3 minute read
La, La, La … These Are A Few Of My Annoying Things…
La, La, La … These Are A Few Of My Annoying Things…
Nick Roberson is a long-time mortgage industry veteran and a board member of the California Association of Mortgage Professionals. He’s a forthcoming and giving guy, who shares his … unique … perspective on work and life on his Facebook account. Here are some of Nick’s FB thoughts this month:
This week’s list of annoying things:
1. Something flies into your eye while you are eating hot wings.
2. Scissors that require scissors to open the package containing the scissors
3. Selecting option 2 on a “Robo-sales” call to remove yourself from their call list, is the phone equivalent of the “Close Door” button on an elevator and the button you push at a crosswalk for crossing the street. None of them really do anything.
4. Sitting at a stoplight at an intersection where there are no cars coming from any other direction.
5. People that have TSA Pre-check, and still set the metal detector off 10 times before they finally figure out it’s the engineering marvel holding their boobs up (women or men, I don’t judge) causing the problem.
6. That big spider on your ceiling above your bed that jumps when you get ready to kill it, and you have no idea where it went
7. The kid that lives around the corner (if you met him you would understand)
8. Prank Pants – You know the pants you try on because the label indicates they are your size, but in reality are 3 sizes too small and you don’t realize it until you are putting the second leg on, which you get halfway on and then spend 10 minutes hopping around the dressing room on one foot trying to figure out how to get them off.
9. Sales people who check on you in the dressing room while you are trying to get the prank pants off because people in the adjacent dressing room thought you were having sex due to all of the heavy breathing and banging on the walls while you stumbled around trying not to fall over.
10. When your daughter tells you at 9:00pm that she needs a binder for science class by tomorrow morning.
11. When the woman in line in front of you thinks you are checking her out, but all you are really doing is trying to figure out what she is going to do with 8 gallons of Crisco and 50 pounds of dry cat food. Sidebar – no, I didn’t have the guts to ask.
12. Long list of annoying things that you keep reading hoping it will get funnier, but it never really does.
I just ran up to the grocery store deli to grab a quick sandwich and a few groceries. While I was waiting for my sandwich a lady came up to me and was trying to ask me a question. She did not speak English. So, I channeled what was left in me of my Spanish class from high school and gave it my best. While my Spanish wasn’t horrible, I am pretty sure she was speaking Mandarin. So, it was of little use, and I am fairly certain I managed to confuse her even more. I am not sure what Mandarin is for “crazy idiot”, but I am pretty sure she said it as she was walking away.
I just want to say thank you to the extremely attractive woman standing in the produce section next to the kale. I had almost forgotten to pick up weed killer.
Quarantine Lesson #111:
When picking up a bag of rice from your kitchen counter, it is important to check which end of the bag has already been opened. If you thought 52 card pick-up was a lot of fun, then pick up the bag of rice by the wrong end and see what a treat that is.
Dammit! Got freaking rice stuck between my toes!

To see more by Nick, just go to www.facebook. com/nickroberson.