May 2013 Ambassador

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May 2013

June 2012


We have been recently inundated with tragic and unsettling events- The Boston Marathon bombing, West, Texas factory explosion, North Korea missiles… It is certainly more than enough to lead many to fear, confusion, and insecurity. Where was God? Is He still active? Does He still care about us? The short answer is this: Yes, God is still alive and active…even in our neighborhood. If you are a regular reader of this publication, you will notice that we are not including some of our regular features. If you are a first time reader…Welcome! I want you to know that God has not forgotten you. He is at work in the lives of those who seek Him. This publication will feature a few of these stories of regular, local people whose lives have been changed and prayers have been answered by the Eternal, Loving, and Powerful King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

“Born Again” Again life, but also directing the Feather River Men’s Center. It wasn’t until recently that all those years really caught up to me with the pressure and pain of numerous back surgeries. Doctors have wondered how I worked at such a frontline job and

The Voice(box) That Wouldn’t Be Silenced

More Stories of God’s Power Inside!


James Harrison

wenty one years ago, Jesus heard my cry for help. I was trapped in a world of addiction before he pulled me out and set me in what at the time was Feather River Teen Challenge. For over 20 years now, I’ve had the huge privilege of not only being part of a calling over my

managed to move around. Medication had turned into a vehicle for helping me cope with this incapacity. In August of 2012, I came to a low point. After five back surgeries and a lot of mental attacks on my mind, I was on five different meds. Several years of this life had drained me physically and spiritually. I wanted to get off these meds but was so gripped with fear of how could I live with the pain without meds. Also, I knew how sick I would be during the process of kicking


Ron Brasier

od is so Good! My name is Ronnie Brasier and my praises go out to God for yet another big miracle in my life! Just over 2 months ago, I started having soreness/pain in my throat (I haven’t had a sore throat for almost 15 years). One evening, I ended up in a

local ER because I couldn’t even swallow. The diagnosis was a fungus infection on my tongue, esophagus and stomach. My esophagus has an ulcer and a hernia on it. They sent me home (after approx. 11 hours of care) with antibiotics and told me to see my primary care physician. Within 8 hours after going home I ended up in the VA ER where I ended up as an inpatient within 15 minutes. While there (for approx 1 week) I was treated with IVs to get nourishment and told I needed to have some tests run for my throat issue. I had so many tests run that I got dizzy! I was sent to an ENT specialist and was told that I had a tumor on the right side of my tongue and behind my voice box. I was shown a video of a scan they took that showed sparkly looking white spots that they

Cont. on page 4


Cont. on page 4

“Summer Family Fun!” Section 12 “Cool” Ideas for Summer p. 10 & 11

The Ambassador


The Ambassador Newspaper 1040 Lincoln Rd Ste A #124 Yuba City CA 95991



The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties WWW.AMBASSADORNEWSPAPER.COM

Ministry Partners - The generous support of our Ministry Partners and Business Sponsors allows The Ambassador to be distributed each month 1210 Stabler Lane Yuba City CA 95993 (530) 673-2947




, INC.

License #547970

Serving our neighbors since 1957


We build structures and relationships to last.

Certified Arborist

Lic. Contractor #608859

Shadd Janitorial Supply

Gaiser Pets 714 Plumas St Yuba City (530) 751-8155

530-673-0083 Roger Shadd/Owner 226 Bridge Street, YC

“Not Your Ordinary Pet Store”

Loma Rica Recycling Dave Adams, Owner

(530) 701-4101

11222 Loma Rica Rd, Loma Rica

Wed– Sat. 8:30am - 12 & 1:30 – 6pm Accepting CRV beverage containers

Ben Seigler

Licensed Child and Family Therapist


Christian Business Alliance 530-632-9292

“Building up Christians, Lifting up Christ” We meet at the Bonanza Inn the �irst Tuesday of the month from noon – 1pm.

Robert E. Stark, CPA, MBA 25 YEARS Sutter County Auditor-Controller Helping Families Come Together Lic #49211 822-7127



Disaster Response Services 530-751-3821

Richard & Michael Guerrero

Brent Davis Insurance & Financial Services A Farmers Insurance Agency Auto-Home-Life-commercial-Blue Cross 1650 Sierra Ave Suite 202A - YC 95993

530-671-2764 [#0F27435]

“Your Landscape and Tree Doctor”


Monroe Transmission Don Monroe 1397 Colusa Hwy Yuba City 530-751-2238

Crosspointe Christian Books & Gifts 530-673-6188 646 Plumas St., YC 1 Cor. 1:18

Proforma by Kug Dave Kugelman Promotional Products 530-632-9292


Window Coverings



JENINE L. TANABE MD DERMATOLOGY 414 G Street, Suite 204 Marysville 743-0301

Collins Lake Northern California's Best Family Fishing Lake 1-800-286-0576

Certi�ied Arborist Lic. Contractor #870915 Quality Service since 1972

(530)755-3474 Blinds* Shutters*Shades Lic. #890713

Dr. David A. Bradley Optometrist 747 Plumas St., Yuba City


Please consider supporting

The Ambassador through Business Sponsorship

Jan Duke

Ultimate Building Maintenance

Keller Williams Realty

Marcos Gonzalez/Owner Janitorial/Carpet Cleaning & Yard Service

Short Sales save your credit 530-701-4820



Landscape and Design 1316 Woodward St. YC

Caldwell’s Creative Laminates

530-673-8334 Mike Sperbeck/owner

530-821-5845 Formica & Solid Surface

A-1 Carpet Cleaning

Grange Insurance Agency

(530) 673-3634

Water Damage Restoration Carpets/ Windows/ Upholstery

David Hobbs Painting

Yvette Adams 530-743-6081


James Gallagher


Sutter County Supervisor (530)713-7505

Straw Hat Pizza

Dave Greenetz Construction Inc.

540 Bogue Rd (Tower Market Center) Yuba City 671-5150


Become a Business Sponsor Call 530-933-1385


The Ambassador


682.9602- lic.# 452975

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties




• • • •

Providing and tobacco/drug free environment for men. A place to sleep, shower and a meal. Hear the word of God every night, Daily bible studies. Noon Prayer Service Mon-Fri

Samaritan Village Orphanage Tanzania, Africa You CAN help save the lives of children in Tanzania!


