Leading Hearts 2020 Conference Issue

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FROM THE PUBLISHER linda evans shepherd

In May of 2008, a one-mile-wide EF-3 wedge tornado cut a path through Colorado, plowing across I-25, north of Denver. This brute crisscrossed through the farms before I lived through that tornado.

When that monster landed, I was in worship, singing the words “Holy is the Lamb,” along to Third Day’s Agnus Dei.

or so later, the tanker and I popped out of the second, less-daunting wall, and back into the sunshine. At Is that what that was?!

But no matter that the winds continue to swirl, we are in the center of the storm, holding hands with a God who loves us, a God who brings us peace.

To find God’s protection, we have to worship Him and give Him our problems. much I know, our world needs Christian books, music and products like never before. has given us. Stand firm and trust in the Lord.

love, Linda Evans Shepherd is a Revell author and the founder of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association.





Editorial Staff

PUBLISHER .................................................... Linda Evans Shepherd EDITOR/ART DIRECTOR ...................... Amber Weigand-Buckley LAYOUT EDITOR ........................................ Tom Young COPY EDITORS .......................................... Jodi Harris & Tom Young ADVERTISING .............................................. Linda Evans Shepherd

CONTRIBUTORS ....................................... Dr. Sabrina Black, Dawn Scott Damon, Pam Farrel, Catherine Finger, Julie Lavender, Susan U. Neal, Charlene Quint, Janell Rardon, Linda Evans Shepherd, Jennifer Taylor, Sharon Tedford, and Peggy Sue Wells

Right to the Heart Board

Linda Evans Shepherd (President), Dianne Butts, Sharon Norris Elliott, Karen Porter, Rhonda Rhea, Carole Whang Schutter and Joy A. Schneider


Leading Hearts magazine for Christian Women is published bimonthly by Right to the Heart Ministries 2020. ISSN 2380-5455

7 8 8 11 11 13 13 15 15 16 16 19

Prepared for Such a Time as This

CHARLENE QUINT DR. SABRINA Prepared for Such aBLACK Time as This

Racial Reconciliation, Repentence & Restitution

DR. SABRINA BLACK LINDA EVANS SHEPHERD Racial Reconciliation, Repent nce & Restitution LINDA EVANS SHEPHERD JULIE A PrayerLAVENDER When You Feel Defeated

Love Them Little, Love Them Big


Holy in the Moment


Leader or Follower?

CATHERINE FINGER CAROL CLEOD What’s YourM Signature Message?

Storm Proof

22 JANELL RARDON 20 JENNIFER DEAN Who Are Your KENNEDY Bridges? Treasured

24 DAWN SCOTT DAMON 23 KARISA MOORE Finding Freedom Turn the Page of Suicide

25 SUSAN U. NEAL 25 YVONNE ORTEGA 7 Steps to Improve Your Health

Six Ways to Comfort the Bereaved

26 PEGGY SUE WELLS & PAM FARREL 27 MICHELLE LAZUREK Navigating Family Life on Your Own The Day I Kissed My Religious Spirit Goodbye

ADVERTISING | Display rates are available at leadinghearts.com. By accepting an advertisement, Leading Hearts does not endorse any advertiser or product. We reserve the right to reject advertisements not consistent with the magazines objectives. MANUSCRIPTS | Writers guidelines are available at leadinghearts.com. Leading Hearts | PO Box 6421, Longmont, CO 80501 email: lindareply@gmail.com fax inquiries: (303) 678-0260 MEMBER | 2015-2016-2017-2018-2019 Evangelical Press Association Award of Merit Winner — Christian Ministry Digital Publication Photos courtesy of: Unsplash (Philipe Cavalcante, Rowan Chestnut, Dakota Corbin, Sai DeSilva, Caju Gomes, Ian Kiragu, Florian Klauer, Manny Moreno, Dang Nhz) Copyright ©2020 Right to the Heart Ministries. All rights reserved. Copyrighted material reprinted with permission. All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™


Other-Centered Adventure


A Healing Journey




A Healing Journey





FROM THE GUEST EDITOR charlene quint control. Domestic abuse is the most misunderstood, silenced epidemic of our time. Too often the church and the legal

and to represent women escaping domestic abuse.

degree, rescued me from abuse and healed me. But most of warrior.

prepared for

SUCH A TIME AS THIS “It’s not that bad. You’re still here. If it was that bad, you would have left 10 years ago.”

abuse and requesting he get counseling. Instead, to show he was in control, he got a prescription for Viagra and raped me

I have written legislation that protects abuse victims. As of 2020, a new Illinois law requires all mandated reporters, including clergy abuse.

