June 2016
By Daryl Wingerd www.ccwtoday.org You’ve heard about it in the news lately—state after state attempting to pass “religious liberty” laws to protect the rights of Christians to obey their conscience. These laws primarily benefit bakers, florists, musicians, photographers, and others whose services are employed at weddings. The expectation is that they will also provide their services at same-sex weddings or be charged with discrimination. The laws are designed to permit them to say, “Due to our deeply held religious beliefs we do not provide services for that type of event,” without getting into
Gallagher Update Page 9
legal trouble. In some cases, these laws are now on the books, having passed through the legislative system successfully. In other cases, they have failed due to intense public pressure, the threat of negative economic repercussions, and an outcry against what is classified as discrimination against people who belong to a “protected class.” Given the title of this article, I need to clearly state that I am not opposed
Life Matters Page 12
to states passing these kinds of laws. In fact, I appreciate those who work hard to get them written and passed. I believe Christian business people should be free to exercise their conscience in these ways without risking legal trouble. I do not believe they are discriminating in an unethical or unloving way when they do so (as one would be, for example, if he refused to repair a car, serve food at a restaurant, or mow a lawn for a person belonging to this same “protected class”). The reason I
Strange Requests for Pastors Page 14
make this distinction is that in the case of weddings, the Christian baker, florist, musician, or photographer is being asked to actually take part in an event which he or she finds morally repulsive. No one should be required to do that. However, getting back to the title of my article, I still insist that Christians don’t ultimately need religious liberty laws in order to live according to their conscience. Furthermore, Christians should not learn to depend on legal backing from the government in these respects. If we have it, fine and good. If we don’t, it doesn’t really affect what
Continue on page 14
1040 Lincoln Rd., Suite A, #124 Yuba City, CA 95991 530-933-1385 editor@ambassadornewspaper.com
The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
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2106 Pepper Street, Sutter
1100 Garden Hwy.
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Pastor Doug Hileman
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398 Aylor Avenue Yuba City
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THE AMBASSADOR ?The Ambassador is a free, monthly publication promoting unity and revival among the local Yuba-Sutter area Bible-believing churches. ?The Ambassador has a circulation of 6,000 - 7,500 and is distributed in local churches and businesses in the community. ?The purpose of The Ambassador is to pursue the great commission of Christ by making disciples and to encourage, inform, challenge and connect the local body of Christ. ?We believe in the inspiration and authority of the Bible as the written word of God. We believe that God exists as One, in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. ?We believe that the atoning work of Christ (His death) on the cross and His resurrection is the ONLY means of salvation and the only way to Eternal Life in Heaven. ?We welcome editorial content from anyone wishing to promote the mission of The Ambassador. All articles and advertisement content is subject to the approval of the editor. Views expressed in The Ambassador do not necessarily reflect those of our sponsors or advertisers
Editor/Publisher - Seth Halpern
Advisory - Dave Kugelman
Design - Teresa Davis
The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Behind The Scenes
By Tamera Sturgis We were planning on leaving the trucking industry when a stint on A&E’s Shipping Wars fell into our laps. We prayed that if this was God’s will, it would go forward and if not, that it would fall through. It would require that we become owner operators; a step we never took because we didn’t want that kind of responsibility! At that time, we were running air freight from Sacramento to Columbus with several stops before returning home 4 1/2 days later- 1200 miles per day! Needless to say, we were exhausted on our 2 1/2 days off. Not only did we have to unload, clean the truck and all our truck stuff, but we also had to maintain a household. You’d be surprised how messy two people can
make a house in 2 1/2 days! I was a bit overwhelmed and instead of facing my reality, I picked up my phone to look at Facebook. I noticed that a roller derby sister had sent me an application for owner operators on trucking reality show, so I sat down and filled it out to escape my looming house duties and entertain myself with ridiculous answers to their questions. For example: How would you describe your spouse? “He is the wrecker of my good time”, yada, yada, yada. The next day, I got a call from the casting company! Now that we were facing being on TV in over 40 countries, we asked ourselves if we were somehow supposed to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the masses through a show that contained fierce competition, greed, cursing and bad sportsmanship. We prayed for wisdom, guidance, and favor, left the rest to God and just had fun with it. When we would do a run, a crew of four would meet us before the pick-up and spend the next 7-14 days following us around with cameras, microphones and a production van. It was fun, but hard work and very long days. After a full day of shooting, we would find a place to get a hot meal. Inevitably, we would
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The Ambassador
all start talking, asking questions and getting to know each other. All I really know for sure is what I have personally experienced so that is the stuff I talked about. We began to notice that the large and noisy table would slowly get quiet and really tune in when Todd and I started talking about our daily struggles or our near divorce experience. I think up to that point they thought we were perfect, ha-ha! We just shared our lives with them, open and vulnerable, honest and sometimes ugly, but always true and always saved by Grace. It was the words of our testimony that the crew wanted to hear. They were hungry for something and although we were all eating, they were fed in a way only God can do. So it wasn’t the unseen masses that we were to reach through a tv reality show, although, on some level, I hope we did. it was the intimate and quiet moments behind the scenes, spent with the crew that God seem to powerfully use. Tamera is a former Roller Derby “Queen” who enjoys an unusual life in Christ while hauling freight with her husband, Todd. You can follow her journey at her Facebook page “Trucking is Glamorous”.
The Lord is my shepherd = RELATIONSHIP I shall not want = SUPPLY He makes me lie down in green pastures = REST He leads me beside quiet waters = REFRESHMENT He restores my soul = HEALING He guides me in paths of righteousness = GUIDANCE For His name’s sake = PURPOSE Even thought I walk through the valley of the shadow of death = TESTING I will fear no evil = PROTECTION For you are with me = FAITHFULNESS Your rod and your staff they comfort me = DISCIPLINE You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies = HOPE You annoint my head with oil= CONSECRATION My cup overflows = ABUNDANCE Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life = BLESSING And I will dwell in the house of the Lord= SECURITY Forever = ETERNITY
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
INSPIRATION Light Language
Divine Impregnation By April James
By Paula McBride
Men and women are becoming pregnant! Impregnated with the seed of God’s plan; initially there is excitement, an unexplainable joy and a growing anticipation. We ask and cry out “let it to be so”, not considering what the pregnancy, birth and nurturing of the plan will cost. How often do we, on our own accord, enthusiastically get involved with something to later exclaim “no one told me it would be like this or there would be a cost”? King David proclaimed he would not offer something to God that cost him nothing, 2 Samuel 24:24. Mary paid a price to carry the Christ child; her reputation and an ordinary life. The apostles all paid a price to carry out the birthing and nurturing of the church. Jesus paid the ultimate price. Many couples when wanting a child consider the financial costs, lifestyle change, need of a bigger home or car, but not the physical cost of discomfort or the pain and mess of the delivery, yet in the end consider it all to be worth it. All that has gone before to bring them to this moment pales in comparison as they hold their newborn child. I think God in his sovereignty and wisdom does not always let us know the cost until we become so desirous of His plan that nothing else matters, lest we be unwilling. Just as a woman needs proper nutrition, hydration and regular medical checkups so she and the baby will be healthy, so we to need to dine on the Bread of Life, drink of the Living Water and regularly counsel with the Great Physician, so we and what is growing inside us are healthy, that we will be strong enough for the travail of labor to bring it forth.
