WebWonderfully Adapted. In the Arctic, temperatures can plunge to - or - C - F in winter and stay that way for days or weeks. But polar bears are built for those conditions. From fur to skin, to paws and claws, the sea bears physique is designed to protect them . Web de sept. de Polar bears live in one of the planets coldest environments and depend on a thick coat of insulated fur, which covers a warming layer of fat. Fur even . Web de may. de In swimming, the polar bear uses only its front limbs, an aquatic adaptation found in no other four-legged mammal. Polar bears are opportunistic as . WebPolar bears are strong swimmers they swim across bays or wide leads without hesitation. They can swim for several hours at a time over long distances. Theyve been tracked . Web de jul. de Polar bears possess morphologic and physiologic characteristics that reflect their terrestrial lineage as members of the bear family Ursidae as well as . WebBehavioral Adaptations Of A Polar Bear Hibernation. They spend most of the