SCO news 2012

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S t re n g t h C h a n g e O rg a n i z a t i o n



UAE Dubai

BRASIL Sao Paulo





Uvodna riječ, Predsjednik Uprave g. Ilija Studen 4

Introductory speech, President of the Board Mr. Ilija Studen

STUDEN & CO Holding juče, danas, sutra 7 Osvrt članova Uprave STUDEN & CO Holdinga 7 Strateški partneri AGRANA i Vereinigte Fettwarenindustrie Austria 20 Partneri iz BiH 23 STUDEN & CO Holding Uprava Hronološki razvoj Organizaciona shema

26 26 27 29

Divizija šećer i distribucija Nove firme Ljudi Pakirni centar Brend AGRAGOLD

30 31 34 34 34

Divizija jestiva ulja, uljarice i žitarice Nove firme Ljudi Novo skladište «logistički centar» gotovih proizvoda BIMAL brendovi - BIMAL maslinovo ulje - Novi brend SOLIA

38 39 40 40 42 42 44

Divizija berzanski proizvodi, logistika i korporativni servisi Nove firme Ljudi Brend MINGOS COFFEE, BRAVO

48 50 52 53

Divizija mineralna ulja Nove firme Ljudi

58 58 59

Dani otvorenih vrata – (2005 – 2011)


Konferencija Portorož


STUDEN & CO Holding danas



STUDEN & CO Holding Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 7 Retrospect from STUDEN & CO Holding Board members 7 Strategic partners AGRANA and Vereinigte Fettwarenindustrie Austria 20 Partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina 23 STUDEN & CO Holding Board Chronological development Organizational scheme

26 26 27 29

Division Sugar and Distribution New companies People Packaging Center AGRAGOLD brand

30 31 34 34 35

Division Edible Oils, Oilseeds and Grains New companies People New final product warehouse “Logistics Centre“ BIMAL brands - BIMAL olive oil - New brand SOLIA

38 39 40 40 42 42 44

Division Commodity, Logistics and Corporate Services 48 New companies 50 People 52 MINGOS COFFEE brand, BRAVO brand 53 Division Mineral Oils New companies People

58 58 59

Open Door Days – (2005 – 2011)


Portorož Conference


STUDEN & CO Holding Today



Ilija Studen, predsjednik Uprave STUDEN & CO Holdinga Ilija Studen, President of the STUDEN & CO Holding Board

Uvodna riječ, Predsjednik Uprave g. Ilija Studen

Introductory speech, President of the Board Mr. Ilija Studen

Želio bih se u nekoliko rečenica osvrnuti na proteklih 20 godina, ali samo na nekoliko bitnih odrednica i momenata koji pokazuju koliko je naš poslovni razvoj bio logičan i racionalan, ali ipak poseban u toj logičnosti i racionalnosti. Vizija razvoja STUDEN & CO Holdinga u narednom periodu biće okosnica našeg rada i daljeg pozicioniranja na svim tržištima, te ću u izlaganju podcrtati osnovne smijernice razvoja.

In a few sentences, I would like to reflect upon the last 20 years but only upon several important guidelines and moments which illustrate how logical and rational our business development was yet so unique in this logic and rationality. The vision of STUDEN & CO Holding’s future development will be the backbone of our business activity and further positioning in all markets so in my address I will underline the basic guidelines for the development.

Prva dekada našeg poslovanja, period od 1992. do 2002. godine bio je određen jasnim planom i nastojanjem da se razvijemo kao grupa firmi na području Zapadnog Balkana i Austrije, koja se prije svega bavi trgovinom osnovnim prehrambenim proizvodima kao što su ulje, šećer i brašno. Centrala i prva firma su pozicionirani u Austriji, u Beču, a slijedile su firme u drugim državama regije, sa ciljem da

The first decade of our business operations i.e. the time period from 1992 to 2002 was marked by a clear plan and effort to develop as a group of companies in the area of Western Balkans and Austria, primarily trading in basic food products such as oil, sugar and flour. The very first and central company was seated in Austria, in Vienna, followed by companies in other countries in the region, with the goal to stay as close as possible to our clients, to offer them excellent services and understand their needs and wants. In this time period, our vision of the need to have our own brands, our production, logistics, marketing, adequate stock market and an overall market know-how evolved. We had a clear idea of our future development which was to become a fully integrated, uninterrupted chain of supply, from raw materials to final products that we need to place in the market. The second decade of our business operations was symbolized by this development upon the foundations that we have set in place in the first decade of our existence in the business world. Great investments of all available resources that went toward the increase and growth of production, development of our own brands, market positioning, logistics and an all-encompassing development of our business operations marked

klijentima budemo što bliži i da pružimo odličan servis i razumijemo njihove potrebe i želje. U tom periodu sazrela je i vizija da moramo imati svoje vlastite brendove, svoju proizvodnju, logistiku, marketing, adekvatan berzanski i sveukupni tržišni know-how. Za nas je dalji razvoj bio jasan, moramo postati potpuno integrisani, neprekinuti lanac snabdjevanja od sirovine do finalnog proizvoda kojeg trebamo plasirati na tržište. Drugu dekadu poslovanja obilježio je baš taj razvoj kojem smo temelje postavili u prvoj dekadi poslovanja. Velika ulaganja svih raspoloživih resursa u razvoj i izgradnju proizvodnje, u vlastite brendove, pozicioniranje na tržištu, logistiku i cjelokupni razvoj svih segmenata poslovanja obilježili su drugu dekadu. Grupa se tržišno veoma proširila i internacionalizovala, porastao je broj zaposlenika u svim segmentima, a osnova poslovanja je ostala u Zapadnom Balkanu i Austriji. U ovom periodu firme članice Holdinga prevazišle su regionalne okvire i otvorile se ka novim tržištima. To je obilježeno otvaranjem firmi u Sao Paolu i Dubaiju, predstavništva u Amanu, te kompletiranjem regionalne zastupljenosti u matičnoj regiji. U trećoj dekadi našeg rada suočavamo se sa još većim izazovima koji pružaju velike mogućnosti i donose velike rizike. Naš cilj je da se razvijemo u internacionalnu grupaciju koja će: • zadržati, ojačati i proširiti svoju tržišnu poziciju u Evropi, prvenstveno na Zapadnom Balkanu • stečena znanja i iskustva uspješno aplicirati na svjetskom tržištu sa fokusom na Aziju i Afriku • jačati pozicije nabavke sirovina za cjelokupni sistem kompanija i time pozicije Holdinga u Amerikama, a prije svega u Brazilu i Argentini U trećoj dekadi Holding će: • poslovati iz regionalnih centara u Beču, Brčkom, Dubaiju, Singapuru, Šangaju i Sao

the second decade. The Group has expanded its market presence and become internationalized, the number of our staff in all segments has grown but the crux of our business activities remained in the Western Balkans and Austria. In this time period, the Holding’s member companies have gone well beyond the boundaries of our region and stepped out into new markets. This was marked by opening of the companies in Sao Paulo and Dubai, branch office in Amman, and rounding up of regional presence in our native region. In the third decade of our work we will be facing even greater challenges that will open up great new opportunities but also include great new risks. Our goal is to grow in an international Group which shall: • preserve, strengthen and expand its market position in Europe, primarily in the Western Balkans, • successfully apply the acquired know-how and experience in the global market, with a focus in Asia and Africa • reinforce its positions in terms of supply of raw materials for the entire system of companies and thus solidify the Holding’s positions in Americas, primarily in Brazil and Argentina. In the third decade, the Holding will: • do business from its regional centers in Vienna, Brčko, Dubai, Singapore, Shangai and Sao Paolo and manage its business operations in each region from these central positions • become highly internationalized in the sense of its staff, and thoroughly instigate ambitious and skilled staff from a number of our companies, to move within our system as world will become a global village. • enter into even more partnership deals and joint ventures in different parts of the world which will reinforce the system’s flexibility and open new synergetic potentials between our different regions and countries. • Even more, notwithstanding this great expansion and internationalization, we shall keep the


