - 445 B St, Yuba City For those dealing with loss of a loved one. For more info call 530-632-7087 TAKING AIM AT DOCTRINE - Wednesday 6:30 – 7:30pm Gateway Calvary Chapel, 808 8th St., Marysville An in-depth comprehensive look at the foundational beliefs of the Christian faith. This class meets at 6:30 every Wednesday night at Gateway Calvary Chapel.

MONDAY KNIT & CROCHET WOMENS FELLOWSHIP - Mondays 10:00 a.m. - Noon First Baptist Church - 1777 8th Ave. - Olivehurst Practice your yarn craft or learn a new one with us. Knifty Knitters are welcome. Bring your own project or work on a charity item that we donate to those in need in the community. Email for info. FOUNDATIONS - Mondays at 5:30pm FUMC – YC, 3101 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City You are invited to invest in your spiritual walk as we explore the necessity of prayer, witnessing to others, the meaning of discipleship, who we are as Methodists, and membership at First United Methodist Church.

TUESDAY CHRISTIAN BUSINESS ALLIANCE - First Tuesday of Every Month, Noon - 1:00 p.m. The Bride Church - 1321 Peach Tree Ln, YC Join us for a time of fellowship, prayer & encouragement. All are welcome! FREE KARATE CLASSES Tuesday 6:00 pm - FREE karate classes taught from a Christian perspective. First Baptist Church - 1777 8th Ave. - Olivehurst, 530-701-5131 for info, Pastor Miguel. CRAFTSMEN FOR CHRIST Meets every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. The Bride Church - 1321 Peach Tree Lane, YC Men’s fellowship around the word and worship. All in the Body of Christ welcome! SAMARITAN VILLAGE MONTHLY MEETING - 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30p.m. This meeting is open to all who are interested in helping with an orphanage in Tanzania. For info call Victor Savage at 671-2219. FRIENDS FOR SURVIVAL SUICIDE LOSS SUPPORT GROUP 4th Tuesday of the month, 6:30 PM - 715 King Ave., (off Clark Ave.) Yuba City_ Support for people who lost loved ones to suicide. Contact person, Becky Reimers (530) 454-7698, PRAYER FOR THE NATION - 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7:00pm Embassy of Heaven Campus - Church of Glad Tidings- Bldg 200 1179 Eager Road, Yuba City Info: Stephanie Steele 530-870-6906 Join us as we intercede for our region and our nation


The Ambassador

THURSDAY HEALING STEPS WITH JESUS - Thursday at 6pm FUMC – YC, 3101 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City A Christ-centered program with foundations firmly established in Biblical truth. The 12 steps with accompanying Scriptures and the 8 principles based on the Beatitudes offer participants a clear path of salvation and discipleship This program addresses all types of habits and hurts, not just recovery from alcohol and/or drug issues. EHOP PRAYER - Thursday 7:00pm Embassy of Heaven Campus - Bldg 200 - 1179 Eager Road, YC Info: 530-671-3160 - “My house shall be called a house of prayer.” (Matt. 21:13). The church today is in an all-out war against the evils of darkness. The body of Christ is called to step up and be aggressive in their prayer life. SONS OF NORWAY, SNOWSHOE THOMPSON LODGE Faith Lutheran Church – 1000 D St., Marysville 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. for April, Sept, & Oct Sons of Norway, Snowshoe Thompson Lodge, is a group of individuals dedicated to promoting and preserving Norwegian heritage and culture through fun family-friendly programs and acts of service. To learn more, visit TUESDAY


GT LIFE RECOVERY - Friday Nights, 7:00 - 8:30pm Church of Glad Tidings -1179 Eager Rd., Yuba City - (530) 671-3160 Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-center, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life.

SATURDAY BETHESDA HEALING WELL - September 21st (3rd Saturday of the Month) Embassy of Heaven Campus - Bldg 200 - 1179 Eager Road, YC You are invited to come and receive special prayer for divine healing or prophetic guidance. Our prayer teams will pray with you for your needs. For more info.,Ed Han 209-298-6102

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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


