Amberley Publishing Catalogue 2011

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AMBERLEY PUBLISHING A thrilling tribute to the men who gave their all in one of the most daring raids of the war



The West Country Tonight

Price: £20.00 ISBN: 978-1-84868-861-2 Binding: HB Size: 248 x 172 mm Extent: 240 pages, 174 b&w illustrations


COCKLESHELL HEROES: THE FINAL WITNESS QUENTIN REES The Cockleshell Heroes: The Final Witness is without doubt the de�nitive account of a mission thought to be an impossible one. This is not just an authoritative story about thirteen ‘black-faced villains’ embarked on a secret mission via T-Class submarine. It is a powerful depiction and an astounding tale of courage and bravery by men and women of both Britain and France one which is graphic in its telling. This is the complete ‘no holds barred’ record and is a deeply researched, highly detailed, intricately woven account of a Combined Operations Clandestine Raid, with men who volunteered for Hazardous Service, who sought challenges rather than avoid them. They paddled 105 land miles in canoes to place limpet mines on Axis blockade runners deep inside enemy held territory. Never before has this narrative been told in its entirety. Never before have all the individuals concerned been named. Never before have all those that played their part in this historic ‘little event’ had each of their stories told; coloured and crafted with actual words written and spoken by these notables, the very essence of their being. Here laid bare are life stories, intertwined with these commandos, leading into the indelible part of history that is and will remain the ‘Cockleshell Heroes. This is their ‘Final Witness’. Quentin Rees’s previous best-selling book for Amberley, The Cockleshell Canoes, generated an exhibition of wartime canoes that is still on at the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth. One of Quentin’s canoes on exhibition is the same Mark of canoe that was used on the ‘Cockleshell Heroes’ raid; it is the only known privately owned Cockle Mark 2 in the world.

The end-game of the Second World War, as told by one of Britain’s best known writers on the period

Early in 1945 the British Liberation Army (BLA), who had battled their way from the Normandy beaches to the borders of Germany, embarked on Operation Eclipse. This was the ‘end-game’ of the Second World War, the unique military campaign to invade and conquer Hitler’s Third Reich and liberate 20 million enslaved nationals from Holland, Denmark and Norway; to free multitudes of displaced persons (DPs) or slaves; and inter alia to free the survivors of twenty concentration camps and many Allied POW camps. The Allied Military Government (AMG) brought law and order to 23 million German nationals in the allocated British zone of occupation (BAOR) and appropriate retribution too. A thrilling race with Stalin’s Red Army ensued to reach the Baltic. A matter of a few hours and Denmark and Norway would have been swept into the evil Soviet empire.

Price: £24.00 ISBN: 978-1-84868-948-0 Binding: HB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 448 pages, 315 b&w illustrations




AMBERLEY PUBLISHING Profusely illustrated history of British and Allied aircraft of the First World War

At the start of the First World War, little thought had been given to how aircraft would play in a part in the con�ict. The Royal Flying Corps consisted of �ve squadrons, one equipped with observation balloons and the others with aircraft. In fact, so advanced was Britain that its squadrons were the �rst in the world. Along with the Royal Flying Corps, Britain also had the Royal Naval Air Service, which pioneered the use of aircraft carriers. The value of aircraft was soon realised and rapid expansion took place of both services, each using a variety of aircraft from Sopwith Pups and Camels, to Bristol F.2Bs and the huge Handley page O/400 bombers, as well as Vickers Vimys, Martinsyde G.100s and Avro 504s. With a wide range of aircraft of all types, from �ghters to bombers, seaplanes and reconnaissance types, the British air forces started the war with barely 150 aircraft but ended it with thousands.

Price: £17.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0101-4 Binding: PB Size: 248 x 172 mm Extent: 256 pages 152 b&w illustrations

Profusely illustrated history of German and Austrian Aircraft of the First World War

The �rst complete history of Japanese military aviation from its beginnings until 1945

THE SETTING OF THE RISING SUN: JAPANESE MILITARY AVIATION 1877–1945 TERRY C. TREADWELL ‘Tora, Tora, Tora!’ The reports came back of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. The attack was the culmination of over �fty years of progress in Japanese military aviation, from kites, balloons and gliders to the Zeros, Kates and Vals that sank so many American vessels and destroyed so many aircraft on 7 December 1941. Tracing the development of Japanese military aviation from the mid-Victorian era, a time when Japan was only just beginning to open up to the rest of the world, Terry Treadwell has illustrated the story with a fascinating selection of images of the personalities and aircraft involved in the development of aircraft by the Japanese. Creating some of the iconic designs of the Second World War, it is hard to believe that the Japanese created so many classic military aircraft, but they understood the need for aircraft carriers, for long-range bombers and for �ghters as comfortable on the deck of an aircraft carrier in a choppy ocean as for the ability to land and take o� in rough jungle airstrips. Borrowing German technology, the Japanese even created their own jets, suicide �ying bombs and a version of Messerschmitt’s infamous Me 163 rocket �ghter.

Price: £17.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0226-4 Binding: PB Size: 248 x 172mm Extent: 192 pages 123 b&w illustrations


GERMAN AND AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURERS 1908–1918 TERRY C. TREADWELL Much has been written about the British aircraft of the First World War, but little has surfaced about the aircraft of the Axis powers, Germany and Austria. Here, Terry C. Treadwell tells the story of the aircraft from companies such as Fokker, builder of the famous triplane, as �own by Baron von Richthofen’s Flying Circus, AEG, Albatross, Junkers and Hansa. From reconnaissance aircraft to state-of-the-art bombers that could reach London, this is the de�nitive guide to aircraft of the Axis powers during the First World War. The aircraft are explained in detail and a history of each company is provided, making this an excellent source book for aircraft enthusiasts, model makers and those interested in the air war over the trenches of France and Belgium, as well as further a�eld in the Italian campaign.

Price: £17.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0102-1 Binding: PB Size: 248 x 172mm Extent: 288 pages 123 b&w illustrations



T. 01453 847 800



Finally lays to rest the myth that the Hurricane won the Battle of Britain rather than the numerically inferior, yet more glamorous, Spit�re

• ‘Dilip Sarkar is a tenacious aviation detective’ DR GORDON MITCHELL, son of R. J. Mitchell, designer of the Spit�re • ‘Dilip Sarkar understands perfectly the mysteries of air tactics and strategy’ PETER TOWNSEND, Battle of Britain �ghter ace Although there were many more Hawker Hurricanes than Supermarine Spit�res engaged in the epic con�ict fought over southern England in the summer of 1940, the public’s imagination was captured by the shapely and charismatic Spit�re. According to legend, however, the Hurricane executed far greater damage on the enemy than all other defenses combined, and was therefore the unsung hero of our ‘Finest Hour’. New research, analysed and interpreted by Dilip Sarkar however, con�rms that the Spit�re, although less in number, was in fact supreme, and destroyed an equal number of enemy machines to the more numerous Hurricane force. Featuring interviews with pilots who �ew to war in both Spit�res and Hurricanes, and following a detailed analysis of combat reports and casualty records, Dilip Sarkar shatters the myth surrounding the Hurricane and argues that the Battle of Britain could have been won by Spit�res, but not Hurricanes, alone. A controversial thesis likely to provoke lively debate, the evidence presented by this retired police detective and expert aviation historian is nonetheless indisputable.

