April 2017 Ambassador

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April 2017

By Jim Elliff http://www.ccwtoday.org/ He was lying down, gasping. It was his own bed and it was his time. Forty-five minutes from this moment he would die. Beside him sat his wife in the overstuffed leather chair that had been pulled close for the final event. She had been there all night. She sat on the edge as she patted his hand and tried to soothe him— disheveled, wide-eyed with simmering panic, twitching, pleading. It had been the hardest night of her life. The hospice workers were gone. She was alone with her husband of forty-three years. Now it was over—almost. As his wife wiped his brow with the damp hand towel, he moaned in a

Healing Racial Tension

Page 13

horrible, eerie manner. It wasn’t him; it Thirty minutes left. wasn’t like him. He had been a fighter all “Book,” he moaned, through cracked his life. She knew his determination. But lips. Nothing seemed to lubricate his lips there he was, a paper-like shell of the man for long. She heard the word, but it made who had built the company out of nothing no sense. and acquired leadership in almost every He wasn’t an angry man, but he was endeavor. fixed on his He had purposes. presence “The hospice workers were gone. T h e in a room. business She was alone with her husband He was was allof forty-three years. Now it was a strong important, over--almost.” man—“a though he m a n ’ s tried not to man,” she would often say. The sound neglect his family. He was a churchman of those words seemed as trite as they also, somewhat regular in attendance actually are. “A man’s man,” she mused, on Sunday mornings, giving to causes, repeating the words in a whisper several involved, but not going overboard like times. some. He led there as he did in almost

Beauty and the Beast Review

Page 17

The Greatest Purpose

Page 18

every sphere of life, giving his advice about so many things. They had a respectable life before people. They were known people. He turned one way, then the next. Twelve minutes left. “The book,” he whispered. She got up from the leather chair. It was too cool in the room. She went into the hall for just a moment to turn up the heat. Surely her husband would appreciate more heat. She walked quickly to the restroom and brushed her hair back. She threw up her arms and held them in the air for a moment, palms up, to stretch. She had been sitting in the same position for such a long time. But she must return.

Continue on page 16 1040 Lincoln Rd., Suite A, #124 Yuba City, CA 95991 530-933-1385 editor@ambassadornewspaper.com

The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties




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Christian Business Alliance

Country Vet Clinic, Inc.

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Lic.# 749735

Crosspointe Christian Books & Gifts

Featherston's Roofing

Freedom Mortgage

(530) 673-6188

featherstonsroofing@gmail.com CSL# 997284


(530) 415-1149

www.greenetzconstruction.com Remodeling Lic.#452975

James Gallagher

Jenine Tanabe M.D.

JM Construction Co.

646 Plumas St., Yuba City • 1 Corinthians 1:18 •

Tom Featherston - Owner

(530) 315-5287

Gaiser Pets

(530) 751-8155

CA Assembly Member3rd District

Pleasant Grove Farms

Proforma by Kug

714 Plumas St.,Yuba City

"Not Your Ordinary Pet Store"

Ed & Wynette Sills Familly

(916) 319-2003

Dave Kugelman Promotional Products

Giving thanks to God always, for all things. Ephesians 5:20

(530) 632-9292


Russell & Boals Painting, Inc.

Shadd Janitorial Supply

Voted Best Yuba/Sutter Painting Services 2014

(530) 870-2620 Lic.# 496656


Caldwell's Custom Countertops,Inc.

The Ambassador

Roger Shadd- Owner 226 Bridge St.,Yuba City

(530) 673-0083

Jeremy Kurtz Loan Officer

Dermatology 414 G St.,#204.,Marysville

(530) 743-0301

The Ambassador Newspaper Ministry

The Ambassador allows you to let Christian community (and others as wellknow about you, We distribute in more than 300 churches and businesses in Yuba/Sutter/Butte Counties (residential delivery beginning soon!)

Seth Halpern, Editor 530-933-1385 editor@ambassadornewspaper.com www.ambassadornewspaper.com

Please Support Our Sponsors

Dave Greenetz Construction, Inc. (530) 682-9602

Jerry Munz - Owner

Jerry Long, DVM & Associates 4839 E. Butte Rd.,Live Oak

Dr. David A. Bradley

Optometrist 1160 Live Oak Blvd.,Yuba City

(530) 673-8440

Monroe Transmission

(530) 682-5316

Don Monroe - Owner 1397 Colusa Hwy.,Yuba City

Rachel Aleman

Robert E. Stark,

Rachel.Aleman@C21SelectGroup.com Web: Rachel.Aleman.C21SelectGroup.com

Retired Auditor/Controller stark@otnusa.com

jerry.jmconstruction@gmail.com Lic.# 420765

Century 21 Select Group 530-813-2253


Landscape & Design

Mike Sperbeck - Owner 1316 Woodward St.,Yuba City

(530) 673-8334

(530) 751-2238 CPA - MBA

Yvette Adams Insurance

Auto - Home - Farm Mobile Home

(530) 743-6081

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties



Adventure!Church 1100 Garden Hwy. Sun. 9am & 11am www.AdventureChurchYC.org


Gateway Calvary Chapel 808 8th Street, Marysville Sundays 10 a.m. Wednesdays 7 p.m.

Pastor Doug Hileman


Does your

Agape Lighthouse Community Church

The Bride Church 655 Colusa Hwy, YC 530-751-0505 thebridechurch.org Sun. 9am & 11am

2106 Pepper Street, Sutter

Pastor BJ Wilson 530-237-6351

950 Tharp Rd., Ste.1200-B, YC


1179 Eager Road,Yuba_City www.churchofgladtidings.com

_ 530.671.3160

Craftsmen for Christ- Tues 6:30

Saturday 7pm-Sunday 10am Wednesday 7pm

Praise Chapel

Word of Life Church

398 Aylor Avenue Yuba City

1229 Buchanan Street, Marysville

Living Water

Evangelical Lutheran Church Sunday 9 a.m. Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Worship

Church of Glad Tidings



Sun. 9 &11a.m., 6p.m. Wed. 7pm

Sun. 10am & 5pm & Wed. 6:30pm



Pastor Stan Reynolds

Pastor Chris Madsen




church or ministry

••Hear•The•Word•of •God•Every•Night ••Daily•Bible•Studies ••Noon•Prayer•Service•(Mon-Fri)

partner with The Ambassador? Email editor@ ambassador

Hear the Word of God Every Night at 6:30p.m. Sharp!