6 Strength Synergy Straightforward Success Change Colleagues Cooperation

Paolu i sa tih pozicija upravljati poslovima u datoj regiji • veoma se internacionalizovati u smislu kadrova, te da će doći do veoma velikog kretanja ambicioznih i sposobnih ljudi iz naših različitih firmi, unutar našeg sistema, jer će zemlja još više postati globalno selo • ući u još više različitih partnerskih odnosa i Joint Venture-a u različitim dijelovima svijeta, koji će još više pojačati fleksibilnost sistema i otvoriti nove sinergijske potencijale između naših različitih regija i zemalja • i dalje, pored velikog širenja i internacionalizacije, zadržati duh korektnosti i poštenja, odlične kolegijalnosti i optimizma, i neće postati veliki, bezlični internacionalni koncern. Kroz 5 godina, na velikom jubileju za 25 godina postojanja STUDEN & CO Holdinga biće prilika da na pola treće dekade vidimo kako se ostvaruju ovi naši ciljevi snažnog (Strenght) sistema koji se prilagođava promjenama (Change) velikom vizijom i dobrom organizacijom (Organisation) poslova i resursa.

Ilija Studen

Courage Communication Organization Outstanding Opportunity Optimism

spirit of correct and honest workplace relations, great collegiality and optimism and shall not allow the Holding to morph into a huge, faceless international concern. In five years, at a grand 25 jubilee of STUDEN & CO Holding’s life, we will have an opportunity to see, in the middle of our third decade, how our goals of Strength system adapt to Change with a grand vision and a good Organisation of our business activities and resources.

Ilija Studen


STUDEN & CO Holding juče, danas, sutra Osvrt članova Uprave STUDEN & CO Holdinga Petar Studen Od mene, bolje reći najiskusnijeg, nego najstarijeg učesnika koji su učestvovali od prvih pa do današnjih dana u nastanku i stasanju naše danas respektabilne firme, očekuje se, da se ukratko osvrnem na protekli period od 20 godina. Da bi bio koncizan i uverljiv, to ću najlakše iskazati ako se vratim u rane devedesete godine, kada je firma tek počela da živi i radi. Mislim da ću razvoj firme najuvjerljivije prikazati ako spomenem dva interesantna detalja. Prvi se odnosi na drugu polovinu 1994. godine, kada smo moja supruga i ja napustili ratno bosansko područje i došli u Beč kod sinova, koje nismo vidjeli nekoliko godina. Kad su me odveli u vrlo sređene i elegantne kancelarije, prva moja

STUDEN & CO Holding Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Retrospect from STUDEN & CO Holding Board members Petar Studen I am expected to reflect briefly upon the past 20 years, being one of the most experienced, which is better to say than one of the oldest, participants who have been involved in our, now reputable, company since its very first days, since its birth through its coming of age until today. To be concise and believable, I will present this in the easiest way possible, that is, by going back to the early nineties when the company just started to exist and operate. I think I will illustrate the company’s development most compellingly by recounting two interesting details. The first detail dates back from the second half of 1994, when my wife and I left the war-torn Bosnia

and came to Vienna to join our children, whom we had not seen for several years. When they took me to their orderly and elegant office space, my first thought was “Let me see what they are doing and what volume of goods and turnover they have.” That was when Ilija gave me a detail that has remained etched in my memory which was that, some time before, they had sold more than 1,600 tons of sugar to a customer. In my mind I thought, “You must be pulling my leg, Ilija!” and decided to check if that was true. Here I must point out that, to my knowledge, Ilija has never told me something that later turned out to be incorrect. When I checked the paperwork and realized that this was true, I was thrilled to see that the company was operating with success and that it has made such a “HUGE” business. Today, 16 years later, this same company sells every day more sugar than it sold the day before.


pomisao je bila da vidim šta rade i koliko rade u volumenu i prometu. Tom prilikom Ilija mi je iznio jedan detalj koji mi se urezao u pamćenje da su prije izvesnog vremena prodali određenom kupcu 1.600 tona šećera. U sebi sam pomislio: » Nemoj Ilija, da me farbaš« i odlučio, da to provjerim. Ovdje moram podcrtati da mi Ilija nikada, na moje znanje, nije rekao nešto što bi se kasnije ispostavilo netačnim. Uvidom u dokumentaciju se to još jednom potvrdilo i bio sam sretan što je firma uspjela i za tadašnje prilike napravila »ogroman« posao. Danas, 16 godina poslije, ta ista firma svaki dan proda više šećera u odnosu na jučerašnji. Drugi detalj je vezan za novoosnovanu firmu SCO Ljubljana u kojoj sam bio direktor i suvlasnik kada smo 1995. godine ostvarili ukupan prihod cca.70.000 DM, prije svega prodajom klinastog remenja. Danas, to jest ove godine 2012., AGRAGOLD Ljubljana, koja je poslovno naslijedila SCO Ljubljanu će napraviti ukupan prihod od cca. 40 mio. €. Mislim, da ova dva detalja zorno pokazuju kakav je skokovit bio razvoj i napredak firme, što mene kao jednog od sudionika, čini jako sretnim i ponosnim.

The second detail is linked to the newly established company SCO Ljubljana, where I was the director and co-owner when, in 1995, we achieved the total revenue of approximately 70.000 DM, primarily selling wedge belts. Today, meaning in year 2012, AGRAGOLD Ljubljana, which has inherited the SCO SCO Ljubljana’s businesses will make a total revenue of approx. 40 million €. I think that these two details vividly show what a stellar progress and development the Company experienced, which makes me, one of the participants in the process, very happy and proud. The development and future prospects are best left to the young visionaries, whereas we – the older ones, are better left with the memories of everything we have been through in these 20 years and all the business moves we made. Looking back today, and using the volume of business and the great success as the yardstick for our success, our business moves can be considered to have been good and solid. In the end, I just want to point out with great conviction that our firm is on a great path and that even more lustrous successes and better results

O razvoju i perspektivi najbolje je da govore mladi vizionari, a nama starijima ostaje da se sjećamo kroz što smo sve prolazili u ovih 20 godina i kakve smo poslovne poteze povlačili. Gledano unatrag i mjereno današnjim obimom poslovanja i odličnog uspjeha naši poslovni potezi mogu se ocijenti dobrim i kvalitetnim.

lie ahead accompanied by many more enormous difficulties, which are undeniably present in the our company’s scope of operations. Let our grand anniversary celebrating the 20 years of our existence be merry! Petar Studen

