The Subtle Art Of
Falling Apart
A lockdown Diary
Finding the intimate moments between myself and my camera have been paramount for coping with the anxieties of a global pandemic. The Subtle Art of Falling Apart is a voyeuristic journey through a life in national lock down. All shots taken on 35mm film camera, I want to tell a visual story of self discovery and the mundane, day to day life of being stuck inside.
Amber O’Reilly @ambrs_archive
You Must
Stay At home
We cherish the silence of our quiet lives while longing for the touch of our family and friends. It’s a cold yet blissful existence while encompassed in our own worlds, sweetly stuffed into the crevices of our minds. We indulge, all the while forgetting the importance of having the ability to slow down and reflect upon our fast driven lifestyles in this sleepy city.
A state, period or place of isolation in which people or animals that have been exposed to . disease are placed infectious or contagious
I often wonder how much pain does someone have to feel before the sun starts to shine again
It’s like a dull buzz every time I close my eyes and the more I try to ignore the louder it seems to rise I’ve never felt so alone the more tears I cry I’m on the edge Will I fall or fly?
We take our time alone for granted. Instead of focusing on the anxieties we’re facing collectively, we should find peace in this quiet moment of stillness. It’s okay to be perfectly still. We live in an age of constant movement, and instictively we no longer know how to stop.
I sink ships with the tears that fall when I think of you, my love and the distance between our fingers And when I return home one day, I’ll anchor in your heart, forever.
Being stuck in these four walls has given me the time to feel sadness, to remember happiness and to express myself freely through my lens. I’ll never forget the year the world stopped in its tracks. Although we were all tucked away inside our own little boxes, we all have something in common. We’re all going through this together and coping completely in our own ways.
Thank You