Saturday, May 6, 2017

Roger•Vaca,•Executive•Director 940•14th•St,•Marysville 530.743.8777

Ellis Lake in Marysville, CA (12th & D Streets) | 9:00 A.M. Benefiting A Woman’s Friend Pregnancy Resource Clinic www.awfpartners.org | 530.741.9136

Samaritan•Village•Orphanage Tanzania,•Africa

You CAN help save the lives of children in Tanzania!


for details

Call Victor Savage (530) 671-2219 or see page 8 to learn how

THE AMBASSADOR ?The Ambassador is a free, monthly publication promoting unity and revival among the local Yuba-Sutter area Bible-believing churches. ?The Ambassador has a circulation of 6,000 - 7,500 and is distributed in local churches and businesses in the community. ?The purpose of The Ambassador is to pursue the great commission of Christ by making disciples and to encourage, inform, challenge and connect the local body of Christ. ?We believe in the inspiration and authority of the Bible as the written word of God. We believe that God exists as One, in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. ?We believe that the atoning work of Christ (His death) on the cross and His resurrection is the ONLY means of salvation and the only way to Eternal Life in Heaven. ?We welcome editorial content from anyone wishing to promote the mission of The Ambassador. All articles and advertisement content is subject to the approval of the editor. Views expressed in The Ambassador do not necessarily reflect those of our sponsors or advertisers

Editor/Publisher - Seth Halpern


Advisory - Dave Kugelman


Design - Teresa Davis

The Ambassador



The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Weary Words By Paula McBride The fourth-grader, Jason, scrunched his eyes closed and licked his lips as he concentrated on finding just the right word to describe the amazing game his Little League team played the night before. He was writing an essay for his English class, and there was a poster on the wall that listed words that he and his classmates were not allowed to use EVER! His teacher called them weary words, words overused and weak in descriptive effect. These were words like big and little, hot and cold, or good and bad. Jason was to find words like gigantic and miniature, scalding and freezing, or terrific and awful. He knew he couldn’t write that the hit to right field was good. It was spectacular! Jason’s teacher loves words and wants her students to enjoy the color, texture, and tone of different words and their meanings. I love words too, especially meaningful, descriptive words. Perhaps that’s why I was bored with my newest assignment. Along with teens and other adult leaders, I was to memorize a set of Scriptures to use on a mission trip to Mexico. Trouble is, the verses were all weary words to me. I’d memorized these verses in Sunday School a million

years ago! So what could I do? I decided to memorize them in Spanish. Oh, the beautiful shades of meaning when you get into another language! The first verse I memorized was Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” It was easy since I knew most of the words and it translated nicely, but one word was new to me, the word “privados”. Privados is the word my Spanish Bible uses for the English “fall short”. In Spanish, sinning is more than falling short, or missing a mark on the target of God’s purpose. The translation of privados (from Google Translate) that burned its way into my heart is bereft or deprived. All of a sudden, the familiarity of Romans 3:23 faded, and blazes of truth flooded my mind. I am bereft (left with nothing) of the glory of God if I remain in my sin! My sin has deprived me of the

glory of God! I felt like Isaiah when he cried, “Woe is me! I am undone!” (Isaiah 6:5). Imagine how the followers of Jesus felt after the arrest and crucifixion of their beloved rabbi. Bereft, empty, deprived of the hope that begun to root out their despair. The glory of God was gone,

but the end of the story was not yet told. Death was defeated by the resurrection, glory restored, and hope renewed because Jesus is alive! After being overwhelmed by Romans 3:23, I went on to memorize verse 24 so the complete wonder of Christ’s work could lodge in my soul. Again, it translates straight across, reminding us that because of the grace of God, we are justified freely by the redemption Christ performed that agonizing day on the cross. We are not bereft of the glory. Let’s not let the familiarity or the weary words of the Easter story bore us this season. Let’s immerse ourselves in the glory and wonder of the amazing grace that lifts us from our sins and translates us into everlasting life with Christ.

If you would like to experience the peace and transformed life that God can provide through Jesus Christ and you are willing to commit your life to the only one who can truly set you free from your sin, you can pray to the Lord right now and ask Him to forgive you of your sins. Because of what His Son, Jesus, did by dying on the cross, your sins will not be held against you by God anymore. You can experience freedom for the rest of your life on earth and then have a life in Heaven with God for eternity. God’s part of the deal is already done. Your part is to confess your sins, repent (or change your ways) and believe that He is Lord. If your life is out of control, let Him take over control. For help, questions, or more information, contact us at The Ambassador or any of the churches listed on page 3.


The Ambassador

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties



- - FORGIVENESS - By April James Forgiveness, what a strong and powerful thing it is; it sets captives free. Perhaps not the one who committed the offense but the offended one, the one who was wronged, who was hurt; the one who is carrying an unpaid IOU because the offender never came forth to apologize, to make restitution, or even acknowledge they did wrong; perhaps they’re not even aware they caused hurt to another. I, as I’m certain many others have, at times innocently said or did something never realizing others were hurt or offended. Likewise, we have also been the recipient of someone’s remark or action that hurt us, whether innocently or with malice.

Whether actions against us are intentional or unintentional a wound may occur, which when left unaddressed can fester causing an infection of anger, resentment, and bitterness. Unforgiveness is a poison to our spirit and soul leading us to want revenge, to hurt as we were hurt, and can even cause hardness of heart. The poison begins to sinisterly fill us and emerge in our relationships, words, thoughts, and actions; it affects our attitude, erodes trust, and casts a dark shadow over us. It holds us captive, robs our joy, steals peace, clouds vision, chips away at our patience, raises blood pressure, hinders our relationship with the Lord, and allows the adversary a foothold into our lives; once in he goes to work to

The Ambassador Ministry

would like to thank the following people for their Individual Sponsorship

Kathy Baum Jim McCarty Bob Gilbert Marty Brown John Nicholls Rich & Joan Hackney Carrie Pederson Warren & Lucy Campbell Tom Harris Wendell Prine LaDonna Curteman Allen Halpern Mimi Robarge Chuck David April James Jeff Royce Christine Emerson Sandi Juri George & Cherie Shaw Rita Galusha Sue Kochi Josh Vanassche Clay Maynard

God Bless Each Of You For Your Support Of This Ministry And Our Community

bring destruction wherever he can. I recently found myself going from being considered a wonderful person, helpful and appreciated, to being reviled by the very same person. Further, it was for something they thought they knew about someone else without having all the facts; my guilt was that I knew the other individual. My attempt to speak with them about this and the actions they were taking against me and family members, met with a rage I have never experienced before. I was in shock, hurt further, and even became fearful of their potential actions. My heart was certainly not at peace; I found myself being adversely affected mentally and emotionally; which I didn’t like. What’s a cure?

