A R K A N S A S T E C H U N I V E R S I T Y / / T H U R S D A Y, N O V. 1 0 , 2 0 1 6 • V O L . 9 3 N O . 0 9
Trump wins presidency Students sound off about Election Night Donald Trump’s election as president has left Tech students, like the rest of the nation, with mixed emotions. For his supporters, Trump’s narrow victory over Hillary Clinton is cause for celebration. Justin Jeffery, a mechanical engineering major from Russellville, said, “I think the results really showed the power of the voters this time around, and it gives me hope that despite an overwhelming media presence, and against such a strongly funded campaign of Hillary Clinton, that Trump was able to win not only the Electoral College but the voter majority as well.” “I think Donald Trump is fit for president because of his economic background, he’s not ‘bought out’ by Wall Street like Hillary is, and he’s not a criminal like Hillary,” said Hayden Taylor, a middle level education major from Benton. "America needs a business man to run this nation, and I believe that he can fix everything that Obama couldn't," said Layne Boyd, a business major from Searcy. "I'm very excited to see a real change for once." “Based on his first speech, I believe we elected the better option,” said Grant Geisbauer, a parks and recreation major from Fort Smith. "I am satisfied with the election results. Although I am not a particular fan of either candidate, I chose what I believe to be the lesser evil and supported Trump," said Savannah Hodges, a management and marketing major from Rover. "I did not want Hillary (or Bill) back in the office, so to keep that from happening, I voted for Trump!" Olivia Karnes, an occupational therapy major from Springdale, said she was "very surprised about the outcome, but excited for a change in direction for our country. Also I'm glad I don't have to listen to campaign commercials anymore." “It’s the year of change from the national to the local level and the elites are feeling the voice of the American people,” said mechanical engineering major Adam Overton of Malvern. Students who supported Clinton are naturally disappointed in the results. Tyesha Daniels, a middle level education major from Magnolia, said, “Trump didn’t win. Hate won, lack of education won, ignorance won, and an ungodly person won the election and is now president of the U.S.” "I actually cried once the president was elected... like, real tears," said Jasmine Long, a psychology major from Pottsville. "As a female African American that voted I am truly nervous for the future of this country," said Ashley Edwards, a nursing major from Little Rock. "This man has said things that should never been said by the leader of the free world and he has no experience in government." “I am very disappointed about the turnout of votes in Arkansas because I do not see Donald Trump fit to be president,” said Kaylee Lawrence, a business education major from Bauxite. "I believe that the person who was elected is a racist, a sexist, and a bigot. I am now hoping that our country does not regress," said Tyler Hern, a biochemistry major from Lamar. "I hope that we are able to unify as a country to go against any insane ideas he may have, but mostly, I hope that this country can find a way to have hope in a moment of darkness."
"Trump's in! Get the radiation suits ready," said Daniel Byers, a computer science and information technology major from Dover. "After Trump's victory I am now preparing for our impending doom," said Sidney Bowman, a psychology major from Paris. Spencer Soule, a political science and history major from North Little Rock, is "honestly, appalled and disgusted with the course the United States is on." “This has left me fearful,” said Suleima Zuniga, a criminal justice major from Springdale. “It is not just about different views for me. Now it is about what happens for my family. Some see change, I see destruction of families and the economy.” “I am in shock because America should be better than this,” said Sarah Bubniakm, psychology and sociology major from Centerton. “I hope that we, as a country, will think about our future and make valiant efforts to strive for equality and basic humanity.” Some students say they are unsure what the Trump presidency will mean for the nation. "I think it was a very interesting election. I'm still not quite sure how I feel. But who knows, maybe Trump will surprise the American people," said Megan Bryant, a rehabilitation science and psychology major from Rogers. "For now though, the people make America, not the president." “Honestly, I’m shocked. I knew it was widely projected Hilary was to win the election by what seemed like a landside,” said business management major Hannah Noble of Berryville. “After watching Trump take state by state, I realized there was a chance he could be the next president of the United States. After winning the election, I continued to stay shocked at the responses of Hillary supporters. There was vulgar and exaggerations over any social media that would allow a status to post. America is ripped apart while we should be coming together at times like these.” “I witnessed an ‘almost fight’ after Trump won Florida. I can’t wait to see what happens since he won the whole United States,” said nursing major Kelsey Jenkins of Benton. "Honestly, the election did not even seem like a
political debate. It was more like two people having a cat fight over a prize," said Maggie Glover, a parks and recreation/natural resources major from Glenwood. "The prize being our country." "If I were to sum up my thoughts in one word it would be nervous," said Heather Catlett, a business education and social studies education major from Havana. "My stomach is in knots this morning thinking about how many people are waking up afraid and I don't know what I should do." For some students, the thought of electing either Trump or Clinton was unpleasant. "Honestly, I didn't vote because I couldn't support either in good conscience," said Libby Russell, a psychology major from Nashville. "It's been a very sad election year, and I hope 2020 is an election I feel right voting in." "I'm not excited about this at all. As an overall government, we as a whole should want better," said Malik Oliver, hospitality management major from Russellville. “I was not happy with either, but Trump will make things interesting at least,” said Hunter Taylor, a music major from Sheridan. "I'm not mad that Trump won. I'm more so antiHillary than pro-Trump," said wellness and fitness major Cole Fritchen of Bryant. “At least he’s not Hillary,” said Kimber Davidson, an elementary education major from Kingston. Stacy Guzman, a nursing major from Van Buren, said her choice was no longer available in the general election. “I wish that Ben Carson was an option,” she said. Students from the Media Writing classes collected students’ reactions for this story.
News in brief FRIDAY, NOV. 11 visiting author Chelsea Woodard will be in Witherspoon from 6-7 p.m.