AGAPE WORSHIP CENTER WOMEN’S RETREAT held at the Springhill Suites in Roseville Sat – Mon. September 5-7, 2019 starting at 4:00pm on Sept. 5 The cost is $130.00 for two nights lodging, all meals, and materials. Please RSVP by August 30, 2019. Send money order to P O Box 2605, Marysville, CA 95901. Contact church at (530)-749-9248. TO TANZANIA WITH LOVE Crossroads Community Church 445 B Street, YC September 8th; Free Spaghetti dinner begins @ 5:00 with Concert @ 6:00 Benefit for Samaritan Village Orphanage. Wonderful evening featuring recording artist and missionary, Dan McCraw. Free Dinner and Concert. A Love Offering will be taken to benefit the orphans at Samaritan Village Orphanage. 6th ANNUAL BAND TOGETHER FOR CHRIST Faith Christian School 3105 Hwy. 20, Yuba City Sept. 28, 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm BTFC is the combined effort of Christian businesses, individuals and churches. It is a fun family event with the powerful message of Christ. Four bands, food booths, games, kids zone and teen activities. FREE parking and FREE entrance. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy the festival with family and friends. A WOMAN’S FRIEND BANQUET October 4th, 6:30pm Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Rd, Live Oak Speaker Ashley Bratcher from the movie “Unplanned”.

CALENDAR Special Events

AGAPE WORSHIP CENTER 9TH CHURCH ANNIVERSARY 504 J Street – Marysville October 19, at 5:00pm ALL ARE WELCOME CELEBRATION OF HEROES Crossroads Community Church, 445 B. St. YC Saturday September 14th, 10:00am – 2:00pm Join us in this free outdoor community event honoring our men and women on a local and national level. We will have displays and demonstrations from local law enforcement and fire departments, military and veteran’s organizations. Our keynote speaker this year is former US Navy SEAL Chad Williams. There will also be a free Heroes in Training children’s area and free hot dog BBQ. 9th ANNUAL REST LUAU FUNDRAISER DINNER Yuba City High School Multipurpose Room September 14, 5:30-7:30pm Family-friendly Hawaiian-themed dinner to raise funds for REST’s winter shelter for homeless families and single women. Delicious food, entertainment, opportunity drawing, silent auction, Disney Hopper Pass drawing! Adults $20; Children under 12 $10 Tickets & info: (530) 683-2274. STORY AND SONGS WITH JASON SQUIRES Gray Ave. Christian Church, 1524 Gray Ave, YC Fri Sep 20th 6:00pm - 8:00pm Calling all couples needing a date night! Enjoy a night of worship, stories, and songs! We’ll laugh & worship together, and hear the stories behind the music. Dinner & desert included $30.00 per couple. Whether you’re dating, engaged, or married this is for you! For questions, please call or email us. 530.674.5084

Check Out The New Ambassador Calendar Of Events! Learn About Events For The Local Christian Community -- All In One Place! Visit and click on the “Ambassador Calendar”

LIVE OAK FESTIVAL, PARADE, & CAR SHOW Parade runs north on Broadway; Festival and Car Show are held at Live Oak Memorial Park, between O and P Streets Saturday, September 21 Parade: 10:00 a.m.; Festival 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; Car Show 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The 2019 Live Oak Festival certainly is “A Walk in Time” Saturday, September 21 Live Oak will hold its 66th annual festival, complete with classic car show, parade, contests, prizes, entertainment, food, and talented performers throughout the day. Free admission! MOVIE NIGHT AT CROSSROADS Crossroads Community Church 445 B St. Yuba City Friday, Sept 27th & Oct.25th 7:00pm Come enjoy a free family friendly movie complete with Popcorn, hot dogs, nachos, and soda. No ticket necessary. Contact church office for more details. WESTERN ROUND-UP AND BBQ Crossroads Community Church 445 B St. Yuba City Saturday October 12th 6:00pm Put on your best country and western duds and come enjoy good old-fashioned country worship and preachin’ followed by a homestyle BBQ.

WOMEN’S NIGHT OUT, FOOD SHOPPING AND SERVICE Crossroads Community Church 445 B St. Yuba City Friday, October 18th, time yet to be determined Come enjoy an evening of shopping and fellowship. Contact church office for more details as they come available. COMEDIAN AARON WILBURN IN CONCERT Crossroads Community Church 445 B St. Yuba City Sunday, October 20th 6:00pm Aaron Wilburn brings the house down with laughter... and he does it without four-letter words or making his audience feel uncomfortable. “PLAY THE FLUTE” SPECIAL ONE-TIMEONLY MOVIE SHOWING! Cinemark Theatre, 1410 Whyler Rd, Yuba City Monday, October 21st @ 7:00pm “Play The Flute” is about a Youth Pastor (Brett Varvel) who takes over an indifferent youth group to motivate them to read God’s Word and get serious about their relationship with the Lord. Reserve your discounted tickets locally at $10 each by calling Rejoice! Studios 530-632-0038 or go to

Ongoing Events - Multiple days of the week

WOMENS CLOTHES CLOSET Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 8:00 a.m. - Noon Twin Cities Rescue Mission- 940 14th Street, Marysville We now have a womens clothes closet at the mission! It is free and available to everyone. We accept donations Monday - Sunday of women’s men’s, and children’s clothing! CROSSROADS CLOTHES CLOSET Crossroads Community Church, YC Open Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm - Shop at our - FREE Clothes given away!

