April 2013
June 2012
By Meredith Curry
ex trafficking of women and children is happening right here in our YubaSutter community. Women are being sold from vans in our farm fields. Elementary and junior high girls are sold by family members for drugs. High school girls are sold by boyfriends. These are anecdotes heard during interviews with law enforcement and providers of victim care in our community. And there was the January 31st Appeal Democrat article “Brothel Network in Yuba City,” describing a Central Valley human trafficking ring that moved vulnerable women from location to location, selling them for sex. One of these locations was on Garden Highway right here in Yuba City. When I taught elementary students in this community, one student’s social worker called before school one morning to tell me the student would be absent from school that day. The night before, her mother had left her as drug
“We live in a community with a long history of sexual exploitation” payment in a man’s apartment. She was at the hospital. This little girl was seven years old.
We live in a community with a long history of sexual exploitation. It is well documented that at least as far back as the Gold Rush, women and children were sold for sex. Chinese women and girls were kidnapped and brought or lured to our community where they were brutally treated and sold for sex. Other women were kidnapped or lured into prostitution. Even into the 1970’s, stories abound about prostitution on Marysville’s D Street. Our community has allowed this evil to continue. For over 160 years, we have turned a blind eye to sexual exploitation of women and children. Have we considered that modern day slavery exists right here in our hometown? Fellow Christ followers, fellow community members, it is time to repent for the sins of our community, to bring
light into darkness, and to participate with God in his work of reconciliation and restoration. Churches, will we unite to bring hope and healing where there is none now? The prophet Micah called the Israelites to repentance with these words: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God,” (Micah 6:8). Let us hear these words today as our call to repentance and to action. Our response to this call is Restoration Railroad, a network of community members who offer themselves as resources to meet the aftercare needs of survivors of exploitation right here in Yuba-Sutter. To launch this effort, we offer “Not On My Watch 2013: A Yuba-Sutter Human Trafficking Symposium”. This community-wide meeting will educate us about human trafficking, what it looks like in Yuba-Sutter, and how others are
Vital Facts on Human Trafficking
Religious Liberty in Peril....? P. 13
Hijacked K-12 P. 8 Niceclara is a Child Who Needs Help p. 16
Ambassador Prayer Calendar p. 15
Page 7 responding to meet the needs of survivors of exploitation. You will have the oppor-
Cont. on page 4
The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties WWW.AMBASSADORNEWSPAPER.COM
Ministry Partners - The generous support of our Ministry Partners and Business Sponsors allows The Ambassador to be distributed each month 1210 Stabler Lane Yuba City CA 95993 (530) 673-2947 hilbersinc.com
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Straw Hat Pizza
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
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Providing and tobacco/drug free environment for men. A place to sleep, shower and a meal. Hear the word of God every night, Daily bible studies. Noon Prayer Service Mon-Fri
Samaritan Village Orphanage Tanzania, Africa You CAN help save the lives of children in Tanzania!
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Call Tara (530-329-6619) or see page 16 to learn how
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398 Aylor Avenue Yuba City
Sun. 10am, Wed. 7pm Pastor Chris Madsen
Please Consider Volunteering and Supporting These Local Ministries P
Agape Lighthouse Community Church 2106 Pepper Street, Sutter
Pastor BJ Wilson 530-237-6351
WORD OF LIFE CHURCH 1229 Buchanan Street, Marysville
Sun. 10am &5pm & Wed. 6:30pm Pastor Stan Reynolds
The Bride Church
655 Colusa Hwy, YC 530-751-0505 thebridechurch.org Sun. 10am Craftsmen for Christ, Tue. 6:30
Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road, Yuba City
Saturday 7pm - Sunday 10:00am Wednesday 7pm
Every Friday Night at 7:00pm Addictions Help Line: 866-REFORMU
Faith Based Addictions Recovery Program: * 91% Success Rate * Local Support Group * Complete Curriculum * Motivational Awards * Well Trained Staff * Free Personal Counseling * Local Church Support * Stories of Victory * Residential Treatment Centers 2787 North Beale Road, Marysville (530)742-2495
Crossroads Community Church 445 B Street, Yuba City
530-751-9168 crossroadsyubacity.org
THE AMBASSADOR The Ambassador is a free, monthly publication promoting unity and revival among the local Yuba-Sutter area Bible-believing churches. The Ambassador has a circulation of 6,000 and is distributed in local churches and businesses in the community. The purpose of The Ambassador is to pursue the great commission of Christ by making disciples and to encourage, inform, challenge and connect the local body of Christ. We believe in the inspiration and authority of the Bible as the written word of God. We believe that God exists as One, in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that the atoning work of Christ (His death) on the cross and His resurrection is the ONLY means of salvation and the only way to Eternal Life in Heaven. We welcome editorial content from anyone wishing to promote the mission of The Ambassador. All articles and advertisement content is subject to the approval of the editor. Views expressed in The Ambassador do not necessarily reflect those of our sponsors or advertisers
Editor/Publisher - Seth Halpern
Advisory - Dave Kugelman
Design - James Halpern
The Ambassador
INSPIRATION Trafficking continued from cover tunity to consider how you can respond. We need doctors, dentists, attorneys, counselors, educators, mentors, community leaders, and concerned citizens willing to offer their expertise, knowledge, skills, time and selves to comprehensively meet these needs. We have a panel of speakers from the FBI, Yuba County District Attorney’s Office, Casa de Esperanza, Grace Network, Courage Worldwide, and others. The evening will include presentations as well as a question and answer panel. William Wilberforce, who tirelessly championed for the abolition of slavery in the British Empire said, “You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.” Now you know. Which way will you choose to look? Will you look toward God and be His light in this darkness, bringing His Truth, hope, and restoration for our community, for our women, for our children, for our families? Will you “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute”? Will you “Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy?”
