February 2014
June 2012
By Michael Brown
he biblical gospel starts with God and tells me what I can do to please Him. The contemporary gospel—which is really no gospel at all—starts with me and tells me what God can do to please me. It is this fundamental difference that lies at the root of so much theological error in the church, and it is this mindset that defines our American society today. “It’s all about me!” A 16-year-old man attending a gay pride event at Duke University in Durham, N.C., expressed this as clearly as anyone I have ever heard, explaining how he lost his faith: “I lost my religion a while ago when I was 13, because one day
“Why must love be attached to moral standard?” I was thinking about the universe and ... I can’t do what I want. Why—you know— if I want to sleep with two girls, why can’t
I do that? ... Why can’t I do what I want?” To paraphrase his thought process, which was unusually candid, “If there is a Creator to whom I am accountable, and if He has standards and rules, then I can’t do whatever I want to do; therefore, God can’t exist, because that would ruin my party.” How remarkable. Apparently it didn’t occur to him that this could just be wishful thinking on his part, nor did it appear to dawn on him that denying the existence of God doesn’t negate the existence of God, nor did he seem to consider that there might be a good reason for God’s standards and rules. His reasoning was quite simple—and in keeping with this generation’s mindset: Since life is all
about me, and since I want to do things that this alleged God doesn’t want me to do, He’s obviously not there. Otherwise He’d be stealing my fun. As for morality, right and wrong are defined by what I feel in my own heart, not by any external or absolute standard. And so, when this young man was asked about homosexuality (and whether it’s compatible with the Christian faith), he answered, “I mean, homosexuality ... love is love, man. You can’t separate two souls that love each other.” But of course! And there’s that phrase again—“Love is love”—which is as ubiquitous as it is empty. And it has become this generation’s anthem for
“Tips for Jesus” Giver Revealed p.8
“Satanic” Grammy’s Reaction p.12 “Son of God” Film Coming! p.13
Cont. on p.17
The Ambassador
SPONSORS Ministry Partners -
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties WWW.AMBASSADORNEWSPAPER.COM
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We build structures and relationships to last.
JMConstructionCo. JerryMunz/owner 530-682-5316
Certified Arborist
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jerry.jmconstruction@gmail.com http://www.jerrymunzconstruction.com/
suttercountyauditor.org 822-7127
Ben Seigler
Licensed Child and Family Therapist
Christian Business Alliance
ben@benseiglermft.com Helping Families Come Together Lic #49211
“Building up Christians, Lifting up Christ” We meet at the Bonanza Inn the �irst Tuesday of the month from noon – 1pm.
Dr. David A. Bradley
MD DERMATOLOGY 414 G Street, Suite 204 Marysville 743-0301
Loma Rica Recycling Dave Adams, Owner
1160 Live Oak Blvd, Yuba City
Dollar Discount Store
(530) 701-4101
451 Queens Ave, YC
11222 Loma Rica Rd, Loma Rica
Open Wednesday through Saturday Accepting CRV beverage containers
"Get MORE for your BUCK!"
Shadd Janitorial Supply
Gaiser Pets 714 Plumas St Yuba City (530) 751-8155
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“Your Landscape and Tree Doctor”
Certi�ied Arborist Lic. Contractor #870915 Quality Service since 1972
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Dave Greenetz Construction Inc. www.greenetzconstruction.com
540 Bogue Rd (Tower Market Center) Yuba City 671-5150
682.9602- lic.# 452975
Crosspointe Christian Books & Gifts
Landscape and Design
530-673-6188 646 Plumas St., YC 1 Cor. 1:18
Monroe Transmission Don Monroe 1397 Colusa Hwy Yuba City 530-751-2238
James Gallagher
Sutter County Supervisor (530)713-7505 jgallagher@co.sutter.ca.us
Sperbeck’s 1316 Woodward St. YC
Yvette Adams 530-743-6081
Ultimate Building Maintenance 530-671-1564
Marcos Gonzalez/Owner Janitorial/Carpet Cleaning & Yard Service
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The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
A place to sleep, shower and eat a meal. Hear the Word of God every night, Daily Bible studies. Noon Prayer Service Mon-Fri
Samaritan Village Orphanage Tanzania, Africa You CAN help save the lives of children in Tanzania!
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Bible College Tue/Thur 8:30am - 12:30pm
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Worship by Kings Clay, Reverend Joe Grinnell bringing us the Word of Truth.
Joe Grinnell, Executive Director
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Sun. 10am & 5pm & Wed. 6:30pm Pastor Stan Reynolds
Praise Chapel
Church of Glad Tidings
1229 Buchanan Street, Marysville
Sun. 10am & 5pm & Wed. 6:30pm Pastor Stan Reynolds
Agape Lighthouse Community Church
1229 Buchanan Street, Marysville
530-923-7204 Sun. 10am, Wed. 7pm Pastor Chris Madsen
The Ambassador?
WORD OF LIFE CHURCH 530-742-3724
398 Aylor Avenue Yuba City
partner with
2106 Pepper Street, Sutter
Pastor BJ Wilson 530-237-6351
1179 Eager Road, Yuba City
Saturday 7pm - Sunday 10:00am Wednesday 7pm
The Bride Church
for details
655 Colusa Hwy, YC 530-751-0505 thebridechurch.org Sun. 9am & 11am Craftsmen for Christ, Tue. 6:30
THE AMBASSADOR The Ambassador is a free, monthly publication promoting unity and revival among the local Yuba-Sutter area Bible-believing churches. The Ambassador has a circulation of 6,000 - 7,500 and is distributed in local churches and businesses in the community. The purpose of The Ambassador is to pursue the great commission of Christ by making disciples and to encourage, inform, challenge and connect the local body of Christ. We believe in the inspiration and authority of the Bible as the written word of God. We believe that God exists as One, in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that the atoning work of Christ (His death) on the cross and His resurrection is the ONLY means of salvation and the only way to Eternal Life in Heaven. We welcome editorial content from anyone wishing to promote the mission of The Ambassador. All articles and advertisement content is subject to the approval of the editor. Views expressed in The Ambassador do not necessarily reflect those of our sponsors or advertisers
Editor/Publisher - Seth Halpern
Advisory - Dave Kugelman
Design - James Halpern
The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Why You Forget That God Is Good
A Heart Matter By April James When we think about February, Valentine’s Day comes to mind. The matters of the heart; love, sharing love, expressing and experiencing love, all the warm fuzzy feelings that come with new love; the depth of care, concern, devotion and life bonds that come with a seasoned or mature love. We see around us all the cute little cut out hearts with their simple perfect shapes, all nice and clean that come in various sizes and shades of pink or red. But, if we look at the real heart, it is rather complicated, consisting of various chambers, blood vessels, arteries and valves; an organ that is anything but simple. One that beats strong sending lifegiving blood flowing through the body; a heart that leaps for joy at the sound of good news, yet feels it will break under the weight of emotional hurts. A heart that is tender and compassionate or can be hardened, one that can be full of good or filled with deceit, it can burn with loves passion or grow cold. The heart of man (and woman) is a fickle thing and a mess outside its proper environment. The proper heart environment for humans is in fellowship with the God of love. I am so thankful for the loving heart of God he has towards His children. He loves us with an everlasting love, with the love of a good Father’s heart, from a heart of compassion and a desire for our well-
being. His love for us cannot be bought or earned. He loves us because He is love and we are His children. A love such as His may be difficult to understand as our only comparison is that of other people, some with good intentions but who miss the mark, while others use such statements as “I love you” to manipulate you for their own gain. The Lord does not say “I love you” to get you to do something for Him. His love is pure and undefiled. His only desire is what is best for you. His love is not selfish. His love is a sacrificial love. His love will stand up to the test of time; it will not fade or be withdrawn. His love is an everlasting love, one that He desires to make known to us, to all who will receive it.