The second-grade boy, fifteen minutes late for school, was waiting just inside his classroom door when I arrived to pick him up for his tutoring session. As the substitute teacher, I was a stranger, but Alex followed compliantly. He shuffled slowly, head down, shoulders sagging. He fell farther behind as my determined strides marched ahead to the beat of the minutes of instructional time I was losing. There were plans to follow, detailed instructions from the academic intervention teacher. I could fuss at the child and hassle him about hurrying up, or perhaps speak light into what may have been a dark morning for the little guy. “Did you have breakfast, Alex?” He shook his head without looking up. If a student is late, he doesn’t get school breakfast. “I have some Triscuits in my bag. You can eat those while we do our work today,” I offered. “How does that sound?” Alex finally met my gaze with soulful brown eyes, and he munched Triscuits and drank water while we practiced alphabet letter names and sounds. I got most of the lesson covered, and at 8:45 Alex asked if he could walk back to his classroom by himself. I watched to make sure he was safe, and prayed that he would walk in light the rest of the day. It wasn’t long ago that this scene would be different. I would have acted harshly, judging instructional minutes above the needs of a child. Speaking light language doesn’t come naturally for me, as my family will readily tell you. Change has come slowly and is still in process as I learn more of the character of God and the power of the Holy Spirit to make me into His image.
It is a sad day when we let the dream, a calling or move of God die within us, or die afterward from a lack of proper nurturing; what heartache it brings us and the loss to those who will not experience what was to be. Luke 1 records Elizabeth saying to Mary, the mother of Jesus, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” Mary responds: “My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed. For He who is mighty has done great things for me, And holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him…” What seed has the Holy Spirit impregnated within each of us? What dream is developing in the womb of our spirit? Will we abort it or let it come to fruition, giving birth at the appointed time? Will we nurture, watch over and protect it so the adversary does not steal it? May we willingly say “Be it unto me according to Your will” - no matter the cost!
Here are a couple of strategies based on God’s Word that help me rein in my judgmental tongue. Remembering that salvation is a free gift, there are still things we do as God’s children. We make sure we are speaking from a clean heart. David prayed, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10 ESV). Paul wrote, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs (Ephesians 4:29). I can’t speak light language if I haven’t confessed bitterness, pride, scorn, self-righteousness, and the rest of the scum that pollutes my heart. We also learn to express new life within us by forming the mind of Christ, so another strategy is examining our words to see if they line up with what and how Christ would speak. Philippians 4:8 gives guidelines for speaking what is true and lovely. I especially like the idea of speaking words that are praiseworthy or of good report. That sure bursts the bubble of my critical spirit. The Bible puts much emphasis on words because in them is great power to hurt or heal. In our changing culture, it is more important than ever to speak wisely, kindly, and positively from a clean heart and the mind of Christ as we interact with the world. James said, “Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religions is worthless” (1:26). Let’s not be worthless. Next time we see a little boy or someone else who needs encouragement, let’s be speakers of “light language” and show our Savior to the world.
The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
CALENDAR CROSSROADS CLOTHES CLOSET Crossroads Community Church, YC Shop at our - FREE Clothes given away! Open Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm PRAYER VIGIL FOR LIFE! Yuba-Sutter Right to Life is hosting peaceful, prayerful vigils in front of the Yuba City Planned Parenthood. All you need to participate is one hour and the desire to pray for LIFE. Please contact Heather Pugh at 751-9349 for date and time if you are interested.
SUNDAY CELEBRATE RECOVERY Praise Chapel Church - Sunday 6:30 p.m. Join us for great worship and open share group. For more information call (530) 923-7204.
MONDAY KNIT & CROCHET WOMENS FELLOWSHIP First Baptist Church of Olivehurst 1777 - 8th Ave. - Mon 10 a.m. - Noon Practice your yarn craft or learn a new one with us. Knifty Knitters are welcome. Bring your own project or work on a charity item that we donate to those in need in the community. Email yarncraftersforchrist@hotmail.com for info. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Mondays 6:30p.m.-8:30p.m. We are a Christ-Centered recovery group that provides a safe place to share your struggles,experiences, victories, and hopes with others who are also going through to Christ Centered recovery. For more info call 530.755.4149. Follow us on Facebook @ Celebrate Recovery Crossroads Community Church FREE KARATE CLASSES First Baptist Church of Olivehurst Mon 5:30pm FREE karate classes taught from a Christian perspective. 743-1831 for info, Pastor Miguel.
Ongoing Events TUESDAY
ENCOUNTERING GOD 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Every Tuesday Morning Embassy of Heaven Campus 1179 Eager Rd., YC - (Hwy 99 @ Eager Rd.) 530-671-3160 - www.churchofgladtidings.com Our Tuesday morning meetings begin with a time of worship. Afterwards we rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us to minister to each other, encourage each other, and build our hunger and desire for the things of God. Childcare is provided.
FREE BIBLE COLLEGE CLASSES First Baptist Church of Olivehurst 1777 8th Ave., Olivehurst -Wed Mornings 10a.m. Starting in January 2015 you can earn an accredited bible college degree … all books are in public domain and you only need a tablet, computer or some type of electronic reader. We can print them out for a small charge. You will need a King James Bible to get started. fbco@comcast.net for more information. ENROLL TODAY!
SAMARITAN VILLAGE MONTHLY MEETING The 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30p.m. This meeting is open to all who are interested in helping with an orphanage in Tanzania. For info call Victor Savage at 671-2219.
AWANA Wed 5:45-7:45pm during school year Evangelical Free Church - 3785 Olive Hwy. Oroville For information please call 533-6866 Awana is a boys & girls club consisting of small group time, games, large group time.
CRAFTSMEN FOR CHRIST The Bride Church - 655 Colusa Hwy, YC Meets every Tuesday at 6:30p.m. Men’s fellowship around the word and worship. All in the Body of Christ welcome!
Join Us From Noon To 1 p.m. at the Bride Church the first Tuesday of Every Month for a Time of Encouragement, Fellowship & Prayer with the Christian Business Alliance All Are Welcome!!
