Northern Wilds June 2021

Page 18

Water Birds by Canoe Story and photos by Michael Furtman

Unlike most duck species in which hens and drakes look different from each other, black duck sexes are virtually identical.


he Canadian Shield lakes of the Northern Wilds region are often rich in aquatic species, but seeing terrestrial wildlife, because of the dense forests, is a more difficult matter. But where the two meet—the water/forest edge—visitors can expect to see critters, especially birds that are associated with water. And the best way to see these birds is by canoe, simply because they are virtually silent (unless you have a talkative partner or someone who bangs their paddle on the canoe with every stroke!), and they force you to travel slowly.

A juvenile bald eagle. The distinct traits of an adult bald eagle aren’t attained until its fourth year.

Let’s learn about what birds are commonly seen, and one that you’ll need to keep your eyes (or ears) alert to find.


The American bald eagle is distinct with its white head and tail, large wingspan, and yellow beak, although these traits are completely attained in its fourth year. Juveniles are brown, with a dark beak, and gradually attain bits of white each year. As is the case with all birds of prey, females are larger than males.

A third smaller than the bald eagle, ospreys are exclusively a piscivore (fish-eater).

Most pairs form life long bonds. They often arrive back on territory in April to fix up the nest (which is usually a third of the way down a large tree, frequently a pine). Females lay two or three eggs and both adults share incubation duties and care of the young. Juveniles must be fed and do not leave the nest until they are full grown and able to fly. This type of bird development is known as “altricial.” Bald eagles both catch and scavenge fish. They also feed on muskrats, ducks and loons. For such a large bird, they have a weak, plaintive whistling cry. Watch for them near the windward shore, since they’ll be watching for windblown fish or other carrion to be washed up along the beach.

OSPREY Like the osprey, the common loon is entirely dependent upon fish or other aquatic critters, but “hunt” underwater rather than from the sky. 18

JUNE 2021


A third smaller than the bald eagle, and exclusively a piscivore (fish-eater), ospreys are masters of hovering over a fish before diving talons-down. They’ve been known to dive to a depth of three feet. Its white head is split at the eye with a dark brown brand. Belly is white. The rest is brown. Sexes are also identical. Osprey return north later than the bald eagles because they must depend upon fish, while the eagle can scavenge or hunt mammals until the lakes and

rivers open up. Nests are usually at the very top of a tree, often on a broken off snag. One to four eggs will be laid, which the female will incubate while the male hunts for her. Both hunt for the altricial young which will remain nest bound until fully grown. Soaring overhead, they can be told from eagle’s broad, roundish-tipped, and straight wings by its narrow, pointed, wings that form a shallow “M” when seen from beneath. Since osprey and bald eagles compete for food, you’ll usually not find them nesting anywhere near each other.


Like the osprey, the common loon is entirely dependent upon fish or other aquatic critters, but “hunt” underwater rather than from the sky. Bigger than a mallard, but smaller than a Canada goose, the common loon is largely black with white flecks on its back and wings, with a white neck and belly. Its dark head is actually an iridescent green or blue, depending upon the angle and quality of sunlight. The bill is pointed, with ridges inside to help grasp wiggling fish. Other birds have hollow bones for easier flight, but loons have solid bones for ease of diving underwater. They propel themselves with their large flippered feet, not their wings, and can stay under for five minutes and dive to a depth of 250 feet. They are able to compress their feathers to squeeze out trapped air, as well as forcing air from their lungs to ride low in water or sink slowly out of sight. With legs set so far back for diving, loons can barely walk, and only go ashore to mate and nest, and then, only at the very edge of the water. Typically, only one or two eggs are laid. Both adults incubate and feed the young, which leave the nest shortly after hatching. Loons are very vocal, especially during the mating season. Their tremolo call sounds like a laugh and is believed to signal alarm. The yodel, a long, rising call with repetitive notes, which can last up to six seconds, is given only by the male to defend territory. The wail is perhaps the most haunting of the loon’s calls; it is used most often during social interactions with other loons. The hoot is a one-note call that is used by family members to maintain contact with each other.

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