Vol 93 issue 14

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News briefs


Rapid HIV Testing – Free HIV testing for students with results within 20 minutes from 1-4 p.m. in Baz Tech 203 and 204. Thanks for the Feedback: Honing Leadership and Communication Skills – To learn more about how to advance your communication skills, visit Doc Bryan 105 at 4 p.m. The Do’s and Don’ts When Searching for a Doctoral Program - To learn more about what to consider when pursuing a doctorate, visit Baz Tech 202 at 4 p.m. SO College Bingo Night – Play bingo with Special Olympics Athletes at 5 p.m. in Doc’s Place. Alpha Gamma Rho Informational – Thinking about joining Alpha Gamma Rho? Go to Doc Bryan Lecture Hall at 6 p.m. Cheer on your Golden Suns and Wonder Boys as they play against Arkansas-Monticello in Tucker Coliseum at 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., respectively.


Unplanned Pregnancy Workshop – Discuss ways to prevent and cope with unplanned pregnancy at 2 p.m. in Baz Tech 203. February Action Day: Equestrian Zone – Help out with various projects around

the barn from 1-4 p.m. at the Equestrian Zone. International Movie Night – Enjoy free popcorn and a movie from 6-9 p.m. in Doc Bryan Lecture Hall. Miss Tech Scholarship Pageant – Root for your choice for Miss Tech at 7 p.m. in Witherspoon Auditorium.


Last day to officially withdraw/drop courses with 80 percent reduction of tuition. AST Trivia Night – The ladies of Alpha Sigma Tau are hosting a trivia night to raise money and awareness for their philanthropy, The American Heart Association at 7 p.m. in Doc Bryan 242.


LGBTQ Safe Zone Ally Training – Learn how to provide support, information and a safe place for LGBTQ persons from 6-9 p.m. in Doc Bryan 242.


What if I Don’t Want to be a Shoe? – Learn from the cast of Friends on why it’s ok to not know what you want to do at 5:30 p.m. in Baz Tech 202.

MIKAHLA DENNEY/SUBMITTED Mikahla Denney, fine arts major from Searcy, found her car window damaged when she was walking her dog.

Russellville break-ins


Staff Writer

Since Jan. 1, the Russellville Police Department has had 52 breaking and entering reports from various apartment complexes around town, several of which have a high concentration of tenants who are of

students of Arkansas Tech University, according to Quinn Jones, public information officer at the RPD. Mikahla Denney, fine arts major from Searcy, reported that her vehicle’s passenger window had been busted out around January 17 and several items she had left in her car had been stolen.

“They took my purse, my school bag and a broken phone charger. I ended up finding the contents of my purse out in the grass by my apartment later that day when I was walking my dog. All they took was the $12 cash and the purse itself,” she

(BREAK-INS page 4)

Mumps: what you need to know


Copy Editor BAYLEE LINKER/THE ARKA TECH The concession stands are one of the many things being renovated in Tucker.

Tucker Coliseum gets updated BAYLEE LINKER

Contributing Writer Alex


Player of the week (Combined Stats)

• 29 points • .500 Field Goal Percentage • .538 3-Point Field Goal Percentage


At Arkansas Tech University Campus, there are several buildings that are historical and memorable. One of these memorable buildings is Tucker Coliseum. Being built in the 1975 it was named after the former Athletic Director John E. Tucker. This building is currently undergoing construction to update the current facility. The construction for Tucker Coliseum started September 2016. The Western Mill Wright construction company has been remodeling the bathrooms, all exterior doors, all exterior windows and the Green and Gold room. The Construction Superintendent, James Wilson, has been a major contributor to the new and improved Tucker Coliseum. “There have been no complications with this remodeling process; the goal is to be finished by the first week of March,” said Wilson. This isn’t the crews’ first time on Arkansas Tech University campus. Western

Mill Wright has also remodeled some of the Resident Halls such as Wilson Hall, Caraway Hall, and Nut Hall. Arkansas Tech University Facility Worker, Belinda Martins’ office is within Tucker Coliseum. “One of the hardest parts about the remodeling process is having to keep all of the dust and other particles off the court for the athletic teams. That type of stuff could interfere with practices and games for the teams as well,” Martin says. Martin is eager to see the renovated Tucker Coliseum, and mentions that the noise from the construction can be “quite irritating, but most days it is bearable.” After this $750,000 job is finished at Tucker Coliseum, the next job Western Mill Wright plans to secure is the remodeling of another Tech building: Doc Bryan. The bidding for this job begins March 2. With this job taking an estimated seven months to complete, Wilson said, ‘The environment at ATU is great, and my workers and I have really enjoyed being here and working at Arkansas Tech University.”


Arkansas Tech students received an email about two unconfirmed cases of mumps on campus on Jan. 31. On Feb. 2 one case was confirmed negative, and on Feb. 3 the other case was confirmed negative as well, according to Becky Gray, director of Health Services. However, Gray said students should still be on “high alert” when it comes to the mumps virus. “Mumps is best known for the puffy cheeks and swollen jaw that it causes. This is a result of swollen salivary glands,” the CDC website said. Those infected with the mumps virus might also have fever, headache, muscle aches, tiredness and loss of appetite. Since mumps is a virus, there is really no treatment for the illness itself. “It’s a virus, so you really just treat the symptoms that you’re having; there’s not an antibiotic or a shot or any-

(MUMPS page 4)