Na kraju samo želim sa velikim uvjerenjem istaći da je naša firma na sjajnom putu još blistavijih i boljih rezultata uz sve ogromne teškoće, koje su apsolutno prisutne na prostorima djelovanja naše firme. Neka je sa srećom ovaj naš veliki jubilej 20. godina postojanja Petar Studen

Slobodan Stefanović Uspeh u poslovanju, prosperitet i rast svake kompanije, pa tako i naše, u mnogome zavisi od optimalizacije logističkih tokova. Nakon što je naš Holding dugi niz godina koristio usluge raznih špedicija i logističkih firmi sa tržišta usluga, zaključili smo da vlastiti kadar puno brže i kvalitetnije obavlja logističke poslove, filtrira i skraćuje put do izvorne informacije, te se spremno prilagođava zahtevima tržišta u nastojanju da se izdvoji i posluje uspešnije od konkurencije. Permanentni rast i razvoj naše grupe doveo je do potrebe da se na mestima ključnim za nesmetan proces dopreme i otpreme robe osnuju vlastite poslovnice. Svaka naša poslovna jedinica i distributivni centri kao članovi grupacije takođe u značajnoj meri doprinose uspehu firme, i to kroz svoje «lokalne logistike» koje su svaka po sebi specifične i često veoma zahtevne. Sve u svemu, vodeći brigu o interesima grupacije u globalu, kroz rezultate poslovanja postiže se niz pozitivnih sinergijskih efekata:

Slobodan Stefanović Business success, prosperity and the growth of commercial Companies, as well as our Company, largely depends on the optimalization of its logistic routes. Having used for a number of years the services of various freight-forwarding and logistics companies for the needs of our Holding, we came to the conclusion that our own staff can perform our logistic tasks in a much more efficient and highquality manner, and thus filtering and shortening the routes to essential information, enabling fast adjustments to the market demands, in an attempt to improve our performance vs. the competition.



• Konstantan rast prometa cele grupacije, te dobar poslovni imidž • Smanjenje troškova ispod nominalnih tarifnih stavova • Korištenje vlastitih resursa i bliska saradnja članica unutar grupacije • Izgradnja čvrstih, prijateljskih veza sa partnerima. Naši partneri na polju logistike, u prvom redu lučki operateri, brodari, kontrolne kuće i predstavnici željeznica i drugih transportnih firmi su u nama prepoznali snagu koja generira i njihov uspeh, pri čemu uživamo status top klijenta. Naši kadrovi su pravi primer timskog rada koji se razvija u prijateljskoj radnoj atmosferi i međusobnom pomaganju, uz zaključak da je bez pouzdanih kolega i profesionalnih i kolegijalnih odnosa nemoguće napredovati. Strategija daljeg razvoja zasniva se na permanentnom širenju naše fleksibilnosti i sposobnosti odreagovati brže, preciznije i konkretnije nego slične grupacije u okruženju, pa i globalno gledano. Naš cilj ostaje da negujemo i koristimo sve sinergije koje smo sami stvorili, te da zajedničkim delovanjem zadržimo sadašnju poziciju i (p)ostanemo odlučujuci subjekt na prostorima našeg delovanja, što sa ponosom možemo već sada reći da velikim delom to i jesmo.

Our Group’s permanent growth and development has led to the need of establishing our own branch offices in various locations which are crucial for smooth process of delivery and dispatch of goods. Each and every one of our business units and distribution centers, as the members of the Group, make a great contribution to the success of our Company, primarily through their own “locallybased logistics” each of which is highly specific and at times highly demanding. All in all, keeping in mind the Group’s global interests, we achieved a number of positive synergetic effects through our business results, including these: • The Group’s total turnover is showing a constant growth improving even further the good image of the Company • Costs have decreased below the nominal tariff rates • We have achieved a close cooperation between the Group’s member companies • We build solid, friendly partnerships. Our partners in the field of logistics, primarily port operators, control companies, and representatives of railways and other carrier companies, have recognized in us the force which supports generating their success, and among whom we enjoy the best client’s reputation.

Slobodan Stefanović

Our staff is a genuine example of a teamwork spirit which performed in a friendly and hardworking environment and mutual assistance with a philosophy that no progress is possible without trustworthy colleagues and good professional and collegial relationships.

Saša Studen U proteklih 20 godina našeg rada i razvoja bio sam angažovan u gotovo svim sferama poslovanja, ali od 2006. godine od kada smo počeli razvijati novu granu našeg rada – sirovu kafu, dobio sam novi izazov sa kojim se nosim zajedno sa svojim timom ljudi iz godine u godinu.

The strategy for our further development is based on a permanent expansion of our flexibility and ability to respond with faster, more precise and more concrete reactions as compared to other business groups that operate in our region, as well as globally. Our goal remains to develop and use all the synergies that we have created and to jointly

Razvijanje novih poslova je uvijek teško i ima svoje uspone i padove, ali rezultati koje postižemo u prodaji i reputacija koju imamo kod kupaca ali i dobavljača je dodatni motiv da ljestvicu konstantno podižemo više. Od 2006. godine kada smo prodali skromnih 1.500 tona sirove kafe, do ovogodišnjih skoro 20.000 tona, vremenski je prošlo mnogo, ali mnogo se i izgradilo. Naša reputacija u prodaji šećera i ulja pomogla nam je da osiguramo osnovne pozicije na tržištu, međutim, kako je kafa specifičan proizvod jer se veže za užitak, morali smo se ponovo kao sistem dokazati kod svih kupaca da i u ovom novom biznisu imamo kvalitet i kontinuitet isporuke. Upravo to je dovelo da od „anonimusa“ u biznisu sa sirovom kafom postanemo siguran, kvalitetan i pouzdan dobavljač što su svi veliki proizvođači gotovog proizvoda na Zapadnom Balkanu prepoznali u nama.

Kod trejdinga sirovom kafom pored odnosa sa kupcima izuzetno je važan odnos sa dobavljačima kako bi se obezbjedio konstantan kvalitet kafe jer potrošač ne trpi ni najmanju promjenu u okusu, mirisu i cjelokupnom užitku pijenja kafe. Naši dobavljači su u nama prepoznali dobrog partnera i rast količina na tržištu Zapadnog Balkana je direktni

endeavor to retain our current positions but also to develop into a substantial and dominant entity in our area of business operations, which we can proudly say we have already partly accomplished. Slobodan Stefanović

