Southern Belle B R I D A L
Photo by Allison Lewis Photography
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In this issue
Tips for Sharing Southern Hospitality 6 With This Ring: Vow Writing 15 Southern Wedding Traditions 18 Wedding Songs of 2014 24 Hottest Wedding Trends 30 Top Bridal Trends 34 Wedding Dress Workout 38 14 Health Tips for Brides 40 Appy Couple 43 Tech Savy Brides 46 Top 28 Honeymoon Destinations 48
REAl WEddingS Texas Ranch Wedding 54 Country Chic Wedding 59 Southern Barn Wedding 64 30 Wedding planning Tips 68 Wedding Budget Planner 74
CovER Eric Kelley Photography
Mail out save the dates in mini mason jars. Inside include a tea bag, a packet of sugar and a two sided note card that says “Good times are a-brewin’ in (your city here)” on one side and “Save the date for a sweet wedding weekend!” on the other. Thoughtful touch: put a sticker with the wedding date on one side of the mason jar lid, and a magnet on the other so guests can hang the jar lid on their refrigerator as a reminder.
Put your favorite Southernisms to work in your favorite table number naming. (We like “Bless your heart,” “pick my peas” and “you’re a peach!”) After all, words can shape memories just as much as imagery and a little levity goes a long way!
Lindsay Bierman, southern Living
3 Serve your favorite southern dish made from a personal family recipe. Include the recipe card at each guests place setting so they can recreate the southern experience at home. amBer housLey, amBer housLey
CaLder CLarK, CaLder CLarK designs
TiPS FoR A WEdding FUll oF
Southern H o S P i TA l i T Y
4 Keep cocktail hour to fourty-ive minutes (an hour max!), start your ceremony on time and cut your cake before your older guests call it a night. A well-planned, on-time event is one of the most generous expressions of hospitality!
We believe that making the effort to be a gracious bride always pays of. Since this is easier said then done, we’ve asked wedding professionals and Southerners across the country for their best advice for infusing your wedding with Southern hospitality.
At a steamy August wedding a few years ago, there weren’t enough parking spaces for the guests at the private venue. The bride and groom arranged for safe parking for the guests at a local business about a mile away, and for shuttle buses to run loops from the parking lot to the venue. They even had a bartender waiting to serve the guests their signature cocktail. Once guests exited the bus at the venue, another bartender was waiting to serve them a reill! These gestures were such a hit and made so many guests happy! tara Kneiser, dixie PixeL PhotograPhy
Courtney sPenCer, merriment events
PROVIDE BOTH A SIGNATuRE COCKTAIl AND “mocKTail”. -ThaT way, children, momS-To-be AND NON DRINKERS CAN fEEl fESTIVE WITH A COlORful BEVERAGE, TOO! desiree oftedaL, desiree dawn events
If there is any chill in the weather predicted, I love to lay blankets on the outdoor pews/ seats so guests can cuddle up. If its chilly and an outdoor ceremony, I always have a hot tea or hot cofee bar prior to the ceremony. i ind it makes people forget its chilly and settle for the nuptuals. sarah tuCKer, sarah tuCKer events
When guests depart, giving them cold bottled waters for the road means a lot. Guests who drink and eat a lot at parties are sometimes dehydrated by the end. This is a nice gesture, and so simple to do. todd fisCus, todd events
9 When you send out your save the dates, it is wise to include an accommodation/ travel information card for guests who will be coming into town for your wedding (this is especially important if it’s a destination wedding). Waiting until your invitation goes out to include these details may be too late and may lead to your guests having to spend more to come to your wedding. emma James and BaiLey amon, antiquaria
The morning after the wedding, our out-of-town guests were treated to a breakfast prepared and served by my new mother-in-law, Amy. It was such a sweet Time to relect on the night with our Dear friends and family who had traveled so far to share in our special day with us. heidi eLnora
Pre-addreSS your ThanK you noTeS (or have your calligRAPHER DO IT fOR YOu) PRIOR TO YOuR WEDDING SO THAT YOu CAN SEND THEM OuT TO YOuR GuESTS IN A TIMElY MANNER! emma James and BaiLey amon, antiquaria
One of the nicest weddings I have been to recently was also the most gracious. After the guests were given antique keys with their dinner place cards attached, they were seated and welcomed by the father of the bride and then the mother of the bride. After a most heartfelt welcome, both parents graciously welcomed the newly wed couple, who then shared their irst dance. you could really feel the love. There is nothing like good manners and graciousness at a wedding. anne Barge
we all know how hot it can be in June in the south. one of my Favorite examples of putting your guests irst is from one of my couples that opted to serve local ice pops to their guests upon arrival, before the ceremony. it was such a hit. thoughtful gestures like this can go a long way. JessiCa sLoane, JessiCa sLoan events
14 One of my favorite special touches is a handwritten note in an unexpected place! We worked with a lovely couple that spent time in the weeks and months leading up to the wedding day writing personal notes to every single wedding guest. These note cards were then tucked into the napkin at each place setting at the reception dinner. Just a few words meant so much and truly expressed the gratitude the couple had for those who joined them on their special day. It was a very gracious way to make every guest feel so welcome and part of the celebration- to me, that is the ultimate in Southern Hospitality. CaroLine CoLom vasquez, PaLoma’s nest
Sometimes, loved ones cannot join you on your wedding day, but a great way to make them feel valued is to have a gift delivered to them on the special day. Grandma would adore receiving a wrist corsage, and your best man who is stationed overseas would really appreciate the bow tie you picked out. desiree oftedaL, desiree dawn events
Make sure your registry includes gifts that cover a range of price points. Your guests will appreciate having options. Camille StyleS
Southern Hospitality can easily translate into your wedding day if you remember that it is really a way of living- the overlow of genuine love for people! There is a noticeable difference between entertaining your guests and truly hosting your guests! A few practical tips: consider lighting levels and music volume and adjust appropriately; anticipate needs to keep your guests comfortable; and be authentic to who you are as you plan! stefanie miLes, Lavender Joy
19 If you are doing a tent at your home and using your interior rest rooms, make them more hotel-like. Remove personal items and replace them with a tray of amenities. Mints, hand sanitizer wipes from l’Occitane, a small bottle of fragrance from Jo malone in a scent that complements your lowers, tiny disposable toothbrushes, a mouth wash and monogrammed paper hand towels make lovely gestures. And a word to the wise: have your plumber on standby in the garage. Serve them a nice meal and you will thank me when 200 people put your toilet to the task! You might need them! todd fisCus, todd events SOuTHERN BEllE BRIDAl MAGAZINE
20 Remember this: as with any event, while the food, the lighting and the décor can be spectacular, none of these are the most important aspect of the day. Creating an environment that ensues your guests feel welcomed should always be a priority. They’ll remember the smile on your face more than any food serviced or favor given, so relax and have a great time, and everyone else will, as well.
Make your granny proud! Handle the planning process with good manners. Your vendors and guests will show up eager to make your day as splendid as the way you have treated them! Laura heLm, ashton events
sheridan frenCh
Be sensitive to the costs incurred by your bridesmaids. Often, they’re footing the bill for travel, hotel rooms, dresses and more. Make sure that the dress and hotel options make sense with their budgets. Most importantly, don’t forget to show your appreciation with the handwritten note and special gift at some point prior to the wedding. CamiLLe styLes
Since our wedding took place in the Tennessee countryside, we wanted to make sure people were dressed and prepared for an evening spent outdoors on a hot, southern, summer night. We placed an information card on the invitation suite that included advice like, “unless you’d like to aerate the yard for free, lats or wedges are recommended for the ladies.” we also remind people of the killer mosquitoes the south is known for and recommended people wear a bug repellent. We made sure to have some on hand at the wedding, as well. CheLsea PetaJa, oh my deer handmades
Recently, we used a simple to-go box for slices of cake to go, and included an elegant version of a bamboo disposable fork. Tradition used to state that if you put a slice of wedding cake under your pillow, you would be the next to marry! Personally, I don’t want frosting in my hair. But I do love wedding cake with cofee for breakfast.
todd fisCus, todd events
Leigh PearCe weddings
S T E M S O f D A l l A S . C O M 2 1 4 . 5 6 4 . 8 5 4 2 SOuTHERN BEllE BRIDAl MAGAZINE
consider using a certiied sitter or nanny service if children are attending your wedding reception. This will allow their parents to enjoy the wedding reception or have a “fancy date night.” As a special treat or surprise, visit the kids room as a couple and thank your tiny guests for coming to the wedding. The girls will feel special and love your princess dress, and the groom can give high ives all around! LatriCe CushenBerry, oPuLent Couturier
maKe readings truLy PersonaL in addition to more serious fare, inCLude a Few lighthearted readings- all read by good Friends- From unlikely sources LiKe, say, a yeLP review of the PLaCe where the CouPLe attend their first date it’s funnier if it’s a Bad review!), or a dog adoPtion agreement aBout Providing a safe and haPPy home. Lindsay Bierman, Southern living
28 At the reception, hire A DixielAnD JAzz bAnD to set the mooD for the cocktAil hour AnD, to encourAge interAction, put out custom corn hole boArDs. if you’re mArrying During footbAll seAson, rent A vintAge truck AnD set up A “help yourself” tAilgAte (in ADDition to the stAnDArD bAr) so guests cAn grAb beers out of A gAlvAnizeD bucket in the truck beD As opposeD to wAiting in line. lindSay Bierman, Southern living
29 I like the idea of the old-fashioned “receiving line” because the bride and groom actually get a chance to greet each guest personally and thank them for coming. It is an elegant way to start the reception. It usually consists of the wedding party and parents of the bride and groom, but it would be ine to limit it to the bride and groom and their parents. anne Barge
I think Southern hospitality is truely pouring every ounce of love, family and what matters to you into your special day. from greeting guests with a sweet blueberry lemonade from your family’s farm to the old hymns sung by your grandmother’s church choir during the ceremony, its about bringing people together, creating memories and giving guests a sense of who you are and what you love.
At the reception, hire a Dixieland jazz band to set the tone for the cocktail hour and, to encourage interaction, put out custom corn hole boards. If you’re marrying during football season, rent a vintage truck and set up a “help yourself” tailgate (in addition to the standard bar) so guests can grab beers out of a galvanized bucket in the truck bed as opposed to waiting in line. Lindsay Bierman, southern Living
CrystaL striCKLand, southern Posies
Throughout the day, ensure your event is organized, coordinated ,and seamless so guests are never wondering, “What’s next?” or “where should I be now?” Assign them a thoughtfully selected seat -- there’s nothing more uncomfortable then being unsure of where you’ll sit for the evening. Guests will appreciate your thoughtfulness and it will be a beautiful start to the hospitality you’ll show as husband and wife.
