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Keep Strong and Press On by Karen Whiting
DO YOU PRESS ON TOWARD YOUR GOAL, view challenges as obstacles and remain prepared for any opportunity? If so, that’s great. If not, you may need to evaluate and adapt the following methods to help you remain on track in your journey.
Can Do Attitude—Attitude plays a great part in success because it’s a motivational force. Believing you can do something helps you persist. Remembering that you can do all things through Christ builds a positive outlook. Make the words of Philippians 4:13 your motto,
Pray Without Ceasing—Prayer keeps you connected to God and gives you the opportunity to listen to His guidance and direction. It opens you up to noticing opportunities, resources, and people He puts in your path to help you. Most of all, prayer reminds you that you are on a winning team, God’s team.
Retain Godly Standards—Scriptures provide principles that help build personal and business integrity. They establish the values by which you measure your work and character.
Equip Yourself—Be ready to explain your vision and goals at any time. Be prepared to move ahead when opportunities arise. That might mean taking training or studying your topic and the latest research.
View Obstacles as Challenges—Look at problems and opposition as opportunities to refine your vision, strengthen your character, and test your creative ability to adapt and overcome difficulties. Obstacles may open your mind to new solutions that enrich your plans.
Find Common Ground—When there’s opposition, a persistent person finds common ground of values, needs or desires to connect. That opens up dialogue and communication for negotiating. Fnd out what passions and values you share to bridge sharing your ideas and goals.
Focus—Keeping your mind on the vision and direction of your goal helps you recall why you want to reach the destination. Looking toward the vision helps you see beyond the problems to the possibilities. It keeps your passion alive.
Never Give Up—We may change direction and refine goals, but persistence means to continue to remain on course. Your vision should draw you forward. List the benefits of the vision and post those. The vision is the end game. The goals are possible ways to achieve the vision. Evaluate goals and change or set new goals as needed.
People who succeed may not be the ones with the greatest dreams, but they are the ones who persist. -LH
Columnist Karen Whiting