SAT., NOV. 12 is Green and Gold Give Back Day in Doc Bryan from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
MON., NOV. 14 in Baz Tech will host the International Fashion Show from noon to 1 p.m.
TUES., NOV. 15 “Diversity and Inclusion: A Day in the Life Of…” will be in Doc Bryan Room 242 from 6 to 8 p.m. SIERRA MURPHY/THE ARKA TECH Student Activities Board hosted a watch party Tuesday night. Student volunteer Trevin Ward, left, a graphic design major from Siloam Springs, swipes in Cole Birmingham, a music education major from Russellville, and Lexi Wright, a vocal music education major from Clarksville.
Eligible students interested in learning more about the 2017 Miss Tech Scholarship
Pageant may attend an informational session on Tuesday, Nov. 15. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in Dean Hall 103. Dr. Jim Collins, executive director of the Miss Tech Pageant, and Carly Copeland, Miss Tech 2016, will lead the session. For more information, call (479) 970-1066 or send e-mail to
WED., NOV. 16 there will be “Traveling Arts Festival: Cuba” in W.O. Young Building from 4 to 5 p.m.
THURS., NOV. 17 in Doc Bryan Lecture Hall, will be “They call me Q,” from 4 to 5 p.m.
PAGE 2 | Opinion
On second thought RYAN HARMON
Entertainment Writer
It's time to focus on the future STATIC.SRCDN.COM
Editorial: ed·i·to·ri·al
[ed-i-tawr-ee-uhl, -tohr-] noun: An article that represents the official viewpoint of a newspaper on a topic of public interest. Charity. Unity. Understanding. After a presidential election that became more divisive and biting than compassionate and unifying, we think it’s time to focus on the future. No matter the president, no matter the issue, there are things we can be doing to strengthen our relationships with one another, as human beings. Going into the holiday season, charity is something that's on the minds of everyone. There are service men and women that aren't able to make it home; last year, the U.S. Department of Defense reported as many as 220,000 service men and women would be serving in more than 100 countries, on every continent, that holiday season. Or members of the homeless community, braving the cold because they don't know
where to turn to for help. The Russ Bus, a Russellville-based organization working toward educating and homeless and preventing a further epidemic, says the number of homeless people in the community at one time is constantly fluctuating. Fred Teague, founder, reminds Russellville community members, “homelessness does not discriminate.” There’s something we can be doing here. Like inviting a service member to join your holiday meal table, or donating to the care drives local organizations they often have for members of the community who are in need. Is there something you can be doing to benefit a charity effort this holiday season? Unity. Connect. Move forward. The answer is also a sense of unification. In light of the
recent presidential election, even members of the same political party were split. Most notoriously, when Hillary Clinton won out the Democratic nomination over Bernie Sanders. Don’t let political parties divide the connections we have made with each other. The election outcome does not define who we are as individuals and the friends we have made along the way. We, as a human race, need to get unified again. We need to do this for the sake of sanity, prosperity and this country. Start with connecting with a friend you haven’t talked to in awhile or a classmate that you always wondered what their name was but couldn’t get up the nerve to ask. Understanding. Compassion. Love. Lastly, have understanding. Life happens and we never
know someone else’s story until we ask. Talk to those in your life. You don’t have to agree, but you do have to understand that different people have different opinions and you can still get along. Understand that finals are coming, not even Trump as president can stop that. Understand the world is not perfect but you can make changes in your world. Understand tomorrow is a different day, good or bad it is different, embrace each day a new. Understand that we love you and think you can do anything. We believe that if you strengthen the world around you, that your family and community become stronger by association. Let’s make us great again. It’s time to focus on the future and strengthening our relationships with one another.
Considering how we treat each other Sierra Murphy Managing Editor
I watched a YouTube video that a popular dog food company sponsored the other day. The premise was a company representative took a dog to Trump and Hillary rallies claiming they found the dog on its leash and was looking for its owner. The catch, though, was the representative. To the Trump rally, they wore a shirt that condone Hillary. To the Hillary rally, they wore a shirt that condoned Trump. And it wasn’t until after rally goers had finished cooing over the dog that they realized what the representative was wearing. By the end of the video, the two and a half minute clip was showing some rally goers crying over their realization: we all
have commonalities and we let dissimilarities get in the way of growing those bonds. The video itself, now one I can’t find no matter how many Google searches I do, struck a chord in me. I saw these Trump and Hillary supporters put aside the hate. I saw these Trump and Hillary supporters struggle with the concept someone from the “other team” could like something (in this case dogs) as much as they did. And when the representative had proven she was just trying to return a lost dog to its rightful owner, the rally goers began revealing their love for dogs and their willingness to help. I was astounded. Animals don’t have a particularly soft place in my own heart, but I can’t help but bend down and pet a puppy. And I thought it was interesting rally goers couldn’t resist the urge either. This election has been
shrouded in discontent, backlash and bitterness. Who knew it took just a puppy to get to a place of understanding and relation? That got me thinking to what we have here on Tech’s campus. We say we #bleedgreenandgold, but I don’t think we pause to consider what that means. Or what it means when we say #heckyeahtechyeah. These hashtags and university colors have become a sort of banner we’re all congregating under. We’re cloaking ourselves in green and gold and disregarding color, race, social standing or organization participation. We’re like the rally goers in the video; we’re pausing to focus on a uniting issue and forgetting about the differences that we allow to segregate us. So, Tech students, let’s keep up the unification. Let’s never stop bleeding green and gold. Let’s never forget why we came together.
