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We are therefore Christ’s Ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20)

by Seth Halpern Editor The recent U.S. Budget and debt crisis has brought to the forefront a realization that many of us are in denial of our nation’s financial situation. Amidst the verbal assaults within the legislature, it is producing a “wake up call” for the average citizen as we are coming face to face with our national debt. While this situation ends up in another political wrestling match, I pause to wonder in how many things in our lives are we really in denial. Many of us are in denial of our own individual or family spending habits. Loading ourselves up with credit card debt or unreasonable mortgages, we try to live out the American dream in the midst of the American “nightmare”-our economy. Taken a step further, many of us are in denial about more personal matters: An unhealthy relationship, substance dependency, nutritional imbalance, perhaps. We generally, want things to continue as we would like without the need to change. Deeper still, most of us if we are honest, deny God. Perhaps we deny his existence in our beliefs or more commonly in our lifestyle. Although surveys often show 80-90% of Americans believe in God. It is difficult to reconcile that with the reality of rampant abortion, sexual immorality, and brutal violence. That said, many of those “80-90% ‘ers” may “believe” in a god of some sort. I think that most of us would like to know that someone is “watching out” for us or that we can call on someone to help us in a time of need. Unfortunately, that is not the heart of the Gospel. The heart of the Gospel has to do with the one thing we MOST deny and that is our own individual inadequacy. Many, including those who call upon the name of Christ,


consider themselves holy, when what they (and we) are is wholly inadequate. “We the People…” of this great nation have developed a prideful arrogance that insists that we are “good”. Unfortunately, the Bible says otherwise. If we were “good” there would be no reason for the death of Christ the Son of God. But we are not “good” and so He took our sins so that we can be made holy. Sin, which is not spoken of often, even in many churches, is the most deceptive and costly of all our denials. To deny that we sin, is to say that Jesus died for nothing. But it is our sin, all of it, that put Him to death. Sin is not often discussed because it is politically incorrect and “offensive”. It is much easier to discuss things as diseases, syndromes, preferences and the like. Yet sin is the virus of the soul. I recently had my computer restored from a virus. It is not an enjoyable experience. If only it was as simple as just finding the problem and getting rid of it. If I could just find the problem file that someone rudely (much too nice a word) put on my most important tool and delete it, I would have done so. It is not quite that easy, however. The virus is difficult to detect because it infects many other files, many of which are necessary. In fact, it is

August 2011

possible to have a computer virus as I did and not even realize it until the computer begins to slow down more and more and starts to destroy other working programs little by little. I tried to get rid of the culprit, but it would pop up in other places under other names. Soon I could not know what was a real file and what was a virus. The solution was to re-format the entire hard drive. For some of you, that simply means it all had to be erased and reinstalled with clean software. It is now basically a new system. Unfortunately, I’ve had to adapt, re-learn where things are and reinstall necessary files and programs. On the other hand, it is a new, fresh computer with no problems. As citizens of the human race, we are like this in a spiritual way. We may try to remove the virus of sin ourselves, but we need the Creator to “reformat” us. We may need to learn some new things and avoid old habits. But it is only through His grace and power that we are made new. Books, seminars, and whatever else can help AFTER you have reformatted. Otherwise, the virus of sin is going to slow you down until you are unusable for God. If you have not already done so, let the One who created you, give you new life. He promises to give us a new heart and exchange your virus of sin for freedom and life in Christ.. It may take time


to learn some new ways but the freedom and experience is well worth it. If you have already been “reformatted” or more correctly, redeemed, know that although the innate pull of sin has been released, the lure of our enemy is strong. He will seek to occupy our minds with thoughts that deny the power of God and will strive to get us to deny , or at least doubt God’s love for us. It is time to refuse his deceptive invitation to return to old habits and to instead run to God in repentance and start (or restart) your way to victory over evil. We have a problem. It is that we deny the very thing that is killing us as individuals, families, churches and nations. If we deny that we are infected by sin, we will not want to talk about it. We will deny that people are going to hell, because it is not politically correct and may offend some. Our denial as a nation, as individuals and especially as the church will prove to cost us greatly.

WHAT’S INSIDE Sponsors . . . . . . . . . Pg. 2 Ministry Resources . . . . Pg. 3 Inspiration . . . . . . . . Pg. 4-5 Media/Entertainment. . . Pg. 7 Resources . . . . . . . Pg. 9-10 Community. . . . . . Pg. 11-13 Marketplace. . . . . . . . Pg. 15

The Ambassador



The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties WWW.AMBASSADORNEWSPAPER.COM

Ministry Partners - The generous support of our Ministry Partners and Business Sponsors allows The Ambassador to be distributed each month



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Lic. Contractor #608859 Ben Seigler

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ben@benseiglermft.com Specializing in helping moms with strong-willed children Lic #49211

Robert E. Stark, CPA, MBA

Jim Whiteaker Sutter County Supervisor (530) 713-7504 Jwhiteaker@co.sutter.ca.us

Davis Family Insurance & Financial Services


Straw Hat Pizza

suttercountyauditor.org 822-7127

MD DERMATOLOGY 414 G Street, Suite 204 Marysville 743-0301

A-1 Carpet Cleaning


25 YEARS Sutter County Auditor-Controller

(530) 673-3634

Window Coverings

Water Damage Restoration Carpets/ Windows/ Upholstery


Beyond Blessed www.beyond-blessed.com Dessert Specialist & Custom Cakes 916-769-4148

Monroe Transmission Don Monroe 1397 Colusa Hwy Yuba City 530-751-2238

Dr. David A. Bradley

Optometrist 747 Plumas St., Yuba City


714 Plumas St Yuba City (530) 751-8155 “Not Your Ordinary Pet Store”


540 Bogue Rd (Tower Market Center) Yuba City 671-5150

Proforma by Kug Dave Kugelman Promotional Products 530-632-9292

Shadd Janitorial Supply

Crosspointe Christian Books & Gifts

Caldwell’s Creative Laminates 530-821-5845 Formica & Solid Surface

Grange Insurance Agency Yvette Adams 530-743-6081


Janis Maasen

Author - “Peter The Leader”


The Ambassador

530-671-2764 #0F27435

(530)682-7727 Blinds* Shutters*Shades Lic. #890713

530-673-0083 Roger Shadd/Owner 226 Bridge Street, YC

Gaiser Pets

A Farmers Insurance Agency Auto-Home-Life-commercial-Blue Cross 1650 Sierra Ave Suite 202A - YC 95993