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LIFE @ HOPE POINT Hope Point Nazarene 600 N. George Washington Blvd, YC Wednesday @ 6:30pm for kids, 7pm for adults Join us for Life@Hope Point - groups for Nursery through High School ages and classes for adults Parenting, How to Study your Bible, more so contact the church office at 671-1130 for more details. DIVORCE CARE Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30pm Embassy of Heaven Campus Church of Glad Tidings - Bldg 500 1179 Eager Road, YC (Hwy 99 @ Eager Rd) Info: Duane Russell 530.777.8543 Divorce Care is a divorce recovery support group where you can find help and healing from the hurt of separation or divorce. Weekly meetings provide you with an ongoing “support team” as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce. You’ll learn how to deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life.
TUESDAY SATURDAY BETHESDA HEALING WELL Saturday, June 18 at 10:00 AM Embassy of Heaven Campus - Bldg 200 1179 Eager Road, YC - Ed Han 209-298-6102 Gathering for a time of soaking in God’s presence and then spending time to receive focused prayer for healing. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Loma Rica Community Church- Moy Hall. Fri., 7pm. Call church office for more information 743-5435
multiple days of the week PRAYER Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Embassy of Heaven Campus Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road, Yuba City - 530-671-3160 “My house shall be called a house of prayer.” (Matt. 21:13). The church today in is an all out war against the evils of darkness. The body of Christ is called to step up and be aggressive in their prayer life. WOMENS CLOTHES CLOSET Twin Cities Rescue Mission Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 a.m. - Noon 940 14th Street, Marysville We now have a womens clothes closet at the mission! It is free and available to everyone. We accept donations Monday - Sunday of women’s men’s, and children’s clothing!
Do You Have An Event Coming Up? Advertise it in The Ambassador! Contact Seth Halpern at editor@ambassadornewspaper.com
Check Out The New Ambassador Calendar Of Events! Learn About Events For The Local Christian Community -- All In One Place! Visit www.ambassadornewspaper.com and click on the “Ambassador Calendar”
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Special Events
YARD SALE FOR “SPREAD THE LIGHT” PUPPET MINISTRY The Father’s House – 10720 Live Oak Blvd, Live Oak Saturday, June 4th 8:00 AM - Noon This annual large yard sale is one not to be missed. There are great bargains and something for just about everyone. This fundraiser allows the Puppet Ministry to not charge for performances. FAITH NIGHT @ THE GOLD SOX! Colusa Casino Stadium, Marysville Fri. June 17th gates open 5:30pm The Christian Business Alliance is hosting the 8th annual Faith Night at the Gold Sox. Come on out to the ballpark and root for the home team in the company of thousands for a night of praise, encouragement, fellowship and baseball! Former Miss America, Leanza Cornett will be sharing with us as well as performing a few songs. Enjoy live Christian music by a local worship band before the game. Tables will be set up for information on many local ministries. Free tickets will be available all over Yuba-Sutter, so grab some tickets, friends and family and enjoy a full night of Faith & Baseball!
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Grace Baptist Church 3646 Oro Dam Blvd. East Oroville, June 20th thru. 24th starts at 6pm. till 8:30pm. Kindergarten thru. sixth grades Come join us for fun in the truth-God’s Truth. We are going to be “Submerged” in Bibles stories. Our highlighted scripture is Psalms 139:23-24. Sunday the 26th is family day, where after church services there will be games, food, snow cones, for the whole family; OH YEAH, and a bounce house for the children that attended VBS. Come and join us for this fun event. Sunday School starts at 9:45am. Worship Services start at 10:45am VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Grace Baptist Church of Yuba City June 27 – July 1 Join us for an Ocean Commotion VBS This event is open to all kids in k-grade 6. Registration is open daily at 8:30 am or visit www.graceyc. org to download a registration form.
Want to have your activities and events bold and hightlighted in the Ambassador? Become a church partner and help support this ministry. Contact Seth at 530-933-1385 or editor@ ambassadornewspaper.com
Prayer Calendar for June 2016 1-Jun Marketplace Ministries-Opportunities to share at work 2-Jun Orphan children- Samaritan Village (see p. 3) and other orphanages 3-Jun Pray for our nation and the upcoming election 4-Jun A Woman’s Friend - Unborn children/Pregnant Women 5-Jun Local ministries (see p. 3) 6-Jun Marriages-Restoration and Strength 7-Jun Primary Election- Pray AND Vote! 8-Jun Adoptive families & birth moms 9-Jun Missionaries -Fruit, Provision 10-Jun Sex Trafficking - pray for victims 11-Jun Military, All armed forces & their families. 12-Jun The Ambassador Newspaper-Increased readership and Impact 13-Jun Teen Depression, Suicide 14-Jun Global Persecution-Safety/Courage of Believers 15-Jun Local officials and community leaders 16-Jun Middle East - For the peace of Jerusalem 17-Jun Faith Night at the Gold Sox- Pray for local unity in Christ 18-Jun Homeless/Poor - Twin Cities Rescue Mission, A Hand Up, Salvation Army, 19-Jun Fathers Day- Honor and pray for Godly fathers and Thank our Father in Heaven 20-Jun Unity in and among local churches 21-Jun Christian Businesses-Ambassador Sponsors & others. 22-Jun Children and Children’s Ministries 23-Jun Singles, Single Parents, Divorce healing 24-Jun Addicted, Rehab ministries- Feather River Mens Center, Joshua House, Celebrate Recovery 25-Jun First Responders-Police, Firefighters, EMT, TIP 26-Jun Local Pastors and their families 27-Jun Hollywood- May God to touch influential people 28-Jun Local Schools- pray for students, staff, and teachers 29-Jun ISIS/Terrorism- pray for wisdom & strong leadership to eradicade it 30-Jun Pray for the Unemployed and Underemployed
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The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Silas Two and a half year old Silas has been part of the Samaritan Village family since he was just six months old. He was found abandoned in a new settlement area outside Arusha, Tanzania in July, 2014. He was very ill and although the area where he was found had very few people living there, someone heard him crying and took him to the hospital. After treatment there for two weeks, and after the police had searched but found no relatives, he was brought to Samaritan Village. Today he is a happy and healthy little boy who enjoys playing with his other brothers and sisters!! Currently, Samaritan Village has five toddler boys, including little Silas, who call Samaritan Village home. He, along with his brothers, will continue to live in this loving home environment until he is either adopted by an eligible family or until
he is an adult and is able to support himself. Enabling him to achieve his full, God given potential and to know and love Jesus are the goals we seek as we support little Silas and the other children at Samaritan Village. As a supporter of Samaritan Village, you can be part of blessing him, one of “ he least of these”. God allows us to be His hands and feet, ministering to the needs of others. We strive to bless these little ones and in doing so, find ourselves truly blessed. A gift of $60.00 monthly will provide for little Silas’ care at Samaritan Village Orphanage. A monthly sponsorship for a child is $60.00, but any amount, either one time, monthly or even yearly is greatly appreciated. Please visit our website @ samaritanvillageorphanage.org or you may follow us on Facebook @ Samaritan Village Orphanage. We are an all volunteer Board and meet monthly along with interested friends of Samaritan Village. We are involved in activities throughout the year — all for the joy of helping care for the children. If you would like to find out more or be part of this exciting work, please call Joan @ 530-755-2588.