Karen Rickets Staff Writer
This election cycle has been about as far from civility as feasibly possible. Presidential candidates have addressed one another in uncivil and unflattering ways; sometimes below the dignity of the prestigious office they are running for, and we have seen a lack of civility in the ways supporters have lashed out across the aisle. We have seen vulgar, racist and sexist name-calling; threats were made; and supporters have even turned to violence after being encourage at rallies by Trump. It begs the question; are we incapable of finding a common ground? Is there not something we can all agree upon and support? Can we not have civil conversations about the issues we are passionate about and
learn from one another? Agree to disagree, if you will. I think we are above the nonsense we see on the television. I believe that we are fully capable to reach across the aisle; we have the capacity to treat each other with a little more decency. I think the culture at Arkansas Tech shows more than just decency. The Arkansas Tech community is the epitome of decency, respect and acceptance. The way we treat each other at Arkansas Tech proves that a colorful, creative, diverse group of people, from all backgrounds, can live in peaceful harmony and be productive members of society. People care what you have to say, and even if there are disagreements, it is not impossible to find common ground. I must agree with Sierra that our common ground, our beloved school, allows us to shed our differences so what we are left with is unity and civility. The rest of the country should take heed of our example.
Our local entertainment store, Hastings, has officially closed, along with all other store branches. I wrote an article a couple of months ago about how the closing was the end of an era that showed a decline in interest for physical products. While it's certainly the end of an era, I've been thinking more about this lately, and I'm not sure it's a decline in interest for physical products as much as a decline in effort on the consumer's part. Hastings and its competitors were specialty stores. They specialized in entertainment products. Now, in many towns, the only way to get a physical product is to go to a onestop shop like Walmart or Target. This brings me to my point. Garth Brooks is about to release an exclusive box set through Target. Brooks has done very well with box set releases in the past, and this one is looking to be no exception. In the past, Brooks has partnered with Walmart for these releases. But he's not the only one to do this. AC/DC, The Eagles, KISS and many others have done exclusive deals with these stores. It makes you wonder - why wouldn't they make an exclusive deal with a store like Hastings? The obvious answer would be that there probably wasn't an offer, but regardless, look at your local Walmart. Why do people go there? I think most would say they go there because they can get everything they need there. They can get their groceries, medicine, and in some stores they can even get a haircut or get their taxes done. So if people want these one-stop shops, why would they go to a specialty store to get a CD? If they can get it at Walmart or Target, why not get it while they're already there? When you consider online sales, it's even more convenient; you don't even have to leave your home to buy something. If stores like Hastings close because nobody wants physical products, then why do stores like Walmart and Target still sell them and make big exclusive deals with artists? They wouldn't do it if they weren't making money from it. While there's certainly been a decline in physical product sales, I don't think it's been the only reason for these closings. I think the market has changed. In the past, you would hope that people would go to the record store to pick up a copy of your album. Now you're competing with a loaf of bread for space in somebody's shopping cart.
Campus | PAGE 3
“I like drawing for Secret Santa.” Jordan Profit Rehabilitation Science Little Rock
River Valley Radio will be designed with Tech students in mind.
Radio station designed for college students KAREN RICKETTS
Staff Writer
“We decorate the Christmas tree after we eat.” Miracle Toney Medical Technology North Little Rock
“I like coming together as a family.” Jordan Davis Computer Engineering Dewitt
A new radio station is in the works for Russellville as River Valley Radio looks to establish a radio station designed specifically for the Arkansas Tech student community. River Valley Radio, which operates several stations within its Russellville studio, including KCJC 102.3 FM, KWKK 100.9 FM and 99.3 FM The Eagle, is looking to add to its repertoire a station that matches the interest of students. Richard Nikols, general manager of the East Arkansas Broadcasters, said the idea for the radio station came from asking the community what the biggest challenge that the city and businesses faced. “The dominant answer was that everyone wanted a stronger relationship with Arkansas Tech,” Nikols said. “To figure out ways to better integrate the student population at Tech with the overall River Valley community. At that point we began discussing how we could help the situation.” The new radio station will be aimed at the 12 to 34 age demographic, which is 40 percent of Russellville’s population.
“Students at Arkansas Tech represent a disproportionately large portion of Russellville’s total population,” Nikols said. “The idea began to grow that we could put together a station specifically oriented towards the students.” In preparation for the launch, Arkansas Tech students have the opportunity to become involved in the creation process by providing their input in a survey River Valley Radio created. The survey includes eight questions and seeks to identify songs, artists, genres of music, types of events and other programming that is popular among the demographic. Students can complete the survey at www.surveymonkey. com/r/GKBJWHJ. River Valley Radio will continue to collect submissions until mid-November. Arkansas Tech students will have plenty of opportunities to engage in the new university oriented radio station after it is established. Nikols said the possibilities to include Tech students are endless. “We want to feature local music composed and performed by the students on Friday nights here at our broadcast facilities,” Nikols said. “They will be able to record this for free in our recording studio. We want this station to focus
on activities that are happening on campus, such as having student organizations on air discussing their ongoing and upcoming projects. As well as live events on campus; the possible tie-ins with Tech students are endless.” Nikols said the opportunity to address an overall issue in the community has been the most exciting facet to developing the new station. “We want to highlight and showcase how awesome Arkansas Tech University really is, so that our high school students make the decision to go to Tech instead of leaving the River Valley,” Nikols said. “Then, when the students are planning their careers for after graduation from ATU, we are going to work with the local business and industry to make sure that the students are aware of the amazing career opportunities. The River Valley has an amazing and large assortment of industry with high paying career opportunities that a lot of the Tech student body may be unaware exist.” The station is set to launch in early 2017 and will broadcast over 97.1 FM. Currently, listeners can stay tuned to KCAB 97.1 FM and 980 AM to be a part of the upcoming changes.
“Getting together to eat all the food.” Blaed Walters Physical Science Muldrow, Oklahoma
“Seeing how much pie I can eat, then going into a food coma and watching the dog show.” Cole Birmingham Music Education Russellville
SIERRA MURPHY/THE ARKA TECH The lounge is equipped with light refreshments, has inspirational quotes and music is often playing.