530-673-6188 646 Plumas St., YC

David Hobbs Painting

Sixth Day Fishing

530-742-2428 dhobbsptg@hotmail.com

www.sixthdayfishing.net Jason Helms, Guide 530-635-5732

Collins Lake

Ultimate Building Maintenance


Marcos Gonzalez/Owner Janitorial/Carpet Cleaning & Yard Service

Mountain Top Yogurt

James Gallagher

Northern California's Best family fishing lake www.collinslake.com

Lincoln Plaza 1000 Lincoln Rd, Ste E



Sutter County Supervisor (530)713-7505 jgallagher@co.sutter.ca.us

Squeaky Cleaners

Dwayne Tanabe

Selena Bisby

Business Services (530)846-3335 dktanabe@yahoo.com

Andy & Liz Garcia-owners Residential/Business Lic# 69861

1 Cor. 1:18

(530) 743-2363



Taxes-Bookkeeping &

Dave Greenetz Construction Inc. www.greenetzconstruction.com

Fitness for Women

Landscape and Design

"The Power to Amaze Yourself"

530-673-8334 Mike Sperbeck/owner

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Doug LaMalfa

Christian Business Alliance


Jan Duke, Re/Max Gold TopPropertyCop.com

Short Sales save your credit 530-701-4820

1316 Woodward St. YC

STATE SENATOR - District 4 1282 Stabler Lane #630-257 Yuba City CA 95993 www.douglamalfa.com



“Building up Christians, Lifting up Christ” We meet at the Bonanza Inn the first Tuesday of the month from noon – 1pm.

Become a Business Sponsor Call 933-1385

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties



Fire – Glory Healing

Pregnancy Resource Clinic

Invites you to our Fall Benefit Banquet on October 15th, 2011 Featuring

Conquering Addictions, Restoring Lives, and Reuniting Families 12 Month Faith Based residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation program proven to make a difference in our community. 2465 Birch Street Live Oak, CA 95953



U.S. Senator, Rick Santorum

“Come expecting to Receive from God”

Purchase a table for 10 ($300), or individual tickets ($30 each), by calling A Woman's Friend at (530) 741-9136

Joy Gartman – Pastor John Lucas

Aug 20/21 – 6pm

or visit us online at www.awfpartners.com


212 Bridge St., YC

Samaritan Village Orphanage Tanzania, Africa

Peter the Leader: Pre and Post Holy Ghost

Living Word Christian Center

You CAN help save the lives of children in Tanzania!

Peter's life is full of insecurity and fear UNTIL his transformation, by the power of the Holy Spirit, filled him full of authority, confidence and boldness!

Christian Books Gifts Christian Decor Church Supplies

Janis is an ordained minister - available for speaking engagements and weddings. She can be reached at (530) 675-9663


Books can be purchased for $12.99 at


Call Tara (530-329-6619) to learn how

or at Crosspointe Christian Books in Yuba City

Praise Chapel

398 Aylor Avenue Yuba City



Sun. 9am & 11am, Wed. 7pm Pastor Chris Madsen


Agape Lighthouse Community Church

1533 Myers Street, Oroville

Church of Glad Tidings


1179 Eager Road, Yuba City


2106 Pepper Street Sutter, CA 95982 Pastor BJ Wilson (530) 237-6351


Saturday 7pm - Sunday 10:00am Wednesday 7pm

THE AMBASSADOR The Ambassador is a free, monthly publication promoting unity and revival among the local Yuba-Sutter area Bible-believing churches. The Ambassador has a circulation of 6,000 and is distributed in local churches and businesses in the community. The purpose of The Ambassador is to pursue the great commission of Christ by making disciples and to encourage, inform, challenge and connect the local body of Christ. We believe in the inspiration and authority of the Bible as the written word of God. We believe that God exists as One, in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that the atoning work of Christ (His death) on the cross and His resurrection is the ONLY means of salvation and the only way to Eternal Life in Heaven. We welcome editorial content from anyone wishing to promote the mission of The Ambassador. All articles and advertisement content is subject to the approval of the editor.Views expressed in The Ambassador do not necessarily reflect those of our sponsors or advertisers

Editor/Publisher - Seth Halpern


Advisory Board - Sean Blount & Dave Kugelman


Design - Martin Virtual

The Ambassador


INSPIRATION Keeping The Faith Hard Words, But Words That Lead To Life by Ronnie McBrayer “If your hand causes you to sin,” Jesus said, “cut it off and throw it away.” That’s a pretty tough surgical intervention. No, I don’t think Jesus was endorsing personal dismemberment. Rather, he was emphasizing, in rather dramatic fashion, the need for life-saving, futuresalvaging initiative. Better to lose an arm than lose your whole life. Better to throw away something you consider incredibly valuable, than to throw away your future. An example, also in rather dramatic fashion: My brother was born with a cardiac condition that resulted in a catalogue of life-threatening illnesses. Finally, with little chance of recovery and his major organ systems in peril, cardiologists completed an open heart surgery. But shortly after his surgery he acquired a staph infection in his right arm. The infection was unrelenting. So my parents had to make an impossible decision: Amputate the arm to save his life. Was it a horrible thing for them to have to do? Yes. Was it unfair and unjust to have been put in that position? Yes. But it was the only real choice they had. It was better to lose the limb than to lose the life. My brother is alive and well today, now in his thirties with a family of his own,

because of that brave decision. Likely, you will never face such a decision, but if you do, I pray you will do what has to be done. No, it probably won’t be a limb, but it might be an addiction, a dependence, a relationship, or a business arrangement; a place you go or an activity in which you engage. I’m not moralizing. There are just some people, places, and things that are no good for us. You will have to make the hard, brave decision to “cut off your arm,” if it means saving your future. Aron Ralston, subject of the recent movie “127 hours,” knows a few things about finding such bravery. Speaking in the aftermath of his ordeal he said, “I left my hand behind in that canyon, but I gained my life.” Yes, these are strong words; difficult words to hear and practice. But just like the words of Jesus, these are words that lead to life, and your life is worth it.