Tues-Thurs 8 am -12 pm Free to All, Material and Refreshments Too. Joe Grinnell, Executive Director

Call Tara (530-329-6619) or see page 16 to learn how

530-743-8777 – 940 14th Street, Marysville

Janis Janis Maasen Maasen author anauthor author isIsan and andordained ordained minister misiter and ordained minister available for for available available for Engagements Speaking Engagements Weddings. and Weddings. Speaking Engagements and Weddings. She can be reached reached be She canShe becan reached atatat (530) 675-9663 675-9663 (530) (530) 675-9663 Praise Chapel

398 Aylor Avenue Yuba City


Sun. 10am, Wed. 7pm Pastor Chris Madsen

Please Consider Volunteering and Supporting These Local Ministries P

Agape Lighthouse Community Church 2106 Pepper Street, Sutter

Pastor BJ Wilson 530-237-6351

WORD OF LIFE CHURCH 1229 Buchanan Street, Marysville


Sun. 10am &5pm & Wed. 6:30pm Pastor Stan Reynolds

The Bride Church

655 Colusa Hwy, YC 530-751-0505 Sun. 9am & 11am Craftsmen for Christ, Tue. 6:30

Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road, Yuba City


Saturday 7pm - Sunday 10:00am Wednesday 7pm

Every Friday Night at 7:00pm Addictions Help Line: 866-REFORMU

Faith Based Addictions Recovery Program: * 91% Success Rate * Local Support Group * Complete Curriculum * Motivational Awards * Well Trained Staff * Free Personal Counseling * Local Church Support * Stories of Victory * Residential Treatment Centers 2787 North Beale Road, Marysville (530)742-2495

Crossroads Community Church 445 B Street, Yuba City


THE AMBASSADOR The Ambassador is a free, monthly publication promoting unity and revival among the local Yuba-Sutter area Bible-believing churches. The Ambassador has a circulation of 7,500 and is distributed in local churches and businesses in the community. The purpose of The Ambassador is to pursue the great commission of Christ by making disciples and to encourage, inform, challenge and connect the local body of Christ. We believe in the inspiration and authority of the Bible as the written word of God. We believe that God exists as One, in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that the atoning work of Christ (His death) on the cross and His resurrection is the ONLY means of salvation and the only way to Eternal Life in Heaven. We welcome editorial content from anyone wishing to promote the mission of The Ambassador. All articles and advertisement content is subject to the approval of the editor. Views expressed in The Ambassador do not necessarily reflect those of our sponsors or advertisers

Editor/Publisher - Seth Halpern


Advisory - Dave Kugelman


Design - James Halpern

The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Finding A Real High That Lasts

Continued from Front Page

James Harrison

Ron Brasier

medication, but God never gives up on us. In 31 days of hell in detox, I was so sick I cried out to God second by second. Now, I’m off all meds and alive again! I honestly thought I couldn’t get there. I’m believing now for my back to be healed. It was painful knowing I would be away from all those I loved dearly. I didn’t know it then but God was renewing my mind and body, helping me to not depend on any kind of medication, but on his loving presence alone. In January, I returned alive and awakened. Thanks to Jesus, I have a new heart and new perspective of casting all my burdens upon God. We’re going from great to greater in the ever advancing kingdom. And we never have to do it alone.

suspected as cancer. I started rebuking the “thief” right away! They told me I needed to have a biopsy within the next couple days and gave me choices I wasn’t willing to go through! So after praying and talking with my wife and family, I decided to go another route. PRAY. PRAY AND PRAY SOME MORE! I got some wise counsel from a very good friend and went back with my decision as to what I would have done. I ended up going to another doctor. On this visit I had been scoped down my throat and nose three times and said “we see nothing really to biopsy here Mr. Brasier”. They did say we want to give you some comfort though and did a biopsy of the knot on my neck with a needle in the side of it. This was checked over right in front of my wife and I and the specialist said she could find no cancer in either of the two sample slides!!! I am taking God’s promise, power and presence as everlasting! God is so good! I fought the good fight, I ran the race and I kept my faith and hope in the great Jehovah Rapha (Healer)! Satan has lost another battle, amen! All glory and praise to God!

License #547970


The Ambassador

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Jesus in Matthew 11:28-30)

Serving Our Neighbors Since 1957

and Partnering together to save millions in the design and construction costs for Christian schools and churches nationwide.

I left out so many details but I’m happy to celebrate all that Jesus has done in my life. It’s amazing when, after a year, your mom does not recognize you (in a good way)! Today, I enjoy serving in this ministry and fell completely in love with God. I look forward and only look back to remind myself and others of where God pulled me from. As we say at FRMC “When you change your heart, you will change your life” Now I know my identity in Christ!

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We build structures and relationships to last.



“But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

My name is Mario Molina. I am 21 from Southern California and I work at Feather River Men’s Center. I arrived broken, hurt, angry and with absolutely no hope. All I had known my whole life was drugs and the streets and how to survive. My whole teenage life was based on a day to day system of how I would get high. I used drugs to numb the pain of abuse in my childhood. When the amount of drugs wouldn’t do it, I would use more and more until I was immobile. Cocaine and Meth were chains of bondage in my life that would only bind me together until it squeezed everything out. My life was going nowhere. Even though I had an apartment and a steady job, I let the stability of that deceive me into fueling my addiction. I realized I had a huge problem with a 7 year addiction and depression when I looked in the mirror and forgot who I was. It was at that low point of my life that I surrendered my life and called Feather River Men’s Center. After a series of obstacles, I arrived on their steps on September 7, 2010. In that year, I learned a whole new way of life, how to behave, how to maintain relationships and even fail forward. They taught me to change my life and to stay accountable to other Christian men. I went on to do 3 years of high school in about 8 months and successfully graduated on June 1,2012. The next day, I began working at FRMC.


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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Addicted Homeless Dad finds Purpose AND RESTORED FAMILY

My name is Ricky D. Millhollin Sr. and I have lived my entire life here in the Yuba/Sutter area, except for as brief stint in the United States Navy in my younger years. I am 44 years of age; I have a wife of 24 years, Bobette, five wonderful children (three boys and two girls) and two beautiful grandchildren. If not for the loving, forgiving grace of God, I might not be able to enjoy the life I live today. You see, up until seven years ago (this past February 8th marked my seventh year of sobriety) I was caught up in addiction to methamphetamines and my whole family suffered from the horrendous effects it had on my life. I came to the foot of the Cross in the local Salvation Army Depot Family Crisis Center where my family and I ended up after being homeless for nearly eight months in 2006. As I watched my children and wife, that first morning, sitting at the dining room table in the kitchen of the Depot eating hot food with a roof over their heads, I felt this flood of emotions. Everything I had done up to that point in my life had been for nothing. All my selfwill had done was lead me down a path of destruction and chaos. I found myself on my knees in the little room we had been provided asking Christ to show me the way He wanted me to go and crying out for forgiveness. I felt this overwhelming sense that someone was in the room with

me and the shame and guilt began to lift from me almost in a physical sense. After that, I took every opportunity I could to be of service within the local Salvation Army church. Through continued support and guidance from loving church members and the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit I returned to school, obtained my A.A in Business and my B.A. in Leadership and Ethics. I use this knowledge to better serve those who come to the Salvation Yuba/Sutter programs for assistance. Today, I have been working for The Salvation Army for nearly seven years. I am very active in the youth programs, worship team, men’s ministry, and many other wonderful areas that are too numerous to mention. God is at the center of my life and my family has been restored due to His love, patience, and guidance. No one can truly know where God will take them when they turn their will over to Him. Yet, I can tell you from personal experience that the journey is full of wonderful revelations and character building instances that all bring about the glory of God in every life we touch.