PAGE 2 | Opinion

Country music - still a family tradition EZEKIEL MASCUILLI/THE ARKA TECH

“This isn’t your grandfather’s country music anymore.” That saying has been used for years to describe “new country” in Nashville. And, though music always evolves, it begins to get in trouble when it starts to cut off its own roots. Now when we talk about “new country,” we mean mainstream country artists. Certainly, there are many artists in the underground/alternative scene that we would consider “real country.” In fairness, though, to say that “new country” isn’t “real country” wouldn’t be fair to artists like Miranda Lambert, Kacey Musgraves and Chris Stapleton, who have embraced many of the traditional aspects of country music that have helped shape the genre. That being said, most people separate them from what’s widely known as “pop country.” Mainstream country artists are selling out arenas and stadiums across the country, and even around the world. Though this isn’t necessarily a new thing, it’s only been in the last 20 years or so, since artists like Garth Brooks and Shania Twain,

that this has happened. We believe much of that is due to the musical arrangements themselves. When you listen to mainstream country music, for the most part, you might have a hard time telling the difference between country and pop. That’s because there isn’t much difference now. Arguably, the most obvious example is what’s referred to as “bro country,” which mostly uses electronic drum samples that would be found in hip hop. Though this sounds nothing like traditional country music, we don’t believe there’s ever been any rules on what country song arrangements or production should be like. In fact, the rules or standards that have applied in the past are exactly what legends like Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson fought against. But to say that the incorporation of pop is the problem would be a very uninformed statement. Listen to records from artists like Kenny Rogers, Charlie Rich or Ronnie Milsap. Their music had many elements of pop, but they were still, without question, country songs.

But wait... there’s more

Editorial: ed·i·to·ri·al

[ed-i-tawr-ee-uhl, -tohr-] noun: An article that represents the official viewpoint of a newspaper on a topic of public interest. Where we draw the line is the lyrical content. Mainstream country songs are often limited to dirt roads, beer, partying and flirting with pretty women. Aside from the dirt roads, those themes can be found in pop and hip hop music. Months before his passing, the late Merle Haggard said in an interview with INFORUM, “I don’t find no substance. I don’t find anything you can whistle and nobody even attempts to write a melody. It’s more of that kids stuff.” Though it could be argued that traditional country songs often cover similar subjects, the subjects that the songs cover set traditional country apart from new country. In an interview with Dan Rather, country icon, Marty Stuart, said, “Trains,

Be the change CLAUDIA YOUNG



Entertainment Writer You’ve heard it on every television infomercial: “But wait! There’s more!” That might be exciting when you’re getting free goodies with something you bought, but would you still be excited if you had to buy the same product again to get those extra goodies? If your answer was “no,” then, like me, you’re probably not a fan of repackaged music. Using words like “Deluxe,” “Limited” and “Collectors,” the record labels can successfully clean out your wallet by selling you the same music you just bought, but with bonus tracks or other exclusive content. I’ve found this to be a bigger problem in the last 20 years or so, where these alternate versions of albums are available the same day as the standard releases. Why not focus all of your attention on one album instead of several versions of the same album? There are two main reasons behind this. Probably the most obvious reason is to sell more records and make more money. A good example of this is when Garth Brooks released the “Double Live” album in 1998. Originally, there were six different versions released. The music was the same on each version, but the album covers were all different. Hardcore fans felt the need to buy all six versions, and it worked. “Double Live” became the highest selling live album in U.S. music history. While this caused some to accuse Brooks of trying to artificially inflate his record sales, the idea was brilliant. Nobody was forced to buy anything, and it was made clear that every version had the same music. It’s hard to say anybody got ripped off. The second reason for alternate versions of albums is where many people do feel ripped off: Some record labels

jail, hoboing, rambling, gambling, cheating, drinking, momma, church, redemption, sin...according to the newspaper this morning, those are relevant subjects.” As for the big question of whether traditional country music will ever be replaced by new country, we don’t think that will ever be a worry. No matter how big the mainstream has been at any point in country music history, the good stuff always lasts. Hank Williams has been gone for 64 years, yet his name and his music live on. So don’t think of your grandfather’s country music as a tired, outdated art form. Better yet, go listen to some of your grandfather’s country music. It might be just what you need.

and artists provide exclusive content to certain retailers that others don’t have, so fans will be more likely to purchase the album from that retailer. Legendary rock group, Kiss’s most recent album, “Monster,” had a bonus track called “Right Here Right Now” that was only available on iTunes. I only found out about it a few months ago, and the album was released in 2012. That song is one of the best songs I’ve ever heard from the band. So why would you take a risk like that? For the labels, artists and retailers, it’s a great business deal, but the music itself gets the short end of the stick. I believe that if you record 14 songs for an album that are worth releasing, all 14 of them should be available, regardless of where someone buys the album. Unfortunately, though, that’s how the business is now. Record sales are nowhere near what they used to be, so the industry has to try these different ideas so they can actually sell records. Is there a better way? Not that I know of. At the end of the day, it all comes down to this: If you like it, buy it.


February is a month dedicated to love. In fact, people start planning for Valentine’s Day before February even rolls around. What is it about this one day that gets people so passionate about love? Why do we care so much about this one type of love? There are so many different types of love, yet we put all of our worth in this one kind. We are so caught up in romanticizing our own lives that we forget about loving the people around us. It’s selfish, plain and simple. This world is aching for love. You know it, and I know it. It’s all you see when you pull up social media. Parents are abandoning their children, veterans are on the streets, refugees are trying to find a peaceful place to live, sarcasm has become an excuse to not be held accountable for our hateful words. Hatred and selfishness have become the norm in our culture. We stand by while we see someone suffer.

