January 2016
By Paul Tripp (www.desiringgod.org) I’ve told the story many times of talking impatiently with my wife one Sunday morning and having my nineyear-old son interject, “Daddy, is this the way a Christian man should be talking to his wife?” Rather sarcastically I said, “What do you think?” He replied, “It doesn’t make any difference what I think — what does God think?” I went to my bedroom, and two thoughts immediately hit me. First, my pride reared up. I want to be a hero to my son, and I was embarrassed that he had been troubled by my attitude and
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words. But that didn’t last very long. I soon thought, “How could it be that God could love me so much that he would give a twit of care about this mundane little moment in the Tripp bathroom?” That’s love at a level of magnificence that I am unable to capture with words. This was but one moment in one room in one house of one family, on one block on one street in one neighborhood, in one city in one state in one country on one continent, in one hemisphere on one globe in the universe. Yet God was in that moment, working to continue his moment-by-moment work of transforming the heart of this man. Rethinking the Annual Ritual
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Why am I telling you this story? Well, it’s that time once again. It’s the fodder for blogs, magazine articles, TV shows, and way too many tweets. It is the time for the annual ritual of dramatic New Year’s resolutions fueled by the hope of immediate and significant personal life change. But the reality is that few smokers actually quit because of a single moment of resolve, few obese people have become slim and healthy because of one dramatic moment of commitment, few people who were deeply in debt have changed their financial lifestyle because they resolved to do so as the old year gave way to the new, and few marriages have been changed by the means of one
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dramatic resolution. Is change important? Yes, it is for all of us in some way. Is commitment essential? Of course! There is a way in which all of our lives are shaped by the commitments we make. But biblical Christianity — which has the gospel of Jesus Christ at its heart — simply doesn’t rest its hope in big, dramatic moments of change. Living in the Utterly Mundane The fact of the matter is that the transforming work of grace is more of a mundane process than it is a series of a few dramatic events. Personal heart-
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The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
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The Ambassador Newspaper Ministry
"the business deduction with eternal rewards!" The Ambassador allows you to let Christian community (and others as well) know about you, At the same time supporting the ministry of The Ambassador to encourage, inform, challenge and connect the local Body of Christ. We distribute in more than 300 churches and businesses inYuba/Sutter/Butte Counties (residential delivery beginning soon!)
Seth Halpern, Editor 530-933-1385
editor@ambassadornewspaper.com www.ambassadornewspaper.com
Christian Business Alliance 530-632-9292
“Building up Christians, Lifting up Christ” We meet at the Bonanza Inn the �irst Tuesday of the month from noon – 1pm.
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JM Construction Co. Jerry Munz/Owner 530-682-5316
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The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Adventure!Church 1100 Garden Hwy. Sun. 9am & 11am www.AdventureChurchYC.org
Does your church or ministry
The Bride Church 655 Colusa Hwy, YC 530-751-0505 thebridechurch.org Sun. 9am & 11am
Craftsmen for Christ- Tues 6:30
Church Alive 424 Epley Dr., YC (@TheBridge) Sun. 11am _& Tues. 7pm churchaliveyc.com 530.216.0094
Praise Chapel
Word of Life Church
398 Aylor Avenue Yuba City
1229 Buchanan Street, Marysville
Sun. 10am, Wed. 7pm
Sun. 10am & 5pm & Wed. 6:30pm
Pastor Chris Madsen
Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road,YubaCity www.churchofgladtidings.com
Saturday 7pm-Sunday 10am Wednesday 7pm
List Your Ministry Here! Contact Seth at The Ambassador (530) 933-1385
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editor@ ambassador
Samaritan•Village•Orphanage Tanzania,•Africa
You CAN help save the lives of children in Tanzania!
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THE AMBASSADOR ?The Ambassador is a free, monthly publication promoting unity and revival among the local Yuba-Sutter area Bible-believing churches. ?The Ambassador has a circulation of 6,000 - 7,500 and is distributed in local churches and businesses in the community. ?The purpose of The Ambassador is to pursue the great commission of Christ by making disciples and to encourage, inform, challenge and connect the local body of Christ. ?We believe in the inspiration and authority of the Bible as the written word of God. We believe that God exists as One, in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. ?We believe that the atoning work of Christ (His death) on the cross and His resurrection is the ONLY means of salvation and the only way to Eternal Life in Heaven. ?We welcome editorial content from anyone wishing to promote the mission of The Ambassador. All articles and advertisement content is subject to the approval of the editor. Views expressed in The Ambassador do not necessarily reflect those of our sponsors or advertisers
Editor/Publisher - Seth Halpern
Advisory - Dave Kugelman
Design - Teresa Davis
The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
13 Christians Who Risked Everything to Defend Biblical Truth (ed note: This is a continuation from last month. Here are the next four courageous young people).
Ryan Bomberger Bomberger, who is a product of his biological mother choosing to proceed with her pregnancy after being raped, was blessed to have been adopted by very loving and caring parents. As Bomberger got older, he became upset by the large number of abortions in the black community, claiming that African-American babies are five times more likely to die from abortion. Bomberger started a pro-adoption campaign called the Radiance Foundation and initially placed 80 prolife billboards around the Atlanta area. The NAACP went on the attack, accusing Bomberger, who is black, and his group of being racists. The NAACP also accused him of trying to create the impression that “Planned Parenthood kills black babies,” and filed a lawsuit against him. “God was giving me an opportunity to take a stand for life by showing what had become of a once-great organization that fought for the rights of black Americans,” Bomberger was quoted as saying.
The Ambassador
Sarah Crank In 2012, a 14-year-old Crank testified before the Maryland Senate in opposition to a bill legalizing same-sex marriage. She told the largely liberal legislative body that it is important for every child to have access to a mother and father. She added that gay marriage would put more children in danger of growing up without a balanced family life. “I really feel bad for the kids who have two parents of the same gender,” she told the senators. “Even though some kids think it’s fine, they have no idea what kind of wonderful experiences they miss out on.” Following the testimony, Crank was ridiculed by many LGBT activists and became the victim of extreme cyber bullying. One comment from YouTube
stated: “If I ever see this girl, I will kill her. That’s a promise.”