Price: £18.99 ISBN: 978-1-84868-868-1 Binding: HB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 192 pages, 59 b&w illustrations

Spit�re and Hurricane �ghter pilots recount their LAST OF THE FEW: experiences of combat during the Battle of Britain 18 BATTLE OF BRITAIN FIGHTER PILOTS TELL THEIR EXTRAORDINARY STORIES DILIP SARKAR • ‘Lively and deeply touching stories of those days when friend and foe met in the air’ PETER TOWNSEND, Battle of Britain Fighter Ace • ‘The Battle of Britain rethought’ THE TIMES • ‘Dilip knows more about me and the pilots with whom I �ew during the Battle of Britain than we do’ GEORGE UNWIN, Battle of Britain Fighter Ace 2,927 aircrew of RAF Fighter Command fought and won the Battle of Britain in 1940, 544 lost their lives in action. They �ew to battle in Spit�res and Hurricanes, De�ants and Blenheims, although it is the two former �ghter types – single-seaters both – that still inspire and capture our imagination. Dilip Sarkar relates the stories of 18 pilots, researched through personal interviews, correspondence and contemporary archive material. Many of the pilots featured became ‘aces’ in the Battle of Britain, others achieved such status afterwards whilst others went into action only to be instantly blasted out of the sky without even having seen the enemy. Their collective experience, however, is typical of those who �ew Spit�res and Hurricanes in 1940. Price: £9.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0282-0 Binding: PB Size: 198 x 124 mm Extent: 224 pages, 58 b&w illustrations




AMBERLEY PUBLISHING George Warner’s letters from the Italian Campaign ONE MUSICIAN’S WAR: FROM EGYPT TO ITALY WITH THE RASC, 1941–45 – one of the deadliest confrontations of the JEAN PERRATON Second World War • Includes a foreword by Denis Healey MBE, former Chancellor of the Exchequer, who served in the Italian Campaign as a specialist in Combined Operations ‘They tried to palm me o� with an o�ce job this morning, but I told them I couldn’t read or write and wriggled out of it ...’ He had one of the more unglamorous jobs in the Second World War, but self-taught violinist George Warner’s letters home from the North African and Italian campaigns – in which he served as a dispatch rider for the Royal Army Service Corps – provide an enthralling, humane account of Europe’s darkest years. Writing home to ‘Dearest Maudie’ and his young daughters, who

Price: £14.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0404-6 Binding: PB Size: 235 x 156mm Extent: 160 pages 36 b&w illustrations

had been evacuated from Eastbourne to the Midlands, George Warner �lled his accounts of service with the No. 8 Petrol Depot of the RASC with the small and vital details of day-to-day life – aspects of wartime that are all too often absent from more conventional histories.


The gripping diaries of a Canadian Artillery O�cer in the latter days of World War One, edited by his son

In the First World War, the Canadian Field Artillery led the way in artillery technology and tactics. By coordinating the intelligence reports from sound ranging, �ash spotting, and ground observation teams, they became one of the most e�ective �ghting units in France. These tactics were �rst used at Vimy Ridge in April 1917, destroying most of the German artillery before the assault began. The close coordination between the attacking infantry divisions and the Canadian Field Batteries not only allowed the infantry to advance very close to the falling shells, but also gave them con�dence that, unlike at the Battle of the Somme, the Germans would not be able to recover in time to defend properly their positions. The War Diaries, written by Major Arthur Hardie Bick DSO, cover the work of the 1st Divisional Artillery in 1918 when it spearheaded the attacks at Amiens, the Vis-en-Artois Switch (defending the Hindenburg Line) and the Canal du Nord, the �nal blows in Germany’s defeat.

A fabulous slice of wartime nostalgia, a facsimile edition of the manual used by the Land Girls during the Second World War

Price: £16.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0270-7 Binding: PB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 192 pages 53 b&w illustrations

LAND GIRL: A MANUAL FOR VOLUNTEERS IN THE WOMEN’S LAND ARMY 1941 W. E. SHEWELL-COOPER • Read the manual every Land Girl was required to own to join the Woman’s Land Army, here reissued for the �rst time since the Second World War • Original 1940s setting used

Price: £9.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0279-0 Binding: PB Size: 198 x 124 mm Extent: 144 pages 25 b&w illustrations



T. 01453 847 800

With millions of men away to �ght in the Second World War Britain was struggling for labour. In order to replace the agricultural workers now �ghting the Nazis, the Women’s Land Army (originally founded in the First World War) was relaunched in June 1939 by the Ministry of Labour. The majority of the Land Girls already lived in the countryside but more than a third came from London and the industrial cities of the north of England. By the end of the war over 100,000 women of the WLA or ‘Land Girls’ as they were more a�ectionately known, had helped feed the nation in its darkest hour. First published in 1941, Land Girl was a practical guide for the city slickers who were recruited into the Women’s Land Army. An amazing period piece, it became one of the year’s best-selling books.


AMBERLEY PUBLISHING The only �rst-hand account of the Blitz to be written as it was happening ‘The most amazing record of war I’ve ever read ... As The Diary of Anne Frank was for exposing the brutality, so this is for recording the excitement of war’ THE TIMES

BOY IN THE BLITZ COLIN PERRY Colin Albert Perry was born in Camberwell, London on 12 February 1922. In 1940, having left school in 1936 with no quali�cations, he was passed medically �t for RAF �ying crew but was rejected as not being up to educational standard. This is almost all of what survives of a journal he kept between March and November 1940, when he was eighteen years old, written in his home in Tooting and in the City of London where he worked. The journal was never intended for publication, it is only the youthful, untrained outpourings of a proud and totally insigni�cant Londoner. It spans what the Air Ministry was to call ‘... the Great Days from 8th August – 31st October 1940’ and the �fty-seven nights when the bombing of London was unceasing. This is the period enshrined in our history as the Battle of Britain, the most momentous year for Britain in the twentieth century.

Price: £20.00 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0392-6 Binding: HB Size: 248 x 172 mm Extent: 224 pages, 74 b&w illustrations

A HISTORY OF WAR SURGERY JOHN WRIGHT Since antiquity, war surgery has been a profession demanding a special kind of human: one able to face seemingly insurmountable problems; one

The story of the men and women who, throughout history, have pitted themselves against the destruction caused in battle

able to keep a lucid mind and steady hands in extraordinary circumstances; one able to shoulder tremendous burdens; and one able to harden himself or herself, time and again, to failure and self-doubt. It is, and always has been, a harrowing business, and only for the brave. Dr John Wright charts the evolution of war surgery from ancient times to the present day, investigating its breakthroughs, its pitfalls, and the people and con�icts that have shaped it. But above all, this is a personal history, calling on the �rst-hand accounts of the surgeons, soldiers, medics, nurses, stretcher-bearers, and many others who have served in battle and come face-to-face with its most appalling horrors. This is not a book for the faint-hearted. It is one that searches for and delivers the truth about those who, with unerring skill, courage and determination, endeavour to undo the terrible damage we habitually in�ict upon ourselves. The book is illustrated with 150 often graphic images of war surgery up to the twenty-�rst century.