Put your favorite Southernisms to work in your favorite table number naming. (We like “Bless your heart,” “pick my peas” and “you’re a peach!”) After all, words can shape memories just as much as imagery and a little levity goes a long way! CaLder CLarK, CaLder CLarK designs
Cassandra ChernesKi, fLaire weddings & events
34 35 To me, Southern hospitality means not forgetting to thank your parents for the blessings and struggles in your upbringing. A sweet, meaningful gift to go with a handwritten letter addressed to each parent is not only an act of appreciation but shows good manners too.
TAkE iT bACk To FRonT PoRCH SiTTin’ WiTH A CUE FRom HollYWood. PUT TogETHER A CEll PHonE CHECk And lET FolkS bAg UP SoCiAl mEdiA FoR THE EvEning. EvERYTHing FRom CoCkTAil ConvoS To dAnCE FlooR AnTiCS Will bE moRE AUTHEnTiC And moRE mEmoRAblE when they are phone-Free! CaLder CLarK, CaLder CLarK designs
vanna ChuPP, Lee PaPier studio
WITH THIS RING Of all the things that go into creating a wedding day – the guest list, the invitation, the sparklers for a celebratory send-of – the vows are the only things that actually make a marriage. Your vows are your chance to declare to your world the things that you will honor in your marriage, the things that you will abide by for the rest of your life. What an amazing opportunity, ya’ll! An an awesome responsability. Wheter you choose to recite traditional vows or pen your own, this wedding planning “to do” deserves an extra dose of your time and attention.
tiPS For uSing PerSonal voWS If you feel only origional words could capture your unique relationship, then personal vows are for ya’ll. This requires a much larger commitment, so make sure you’re both invested in the process.
get inspired. As early as you’d like, start a repository of inspiration for your vows- virtual (like Google Docs) or physical (like a notebook). And remember, inspiration could be everywhere: weddings you attend; wedding magazines, blogs, or ilms; books you read; songs you hear; lines of scripture. If a sentiment, line, or phrase resonates with you, jot it down – don’t worry about editing at this point. mine your past. If you are lucky enough to have love letters (or emails or texts – this is the twenty-irst century!) you’ve written each other over the years, break them out! They can be a great source of inspiration, and a wonderful way to include parts of your past in your future. Set parameters. Decide weather you’ll jointly write one set of vows that you’ll both recite, or if you’ll each write individual vows, consider setting up basic guidelines so that aren’t wildly diferent: perhaps they’ll both last 30 seconds or a minute, or they will both take the form of promises, or they’ll both include an anecdote from your past. start early. These are lifelong promises, not something to be jotted down the night before the wedding (or, God forbid, the morning of). About a month before the big day is a good time to start your inspiration and begin a draft. Your groom might need a little prodding to get going – be gentle. write a draft. Block out a space of time when you don’t have other commitments or things weighing on your mind, and begin sitting through your inspiration. Pull out the best
pieces, and begin forming them into a coherent whole. Add and subtract, write and rewrite until you are happy with what you have. Ask questions if you get stuck. What are your hopes and intentions for your marriage? What do you love most about your partner? What does getting married mean to you? What story do you want to share about your love? revisit your draft. Set your draft aside for a few days then come back to it with fresh eyes. Make sure your words sound like YOu, not like what you think vows should sound like. try it out loud. make sure the words and sentences low well and that there aren’t any tongue twisters. Adjust awkward lines. Be sure to time yourself to make sure you’re not running too long. And when in doubt, cut it out: short and sweet is almost always preferable to direction less rambling. Pick the most important points and make them well. take it seriously. Personal visa can be funny and sweet and touching and, well, personal. But they are also made up of the things you are vowing to abide by for the rest of your marriage. That is no small thing, and it deserves your time, attention and seriousness. ensure a smooth delivery. Whether or not you plan to memorize your vows, make sure you write it out at least two times on an index card for the big day. Keep one in your clutch, and give one to your oiciant or maid of honor.
tiPS For uSing traditional voWS Many couples feel there’s nothing more special than reciting the same vows as their parents and grandparents ( and many generations before them). Others feel the traditional vows simply can’t be improved upon. Whatever your reason, a few tips for reciting the age old vows: something old: Do you really want to use the traditional vows, but also want to have an option for personalization too? Talk to your partner about doing some more traditional vows as your “Declaration of Intent” (those are the I Do’s), and then following them with personal vows. Or maybe you can each repeat the same, traditional vows, and add a few lines of personalization at the end. That can be a great way to alleviate some of the pressure of writing your own vows, if you know you only need to write a sentence or two. something new: If you get stuck on your vows, or are having trouble iguring out how to inish them, give them to a new set of eyes. your oiciant, a bridal party member, friend, or family member probably will have some insight and thoughts to help you out. And, if you’re not planning on keeping the vows a secret from one another, you could share them with your partner or even write them together! something borrowed: It’s okay to edit vows you found on the internet or read in a book or saw on a TV show. No joke — the ring vows I used in my own wedding ceremony were from an episode of Gossip Girl. Don’t be afraid to borrow, and don’t be afraid to edit the borrowed pieces. It can really help to create a great base that you can build your vows from! something blue: Here’s the wildcard. What is that special little thing that you want to sneak into your vows? What do you love about your partner? What do they do that always makes you smile? Is there a moment or a time you are looking forward to sharing? Is there something special you want to promise? I had a groom who vowed to always love and support his wife (even on Mondays when he had a tough day at work), and a bride who spoke of how much she admired her groom’s resourcefulness at tough moments (like when the cat is locked in the closet and they can’t ind the key). Don’t be afraid to include the sweet moments that make your relationship special and unique! Ventures.” Or a little sillier: “I promise to laugh at your jokes (most of the time).” In fact, I think the best vows are a beautiful balance of seriousness and humor. And now, let’s end it with a look to the future. What do you look forward to sharing in your marriage? What are your goals, your aspirations, the qualities you want to embody as a couple? This outline, combined with the other suggestions, can create really beautiful, personal vows, without a lot of extra work!
we take tradition very seriously in the south –
almost as seriously as we take college football. It runs deep in the roots of our family trees, and, almost without notice, impacts everything from what we eat for dinner to what we call dinner at our family table (“supper”). while some traditions may seem as confusing as a cow in a parking lot at irst glance, each has a history and a deep meaning to the folks that introduce it to a new generation. of course, nowhere will you ind as many traditions in one room as at a Southern wedding, where “the way things have always been done” is often not questioned. At Southern Belle Bridal, we’re all for heritage and legacy, but we’re not afraid to shake things up, either – pick and choose the traditions that are right for you and your groom, and leave the rest for someone else. Our favorite traditions? Ones that ooze graciousness, and honor the people most dear to you. After all, the ultimate Southern wedding tradition is hospitality; with it as common thread throughout your festivities, you can’t go wrong.
a fathers first LooK A conundrum in the heart of almost every Southern gal: a love for the emotion and releaso of tension provided by a “irst look” balanced by an equal and opposing love for the classic tradition of seeing your groom for the irst time as you walk down the isle. we’ve seen many variations of the irst look, including a blindfolded groom and a sweet handhold around a door or corner, but our very favorite has to be when dad steps in one inal time. The moment when a father irst sees his daughter in her wedding gown can be a very emotional and memorable moment for everyone involved, particularly because most Southerners are unashamed to identify as “Daddy’s girls.” Though a wedding day is focused on the bride and groom, we love when a bride sets aside a few minutes to spend with just her father. while a irst look with dad may not have the lenghty history our other traditions have acquired, we can’t wait to see this sweet one grow.
CaKe PuLL Though their popularity has spread throughout and beyond the South, cake pulls are most often associated with New Orleans, where they’re as traditional and beloved as red beans and rice on Monday nights. The cake pull gets its roots from an old Victorian tradition of “ribbon pulling.” In those days, charms of good luck and good fortune were set into the wedding cake by the bride to predict the future of her single friends (much like the tradition that says the single gal who catches the bouquet will be the next to marry). These days, pulls are more often placed in a small cake at the bridesmaid luncheon or wedding shower instead of the wedding cake (or bride’s cake) at the reception. Bridesmaids and close female friends are given the opportunity to pull a charm from the cake just before the cake is cut (a ceremony called “ribbon pull”). A few of our favorite charms and their meanings: a hot air balloon (adventure and travel), ring (married within a year), anchor (ind love that is steady and true), key (love holds the key to your heart), the leur de lis (love and prosperity), lower (new love is blossoming), horseshoe (good luck will soon ind you), and the four leaf clover (good luck).
seCond Line With the motto laissez les bon temps rouler, its no surprise that the “second and line” tradition belongs to a city rich with celebration, New Orleans. The line stems from African American jazz funerals, where a brass band played a paraded to honor the life of the deceased while loved ones followed the band, dancing to add to the spirit and celebration of the procession. Wedding with a NOlA connection have lipped this tradition on its head, using a second line parade to signify the beginning of new life for the bride and groom. A second line usually takes place between the ceremony and reception, with the newly married couple leading the way and holding decorated parasols while the band and wedding party follow right behind. In a genius display of double duty programs, we’ve seen couples print their order of service on white handkerchiefs, then encourage guests to twirl them in the air once the second line sets of. Though second lines begin with just invited guests, they often attract passersby to join the fun – perfect for a wedding in the South, where there is always enough joy to go around! S OuTHERN
monograms Perhaps the most beloved and widespread tradition in the south is the monogram. Y’all, if it stops moving long enough, most Southerners will monogram it... whatever IT is! Since many Southerners are monogrammed almost literally from birth (lettered bloomers are oh so cute!), it’s easy to see why there are so many options and traditions when it comes to monogramming our bid day. from family Bibles to signet rings, handkerchiefs to dress labels, monogrammed pieces are passed down through generations as a reminder of those who vowed their love before us. The rows of monograms on an heirloom are such an amazing encouragement to a bride just starting out on the marriage journey, and adding our own three-letter identiier is a way of being welcomed into the larger group! Be sure to keep in mind a few rules of thumb. If you’re planning to use a monogram on any of your wedding day attire, anything worn before or during the ceremony should relect your maiden monogram. a married or joint monogram features the initial of the wife’s irst name on the left, the initial of the husband’s irst name on the right and the initial of the couple’s married surname slightly larger in the middle. Just like wedding day attire, a married monogram shouldn’t be used before a couple is oicially married. yes, this means no joint monograms on save the dates, invitations, or programs! Try using your irst initials joined by an ampersand, and then debut your new married monogram on reception paper pieces – and thank you notes!