Ronnie McBrayer is the author of “Leaving Religion, Following Jesus.” He writes and speaks about life, faith, and Christ-centered spirituality. Visit his website at www.ronniemcbrayer.net.

www.Ambassadornewspaper.com Greenetz Construction

“We Take It Personal”

Kitchens Baths Remodels

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greenetzcontruction.com License #452975


The Ambassador

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


The Treasure Chest by Paula McBride Squatting by a plastic container, several children reached expectant hands into a tub of tiny toys. Lifting handfuls and then dropping glittery gadgets back into the marvelous mass of good things, these special people seemed more interested in the feel and texture of the toys rather than claiming possession of them. Occasionally, one would take out a bouncy ball and play with it, only to soon put the ball back and resume sifting. I watched, puzzled by the absence of greed in these little people. The tub looked like a standard classroom treasure chest. Was there nothing in it that the children desired? Was it enough to touch and feel, but not possess? A treasure much grander than a plastic container has been given by God to each member of the human race, and many of us are like simple children who sift His blessings through our hands and see nothing to be desired. Or perhaps the desire takes roller coaster rides. Sometimes we desire the deeper things of God; other times we're content with the baubles of the world. The treasure God has for us is unimaginable. We can't imagine the golden streets of heaven, the gates of pearl, and the walls of jasper, yet all of this means nothing to God unless He can give it away. God sees His treasure in us, as pitiable as we are. God also saw treasure in His Son whom He gave away for our redemption. Through redemption, we become children of God and heirs along with Jesus of the treasures of heaven. When we accept the treasure of God's redemption through Christ, the Holy Spirit activates us with desire and delight. We desire to honor God for His costly sacrifice. As He delights in us as His dearest treasure, we come to know Him as our dearest treasure. Then it becomes our

delight and desire to possess God's treasures and share them with others. That's another amazing thing about God's treasures; we never lose anything by giving them away. We just have more reasons to delight in kingdom living. The Apostle Paul called God's treasures glorious, unlimited resources given by the Holy Spirit for power and inner strength. Though he was the least deserving, he said, God gave him the privilege of telling the Gentiles about the endless treasure available to them in Christ (Eph. 3:8 and 16). Paul taught that in Christ lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:3). Power, strength, wisdom, and knowledge are lasting treasures that we often sift through our hands in the earthly quest for security and leisure. In addition to the treasures we can't see, God has given us another exquisitely precious treasure that we can see, His Word, the Bible. The psalmist David wrote, "I have rejoiced in your laws as much as in riches" (Psa. 119:14) and "The laws of the Lord are true; each one is fair. They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold (Psa. 19:9-10). Let's commit to opening the treasures of the Lord frequently, desiring the strength, power, wisdom, and knowledge available through them, and then telling others how everlasting treasure can be theirs.

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Testimonies of God’s Grace

Thrift Store Gospel

“Why God Didn’t Heal Me” by Miriam R. YIst

by Elisabeth Quick It’s dirty, musty smelling, and a little shifty when you first walk in. Children are playing on the floor. No one greets you when you walk in, actually they don’t seem to even have noticed you. There really seems to be no sense of order, just rows and rows of junk piled ceiling high. Why are you even here? Thrift Stores. They offer cheap prices, at the expense of providing you with the typical shopping experience. Why bother with them? I’ll tell you. If you have a washer capable of high heat, thrift stores can be a great way to expand your wardrobe without reducing the size of your wallet. And to let you in on a little secret, it might be a good way to gain an abstract perspective on how God views us. There is something romantic about the idea that you’re wearing someone else’s clothes. Not in the creepy “I haven’t washed these” sense, but the notion that the same shirt that got someone else through their day is now along for the ride with you for yours. When I walk into a thrift store, I think about the redemption that I’ve received. When I pick up a dress off the shelf, I don’t see the rather out-dated cut and the shoulder pads; instead I see the potential for a smart looking sheath (it’s a cut of dress, for the gentlemen out there reading this) that would pair nicely

with a cardigan. The best part? At check out, after tax, it’s $2.80. Throw in a belt and the look comes together, perfect for church! All it took was a little hemming, a hot hot hot wash (just in case), and some luck at finding it in the mess. I can’t help but think that God thinks of us as thrift stores sometimes. We have some good qualities that He originally planned for us to have, but we also have a lot of junk that we’ve picked up along the way. I don’t know if God has ever been called this, but He is the master Tailor. He can hem out our bad habits, wash out our stains and sins, and renew us with His Divine purpose. All we need to do is let Him into our mess and give ourselves over to His will. Just like 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, once we do we’ll be a beautiful new creation.

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Depending on God is the only answer. He wants me to seek His presence moment by moment, day by day knowing that He will be my strength to get me through whatever crosses my life’s path. As I look back in retrospect, God was grooming me to being his child through a devastating divorce and raising two girls as a single parent. My life was changed when I accepted Jesus as my Savior. The big test of my faith was to come when in 1989 I was diagnosed with a genetic muscular dystrophy called Charcot-MarieTooth (CMT). It is a praise that it is not life- threatening, but I have no muscular control in my arms below the elbow and in my legs below the knees. When I found that I was going to need leg braces, I was devastated. In all my vanity, I could only picture heavy metal braces like those worn by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. I prayed that God would spare me that. He answered me by providing a new technology with a light-weight, plastic brace which fit inside my shoe. I cried because my dear, sweet, precious God heard me. After that, how could I not depend on such a merciful God who blesses me so. God was there when I graduated from college with a fine arts degree in 1997, and to this day, His grace allows me to paint even

though my hands are atrophied. Then my physical condition caused me to lose confidence driving my car and therefore, lose my independence. I prayed for confirmation from God that I had made the right decision to stop driving. He brought angels into my life through my brothers and sisters in Christ from my church to meet my driving needs. It was an unbelievable confirmation of not only my decision, but God’s great and deep love for me. I pray to God each night to give me all the strength, energy and stamina I need to function each day. What amazes me is that He has given me opportunities to serve Him beyond my wildest dreams from being a Bible study facilitator to having a small ministry for divorced, widowed and never married women called Sisters Indeed. What an awesome God! It does not matter what physical condition you are subjected to; serving God is just a matter of attitude. Attitude is everything. Look around you and see God’s incredible creativity and blessings. Realize the blessings of God in your own life—not the trials and tribulations. God, through his infinite mercy and grace, will get you through those. Just depend on Him. He is right by your side.

Psalm 62:5-8 My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be shaken. On God, my salvation and my glory rest; The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God. Trust in Him at all times, O people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.

The Ambassador


CALENDAR ONGOING EVENTS Christian Business Alliance Luncheon Every 1st Tue @ Noon Bonanza Inn, Yuba City Join us for Lunch, Fellowship and God’s Word! For info contact Dave Kugelman 530-632-9292 Right to Life Monthly Meeting 1st Wed., 7pm (1st Wed of every month) St. Isisdore’s Community Parish Hall Conference Room. Business Meeting open to the all interested in pro-life issues. For more info, visit www.ysrtl.org ME Dessert (Marriage Educators) Mon 6:30-8PM (Monthly 2nd Monday) @ The Cookie Tree, YC Strengthen relationships in Yuba Sutter & Butte counties thru practical marriage and relationship education! Your experiences may be a gift to share. Come join us for a dessert on us! Visit our website www.YubaSutterMarriage.com WISE (Women In Search of Excellence) Bible Study Cornerstone Church Tue. 7pm FREE Karate Classes First Baptist Church of Olivehurst Mon 6:30pm FREE karate classes taught from a Christian perspective. 743-1831 for info, Pastor Miguel. Weekly Recovery Groups Crossroads Community Church Sunday 7-8pm, Monday 6:30-8:30 We also offer a Grief Recovery Group on Wednesday Evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. For more information, please call church office 530-751-9168. Celebrate Recovery Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Tues 7pm - 674-9210 Celebrate Recovery Loma Rica Community Church - Moy Hall. Fri., 7pm. Call church office for more information 743-5435. Crossroads Clothes Closet Crossroads Community Church, YC Shop at our - FREE Clothes given away! Open Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm AWANA Wed’s, 5:45-7:45 PM during the school year Evangelical Free Church 3785 Olive Hwy., Oroville For information please call 533-6866 Awana is a boys and girls club consisting of small group time, games, large group time. AWANA cont. Awards are given for Bible verse memorization and handbook achievement. For ages 2 through the eighth grade.