We get on our soapboxes on social media about how horrible the world is, but our lives don’t reflect our so-called passions. The only thing that’s getting better is our ability to be apathetic while still seeming like genuine people. What is it going to take to change our apathy to empathy? Why are our own lives more important than everyone else’s? What makes us so special? I challenge you to change your outlook in love this year. In this world consumed by hate and selfishness, we should go against the grain and love others as deeply as we love ourselves. Volunteer for an organization that brings your passions to a reality. Donate even just five dollars to an organization, if that’s all you can afford. Spend more time with your friends, parents and grandparents. Make it a point each day to help someone else. If people see the change you’re making, they’ll want to be a part of the movement. Little by little, we’ll have the opportunity to change this world.

Campus | PAGE 3


“Early 2000s R&B because it was just bomb; that’s unforgettable music right there.” Haley Walker Undeclared Little Rock

BRIANNA DAVIS/THE ARKA TECH The Health and Wellness Center had a booth set up in Chambers Cafeteria encouraging students to love themselves.

Check your health BRIANNA DAVIS

Staff Writer “90s rock because of NWA, Tupac and Biggie.” Herman Lewis Marketing Management Little Rock

“I’ve just been listening to classic rock, so like 70s and 80s. Really whatever my mom listened to.”

Upcoming events for Health and Wellness will be held on Feb. 16, 17 and 23. These events will provide helpful information over the topics concerning HIV testing, unplanned pregnancy and self-care. “College provides many great opportunities for personal growth, and many of our events contribute to this growth,” Associate Dean for Student Wellness Kristy Davis said. “We try to identify topics that would be of interest to as many students as possible and that meet some identified needs.” On Thursday, Feb. 16 starting at 1 p.m. in Baz-Tech 203 and 204, there will be free HIV testing and consultation for students with re-

sults in 20 minutes. “We want to answer any questions students may have surrounding sexual health while giving them the tools and resources they need to make responsible decisions,” Director of Health Services Becky Gray said. “We want students to be educated and well informed about all aspects that surround their sexual health,” The next event will be held on Feb. 27 at 2 p.m. in Baz-Tech 202. The event is called the Unplanned Pregnancy Workshop, where students can discuss ways of preventing and coping with unplanned pregnancy. “It is important for students to be knowledgeable about health topics that could influence their success in college,” Davis said. “Whether

it’s how to respond to a friend who is suicidal or how to make responsible decisions about family planning, there are many situations that could potentially interfere with a student’s academic pursuits.” The last event for this month will be the Self-Care Workshop which will be held on Feb. 23 at 3 p.m. in Baz-Tech 202. Students will learn how to practice everyday self-care to help manage stress. “During the self-care workshop we will be talking about the importance of taking care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally,” Licensed Associate Counselor Janis Taylor said. More information about these events can be found at Student Services or at the Health and Wellness Center in Dean 126.

Marilyn Bantilan Graphic Design Quitman

“Early 2000s rock and roll. I guess cause I grew up during that time so it was always on the radio.” Joshua Hare Electrical Engineering Decater

“80s pop cause it has the funk to it.” Kyi Wesley Sports Medicine Little Rock

“90s country because it’s a good feeling.”

Malik Corley Physical Education Bryant



PAGE 4 | News

Single & ready to mingle SAM HOISINGTON

Online Editor

Listen here: I’m a catch. Why hasn’t this “catch” been caught yet, then? With Valentine’s Day vibes in the air, I recently found myself wondering that. My internal introspection didn’t lead to any real answers, and Claudia, my student newspaper editor and dear friend, didn’t have an answer for me either. That’s why she assigned me to attend the annual African American Student speed dating event. I went with an open mind, perfectly willing to open up to some strangers. I arrived in room 242 of Doc Bryan at exactly 5:57 p.m. Monday and found the room to be almost empty. There were about forty chairs set up, but only three people showed up—myself and two women. This event was nor-

SAM HOISINGTON/THE ARKA TECH Only three participants showed up to the speed dating event. Sam still had a good time. mally much bigger, AASA leadership assured me. The number of the participants certainly made the beginning of the conversations a lot weirder than it would’ve been otherwise. I said conversations, but I only had one. We never bothered switching conversation partners. On the tables where

we sat were sheets with a list of 23 questions ranging from the surface deep— “do you like animals?”—to some rather deep, personal questions, like what qualities you wanted in a potential spouse. The questions were a great prop until the conversation itself got rolling and we ended up

MUMPS From Page 1 thing that’s gonna make it go away. Once you have the virus, generally, its rest and hydration,” Gray said. To prevent yourself from getting the mumps, Gray said you need to take “standard precautionary procedures,” which are: don’t eat or drink after other people; don’t stand too close to someone when you are talking with them; sneeze into your elbow and “practice good hand washing.” Good hand washing means using clean, running water, lathering for 20 seconds and drying with a clean towel or air drying, according to the CDC website. Gray also said that the best thing to help protect yourself from the mumps virus is the mumps vaccine: the mumps, measles and rubella vaccine. “You need to get your MMRs if you have not,” Gray said. The Health Center does administer the vaccines for $50.

