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Manage your Dry Eye Symptoms with a Few Precautionary Steps

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Manage your Dry Eye Symptoms

March 26th, 2019




Manage your Dry Eye Symptoms with a Few Precautionary Steps

Dry eye disease (DED) affects hundreds of millions of people throughout the world and is one of the most frequent causes of patient visits to their eye care practitioners. The effects of DED are associated with significant pain, burning and a scratching sensation in the eye and can cause limitations in performing daily activities.

However, many patients don’t realize that DED is a common side effect of several medications, medical conditions, and dry, windy climates.[2] A common occurrence of DED also increases with age. Approximately 3.2 million women and 1.68 million men, all aged 50 and over, are affected by DED in America.[3]

Don’t become part of the statistic, learn about DED, manage your symptoms, and talk with your eye care professional.

MANAGE YOUR DRY EYE SYMPTOMS BY TAKING A FEW PRECAUTIONARY STEPS: ARTIFICIAL TEARSMild cases of dry eye may be managed by using over-the-counter artificial tear solutions. Preservative-free artificial tear solutions are recommended because they contain fewer additives that can further irritate the eyes.[1] [2]

INCREASING TEAR PRODUCTIONhttps://shopfocuslabs.com/manage-your-dry-eye-symptoms/



Manage your Dry Eye Symptoms with a Few Precautionary Steps

Your eye care professional may prescribe eye drops that increase tear production, like artificial tears but with added medication. Taking an omega-3 fatty acid nutritional supplement, which studies have shown to increase tear production, may be a beneficial precautionary step.[1] [2]

TREATING EYELID OR OCULAR SURFACE INFLAMMATIONEye care professionals recommend ointments, warm compresses with lid massage, or eyelid cleaners to help decrease inflammation around the surface of the eyes. [1] [2]

SELF-CAREYou can take the following steps to reduce symptoms of dry eye at home. Blink regularly when reading or staring at a computer screen for long periods of time. Wear sunglasses outdoors, particularly those with wraparound frames, to reduce exposure to drying winds and the sun. Nutritional supplements containing essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals help to decrease dry eye symptoms. Drink plenty of water (8 to 10 glasses) each day to avoid becoming dehydrated. [1] [2]

Most importantly, remember that as we age, a certain amount of dry eye disease is bound to happen. It’s just part of the process. That does not mean, however, that everyone who ages will have DED. By monitoring the symptoms of DED through regular, comprehensive eye exams and detecting any advancement early on, you may be able to prevent, or at least slow down, significant progression and eyesight damage.





Manage your Dry Eye Symptoms with a Few Precautionary Steps

[1] Dry Eye. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.aoa.org/patients-and-public/eye-and-vision-problems/glossary-of-eye-and-visionconditions/dry-eye [2] DRY EYE REDEFINED: TFOS DEWS II REPORT. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.tfosdewsreport.org/ [3] https://www.aao.org/newsroom/eye-health-statistics

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Manage your Dry Eye Symptoms with a Few Precautionary Steps

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Manage your Dry Eye Symptoms with a Few Precautionary Steps

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Citations ? These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. https://shopfocuslabs.com/manage-your-dry-eye-symptoms/


Manage your Eye Symptoms with a Few Precautionary Steps †4/25/2019 The Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) originates from the National EyeDry Institute, a research group of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). AREDS (2001) determined a nutritional supplement containing a specific formulation can reduce the risk of developing advanced age-related macular degeneration. AREDS2 (2006) determined an improved formula. (See: For the Public: What the AREDS Means for You. 2013.)2

‡ Dietary supplements may augment the nutrients found in a healthy diet. Take with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. * Actilease® beadlet technology, used in FloraGlo® Lutein and OPTISHARP® Zeaxanthin, protects micronutrients within a food starch matrix, preventing tableting losses and interactions with other compounds. This leads to better dissolution, making the ingredients more available for absorption when they reach the stomach. FloraGLO° is a registered trademark of Kemin Industries, Inc. Actilease® and OPTISHARP® are registered trademarks of DSM Nutritional Products. § EyeGiene® is a registered trademark and Insta-Warmth System™ is a trademark of BJL Medical, LLC. ¤ Preservision® and Ocuvite® are registered trademarks of Bausch & Lomb Inc. ¥ ICAPS® is a registered trademark of Alcon, Inc. ^ MacuHealth® is a registered trademark of MacuHealth LLC. < OCuSOFT® and Lid Scrub® are registered trademarks of OCuSOFT, Inc. > Systane® is a registered trademark of Novartis AG. ? Neutrogena® is a registered trademark of Johnson & Johnson. 1. AREDS2 Research Group. “Lutein/Zeaxanthin and Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Age-Related Macular Degeneration. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2) Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial.” JAMA, 309(19), 2005-2015. 2. Huxtable, R. J. (1992, January). Physiological actions of taurine. Physiological Reviews, 72(1), 101-163. 3. SanGiovanni JP, C. E. (2005, Jan). The role of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in health and disease of the retina. Prog Retin Eye Res., 24(1), 87-138. 4. Alexander, Larry J. (2011, January). Is There a Difference Between Re-esterified Triglyceride and Ethyl Ester Fish Oil? Advanced Ocular Care, 20-21. 5. Barrie, S., Wright, J., Pizzorno, J., Kutter, E., & Barron, P. (1987). Comparative absorption of zinc picolinate, zinc citrate and zinc gluconate in humans. Agents Actions, 21(12), 223–228. 6. Lobo V, Patil A, Phatak A, Chandra N. (2010). Free radicals, antioxidants and functional foods: Impact on human health.Phcog Rev, 4, 118-26. 7. Heiting, G. (2017). Vitamin A And Beta-Carotene: Eye Benefits. Retrieved from All About Vision: allaboutvision.com 8. Christen, W. G., Glynn, R. J., Chew, E. Y., Albert, C. M., & Manson, J. E. (2009). Folic Acid, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12 in Combination and Age-related Macular Degeneration in a Randomized Trial of Women. Archives of Internal Medicine, 169(4), 335–341. 9. Millen AE, Meyers KJ, Liu Z, et al. (2015). Association Between Vitamin D Status and Age-Related Macular Degeneration by Genetic Risk. JAMA Ophthalmol, 133(10), 11711179. https://shopfocuslabs.com/manage-your-dry-eye-symptoms/


Manage yourRecent Dry Eye Trends Symptomsinwith Few Precautionary Steps Drug Delivery (ODD). In Y. Pathak, V. Sutariya, & A. 10.4/25/2019 Maiti, S., Sadhukhan, S., & Bakshi, P. (2016). Ocular Preservatives: Risks and itsaApplication in Ocular Hirani, Nano-Biomaterials For Ophthalmic Drug Delivery (pp. 253-276). Springer International Publishing.



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