I say … ‘Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name …’”
Roy Costner IV Atheists groups throughout the United States have been steadfast and largely successful in their attempts to use the courts to silence prayer in public schools. When Pickens County High School in Liberty, South Carolina, was pressured by a local atheist organization to ban student speakers from offering references to God in their commencement speeches, Costner, the school’s 2013 class valedictorian, ripped up his preapproved speech and boldly recited the Lord’s Prayer instead. “I’m so glad that both of my parents led me to the Lord at a young age,” Costner told the commencement audience. “And I think most of you will understand when
Rebekah Richardson After the Freedom From Religion Foundation complained that a Texas high school’s cheerleaders were violating the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment by writing Bible verses on football game banners, the school banned them from writing the verses because they felt the cheerleaders were representatives of the school and could not exercise their personal freedom of religion. Despite the ban on Bible verses on banners, the cheerleaders continued to include the Scriptures. Led by Rebekah Richardson, the team of cheerleaders took the Kountze Independent School District to court and charged that it had violated their rights to free speech. Although a Texas district judge ruled that the school had violated the students’ free speech rights by banning Bible verses from banners, the case has progressed all the way to the Texas Supreme Court, where a ruling has yet to be decided.
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I Will Sing To The Lord For He Has Been Good To Me. Ps 13:6
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
By April James The New Year has arrived, are you contemplating resolutions and goals? Does your human heart have a need to love and be loved in return? Could it be to know how to love the Lord in a greater way? To have an intimacy with Him where you would be saying: In the midnight hour I come unashamedly seeking my Love, the One who has captured my heart; I long to be with Him as I long for no other. To you my Lord, my Love, I open my heart, come abide within, you in me, I in you; an intimate place of knowing each other. My heart quickens as I sense your presence, it leaps for joy within my chest at your nearness, my knees grow weak, I slowly sink to the ground at Your feet, I
melt like wax at Your touch. I am undone as your Spirit sweeps over me; I am lost in loves sweet embrace. I scarcely know what to do; I don’t want to move lest I lose this moment or cause Your presence to lift. As I press in expressing the depths of my heart, lavishing You with my love, You engulf me even more. In this place all fear is erased with the realization of your overwhelming vast incomparable love for me. Every fiber of my being is alive pulsing with the love radiating from You. I bask in the glorious light of your love as it penetrates into the deepest part of my core. I lay still as if dead before you, yet my spirit takes flight soaring to unknown heights, raptured by Your indescribable presence, my human senses are filled with bewilderment at the pure love and holiness of my Creators essence; He who
knit me together has undone me. In this moment there takes place the greatest of love’s exchange, one that surpasses the intellect with its limited expressions, to that of spirit where words are not required, where the purest ecstasy of love and intimacy is expressed and felt; where I am known and know my Love, where all doubt is erased as to His
unconditional affections for me. How much do you want a deeper relationship with the Lord, the Lover of your soul? Ready to take focus off of self, love on the Lord, then wait allowing Him to love on you in return? Are you willing to pray a dangerous prayer: Lord, I must have more of you at any cost?
A Life Changed By Jesus My name is Jen and I am 39 years old. I grew up a military brat, moving around a lot. I moved to Yuba City at 14 and have considered it “home” ever since. I experimented with alcohol and drugs in my teen years, but never dove too deeply in it. But when I moved out of the house I suddenly had no rules, no boundaries and I took that and ran with it. I found that drinking and drugs made me social, outgoing and the life of the party. But my social drinking soon became a physical need. I could not go through a day without it. I would experience horrible DTs and even had two severe seizures when I tried to stop. I lost my career, my marriage, my kids, my family. I tried a secular rehab and stayed sober for a couple of years. But I was also battling a pill addiction. I could give up the alcohol if I had pills, I could give up pills if I had alcohol – but
heart out to him and he reached me in a way no one else ever has or could. I know now that God was speaking to me through him. For the first time, I fully surrendered. I prayed and asked God for His help. I knew I wouldn’t get through this without Him.
Jen Before
Jen After
giving up both was impossible. I had to have SOMETHING to turn to. I didn’t realize at the time what I needed to turn to was God. I hit rock bottom – and kept digging. I experienced abusive relationships, jail, psych wards, several overdoses and even attempted suicide. I was completely broken. I became the kind of person I used to despise. Even my drug dealer told me I was out of control and needed help! My friend told me
about Teen Challenge and I did my assessment in November of 2014. For the next three months while I waited for a bed I became a garbage disposal – doing anything I could get my hands on. I figured I’d live it up or die trying, and I was okay with either outcome. I continued to hurt everyone close to me. A string of dangerous events left me stranded in another state. I found my way to a homeless shelter where I was put in touch with a pastor. I poured my
I entered Teen Challenge on February 6, 1015. Since then, God has restored more in my life than I could have ever done on my own in a lifetime. My parents are my biggest supporters. He has given my kids a clean and sober mom. I have reconnected with my brother who I hadn’t talked to in years. And most of all, I have a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that nothing can ever compare to. He has given me a love for the ministry and a desire to work with those who are going where I’ve been.
The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
CALENDAR PRAYER VIGIL FOR LIFE! Yuba-Sutter Right to Life is hosting peaceful, prayerful vigils in front of the Yuba City Planned Parenthood. All you need to participate is one hour and the desire to pray for LIFE. Please contact Heather Pugh at 751-9349 for date and time if you are interested. CROSSROADS CLOTHES CLOSET Crossroads Community Church, YC Shop at our - FREE Clothes given away! Open Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm
SUNDAY •CELEBRATE RECOVERY Praise Chapel Church - Sunday 6:30 p.m. Join us for great worship and open share group. For more info call 530-923-7204
MONDAY KNIT & CROCHET WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP First Baptist Church of Olivehurst 1777 - 8th Ave. Mon 10 a.m. - Noon Practice your yarn craft or learn a new one with us. Knifty Knitters are welcome. Bring your own project or work on a charity item that we donate to those in need in the community. Email yarncraftersforchrist@hotmail.com for info. FREE KARATE CLASSES First Baptist Church of Olivehurst Mon 5:30pm FREE karate classes taught from a Christian perspective. 743-1831 for info, Pastor Miguel. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Crossroads Community Church Mondays 6:30pm-8:30pm We are a Christ-Centered recovery group that provides a safe place to share your struggles, experiences, victories, and hopes with others who are also going through to Christ_Centered recovery. For more info call 530.755.4149. Follow us on Facebook @ Celebrate Recovery Crossroads Community Church
Have an event coming up?... SEND IT TO US TO SPREAD THE WORD! editor@ambassador newspaper.com
The Ambassador
Ongoing Events TUESDAY
•ENCOUNTERING GOD 9:30 - 11:30 AM Every Tuesday Morning Embassy of Heaven Campus 1179 Eager Rd., Yuba City (Hwy 99 @ Eager Rd.) 530-671-3160 www.churchofgladtidings.com Our Tuesday morning meetings begin with a time of worship. Afterwards we rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us to minister to each other, encourage each other, and build our hunger and desire for the things of God. Childcare is provided.