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If you would be interested in supporting The Ambassador as an Individual Sponsor ($20/month) please contact Seth Halpern at: editor@ambassadornewspaper.com or call 530-933-1385 or visit us online at

Forgiveness, what a strong and powerful vaccine it is. It may be a hard pill to swallow, but once done heartfelt, its effects are amazing. The individual who harmed me may never apologize or ask forgiveness, nor the relationship be mended. In extending forgiveness for their actions, it does not mean they were right, that I am pretending it did not happen, or that they are getting off the hook. It means I turned over the right to collect the debt myself to the Lord, who is the just Judge, to deal with them and bring justice. I chose to do this even if the Lord in His mercy were to grant them forgiveness of their sins - as they come to Him; just as He, in his mercy, forgave me my wrongs. Forgiving benefits the forgiver; my heart is at peace, my joy restored.


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The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties



Ongoing Events SUNDAY CELEBRATE RECOVERY - Praise Chapel Church - Sunday 6:30 p.m. Join us for great worship and open share group. For more information call (530) 923-7204. AWANA CLUB Sundays 5:30-7:00 pm. Check in is at 5:15 pm. Grace Baptist Church - 1980 S. Walton Ave. (Bogue & Walton) Awana is an amazing children’s program for ages 3-grade 6. Join this new Club as it begins! Kids memorize Scripture, play games and learn lots! Call 530-673-6847 for information. Info: Ed Han 209-298-6102 You are invited to come and receive special prayer for divine healing or prophetic guidance. Our prayer teams will pray with you for your needs.

MONDAY KNIT & CROCHET WOMENS FELLOWSHIP Mondays 10:00 a.m. - Noon First Baptist Church - 1777 8th Ave. - Olivehurst Practice your yarn craft or learn a new one with us. Knifty Knitters are welcome. Bring your own project or work on a charity item that we donate to those in need in the community. Email yarncraftersforchrist@hotmail.com for info. FREE KARATE CLASSES Mondays 5:30 pm - FREE karate classes taught from a Christian perspective. First Baptist Church - 1777 8th Ave. - Olivehurst, 743-1831 for info, Pastor Miguel.

TUESDAY ENCOUNTERING GOD 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Every Tuesday Morning Embassy of Heaven Campus - 1179 Eager Rd., YC - (Hwy 99 @ Eager Rd.) 530-671-3160 - www.churchofgladtidings.com Our Tuesday morning meetings begin with a time of worship. Afterwards we rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us to minister to each other, encourage each other, and build our hunger and desire for the things of God. Childcare is provided. CRAFTSMEN FOR CHRIST Meets every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. The Bride Church - 655 Colusa Hwy, YC Men’s fellowship around the word and worship. All in the Body of Christ welcome! CHRISTIAN BUSINESS ALLIANCE First Tuesday of Every Month, Noon - 1:00 p.m. The Bride Church - 655 Colusa Hwy, YC Join us for a time of fellowship, prayer & encouragement. All are welcome! SAMARITAN VILLAGE MONTHLY MEETING The 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30p.m. This meeting is open to all who are interested in helping with an orphanage in Tanzania. For info call Victor Savage at 671-2219. PRAYER FOR THE NATION - Every Tuesday 7PM Embassy of Heaven Campus - Church of Glad Tidings- Bldg 2001179 Eager Road, YC Info: 530-671-3160 www.churchofgladtidings.com Our mission is to share this Good News of Jesus Christ, so that all people may hear of God’s saving power and come to know His truth.

WEDNESDAY FREE BIBLE COLLEGE CLASSES - Wednesday Mornings 10:00 a.m. First Baptist Church - 1777 8th Ave., Olivehurst Starting in January 2015 you can earn an accredited bible college degree … all books are in public domain and you only need a tablet, computer or some type of electronic reader. We can print them out for a small charge. You will need a King James Bible to get started. fbco@comcast.net for more information. ENROLL TODAY! AWANA Wednesday 5:45-7:45 p.m. during school year Evangelical Free Church - 3785 Olive Hwy. Oroville Awana is a boys & girls club consisting of small group time, games, large group time. For information please call 533-6866. LIFE @ HOPE POINT Wednesday @ 6:30 pm for kids, 7:00 p.m. for adults Hope Point Nazarene - 600 N. George Washington Blvd, YC Join us for Life@Hope Point - groups for Nursery through High School ages and classes for adults Parenting, How to Study your Bible, more so contact the church office at 671-1130 for more details. TUESDAY FRIDAY CELEBRATE RECOVERY - Every Friday, 7:00 p.m.. Loma Rica Community Church- Moy Hall. Call church office for more information 743-5435 TUESDAY


BETHESDA HEALING WELL - Saturday, February 18th at 10AM Embassy of Heaven Campus - Bldg 200 - 1179 Eager Road, YC You are invited to come and receive special prayer for divine healing or prophetic guidance. Our prayer teams will pray with you for your needs. For more info.,Ed Han 209-298-6102

multiple days of the week WOMENS CLOTHES CLOSET Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 8:00 a.m. - Noon Twin Cities Rescue Mission- 940 14th Street, Marysville We now have a womens clothes closet at the mission! It is free and available to everyone. We accept donations Monday - Sunday of women’s men’s, and children’s clothing! CROSSROADS CLOTHES CLOSET Open Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm -Shop at our - FREE Clothes given away! Crossroads Community Church, YC EHOP PRAYER - Every Tuesday & Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Embassy of Heaven Campus - Church of Glad Tidings - Bldg. 200 - 1179 Eager Road, YC 530-671-3160 - www.churchofgladtidings.com “My house shall be called a house of prayer.” (Matt. 21:13). The church today in is an all out war against the evils of darkness. The body of Christ is called to step up and be aggressive in their prayer life. PRAYER VIGIL FOR LIFE! Yuba-Sutter Right to Life is hosting peaceful, prayerful vigils in front of the Yuba City Planned Parenthood. All you need to participate is one hour and the desire to pray for LIFE. Please contact Heather Pugh at 751-9349 for date and time if you are interested. FCS PLAYERS YOUNG PEOPLE’S SUMMER THEATRE PROGRAM REGISTRATION Faith Christian School, 3105 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City - March 28 through mid-June FCS Players Young People’s Summer Theatre Program announces registration for their 20th Anniversary Season production of Madagascar – the Musical Adventure! Join kids from 7-18 Monday through Thursday, June 12 – July 15 from 9 am – 12:30 pm, followed 6 great performances of the show! Call 530-674-5474 or visit www. fcs-k12.org for more information!