Burying the BourBon Southern folklore says that if you bury a bottle of bourbon at the site where the bride and groom are to be married, it wont rain on their wedding day. According to many believers, this must be done exactly one month before the wedding, the bottle must be completely full and it must be burried upside down to ensure maximum weather persuasion. We’ve also herd a variation that stipulates the burying should be done on a day you would be happy with the weather you’s be happy with on your wedding day. Rain or shine, the bottle should be dug up post-ceremony and enjoyed in the bridal party, making this a win-win tradition, no matter the skies! Since the weather is one of the only things that’s beyond the control of even the most dedicated list-maker, we like that this tradition satisies the need to “do something” aside from crossing one’s ingers when planning an outdoor wedding – as long as any burying is accompanied by an eccelent rain plan.
grooms CaKe Groom’s cakes can be traced back to England’s Victorian’s era, when there were three cakes at a wedding – the wedding cake, which was served to the guests; the grooms cake, which was served to the groomsmen; and the bride’s cake, which was served to the bridesmaids. We’re happy this sweet tradition is still going strong in the South after a jump across the pond! Groomsmen cakes are usually made of dark chocolate and liquor. Groomsmen everywhere would no doubt be terriied to learn that the male half of the bridal party used to be responsible for whipping up the groom’s cake on the morning of the wedding, but it’s true! legend also holds that if an unmarried woman sleeps with a slice of groom’s cake under her pillow, she’ll dream of her future husband. We can’t support singling out your single friends, but we think to-go boxes illed with cake would make any wedding guest pleased as punch at the end of the night.
house Party Along with our hair, our bridal parties tend to be a bit bigger here in the south. But what to do when the bridal party grows and grows? We owe a thank you to fellow Southern gal Jenna Bush Hager for introducing the world to an old Southern solution when she opted for a “house party” of fourteen in addition to her maid of honor – her sister, Barbera. As Jenna demonstrated, a house party is a great way to include loved ones without having an enormous bridal party. Similar to the standard “attendant” title, members of a house party are often assigned wedding day tasks like manning the guest book, handing out programs, serving cake, reading during the ceremony or just assisting the bride on her big day. They can also help plan the bachelorette party and bridal shower or they might be invited to the events. The only thing a house party traditionally does not do is stand at the altar with the bride – that spot is reserved for the bridesmaids. hP gals can be seated in the irst or second row, just behind family, and can be included in the wedding program. As for clothing these gals, you have several options. Some brides ask their HP gals to wear the same dress in the same color – one that corresponds with the bridesmaids dresses. Mix and match dresses in a single color always looks beautiful! Other brides ask their HPs to wear a black dress, as most galls will already have a lBD in their closet.
mason Jars These nifty jars are not just for drinking sweet tea out of anymore. Southern brides can ill them with jam, pickled cucumbers, candies and chocolate to create a special wedding favor for guest to take home. Mason jars can be used as centerpieces by putting lowers in them and tying an organza ribbon that matches your wedding colors around them. Southern brides even ind ways to light their wedding by illing mason jars with colored or clear Christmas lights and putting them on the ground or table. Eco-friendly and reusable, you can cover many areas of your Southern wedding with Mason jars and not break the bank. You can even dye the Mason jar to save even more money tracking down the hard to ind, expensive jars. Stay tuned for a tutorial on how to do just that.
southern Cuisine Southern tradition means serving up dishes that are illing and comforting at the same time. for many Southern Belles (okay, most all), the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and the way you express your afection to the people you love is by feeding them foods illed with love; made from scratch buttermilk biscuits, macaroni and cheese pie, to some delicious Southern fried chicken. Your wedding day should be no exception to this rule. You are inviting all these people that you love to share this special day with you so why not use Southern tradition and charm to treat them to something nice? There are many diferent things Southern brides can do to make their wedding day extra special and adding Southern cuisine such as Carolina BBQ, low Country foods such as shrimp & grits, and more.
e v e n T
d e S i g n • P l an n i n g • c o o r d i n a T i o n 4 0 7 . 3 9 4 . 8 8 9 2 W W W. B l u S H B B G . C O M
TOP WEDDING SONGS Of 2014 Congratulations on your engagement! Now it’s time to get planning. Building an appropriate musical playlist for a wedding can be a daunting task for many couples. Special songs such as parent dances can be particularly challenging. Below is a list of songs to help you get the ball rolling and your party rocking!
first dance songs – modern or alternative selections I Won’t Give up – Jason Mraz (pop)
Better Together – Jack Johnson (folk rock)
You Are the Best Thing – Ray laMontagne (folk rock)
I’ll Be – Edwin McCain (pop rock)
Wanted – Hunter Hayes (country)
In a little While – u2 (pop rock)
A Thousand Years – Christina Perri (pop)
Two love Birds – Robin Thicke (R&B)
Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not – Thompson Square (country)
No One – Alicia Keys (R&B) Stay With You – John legend (R&B)
Just a Kiss – lady Antebellum (country) Back at One – Brian McKnight (R&B) God Gave Me You – Blake Shelton (country) Come Away With Me – Norah Jones (contemporary) Me and You – Kenny Chesney (country) fallen – lauren Wood (from Pretty Woman sountrack) Smile – uncle Kracker (pop) lovesong – The Cure, or 311 (80s/New Wave) Such Great Heights – Iron & Wine (alternative) The Way I Am – Ingrid Michaelson (indie folk) first Day of My life – Bright Eyes (alternative) All Mine – Portishead (electronic downtempo) Desire – Ryan Adams (alternative rock) Angels – The xx (electronic downtempo) The Blower’s Daughter – Damien Rice (folk rock) The luckiest – Ben folds (pop rock) I Only Have Eyes for You – Jamie Cullum (cover) My favourite Book – Stars (indie pop) Make a Memory – Bon Jovi (pop rock)
hallelujah – Jef buckley (acoustic rock)
Marry Me – Train (pop) Kiss Me – Ed Sheeran (pop) Count on Me – Bruno Mars (pop) I Could Not Ask for More – Edwin McCain (pop rock) True Companion – Marc Cohn (folk rock) I’m Yours – Jason Mraz (pop rock)
I Will follow You Into the Dark – Death Cab for Cutie (indie rock)
father-daughter dance father & Daughter – Paul Simon (folk rock)
Dad, You’re My Hero- Teresa James (wedding)
I loved Her first – Heartland (country)
Daughter – loudon Wainwright III
My little Girl – Tim McGraw (country)
My little Girl – Steve Kirwan (wedding)
Ready, Set, Don’t Go – Billy Ray Cyrus (country)
Gracie – Ben folds (singer/songwriter)
Daddy Dance With Me – Krystal Keith (country)
Time in a Bottle – Jim Croce (singer/songwriter)
Just fishin’ – Trace Atkins (country)
If It Wasn’t for Your love – Heather Headley
Daddy’s Angel – T. Carter (Wedding/Country)
Somewhere Over the Rainbow – “Iz” (Acoustic/Hawaiian)
Dad, You’re My Hero – Teresa James (Wedding)
look to the Rainbow – Astrud Gilberto (Brazilian)
Daddy’s little Girl – Michael Buble or Al Martino (vocalists)
Tu Guardian – Juanes (latin) You Raise Me up – Josh Groban (classical)
I Believe in Happy Endings – Neil Diamond (vocalists) unforgettable – Natalie Cole w/Nat King Cole (classic) Because You loved Me – Celine Dion (vocalists) Daddy – Beyonce (R&B) Daddy’s little Girl – Michael Buble (vocalists) butterly Kisses – bob carlisle (christian)
Isn’t She lovely -Stevie Wonder (soul) (note: we recommend editing out the intro section with crying baby)
Daughters – John Mayer (pop)
My Girl – The Temptations (Motown/Soul)
mother-son dance Stand By Me – Ben E. King (soul)
The Wind Beneath My Wings – Bette Midler (vocalist)
A Mother’s Song- T. Carter Music (wedding/country)
All to You – DJ Keo (country)
On This Day – Christian Barnes (wedding)
My Wish – Rascal flatts (country)
I’ll Always love My Mama – The Intruders (R&B/Soul)
I Hope You Dance – leAnn Womack (country)
Singing a Song for My Mother – Bohannon (R&B/Soul)
Through the Years – Kenny Rogers (country)
A Song for Mama – Boyz II Men (R&B/Soul)
The Circle Game – Joni Mitchell (folk)
You Raise Me up – Josh Groban (classical)
You’ll Be in My Heart – Phil Collins (pop)
Close to You – The Carpenters (soft rock)
Happy Everafter In Your Eyes – Ben Harper (singer/song writer)
Child of Mine – Carole King (folk) forever Young – Alphaville (80s) Song for My Son – Mikki Viereck (wedding) Simple Man – lynrd Skynrd (southern rock) It Happens in a Heartbeat – Teresa James (wedding) What a Wonderful World – louis Armstrong (classic) The Man You’ve Become – Molly Pasutti (wedding) Happy Everafter in Your Eyes – Ben Harper (folk) You’ve Got a friend in Me – Randy Newman w/lyle lovett (Disney)
Baby Mine – Bette Midler (vocalist) SOuTHERN BEllE BRIDAl MAGAZINE
100 songs for a 2014 wedding Quando, Quando, Quando – Michael Buble with Nelly furtado (cocktail hour/dinner) Our Day Will Come – Amy Winehouse (cocktail/dinner) The Girl from Ipanema – Bebel Gilberto & Kenny G. (cocktail/dinner)
Got To Be Real – Cheryl lynn (disco) That’s the Way I like It – K.C. & the Sunshine Band (disco) Play That funky Music – Wild Cherry (disco) hot Stuf – donna Summer (disco)
Beyond the Sea – Bobby Darin (oldies) Got to Give It up (part 1) – Marvin Gaye (funk) Runaround Sue – Dion (oldies) Twist & Shout – The Beatles (oldies/rock)
Blurred lines – Robin Thicke f/ Pharrell & T.I. (R&B/ dance)
Shout (Parts 1 and 2) – The Isley Brothers (oldies)
Kiss – Prince (funk)
Mony, Mony – Tommy James & the Shondells
Super freak – Rick James (funk)
Chapel of love – The Dixie Cups (oldies)