FREE BIBLE COLLEGE CLASSES First Baptist Church of Olivehurst 1777 8th Ave., Olivehurst Wednesday Mornings 10:00 AM Starting in January 2015 you can earn an accredited bible college degree … all books are in public domain and you only need a tablet, computer or some type of electronic reader. We can print them out for a small charge. You will need a King James Bible to get started. fbco@comcast.net for more information. ENROLL TODAY!
•SAMARITAN VILLAGE MONTHLY MEETING 3rd Tue of each month, 6:30pm This meeting is open to all who are interested in helping with an orphanage in Tanzania. For info call Victor Savage at 671-2219. •CRAFTSMEN FOR CHRIST The Bride Church 655 Colusa Hwy, YC Meets every Tuesday at 6:30pm Men’s fellowship around the word and worship. All in the Body of Christ welcome! •CHRISTIAN BUSINESS ALLIANCE LUNCHEON Every 1st Tue @ Noon Bonanza Inn, Yuba City Join us for Lunch, Fellowship and God’s Word! For info contact Dave Kugelman 530-632-9292
AWANA Wed 5:45-7:45pm during school year Evangelical Free Church 3785 Olive Hwy. Oroville For information please call 533-6866 Awana is a boys & girls club consisting of small group time, games, large group time. LIFE @ HOPE POINT Hope Point Nazarene 600 N. George Washington Blvd, YC Wednesday @ 6:30pm for kids, 7pm for adults Join us for Life@Hope Point - groups for Nursery through High School ages and classes for adults - Parenting, How to Study your Bible, more so contact the church office at 671-1130 for more details. •DIVORCE CARE Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30pm Embassy of Heaven Campus Church of Glad Tidings - Bldg 500 1179 Eager Road, YC (Hwy 99 @ Eager Rd) Info: Duane Russell 530.777.8543 Divorce Care is a divorce recovery support group where you can find help and healing from the hurt of separation or divorce. Weekly meetings provide you with an ongoing “support team” as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce. You’ll learn how to deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life.
FRIDAY •STIRRING THE WATERS OF BETHESDA Friday, January 15th at 7:00 PM Embassy of Heaven Campus Church of Glad Tidings - Bldg 200 1179 Eager Road, Yuba City Info: Ed Han 209-298-6102 Praying through the night for the release of God’s healing power. Come and pray through the night or pick an hour to intercede for healing, miracles, signs and wonders.
TUESDAY SATURDAY •BETHESDA HEALING WELL Saturday, January 16th at 10:00 AM Embassy of Heaven Campus - Bldg 200 1179 Eager Road, YC - Ed Han 209-298-6102 Gathering for a time of soaking in God’s presence and then spending time to receive focused prayer for healing. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Loma Rica Community Church- Moy Hall. Fri., 7pm. Call church office for more information 743-5435 •SATURDAY NIGHT SERVICE Word Of Life Church 1229 Buchanan Street, Marysville 6:30pm Contemporary Worship led by Leanne Whitley & Robbie Jellsey Relevant & Anointed PreachingPastor Stan Reynolds
multiple days of the week •AHOP Ascending House of Prayer Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 6:00 - 9:00 PM Embassy of Heaven Campus Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road, YC (Hwy 99 @ Eager Rd) 530-671-3160 Praying and preparing for a new Jesus Movement, raising the Life of the glory of God in the face of Christ in America and in the nations. Come join us and experience the richness of His Love! •PRAYER Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 7:00 PM Embassy of Heaven Campus Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road, Yuba City 530-671-3160 “My house shall be called a house of prayer.” (Matt. 21:13). The church today in is an all out war against the evils of darkness. The body of Christ is called to step up and be aggressive in their prayer life. •WOMENS CLOTHES CLOSET Twin Cities Rescue Mission Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 a.m. - Noon 940 14th Street, Marysville We now have a womens clothes closet at the mission! It is free and available to everyone. We accept donations Monday - Sunday of women’s men’s, and children’s clothing!
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Special Events
SOLEMN ASSEMBLY OF PRAYER AND REPENTANCE Marysville Arts Center, corner of 7th and E Sts. in Mysl Sat. Jan. 9th, from noon to 4 pm. This is a meeting to fulfill the scriptural mandate of 2 Chron. 7:14 to entreat God to save and heal our land as we seek His face, humble ourselves, pray and reform our ways. Sponsored by Nat’l Gov. Prayer team and local pastors. For more info call David Hobbs @301-4285 “FUEL THE FIRE” - A Call To Revival Bethel Church - Grass Valley 13010 Hwy 49 Grass Valley Friday, Jan 8th - 7PM, Sat, January 9th 10AM and 6PM, Sun, Jan 10th - 10AM Speaker - Cindy Jacobs of Generals International. Event is FREE. Seating limited. Event hosted by a coalition of Northern California ministries 12TH ANNUAL WEST COAST WALK FOR LIFE 2016 San Francisco www.walkforlifewc.com/ Leaving from St. Isidore Church, 222 Clark Ave., Y.C. – parking lot behind the Church Saturday, Jan. 23, 2016-/8:45 am Come join us and experience the blessing of being among thousands taking a stand for LIFE. “Women deserve better” is the slogan of this PEACEFUL demonstration. THREE buses, sponsored by Yuba Sutter
Right to Life, will leave St. Isidore Church at 9:00 am PROMPTLY Saturday, January 23rd and return around 7:30 p.m. Call Maureen 673-1437 to reserve a place on a bus. The cost is $25 ($30 after January 10th, 2016) FAITH CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING Faith Christian School, 3105 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City January 29, 2016, JV Game at 4:30 pm; Varsity Girls Game at 6:00 pm and Varsity Boys Game at 7:30 pm Homecoming is the culmination of spirit week with the crowning of our King and Queen. Basketball games begin with jv boys at 4:30, varsity girls at 6:00 and varsity boys at 7:30. AUTHORITY TO HEAL Christian Healing Seminar Sierra Presbyterian Church, 175 Ridge Road, Nevada City Fri, Feb 6th 7– 9:30 p.m. and Sat, Feb 7th 9 – 4 p.m. The Bible speaks about the power of God in Jesus Christ to heal. In this seminar presented by Sierra Ministries you will become equipped in the biblical principles of Healing Ministry. This is a two day event, to register or for more information visit www.sierraministries.org.