The Ambassador

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties



Special Events PRISCILLA SHIRER SIMULCAST Adventure Church of Yuba City, 1100 Garden Highway, YC April 8th -8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Women’s Ministry of Adventure Church will be hosting this one-day event on Saturday, April 8th! Please contact the church office for more details (530-822-9216) and please plan to be with us. The cost is $20.00 and that includes lunch. COMMUNITY BREAKFAST Cornerstone Church, 700 Washington Ave, Yuba City Saturday, April 8, -8-10am FREE Neighborhood Breakfast at Cornerstone Church. Come out and meet your neighbors! ANNUAL FATHER AND SON PRAYER BREAKFAST Mt. Olivet Baptist Church 2284 McGowan Parkway, Olivehurst Saturday, April 8th - 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Over the years, family relations have become strained especially between father and son. The Prayer Breakfast offers a great bonding experience and a time for the child to hang out with his favorite role model. It’s not just a “guy thing”either. Both genders are welcome! Please contact Deacon Bill Blackwell for ticket (s) at (530) 7418002. EGGSTRAVAGANZA Grace Baptist Church, 3646 Oro Dam Blvd. East Oroville April 9th (Palm Sunday), 2017 - after 10:45am church service until 3:00 pm. Come join us for this special time of year, when we celebrate our risen Lord. Come, hear God’s word, then right afterwards there will be fun games and an Easter egg hunt for the children.

MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE FUMC – YC, 3101 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City Thursday, April 13th at 6pm Celebrate an abridged Passover as a part of Jesus’s inner circle, and appreciate their last moments together.

EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE April 16th (Easter) @ 6:30 am Collins Lake Recreation Center 7530 Collins Lake Rd. – Oregon House Sponsored by: Loma Rica Community Church & Collins Lake Recreation Center

GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE FUMC – YC, 3101 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City Friday, April 14th at 12:10pm Honor the sacrifice Jesus gave through the sounds of the crucifixion

“GODSPELL” THEATRE PRODUCTION Faith Christian School/First United Methodist Church Theater, 3101 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City Wednesday, April 26, Thursday and April 27 at 7:30 pm and matinee performance Saturday, May 29 at 1:00 pm The FCS Players, Faith Christian School’s award winning theatre troupe presents the hit Broadway musical GODSPELL! A delightful retelling of the Gospel of St. Matthew, “GODSPELL” is a heartwarming, groundbreaking and unique reflection on the life of Jesus, with a message of kindness, forgiveness, joy and love for the whole family!

6TH ANNUAL COMMUNITY EASTER EGG HUNT Riverbend School, 301 Stewart Road, YC April 15th - 10 a.m. to noon Adventure Church of Yuba City will hold its 6th annual, community Easter egg hunt for children, birth to 6th grade. This free event features thousands of plastic eggs stuffed with candy, bounce houses, games and free hot dogs and lemonade, while it lasts. KID’S EASTER CELEBRATION Saturday, April 15th -10 am – 2 pm Loma Rica Community Church – 11234 Loma Rica Rd., Loma Rica For children grades pre-school through 5th grade Free event! Egg hunt, games, prizes, jump houses, cake walk, crafts, lunch, music and Easter skit.Check out our website at: www.lrcconline.org EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA FUMC – YC, 3101 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City Saturday, April 15th at 11am Enjoy your favorite Easter fun and games with a barbecue lunch. All of this for Free.

REST 2nd Annual Softball for Shelter, Softball Tournament Blackburn Talley Sports Complex Saturday, April 29th - 9am-4:30pm Regional Emergency Shelter TeamREST, Softball tournament. Come out and watch the games. Fun for the family. Snack bar, BBQ, opportunity drawing, kid’s games. Meet Kathryn “Tubby”Johnston- Massar, first girl to play organized Little League baseball. She will be autographing baseballs FREE BARBECUE LUNCH FUMC – YC, 3101 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City Monday, May 1st , 8th, 15th, & 22nd from 12pm to 1pm Looking forward to a change of scenery during lunch? Check out our FREE barbecue lunch (Hamburgers and hot dogs with all the fixings) out on our patio.

EVANGELISM EXPLOSION SPRING BAZAAR Loma Rica Community Church – 11234 Loma Rica Rd. – Loma Rica Friday, May 5th 8:00 am – 6:00 pm Saturday, May 6th 8:00 am – 12:00pm Yard Sale, vendor booths, silent auction. All proceeds will fund this year’s trip to spread the Gospel locally and worldwide. COUNTRY FAIR FUMC – YC, 3101 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City Saturday, May 6th from 10am to 3pm Join us for Carnival Games, Prizes, Pie Eating Contests, Face Painting, Paintball, Water Balloons, Hayrides, Entertainment & Barbecue Lunch. All at no cost to you. TROUT FISHING DERBY AT COLLINS LAKE Saturday, May 6th Fun Family Event. Lots of prizes for adults and kids to win. Cash prizes to top 5 adults. Free BBQ lunch to all derby participants. Thousands of big trout will be planted the week of the event. Derby fees only $25 for adults if preregistered. Children ages 15 & under are only $5. Register online at www. collinslake.com. 100% of the derby proceeds to benefit YS YoungLife. SPRING RUMMAGE SALE FUMC – YC, 3101 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City Friday, May 19th from 8am to 3pm & Sat. 8am – 1pm Looking for a treasure? You will be able to find everything under the sun at this rummage sale including Furniture, Clothes, Jewelry, Books, Toys, Household Items, and Holiday Decorations

The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


FCS Players Summer Theatre Program Announces Registration for Summer 2017 Production of Madagascar – the Musical!

The Christian Business Alliance would like to invite you to our midweek meeting. Rich Fellowship, Powerful Prayer, Refreshing Presence of God! We meet at the Bride Church the first Tuesday of the month from noon – 1pm. Current members: A-1 Carpet Cleaning - (530) 673-3634 - www.a-1clean.com Rachel Aleman - Century 21- 530-813-2253 Ron Brasier - A Hand Up Ministry - (530) 671-1360 Marty Brown - KCYC-LP FM - (530) 674-5296 Kathleen Caldwell - Caldwells Custom Countertops - (530) 695-2112 Fred Cox - Richard's Tree Service - (530) 673-7993 LaDonna Curteman - Band Together for Christ - ladonna.curteman@gmail.com Chuck David Carol Dodds - A Woman’s Friend - (530) 741-9136 Stephen Elliot- Ad Lucem Tax Services - (530) 329-8685 Dennis & Connie Gable - Operation Christmas Child - (530) 695-1495 Rita Galusha Steve & Cash Gilliss - Crosspointe Christian Books - (530) 673-6188 Pamela Givans Adrian Graves - Solar City - 530-329-1698 John Guth - Guth & Changaris, A Prof Law Corp - (530) 674-9841 Seth Halpern - Ambassador Newspaper - editor@ambassadornewspaper.com Kurt Hilbers - Hilbers Inc - www.hilbersinc.com Arlene Hite - Bridges to Housing - (530) 755-3414 David Hobbs Painting - Cont. Lic#880562 (530)742-2428 David Holycross - Holycross Memorial - (530) 751-7000 Bill Jens - Yuba Sutter Healthy Marriage Project - (530) 671-6069 Cornell U. Kay - Integrity Chamber of Commerce - (916) 969-0205 Dave Kugelman - Proforma by Kug - (530) 742-2423 Bill & Sonja Lindholm- RVOC - (530) 329-8361 Clay Maynard - Consultant - (530) 790-6611 Jim McCarty - Trinity Living Systems - trinityls@yahoo.com Jerry Munz - JM Construction Co. - (530) 682-5316 Maria Paras Ronda Putman Roger Shadd - Shadd Janitorial Supply - (530) 673-0083 George Shaw- Serving Our Saviour - (530) 671-3303 Wynette Sills - CaliforniasForLife.org. - (916) 955-1577 Robert Stark - Retired Auditor/Controller - stark@otnusa.com Dwayne Tanabe - Taylor Accountancy Corp - dktanabe@yahoo.com Jenine Tanabe - Jenine L. Tanabe, MD Dematology - (530) 743-0301

