The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
LIFE MATTERS presented by Yuba-Sutter Right To Life “40 Days For Life Fall Campaign” We all know that Planned Parenthood (PP) does far more than plan families for the young unmarried female she can get her Birth Control Pills and then have sex with her boyfriend free of the worry of pregnancy. That is, if she takes them carefully at the same time each day. Most of the time, she is doing this without her parents’ knowledge, and she could be as young as 12 or 13. If not taken correctly, she just might end up pregnant. Not to worry – Planned Parenthood can take care of that. They can arrange to get her an abortion, by either giving her the RU 486 pill or send her to Sacramento PP for a surgical abortion – all without the consent or knowledge of her parents. The RU 486 pill is given in 2 doses. The first pill she takes before leaving PP. This pill cuts off the nutrition to the baby. The second pill taken at home puts her into labor. Often with much pain and blood loss, she aborts her dead baby. This is our tax dollars at work here. Too bad if we are morally against this act. In California, our tax dollars support PP. This gets to my second bit of information from Planned Parenthoods very own 2019/2020 annual report.
The leading abortion provider reports that while abortions are up, legitimate healthcare is down. According to their report the number of abortions performed increased by almost 10,000 from the 354,871 in the previous year while adoption referrals decreased 38% And the abortion chain has made lots of money. Their net assets were $2,040,500,000. Yes, that is 2 billion! $55.4 Million dollars of which was spent to influence public policy. 38% of their total revenue came from the taxpayer in the sum of $618.1 Million. Planned Parenthood also calls for defunding the police and redirecting funds according to their report for “community -based solutions, health care and education.” But mostly sex education. Planned Parenthood affiliates indoctrinate many of our children with perverse sex education programs. This information introduces the idea that having sex at their age is no big deal if it is safe
sex preventing pregnancy by using condoms or other types of birth control. I encourage you to go to this website and click on the “consent video”. Explore PP’s Sex education and see if this is what you want your children to learn. It is like putting the Wolf in the hen house. https://www.plannedparenthoodaction. org/issues/sex-education/how-plannedparenthood-teachessex-education Lastly, reports are out that PP facilities in 31 states also have a new service, providing hormones to simulate a “sex change” for clients suffering from gender dysphoria. Now PP has new life added to their business – which will keep them around for more destruction. (Not sure if Yuba City has this service yet) If this news doesn’t shock you…. Then what will? Don’t you understand, PP is not ONLY killing babies, but they are also ruining our children and turning them away
from Godly morality. PP “educates” and then kids experiment. Those that believe they should wait until married have so much pressure on them. We need to shut down this evil business! Please, won’t you get involved and come pray to end abortion? The next 40 Days for Life begins September 22 and goes to October 31st. We peacefully hold signs and pray in front of PP at 430 Palora Avenue, Yuba City. We pray for those going in and we pray for the workers inside that they will realize what they are doing and seek another job. And we offer resources that can help them do that. 40 Days is a positive ministry. We help women find help in Yuba City at businesses that do not perform abortions. We encourage young women to re-think their decisions. And of course, we call upon A Woman’s Friend. They are a wonderful support for these women. Believe me, PP is making a killing off our children. No pun intended. May God help us! This article was extracted by Maureen Guth from the 40 Days for Life magazine: Day 41 Summer publication.
David A. Shaw and Susan P. Growney. Securities offered through HD Vest Investment ServicesSM, Member: SIPC, Advisory services are offered through H.D. Vest Advisory ServicesSM, 6333 North State Highway 161, Fourth Floor, Irving, Texas 75038, (972) 870-6000. Shaw & Associates is not a registered broker/dealer or registered investment advisory firm. Official voting results based on Appeal-Democrat online public survey conducted in July, 2018.
The Ambassador