The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
“Keeping the Faith” Get Out!!! By Ronnie McBrayer Churches are peculiar places. I’ve had the opportunity to serve a few of them. And here is one of the many things that make churches peculiar: The most heated arguments in the church were not over our location or theology or future plans. No, the worst controversies I ever endured were over our style of worship. Should we use hymnals or modern worship music? Should drums be allowed in the sanctuary? Is it blasphemy to move the pulpit to accommodate the children’s choir? What would happen if someone clapped or raised their hands during the solo? These are the questions that send the ulcerated pastor scurrying to his or her gastrologist. Which style of worship is “right?” I don’t presume to know. Our form of worship will always be dictated by our traditions, culture, and context. A look at how Christians from other countries and times worship proves this point. “Which worship style is right” is, after all, the wrong question. The better questions are, “Does our worship push us out of our church sanctuaries (or wherever it is we meet) to be Christ to the world? What happens when the worship service is over?” If our worship moves us past ourselves to the risen and redeeming Christ sent to love the world, then the
worship is “right.” If our worship sends us into the community as the Father sent his own Son, then it is empowered with spirit and truth. But if our worship focuses us, on ourselves, then it is selfishness at best and sacrilege at worst. It isn’t worship at all. The final words of the old Latin mass were, Ite missa est – loosely, “Get out!” The priests who daily invoked those words over their congregations understood worship’s purpose. When the last song is sung, the last prayer offered, and the last homily delivered, the goal of all worship is to redemptively and missionally leave the sanctuary in service to others. So, take your pick: Sermons or liturgy; southern gospel or rock and roll; drums or pipe organs; corporate prayer or contemplation; kneeling benches or mosh pits. But if these things do not translate into loving action in the community, if these things do not force us out of the building and out to others, we aren’t being worshipful at all. Do our worship styles matter? Sure they does. But what happens afterwards matters all the more. Ronnie McBrayer is a syndicated columnist, speaker, and author of multiple books. You can read more and receive regular e-columns in your inbox at www.ronniemcbrayer.me
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
A Great Debt. Who Can Pay?
Curve Balls
An illustration showing the great gift we have in the death and resurrection of Jesus. He came to pay a debt that we could not pay.
By Elizabeth Hexberg
By Gregory Koukl Stand to Reason Ministries Str.org
Sometimes life throws us curveballs and its really hard to stand. Yet everything our God allows, is for our journey planned. We think it only rains on us, but all around it pours...... The only difference being that by Faith He opens doors. Once I thought the world was hell, before I knew of God, I didn't understand back then the way His own are shod. We have to think outside the box, where Peace and Hope are born. Life is not to dance alone, but with Him in the storm. He never promised easy, and He never promised fair, But He promised in the worst of it to never leave us there. He promised restoration for the years the locusts stole, and by His Grace and safe Embrace to one day make us whole. --------------------------------------
Joel 2:25 And I will restore to you the years the locusts have eaten
Harry Ironside used to tell about a young Russian soldier. Because his father was a friend of Czar Nicholas I, the young man had been mde paymaster in one of the barraks. The young man meant well, but his character was not up to his responsibility. He took to gambling and eventually gambled away a great deal of the government’s money as well as all of his own. In due course the young man received notice that a representative of the czar was coming to check accounts, and he knew he was in trouble. That evening he got out the books and totaled up the funds he owed. Then he went to the safe and got out his own pitifully small amount of money. As he sat and looked at the two he was overwhelmed at the astronomical debt versus his own small change. He was ruined! He knew he would be disgraced. At last the young soldier determined to take his life. He pulled out his revolver, placed it on the table before him, and wrote a summation of his misdeeds. At the bottom of the ledger where he had totaled up his illegal borrowings, he wrote: “A great debt! Who can pay?” He decided that at the stroke of midnight he would die. s the evening wore on the young soldier grew drowsy and eventually fell asleep. That night Czar Nicholas I, as was sometimes his custom, made the rounds of the barracks. Seeing a light, he stopped, looked in, and saw the young man asleep. He recognized him immediately and, looking over his shoulder, saw the ledger and realized all that had taken place. He was about to awaken him and put him under arrest when his eye fastened on the young man’s message: “A
great debt! Who can pay?” Suddenly, with a surge of magnanimity, he reached over, wrote one word at the bottom of the ledger, and slipped out. When the young man awoke, he glanced at the clock and saw that it was long after midnight. He reached for his revolver to shoot himself. But his eye fell upon the ledger and he saw something that he had not seen before. There beneath his writing: “A great debt! Who can pay?” was written, “Nicholas.” He was dumbfounded. It was the Czar’s signature. He said to himself, “The czar must have come by when I was asleep. He has seen the book. He knows all. Still he is willing to forgive me.” The young soldier then rested on the word of the czar, and the next morning a messenger came from the palace with exactly the amount needed to meet the deficit. Only the czar could pay, and the czar did pay. We compare [God’s righteousness] with our own tawdry performance, and we ask the question: “A great debt to God! Who can pay?” But then the Lord Jesus Christ steps forward and signs His name to our ledger: “Jesus Christ.” Only Jesus can pay, and He did.
“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Rom 6:23 The Ambassador
CALENDAR ONGOING EVENTS Christian Business Alliance Luncheon Every 1st Tue @ Noon Bonanza Inn, Yuba City Join us for Lunch, Fellowship and God’s Word! For info contact Dave Kugelman 530-632-9292 Right to Life Monthly Meeting 1st Wed., 7pm (1st Wed of every month) St. Isisdore’s Community Parish Hall Conference Room. Business Meeting open to the all interested in pro-life issues. For more info, visit www.ysrtl.org FREE Karate Classes First Baptist Church of Olivehurst Mon 6:30pm FREE karate classes taught from a Christian perspective. 743-1831 for info, Pastor Miguel. Weekly Recovery Groups Crossroads Community Church Sunday 7-8pm, Monday 6:30-8:30 We also offer a Grief Recovery Group on Wednesday Evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. For more information, please call church office 530-751-9168. Celebrate Recovery Loma Rica Community Church - Moy Hall. Fri., 7pm. Call church office for more information 743-5435. Crossroads Clothes Closet Crossroads Community Church, YC Shop at our - FREE Clothes given away! Open Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm AWANA Wed’s, 5:45-7:45 PM during the school year Evangelical Free Church 3785 Olive Hwy., Oroville For information please call 533-6866 Awana is a boys and girls club consisting of small group time, games, large group time. Prayer Vigil for LIFE! Last Wed of each month, 4-5pm Join us as we gather with people of faith throughout our area, as we peacefully pray on the sidewalk at the Yuba City Planned Parenthood. We meet on the last Wednesday of the month. For more info, please contact Heather Pugh (530)751-9349. WestWord Riders Motorcycle Ministry April 20th and May 18th at 8:30am at Gridley Grill, 484 Hwy 99, Gridley The WestWord Riders motorcycle fellowship meets the 3rd Saturday of each month. Meetings are followed by a planned ride, so dust off that helmet and join us! For more information, contact: Willy Alongi at 701-1045. Celebrate Recovery Hope Point Nazarene, 600 N. George Washington Blvd, Yuba City Wed’s, 6:30pm Contact Jim Myers at 635-4688.