Now Available

Ambassador Subscriptions! Have you ever wanted to read the latest issue but couldn’t find a copy? Would you like to receive The Ambassador at your home or office each month? Don’t worry about picking up your copy of the new issue at church or local businesses. We’ll send it to you promptly as soon as it comes out. Sign up for the Ambassador Subscription. $5/month or $50/year (2 months free) email: or call (530) 933-1385

The Ambassador



The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


• Where Did Things Go Wrong? • by Tim Cole "I deserve to be happy don't I?" The man had just been confronted about having an affair with another woman, while his wife faced a lengthy struggle with depression. Did this man find happiness through his affair? Absolutely…on the front end of it. His mistress offered the kind of comfort, companionship, and sexual intimacy of which he had been deprived during his wife’s lengthy convalescence. But in the end, his choices brought about the loss of his house, his job, many of his prized possessions, and the trust of his family. The “happiness” proved short-lived while the resulting loss and heartache would last for years. As you reflect on your marriage problems, you may be asking yourself, “How did I get into this predicament?” The answer may surprise you. It happened in what was supposed to be paradise - the Garden of Eden. God placed Adam and Eve, the first married couple, in the Garden with one simple prohibition. They were not to eat from the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” growing in the center of the Garden. But the devil, taking the form of the serpent, cunningly planted the thought in the woman's head that God was not to be trusted. In fact, he insisted, this delicious-looking fruit had the power to make one like God, which

was why God was withholding it from them. “For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Gen. 3:5) The devil’s message was actually two-fold. First, Eve could become like God by exercising self-determination – deciding…and experiencing… for herself what was right and wrong. And second, by doing so she could gain the happiness she deserved with autonomy and selffulfillment - what could be so wrong with that? If only Eve (and Adam who was with her) had been conscious of how much was at stake!


The present-day version of Humanism offers the same promises. “god is whoever you think he/she/it is.” “Whatever you think is right is right for you.” “You can determine your own sexuality.” “You can choose your own gender.” “Your marriage can be whatever you want it to be.” We are told self-determination is the path to god-like happiness. But we know how that worked out for Adam and Eve who lost their innocence, their shameless intimacy, their idyllic life in the Garden, and most of all, their friendship with God. Their choices affected not only them but the entire human race which they represented in the choices they made.

So, you see your marriage “predicament” actually began thousands of years ago in the Garden of Eden. In fact, it was even written into the “Edenic Curse”, “…your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you…” – a portent of the misplaced expectations and power struggles” which would afflict marriage for the rest of history. We all want to be in control of our lives and to be happy. The media, psychology, our current culture, and even our friends all tell us it’s what we deserve, it’s within reach, and we are justified in employing almost any means to gain it. But when it usurps the place of God it actually results in great disappointment and unhappiness. Marriage may be the area of life in which we have the most expectations about happiness, and also the greatest potential for disappointment. So, it is not surprising that we so easily fall prey to the same deception as Eve and end up making wrong and destructive choices if our mantra is "I deserve to control my life and be happy.” Tim Cole is involved in family ministry in Japan as director of Family Forum Japan. He met his wife in Japan 40 years ago, and has 5 children and 4 grandchildren. Follow his daily posts at riage/?ref=settings

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The Ambassador


486 Bridge St., Yuba City (530) 751-7000

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties



Need a Midweek Spiritual Boost? An interesting thought popped into my head as I sat down to write my monthly article for the Ambassador. First of all, the Christian Business Alliance has been around for nearly 22 years. We’ve gone through many changes during that time (Just like in life), with a combination of mountaintop and valley experiences. We are currently on the mountaintop. (more on that in a bit) Back to my thought. Approximately 10 years ago, a very good friend of mine who was not active at all in church, was a faithful weekly attendee at the CBA meetings. He would jokingly say the CBA felt so much like a good church service that the only thing missing was his tithe. What was it that he liked so much about these meetings? Several things, but let me just address a few: Unity. With approximately 40 members, we may often have 18 different denominations represented. And we get along quite well, I might add! (John 17) Intimate fellowship. Depending on where we meet, we gather together to enjoy a meal along with some good conversation before our program starts. Encouraging testimonies. This may be one of my favorite things about CBA and it certainly was his. No explanation needed on the power of a great testimony