David Holycross Helping families honor the lives of those they love since 1998
www.holycrossmemorial.com Yuba City | (530) 751 - 7000 | License #FD1653
The Ambassador
By Jon Acuff Have you ever had a situation where you doubted God? If you haven’t, you should probably read another blog. You’re going to hate this one. What often happens is that we run into a challenge or a tragedy and in the midst of that time, we doubt that God is going to come through. We think he is not powerful or loving or any quality that might comfort us in that time. In doing that, we forget all the other times he has been there for us. Why do we forget God is good? It’s pretty simple actually. When you experience something in life, it’s like a photo has been taken. It’s clear and high res and full of a million pixels of life. You look at the photo in your hand and think to yourself, “I will never forget this moment!” The day after the event, when you go to pick up the photo, you realize it’s not the original, it’s a photocopy. It’s OK though because it’s still really good quality. It might be only 98% as good as the real photo but that’s not too bad. The third day, you get a photocopy of the previous day’s photocopy, not a photocopy of the original. Everyday
you live away from that moment, the photocopy gets photocopied. After a month, it’s hard to see the details. After six months the colors are all faded. After a year? You can barely make out what that experience was about. That’s why the Israelites built piles of rocks in the desert. They are the poster child for “forgetting God is good.” Remember the whole, “Boy we sure do miss slavery!” rants they used to go on. The piles of rocks gave them a reminder that they had a good God. Why do we forget that? Because we forget to stack some rocks during the moments God shows up. Grab a stone today and start building a pile. You might not need it right now, but someday when life is hard, you’ll be glad you have a reminder of a God who is good. Jon Acuff is the New York Times Bestselling author of four books including his most recent, Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average & Do Work that Matters. - See more at: stuffchristianslike. net
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
A Small Miracle by Paula McBride
A small miracle is my frequent shadow. Her name is Milagro, the Spanish word for miracle, and she really does follow me around. Sometimes she follows with stomping feet, crossed arms, and huffs. Sometimes she holds my hand or links her arm in mine. Sometimes she is difficult; other times she is sweet. All the time, she is precious. Milagro represents a change in my volunteer capacity here at the mission. I am no longer teaching the preschool level of children with disabilities. I am assisting developmentally delayed teenagers learn skills that can can be used in real work situations. Remember my challenge to get excited about learning something new? Well, this is certainly it, complete with on-the-job training!
Milagro, age thirteen with Down Syndrome, begins her day by washing her face and brushing her teeth. While she’s learning that, I’m learning to bridge our language barrier enough to explain that water is scarce and we shouldn’t waste it by playing around. Later, we take tiny clothes off the day care clothes line. While Milagro matches size two socks and folds towels, I learn to balance my need to hurry her with her need to do her
folding perfectly. Two days a week we go to the outreach department and fill plastic bags with exactly one kilo of rice—while trying not to get any on the floor. She’s learning teamwork, and I’m learning how good it feels to know a hungry family will get our rice. Just before lunch, we go to the dining room and set the tables where the learning center kids eat. While she’s learning to place the dishes correctly, I am learning to step back and let her work independently. When she is determined to do things her way instead of following directions, I am learning not to think about how easy it would be to catch a flight home! When I was bringing before the Lord my desire to learn something new, I never dreamed He would use a stubborn pint-sized miracle with a runny nose as my teacher. There is nothing in my graduate and post-graduate studies that prepared me for working with special needs kids. Milagro is teaching me that I can’t understand how she “ticks” apart from wisdom which the Lord delights to give to those who ask. I can’t plan and implement activities or teach her skills apart from creative ideas sent from the Creator of the universe. I cannot even love her, except as God’s love is poured out through me. I’m a work in progress; the lessons are still coming on strong. As I learn my new role in the learning center, I plan to follow Peter’s advice. He says, “Make every effort to add to your faith, goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, selfcontrol; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love (II Peter 1:5-7). If you do this, Peter says, these qualities will keep you from being ineffective. Do you have an unlikely teacher in your life? Let’s not disregard small miracles. They can teach us great things when God is at work in us.
INSPIRATION “Keeping the Faith” By Ronnie McBrayer Turn Down the “Stinking Thinking” By Ronnie McBrayer
father, mother, parent, or whatever. I’m convinced that many people can’t be quiet and can’t still their minds because they can’t bear what they say to themselves in the quiet moments. They have to keep the volume of life turned up to ear-bleeding levels and keep the pace of life at breakneck speed. These people aren’t busy, they are suffering. They are attempting to smother the voices in their heads, because a majority of the time the self-guided narrative to which they are listening, is erroneous, untrue, and downright destructive. This, then, is one of the great benefits of prayer: People who pray are reprogramming their software. They are overwriting the faulty components of their thinking. They are experiencing the transformation of their hearts and minds, for in learning to listen to God’s voice in prayer they can turn down the cacophony of voices around them. And yes, these other voices include the “Stinking Thinking” inside their own heads. Such praying may not get one everything he or she asks for, but such praying may lead one to getting what he or she needs. To that, I must say, “Amen.” Ronnie McBrayer is a syndicated columnist, pastor, and author. His newest book is “The Gospel According to Waffle House.” You can read more at www. ronniemcbrayer.me.
It is a word of affirmation, comfort, agreement, and relief. It is a word that completes vows, promises, blessings, and all of our prayers. It is a word of release – signaling the end of far too lengthy worship services – and it is the “Get ready…Get set…Go!” when we have gathered around the dinner table to eat. The word, of course, is “Amen.” At its most basic definition “Amen” means, “Let it be.” Thus, when we say “Amen” at the conclusion of our prayers, we are not saying, “the end.” We are actually beginning, for we are confirming and confessing our trust in the God to whom we have just prayed. We are saying “Yes” to God’s perspective, and we are saying “No” to all other perspectives. Every “Amen” becomes an argument to convince ourselves, over and over again, that God knows us best and knows what is best for us. And speaking of “God knows,” God knows we tend to argue with ourselves. We have these conversations with ourselves that some have learned to call, “Stinking Thinking.” We create these stories inside our heads about how we have failed; how ashamed we should be; how unworthy we are; how utterly useless our lifework has been; how we are a lousy
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The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
separation or divorce
CHRISTIAN BUSINESS ALLIANCE LUNCHEON Every 1st Tue @ Noon Bonanza Inn, Yuba City Join us for Lunch, Fellowship and God’s Word! For info contact Dave Kugelman 530-632-9292
CELEBRATE RECOVERY Praise Chapel Church Sun. 6:30 p.m. Join us for great worship and open share group. For more info call 530-923-7204
FREE KARATE CLASSES First Baptist Church of Olivehurst Mon 5:30pm FREE karate classes taught from a Christian perspective. 743-1831 for info, Pastor Miguel.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY Crossroads Community Church Mondays at 6:30pm We are a Christ-Centered recovery group that provides a safe place to share your struggles, experiences, victories, and hopes with others who are also going through a Christ-Centered recovery. For more information contact Scott McCoy at 530776-7602 or Follow us on Facebook @Celebrate Recovery Crossroads Community Church
SATURDAY NIGHT SERVICE Word Of Life Church 1229 Buchanan Street, Marysville 6:30pm Contemporary Worship led by Leanne Whitley & Robbie Jellsey Relevant & Anointed Preaching- Pastor Stan Reynolds