The Ambassador
Fri’s, 6:30pm Contact Sean Heraty at 751-9151. Join us for this Christ-centered recovery group that provides a safe place for you with people who will love you through your pain, and celebrate with you during your victories. for more information. Knit & Crochet Women's Fellowship First Baptist Church of Olivehurst, 1777 - 8th Ave. Mon 10am - Noon Practice your yarn craft or learn a new one with us. Knifty Knitters are welcome. Bring your own project or work on a charity item that we donate to those in need in the community. Contact Vivian 530-3019841 for further information. SAMARITAN VILLAGE MONTHLY MEETING Call 329-6619 for location 3rd Tue of each month, 6:30pm This meeting is open to all who are interested in helping with an orphanage in Tanzania. For info call Tara at 329-6619 “Reformers Unanimous” Addictions Meetings & Fellowship Bible Baptist Church 2787 N. Beale Rd. Marysville Meets Every Friday Night, 7:00 p.m. We are a faith based addictions program that teaches the only way to have peace and gain victory over addictions and other things in life that cause us pain and sorrow, is to let God do it for you. We love you and have personal testimonies of how The Lord has changed our hearts and lives using this program DIVORCE CARE Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30pm Hosted at: The Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road, Yuba City 530-671-6069 www.YubaSutterMarriage.com A Divorce Care group is a special place of encouragement, information and sharing. Weekly meetings provide you with an ongoing “support team” as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce. . Celebrate Recovery Praise Chapel Church Sun. 6:30 p.m. Join us for great worship and open share group. For more info call 530-923-7204 AHOP Ascending House of Prayer Every Tuesday & Thursday 6:00 - 8:00pm Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road, YC Info: 530-671-3160 www.churchofgladtidings.com We are a place of ascending and contending prayer for the release of an inception of another Jesus Movement in California, a Righteousness Move-
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
ment for awakening in America and another wave of prayer and missions to transform cities and nations across the globe. Everyone welcome The Truth Project (NEW) Hope Point Nazarene 600 N. Geo Washington Blvd, Yuba City & 2727 FIr Street, Live Oak Begins 4/9 at 6pm in Live Oak and 4/10 at 6:30pm in Yuba City This study is the starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective. Each lesson discusses in great detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life. For more details visit www.hopepointnaz.org/all-in-u Couplehood - A New Way to Love (NEW) Begins April 10th Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30pm Hosted at:The Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road, Yuba City Info:530-671-6069 www.YubaSutterMarriage.com This 6-week program helps couples learn the skills necessary to realize their relationship potential. Learn a new way to talk and a new way to listen; Co-create a relationship vision; Discover the uniqueness of one’s partner and more.
SPECIAL EVENTS FREE GOSPEL Concert w/ Mark Gray First Baptist Church of Olivehurst 1777 8th Ave., Olivehurst Wednesday Evening – April 10, 2013 FREE CONCERT: Join us for Mark Gray who for the past 31 years has compiled over 45 recordings which always exalt the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and present the Gospel of saving grace to a lost and dying world. LOVE OFFERING will be taken. ACS Student Art Show April 12th, 12:30-2:00 Adventist Christian School369 Harding Rd, YC Come celebrate young artists and get to know ACS students & staff. Refreshments served. 673-7645 for info
Yard Sale Fundraiser Hope Point Nazarene 600 N. George Washington Blvd, Yuba City April 13th, 8am-1pm Visit our yard sale as we raise funds for our upcoming mission trip to Brazil. Come and shop or contact Rachel at 674-9097 to donate for more details. Campership Spaghetti Dinner First Presbyterian Church of Marysville April 13th, 5-7pm in Huston Hall Come and enjoy a delicious Spaghetti Dinner to help kids go to camp this summer. Dinner will include Spaghetti, Salad and Dessert. Suggested donation is $8 per person and children 12 and under $4. All proceeds go to send children to Westminster Woods Christian Camp. Thank you for your support. FCS Players Present: “Laughter and Lovers” An Evening with William Shakespeare First United Methodist Church of Yuba City April 17-20 at 7:30 p.m. and April 20 at 2:00 p.m. Faith Christian School drama is directed by Paul DeMeritt. Admission: $12 general and $10 Seniors, Active Duty Military, and students. For more information go to www.fcsplayers.com Box office open M-F 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at 3105 Colusa Hwy in YC (closed March 22nd at noon – April 1st for Easter break). A HAND UP MINISTRY ANNUAL TRI TIP FUNDRAISER BANQUET Embassy Of Heaven Campus 1179 Eager Road Yuba City, Ca Thursday April 18th @6:30pm Guest Speaker From BAFB MSgt Kenneth Bellard Oasis Of Hope Ministry, Chef Joel Abney And His Famous Tri Tip , MC Drew Berlfein ...Tables Are $200 For 10 Guests or single tickets $20 Each Available At Glad Tidings Church, Crosspointe Christian Books or call 613-2959 Also available at the door. Opportunity Drawings and Good Fellowship! Faith Christian School Spring Concert & Art Show First United Methodist Church of Yuba City
If your church or ministry is having an outreach activity that you would like to promote in our calendar, please send your item via email to editor@ambassadornewspaper.com by the 15th of the month for a listing in the following month’s issue.
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
April 22, 2013 7:00 p.m. Stringed Orchestra, Concert Band, and Jazz Ensemble perform at 7:00 p.m. followed by a fine arts show. This year the art show honors the memory of FCS alumni parent and artist, Rebecca Denney. The CrossOver Prayer Gathering April 23-27 Meeting nightly 7-10pm The Embassy of Heaven 1179 Eager Rd., Yuba City Join us as we cultivate a crossover. Come worship, pray and revive. We believe that a new movement is dawning upon America. It’s a Jesus movement, not like the last one, but like the first one. An invitation has gone out from Heaven for a great CROSS over moment. God’s people are coming out of lack and into fullness. A ‘new-life’ army of the sons of the Spirit are arising and like Paul they, “Glory in Christ Jesus, and put no confidence in the flesh.” It’s time to depart from our broken cisterns and systems and return to Jesus, the fountain of living water. Mad Hatter English Tea Boyd Hall, 1895 Lassen Blvd., Yuba City Saturday, April 27th, 12:30pm - 2:30pm. Hosted by Hands of Hope for the benefit of our homeless mothers and children. Raffle, prizes, amazing food...join the fun! Tickets available at Crosspointe Books on Plumas Blvd, Yuba City._ For info, call Monique 530-966-2933 Not On My Watch 2013: A Yuba-Sutter Human Trafficking Symposium Hope Point Nazarene Church - 600 N. George Washington Blvd , Yuba City, Monday April 29th, Refreshments at 5:30pm, event begins at 6pm FBI agents, a local prosecutor, non profits and survivors of exploitation will provide information and a Q&A time to enlighten us on the problem of sex trafficking in Yuba-Sutter. This could be happening to someone you know. Learn how you can help. Our community needs you!
www.churchofgladtidings.com Get ready for an unforgettable day of inspiration, learning, networking, and more. You will learn how to improve your leadership skills and also have the opportunity to network with other leaders in your area.
