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Books to Read

ANCHORED by Cynthia Cavanaugh
Cynthia Cavanaugh’s latest book, Anchored, will be at my beside for a long time. Cynthia writes with soul-level honesty and authenticity as she weaves her personal stories with Biblical truths. Her book is chock full of wisdom, practical tools for leadership, and sound biblical research. As a leader, how do we continue to lead when we are in the midst of ugly storms? I’ve highlighted many sections including: “The choices we make ahead of time determine the choices we will make during the storm.” Cynthia is a dynamic leader, and her words ring true because she has lived them. I highly recommend this book for leadership workshops, or for personal growth. Well done, Cynthia! —Heidemarie Erika McLaughlin

LINKED by Linda Gilden and Linda Goldfarb
What a fun book to help anyone identify and understand not only their own personality, but others. With the opportunity to go through the LINKED Personality Assessment, in one sitting the reader will gain useful information that can be put to use immediately.
The authors’ experience and expertise are woven through the book in a helpful, encouraging way. You get the sense that they really want to help you understand yourself and those around you. This is a wonderful resource book for parents, teachers, pastor’s, writers, managers, leaders, business owners. If you deal with people, which we ALL do, this book is invaluable. —Beth K. Fortune

With wisdom, heart and candor, Janell Rardon dives into the needed subject of overcoming hurtful words. I really enjoyed the reflective questions and practical insights in each chapter. Reading this book is a great combination of chatting with an encouraging friend and working with an experienced counselor. Janelle takes the reader through workable and practical questions and information to both understand the issues and hurts that need healing. Each chapter shares a specific practice for overcoming hurtful words and building healthy responses and behaviors.
Featuring practical teaching on God’s word as it relates to each chapter, Janelle thoroughly gives the reader a biblical foundation to overcome hurt and shame stemming from words that wound. My book is filled with underlined statements I want to remember and apply and I’m enjoying journaling my answers to her insightful questions. —Ginger Harrington