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Mortgage Moms Health & Wellness, Confused Yet?
By ASHLEY GRAVANO, Contributor, Mortgage Women Magazine
When you think of health and wellness, things such as diet, exercise, and self-care come rushing to your mind, am I right? Then you add in how to apply health and wellness to your children’s lives, and your mind explodes (for some of us).
I mean I can’t get my 15-year-old to put his phone down and eat three balanced meals a day to save my life … can’t imagine how you get the tiny ones (i.e., the toddler who only wants mac and cheese and will not try broccoli). Frustrating! We all know that we need to incorporate healthy habits to live a balanced life. How do we get our kids to understand the same?
Ashley Gravano
Let’s dive into how some of our mortgage moms define and exercise (pun intended) health and wellness and, most importantly, how they practice self-care because we all know you cannot pour from an empty cup!

ASHLEY PUCKETT Senior Capital Markets Analyst Vellum Mortgage
How do you practice health and wellness in your home?
I make sure everyone gets outside as much as we can, weather permitting. My family loves to go on walks around the neighborhood, nature trails and go to the park/ playground. I also love cooking, so I make sure we eat healthy, balanced meals during the week.
Are your kids stubborn about healthy eating habits and, if so, what tips do you have?
My boys have always been great with food. I started them off at 4 months old with homemade purees and at 6 months old with dinner table food they could eat. I think if they see you eating it and not make a big deal of “eat your vegetables, fruit, etc.,” they won’t be stubborn about it. I also think having a variety of foods and cuisines for them to try is crucial. I grew up only really eating the same “southern” food every week and was super picky. Once I was on my own and able to try different cuisines, my palate really picked up, and I began to truly enjoy food.
How do you prioritize self-care for yourself?
I plan and schedule if I am going out to do a form of selfcare like a facial, massage, hair/ nail salon, etc. I am the type that needs my alone time (decompressing from the day), so once the boys are in bed, I will watch a little bit of TV or read. One of my 2023 goals is to be more intentional with my friendships, so having more ladies nights, which is good for my soul.
JEN PEACHMAN Manager of Strategic Partnerships Capacity

How do you practice health and wellness in your home?
Last year I upped my health and wellness game by leveling up from practicing yoga at a local studio and at home to joining Wotworx and practicing hot yoga, barre, Pilates and HIIT, and it’s been a game changer for me personally! My husband and I are avid hikers and hit the trails for sunrise hikes regularly and my kiddos are both active in sports with practices and games 3-5 times per week. Our house is busy, to ensure we’re healthy and active.
Do you have a daily routine of wellness practices for them/you?
As a busy working mom, I’ve committed myself to spending an hour a day, five times per week focusing on my personal health and wellness. I schedule time for my hikes and workouts early in the mornings or in the evenings to accommodate my work schedule. and change my workout classes regularly to keep a variety in my exercise routine.
How do you prioritize self-care for yourself?

When my daughter was very sick a few years ago, I saw a quote that I still have hanging by my desk. It was super impactful and made me realize that in order to be the best mom to her and her sister, especially during some of our darkest days, I had to take care of myself first. “Your kids don’t need a perfect mom. They need a happy one.” More moms need to hear this, it’s in theirs and their kids’ best interest.
VICTORIA DELUCE SVP, Business Development Delmar Mortgage
How do you practice health and wellness in your home?
We are just a normal family that tries to be a better version of ourselves today than we were yesterday. I think many people automatically go to eating healthy and exercise, but mental health is where it starts for me and my children. If you are taking care of your mind and what