John Wright is a distinguished surgeon who was accorded honorary fellowships of the American College of Surgeons, the American College of Chest Physicians and the American Society of Thoracic Surgeons. He was the �rst Australian to be appointed to a professorial post in cardiothoracic surgery. He worked in the University of New South Wales teaching hospitals for twenty-�ve years, during which time he was appointed Foundation Head of Paediatric Cardiac Surgery at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney.

Price: £25.00 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0232-5 Binding: HB Size: 235 x 156mm Extent: 288 pages, 148 b&w illustrations




AMBERLEY PUBLISHING The story of Churchill’s personal weapons development department

WINSTON CHURCHILL’S TOYSHOP STUART MACRAE • ‘This is ... a hilarious book and certain to amuse even those whose interest in weapons of war is minimal’ Times Literary Supplement

Price: £16.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0370-4 Binding: PB Size: 248 x 172 mm Extent: 192 pages 29 b&w illustrations

The inside story of one of the most famous of all the ‘back rooms’ of the Second World War – and of the men and women who worked for it. Conceived by Winston Churchill to circumvent the delays, frustrations and ine�ciencies of the service ministries, Department M.D.1. earned from its detractors the soubriquet ‘Winston Churchill’s Toyshop’, yet from a tiny underground workshop housed in the cellars of the London o�ces of Radio Normandie in Portland Place, and subsequently from the ‘stockbroker Tudor’ of a millionaire’s country mansion in Buckinghamshire, came an astonishing array of secret weapons ranging from the ‘sticky bomb’ and ‘limpet mine’ to giant bridge-carrying assault tanks, as well as the PIAT, a tank-destroying, hand-held mortar.

Based on exclusive access to newly discovered Russian THE MURDER OF THE ROMANOVS documents, the last word on the fate of the Romanovs ANDREW COOK • ‘Andrew Cook is a brilliant investigative historian’ ANDREW ROBERTS

Price: £9.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0070-3 Binding: PB Size: 198 x 124 mm Extent: 288 pages 55 b&w illustrations

A broad and engaging study of the domestic, social and professional lives of women in a period of burgeoning freedom and opportunity

Price: £16.99 ISBN: 978-1-84868-811-7 Binding: PB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 256 pages 72 b&w illustrations



T. 01453 847 800

The overthrow and execution of Tsar Nicolas II and the Russian Imperial family is a cause célèbre of twentieth-century history. Andrew Cook’s re-investigation of the story �nally solves one of the greatest mysteries of world history. The author draws upon new forensic evidence and newly discovered British and Russian Secret Service records revealing the truth about the family’s murder, the proposed British rescue of the Imperial family (led by Major Stephen Alley), and the Secret Service mission inside Russia after the family’s reported deaths to discover the truth about their fate.

WOMEN IN THE 1920S PAMELA HORN For many women the 1920s was a time of change after the pressures – and opportunities – of the First World War. For a number, war casualties meant a life of spinsterhood, which some turned to good account by enjoying their new independence. The current fashions, with their close-fitting dresses, cloche hats and cropped hair, emphasised this spirit of female emancipation, but it was 1918 before the vote was granted to women (and then only to those aged thirty or more) while the unemployment and uncertainty of the peacetime world brought unforeseen problems. This book examines how women responded to the new challenges and the difficulties of those years, from the revival of the round of high society by the social élite, against a background of sometimes vast personal and financial losses, to the lives of the new middle-class professionals, who found social as well as domestic freedom, and working-class women employed in the still traditional milieu of factory and domestic service – as well as those who found their way on to the shop or restaurant floor.


AMBERLEY PUBLISHING A major new biography of the most infamous king of England

HENRY VIII DAVID LOADES • ‘David Loades is one of our �nest historians’ ALISON WEIR • ‘David Loades’ Tudor biographies are both highly enjoyable and instructive, the perfect combination’ ANTONIA FRASER • ‘A portrait of the Tudor Stalin, who fascinated people as much as he terri�ed them. We are happily exempt from the terror at a safe distance of �ve centuries, but the life of the king who wanted to be larger than life retains its absorbing drama.’ DIARMAID MACCULLOCH

Price: £25.00 ISBN: 978-1-84868-532-1 Binding: H HB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 480 pages, 106 illustrations, 31 in colour


‘Means to be God, and do as pleases himself’ Martin Luther observed. It was a shrewd comment, not merely on the divorce in which the King was then embroiled, but upon his whole career. Henry VIII was self righteous, and convinced that he enjoyed a special relationship with the Almighty, which gave him a unique claim upon the obedience of his subjects. He subdued the church, sidelined the old nobility, and reorganised the government of his realm, all in the name of that Good Lordship which was his God-given responsibility. As a youth, he was a magni�cent specimen of manhood, and in old age a gargantuan wreck, but even in his prime he was never the ‘ladies’ man’ which legend, and his own imagination, created. Sexual insecurity undermined him, and gave his will that irascible edge which proved fatal to Anne Boleyn and Thomas Cromwell alike. Professor David Loades has spent most of his life investigating the remains, literary, archival and archaeological, of Henry VIII, and this monumental new biography book is the result. His portrait of Henry is distinctive, he was neither a genius nor a tyrant, but a man ‘like any other’, except for the extraordinary circumstances in which he found himself.

The complete letters, dispatches and chronicles that tell the real story of Anne Boleyn

• First-ever collection of all of Anne Boleyn’s letters and the contemporary writings about her Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII, caused comment wherever she went. Through the chronicles, letters and dispatches written by both Anne and her contemporaries, it is possible to see her life and thoughts as she struggled to become queen of England, ultimately ending her life on the sca�old. Only through the original sources is it truly possible to evaluate the real Anne. George Wyatt’s Life of Queen Anne provided the �rst detailed account of the queen, based on the testimony of those that knew her. The poems of Anne’s supposed lover, Thomas Wyatt, as well as accounts such as Cavendish’s Life of Wolsey also give details of her life, as do the hostile dispatches of the Imperial Ambassador, Eustace Chapuys and the later works of the slanderous Nicholas Sander and Nicholas Harps�eld. Henry VIII’s love letters and many of Anne’s own letters survive, providing an insight into the love a�air that changed England forever. The reports on Anne’s conduct in the Tower of London show the queen’s shock and despair when she realised that she was to die. Collected together for the �rst time, these and other sources make it possible to view the real Anne Boleyn through her own words and those of her contemporaries.


Price: £25.00 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0043-7 Binding: HB Size: 248 x 172 mm Extent: 288 pages, 45 illustrations, 25 in colour



AMBERLEY PUBLISHING ‘The best introduction to England’s most important dynasty’ DAVID STARKEY

THE TUDORS RICHARD REX • ‘Magni�cent’ HISTORY TODAY • ‘A model of popular history... a delight’ THES • Gloriously Illustrated throughout with over 140 illustrations, 66 in colour The Tudor Age began in August 1485 when Henry Tudor landed with a small force at Milford Haven intent on snatching the English throne from Richard III. For more than a hundred years England was to be dominated by the personalities of the �ve Tudor monarchs, ranging from the brilliance and brutality of Henry VIII to the shrewdness and vanity of the virgin queen, Elizabeth I.