“If your children ask for bread, which of you would give them a stone? Or if your children ask for a fish, would you give them a snake? Even though you are bad, you know how to give good gifts to your children. How much more your heavenly Father will give good things to those who ask him! (Jesus in Matthew 7:9-11)

From "Good Girl" to "Bad Girl" to "God's Girl"

I grew up in a non-Christian home. My parents stayed married until I was 12. I was the middle girl of 3, and we had a younger brother. My dad was an addict my entire childhood. Although we weren’t Christian, I know that The Lord was working on my mom and dad. My mom was able to get support from a local church and got my dad into an AA in home rehabilitation clinic. But it was too late. Addiction had already taken our family from us. My parents got divorced about 2 years after my dad got sober. The divorce was devastating for all of us. I was always considered the angel of the family. I was the only one of us girls to graduate from high school. I had the reputation of being the “good girl”, but I never felt good enough. I didn’t want to be the angel anymore. Every time I would do something bad and get caught, my family would make excuses for me, so I never had to take responsibility. I was a cheerleader, in the popular crowd and partying on weekends but managing to still get good grades. I attended 2 years of college with dreams of being an elementary school teacher. At the age of 19, I was pregnant with my first daughter, and by the time I was 25, I had my third child. I married my kids’ dad in 2000. During the years of my pregnancy and having the babies, I felt needed and “good enough”. But that didn’t last. By the time my youngest son was 2, I was taking medication, drinking, and smoking to self medicate. I was unfulfilled with my life. I was 28 years old, and had the life that every girl wanted, and I was miserable. My marriage was over by the time I was 30. I met Andy in January of 2007. He led me to The Lord May 5, 2007. I thought that after I got saved that life would be easier. I didn’t know about the attacks that the enemy was about to take on my life. I ended up back in my addiction, but this time it was worse and more destructive. I almost lost my children. This is when The Lord stepped in and I could no longer deny Him. I came home to Andy (the man that is now my husband). That day he told me I needed to go to see our pastor.

That day I drove to our church and told my pastor that I needed help. I was willing to give my decisions to God and listen this time. Within 2 weeks, I was in Illinois in the Reformers Unanimous Ladies home. The faith based ministry focused on recovery through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. My church family supported the financial needs to get me through the program. I got there May 7, 2009 and graduated in October 4, 2009. I came home and on December 20, 2009, married Andy, the man that led me to The Lord and stood by me through many trials. We were blessed with a baby girl in November 2010. The Lord gave me the tools I would need not only to stay sober, bur also to live a life pleasing to God, that would in turn, bring the peace that I had been searching for my entire life. While I was in Illinois, the Lord told me that this ministry was a calling on my

Cont. on page 7

P O orma by Kug

P O orma by Kug P O orma by Kug P O orma by Kug P O orma by Kug P O orma by Kug - KUG - 742.2423 P O orma by Kug - JOSH -237.6345

The Ambassador


CALENDAR ONGOING EVENTS Christian Business Alliance Luncheon Every 1st Tue @ Noon Bonanza Inn, Yuba City Join us for Lunch, Fellowship and God’s Word! For info contact Dave Kugelman 530-632-9292 Right to Life Monthly Meeting 1st Wed., 7pm (1st Wed of every month) St. Isisdore’s Community Parish Hall Conference Room. Business Meeting open to the all interested in pro-life issues. For more info, visit FREE Karate Classes First Baptist Church of Olivehurst Mon 6:30pm FREE karate classes taught from a Christian perspective. 743-1831 for info, Pastor Miguel. Weekly Recovery Groups Crossroads Community Church Sunday 7-8pm, Monday 6:30-8:30 We also offer a Grief Recovery Group on Wednesday Evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. For more information, please call church office 530-7519168. Celebrate Recovery Loma Rica Community Church - Moy Hall. Fri., 7pm. Call church office for more information 743-5435. Crossroads Clothes Closet Crossroads Community Church, YC Shop at our - FREE Clothes given away! Open Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm AWANA Wed’s, 5:45-7:45 PM during the school year Evangelical Free Church 3785 Olive Hwy., Oroville For information please call 533-6866 Awana is a boys and girls club consisting of small group time, games, large group time. Prayer Vigil for LIFE! Last Wed of each month, 4-5pm Join us as we gather with people of faith throughout our area, as we peacefully pray on the sidewalk at the Yuba City Planned Parenthood. We meet on the last Wednesday of the month. For more info, please contact Heather Pugh (530)751-9349. WestWord Riders Motorcycle Ministry May 18th at 8:30am at Gridley Grill, 484 Hwy 99, Gridley The WestWord Riders motorcycle fellowship meets the 3rd Saturday of each month. Meetings are followed by a planned ride, so dust off that helmet and join us! For more information, contact: Willy Alongi at 701-1045. Celebrate Recovery Hope Point Nazarene, 600 N. George Washington Blvd, Yuba City