Can’t Touch This – MC Hammer (90s dance)
Marry You – Bruno Mars (pop)
Get lucky – Daft Punk (dance/electronic)
In the Mood – Glen Miller Band (big band)
Treasure – Bruno Mars (pop)
That’s Amore – Dean Martin (oldies)
Glad You Came – The Wanted (pop/boy band)
Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond (party classic)
Push It – Salt n’ Pepa (80s)
Sign, Sealed, Delivered, I’m Yours – Stevie Wonder (Mo town)
Take on Me – a-Ha (80s) Need You Tonight – INxS (80s)
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough – Marvin Gaye (Motown) P.Y.T. – Michael Jackson (80s) What You Won’t Do for love – Bobby Caldwell (R&B) Red, Red, Wine – uB40 (reggae) Midnight Train to Georgia – Gladys Knight & the Pips (Soul)
Could You Be loved – Bob Marley (reggae)
for Once in My life – Stevie Wonder (Motown)
I Can’t Wait – Nu-Shooz (freestyle/party starter)
Take Back the Night – Justin Timberlake (R&B/party starter)
Rock Your Body – Justin Timberlake (pop/party starter) Happy – Pharrell Williams (pop/party starter)
Hold On We’re Going Home – Drake (R&B) It Takes Two – DJ Rob Base and EZ Rock (90s) Ho Hey – The lumineers (alternative) My Girl – The Temptations (Motown) Home – Phillip Phillips (alternative) Jump Around – House of Pain (90s) Send Me on My Way – Rusted Root (alternative) Hip Hop Hooray – Naughty by Nature (90s hip hop)
Home – Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros (alterna tive)
Good Vibrations – Marky Mark & the funky Bunch (90s)
Royals – lorde f/The Weekend (pop)
Poison – Bel Biv Devoe (90s)
Yeah! – usher with lil’ Jon (party starter)
Asi Es la Mujer – Victor Manuelle (salsa)
Empire State of Mind – Jay-Z with Alicia Keys (hip hop)
Vivir Mi Vida – Marc Anthony (salsa)
Addicted to You – Shakira (merengue)
The Way You look Tonight – frank Sinatra (ballad)
Spring love – Stevie B. (freestyle)
let’s Stay Together – Al Green (ballad)
Suit & Tie – Justin Timberlake (hip hop/R&B)
I Won’t Give up – Jason Mraz (ballad)
In Da Club (clean) – 50 Cent (hip hop)
A Thousand Years – Christina Perri (ballad)
Nuthin’ But a G Thang (clean) – Dr. Dre f/ Snoop Dogg (hip hop)
You Shook Me All Night long – AC/DC (rock) livin’ on a Prayer – Bon Jovi (rock)
Wild Thing – Tone loc (rap) Don’t Stop Believing – Journey (rock) Gangnam Style – Psy (international/open dancing) One More Time – Daft Punk (open dancing)
Thrift Shop – Macklemore w/Ryan lewis and Wanz (hip hop)
I’m Sexy and I Know It – lMfAO (open dancing)
The Harlem Shake – Baauer (dance/novelty)
Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ – Michael Jackson (open dancing)
low – flo Rida (dance) Ride Wit Me – Nelly (90s)
Danza Kuduro – Don Omar (open dancing/latin) bailando Por ahi (remix) – Juan magan f/crossire (latin)
Timber – Ke$ha f/Pitbull (dance) Clarity -Zedd f/ foxes (dance/EDM)
Calle Ocho (I Know You Want Me) – Pitbull (open danc ing/latin) Red Solo Cup – Toby Keith (country)
Wake Me up – Avicii (dance/EDM) Save the world Tonight – Swedish house maia (dance/ EDM)
Country Girl, Shake it for Me – luke Bryan (country) Turbulence – Steve Aoki (EDM) Cruise (remix) – florida Georgia line f/ Nelly (country) Applause – lady Gaga (dance) I love It – Icona Pop (dance) cupid Shule – cupid (modern line dance)
Don’t Stop the Party – Pitbull (dance) The fox – Ylvis (dance/novelty) (* use with caution!)
Cha-Cha Slide – DJ Casper (modern line dance) The Wobble – V.I.C. (modern line dance)
Can’t Hold us – Macklemore & Ryan lewis f/ Ray Dalton (pop/hip hop)
unforgettable – Natalie Cole (ballad)
Scream & Shout – Britney Spears & (dance)
unchained Melody – The Righteous Brothers (ballad)
We Can’t Stop – Miley Cyrus (pop)
Degas House HISTORIC WEDDING VENuE AND fRENCH QuARTER STYlE COuRTYARD At Degas House we are committed to making your New Orleans Wedding a Masterpiece. Our elegant, Southern Mansion is the only home or studio of french Impressionist Master, Edgar Degas, open to the public anywhere in the world, making it a unique wedding and reception venue like no other. Degas House is available for New Orleans Courtyard wedding ceremonies, indoor ceremonies in our grand parlors, receptions, bridal brunches and luncheons, rehearsal dinners, engagement parties and showers, and more. Not sure how to begin your wedding planning? No problem. Call us at 504-821-5009, (800) 755-6730 or e-mail and we will help. Degas House has wedding coordinators on staf and planning every detail of your wedding and reception at degas house is included in the price.
the return to romance ushers in a new love for the formality of days gone by. Think white-gloved waiters and big band dancing, crystal candlesticks and gold-rimmed china. One major bridal inspiration for the return to tradition comes from Hollywood. “It’s the look of ‘The Great Gatsby,’” says Beth Helmsetter of Beth Helmsetter Events in los Angeles. Her brides are still falling hard for the bubbly, approachable elegance of the Roaring Twenties.
Pink is back! Do you already feel like a blushing bride? Carry that sweet love over to your color scheme, says Tara Guérard, the event designer behind ultra-luxe Soirée in Charleston and New York. “It’s the nudes, the blushes, the peaches — not Pepto Bismol pink!” she announces.
3 Pattern is making a new play but throw out the hard-edged looks. “Chevron was big last year,” says Tara, “but now I’m seeing trellispatterns, bold stripes and florals.”
4 Lush, soft, exquisitely romantic — the lower of the year is the many-petaled tree peony, says New York’s Ariella Chezar, whose work has been seen at the White House. Amber Gustafson of los Angeles’s Amber Events picks a similar bloom — the sweet-smelling garden rose.
WEdding TREndS FoR 2014
Hey there, lucky bride! A new year is nearly here, ushering in a new swoon-worthy wedding season. We went up and down the coasts talking to wedding experts and everyone agrees: 2014 will be the year of true romance. Weddings are going softer, sweeter, lusher and more heartfelt. It’s a return to classic chivalry, to the things that made our mothers cry, and it’s happening just in time for you to melt hearts and make memories.
5 adorable little freehand illustrations will adorn invitations everywhere this year. Melinda Morris of lion In the Sun, a paperie boutique in Brooklyn, New York, tells us that these invites are completely custom, so if you can dream it, an artist can help you bring your vision to life.
the fLower garLand is BaCK in a Big way. ARIEllA lOVES CITRuS GARlANDS fOR BARS AND OVER DOORWAYS — lEMONS, lIMES, ORANGES ON THE STEM. “AND fERN GARlANDS ARE REAllY BEAuTIful. I lOVE THEM DOWN THE CENTER Of A lONG TABlE.” the favorite service style to capture this year’s approachable elegance? While the waiters might be wearing black dinner jackets and white gloves, they’re presenting food family style. “It’s more interactive when everyone helps themselves,” says Morris Kitchen’s Karina Seljak.
8 9
and in the sweetest trend of all, invitations this year are getting small. The most requested look is for an invitation smaller than the standard 5x7 — something little, dainty and ininitely precious.
2014 is the year to get spicy. Elizabeth reports that brides are over the moon for heat on the menu. “We using a lot of Calabrian chili oil, a lot of sriracha — and are seeing guests reach irst for the spicy things on the menu.” in 2014, your cake will shine! Cheryl Kleinman of Betty Bakery says the look ranges from a fairy dusting of very ine glitter on the top tiers, to wild disco ball sparkle. “right now lavor is very driven by season,” explains Cheryl. In the summer, choose a lemon cake with lemon lavor. in the winter, brides are looking for chocolate cakes with rich accents of mocha or praline.
13 the element of surprise. Stick to songs that your guests know and love but mix up the musical styles. “Think a bluegrass band playing ‘Hava Nagila’ or a string quartet playing Coldplay,” says band leader Amber Gustafon.
Looking for a chic wildcard idea? forgo reception favors altogether for a “pillow present,” a little welcome gift left for guests at their hotel. Who doesn’t want to arrive from a big trip to ind milk and cookies, or wake to a breakfast surprise of scones and local jam? SOuTHERN BEllE BRIDAl MAGAZINE
E A R t H M U S E P H O t O G R A P H Y. C O M
TOP BRIDAl TRENDS Of 2014 long gone are the days that brides have to follow the rules and make their way down the aisle wearing a stark white wedding gown. Today, brides have options, and the biggest trend option this year is color. “brides who want a gown that is diferent and memorable have lots of beautiful color [options]. Colors range from neutrals like champagnes and silvers to true colors like pinks and lavenders,” stated Michele von Plato, senior vice president of design and product development for David’s Bridal. Regardless of the dress style, color is an easy way to incorporate your personality into your gown and is a true catalyst for emotion, despite your age or taste. Consider brides in Asian countries, where bridal wear has been a beautiful display of color for years. “This trend can work for any type of bride,” said Jennie Ma, senior fashion and beauty editor at The Knot. “The bride that really wants to be out there and make a bold fashion statement. for the more conservative bride that still wants to be on trend, try picking from subtle, barely there colors that we are seeing in blush and blue. “Vera Wang sent bright pink wedding dresses down the runway. They were very bold, daring and saturated with color, which was one end of the spectrum. The other end of the spectrum were really light colors that were barely there that you are almost unsure of.” Gowns with the most subtle touches of color on trend include soft pastel of sugary pink, baby blues, mint green and even golden hues, ofering the simplest way to be trendy but still come across bridal. for the all-over-color apprehensive bride, “you can try color in a belt or the detailed embroidery of the dress,” said Betsy Robinson, owner of Betsy Robinson’s Bridal Collection. Baltimore Bride tends to be very open to color, according to Robinson, whose bridal boutique is in Pikesville. “Try it, and see what dress looks good on your skin tone,” she said. “Sometimes, you don’t even realize the shade of the dress,” notes Robinson.