For weekly reminders, updates, or to join email editor@ambassadornewspaper.com


The Ambassador

The FCS Players Young People’s Summer Theatre program announces that registration is open for their 20th Anniversary Season production of the new production based on the Dreamworks hit film – Madagascar – the Musical Adventure! Join kids from 7-18 for daily classes in acting, music and dance Monday through Thursday, June 12 –

July 15 from 9 am – 12:30 pm, followed 6 great performances of the show! All of this in a supportive, safe and professional Christian environment with payment plans, financial aid and much more available. Call the FCS Players at 530674-5474 or visit www.fcsplayers.com or www. fcs-k12.org to download an application or for more information!

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


South Carolina and Baylor March Madness Teams Join Together For Post-Game Prayer

Veronica Neffinger | Editor, ChristianHeadlines.com | On March 25 in the Sweet Sixteen round of the March Madness college basketball championship, three-seed Baylor lost to seven-seed South Carolina, but in addition to the upset that occurred, viewers witnessed something else remarkable. Ed Uszynski, a writer for Athletes in Action, noted that after the game, instead of wildly celebrating, one of South Carolina’s assistance coaches told the players to “Calm down,” and a time of gathering and prayer was initiated. “Interesting,” said announcer Verne Lundquist. “The celebration started, and Perry Clark one of the assistant coaches came out and said, ‘Calm down.’ And look at this. This is a remarkable scene of sportsmanship.”

Baylor players and coaches interlinked arms with South Carolina players and coaches and bowed their heads. After being reverently silent for a few moments, announcer Jim Spanarkel stated, “It’s a great scene.” Uszynski notes that the scene was a remarkable display of the gospel. “Seeing South Carolina’s fiery, unapologetically crass head coach Frank Martin juxtaposed with all things currently Baylor in a prayer circle—combined with all the other narratives of the lives represented there—can be interpreted in many ways depending on the lenses you choose,” he writes, adding that “For others, it’s the very gospel itself, the kingdom of heaven somehow redeeming a moment dripping in idolatry and layers of brokenness, an emotional mixture of victory and defeat all rolled into one mass of athletic humanity.”

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The FCS Players present the Broadway hit GODSPELL!

Share the joy and excitement this spring as the FCS Players, Faith Christian School’s award winning theatre troupe presents the hit Broadway musical GODSPELL! A delightful retelling of the Gospel according to St. Matthew, and featuring a sparkling score by Stephen Schwartz, composer for Disney’s POCAHONTAS, THE PRINCE OF EGYPT, and the current Broadway hit WICKED, “GODSPELL” features magic, merriment and joyous songs and dances, including the international hit, “Day By Day!” “GODSPELL” is a heartwarming, groundbreaking and unique reflection on the life of Jesus, with a message of kindness, forgiveness,

joy and love. Experience GODSPELL Wednesday, April 26, Thursday and April 27 at 7:30 pm and in a special matinee performance Saturday, May 29 at 1:00 pm at the First United Methodist Church, 3101 Colusa Hwy, Yuba City. Tickets will go on sale March 29 at the Faith Christian High School Library/FCS Players Box Office on our high school campus; ticket prices are $12.00 general and $10.00 for students, seniors and active duty military. For more information call 674-5474 or visit us online at www.fcsplayers.com or www.fcs-k12.org Don’t miss the FCS Players in GODSPELL!!!

2500 The Ambassador


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Enjoying a Banquet for the Gideons ministry


The Ambassador

The Way of Suffering


He Suffered for You! Good Friday, April 14, 2017 9:30 a.m. Come join other believers from many churches as we carry the cross. We will begin at the Town Center Fountain on Plumas Street, YC. Then proceed up Plumas St., west of Colusa Hwy to Gray Ave. We will cross the street at the corner of Togo’s, turn right and proceed down Colusa Hwy back to Plumas St. Finally, we will proceed down Plumas St. to the fountain where we began. Everyone is encouraged to come and participate as we join as one body considing the magnitude of what Jesus suffered on behalf of mankind. Also, join with other believers in quiet worship and prayer. For information, call: (530) 300-3371

SAVE THE DATE... SATURDAY, May 6th FUN FAMILY EVENT TROUT FISHING DERBY AT COLLINS LAKE * THOUSANDS of big trout will be planted the week of the event * Lots of prizes for adults & kids to win. Cash prizes to top 5 adults. * Derby fees only $25 for Adults if pre-registered. * Children ages 15 & under are only $5. * Free BBQ lunch to all derby participants * 100% of derby proceeds to benefit YS YoungLife * Register online at www.collinslake.com.

The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Prayer Calendar for April 2017

Test Your Bible Knowledge! 1. What is the common name given to the first four books of the New Testament? 2. Who wrote most of the books in the New Testament? 3. Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles? 4. Which book comes last in the New Testament? 5. What does the word gospel mean? 6. Who was the king of Judea at the time of Jesus’ birth? 7. Which gospel records the fewest of the miracles performed by Jesus? 8. In what water was Jesus baptized? 9. What miracle did Jesus perform at the marriage in Cana? 10. Who was the tax collector that climbed up a tree so he could see Jesus?