CALENDAR Prayer Calendar for January 2016 4-Jan Local Schools- pray for students, staff, and teachers 5-Jan Marketplace Ministries-Opportunities to share at work 6-Jan Orphan children- Samaritan Village (see p. 3) and other orphanages 7-Jan Pray for the Unemployed and Underemployed 8-Jan Addicted, Rehab ministries- Feather River Mens Center, Joshua House, Celebrate Recovery 9-Jan A Woman’s Friend - Unborn children/Pregnant Women 10-Jan Marriages, Restoration and Strength 11-Jan Syrian Refugees- Pray for the displaced 12-Jan Adoptive families & birth moms 13-Jan Missionaries -Fruit, Provision 14-Jan Sex Trafficking - pray for victims 15-Jan Military, All armed forces & their families. 16-Jan The Ambassador Newspaper-Increased readership and Impact 17-Jan Teen Depression, Suicide 18-Jan Global Persecution-Safety/Courage of Believers 19-Jan Local officials and community leaders 20-Jan Middle East - For the peace of Jerusalem 21-Jan ISIS/Terrorism- pray for wisdom & strong leadership to eradicade it 22-Jan Homeless/Poor - Twin Cities Rescue Mission, A Hand Up, Salvation Army, REST 23-Jan Local ministries (see p. 3) 24-Jan Unity in and among local churches 25-Jan Christian Businesses-Ambassador Sponsors & others. 26-Jan Children and Children’s Ministries 27-Jan Singles, Single Parents, Divorce healing 28-Jan Caregivers of elderly and disabled 29-Jan First Responders-Police, Firefighters, EMT, TIP 30-Jan Hollywood- May God to touch influential people 31-Jan Local Pastors and their families
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The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
CBA MARKETPLACE MONTHLY New Year. New Commitment, right?
Brighton On September 29, 2015 a little boy was brought to Samaritan Village by a social welfare officer. The baby boy was approximately one year and six months old . The baby was sick and was suffering from malnutrition. The doctors who examined him found that he had a problem in his spine, which requires serious treatment. In addition, they discovered he had a problem in his lungs. The doctors also believe he may be showing signs of dwarfism. More than treatment, the little boy needed prayer. After two months Josephat, the director, wrote that Brighton was recovering and doing much better.
A monthly sponsorship for a child is $60., but any amount - either one time, monthly or even yearly is greatly appreciated. Our website provides a link to Paypal and donations may be made online via credit card for your convenience, or checks may be mailed to Samaritan Village at the address shown below. You may follow us on Facebook @ Samaritan Village Orphanage, on our website @ and through our quarterly Newsletter. The all volunteer Board and friends of Samaritan Village meet monthly and you are invited to attend the meetings to learn more about this life saving work. Please call Joan @ 530-755-2588 for information and meeting information. To sign up for our Newsletter, please drop us a note at the address below and include your name, mailing address and email address (if available). As always, we solicit and covet your prayer partnership for these little ones whom God has placed in our care.
Samaritan Village Orphanage, Inc. P.O. Box 444 Yuba City, CA 95992 Tax ID#68-0214955 501c 3 “...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matt 25:40
At least twice a year I make an appeal for those of you who have not checked out the Christian Business Alliance. Details in a bit. However, it is vitally important that you understand a critical marketing flaw in our name that has created confusion for our entire 17 plus years of existence. It all stems from the word, “business.” Many people assume because our name includes the word “business” that they must own or operate a business to become a member. Not true. We are a marketplace ministry. We define the marketplace as any geographical location outside your home. Our members include (but are not limited to): business owners, government workers, ministry leaders, pastors, community volunteers (lots of these) as well as those who are retired. Now that you know you are
free to join, your next question would most likely be this; “so what are the requirements?” We are looking for committed followers of Jesus Christ that are dedicated to impact this community for Him, and to all those (like you and me) that desperately need Him! We are a group of Jesus followers representing approximately 20 different Christian denominations. We want to see Jesus’ prayer for unity (John 17) fulfilled in our lifetime. We are also praying for massive revival for the Yuba Sutter region. Lives are being destroyed by sin and there is only one solution and his name is Jesus Christ. Please join us in 2016. We meet at noon every Tuesday at a variety of locations. Contact Seth Halpern (owner, publisher and editor of this newspaper) and provide him with your email address so you can be notified of our weekly meetings.
