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Coping With
Follow These 10 Strategies For Embracing Change
By TINA ASHER , Contributing Writer, Mortgage Women Magazine

Some of you know that I am no stranger to change. As I wrote in my book, Teetering, I’ve moved 19 times, and attended six schools in five states. I’ve changed jobs, houses, husbands, and careers. With each change, I experienced fear, anxiety, pain, excitement, growth, and several other emotions. Once you’ve been through a loss of a job, a marriage, a close friend, or partner, you develop a sense of a new awakening.
Once you’ve gone through it, you become a resource and pillar to help
Tina Asher
1. Understand your response to change. Do you tend to leap before you look or to imagine the worst?
2. Take responsibility for your reaction to change. You may not be able to control the events, but you can control your reaction to them.
3. Keep other changes to a minimum. Coming to terms with major changes is physically and emotionally taxing. Conserve your energy.
4. Look to others. Those who have undergone similar changes can serve as models for how you might better cope.