Leadership Simulcast May 10th - 8:00am Hosted at: The Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road, Yuba City 530-671-3160 kug@churchofgladtidings.com
Vital Facts on Human Trafficking Definitions: What is human trafficking?
According to the California Legislature, human trafficking is defined as “all acts involved in the recruitment, abduction, transport, harboring, transfer, sale or receipt of persons, within national or across international borders, through force, coercion, fraud or deception, to place persons in situations of slavery or slavery-like conditions, forced labor or services, such as forced prostitution or sexual services, domestic servitude, bonded sweatshop labor, or other debt bondage.”
Source: http://oag.ca.gov/human-trafficking/ what-is
United States law defines “Severe Forms of Trafficking in Persons”. This term means “(A) sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act
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Speakers include: John Maxwell, Andy Stanley, Mike Kezysewski, Sanya Richards-Ross, Consoleezza Rice, David Allen and more.
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has not attained 18 years of age; or (B) the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.” Source: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/10492.pdf
What is the scope of human trafficking in California?
In 2012 the California Department of Justice published a major report The State of Human Trafficking in California. The report published the following findings. • In 2011, anti-trafficking task forces identified 521 victims of human trafficking in California. • Of those victims, 56% sex, 23% labor, 21% other (not defined). • It is widely believed that human trafficking is largely underreported. Source: http://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/ht/human-trafficking-2012.pdf?
The following information is taken verbatim from the CASE Act’s website: http://www.caseact.org/learn/humantrafficking/ Human Trafficking Statistics Due to the covert nature of the crime and the lack of awareness of and funding for the issue, accurate statistics are difficult to obtain.
Global Statistics:
Estimates from the 2010 Trafficking in Persons Report by the U.S. Department
of State: Number of slaves around the world: 12.3 million Percentage of victims identified: 0.4% (not even 1%) Ratio of convicted offenders to victims identified: 8.5 to 100
U.S. Statistics:
Human trafficking exists all over the United States, but California is a hot spot for domestic and international human trafficking because of its large population, international borders, large economy, extensive ports, and metropolitan regions. • The average entry age of American minors into the sex trade is 12-14 years old. [1] • Many victims are runaway girls who have already suffered sexual abuse as children. • California harbors 3 of FBI’s 13 highest child sex trafficking areas in the nation: Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego. [2] • Foreign nationals are also brought into the U.S. as slaves for labor or commercial sex through force or fraud. [3] • The prevalence and anonymity of the internet has fueled the rapid growth of sex trafficking, making the trade of women and children easier than ever before. [1] The National Report on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: America’s Prostituted Children, Shared Hope International, May 2009. [2] The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Efforts to Combat Crimes Against Children, Audit Report 09-08, January 2009. [3] Trafficking in Persons Report, U.S. Department of State, June 2011.
The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
‘Hijacked K-12’ -- Vital Report to Parents on California’s Public Schools Christian Newswire Advocates for Faith & Freedom has released an informative publication about the cultural crisis in California’s public schools, in which anti-Christian policies have taken hold, often contrary to the worldview that parents try to instill in their children. We have seen a rise in alarming legislation and classroom procedure affecting California’s public schools and students. Some examples follow: • Students are allowed to get an abortion by leaving their campus, without the consent or knowledge of their parents. • Students may receive psychological counseling and health care, including vaccinations and treatment for STD’s, without the knowledge or consent of their parents. • Senate Bill 777 (2008) redefined “gender” in the California Education Code to mean “sex, and includes a person’s identity and gender expression. ‘Gender expression’ means a person’s gender-related appearance and behavior whether or not stereotypically associated with the person’s assigned sex at birth.” •
“Gender liberation” is a new
Why I Support The Ambassador
movement in the schools, with the goal of “liberating” children of gender norms.
“We support The Ambassador because it promotes the Gospel to our community!”
• Senate Bill 48 (2012) requires California’s history curricula and textbooks be revised to find and focus upon the homosexual orientation of historical/ prominent figures. • A new bill was recently introduced in the California Legislature (AB 1266) stating that a pupil must be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs, activities, and facilities, including athletic teams and competitions, consistent with his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil’s records. Robert Tyler, General Counsel of Advocates for Faith & Freedom, remarked, “A crisis of epic proportions exists in California public schools. While the system is failing, the State Legislature and the California Teacher’s Association have pushed a destructive social agenda that contradicts the most basic wisdom on moral concerns that children receive from their parents. We hope this publication will alert parents appropriately.” You can download a digital copy of “Hijacked K-12” on Advocates for Faith & Freedom’s website for free. There, you can also request a physical copy for a suggested donation of $5.00.
- Steve & Cash Gilliss (Crosspointe Christian Books & Gifts)
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Christians Dominate ‘American Idol’ This Season By Charlene Israel CBN News Reporter Season 12 of American Idol has its share of Christian contestants: Eight of the top 10 are Christians. Contestants Candice Glover, Lazaro Arbos, Janelle Arthur, Curtis Finch Jr., Amber Holcolm, Angie Miller, Devin Velez, and Burnell Taylor are all in it to win it. They’re also not ashamed to share their faith with the world while they’re at it. Angela Miller, who many expect to be crowned winner this year, often tweets about her faith. “Church isn’t the only time to worship and hear from/spend time with God. That should happen on an everyday basis,” she recently tweeted. Miller became a fan favorite after performing an original worship song called, “You Set Me Free,” during the Hollywood auditions. (Read the lyrics below.) Judges were blown away by the performance. Judge Mariah Carey later said the performance left her “clothed in goose bumps and bathed in tears.” Miller also performed a slowed down rendition of “Never Gone” by Season 11 American Idol contestant Colton Dixon. Dixon, who often spoke about his faith while on the show, released a Christian album called “A Messenger” in
January. Chicago native Devin Velez is another standout performer. Several home videos of the 18 year old singing worship songs are posted on Youtube. After making the top 10 on American Idol Season 12, the smooth crooner performed the song, “Power of One” by Grammy Award-winning artist Israel Houghton.