David Kugelman is the president of the Christian Business Alliance which meets each Tuesday at noon at various locations. Dave welcomes your questions or comments on this article at drkug@comcast.net
10% discounts for Seniors & Veterans
The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Solemn Assembly of Prayer and Repentance By David Hobbs, National Governors Prayer Team In the spring of 1789, the first American congress was constituted and George Washington was inaugurated as president. For the first order of business, President Washington led the assembly on a short walk to a nearby stone church where he led them in prayer, giving thanks to God and dedicating the fledgling nation to Him (as told in The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn). Because God blesses what’s His, since then He has blessed this nation enormously until we’ve become the richest, most powerful nation on the earth. God had once done the same thing with ancient Israel. But Israel, in her prosperity, became proud and arrogant, claiming she had attained her greatness by her own efforts; and refused the moral constraints of God’s laws. As a result, after warning her repeatedly, God brought in the bloodthirsty Assyrians (from modern-day Iraq!), who destroyed the nation. America today is going down the same path, angering the God we once dedicated ourselves to with outrageous moral sins and the same arrogance of thinking we have gained our great wealth and power by our own efforts. We think
we can get out of our obligations to God by disavowing Him, but it’s too late. We’ve already filled ourselves with His blessings, now we want to turn our back on Him? And yet we still expect Him to protect us from our enemies! Because we’ve turned our backs on God, He’s turned His back on us and this nation is eating the bitter fruit of life without Him. Is there any hope for the good old U.S. of A.? The church itself has the key to saving the nation—invoking God’s promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14--yet has shown little interest in doing so. Many Christians would rather sit on the sidelines expecting God to rapture them out before judgment hits. In 1980 a group of Christians started a movement called “Washington for Jesus” that sought to gather Christians to
the nation’s capital to call upon the Lord and repent for the church and nation. On April 29-30 over 125,000 gathered in Washington to repent and seek God. In the Nov. election, God answered: Ronald Reagan won by a landslide over President Jimmy Carter, ushering in the “Reagan Revolution”-- the longest period of sustained prosperity in our history--restoring America’s power in the world, bringing down the Soviet Union and its Iron Curtain, and freeing the Soviet satellite countries. The 1980 election also saw the defeat of 9 liberal Democrat senators and a return of the Senate to Republicans for the first time in 25 years. God does respond when His people pray!
With this in mind, the National Governors Prayer Team is sponsoring a Solemn Assembly of Prayer and Repentance at the Marysville Arts Center at the corner of 7th and E St. in Marysville on Saturday Jan. 9th running from 12-4 pm. It won’t be about worship or preaching. It will be about trying to save our land by following 2 Chron. 7:14--praying, humbling ourselves before God, repenting and turning from our wicked ways, and crying out to God to turn back the impending judgment and heal our land. Just like a man has to hit rock bottom before he’s ready to cry out to God for salvation; just like he’s got to run out of every other option and excuse and admit his hopeless plight, so the church has to give up hope of something else saving us—like another election or the Rapture-and turn back whole-heartedly to the Lord. The days of half-heartedness, of trying to serve God and mammon, and of doing endless church meetings while society goes to Hell all around us, are over. Are we ready to cry out to God now, or will things have to get even worse? You can reach David Hobbs at 301-4285, or dhobbsptg@hotmail.com
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The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
The Greatest Movement of Muslims Turning to Christ is Happening NOW Esther Laurie/Churchleaders.com Muslims are coming to Christ in amazing and mysterious ways. Men and women have met Christ in a dream or vision. Many others read the Qur’an in their own language for the first time (they memorize the Qur’an in Arabic) and realized they were lost. When they turned to the New Testament and learned more about Jesus they decided to give their lives to Christ.
converts. In his book, A Wind in the House of Islam, he defined a movement of believers as “a group of more than 1,000 baptized believers or 100 new churches within a Muslim community. In total he found 69 movements that had started in the first 12 years of the 21st century, in comparison with virtually no voluntary movements of converts to Christianity in the first 12 centuries of Islam,” wrote Christianity Today. These movements are occurring across
Former Muslims worshipping the one true God. In spite of growing persecution against Christians and major challenges converts face, there is a growing movement of Muslims turning to Christ. Missionary David Garrison stated, “We are living in the midst of the greatest turning of Muslims to Christ in history.” Garrison spent two and a half years travelling, conducting research and interviewing over 1,000 Muslim
the world even while Muslims face death and violent persecution if their faith is discovered. Many converts worship in underground small groups. This makes it difficult to determine the exact number of new believers, but Garrison estimates between 2 and 7 million. When Garrison asked some leaders why they stayed in their community even with a threat of danger, one woman
Rifqa Bary (former Muslim) shares her journey to becoming a Christian. replied, “When God wanted to reach men, he became a man. If God had wanted to reach hyenas, he would have become a hyena. If we want to reach our own people, we’ve got to stay in our community to reach them.” Garrison said one reason why this movement is prevalent now is more available Bible translations and multimedia evangelism. He added, “God has brought several elements together uniquely in our time. Some of them are old elements – Muslim violence is not new, this is one of the least violent
centuries in Muslim history – but what’s different is today when Muslims experience this violence, they can see an alternative… they can switch on their Internet, they can turn on their television and hear an evangelist speaking Farsi or Kazakh or Uzbek.” This is a call to love and pray for Muslims across the world and in our own neighborhoods. Words from many do harm and can create fear, but we were called to love, serve and be brave. We wear Christ’s love when we view people as made by God and potential believers in Christ. If we’re quick to give up on people, then we could miss out on a beautiful movement. Let’s be quick to start a conversation and slow to cast judgement. Let’s be ready to extend a hand and hesitant to keep others at arm’s length. Let’s be brave and be love. “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.” (1John 4:7) More from Esther Laurie or visit Esther at http://estherlaurie.com
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Commemorating Religious Freedom Day (January 16) (religiousfreedomday.com) Each year, the President declares January 16th to be Religious Freedom Day, and calls upon Americans to observe this day through appropriate events and activities in homes, schools, and places of worship. The day is the anniversary of the passage, in 1786, of the Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom. Thomas Jefferson drafted the legislation and considered it one of his greatest achievements. It stopped the practice of taxing people to pay for the support of the local clergy, and it protected the civil rights of people to express their religious beliefs without suffering discrimination. The men who drafted the U.S. Constitution leaned heavily on Jefferson’s statute in establishing the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom. Today, that protection is as important as ever. In too many instances, public school teachers tell students they cannot include their faith in their homework assignments or classroom discussions. The U.S. Department of Education has issued guidelines explaining students’ religious liberties. Talking about religious liberties (especially explaining students’ liberties to parents) will make an administrator’s job easier because it will clarify that schools need not be
religion-free zones. It is often the case that parents who complain to school officials about what they think
are violations of the separation of church and state do not understand the appropriate and lawful place religious expression can have at school. Religious Freedom Day is not “celebrate-our-diversity day.” Freedom means the freedom to disagree (respectfully). The main message students need to hear is that they shouldn’t feel like they have to be undercover about their religion...that somehow they have to be hush-hush about their family’s beliefs. Students’ Liberties Freedom of speech can take different
forms. It includes what you say to other people as well as your freedom to speak to God in prayer; it includes what you
write in school assignments or what you create in an art class; it includes the words you give to a friend either by speaking or in writing. The information below comes from the U.S. Department of Education’s document “Guidance on
Constitutionally Protected Prayer Public Elementary and Secondary Schools” (February 7, 2003) Here is a summary: 1. Students can pray, read their Bibles, and talk about their faith at school during school hours. 2. Students can organize prayer groups and Bible studies and announce their meetings. 3. Students can express their faith in their class work and homework. 4. Teachers can organize prayer groups and Bible studies with their colleagues. 5. Students may be able to go off campus to have a Bible study during school hours. 6. Students can express their faith at a school event. 7. Students can express their faith at their graduation ceremony.