and the impact it can have on a person’s life. I mentioned previously that I feel we are on the mountaintop. Weekly participation/attendance has been strong. (I realize that the numbers in and of themselves does not represent success or failure) But the feedback on the meetings has been tremendous. Why? Simply put it is because our mission statement is lived out each and every week. Building up Christians. Lifting up Christ. A recent meeting at A & E Arborist had a significant impact on me. Their testimony on trusting God with a pledge they made, caused me to look at my own life in this same area. It is personal so no detail here. But the bottom line is I came home and talked to my wife (Robin) about stepping out in faith in a similar area. So maybe at some point I will share the details of this at a future meeting. But for now, would you consider checking us out at one of our noon meetings on Tuesday. Send Seth your email address to be included in the weekly invitations. His email is on the front cover. That’s all for now. (side-note – I believe weekly church attendance is essential for ALL followers of Jesus Christ – Neither CBA nor any other para-church ministry should ever take the place of being in the house of God!)

COMMUNITY • Prayer List for September 2019 •

1-Sep Church unity 2-Sep Local city/county leaders 3-Sep Immigration- Pray for the border crisis, the families & the legislators to solve problems 4-Sep Global Persecution-Safety/Courage of Believers 5-Sep Middle East - For the peace of Jerusalem 6-Sep Children's workers, Teachers and others who are entrusted with our children 7-Sep Homeless/Poor - Twin Cities Rescue Mission, A Hand Up, Salvation Army, REST 8-Sep A Woman’s Friend - Unborn children/Pregnant Women 9-Sep Orphan children- Samaritan Village (see p. 3) and other orphanages 10-Sep Sex Trafficking victims 11-Sep Missionaries -Fruit, Provision 12-Sep Addicted, Rehab Ministries.-Feather River Mens Center, Joshua House, Celebrate Recovery 13-Sep National unity, Race Relations 14-Sep First Responders-Police, Firefighters, EMT, TIP 15-Sep Adoptive families & birth moms 16-Sep Struggling Women- Pray for Lydia's House, Casa Esperanza 17-Sep Singles, Single Parents, Divorce healing, widowed 18-Sep President Trump- God's Wisdom in decisions & communication 19-Sep Local schools- pray for safety of students and staff 20-Sep Seniors and Elderly 21-Sep The Ambassador Newspaper-Increased readership and Impact 22-Sep State lawmakers- Pray for Assemblyman James Gallagher & others who represent us 23-Sep Local officials and community leaders 24-Sep Teen Depression, Suicide 25-Sep Local Pastors and their families 26-Sep Military, All armed forces & their families. 27-Sep Hollywood- May God to touch influential people 28-Sep Band Together 4 Christ Festival- Pray for hearts of the youth to be open to the Gospel 29-Sep Christian Businesses-Ambassador Sponsors & others. 30-Sep War-torn nations- pray for peace and protection especially for civilians

David Kugelman is the president of the Christian Business Alliance which meets each Tuesday at noon at various locations. Dave welcomes your questions or comments on this article at

The Ambassador


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"Milo the AmbassaDog"

• Meet my friend, Sadie •

Milo and Friends

She is 11 years old. I'm not sure what breed she is. Something between chihuahua mix and spoiled rotten. Her Mama says she’s “Cherokee Chihuahua”, but I don’t think there is any such breed. Sadie was a graduation gift. She was a cute 8 wk old pup that at first her Mama wasn't sure about taking. But when she got on the floor playing, Sadie bit her on the toe and it was love at first bite. Her Mama was dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety during that time. Sadie was just what the Dr. ordered. She has brought so much joy to her family. They can't imagine life without her. She's the best!


The Ambassador

The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


The Christian Business Alliance would like to invite you to our midweek meeting. Rich Fellowship, Powerful Prayer, Refreshing Presence of God! We meet at the Bride Church the first Tuesday of the month from noon – 1pm.

Current members:

Business Members After Hours Notary - Bill Sluder - (530) 777-8667 Caldwell’s Custom Countertops, Inc. - Kathleen Caldwell - (530) 821-5845 David Greenetz Construction - Dave Greenetz - (530) 682-9602 Elite Group - Pat & Doreen Maher - (530) 713-9420 Gaiser Pets - John Gaiser - (530) 751-8155 Hilbers, Inc. - Kurt Hilbers - (530) 673-2947 Holycross Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc - David Holycross - (530) 751-7000 Jeanine L. Tanabe, MD Dermatologist- Jeanine Tanabe - (530) 743-0301 Proforma by Kug - Dave Kugelman - (530) 742-2423 Rejoice Studios - Danny & Shem Lin - Richard’s Tree Service - Fred Cox - (530) 673-7993 Shadd Janitorial Supply - Roger Shadd - (530) 673-0083

