AMB Training Consulting & Associates LLC
COMPANY OVERVIEW AND PRICING CATALOG JUNE Volume 1: Issue 1 AMB Training Consultants and Associates From, book publication, music production, and distribution To non-profit business development, marketing, and grant writing‌ Your one-stop for creating and branding your individuality...
Table of Contents The Purpose and Benefit of a Booklet ...........................................1 Goal, Mission, Company Overview ................................................2 Overview AMB Grant Training .......................................................3 Overview AMB Grant Writing Service ............................................4 Overview AMB Internet Marketing .................................................5 Overview AMB Business/Project Management .............................5 Overview AMB Literary Training-Publication .................................6 Overview AMB Literary Training-Publication .................................7 Overview Fam Cartel Street Lit/Music/Script Prod. .......................8 The Management Team/Goal ........................................................9 The Management Team/Goal Cont. ........................................... 10 Product of Service-Grant Training/Writing .................................. 11 Product of Service-Grant Training/Writing .................................. 12 Product of Service-Internet Marketing ........................................ 13 Product of Service-Business/Project Management……………...13 Products or Service-Business Plan Development ...................... 13 Product of Service-Literary Training/Pub AMB ........................... 14 Product of Service-Literary Training/Pub AMB ........................... 15 Product of Service Literary Training/Pub AMB ........................... 16 Product of Service-Fam Cartel-Street Lit .................................... 17 Product of Service-Fam Cartel-Script Writing/Music Prod .......... 18 Product of Service-Fam Cartel-Script Writing/Music Prod .......... 19 Individual Available Products…………………………………...20-23
EXPLORE THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED BY AMB: The purpose of this catalog is to showcase the products and services to our target audience, and to advertise upcoming classes or events.
OUR VISION AND MISSION: Our mission is to expand the knowledge of our clients with goals to maintain and/or produce both marketable and profitable products for consumer use and community productivity.
OUR GOAL “AMB focuses on teaching its clients how to take ownership of their products of service to expand its marketability and success in building profitable gain.�
To enhance / expand / improve our education and community programs.
AMB Training Consulting & Associates is organized and operated for profit which extends services to charitable non-profit organizations and associations. AMB Training Consultants and Associates is an expansion of AMB Publishing Productions. The agency has now transformed from a service of publication into forming an alliance of associates with interest of training and consultation; in the areas of business development, marketing, project management, literary publication, and media/music production. AMB focuses on teaching its clients how to take ownership of their products of service to expand its marketability and success in building profitable gain. The AMB Brand serves both individual and company, with interest in project development, fundraising for start-up and expansion of current
projects; Business Management, Internet Marketing, and Literary Publication. AMB understands that the creation of a business and/or product of service is just the first step. While your idea may be brilliant you must learn how to effectively market your products/services and manage the business thereof. In doing so, our training and consulting firm focuses on training the management team. For example tracking the progress and evaluating current sells mechanisms to appropriately build a constructive business plan to improve sells and marketing strategies.
PRODUCT OF SERVICE: AMB Training Consultants and Associates, builds on the premise of a products potential in the market and formulates a business plan to train and consult its client on the basic points of marketing and managing its products of service; whether it be start-up, expansion, or funding. The primary types of services we will provide include market feasibility studies of products and services that pertain to the business development and product of interest via client. Business plans, engineering strategies, organizational reviews, grant writing, strategic planning, seminars and workshops. AREAS OF SERVICE INCLUDE: Grant Writing/Non-profit Business Development Aspects of Internet Marketing Business Management/Project Management
Literary Publication, Training and Consultation through AMB Publishing Productions Music Production, Street Lit Publishing, Script Writing Review, and Distribution through FAM Cartel Productions AMB TRAINING CONSULTING GRANT WRITING AND TRAINING PROGRAM: The AMB Grant writing program will look at the various funding opportunities for start-up companies and non-profit agencies looking to gain financial support for their products of service. AMB Training Consulting and Associates works as a full servicing agent as well and provides the service of not only training its clients how to formulate a grant proposal but offers a service of grant writing to agencies that opt into having a professional application and proposal completed by AMB Consulting on their behalf. The training program dissects the components of a grant proposal and trains/consults its clients on how to write their proposal. THE TRAINING PROGRAM LOOKS AT: The Anatomy of a grant proposal: -Eligibility -Grant Purpose -Deadlines -Submission Requirements -Reporting Requirements -Allowable Costs
Training and Consulting Program will look at Grant Funding Resources based on the companies industry and/or product of service, for example government, foundations, corporations: What makes a successful application? Application components: -Problem Statement -Program Description -Goals and Objectives -Performance Measures -Budget AMB GRANT WRITING AS A SERVICE: Breaks down into two parts: 1. 2.