Price: £14.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0280-6 Binding: PB Size: 248 x 172 mm Extent: 272 pages 144 illustrations, 62 in colour

ANNE OF CLEVES: HENRY VIII’S DISCARDED BRIDE ELIZABETH NORTON ‘I like her not!’ was the verdict of Henry VIII on meeting his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves, for the �rst time. Anne could have said something similar on meeting Henry and, having been promised the most handsome prince in Europe, she was destined to be disappointed in the elderly and corpulent king. Forced to proceed with their wedding for diplomatic reasons, Henry and Anne tried to make the best of the situation, but attempts to consummate the match were farcical. After only seven months of marriage Henry was so desperate to rid himself of Anne that he declared himself impotent in order to secure a divorce. Anne was also eager to end her marriage and, with her clever handling of Henry obtained one of the biggest divorce settlements in English history. Anne of Cleves is often portrayed as a stupid and comical �gure. The real Anne was both intelligent and practical, ensuring that, whilst she was queen for the shortest period, she was the last of all Henry VIII’s wives to survive. Henry’s chief minister, Thomas Cromwell lost his head for his role in the Cleves marriage, but Anne’s shrewdness ensured she kept hers.

‘Impeccably researched and highly original... David Baldwin is a brilliant historical detective’ PHILIPPA GREGORY

The �rst major biography of Henry VIII’s least favourite wife – but the one who outlived them all...

Price: £9.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0183-0 Binding: PB Size: 198 x 124 mm Extent: 224 pages 27 b&w illustrations, 27 colour

ROBIN HOOD THE ENGLISH OUTLAW UNMASKED DAVID BALDWIN • The identity of Robin Hood is one of the great mysteries of English history – until now. • ‘Unmasks Robin of Leicester’ NOTTINGHAM POST • ‘For anyone who wonders about the true story... details the newest and most reliable research’ GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Everyone has heard of Robin Hood, the brilliant archer who ‘robbed the rich to give to the poor’ and who always triumphed over the forces of evil, but the man behind the legend is as mysterious as King Arthur. David Baldwin sets out to �nd the real Robin Hood, looking for clues in the earliest ballads and in o�cial and legal documents of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. His search takes him to the troubled reign of King Henry III and a man named Roger Godberd. It is Godberd, Baldwin argues, is the original outlaw hero. The reason why the real Robin is inexplicably missing from contemporary records is that he was not called Robin Hood in his own day.

Price: £9.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0281-3 Binding: PB Size: 198 x 124 mm Extent: 256 pages 47 illustrations, 40 in colour



T. 01453 847 800


AMBERLEY PUBLISHING Everyday life in the teeming metropolis during Pepys’s time in the city (c.1650-1703).

PEPYS’S LONDON EVERYDAY LIFE IN LONDON 1650-1703 STEPHEN PORTER • Extensively illustrated with over 150 contemporary images • ‘A fast-paced narrative with a real sense of history unfolding’ GILLIAN TINDALL

Price: £20.00 ISBN: 978-1-84868-869-8 Binding: HB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 320 pages, 150 b&w illustrations


Samuel Pepys’s London was a turbulent, boisterous city, enduring the strains caused by foreign wars, the Great Plague and the Great Fire, yet growing and prospering. The Restoration in 1660 brought the reopening of the theatres, with women appearing on the stage for the first time, and the period saw the development of English opera and the first public concerts. Pepys lived through a time of change in a city of contrasts, which maintained a sophisticated cultural scene, yet was a focus for political turmoil that spilled over into violence. Against this changing and sometimes troubled background Londoners strived to make a living and to enjoy the bene�ts of their e�orts, as consumers of an increasing range of food and drink, luxuries and entertainments. The London of Wren, Dryden and Purcell was also the city of Nell Gwyn, an orange seller in the theatre who became an actress and the king’s mistress; of ‘Colonel’ Thomas Blood, who attempted to steal the crown jewels from the Tower and yet escaped punishment; and of Titus Oates, whose invention of a Popish Plot provoked a major political crisis. London was the country’s political, economic, social and intellectual capital, described by a visitor from Tuscany as ‘the metropolis of the whole island’.

The story of the battle of Agincourt

• ‘Few authors can capture the �fteenth-century so vividly ’ THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH

A small English expeditionary force in Northern France battling to reach the coast before being cut o� by an enemy superior in numbers and equipment; a victory plucked from the jaws of certain-seeming defeat – this story in familiar in the twentieth century. It is also the story of Agincourt in the �fteenth. The distinguished historical novelist Rosemary Hawley Jarman here recreates the whole of the brief, foolhardy expedition mounted by a 28year-old English king determined to regain the realm across the Channel he believed was his by right. The siege of Har�eur, the ravages of disease, the gradual encirclement, the decision to break out and march through hostile territory to Calais, all lead up to the rainy dawn of 25 October 1415 – St Crispin’s Day – when the ragged, hungry English came face to face with a mighty and magni�cently accoutred French army and won one of the most overwhelming victories in the chronicles of war.

Price: £18.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0233-2 Binding: HB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 192 pages, 70 b&w illustrations




AMBERLEY PUBLISHING The life of eminent archaeologist John Aubrey and his revolutionary work on stone circles

JOHN AUBREY & STONE CIRCLES BRITAIN’S FIRST ARCHAEOLOGIST FROM AVEBURY TO STONEHENGE AUBREY BURL • ‘The leading authority on British stone circles’ NEW YORK TIMES John Aubrey is best known for his gossipy Brief Lives, but Aubrey Burl, the world-expert on stone circles, argues he should be equally celebrated for his discovery of the age and wonders of prehistory, Britain’s stone circles. In 1649, out hunting he chanced upon the wonders of Avebury. They fascinated him. The stones were clearly some form of temple, and as they were found in places where neither Roman, Saxon nor Dane had been they must have been erected before them when the only priesthood were the Druids. Aubrey was the �rst to have that heretical insight.

Price: £25.00 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0157-1 Binding: HB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 256 pages 12 b&w illustrations

Stan Beckensall traces the nature of Northumberland’s coastal castles

COASTAL CASTLES OF NORTHUMBERLAND STAN BECKENSALL This book of captioned photographs captures in detail the development and exciting locations of six of Northumberland’s �nest castles. Three are perched on pillars of volcanic basalt: the late foundation of Holy Island, the early abandoned and isolated castle of John of Gaunt at Dunstanburgh and the still-lived-in dramatic fortress at Bamburgh. Alnwick and Warkworth are both strongholds of the Earls and Dukes of Northumberland, where of the two Alnwick has been retained as a residence to this day, developing its resources to include remarkable gardens and attracting the �lm industry, and the other, Warkworth, although no longer lived in, holds a superb position in a loop of the River Coquet and displays some very �ne remains. The frontier castle of Berwick-upon-Tweed has a long history from Norman times, encompassing the town with medieval walls that later were to be taken over by an Elizabethan planned forti�cation that was outstanding for its time.

Price: £18.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0196-0 Binding: PB Size: 248 x 172 mm Extent: 192 pages 330 illustrations , 322 in colour

The Story of Fanny Nelson, the dynamic, devoted NELSON’S FIRST LOVE and often overlooked wife of the Britain’s greatest PATRICK DELAFORCE Naval hero Frances ‘Fanny’ Nelson, née Woolward, was Nelson’s wife and love for fourteen years. She was of good family, brought up in the rich plantation life on Nevis in the West Indies. In 1787 she married a completely unknown little naval captain. He was very unpopular locally, had no particular prospects, lived on his pay and was no ‘catch’ at all. Fanny was his loyal devoted wife – and his equally devoted widow – until she died in London in 1831 at the age of 70. Most biographers of Nelson have failed to give her more than a cursory glance, hypnotised as they have been by the dynamic sea captain and his mistress. This is the strange story of a mother and her son and their intimate relationship with England’s greatest naval hero.