The Ambassador

Prayer Vigil for LIFE! Last Wed of each month, 4-5pm Join us as we gather with people of faith throughout our area, as we peacefully pray on the sidewalk at the Yuba City Planned Parenthood. We meet on the last Wednesday of the month. For more info, please contact Heather Pugh (530)751-9349. WestWord Riders Motorcycle Ministry Gridley Grill, 484 Hwy 99, Gridley August 20th, 8:30am The WestWord Riders motorcycle fellowship meets the 3rd Saturday of each month. Meetings are followed by a planned ride so dust off that helmet and join us! For any other information contact Willy Alongi at 701-1045. FREE YARN CRAFT Class First Baptist Church of Olivehurst – 1777 8th Ave, Olivehurst Monday’s, 10am. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Hope Point Nazarene, 600 N. George Washington Blvd, Yuba City Each Wednesday, 6:30pm Join us for this Christ-centered recovery group that provides a safe place for you with people who will love you through your pain, and celebrate with you during your victories. The group meets weekly, so visit us any time. Contact Jim Myers at 635-4688 for more information. Knit & Crochet Women's Fellowship First Baptist Church of Olivehurst, 1777 - 8th Ave. Mon 10am - Noon Practice your yarn craft or learn a new one with us. Knifty Knitters are welcome. Bring your own project or work on a charity item that we donate to those in need in the community. Contact Vivian 530-3019841 for further information. Couplehood Wednesdays 6:45 - 8:45pm Church of Glad Tidings www.YubaSutterMarriage.com How can we protect our relationship from becoming another statistic? What can we do to keep our love energized? Couplehood teaches how to protect, nourish and transform your relationship into an enduring and fulfilling connection. Info: 530.671.6069 “SHAKEN” Hope Point Church, Y.C Sundays at 4pm beginning June 12th in the Lighthouse Are you stuck in the rut of ‘religion’? Would you prefer a meaningful relationship with Christ? If you are seeking a deeper connection and want to experience & live in His power, then its time to get ‘Shaken’. Contact Rodney at rodney.corn@comcast.net for more info. SAMARITAN VILLAGE MONTHLY MEETING Call 329-6619 for location 3rd Tue of each month, 6:30pm

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


This meeting is open to all who are interested in helping with an orphanage in Tanzania. For info call Tara at 329-6619

SPECIAL EVENTS YARD SALE Mountaintop Christian Academy of CA 8408 La Porte Road, Brownsville FNL Youth Center/ Old Grange Saturday August 6th, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Multi-Family Yard Sale with many donated items from the local community including ladders, exercise equipment, electrical appliances, baby clothes, antiques and collectibles. This is the first fundraiser for MCA of CA. Donations and prayers graciously accepted for the success of this event. Call 530-675-2228 SMOKIN’ BBQ COMPETITION & ROAD SHOW & FUN FOR KIDS OF ALL AGES Hope Point Nazarene 600 N. George Washington Blvd. YC Sunday August 7th at 6pm Join us for this Smokin’ event - BBQ, fun for kids, live music, cars & bikes - all free! To compete for cash prizes or for more details go to bbq.HopePointNaz.org or call 671-1130 FREE SHOWING OF “SOUL SURFER” MOVIE Glad Tidings Church Wednesday, August 10th, 7pm You are invited to a free showing of Soul Surfer. You won’t want to miss the incredible true story of teen surfer Bethany Hamilton. An inspirational movie that will touch your heart. Popcorn, sodas and other snacks will be on sale. For more information contact David Kugelman at 671-3160. FAITH CHRISTIAN ELEMENTARY BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT 2620 Colusa Hwy. Yuba City Thursday, August 11, 7:00 p.m. Program for all enrolled k-6th grade students and their families. Visit the classrooms, meet the teachers and pick up the materials you will need to prepare for the school year.

Ground, The Cornells and Friends of God will fill the evening with songs of praise and worship. It’s FREE! For additional information call the church office: 751-9168. FIRE AND GLORY HEALING CONFERENCE 212 Bridge Street, YC August 20, 21 At 6pm Come Expecting To Receive From God! Pastor John Lucas And Pastor Joy Gartman Will Be Ministering. FAITH CHRISTIAN SECONDARY BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT 3105 Colusa Hwy. Yuba City Monday, August 22, 6:30 p.m. Program for all enrolled 7-12th grade students and their families. Visit the classrooms, meet the teachers and prepare for the school year. BENEFIT DINNER & RAFFLE Mountaintop Christian Academy of CA 8408 La Porte Road, Brownsville NL Youth Center/ Old Grange Saturday August 27, 5 p.m. Please join us for a night of food, family and fun. Dinner will include Salad & Potato Bar, Plus dessert and refreshments. Raffle items: Load of gravel, Lydle- Cart Concrete, & many more. “Saving Lives through Christian Education.” Donations and Prayers graciously accepted. Call 675-2228 for more information. BETH MOORE SIMULCAST North Valley Calvary Chapel 613 Bogue Rd. YC Saturday, September 10th, 8:30 AM- 4:30PM Beth Moore’s Living Proof Live Simulcast is coming up. Tickets will be $10 and this includes breakfast and lunch during the Simulcast. We would love for you to join us for some great worship and great teaching by Beth Moore. Call for more information: 530-674-5296.

GOSPEL EXTRAVANGANZA Crossroads Community Church Thursday, August 11Th – 7:00 P.M. Join us for an old fashioned Gospel sing featuring five favorite California groups and an Ice Cream Social. The Wintons, Ronnie Pack Band, Solid

If your church or ministry is having an outreach activity that you would like to promote in our calendar, please send your item via email to editor@ambassadornewspaper.com by the 15th of the month for a listing in the following month's issue.