CELEBRATE RECOVERY Loma Rica Community Church - Moy Hall. Fri., 7pm. Call church office for more information 743-5435. CROSSROADS CLOTHES CLOSET Crossroads Community Church, YC Shop at our - FREE Clothes given away! Open Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm AWANA Wed’s, 5:45-7:45 PM during the school year Evangelical Free Church 3785 Olive Hwy., Oroville For information please call 533-6866 Awana is a boys and girls club consisting of small group time, games, large group time. PRAYER VIGIL FOR LIFE! Yuba-Sutter Right to Life is hosting peaceful, prayerful vigils in front of the Yuba City Planned Parenthood. All you need to participate is one hour and the desire to pray for LIFE. Please contact Heather Pugh at 751-9349 for date and time if you are interested. KNIT & CROCHET WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP First Baptist Church of Olivehurst, 1777 - 8th Ave. Mon 10am - Noon Practice your yarn craft or learn a new one with us. Knifty Knitters are welcome. Bring your own project or work on a charity item that we donate to those in need in the community. Email yarncraftersforchrist@hotmail.com for info. SAMARITAN VILLAGE MONTHLY MEETING Call 329-6619 for location 3rd Tue of each month, 6:30pm This meeting is open to all who are interested in helping with an orphanage in Tanzania. For info call Tara at 329-6619 DIVORCE CARE Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30pm Hosted at: The Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road, YC Info:530-671-6069 www.YubaSutterMarriage.com A Divorce Care group is a special place of encouragement, information and sharing. Weekly meetings provide you with an ongoing “support team” as you deal with the issues surrounding your
The Ambassador
GUITAR LESSONS Twin Cities Rescue Mission 940 14th St Marysville, CA 95901 Mondays at 4:45pm-6:15pm We are offering free guitar lessons led by Cliff Martin. Beginning and experienced guitar players of all ages are welcome. We practice chords as well as learn some Christian worship songs. All you need is a guitar! We hope to see you there. BIBLE COLLEGE Twin Cities Rescue Mission, in dining room 940 14th street, Marysville Tuesday and Thursdays at 8:30am-12:30pm We will be starting up our free Bible College again! Ephesians and James taught by Charlie Woods, 1st and 2nd Corinthians by Frank Weger, Gospel of John by Nancy Deeds, and 2nd Samuel by Roger Vaca. ACE OVERCOMERS Twin Cities Rescue Mission in dining room. 940 14th Street, Marysville Mondays, starting January 6th at 10am-11am This class will be taught by Joe Grinnell. The purpose is to overcome emotional, physical, and spiritual effects of abuse and dysfunction through biblical principles. Learning skills to help evaluate our strengths and vulnerabilities. Being able to control our emotions and have self-worth that no one can take away. Being able to trust God and rest in His promises. AHOP (ASCENDING HOUSE OF PRAYER) Tues, Wed and Thurs - 6PM Nightly Bldg 200 Embassy of Heaven Campus 1179 Eager Rd., Yuba City (Hwy 99 @ Eager Rd.) 530-671-3160 www.churchofgladtidings.com We are a place of Ascending and Contending prayer for the release of an inception of another Jesus Movement in California, a Righteousness Movement for awakening in America and another wave of prayer and missions to transform cities and nations across the globe. Everyone is welcome to
ENCOUNTERING GOD 9:30 - 11:30 AM Every Tuesday Morning Embassy of Heaven Campus 1179 Eager Rd., Yuba City (Hwy 99 @ Eager Rd.) 530-671-3160 www.churchofgladtidings.com Our Tuesday morning meetings begin with a time of worship. Afterwards we rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us to minister to each other, encourage each other, and build our hunger and desire for the things of God. Childcare is provided. WOMENS CLOTHES CLOSET Twin Cities Rescue Mission, 940 14th Street, Marysville Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10am4pm We now have a womens clothes closet at the mission! It is free and available to everyone. We accept donations Monday-Sunday of women’s, men’s, and children’s clothing! BETHESDA HEALING WELL Third Saturday of each month 10AM - Bldg 200 Embassy of Heaven Campus 1179 Eager Rd., Yuba City (Hwy 99 @ Eager Rd.) 530-671-3160 www.churchofgladtidings.com Gathering for a time of soaking in God’s presence and then spending time to receive focused prayer for healing. CRAFTSMEN FOR CHRIST (NEW) The Bride Church, 655 Colusa Hwy, YC Meets every Tuesday at 6:30pm Men’s fellowship around the word and worship. All
in the Body of Christ welcome!
SPECIAL EVENTS GRIEF: SURVIVING THE POST HOLIDAY SEASON Monday, Feb.3 & Feb. 17th, 5-6pm Please R.S.V.P. - Seating Is Limited Summerfield Senior Living 1224 Plumas Street, YC (530) 755-3850 Summerfield Senior Living invites you to a “Grieving After the Holidays” seminar presented by Tim Guerrero, Bereavement Program Coordinator from Sutter Home Health & Hospice . Attendees will learn how to effectively cope with Post Holiday Grief and identify ways to make healthy changes for the New Year. FAMILY LIFE PRESENTS THE ART OF MARRIAGE Embassy of Heaven Campus (Church of Glad Tidings) 1179 Eager Rd, YC riday, Feb 14 7-9:30pm, Sat. Feb 15 9:00am till 4:00pm Since The Art of Marriage® launched in 2011, over 400,000 have attended an event, and 97 percent tell us they would recommend it to another couple. In The Art of Marriage, we’ve woven together expert interviews, real-life stories, humorous vignettes, and more to portray both the challenges and the beauty of God’s design for marriage. What are your plans for February 14? What better time is there to build a stronger marriages than Valentine’s Day weekend? Then send us your own story of life change—because we’re positive your marriage and the marriages of those who attend will not be the same. CMA (CHRISTIAN MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION) “SEASONS OF REFRESHING” Embassy of Heaven Campus (Church of Glad Tidings) 1179 Eager Rd, YC Friday Feb 14 Registration 5:00pm Worship 7:00pm, Saturday Feb 15 Registration 8:00am Worship 9:00am Featuring Tom and Kathy Palazzolo, CMA National Evangelist www.CMAUSA.org
If your church or ministry is having an outreach activity that you would like to promote in our calendar, please send your item via email to editor@ambassadornewspaper.com by the 15th of the month for a listing in the following month’s issue.
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
WOMEN OF PURPOSE Feb 21st, 6pm 460 Woodbridge Ave, YC Women of Purpose meets every other month. We hope you can join us. This is our way to get to know our neighbors, friends and family a little bit better. Please do bring a friend or two. We welcome you. For more info, call 530-632-6907 (Letty Wilson) A NIGHT OF AUTHENTIC WORSHIP Hope Point Nazarene Church-Yuba City Friday, March 7, 2014 - 7:00 p.m. Faith Christian School presents a night of authentic worship featuring five local bands. Admission: $10.00 at the door. Concessions will be available. Call (530) 674-5474 or visit www.fcs-k12.org for more information. Proceeds to benefit Faith Christian School. COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE AT FAITH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 2620 Colusa Highway, Yuba City Monday, March 10, 2014 - 7:00 p.m. Learn about Faith Christian School, meet the teachers, ask questions, and tour the facilities. This event is open to the community. New families attending the event will receive a voucher worth 10% off registration fee for the 2014-15 school year. Call (530) 674-5474 for more information. ELEMENTARY SPRING OPEN HOUSE-FAITH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 2620 Colusa Highway, Yuba City Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 7:00 p.m. Open house for current Faith Christian Elementary students and their families TWIN CITIES RESCUE MISSION 55TH ANNUAL BANQUET Crossroads Community Church, 445 B Street, Yuba City Thursday, March 13th at 6:00pm Amazing dinner cooked by the Mahers and testimonies given by men whose lives have been radically changed! It is free. We will be having a raffle and a love offering will be taken for the mission. As a thank you we will be sending home
our Jesus Crafts and our new white crosses for your yard. ISAIAH 61 CONFERENCE Embassy of Heaven Campus (Church of Glad Tidings) 1179 Eager Rd, YC Monday March 17th 7:00pm daily with morning, afternoon & evening sessions thru March 21st Friday noon Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance Conference Speakers include Dave Bryan, Author and International speaker Graham Powell, and Jess Parker. There is no registration fee for this conference. Syllabus will be available for $25. Sessions run all day throughout the week beginning at 7pm on Monday ending at noon on Friday. COUNTRY FAIR First United Methodist Church, Yuba City; located at 3101 Colusa Hwy, YC Saturday, March 29, 2014 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m First United Methodist Church of Yuba City is joyfully announcing their first annual Country Fair. There will be many free games and entertainment, a paintball shooting range at no cost, silent auctions, pie eating contests, BBQ foods very reasonably priced, and fun for all.