ANSWERS 1. The Gospels 2. Paul 3. Luke 4. Revelation 5. Good news 6. Herod the Great 7. Matthew 8. River Jordan 9. Turning water into wine 10. Zacchaeus

4-Apr Missionaries -Fruit, Provision 5-Apr Local Schools- Students, teachers, and parents 6-Apr War-torn nations- pray for peace & protection especially for civilians 7-Apr Children and Children’s Ministries 8-Apr Flood Victims- pray for provision to rebuild 9-Apr Global Persecution-Safety/Courage of Believers 10-Apr PASSOVER- For Jewish people to know the Messiah 11-Apr Middle East - For the peace of Jerusalem 12-Apr ISIS/Terrorism- pray for wisdom & strong leadership to eradicade it 13-Apr Homeless/Poor - Twin Cities Rescue Mission, A Hand Up, Salvation Army 14-Apr A Woman’s Friend - Unborn children/Pregnant Women 15-Apr President Trump- God’s Wisdom in decisions & communication 16-Apr EASTER- Praise the Risen Savior! 17-Apr Christian Businesses-Ambassador Sponsors & others. 18-Apr Singles, Single Parents, Divorce healing 19-Apr Orphan children- Samaritan Village (see p. 3) and other orphanages 20-Apr First Responders-Police, Firefighters, EMT, TIP 21-Apr Local Pastors and their families 22-Apr Hollywood- May God to touch influential people 23-Apr Sex Trafficking - pray for victims 24-Apr Adoptive families & birth moms 25-Apr Addicted, Rehab ministries- Feather River Mens Center, Joshua House, Celebrate Recovery 26-Apr Military, All armed forces & their families. 27-Apr The Ambassador Newspaper-Increased readership and Impact 28-Apr Teen Depression, Suicide 29-Apr Local officials and community leaders 30-Apr State lawmakers- Pray for Assemblyman James Gallagher & others who represent us

Bible Trivia

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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


How 2 families righted a 160- year- old wrong By Dr. Jim Denison denisonforum.org This Time magazine headline caught my eye: “How Descendants of a Slave and a Supreme Court Justice Righted a 160-Year-Old Wrong.” Here’s the story. Dred Scott was born into slavery in 1795. His owner, Peter Blow, took him to Alabama and then to St. Louis. After Blow’s death, Scott was sold to army surgeon John Emerson. Emerson took Scott to Illinois and later to the Wisconsin territory, both of which were “free” (regions that prohibited slavery). While in Wisconsin, Scott met and married another slave, Harriet Robinson. Emerson eventually moved to St. Louis, where Scott and his wife joined them. After Emerson died, his widow’s brother, John Sanford, claimed ownership of the Scotts. Scott sued Sanford for his freedom, claiming that since he had been transported to a “free” state and territory, he should no longer be considered a slave. Thus originated the Dred Scott v. Sanford case that became one of the most infamous Supreme Court decisions of all time. Roger B. Taney was the US Supreme Court chief justice who authored the

Dred Scott decision. On March 6, 1857, he ruled that Congress could not regulate slavery and that blacks could not be considered US citizens. This ruling galvanized the abolition movement and spurred Abraham Lincoln to speak out against slavery. The eventual result was Lincoln’s election as president and the ensuing Civil War. This week, a great-great-great nephew of Justice Taney met with the great-great granddaughter of Mr. Scott. Charles Taney III stood in front of a crowd outside the Maryland State House and apologized to Lynne Jackson. She leads the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation, a nonprofit that seeks to educate the public about the Supreme Court case. Taney said, “Apologizing to the Scotts for the Dred Scott decision is like bringing a Band-Aid to an amputation. It’s right and necessary to apologize, but what’s important now is what actions we can all take.” He’s right. Racial discrimination is not just illegal, it’s sinful. From Moses’ Midianite wife (Exodus 2:21) to Paul’s declaration that in Christ “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free” (Galatians 3:28), Scripture clearly teaches that all people are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Our Father loves all people of all

ethnicities (John 3:16). In heaven, we will be joined by people “from all tribes and peoples and languages” (Revelation 7:9). Now we are to work and pray for God’s will to be done “on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). How? One: Assess yourself. Do you harbor discriminatory attitudes, perhaps subconsciously? In the terrific movie Hidden Figures, a white NASA supervisor says to a black subordinate, “Despite what you may think, I have nothing against y’all.” The black employee responds, “I know you probably believe that.” Two: Ask God to use your influence

for practical progress. Initiate personal relationships across racial lines. Speak out for biblical inclusion and racial equality. Pray daily for God to make a difference in and through you. After the tragic Supreme Court ruling, the Scotts were purchased by the sons of his original owner, who then set them free. Dred Scott died nine months later. His great-great granddaughter felt more than closure from the Taney family’s apology: “Closure sounds like the end and you can walk away. I think it’s an opening. I think it’s a new beginning.” Let’s pray and work to make it so.

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The Ambassador



The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


LIFE MATTERS presented by Yuba-Sutter Right To Life Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer Falsely Claims Planned Parenthood Provides Mammograms By Micaiah Bilger of LifeNews.com The lie that Planned Parenthood does mammograms continues. On Tuesday, U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer defended the abortion giant’s taxpayer funding by claiming that it provides mammograms, maternity care and other important health services for women, according to the Daily Caller. Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms, and its maternity/prenatal services are basically non-existent. The group, however, is the largest abortion provider in the U.S., performing about 320,000 abortions every year on unborn babies. It currently receives nearly half a billion taxpayer dollars. On Monday, Republicans in Congress released the American Health Care Act. Their plan to repeal Obamacare includes provisions that would revoke taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. One provision in the bill prohibits states from using “direct spending” on “prohibited entities” with federal funds allocated from the legislation; and those entities include any entity that “provides for abortions.” That means the nation’s biggest abortion corporation — Planned Parenthood. It also means more money would go to community health clinics that offer more comprehensive care to women and families. Planned Parenthood touts its nonabortion services to justify receiving so much taxpayer funding; but evidence increasingly points to abortion as its main business, not women’s health care. In 2012, the pro-life investigative group Live Action exposed the lie about Planned Parenthood and mammograms.


The Ambassador

Fact checkers later confirmed that Planned Parenthood had lied about doing mammograms. Then in 2015, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards admitted to U.S. Congress that her abortion group does not do mammograms. The Federalist reported the U.S. Food and Drug Administration lists 8,735 licensed mammography facilities in America on its website, but Planned Parenthood does not operate any of them. You can view their list by scanning this QR code:

Chuck Schumer - Democrat Leader

In January, Live Action exposed another Planned Parenthood lie about prenatal care. Leaders of the abortion group claimed on multiple occasions that women depend on Planned Parenthood for prenatal care, among other things. CEO Cecile Richards once said, “Breast cancer screenings, cervical cancer screenings, prenatal care – these are the kinds of services that folks depend on Planned Parenthood for.” But prenatal care is virtually nonexistent at Planned Parenthood. Of the 97 facilities that Live Action called or visited, only five offered some form of prenatal care or referral for it. Many Planned Parenthood facilities – including every single one in Pennsylvania – advertised prenatal services online but did not actually provide them. As a result of the investigation, dozens of the abortion group’s facilities removed

prenatal services from their websites, LifeNews reported. Planned Parenthood’s own numbers show that for pregnant women, abortion is its No. 1 service by a huge margin. According to its most recent annual report, Planned Parenthood did 323,999 abortions and provided 17,419 prenatal services. Previous analyses of Planned Parenthood reports found at least 90

percent of its services to pregnant women were abortions (contrasted with prenatal services and adoption referrals). Earlier this week, the national abortion chain refused to give up its abortion work and focus on providing other health care services. Planned Parenthood leaders rejected a proposition from President Donald Trump that would have allowed it to continue receiving tax dollars as long as it stopped doing abortions.