Samaritan Village Orphanage, Inc. P.O. Box 444 Yuba City, CA 95992 Tax ID#68-0214955 501c 3
I hear this word “whatever” a lot. My wife uses it on me whenever I say something ridiculous or poke fun at her. According to the Marist College annual poll “whatever” was the most annoying word or phrase used from 2009 to 2014. Six straight years! No surprise. Recently I reached a point of extreme frustration and anxiety due to a combination of things not going well (that sounds better than saying things not going “my” way). I found myself being overwhelmed because God did not respond to my needs the way I wanted him to. (There is so much more to this story, but for the sake of space I will jump to the key point.) I reached a breaking point and said “whatever” (whatever = grumbling and we know how God feels about that). I then CHOSE to step into the world of self pity. I have been on the verge of self pity many times before, but would resist the urge to go there. This time was different. I wanted to be upset and frankly felt like I was
justified. Stupid, I know! I was reminded that Oswald Chambers calls self pity a sin. Whatever! I was determined to wallow and wallow I did. Thank God for good Christian friends. In this case it was Seth Halpern. We spent about three hours together and through his prayers and counsel I recovered. But God wasn’t through with the lesson. I read an Oswald My Utmost for His Highest the day after my pity party and boy was it timely. Pay attention reader; He says, “There are certain things we must not pray aboutmoods for instance. Moods never go by praying, moods go by kicking.” Wow. Now please don’t discount the power of prayer, but also remember that sometimes we are guilty of asking God to do something when in fact it is actually in our own power to act. There you have it. Choose to trust God. Don’t give in to self pity. And when the devil attacks, just say “whatever.” Because his days are numbered and the victory is ours in Christ Jesus.
David Kugelman is the president of the Christian Business Alliance which meets each Tuesday at noon at various locations. Dave welcomes your questions or comments on this article at drkug@comcast.net
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The Ambassador
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Legislative Update from Assemblyman James Gallagher Last year in a setback for free speech and religious liberty, the Legislature passed Assembly Bill 775. AB 775 required our crisis pregnancy clinics, like A Woman’s Friend, to post a notice with information about public programs that provide services, including abortions. The bill was a response to a biased report from the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL) claiming that crisis pregnancy centers were providing misinformation to women. This group is strongly opposed to “crisis pregnancy centers” because these centers are generally pro-life and focused on services for women who wish to keep their baby. I opposed this bill because the author claimed that the legislation was simply about providing information for women, yet abortion clinics did not have to post a similar notice informing women of the services pregnancy resource centers offer. This year, in order to promote a more balanced approach, I introduced Assembly Bill 2775. This bill would have required facilities that offer abortion services to disseminate a notice to clients informing them of the services available at pregnancy resource centers. These services include counseling, pregnancy tests, sexually transmitted
disease or sexually transmitted infection (STD/STI) testing, ultrasound services, support groups, parenting programs, and material assistance. I have personally seen the positive impact crisis pregnancy centers have in the community. At the hearing for my bill, a courageous young woman names Shontay testified that when she found out she was pregnant she sought help at Planned Parenthood. However, after she told staff she did not want to have an abortion and wanted to keep her baby, she received little additional help. Homeless and pregnant, she didn’t know where to turn. Luckily, Shontay ran into Wynette Sills at a local McDonalds who connected her with a local pregnancy center that provided her with resources like prenatal vitamins, clothes, food, transportation, an ultrasound, as well as love and encouragement. They also connected her with other community resources to help her gain employment. Clearly, these clinics are a tremendous resource to pregnant women who need help and support. My legislation would have ensured that all women who want to keep their baby could have information about these valuable services available to them. Unfortunately, my bill failed on a party-line vote with Republicans in
James Gallagher support and Democrats in opposition. There is a silver lining though. This shows that AB 775 was about singling out our pro-life clinics, which should help the current lawsuit that is seeking to overturn the law. I will continue to challenge my colleagues to help both women and their unborn child. You can track the progress of my legislative proposals by visiting my website at www.asm.ca.gov/Gallagher. If you have any questions, or would like to express your opinion on pending legislation, please feel free to email me at Assemblymember.Gallagher@ assembly.ca.gov or call my Yuba City District Office at (530) 671-0303. It is an honor to serve you in the State Assembly.
Bible Quiz 1. Which person was afflicted with terrible trials but trusted God through it all? 2. Who was Israel’s most wellknown and well-loved king? 3. Who was “the weeping prophet?” 4. Who was thrown into the lion’s den? 5. Who were the two people in the famous fight with a stone and a sling? 6. What is the book of Acts about? 7. What are epistles? 8. On what occasion was the Holy Spirit given to the church? 9. Whom did God command to sacrifice his only son? 10. What was the Old Testament feast that celebrated God’s saving the firstborn of Israel the night they left Egypt?