Image courtesy of Fox
In a tweet Houghton replied, “Wow, man thanks for singing our song. Humbled and honored. And you smashed it!!! Congrats for going through. Take it all bro.” Velez’s mother, Sandra Liz Lam, was in the audience of the Las Vegas theater when it was revealed her son made it to the finals of the competiton. “Idol” host Ryan Seacrest invited Lam on stage, where she wrapped her
RESOURCES oldest child in a huge hug and shouted, “Hallelujah. Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus.” Velez also tweets about his faith. On March 7 he tweeted, “This is the day the Lord has made so lets REJOICE!” Another tweet read, “I just have to remember why I’m here, and that everything, is in HIS hands.” Finalist Curtis Finch Jr., took “Idol” and America to church and left judges praising God after his rendition of “I Believe I Can Fly.” Finch, a gospel singer and worship leader, received a standing ovation from the judges and the audience. “Idol” Judge Keith Urban was moved by the soul-stirring performance. “Good and light and godly and whole. You have so much hope in you and we need that. Thank you, Curtis,” Urban said. “Let’s all just say, ‘Praise God.’ Dude I felt like the competition tonight, it started right here,” judge Randy Jackson said. “This is what you do right here.” While these contestants are all striving to be the next big star, they appear to be grounded in something bigger than the show or their voices. Lyrics to “You Set Me Free” You find me here alone I hear a voice that’s so unknown It strikes courage up my backbone Strengthen my heart A life set apart I see that’s what you are
You come, you come with open arms And you say “I love you for who you are” When I was haunted and alone With this baggage on my back dragging me down You set me free You set me free You set me free
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
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The Ambassador
RESOURCES PJI Launches New Effort to Save Scouts, Students from 'Gender Insanity' Sacramento, CA--The Pacific Justice Institute is announcing the launch of a new website and resources designed to counter two legislative bills that threaten the existence of the boy Scouts and would mandate some of the most aggressive invasions of privacy, freedom of association and religious freedom ever proposed in the name of LGBT rights. The new site, www.GenderInsanity.com, spotlights two bills pending in the California legislature. Senate Bill (SB) 323 threatens to revoke tax exemptions from the Boy Scouts and many other non-profits, including religious schools, that do not affirm transgender or homosexual lifestyles. Meanwhile, Assembly Bill (AB) 1266 would require that K-12 public schools allow any student to use any “facilities” such as bathrooms and locker rooms, and join any sports team, based solely on the student’s subjective “gender identity,” not anatomical gender. Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, explained, “Forcing boys and girls to share bathrooms, locker rooms and sleeping arrangements is not equality; it is insanity. We are taking the extraordinary step of launching this new website and leading this fight because we see these mandates as a line in the sand we cannot afford to cross. Almost every family in California will be affected
to some degree.” Dacus further explained the need for united action. “We can defeat these bills, but it is going to take parents being willing to write letters and make phone calls to their legislators. It is going to take Boy Scout troops showing up at the Capitol. Our greatest enemies are not rogue politicians, but complacency and a false sense of inevitability.” Much more information, including sample letters and legislators’ contact information, is available at www.GenderInsanity. com.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20
The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Jack Hayford’s Grandson, Missionary in Mexico, Home Safe After Being Kidnapped By The Christian Post Kyle Bauer, a Christian missionary and pastor who has been living in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, with his family for less than a year, was reunited with his Foursquare congregation in California this past weekend less than 48 hours after being kidnapped and held for ransom. “We are grateful to God for bringing Kyle safely back home to his wife and children,” Foursquare Church President Glenn Burris Jr. said in a March 15 statement on the Pentecostal Christian denomination’s website. “The prayer support that permeated the past 24 hours is a testimony to the miraculous outcome of this story.” Bauer, a member of The Foursquare Church’s Church on the Way in Santa Clarita, Calif., spoke to the congregation Sunday about his ordeal, and how he spent the “gut-wrenching” hours of his captivity preaching to one of his abductors. “I prayed for the captor and whoever else was working alongside him,” Bauer said, according to KABCTV. The married father of four said his captor asked if it was possible for God to forgive him. “And I said, ‘That’s the good thing about God. There is no sinner too great that he cannot forgive,” said Bauer. It was not immediately clear how Bauer, a grandson of minister Jack Hayford, a previous president of the denomination, was taken hostage. It has been reported that he was abducted Thursday, March 14, shortly after leaving the home where he was staying in Mexico, and was freed by Friday morning. The FBI, U.S. Consulate and Mexican officials were said to have been involved in facilitating Bauer’s release within 20 hours of him being reported missing. The Foursquare minister, who was not harmed, was able to get help while his abductors were distracted by using a wireless Internet connection to
transmit an email. His group, which had been notified that he was missing, immediately contacted The Church on the Way in Santa Clarita, said Pastor Gary Howse, a ministry leader at the church. Howse told SVCNews.com that the church has set protocols for such incidences and had notified the U.S. Department of State and the FBI. Authorities have not revealed the details of Bauer’s release, but his wife indicated that he was taken to a police station after being freed. “I felt like I was dead, and then when I knew that he was safe and he was in the police department, [then] I came alive again,” Teresa Bauer told a local news station. The couple lived in Van Nuys before being appointed as Foursquare missionaries to Mexico in 2011 and making the transition in August 2012. The Bauers shared in a 2011 Facebook post what they felt was their call to be missionaries in Mexico, and occasionally published video updates of their work in Puerto Vallarta. According to a March 2013 post on Facebook, the official launch of their local church was scheduled for this Fall. Calls made to The Church on the Way in Santa Clarita went unanswered Monday. The Foursquare Church was founded in 1923 and is a movement of 67,000 churches and meeting places throughout 140 countries. Jack Hayford, who is chancellor of The King’s University and founding pastor of The Church on the Way in Van Nuys, served as the denomination’s president from 2004-2009. Read more at http://www.christianpost. com/
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Religious Liberty in Peril If Prop 8 Isn’t Upheld by Supreme Court? By Melissa Barnhart CP Contributor The future of religious institutions rests in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court justices whose ruling on California’s Proposition 8, expected sometime in June, could change policies on adoptions, marriage counseling, employment, the contraceptive mandate and even student housing on religious college campuses. The Supreme Court justices’ ruling in the case Hollingsworth vs. Perry heard Tuesday will decide whether a lower court was wrong to declare that Proposition 8, a referendum that decided that same-sex couples may not get married, is unconstitutional. Marc Stern, the general counsel of the American Jewish Committee and a
contributor to the book, Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty, wrote in his CNN Opinion column published on Monday that religion “should play no direct role in deciding whether the Constitution requires the states or the federal government to recognize same-sex marriage.” That said, religious institutions would be affected by the Supreme Court’s decision if California’s Proposition 8 isn’t upheld, and same-sex marriage becomes legal in all 50 states. According to Stern, the fact that “some religious groups regard same-sex marriage as an ‘abomination’ does not authorize the government to ban such relationships.” But he added, “… when government does recognize same-sex marriage, it creates a new set of problems for the liberties of religious believers. These ex-
The Ambassador Ministry
would like to thank the following people for their Individual Sponsorship Marty Brown Warren & Lucy Campbell Chuck David Bill Eberley Bob Gilbert Pamela Givans Rich & Joan Hackney Tom Harris Marie Hiebert
Brad Indelicato Hope Ithurburn