Space to study, hold each other accountable
Managing Editor
“We all sit around the table and name something we’re thankful for.” Ashlyn Foote Nursing Benton
The Department of Diversity and Inclusion took advantage of the now-unoccupied office space in the first floor of Doc Bryan, down the hall and down the stair from its office, and turned it into a study lounge, welcome to all Tech students. “The goal and the purpose of it is to provide a space for students to come together and hold each other accountable,” said MarTeze Hammonds, associate dean for Diversity and Inclusion. “It’s another way Diversity and Inclusion is tapping in to student success.” The lounge is equipped with light refreshments and has inspirational quotes running across the walls. On the nights it’s open, there is often music playing. Since its opening in early October, the lounge has hosted an average of 15 students. Students will gath-
er, under the guidance of DDI staff, to complete class assignments, interact with one another, or discuss the growth of their own student organizations. The ultimate goal, though, is to give all students (no matter race, ethnicity, social standing or sexual orientation) a space to study. “I don’t care who you identify as; we want to give you a space to study,” Hammonds said. The lounge is open Mondays and Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. and is expected to be open through finals. There is a possibility it will be open later into the evening to accommodate finals-type studying. However, it might change locations next semester. “The space we use will soon be used for Health and Wellness,” Hammonds said. “In the spring, we’re going to try and get another space in this area.” Until the move, students are encouraged to utilize the space being made available to them by DDI. Those with questions can contact diversity@atu. edu.
PAGE 4 | News
Tech's farm rooted in Robbersons SAM HOISINGTON
Online Editor
The tech farm has been Benny Robberson’s workplace for the past 37 years, but it has been his home for even longer. Robberson is the farm’s foreman, which is a role that his father, Clarence Robberson, held for four decades. Benny grew up on the Farm, helping his father when he could. “When I was in school, just a kid, you know, soon as I get home from school I would go out and you know, try to find my dad working,” Benny said.
“And I’d always be doing something on the Farm, playing out in the field or out by the cows or something.” The years spent on the farm endeared him to the land. “Well, there is a connection, you know, being raised on this farm...I don’t know if this sounds right or not, but it almost, you know, feels like it’s mine. I mean it’s not, but you kind of have that bond since I was raised here,” Benny said. Benny took some trade school classes in heavy machine operation at the institution that would eventually become the University
of Arkansas at Morrilton, but did not end up in that industry. “At that time construction was pretty slow, this was in ‘79, and so I did not pursue it. The only jobs that I found available were out of state and I wasn’t willing to relocate so I stayed with the farm.” Benny’s 37 years of experience doesn’t include the part time work that he did while in trade school. Working on the Tech farm is the only job that Benny has ever had. Benny has responsibility over the beef operations, swine operations, greenhouses, and other
farm operations. The farm consist of two plots of land: one that is northwest of Tech’s campus (next to the facilities plant) and one to that is east of campus (across Arkansas Avenue). He supervises one other full time farm employee and several student workers. Paul Bennett, agriculture business major from Roseville, has been working alongside Benny as a student worker for about two years. He described Benny as a hard-working supervisor. “Well, he’s not afraid to get in there and work,” Paul said. “Probably an easier way to say
that is Benny wouldn’t tell me to do something that he wouldn’t do hisself.” Benny’s positivity, Paul says, is a constant. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen that guy be negative about something,” Bennett said. “He’s very centered around his religion and his family.” Bennett said the farm that Benny is responsible for is crucial to his agriculture education. “The farm not only allows us a place to work and practice what we’re taught in the classroom, it’s actually our lab facility out there.”
The Arka Tech
Editor-in-Chief: CLAUDIA YOUNG
News stories printed in The Arka Tech must be accurate, fair and as unbiased as possible. Any mistakes in fact found in an issue of The Arka Tech will be corrected in the first possible issue. Opinions expressed in The Arka Tech are not necessarily the opinions of Arkansas Tech University or its students. Individual copies of The Arka Tech are free to members of the Tech community. Contact the adviser for pricing of multiple copies.
Managing Editors: AMBER QUAID SIERRA MURPHY Online Editor: SAM HOISINGTON Assistant Online Editor: AMBER APPLEBY Sports Writer: MATTHEW EMERY Entertainment Writer: RYAN HARMON Staff Writers: RICCI LOGAN JOLI DUPY KAREN RICKETTS
CONTACT US Office: Energy Center 138 General email: Ads email:
JAMES KNECHT Advertising Manager: AMBER QUAID Faculty Advisor: TOMMY MUMERT
Clown mayhem to Christmas cheer BRIANNA DAVIS
Contributing Writer
I never thought I would say that America has a creepy clown problem, but we do. I never thought that I would experience this clown epidemic first hand, but I have. It was during the ninth inning of the final game of the World Series that I got a call from my roommate who, while meeting up with some of our friends, was chased by a car full of clowns. I wish I were lying and that it was all a joke, but unfortunately they were being serious. This clown epidemic began on Aug. 21 in Greenville, South Carolina, when the Sheriff’s office began receiving reports of “creepy clowns” trying to lure children into the woods. Since then, there have been multiple sightings throughout the United States, and even in other countries. In the reports, people claim to be chased by clowns, with and without weapons, and to being stalked and stared down by the creepy clowns. Regardless of how these people are confronted by the clowns, it is safe to assume that not many people enjoy the feelings brought on by these creepy encounters. For the people who suffer from coulrophobia, the fear of clowns, just going outside can be fearful and cause anxiety knowing the possibility of facing one of their greatest fears. While I do not suffer from coulrophobia, I don’t necessarily anticipate a creepy clown encounter and even become a bit anxious being outside at night time.