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Book Review by Nico Bougas “How to Really Love Your Adult Child" by Dr. Gary Chapman Having four grown children of my own I was particularly interested to meet with Dr. Gary Chapman at the recent International Christian Retail Show in Atlanta, Georgia, and talk with him about his new book, “How to Really Love Your Adult Child”. I questioned him about some of the things that have always concerned me. Like, why do some kids from dysfunctional families turn out great and grow into mature and practicing Christ-followers, and at the same time there are those who grow up in seemingly godly homes who rebel against their Christian heritage and drift off into a far country? His answer was that often kids from a dysfunctional family see the chaos and misery that ensues and determine that their lives and their families will be different. They learn from the mistakes of their parents and follow a different direction with the help of God. And some seemingly godly homes may not be all that they appear to be and their kids may decide that what their parents professed was not the genuine article. There is also the question why children from the same family and upbringing turn out differently. Apart from differences in temperament there is also the fact that the dynamics of the family change over time. The first-born child might be smothered with care and attention but, by the time baby #4 or #5 comes along, the

ed by


competition has really heated up. Dr. Chapman went on to explain that much has changed in the relationship between parents and their adult children, including young adults themselves as well as their parent's children. Economic upheavals, challenges to traditional values and beliefs, the phenomenon of overinvolved “helicopter parenting” – all make relating to grown children more difficult than ever. Yet at the same time being a parent of an adult child can bring great rewards. christian b o o k s & gifts 646 Plumas St., YC 530-673-6188 www.crosspointebooks.com Featured Book (with this ad)

$3 Off! thru 8/31/11

At every stage of a child's development, parents tend to think, after this, it will get easier. The truth is, with each new stage, parenting becomes different. Out of your house doesn't mean out of your life — and out of school doesn't always mean out of the house! The challenges of parenting

Holy Town: Facebook Gets a ‘Christian Farmville’ By: Josephine Vivaldo - Christian Post Contributor

A new Facebook Christian app game launched this month aims to simulate a real-world evangelical experience through social media, says its developer. Holy Town is one of the few Christian Facebook apps available. Since its June launch it has gained more than 19,000 “likes” as well as positive feedback and hundreds of five-star ratings from its users. The application’s description reads: “Do you love GOD? Ever wondered what it would be like to start your own Church and bring more people to GOD? Well find out in Facebook's first Christian game, Holy Town!” The game begins by allowing gamers to choose an avatar among four characters. Currently, one of the four features is working; the others are still being developed. The basic idea of the game is to create a church by earning coins through “preaching.” Preaching means typing in biblical words such as “savior,” “forgiveness,” and “sacrifice” up to five times a day. The more coins you receive, the bigger the church. The more congregation members players have, the more coins they will earn when they preach. The game also offers “Scripture of the day” where users are allowed to share it with friends. Players will also have the opportunity to do fundraisers and charity work to build their ministry.

The idea for the game came out of a conversation about Facebook apps and how Maiko Martin, who was already a Facebook developer at the time, could use his ability to spread God’s word. Like us on Facebook “I was already a Facebook developer, so I had experience with how things could spread across the platform. During a conversation about other Facebook apps I was developing with my family, my aunt, Janeene Ward, said that she thought it would be a great idea to use our ability to promote things through social media to create a Christian game for Facebook,” Martin shared with The Christian Post. He added, “She thought that allowing users to create their very own church would be fantastic, and it would provide

cont. on pg. 9 - LOVE

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RESOURCES HOLY TOWN - cont. FROM PG 7 a fantastic escape for Christians on Facebook who played other popular games.” Immediately that very same day, he began designing the game where he figured that “providing Christians with an integrated Bible-based typing game (which we call “preaching” in Holy Town) to help us improve our typing skills while being immersed in the Word was fantastic.” The 21-year-old Christian developer shared that while making the game there were times he left discouraged, wondering if people will play the game “but Proverbs 3: 6 (In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success) took care of that!” he specified.

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


10 Healing Choices

Martin began programming and hacking games at 13 but began taking it seriously at age 19. Since then he began developing iPhone and Android games but switched to Facebook in late 2010 because he thought the platform was more progressive and developer friendly, he stated. In conjunction with the release of Holy Town he also officially released his company “mrmaiko” where he will continue to promote the Christian lifestyle through different media outlets. New features to the game will be added every week for a few years, he added. On the Web: Holy Town

(and the lies that will prevent you from making them)

Excerpted from the book "Healing is a Choice" by Stephen Arterburn At one time or another, every human being needs healing. The type of healing needed will differ depending on who the person is, and his or her circumstances. In every instance healing is a choice in which God and man are involved. Healing is a choice; it’s God’s choice. Also, there is a human side to the matter–there are choices we can make to ensure we experience whatever healing God, in His eternal purpose, has for us. CHOICE 1. The choice to connect your life. TRUTH: “So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:5 LIE: “All I need to heal is God and me.” CHOICE 2. The choice to feel your life. TRUTH: “Humble yourselves, the-

refore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6,7 LIE: “Real Christians should have a real peace in all circumstances.” CHOICE 3. The choice to investigate your life in search of truth. TRUTH: “Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.” Lamentations 3:40 LIE: “It does no good to look back or look inside.” CHOICE 4. The choice to heal your future. TRUTH: “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 cont. on pg. 9 - HEALING


The Ambassador

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


"Get Out Of Town!"

HEALING - cont. FROM PG 8 LIE: “Time heals all wounds.” CHOICE 5. The choice to help your life. TRUTH: “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4,5 LIE: “I can figure this out for myself.” CHOICE 6. The choice to embrace your life. TRUTH: “Arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you ‘ rise to a new life! Shine, be radiant with the glory of the Lord, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!” Isaiah 60:1 LIE: “If I act like there is no problem it will finally go away.” CHOICE 7. The choice to experience forgiveness throughout your life. TRUTH: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

LIE: “Forgiveness is only for those who deserve it or earn it.” CHOICE 8. The choice to risk your life. TRUTH: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 LIE: “I must protect myself from any more pain.” CHOICE 9. The choice to serve others in your life. TRUTH: “Each of us should please his neighbor for his good to build him up.” Romans 15:2 LIE: “Until I am completely healed and strong there is no place for me to serve God.” CHOICE 10. The choice to persevere throughout your life. TRUTH: “And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” 1 Peter 5:10 LIE: “There is no hope for me.”