Saša Studen In the past 20 years of our operation and development, I was involved in almost all spheres of business, but since 2006, when we started developing the new branch of business - the green coffee, I got a new challenge that I have been facing and dealing with along with my team of people year after year. Developing new business is always difficult and has its ups and downs, but the results we have accomplished in sales and the reputation that we have earned with our customers and suppliers are an additional motive to constantly raise the bar higher. Since 2006 when we sold a modest 1,500 tons of green coffee, to nearly 20,000 tons sold this year, a lot of time has passed, but a lot has been developed in that time. Our reputation in the sale of sugar and oil helped us to secure the basic positions in the market, however, as coffee is a highly specific product because it is identified with pleasure, we had to prove ourselves once again to all our customers that we, as a system, have the quality and continuity of delivery in this new business as well as in the other ones. This is exactly what has turned us from “nobodies” in the business with green coffee to a safe, reliable and highquality supplier that all the major manufacturers of finished products in the Western Balkans have recognized in us. When trading in green coffee, in addition to an excellent customer service, what is extremely



rezultat dobre saradnje sa njima. Zadovoljstvo mi je istaći da partnerski sarađujemo s kompanijom Olam iz Singapura, koja je jedan od najvećih i najznačajnijih svjetskih proizvođača kafe. Zbog prethodno navedenog biznis sa kafom u narednom periodu širimo na tržište Bliskog i Srednjeg Istoka, te planiramo voditi kompletan biznis s kafom iz našeg regionalnog centra u Dubaiju. Na ovaj način približavamo se i fizički tržištu koje ima veliki potencijal. Očekujemo i dalje povećanje plasmana ukupnih količina kafe, i to već u slijedećoj godini na ca. 25.000 tona, što nas i u ovom biznisu dovodi u poziciju regionalnog lidera na Zapadnom Balkanu. Saša Studen

Ekrem Hanić Današnji rezultati koje ostvarujemo na tržištu direktan su rezultat strateškog razvijanja svih kompanija članica Holdinga. Ako govorimo o Bosni i Hercegovini, koja je danas centar svih resursa, onda je period od 1995. godine do 2001. godine za Arex značio pozicioniranje kod kupaca i dobavljača u distribuciji i maloprodaji nafte, te trgovanju osnovnim prehrambenim proizvodima uljem i šećerom. Ovaj početak je bio od izuzetnog značaja za dalji razvoj i u tom periodu smo od novih igrača na tržištu do 2001. godine izrasli u jednu od vodećih kompanija u distribuciji nafte i u prodaji šećera i ulja na bosanskohercegovačkom tržištu. Broj zaposlenih je u datom periodu kontinuirano rastao, da bi u 2001. godini dosegao broj 90. STUDEN & CO GmbH je u tom periodu izrastao u dobavljača broj jedan za Arex i logičan slijed je bilo spajanje naših kompanija i zajednički nastup na bosanskohercegovačkom tržištu. Upravo ovo

important is the relationship with suppliers in order to ensure a constant quality of coffee because a consumer does not tolerate even the slightest change in taste, flavor, and the overall pleasure of coffee drinking. Our suppliers have seen in us a good partner and the rate of our growth in the market of the Western Balkans is the direct result of the good cooperation with them. I am pleased to note that we work with a partner company Olam from Singapore, which is one of the largest and most important producers of coffee in the entire world. Due to all of the aforementioned, in the future we will expand the coffee business to the market of Near and Middle East, and the plan is to run the entire business with coffee from our regional center in Dubai. In this way we are physically approaching the market that has a great potential. We expect to continue to increase the total amount of investments in coffee, and expect it to go up to approx. 25,000 tons as early as next year, which will put us in the position of the regional leader in the Western Balkans in this branch of industry. Saša Studen

Ekrem Hanić Today’s results that we achieve in the market are a direct outcome of the strategic development of all the member companies of the Holding. If we discuss Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is now the center of all our resources, then the period from 1995 to 2001 for Arex signifies the positioning with customers and suppliers in the distribution and retail of petroleum oil and basic foodstuffs i.e. edible oil and sugar. Such beginning was of a great importance for our further development and in that time period, that is by 2001, we grew from the new player in the market to one of the leading

companies for distribution of petroleum oil and sale of sugar and edible oil in the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The number of our employees was continuously increasing in this time period and in 2001 this number grew to 90.

spajanje nas je dovelo do odlične pozicije u ulju i šećeru na tržištu Bosne i Hercegovine, te stvorilo pretpostavku da nastupimo i na međunarodnom tržištu. Svoju poziciju dodatno smo učvrstili zajedno sa svojim dugogodišnjim partnerom VFI, privatiziranjem jedine bosanskohercegovačke uljare BIMAL gdje smo dobili svoj vlastiti proizvod koji smo nastavili plasirati preko novorazvijene distribucijske i trading firme AGRAGOLD. Upravo ovaj korak gdje smo u AGRAGOLDu stvorili bazu prodaje BIMALovih proizvoda i šećera iz EU i zemalja Latinske Amerike otvorio je novu razvojnu stranicu u Bosni i Hercegovini. AGRAGOLD je dodatno ojačao kada je postao ekskluzivni distributer šećera za STUDEN-AGRANU Rafineriju šećera, koja je rezultat dugogodišnje saradnje STUDEN & CO GmbH i AGRANA grupe. Sve u svemu, naši poslovi u Bosni i Hercegovini su se jasno definisali i od veletrgovca i distributera postali smo razvijeni sistem kompanija koje imaju vlastiti proizvod koji distribuišu do krajnjeg potrošača. Međutim, jedna karika je nedostajala. Veliki obim otprema i doprema jednostavno je zahtijevao da ih preuzmemo u svoje ruke i osnovana je naša vlastita logistička kompanija koja nam je obezbijedila efikasnu i transparentnu logističku uslugu.

In this period, STUDEN & CO GmbH grew into Arex’s number one supplier and the logical next step was to connect our companies and jointly take action in the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Precisely this merger has led to our excellent positions in the oil and sugar market in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and set the conditions in place for us to launch our activities in the international market. We have further strengthened our position together with our longtime partner VFI, when we privatized the one and only edible oil factory in Bosnia and Herzegovina - BIMAL where we developed our own product that we have continued to place in the market through the newly developed distribution and trading companies AGRAGOLD. Precisely this move, that is, having created in AGRAGOLD the sales base for BIMAL products and sugar from the EU and Latin American countries, has turned a new leaf in the book of development of Bosnia and Herzegovina. AGRAGOLD was further strengthened when it became the exclusive distributor of sugar for STUDEN-AGRANA Sugar Refinery, which is the result of many years of collaboration between STUDEN & CO GmbH and AGRANA Group. All in all, our operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina have become clearly defined and from a wholesaler and distributor we have morphed into a developed system of companies with their own product, which they distribute to the end consumer. Nonetheless, one link was still missing. The large volume of dispatch and delivery simply required us to take them over into our own hands so we founded our own logistics company that has ensured us an efficient and transparent logistics service. Today, 20 years later, our business in Bosnia and Herzegovina is fully developed and it is our duty to consolidate it in such a way as to make each and every one of our companies self sustainable and



Danas, 20 godina poslije naš biznis u Bosni i Hercegovini je razvijen i naša je obaveza da ga konsolidujemo na način da su sve naše kompanije samoodržive, profesionalne i da imaju jasan razvojni plan za narednih 5 godina. Ovaj primjer iz Bosne i Hercegovine trebaju slijediti i ostale kompanije članice Holdinga na svojim tržištima kako bi se očuvale stečene pozicije na našim bazičnim tržištima, tržištima Zapadnog Balkana. Samo konsolidacijom i očvršćavanjem naših pozicija i širenjem gdje je to moguće možemo na cijelom Zapadnom Balkanu opstati i širiti se i dalje kada tržišne prilike to budu dozvoljavale. Sinergija koju dobijamo iz trading firmi u Dubaiju, Sao Paolu odnosno Beču je naš dodatni plus nad konkurencijom i nad teškom finansijskom krizom koja potresa cijeli svijet.

highly professional with a clear development plan for the next 5 years. This example from Bosnia and Herzegovina should be followed by other Holding’s member companies in their respective markets in order to maintain the acquired positions in our basic markets, the markets of the Western Balkans. Full consolidation and solidification of our positions and expansion where possible can ensure our survival in the entire Western Balkans and our further spread once the market conditions allow. The synergy we get from the trading companies in Dubai, Sao Paulo and Vienna is our added bonus that keeps us ahead of our competition and carries us through the difficult financial crisis that has shaken the entire world.