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By Heather Pugh The November 19th airing of ABC’s popular television show “Scandal” has pro-lifers up in arms over the portrayal of the main character having an abortion as the song “Silent Night”, a song heralding the birth of Jesus Christ, plays. Later in the same episode, the main character happily enjoys a postabortion cocktail at home as “Ave Maria” plays. The scene played out as if the character had donated blood or done some grand charitable act and was rewarding herself during this season of giving as we celebrate the birth of our savior. It has been reported that the creator of the show, Shonda Rimes, is on the board of Planned Parenthood Los
Angeles and that the hour-long program was little more than free advertising for the abortion giant. As if all of that isn’t bad enough, Rimes and ABC portray their true feelings about loving families during the abortion scene when the main character’s father says in a voice-over, “Family is a burden...a pressure point, soft tissue, an illness, an antidote to greatness. You think you’re better off with people who rely on you, depend on you, but you’re wrong, because you will inevitably end up needing them, which makes you weak, pliable. Family doesn’t complete you. It destroys you.” At the end of the abortion, the main character gives a sigh of relief and the choir singing “Silent Night” proclaims “Hallelujah!”
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Continued From Page 1: Trading One dramatic... and-life change is always a process. And where does that process take place? It takes place where you and I live everyday. And where do we live? Well, we all have the same address. Our lives don’t careen from big moment to big moment. No, we all live in the utterly mundane. Most of us won’t be written up in history books. Most of us only make three or four momentous decisions in our lives, and several decades after we die, the people we leave behind will struggle to remember our lives at all. You and I live in little moments, and if God doesn’t rule our little moments and doesn’t work to recreate us in the middle of them, then there is no hope for us, because that is where you and I live. The little moments of life are profoundly important precisely because they are the little moments that we live in and that form us. This is where I think “Big Drama Christianity” gets us into trouble. It can cause us to devalue the significance of the little moments of life and the “small-change” grace that meets us there. And because we devalue the little moments where we live, we don’t tend to notice the sin that gets exposed there. We fail to seek the grace that is offered to us. The 10,000 Little Moments
You see, the character of a life is not set in two or three dramatic moments, but in 10,000 little moments. The character that was formed in those little moments is what shapes how you respond to the big moments of life. What leads to significant personal change? 10,000 moments of personal insight and conviction 10,000 moments of humble submission 10,000 moments of foolishness exposed and wisdom gained 10,000 moments of sin confessed and sin forsaken 10,000 moments of courageous faith 10,000 choice points of obedience 10,000 times of forsaking the kingdom of self and running toward the kingdom of God 10,000 moments where we abandon worship of the creation and give ourselves to worship of the Creator. And what makes all of this possible? Relentless, transforming, little-moment grace. You see, Jesus is Immanuel, not just because he came to earth, but because he makes you the place where he dwells. This means he is present and active in all the mundane moments of
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The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
2015 COLORADO SPRINGS SHOOTING By Heather Pugh On Friday, November 27th, a shooting spree and subsequent five-hour stand-off ended with three people dead, nine others wounded, and the arrest of Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. The 57 year-old mentally ill recluse reportedly mumbled something about “baby body parts” as he was being taken in to custody. Although the media is largely reporting the incident as having occurred inside the Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, a closer inspection of the reports reveal the shooting happened outside, since one of the victims ran back inside the Planned Parenthood clinic to warn others after he was shot by Dear. Also absent from the mainstream media reports is the fact that Garrett Swasey, the officer responding to the scene who was killed by the gunman, was a co-pastor of his church and was morally opposed to abortion, yet gave his life protecting those inside the clinic. It would appear that a story about a pro-life Christian giving up his life to protect those who are pro-abortion is not in keeping with the liberal media’s bias against both those who believe in Christian values and those who are prolife. All of the major pro-life organizations (and we at Yuba-Sutter Right to Life)
condemn the shooting as it is against all that we believe in as pro-life individuals and Christians who seek to bring others to the understanding that all human life has value. We cannot allow this mentally-ill individual who violently took the lives of three people to deter us from our efforts to bring to light the atrocities happening each day in abortion clinics around the country and world. But we must double our efforts to do so peacefully. Each month we hold a prayerful vigil in front of the Yuba City Planned Parenthood and this Spring we will host another 40 Days for Life at the sidewalk in front of our Planned Parenthood clinic which DOES perform chemical
abortions (you can visit their webpage to see for yourself at https://www. plannedparenthood.org/health-center/ california/yuba-city/95991/yuba-cityhealth-center-2374-90130 Scroll down to see their services offered – abortion is listed first). Both of these events are quietly, peacefully, and prayerfully held. You may hold a sign which reads “Women Do Regret Abortion” or you may choose to stand in silence as you join others praying for the women coming to the clinic and those who work inside. Though the media hates and maligns pro-lifers and blames us for the deranged actions of a man who is clearly mentally unwell, the actions of Planned Parenthood following this horrific act
speak volumes when compared with our own actions. While Planned Parenthood uses this atrocity to further the abortion agenda, pro-lifers gather in prayer. While Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards calls pro-lifers “hateful”, we call pro-aborts “misguided”. While they are pointing their fingers at us and blaming us for the actions of one individual, we are gathered together with heads bowed in prayer for an end to ALL of the violence. Join us in this prayer. Yuba-Sutter Right to Life is looking for one or more dedicated person(s) to head up the 40 Days for Life which begins on February 10th. If you feel the Holy Spirit calling you to this rewarding ministry, please contact Maureen by emailing Maureen@ysrtl.org.