The Ambassador Ministry
would like to thank the following people for their Individual Sponsorship Marty Brown Warren & Lucy Campbell Chuck David Bob Gilbert Pamela Givans Rich & Joan Hackney Tom Harris Marie Hiebert
editor@ambassador newspaper.com
We build structures and relationships to last.
Sandi Juri Sue Kochi Carrie Pederson Wendell Prine Jeff Royce Jon & Pat Skillman An out of state donor
God Bless Each of You
for your support of this ministry and our community If you would be interested in supporting The Ambassador as an Individual Sponsor ($20/month) please contact Seth Halpern at: editor@ambassadornewspaper.com or call 530-933-1385 or visit us online at www.ambassadornewspaper.com
Have an event coming up?... SEND IT TO US TO SPREAD THE WORD!
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The Ambassador
IN THE NEWS... Anonymous ‘Tips For Jesus’ Instagrammer Leaves Trademark Stamp, Personal Bag At Hollywood Restaurant By Eric Corpus Tips for Jesus is the popular Instagrammer who’s been leaving massive tips, usually thousands of dollars, for servers in sports bars and restaurants around the country. The tipper has inspired ongoing stories of generosity, attracting 71,000 followers on its Instagram account. His journey is even more intriguing since the person behind it has remained anonymous, though Valleywag reported in December that former Paypal VP Jack Selby is behind tipping spree. Selby has neither confirmed nor denied the report.
Calif. restaurant gets to return the favor. Earlier this month, the Instagrammer visited Acabar and started spreading the wealth, anonymously buying bottles of wine and champagne for other diners, and paying the tab for an older couple sitting next to them. TFJ left a $5,000 tip for 27-year-old cocktail waitress Leigh Dollard. Per restaurant policy, Dollard split between the two other cocktail servers and will use the money for law school applications. But Tips for Jesus left more than a giant gratuity, he left the trademark stamp he uses on the checks and his leather “manpurse.” Acabar put the word out to return the items, and according to a comment on this LAist article, their owner is on his way. “Was wondering where that went!” a commenter named tipsforjesus said. Whether or not the commenter is real, given Tips for Jesus’ online savvy, he’ll learn the whereabouts of his missing items soon enough. Not that losing his stamp has slowed the TJF train – he’s left four massive tips (sans stamp) since that night at Acabar.
After the world of good TFJ has already done, now one West Hollywood,
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
North Korea Unyielding In Persecution Of Christians By Charlie Butts OneNewsNow.com
Life in North Korea is tough, but the prison camps are extremely harsh.
A deeper darkness is falling over North Korea for Christians. The most closed off and antiChristian country in the world continues to arrest Christians for practicing their faith. Ryan Morgan of International Christian Concern tells OneNewsNow that people are executed just because they have a Bible or Christian literature.
“Conditions in camps are so bad that thousands of people die in the camps every single year from starvation, from the oppressive conditions, from torture,” he explains. “We can’t even really be sure what happened to them. We do know from different reports that the regime continues to use the camps and even has expanded some camps.”
“A couple of months ago we got a report that over 80 people have been executed across the country and,
See more at: www.onenewsnow.com among those 80, were Christians or owners of Bibles,” he says. “And so we see mass executions of Christians. We’ve seen even American citizens who are Christians being detained. And then, of course, there’s the fact that as many as 70,000 Christians are still living in prison camps.”
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Forgiving Our Fathers and Mothers (Thomas Nelson)
We are excited to announce the launch of Levi Mitchell’s website “PTM” PureTillMarriage. com. This website allows people to make a pledge to remaining pure from sexual intercourse until their wedding day. The option to pledge is there to let you know you are not alone in this fight to save yourself. The website talks about 10 reasons to refrain from sexual activity until marriage and also makes a bold statement that even if you have had sex, you can start today and keep yourself for your forever mate. The website is meant to share the message of abstinence and it allows Levi to share the reasons why he wants to remain pure. In the first hour there were over 196 pledges and over 1,200 views to the site after Levi tweeted about it. Levi Mitchell a 15 year old pop singer, songwriter, musician currently in a Pop band called “The Boy Band Project,” a band produced by Nasri Atweh from the production team “The Messengers” (credits on Wikipedia) They have created with/
for artists such as Justin Bieber, Pitbull, Christina Aguilera, Iggy Azalea, Chris Brown, Michael Bolton, JoJo, Jason Derulo, Cody Simpson, Big Time Rush, Kris Allen, Prince Royce, Vanessa Hudgens, Elliot Yamin, No Angels, and New Kids On The Block and more. Levi is a Christian, in a secular band, trying to live a life worth imitating by being a success in the music industry at a young age, and standing up for his beliefs even though he seems to be the only one standing around him for purity. Levi has requested that his lyrical content in the band not ever be risque or cross the line of his convictions about how a young man should act and carry himself. The band has been in Pop Star Magazine 3 times, they have 26 youtube video’s and their channel has over 3 million views and they are currently in contract negotiations to do bigger and better things. Levi hopes that one day the public can come to see him like a “Tim Tebow” of the music industry.
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By Janey DeMeo Special to ASSIST News Service VISTA, CA (ANS) Leslie Leyland Fields, author of Forgiving Our Fathers and Mothers (Thomas Nelson) -- released January 21, 2014 -- knows that nothing is worse than an unforgiving heart—especially when the unforgiveness is directed towards one’s parents. Fields is an expert on the subject, and together with clinical psychologist Dr. Jill Hubbard, she brings pragmatic, biblical answers to the vicious plague of unforgiveness. An unforgiving heart causes bitterness and often results in unhappiness and depression or other health issues. But when the lack of forgiveness targets a person’s parents—the people who are supposed to nurture not wound—these problems are compounded. Parents are not supposed to need forgiving because they’re not supposed to mistreat their children. And when they do something really horrible—something that leaves indelible emotional or physical wounds—forgiveness seems impossible. But to God all things are possible. And forgiveness is what He does and what
helps His children to do. But how does a victimized child set about forgiving the parent who hurt them? How does one let go of the hatred and anger towards the person who was supposed to protect from pain not inflict it? Fields and Hubbard discuss the complex issues of forgiveness and map out a simple path to follow. Candidly drawing from personal experiences as well as using examples from fellow-sufferers Fields and Hubbard explain that whether the hurtful parent shows remorse and has a change of heart or not, forgiveness is needed for the victim’s own peace of mind. Forgiving once and for all is the only way to freedom. Forgiving Our Fathers and Mothers is can be ordered from most bookstores. It makes a great tool for anyone who struggles to forgive their parents or for those coming alongside others who are bitterly affected by any form of parental abuse. To learn more about forgiveness from a biblical perspective, find a good, Bible-based church in your area and get involved. Forgiveness is the heart of God’s message.