While there will always be room to build on a classic gown, bridal wear has moved to a new day. for the groom, think outside the black box. Often a groom gets lost in the shadow of the bride on his wedding day. But as the groom prepares for wedded bliss, he wants to look good, too and hopes to explore style options like his other half. for this year, it’s pretty simple: Reconsider the basic and opt for a navy blue tuxedo. “You don’t have to think black for tuxedos. I’m not saying wear orange, but blue is a very cool color,” said Ma. “On the [Oscars] red carpet we saw guys show up in dark navy blue with lapels in rich black. It’s a subtle way to make things a little more interesting.” from A-list celebrity style to red carpet trends the simplistic navy blue tuxedo has merged into the spotlight, giving men the opportunity to add a touch of personality and change to their look. for the conservative groom, navy blue allows one to stay on trend without being too over-the-top, and it can be dark enough to appear black. Try it in a dinner jacket or explore another texture, like velvet. At this year’s Oscars, celebrities including Kevin Spacey moved away from the basic black suit wearing a stunning Burberry navy blue tuxedo and made several best-dressed lists. While the color of the tuxedo may change, the body conscious appeal of a “good it” is a standard. “Nothing is boxy this year, everything is cut to perfection,” said Joseph Abboud, chief creative director for Men’s Wearhouse. “Garments aren’t a full or two oversized. Everything is moved much closer to the body and that has translated into tuxedos, formal wear and evening wear for men. “You could take a very simple black fabric or dark gray suit and one could argue that it is pretty basic but it really is about the it and tailoring.” Thea Washington, award winning clothing stylist and brideto-be, agreed. “The it is very important,” said washington, who ties the knot in fall 2015. Washington believes that “if a tuxedo is well-tailored it takes the look to another level and will almost always come across polished, no matter
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wedding Dres wO R KO U t
Since it’s all about the dress, your workout should be catered toward what you’re wearing. Pick your gown style from the list below and follow the instructions to achieve a healthier, hotter you.
strapless dress workout
What you want: Toned triceps, biceps, and pectorals to really strut your strapless stuf. Bicep Curls 1. Standing with your feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent, pull your tummy in and tuck your pelvis under. Hold a heavier pair of dumbbells down at your sides with your palms facing front. 2. Keeping your elbows at your sides, slowly curl the dumbbells toward your shoulders. Reverse direction and lower the dumbbells into starting position -- avoid locking your elbows. Do 10 repetitions per set. Slow and steady wins the race here -- you’ll get a bigger beneit from the exercise if you use concentrated, controlled movements. If you feel like you’re whipping the weights around to get them up, your dumbbells are too heavy. Downgrade to a smaller weight so you can move more comfortably. flat dumbbell fly 1. lie down with your knees bent and your feet irmly planted shoulder-width apart. Stretch out your arms on the loor so your body makes a T. grasp a dumbbell in each outstretched hand, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Keep your palms facing up. 2. Slowly raise the weights upward in a rounded arc (as if you were hugging a tree!), gently touching the dumbbells together at the top above your body. Hold for a few seconds, then slowly lower the weights back to their starting positions. Do 10 repetitions per set. Tricep Dips 1. Sit normally on a sturdy, nonwheeled chair. Place your hands on the front edge of the seat (ingertips facing front) and your feet on the loor, hip-width apart and a little bit ahead of you. Slowly slide your bottom of the seat of the chair, keeping your hands where there are.
sheath workout
What you want: A sleek, smooth torso for even the slinkiest sheath. the twist 1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Imagine holding a ball in between your thighs. Squeeze your thigh muscles, then pull in your belly and tuck it under your pelvis (so you’re in a slight sitting position). lace your ingers together and place your hands behind your head. 2. Keeping your chest high, slowly twist from side to side without moving your lower body, so that your upper body turns from facing left to facing right. Keep it slow -- you won’t get the full beneit if you’re relying on momentum. Repeat 40 times. Yep, you heard us right -- 40! standing side Crunch 1. Stand in the same position as you did for the twist, with your abs tucked in and your toes facing front (but drop the imaginary ball!). 2. lift your left knee toward your left arm bringing your elbow down to meet it. Hold, then return to the starting position. Repeat it on the right and do a total of 20 repetitions on each side.
open-back dress workout What you want: An upper- and lower-back workout to help irm up that all-important rear view.
one-arm row 1. Stand with your left side next to the front of a bench (or a cofee table, or a couch). Place your left foot and left hand on the bench, bending your right knee. Keeping your torso parallel to the ground, grasp a dumbbell with your right hand. let your arm hang straight down with your palm facing your thigh. 2. Slowly pull the dumbbell up and back until it’s in line with your hip. You should feel a muscle contraction in your upper back (that means it’s working!). Repeat 10 times, then switch sides. Pullover 1. lie on the loor with your knees bent, hipwidth apart, and feet planted. Grab a dumbbell with each hand and extend your arms up over your body, so that your arms make a 90-degree angle with your torso. 2. Keeping your elbows slightly bent, slowly lower the dumbbell back behind your head as far as you can; you should feel a stretch in your back muscles. Next, lift the dumbbell back into the starting position above your body, squeezing your back muscles as you go up. Do 10 repetitions per set. SOuTHERN BEllE BRIDAl MAGAZINE
heaLth tiPs for 2014 2 3
avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast. A recent study demonstrated that those who skipped breakfast had a >20% risk of developing diabetes. Skipping meals often leads to overeating at meals and as a result, weight gain. incorporate healthy snacks throughout the day. Incorporate healthy snacks in between meals to stabilize hunger and prevent overeating. limit snacks to 150-300 calories each, including a source of complex carbs and lean protein (ex. low fat cheese with whole wheat crackers, nonfat greek yogurt, handful of almonds with a small apple.
read those nutrition labels. A secret to understanding nutrition labels is the % Daily Value found on the right side of the label. If the % Daily Values (DV) is < 5%, it is considered low in that nutrient. On the other hand, if a nutrient contains > 20% of the DV, it is considered high.
Put down the salt shaker. Salt naturally draws luid to your sells, resulting in a greater risk of weigh gain, high blood pressure, heart, disease, and stroke. When looking at nutrition labels, look for products with < 140 mg of sodium per serving. Your body will thank you!
drink more water. The institute of Medicine recommends 15 cups of luid per day for men and 11 cups for women. Try to meet at least 1/2 of this requirement with pure water. Spice up your water by adding fresh fruit, such as strawberries, kiwis, oranges, ect.
Keep those eyes closed at night. Though the exact mechanisms of how sleep works, how sleep rejuvenates the body and mind is still mysterious, one thing sleep specialists and scientists do know is that adequate sleep is necessary for healthy functioning. Many studies have correlated disrupted or inadequate sleep with overweight/obesity, diabetes, and heart problems due to changes in appetite-stimulating hormones at night. Sleep experts recommend exercising at least three hours before bedtime, and the best time is usually late afternoon. According to the National Sleep foundation, adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep daily. eat fish twiCe a weeK. COlD WATER fATTY fISH, SuCH AS SAlMON, TuNA, HAlIBuT, AND TrouT, are excellenT Sourced og omega-3 faTTy acidS. STudieS have Shown ThaT omaga-3 faTTy acidS noT only HElP TO REDuCE YOuR RISK Of HEART DISEASE, BuT THEY HAVE AlSO BEEN SHOWN TO IMPROVE MOOD DISORDERS AS WEll AS TOTAl CHOlESTEROl lEVElS.
8 eat at home more often. Eating out frequently results in increased caloric intake not to mention weight gain from the fat dishes served. Remember the 90/10 rule – 90% of the time follow a healthy lifestyle, whereas 10% of the time you are allowed to “cheat!”
enjoy your food but simply eat less. An easy way to control portion sizes without feeling deprived is to use smaller serving ware. Using smaller plates, bowls, and cups is a simple way to reduce portion sizes without having to whip out those dreaded measuring cups. get moving. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends exercising for 200-300 minutes a week. Don’t have time for that? Break it up into short intervals of 10-15 minutes a day. And remember – any exercise is better than none! make half your plate fruits and vegetables. When preparing lunch and dinner, make half of you plate fruits and vegetables. Make the other 1/4 of your plate starches with the remaining 1/4 of your plate lean protein. Such a meal will ensure portion control without leaving you food deprived and starving! The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans advises consumers to eat more vegetables and fruits because most Americans do not consume the recommended quantities or variety. food prices, along with taste, convenience, income, and awareness of the link between diet and health, shape food choices. get your protein “Fix.” OuR lEAN BODY MASS NATuRAllY STARTS DEClINING AT AGE 40. TO COMBAT SuCH lOSS, MAKE SuRE TO HAVE THE RIGHT BAlANCE Of COMPlEx CARBS AND PROTEIN. ON AVERAGE, HEAlTHY ADulTS NEED 0.5GM PROTEIN/POuND Of BODY WEIGHT. SuffICIENT PROTEIN INTAKE AlSO PROMOTES SATIETY, OR fullNESS, PREVENTING YOu fROM OVEREATING.
12 Be a smart shopper. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store, spending less time in inner isles where mostly processed, high fat, and high sodium foods are located. Rule of thumb – 75% of your buggy should be full of foods from the perimeter of the grocery store.
14 moderation is key. as a dietitian, i deinitely have my own vices. The key to staying healthy is to allow yourself that vice but only in moderation. Having that slice of chocolate take once a month will not push you over the deep end! (Having it every week will!) SOuTHERN BEllE BRIDAl MAGAZINE
APPY COuPlE Y’all, you know that we at Southern Weddings are never going to be the type to encourage you to update your facebook status at the altar. Not. Happening. Ever. That’s a moment when technology should be the furthest thing from your mind! but, we’ll be among the irst to say that gizmos and gadgets absolutely have a place in wedding planning – a big place! After all, new-fangled things like blogs and and Pinterest have revolutionized the way weddings are planned, and we love that. And today, we’re happy to introduce you to one more piece of technology that will change the way you think about weddings! appy couple is the irst truly mobile (and stylish!) way to share your wedding with friends, family, and guests. That’s right, we’re talking about your very own wedding app Among just a few things your app can do? Most importantly, it will give your guests all the info they need, when they need it: direction mapping, travel details, dress code, ceremony start time, childcare arrangements…
for our eco-conscious belles, appy couple ofers a number of green beneits: it includes an rSvP function, and makes printing out complex direction cards a thing of the past. SOuTHERN BEllE BRIDAl MAGAZINE
for our stylish belles (and who among you is not stylish??), appy couple ofers 100+ designs to choose from, in so many colors and combinations that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re sure to ind something that matches your wedding aesthetic.
Possibly the coolest feature? Guests can upload pictures within the app! How fun would that gallery be to scroll through on your honeymoon?! Concerned about less tech-savvy guests? Don’t be! In addition to being on iPhone and Android, your app will be on the web in the form of a partner wedding website — perfect for guests who don’t have smartphones.
TiPS for Tech-Savy brideS You use technology in every other aspect of your life – why not in your wedding planning! If you love your smart phone, tablet, and social media, here are ive ways you can use technology while planning your big day.
there’s an app for that If you constantly use your smartphone or tablet, it’s natural that your wedding planning would take place on those devices. Check out these apps to help you through your planning. The Knot: The wedding experts at The Knot have developed an app that seems to do it all: Real weddings to inspire you, a checklist to keep you on task, guest list tools, and a wedding budgeter. Appy Couple: This app lets you showcase your wedding to your guests. Share important information – when, where, dress code, etc. – and accept RSVPs. Virtually introduce your wedding party, and stream pictures for distant guests the day of your wedding.