Sandi Juri Sue Kochi Carrie Pederson Wendell Prine Jeff Royce Jon & Pat Skillman
RESOURCES tend well beyond the right of clergy or houses of worship not to perform or host same-sex ceremonies, or the right of religious institutions opposed to same-sex marriage to remain tax exempt.” Stern cited four issues of concern that religious institutions will likely face if Proposition 8 isn’t upheld, and ministers, rabbis and priests are forced to compromise their doctrinal values: “Must rabbis, priests and pastors provide religious marriage counseling to same-sex couples? Must religious colleges provide married-student housing to same-sex couples? Must churches and synagogues employ spouses who are in same-sex marriages, even though such employees would be persistently and publicly flouting the religious teachings they would be hired to promote?” And lastly, Stern asked, “Must religious social service agencies place children for adoption with same-sex couples?” Speaking to Candy Crowley on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, Austin Nimocks, vice president of the Alliance Defending Freedom and co-counsel for Proposition 8 supporters, believes the court shouldn’t “impose a redefinition of marriage upon all Americans,” and added that same-sex marriage is not a fundamental right. “Fundamental rights are those that are deeply rooted in our nation’s history and traditions,” Nimocks said. “Same-sex marriage is not deeply rooted in our nation’s history and traditions.” Kamala Harris, the first woman
elected to serve as attorney general in California, told Crowley that, in her opinion, “The U.S. Supreme Court, since the 1880s, has described marriage as a fundamental right.” And it is included in the “fundamental notions of freedom, justice and liberty.” According to Harris, who’s going against California voters’ decision, she believes the case “is a matter of equal protection under the law.” She added that she is “absolutely against a ban on samesex marriage” because the ban is “simply unconstitutional.” Nimocks countered by adding, “When we’re talking about Proposition 8, we’re talking about Californians going to the ballot box twice, in a nine-year period, and voting to uphold marriage between one man and one woman. And that’s our most fundamental right in this country: the right to vote and the right to participate in the political process.” “ If Californians want same-sex marriage, they have the right and should have the right to achieve that political result,” Nimocks said. “We don’t need the Supreme Court to dictate that to all 50 states.” Read more at http://www.christianpost. com/
God Bless Each of You
for your support of this ministry and our community If you would be interested in supporting The Ambassador as an Individual Sponsor ($20/month) please contact Seth Halpern at: editor@ambassadornewspaper.com or call 530-933-1385 or visit us online at www.ambassadornewspaper.com
The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
U.S. Government: Homeschooling Unworthy of Protection Christian Newswire Tens of thousands ‘rally’ demanding action from Obama through official White House petition With only weeks before oral arguments in a potentially precedentsetting human rights case, Home School Legal Defense Association, the world’s largest homeschool association, has launched a petition on the White House website insisting that the Obama Administration grant permanent legal status to the Romeikes, a family persecuted for homeschooling in Germany. The White House petition has garnered nearly 20,000 signatures, but needs a total of 100,000 by April 18 to get an official response from the Administration. While whitehouse.gov has seen petitions ranging from serious to comical -including creating a “Death Star” and requesting Congressmen to wear sponsorships like NASCAR drivers -- HSLDA believes that the Romeike petition is of utmost importance because a family’s human rights are at stake. HSLDA Chairman and founder Michael Farris, JD, LLM, argues the case at the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals on April 23 and explains why this case is so important to Americans. “When the United States government says that homeschooling is a mutable choice, it is saying that a government can legitimately coerce you to change this choice,” Farris said. “In other words, you have no protected right to choose what type of education your children will receive. We should understand that in these arguments, something very concerning is being said about the liberties of all Americans.” The case has captured national and international media attention with reporting by the Associated Press, Fox News, Al Jazeera, Glenn Beck, and Mike Huckabee.
The Ambassador
“I’m glad Obama wasn’t in charge in 1620,” Farris said in an appearance on Fox and Friends. “The government’s arguments in this case confuse equal persecution with equal protection and demonstrate a serious disregard for individual religious liberty. I really wonder what would’ve happened to the Pilgrims under this administration.”
By Ed Cyzewski
HSLDA learned of the Romeikes’ plight shortly before they fled to the United States. The German authorities had levied thousands of dollars in fines against them and planned to put a lien on their home. Homeschooling is not tolerated in Germany and Uwe Romeike indicated that they might have to leave the country. HSLDA is encouraging as many people as possible to show their support by signing the White House petition for the Romeikes by April 18.
1. Can I become a redemptive presence at this job? My first response to a difficult or adverse situation in the past was often retreat. I’d forgotten that a Christian’s primary role at work is to model the life of Christ. If I’m ever in a work situation that makes me uncomfortable, my first move as a follower of Jesus isn’t always to escape. An ethical challenge at work may be the best place for a Christian.
You can find the petition and more information at w w w. h s l d a . o r g / r o meike. Home School Legal Defense Association is a nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. Visit us online at www.HSLDA.org.
“People are bored and aimless, just waiting to be distracted, and by capturing their attention with games, you can effectively market products to them…” An enthusiastic marketing professional wrote that in an article I’d been reading as part of my research for a client. The thought crossed my mind, “Do I really want to be a part of this?” Thus began a moral crisis at work. After running into these types of situations over the years, I catch myself asking some of the same questions over and over again. While each worker’s calling is unique, and I would never try to tell someone what to do, it helps to have a few tough questions ready when a moral crisis arises at work:
2. Can I be redemptive without compromising love for God and love for my neighbor? While I may face a moral dilemma with the best of intentions, sometimes the nature of a situation may put into jeopardy either my love of God or love of neighbor. In the case of the marketing article about gaming, I was able to reshape the article I wrote into a kind of expose, highlighting the “tricks” that marketers use. 3. Can I reshape my work to avoid a moral conflict? Sometimes the ability to ask a colleague for help or to reshape my responsibilities has helped me avoid poten-
tial problems. For example, I’ve declined work with clients because I didn’t feel comfortable with their business models. When an existing client creates a moral crisis, I can usually find a way to reshape my work in order to avoid projects that lead to a conflict. 4. Have there been red flags about my work place? Sometimes a single moral crisis can be dealt with, but a series of them is another matter. Every few months, one of my former employers held a private meeting to discuss implementing a plan that would have run afoul of our insurance company and several businesses. When this became a predictable pattern, I started scanning the classified section for a new job. 5. Can I find an exit plan? When red flags go up consistently, that’s usually a sign to step away from a job. Swimming against the tide at a company is an untenable long term position. A friend of mine recently left a job that had consistently asked too much of him and repeatedly put him in difficult moral positions. He took a completely different job where he works on cars all day. The work is physical and demanding, but he is clearly at peace with his work. As it turns out, he likes his new job much better, and there’s an added bonus: he’s never put into a position that could violate his conscience. Every job will bring up its own challenges and dilemmas. There’s no blueprint for moral decision making. However, with a few questions like these in the back of my mind, I already know what my options are and don’t have to improvise on the spot. There is freedom in that kind of preparation. Post by Ed Cyzewski, co-author of Hazardous: Committing to the Cost of Following Jesus and author of Coffeehouse Theology.