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The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Evangelical Professor Says Christians and Muslims Worship Same God, Contrary to Scripture By Albert Mohler There has been a great deal of controversy in some evangelical circles ever since a professor at a leading evangelical college announced that she will be wearing the hijab over the holiday season in order to establish and to identify with solidarity with Muslims. The important part of the article, the part that deserves urgent attention in terms of this controversy, actually has to do with clearly theological content. It’s where the professor here wrote on her Facebook posting, “I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book. And as Pope Francis stated last week, we worship the same God.” If we are going to ask the question if Christians and Muslims worship the same God, we have to understand that even before we get to Muslims, Jesus addressed the question of whether or not anyone can know the Father if they deny the Son. Back in John chapter 8, Jesus spoke directly to some of the Jewish leaders who confronted him, and amongst the confrontation the Jewish leaders said that they were the sons of Abraham. And Jesus said to them, absolutely directly, if they were indeed the sons of Abraham they would believe
Larycia Hawkins, a Christian who is wearing a hijab during Advent in solidarity with Muslims, attends a service at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Chicago
in him. They said in John 8:41, “We have one Father – even God.” Jesus responded in verse 42, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God, and I am here.” They had said earlier in verse 39, “Abraham is our father.” And Jesus responded, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would be doing the works Abraham did.” Jesus, in verse 47 of John chapter 8, says, “Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.” Now that is incredibly clarifying
language, and that language is not the language of some creedal or confessional understanding of the Christian church– those are the words that John tells us Jesus himself said, answering the very question that is being ask here long before the issue of Islam could ever have arisen. Jesus here is saying some of those who were literally, biologically the sons of Abraham, that if they really were of Abraham theologically, they would believe in him. But, Jesus says, having denied him they really do not know the Father. That is an astounding statement, but it’s a statement made by Jesus himself. When we come to Islam the issues are even more clear. One of the most basic principles of Islam is that God is one and that he has no son. That
is one of the most important statements of Islam. Islam denies the most essential teachings concerning Christ: that he was fully divine and fully human, our Savior and Redeemer, who died on the cross for our sins in our place and was raised by the power of God on the third day. There are points in the Quran and in Islamic thought in which many right things are said about Jesus, but the most right and necessary things of all are explicitly denied by the Islamic faith. When it comes to monotheism, and even further beyond that, there are common doctrines to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. But it’s not those common doctrines that are most important; it is the central doctrines
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Con’t From Page 16: Evangelical Professor... of Christianity, the very heart of the gospel that Islam denies, beginning with the fact that Jesus is indeed the eternal Son of God. So to raise these questions means that we’re actually asking, can someone truly know the Father who denies the Son? Because denying the Son is one of the central beliefs of Islam, and the answer to that, I believe on biblical terms, has to be “No.” One cannot genuinely, much less savingly, know the Father unless one also comes to know
the Son, because as Jesus also said in the gospel of John, if we know the Father, it is because we have come to him through the Son. The truth Jesus stated in John chapter 8, which is repeated elsewhere in Scripture in different ways, is that to deny the Son is effectively to deny the Father. If we keep anything straight, we as evangelicals must keep that very straight. Article abridged from www.Albertmohler.com The Briefing: 12-16-15
• The raven is the first bird mention in the Bible. It appears in Genesis 8:7, when it is sent out from the ark by Noah to see if the flood waters have abated. The second bird was a dove, in verse 8 • Methuselah is the oldest man on record: 969 years old. Genesis 5:27
Con’t From Page 14: Trading One dramatic... Yes, you and I need to be committed to change, but not in a way that hopes for a big event of transformation, but in a way that finds joy in and is faithful to a day-by-day, step-by-step process of insight, confession, repentance and faith. And in those little moments, we commit ourselves to remember the words of Paul in Romans 8:32: He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us, how will he not also with him freely give us all things. So, we wake up each day, committed to live in the small moments of our daily lives with open eyes and humbly expectant hearts. Paul Tripp (www.desiringgod.org)
your daily life. His Work to Rescue and Transform And what is he doing? In these small moments, he is delivering every redemptive promise he has made to you. In these unremarkable moments, he is working to rescue you from you and transform you into his likeness. By sovereign grace, he places you in daily, little moments that are designed to take you beyond your character, wisdom, and grace so that you will seek the help and hope that can only be found in him. In a lifelong process of change, he is undoing you and rebuilding you again — exactly what each one of us needs.
Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is Good; His Love Endures Forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34
• There are 7 different Jeremiahs in the Bible: 1 Chronicles 5:24, 12:4, 12:10, 12:13; 2 Kings 23:30; Jeremiah 1:1; 35:3 • St Paul wrote 14 (of the 27) books of the New
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God Bless Each Of You For Your Support Of This Ministry And Our Community •••
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The Ambassador
EDITORIAL A MISDIRECTED LETTER By Jon Skillman A coalition of several Oroville churches wrote a letter that appeared on the religion page of our local paper. The letter was addressed: “To Our Beloved Muslim Neighbors.” and the main thrust was one of regret for any anger, hatred, bigotry or violence the Muslim community may have experienced from the Christian community. Correct me if I’m wrong but hatred, bigotry and violence do not reside in a true Christian community. If they do, we have some serious reforming to do. Not to the faith, but to the unfaithful faithful. I understand the reasoning for such a letter but feel it falls short in sincerity. My first point of contention arose in the very first paragraph. It listed several locations of recent terrorist attacks, then went on to say: “…only the latest in a long list of cities experiencing violence committed in the name of faith.” Wait! Time Out! Not in the name of my faith! It seems the letter writers have the same trouble connecting the dots as our government. Islam…all the dots connect to Islam. Islam is the common denominator. The letter writers feel an apology is in order…not from Islam…but from Christianity. Really? We should apologize to a religion whose god and holy book sanction the killing of our Christian brothers and sisters all over the world. Okay, here’s my apology…I’m
sorry, I won’t do that! The letter then points out how Christians are failing to express our love and compassion for our Muslim brothers and sisters. But here is a hard and heartbreaking Biblical truth…they are not our brothers and sisters… they are lost, and yes, we are still commanded to love them. But not in the superficial way the letter proposes… which is a simple “We love you” printed in a newspaper. That is like standing at the side of the road knowing that around the bend the bridge has washed out, then waving and shouting “we love you!” as they drive by. No, if we truly love them we would flag them down, warn them of the danger, and then share with them the only way to the other side. That’s true Christian love. The letter also asks us to pray “peace and blessings,” on our Muslim neighbors. That may make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but does absolutely nothing to save them. We need to pray God will soften their hearts, open their eyes to the light of Jesus, and that the Holy Spirit will convict them of the truth. In other words, we need to pray for their salvation. Muslims don’t need a letter of apology. They don’t need prayers of peace and blessings. They need The Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is their only hope.