#hashtag this Hashtags are huge on social media – they can help you ind all posts on a speciic topic and they create buzz and encourage conversation. Why not #hashtag your wedding? Post signs in prominent places telling guests what your hashtag is and urging them to use it on social media when they post about your wedding or share pictures of your day. You can use hashtags nearly everywhere, including facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, and more!
wedding website for keeping guests in the loop, a wedding website has become almost a requirement for today’s brides and grooms. You can easily share travel information; time, date, and location information; weather; your love story; and more. Whether you keep everyone up to date via your blog or set up a wedding website (check out options at The Knot and Wedding Window), be sure to include your website uRl in all correspondence with your guests: Save the dates, invitations, emails, etc.
My Registry: Keep track of your registry no matter what stores and websites you’re registered at! Plus, you can scan items with your phone and add them to your registry at nearly any location. My fitness Pal: If getting in shape is part of your wedding planning, My fitness Pal helps you get there. Track food intake and exercise, see your progress as you lose weight and inches, and share your successes with others.
W W W. E l A I N E PA l l A D I N O. CO M / S W
TOP 28 HONEYMOON DESTINATIONS Whether your idea of a romantic interlude involves lying together in the lap of beachfront luxury or diving handin-hand into an action-illed adventure, here are our picks for the best honeymoons.
Best Beaches: Kauai, hawaii
why go: on Kauai, you can scope out towering waterfalls, rugged clifs, traditional towns and 50 miles of stellar beaches. where to stay: no worries if you’re not great at sharing your patch of sand: The grand Hyatt kauai Resort & Spa is the only property on a 50-acre-wide beach. play in the ocean or loat around in the sand-bottom, saltwater lagoon; honeymooners get a waterside cabana comped for a day (from $440, what to do: witness the monumental clifs jutting of the na pali Coast on a boat tour. Trot past secluded beaches on horseback.
Best Beaches: nuevo vallarta, mexico
why go: this popular resort town along the paciic coast one-ups the typical beach spot with authentic Mexican lavor and an eco touch, including amazing wildlife viewing (whale-watching is a biggie). where to stay: if you think the mini massage and cool towel at check-in are special, you’ll be loored by the immense two-level ambassador penthouse Suite at the all-inclusive Grand Velas riviera nayarit. (Ambassador suites from $390 per person per night, what to do: Check out the mayan ruins of Tulum. For nightlife, check out Cancun’s beachside bars and clubs.
Best Beaches: santa rosa Beach, florida why go: no need to go globe-trotting: Find soft, powdery sand (that keeps cool thanks to the appalachian quartz) and emerald waters in this artsy beach community along the gulf Coast in northwest Florida. where to stay: the waterColor Inn & resort ofers chic southern hospitality and 60 spa-inspired rooms with gulf views (from $395, what to do: Try your luck at stand-up paddleboarding on Western lake.
Best Beaches: Praia do forte, Brazil
why go: miles of palmtree-lined pearl sand, transparent blue water and natural pools. Sold yet? where to stay: the beachfront at the all-inclusive Iberostar praia do Forte is absolute decadence (from $255 per person per night, with fournight minimum in summer, what to do: Snorkel in the reef-rimmed Papa gente tide pools (think: a stocked ish bowl). Visit the historic city of Salvador.
Best Beaches: maldives
why go: escapists looking for far-lung secluded shores should discover these unforgettable islands. where to stay: Take an exhilarating 35-minute speedboat ride to the private island of Dhigu, where you’ll ind the tranquil anantara Dhigu resort & Spa Maldives nestled along an intense turquoise lagoon (sunrise beach villas from $613, what to do: During a seaplane tour, “ooh” and “aah” about the jeweltone water below. head to the hotel’s spa for signature Maldivian Coconut Marvellous treatments.
Best Beaches: Bermuda why go: You’ll be lured by the sumptuous pink-sand beaches, storybook architecture and charming english inluences. where to stay: Part of the mandarin oriental Hotel group, the 98-room elbow Beach, Bermuda epitomizes modern, sophisticated luxury (from $595, what to do: Rent a moped to cruise the island. Close to Elbow beach’s shores, explore the underwater wreckage of The Pollockshields, a 1915 cargo steamer.
Best Beaches: antigua why go: Somehow this small eastern Caribbean gem (only 14 miles long) is said to boast a whopping 365 gorgeous sandy beaches. where to stay: the ultra-luxurious all-inclusive Sandals Grande antigua Resort & Spa, along dickenson bay, has an alluring split personality: Choose a European-inspired suite in the mediterranean village or snooze in a unique round rondoval suite in the resort’s Caribbean-style zone (from $545, what to do: as if you didn’t have enough beach options, take a catamaran over to the pink sands of antigua’s nearby sister island, Barbuda. It’s worth the trip.
Best Beaches: grand Cayman, Cayman islands
why go: when you want to journey to paradise without totally leaving civilization, Grand Cayman is your answer. where to stay: Fresh of a multi-million dollar property-wide renovation, the westin Grand Cayman Seven Mile Beach resort & Spa is glowing (from $224, what to do: Swim with little sea turtles at the Cayman Turtle Farm ( Check out Rum Point Club on grand Cayman’s north Side, where you can relax on a beautiful beach, try one of the water toys, or grab a hammock and sip on a mudslide. SOuTHERN BEllE BRIDAl MAGAZINE
most romantic: London, england
why go: Besides the sprucing up it received before last year’s olympics, Will and kate’s regal city has extraordinary theater, art, parks and restaurants. where to stay: The two townhomes that house dUkES Hotel are set on a quiet, gaslit courtyard overlooking magniicent Green park. this enchanting english hideaway even has secret passageways that lead to Hyde Park, buckingham Palace and Piccadilly Circus. what to do: Indulge in a British tradition and have afternoon tea (inger sandwiches, scones, the whole nine yards) at The Promenade at The dorchester.
most romantic: woodstock, vermont
why go: this spot in central Vermont lives up to all the great stereotypes of a quaint new england town: cozy lodging, farm-fresh food, nature trails and tree-lined streets. where to stay: Upscale meets country at the 142-room Woodstock inn & Resort, which looks right out at the village green (from $230, what to do: bring a picnic lunch and splash around a swimming hole on the ottauquechee river. In the winter, go on a full-moon snowshoe hike or schuss downhill at Suicide Six ski area.
most romantic: hill Country, texas
why go: Leave any postwedding angst behind and head for the gorgeous rolling hills outside San Antonio and Austin. Fall foliage time is particularly spectacular. where to stay: The intimate mexicanstyle Escondida Resort and Spa rests in the beautifully untamed environs of Medina Mountain. you’ll remember what peace sounds like around the pool, at the spa or on the hiking trails (from $279, what to do: have a picnic alongside robertson Creek. In Fredericksburg, climb the summit trail of Enchanted Rock, an awesome, 425-foot pinkgranite rock formation. Ultimate photo op.
most romantic: Los Cabos, mexico
why go: nothing equals eye candy more than the unbelievable landscape of this stretch on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula—craggy clifs, the ferocious paciic and cacti-illed desert terrain. where to stay: The Hilton los Cabos beach & golf Resort resides on a tranquil bay in the azure Sea of Cortez and has one of the area’s only swimmable beaches. what to do: tee of on one of the oceanside Jack nicklaus–designed courses. Go on a ishing excursion; afterward, chefs at the hilton’s el meson Restaurant will turn your catch into dinner.
most romantic: Bora Bora, french Polynesia
why go: we’re not sure even Crayola could pump out the brilliant blues and greens of bora bora’s stunning lagoons and coconut forests. one word that describes this destination: magical. where to stay: Fringing a crystal-clear lagoon on a six-mile islet, le Méridien Bora Bora provides VIp views of the famous otemanu Mountain. Sleep in a secluded bungalow on the beach or in an overwater bungalow—some have large glass loors for prime sea-life spying. what to do: Sail along the lagoon in a traditional Polynesian pirogue (a latbottomed boat). Sink your toes into the sand over a lovey-dovey lunch at te ava, the resort’s beachfront restaurant.
most romantic: Charleston, south Carolina
why go: Southern hospitality is very much alive in this vibrant city that delightfully struts its historical past where to stay: Low-Country charm is of the charts at the elegant planters Inn. the four-poster beds, nightly turndowns, free cofee and tea service and gracious staf are all proof (from $339, what to do: take a private horse and carriage ride around the historic district. tour Boone hall plantation (where Blake Lively and ryan reynolds wed); snap a photo by the amazing live oaks dripping with Spanish moss (
most romantic: Puglia, italy
why go: Justin timberlake and Jessica Biel had the right idea getting hitched along the Adriatic in the “heel” of boot-shaped italy. The food, the wine and the scenery will ire up your amore. where to stay: Follow the lead of the A-list couple and celebrate your love at Borgo egnazia seaside resort. privacy-loving couples can seek refuge in the mediterranean-style la Corte rooms. What to do: Plunge into the sea at the resort’s Cala masciola beach club, where you can dine on fresh grilled ish on a rugged rock outcropping. Discover the nearby picturesque towns, including ostuni, Martina Franca and brindisi.
most romantic: sonoma valley, California why go: There’s an almost obscene amount of epicurean pleasures squished into Sonoma Valley’s 17 miles of bucolic vineyards, farmland and small towns. where to stay: your comfy Junior Suite at Vintners Inn in Santa rosa includes a half bottle of wine, a Jacuzzi tub, a wood-burning ireplace, a feather-bed-topped king and a patio or balcony overlooking the vines (Junior Suites from $395, what to do: take a hot-air balloon ride over the vineyards.
most romantic: Cannon Beach, oregon
why go: have visions of leisurely walks along the beach with the waves crashing at your feet? this relaxing spot along oregon’s coast delivers big-time. where to stay: Between the ireside massages and the option of rose petals and a tray of fruit and chocolate fondue with a bubble bath, The Stephanie inn is an all-out master at romance making (from about $449, what to do: Let one of the inn’s “ire butlers” build you a bonire on the beach (s’mores are available too). hike in ecola State park for wowworthy views of Cannon Beach and iconic haystack rock.