While it appeared I was living a beautiful, successful life and emotional abuse, but at the end our marriage, it had


faith overcome domestic abuse. Overcoming Narcissists, Sociopaths, Psychopaths, and Other Domestic Abusers: The Comprehensive Handbook to Recognize, Remove, and Recover From Abuse

must get out, and get out now. words to educate, equip and encourage women struggling in abuse. It is the book I wish was available when I was Escaping an abusive marriage is the most traumatic thing she needs to know about this horrible scourge and how to overcome it. see the epidemic of abuse in the church. The #MeToo and His looking for answers.


It is necessary to have critical, often difficult listening conversations regarding challenges that minorities may have experienced over time.


REPENTANCE & RESTITUTION key items for every leader’s agenda dr. sabrina black | drsabrinablack.com

Leaders impact and influence change. In today’s climate of racial tension and protest of injustice, Christian or secular, are bringing the issues of race to the conference table.

blatant disregard. We have a voice that needs to be heard.

Agenda Item #1 — Racial Reconciliation (The process of healing and transforming injustice)

look back and review what we have done well and where we have missed the mark.



The goal is not condemnation or to be guilt-producing, but to acknowledge our race line (our statistical baseline of racial

circles. Yet, it has also been refreshing to be a co-laborer with NIV)

Color (Minorities) have not had the same opportunities or forgiveness and acts of repentance, where someone or some group has apologized on behalf of someone else, indicating the majority to determine what the minority needs are and implement change.

Agenda Item #3 — Restitution (Recompense for injury of loss) You will need to listen as minorities process the pain of exclusion. These concerns need to also be addressed as part of the changes implemented. Because disparity has existed for so long, we cannot spend days, weeks or months in committee meetings determining what to do. We need to begin the process


realization that more change is coming.

In response to these questions, I offer the following suggestions as part of your meeting agenda for discussion and implementation:

promises to look into it.

Agenda Item #2 — Repentance (To offer sincere regret or remorse) In recent weeks, I have been invited to be a part of numerous discussions, conversations, forums, etc. on race. It is has become clear, if it were not already, that minorities are tired of and exhausted from trying to be heard.

I stand with those who desire righteousness for righteousness’ sake.

voice for the voiceless and to give hope to the hopeless. Black African Americans and People of Color are crying out about things that need to change for minorities to work more effectively together to advance the kingdom. Not only do minorities want to be heard, but they want an acknowledgment that they have been wronged, slighted, discounted, disregarded, overlooked and misjudged.

“How can minorities be supported now and beyond?” “How can I make a difference?”

provide additional training and support. • people can get to know one another. •

Create space for conversations that demonstrate that

• •

Include minorities in the plans, processes, programs and the platforms.

Ensure that minorities are represented as consumers, customers, clients and constituents.

Open doors and create opportunities for involvement, advancement and promotion.

• • • • •

been heartbreaking to witness the same lack of repentance in some Christian organizations that I have dealt with in secular

known for implementation and follow-up.



I CALL YOU MINE embracing God’s gift of adoption

STRENGTH OF A WOMAN: why you are proverbs 31 lauren crews

kim de blecourt I Call You Mine was recognized as a 2019 Golden Scroll Awards winner in the Bible Study category. I Call You Mine the incredible spiritual insights available to those who

passage, Strength of a Woman

privilege, and the perspective gained when working with Kim de Blecourt is an award-winning author, international

• • Amazon Review: alphabet to uncover the true meaning of each verse. Lauren

fatherless, and encouraging others to do the same. Besides writing, she loves to read, take long walks, and sing on the

10. leadinghearts.com

new release

a prayer when you

FEEL DEFEATED linda evans shepherd | lindashepherd.com

In my latest book, Praying Through Your Every Emotion

plans for me. Your plans are for good, not disaster, to give me a future and a hope. In the name of Jesus, amen. My prayer on defeat is a paraphrase of the following Scriptures: •

Dear Lord,

love for me but a measurement of the wonderful victories to come. You’ve promised me I will not be put to shame, and You give me amazing hope through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Pour more of Your Spirit into me so that my hope will not be shaken and I can overcome all my troubles with joy. Help others to see my peace and gentleness. I can carry such peace because You are my defender and protector, and You are coming soon.