Price: £20.00 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0365-0 Binding: HB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 192 pages 61 b&w illustrations



T. 01453 847 800


AMBERLEY PUBLISHING The world of Celtic Christianity explored

CELTIC SAINTS IN THEIR LANDSCAPE ELIZABETH REES Throughout the Celtic world, in Britain, Ireland and France, the legacy of the Celtic saints remains visible. It is not easy to come close to the Celtic saints as many of their biographies were written centuries after their deaths, but the sites where they lived and worked can still be seen in the more remote parts in Britain, often set in beautiful landscapes. Using evidence from these sites, archaeology, place names and inscribed stones, as well as early texts, Elizabeth Rees presents their fascinating stories. St Patrick and St Brigit in Ireland, St David in Wales, St Columba in Scotland and St Aidan in Northumbria are among the men and women whose lives and inspiration are the subject of Celtic Saints in their Landscape Landscape.

Price: £18.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0108-3 Binding: PB Size: 248 x 172 mm Extent: 192 pages, 100 colour illustrations


A handy and accessible guide to the characters who have held Britain’s top job

On frequent trips to the UK, US citizen Robert J. Parker was puzzled by the lack of readily available information about the British Prime Ministers, especially as a group. There are thick biographies of the big names – Pitt, Gladstone, Churchill – but who were the others? There are plenty of short booklets and pamphlets for all the monarchs but little to nothing on most of the �fty-three PMs. What better way to introduce these individuals than through a short, accurate and impartial review of each Prime Minister, brie�y describing their background and in�uence, their place in British history and in major world events. On closer inspection, the PMs are revealed to be more colourful �gures than might be imagined, whose unique personalities and individual deeds shaped important historical events.

Price: £14.99 ISBN: 978-1-84868-952-7 Binding: PB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 128 pages, 83 b&w illustrations




AMBERLEY PUBLISHING An intriguing look at how universities a�ect the communities around them

OXFORD: TOWN AND GOWN PETER COLLISON Oxford: Town and Gown is a unique look at the relationships between universities and their local communities, the result of a wide-ranging sociological survey carried out by Peter Collison in 1960s Oxford, at the pivotal moment when the world depicted by authors like Evelyn Waugh and Thomas Hardy changed forever. Surveys carried out at the same time in York and Reading, two university towns of similar size to Oxford, provide a useful comparison. This book examines political con�ict, issues of social class and how local people really viewed the large numbers of students in their midst.

Price: £20.00 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0023-9 Binding: HB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 144 pages


Peter Collison was a Lecturer in Sociology at Oxford, then Professor of Social Studies at University of Newcastle on Tyne where he is now Emeritus Professor. At various times, he has been Rockefeller Research Fellow at the University of Chicago, Dean of Social Sciences, Newcastle, and Chairman of Social A�airs, Economic and Social Research Council.

A fascinating history of seven Victorian London cemeteries

A ring of spectacular cemeteries, developed at the edges of London in the decade from 1832, have long been referred to as The Magni�cent Seven. At the time, they set a new aesthetic for the burial of the dead, and remain rich in social history and beauty to this day. It was entrepreneurs, rather than the religious authorities, who responded to the squalor of the City’s brimming churchyards by �nancing seemly, hygienic concepts of burial in the rural outskirts, now embraced by inner London. The Seven became showcases for neoclassical and neo-Gothic architecture, matched by splendid – sometimes eccentric – memorials recording Victorian society, and the sweep of London’s history to the present day. From grand Kensal Green in the west to modest Tower Hamlets in the east; from heady Highgate to charming Norwood and Nunhead; and from the military in�uences of Brompton to the Non-conformist woodland of Abney Park – a host of characters and stories are visited in this distinctive coverage of the subject.

‘The �rst general history of MI5... de�nitive & comprehensive’ THES


SPOOKS: THE UNOFFICIAL HISTORY OF MI5 FROM THE FIRST ATOM SPY TO 7/7, 1945-2009 THOMAS HENNESSEY & CLAIRE THOMAS ‘PO Box 500, London W2’; the nondescript address from behind which one of the world’s most famous Secret Services hid: MI5. This book, based on previously secret sources, lifts the lid on Britain’s Security Service in the post-war era. Despite an outstanding war record against German espionage, MI5 failed to prevent Soviet agents like Anthony Blunt penetrating the heart of the British establishment, including MI5 itself. The authors look in detail at MI5’s role in the post-Cold War world; in particular, they consider its changing role as it took on the main responsibility in countering terrorist threats to Britain. Controversy has never been far away during MI5’s battle against the IRA, which included sending deep penetration agents into the heart of Northern Ireland’s terrorist organisations. And in the twenty-�rst century, MI5 has had to face the deadliest terrorist threat of all – from Al Qaeda. The book looks at MI5’s attempts to prevent mass murder on the streets of Britain, including the failure to stop the 7/7 bombings in London in 2005.

Price: £12.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0267-7 Binding: PB Size: 198 x 124 mm Extent: 288 pages


Price: £14.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0038-3 Binding: PB Size: 235 x 165 mm Extent: 160 pages 195 b&w illustrations

T. 01453 847 800


AMBERLEY PUBLISHING A reassessment and reconstruction of Roman body armour

ROMAN BODY ARMOUR HILARY & JOHN TRAVIS This book assesses current views of the body armour used by the Roman army and its development, melding these with the archaeological evidence available. It draws together the streams of published information of sculptural imagery and archaeological ‘hard’ evidence, while also looking at the component parts and how they are physically put together. This has involved a return to basics, in examining wherever possible the original material (as opposed to the published 2-D photographic images and line drawings) and attempting to reproduce the aspects of the artefacts observed through physical reconstruction. The reconstructions produced were then subjected to low-level, simulated wear, over several years, to view component inter-action, and simulated combat/destructive testing using a range of weaponry, including archery equipment, to view which parts were more susceptible to damage, and what features may be anticipated archaeologically on artefacts as evidence of regular wear, combat damage and �eld repairs. Discrepancies were also noted between current reconstructions of Roman military equipment (by museums and re-enactors), which have been produced based on previous desk-based assessments, and the reality of the actual artefacts, particularly in the case of the segmented plate armour (lorica segmentata), which may cause us to re-think not only the appearance, but also the function/�ghting methods of the Roman soldier.