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Getting Your Just Desserts! As I’ve mentioned previously, The Ambassador Newspaper (ministry) has been printing for 10 years now. It’s hard to imagine and I have a lot of people to thank for that milestone. This January, I plan to do exactly that. We are planning our 10 Year Appreciation Dessert to be held at Adventure Church on Fri. Jan 22nd. I am inviting all of our current partners: Business and Individual Sponsors, Delivery helpers, and writers. Also, I’m trying to contact many of our previous partners as well. It has taken a lot of help (and continues to take a lot of help!) to “keep the presses rolling”. If you have been a significant partner in the past in either writing, delivering, or sponsoring for a year or more, please contact me. I have lost contact with many of you with changing emails and phone numbers. If you fall into that category, please contact me on Facebook or email (see
Seth Halpern - Editor cover for contact info). I would love to invite you to this special time of enriching fellowship, inspiring music, delicious desserts and much heartfelt appreciation! It is important to rsvp rather than showing up at the door so that there is enough of everything. I’m excited about a time to share with you what the Lord has accomplished through your investment and effort. I hope to see you on Jan 22. Until then, thank you for all you do!
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The Ambassador accepts opinions and editorials (op-ed’s) as long as they are well-written and less than 450 words. Op-ed’s will be published purely at the discretion of the editor. If you would like to submit your op-ed, please email it (written in MS Word) to editor@ambassadornewspaper.com. The deadline for submission is the 15th of the month for the next issue.
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Promote Your Business Here!
Call (530) 933-1385 or email: editor@ ambassadornewspaper.com
The Ambassador
The Christian Business Alliance would like to invite you to our midweek meeting. Rich Fellowship, Powerful Prayer, Refreshing Presence of God! We meet at the Bonanza Inn the first Tuesday of the month from noon – 1pm.
Finding Freedom in God’s Perfect Peace
Current members:
A-1 Carpet Cleaning - (530) 673-3634 - www.a-1clean.com George Barlow - The Crave - (530) 790-0792 Kathy Baum - Operation Christmas Child - (916) 747-2212 Ron Brasier - A Hand Up Ministry - (530) 671-1360 Marty Brown - KCYC-LP FM - (530) 674-5296 Kathleen Caldwell - City of Live Oak - (530) 695-2112 Ruben Chavez - R&B Judgment Recovery - (530) 693-8087 Fred Cox - Richard's Tree Service - (530) 673-7993 LaDonna Curteman - Band Together for Christ - ladonna.curteman@gmail.com Chuck David Carol Dodds - A Woman’s Friend - (530) 741-9136 Trey Fulton- Church Alive- churchaliveyc.org Dennis & Connie Gable - Operation Christmas Child - (530) 695-1495 Steve & Cash Gilliss - Crosspointe Christian Books - (530) 673-6188 Pamela Givans John Guth - Guth & Changaris, A Prof Law Corp - (530) 674-9841 Seth Halpern - Ambassador Newspaper - editor@ambassadornewspaper.com Kurt Hilbers - Hilbers Inc - www.hilbersinc.com Arlene Hite - Bridges to Housing - (530)755-3414 David Hobbs Painting - Cont. Lic#880562 (530)742-2428 David Holycross - Holycross Memorial - (530) 751-7000 Brad Indelicato - Dolco Packaging - bdi26@comcast.net Bill Jens - Yuba Sutter Healthy Marriage Project - (530) 671-6069 Al Jolley - Teen Challenge - (530) 300-0712 Cornell U. Kay - Integrity Chamber of Commerce - 916-969-0205 Dave Kugelman - Proforma by Kug - (530) 742-2423 Clay Maynard - Consultant - (530) 790-6611 Jim McCarty - Trinity Living Systems - trinityls@yahoo.com Jerry Munz - JM Construction Co. - (530) 682-5316 Jared Nunes - Sutter Health Maria Paras Ernie Phelan - Intero Real Estate Svcs - (530)-790-7000 Ronda Putman Roger Shadd - Shadd Janitorial Supply - (530) 673-0083 Robert Stark - Sutter county Auditor/Controller - suttercountyauditor.org Dwayne Tanabe - Taylor Accountancy Corp - dktanabe@yahoo.com Jenine Tanabe - Jenine L. Tanabe, MD Dematology - (530) 743-0301
For weekly reminders, updates, or to join email editor@ambassadornewspaper.com
If you would like to experience the peace and transformed life that God can provide through Jesus Christ and you are willing to commit your life to the only one who can truly set you free from your sin, you can pray to the Lord right now and ask Him to forgive you of your sins. Because of what His Son, Jesus, did by dying on the cross, your sins will not be held against you by God anymore. You can experience freedom for the rest of your life on earth and then have a life in Heaven with God for eternity. God’s part of the deal is already done. Your part is to confess your sins, repent (or change your ways) and believe that He is Lord. If your life is out of control, let Him take over control. For help, questions, or more information, contact us at The Ambassador or any of the churches listed on page 3.