Clown sightings don’t just occur in random parking lots and neighborhoods, but also at elementary schools, universities and family-friendly parks and neighborhoods. This clown epidemic has even caused clown hunts and riots in hopes to end the creepy clown games, such as the clown hunt led by Penn State students in search of the rumored reports of a clown being spotted on their campus. In Connecticut, anti-clown mobs took the streets to riot over the creepy and dangerous clown sightings. Before the Penn State clown hunt, the only death reported due to a clown encounter was of a 16 year-old-boy from Pennsylvania, who was stabbed to death by a man wearing a clown mask in a residential area. Luckily, there has yet to be another death caused by these unnecessary clown encounters. The only questions we have left to ask is who are underneath the clown masks and why are they doing it? While our country has more important issues to face in 2016, our attention is focused on the fear of being terrorized by clowns and wanting to known their intentions and reasoning for spreading fear throughout the country. Now being in November with Halloween just passing, these creepy clowns people should be on their way to trading in their clown masks for Christmas hats and spreading the holiday cheer rather than fear. So as a note from the public to our creepy clown population, stop the games and invest your time in the upcoming holiday spirits.
ARKATECH Dr. Hammonds: A balanced life
Staff Writer
Having facilitated training for more than 200 individuals as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender safe zone allies; 50 individuals in cultural competency 101; 16 LGBTQ facilitators; and between 7-10 individuals as secular safe zone allies, Dr. MarTeze Hammonds, associate dean for diversity and inclusion, is acting as a facilitator in the movement of the Tech campus from equality to equity. “The number of trainings, the visibility, the education that we put out through this office has all been worth it,” Hammonds said. “You can tell the difference as you start hearing people across campus use some of the terminology and use some of the language, the inclusive language that we use here in this office.” Aside from training sessions, Hammonds also teaches and mentors Arkansas Tech students. Some of these students are in the Registered Student Organizations that are under the Department of Diversity and Inclusion; others are general population students seeking guidance. Although Hammonds has been making progress in the Tech community, “we have a lot of work to do,” Hammonds said. “Every day is a new challenge, there are new things that we face, we just have to face them head on. Be authentic about it. Be strategic and be deliberate about it and hopefully we are getting to where every student feels comfortable.” In his efforts to create a diverse and inclusive environment here on campus, Hammonds said he is, “making sure whether its race, whether its sexual ori-
entation, whether its religion or nonreligion, disability or ability,” all those students have a sense of inclusion while they're here at Tech. Aside from his work at school, Hammonds is involved at his church, Longley Baptist Church, Southwest Little Rock. “I drive an hour and 16 minutes to my church one way and I'm there about three times a week,” Hammonds said. Hammonds serves as a ministry leader at his church leading a young adult ministry called HYPE, Holistic Young People Excelling. He also sings as a tenor, and sometimes alto, in his church’s choir. Hammonds recognizes the controversy between the church and diversity and inclusion. He reconciles the controversy by believing that, “more than one truth can exist in a space and function,” Hammonds said. “I try to live by that,” Hammonds said. “I do my best to make sure this office is grounded in that.” Not matter what truth people believe, “if their truth is that they don’t believe in God or if they are non-religious, if they’re secular, if they have a worldview instead of a faith - that doesn’t mean that it should not exist. It doesn’t mean that we cannot work together and function,” Hammonds said. Hammonds refers to the Bible, specifically, the book of Matthew, chapter seven, verse one, to explain how he lives out his life as both a dean of diversity and inclusion and a Christian. “Matthew 7:1 tells us that we shouldn't judge folks or we’re going to be judged... I don’t spend time judging people,” Hammonds said. Not everyone agrees with the way
Features | PAGE 5
JAMES KNECHT/THE ARKA TECH Hammonds believes and lives his life. “I’ve had people tell me that I’m going to hell for doing secular ally trainings,” Hammonds said. “I’ve had people tell me that I’m just all immoral working with the LGBT population and that I just bring out all this negative stuff, that ‘sin’, and that I’m elevating it.” In response to the disparagement he receives, Hammonds said, “I look at them
and tell them that the greatest gift that we have is love, and if we can love folks in the midst of everything else, then guess what — you don’t have to worry about all that other stuff,” Hammonds said. “It’s not their religious affiliation that gets the work done, it’s not their sexual orientation or race that gets the work done. It’s the person, the character, who they are, that gets the work done.”
Destination Dog Ear Books complete CLAUDIA YOUNG
After a trial run and a soft opening, Dog Ear Books officially opened its doors to the public on Friday. The grand opening lasted from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., where there were giveaways, live music and free food. Dog Ear Books is owned by mother-daughter duo Pat and Emily Young. Inside Dog Ear Books is free Wi-Fi and an assortment of couches, chairs and tables. Pat and Emily want Dog Ear to be a place for the community to use, be it for studying, classes and clubs or hanging out with friends. According to Dog Ear’s Instagram, well-behaved dogs on leashes are always welcome. "We are a bookstore, but we also want to be a destination," Emily said. "A place for people to come hang out and build a community." On top of seating, Dog Ear also has classroom space, a balcony that is off-limits to children, a movie projector, a coffee bar and a stage. They plan on hosting a variety of events, including poetry readings, stand-up comedy, open mic nights, movie nights and book readings. When choosing the location, Pat and Emily only looked at spaces downtown. "Emily has always had a real passion for downtown and I love it,” Pat said. “I share that passion. We both really want to help build downtown Russellville and make this a community place where people want to come to." When they found 301 W. Main St. it was run down, but they knew it had potential. "We came in and it was a disaster," Pat said, laughing. "It had bright yellow walls and old fans, but we decided it was one of those ‘go big or go home’ type things." Emily said she had been seriously considering opening a bookstore for a year. When she heard that Hastings was closing, she knew it was perfect timing. Pat and Emily said they were upset about Hastings closing, but because of that they were able to buy some of their bookshelves. "Hastings kind of still lives on in our store," Pat said. Because Dog Ear Books carries several different book genres, Pat and Emily made it a point to hire people with diverse literary preferences. "We have a great crew,” Pat said. “We are very happy with the way it's turning out. We have learned so much. It's fun working with my daughter. When we really get our heads together and start churning out ideas, it's a beautiful thing." Pat and Emily are open to suggestions and new ideas to improve their bookstore. "If anyone has ideas, please tell us," Emily said. "If it's reasonable, we will try to make it happen." For more information and to follow along on their journey, visit Hours: Tuesday-Thursday: 11-7 Friday-Saturday: 11-9 Sunday-Monday: Closed (Hours are subject to change as time progresses.)