Ministry Members

Answers on Page 16 lic#452975

A Hand Up Ministry- Ron Brasier - (530) 671-1360 A Woman’s Friend - Kristen Bird - (530) 741-0556 Adventure Church of Yuba City - Greg Mansur - (530) 632-1779 Band Together for Christ - LaDonna Curteman - (530) 933-5960 - Wynette Sills - (916) 955-1577 Cornerstone Church - Jason Poling - (530) 674-3087 Operation Christmas Child - Connie & Dennis Gabel - (530) 695-1495 Serving Our Savior - George & Cherie Shaw - (530) 671-3303 The Ambassador Newspaper - Seth Halpern - (530) 933-1385 Twin Cities Rescue Mission - Kevin Carlson - (530) 743-8777

Individual Members Elaine Briefman David Hobbs JC Carpenter Janet Johnson Rita Collins Bill & Sonja Lindholm Chuck David Clay Maynard Fredricka Dahlander Vic Savage Assemblyman James Gallagher Robert Stark John Guth

For weekly reminders, updates, or to join email


The Ambassador



The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


SPECIAL ONE-NIGHT-ONLY MOVIE EVENT Film Festival. "I can barely type this through the tears I have right now. What a powerful film, so relevant to today's world,” says Tammy who is the area director for Child Evangelism in Fresno, CA. The film has a unique distribution plan as the movie is being released only for public showings, whether in theaters for onenight screenings where no Hollywood trailers are run to distract the viewer, or for showing in local churches. “We plan to keep it going in this manner for quite some time,” Rich says, “perhaps for the next two or three years. Public showings are the most impactful because audiences are captivated and you have their full attention, especially in the theater.” “My hope is that people will give this movie a chance,” Rich adds. “The church to me just seems to play defense these

days. The world does something we don’t like and we complain about it. Let’s play offense by showing films that will inspire people towards the LORD and also shares a passionate gospel as this movie does. We believe we have something special here and that the audience is going to be genuinely

touched!” Play the Flute is the story of a new Youth Pastor (Brett Varvel) who takes over an indifferent youth group to try to motivate his students to read God’s Word and get serious about their relationship with the Lord. The film features an excellent cast including Brett Varvel, Sean Ormond, Kennedy Tucker, and recognizable talent such as Clint Howard, Fred Grandy (Love Boat fame) and Loretta Swit (MASH fame). To watch the movie trailer for Play the Flute or buy tickets for the One-NightOnly Movie Event on October 21st at 7:00pm at the Cinemark Theatre in Yuba City visit the movie’s website at www.

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“I hope thousands of youth groups will watch this!” says Dr Terry Mortensen of the Answers in Genesis ministry. Pastor Dan Jones of Albany, NY says “Play the Flute is very touching, very inspirational and very truth-filled. I was very impressed by the acting of everyone. Thank you for creating a film worth watching.” They are both talking about the new movie, Play the Flute, from veteran filmmaker Rich Christiano who also brought us the movies, Time Changer, The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry and A Matter of Faith. Rich Christiano, along with his twin brother Dave, have been writing, directing, producing and distributing Christian movies since 1985. Their passion for Christ-centered movies is real and they have always aimed to put strong, inspiring and truth filled messages in their movies. Play the Flute is no different. “I felt very led to produce this film,” Rich said. “And this movie is far more than just for youth. Yes, we would love every young person to see it, but the message to get more serious about our relationship with the LORD is for everyone.” The great comments just keep coming too. “Play the Flute is fantastic with an incredible message and wonderful story,” says Paul Boge of the Winnipeg Christian


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The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Bible Trivia

Finding Freedom in God’s Perfect Peace If you would like to experience the peace and transformed life that God can provide through Jesus Christ and you are willing to commit your life to the only one who can truly set you free from your sin, you can pray to the Lord right now and ask Him to forgive you of your sins. Because of what His Son, Jesus, did by dying on the cross, your sins will not be held against you by God anymore. You can experience freedom for the rest of your life on earth and then have a life in Heaven with God for eternity. God’s part of the deal is already done. Your part is to confess your sins, repent (or change your ways) and believe that He is Lord. If your life is out of control, let Him take over control. For help, questions, or more information, contact us at The Ambassador or any of the churches listed on page 3.