Answers on page 18
Be Still, and know that I am God Psalms 46:10
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The Ambassador
The Christian Business Alliance would like to invite you to our midweek meeting. Rich Fellowship, Powerful Prayer, Refreshing Presence of God! We meet at the Bonanza Inn the first Tuesday of the month from noon – 1pm. Current members: A-1 Carpet Cleaning - (530) 673-3634 - www.a-1clean.com George Barlow - The Crave - (530) 790-0792 Kathy Baum - Operation Christmas Child - (916) 747-2212 Ron Brasier - A Hand Up Ministry - (530) 671-1360 Marty Brown - KCYC-LP FM - (530) 674-5296 Kathleen Caldwell - City of Live Oak - (530) 695-2112 Fred Cox - Richard's Tree Service - (530) 673-7993 LaDonna Curteman - Band Together for Christ - ladonna.curteman@gmail.com Chuck David Carol Dodds - A Woman’s Friend - (530) 741-9136 Stephen Elliot- Ad Lucem Tax Services - (530) 329-8685 Trey Fulton- Church Alive- churchaliveyc.org Dennis & Connie Gable - Operation Christmas Child - (530) 695-1495 Rita Galusha Steve & Cash Gilliss - Crosspointe Christian Books - (530) 673-6188 Pamela Givans John Guth - Guth & Changaris, A Prof Law Corp - (530) 674-9841 Seth Halpern - Ambassador Newspaper - editor@ambassadornewspaper.com Kurt Hilbers - Hilbers Inc - www.hilbersinc.com Arlene Hite - Bridges to Housing - (530) 755-3414 David Hobbs Painting - Cont. Lic#880562 (530)742-2428 David Holycross - Holycross Memorial - (530) 751-7000 Bill Jens - Yuba Sutter Healthy Marriage Project - (530) 671-6069 Al Jolley - Teen Challenge - (530) 300-0712 Cornell U. Kay - Integrity Chamber of Commerce - (916) 969-0205 Dave Kugelman - Proforma by Kug - (530) 742-2423 Bill & Sonja Lindholm- RVOC - (530) 329-8361 Clay Maynard - Consultant - (530) 790-6611 Jim McCarty - Trinity Living Systems - trinityls@yahoo.com Jerry Munz - JM Construction Co. - (530) 682-5316 Maria Paras Ernie Phelan - Intero Real Estate Svcs - (530)-790-7000 Ronda Putman Roger Shadd - Shadd Janitorial Supply - (530) 673-0083 George Shaw- Serving Our Saviour - (530) 671-3303 Robert Stark - Retired Auditor/Controller - stark@otnusa.com Dwayne Tanabe - Taylor Accountancy Corp - dktanabe@yahoo.com Jenine Tanabe - Jenine L. Tanabe, MD Dematology - (530) 743-0301
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The Ambassador
The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
“Life Matters” presented by Y-S Right to Life Hillary Clinton Blasts Donald Trump’s Supreme Court List: I Want Judges Who Love Abortion By Steven Ertelt, LifeNews.com Abortion activist Hillary Clinton blasted Donald Trump’s list of potential Supreme Court picks saying the list if a bad one because it includes judges who oppose abortion. Hillary’s campaign released a list of reasons to condemn the possible selections and abortion was the number one reason given. Clinton’s campaign said she wants judges who will uphold Roe v. Wade — which allowed virtually unlimited abortions: “Three months after the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Senate Republicans are still refusing to fulfill their constitutional responsibility to give President Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland, a fair confirmation hearing,” it said. “If our president is Donald Trump, we just got a crystal-clear picture of who he’d pick to replace a Supreme Court justice: He just released a list of 11 judges he would considering nominating—including a judge who upheld a law requiring doctors to use scare tactics to impede reproductive rights…” “If that’s not terrifying enough,
consider this: With three current justices nearing or older than 80 years—past the court’s average retirement age— the next president will likely have the opportunity to nominate several justices to the Supreme Court. And in doing so, she or he could have the power to transform the court, and American law, for generations to come,” Clinton’s campaign added. When it comes to abortion, for prolife voters there is no more important issue in the presidential election than who will control the appointment process for one or more Supreme Court judges who will determine the fate of abortion for decades. And on that point, earlier this month, Trump said he would appoint pro-life-friendly judges to the Supreme Court. The list of potential nominees for the seat of pro-life Supreme Court Justice Antnoin Saclia that Trump would consider include Steven Colloton of Iowa, Allison Eid of Colorado and Raymond Gruender of Missouri. Also on the list are: Thomas Hardiman of Pennsylvania, Raymond Kethledge of Michigan, Joan Larsen of Michigan, Thomas Lee of Utah, William Pryor of Alabama, David Stras of Minnesota,
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Diane Sykes of Wisconsin and Don Willett of Texas. “This list was compiled, first and foremost, based on constitutional principles, with input from highly respected conservatives and Republican party leadership,” Trump’s campaign said. In a statement, Trump said: “Justice Scalia was a remarkable person and a brilliant Supreme Court Justice. His career was defined by his reverence for the Constitution and his legacy of
protecting Americans’ most cherished freedoms. He was a Justice who did not believe in legislating from the bench and he is a person whom I held in the highest regard and will always greatly respect his intelligence and conviction to uphold the Constitution of our country. The following list of potential Supreme Court justices is representative of the kind of constitutional principles I value and, as President, I plan to use this list as a guide to nominate our next United States Supreme Court Justices.”
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive them their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Advice for Keyboard Crusaders By Chris Thomas On occasion, I am asked for advice on a variety of situations in life or ministry scenarios. Recently, I was asked to comment on how someone should respond when they hear (or read) something they disagree with. Now this conversation ended up ranging a fair bit, and a number of different scenarios were put forward to see if there really was a ‘one size fits all’ response—which I’m transparent enough to admit—there isn’t. Without rehashing every rabbit-hole we explored in that interaction, here is the gist of my response. My general advice to those of us who hear or read something which we have a different opinion on, is this: “Clamp your mouth. Bite your tongue. Unplug the keyboard. Do whatever it takes to refrain from commenting.” Now, I don’t mean by this that we should never comment, or that there isn’t a place for robust dialogue. There is a proper way to engage in healthy, and proper, defense of truth. Yet both my personal experience and anecdotal observations, tell me that the vast majority of ‘robust dialogue’ or ‘authentic conversation’ is a poor
front for what the Bible calls ‘meddling in controversies’. And while we as Christians are usually a little more reserved in this area when it comes to face-to-face environments, put us in front of a screen on our favorite social media platform, and our inner ‘Keyboard Crusader’ comes roaring to life. Here’s a truth I, and maybe you, need to revisit more often than we currently do: 2 Timothy 2:23-26 (ESV)—Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will. Note that Paul’s instruction to Timothy begins here with “have nothing to do with...”—which should act to inform our default position on engaging with comments and discussions in general.
However, Paul concedes that there are legitimate times when discussion and dialogue should take place—but how they take place is of great importance. If you want to find a great example of kindness, patient endurance, or gentle correction, may I suggest you go looking elsewhere apart from your Twitter/Facebook Feed, or the Comments section on your favorite blog. Some of the more vile and vicious interactions I’ve ever read have been between those who profess to know the kindness of our Savior or His patient and gentle correction in their own lives. Too often, what motivates my desire to comment is my desire to be right, not a desire to see repentance and restoration. To close, I’d like to offer some practical advice: Don’t respond—at all. Don’t engage one bit. This should be your default position. If you must respond, do so at a later date. Leave a good amount of time to carefully consider both the original claims, and how you should carefully craft your response.
