Amber Smith Spring 2015 Enviormental Graphic Design PROJECT BOOK: Signage System Design Tradeshow Booth Design
Amber Smith (972)-505-0111
Signage System Design
1.5 Design Objectives
2.1.4 - Navigation: Message hierarchy
1.1 Corporate Profile
1.5.1 - Store Front Sign
and Proximity
1.1.1 - Corporate information.
1.5.2 - Welcome Sign
2.1.5 - Pictorial Information Content
1.1.2 - Mission
1.5.3 - Open/Closed Sign
2.1.6 - Signage Master Plans
1.1.3 - Achievements and Milestones
1.5.4 - Store Hours Sign
2.2 The Graphic System
1.1.4 - Employees
1.5.5 - Thank You Sign
2.2.1 - Typographic treatment
1.2 Market Position
1.5.6 - Bathroom Sign
2.2.2 - Typographic considerations for
1.2.1 - Competition
1.5.7 - No Entrance Sign
nonsighted and low-sighted people
1.2.1.a - Name / URL
1.5.8 - Employees Only Sign
2.2.3 - Symbols and arrows
1.2.1.b - Elevator pitch
1.5.9 - “Smile” Video Serveillance Sign
2.2.4 - Other graphic elements
1.2.1.c - Products/services offered
1.5.10 - 24 Hours Recording Sign
2.2.5 - Color
1.2.1.d - Strengths
1.5.11 - Tour Guide Note Sign
2.2.6.- Layout
1.2.1.e - Weaknesses
1.5.12 - Paranormal Investigations Sign
2.3 The Hardware System
1.2.1.f - Key brand differentiators
1.5.13 - Register Information Sign
2.3.1 - Shape
1.2.1.g - Images
1.5.14 - Store Sections Signs
2.3.2 - Connotations of form
1.2.3 - Market trends
1.5.15 - Library Sign
2.3.3 - Sign mounting considerations
1.2.4 - What Makes it Unique
1.5.16 - Records Room Sign
2.3.4 - Sign size considerations
1.2.5 - History
1.5.17 - Exit sign
2.3.5 - Sign materials overview
1.2.6- Future
1.5.18 - Drink/Snack Prices Sign
1.3 User Personas
1.5.19 - Booth Panel Sign
1.3.1 - Person One
1.5.20 - Ghost Tour Spot Sign
3.1 Final Designs
1.3.2 - Person Two
1.3.3 - Person Three
1.3.4 - Person Four
2.1 Navigation & Design
4.1 Store Front Redesign
1.4 Communication Task & Objectives
2.1.1 - Design Approach
4.2 Sign Mock Ups
1.4.1 - Information access and navigation
2.1.2 - Hierarchy of Content
1.4.2 - Icon recognition
2.1.3 - Developing the Sign Information
1.4.3 - Visual appeal
Content System
Data Collection and Analysis
Antiques and Uniques Collectibles is a haunted antique store located on 7 Aviles St. Saint Augustine, Florida 32084. The owners have been running the shop for 4 ½ years.
The company offers a wide array of collectibles and antiques, as well as some haunted back rooms for paranormal investigators and ghost tours to explore. “We want you to be happy when you leave. We share experiences with people that they couldn’t otherwise experience.” -quote from Larry
Was part of “Best of St. Augustine 2014 awards” and has been the focus of various magazine articles and paranormal investigations. Numerous TV shows include footage from the haunted store and the shop was recently included in the book “Historic Haunts of St. Agustine pt. 2”. They were also broadcast on national TV on the show “My Ghost Story”.
Denice and her husband Larry are the owners and managers of the store. They are kind, casual people who enjoy having investigations in their shop and are willing to answer most any question about their experiences working in a haunted location. Over the years, Denice has formed a positive relationship with the spirits of her store and often, when she is present during investigations, ghosts will react to or speak about her. Everyone is part of their little family, then again, St. Augustine is essentially a small town with a tourist problem, and they always have a story to tell. Their informal way or dress and easy going attitude make shopping here a lovely experience.
Name / URL A Step Back in Time Elevator pitch A Step Back in Time is a victorian home filled with antiques, collectibles and wide array of gift ideas. Products/services offered Prices widely vary. Inventory is focused on quality furniture, glassware, art, pottery, cameos, native american jewelry, toys and candles. Strengths The shop is a refurbished victorian home which lends a very unique facade.
Market Position Weaknesses San Marco is part of what is known as Antique Row. It is surrounded by competitors, and its hours are strictly in the middle of the day, 10:30 – 5:00. Key brand differentiators There is no true branding of family owned shops on Antique Row, including A Step Back in Time. Its main allure is the historic house it is within.