1.) Who found honey inside the body of a dead lion? q  Jonah q  Samson q  David q  Ruth 2.) Elisha purified a pot of stew that had been poisoned with what?  Wild mushrooms q  Wild gourds q  Arsenic q  Bad cheese q 3.) Who served cheese, milk, and veal to the Lord when he made His appearance in the form of three men? q  Abraham q  Isaac q  Jacob q  Moses 4.) Who traded his birthright to his brother for some bread and lentil stew? q  Benjamin q  Simeon q  Jacob q  Esau 5.) What did John the Baptist eat in the wilderness? q  Roaches q  Rabbits q  Pigeons q  Locusts

Answers On Page 17

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The Ambassador

6.) What did the widow make for the prophet Elijah?  Wine q  Bread q  Stew q  Mutton q 7.) Who woke up under a tree and found an angel had cooked food for him?  Elijah q  Hosea q  Haggai q  Jeremiah q 8.) What type of bird did God provide for Israel in the desert? q Pheasants  q Pigeons  q Quails  q Sparrows  9.) What did the spies which Moses sent not return with? q  Grapes q  Honey q  Pomegranates q  Figs 10.) When his brothers came to buy food, in whose sack did Joseph place his cup? q Simeon's  q Benjamin's  q Asher's  q Judah's 


The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Tough Questions For Christianity Since Christians Are Supposed To Be Kind And Loving To Others, Why Do They Say Other Religions Are Wrong? Recently I was in line to check in to get on an airplane. I followed others, snaking back and forth through a maze set up to guide people to the TSA check gate. I had not traveled on a plane for a while and some of the procedures had changed. As I shuffled forward with other travelers, through conversation I learned I was in a line called “pre-check”. I was not prechecked, apparently, and was helped to know that I should be over in another line. I thanked the lady who was wiser and had so informed me. I was not insulted that she had better information than I did. I was actually grateful. Was it unkind or unloving for her to tell me I was in the wrong place? No, actually it was her kindness that ventured to help me know how to avoid embarrassment and difficultly when I got up to the TSA agent. She could have kept silent, minding her own business, and left me to discover on

my own that I was wasting time standing in the wrong line. I sincerely believed I was in the right place, but the sincerity of my belief did not change the fact that I was not. Telling the truth in a loving way is not unkind. Rather, it is actually kind to help people know they are making decisions based on incomplete or false information. Now, the second part of the question

above has to do with determining whether Christianity is true and other religions are wrong. There are thousands of religions in the world’s cultures. They can be put into three categories, however. Polytheistic, meaning multiple gods, both good and bad. Non-theistic, meaning there are no gods, also known as Atheistic. And Monotheistic meaning belief systems

where there is just one god. It is coherent reasoning to acknowledge it cannot be true that there are both multiple gods and one god. Both cannot be true at the same time. Judaism and Christianity as well as Islam and Sikh believe in one god, naming the main monotheistic religions. The test for Truth comes down to this rational: Jesus claims the only way to the One God is through him. Moreover, Jesus claims he is God in human flesh. Was he delusional, meaning crazy? Was he knowingly perpetrating fraud on his followers for some selfish reason and lying to them? Or was he telling the truth about God and himself? Investigate Jesus. Determine for yourself which of these three options defines him.

The Ambassador Ministry

would like to thank the following people for their Individual Sponsorship Tom Harris Kristen Bird Lucy Campbell April James Charles & Rita Collins Cale & Merlene Judd Donald & Concetta Cotter Sandi Juri LaDonna Curteman Clay Maynard Chuck David John Nicholls Dennis & Connie Gabel Dale & Susan Nieschultz Bob Gilbert Mimi Robarge MaryAgnes Gobel Jeff Royce Rich & Joan Hackney Roberta Spear Allen Halpern Robert E. Stark

God Bless Each Of You For Your Support Of This Ministry And Our Community •••

If you would be interested in supporting The Ambassador as an Individual Sponsor ($20/month) please contact Seth Halpern at: or call 530-933-1385 or visit us online at

The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Continued from Page 1: "Rest in Peace" in Peace” today with his Savior Jesus Christ. We believe that the only way to truly Rest in Peace with Christ in Heaven is to ask Him to forgive you of your sins (for which He was crucified), repent and live for Him here on earth. Although we grieve our loss of Mike and pray for his wife and family, we know that he is truly Resting in Peace. I wish I could say the same for each of the other victims of the mass shootings mentioned above. I didn’t know them. I hope that they all had a relationship with Jesus and are now truly Resting in Peace. The problem is that I can’t truthfully say “RIP” or “Rest in Peace” because the Word of God tells me that only those who know Jesus personally will truly “Rest in Peace” with their Savior. It takes a loving relationship between us and Christ to make that a reality. Although the phrase sounds comforting and sympathetic, it is not always the truth. That may be hard to read. I get it. It seems exclusive, maybe even judgmental.It may seem that I’m saying that Heaven is reserved for only those who have a relationship with God through Jesus. That IS what I’m saying because that is what the Bible (the Word of God) says. I can’t answer you about specific people and their final destination because I don’t know their