The CDC recommends that people receive two doses of the MMR vaccine. According to the CDC website two doses of MMR vaccine are 97% effective against measles and 88% effective against mumps. If a student does come into the Health Center with an illness that he/ she thinks could be the mumps, Gray said the Health Center will examine the student and “reasonably deduce” whether or not the student should be swabbed for mumps. If the center determines a student needs to be swabbed, the nurse will swab the inside of the student’s cheek and the sample will be sent to the Arkansas Department of Health’s lab for testing. It usually takes three to four days to get the results back from the test. Tech does have a policy for students who have been swabbed for mumps. “Our university policy says

exchanging numbers, agreeing to meet up the next day for the first Valentine’s Day date that I will have had since 2015. Dope. Thanks, AASA. If this date doesn’t work out, though, I could always just sob into Totino’s© party pizzas alone for the rest of my life too.

Q & A WITH MOM HOISINGTON: Before I showed up to the event Monday, I needed to do some preliminary research. I started with Mom Hoisington. Maybe she could shed some light on my chances and the reasons that I was single. Q: Do you think I’ll find the love of my life at this speed dating event? A: “No. I do not think you will find the love of your life there. However, there is no crystal ball…” Q: Why do you think I’m single, mom? A: “I think single is a good place to be right now. Single status allows one to decide where and who one wants to be.”

BREAK-INS From Page 1 that to protect their health and the health of others, we would ask them, if it’s possible, to return to their primary residence,” Gray said. The student would be asked to remain at their primary residence until Tech receives a negative test result or for five days from when they started showing symptoms. According to Gray, five days after people start exhibiting symptoms, they are no longer considered contagious. Gray encourages students who have questions about the mumps virus or anything else health related to contact Tech’s Health Center. Students can contact the Health Center by phone at 479-968-0329; students can also walk in to the center, which is located in Dean 126 (on the north side, facing Witherspoon); or students can schedule appointments online on the Health Center’s page on Tech’s website.

said. After reporting the incident to the police, Denney said that the officer who took her report told her the police department had suspects in mind they would pursue but never followed up with her about the progress of the case. According to Jones, this is because breaking and entering cases are notoriously difficult to solve. “B and E’s: they’re very hard to solve just because there’s usually not a lot of physical evidence left behind; there’s usually not any witnesses left behind,” he said. To help the police and protect yourselves, Jones recommends following the “take, hide, lock” rule –

take valuables inside, hide them under a jacket or seat if you can’t take them inside and make sure to lock the doors of the vehicle. “The majority of reports we get come from people who have not locked their cars,” Jones said. “So, that’s the biggest thing; take things with you, don’t leave valuables in plain sight, if you can, park in a well-lit area.” Students should also keep in mind the reports of the so-called “window bandits.” These incidents were all reported as vandalisms, with nothing stolen. To avoid being a victim to criminal mischief, Jones recommends reporting any suspicious behavior as

well. “Take the steps to not be a victim,” he said. “Be a good witness; like I said, park in well-lit areas. Just be aware of your surroundings. If something seems suspicious, call the police.” Students who see suspicious activity or fall victim to a comparable crime on Tech campus should call the Public Safety office at (479) 968-0222 to report the incident as well. Students can submit an anonymous tip form with the Russellville Police Department at russellvillepolice.org or call the Silent Partner Tip line at (479) 967-2221, or call 911 if it is about a crime in progress.

The Arka Tech


News stories printed in The Arka Tech must be accurate, fair and as unbiased as possible. Any mistakes in fact found in an issue of The Arka Tech will be corrected in the first possible issue. Opinions expressed in The Arka Tech are not necessarily the opinions of Arkansas Tech University or its students. Individual copies of The Arka Tech are free to members of the Tech community.

Editor-in-Chief: CLAUDIA YOUNG Managing Editor/ Layout Editor: AMBER QUAID


multiple copies.

Assistant Layout Editor/ Editorial Cartoonist: EZEKIEL MASCUILLI


Assistant Online Editor: ELEXIS HARPER

Contact the adviser for pricing of

Office: Energy Center 138 General email: arkatech@atu.edu Ads email: arkatech.ads@atu.edu

Entertainment Writer: RYAN HARMON SportsWriter: RICCI LOGAN

Staff Writers: facebook.com/arkatechnews/ facebook.com/arkatechnews/ facebook.com/arkatechnews/ BRIANNA DAVIS

@arkatechnews @arkatechnews @arkatechnews









Features | PAGE 5

Choir director retires after 44 years in the business CLAUDIA YOUNG


Students come and go through Arkansas Tech University’s choirs, but one thing has remained the same: the wise words and experienced directing of Gary Morris. All of this will change come summer. This is his forty-fourth and final year of directing. Morris, choir director of 15 years at Tech, is retiring after the spring semester. “He’s been doing this for so long, but he still goes so deep into each person,” Caleb Reynolds, vocal music education major from Hot Springs, said. Morris started directing choirs when he was a junior in high school. In 1998, Morris retired from teaching in public schools. He came out of retirement to teach at Lyon College in Batesville for a year, and then spent a semester teaching at University of Mississippi as a visiting conductor. Shortly after, he received a job offer at Tech. In the 15 years he has been at Tech, the choirs have doubled in size. It was not an easy decision to retire from Tech, but he decided to because of his age. “It’s just time,” Morris said. “I want to spend more time with my grandchildren before they’re too old to want to spend time with me.” His final semester will contain the usual events: three concerts and a tour. Morris has one special change planned. The choirs will be repeating some past music, and he will be inviting choir alumni to come up and sing “The Plans I Have for You” by Jonathan Adams, the song Morris has ended many concerts with. Morris said that he will miss the daily rehearsals and the kids the most. “Gary is so respected as a colleague and as a choir director in this state,” Holly Ruth Gale, associate professor of music and fellow choir director, said. “One of the things I love most about him is he wants these students to be wonderful teachers. And he wants them to carry into their classrooms this love and passion for music, and not what he can do for not just our student’s lives, but for the lives of the students they’re teaching.” In fact, Morris used his wisdom as the choir director at First United Methodist Church to help guide Reynolds as a worship pastor at First Baptist Church – Dardanelle. “His whole goal with me was to teach me how to handle people and teach me how to understand the people side of it,” Reynolds said. “He would take me aside and teach me things that he would not tell the other students, so the fact that he pointed to me specifically is the coolest thing ever.” While they are still drafting the job description, Morris said he isn’t worried about who will replace him. “I am confident they will find somebody,” he said. “The program has grown and we want to keep it that way. We’ve taught a lot of new teachers and a lot of students go onto grad school, and we’re proud of that.” Gale said she is optimistic about whoever will replace Morris.