LOVE - cont. FROM PG 7 don't end at 18, but the immense supply of parenting advice and resources does! That's why Drs. Ross Campbell and Gary Chapman, both best-selling authors and counselors, have teamed up to bring you this invaluable resource for handling the responsibilities that come with parenting your child who is no longer a child. They might make choices you disagree with or face trials you aren't prepared for — but in “How to Really Love Your Adult Child”, you'll find excellent advice that will help you give them the love, understanding, and guidance they still desperately need and crave from you. Dr Chapman quoted the interesting statistic that in the United States, 75% of college graduates will return home to live with there parents. Often there are emotional scars and they are discouraged, depressed and frustrated. With all their education they can’t get a job or the only job they can find is a low paying job. It is then that parents can have a role in loving


them. At the same time the parent has a responsibility to live by their own morals and values – they need to have a clear set of rules - no alcohol or drugs. The parent can’t control their offspring’s behavior outside of house and they are given freedom outside of house, but whilst they are living under the same roof, the child must abide by their rules. The greatest influence the parents have is in the first 18 years; thereafter their influence diminishes. But there is still room to build a good relationship and communication with your adult child. You can begin by acknowledging your own failures and then ask for forgiveness. This often stimulates a new relationship. From there you can go on to become your child’s cheerleader and sounding board. “How to Really Love Your Adult Child – Building a Healthy Relationship in a Changing World” by Gary D. Chapman and Ross Campbell, is published by Northfield.

Vacation Ideas for Christian Families by Seth Halpern For the most part, every since our family moved to Yuba City, we have been “locals” who do just about everything here in town. Once in a while, though, it is good to “get out of town”! So recently we went for a weekend getaway to South Lake Tahoe. Somehow (and I’m still not quite sure why), we have never taken the drive to spend a weekend in Tahoe. Perhaps it’s because I thought that since we aren’t skiers in winter or boaters in summer, there was nothing much to do. Well, we found out otherwise. We shared a “cabin” (more like a big house!) with longtime friends from the Bay Area. After a Friday evening of relaxing and breathing in some fresh mountain air, we got ready for a full day of activity on Saturday. We experienced what is perhaps the two most popular “attractions” in the area. A Scenic Cruise around the lake and the Heavenly Gondola. Of course, the truly more popular attractions are the ski slopes and the beach/boating areas, but that’s not us. So, we set off to Zephyr Cove to find a beach, ticket booths and LOTS of people. We boarded the M.S. Dixie, a three deck paddlewheel boat. The two hour relaxing cruise gave more than ample time for unlimited postcard-like pictures. We enjoyed the beautiful (and maybe mysterious) snow on the mountains in midJuly! The cruise is narrated on weekends

by Darrin Talbot, self-proclaimed “Mr. Tahoe” who is an entertaining story-teller that seems to have an “obsession” with Lake Tahoe! Most people were enjoying the “show” and the sun on the top deck, so after a while we moved to the nearly empty lower and considerably warmer inside second deck, where we alternated between listening to Mr. Tahoe and chatting with our friends over a soda and chili fries. It was a very enjoyable and relaxing time. From Zephyr Cove, a ten minute drive to Stateline and next to the casinos was Heavenly Village. We meandered around the shops afterward, but for now our mission was to scale the heights on the gondola. The six of us sat comfortably in the fully-enclosed container. Though not thrill ride, the gondola is quite a challenge for those with a fear of heights! My wife, has such a fear, but after a few brief bouts of panic, seemed to really enjoy the ride. The first stop (more than half way up) brings you to the observation deck with breathtaking views of the lake, while the casinos resembled lego pieces. At over 9,000 feet, I’m not quite sure whether it was the spectacular view or the elevation that took our breath away! Further up we enjoyed lunch at the Tamarack Lodge. Nearly empty (good for us) it was 3:00pm and almost ready to close (bad for us). The Gondola runs until 5pm but the restaurant cont. on pg. 10 - town

Nico Bougas is the International Coordinator of Hellenic Ministries (www.

hellenicministries.com. For further, information contact: nico@bougas.info

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news” Isaiah 52:7 Can you help bring “Good News” to our community? The Ambassador needs volunteers to help deliver to locations throughout Yuba, Sutter, and Butte counties. If you can help once a month for an hour or two, please call The Ambassador at 530-933-1385 or email editor@ambassadornewspaper.com

The Ambassador


RESOURCES HEALING - cont. FROM PG 8 closes early. That would have been good to know. Unfortunately, we had to eat a less than leisurely lunch and the prices, well, let’s just say that they were on par with the elevation! On the positive side, as much as they don’t skimp on the price, they don’t skimp on the portions either, nor the quality. At nearly 10,000 feet up, they could have served us anything and we didn’t have much choice. McDonald’s was a long drop from there! But the food was great and we got to throw snowballs at each other in mid July. What is that worth!!

For a couple or family that is not interested in water sports, skiing, or casino’s, South Lake Tahoe really does have some wonderful experience to behold. One piece of advice, though. Although, it was suggested that we can easily enjoy both of these activities in a day, I don’t advise it. Take a day at each to enjoy God’s handywork at the beach at Zephyr Cove, and hiking trails at the top of the gondola ride and enjoy this jewel of the Sierras without the need to even peek into the casino!

The Ambassador Ministry

would like to thank the following people for their Individual Sponsorship Brad Indelicato Kay Andrus Hope Ithurburn Michael Barrett Sandi Juri Marty Brown Sue Kochi Warren & Lucy Campbell Maria Paras Bob Gilbert Carrie Pederson Pamela Givans Bud & Linda Preston Tom Harris Wendell Prine Rodney Hick Mimi Robarge John Imler Jon & Pat Skillman Kerry Iskikian Art & Mary Ann Whitten

God Bless Each of You for your support of this ministry and our community If you would be interested in supporting The Ambassador as an Individual Sponsor ($15 - $20/month) please contact Seth Halpern at: editor@ambassadornewspaper.com or call 530-933-1385 or visit us online at www.ambassadornewspaper.com

The Ambassador


Gay History Law Halted By Referendum Drive

Select used quality Christian books now available at JJ’s Tools 980 Gray Ave, YC (next to Brocks)


The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

A controversial new law, SB 48, that mandates an emphasis on "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender" role models in K-12 history and social science curriculum, has been temporarily put on hold. After SB 48 was signed into law last week by Gov. Jerry Brown, Pacific Justice Institute worked quickly behind the scenes, with several other pro-family organizations to launch the referendum. Papers have been filed with the California Attorney General's Office. That office is tasked with preparing an official title and summary for the measure, which would allow voters the chance to directly repeal SB 48. A growing coalition of pro-family leaders across the state are supporting the official entity StopSB48.com. Once a title and summary are received from the Attorney General, supporters will have less than 90 days to gather approximately 500,000 valid signatures to place the referendum on the ballot. In the meantime, SB 48 is automatically suspended. Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, commented, "We have been seeing a groundswell of opposition to the enactment of SB 48, and now it is time to act. We encourage everyone to visit StopSB48.com to learn more and join the coalition. This effort will require us all to sacrifice and work together. We cannot afford to stay silent or stand on the sidelines. Californians are extremely tolerant, but we draw the line when history is revi-

sed to please a special interest group." About The Pacific Justice Institute: Pacific Justice Institute is a non-profit 501(c)(3) legal defense organization specializing in the defense of religious freedom, parental rights, and other civil liberties. Pacific Justice Institute works diligently, without charge, to provide their clients with all the legal support they need. Pacific Justice Institute's strategy is to coordinate and oversee large numbers of concurrent court actions through a network of over 1,000 affiliate attorneys nationwide. And, according to former US Attorney General Edwin Meese, "The Institute fills a critical need for those whose civil liberties are threatened." " Through our dedicated attorneys and supporters, we defend the rights of countless individuals, families and churches... without charge." FOR MORE INFORMATION: Pacific Justice Institute P.O. Box 276600 Sacramento, CA 95827-6600 Phone: (916) 857-6900 Fax (916) 857-6902 Internet: www.pacificjustice.org