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
COMMUNITY Prayer Calender
April/May 2013
Listen to
Radio Show
Fri. 5pm repeated at 9pm and Saturday at 7pm
-L P
Thurs. 5pm
repeated at 9pm and Saturday at 5pm
8-Apr Unbelieving Community-For an outpouring of faith 9-Apr Middle East - For the peace of Jerusalem 10-Apr Singles, Single Parents, Divorce healing 11-Apr Revival in the Yuba Sutter area 12-Apr Unity among churches 13-Apr Addicted, Rehab ministries- Reformers Unanimous (p.3) 14-Apr Niceclara & other orphan children (see p. 16) 15-Apr Military, All armed forces. 16-Apr ACLU & Anti-God groups for changed hearts, to stop evil agendas 17-Apr Christian Families -for strength and wisdom 18-Apr A Hand Up Banquet- Pray for homeless ministries 19-Apr Area Youth-Local Youth ministers /Youth groups 20-Apr Unborn children/Pregnant Women- A Woman’s Friend 21-Apr Jobs for unemployed/underemployed 22-Apr Christian Businesses-Ambassador Sponsors & others. 23-Apr Sick/Afflicted, Healing and Comfort 24-Apr Missionaries -Fruit, Provision 25-Apr The Ambassador Newspaper-Increased readership and Impact 26-Apr Global Persecution-Safety/Courage of Believers 27-Apr Area Schools Students and Teachers 28-Apr Children and Children’s Ministries 29-Apr Sex Trafficking - pray for the rescue of victims 30-Apr Marketplace Ministries-Opportunities to share 1-May Local ministries (see p. 3) 2-May National Day of Prayer- pray for our leaders 3-May Marriages, Restoration and Strength 4-May Elderly, health and healing, comfort 5-May Prodigals, Repentance, Forgiveness 6-May KCYC 104.7 for listener impact 7-May Homeless/Poor - Twin Cities Rescue Mission, A Hand Up, other homeless ministries 8-May Teen Depression, Suicide
Taking Back Christianity
with Sean Blount & Dave Kugelman
Carpet Cleaning
Discussing important issues of faith and culture Listen to Bob Fromm on The Encouraging Word weekdays at 9:01am & 7:05pm
The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
“...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matt 25:40
Samaritan Village Orphanage Tanzania, Africa Can You Sponsor Niceclara? DOB: May 4th, 2000
Both of Niceclara’s parents died from HIV when she was very young. Niceclara was their only child and went to live with her elderly grandmother. Her grandmother was physically unable to care for her and had no money to afford food and medicine for her care and sought help through social welfare. Through social welfare, Niceclara was brought to live at Samaritan Village. Niceclara started secondary school in January, 2013. She likes to play and is talented as an actor and likes to entertain the children by using her voice to imitate other people.
A gift of $60. monthly will provide for Niceclara’s care at Samaritan Village Orphanage. A monthly sponsorship for a child is $60, but any amount-either one time, monthly, or even yearly is greatly appreciated. You may follow us on Facebook @ Samaritan Village Orphanage and through our quarterly Newsletter. The all volunteer Board and friends of Samaritan Village meet monthly and you are invited to attend the meetings to learn more about this life saving work. Please call Tara @ 530-329-6619 for information and meeting information. To sign up for our Newsletter, please drop us a note at the address below and include your name, mailing address and email address (if available). As always, we solicit and covet your prayer partnership for these little ones whom God has placed in our care. Samaritan Village Orphanage, Inc.
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Outreach opportunity! by Dave Kugelman Traditionally, a variety of people attend the National Day of Prayer breakfast (which is sponsored by the Christian Business Alliance and the Ambassador Christian newspaper). Many attendees view this as a patriotic and/or civic minded event. It has become not just an opportunity for Christians to gather in prayer but also for Christians to invite family members, friends and business associates who can come and hear a wonderful speaker (Francis Anfuso – see NDP ad on the back page of this issue of the Ambassador for details) present the Gospel in a clear comprehensive manner. Many people of other faiths, as well as some agnostics (who I know personally) have joined us at previous NDP events. Won’t you please make this a priority this year to come out and pray with many like minded followers of Jesus? And would you also consider being intentional in inviting someone who has never made a lifelong commitment to Jesus Christ. Again, details on the back of the Ambassador or you can contact me at 632-9292.
Current members:
Rich Fellowship, Powerful Prayer, Refreshing Presence of God! We meet at the Bonanza Inn the first Tuesday of the month from noon – 1pm.
For weekly reminders, updates, or to join email editor@ambassadornewspaper.com
David Kugelman is the president of the Christian Business Alliance which meets each Tuesday at noon at various locations. Dave welcomes your questions or comments on this article at drkug@comcast.net
Join us from noon to 1pm at the Bonanza Inn the first Tuesday of every month for a time of encouragement, fellowship and prayer with the
Christian Business Alliance. All are welcome! We build structures and relationships to last.