CLAUDIA YOUNG/THE ARKA TECH Students in Concert Chorale surprise Gary Morris, choir director, with a group hug.

Morris directing Concert Chorale. The choir is preparing for a concert on Feb. 23. “The next chapter is going to be a happy chapter because Gary has left us in a wonderful position with a very strong program,” she said. “The next person will have the benefit of all those years of preparation and work that he’s done.” Although he is retiring from directing, Morris will still be running his business, J+B Music Sales, with his wife. During the summer, he will continue to produce CDs for All Region and All State auditions. “Eventually, the plan is to retire from that as well and sell it to someone else,” he said. Fully retiring would allow Morris more time to visit more places in the States that he has never visited or hasn’t visited recently. He plans on staying in the U.S.

Morris warms up the choir. because he has already travelled abroad many times and would like to see more of America. Morris is ready to enjoy the sights but is grateful for his time at Tech. “I wish Tech well and I want to thank them for allowing me to do what I wanted to do when I grew up,” Morris said. “That was always my dream, to be able to teach teachers and conduct college choirs.”

From struggling freshman to campus leader


Online Editor

During Caleb Eubanks’s first semester at college, he struggled personally and academically. The advising center emailed him, warning him of a potential loss of scholarship if his grades did not improve. Now Caleb, a senior journalism major from Monticello, is nearing the end of his college journey. He is on track to graduate in May with his bachelor’s degree. The transformation from a struggling freshman to becoming a campus leader is due, in part, to becoming involved with SPECTRUM and other campus groups, Caleb said. This year, Caleb is the vice president of SPECTRUM, a registered student organization that advocates and supports LGBTQ students. Caleb has been involved with SPECTRUM since the second semester of his freshman year, when he met some people who regularly attended the organization’s meetings. “Then I found a group of friends that I started hanging out with a lot; come to find out they’re involved with SPECTRUM, and I didn’t know that,” Caleb said. “So I’m like, ‘Okay, I’m going now; I have people I can go with.’ So I went, and I just, I don’t know, I enjoyed it.” The vice president primarily coordinates events for the group. Among those events are the annual drag show, which was held earlier this semester, and the upcoming Sex on the Lawn and campus pride march events. Sex on the Lawn was described by Caleb as an “all-inclusive” sex education event, as opposed to the typical Arkansas public school sex education, which only

discusses heterosexual sex. The event is scheduled for March 9. The campus pride march is scheduled for April 13 to coincide with a National Campus Pride Month. The events are important to Caleb as an officer and member, but he feels it also could be a chance for the campus community at large to learn more about the sexualities, identities and lifestyles that SPECTRUM members represent. For example, Caleb had the chance to ask the audience at this year’s drag show what their past experiences with drag had been like. “I even asked a question at the beginning while on stage: ‘How many of y’all have never been to a drag show?” Caleb said. “Over half the audience raised their hand.” “To me, that’s educating through fun because not everybody has been to a drag show.” If the audience members hadn’t attended that night, they may have never been exposed to drag as a hobby, and in some cases a profession, that some people participate in. These events take a lot of planning, and Caleb carries a large amount of that responsibility. As vice president, he is often reaching out to potential speakers and guests for events, assisting the treasurer with budgeting and coordinating publicity materials for SPECTRUM events. Through SPECTRUM, Caleb has been heavily involved with the Department of Diversity and Inclusion. Exposure to DDI this year has helped boost his interest in working in college student affairs after college, perhaps in an office like DDI or one specializing in LGBTQ matters. However, he isn’t quite sure of his next step yet.

SAM HOISINGTON/THE ARKA TECH Caleb Eubanks is the vice president of SPECTRUM.


PAGE 6 | Entertainment

Tony Rice’s 'Church Street Blues' - a true lost classic RYAN HARMON

Entertainment Writer At the beginning of each semester, I usually have a mental list of albums I want to review, and I don’t usually stray from that. Once again, however, I got an unexpected surprise with an older album that I somehow missed. Occasionally when I’m driving, I’ll listen to Spotify’s radio feature, where you pick one artist and it plays music by them, as well as similar artists. Last week I was in a bluegrass mood, so I picked Tony Rice, one of the most influential artists in the genre’s history. The first song came from Rice’s 1983 album “Church Street Blues.” Though, admittedly, I don’t remember which song it was at that moment, I was blown away by the simplicity. Rice, who normally collaborates with some of bluegrass’s best players, was by himself. There was no band to be found. While I was just glad to hear one song like this, I was shocked to find that the entire album followed that theme. It was just the man and his guitar, with the exception of a few tunes, like “Jerusalem Ridge,” where Rice’s brother, Wyatt, plays rhythm guitar. Though bluegrass is seen as a very basic, stripped-down genre by many people, a solo acoustic record, despite it being as basic and stripped-down as it gets, doesn’t get quite the same attention or credit as a traditional bluegrass arrangement with a full band.