Antique stores are far from the most innovative and profitable businesses. When it comes to optimizing for the market, it appears that becoming part of a greater whole or “mall” is how stores are establishing a stronger foothold. Shows like Pawn Stars and other collecttion programs gave rise to greater interest in antiques and their resale, but the industry as a whole is primarly in the hands of individual owners and small shops.
Antiques & Uniques is focused primarily on collectible goods when it comes to inventory, but what seperates it from the crowd is its spiritual side. It is well known for being a haunted location and the owners encourage paranomal investigations on the site.
Market Position HISTORY
Denice and Larry were tourists in town for many years. The first time they came, Denice felt child spirits in the shop. Opportunity arose during a visit years later, when the owner at time decided she wanted to sell. The business had been sold since they had first visited and this owner only had it for a year and a half, but she seemed desperate to sell. Within in seven days, the now current owners settled a price. They soon spent a significant amount of time reorganizing and cleaning, and narrowing inventory. Shortly after opening, a paranomal group who wished to investigate, but was turned down by the former owners, approached Larry and Denice. This was the start of a long series of discoveries made about the shop and its spooky occupants. Customers
and invesitgators alike, who never met one another, described similar experiences. Recently, one of the darker spirits of the shop is believed to have found peace after Denice shared the tale of the children whom were murdered very near where the shop was built.
They look to keep promoting the ghosts and history of the building with a youtube fanpage and facebook. They are going to featured in “St. Augustine Ghost – Hauntings in the Ancient City”. They hope to catch the attention of more publications and paranormal groups in order to share their stories and give people an experience they would not be able to get anywhere else. However, parnormal investigations is not a very strongly growing market.
Gracie Ghostly is a 25 year old paranormal investigator. She spends her time going between Georgia and Florida with her team to investigate haunted sites. Gracie is fond of St. Augustine and often finds herself at places like Antiques & Uniques. She is a born skeptic whose experiences changed her perspective on the paranormal. Because of this, she always approaches haunted sites with a degree of doubt. Due to Antiques & Uniques highly active spirit population, Gracie returns to do investigations on site every so many months with her team in order to gather more data. With highly sensitive tools at her disposal, like recorders and electromagnetic field sensors, she and her team discover a great deal of activity in the records room, library and back hallway.
Persona Profiles
Joe Johnson is a 55 year old retiree who travels with his wife around the country. He enjoys history and is very skeptical of any claims the city has of being haunted. Unlike the younger crowd, Joe does not indulge in investigations or tours, choosing instead to look around the shop for civil war memorabilia to add to his collection back home. The stories he hears about the hallway makes him shake his head and Joe ignores the signs offering tickets to go on tours. Instead he chats with the owner, Larry, about the rich history of the building, curious about the fact that it was originally a jail.
Shelby Shultz is a 20 year old former ghost tour guide who works for Ghost Augustine, the company who does tours in Antiques and Uniques. She is a college student who fully believes in the paranormal and grew up on the rich subculture, though often approaches haunted areas and ghost stories with skepticism until evidence is given on the contrary. Shelby formed a strong relationship with the owners due to the tours and promotes the shop through her work with the company. On occasion, she drops by to do investigations with visiting paranormal groups, bringing with her some of the tools of the trade.
Persona Profiles
We want you to be happy when you leave. We share experiences with people that they couldn’t otherwise experience.
Victoria Verance is a 35 year old native to St. Augustine. She grew up on the ghost stories and has been visiting all the sites since she was small. Victoria is very believing in the unfathomable, often claiming to be sensitive to the paranormal. She is drawn to where spirits linger and will occasionally ask to speak with the spirits of the shop. She has held seances and done mirror readings in order to better understand the inhabitants of the store. No interest it held for the history of the shop beyond the spiritual mythos surrounding the area, nor is there any interest in the antiques. She simply wishes to communicate and help be the voice of the spirits.
-Larry, owner of Antiques & Uniques
Design Objectives
Design Objectives
Design Objectives
Design Objectives
Schematic Design
Navigation & Design DESIGN APPROACH
When interviewing the owner of the shop, certain colors and themes made themselves evident and this guided the design of the signage. Purple, black and white were quite prominent in previous attempts at branding and the tombstone shape was brought to attention as well. However, to avoid what could be called a halloween clichĂŠ, shapes and colors were sampled from art deco style works of art. Muted violets that were dark and rich like jewels paired with dark wood and accents of black and white to create a warm but spooky feeling. Antiques and Uniques is at heart an antique store, but bringing in the paranormal theme they adored was important in what drove my design efforts.
Using text treatments like capitalization, uppercase and bold, and using Mostra Nuova as a title typeface, a hierarchy is created. Information that is navigation based is always in Nobel regular at a large, readable from a distance size. The more decorative Mostra Nuova is an accent, showing that something is important, as such it is used in the logo and for titles on signs like the Store Hours and Thank You. Body copy is always smaller than the titles and is in Nobel regular. All information is in white for maximum legibility against the dark background of the signs.