Price: £25.00 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0359-9 Binding: HB Size: 248 x 172 mm Extent: 176 pages, 98 illustrations, 33 in colour


A new interpretation of Neolithic and Early Bronze Age rock art

• ‘A stimulating book, which is more ambitious in its interpretations than many recent rock art publications.’ – Praise for the authors’ Rock Art and Ritual: Interpreting the Prehistoric Landscapes of the North York Moors, in Antiquity Academic interpretations of Neolithic rock motifs and their location within the landscape and on ancient monuments are often thoughtprovoking, but they invariably shy away from acknowledging the remarkable coherence exhibited by petroglyphs throughout the British Isles. In Mindscapes of Prehistory, Brian A. Smith and Alan A. Walker have taken the arguments they �rst developed in the Rock Art and Ritual: Interpreting the Prehistoric Landscapes of the North York Moors considerably further. They advance a theory that the rock art of the Neolithic belongs to a coherent and cyclical cosmology circumscribed by sunlight and water, birth and death, and argue that the evidence is plain to see for any hillwalker or amateur archaeologist who dares to take an interest. Smith and Walker consider landscapes further a�eld than the North York Moors, although this region, and Northern England in general, remains the focus of their investigations. This is a milestone publication, the result of many years of �eldwork, careful observation, research and contemplation; it promises to stimulate debate in this fascinating and understudied subject area for years to come.


Price: £17.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0188-5 Binding: PB Size: 248 x 172 mm Extent: 176 pages, 111 illustrations, 32 in colour



AMBERLEY PUBLISHING A study of the way in which the Roman Empire was actually ruled

Price: £18.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0179-3 Binding: PB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 128 pages 20 b&w illustrations

The story of the greatest empire in world history

‘Clear and witty’ OXBOW BOOK NEWS ‘A lucid book’ CHOICE

Price: £9.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0427-5 Binding: PB Size: 198 x 124 mm Extent: 288 pages 20 colour illustrations

The life story of the world’s most famous wizard

Price: £14.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0178-6 Binding: PB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 128 pages 2 b&w illustrations



T. 01453 847 800


In his Aeneid, Virgil urges the Romans not to forget that government is their strength and to accustom men to peace. But when the Roman Empire at its height stretched from the British Isles to the deserts of Egypt, and embraced a huge number of di�erent peoples and cultures, how did they achieve this so successfully? In Roman Provincial Administration, John Rogan answers this question, examining the roles played by the army, client kings, and local and central government. Taking a wide selection of sources, ranging from Tacitus’ account of his father-in-law’s time as governor of Britain to the New Testament’s account of Roman rule in the Middle East, the author applies his knowledge of organisational theory to how the Romans ruled their empire, spreading their ideas and ful�lling what Virgil told them was their destiny.

ANCIENT ROME THE REPUBLIC 753 BC–30 BC PATRICIA SOUTHERN Rome began as a collection of primitive huts on the banks of the Tiber, some considerable time before Romulus founded the great city. Ruled by kings for the �rst two and a half centuries, the Romans abolished the monarchy and created for their little city state a form of government that was successfully adapted to control an Empire. The Romans learned how to weld together a larger state by integrating other city states and tribes, o�ering them the bene�ts and privileges of Roman citizenship in return for services and manpower in the army and government. Roman society was based on wealth, and extreme snobbery permeated every level of the social hierarchy. Upward mobility was rare during the Republic, and equal rights were out of the question. At the bottom of the heap were the slaves, with no rights at all. Although little remains of Roman architecture from this period, the famously straight Roman roads began during the Republic, fanning out from the capital towards all parts of Italy. Patricia Southern charts the rise of Rome from its humble origins to its dominance of the western world.

GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH’S LIFE OF MERLIN MARK WALKER For the �rst time in English, Mark Walker presents a verse translation of the twelfth-century epic poem by Geo�rey of Monmouth, the originator of many of the Arthurian legends familiar to us today. Here is the original Merlin – a mysterious and mad character inspired by ancient Welsh legends. But he is also a king, a prophet, and a modern Renaissance man. This brand-new translation casts Geo�rey’s Latin into accessible English hexameter verse, giving readers a feel for the rhythms of the original. The extensive introduction sets the poem in the context of Geo�rey’s life and writings, while each chapter opens with helpful background material. Turn back the pages of time and discover the mythical, magical world of the original Merlin.



A new biography of the Norman king who conquered England in 1066, changing the course of the country’s history forever

• Author of The English Resistance, ‘Portrays William as he really was – a bloody, ruthless war criminal’ FRANK MCLYNN Of Franco-Scandinavian descent through his father, Duke Robert ‘the Magni�cent’, William the Conqueror’s life is set against his true background, the turbulent Norman Duchy which, even after the Conquest of England, remained his primary concern. William is revealed as the brutal and violent product of his time, much given to outbursts of rage, capable of great cruelty, autocratic, avaricious and prone to a sort of grisly humour, yet, with all that he could also be a loyal friend and a�ectionate husband and father. His military reputation rests mainly on his victory at Hastings and he showed little sign of strategic or tactical genius. He was a competent rather than inspired general, bene�ting from the mistakes and disunity of his foes. Only at Hastings did he meet and defeat a man who was his peer as a leader of men. He inspired great loyalty in some and even greater hatred in others. His primary attribute was his ruthless will which made him the driving force behind Norman ambition in North Western Europe. His propagandists shamelessly manipulated the facts to justify his Conquest of England, a dubious enterprise if ever there

Price: £20.00 ISBN: 978-1-84868-332-7 Binding: HB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 304 pages, 32 colour illustrations

was one.


A history of the kings of Anglo-Saxon England

The Anglo-Saxon era is one of the most important in English history, covering the period from the end of Roman authority in the British Isles to the Norman Conquest of 1066 in which the very idea of England was born. Starting o� with an examination of the problematic textual sources and the historiography, Timothy Venning argues that is time to return to a more linear view of this period and to re-examine ideas about the Anglo-Saxon settlement of England. In The Anglo-Saxon Kings, the author examines the rulers of Anglo-Saxon England, those whom the sources tell us most about, beginning with the legendary leaders of the Anglo-Saxon invasion as Hengest and Horsa or Cerdic and Cynric and moving on through such �gures as Æthelberht of Kent, who received the mission led by Augustine of Canterbury to reChristianise England, Saint Oswald of Northumbria to Alfred of Wessex and his dynasty, the Viking invasions, and the last of the Anglo-Saxon kings, Harold Godwineson.

Timothy Venning studied history at Kings College, London to PhD level, winning the London University History Prize in 1979. He has participated in projects about Jeremy Bentham at University College, London, Robert Boyle at Birkbeck College, London, and worked with the History of Parliament Trust, producing biographies of MPs. He has also written articles for the Dictionary of National Biography, as well as a book on Oliver Cromwell and reference works on British o�ceholders and the chronology of the Byzantine Empire.


Price: £18.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0207-3 Binding: PB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 224 pages



AMBERLEY PUBLISHING The de�nitive, meticulously researched and lavishly illustrated story of the most magni�cent, yet controversial, warship in English history

Price: £25.00 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0168-7 Binding: HB Size: 248 x 172 mm Extent: 288 pages 146 illustrations, 53 in colour

RACING THROUGH THE NIGHT: OLYMPIC’S FAILED ATTEMPT TO REACH TITANIC WADE SISSON Entering service a full ten months ahead of Titanic, the Olympic was a near identical sister ship, the �rst of a class of three liners, two of which would sink. Wade Sisson tells the story of the Olympic on that fateful night, how she was a mere 350 miles away, outward bound from New York back to Southampton. Titanic’s faint distress signals were heard by the Olympic and her Captain, Haddock, prepared her for the rescue mission. Steaming at full speed towards the scene of the disaster, she was readied to receive passengers and crew from the doomed liner. She was too late, but wanted to collect the survivors from the much smaller Carpathia and transport them back to New York. Arriving back in England, the crew of the Olympic mutinied until extra lifeboats were �tted aboard and on her next return voyage, she nearly ran aground o� the Lizard, in Cornwall. This is her story of the Titanic disaster and it is a thrilling one.