has been given to us. •

I give all my worries to You and ask that You turn every one of them into a miracle. I give thanks to You as I ask You to provide for my every need. When I pray this way, I do not need to live in worry, fear or defeat. How can my worries compete with the peace You offer me? I ask that You open my spirit to receive even through Jesus Christ. I am ready to move forward, not in defeat, but in Your

Linda Evans Shepherd is the author of over three dozen bestselling and award-winning books including . She is the founder of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA.)


new release

love them little

LOVE THEM BIG julie lavender | julielavender


“People were bringing little children to Jesus

for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder

steadfast love.

their hearts and minds. A beloved and familiar event told in Matthew, Mark and Luke,

Our four kids, now adults, often recount favorite childhood

Adventures that stand out in their minds include dancing in the den, picking blackberries and rolling down a hill. Watch for Julie’s new book, Turning Little Moments into Lasting Memories (Revell/Baker Publishing Group), coming October 2020.


Arise&Lead sharon tedford | 61 things.com

We’re equipped and we are ready We’re the people of God We’re anointed, we are willing To respond to His call We will stand up and move! “Arise” lyrics ©Sharon Tedford

14. leadinghearts.com

freedom. In Matthew 20:25-28, Jesus shares this leadership perspective: “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (ESV).

As Christians, especially those called to lead, we all need help finding our way. We need a trustworthy navigator to follow. The moment we realize our need for a leader is the moment we can begin making forward progress and stop going around in circles.

For too long, we who are the Church have allowed those in positions of authority to be solely responsible for leadership. We’ve let them do all the work, and that’s not how we should be operating.

embraces us with love, hope and truth. We need to envelop others with the same.

helped direct me to the best destination. At other times, some of the leaders I have followed didn’t even know that they were influencing me.

Will you follow the call?

conversations overheard in the local coffee shop (come on, Stand with your sisters in Christ and ARISE.

now and then, we are unaware someone is watching from the sidelines. What about the people who work alongside me? How have I guided them? Have I led them to believe that Jesus is faithful? Have I helped them to recognize a God who is kind and present? Have I directed them to see their need for a Leader for themselves?


coach’s corner

“I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.” —Psalm 139:14 AMP


Signature catherine finger | catherinefinger.com



16. leadinghearts.com

like being able to come alongside others struggling to serve in education or other public service roles in the midst of the

I decided to step out in faith and take a few action steps while seeking His guidance, journaling daily along the way. 100% sure it was the path for me, I enrolled in their program


Early in my spiritual development I came to believe that my life’s mission was a simple one

leadership and service in public education, it has taken a new shape still. their own lives and discover opportunities for growth and gifts and talents in their work lives, families and areas of


on the mission of their organizations while dealing with complicated challenges and issues attendant to the world of public education. Truth relative to developing leaders around them and creating sustainable leadership teams able to endure and shape their organizations through the shifts and changes of our communities and our world. As a writer, the idea of seeking truth amid a dark world comes

dream, write, and tell stories. Recently retired from a wonderful career in public education, she celebrates the ability to choose how to spend her time in a new way during the second half of life. So far, she chooses to write books, ride and show quarter horses, serve others of trouble both on the road and at home. She lives in the Midwest with a warm and wonderful combination of family and friends.



AWSA PROTÉGÉ communicate. Membership includes: • • •

Newsletters with the latest news and resources. An invitation to attend our live events at our conferences and retreats.

• •

AWSA PROFESSIONAL – speakers or communicators. Membership includes: • • • •

An online networking and resource loop. Newsletters with all the latest news and resources.

Leading Hearts magazine and purchase cover and features for strategic promotion.

Leading Hearts magazine and

• submit proposals as well as meet editors and fellow professionals know to succeed.



intensives & certification

AWSA Mastermind Groups Meets twice a month via video conferencing. Your Mastermind facilitator will ask you and other attendees four questions: • • • • create!

generation. • • • • do the same. • skills. • • achieve them. •

Writing Dreams

Your Plan to Achieve Your Professional Speaking and clients.

Inner Circle — training. • • •


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WHO ARE YOUR janell rardon | janellrardon.com


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mesmerizing words became a deep, life-giving, even Today, I am clothed in strength and dignity. Today, I have nothing to fear. Today, I smile when I think of the future.

Crossing an Emotional Bridge the future. At a time when I needed her most, she became an

Tucked at the end of the book of Proverbs is the profile of a remarkable, heartlifting woman. has often gotten a bad rap. She is perfect. I could never be as good as her. Model Christian. Gourmet chef. Real estate tycoon. Emotional rock. Social activist. Seamstress extraordinaire. Parented honor students. Married well. Pillar in the community. Yep, absolute perfection. Not for me.