most romantic: Peter island, British virgin islands
why go: occupied by a single incredible resort, this private 1,800-squarefoot paradise has ive snowy-white beaches, 20 secluded coves and mind-blowing snorkeling. where to stay: dream it and your personal “island Host” at the incredible peter Island resort & Spa will bend over backward to make it happen (from $395, what to do: Claim the only two lounge chairs and enjoy some quality time on the island’s made-for-two Honeymoon beach. Arrange for “sunset at the loop.” SOuTHERN BEllE BRIDAl MAGAZINE
most exotic: new orleans, Louisiana
why go: From jazz to jambalaya, n’awlins launts its own brand of soulful music, festivals, culinary treasures and revelry. where to stay: The elegant Hotel monteleone, a 127-year-old French Quarter landmark, recently gave itself a face-lift, yet left behind all the old-world charm (from $159, what to do: Make reservations for the jazz brunch at Commander’s palace or Arnaud’s. Stroll the open-air French market for handicrafts and just-made pralines.
most exotic: taos, new mexico why go: in this town about an hour and a half north of Santa Fe, a strong native american heritage and an artsy, bohemian edge radiate a special spiritual aura. where to stay: it’s easy to feel connected with your other half at El monte Sagrado, which captures the peaceful, earthy spirit of Taos with warm décor, its pampering Living Spa and the new Mexican–inspired menu at de la Tierra (from $179, what to do: visit Taos Pueblo, a UnESCo World Heritage site, where native americans live without modern amenities. Browse through the art galleries or take a pottery making class.
most exotic: ubud, Bali
why go: this culturally centered inland community on the majestic Indonesian island is a party for your senses, starting with sights of terraced rice paddies, temples and performances of local rituals. where to stay: at the tranquil Uma by CoMo, Ubud, the 29 rooms relect a chic Balinese design, with carved-wood window panels and tropical gardens separating your bathroom from your main hangout space. English-speaking guides are available to lead you on daily hikes through rice paddy ields or to more distant tourist destinations. what to do: attend a performance of a traditional Kecak ire dance.
most exotic: Curaçao why go: on this Caribbean island, you’ll experience a melting pot of culture that sways between dutch and African. The sherbet-colored dutch architecture is also completely irresistible. where to stay: the renaissance Curaçao resort & Casino provides easy access to shopping and nightlife. When you want to chill, you’ll appreciate the serene private beach and ininity pool (from $168, what to do: Sample local specialties at marsche bieuw, the old market in willemstad (there’s stewed iguana for adventurous palates). roam the underground limestone formations and pools of the hato Caves.
most exotic: st. martin why go: This tiny island between the Atlantic and the Caribbean is split between two countries: The north is a French territory, and the south is dutch-run. it’s like getting two countries in one trip. where to stay: Say bonjour to the sophisticated and luxurious radisson blu Resort marina & Spa St. martin on the island’s French side (from about $310, what to do: Snag bargains on designer brands in St. martin’s cosmopolitan capital, Marigot. Discover the island’s big nightlife with a little casino-hopping.
most exotic: agra, india
why go: this city is illed with historical wonders, including the world’s most signiicant monument of love, the taj Mahal. where to stay: all guests of the oberoi amarvilas score a priceless view of the opulent taj Mahal (from about $772, amarvilas). what to do: take a hotel buggy to see the taj Mahal up close. (timing tip: the monument is only open for night viewing ive evenings per month around the full moon.) Participate in a Hindu blessing Ceremony at The oberoi for good luck and happiness.
most exotic: mauritius why go: Who cares if friends say “maurwhere???” Satisfy your wanderlust on this island stunner in the azure Indian ocean. where to stay: Discover true bliss and—when you can take no more—a boatload of water sports at the intimate, 52-suite angsana Balaclava Mauritius. It’s set on secluded turtle Bay and just 15 minutes from the buzzing capital city of port Louis (from about $431, balaclava). what to do: Study life under the sea aboard le nessee, a semi-submersible boat. At domaines les Pailles, learn about the island’s rich history.
most exotic: Bangkok, thailand why go: Witness perfect harmony: depending on where you’re standing in this bustling city, you’ll either see a contemporary metropolis with irst-class hotels and upscale shopping, or an old-world mecca with gilded buddhist temples and folks following traditional ways of life. where to stay: The Tower Club at lebua is an all-suite retreat. guests have access to the tower Club Lounge for apps and drinks, plus priority reservations at the Dome, a collection of exclusive restaurants above the hotel (from $559, what to do: Touch the stars at swanky Sirocco, the world’s highest alfresco restaurant, on the 63rd loor in the Dome.
most exotic: istanbul, turkey why go: in this mystical location that spills into both Europe and Asia, magniicent remnants of past empires (mosques, palaces, churches) coexist with the city’s cosmopolitan side. where to stay: With its grand opening earlier this year, the marti istanbul Hotel is dressed to impress in sparkling chandeliers and stylish shades of purple and blue (from $348, what to do: Tour the ancient relics—Hagia Sophia, The blue mosque, topkapi palace—in the Sultanahmet neighborhood. Brave the Grand Bazaar.
most exotic: hawaii island, hawaii
why go: an authentic aloha spirit lives large in this polynesian paradise, also called “the Big Island.” historic villages, hawaiian cowboy country, cofee plantations and natural attractions (volcanoes are a big part of the landscape) have all stood the test of time. where to stay: Hogging 62 oceanfront acres along the famed kohala Coast, the massive hilton waikoloa Village immerses visitors in hawaiian culture (from $259, what to do: Be amazed by the rhythmic hip shaking and colorful costumes at the resort’s Big Island Luau–Legends of the paciic dinner show.
Holley + Matt TEXAS RAnCH WEdding The soft pink wedding color pallet this southern country wedding showcases is just the beginning of the beauty and elegance that surrounds the entire event. After hosting the wedding ceremony in a church, Holley and Matt had a rustic style wedding reception at Tenroc Ranch which is a Texas rustic wedding venue. One of my favorite design elements from this wedding is the hay bales covered in quilts â&#x20AC;&#x201C; making for the perfect country lounge area. Thanks so much to the talented Brittney Melton Photography for sharing this wedding with us.
We asked Holley and Matt for their best marriage advice, and hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what they said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Marriage should be about looking in the same direction together. Remember the positive things that brought you together, and then concentrate on positive goals to achieve as a couple. Life will get stressful and busy from time to time. It always does. Committ to making time to do things together. Lastly, communicate, trust, have faith and laugh together
Once you set the date and secure the perfect rustic location the next step is usually selecting a beautiful invitation. The wedding invitation helps to set the tone for your wedding and introduces your guest to the type of wedding they will be attending. Because you want your wedding invitation to match the overall wedding style pay close attention to items such as font style, color scheme and paper texture since you may want to carry these features throughout the rest of your wedding stationary or additional wedding details. Here are a few of my favorite rustic chic wedding invitations.
Jessi + Tony CoUnTRY CHiC WEdding If you are one those newly engaged brides looking for some great farm wedding ideas than this is the wedding for you. Taking place at a small florida wedding venue called Birdsong Barn this wedding captures a true feeling of southern charm and country chic and of course we love the mason jar wedding invitation. from the photographer: I’m so excited to share this southern wedding with you that’s full of DIY charm. This bride was so creative and crafty – nearly everything was hand-made making the whole wedding an adorable labor of love. Set at Birdsong Barn in florida, I loved everything from the navy lace bridesmaids dresses to the gingham groomsmen shirts with bow ties. Thanks to Jordan Weiland Photography for sharing this wedding with us today.
We asked Jessi and Tony for their best marriage advice, and here’s what they said: Don’t keep score, because it is NEVER 50-50. The relationship must be as a whole, but at any point in time, one spouse is always carrying a greater part of the load, whether that be inancial matters, childcare, walking the dog or taking out the trash. The important thing is to appreciate each other’s eforts. Above all, have fun and keep a sence of humor.
813.425.2866 www.CHICSwEEtS.NEt
Vive Le Ranch SoUTHERn bARn WEdding
Country charm and wedding elegance meet head on in this beautiful southern style barn wedding. Taking place at Vive le Ranch in Tulsa, Oklahoma this wedding was able to blend together the rustic qualities of a barn wedding with some beautiful and vintage inspired wedding decorations and details. I love how all the bridesmaids have on diferent dresses but they all work together so well since they are all in a neutral color pallet. Thanks to Amanda Watson Photography for sharing this wedding with us today.
We asked Kathy and Tom for their best marriage advice, and here’s what they said: Marriage advice is hard to give because every person is a sum of their childhood, their successes and failures, their perceptions. But maybe there are building blocks which provide a irm foundation for everyone: faith, forgiveness, gentleness, laughter, humility. Make it your life’s work to make it last forever. You’ll never be richer.
wedding Planning: 30 Expert Tips and Tricks When planning your wedding, there are things that are nice to know, like that mermaid silhouettes are all the rage or that purple is making a comeback. Then, there are things you need to know -- advice so essential that any bride who's lucky enough to hear it thinks, "I'm so glad someone told me that!" If you're wondering whether there's something you may have missed (or even if you've got everything under control), check out our indispensable planning secrets
1. guests Come first Get a grip on the approximate number of guests you’ll invite before settling on a venue. this will ensure there’s ample space for your crew. As a rule of thumb, allow for 25 to 30 square feet per guest. That may seem like a lot, but it’s not if you count the space you’ll need for the tables, bustling waiters, the band, and the dance loor.
2. investigate wedding Blackout dates know ahead of time if your wedding date falls on the same day as a trade conference, charity walk, or other local event that could afect traic and hotel room availability.
3. Listen to mother nature heed the weather and other potential annoyances. Guests have been known to skip out early from hotter-than-hot summer tent weddings and improperly heated winter loft receptions. Bugs (gnats, deerlies, and no-see-ums) also swarm in certain areas during certain seasons. Consider renting pest control tanks to alleviate the problem or including bug repellent in guests’ gift bags. And if you want a sunset ceremony, make sure you know when to say your vows by checking
4. Check your Credit take advantage of the high cost of weddings and sign up for a credit card with a rewards program. whether it gives you airline miles or great shopping deals, consolidating all wedding-related purchases to this card will help you accumulate thousands of rewards points (which could be used for your honeymoon).
5. Pay it forward Let one vendor lead you to another. your wedding photographer can tell you which lorist’s blooms really pop, and your reception manager should know which band packs the dance loor. Let one vendor lead you to another. your photographer can tell you which lorist’s blooms really pop, and your reception manager should know which band packs the dance loor.
6. Lighten your List The easiest way to trim your wedding budget? Cut your guest list. Remember, half of your wedding expenses go to wining and dining your guests. If it’s costing you $100 per person, eliminating one table of 10 can save you $1,000.
7. ask and you might receive Request an extra hour for cocktails or for your band to throw in that Frank Sinatra sound-alike before you sign on the dotted line. Most vendors would rather secure the reservation than nickel-and-dime you early on and turn you of. Later on, though, they may have less of a motive to meet you halfway.