15 Yr Old Pop Singer Stands Up In A Bold Way For Abstinence SURPRISE, Az., Jan. 27, 2014 / Christian Newswire
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
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Current members: A-1 Carpet Cleaning - (530) 673-3634 - www.a-1clean.com Kathy Baum - Operation Christmas Child - (916) 747-2212 Ron Brasier - A Hand Up Ministry - (530) 671-1360 Marty Brown - KCYC-LP FM - (530) 674-5296 Kathleen Caldwell - City of Live Oak - (530) 695-2112 Fred Cox - Richard's Tree Service - (530) 673-7993 Chuck David Brent Davis - Brent Davis Insurance - (530) 671-2764 Carol Dodds - A Woman’s Friend - (530) 741-9136 Bill Eberley - Digital Direct - (800) 824-4246x10 Dennis Gable - Operation Christmas Child - (530) 695-1495 Bob Gilbert - www.yourbettertomorrows.acndirect.com - (775) 722-1212 Pamela Givans Marcos Gonzalez - Ultimate Business Maintenance - (530) 671-1564 John L. Guth - Attorney/Estate Planning - www.johnguthlaw.com James Halpern - Remembrance Video Tributes - www.remembrancetributes.com Seth Halpern - Ambassador Newspaper - editor@ambassadornewspaper.com David Hobbs Painting - Cont. Lic#880562 (530)742-2428 David Holycross - Holycross Memorial – 530-751-7000 Cassandra Hoon- A Better Yard Care - 530-673-3722 Brad Indelicato - Dolco Packaging - bdi26@comcast.net Dean Ingraham - Retiredand54@syix.com Bill Jens - Yuba Sutter Healthy Marriage Project - (530) 671-6069 Sandi Juri Dave Kugelman - Proforma by Kug - (530) 742-2423 Clay Maynard - Consultant - (530) 790-6611 Carmel Mooney - Pawsitive Solutions - pawsitivesolutions.com Jerry Munz - JM Construction Co. - (530) 682-5316 Jared Nunes - Sutter Health Chuck & Miriam Page Ronda Putman Darrell Sayles - Love Unlimited Body of Christ - luboc2004@yahoo.com Roger Shadd - Shadd Janitorial Supply - 530-673-0083 Robert Stark - Sutter county Auditor/Controller - suttercountyauditor.org Dwayne Tanabe - Taylor Accountancy Corp - dktanabe@yahoo.com Jenine Tanabe - Jenine L. Tanabe, MD Dematology - (530) 743-0301 Bill Weeks - Larry Geweke Ford-Kia - www.geweke.com Kim Worthy - Stretch-A-Buck - 530-674-2275 Rich Fellowship, Powerful Prayer, Refreshing Presence of God! We meet at the Bonanza Inn the first Tuesday of the month from noon – 1pm.
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Now, the larger-than-life story of The New Testament gets a larger-than life treatment in the stand-alone feature film SON OF GOD.
Told with the scope and scale of an action epic, the film features powerful performances, exotic locales, dazzling visual effects and a rich orchestral score from OscarŽ-winner Hans Zimmer. Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado portrays Jesus as the film spans from his humble birth through his teachings, crucifixion and ultimate resurrection. It marks the first major motion picture about Jesus’s life since The Passion of the Christ, released ten years ago.
w w w . S o n o f G o d M o v i e . c o m The Ambassador
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Christian artists skip, walk out of ‘satanic’ Grammy Awards show By Kirsten Andersen LifeSiteNews.com LOS ANGELES, January 28, 2014 Sunday night’s Grammy Awards show was all about shock value. Scantilyclad singers, same-sex “marriages” set to anti-Christian lyrics, simulated sex acts and a performance full of demonic imagery by pop star Katy Perry – who used to be Christian artist Katy Hudson – were just a few of the on-stage stunts that seemed custom-designed to offend Christian believers. While most of the industry insiders in attendance cheered the provocative displays, at least a few decided they’d had enough, as one Christian nominee walked out in the middle of the show, and one Grammy award winner refused to show up at all. Christian singer-songwriter Mandisa opted to stay home from the Grammys Sunday night. “We left the Grammys early,” Christian gospel singer Natalie Grant announced via Twitter. “I’ve many thoughts, most of which are probably better left inside my head. But I’ll say this: I’ve never been more honored to sing about Jesus and for Jesus. And I’ve never been more sure of the path I’ve chosen.” After social media caught fire over Grant’s decision to walk out of the show, with many homosexuals accusing
her of ‘hate,’ Grant responded via Facebook. “I NEVER said I left during any particular performance,” Grant wrote. “I only said I left early. I never pointed out any one particular performance, I only said I had many thoughts about the entire show, which were best left inside my head and that is where they will stay. So those who say I condemned one performance but then condoned others clearly did not read the post.” “I will never stand on a street corner and wave a sign, I won’t use my platform to engage in political arguments that will only divide and not unite,” she said. “I do have my own personal convictions that I live by, and I will continue to work out my own salvation
Christian singer/song writer Mandisa with fear and trembling before the Lord. (Philippians 2:12)” Christian singer-songwriter
Mandisa won two Grammys for “Best Christian Contemporary Music Album” and “Best Contemporary Christian Music Song”, but she was not in attendance Sunday night. “Both times I have gone to the Grammys I have witnessed performances I wish I could erase from my memory, and yes, I fast forwarded through several performances this year,” the artist explained in aFacebook post. “I knew that submerging myself into an environment that celebrates those things was risky for me at this time.” “Perhaps being alone with [Jesus] as my name was announced was protecting myself from where my flesh would have tried to drag me had I been up on that stage,” she added. Neither artist specified exactly which performances offended them, but a likely contender was Perry’s performance of “Dark Horse,” which featured the exChristian singer performing what appeared to be witchcraft as she pole danced around an inverted broom, surrounded by flames and demons. Perry’s performance gave even the secular media pause, as E! Online tweeted, “Um, did we just witness actual witchcraft during Katy Perry’s #Grammys performance?” Other possible sources of concern for Christian viewers and attendees included Macklemore’s performance of the homosexual anthem “Same Love” – during which 33 couples, many of them
gay and lesbian, got legally married in a ceremony officiated by Queen Latifah while Perry caught the bouquet – and a performance early in the evening by husband-wife duo Beyoncé and Jay-Z in which Beyoncé wore little more than a thong leotard and simulated sex acts with a chair, her husband, and herself. Even celebrities who didn’t attend the awards commented on the inappropriate displays. “Is it just me or are some of the Grammy performances so far seem to be really demonic?? [sic]”tweeted former University of Alabama quarterback A.J. McCarron. “Looks like there is a lot of evil in the world.” Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh agreed, quoting McCarron on his show Monday and adding, “It was horrible, it was despicable.” He slammed the awards show for featuring Katy Perry “dressed as a witch and burned at the stake” and criticized Macklemore’s lyrics, which “openly attacked right-wing conservatives and Christians.”
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Roma Downey Says Upcoming ‘Son of God’ Will Be ‘Epic, Sweeping’ Reminder of God’s Love By Katherine Weber, Christian Post Reporter Christianpost.com The upcoming, highlyanticipated film “Son of God” is going to be an “epic, sweeping” reminder of God’s love, actress Roma Downey, who coproduced the film with her husband Mark Burnett, said in a recent interview. The film “Son of God,” set to be released by 20th Century Fox in theaters on Feb. 28, will take a PG-13 look at the life of Jesus, beginning with his birth and early teachings and following him through his crucifixion and resurrection. According to the film’s website, “Son of God” is the first motion picture about Jesus since “The Passion of the Christ,” released 10 years ago.