Oprezan nastup na tržištu u smislu otvaranja novih biznisa je još jedna naša obaveza jer prilike se moraju koristiti, ali mora se razmišljati i o stabilnosti sistema kako bi u novim biznisima i prilikama bili sigurni, stabilni jer uspješan razvoj uvijek kreće od čvrstih temelja.

A cautious approach in the market in terms of opening new businesses is another commitment as opportunities are there to be taken advantage of, but we also have to keep in mind the system’s stability in order to remain secure and stable in these new business ventures and opportunities because a successful development always springs from a solid foundation.

Ekrem Hanić

Ekrem Hanić

Mitja Kovačič Poštovani kolege, dragi prijatelji i poslovni partneri!

Mitja Kovačič Dear colleagues, friends and business partners!

Najprije bih želio čestitati Iliji, Slobodanu, Saši i Petru, koji su prije 20. godina osnovali prvu kompaniju, današnji STUDEN & CO Ges.m.b.H. u Beču i započeli ovu uspješnu priču. Za mene osobno nezaboravan momenat je prvi susret i upoznavanje Ilije, kog sam upoznao na Bledu u avgustu 1995. godine. Tom prilikom uz prijatno druženje upoznao sam i njegove roditelje, koji su već tada vodili drugu po redu osnovanu

I would first like to congratulate Ilija, Slobodan, Saša and Petar on founding the first company - the current STUDEN & CO Ges.m.b.H. in Vienna 20 years ago, which is when this successful story began. For me personally, the most memorable moment was meeting and getting to know Ilija, whom I met for the first time in Bled in August 1995. Back then I had the opportunity to also get to know and spend some pleasant time with his parents, who were by then already managing the second SCO company -

STUDEN & CO d.o.o. Ljubljana. After I met Ilija for the second time in Ljubljana, what followed next was my visit to Vienna where I met the rest of the team, first and foremost, Saša, Zlatko and the entire Stefanović family. And that was the beginning of my SCO story. As the seventh employee in SCO at that time, the first 7 years also marked my personal growth and development together with the company, starting from my internship all the way to managing the Marketing Department of the current SCO company. On this road I worked and educated myself in all areas of work, specializing in sale and marketing which have always been the center of my interest.

“SCO” firmu, STUDEN & CO d.o.o. Ljubljana. Nakon ponovnog susreta sa Ilijom u Ljubljani, uslijedila je posjeta Beču, susret sa ostalom tadašnjom ekipom, prije svega Sašom, Zlatkom i čitavom familijom Stefanović. Tako je počela i moja “SCO” priča. Kao sedmi zaposleni u tadašnjem “SCO-u” u prvih 7 godina sam odrastao i razvijao se lično uz firmu preko pripravničkog staža, do vođe odjeljenja Marketinga za tadašnje “SCO” firme. Na tom putu sam radio i edukovao se u svim područjima, a posebno u domenu prodaje i marketinga koji su me oduvijek najviše zanimali. U navedenom periodu, već 1996.g razvili smo i registrovali naš prvi brend “AGRAGOLD”, pod kojim smo najprije prodavali jestivo ulje, a kasnije takođe i šećer “crveni-Feinkristall”. Postali smo prepoznatljivi na pojedinim tržištima zapadnog Balkana po boji našeg brenda i kvaliteti naših proizvoda. Od 1998.g počeli smo usko surađivati sa VFI-jem Vereinigte Fettwarenindustrie, koji su nama od tada postali glavni izvor snabdijevanja jestivog ulja. Jestivo ulje pod brendom AGRAGOLD počelo se proizvoditi u VFI-ju u Welsu. U tom periodu uveli smo, za naša tržišta potpuno nepoznati proizvod, želirni šećer

Back then, as early as in 1996 we developed and registered our first brand AGRAGOLD, under which we first marketed edible oil and later sugar, so called “red-Feinkristall”. The color of our brand and the quality of our products had already earned us recognition in some markets in the Western Balkans. In 1998 we began a close partnership with VFI Vereinigte Fettwaren Industrie, who have since become our main source of supply of edible oil. We started producing edible oil under AGRAGOLD brand in VFI in Wels. That was when we introduced to the local markets the product which had been unknown until then – jam sugar - Wiener Zucker. This was the very first step in the introduction of a wider assortment of sugar-based specialties, all marketed under Wiener Zucker brand. Due to the specifics and particulars of each market development, from the very beginning we were present with the Wiener Zucker brand only in the Slovenian market where today we record enviable results and boast a well-recognized brand. In 2000 or thereabouts, SCO Group was already operating under STUDEN & CO Holding’s auspices. Together with the trading companies in Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and a branch office in Serbia, it constituted a significant supplier of basic food products, primarily sugar and edible oil, in the area of Western Balkans. Lead by the vision of our Managing Director Ilija,



- Wiener Zucker. Ovo je bio prvi korak u uvođenju šireg asortimana specijaliteta na bazi šećera, a svih pod brendom Wiener Zucker. Zbog specifičnosti i razvoja pojedinog tržišta sa brendom Wiener Zucker od samog početka prisutni smo samo na tržištu Slovenije gdje se danas možemo pohvaliti sa zavidnim rezultatima i prepoznatim brendom. U periodu oko 2000.godine “SCO” grupa je već poslovala pod okriljem STUDEN & CO Holdinga i predstavljala sa trgovačkim firmama u Austriji, Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini i sa predstavništvom u Srbiji značajnog dobavljača osnovnih prehrambenih proizvoda, prije svega šećera i jestivih ulja, na područja Zapadnog Balkana. Povođeni vizijom direktora Ilije, savjetima Petra Studena, kao i podrške ostalih suvlasnika tadašnjeg “SCO”-a zaključili smo da moramo učvrstiti našu poziciju na tržištu, kako bismo u budućnosti mogli razvijati i proizvodnju proizvoda koji su bili u tadašnjem fokusu rada, šećer i ulje. Rezultat više navedenog je bila fuzija tadašnjeg poslovanja na bosanskohercegovačkom tržištu sa našim prijateljima, poslovnim partnerima iz firme Arex iz Gradačca u SCO-AREX Holding Beč. Arex je već tada bio naš višegodišnji partner i najveći distributer u Bosni i Hercegovini, prije svega šećera i jestivih ulja, a iz svog portfolija je Holdingu u biznis donio i distribuciju nafte i naftnih derivata. U 2002.godini zajedno sa prijateljima, poslovnim partnerima iz VFI-ja zaključujemo da je za dalji razvoj tržišta jestivih ulja neophodno investirati u vlastitu proizvodnju u regiji. Poslije analize više postojećih fabrika na području Zapadnog Balkana zajedno smo se odlučili, da je za nas najadekvatnija fabrika jestivih ulja BIMAL iz Brčkog, koju smo poslije višemjesečnih priprema, razgovora, usaglašavanja sa Agencijom za privatizaciju u Brčko Distriktu na kraju i preuzeli. U narednom periodu je slijedila konsolidacija biznisa jestivih ulja, postavljanje proizvodnje u BIMALu, formiranje kadrova, optimalizacija kao i povećanje kapaciteta u uljari. Paralelno smo u tom periodu pripremali sve