The story of the sinking of the Titanic based on �rst-hand accounts collected in the days following the disaster

Price: £16.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0407-7 Binding: PB Size: 235 x 156 mm Extent: 160 pages 92 b&w illustrations



T. 01453 847 800

SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS: THE SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY WARSHIP JAMES SEPHTON Charles I’s authoritarian and intolerant rule as monarch, and the unpopular Ship Money tax which he initiated, were instrumental in creating the most splendid and controversial warship in English history. She was the grandest venture hitherto created, remarkable for her size, beauty and heavy armament. Even her name, the Sovereign of the Seas, suggested pride and pomp. Designed and built by Phineas Pett, and ably assisted by his son Peter as Master Builder, her keel was laid in December 1635 at Woolwich Royal Dockyard. She was safely launched in October 1637. In size, she surpassed all contemporaries. She was built to create an image of power to intimidate, which was a political asset for Charles I’s foreign policy. She was a deterrent against the threat of foreign aggression. Manned by patriots trained in the �nest English heritage, she maintained our island nation as a safe place in which to raise our families. She was sent to Chatham Royal Dockyard for repairs. On 27 January 1696, the temporary keeper negligently left a candle alight in a cabin. She caught �re, and before help could be summoned, she was completely gutted.

The wireless crackled, an SOS was broadcast. Olympic, Titanic’s older sister ship was a mere 350 miles away from the sinking liner. Would Olympic reach her in time ...

Price: £17.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0026-0 Binding: PB 72 mm Size: 248 x 172 Extent: 160 pages 70 b&w illustrations

TITANIC FILSON YOUNG The story of the Titanic is now well known, but in the months following the disaster wild speculation was rife. On Thursday 22 May 1912, a mere 37 days after the sinking, respected London publisher, Grant Richards, delivered Filson Young’s book to booksellers around the capital. It was the �rst attempt to plot the demise of the unsinkable ship from a wellrespected writer who had already argued in the light of the Oceana sinking, for proper use of the wireless on board ships. Both Filson and Grant knew victims of the sinking and both worked hard to gather �rsthand testimony to use in the book. Much of his telling of the story still stands today and his speculations about the feeling of daily life aboard the doomed ship are used in books and �lms on the subject.


AMBERLEY PUBLISHING ARTEMIS: THE ORIGINAL ROYAL PRINCESS ANDREW SASSOLI-WALKER & SHARON POOLE When Royal Princess was named in Southampton by HRH The Princess of Wales in November 1984, she was the most advanced purpose-built luxury cruise ship ever conceived and constructed. Built at the beginning of the modern commercial age of cruising, she was the trend-setter of the cruise ship world and continues to hold a number of records, among them, the �rst contemporary cruise ship to have all outside cabins, and in 2010 as Artemis, the �rst British passenger ship to be commanded by a female captain, Sarah Breton. In the following years of service, she has taken passengers all over the globe in luxury and style. At 45,000 gross tons, she is small in comparison with the super-liners of today, but when launched she was one of the largest cruise ships a�oat. Her traditional ambiance and service standards have attracted a loyal following, not only among passengers, but also among her crew. This book, written by Andrew Sassoli-Walker and Sharon Poole, celebrates the innovation in cruise ship design that Royal Princess / Artemis represented, and highlights her career with both Princess and P&O Cruises in the words of both passengers and crew. Fully illustrated throughout with many never-before-seen colour images, it is a tribute to a unique and much-loved vessel. Sharon Poole and Andrew Sassoli-Walker have an in-depth knowledge of ocean liners and this vessel in particular. Sharon has written several books and Andrew is an accomplished photographer.


A beautifully illustrated and detailed account of this much-loved vessel

Price: £19.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0094-9 Binding: PB Size: 224 x 248 mm Extent: 120 pages, 98 illustrations, 86 in colour

A history of Royal Yachts and ships of state, both from Britain and abroad, from the Norman Conquest to the present day

Using his personal ship, Mora, William, Duke of Normandy, invaded Britain with a �eet of similar ships. It was the �rst of a long line of ships with Royal associations. The word ‘yacht’ did not come into British usage until the seventeenth century, it being a Dutch word. King Charles II, while in exile in the Netherlands, spent much time sailing statenyachts and had one brought to England when he was crowned. This 100-ton vessel, with its gold decoration, was the �rst proper British royal yacht and started a long line of eighty-three di�erent vessels that �nished with the Royal Yacht Britannia, which is now moored at Leith as a �oating museum. Some yachts had interesting histories; the yacht Nahlin, used by Edward VIII to woo Wallis Simpson, has just �nished a long restoration, while King George V’s Britannia, a J-class racing yacht, was scuttled when he died. Queen Victoria was said to have disliked the Victoria & Albert intensely, the ship being top heavy and prone to rolling, whereas, Britannia, built for the Queen at Clydebank, was one of the most loved of all royal yachts. Also featured are numerous royal yachts from around the world, including Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, Turkey, Zanzibar and many more.

Alan Major was born in Gillingham and is the author of The Kentish Lights and Maritime Antiques – an Illustrated Dictionary. His research into the history of Royal Yachts has seen him correspond with several royal families and he has been given a privileged access into many collections to gather the images for Royal Yachts.

Price: £20.00 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0189-2 Binding: HB Size: 248 x 172 mm Extent: 160 pages, 101 b&w illustrations




AMBERLEY PUBLISHING The definitive history of Cunard’s Edwardian superliner, Lusitania

LUSITANIA: AN ILLUSTRATED BIOGRAPHY J. KENT LAYTON WITH ARTWORK BY TOM LEAR It is now just over a century since Lusitania made her maiden crossing of the North Atlantic. For seven and a half years, she crossed that rugged ocean with punctuality and dependability. She fast became a living legend, the ship of choice for many of the transatlantic travellers. Since her sinking on 7 May 1915, however, her wondrous career and technological marvels have largely been neglected. Instead, the focus has shifted to her political importance, and on numerous conspiracy theories about her last voyage and sinking. This illustrated biography of the Lusitania discusses her entire story, from her conception and birth on the Clyde to her career and, �nally, to her tragic demise o� the coast of Ireland; it reveals her as she has never been seen before. Prepare to take a journey back in time ... step aboard the decks of one of the world’s largest, �nest, fastest and most beloved ocean liners, and relive her history in all its splendour.

Price: £50.00 ISBN: 978-1-84868-834-6 Binding: HB Size: 274 x 215 mm Extent: 440 pages, 510 illustrations, 27 in colour

A profusely illustrated history of the Titanic and her sisters

J. Kent Layton has been studying the history of Cunard’s Lusitania for the past decade. He brings together, for the �rst time, many fabulous images, from numerous collections around the world to complement his outstanding research on this fabulous vessel. He is an active member of the Titanic Research & Modelling Association and lives in Central New York state. He divides his time between writing and his job as a piano tuner.


