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Edited and designed by Amber Pin I Lee
About Jia cc_c8c8 藝 術 家 介 紹

佳樺(綽號:西西)是為專攻陶藝及畫作的台灣 藝術家。佳樺現在在台南的一間咖啡工作,目前 也開放接案子與合作。

Jia-Hua, also known as CC, is a Taiwanese artist with a focus on ceramics and painting. JiaHua works at a cafe in Tainan and is open for commissions and collaboration offers.

Jia Hua
No. 5, 6th Floor | 2019 五 號 六 樓

Who is Speaking | 2020

在 說 話
“陶瓷作為媒介很神奇,陶土可以被塑造成很多生活上 使用的東西, 窯、釉料的不確定性。”
“Ceramic art can be shaped around us. of glazing and

幾乎任何日常用品都可以。 最喜歡的是燒 窯、釉料的不確定性。”

art is a very magical medium as clay shaped into most everyday objects I am also fascinated by the precarity and firing.”
我 們 都 一 樣
We Are All The Same | 2019
“藝術對我來說是有很多人都對這件作品 有一定的共鳴性。比起風格,我更在意造
型跟創意力,而細節會帶來共鳴感,並且 讓一件作品成為一場精彩的演出。”
“Art, as far as I know, is when people are able to resonate with an artwork. I value shapes and creativity more than styles. Details create resonance and make a piece of art a wonderful performance.”
I Am Doing Well | 2017 我 過 得 很 好
你 有 幾 棵 奶 頭 How Many Nipples Do You Have | 2020
那 裡 沒 有 海 There Is No Ocrean | 2017

從小就不斷地畫畫,而接觸陶土是在大學的陶藝課。當 時覺得陶土是很厲害的東西,能夠把筆下的作品實體 化。我的靈感源自生活有趣的東西或者需要的東西,要 說是動力的話除了錢以外就是想跟大家介紹一下我平凡 的生活。

我的作品內容一直都很直觀,以自己本身為出發點。因 為人生就是一直在找平衡點。畫圖對我而言是跟自己對 話的一把鑰匙,也因為畫畫是一種習慣,有想要說的話 就畫下來吧!開始做陶後,我也把畫畫的習慣移植到陶 藝品上。

I have been drawing since I was a child. It wasn’t until college did I come in contact with ceramic art during the pottery class. At that time, I found clay to be a very powerful medium as I was able to materialise as well as bringing to life my drawings. My inspirations mainly come from the interesting things in life or the things I need. What motivates me besides money is that I want to introduce my ordinary life to my audience.

The context of my artwork has always been intuitive, with myself being the starting point. Because for me life is about finding a balance. Drawing is a key to having a wordless dialogue with myself; and since drawing has become a habit, I often express through drawing! After I started making pottery, I have also transplanted this habit of drawing as a form of expression to pottery.

” “
We Are All The Same II | 2019
我 們 都 一 樣 (II)

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