by advice from Petar Studen, and with the support of other co-founders of then SCO, we came to the conclusion that we had to solidify our market positions in order to be able to develop in future production of the products we had focused our activities on i.e. sugar and oil. Another effect of the aforesaid assets was the fusion of then business operations in the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina with our friends and business partners from Arex Company from Gradačac into SCO-AREX Holding Vienna. Back then Arex was already our long-term partner and the largest distributor in Bosnia and Herzegovina, primarily distributing sugar and edible oils, and from its portfolio it transferred to the Holding’s scope of business the distribution of petroleum and petroleum products. In 2002, together with our friends and business partners from VFI we concluded that a further development of edible oil market required an investment in our own production in the region. Having analyzed a number of existing factories in the area of the Western Balkans, we have arrived at a joint conclusion that BIMAL Edible Oil Factory from Brčko most adequately suited our needs so after many months of groundwork, talks and coordination preparations with the Privatization Agency of Brčko District, we finally took over the company. The next stage was marked by consolidation of edible oil business, establishing of production in BIMAL, staff recruitment, optimization and an increase of capacities in the oil factory. Parallel to these activities, in the same time period we prepared all that was necessary for introduction of a new way of running this business after 2005 when the EU sugar reforms took effect, which was followed by opening of our Sao Paulo centre, back then primarily in charge of procurement and logistics of sugar from Brazil. In 2006, we further solidified our great business partnership and synergy with AGRANA through Joint venture, from trading via AGRANA-STUDEN

potrebno za novi način poslovanja poslije 2005. godine kada je na snagu stupila reforma šećera u EU, te je uslijedilo formiranje centra u Sao Paolu, koji je u to vrijeme bio zadužen, prije svega, za nabavku i logistiku šećera iz Brazila. 2006. godine smo dodatno učvrstili dobre poslovne odnose i sinergiju sa AGRANOM kroz Joint venture, kako u tradingu preko AGRANA-STUDEN Sugar tradinga, distribucije preko AGRAGOLD distribucijskih firmi, tako i u proizvodnji, pokretanjem joint venture investicije i početka izgradnje STUDEN-AGRANA rafinerije šećera. 2008.godine pokrenuta je proizvodnja rafinacije šećera u Brčkom, te je uz dodatne investicije i optimalizaciju nivo proizvodnje doveden na maksimalnu iskorištenost kapaciteta uz odličan kvalitet proizvoda. U zadnjih 5 godina pored ulaganja u novi biznis nabavke i distribucije sirove kafe čiji je razvoj i vođenje preuzeo kolega Saša, takođe smo radili na optimalizaciji naših procesa i već 2008. godine osnovali prvu logističku firmu STUDEN & CO Logistika Brčko. STUDEN & CO Logistika Brčko zadužena je da radi prije svega u interesu ostalih članica STUDEN & CO Holdinga, sa ciljem optimalizacije svih troškova vezanih za logistiku i špediciju, a prije svega u Agroindustrijskom kompleksu u Brčkom. Vođeni dobrim rezultatima vlastite logističke kuće uslijedilo je otvaranje STUDEN & CO Logistike Ploče, koja je glavni operater prekomorskog prometa Holdinga. Logističke firme su koordinirane preko centrale u Beču i posluju pod budnim okom kolege Slobodana. U zadnje dvije godine uslijedila su preuzimanja još dva biznisa, sa kojima smo zaokružili asortiman naših proizvoda kao i Agroindustrijski kompleks Brčko u jednu cjelinu. Pripajanjem ŽITOPROMETA i pržionice kafe MINGOS COFFEE iz Gradačca Agroindustrijskom kompleksu u Bosni i Hercegovini obezbjedili smo nove skladišno-silosne kapacitete, te stvorili

Sugar trading, over distribution via AGRAGOLD distribution companies to production by starting joint venture investments and launching construction of STUDEN-AGRANA sugar refinery. In 2008 we started sugar production and refinery in Brčko and, with additional investments and optimization, the level of sugar production was increased to the maximum capacity efficiency of a top-grade quality product. In the last 5 years, in addition to investing in the new business of supply and distribution of raw coffee whose development and management was taken over by our colleague Saša, we also embarked on the process enhancement and, as early as in 2008, we founded the first logistics company, STUDEN & CO Logistics Brčko. STUDEN & CO Logistics Brčko is in charge of operations that serve the interest of all other STUDEN & CO Holding’s members, with the goal of enhancement of the overall cost-effectiveness in the area of logistics and freight-forwarding, with the emphasis on the Agroindustrial compound in Brčko. Lead by good results of our own logistics firm, what followed was the establishing of STUDEN & CO Logistics Ploče, which is the main operator of the Holding’s overseas traffic. The logistics companies are coordinated from the head office in Vienna and they operate under the watchful eye of our colleague Slobodan. The two most recent years were marked by two other business takeovers with which we rounded up our range of products and completed the construction of our Agro-industrial compound in Brčko. By adding ŽITOPROMET and coffee roasting plant MINGOS COFFEE Gradačac to our Agroindustrial compound in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we have secured new warehouse and silo facilities, and created the conditions for future business expansion in the local market in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this period, we carried out a concern-wide restructuring on the level of STUDEN & CO Holding and organized ourselves into separate divisions (1. Sugar and Distribution, 2. Edible Oil, Oilseeds



preduslove za buduće širenje poslovanja na bh. tržištu. U tom periodu na nivou STUDEN & CO Holdinga reorganizovali smo se po divizijama (1.šećer i distribucija, 2.jestivo ulje, uljarice i žitarice, 3.berzanski proizvodi, logistika i korporativni servisi i 4.mineralna ulja), te pored već izgrađenih centara Beč, Brčko, Sao Paolo u ovoj godini završili i organizaciju potrebnu za početak rada centra i u Dubaiju. Kako bi se na tržištu što bolje pozicionirali, te uspješno plasirali naše brendove na polju Marketinga i prodaje smo se reorganizovali i dodatno edukovali preko vanjskih konsultanata i po prethodnom nalogu Uprave postavili temelje novog razvoja prodaje proizvoda pod brendom. Osnovna promjena je da se Principali razviju pored trading firmi takođe i u proizvođače “Fast Moving Consumer Goods”. Kod brendiranih proizvoda smo definirali arhitekturu svih naših brendova prema tržištu i potrošaču sa glavnim fokusom na proizvode bazirane na šećeru, jestivom ulju, a u budućnosti slijede i ostali. Razvili smo sve neophodne i potrebne alatke koje će svima nama pomoći da se u budućnosti, u segmentu brendova, razvijemo iz ‘’Lokalnog Key Player-a’’ u ‘’Regionalnog tržišnog Leader-a’’. AGRAGOLD distribucijske firme smo uskladili i sada predstavljaju sinhroniziranu platformu, svaka na svome specifično razvijenom tržištu, koje mogu uspješno i dubinski distribuirati sve osnovne proizvode, koje proizvode odnosno sa kojima trguju Principali. Za STUDEN & CO Holding je pored ostalih jedno od najznačajnijih tržišta Zapadnog Balkana tržište Bosne i Hercegovine, koje za naše Principale, koji imaju vlastitu proizvodnju u Bosni i Hercegovini znači „domaće tržište“. Na ovom tržištu imamo, pored ostalih poslova, organiziranu i dodatnu podršku uslužnim operacijama preko STUDEN & CO Logistike za logistiku, CEROL-a za distribuciju nafte i naftnih derivata, kao i STUDEN & CO