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties



YOUR 2 CENTS! Responses from our readers

Other than Jesus, who is your favorite Bible person and why? Robert Walker - One of my favorites is Job. Here is a man that loved God through all of his troubles, sadness, pain and immense suffering. Even when his wife told him to curse God and die he was faithful. He shows me that our life here on earth is not always the best but our faithfulness to our father in heaven will give us the strength and courage and peace we need to continue our mission on earth. Beth Ward - My favorite would probably have to be the woman at the well. She had a heavy conversation with Jesus. He began by reminding her that she was a samaritan (unworthy of his attention) and then pointed out her sins. Instead of taking offense at him, she was thrilled at the fact that God saw her and knew her. She evangelized her circle of influence immediately without hesitation.

Rick Selling - How's bout Joseph?? He dared to dream big; paid the price and endured the fruit of jealousy; rewarded with gifts from God leading to promotion for future production; ran from a trap because he was loyal; wept from a heart that yet loved his family. All this and a "technicolor dreamcoat!

Cale Judd - My favorite person in the bible (besides jesus) is moses, a man who despised all the pleasures of this world to identify with his true brothers, who obeyed god in full reliance on his faithfulness, and who humbly endured extreme hardship for the sake of those placed in his charge.

Chuck David - Uriah. Nothing distracted him; including being married to the most beautiful woman in the world.

Chris Hummel - Apostle Paul allowed the power of god to develop the character of his destiny. In athens, then the philosophical/intellectual capital of the world, he boldly proclaimed, "I am not ashamed of the gospel truth in jesus christ." He conquered rejection & opposition as we are also called to do.

Rick Selling - "David committed major transgressions, yet acknowledged those were against God. So are mine. He lived from the heart and had emotional integrity. I loved his dance while returning with the ark. I love the psalms where he pours out his complaints and finds relief in god. So do i." Ruth Tapia - My favorite person in the bible, is Ruth; all because it's a romantic story and how it took place. God in all his wonder set her up to have a beautiful life with boaz, and to become part of the family line of jesus. She followed her motherin-law and accepted to worship her god, she even went as far as providing for her. What a woman' her love and obediance to her mother-in-law lead her to the path that reached gods heart and he blessed her so wonderfully, that she was chosen to be in the bible for women to learn that sweet humilty can lead us to a path of blessings.

Valerie Strawmier - My favorite person is Esther because she left behind everything she knew to take an unfamiliar journey. Instead of cowering in fear, she showed battlefield courage and protected her people without a safety net in place. She triumphed, despite evil, by standing on god’s word with faith that moved mountains. Jason Smith - Paul single-handedly redefined christianity. It is said he preached a different gospel than the other disciples, and even jesus according to many theologians. He preached so radically because he gained a revelation that when Jesus died, we all died along with the need to please God because God is now pleased with us through the work of Jesus.

Dave Kugelman - I have to go with Joseph (Jacob’s son) because he was put in prison for 13 years for doing the right thing. The lesson we learn from his life is; if we continue to trust God, he will lead us to our ultimate destiny regardless of the circumstances.

Dave Hobbs - Nehemiah! Nehemiah worked tirelessly for the people of God on the earth. Though he had a secure position with the king of persia, he gave it up to go to jerusalem to help God’s people. Working under death threats and slander, he was tough as nails, yet full of love. Rachel Todd - I have two favorite characters. Pricilla and Aquila in the book of acts. They were involved in ministry together and you almost never see one mentioned without the other. They are a great example to what I would like my husband and I to be. Doing ministry side by side.

The Ambassador



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Radio Show


Fri. 5pm repeated at 9pm and Saturday at 7pm


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Thurs. 5pm

repeated at 9pm and Saturday at 5pm

Taking Back Christianity

with Sean Blount & Dave Kugelman

Discussing important issues of faith and culture Listen to Bob Fromm on The Encouraging Word weekdays at 9:01am & 7:05pm


The Ambassador


Ministry Profile

All roads lead to an EPIC journey at Stimulate Your Mind

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

Brief description: A Woman’s Friend is a ministry providing free and confidential services to any person experiencing an unintended pregnancy. Contact phone: (530) 741-9136 email: prc@awomansfriend.org website: www.awfpartners.org our client site is www.awomansfriend.org. Director: Carol Dodds Other Key Contacts: Barbara Mejia, Shannon Russ, Evelyn Theroux Year started: 1987 Areas served: Yuba, Sutter, & Colusa counties Target clients: A Woman’s Friend provides services to anyone in need. Services provided: • Pregnancy testing and verifications; • Information on pregnancy and alternatives to abortion; • Friendship and emotional support; • Limited medical services (including ultrasound imaging); • Maternity clothes, baby clothes and furniture; • Earn While You Learn parenting program; • Abortion recovery support for women and men; • 24-hour hotline; • Healthy Choices abstinence education program. Funding source: A Woman’s Friend is a community, non-profit, charitable, 501(c)(3), tax exempt corporation. No income is generated through our clients. We are supported by individuals and churches that are passionate about life. Mission Statement: “A Woman’s Friend Pregnancy Resource Clinic empowers women to make healthy life choices.” Needs (financial donations, volunteers, etc): We need volunteers in four areas: client advocates, receptionists, hotline volunteers, and Earn While You Learn mentors. We are seeking the donation of a 32’ motor home to use as a mobile unit to increase access to our services. Comments: Follow us on Facebook!