SIERRA MURPHY/THE ARKA TECH ABOVE: The grand opening had giveaways, live music and free food. Dog Ear Books is owned by mother-daughter duo Pat and Emily Young. LEFT: Pat ordered stuffed animals of their logo. Each one is handmade and unique.
BELOW: View of the bookstore from the balcony that is off-limits to children.
PAGE 6 | Entertainment
Food Review
Amber Appleby Assistant Online Editor
Sierra Murphy Managing Editor
Old Bank Sports Grill was just a week old when Amber and I went looking at the latest Russellville Downtown establishment. I had been there before, during their soft opening, and looked forward to going back. The staff was kind, the food was good and the other patrons were looking for the same thing I was –a place to relax with friends. Amber and I got there at 4 p.m., like we always do on our weekly food-review runs. Dinner rush hadn’t hit yet, but I remember we were a little hungrier than usual. Maybe it was just Monday and I knew we were in for a treat. Whatever overtook us, I couldn’t stop my mouth from watering when we had decided on potato skins as an appetizer, chicken strips for her and a burger for me. To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect when we had ordered the potato skins. I’ve had my fair share of the bagged chips that I have come to spoil myself with every once in a while, but gourmet potato skins (if there is such a thing) aren’t something I’m accustomed to. So imagine my surprise when our waitress brought out small, potato skin boats with cheese, bacon, chives and sour cream on the side. They weren’t crisp enough to crunch but they weren’t soft enough to be the equivalent of a baked potato. The potatoes themselves tasted garlicy and were seasoned perfectly – I didn’t have to
add even a pinch of salt. I practically smothered them in sour cream, though, which did nothing but compliment the gooeyness of the cheese. We had just finished the potato skins when our waitress brought out our meals. The one complaint I have, I must point out, was that I ordered my burger with no cheese and no tomato. That request was forgotten. I let them go about working out the kinks and set my tomato slice to the side. What I couldn’t do, though, was get rid of the cheese. The waitress confirmed my suspicion – the cheese is baked into the burger itself. How cool is that? While the cheese mixed with the grease, I can’t deny that this was one tasty burger. Topped with onion, pickles, lettuce, ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard, I took a big bite and literally had juices running down my arm. It was beefy. It was yummy. It was everything a foodie dreams a burger to be. I actually had to ask our waitress for more napkins! I took a break from my burger to munch on the straight cut fries, which only needed ketchup. Amber decided on curly cut fries, which she raved about. Contrary to my ketchup, though, she decided to season her chicken strips and fries with ranch. After feasting, but of course leaving room for dessert, we decided to get a chocolate filled dessert. A mason jar rimmed with chocolate icing and decorated with mini Twixes and cookies was filled with chocolate ice cream and then layered with chocolate whip cream, a brownie, more chocolate
whip cream, then topped with an ice cream cone and drizzled with chocolate drizzle. The dessert ordinarily comes with caramel drizzle but I asked the kitchen to hold it. We couldn’t even finish the dessert, but we had no regrets for getting it in the first place. It was the perfect way to end a meal that had great service, a welcoming and fun atmosphere and good food.
I was excited by the opening of Old Bank. I really feel like having an original sports bar in downtown Russellville will give college age people a place to go after 9 p.m., and it will also bring in a new restaurant, which is always very exciting. Overall, I was fairly impressed with Old Bank, but it is really just a sports bar. When Sierra and I went, Old Bank was running on a limited menu because it hasn’t been open long enough to have a full menu. I’m not really sure when it will have a full menu out, but it had a pretty varied selection on its limited menu. It currently serves burgers, steaks, some appetizers, and various other bar foods. I eventually settled on a chicken strip basket with mac and cheese and curly fries; we also got some potato skin appetizers. The potato skins were coated in cheese and bacon and chives and served with a small side of sour cream. They were crispy on the out-
ABOVE: Potato skins were coated in cheese and bacon and chives and served with a small side of sour cream. They were crispy on the outside, but soft and falling apart on the inside. BELOW: Cheesburger and fries. Cheese is baked into the burger itself.
Chicken tenders and spicy macaroni and cheese.
side, but soft and falling apart on the inside. The sour cream brought a cooling effect to the steamy potato skins. When we got our entrees, the first thing I noticed was how little batter the chicken strips had on them. That’s always my favorite part of chicken strips, so I was a little disappointed that they weren’t super crispy. However, they were well cooked and had a good flavor, especially dipped in their ranch, which I think is buttermilk. The curly fries were the brown seasoned curly fries and they were amazing. I really enjoyed those curly fries, especially dipped in the ranch. Have I said enough about the ranch yet? Sierra warned me that the mac and cheese was spicy before we ordered. I was intrigued by this and, of course, had to have it. It was really, really good. It had an almost chili-seasoned taste to it. Maybe they have some spice that has a chili flavor or they mix in a little bit of chili; either way, the mac and cheese had a little bit of spice and a lot of amazingness. We then ordered a chocolate blitz for dessert. The chocolate blitz is chocolate ice cream, piled in a squat little Mason jar, rimmed with chocolate sauce; and stuck in the chocolate sauce was small bits of Twix and chocolate chip cookies; then topped with a fat, fudgy brownie; then chocolate whipped cream and a sugar cone; and then it was all drizzled in chocolate. So, basically, it was chocolate overload. I tried a little taste of everything from the ice cream to the chocolate whipped cream, and I must say the chocolate ice cream was my favorite part. Overall, I would recommend this dessert only if you have someone to eat it with or you will hate yourself for attempting this much chocolate. We spilt the dessert and potato skins and then paid for our own drinks and entrees; All in all, it cost about $20, which isn’t terribly bad for a three course meal with a soft drink. I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for something cheap, but, if you’re wanting to splurge, I would recommend trying the Old Bank, even if it’s just for the ranch.