and Grains, 3. Stock Market Products, Logistics and Corporate Services and 4. Mineral Oils); also, in addition to the existing centers in Vienna, Brčko, Sao Paulo, this year we also completed the organizational activities required to launch the Dubai centre. In order to secure better market positions for ourselves, and to successfully market our brands in the field of marketing and sales, we have restructured and further trained our staff by external consultants and, in accordance with a prior order of the Board, we laid the groundwork for a new development of sales of brand products. The basic change is, in addition to the trading companies, to also develop principals into manufacturers of “Fast Moving Consumer Goods.” For branded products, we have defined the architecture of each one of our brands to fit the market’s and consumers’ needs with a strong focus on the products based on sugar and edible oil which will be followed by other products in future. We have developed all the necessary and required tools that will help us all to trasform ourselves in the future, in the area of our brands, from a “Local Key Player’’ into the’’ Regional Market Leader’’. AGRAGOLD distribution companies are now harmonized and they now represent a synchronized platform, each in its specific market, that are able to successfully and thoroughly distribute all the basic products, which are produced and/or traded by the Principals. For STUDEN & CO Holding the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the most important markets of the Western Balkans. For our Principals who have their own production in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is the home market in the true sense of the term. In addition to other activities, in this market we have organized an additional support through service operations via Studen & CO Logistics for logistics, CEROL for distribution of petroleum and petroleum products, and STUDEN & CO Arex from Gradačac. We know that a good , in-depth knowledge of each market, especially demanding markets such as that


Arex-a iz Gradačca. Znamo da je dobro, dubinsko poznavanje svakog tržišta, a pogotovo zahtjevnog tržišta kao što je Bosna i Hercegovina, ključ uspjeha i njega planski razvijamo pod direktnim, budnim nadzorom i koordinacijom kolege Ekrema. Tokom godina postavili smo odlične temelje, kako u proizvodnji, ljudskim resursima, tradingu, marketingu, distribuciji, financijama tako i u drugim segmentima, kao i u ukupnoj organizaciji naših centara (Beč, Brčko, Sao Paolo, Dubai). Na nama je da dobar temelj iskoristimo za izgradnju svih budućih poslova. Budući razvoj vidim, prije svega u dobroj saradnji među divizijama / principalima, u osvajanju novih tržišta, regija i kupaca, sa osnovnim ciljem stabilnog povećanja realizacije prodaje naših glavnih proizvoda jer za nas SCO ima još jedno značenje.

of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is the key to success and we develop it under a direct, keen supervision and coordination of our colleague Ekrem. Over the years, we have laid excellent foundations, equally in manufacturing, human resources, trading, marketing, distribution, and finance and in other services, as well as in the overall organization of our centers (Vienna, Brčko, Sao Paolo, Dubai). It is up to us to take advantage of these good foundations and build our future businesses upon them. I see our future development first and foremost in the good cooperation among divisions / principals in the conquest of new markets, regions and customers, with the aim of realization of a stable sales increase of our major products because for us, SCO has further meaning. Sugar



Oil Mitja Kovačič

Mitja Kovačič




Strateški partner AGRANA i Vereinigte Fettwarenindustrie Austria

Strategic partners AGRANA and Vereinigte Fettwarenindustrie Austria

Johann Marihart, CEO of AGRANA Veze između STUDEN-a i AGRANA Grupe su stare koliko i STUDEN & CO. Ove veze vuku korijene iz vremena kada se višak austrijskog šećera počeo izvoziti na Zapadni Balkan. Na ovom uspješnom poslovnom modelu izgrađeno je povjerenje pouzdanih partnera koje ove dvije poslovne grupe gaje jedna prema drugoj.

Johann Marihart, CEO of AGRANA The relations between STUDEN- and AGRANAgroup are as old as STUDEN & CO. It was based on Austrian surplus sugar for the Western Balkans. This successful business model generated the trust between our both groups as reliable partners.

Tako su nam značajne promjene koje su nastale zbog reformi koje je EU sprovela u oblasti šećera 2006. godine pomogle da zajedničkim snagama realizujemo investiciju izgradnje fabrike za preradu šećera u Brčkom.

On this basis the significant change of the EU sugar reform in 2006 let us jointly invest in the Brčko sugar refinery. As greenfield investments are a special challenge I thank the STUDEN group for their assistance and goodwill to make things run smoothly. Based on this experience I congratulate STUDEN group for its success in the last 20 years and wish all the best for a brilliant future.

Florian Rauch The cooperation of VFI and SCO was and is a partnership of sympathy. In a business as difficult as edible oil production trust is first and foremost essential. We had trust in Ilija and his team and so did he, from the beginning!

Obzirom da greenfield investicije predstavljaju poseban izazov, zahvalan sam STUDEN grupi na njihovoj pomoći i dobroj volji da se pobrinu da se sve aktivnosti odvijaju glatko. Ponukan tim iskustvom, čestitam STUDEN grupi na uspjehu koji je postigla u proteklih 20 godina i želim joj sve najbolje u sjajnoj budućnosti koja joj predstoji.

That was 1997. Two years before Austria joined the EU, the refocusing of VFI was a difficult job and uncertain times were behind. VFI secured the market leadership in Austria and simultaneously built up a strong export business in Eastern Europe. There were numbers of enquiries for Bosnia at the same time. The beginning with SCO was not easy since two good merchants met but both sides tried seriously to find together. The sentiment that VFI and SCO match well was present from the beginning. With the first business VFI earned nothing and SCO reported the same. One year later VFI – SCO delivered already 4000 tons of edible oil to Bosnia and – what was even more important – business partners became friends.