Downey told The Blaze in a recent interview that she and her husband are very excited to release their film, adding that she thinks its message of hope and love will “touch the lives of millions.” “We hope audiences leave theaters feeling they know Jesus more and also that they are reminded of how deeply he loved us,” she said. “This is a big, epic sweeping film – an exciting movie and sometimes a tense movie with intense drama and real danger.” “At the end you feel incredibly humbled and loved – reminded that we are all children of God.” Downey added that although the film
has yet to be released to the public, test screenings for the motion picture have proven successful and promising. “We have felt support across all denominations … businesses are buying out whole theaters and donating the seats to churches, encouraging folks to come opening weekend and to bring a friend and to bring the whole family,” she said. “We believe this message of hope and love will touch the lives of millions.” Downey and Burnett surprised Hollywood last year with their highly successful mini-series “The Bible,” which attracted 13.1 million viewers for its season premiere and 100 million cumulative views. Downey and Burnett said at the Resurgence 2013 conference in November that the success they had with their miniseries proves Americans want to see more Christian-themed entertainment, including a motion picture. “Many people thought that nobody in America, during prime-time TV wants to hear about or watch the Bible. They were so wrong. One hundred million people tuned in,” Burnett told The Christian Post at the conference, which was hosted by Mark Driscoll at the Mars Hill Downtown Church in Seattle. “We knew when we were shooting that the Jesus portion of our ‘Bible’ series was special and we shot much more footage and we’ve re-edited many more scenes into a stand-alone feature film called ‘Son of God.’” Burnett added that he and his wife’s experience in the television business, through her acting on “Touched by an Angel” and his producing of “Shark Tank” and other shows, has given them enough credibility in Hollywood to successfully produce religious-themed content. “It all comes back to people in the industry realizing that we know what we’re doing and allowing us to make this show and now our movie about our faith.” (see page 11 for poster and info)
RESOURCES 10 Reasons (Excuses) Not to Date Your Spouse By Doug Fields www.homeword.com Not long ago, Cathy and I were doing some pre-marital counseling with a wonderful couple who used to be in our youth group. We were talking about the fact that good marriages aren’t accidental–they require hard work. This last year I’ve spoken at more marriage events/retreats than I have in the past 10 years and it’s easy to see that many people struggle and get discouraged when they try to explain their own lack of effort in dating and romancing their spouse. I’ve heard all types of excuses. Here are ten common ones: 1. What are we going to do with the children? 2. I don’t have enough time. 3. Dating costs too much money. 4. There’s plenty to do at home. 5. I’m too tired. 6. I’m too busy. 7. There’s nothing to do where we live. 8. We can’t ever get good babysitters. 9. It’s too cold or hot or muggy outside. 10. I’ve got too much to do around the house. These are all true. We’re experts at creating excuses to avoid taking actions that require effort. I could think of ten reasons for not getting out of bed this morning, and another twenty for not
wanting to work. Excuses can abound, but eventually the pressures of reality force me into action. The urgency of life tells me I’d better get out of bed and get working or I’ll end up with nowhere to work! I’m forced to do what I should, regardless of my excuses. That’s reality. But, in marriage, the consequences of my excuses aren’t nearly as tangible or immediate. If I don’t take Cathy out on a date-night, so what? Life will go on. I’ll still be employed. I‘m not forced to make any special effort toward our relationship because there appears to be no urgency. Marriages that live with no sense of urgency in their passion and commitment to continuing to date one another or improve their relationship… will eventually dry-up. Need proof? Look at the divorce rate. Why not make the effort to jump start your marriage? Do what it takes to bring a little romance and dating back into your marriage. Make the most of what each season offers. In summer, for example, advantage of the extra light at the end of the day, the weather, the freedom, and the cheap or free community activities that are offered. In the face of all the excuses… why not make something happen? Don’t wait for your spouse to initiate… you start.
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COMMUNITY Operation Christmas Child Thanks You!!! Operation Christmas Child would like to thank each one of you for contributing to the overwhelmingly bountiful harvest that God has brought forth in 2013. We stand amazed at the work of His hands through Operation Christmas Child and YOU! Look at these miraculous 2013 shoebox numbers! In our local Yuba Sutter area this year, our community blessed OCC with 3,330 shoebox gifts that will be given to hurting children in the Philippians, Panama, Ukraine, Mongolia, Madagascar, Indonesia, and Nepal. That’s an increase of 967 shoeboxes over our 2012 boxes. We are overjoyed and so very thankful. OCC’s West Coast region (California, Nevada, and Hawaii) collected 527,301 wonderful shoebox gifts, an increase of 46,933 shoeboxes from 2012. The United States was blessed with 7,541,468 shoeboxes in 2013 an increase of more than a million shoeboxes from our 2012 total of 6.5 million shoeboxes. Finally our international OCC total from all 10 sending countries [including the U.S.] is 9,950,000 gospel opportunities to change the lives of children around the world! God has blessed Operation Christmas Child with immeasurably more [Ephesians 3:20] than we could ever ask or imagine to demonstrate His love, grace, and compassion to over 9 million children and their families around the world. We stand in awe of His blessings and bounty, and we praise His Holy Name for His work through each of you to turn these numbers from merely a goal into real shoeboxes that hurting children will hold in their hands and know Jesus Christ. Among the many compassionate people helping OCC this year are business that donated materials, time, and effort. We would like to thank these businesses for their donations and support: Golden Rule Signs, The Yuba City Dollar Tree Store, Storage for Less, KCYC 104.7, The Ambassador, Grocery Outlet, Pepsi,
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Dr. Kennedy, Dr. Carver, Troy’s & Troy’s Hair Salon, Crosspointe Christian Store, Gaiser Pets, Don’s Shoes, Shadd Vacuum Shop, Buddy’s House, Easter Seals, and Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce. The many local churches and community groups that participate in OCC are the foundation of Yuba Sutter’s OCC shoebox ministry. A huge thank you goes to Hope Point Nazarene Church for their support the past 6 years as our OCC Relay Center during National Collection Week and the use of their facilities for our October All-Church-KLove packing party. We so appreciate all the love, efforts, and shoeboxes that over 30 local churches and community groups in Yuba Sutter donated to OCC. Each of you is a blessing to the children who will receive these prayer-filled shoeboxes in 2014. Finally, we thank each one of you who chose to pack one shoebox or many. That seemingly small donation has the potential to change a child’s life. Please continue to pray for these boxes as they travel to hurting children in over 100 countries. Pray for each child to know the love of Jesus through the love you have packed in a simple shoebox gift. Pray that child will know the Good News that brings great joy. Thank you and may God bless you as you have blessed Operation Christmas Child.