Jason Isbell - the new soundtrack of life RYAN HARMON
Entertainment Writer Jason Isbell has been popular since his days with alternative-country band, Drive-By Truckers. Since leaving the Truckers, Isbell has released seven solo projects. Being a fan of Americana music, I had heard of Jason Isbell for years. Though I was aware of who he was, I never listened to him until recently. Part of the reason was because I tend to stay away from anything that's very popular. Whether or not that's intentional, I don't know. But after hearing him being praised by some of my favorite artists and influences, I decided to see what it was all about. The first song I heard was "Speed
Trap Town" from his latest album, "Something More Than Free." The song's simply about leaving the life you know behind. Being an aspiring musician, I really relate to this song. After getting hooked on "Speed Trap Town," I listened to Isbell on Spotify's shuffle mode, to get a taste of his entire catalogue. I heard songs like "Elephant," "Something More Than Free," and "Stockholm." The songwriting is straightforward. There aren't any complex messages that are hard for the listener to understand. And all of the songs are easy to picture. They don't seem so distant. They feel like they were written about your life. As if great songwriting wasn't enough, Isbell's also a great vocalist
and guitarist. Though he started his career writing songs for other artists, it's hard to imagine anyone else doing these songs such justice. Jason Isbell has given me a new inspiration and a new hope that this
great art form, known as Americana music, will continue to thrive. My apologies for being the last one to figure it out. For more information, visit
Amber Appleby Assistant Online Editor
I picked up “The Legend of Bagger Vance” by Steven Pressfield during the last few days of Hastings’ bankruptcy sale. I should probably admit that my reasons for picking it up had nothing to do with the actual book and more to do with the fact that there’s a movie with Will Smith in it. I feel almost the same about Will Smith as I do Tom Hanks (though Hanks will forever hold a special place in my heart). I started watching the movie adaptation with my father a few months ago and my father just happened to mention that there was a book. So, of course, I had to have it. And, it was 50 cents at Hastings. “The Legend of Bagger Vance” is told through a flashback. Hardy was 10 years old during the Great Depression in Savannah, Georgia when the local heiress got desperate enough to hold a golf tournament with two of the biggest golf giants, Walter Hagen and Bobby Jones, to bring revenue into the town. The judge and various other elders were not entirely sold on the idea, until someone stumbled on the idea of putting their own local hero into the tournament. Rannulph Junah is a local enigma, a war hero and an alcoholic, but everybody knows he’s very good at golf. As the tournament kicks off, Hardy gets enlisted to help Junah’s caddie, Bagger Vance. But, there’s something about Vance that is off-putting to members of the town. Vance has some secrets, and these secrets could hold the key for Junah getting his life back on track and will forever mark Hardy’s life. The novel is really good. It’s full of mystery and intrigue and weirdness. However, I have a couple issues with it. For example, it’s a little too weird. I normally enjoy fantasy novels. However, “The Legend of Bagger Vance” is a realistic novel that folds in some fiction and fantasy and then stirs in a heaping helping of golf. The golf is a whole other issue. I know exactly what you’re thinking. “The cover literally says, ‘A Novel of Golf and the Game of Life,’ how could you not know?” All I can say in my defense is I was blinded by the fact that Will Smith plays Bagger Vance in the movie. Maybe that’s not a good excuse, but what can I say? My advice to you is to skip the book and watch the movie. I know that’s close to blasphemy, but the movie is much better than the book. It’s the same amount of golf and weirdness, but the movie does it much better than the book does. Plus, the movie adds in some romance, which is always a plus.
Sports | PAGE 7
Tech basketball is back RICCI LOGAN
Staff Writer
The Golden Suns will open the 2016-17 season at home against the Dallas Diesel on Sunday, Nov. 6. Tech is picked to finish second in the conference preseason polls. The Golden Suns open the season ranked 25th in the Division II's WBCA Coaches Poll. Tech finished last season with a 27-4 record, capturing the Great American Conference regular season and tournament championship. Tech lost eight players from last season, that includes three starters. One of the starters includes impact player Fatima Adams, of Bryan, Texas, who played a big part of the Golden Suns’ success . Adams averaged 22.4 points, 9.1 rebounds and 1.2 steals a game last season. Coach Dave Wilbers brought in seven new comers this season. Coach Wilber also brings back seven play-
Calli White, of Fort Smith, is a returning 2015 player. Here she dribbles past an opponent last season. ers from last year. Among those players is Anissa Pounds ,of Kotka, Finland, and Cali White, of Fort Smith. Kelsey McClure, of Muskogee, Oklahoma, also returns this season.