• Three trios of ocean liners led the maritime equivalent of the Arms Race in the Edwardian Era. They were Mauretania, Lusitania and Aquitania for Cunard; White Star’s Olympic, Titanic and Britannic and Hamburg Amerika’s Imperator, Vaterland and Bismarck

Price: £50.00 ISBN: 978-1-84868-835-3 Binding: HB Size: 297 x 210 mm Extent: 416 pages, 825 illustrations, 75 in colour



T. 01453 847 800

Three sets of ocean liners, each destined to be of three vessels, dominated the Atlantic in the Edwardian era. The race to build the biggest and the best began with Mauretania and Lusitania in 1906, followed by the White Star Line’s Olympic and Titanic in 1911–12. Each of these pairs was to see a larger sister, developed as a result of changes needed or desired as a result of operating the two earlier vessels, with Cunard’s being Aquitania and White Star’s, the ill-fated Britannic. Germany’s answer to these British behemoths was the Albert-Ballin-designed trio of Imperator, Vaterland and Bismarck. Through misfortune or war, two of these vessels would sink but the others led useful lives, with Aquitania surviving two world wars before being scrapped. Designed to be the absolute engineering achievements of their time, these nine vessels dominated the Atlantic. J. Kent Layton tells the story of the Edwardian Superliners in this fabulously illustrated volume, showcasing many images previously unpublished and never before seen. Rarely can one describe a book as de�nitive, but this volume truly deserves the accolade.


AMBERLEY PUBLISHING The last great liners were decimated by the jet airliner, with the last, QE2, serving as a cruise ship for much of her life

THE LAST ATLANTIC LINERS GETTING THERE IS HALF THE FUN WILLIAM H. MILLER It was a golden age of travel. The period from the end of the Second World War to the early 1960s saw some of the �nest ocean liners ever built and, until the advent of the jet, the ships travelled full every trip, criss-crossing the Atlantic between the Old World and the New, carrying businessmen, tourists, emigrants and those who longed for a trip away. William H. Miller brings together a fabulous selection of images of the ships of the period, the great and the famous of ocean liner travel. From the grand Cunard Queens to the fastest and longest ships a�oat, from the ships of state to smaller vessels, from the tragedy of disaster to the triumph of recordbreaking, he tells the story of this glittering age of travel, a time when ‘Getting There was Half the Fun’. Of course, it was all to end with the advent of the Boeing 707, capable of crossing the Atlantic in hours rather than days, and the liner trade went into terminal decline. One by one, ships were sold or scrapped until there remained only one, the QE2. She retired in 2008, but not before being replaced by the Queen Mary 2, the world’s largest ocean liner. Join Bill for a voyage back in time aboard The Last Atlantic Liners.

Price: £19.99 ISBN: 978-1-84868-697-7 Binding: PB Size: 224 x 248 mm Extent: 96 pages, illustrated throughout

William H. Miller has written over 70 books on ocean liners. He lives in New Jersey and grew up within sight and sound of the docks of New Jersey and Luxury Liner Row on Manhattan’s West Side.


The story in words and pictures of the Floating Palaces, the transatlantic liners that were as much floating art as a means of transport

From the mid-1890s a race was on between the merchant navies of the recently uni�ed Germany, Britain and France. That race started with the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, the �rst of fourteen four-stackers built between 1897 and 1921. The large vessels that followed each tried to outdo the previous one in terms of size and interior design. Using many of the most famous of interior designers, every part of the new ships was ‘designed’, from the cutlery to the china, from the furniture to the paneling, and from the bedrooms to the boat decks. Through Kronprincessin Cecilie, Mauretania, Aquitania, Olympic, Titanic, Imperator, Vaterland, Ile de France, and L’Atlantique, the development and design of the ships grew grander and more luxurious. The process continued into the 1930s, with the Empress of Britain and the fabulously Art Deco Normandie, the �nest and most expensive liner ever built, and designed to be a showcase for all that was France, as well as with the Queen Mary, a rather more traditional vessel, but one, nonetheless, which pushed the boundaries of design away from the traditional country house look of the Edwardian era. Each new vessel brought with it the �nest of interiors, from the plush and palatial to the modern look of the time. Even today, the in�uence of these �oating palaces can still be seen in vessels such as Cunard’s Queen Mary 2 and the multitude of new cruise vessels, all vying for the public’s interest and a�ection. The large liners were truly �oating palaces, and here, William H. Miller brings together a collection of fabulous images of the �nest ships ever built, showcasing the style and elegance of a time when ‘getting there was half the fun’.

Price: £19.99 ISBN: 978-1-84868-698-4 Binding: PB Size: 224 x 248 mm Extent: 120 pages, 223 illustrations, 84 in colour




AMBERLEY PUBLISHING From Henry VIII and his numerous wives to Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer, every major royal wedding is covered in this unique pictorial book

ROYAL WEDDINGS THROUGH TIME JANETTE MCCUTCHEON • A unique pictorial souvenir of the Royal Wedding • Many rare images of the Royal Family from the �fteenth century to the present day. Royal Weddings are always a time for public celebration; the build-up, the pomp and circumstance of the day, the dress, the sense of occasion. Author Janette McCutcheon takes us through the history of Royal Weddings, the highlights, the dresses, using period illustrations of every major royal wedding from Henry VIII to Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. Many rare images are used, many in full colour, telling the story of these important royal occasions.

Price: £14.99 ISBN: 978-1-4456-0440-4 Binding: PB Size: 235 x 165 mm Extent: 96 pages, illustrated throughout


‘Bondeson is an extremely engaging and reliable storyteller’ THE GUARDIAN

• Fabulously illustrated with over 130 contemporary images, 39 in colour

Amazing Dogs tells the stories of some of the most extraordinary dogs in history. In the 1750s, the Learned English Dog was a sensation in London: this spelling and calculating Border collie was even thought to be a reincarnation of Pythagoras. The acting Newfoundland dog Carlo, active in London from 1803 until 1811, had plays specially written for him, involving tackling villains, liberating prisoners, and diving into arti�cial lakes on stage to save drowning children. Don the Speaking Dog, toured the world barking out words like ‘Hungry! Give me cakes!’ and had particular success in New York. Some of history’s amazing dogs belonged to the canine proletariat: turnspit dogs ceaselessly running inside wheels to turn the roast meat, and terriers put into rat-pits, with bets laid on the number of rats killed. The champion terrier Billy killed 100 rats in �ve and a half minutes in 1823, a record which stood until 1863, when it was beaten by Jacko, another champion rat-killer. Another forgotten chapter in canine history concerns the oncefamous dogs collecting for charity in London’s railway stations, with boxes attached to their backs. Lord Byron’s rowdy Newfoundland dog Boatswain belonged to the opposite end of the canine social spectrum, as did the super-rich dogs inheriting money from their wealthy and eccentric owners. The book suitably ends with a chapter on dog cemeteries and dog ghosts.



T. 01453 847 800

Price: £20.00 ISBN: 978-1-84868-946-6 Binding: HB Size: 248 x 172 mm Extent: 288 pages, 175 illustrations, 39 in colour



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£14.99 978-1-84868-901-5 PB 235 x 165mm 128pp illustrated throughout

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Royal Greenwich Through Time David Ramzan £14.99 978-1-84868-544-4 PB 235 x 165mm 96pp illustrated throughout

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D. Dent, S. Garside & S. Je�ery-Poulter



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Chipping Norton Through Time

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