Grant Research Grant Proposal
Grant Research is charged at an hourly rate of $50 at a minimum of 4 hours and maximum of 20 hours a week, which comes out to $1000 a week. Grant researcher is required to compile a research report which includes the grant requirements, deadline dates, and amount of monies the granting agency is granting for said fellowship. A min. of 5 and max of 10 grants will be provided from the grant researcher. Client has the option to decide how long they would like to hire grant researcher to research granting agencies and fellowships for interest in applying for grants as long as it is it meets the minimum requirement of 4 hours. Full grant proposals include a set price of $500 for research and will be charged based on amount of grant sought at a %10 rates which means if agency is looking to write a $25,000 grant the grant proposal will cost $2500 plus the $500 research fee totaling $3000 for grant proposal. All
monies are collected before the final submission of grant is placed into the hands of the client unless otherwise negotiated for payment. Grant writers accept payment plans according to the amount of grant and will be divided into 2-4 payments. Submission fees are the responsibility of the client/organization and grant writing agency agrees to submit proposal to 3 calls for proposals without hidden or extra fees to the grant seeker. AMB ASPECTS OF BASIC/INTERNET MARKETING: AMB looks at some of the major ways to gain profit from marketing specifically on the internet. Many businesses are migrating from local community to setting a viral presence online through website development, social media networking, and webinars. AMB will take a look at internet marketing and its many ways of showcasing various products of service to the public. Some of the most popular strategies of basic/internet marketing that we will look to aide client and business implement are: Webinars, Integrated Direct Marketing, Referral Generation, Case Referrals, eNewsletters, and email marketing.
AMB PROJECT MANAGEMENT/BUSINESS MANAGEMENT TRAINING: Our Project management and training looks at the business of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals. A project is a temporary endeavor with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or deliverables), undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value. The temporary nature of projects stands in contrast with business as usual (or operations), which are repetitive, permanent, or semipermanent functional activities to produce products or services. In practice, the management of these two systems is often quite different, and as such requires the development of distinct technical skills and management strategies.
The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals and objectives while honoring the preconceived constraints. The primary constraints are scope, time, quality and budget, which will be looked at during the training and consultation process.
LITERARY PUBLICATION/TRAINING AND CONSULTATION THROUGH AMB PUBLISHING PRODUCTIONS AMB Publishing Productions is a full service small press publishing agency that is dedicated to publishing and teaching the profession of authorship to first-time and seasoned authors looking to build their own brands behind their written works. AMB offers services of publishing, graphic design, distribution, and promotional services. The AMB publishing brand will seek to publish 10 manuscripts a year which will be subject to review. During the review process AMB, not only looks at the written material in itself it takes a look at the market in reference to the books genre, the authors goals, and business plan surrounded by the book’s publication. If the book is accepted for publication the author/client will be subject to payment of services after consultant creates a plan and contract for the author/client to comply. Book Publication is just one service of the Literary Publications Training and Consulting program. Clients/Authors may choose to selfpublish their works and/or open their own publishing entity’s. AMB Training Consultants offers training in the areas of Management, Traditional vs. Self-Publishing mechanisms, genres, writing styles, and how-to sections on writing query letters-letters of interest for funding, traditional publishing, and/or author appearances and sell of books. The training program also takes a look at writing styles and genres to assure authors appropriately select the correct market for their work, how to
track sales, and evaluate marketing strategies and target audiences to expand the potential sell of the book.
MUSIC/SCRIPT PRODUCTION & DISTRIBUTION/STREET LIT PUBLICATION THROUGH FAM CARTEL PRODUCTIONS FAM CARTEL is a small productions agency in direct conjunction with the AMB Publishing Productions firm. Under this umbrella evolves a number of branching companies that deal with the love of the arts, the creation of music, printed publications, and on screen productions. The goal of the FAM CARTEL street fiction/music brand is to maximize client revenue within their individual brands to better promote their products, with quality and assurance. FAM CARTEL, specializes in creating soundtracks for musical artist, novelists, movie producers and educational writers, we help with mini commercializing for showcasing new products, background sounds, spoken word poetry compilations, book trailers, and the production of musical tracks for vocal recording. The street lit brand of AMB focuses on raw uncut urban novels, true crime sagas, controversial autobiographies, and ghost writing for incarcerated and other stories of interest. Services provided are in direct connection with the FAM CARTEL/AMB labels of the AMB BRAND. Services of this distinct branch are listed below. AMB also hosts services for artists/poets/writers/screen writers, who are looking for artists to write and produce music for their soundtracks to accompany projects as well via the FAM CARTEL division.