The Ambassador

Wed’s, 6:30pm Contact Jim Myers at 635-4688. Fri’s, 6:30pm Contact Sean Heraty at 751-9151. Join us for this Christ-centered recovery group that provides a safe place for you with people who will love you through your pain, and celebrate with you during your victories. for more information. Knit & Crochet Women's Fellowship First Baptist Church of Olivehurst, 1777 - 8th Ave. Mon 10am - Noon Practice your yarn craft or learn a new one with us. Knifty Knitters are welcome. Bring your own project or work on a charity item that we donate to those in need in the community. Contact Vivian 530-3019841 for further information. SAMARITAN VILLAGE MONTHLY MEETING Call 329-6619 for location 3rd Tue of each month, 6:30pm This meeting is open to all who are interested in helping with an orphanage in Tanzania. For info call Tara at 329-6619 “Reformers Unanimous” Addictions Meetings & Fellowship Bible Baptist Church 2787 N. Beale Rd. Marysville Meets Every Friday Night, 7:00 p.m. We are a faith based addictions program that teaches the only way to have peace and gain victory over addictions and other things in life that cause us pain and sorrow, is to let God do it for you. We love you and have personal testimonies of how The Lord has changed our hearts and lives using this program DIVORCE CARE Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30pm Hosted at: The Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road, Yuba City 530-671-6069 A Divorce Care group is a special place of encouragement, information and sharing. Weekly meetings provide you with an ongoing “support team” as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce. . Celebrate Recovery Praise Chapel Church Sun. 6:30 p.m. Join us for great worship and open share group. For more info call 530-923-7204 AHOP Ascending House of Prayer Every Tuesday & Thursday 6:00 - 8:00pm Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road, YC Info: 530-671-3160 We are a place of ascending and contending prayer for the release of an inception of another

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Jesus Movement in California, a Righteousness Movement for awakening in America and another wave of prayer and missions to transform cities and nations across the globe. Everyone welcome Couplehood - A New Way to Love Begins April 10th Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:30pm Hosted at:The Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road, Yuba City Info:530-671-6069 This 6-week program helps couples learn the skills necessary to realize their relationship potential. Learn a new way to talk and a new way to listen; Co-create a relationship vision; Discover the uniqueness of one’s partner and more.

SPECIAL EVENTS Leadership Simulcast May 10th - 8:00am Hosted at: The Church of Glad Tidings 1179 Eager Road, Yuba City 530-671-3160 Get ready for an unforgettable day of inspiration, learning, networking, and more. You will learn how to improve your leadership skills and also have the opportunity to network with other leaders in your area. Speakers include: John Maxwell, Andy Stanley, Mike Kezysewski, Sanya Richards-Ross, Consoleezza Rice, David Allen and more. Women of Purpose Mother/Daughter event Sat May 17th, 6pm Call Letty 632-6907 Dinner, Raffle, Speaker. Come join us for a time of f fellowship LOGAN MARTIN Concert Benefit concert for the orphans at Samaritan Village Orphanage Sun, May 26th 6pm Crossroads Community Church 445 B Street Yuba City, CA FREE Concert Awesome musician and songwriter will bring his

eclectic musical style featuring upbeat pop songs and original ballads appealing to adults and youth of all ages. Walk for Life Ellis Lake in Marysville on 12th & D Streets May 4th, 9a.m. – noon Join us at our Walk for Life as we celebrate each baby born because of your support of A Woman’s Friend! You won’t want to miss out on the moving experience of walking in the shoes of someone who is going through an unexpected pregnancy. Faith Christian Schools End of School Year Events All events at First United Methodist Church-YC Guests are welcome to all FCS Senior Project Presentations Mon, May 13, 6:30 p.m. Presentation of the five best projects before a panel of local judges. All topics are controversial and each presenter is required to take a stand on the issue, present a persuasive oral report with visual aids, and answer questions from the judges and audience. Scholarships are awarded to the top three presenters. Admission and refreshments are free. Faith Christian High School Senior Baccalaureate Sun, May 26, 3p.m. Family members pray blessings over their graduates. Open to the public. Faith Christian School Kindergarten Graduation Tue, May 28, 7 p.m. Faith Christian Elementary School Year-End Program Thu, May 30, 7 p.m. Faith Christian High School Senior Commencement Fri, May 31, 7 p.m. Faith Christian 8th Grade Graduation Sat, June 1, 11a.m.

If your church or ministry is having an outreach activity that you would like to promote in our calendar, please send your item via email to by the 15th of the month for a listing in the following month’s issue.

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


God spared my life after a massive heart attack on Jan 11. I was rushed to the hospital, a stent was put in but failed so they had to put it in another one.. After 28 days in the hospital I was released.. GOD has answered the prayers of many who were praying for me... Melodee.. on leave from Crosspointe Christian Books...for a season.. Melodee W.

Faith from Facebook Miracles posted by our readers on our Facebook page

God healed me of seizures two weeks before surgery and transformed my life. He’s given me great boldness and I’m going to YWAM (ministry) in September now, deo volente (God being willing) Stephanie Q.

I was prayed for, like the Bible says, laying of hands on sick and they shall recover. The minister prayed over me, I had clogged arteries, and God cleared them all, not one is now clogged. I am 66yrs old and God is a miracle working god. I give him all praise and glory!!!!!! Mirta G.

God saved me from death of a really bad truck crash that left me in Iowa for nearly a year. i couldn’t really walk or sleep without pain. There in Iowa I found a beautiful girl that I’m now dating and hopefully will be with me till the end of my days. I had to leave Iowa because I was released from workmen comp. had surgery on my shoulder as well. It’s still not working right but God will bless me as he always is faithful. Now on my way back to CA but not for a purpose. My mother and her husband are helping me and even have a job lined up for me as long as I stay in the mind set to be blessed. I know God will never forsake me so I’ll be all right. Iove and miss you GT hope to see you guys soon and for all who are having a hard time just remember God is good! Paul P.

I am so thankful that God has opened the door so I can see my family that i haven’t seen in decades and see some of my nephews I never meet before. God opened the door for me to meet them. Joseph W.

Four people jumped me in a bathroom once and tried to stab me with a sharp item that I was holding . They had beaten me and I found myself on the floor with the four of them on top of me trying to stab it through my heart. I saw my hands grasping the blade to hold it away from me, but I didn’t have to exert any force. It hovered a few inches from my heart and stayed there. Suddenly, it was as if my attackers just gave up! They took it and left me lying in the bathroom with a broken nose and a concussion, but I was alive! God’s hand was there protecting and guarding my heart! (Btw, I am a 5’2”, 120 lb woman!) Holly O.

“God’s Girl” Cont. from p. 5 life. I had to bring it home with me. After much prayer, and waiting on His timing, God sent our church Pastor Brown. He also has a heart for the addicted. On August 3, 2012, God allowed me to be a part of our first Friday Night Reformers Unanimous Meeting at our Church. Our Pastor believes that The Lord is going to do amazing things through this ministry. Just in the first 6 weeks, we have seen 3 people saved! We are also seeing spiritual growth and blessings in the lives of the students and workers. The Lord used this ministry to change my heart, and my desires. I know the trials will come and I know I’m never alone. I’ts not my strength that gets me through the struggles, it’s His strength. I’m so thankful, nearly 3 years later I am serving The Lord with my life. I can never give Him enough afer everything he has done and continues to do in my life. He’s allowed me to be a leader with the ladies in Reformers, I’m a bus captain for my church, and in our church choir! I am a changed life only because He loves me. I’m not giving up. He’s done too much and I believe His promises that He will continue to do more with me as long as I’m living. I’m so thankful and am praying that The Lord will continue to allow me to serve Him in this Blessed Ministry. ~ Justina V.