It was a trial and error process to find the right balance of size and emphasis for the signage content. Symbols paired with capitalized words proved an effective means of communicating and thus the system is build around a series of words paired with symbols. The content of each sign is kept minimal for ease of coherency and clarity of direction. Paragraphs of information are centered, with the content lines as equal as possible. As stated before, developing the signage content system was trial and error, each step leading into a new discovery and a desire for clear direction.
Each sign is kept as close to the target as possible. The Bathroom sign is on the bathroom door. The Open sign is on the front door. The No Not Enter sign is above the doors in which customers should not enter. Generally, the more important the information, there more emphasized it is. The Store Front sign is hanging from a highly decorative post near the front door, Section signs are large and also hanging, and from there, the signs decrease in size and are not hanging since the information is not as important as those two things. This helps guide the customer into and through the store and prevents confusion.
There are a few key images that are repeated through the signs as a means of communicating the information they are paired with better. There is the keyhole, which when paired with a a key with the teeth pointing up, means open or enter, and when the teeth point down, means closed. When the keys are crossed, it is a signal that means no, do not enter, stop, etc. The ghost symbol, with or without the key within it, is representative of the individual, and replaces the standard stick figure. The happy ghost face means employee. There are further symbols, such as the book, the arrow, the record and the EMR meter, but these are explained by the content with which they are paired.
Each sign has a place in which it fits into the system. Most signs are for the customer, who will be led in by the Front sign and guided by the hanging Sections signs. Areas of the store like the Library and the Records room will be marked due to the owners’ common reference to these areas as such. The Surveillance sign, the Tour Guide sign and the Computer sign are more directed at the tour guides and the paranormal groups that come in. These are placed in accordingly. Between all of the signs, they create a harmonious guide through the store and better communication between owners, customers and paranormal groups.
Graphic System
Symbols paired with capitalized words proved an effective means of communicating and thus the system is build around a series of words paired with symbols.
The logo uses Mostra Nuova. So do titles, though the size may vary depending on the usage. For everything else, Nobel is used. Regular at 82 pt is for the signs that need the most clarity. Such as Do Not Enter or Employees Only. Body copy is in 12 pt font. Though when making secondary headers, Nobel Bold in all uppercase are appropriate. When bringing emphasis to a word, all uppercase in Nobel Regular is used in the same size as the copy around it.
All signs are flat, no cut outs or protrusions. Also, with size considerations and the usage of the very legible Nobel Regular, it makes these signs very easy to read. In the case that an individual uses an aide such as a cane, all hanging signs’ bottom edge are over eight feet from the ground.
On the right are the symbols used in this sinage system.
Shape plays a large role in the signage system. The upright tombstone generally holds non-navigation related information, such as Store Hours sign. The rounded rectangles often hold key navigation information, such as the Section signs and the Restroom sign. The rectangles with one half-circular end on the left, are often used to hold navigation information paired with a symbol. The circle is only used for the Front sign in the mater of signage but is used as a repeated theme to encapsulate the symbols on the previously mentioned half-circular signs.
Graphic System COLOR
The colors used in this project include three shades of violet, black and white, all at varying opacities. The color pallet is derived from both the owners’ wishes as well as the art deco style, where such colors are darker or muted. This provides the richness and contrast needed to make the system effective.
Each sign is designed in such a way that the text has plenty of room to breathe and the images are not crowded. A good balance between the symbols and copy varies between the different shaped signs, though when using a certain shape, the layout is oftentimes very similar to the others of that shape in order to maintain unity.
There are four shapes in use for this signage system: circle, rounded rectangle, tombstone and half-circular rectangle. The circle is ONLY used for the hanging Front sign. The tombstone is used for non-navigational content. The rounded rectangle and the halfcircular rectangle are used for navigation. Each shape is harmonious with the others and shares a part of itself with at least one of the other signs. There are no sharp edges.
The circular shape is used as an accent, an emphasis. It is a common to see circular shapes paired with straight lines in art deco designs. The curved edge of the half-circular rectangle signs is a nod to both the circular sign as well as the keyhole shape that is used in the logo and as a design element. It brings together the circle encased images with the very rigid text that are often held within it. The tombstone is a symbol mentioned by the owners when asked what they felt was symbolic of their shop. It brings a paranormal edge without being overly blatant about being what it is.
For the most part, the signs are easily nailed to the wall or placed where needed. The hanging signs are where mounting becomes interesting. Elaborate metal framework means that the signs cannot be flush to the ceiling, and the shelves on the walls prevent the same. Thus the signs must be fixed to the wall above the shelves and allowed to hang over the walking area.