AMB Training and Consulting and Associates are a team of 3 business consultants. Each consultant specializes in a particular discipline, literary publication, sales and marketing, business management, nonprofit business development/operations, and grant writing. AMB offers a list of services for business owners/individuals to choose from, depending on their particular business needs. This includes; business and marketing plan preparation, literary publication and training, consulting services, management development, non-profit management and development, funding resources, and grant writing as a service. AMB will have a focus on start-up businesses, preferably in the earlier stages of operation. Small and midsized businesses make up a sizable majority of U.S. and international markets. AMB prefers to establish a relationship with a younger operation and continue to nurture that relationship over the long term. THE TEAM: Owner and Founder of the AMB brand is Aija M. Butler, Best-Selling Author, Publisher and Expert Business developer/grant writer. Since the launch of AMB publishing Aija has expanded her scope of creative production to include the art of music production and business development services. AREAS OF AMB PUBLISHING: Fiction, Crime Sagas, Mystery Suspense Thriller, Chick lit, True Crime, General Non-fiction
AMB BRANDING: Cover art, digital design, promotional productions, printing, and design AMB TRAINING CONSULTING: Business development, marketing, training, grant writing, and non-profit development training center.
“We are authors and business owner’s first. We take pride in bringing your products and services to the forefront of consumer visibility.”
THE AMB BRAND PARTNERS: She is joined by partner Author Lj Asoral of Asoral Publishing, Best Selling Author, and Business Development Advisor under the AMB Training and Consulting firm, Jeffrey Smith co-owner of Fam Cartel, producer and manager of west coast services to musicians.; Glendale Butler, song writer, artist, and assistant manager, Adrian Mills, song writer, artist, and assistant manager. AREA OF PUBLICATION: ASORAL PUBLISHING: General Romance, Non-fiction, Medical Journals, Education Manuals-Study Guides, General Fiction Shaunta Kenerly Best-selling street fiction author, manager of Kenerly Presents- and Kenerly Kids, a book label production under the umbrella of AMB Publishing productions and mid-west manager of Fam Cartel street lit, and musical productions team.
AREA OF PUBLICATION: KENERLY PRESENTS: Street Lit, Urban Romance, Erotica, Espionage, True Crime KENERLY KIDS: Children’s books, Workbooks/Manuals Shamone Sayles, author, junior marketing development executive. All partners and assistants have been trained in their areas of expertise and look to provide client and company with the best products and customer service possible. Adonte’ Cherry Best-selling street fiction author, and manager of Educated Thug Publications our Incarcerated Voice, and Urban Street lit division under the FAM Cartel label.
PRODUCTS OR SERVICESTRAINING/CONSULTATION-GRANT WRITING GRANT TRAINING 6 one week training courses that may be taken separately or as a complete program Price: $1250 Item #: 001 Type: Online Training
GRANT TRAINING (THE BUDGET) Deals with the facets of creating a concise budget for projects and/or start-up costs to non-profit agencies. Price: $200 Item #: 002 Type: Online Training/consult
(ANATOMY OF A GRANT) Describes the components of putting together a grant proposal.
APPLICATION PROCESS) Describes the elements of a good and complete grant application
Price: $200 Item #: 003 Type: Online Training/consult
Price: $200 Item #: 004 Type: Online Training/consult
OF PROJECT) Overview of realistic goal setting and writing a clear and concise description of business.
Price: $200 Item #: 005 Type: Online Training/consult
SOLUTIONS) A look at the statistics and demographical areas client is looking to situate project or program. Addressing the problem and solution; reason for projects development. Price: $200 Item #: 006 Type: Online Training/consult
GRANT TRAINING (THE PROPOSAL) Describe the product or service here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $200 Item #: 007 Type: Online Training/consult
GRANT WRITING SERVICE AMB Training Consulting will put together grant proposal, application, and research grants tailored for your agency which adheres to government/state and local requirements to grantors agency. Price: $500 Research flat rate Proposal: base price $2500$5000 for grants 25,000-50,000, or 10%of total grant sought Item #: 008 Type: Service
PRODUCTS OR SERVICESTRAINING/CONSULTATION-INTERNET MARKETING INTERNET MARKETING One week training/consultation on implementing and organizing a marketing plan, market strategy, internet marketing campaign.