Carpet Cleaning


The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


From an Abusive Life to the Abundant Life


I am thirty years old. I was born in Redding CA, and raised by a single Mom. I am an only child. My mom did a very good job of showing me the love of the Lord and did her best to keep me safe. Due to lack of a father figure and just trying to fit in, I turned to drugs. I started smoking pot at age twelve; this started a sixteen year addiction. At the age of fourteen, I was in an abusive relationship. I had my daughter at age fifteen and dropped out of school. This relationship lasted for four years, when it ended I just started another one. A year after our relationship ended, my daughter’s father was run over by a train and killed. I was the one left to say goodbye. That didn’t stop me from using, I continued on in my addiction. I had my son when I was twenty three and was in another abusive relationship. When my family broke up after 6 yrs, I was lost. My identity was in my family. Instead

of turning to God, I turned to drugs and started using meth intravenously. I lost everything in a very short period of time. I stopped caring about what mattered most to me, and the only thing that mattered to me was the drugs. I was trapped in my addiction for another 6 yrs. With many arrests, I continued to be abused and became homeless. I kept trying to stay clean but I couldn’t. I was missing the most important thing: Jesus. On October 5th of 2011, I decided to come to Teen Challenge and I brought my daughter with me. Since being in Teen Challenge, I have surrendered everything I am to God. I have allowed the Lord back into my life and I am learning to trust again. I know the Word of God and I stand on His truths. I no longer believe the lies of the enemy. God is restoring my relationship with my son, and my daughter and I have a new relationship. I have started GED classes and I plan on going to college. For the first time in sixteen years, I have over a year clean and sober. Teen Challenge has truly changed my life. Thank you for reading my story, and God Bless. ~ Grace S.

A Baby’s Birth and a Mother’s Re-birth Twice within two years I visited A Woman’s Friend for what turned out to be two negative pregnancy tests. The first time I met a client advocate who was very caring and helped me deal spiritually with the recent loss of my husband to cancer. During my second visit my client advocate turned out to be a very special woman in my life to this day. Her approach in giving me a helping hand and a prayer touched me in a way that made me realize I wanted to reclaim my life. Two years ago I was diagnosed with a liver disease. I am an alcoholic and was warned that I would not live long if I continued that way of life. I had had an ectopic pregnancy, which left me with very little hope of ever carrying a child. After a long, intoxicated, abusive year, I finally looked in the mirror and asked God for help. I entered a recovery home. By my next birthday, I had not only graduated from the recovery home, but was also still sober and discovered I was pregnant. To carry this child was the biggest decision of my life. I decided since I was clean and sober the baby would be OK if I stayed on my new life and kept God in my life. I felt this child in my womb would make my life complete, and since God had given me this miracle, I wasn’t going to waste the opportunity! I stayed in contact with A Woman’s Friend

and they were always there to help— with information, maternity clothes, and most of all, friendship and emotional support. My client advocate had become a surrogate parent to me with her advice, guidance, and spiritual input throughout my pregnancy. I finally had my miracle baby. He is a beautiful, healthy baby and I feel I am the most fortunate person in the world. I recently celebrated fifteen months of sobriety. I have started the LVN program at Yuba College and am cherishing every minute with my son. Life will continue to have its ups and downs, but living ‘one day at a time’ with the strength God has given me, I know I’m following the right path. I have family in the area that I love and who have always been there for me through my illness. I hope and pray time will heal all the wounds I have caused. Today I am grateful for my God, my son, my life, and my sobriety!


NORTHERN CALIFORNIA'S BEST FAMILY FISHING LAKE Planted with TROPHY TROUT TWICE WEEKLY thru May Rainbow & German Brown Trout, Florida Largemouth Bass, Alabama Spotted Bass, Crappie, Bluegill & Catfish Located between Marysville & Grass Valley


The Ambassador


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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties




in a bene�it concert for the orphans at Samaritan Village Orphanage Sunday, May 26th @ 6:00 pm Crossroads Community Church 445 B Street Yuba City, CA

FREE Concert

Serving the Yuba-Sutter area with quality education since 1975


Tuition Discount For New Families in 2013-14

Open Enrollment Now in Progress

Elementary (K-6th) 2620 Colusa Hwy. Yuba City, CA 95993 (530) 674-3922

Secondary (7th-12th) 3105 Colusa Hwy. Yuba City, CA 95993 (530) 674-5474

Logan Martin

Awesome musician and songwriter will bring his eclectic musical style featuring upbeat pop songs and original ballads appealing to adults and youth of all ages.

Creative Light Theater presents Atreyu

Dr. Brazil

A Beautiful Christian Vacation & Retreat Site on California's North Coast, near Mendocino! Cozy, fully furnished 2 bedroom cottages with kitchens 20 acres in the Redwoods Peaceful Relaxing Refreshing Fun

MANIFEST KINGDOMS May 17th - 21st 7:00 p.m. Nightly FREE Admission Church of Glad Tidings (Hwy. 99 and Eager Rd., Yuba City) 530.671.3160

Great for families, reunions, individuals, honeymooners, couples, small groups & seminars Low winter rates to continue throughout 2009!

us visiat t:

Toll free: 1-877-460-7095 The Ambassador 9

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

Summer Family Fun 12 Things to do this summer! 1.

Cool down at Raging Waters in Sacramento


Enroll the kids in FCS Summer Drama Camp


Bring the family to a cabin at Jenness Park Christian Camp


Take a plunge at GAP “Gauche Aquatic Park”


Root for the home team at the Marysville Gold Sox game


Have a picnic by the lake at Collin’s Lake (See p. 8)

20 SEASON SCHEDULE Faith Night Friday, June 7

Featuring Guest Speaker JR Richard,Former Huston Astros Pitcher and 1980 All-Star. The Action Starts at 5:30 pm. For a complete list of promotions and events follow us @



The Ambassador

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

10. Stroll downtown at the Yuba City Summer Stroll on June 22nd

8. Enjoy some peach cobbler (or even peach cheesecake) at the 2013 Marysville Peach Festival on July 19-20.

11. Watch local talent at the Yuba-Sutter Fair on July 31-Aug 4

9. Take your family and friends to the Reconciliation at Riverside Festival on June 15th (see p. 19)

12. Head west to the Mendocino coast and stay at Antioch Ranch (see p. 9)

Jenness Park Christian Camp

7. Sign your kids up for VBS (Vacation Bible School). We’ll list some in the calendar of the next issue.

Small Group Lodges White Oak Lodge • Our Newest & finest Lodge • Perfect for any small group getaway • Two night Minimum starting at $1,000 * Other Small group Lodges starting at $492 for a two night stay

Program Camps

 

The bond between parent and child is a special one. Retreat from your daily routine and invest in your relationship with God and family. Join us In an upcoming camp: • Father/Son Retreat • Mother/Daughter Retreat • Homeschool Family Camps * For more information on dates and pricing please visit our website

*Only 10 miles from Dodge Ridge Snow and ski resort & Pinecrest Lake (800) 258-7554

Group rates available online. More information at All passes include unlimited access to the state fair.