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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties



The Power of Spring To “Make All Things New” By Dr. Ronald Harden, President EPIC Bible College and Graduate School What a powerful time of year this is as we see the rebirth of Earth in the season of Spring. We’re emerging from a severe winter—cold, damp weather that has also impacted our environment. Yet now, we behold the lush, greenery that beckons with the return of Spring—new buds and leaves, flowering trees and plants. It gives me great hope not only for our environmental surroundings, but for those of us that have experienced difficulties that take place in life. Winter is a difficult season where we brace ourselves against the elements and often experience life challenges. Yet

underground is where our foundation, our root system continues to grow strong— just like the mighty oak tree. Spring gives us the opportunity for self-observation— to see how much we’ve grown and how strong we’ve become. Easter is a wonderful time because we have the opportunity to reflect and remember the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ last time with His disciples was the magnificent Jewish festival of Passover to celebrate God’s goodness and deliverance of His people in Egypt. How many of us can say that, even though we are in a seemingly impossible situation, God sends a message and the messenger! If we agree with that glorious message, then

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by faith, God initiates that work. Those life challenges that I spoke about (the heaviness of winter)—some of us become released from financial difficulties; others need God’s strength and help to heal our physical bodies, while still others of us need mental strength to deal with the loss of a loved one or extended illness within our family. These “spiritual weather conditions” continue to permeate our lives and play havoc with our resolve and our faith in God. Jesus was delivered and freely gave up His own life for our offenses, then was raised again for our justification. The Father was satisfied with the sacrifice Jesus made for all of our sins. And, we know that because Jesus was raised from the dead, we are assured of Him as our interceding high priest in the heavens. Every time Jesus talks about His death in the gospels, He always refers to His resurrection that will most assuredly be fulfilled. We can know that, even though our temporary failures may occur in our lives on Earth, they will not condemn us! This is because our great high priest, Jesus, intercedes for us! Because of the resurrection of Christ, we are assured of all needed power for life and service! We can, even now, “experience the exceeding greatness of His power that raised Him from the dead, and gave HIM to be the Head over all things.” We know that God’s power is evident in the Old Testament with the Passover miracle. This shows how God brought the people out of Egypt and how He parted the Red Sea of the difficulty and gave the people victory on the other side. His sign of power in the New Testament is the resurrection of www.EPIC.edu Jesus! 916-348-4689 4330As Auburn Blvd. we move from Winter to Spring, our Sacramento, CA 95841 spirit is reborn and our resolve is renewed because of the work that Jesus did in dying and being raised from the dead.

Dr. Ronald Harden

President & CEO, EPIC Bible College

Through our faith, we receive the free gift of forgiveness of sin and the newness of life. At this most important spiritual time of year, our prayer for you is that you will see God’s power to protect you even as you experience difficulties in life—they will pass over you without harming you. You will receive the new life that Jesus has for you because of His resurrection. He loves us so much and wants all of us to follow after Him with all of our hearts. Let’s thank God for the newness of our life in Him! And for the joys of Spring, through which we can reflect and be grateful for both earthly and spiritual gifts provided to us by God. Dr. Ronald Harden is President and CEO of Epic Bible College and Graduate School, located at 4330 Auburn Blvd. in Sacramento, www.EPIC.edu., one of the region’s Top 25 colleges and universities and among the Top 10 U.S. faith-based colleges in the U.S., now offering both undergraduate and graduate degree programs with online and standard classroom options.

The Ambassador


The Voice of the Christian Community, Serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Continued From Pg 1 - “The Last 45 Minutes” *Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson is the bestselling book on adapting to change often used by the business world. (Editor’s Note)

Wrapping a spare blanket around her, she sat again on her chair. “I’m back,” she said, with a weak smile. He looked at her with searching eyes. He would not be able to see this face for much longer. He loved her. Four minutes. Three minutes. “Read the book,” he forced out of his mouth, though his lips would hardly close now. His breath did not smell good, but she could do nothing about that. She did not know that she had only three more minutes with him. “What book?” she asked. “What book? I’ll read it to you.” Two minutes. “What book do you want me to get?” One minute. “I want . . . I want . . . Who Moved My Cheese?”* As she turned to find it on the bedside table, her husband slid into hell. Important men with trivial lives go to hell. ____________________


The Ambassador

Dear Reader: When I first read the ending, my heart dropped a bit. I was anticipating a warm and touching ending to the story. Unfortunately, it is an all too common reality. No one likes to think of Hell and we certainly don’t want to think of it as it pertains to our loved ones. However, while God did say that He loves the world (and everyone in it) and paved the way for forgiveness and salvation through His death on the cross, not everyone chooses to receive His gift of reconciling us to the Father. I believe that the Bible is clear that if we know Jesus and have a relationship with Him, we will be with Him in Heaven for eternity. Those who choose otherwise will not. It has nothing to do with “works” or anything I can do for myself. I do not know the answer to all the questions about those in foreign lands or young children who have never heard of him. I know that He is a just and merciful God. He will do what is right. But for those whom you love (and even the ones you don’t), have you made His desire, your desire - which is to speak the Good News of His Love, Grace and Forgiveness through Jesus Christ? This month is Easter and what better time is there to share the meaning of Good Friday and Easter as well as Passover and then invite that person to church? How will they hear unless someone tells them? If you have not yet received the Salvation of the Lord, please don’t let the clock run out of time. Don’t wait until there’s 45 minutes left. If you have questions or would like to talk to someone, please call one of the churches or ministries listed on p. 3 of this publication. God Bless You!