Price: $500 20 hours Item #: 008 Type: Online Training/consult
Price: $450 Item #: 009 Type: Service
SERVICES The AMB team of consultants and program writers will put together a basic business plan for start-up companies and project developers and/or a comprehensive plan for more established business owners with new programs of service developing.
MANAGEMENT TRAINING Describes the components of putting together a plan for your project/business and trains and consults individuals and business’ on how to design and layout the functions of the project to meet the requirements of granting agencies and timeline specified in agencies represented. Price: $600 Item #: 010 Type: Online Training/consult
SERVICE Trained consultant will put together a marketing plan/strategy for clients product or service, costs, risks, and profitable outcome
Price: $1500 basic plan/comprehensive plan $2500-$5000 Item #: 011 Type: Service
PRODUCTS OR SERVICES-LITERARY AMB PUBLISHING PRODUCTIONS LITERARY TRAINING 6-one week courses on the concepts of literary publication. Trainer will walk clients through the process of publishing, self-vs. Traditional publishing, marketing/promotion of project, layout, cover design, aspects of running their own business, royalties, and book distribution.
Price: $1650 Item #: 012 Type: Online Training/consult
Price: $300 Item #: 013 Type: Training/Consult
DESIGN AMB will work with client and/or company to design an eye catching cover that will reflect the description of the book to make the book standout and a marketable product.
DESIGN Teaches the programs and directions on how to lay-out and structure your manuscript for printing and/or submission for review. Trainer will teach different sizes for books printing and distribution rules, as well as cover design programs to use in putting together a book cover front and back.
GENRES-WRITING STYLES This session will look at different genre’s and writing styles that are represented in the literary world, we will explore clients writing style and decided which genres are of interest to client. Discussion of how to tag, and market the works will also be reviewed.
Price: $200 Item #: 015 Type: Service
Price: $575 Item #: 014 Type: Online Training/consult
BOOK PUBLICATION Full service book publishing through AMB Publishing includes book cover, layout, ISBN, soft editing, copyright, press release, book announcement, and distribution to kindle, nook, and paperback formatting.
DISTRIBUTION Extended distribution through partnering agency African Book Exchange, includes iBook, Powell’s, kobo, and additional 132 online distributors as well as 477 prisons
Price: $1200 Item #: 016 Type: Service
Price: $200 Item #: 017 Type: Service
DISTRIBUTION Distribution through Atlas books will land your book in bookstore catalogs placing your book front and center for stores to choose and shelve your book.
REVIEWS Grab the attention of your readers by adding a few book reviews to your books description on Barnes and nobles/kindle from professional book review teams. AMB has 3 partnering companies that offer book reviews to its clients for as low as $11 a review packages begin at $125 for 5 professional book reviews delivered within 2-4 weeks to your books purchase page.
Price: $650 Item #: 018 Type: Online Training/consult
Price: $125 (5 reviews) Item #: 019 Type: Online Training/consult
AUTHOR STORE AMB will set-up an author store for clients businesses, authors, and musicians alike to add to their fan pages and share with fans. Author stores are a great way to promote your products. The store will include 5 items of choice and can be as large as 100 items. Designs will be charged together with the first 5 items additional fees will incur for over 5 items at a $10 rate.