Bridges Help Us Become Our Best

and aspire to be like. I call her a bridge.

“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until good is better and your better is best.” The apostle Paul says it this way: “Earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way” (1 Corinthians 12:31 NKJV).

the women who had served as bridges in her life. I love her choice of metaphor because bridges serve as a means of

kreitton. It kreitton, kratos, means

long aisle, and there it was, shining like a masterpiece in an deeds with power.

“Clothed in strength and dignity, with nothing to fear, she smiles when she thinks about the future” (Proverbs 31:25 VOICE).

be the best, but to become my personal best. Living in this profound truth alleviates the need to compete with other women, to strive for perfection, or to climb


Dawn Scott Damon Book Available through RedemptionPress.com Teacher’s Manual – Freedomgirlsisterhood.com DAWN SCOTT DAMON | FREEDOMGIRLSISTERHOOD.COM

I DIDN’T RECOGNIZE THE NAME OF THE SENDER OF THE EMAIL, BUT THE SUBJECT LINE CAPTURED MY INTEREST: “Do we ever experience freedom? Really?” As I read further, I grew sympathetic, then sad. “...I’m a survivor of sexual abuse. My father abused me when I was eleven. When I was twenty-six, I was raped. I pray a lot, but there ever freedom? Really?” I couldn’t help but read between the lines, imagining words that hadn’t been written, and tears that had been wept. Selfdestructive thinking, emotions, and behaviors bound this woman. I understood her bondage because I’d lived it. The “abundant life” the Bible speaks about was a fairy tale to her. She believed that her happily-ever-after would never come. Sadly, the author of this email was not alone in her pain. Thousands, perhaps millions, of women feel helplessly bound by past or present circumstances, restricted by invisible but very real cords. The psalmist describes their despair this way: “The cords of death entangled me.” (Psalm 116:3 NIV). Perhaps you have felt this way and searched for the answer to the question this woman asked: Can I ever be free — really free? If you’re certain the answer is no, but you long to believe that freedom can be possible, keep reading. I have good news. The Promise of Freedom

Release from past hurts can be a reality. You and I can receive deliverance because a Deliverer exists, a Freedom Fighter who so craves our liberty that he gave his life’s blood to purchase it for us: his name is Jesus Christ. I can tell you that this is true, not just because God’s Word assures us of freedom (the greatest reason of all), but because I’ve experienced that freedom — bold, beautiful, and abundant. I know what it means to be emotionally and spiritually bound. I’ve pain and despair. But through the power of the Holy Spirit, I found that although sorrow may last for a night, joy does come in the morning (Psalm 30:5). in a few desperate blows, but I won and came into His glorious healing is real and tangible, more than changed emotions or a new set of circumstances. God promises to sever the cords that bind you, to loose you from defeat and set you free. My journey required obedience and trust, and yours will too. By the power of God, I slipped free from the fears and lies that had tethered me to my past. destructive behaviors that hold you in bondage; if you feel tangled in cords that are choking God’s peace and joy from your life, it’s time for you to be free. In The Freedom Challenge: 60 Days to Untie the Cords that Bind You, I unfold undeniable truths in a sixty-day interactive

Christian women often feel caught in a paradox. We know that Jesus Christ purchased our freedom through his gift of salvation and that we are born again. Yet we live in a place of woundedness and defeat, bound by cords that strangle life and vitality from our souls.

many believers bound. These practical and powerful biblical tools are designed to give you a new mindset, a fresh beginning, and a clear direction for a positive future. Through a guided, intentional, and interactive daily process of putting God’s Word into practice, the strongholds of destructive and bondagemaking behavior in your life can be broken.

Is this the life Jesus envisioned for us when he came, as he said in John 10:10, to give us life more abundantly? I don’t think so. Freedom is possible. Because this is true, I wrote the sender of the email these words: YES, freedom really is possible.

The Freedom Challenge makes a powerful bible study, either by yourself or as a group. A teacher’s manual, study guide, and handouts are all prepared, along with interactive Facebook Group for support and engagement.

24. leadinghearts.com



your health susan neal | susanuneal.com

Does your health or weight impede you from

Step 5: Plan for the start date to begin changing your eating habits.

binding the strongman of addiction is included in 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates. Step 1. Decide to improve your health through proper nutrition. Step 2. Acquire knowledge and a support system to help make a lifestyle change. Learning which foods are harmful

and this causes us to become addicted. Step 3: Clean out the pantry and refrigerator by removing unhealthy foods, and clean out your emotions.