McClure played 31 games last season, averaging 5.7 points, 2.7 rebounds and 1.5 assists per game. McClure said, "my role has changed being a senior. I have to step it up in mutiple ar-
eas. I have to make sure I set a expamle on and off the court. The fans can expect the same thing from us last year, plus more." The Goldens suns will offi-
cially open the season at home against Lane College on Nov. 12 . Tipoff for the game is at 1 p.m. The Wonder Boys will have a exhibition game against University of Texas at San Antonio on Nov. 7. The boys have been picked to finish sixth in the annual preseason poll of Great American Conference head coaches. The Wonder Boys only return two players from last year’s team. Mason Cline, of Springdale, and Freddy Lee, of Clarksville. Cline averaged 3.8 points per game and Lee averaged 7.2 points per game, both last season. Lee said, "I feel that our defense will be better this season. You can expect us to play hard every game, win or lose." The Wonder Boys will officially open up the season at home against Southwestern Oklahoma. Tipoff for the game will be at 3 p.m.
Final tune up before GAC Championship MATTHEW EMERY
Sports Writer
The Golden Suns will wrap up regular season play tonight at 6:30 p.m. as they take on Ouachita Baptist in Arkadelphia. It will be the final tune up for the Golden Suns before they head to Hot Springs for the 2016 Great American Conference Championship. The Golden Suns are coming off a couple of Great American Conference wins against Arkansas-Monticello and Southern Arkansas. Last Tuesday, the Golden Suns dropped the first set against Arkansas-Monticello, but bounced back to win the next three, winning the match 3-1. Hunter Eshnaur, of Russellville, registered four digs to go along with her team high, 15 kills. Amanda Milnick, of Tahlequah, Oklahoma, lead the Golden Suns with 26 assists. Following the win against Arkansas-Monticello, the Golden Suns enjoyed a 3-0 win over Southern Arkansas last Thursday for their fifth straight win. Eshnaur once again led the Golden Suns, as she posted her fourteenth double-double of the season, tallying 13 kills and 10 digs. Eshnaur currently sits at third place in the GAC in individual points, behind only Shaon Tukuaoga, of Henderson State, and Carly Zak, of
Hunter Eshnaur, of Russellville, sets up to receive the hit during a previous match. Southwestern Oklahoma. Matti Dix, of Bushland, Texas, and Madison Nagel, of Rowlett, Texas, pitched in with 10 assists, each in the victory.
The wins pushed Arkansas Tech into a tie for third place with Ouachita Baptist, both teams touting a 10-4 GAC record. They trail only Oklahoma Baptist and Harding, who are both 11-3.
Wonder Boys secure winning This week season, face Harding next in Tech sports RICCI LOGAN
Staff Writer
The Wonder Boys were able to come from behind and beat Southwestern Oklahoma this weekend, 24-20. The win improved the Wonder Boys to 6-4. Tech's first lead of the game did not come until the 7:46 mark of the fourth quarter. Jabyes Cross from Riveria Beach, Florida completed 7-of-10 passes for 134 yards and a touchdown. Kristian Thompson from Dardanelle rushed for 70-yards and two touchdowns while Jandt Weary from Mesquite, Texas and D'Vonta Derricott from Richmond, Virginia, both led Tech with eight tackles each. SWOSU got on the board first when they scored on a six-yard touchdown pass on a five play, 80-yard drive. However, both teams struggled during the rest of the first to put more on the board. Tech answered in the second quarter with a 68-yard pass to Justin Bailey from Mayflower to make the score 7-7, but SWOSU would take the lead
right back before half-time on a 23-yard touchdown, making the score 14-7. Coming out of half-time, both teams punted the ball on their initial drives. Tech tied the game on eight play drive for 57-yards. Thompson would punch it in on one yard run to tie the game 14-14. On the next SWOSU drive, they would score but the extra point would be blocked by Lovis Hall from Carthage, Texas. After the blocked field goal, the score was 20-14. Tech scored the next 10 points in the fourth quarter after a fumble and interception cut two SWOSU drives short. SWOSU had six plays from inside the Wonder Boys' 20-yard line in the final seconds, but the Wonder Boys forced incomplete passes on each play to win the game. The win this weekend snapped a threegame SWOSU win streak in the all-time series. The Wonder Boys will close out the season against rival Harding University this Saturday. Kickoff from Security Stadium is at 2 p.m.
THURSDAY: Golden Suns Volleyball @ Ouachita Baptist in Arkadelphia. 6:30 p.m.
SATURDAY: Golden Suns Basketball vs. Lane at Tucker Coliseum. 1 p.m. Wonder Boys Football @ Harding in Searcy. 2 p.m.
Golden Suns XC 26th in NCAA Central Regional MATTHEW EMERY
Sports Writer
The Golden Suns cross country team wrapped up their 2016 campaign last Saturday in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, at the NCAA Central Region Championship, finishing 26 in a pool of 32. Amy Riera, of Southlake, Texas, led the Golden Suns with a time of 23:58.22 and placed 130. The last time a Golden Sun finished a
6K sub-24 minutes was in 2013, when Laura O’Dowd did it in the regional tournament. Megan Bradley, of Springdale, finished next for the Golden Suns, coming in 137, posting a personal best 6K time of 24:07.67. Cami Hedstrom was the third Golden Sun to cross the finish line. In her first 6K race, she posted a time of 24:16.59 and placed 143. The 26th place finish for the Golden Suns is an improvement over their showing in last years where they finished 30th.
PAGE 8 | Community
Spectrum's Sixth Annual Drag Show
ABOVE: 2015 Queen, Aura Lee Gifted, performs her final act as queen. LEFT: Ben Dover took home the crown for King of Spectrum's Sixth Annual Drag Show and was crowned by last year's king. RIGHT: Izzy Agaylea took home the crown for Queen of Spectrum's Sixth Annual Drag Show.
ABOVE: Left to right- the four competitors for the crown of king and queen. LEFT: Announcer Dinah House-Fire perfoming her first number of the night, "What Would Dolly Do?" RIGHT: Vivica perfmorning "Walking On Air" in a latin inspired dress. BELOW: Melanie performs "Dangerous Woman" by Ariana Grande.