AMB will set-up a Twitter page and/or Facebook fan page to attract readers and fans to your product of services books, cds, programs; which will include a minimum of 500 fans for Facebook and 5000 followers on Twitter. This package can be purchased together or at a separate rate. Price includes set-up and promotional set-up of followers. Price: $200 (Twitter) $200 (Facebook)-$350 combo Item #: 020 Type: Service
Price: $275 design work up to 5 items included $20 month for maintenance Item #: 021 Type: Service
LITERARY SERIVCEAUTHOR WEBSITE Author website includes the set-up and design of products and services description of goods and services and contact information. Webpage can be linked to any social networking services that company is affiliated with; package includes ssl certificate, domain, and design monthly fees are required for updates and updated information. Price: $675 Item #: 022 Type: Service
PRODUCTS OR SERVICES-FAM CARTEL STREET LIT PUBLICATION STREET LIT PUBLICATION Full service publication includes book cover, layout, AND distribution to nook/kindle. Paperback formatting, press release, book announcement, deep editing. ISBN/Copyright included. Price: $1200 Item #: 023 Type: Service
EDITING SERVICES AMB/FAM Full service editing services are now available through AMB base price is $200 for 100 pages at a 6x9 layout each additional page will be charged $1. Authors will be notified within 7-10 days after manuscript has been submitted, reviewed, and accepted for publication if a deep cleaning and edit is needed to continue with the publication of book. Price: $200 base price Item #: 024 Type: Service
PRODUCTS OR SERVICES-FAM CARTEL Script writing and review SCRIPT WRITING Fam cartel offers a service of script writing to authors, and producers. Consultant will work with clients on an individual basis to produce script. From novel to script from idea to script development. Price: $2500 base price Item #: 025 Type: Service
ARTIST VERSE WRITING Fam cartel has a list of 6 musical artists that produce, write, and perform musical verses for book theme songs and advertising products and/or movies Price: $200 a verse $600 a song Item #: 027 Type: Service
SCRIPT REVIEW AND SUBMISSION Fam will submit your script review and register it with the appropriate writer’s guild for your authorship protection. Price: $275 Item #: 026 Type: Service
ARTIST APPEARANCE Artists that produce music for Fam Cartel and individual client projects may be asked to participate in advertising events and/or performances. Clients are responsible for their airfare and room and board plus compensation public appearance. Fam cartel events and artists will be taken care of interoffice at a %50 discount rate. Price: $1000 compensation per artist plus traveling expenses Item #: 028 Type: Service
FAM CARTEL SOUNDTRACK PRODUCTION FOR BOOKS AND MOVIES Let Fam Cartel put together your book cd soundtrack from top to bottom feature artists of your choice and intermingle with the artists of Fam cartel. Fam cartel has done a wonderful job in bringing music and books together. Price: $3500 up to 18 songs plus basic distribution Item #: 029 Type: Service
INDIVIDUAL AVAILABLE PRODUCTS Grant Research $500 FLAT RATE Query Letters: $100 Press Releases: $100 Book Announcements: $100 Book Marketing Plan $500 Poster Designs $150 E-DESIGN ONLY/PRINTING SHIPPING $350 Ghost Writing $1200 Column Writer $150 Basic Website Design W/O Domain Name $375 DOMAIN +SSL CERTIFICATE $625 Book Reviews $50 PER REVIEW
MUSIC DIVISION: DISTRIBUTION SERVICES INCLUDE: Sales Channels: Amazon mp3, Rhapsody, iTunes, Emusic, Spotify, amazon Europe, Xbox Live, Nokia Music Store, MySpace Music, Zune, Verve life, Napster, Media Net and more‌ Marketing Plan Ringtones Posters Radio advertising and air time -Online Stations (4) CD Packaging Minimum orders of 50 Depending on Wrapping Selection Independent Consultation on Business Development and Marketing Plan Production of Singles and Full CD Soundtracks and Spoken Word Poetry
This Is the Price Breakdown Distribution: $300 Advertising: $20 a Song for 300 Radio Plays CD Packaging: Per 50 CDs $150 Ringtones: $20 per Song CD Production: $300 CD Production + Mastering: $1500 for 10 Songs Singles: $40 Posters: $150 Packaging: $200-400 (Design a package that includes all services and one that of course lists individual services)
Package Basic: $1950-2,450 CD Packaging per 50 CDs $150 CD Distribution $300 CD Production + Mastering $1500 for 10 Songs 11-20, $2000 The Works-$2,800-$3,300 Advertising $20 a Song for 300 Radio Plays CD Packaging per 50 CDs $150 Ringtones $20 per Song CD Distribution $300 CD Production + Mastering 1500 for 10 Songs 11-20, $500 Singles $40 Posters $150 Packaging $150-$400
NOTE: Custom packages are available. Custom packages cost more since there is no discount for multiple services
SCRIPT PRODUCTION AND REVIEW Book to script: $1750 FOR 250 PAGE BOOK $2250 FOR 300-400 PAGES Script editing and review-$1500 Script Registrations with Writers Guild- $100 Manuscript Registration for scripts/books Script Editing-$1200 Script Review-$400 Critique-$300 first 20 PAGES To write your script: For television: $2500 For Big Screen: $5000 Television Sitcom: up to 20 episodes- $1000 per episode Movie Series: $10,000 for three movies $5000 price break Book to script, scripting editing, and registration- $1500 15% of royalties if script is sold Let us submit your script for $1200