Step 6: Prepare and eat foods differently than you did before.

• • • • •

Yet food can be used for the wrong reasons. Cleaning out

vegetable protein. •

Step 4: Purchase healthy foods and an anti-Candida cleanse.

• Eat nontraditional grains. Step 7: Improve your health through continuing this new lifestyle, and never turn back.


The single mom works hard, loves her children, and longs for someone to love her, be strong for her and care for her as she cares for her children.



peggy sue wells • pam farrel | peggysuewells.com • love-wise.com

Peggy Sue’s story:

“He’s gone.” van onto our long gravel lane, I could see our home was


Pam’s story :

26. leadinghearts.com

Pam’s mother became a single mom struggled with alcohol, and with and depression grew, leading to increased episodes of domestic

• • • •

how to be a proactive parent, how to be a barrier breaker, how to develop relationship glue, and how to deal with dating and romantic relationships.

Because parents and children work well together with clear compilation of contracts for older children on topics from

Our stories are not unusual.

one in four homes is single-parent led, and most solo parents are single moms. While some single mothers have been began in committed relationships and never anticipated,

dreams and hopes as other parents. Yet, single moms often most need to.

Reality for single moms is that you — • represent a wide range of ages and seasons of life, • •

Yet you are far from alone. • million children in single-parent families. • • • More than three-fourths have full-time careers. • One-third of single-parent families live at or below the • Less than half receive child support. • • Less than half of single moms receive government assistance. Of the single moms who do receive survive on their own. Questions dog their thoughts. Is my life ruined? Will my children be permanently damaged? Do children need more love than I’m able to give? Can I provide all that my family needs?

The Ten Best Decisions a Single Parent Can Make applauds the dogged determination of brave parents under challenging circumstances. And we want to give single moms the • You are cherished, exactly where you are and as you are, by Jesus. “I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:17–19)

• When you feel weak, He is strong. “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” (Psalm 18:2) • Before you knew Him, He loved you. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13) • He gives gentle guidance to single parents. “He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.” (Isaiah 40:11)

The single mom works hard, loves her children, and longs for someone to love her, be strong for her and care for her and I had two goals when we wrote The Ten Best Decisions a Single Mom Can Make

The Ten Best Decisions a Single Mom Can Make serves as a companion, packed with practical tips

be the best solo parent possible.

Watch for the upcoming launch of Single Mom Circle on Facebook..


CHERI KEAGGY 35 YEARS – ONE MESSAGE I feel like my best days are ahead... my best work has not come yet.

jennifer taylor | music contributor




progress. I was frustrated with the process. I felt like I was in

help from a grief counselor. A connection through a friend led

For more than 20 years, Cheri Keaggy has shared her God-given talents as a CCM singer, songwriter and speaker. father. Each time someone shares their heartache with Cheri, she sang a song at his memorial service and wrote a couple more

“Psalm 116:15 says, ‘Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.’ I just kept repeating that and speaking it out loud during the night that first night. That later became part of a song that I wrote and sang at his service.”

“As we tell our stories, it is actually part of God’s healing in us. His continued work in us. When you testify, ‘Here’s how God met me,’ it’s like it solidifies it in us, that Truth is spoken in us and to another person.”

The book includes stories from several writers, and Cheri time has allowed her to walk through the grieving of her dad without rushing.

—continued on page 30— 29.

—continued from page 29— healed me a little bit more to be able to write about it and Working through her grief has allowed Cheri to be able to


“When my first husband and I divorced, I experienced a number of years of singleness, and the Lord became my True Good Husband. He became this Good Husband to me.

allowing the space and time for where I was. I am so

him for naptime.

“While I hold him, I have made it a practice to whisper Scriptures and prayers over him.

30. leadinghearts.com

contributors meet the publisher

Leading Hearts magazine.

meet the editor



Christian Book Buzz. Amber is owner of #barefacedcreative, providing branding support for authors,


n College.

www barefacedgirl.com www.barefacedgirl.com

wellness coach who is on a mission to help others reclaim their

clinical director, of Abundant Life Counseling and Coaching,

living. www.drsabrinablack.com

and feels privileged to walk alongside and help other women on their , national and international speaker, author and

and husband, Bill, are relationship specialists, international speakers and best-selling authors. When not

Hearts magazine

Leading is a British performer who resides near Dallas,

loves to dream, write, and tell stories.

to write books, ride and show quarter horses, serve others,

the parents of four, in-law of one, and grandparents of one.

Authors Network. In addition to penning her own award winning


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