and License #547970
A-1 Carpet Cleaning - (530) 673-3634 - www.a-1clean.com Maria Altizer - Live Oak Collision Center - (530) 695-1818 Kathy Baum - Operation Christmas Child - (916) 747-2212 Ron Brasier - A Hand Up Ministry - (530) 671-1360 Marty Brown - KCYC-LP FM - (530) 674-5296 Kathleen Caldwell - City of Live Oak - (530) 695-2112 Fred Cox - Richard's Tree Service - (530) 673-7993 Chuck David Brent Davis - Brent Davis Insurance - (530) 671-2764 Carol Dodds - A Woman’s Friend - (530) 741-9136 Christi Dutcher - (530) 682-1136 Bill Eberley - Digital Direct-800-824-4246x10 Shelley Gallagher - Gallagher Ranch Debbie Gilstrap - Sierra Central Credit Union debbie_gilstrap@hotmail.com Pamela Givans Marcos Gonzalez - Ultimate Business Maintenance - (530) 671-1564 Richard Guerrero - PuroClean - (530) 751-3821 John L. Guth - AttorneyEstate Planning - www.johnguthlaw.com Seth Halpern - Ambassador Newspaper - editor@ambassadornewspaper.com Rodney Hick David Hobbs Painting - Cont. Lic#880562 (530)742-2428 David Holycross - Holycross Memorial – 530-751-7000 Marilyn Hoffman - American Home Reality - (530) 682-1930 Cassandra Hoon- A Better Yard Care - 530-673-3722 Ginger Hughes- Yuba County Repub. Party Central Committee -(530) 675-9175 Brad Indelicato - Dolco Packaging - bdi26@comcast.net Dean Ingraham - Retiredand54@syix.com Bill Jens - Yuba Sutter Healthy Marriage Project - (530) 671-6069 Sandi Juri Dave & Robin Kugelman - Proforma by Kug - (530) 742-2423 Clay Maynard - Consultant - (530) 790-6611 Carmel Mooney - Pawsitive Solutions - pawsitivesolutions.com Jerry Munz - JM Construction Co. - (530) 682-5316 Jared Nunes - Sutter Health Chuck & Miriam Page Ronda Putman Darrell Sayles - Love Unlimited Body of Christ - luboc2004@yahoo.com Roger Shadd - Shadd Janitorial Supply - 530-673-0083 Robert Stark - Sutter county Auditor/Controller - suttercountyauditor.org Dwayne Tanabe - Taylor Accountancy Corp - dktanabe@yahoo.com Jenine Tanabe - Jenine L. Tanabe, MD Dematology - (530) 743-0301 Bill Weeks - Larry Geweke Ford-Kia - www.geweke.com
Partnering together to save millions in the design and construction costs for Christian schools and churches nationwide.
The Ambassador
EDITORIALS Jesus Was Not Politically Correct By Jim Denison Christian Post Columnist President Obama continues his Middle East tour today, amid signs of a warming relationship between himself and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. For instance, as the president and prime minister were preparing to inspect a missile system, they were told to walk along a red line on the airport tarmac. Remembering Mr. Netanyahu’s repeated warnings about a “red line” in Iran’s nuclear development, Mr. Obama pointed toward the prime minister and joked, “He’s always talking to me about red lines.” He added, “So this is all a psychological ploy.” Chuckling, Mr. Netanyahu replied, “This was minutely planned.” The president and prime minister are not the first political leaders to change their rhetoric as circumstances warrant, of course. For example, Richard Nixon warned in 1964 that “it would be disastrous to the cause of freedom” for the U.S. to recognize Communist China, which is what he did eight years later. Being “politically correct” has always been good politics, never more than in our relativistic culture. This week I have been reading Luke’s Gospel in preparation for Palm Sunday. An episode especially impressed me: “Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said, ‘If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters – yes, even his own life – he cannot be my disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple’” (Luke
14:25-27). I wrote in the margin of my Bible, “Jesus was not user-friendly.” A little later in his journey to Jerusalem, he met “a certain ruler” who asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Luke 18:18). We know this man as the “rich young ruler.” Jesus reminded him of several commandments, to which he replied, “All of these I have kept since I was a boy” (v. 21). If a person of such means, influence and spiritual zeal were to approach most ministers, we would be delighted to welcome them into our church or organization. In Jesus’ day, wealth was equated with God’s favor. Surprisingly, Jesus told him to “sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me” (v. 22). When the man heard this, “he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth” (v. 23). Soon our Lord would enter Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (Luke 19:28-38), where refusal to be politically correct would lead to his crucifixion. Our risen Lord is just as honest and omniscient today as he was then. As David said to God, “You perceive my thoughts from afar” (Psalm 139:2). Yet our all-honest God is also our all-loving Father. He knows all about our past failures and even sees the future sins we don’t yet know we’ll commit. And yet he loves us unconditionally and likes us as we are.
The Ambassador
AS WE SEE IT Change of Plans I was planning for this issue to be about miracles in our community. I planned for it and told many readers, friends and prayer partners about it. I even called for comments on our Facebook page and asked for testimonies of God’s answers to prayer. In addition, I planned to mail out at least 1,000 copies of the issue to homes in our neighborhoods to get the word out that God is still working. Why, then, do you not find that issue in your hands? There is a simple for that: God changed plans! Has that ever happened to you? You plan for one thing; tell others about it, then the Holy Spirit redirects you and you know that you need to adjust. That is what happened to me. I realized that the sex/human trafficking symposium was on April 29th and was going to run an article about it. However, just running an article about this issue didn’t seem right. God showed me that this was too significant and time sensitive. What good would it be to run an article that might get buried somewhere among the wonderful testimonies of God’s power? What good would it do to run a cover story next month after
Seth Halpern - Editor the planned presentation to bring the community the awareness it needs about this horrific and growing trend. No, it needed to be now. We need to stop this inhumane brutality and we need to rid it from our midst. God will still be performing miracles for His children, but we can’t let these crimes go unaddressed for another month. I hope you read the cover story along with the supporting resources. More than that, I pray that you will attend the symposium on April 29th and with the knowledge you gain, help to put an end to the injustice (at least in our own community). As for “Miracles in YubaSutter” stay tuned… you’ll be blessed next month! Thanks for reading.
When last did you thank him for such grace? Read more at http://www.christianpost. com
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
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Christian Business Alliance and The Ambassador Christian Newspaper present
National Day of Prayer Breakfast with
Francis Anfuso Francis Anfuso was born in 1949 in Brooklyn, NY, one year prior to his father being elected to the first of five terms in the United States Congress. Unfortunately, his father’s absorbing career left little time for family, as his attention was fully given to his work. From 1981 to 1997, Francis and his family traveled, speaking and conducting training seminars in churches and Christian conferences in 10 nations. As the founder of Christian Equippers International and 21st Century Ministries, he developed textbooks, booklets, tracts, seminars, music albums, videos and training courses for Christians throughout the world. In 1997, he started The Rock of Roseville (www.rockofroseville.com) near Sacramento, California. Thousands have visited The Rock and been touched by the Spirit of God and countless lives have been changed. Francis is the author of twelve books and can be heard across America by millions of people each day on KLOVE Christian radio. Francis and Suzie have been married over 37 years. They have twin daughters (also in the ministry) who have blessed them with seven grandchildren.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Church of Glad Tidings Hwy 99 at Eager Rd., Yuba City Buffet Breakfast
BAFB Color Guard Tickets $15 $120 table of 10
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646 Plumas St., Yuba City
(For more information contact David Kugelman at 671.3160 ext. 204