Seek counsel. Give your comment to a trusted advisor and ask for their prayer-fueled feedback. Critique your own motivation. Though our hearts are devilishly deceitful, seek to assess your posture in the interaction. Are you motivated by a desire to see this person growing in truth and grace? Are your mannerisms, voice, and tone, characteristic of someone who displays the Fruit of the Spirit? What do you hope to gain from this interaction? Don’t feed the trolls—your hand will be inevitably bitten, and it leaves a rancid smell in the air that is unpleasant to everybody else. Chris Thomas serves as the Teaching Pastor of Raymond Terrace Community Church in the Hunter Valley of NSW, Australia. Chris’s desire is to see the church captivated by the glory of God and equipped for all that God has planned to accomplish through her. Chris met his wife of 16 years while on short term mission, and is now the proud father to three boys and a girl. Having been raised in far North Queensland, it is not uncommon to see Chris sitting bare-foot around a camp fire with a hot cup of coffee in his hand. http://ftc.co/resource-library/blogentries/advice-for-keyboard-crusaders
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RESOURCES By Thom S. Rainer “Pastor, I have a rat in my house. Please come get it!” It’s a true story. I was the pastor. And I was over 30 minutes away from the senior adult who made the “request.” I tried to call several other church members on the phone to get them to help. I could find no one. Strange. I chased a rat in the senior adult’s home for over an hour. I love pastors and church staff. I love hearing their stories. And, on occasion, I like to provide a bit of levity. Such has been my theme this week. Today, I let these pastors and church staff persons speak for themselves. I made minor modifications to a few so the story does not inadvertently reveal the church members. I don’t want the
pastor to get fired. No comments on my part are necessary. 1. “A church member asked, during the Lord’s Supper, if we could have a prayer for her dog that had died earlier in the week.” 2. “A church member called, telling me her neighbors sheep were out in the road. Of course, I was supposed to help since I was her shepherd.” 3. “I officiated a funeral where the family did the wave and hit beach balls during the service.” 4. “A lady called me to let me know her son-in-law wasn’t praying long enough before his bed time. She felt I needed to counsel him.” 5. “A church member was a funeral home director. He called me frequently to help him pick up just-deceased bodies.”
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
6. “A church member called to request I euthanize an injured rabbit.” 7. “I was asked by a church member to bury a dog.” 8. “I got a call from a church member asking me to inform a lady she has grandkids she didn’t know about.” 9. “I was asked to baptize a body at a funeral.” 10. “A lady brought a chirping bird into a worship service and asked me to ignore it.” 11. “I was visiting a member of our church in the hospital. He insisted I hold his kidney stone. I was young, so I did.” 12. “A church member asked me to do a funeral for his horse.” 13. “A deacon, after checking on a clogged toilet in the men’s room, told the pastor, ‘You need to go to the men’s
room with me. You’ve got to see this!’” 14. “A church member asked me to put her mother’s funeral on my calendar. She wasn’t dead.” 15. “I was asked to wear a crushed velvet hat for a wedding.” 16. “A church member asked me to do an imitation of a character from The Princess Bride during the wedding ceremony.” I have no doubt these stories are true. I’ve had many weird requests made of me as well. Originally posted at thomrainer.com. Dr. Thom Rainer is president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Read more at http://www.christianpost. com/news/strange-funny-thingspastors-have-been-asked-to-do163598/#I2XBKi2gzH5m7rqx.99
Continued From Page 1 - Why Christians Don’t Need Religious Liberty Laws we will or won’t do. We have a higher law governing our behavior, from Christ himself through his Spirit as written by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:11— “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” This simple sentence, in its context, is most clearly referring to the overall life of ungodliness these people participated in before becoming Christians (cf. 4:17-24). It certainly is not limited to participation in the homosexual lifestyle, since sexual immorality in general has already been mentioned, along with stealing, slander, and covetousness (4:28, 31; 5:3-5). But even though homosexuality should not be isolated as the primary focus of this text, neither should it be ruled out as a legitimate application. So Christians are commanded in Scripture to “take no part” in any sort of “work of darkness,” including any form of participation in
The Ambassador
the homosexual lifestyle. Going even further, Paul makes it clear that he was not merely commanding Christians to avoid committing these sins themselves. We are also “to expose them.” By this Paul surely means we are to shine the light of truth on them, exposing them as evil. Christians fail to do this when they quietly participate in order to avoid drawing attention to themselves or offending others. They obey when they gently but firmly refuse to take part— any part—in such activities, especially when their participation aids in the beautification or celebration of what God sees as unholy and impure. By politely but firmly refusing to take part, the Christian says, “No, I cannot and will not take part because that is evil.” In this way the light of truth is made to shine brightly, exposing the works of darkness for what they really are.
Again, if there are laws to protect you from legal repercussions when you shine the light of truth in this way, then praise the Lord for providing them. He does that sometimes, in various ways and in various places, even using corrupt human governments as His instrument in doing so. But when and where He doesn’t, given the command from Christ to “take no part . . . but instead expose,” you have the liberty to conduct your life—your business—with a clear conscience, in full and uncompromising obedience. Will you suffer for standing firm? Probably. But this is nothing new for Christians. Many throughout history have had to endure the wrath of society and government in order to honor Christ their Lord. There was no religious liberty law to protect Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the fiery furnace
when they refused to worship Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image. There was no religious liberty law to protect Daniel from the lions when Darius decreed that praying to anyone but him was unlawful. There was no religious liberty law to protect Peter and John from a beating when they were ordered to stop preaching in the name of Jesus. Yet in all these cases—and there are many other examples—the believers knew they were free from these corrupt decrees because of a higher authority. We should all be prepared to declare, as Peter and John did in their confrontation with corrupt authority, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge” (Acts 4:19). Later, after being beaten, “they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name [of Christ]” (Acts 5:41).
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
March On ••• Healthy Churches ••• By Ryan Dozier Contemporary churches often specialize in either expository preaching, heartfelt worship or community service. This tends to attract specific people to churches that pique their interests. Churches are treated much like college universities where people can select their major field of study to the neglect of other fields. The results are stark. The churches operate under an imbalanced ministry. Only the mind, heart or hand is developed. Hence an emphasis is placed on knowledge, experience or morality. Polarization ensues toward intellectualism, emotionalism or moralism. The potential bitter fruits of such imbalances are rationalism, irrationalism or legalism. The beauty of the gospel is overlooked.
Imbalances diminish the gospel but with God’s sovereign grace in the gospel, stability can be attained. Jesus came to rescues us from our sins of pride, fear, and insecurity. He died on the cross, resurrected on third day, to pay the penalty for sins. So in him is our knowledge, motivation and efforts. In him we find all that we need to balance our affections, goals and works. The priority to love God first reverses the adverse effects of such imbalances. Exegetical preaching, worship and service are understood as interdependent. Each reinforces the other. The proper order should be biblical theology births doxology and evidences good works. Please take the time to pray for the local pastors and churches in our area to thrive with balanced ministries to reach the world with the gospel.