The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Annual Women’s Banquet Guest Speaker Carole Brewer

Elegant Catered Dinner Great Message Only $10

Special Music Gifts

Joshua House Men’s Center “Faith Based Solution to Life Controlling and Addictive Problems”

Tickets are on sale for $10.00

6:30 PM - Thursday, May 9th

* Mentally Sound * Emotionally Balanced * Socially Adjusted * Physically Well * Spiritually Alive We accomplish this through a 12 month live-in program in which students learn the value of hard work. The men are taught valuable life skills based on the principles found in the Word of God.

Call 742-7771

Logan Martin & Band A Benefit Concert for the

Friday Nite Singles

Samaritan Village Orphanage Tanzania, Africa

“The Christian Alternative”

Acoustic Worship Inspirational

7:00 PM Every Friday

The place where area singles come together to relax after a busy week, unwind and refocus on the lord. There is a time of worship and praise as we sing, pray and study God’s Word. Then we have a time of fellowship, table games, pool, etc, plus food and snacks. It’s all FREE!! It is a great time to meet other singles & make new friendships. Please dress casual.

Logan Martin, Soloist


6:00 PM - Sunday, May 26th

Crossroads Community Church 445 B Street, Yuba City, CA 95991 (530) 751-9168


The Ambassador

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


From Gangs to Grace life and gave me new life in Jesus Christ! I graduated the program and God really started to bless me. He gave me a place to stay and began restoring my life. He gave me my driver license, a job, and new family and friends. I’m part of a great church. God showed me mercy and grace by saving me from my old lifestyle. Now, I’m a new creation just like in 2Cor.5:17! “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, the old has gone, and the new is here!” ~ Anthony H. Anthony

God at work through Feather River Men’s Center It all started when I was three years old watching my mom being killed by the hands of my father. I grew up in a gang and drug house; forced to raise myself. This carried over to my adult life. I got tired of the lifestyle of gangs, drugs, and violence. I wanted to change, so I moved from Compton, a little city inside Los Angeles, to Yuba City. That’s where I found the Feather River Men’s Center and also God. In a short period of time He changed me; took me from that old

The chance of being a victim of a crime in Compton is

1 in 25.

The Compton violent crime rate is


higher than the California average Source:

The Ambassador Inbox Emails from our readers

Hello, I need to share this assurance from the Lord in time of a need that no one but the Lord knew. I also want to send blessings to the young man who the Lord used to give me assurance through this young mans obedience. After a Bible study at my home, a sister and I went out to have something to eat and I was blessed. This young man walked up to me and gave me this note written on a napkin. I have never met this person nor would I even recognize him as I could not see his face. Hello, I realize that you do not know me , but I really felt the need to write this note to you. This may sound crazy but I feel like the Lord wants you to know that everything is going to be ok . Inside you have been going through a season of feeling sorrow and almost sad at heart. You have been overwhelmed by worries and stress over life’s issues and your family. Everything will be ok . God has heard you and seen your tears, He sees you, your children and what causes you to be caught in sorrow and HE is with you to help you through . You are greatly loved by God and you are going to make it through . I know this all seems crazy coming from a stranger at Denny’s. If it doesn’t make sense and I’m wrong, I do apologize . God Bless

If you like you can put this in your newspaper as testimony that God is a Great God and when we least expect to hear from God He speaks through others. I have been blessed and have framed this note written on a napkin to keep it from erasing as a reminder for me to know each and every day that God loves me. Thanks and God Bless Caroline If you have a testimony of answered prayer, or a question or comment for The Ambassador, please e-mail it to

David Holycross Helping families honor the lives of those they love since 1998 Yuba City | (530) 751 - 7000 | License #FD1653

The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


She Found Peace with Her Past

When God Calls, He Arranges the Details By Paula McBride I believe that ordinary circumstances are often miracles in disguise. Take, for instance, my need for house-sitters while I serve with the Baja Mission in Mexico. By faith, I applied for the job first and faced the considerations of being gone so long second. I needed someone special--someone who could tackle the enormous responsibility of maintaining a home that didn’t belong to them and care for it as if it did. My early attempts to find someone were word-of-mouth. I asked around church if anybody knew someone who needed a house to rent. I was open to making the house available to servicemen or women. I looked in the paper and on Craig’s list to get a feel for the rental market. I really didn’t want to rent or to store my furniture, and that’s part of the miracle. One Sunday at church, a precious friend approached me with the possibility of her parents using my home as a base when they are in Yuba City. This friend is expecting a baby, and her sister who lives in Sacramento is expecting around the same time. The girls’ mom and dad wanted to be nearer their daughters and new grandbabies while still maintaining their home in Southern California. They would be happy to use my furniture and

watch my T.V., and hang out on my deck. The situation was perfect, and we agreed that this couple would use my home until the end of July or as long as needed. It was after these arrangements were made that the reason was revealed that these precious parents needed to be in Yuba City. Their daughter who lives here was diagnosed with cancer and needed surgery and a lengthy treatment of chemotherapy. Her baby will be delivered at thirty-seven weeks. The daughter who lives in Sacramento recently had an unspeakable tragedy and will need her parents’ support as well, for many days to come. The faith of this mom and dad and their two daughters is an inspiration to all who are part of their journey. They smile through tears and laugh while in pain. They are honest to share their brokenness, but eager to tell of the strong hand of God at work in their lives. We don’t know the end of their story yet, but we know God is good, His plan is perfect, and He delights in the prayers of His children. It may seem like a coincidence that I found the perfect house-sitters, but the blessing is mine and the miracle is God’s.