8. make a meal Plan Another unforeseen expense? Feeding your wedding day crew. before you sign the contracts, make sure you’re not required to serve the same meal to your vendors that guests will receive. otherwise, you could be paying for 20 additional lobster tails. Choose a less expensive (but equally hearty) meal for them instead. you will have to let your wedding caterer know a couple of days before the wedding exactly how many vendors you need to feed (don’t forget photography assistants and band roadies) and what you want them to serve.
9. get organizationally focused In a three-ring binder, compile all your correspondences with vendors, notes you make during meetings, and photos or tear sheets from magazines you want vendors to see. Set up a special email address dedicated to your wedding, and store important vendor numbers in your cell phone.
10. tend to your Bar typically, you need one bartender per 50 guests to keep the line at a minimum. But if you’re serving a signature cocktail that cannot be made ahead of time (or in large quantities), consider adding an extra server designated to this task.
11. Leave some room in your wallet Your wedding budget should follow this formula: 48 to 50 percent of total budget to reception; 8 to 10 percent for lowers; 8 to 10 percent for attire; 8 to 10 percent for entertainment/music; 10 to 12 percent for photo/video; 2 to 3 percent for invites; 2 to 3 percent for gifts; and 8 percent for miscellaneous items like a wedding coordinator. It’s essential to allocate an extra 5 to 10 percent of your money for surprise expenses like printing extra invites because of mistakes, additional tailoring needs, umbrellas for a rainy day, and ribbons for the wedding programs. go to Theknot. com/budgeter for an interactive budget allows you to add your own items.
12. don’t Be afraid to ask your wedding vendors should be your go-to, most-trusted experts during the planning process. when working with them, you should feel free to really explore what it is you want -- maybe it’s serving a late-night snack instead of a irst course or doing a bridal portrait session rather than an engagement session. The bottom line is that you should feel like you can have an honest conversation with them about what it is you want. their job will be to tell you what you can and can’t make work given your wedding budget.
13. wait for a date Sometimes, last-minute planning can work in your favor. the closer your date, the more bargaining power you have. Since most people book their wedding sites at least six months in advance, calling for open dates two months prior to your desired time can save you up to 25 percent. and, Friday and Sunday weddings should cost about 30 percent less than Saturday weddings.
14. manage the mail of course you want the perfect stamps for your wedding invitations. But not all stamps are widely available at every post oice, especially in large quantities. Save yourself scouting time by ordering them online at and be sure to weigh your invitation and all the additional paper products before you send them out so you can attach the right amount of postage. ask your stationer about the need for additional postage for odd-shaped envelopes.
15. Prepare for rejection Know that as a rule, about 30 percent of the people you invite won’t attend. naturally, this depends on the location of your wedding (destination weddings are harder to attend), how many out-of-towners are on your list, and the timing of the event (some guests may have annual holiday or summer plans). on the other hand, everyone could accept -- knowing your wedding will be the can’t-miss party of the year!
16. make a uniform Kids Policy you have four choices: you can welcome children with open arms; you can decide to have an “adults only” wedding; you can include immediate family only; or, you can hire a child care service to provide day care either at the reception space, in a hotel room, or in a family member’s home. to prevent hurt feelings, it’s wise to avoid allowing some families to bring children while excluding others (unless, of course, the children are in your bridal party).
17. Prioritize your People Pare down your guest list with the “tiers of priority” trick. Place immediate family, the bridal party, and best friends on top of the list; follow with aunts, uncles, cousins, and close friends you couldn’t imagine not being there. Under that, list your parents’ friends, neighbors, coworkers, and so on. if you need to make some cuts, start from the bottom until you reach your ideal number.
18. Take it one Step at a Time Put together a wedding planning schedule and do things one by one, in a logical order, so you don’t take on too much too fast and end up with everything snowballing around you. Don’t hire any vendors before you’ve conirmed your date; don’t design your cake before you’ve envisioned your lowers; and don’t book a band before you’ve settled on a space.
19. no ring, no Bring if your guest list is bursting at the seams, assess the plus-one scenario. do a faux seating chart in your mind, and imagine whom your single pal would sit with. if it’s a table of singles that she knows pretty well, then you’re all set. if it’s a table of couples (making her the odd one out) or if it’s a table of singles where she won’t know anyone, consider bending the rules. If asked why you’re not allowing single friends to bring guests, size constraints or your parents’ never-ending guest list are always good fallback white lies.
20. Release Rooms as soon as you have picked a date, start to look for hotels in a wide variety of price points. Many hotels allow you to reserve rooms for guests under a special wedding block and a reduced rate. you can then release any unbooked rooms a month prior to your wedding. If the hotels you contact insist upon contracts with cancellation penalties, just say no -- you don’t want to be responsible for rooms you can’t ill.
21. Provide accurate driving directions make sure guests know where they’re going. As easy as online map programs are to use, sometimes the directions are wrong -- or there’s a quicker, less traic-prone route to take. ask your ceremony and reception sites for printouts of recommended driving directions, which they often keep in stock for weddings and will give to you for free, and test out the routes yourself.
22. keep a Paper Trail Get any nonstandard changes to your agreements in writing or send the vendor a conirmation email saying, “hello, just conirming that you’ll keep the venue open until 2 a.m. versus midnight.” Don’t take anyone on his word -- by the time the big day rolls around, your contact may no longer be working there to vouch for you.
23. schedule the setup you must make sure there’s ample time for setup. If you’re renting a venue and bringing in outside help, ask, “what time can people come in to set things up?” Preston bailey, author of Preston bailey’s Fantasy Weddings, recommends seeing if they can do it the day before, or at the very least the entire wedding day, before the event starts.
24. learn About marriage licenses you can check your state’s license requirements online, but conirm with a call to the county clerk’s oice to see when they’re open. even if it’s open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., they may issue marriage licenses only during slower times like, say, thursdays from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Give a copy of your marriage license to your mom or your maid of honor.
25. Go over Ground rules Be prepared! ask the manager of the house of worship or site where you’ll be married for the list of restrictions (if any). For instance, is lash photography or bare shoulders prohibited? or, if you’re exchanging vows outdoors, are you allowed to plant tent stakes in the lawn (which is often a no-no)?
26. Classify your Cash Wedding budgets are all about balance. Start your budget planning by making a list of the crucial details, like the music, your wedding gown, the invitations, the lowers, and the photographer, and assign a number to each -- one being the most important and three being the least. Invest your money in all your number ones and cut corners on your number threes. (But everything can’t fall into the number one category!) For example, if a designer gown and fabulous food are what really matter, you may have to choose simple invitations and smaller loral arrangements.
27. Help guests Pay Attention make sure your guests can see -- and hear. if people are seated farther than 15 rows back from your ceremony altar or podium, consider renting a mic and a riser. This could range anywhere from $50 to $100, depending on the equipment used. you’ll need to coordinate the delivery and setup with your ceremony space, so put your wedding planner or best man in charge of this task.
28. write down your digits Carry an emergency contact sheet on your wedding day. keep the paper with names and phone numbers of all your vendors in your purse -- it may come in handy in case your limo driver gets lost or you decide you’d like your photographer to take some behind-the-scenes shots.
29. Call the Fashion Police don’t go dress shopping on your own -- all the gowns will start to look the same after a while and it will be harder to recall which style you really loved. But be careful about who you do bring. If your mom or sibling can’t make the trip, ask a friend who is truly honest. This is the time when you really need to know which dress looks best.
30. Be realistic with your time When it comes down to the last month of your planning (and when you’re particularly harried) look at your mile long to-do list and cut three things. yes, cut three things. not crucial things that you just don’t feel like doing, such as picking a processional song or conirming inal details with all of your vendors. eliminate only the over-the-top tasks like hand-painting “Just Married” signs, or baking cookies for all of the welcome bags. Make a pledge to not think about them ever again.
W W W. 1 2 1 6 s t u d i O . C O M
U D G E t
Engagement Party/Dinner
Bachelorette Party
Bridesmaidsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; lunch
Rehearsal Dinner
Brunch for out of town guests
wedding Parties
wedding stationary Invitations
Save The Date cards
Thank You Cards
Reply Cards
........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................
........................................................ Notes____________________________________________________________________________________
BridaL attire and PersonaL grooming Wedding Dress
Dresses for other parties
Hairdresser, makeup, nails, ect.
PhotograPhy/videograPher formal Portraits
Wedding and Reception
Wedding Album
Parent’s Albums
Extra Prints
Videographer of Wedding
fLowers Ceremony
Bride’s Bouquet
Groom’s Boutonniere
Mother’s Corsages
Reception Arrangements
reCePtion food/Caterer
Wedding Cakes
Rental of facility
Rentals (tents, furniture,
Place Cards
........................................................ $............................................ Notes____________________________________________________________________________________
musiC/entertainment Ceremony
transPortation limousine/Carriage
gifts for the Groom (optional)
Maid/Matron of Honor
Bride’s Parents
Groom’s Parents
The Groom’s Ring
fees Church/ Ceremony location
oiciant assistants
misCeLLaneous Wedding Consultant
Attendants Accessories
Guest favors
Bridal Toss (confetti, bubbles, ect.)
Monogrammed Napkins
Cake Accessories (knife, top, ect.)
Hotel Accomidations
Guest Book and Pen
Champagne flutes
unity Candle
honeymoon Travel (plane, ect)
Spending Money
Rental Car
other exPenses not Listed aBove _________________________________
A&P Designs is an art and paper company. formally known as Seaside Invitations, started with an idea and a dream and has evolved into a letterpress print shop and custom invitation design studio. We love bringing art to life through our paper goods. Whether it is a hand drawn element, watercolor painting or artfully hand pressed, each invitation we create is a unique piece of art. We strive to combine clean designs with exquisite paper to create a one-of-a-kind invitation or paper good. we have a wide array of both lat and letterpress-worthy design options to meet every clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs and budget located in our design bar.
Phone: 727-366-2023
Credits Earth Muse Photos (, Rustic Wedding Chic (, 1216 Studios (, Allison Banks Design (, The Knot (, Pinterest (, Allure Bridals (, CYN Kain Photography (, Southern Graces Catering (, Brit Designs (, Bliss and Whimsy (, Sweet Bake Shop (, We Heart It (, Belle The Magazine (, Tumblr (, Trendy Bride (, Wedding Chicks ( , Sight Hit (, (, I Love Sw Magazine ( Southern Living (, Southern Weddings Magazine (, Castleton Farms (, Stems of Dallas (, Blush by Brandee Gaar ( , Degas House (, Glamour (, Rah Rah Designs (, Desiree Dawn Events (www.desireedawnevents. com), Elaine Palladino Photography (, Chic Sweets (, Zerilla Design Graphics and Invitations (, A+P Designs (, P.E.W.S. (, Eric Kelley Photography (