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
What Does It Take To Help Restore A Survivor of Sex Trafficking? (Part 2) (Editor’s note: This is the second part in a two-part article from Restoration Railroad) We know that the psychology
of a victim of sex trafficking is similar to that of a victim of domestic violence. Often trauma bonding has occurred, and a victim sees her trafficker as the source of her survival, the only one who meets her basic physical needs, and he is often in control of her body and her mind. She may not self-identify as a victim; she may be trained by her trafficker to distrust others; she may feel shame and guilt. If a minor, she has also likely been absent from school or if an adult may have left school and never finished. She is certainly isolated from healthy community. Then she is taken from the streets and given an opportunity to restore her life. She is suddenly told that everything she has been living is a lie, is wrong, and that her trafficker does not care for her. She is faced with making up for years of missed schooling, knowing full well she is far behind her peers. If she is an adult, the possibility of ever completing high school may seem impossible. She may have no education, no job skills. She likely feels completely alone. What would you do? She will have to learn to trust again. She will have to be willing to face her strongholds head-on and walk through them to conquer them. She will
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have to learn to let go of shame and guilt. She will have to resolve anger, bitterness, rage and hatred. She will have to do the hard work required to complete a high school education or GED, learn job skills and find work. She will have to learn and believe an entirely new identity: that she is made for a purpose, by a loving God, and that she is not defined by her past but by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And this is where we come in. Are we still standing? Are we still fighting? When she chooses to run the first time, the second time, the seventh time, are we still fighting? Are we waging war with the weapons that have the divine power to demolish strongholds? The strongholds of a sex trafficker, of the men addicted to sex and willing to buy a girl, the strongholds of shame, guilt, and fear; the strongholds of the accuser’s lies that she will never be good enough, never be pure, never be normal? That is the war we are fighting. It is for this battle, for her restoration, we say, “Not on my watch.” And we can’t give up. God’s daughters are out there, in our own community. They are in our state, our nation, our world. They are in the shadows, in motels, at truck stops, in homes, on the internet. And so we fight. We fight until they are found. We fight each time they run. We fight until each one is restored. Because hasn’t someone fought for you? The same Jesus who died for you, was raised for you and in one act at one moment in time forgave you, also forgave her. We fight so that we participate in her restoration, in her choice to accept that forgiveness and to let Him define her and set the course for the rest of her life. And when she is ready, we participate with her in her journey to restoration, honored to participate with God in His reconciling work in this world. For more information, see our website at www.restorationrailroad.org or contact us at info@restorationrailroad.org
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
COMMUNITY Church Briefs News in the Yuba-Sutter Christian Community Yuba City First United Methodist Church To Host 50 Year Global Impact Celebration
Twin Cities Rescue Mission Seeks Donations for 55th Annual Banquet
The congregation of the First United Methodist Church in Yuba City will celebrate 50 consecutive years of missions emphasis with a three day event on February 14-16, 2014. Four outstanding Methodist missionaries and their wives will speak. The speakers include former FUMC YC Associate Pastor Rev. Dr. Al VomSteeg; Rev. Dr. Wes Griffin, Founder of International Leadership Institute; Rev. Michael Mozley, Founder of Catalyst for Africa ; Rev. Jim Ramsay, Senior Director of Field Ministry of the Mission Society. Each missionary will bring updates on the growth of Christianity in numerous countries of the world.
The Twin Cities Rescue Mission will be having our 55th Annual Banquet. During this event we will be having a Raffle which is always a fun way to raise money for the needs of the community and the mission. We are in need of items to use in our raffle. If anyone is interested in donating items please call our office 530-743-8777. We would greatly appreciate any help with this. We want to make this event fun and enjoyable for everyone! Please join us for our banquet March 13th at 6:00pm at Crossroads Community Church 445 B Street, Yuba City.
If your church or ministry has news to share with our readers about a new ministry, pastor, achievements or other significant news, please email a brief article (75 words or less). We will print as many as space allows (one per church/ministry)at no charge. To assure being included and/or needing a longer story or pictures, please email editor@ambassadornewspaper.com. All submissions must be received by email before the 22nd of the month for consideration. Please note that events or activities will be listed in the Calendar and not in this section.
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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
COMMUNITY Samaritan Village Orphanage Tanzania, Africa Can You Sponsor Violeth?
(DOB: February 8, 1998)
Violeth’s parents died of HIV. She came to the Orphanage at the age of eight. She had been living with her two brothers in a mud house. No one helped the three children after their parents died. Violet was discovered by the Chairperson of Lady of Mercy School. Her oldest brother had been taking care of his siblings, but told the Chairperson that he would rather abandon the siblings because he could no longer stand to see his younger siblings suffer. The three were taken to the School, and people realized that they should not be living in a penniless home (the home was penniless because the parents had sold everything they owned for money for HIV treatment). The brothers still live in the home by themselves, but now with some support from the School.
Violeth attends Lady of Mercy School. She is very sweet, not attention seeking, does good deeds without looking for attention or recognition. She likes to Play and Sing. A gift of $60 monthly will provide for Violeth’s care at Samaritan Village Orphanage. A monthly sponsorship for a child is $60, but any amount - either one time, monthly or even yearly is greatly appreciated. You may follow us on Facebook @ Samaritan Village Orphanage, on our website @ www. samaritanvillageorphanage.com and through our quarterly Newsletter. The all volunteer Board and friends of Samaritan Village meet monthly and you are invited to attend the meetings to learn more about this life saving work. Please call Tara @ 530-329-6619 for information and meeting information. To sign up for our Newsletter, please drop us a note at the address below and include your name, mailing address and email address (if available). As always, we solicit and covet your prayer partnership for these little ones whom God has placed in our care. Samaritan Village Orphanage, Inc. P.O. Box 444 Yuba City, CA 95992 Tax ID#68-0214955 501c 3
“...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matt 25:40
The Ambassador
Prayer Calendar for
February 2013 4-Feb Local officials and community leaders 5-Feb Caregivers of elderly and disabled 6-Feb Homeless/Poor - Twin Cities Rescue Mission, A Hand Up, R.E.S.T 7-Feb Adoptive families & birth moms - Lifetime Adoption (p.3) 8-Feb Marriages, Restoration and Strength 9-Feb For boldness & protection to stand for Truth without compromise 10-Feb Violet & other orphan children- Samaritan Village (see p. 3) 11-Feb Military, All armed forces & their families. 12-Feb Addicted, Rehab ministries- Feather River Mens Center, Joshua House, Celebrate Recovery 13-Feb LGBT individuals- for God to reveal truth 14-Feb Valentine’s Day- Pray for relationships 15-Feb Area Youth-Local Youth ministers /Youth groups 16-Feb Ambassador Radio Show /KCYC 104.7 for listener impact 17-Feb Presidents’ Day- Give Thanks for Founders, prayers for current POTUS 18-Feb Christian Businesses-Ambassador Sponsors & others. 19-Feb Sick/Afflicted, Healing and Comfort 20-Feb The Ambassador Newspaper-Increased readership and Impact 21-Feb Jobs for unemployed/underemployed 22-Feb Global Persecution-Safety/Courage of Believers 23-Feb Area Schools Students and Teachers 24-Feb Middle East - For the peace of Jerusalem 25-Feb Sex Trafficking - pray for victims and their victimizers (see p.14) 26-Feb A Woman’s Friend - Unborn children/Pregnant Women 27-Feb Local ministries (see p. 3) 28-Feb Children and Children’s Ministries 1-Mar Marketplace Ministries-Opportunities to share 2-Mar Unity among churches 3-Mar Singles, Single Parents, Divorce healing 4-Mar Teen Depression, Suicide 5-Mar Missionaries -Fruit, Provision
Newcastle Yuba City
9093 Old State Hwy Newcastle, CA 95658
916-663-4116 530-751-2238
1397 Colusa Hwy Yuba City, CA 95993
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
