Ppp3 ouil602 student module evaluation

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End of Module Student Evaluation BA(hons) Illustration Module Code: PPP3 OUIL602 Name: Amber Kaplan Student ID: ak251141 Please identify where the evidence for each of the learning outcomes is within your submission and how well you feel you have met the learning outcomes. Please also grade yourself in relation to the learning outcomes using terms: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent (Note- This is so that the team have an understanding of how well you feel you have done. It is not an indication of the actual grade you may receive) Learning Outcome

Evidenced where? Blog, Sketchbook, Roughs Final Illustrations, development sheets etc. (No more than 75 words)

Your grade Using words: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent

6A3 Demonstrate specific knowledge and specialist understanding of the professional and contextual location of their practice. Knowledge and Understanding - RESEARCH



6B2 Undertake research to identify and evaluate their personal and professional skills and the career or progression opportunities available to them. (Cognitive Skills EVALUATION & REFLECTION

Blog, Individual Presentation


6C2 Develop and implement a personal promotion strategy to communicate to relevant organisations. Practical & Professional Skills - VISUAL QUALITY)

Blog, Presentation Boards (on Blog), Individual presentation


6D2 Use a range of appropriate communication methods to present themselves as a professional practitioner to a relevant audience. Key Transferable Skills PROFESSIONALISM & COMMUNICATION

Presentation, Blog, Evidence of Emails (USB)


Evaluation (See guidance below for more information)

You are required to write a 500 word evaluation of this module. (Please type up your evaluation in this box) At the start of this module, I did not know what field I wanted to go into. At the end of this module, I know I don’t really want to go into ONE particular field. I want to be eclectic – as most illustrators are and would like to dabble in different areas. Area’s I am particularly interested in is book covers & publications (which I am still working on expanding with my extended practice work), music – album covers, lyric sheets, posters, merch etc – I have reached out to a few people about working with musicians. I’m also quite interested in clothing & designs to be applied to clothing (rather than… making clothes) I have enjoyed and developed my pattern making skills over the past year and really get a kick out of seeing my work applied to an object or an item of clothing. – I love using redbubble even though I don’t make many sales on it as it allows me to see what my work looks like actually on a product rather than just as a single image. Through this module I learned not to be afraid to reach out to people, and pester people, as stuff does get lost in inboxes and your work may develop and be better suited to something in the future: The worst people can do is reject you, or not reply so giving anything a shot is better than not trying at all. I have applied to a job as a clothing designer to a company that I am a big fan of as they make a lot of gothic clothing – even though I’m kind of under qualified, I’m hoping they will at least be able to see and be aware of my work for the future. I’m realizing that small tabled events probably aren’t going to work for the kind of stuff I’m making as it’s kind of niche, so I’m going to look into finding A. Places that have more of an audience for my niche work, and B. broadening myself into some more ‘likable’ things without losing my ethos completely. For example, Cats, cats are always popular subject matter. Maybe a project of cat based stuff could rake in some interest. I also feel like I want to branch out into making more products, as I feel material goods probably sell better than prints – to a non-art audience anyway as like a sticker, badge or scarf?? Would probably be more appealing as it’s wearable / usable.

I think I could have done much more looking into internships etc. I am unsure if that’s a pathway I want to go down but researching it would have been good. I’ve mainly been contacting smaller companies who might require illustrators to contribute to their brand in some way shape or form. Companies have been very friendly about it and I am hopeful about contacting more companies in the future. Surprise, surprise, my time management is still utterly terrible, and something I need to work on. Honesty moment : my mental health issues have been totally kicking my ass when it comes to waking up in the morning and having the energy to do anything – so it’s kind of thrown me completely off track. I’m trying to manage it. My time management was always bad though and I struggle to timetable things as I can’t gage how long certain things will take and when is appropriate to do them, I do try. I write to-do lists for the day, set reminders, write in diarys, try and stick to a plan but I just never seem to. I always manage to get things completed but It’s hindering me being able to do things as well as I’d like to. A thing I’m really pleased with is my updated personal branding. It’s similar enough to my original design that it doesn’t look out of place but reflects my personality and the style of my work better as I think that I’ve progressed a lot this year!

Evaluation Guidance This should be a reflective summary of your experience across the module -

How did it go? Where did your journey start, where did it end? I knew very little at the start of this module. At the end of the module I feel that‌


What learning took place? What was useful to you? Be specific. New skills? New methods? New processes or approaches? Did you use the blog to reflect on your project development?


What went well and why? What did you enjoy? What were you happy with as an outcome? Be critical and analytical. Why did you enjoy it? Perhaps identify particular sessions? This could be ideas, solutions to problems, studentship or research. How well did you use the studio? Did you invest enough time in the development and testing of your outcomes?


What could you have done better? What were the problems you faced? What did you do to try to overcome them? This could be in reference to studentship, organization, blogging as much as studio practice.


How can you apply what you have learnt here for future modules and projects? Application and future thinking. Things you would do differently next time? What useful methods, processes and ideas will you take forward into the next module?

You may also want to consider: Self-questioning: How did your thoughts and opinions change as you progressed through the module? Feedback: What other people (tutors and peers) thought of work and how you responded to that feedback? Research: Did you use contextual research to inform your ideas, ways of thinking or understanding of the challenges set. This may include further research of your subject matter, slides from the presentations or use of the library.

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