Con't From Page 4: "I'm Ready" know his hearts’ desire, be gracious to him, please don’t let him suffer; keep him in peace. Is it easy? NO! But, scripture tells us God will be our strength: ex: Ps 29:11, 10:17, Isaiah 40:29, 40:31, 41:10, 58:11. In difficult times we must “Trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding” Prov. 3:5, and believe God works for the good of those who love him…. Rom. 8:28. What now? Pray, trust God, love unconditionally.

hearts and their relationship with God, but from God’s Word it is clear that we need to have a relationship with Him or He will have the right to say “I never knew you”. That should be a terrifying thought. Here’s the good news- not only can we truly “Rest in Peace” when we die and live forever (eternal life) with Jesus, but we can even have that rest today while we’re alive! Yes, we can “Rest in Peace” on earth!! We do this the same way. We ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins, to enter into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, and we change our lives around to live the way God wants us to as He describes in the Bible. He will give us that rest from

that point on. In fact, the Hebrew word “Shalom” (in Greek, it’s Eirene) means Peace and “Sabbath” means “Rest”. Did you know that the Bible refers to Jesus as our “Sabbath” Did you also know that the Apostle Paul began his letters to the churches with the word “Eirene” which is the Greek word for “Peace”. Yes, we can have the rest and peace that God gives, even while we are alive. The best part of having that sabbath (rest) and shalom (peace) now is that we know that when we pass on from this life, we can be assured that we will “Rest in Peace” in Heaven for all eternity!

Answers: Search Word Page 12:

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The Ambassador



The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


10 Ways You Can Help The Ambassador Ministry 1. Pray with us and for us to not only sustain but to grow in impact. Pray for our health and for spiritual protection 2. Read it yourself – You will be enriched by reading it. 3. Share a copy or an article with someone- you will have someone in your life benefit from an article in every issue, cut it out and send it to them, or send them the whole issue

7. Find new locations- ask businesses that you frequent to take some papers, deliver and monitor them 8. Deliver a small route- 1 to 2 hours each month 9. Give financially as an Individual partner, business partner, churches/ ministries partner (every dollar helps to impact the community)

4. Leave a copy of The Ambassador when you’re having coffee or a meal or waiting for your car. Use it like a tract. It may be less intimidation.

10. Talk to your like-minded Christian friends, family, business associates and church leadership, about helping as well.

5. Monitor The Ambassador at your church: assure their presence and visibility

If you would like to help, please contact Seth Halpern at 530-933-1385 or email

6. Subscribe for a friend or family member (or yourself)

Continued From Page 14: "Bible Trivia" Food in the Bible • Answers 1. Samson (Judges 14:5-9) 2. Wild Gourd (2 Kings 4:38-41) 3. Abraham (Genesis 18:1-8) 4. Esau (Genesis 25: 30-34) 5. Locusts (Matthew 3:4)

6. Bread 7. Elijah 8. Quails 9. Honey 10. Benjamin's

(1 Kings 17:13) (1 Kings 19:1-8) (Exodus 16:13) (Numbers 13:23) (Gen 44:1-2,11-12)


Newcastle Yuba City

Coach Of No. 1 Clemson: My Purpose Is ‘To Glorify God’ by Michael Foust Contributor The head coach of the top-ranked college football team and the defending national champions says life isn’t all about sports. Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney said during his press conference this week he wants his team to focus on one word this year: purpose. But Swinney – whose team is ranked No. 1 in the major polls – defines “purpose” differently than many football fans would. “My word is ‘purpose’ this year – my purpose as a man, my purpose as a father, my purpose as a husband, and then our purpose as a program. …. And then also helping my staff and my players find and fulfill their purpose. “[I’m] just really convicted on that. We’ve had a lot of success, I’m going into year 11, but we’ve stayed true to who we are the whole way. … I know what my purpose as a man is, and that’s to glorify God. That’s to be a great husband and father, and it’s to use the game of football to equip young people for life. That’s just that simple.” Swinney’s first full year as a head coach was 2009, one year after the Tigers finished 7-6. Since then, they’ve won two national championships and five conference titles. He’s turned Clemson

from an average program into a perennial national power. Clemson defeated Alabama 44-16 last year to finish 15-0 and win the national championship. “Our purpose as a program is to graduate our players, and to give them the tools that they need to go be successful – to make sure they have a good experience and to win a championship,” he said, referencing last year’s senior class and its 97 percent job placement rate. “And that has not changed since day one. … Everything is centered and driven by that.” Swinney never has been shy about discussing his faith. Following last year’s national championship victory, he told a national TV audience, “For me personally, joy comes from focusing on Jesus, others and yourself.” Michael Foust is a freelance writer. Visit his blog,

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The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties



FLOW OF THE SPIRIT By Jon Skillman There are several things that sadden me: The sound of a straw vacuuming the last gurgle of a milkshake, the last bite of a donut and the end of my favorite song. I can quickly remedy these trivial downers by order another shake, grabbing another donut or hitting replay on my CD player. But there is one thing that brings a certain sadness I cannot readily overcome…the sight of a dry creek bed. A dry creek bed just seems so…you know… dead. I think there are two separate and distinct reasons upon which my sadness rides. The first is the sight of a dry, natural or physical creek bed. In my younger and heathen-ish days, I had the opportunity to work the cool, clear riffles and pools of many coastal and mountain streams, attempting to trick a trout with bits of feather and fur. The solitude and serenity I enjoyed brought a life and spirit to the current that tugged and swirled around my legs. And I swear I heard voices calling to me…but when I looked around…no one was there. A dry creek bed saddens me because the once moss-covered rocks have been bleached to a pale crust…there’s no flow nor direction. The sparkle is gone, and no babbling voices rise to catch my ear… there’s no life nor spirit to be found. Now, as a Christian, I experience a second and most profound sadness at the sight of the spiritually dry creek of an unbeliever. There is no flow of the spirit because they have no source, no

living headwater to sustain them, no tributaries to fill them with the spirit. Nothing flows into them; nothing flows through them and there is no current to float them into salvation and on into an eternity with God. And then there are the dry creeks of those who know the source of living water but have blocked its flow with their own will and selfish and sinful desires. This prevents the spirit from reaching their hearts and stunting spiritual growth. We cannot cause a physical stream to flow but we are commanded to point the lost to the source of the spirit. We are to help those whose spirit has stagnated behind selfish desires to restore the flow into themselves. Periodically we need to honestly check the Spirit’s flow within ourselves…is it running clear and deep, has it been diverted by our own will, or have we lost touch with the source? The answers may sadden us. I think I better grab another donut.

It’s Not Ok to just be “OK” Decades ago, there was a bestseller entitled “I’m Ok, You’re Ok”. It makes me think about what it really means to be “OK”. I routinely ask people (and I’m asked by others) “How are you doing?” The answer is usually “Fine” “Alright” or something else that means “Ok”. Sometimes (and becoming more frequently) the response I get is “Hanging in there”. I really don’t care for that phrase. I understand that there are days, weeks, or even “seasons” of life where the best we can do is to hang on to our faith in Jesus and ask for His help to get through something. But, if that is your “mantra” or lifestyle phrase, that is sad. I know that many people deal with physical, financial or relational issues that are extremely difficult. I know that some are facing much more tragic situations that I am. Those are the ones that need our prayers. I’m not writing this to them but to the majority of us who have daily issues called “Life”. That includes me and most of my friends and loved ones. I want you to consider that in some other parts of the world, people’s faith in Christ is ALL they have. They may endure torture, burned homes & churches, financial loss or even family loss or brutality all because of their faith. They are truly hanging on. I don’t write this to make anyone feel guilty, but to consider your life in light of the amazing goodness and grace of our God toward us! Just the mere fact of being

Seth Halpern - Editor born and/or raised in this nation with the freedoms and benefits we receive should make us wake up in the morning with more than an “I’m hanging in there” response. Knowing that you and I have a relationship with our Creator, and He Loves us as a Daddy with a secure future for all eternity should be enough to add some celebration to our day! Again, I am blessed, and I don’t know what your situation is but I have had my share of trials, from heart issues (a coronary bypass at 50), diabetes and a host of other medical issues. Endured relationship issues that were severely damaged and live pretty much month to month financially. Yet the Lord sustains me. So, maybe the next time I ask you how you are doing, hopefully, you’ll take a split second inventory and answer with something more positive than simply “ok” or even worse “Hanging in there” And if I answer with that then I give you permission to keep me accountable.

The Ambassador accepts opinions and editorials (op-ed’s) as long as they are well-written and less than 450 words. Op-ed’s will be published purely at the discretion of the editor. If you would like to submit your op-ed, please email it (written in MS Word) to editor@ambassadornewspaper. com. The deadline for submission is the 15th of the month for the next issue.


The Ambassador

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties




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4839 E. Butte Rd, Live Oak "Treating all creatures Great and Small" Jerry Long, DVM & Assoc.

Sons of Norway, Snowshoe Thompson Lodge

Yuba City Pest Control

in our Marketplace Section. BUSINESS SERVICES

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Country Vet Clinic, Inc





(530) 751-2238



Certified Arborist Lic. 608859



The Ambassador Newspaper Ministry - Seth Halpern, Editor----


(530) 933-1385

- The Ambassador


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