‘Beloved’: an emotionally good read AMBER APPLEBY

Copy Editor


While this album allows Rice the opportunity to show some of his folk influences, such as his version of Gordon Lightfoot’s “Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald,” I think it still very much fits in bluegrass. Regardless of the genre, it’s one of the best and most refreshing albums I’ve ever heard.

Rice has been noticeably absent from music recently, as he continues to recover from vocal and arm problems that have kept him off the stage. While accepting a lifetime achievement award at the 2015 Charlie Poole Music Festival in Eden, North Carolina, Rice told Greensboro’s “News & Record”

that he hoped to get back to work soon, but said, “I am not going to go back out into the public eye until I can be the musician that I was, where I left off or better.” Whether that day comes or not, Tony Rice has already left a mark on bluegrass that’s unlikely to be rivaled in the future.

Interesting but it was not riveting GABBI CALABRESE

Staff Writer

I decided to watch George C. Wolfe’s “You’re Not You” completely at random. I had no idea what it was about, but it had a nearly-five-star rating on Netflix, so I pressed play and hoped for the best. When “You’re Not You” begins, we are introduced to seemingly perfect Kate on her thirty-fifth birthday. She is an excellent pianist and housewife. She has a husband who adores her. She cooks the most elegant meals for her elegant friends in her elegant home. Then, we move a year and a half ahead and discover that Kate has ALS, and she can hardly move her hands or legs anymore. That’s when we meet Rebecca (Bec), the outspoken and unqualified college student interviewing to be Kate’s new caregiver. Bec is struggling with school, her music, and romance, but Kate sees a charm in her that seems to allude the rest of the world. The movie follows this unlikely pair as they learn to see the best in each other even when the worst is showing. This film is primarily character-driven. Not much happens in the way of plot, and most of what does happen is entirely

unsurprising. From the moment I realized what the story line was, I knew exactly how it would end, and most of the major things that would take place before that. The characters give this movie its quirk and its emotion. Watching Kate and Bec grow closer was a delight, but also majorly bittersweet. While Kate inspired Bec to straighten up, Bec helped Kate loosen up. Also, these two ladies have some funny dialogue throughout the movie that I adored. It is so refreshing to see a genuine female friendship commandeer this story when it is usually romance that dominates realistic dramas like these. I connected to these characters a lot. I loved witnessing Kate stand up for herself and Bec’s most vulnerable moments. Of course, I cannot forget about the ALS aspect. I found it fascinating! Personally, I have not watched many films that feature ALS, and it seems to me that the movie crew made sure to portray ALS realistically. There was even an ALS consultant listed in the credits. The film also shot down several stereotypes and ableist moments, which is important. At its core “You’re Not You” is about friendship and strength. Yes, it was sad, but didn’t devastate me the way I secretly wanted


it to. It was interesting, but it was not riveting. I enjoyed the film, but I probably won’t watch it again, though I am happy I watched it in the first place and will probably tell my friends about it.

Anticipated album doesn’t disappoint BRITTANY WALKER

Staff Writer

As anticipated by critics and fans, Atlanta’s Jacquees released a new 12song mixtape, “Since You Playin’” on Jan. 25 of this year. I have been waiting to hear a more grown and sexy sound from Jacquees, and he does it well in this project. This tape is not exactly your regular mixtape. Thanks to the Internet, the term “mixtape” in rap and R&B has taken on a whole other meaning, replacing remixed songs with original songs by the artist putting out the project. So instead of giving listeners older songs with new words, fans get free new music. This body of work is for those who want something smooth to listen to or something to play in the background. In addition, if you like 90s R&B songs and/or men singing love songs: this is the mix-


tape for you. I have been listening to Jacquees since my junior year of high school, and personally, I can say that he has improved all around as an artist. Back then, many of his songs were juvenile R&B. Now that he is getting a little older, so is the wordplay and the sensual beats he chose for the tape. “Since You Playin’” is the type

of project you can play from start to finish, with the top back, riding around the city. The most exciting additions to his mixtape are the features from Tory Lanez, Tank and Ty Dolla $ign, who are R&B superstars, and many more. Production credits include Nash B, Beezo, Murphy Kid and Coop who give the tape a lot of flavor by having those smooth instrumentals that make me want to replay the songs repeatedly. The first song on the album is called “Just The Intro,” and this is where he reintroduces his self as a man who has grown both in maturity and musically. This new approach from the intro gives the impression that every song will feel seductive but short and sweet. Track 4 includes a part 2 of “B.E.D.” featuring Quavo (1/3 of Migos) and Ty Dolla $ign, who are top list acts of rap culture. This is


the first single of the tape. He takes bites of Avant’s ‘Read Your Mind’ to make a sing-a-along chorus that you can catch on to after a couple of listens. The 5 songs right after that are the best tracks as far as production and the arrangement of the features. “Lay Ya Down” is the track that flows perfectly right after “B.E.D.”, grabbing R&B’s finest, Tank, to give us desirable vocals and a relaxed beat. The next song, “Sink,” has a trap meets sultry beat with verses from Jacquees’s FYB clique. Every song flows perfectly and never loses track of a seductive mood that makes the listener want to come back to listen. This project is definitely fitting for cuffing season and, with Valentine’s Day around the corner, this gets you feeling good while you are having the time of your life with bae.