The Ambassador Ministry
would like to thank the following people for their Individual Sponsorship
Kathy Baum Jim McCarty Bob Gilbert Marty Brown John Nicholls Rich & Joan Hackney Carrie Pederson Warren & Lucy Campbell Tom Harris Wendell Prine LaDonna Curteman Allen Halpern Mimi Robarge Chuck David April James Jeff Royce Christine Emerson Sandi Juri George & Cherie Shaw Rita Galusha Sue Kochi Clay Maynard
God Bless Each Of You For Your Support Of This Ministry And Our Community •••
If you would be interested in supporting The Ambassador as an Individual Sponsor ($20/month) please contact Seth Halpern at: editor@ambassadornewspaper.com or call 530-933-1385 or visit us online at www.ambassadornewspaper.com
Finding Freedom in God’s Perfect Peace If you would like to experience the peace and transformed life that God can provide through Jesus Christ and you are willing to commit your life to the only one who can truly set you free from your sin, you can pray to the Lord right now and ask Him to forgive you of your sins. Because of what His Son, Jesus, did by dying on the cross, your sins will not be held against you by God anymore. You can experience freedom for the rest of your life on earth and then have a life in Heaven with God for eternity. God’s part of the deal is already done. Your part is to confess your sins, repent (or change your ways) and believe that He is Lord. If your life is out of control, let Him take over control. For help, questions, or more information, contact us at The Ambassador or any of the churches listed on page 3.
The Ambassador
EDITORIAL The American Church—Out of Gas? By David Hobbs I went to the community prayer at the fountain in Yuba City for the National Day of Prayer on May 5th. I almost didn’t go because it kept sprinkling rain. I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit and went anyway. At first I thought I might be the only one there, but then Katrina arrived. Soon we had a small contingent and decided to start praying. The rain stopped. The fountain, roaring like a waterfall, suddenly stopped as well and the way was clear to pray. We prayed for an hour together, one at a time as the Spirit led. Wanting to be a good reporter, I opened my eyes and looked around. I counted 18 of us, but what struck me most was the composition of the crowd. The traditional American church had virtually disappeared: only one person out of the 18 could be considered a parishioner. Who were the others? Many were missionaries, some whom God had sent here from around the world to work in our vineyard. But the single biggest contingent was with our brother Venicimo, the Hispanic pastor. He brought 7 from his congregation, praying fiery prayers. (He was the one who fathered that
Christ in Unity event in the river bottoms 2 years ago.) Prayers were offered in Spanish, Punjabi, and a Filipino dialect as well as English. It would have been a great example of the church working together in all its diversity except for one thing: Where were the local churches? Instead of the others supplementing their participation, they had replaced it! Is that why God has had to send leaders from around the world to our area, because His people here have run out of gas? In 2 Tim. 2:4. Paul says that a soldier on active duty is not to get “entangled in matters of everyday life [NET Bible].” Do most Christians even consider themselves soldiers on active duty anymore? And doesn’t that verse describe what most were doing during that hour of prayer on the wall as we were battling for the soul of our country? It was a bittersweet hour. When it was over, the prayers ceased and suddenly the fountain started up again! How did God feel about it? It reminded me of a story in Isa. 22:1-14, where the people of God were under serious attack from their enemies. But instead
Continue on page 18
The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
--WRONG THINKING ON WRONG THINKING By Jon Skillman How dare the state of North Carolina pass a law requiring men to use the men’s room and women to use the women’s. Oh the bigotry, oh the discrimination, oh the humanity! Well, if that’s the way North Carolina wants to play the game, I’ve got half a mind to take my porta-potty and go home! Actually, it takes half a mind to think this way. Take the half minded CEOs who are threatening not to expand or, do business in North Carolina if they can’t “go” where ever they want. Then there are the half minded NBA execs and players who threaten to pull events from North Carolina if they can’t shower with the cheerleaders. And then, there’s the “Boss”… Bruce Springsteen, who cancelled his scheduled North Carolina concert because…ah because ...oh yeah, “to show solidarity with the freedom fighters”. Freedom fighter? Really?
I agree with North Carolina governor, Pat McCrory when he asks, “Why are we even having this conversation?” Why is the privacy of .03 percent (the estimated transgender population per a Williams Institute report) more important than the privacy of the other 99.97 percent? Well, it could be we’ve gone stark raving mad. Or, it could be our quest not to offend anyone at any cost has blinded us to reason. Now, our Big Brother and Big Bully, The U.S. Department of Justice is threatening to cut off North Carolina’s allowance if the state doesn’t cease and desist its discrimination against… who? Men? Women? That’s all we’ve got folks! Gender is set by God… “male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:2) our gender is not determined by what we think or how we may feel.
Continue on page 18
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Old School Values Have Their Place In The 21st Century
The senior population is one of the fastest growing populations in society today. These Baby Boomers (52-70 years of age) are a valued asset that we must continue to integrate into today’s modern lifestyle for many reasons. The economic burden of caring for the aging senior population will hit a peak in 2030, when the number of aging Baby Boomers will grow to twice what it is today for ages 66-84, representing 61 million people. And, those born prior to 1946 will number 9 million in 2030.To meet the long term care needs of this growing population, we must turn our attention to the financial and social service systems and how they will be burdened by this dynamic growth unless changes are in place. We need to take advantage of advances in medicine, a healthy “active +” population that will age and wish to continue to stay active as they age, and we need to change the way society organizes community services to that we have a different cultural view of aging--integrating the “Old School” values of our older population into a somewhat fractured, disconnected
society of present day. I am often accused of being “old school.” I don’t apologize for it because the values I have been instilled with are a result of being proudly “old school.” These values include purchasing property, becoming a business owner, living debt free, owning a home, having investments and making a commitment to support family. While society today is more efficient, it’s also responsible for fracturing families and communities who don’t understand technology and are unable to use it as a communication tool. Somehow, we need to bridge that gap so that whether you are a millennial or a senior, you have the ability to find your place in society, teach others the good lessons you have learned and be respectful of everyone around you who contributes to your world. Most people in that “old school” age group will nod their heads in agreement that they are all proud of these same “old school” values and need to pass them along. As a pastor, I see many seniors experiencing challenges in their golden years that causes them to be vulnerable, insecure and unsafe. If society is to value this old school senior population, we must ensure that they are cared for and provided with the resources and services they need. It breaks my heart
to see the broken relationships between children and their aging parents. I’ve always had a special affinity for children and seniors because both are so vulnerable and often dependent upon each other. This is where the church can play an even greater role in response to this epidemic. At St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, our vision is to support the senior population by building quality, affordable senior housing to provide independent living for healthy active seniors. The senior housing community will provide recreational and social opportunities as well as a low maintenance lifestyle to enable seniors to enjoy their golden years. And, it will provide for some great “old school” resources that can teach our church and community youth about the important old school values that build strong communities and responsible, purpose-driven citizens. While this is a bold vision for a church congregation, its an important goal that starts with embracing the values of our seniors
Dr. Ephraim Williams and sharing those values with our youth of today. Please join us in bringing old school values to life in our region. Dr. Ephraim Williams is the Senior Pastor of St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, located at 3996 14th Avenue in Sacramento, www.stpaulsac.org. Dr. Williams is celebrating 45 years of service as the most senior pastor in the Sacramento community within one of the region’s largest African American churches.