Cont. from Cover doing whatever their heart tells them to do. Why must love be attached to moral standard? In keeping with this mindset, when the young man was asked this follow-up question, “Potentially three [people in love]?” he replied, “Yeah, to each his own.” Yes, “to each his own”—or in the language of the book of Judges, “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judg. 21:25, NKJV). Why? Because “there was no king in Israel.” This means that there was no absolute law, no accountability and no authoritative ruler. Spiritually speaking, it means that God was not recognized as the King of Israel and so the people were free to follow their own hearts. That’s why Judges is one of the darkest books of the Bible, filled with individual sin and social anarchy. But this is what happens when we follow our own hearts. As Jeremiah proclaimed, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jer. 17:9). That’s why Paul described our life in the flesh before we were saved as “carrying out the desires of the body and the mind” (Eph. 2:3, ESV). And that’s why we were all under God’s judgment, a subject that is almost taboo in modern gospel circles today. After all, if we tell people they are guilty sinners deserving God’s wrath, they will get turned off and not listen to our message. In fact, if we preach
about God’s judgment before declaring His love, the so-called “spiritual but not religious crowd” will tell us that we are preaching death, not life. So what do many contemporary believers do today? We preach a candycoated gospel, watering down sin, eliminating God’s holiness and making the death of Jesus absolutely meaningless. After all, if we are not deserving of death and judgment, why did Jesus have to hang on the cross? Why should He die for our sins if we don’t have to? So, we make excuses for God’s standards, explaining to the sinner how happy he’ll be if he’ll just be nice enough to ask Jesus into his heart, as if Jesus is standing out in the rain, cold and wet and rejected, hoping and wishing someone would just open the door and let Him in. That is the contemporary gospel. There’s no fear of the Lord, no warning of judgment and no denouncing of sin—just a better life for me if I will simply believe. And that’s one reason our society is on the verge of moral collapse. It’s time to get back to the gospel of Jesus! Without a doubt, there is abundant, wonderful, glorious life in Him, but it comes as we turn from sin, deny ourselves and discover the joy of living to please Him, not to gratify ourselves. It is then that we really live, since it’s all about Him. (For more about and by Michael Brown, visit his website askdrbrown.org)
Previews of Coming “Distractions!” by David Kugelman Recently, my wife and I went to see a wonderful movie titled “Gimme Shelter.” It is a true story about a teenager who finds hope in a hopeless situation. Prior to the movie starting, we watched seven movie trailers of upcoming films. Only one movie out of the seven had a positive message and that is “Heaven is for Real.” Also a true story based on the New York Times best-selling book based on the same title. (Watch for it coming this Easter) Most of the other six previews contained inappropriate sexual content. These previews would have had an “R” rating 25 years ago. How should Christ followers respond? The answer is simple. Stop watching and listening to anything that dishonors Jesus Christ or the Biblical values that we profess. It’s time we line up our actions with our words. We shouldn’t support ungodly entertainment with our money. We should all be appalled at the vile, nasty anti-family values content on TV and on the big screen. Here are some verses that we should consider when making choices on entertainment.. Remember wrong input equates to wrong output. God’s Word says: Luke 6:45 (NIV) The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. Proverbs 4:23-27 (NLT) Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Philippians 4:8-9 (NLT) 8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you. And finally, Ephesians 5:10 (NIV) Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. The Word of God should be our guide. The question is: Does it guide you and me? David Kugelman is the president of the Christian Business Alliance which meets each Tuesday at noon at various locations. Dave welcomes your questions or comments on this article at drkug@comcast.net
Join us from noon to 1pm at the Bonanza Inn the first Tuesday of every month for a time of encouragement, fellowship and prayer with the
Christian Business Alliance. All are welcome!
The Ambassador
SHUT UP! By Jon Skillman
The big flap over comments made by Duck Dynasty’s, Phil Robertson is yet another in an ever increasing number of attacks on Christian free speech. I label it Christian free speech because it seems only Christians are being told to shut up… others are allowed to spew forth the most vile and hateful rhetoric with immunity. Just surf the net or TV channels to see what I mean. I foresee, in the not too distant future, hate speech statutes against any public utterances of biblical truth. Now before you question my sanity, please hear me out. We are already being told, you can say what you want within the church (well kind of) but don’t you dare bring it outside the church. Did you know, that in Great Britain, if you offend even one person while speaking in the public square (meaning on the street, in the park, etc.) you could be arrested?
Not long ago, the president of Chick-fil-A restaurants was threatened by the mayors of several major U.S. cities for stating his biblical views on homosexuality. These threats ranged from personal to not issuing permits for future Chick-fil-A franchises. God bless America. Now, Phil Robertson has the audacity to quote the biblical truth that homosexuality is a sin, and a gaggle
The Ambassador
of flapping lips and talking heads are screaming for his crucifixion. These are cases where a person’s business and/ or livelihood are threatened because of their belief. This is serious stuff and unfortunately, I fear it’s just the tip of the secular iceberg. I came across a blog that pretty much sums up the secular mindset. “Sin is an offense against God. It has no meaning and no relevance if you don’t believe in God…Except when religious believers impose their worldview on others by writing into civil law prohibitions and obligations rooted in their religious faith…” Wow! How open-minded is that? It reminds me of that old question: If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound? Of course it does! The secular seem to be saying: If I sin but I don’t believe in God, is it still a sin? You bet your boots it is! This is classic denial in order to do what one pleases without those annoying senses of shame and guilt…and they hate anyone or anything that reminds them. That’s the real reason we have to be silenced. Regarding the blogger’s contention that, “sin has no meaning or relevance…Except when religious believers impose their worldview on others by writing into civil law, prohibitions or obligations rooted in their religious faith.” Wait a minute, who’s imposing their worldview on whom? Who has written into law a new morality of abortion, same-sex marriage and K-12 students using whatever facilities they please, based on their perceived gender and not their natural plumbing? I’m pretty sure people of faith had little to do with that. The crux of the whole matter boils down to two beliefs. One believes in God while other believes they are god… and unfortunately, nary the twain shall meet.
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
AS WE SEE IT Making A “Reel” Difference This year promises some great Christian films. Hollywood (or at least some independent studios) will be bringing some Bible stories and miraculous testimonies to the big screen. Among the most anticipated is “Son of God” (see pages 11 & 13), the epic story of Jesus from the producers of the recent miniseries, “The Bible” It premiers on Feb 28th. Around Easter, “Heaven is For Real” will be released. Based on the bestselling book about a young boy who reportedly visits heaven, this stars some big names in Hollywood. Other upcoming films include, “God’s Not Dead” and the big budget “Noah” (although, I’m not sure how accurate that one will be). There is a lot for the Christian filmgoer to be excited about. However, there’s one problem. They typically are not shown here locally. Yuba City Cinemark does not have the best track record of bringing this type of movie to our area. Recently “Gimme Shelter” a pro-life film starring Vanessa Hudgens, was released. Although Hudgens is a popular young Hollywood actress, the film was not available in Yuba City. Some friends of mine had to drive to Roseville to see it. That was also the case with the films “Fireproof”, “October Baby”, “Grace Unplugged” and many others at least at their initial release. In the case of “October Baby”, it took a guaranteed advanced purchase in order to bring it to Yuba City. I’m fairly certain that no such guarantee is required to bring films like the “Hangover” series ,
Seth Halpern - Editor “Insidious” “Spring Breakers” or any other value-less trash. It’s interesting that values aside, the box office continues to prove tremendous interest in wholesome, values-based, and Christian films. Film expert Dr. Ted Baehr of Movieguide.org writes, “A 10-year study shows that they (movies with very strong Christian worldviews) averaged $68 million from 2002-2011 versus only $20.6 million for movies with very strong Non-Christian, AntiChristian, or mixed worldviews”. I’m not sure whether the upcoming “Son of God” movie will be coming to our town or not at this point, but here’s what I would suggest in two steps. 1) Write, call, email, or go to Yuba City Cinemark and tell the management that you want to see more Christian and values-based films here in Yuba City and spend your money in the local area. 2) If they don’t, then go to see it in Roseville, Sacramento or Chico and mail or email a copy of your receipt to the Yuba City Cinemark. By the way, I might add that it is just as important to NOT support those other trashy films as much as it is to support the good ones. In simple terms - Support the Light; Don’t Support the Darkness! (For more on our entertainment choices read Dave Kugelmans’s column on p.17)
The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
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