Toni Morrison is probably the most well known female African American author. Probably because their English teacher made them, just about every person has read one of Morrison’s novels. To all the students who have to read Morrison: you won’t regret it. To all the English teachers making their students read Morrison: keep up the good fight; she’s worth it. “Beloved” is one of Morrison’s most prominent novel, and has the highest chance of most people having read it. I came into reading “Beloved” mostly blind. Sex, love and tragedy. Those are the words I would use to sum up “Beloved.” Set after the Civil War, the story follows the life of former slave Sethe, her daughter Denver, and a man that Sethe used to know as a slave, Paul D. The story is told in two different timetables. One in the present with Sethe, Denver and Paul D, and the other in the past when Paul D and Sethe were slaves together at the Sweet Home plantation. There are so many things that I want to say about this book and what inspired it and the plot, but I can’t for fear I will give too much away. Suffice to say that I spent about 70 percent of my time reading this book attempting not to smear my mascara and failing miserably. There are moments in this book that will almost break your soul and will most certainly break your heart. Morrison paints such vivid emotional pictures that the reader can’t help but get caught up in the story. I will admit that the first probably 30 pages are pretty slow, but if you can get past that, the novel is completely and totally worth it. Do not go into reading this story with any illusions of this being about any sort of happiness because the novel will shatter those, but it is a story that begs to be told. The novel ends with a warning to its reader: “This is not a story to pass on.” On the contrary, I think this is exactly the kind of story we need to pass on.

Sports | PAGE 7

Wonder Boys keep winning, 11 in a row RICCI LOGAN

Sports Writer

The Wonder Boys will face the Arkansas-Monticello Boll Weevils on Thursday, Feb. 16. Tip off for this game will be at 7:30 p.m. The Wonder Boys are on an eight-game winning streak after defeating the Southern Arkansas Muleriders 92-68 and the Ouachita Baptist Tigers 89-85. The Wonder Boys are now 17-4 and 13-4 in the Great American Conference, sitting in second place with a playoff berth clinched. At the start of the game, the Wonder Boys were trailing to the Tigers 13-9. Alex Brown, from Vernon, Florida, hit a three-pointer to give the Wonder Boys their first lead of the game with 12:20 to play. With 7:58 left in the first half, the Wonder Boys went on an 8-0 run to go up by double digits 36-26. Brandon Williams, from Orlando, Florida, scored five of his 10 points on that run. The Tigers went on a 10-4 run making the score 50-43 at halftime. Coming out at halftime, the Wonder Boys extended their lead 67-54, going up by 13. The Tigers cut into the Wonder Boys lead late in the second half to make the score 77-73, but Justin Graham, from San Antonio, Texas, hit a big three-pointer with 3:24 to go. The Tigers made a three pointer to go down by two with 14 seconds left to play. Freddy Lee, from Clarksville, got fouled and knocked down two free throws to win the game. Lee went 7-8 from the free throw line, scoring 13 points in the game.

RICCI LOGAN/THE ARKA TECH Bennie Lufile from Milton, Ontario goes up for a shot against Southern Arkansas in the first half.

Golden Suns set for final home game RICCI LOGAN

Sports Writer

The Arkansas Tech Golden Suns will face the Arkansas-Monticello Boll Weevils in their final home game of the 201617 season on Thursday, Feb. 16 at Tucker Coliseum. Tip off will be at 5:30 p.m. The Golden Suns are coming off two wins that saw them outscore their opponents by a combined 58 points. Last Thursday, the Golden Suns defeated the Southern Arkansas Muleriders, 83-40. Then, the Golden Suns went on the road and beat the Ouachita Baptist Lady Tigers, 78-63.

The Golden Suns started the game strong, going a 10-0 run in the first 2:20 of the game. At the end of the first quarter, the Golden Suns had the lead, 21-14. In the second quarter, the Golden Suns went on 13-0 run during the first 5:10 to extend their lead to 3314. D’Rae Tullock, from Middleton, Idaho, scored six of her eight points in the opening half. At the half, the Golden Suns lead, 41-22. In the third quarter, Anissa Pounds, from Kotka, Finland, gave the Golden Suns their largest lead of the game with a three-pointer to make the score 57-33. Pounds went

Stellar pitching not enough for Golden Suns

RICCI LOGAN/THE ARKA TECH Ryan Goodsell from Springdale looks for the pass. 2-4 from the three-point line, scoring six total points in this game. In the fourth quarter, Calli White, from Fort Smith, hit a three with 8:23 to go making the score 64-44. The Lady Tigers tried to come back going on a 17-6 run, down by 13, with 3:15 left. The Golden Suns kept the Lady

Tigers from coming back with their defense as they scored 14 points off turnovers in this game. Danielle Frachiseur, from Wickes, led the team scoring with 15 points going 7 of 14 shooting from the floor. The Golden Suns had an advantage point in the paint 44-28 and 19-9 advantage in rebounding.

Walk-off secures a win for Wonder Boys, drop series 2-1 NOAH DELASHAW

Contributing Writer

The Arkansas Tech Wonder Boys will travel to Weatherford, Oklahoma to take on the Southwestern Oklahoma Bulldogs to start Great American Conference play Friday, Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. After a close loss to the Lyon Scots, the Wonder Boys came into the weekend hopeful to get something started. In the opening game of a threegame series against the Missouri Western Griffons, the Wonder Boys

took a two-point lead early on after Jake Harvey, from Overland Park, Kansas, hit an RBI to centerfield clearing the way for Marcus Wilson, from Bryant, to score. A wild pitch thrown allowed Dylan McDearmon, from Greenbrier, to bring push the lead to two. After two Wonder Boy errors and two RBIs from the Griffons, they pulled ahead making the score 3-2. The Wonder Boys answered back in the third inning with an RBI from Dylan McDearmon, allowing Marcus Wilson to score.