By April James Healing, hope and wholeness through the love, grace and truth of Jesus Christ is some of the miracles that have taken place in my life. I am not who I was, I have been made new by the renewing of my mind, I was a captive that has been set free. Although I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior as a teenager my life was bound by many fears; the emotional wounds from a life of physical, sexual and emotional abuse; coupled with the lies I unknowingly accepted from the enemy of my soul, that he just loves to tell us when we experience unpleasant circumstances in life. 2 Corinthians 13:11 tells us “Become complete…live in peace…”, then 2 Thessalonians 3:16 talks about the Lord of peace Himself giving us peace always in every way or circumstance; my past hurts was a circumstance in life that I discovered I needed peace in. Trying to ignore them and just focus on the future did not bring them into a complete place of peace. When I stopped trying to ignore the past, let the Holy Spirit search the innermost parts of my being and allowed Jesus Christ to specifically deal with those hurtful circumstances, I then received of His truth and the miracle of His peace both mentally and emotionally. It is so amazing all the hurt, pain, self-condemnation, and so much more, including a secret food

addiction I could not control by will power alone, that he has freed me from and replaced them with a genuine joy, peace, love, laughter and more. I never knew there could be so much emotional freedom and fun in life. One thing most precious to me since He has begun setting me free, is that I have a greater awareness of my Lord’s presence and an intimacy with Him not known before. He has freed me from the muck and mire (modern English translation – the mess and garbage) of my past, freeing me to learn to walk in the fullness of God and in who He created me to be; not what the circumstances of life tried to dictate. I have come to believe that God does work all things out for our good, that He can turn tragedy into triumph and misery into ministry.

So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. 7Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

(1 Peter 5:6,7)

“Your Landscape & Tree Doctor”

(530) - 755 -1304

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The Ambassador

Certified Arborist #WC 1697A Degreed Horticulturist State Pest Control License State Contractors License C-27 Certified Landscape Tech. #99895 Insured PL / PD / WC

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Diagnose and Consulting Landscape Spraying Lawn Spraying; weeds, insects, diseases, weed control in beds Nuisance Fruit Reduction Fertilize Lawns, Shrubs, Trees

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


There are many choices for promoting your business

The local daily newspaper - Coupon magazines - Local community magazines

There are many ministries to support to build God’s Kingdom Homeless ministries - Pro-life organizations - Christian recovery programs

There is one choice that allows you to do both. We call it … ADvangelism! Promote Your Business while building up the Kingdom of God The Ambassador allows you to let the Christian community (and others as well) know about you, At the same time supporting the ministry of The Ambassador to encourage, inform, challenge and connect the local Body of Christ We distribute in more than 300 churches and businesses in Yuba/Sutter/Butte Counties (residential delivery beginning soon!)

ADvangelism- “the business deduction with eternal rewards!”

Listen to



Radio Show


Fri. 5pm repeated at 9pm and Saturday at 7pm


-L P



Thurs. 5pm

repeated at 9pm and Saturday at 5pm


God Brought Me Out Of A Homosexual Relationship

I was married at 19 and had a baby at 20. My husband walked out on me and our 4 month old little girl. The pain and fear of abandonment and the anger and hurt from a man caused me to be very vulnerable to anyone who would come alongside me. A woman I met helped me get back on my feet and before I knew it I was in a homosexual relationship. I never thought I was gay or ever attracted to woman prior to this. Yet, my insecurity and fear kept me in that relationship for 14 years. I knew it was wrong and that God was not pleased. I tried to be a “Christian” while living in that relationship. The pressure and guilt of living in both worlds was too much for me. I prayed for God to take me out of it. I needed to make a choice. One day, I had a dream and

somehow through that dream, God took me out of that lifestyle. I had to be obedient and make that choice. I had to stay committed to Him and leave my comfort zone and security. A few years later, I met a man and got married shortly afterwards. We have been married 22 years and have a wonderful son. In addition, God has protected my baby girl and grown her into a woman of God, with a good husband and three beautiful children. We all seek and serve the Lord. He can and does rescue people from this demonic stronghold. I am living proof of that. Praise God and don’t be deceived into believing that God is ok with homosexuality. He wants to free us from all sexual sin – adultery, pornography, homosexuality and more. ~ Angie H. lic#452975

Attention Christian Business Owners/Managers



Taking Back Christianity

with Sean Blount & Dave Kugelman

Discussing important issues of faith and culture Listen to Bob Fromm on The Encouraging Word weekdays at 9:01am & 7:05pm


The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


“...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matt 25:40

Samaritan Village Orphanage Tanzania, Africa Can You Sponsor David?


DOB: March 10th 2003

David was abandoned in the “New Settlement” area of Arusha. He was subsequently transferred to Social Welfare and then to Samaritan Village when he was three months old. He attends St. Monica’s school where he is in class 3. David likes to play soccer and when he grows up wants to be a mechanic. A gift of $60. monthly will provide for David’s care at Samaritan Village Orphanage. A monthly sponsorship for a child is $60., but any amount - either one time, monthly or even yearly is greatly appreciated.


The Ambassador

You may follow us on Facebook @ Samaritan Village Orphanage and through our quarterly Newsletter. The all volunteer Board and friends of Samaritan Village meet monthly and you are invited to attend the meetings to learn more about this life saving work. Please call Tara @ 530-329-6619 for information and meeting information. To sign up for our Newsletter, please drop us a note at the address below and include your name, mailing address and email address (if available). As always, we solicit and covet your prayer partnership for these little ones whom God has placed in our care. Samaritan Village Orphanage, Inc. P.O. Box 444 Yuba City, CA 95992 TAX ID# 68-0214955 501(c)3

AS WE SEE IT Why Did We Do It? “Welcome” new readers and “Hello again” regular readers. Since you have made it this far into our newspaper you deserve to know a little more about why we published (and for some of you even mailed) this newspaper to you. For those of you seeing this for the first time you may wonder why someone would spend the money (or more appropriately, raise the money) to publish something of this nature. Let me explain: I want everyone to have the opportunity to see, hear, and know that God is FOR you. He wants a relationship WITH You and He will do wonderful things THROUGH You. If you have read a few of the stories of changed lives, you will see that God can and does transform those who allow Him. There is not a long list of religious rules to follow or memorize. But God DOES want you to know Him and His love for you. He wants you to get to know Him through His Word (The Bible), to talk to Him and listen to Him (prayer).

Seth Halpern - Editor

You or I cannot make ourselves perfect, but the One who created us can change our lives and answer our prayers if we seek Him with all of our heart. He made a way (Jesus Christ) to break through the barrier (sin) that keeps us from Him. He wants all of us to know that He may not always change our situation or our circumstance but He WILL change our heart. I encourage you to reach out to Him, and He will most definitely reach back. The Ambassador is not affiliated with any specific denomination or individual church, but I encourage you to contact any of the churches or ministries listed on p. 3 and they will guide you in beginning your relationship with God (or restoring a broken relationship with Him). May God bless you as you seek Him!