A majority of the signs are around 12 inches wide and a little over 3 inches tall. These can fit in most places above door jams and due to the less than an inch thickness of the frames, are easy to keep flush to walls. The tombstone signs stand about 12 inches tall and 8 inches wide. These are meant to be placed in open areas like windows or on counters, not on shelves or against walls. The exception to this is the Computer sign that acts like a mousepad, and due to it being very thin, can be place flat beneath a mouse and keyboard. The larger, hanging signs are around 3 feet wide and 1 foot tall. They are very thin. The Circular sign is similar, but is instead 3 feet in diameter and very thin. The Register Information sign and the Booth sign are the only two that break given rules. The
former is around three feet wide instead of 1 foot like the others of its shape, and the rectangular Booth sign is a poster that stands over four feet tall and around five feet wide. These two fit in their respective locations accordingly.
There are four materials used in the signage system: corten steel, stainless steel, Brazilian walnut wood and vinyl. Corten steel, known for its notable color, is for the mounting of hanging signs and is a complimentary contrast to the dark colors around it. Stainless steel is painted white and is used in the sign of the hanging signs.
Brazilian walnut wood is used in a majority of the other signs. It is painted over with the slightest opaqueness to allow the grain to be hinted through, and the frames of the signs are always the true color of the natural wood . Vinyl is used in the signs that act like stickers, which gives them thinness and durability.
Design Development
Fabrication / Installation
Store Front Redesign
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TITLE GOES HERE TITLE GOES HERE nonsequatiis eos nobis reperuptat. Ro de volorias erum fugia vellest ese ni rempos idi alitas dolorerchil molorit faccab ipsam comnimo ssinvelici tem autem. Alit quiate nihit occullautem aut ipsam, cus exceptatiae. At aut hillam exceper natias nihillo rrovit quiandi psaeri asi alis imporepro in eost aut ut iur, quibus dollabor atis aborestem exped qui ratusam aut dolupta ad et fuga. Ehenis eos dus, idicte nihil moluptum quibus ditis unt alias earum, ventiatur sum quas exped et es si iscim ditiberrum veliquatibus et inctio ium fugiate mperum qui di dolupta sant laborio veles asimust ab iuntibust, evelenda sed magniminus atem quam vid erovitibus sitiore iumqui dolorae nus eius, si dolorerias audic to corum eseque doluptatia qui uta eossequodi blabore prat dolo comni cus erenis et volum enisquaero
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Sign Mock Ups
Tradeshow Booth Design
Table of Contents TRADESHOW BOOTH 1.Product Information
1.1 About the Alto
1.2 Proposed Tradeshows
2.1 Design Concept
2.2 Process
2.3 Booth Information
3. Final Concept
Company: Quut Location: Belgium Manufacturer: Pars Pro Toto
All products are BPA, Phthalates and latex free and are recyclable.
Product Information PROPOSED TRADESHOWS Europe: The Toy Fair
Currently in Kensignton Olympia, United Kingdom Projected to be in United Kingdom, January North America: The International Toy Fair
Projected to be in United States in Cuut won DME for best micro-company January management of the year 2014 Asia: Hong Kong Toys and Games Fair Made for sand or snow for structures Projected to be in Hong Kong in February that won’t crumble away. South America: International Toy Fair One of many products in line (ABRIN) Projected to be in Brazil in April Easy to use and store.
Colorful vector graphics were the most impactful means of communicating what the company Quut and its product was about. Big, bubbly letters (HWT Artz) in the company colors accompany the imagery in a complimentary fashion. The graphics flow across the panels, pushing the attention of the viewer from the sides into the center, which as a circular panel is a focal point in itself and contains the most crucial information. Text is minimal, given that the nature of the product is best shown instead of stated.
Alto is a children’s toy branded for the beach, but due to the company’s location and clientele, many of the photographs of this
product in use include snow instead of sand. This made for an interesting prospect when it came to considering the booth design. After all, what would make this product be as widely marketable as possible? “Build better castles in every season,” was born of this direction of thought. How does one portray the passing of seasons? For a great deal of time, photography was considered, but it simply did not suit the playful nature of the toy or its company. Soon vector artwork became an obvious choice, with its high saturation of flat color that simply made the imagery come to life. For the sake of clarity and contrast, the summery beach is portrayed aside a snowy slope, the two halves meeting in the middle to show the crossing of seasons and its continued usage through time.
Name: ECO-2040 | Hybrid S (sustainable hybrid display) Provider: ExpoTrades Exhibits Size: 10 ft by 20 ft Materials: Aluminum frame and Paradise tension fabric Price: $23,499 Due to the Eco-conscious nature of the company Cuut, it seems fitting that their booth be made with similar features in mind. This design was primarily chosen due to the five main panels shape which reference the curvature of the Alto. The centermost circular panel is perfect for putting key information and draws the eye very quickly due to its sheer size and the lead in of the other panels.
Final Concept
Colorful vector graphics were the most impactful means of communicating what the company Quut and its product was about.