After four straight innings with no score, the Griffons took the lead with an RBI in the eighth inning. Due to two Griffon errors, Michael Post, from Mayflower, scored as the tying run to take the game into extended innings. With a final effort from the Wonder Boys, Shane Pollard, from Arnold, Missouri, hit the game winning RBI single to allow Parker O’Dell, from Branson, Missouri, to score for the 5-4 victory over the Griffons. The Wonder Boys dropped the final two games of the series to the Griffons, being outscored 15-5.

MATTHEW EMERY one run in both affairs, Sports Writer while surrendering six combined. The Arkansas Tech The lone run came in Golden Suns will be head- the third inning against ing to Bentonville on Fri- the Griffons, when Sydday, Feb. 17, to participate nie Henson, from Greenin the Arkansas-Monti- wood, singled to knock cello Division II Softball in Alix Boulanger, from Classic. The Golden Suns Eureka, Kansas. Henson will be matched against the led the Golden Suns ofEmporia State Hornets at fensively, going 3-3 on the 11 a.m. and the Minnesota day. Duluth Bulldogs at 1 p.m. The losses come off on Friday. The Golden what was a hot start to the Suns will be back in action Challenge for the Golden on Saturday, Feb. 18, tak- Suns, as they opened last ing on the Minnesota State weekend with a 6-0 vicMavericks at 9 a.m. and the tory over the Northwest Missouri Western Griffons Missouri Bearcats and a at 1 p.m. late-inning thriller against The Golden Suns will the Pittsburg State Gorillook to end a small losing las, 5-4. streak of two games, after The Golden Suns endropping the latter half of tered the fifth inning the Arkansas-Monticello against the Gorillas, down Division II Softball Chal- 4-1. A two-run home run lenge against the Missouri by Megan Goodnight, – St. Louis Tritons with a brought the Golden Suns final of 2-, and the Grif- back into the game, at 4-3. fons with a final of 4-1. To open the seventh Last weekend’s losses inning, the Golden Suns for the Golden Suns mark singled, reach on an error, the first time since April walked, and then Ashton 24, 2015, that the Golden Sangster, from Van Buren, Suns have lost two in a and Henson came around row. to score on the second Jalissa Gum, from Red error of the inning by the Rock, Oklahoma, was the Gorillas, which secured tough luck loser against the lead, and eventually, the Tritons, striking out 11 the win for the Golden and not allowing a hit until Suns. the sixth inning, where the After this weekend’s Tritons would collect four tournament in Bentonville, hits and come around to the Golden Suns will open score twice. Great American ConferThe Golden Suns were ence play in Alva, Oklahostymied on offense in the ma against the Northwesttwo losses, scoring only ern Oklahoma Rangers.

This week in Tech sports THURSDAY 2/16/17

WTEN @ Arkansas-Pine Bluff. Pine Bluff. 1 p.m. WBB vs Arkansas-Monticello. Tucker Coliseum. 5:30 p.m. MBB vs Arkansas-Monticello. Tucker Coliseum. 7:30 p.m.

FRIDAY 2/17/17

SB vs Emporia State. Bentonville. 11 a.m. SB vs Minnesota Duluth. Bentonville. 1 p.m. BB @ Southwestern Oklahoma. Weatherford, OK, 7 p.m.

SATURDAY 2/18/17

SB vs Minnesota State. Bentonville. 9 a.m. SB vs Missouri Western. Bentonville. 1 p.m. BB @ Southwestern Oklahoma. Weatherford, OK. 1 p.m. WBB @ Henderson State. Arkadelphia. 1 p.m. MBB @ Henderson State. Arkdelphia. 3 p.m. BB @ Southwestern Oklahoma. Weatherford, OK. 4 p.m. WTEN vs Newman. St. Joseph, Missouri. 6:30 p.m.

SUNDAY 2/19/17

WTEN @ Missouri Western. St. Joseph, Missouri. 9 a.m. WTEN vs Maryville. St. Joseph, Missouri. 2 p.m.

MONDAY 2/20/17

WGOLF @ St. Edwards Spring Invitational. Austin, Texas.

TUESDAY 2/21/17

WGOLF @ St. Edwards Spring Invitational. Austin, Texas. BB @ Missouri Southern. Joplin, Missouri. 2 p.m.


PAGE 8 | Community

Fashion Show DR. HAMMONDS


Aisha Macon, nursing major from North Little Rock, modeled one outfit of a tight fitting, short dress that is reminiscent of the '90s.


ABOVE: Nate Palmer, business marketing management major from Little Rock, showcases a single breasted suit as his first outfit in the fashion show. LEFT: Jasmine Williams, information systems major from Little Rock, flipped up her fur hood and walked the runway like a pro, taking time to offer many poses for her striking outfit. RIGHT: Dr. MarTeze Hammonds, associate dean for Diversity and Inclusion, shows off a '70s inspired outfit with a slow walk and a large smile. Notice no shoeslaces. Photos by Javaya Tramble and Amber Quaid RIGHT: Ameil Brown, journalism major from Dardanelle, leads the final parade of models at the end of the show. BELOW: Izzy Nero, social education studies major from Hot Springs, does an over the shoulder look for her pose.





Brittney Smith, grad assistant, announces the Fashion Show and encourages the audience.


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