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The Ambassador
EDITORIAL Continued From Page 16 - The American... of heeding God’s call to repentance, they went into “party-mode,” figuring they might as well eat up their party supplies and die fat and happy! This combination of lack of faith in God’s deliverance, shirking all responsibility for their pitiable state, refusal to obey His voice, and spirit of gluttony so infuriated the Lord that He declared them reprobate
with no further hope of salvation (vs. 14). Unduly harsh? Perhaps. But you’ve got to admit that the church, in spite of the tremendous spiritual declension of the last 50 years, steadfastly refuses to admit that we are in crisis. Pass the chips and turn on the ball game!
CONTINUED From Page 16 - Wrong Thinking... Hey, I might think I’m the Queen of Sheba and all shall bow before me… but that doesn’t make it so. But isn’t that in effect, what the transgender movement is saying? I think therefore I am, and you must bow to what I think. God does not make mistakes. The issue isn’t physical it is a matter of wrong thinking. This idea that we have the ability to create our own gender by what we think is ludicrous at best. The real reason we are having this insane conversation is progressive love. Progressives love wrong thinkers by ignoring they have a problem…you know…“There is no absolute truth.” Then they redefine the issue by removing any wording that might be construed as
negative or offensive…in this case dropping the word “disorder” from gender identity. Then they pass laws to legitimize the illegitimate. This is so compassionate progressives can’t help but hug themselves. But is it really? By making wrong thinking appear right, the wrong thinker can be led down a path of hormone therapy, mutilation, remorse and one of the highest suicide rates in the nation. This isn’t love…it’s ignorance. If you truly love someone you tell them “This is wrong thinking…you need help…then you get them help.” That’s Christian love!
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
FAITH NIGHT On Fri June 17th, the Christian Business Alliance will be hosting the 9th annual Faith Night @ The Gold Sox. In the past, we (I’ve been honored to be a board member of the CBA for several years) have brought in keynote speakers that included MLB greats Dave Dravecky and Al Oliver. This year, we present our first female keynote speaker, Leanza Cornett. Leanza is a former Miss America, reporter on Entertainment Tonight and versatile singer. We’re excited to hear her testimony and her songs. But Faith Night is much more than bringing in a famous speaker. It’s about bringing the Christian community together for an evening of faith, fun, and of course, baseball! While there are many season ticket holders who come to root on their Gold Sox, the masses have historically come out to celebrate a gathering that gives glory to Jesus Christ! As in past years, there will be pre-game Christian music and many tables set up to offer information on local ministries. It is a time when we put aside our denominations and come together to fellowship with friends
Seth Halpern - Editor
and family, hear a message of truth and grace and bask in the unity of Christ followers. We also pray that many who would not attend a church service would feel less threatened to come to a ball game and hear the truth of the gospel. If that’s not enough, the fact that free tickets abound all around our community make it a budget-friendly as well as family-friendly evening. Free general admission tickets may be upgraded to better seats at the ball park. So, pick up some tickets from your church or a local store, pack up the kids, and head to the ball park to cheer on the home team and to celebrate God’s goodness to us all!
The Ambassador accepts opinions and editorials (op-ed’s) as long as they are well-written and less than 450 words. Op-ed’s will be published purely at the discretion of the editor. If you would like to submit your op-ed, please email it (written in MS Word) to editor@ambassadornewspaper.com. The deadline for submission is the 15th of the month for the next issue.
The Ambassador 1040 Lincoln Rd., Suite A, #124 • Yuba City, CA 95991 (530) 933-1385 • editor@ambassadornewspaper.com
Continued From Page 9...Bible Trivia
Have you ever wanted to read the latest issue but couldn’t find a copy? Would you like to receive The Ambassador at your home or office each month? Don’t worry about picking up your copy of the new issue at church or local businesses. We’ll send it to you promptly as soon as it comes out. Sign up for the Ambassador Subscription.
Bible Trivia Answers: 1. Job. (See book of Job) 2. David. (1 Chronicles 29:28) 3. Jeremiah. 4. Daniel. (Daniel 6) 5. David and Goliath. (1 Samuel 17) 6. The early years of the church, as the
The Ambassador
gospel begins to spread throughout the world. 7. Letters. 8. Pentecost. (Acts 2:1-4) 9. Abraham. (Genesis 22:2) 10. Passover. (Exodus 12:27)
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
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"MarketPlace ads should not be considered as an endorsement of The Ambassador as to the spiritual commitment of the advertiser. The Ambassador does not and cannot "monitor" spiritual commtiment of its advertisers."
Call (530) 933-1385 or email: editor@ ambassadornewspaper.com
The Ambassador
Hey Mom and Dad!!! What will your kids do THIS Summer???
We would like to thank the following businesses and individuals for their incredible outpouring of volunteer hours, donated materials, at-cost materials, and donated labor in the planning, renovation and construction of our new building at 961 Live Oak Blvd in Yuba City.
Ted Holmes, Holmes Incorporated Randy Law, Randy Law Construction
Erik Jens, Square One Design and Drafting Randy Underhill, Synthesis Partners, Inc. David Bird Glen Barrett Bob Copenhaver Travis Dodds Caleb Farrar
Alberto Gonzalez Julianna Gonzalez Linda Gonzalez Aryana Guitron Adam Higgins
Gary Bennett Victor Brooks Bob Farley Jon Law, Law’s Painting Cesar Mendoza, Cesar Mendoza Electric Fred Leonard Lloyd Lewis Jonathan Moore Mark Moore Robert Moore
Brian Taylor, Taylor Air Systems Kerry Wilson, Kerry Wilson Floors Dwight Worswick Buttes Pipe and Supply Lowe’s Home Improvement
Brandon Prince Angel Reynoso Art Rice Roscoe Rigsby Rich Sanchez
Please join us Saturday June 4th at 11:00 a.m. at 961 Live Oak Blvd. for a
Grand Opening and Prayer Walk
Call us at (530)741-9136 for more information, or email info@awomansfriend.org
John Terry Andrew Tinajero Bonnie Thomas Anthony Vazquez