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Why “Beauty and the Beast” Is Worth Seeing By Ryan Denison www.denisonforum.org/uncategorized/ worth-seeing-beauty-beast/ Disney’s latest live-action reboot of the animated classic Beauty and the Beast started out as one of the year’s most highly anticipated family films. Sadly, it quickly devolved into a battleground over gay rights and the role children’s movies should have in pressing that issue after director Bill Condon—who did an excellent job with the film—told reporters that there was an “exclusively gay moment” with the character LeFou. Whether that comment was a slip of the tongue or a deliberate attempt to play up the prominence of that “moment,” it’s led many to swear off the film before ever finding out what actually happened. That’s unfortunate. as the movie maintains the original’s important, and biblical, message of looking beyond a person’s outward appearance before judging his character (1 Samuel 16:7). In a world where people feel increasingly justified in assuming that they know all they need to know based on one facet of a person’s life—whether that be her faith, sexual orientation, income, etc.—it’s even more important now than when the animated version was released in 1991

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for kids and parents alike to remember that there’s often more to people than what’s given by a first impression. To that end, the new version adds a considerable amount to the backstories of both Belle and the Beast that helps to explain how each developed into the people they are in the film. For the Beast, especially, it makes it much easier to understand his initial fall and adds a greater sense of appreciation when he’s finally able to find redemption. Beyond those backstories, however, there really wasn’t much of a change from the original, and that includes how LeFou—the film’s gay character—was depicted in his interaction with Gaston. After having seen the movie, I’m still not sure to what scene Condon referred. The closest was actually when LeFou

and another male character (not Gaston) bump into each other on the dance floor for a moment before the camera pans away. That scene would have likely gone unnoticed—or quickly forgotten—if you weren’t looking to assign some greater meaning to it. For the most part, LeFou is simply portrayed as a confused and weak individual who latches on to the coattails of someone he wishes to be like. If your child is alert and mature enough to make a judgment about LeFou’s sexual orientation from how he is depicted in this film, without being predisposed to look for it by what was said about him before entering the theater, then chances are that he or she is also mature enough to have the conversation that would follow. As the issue of homosexuality in our culture is

not something that we can protect our kids from, perhaps it’s not the worst thing if it comes up naturally on the car ride home rather than because he or she was told that anyone who agrees with a biblical view on homosexual activity is a bigot. Ultimately, the new Beauty and the Beast is a beautiful and entertaining film that maintains all the charm of the original while making the characters even more relatable. Because it’s live action, some of the scenes—such as those with the wolves—are more intense than the animated version and it might not be suitable for as young of an audience. That, rather than the “gay moment,” is why my wife and I are going to wait until our daughter is older to show her this film. Whether or not your child is mature enough to see it is a decision that only you can make, but I wouldn’t let LeFou’s sexual orientation be a deciding factor. The film’s other, and far more prominent, message is too important to be drowned out by a director’s off-handed remark. So pray about it and ask the Lord to let you know what’s right for your family and to help you prepare for whatever conversations may follow. And know that those conversations are going to happen whether you see Beauty and the Beast or not. Will you be ready when they do?

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The Ambassador



While channel surfing the other night I came across a gay activist saying he didn’t think it was a good idea to have the state punish Christian businesses for refusing to provide products or services for a gay wedding. He felt it came across as vindictive and mean spirited. Well that’s refreshing, I thought, finally a voice of reason within the LGBTQ+ community. But then he went on to say, “Just because you have a bigot…” Well, so much for reason. By the way, when did the name Christian became synonymous with bigot? The definition of a bigot should be the exact opposite of that of a Christian. But Liberals have tossed “bigot” around so much it has lost much of its punch…it’s like millennials, like, use the word like… like. But I digress. The real question is: How did Christians, who adhere to the moral laws of God and the love of Christ, become bigots and haters? In truth…it’s because we adhere to the moral laws of God and the love of Christ. But I think it goes a little deeper than that. I think the concern and love Christians have, or should have for others is being misinterpreted by an increasingly secular society. Admittedly, some of us have not expressed Christ’s love in the most loving of terms. The moral gap between us is due to the fact that God and His moral laws do not change. Society,

on the other hand, thinks morality is malleable and can be manipulated to fit the desires of men. In other words, that old fuddy-duddy morality of God puts a crimp in man’s lust for all things carnal. Something had to be done. Morality had to be turned topsy-turvy to the point where what was right is wrong and what was wrong is right. So, liberal activists started dropping “Bigot” bombs and lobbing “Hater” grenades on Christians to discredit them. This in turn, placed Christians on the wrong side of society’s moral equation. Unfortunately, some Christians didn’t stay there. They jumped the gap and thus, went astray. Others reacted with hateful rhetoric and less than loving actions while most went silent. But we aren’t commanded to be silent. We are to sound the alarm and warn those bound for destruction. This, unfortunately, creates yet another reason why the lost may hate us… we are a constant reminder of their disobedience to God, and even though they may deny God, the reality is still there. It’s time for all Christians to stand firm. It’s time for us to reach out to the lost. Standing for the truth of God does not a bigot make…it makes you an obedient Christian.

The Ambassador accepts opinions and editorials (op-ed’s) as long as they are well-written and less than 450 words. Op-ed’s will be published purely at the discretion of the editor. If you would like to submit your op-ed, please email it (written in MS Word) to editor@ambassadornewspaper.com. The deadline for submission is the 15th of the month for the next issue.


The Ambassador

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


The Greatest Purpose Most of us have asked the question, at one time or another, “What is my purpose?” As believers, we might feel that we have to do something BIG for God to be instrumental in His Kingdom. We may feel that surely the pastor, teacher or evangelist has a purpose. But what about me? I especially hear this from people who have significant trials, whether physical, financial or relational. In their suffering, they often feel useless to God and without purpose. Recently, while spending time with the Lord, I got an answer to that question that changed my thinking on the purpose of trials and suffering. I believe God spoke to my heart saying this: “I am the one who allows the devil to cause you problems. Sometimes it is not my doing, but your own choices. Sometimes it is the sin in this world. Yes, I can stop it but just as I allowed it with my servant Job, I allow it with you for this reason: So that Satan can see my Glory through you. You are the best of my handiwork and while the planets and ocean may reveal my glory, nothing compares to the Glory displayed when my child continues to worship me, with joy, through their trials. The Enemy absolutely hates it because he sees My

Seth Halpern - Editor Glory in you and he hates ME more than he hates you! Your trials are not arbitrary, but serve the two-fold purpose of strengthening and growing your character, while also hurling a blow to Satan’s ego when he sees that I receive your worship even in difficult times. Your resistance causes him to flee and gives Glory to Me. There is no greater purpose you can have than to display MY Glory to the evil one!” This is of course a paraphrase of what I heard from the Holy Spirit. I was in too much awe to write it down verbatim in the moment. Yet, I want to encourage you, if you are experiencing doubt, anger, or discouragement due to trials, and you’re wondering why God is not using you. Fear Not, He IS! And He’s using you for His most glorious purpose!

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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties



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Country Vet Clinic, Inc 4839 E. Butte Rd, Live Oak "Treating all creatures Great and Small" Jerry Long, DVM & Assoc.


Intero Real Estate Services (530) 790-7000 www.interopride.com donnaphelan@interopride.com Great People. Great Agents

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