Check Out The Ambassador Newspaper on Facebook!

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Newcastle Yuba City

Current members: A-1 Carpet Cleaning - (530) 673-3634 - Maria Altizer - Live Oak Collision Center - (530) 695-1818 Kathy Baum - Operation Christmas Child - (916) 747-2212 Ron Brasier - A Hand Up Ministry - (530) 671-1360 Marty Brown - KCYC-LP FM - (530) 674-5296 Kathleen Caldwell - City of Live Oak - (530) 695-2112 Fred Cox - Richard's Tree Service - (530) 673-7993 Chuck David Brent Davis - Brent Davis Insurance - (530) 671-2764 Carol Dodds - A Woman’s Friend - (530) 741-9136 Christi Dutcher - (530) 682-1136 Bill Eberley - Digital Direct-800-824-4246x10 Shelley Gallagher - Gallagher Ranch Debbie Gilstrap - Sierra Central Credit Union Pamela Givans Marcos Gonzalez - Ultimate Business Maintenance - (530) 671-1564 Richard Guerrero - PuroClean - (530) 751-3821 John L. Guth - AttorneyEstate Planning - Seth Halpern - Ambassador Newspaper - Rodney Hick David Hobbs Painting - Cont. Lic#880562 (530)742-2428 David Holycross - Holycross Memorial – 530-751-7000 Marilyn Hoffman - American Home Reality - (530) 682-1930 Cassandra Hoon- A Better Yard Care - 530-673-3722 Ginger Hughes- Yuba County Repub. Party Central Committee -(530) 675-9175 Brad Indelicato - Dolco Packaging - Dean Ingraham - Bill Jens - Yuba Sutter Healthy Marriage Project - (530) 671-6069 Sandi Juri Dave & Robin Kugelman - Proforma by Kug - (530) 742-2423 Clay Maynard - Consultant - (530) 790-6611 Carmel Mooney - Pawsitive Solutions - Jerry Munz - JM Construction Co. - (530) 682-5316 Jared Nunes - Sutter Health Chuck & Miriam Page Ronda Putman Darrell Sayles - Love Unlimited Body of Christ - Roger Shadd - Shadd Janitorial Supply - 530-673-0083 Robert Stark - Sutter county Auditor/Controller - Dwayne Tanabe - Taylor Accountancy Corp - Jenine Tanabe - Jenine L. Tanabe, MD Dematology - (530) 743-0301 Bill Weeks - Larry Geweke Ford-Kia - Rich Fellowship, Powerful Prayer, Refreshing Presence of God! We meet at the Bonanza Inn the first Tuesday of the month from noon – 1pm.

For weekly reminders, updates, or to join email

9093 Old State Hwy Newcastle, CA 95658

916-663-4116 530-751-2238

1397 Colusa Hwy Yuba City, CA 95993

The Ambassador Ministry

would like to thank the following people for their Individual Sponsorship Marty Brown Warren & Lucy Campbell Chuck David Bill Eberley Bob Gilbert Pamela Givans Rich & Joan Hackney Tom Harris Marie Hiebert

Brad Indelicato Hope Ithurburn

Sandi Juri Sue Kochi Carrie Pederson Wendell Prine Jeff Royce Jon & Pat Skillman

God Bless Each of You

for your support of this ministry and our community If you would be interested in supporting The Ambassador as an Individual Sponsor ($20/month) please contact Seth Halpern at: or call 530-933-1385 or visit us online at

Join us from noon to 1pm at the Bonanza Inn the first Tuesday of every month for a time of encouragement, fellowship and prayer with the

Christian Business Alliance. All are welcome!

The Ambassador



1397 Colusa Hwy Yuba City 530-751-2238

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties








A Farmers Insurance Agency

Auto-Home-Life-commercial-Blue Cross 1650 Sierra Ave Suite 202A - YC 95993

“We can help free up your weekends!”


General Yard Care & Maintenance

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Cassandra Hoon

Tim's Total Truck Repair


Complete Diesel Repair and Welding 25yrs exp


All Seasons Tree and Turf Care, Inc.

Mobile and emergency Service ASE cert. Master Tech.

(530) 870-7217


682.9602 - lic.# 452975


CONTRACTORS & ENGINEERS 1210 Stabler Lane, Yuba City 530-673-2947

PROFORMA BY KUG Dave Kugelman Promotional Products 530-632-9292

Impact The Community

Shawn Meyer 530-415-4250 Professional Handyman

Your Home, Improved. DANIEL JONES PROPERTY CARE AND MAINTENANCE Bus./Home/Indust. Maint. *Lawn Care *Preventive Maintenance *Installs *Repairs “Gladly serving to keep your investment solid”

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" Your Landscape and Tree Doctor"

(530) 755 - 1304

EVERGREEN TUFF TURF Lush, Synthetic Grasses See our 2,000 sq ft Display at 735 Clark Ave, Yuba City. Then call us at 751-8466

JJ's Discount Tools & Merchandise

New & Used Tools

Buy - Sell - Trade

530-755-4129 980 Gray Ave, YC

Richard’s Tree Service 530-673-7993

Certified Arborist Lic. 608859

The Ambassador


Country Vet Clinic, Inc 4839 E. Butte Rd, Live Oak "Treating all creatures Great and Small" Jerry Long, DVM & Assoc.


Jennifer Jens Photography 20% off print purchase* *one time use

HEALTH BEAUTY 530.632.8909


Excellent Massage Care

"MarketPlace ads


Brenda Banducci 530-701-4847

(next to Brock's)

Disaster Response Services Richard & Michael Guerrero

Yuba City Pest Control

P.O. Box 2, Yuba City, CA 95992 Ph. (530) 755-2555 Fx. (530) 755-4672 "Quality Service Guaranteed"

“A Touch Like No Other" 397 Del Norte Ave, YC

eXfuze Seven+

botanical supplements: acai, fucoidan, goji, seabuckthorn, noni, gac, mangosteen Robert E. Stark


Promote Your Business Here! 18

MD DERMATOLOGY 414 G Street, Suite 204 Marysville 743-0301

should not be considered as an endorsement of The Ambassador as to the spiritual commitment of the advertiser. The Ambassador does not and cannot "monitor" spiritual commtiment of its advertisers."

Reach New Customers Call (530) 933-1385

or email: editor@

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


The Ambassador


Saturday, June 8th

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Get tickets today at:

Sleep Train Box Office or Tickets also Available at these

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