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties




Truth Or Consequences by Dave Kugelman For those who are my age or older, you will remember a TV Show hosted by Bob Barker with the same name as my headline for this month’s article. I am concerned with the number of Christians who seem to be okay with disregarding the clear teachings of Jesus Christ. As some of you know, I do a weekly radio show with my good friend Sean Blount called “Taking Back Christianity.” It airs on 104.7 on Fridays at 5:00, 9:00 and Saturdays at 7:00. We find it truly amazing that one of our main objectives in doing the show is to convince believers of Jesus Christ to obey what He clearly teaches! For those who claim to be a Christian then it should be obvious that they are to obey Jesus whose name they identify with. To me being a disobedient Christian makes about as much sense as being a black member of the Klu Klux Klan. Here are some “lowlights” from pewforum.org which is a legitimate research firm that revealed some very disturbing trends among Christians. Only 28% of Christians attend services once a week.

Only 59% believe the Word of God literally true. 57% believe there are other ways to heaven besides Christ. (A good question to ask those who believe this is, “Why would Jesus say that He was the only way if it wasn’t true?” Then why would we believe other things that He said?) Okay, the tie-in to my headline is this. There are serious consequences to ignoring the truth about Jesus Christ and His Word. Many denominations have totally lost their minds by completely ignoring the clear teaching of scripture as it relates to sexual immorality. Listen to what Jesus has to say about our responsibility to hearing and responding to His Word. Luke 8:18 (NIV) 18 Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken from him." If we don’t believe everything (yes everything) that Jesus and the Word says, even what truth that we have received will be taken from us. In other words, accept the truth of Jesus Christ and His Word or be prepared to suffer the consequences.

We Want to Hear From You! If you have questions or comments, please let us know. See the front page for contact info.

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Current members:

A-1 Carpet Cleaning - (530) 673-3634 - www.a-1clean.com Maria Altizer - Live Oak Collision Center - (530) 695-1818 Ron Brasier - A Hand Up Ministry - (530) 671-1360 Marty Brown - KCYC-LP FM - (530) 674-5296 Kathleen Caldwell - City of Live Oak - (530) 695-2112 Fred Cox - Richard's Tree Service - (530) 673-7993 Brent Davis - Davis Family Insurance - (530) 671-2764 Christi Dutcher Shelley Gallagher - Gallagher Ranch Larry Geweke - Larry Geweke Ford-Kia - www.geweke.com Debbie Gilstrap - Sierra Central Credit Union debbie_gilstrap@hotmail.com Pamela Givans - Breakaway Theater Productions Marcos Gonzalez - Ultimate Business Maintenance - (530) 671-1564 John L. Guth - AttorneyEstate Planning - www.johnguthlaw.com Seth Halpern - Ambassador Newspaper - editor@ambassadornewspaper.com Rodney Hick David Hobbs Painting - Cont. Lic#880562 (530)742-2428 Marilyn Hoffman - Associated Brokers - (530) 682-1930 Brad Indelicato - Dolco Packaging - bdi26@comcast.net Dean Ingraham - Retiredand54@syix.com Bill Jens - Yuba Sutter Healthy Marriage Project - (530) 671-6069 Dave & Robin Kugelman - Proforma by Kug - (530) 742-2423 Clay Maynard - Consultant - (530) 790-6611 Jerry Munz - JM Construction Co. - (530) 682-5316 Jared Nunes - Sutter Health Chuck & Miriam Page Ronda Putman Becky Reimers - A Woman’s Friend - (530) 741-9136 Darrell Sayles - Love Unlimited Body of Christ - luboc2004@yahoo.com Roger Shadd - Shadd Janitorial Supply - 530-673-0083 Robert Stark - Sutter county Auditor/Controller - suttercountyauditor.org Dwayne Tanabe - Taylor Accountancy Corp - dktanabe@yahoo.com Jenine Tanabe - Jenine L. Tanabe, MD Dematology - (530) 743-0301 Jim Whiteaker - Sutter County Supervisor - jwhiteaker@co.sutter.ca.us Rich Fellowship, Powerful Prayer, Refreshing Presence of God! We meet at the Bonanza Inn the first Tuesday of the month from noon – 1pm.

For weekly reminders, updates, or to join email editor@ambassadornewspaper.com

The Ambassador



The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties




Great Truths About Growing Old 1) Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. 2) Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get. 3) When you fall down, you wonder what else you can do while you're down there. 4) You're getting old when you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster. 5) It's frustrating when you know all the answers but no body bothers to ask you the questions. 6) Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician. 7) Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.

Faith: The New Don’t Ask Don’t Tell By Seth Halpern

The ink has dried from President Obama’s recent signature repealing the ban on homosexuality in the military. It is now legal and acceptable to serve in the military as a practicing homosexual. At the same time, conservatives are fighting to keep our children’s history books from being changed to incorporate homosexual achievements and place them on par with George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King. There is still one area that is considered taboo. That is the issue of “faith”. It is interesting that in a land where our founding fathers fought to the death for our religious rights and freedom and speech, we are now allowed to do almost anything BUT speak of our faith. It used to be that things that happened in the bedroom were not considered appropriate to bring into the public venue. Yet a quick look at even the “family hour” on television or the billboards on the road will prove how far we have come from that age of discretion. So, while it is “anything goes” on the street, in our schools and often in our homes, the thing that is still taboo is any mention of our faith in God. It is clearly seen when we bring up the name of God (especially Jesus Christ) in a conversation with someone who is not a follower

Seth Halpern - Editor of His. “Faith is a private thing”, many will protest. Funny, I thought that sex was supposed to be a “private thing”. When did they switch? Even many believers have innocently (or even intentionally) fallen into the belief that they are simply supposed to live their life before others without a word. The often quoted “Preach always and when necessary use words” strategy is something that I truly believe in. If we don’t live our lives reflecting Christ then our words have a counterproductive effect. However, if we serve others and love others but never tell them why we do, there is a problem. Please DO Ask and DO Tell when it comes to sharing about your faith in our one and only answer- Jesus Christ! 14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Rom 10:14-15)


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The Ambassador


Enjoy the God who loves you more than you ever dreamed possible. He will take your breath away!

God loves us more than we know. He gives us more than we can ask or dream. He’s unrestrained . . . excessive . . . outrageous . . .

Over the Top .


patsy clairmont

marilyn meberg

sandi patty

lisa whelchel

drama by

musical guests

nicole johnson


special guest


andy andrews

Have you ever come on anything quite like this extravagant generosity of God…? Romans 11:33 (MSG)


Sacramento, CA October 14–15, 2011 Power Balance Pavilion


10 *

per person, when you mention code


Box lunch both days

Over the Top weekend Friday

10:00 am – 3:30 pm 7:00 pm –10:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Mention the above code when ordering and receive $10 off per person.Valid on individual (1-9) registrations only. Special group rates available.


Visit womenoffaith.com

or call 888-49-FAITH (888-493-2484)

Dates, locations, times and talent subject to change. Not valid on previous purchases or with any other offer. No refunds/exchanges. All prices in US Dollars and include applicable taxes. Over the Top is a production of Women of Faith. *

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