Florian Rauch Suradnja VFI i SCO je bila i ostala partnerstvo uz međusobnu naklonost. U tako teškom poslu kao što je proizvodnja jestivog ulja, povjerenje je od najvećeg i najvažnijeg značaja. Imali smo povjerenje u Iliju i njegov tim i on je u nas, od samog početka! To je bilo 1997. godine. Dvije godine ranije, Austrija se pridružila EU, refokusiranje VFI je predstavljalo težak posao, a nesigurna vremena su bila iza nas. VFI je osigurao vođstvo na tržištu u Austriji, a istovremeno je u istočnoj Europi izgradio jake poslovne aktivnosti u oblasti izvoza. Iz Bosne je u isto vrijeme stizao veliki broj upita za saradnju. Početak sa SCO-om nije bio lak jer su se srela dva dobra trgovca, ali su obje strane ozbiljno pokušavale da pronađu način da ostvare obostranu korist. Osjećaj da VFI i SCO čine dobar tim bio je prisutan od samog početka. U prvim zajedničkim poslovima VFI nije zaradio ništa, a SCO je prijavio isti poslovni rezultat. Godinu dana kasnije VFI - SCO već isporučuju 4000 tona jestivog ulja u Bosni, a što je još važnije, u međuvremenu su poslovni partneri postali prijatelji. Stvorila se prilika da se napravi nešto veliko! Jednog dana u proljeće 2001. godine Ilija Studen nas je nazvao i rekao nam da mu se ukazala prilika da dođe u posjed tvornice ulja BIMAL u Brčkom. U tom trenutku VFI je tražio načine za širenje u jugoistočnoj Europi, pa smo obišli nekoliko tvornica ulja u toj regiji. Na licu mjesta smo zatekli ruševine, iz zgrada je raslo drveće ali glavni dijelovi tvornice su bili ili dobro očuvani ili su se mogli popraviti i modernizovati. To je bio gigantski zadatak koji je bilo moguće realizovati samo uz jake i pouzdane partnere, onakve kakve smo našli u dioničarima SCO i SCO Arex. BIMAL nam danas predstavlja veliku radost. 2002. i 2003. godine Adem Hanić i Klemens Rauch su uložili ogroman trud u tehničku rekonstrukciju. Ilija Studen i Mitja Kovačič su preuzeli posao u trenutku kada su kupovina i prodaja postale glavna zadaća. Moderna tvornica se uzdigla iz ruševina, dobila je sve potrebne certifikate i danas proizvodi proizvode od izuzetnog kvaliteta. U Bosni vjerovatno ne


The chance to make something big came! One day in spring 2001 Ilija Studen called and told us there is an opportunity to acquire an oil factory – BIMAL in Brčko. At this time VFI was looking for an expansion in Southeastern Europe and so we had visited several oil factories in the region. The site was littered with ruins and trees grew out of the buildings but the main parts of the factory were well preserved and could be repaired and modernized. This was a mammoth task which could be only achieved with strong trustful partners – and those we found in the shareholders of SCO and SCO Arex. Today BIMAL is a great joy. 2002 and 2003 Adem Hanić and Klemens Rauch put great effort in the technical reconstruction. Ilija Studen and Mitja Kovačič took it over as soon as the buying and selling became the main task. A modern factory rose from the ruins which got all the major certificates and is manufacturing products of the utmost quality. There is probably not one store in Bosnia that does not sell BIMAL oils thanks to Ekrem Hanić and his team. SCO sells in the


postoji nijedna prodavnica koja ne prodaje BIMAL ulje, sve to zahvaljujući Ekremu Haniću i njegovoj ekipi. SCO vrši prodaju na južnom Balkanu. VFI izvozi odlične BIMAL proizvode čak u Dansku, Njemačku, Nizozemsku, Švicarsku i Francusku. Moramo da iskažemo zahvalnost svim zaposlenicima na kvalitetu BIMAL proizvoda i na efikasnosti rada tvornice BIMAL. Svi zaposlenici neprestano rade i ulažu svoje izvrsne stručne vještine i veliku energiju da bi BIMAL bio bolji iz dana u dan. Sada Ilija Studen vodi BIMAL ka “južnim obalama” i širi BIMALovu mrežu saradnje kako bi se BIMAL usredotočio na daleka inostrana tržišta i kako bi brže reagovao na nove okolnosti. Temelj ozbiljnog i dugoročnog razvoja ostaje uvijek isti: prvoklasni kvalitet, najbolji kadar, te potpuna predanost ciljevima. VFI želi SRETAN ROĐENDAN SCO, a BIMALu i ŽITOPROMETu dobar razvoj i napredak na tržištu.

southern Balkan. VFI exports the excellent BIMAL products as far as Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland and France. We have to thank all the employees for the quality of BIMAL products and the efficiency of the BIMAL plant. The whole staff works constantly with excellent skills and great energy for BIMAL to get better and better every day. Now Ilija Studen leads BIMAL to “Southern Shores” and develops BIMAL cooperation to focus on markets far abroad and reacts faster on new circumstances. The basis of serious and long-term development stays always the same; first-class quality, best employees, full commitment to the goals. VFI wishes HAPPY BIRTHDAY to SCO and a good development and progress on the markets to BIMAL and ŽITOPROMET.

Partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina Adem Hanić In the past 20 years, member companies of the Holding Company have developed a stable business in their respective fields of work and it is now up to us to join our forces in future and optimize all existing businesses in order to achieve better results in the market with minimum costs.

Partneri iz BiH Adem Hanić U proteklih 20 godina sve firme članice Holdinga razvile su stabilan biznis u svojim domenima rada i na nama je da u narednom periodu zajedničkim snagama izvšimo optimaliziranje svih postojećih biznisa u cilju postizanja boljih rezultata na tržištu uz optimalne troškove. Među prvim ciljevima našeg rada u prehrambenoj industriji treba biti: • povećanje proizvodnih kapaciteta jestivog rafinisanog ulja kako bi poziciju na tržištu učvrstili stvorili predispoziciju za širenje na nova tržišta • nastaviti dalje ulaganje u proizvodne kapacitete u kojima se kao osnovne sirovine koriste ulje, šećer i brašno • iskoristiti prirodna blaga i resurse Bosne i Hercegovine, kao što su voće i povrće i svoje poslovanje proširiti na proizvodno – prerađivačke kompanije u tom domenu.

Primary objectives of our work in the food industry need to be: • Increase of production capacities in the area of refined edible oil in order to solidify our position in the market and create the prerequisites for expansion into new markets • Continue to invest in the production capacities that use oil, sugar and flour as the basic raw material • Exploit the natural wealth and resources of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as fruits and vegetables and extend our operations to production and processing companies in this branch. In this way, we create the foundation for further expansion of food industry’s capacities which are in our possession, and we use the comparative advantage of Bosnia and Herzegovina in relation to the European Union. Food industry is an important focus of our work, albeit not the only one, so our goals need to be spread across other spheres of our business activities. Our affluent business with petroleum and petroleum products need to be: • Further enhanced and invested in to create a chain of petrol stations which will, in addition to the excellent quality, also have excellent retail establishments offering consumer goods. In development, we should not stop at the existing facilities and businesses, but from the existing thriving businesses, primarily those in the sphere of metal and car industry, pick the best ones with whom to start to expand into these segments of the market as well.



Na ovakav način stvaramo temelje za dalje širenje kapaciteta prehrambenih industrija koje su u našem vlasništvu i koristimo komparativnu prednost Bosne i Hercegovine u odnosu na Europsku Uniju. Prehrambena industrija je važna okosnica našeg rada, ali ne i jedina, te ciljeve trebamo širiti i na druge sfere poslovanja. Naš dobrostojeći biznis sa naftom i naftnim derivatima trebamo: • dalje unaprijeđivati i investirati u lanac benzinskih pumpi koji će pored odlične kvalitete goriva imati i odlično sređene maloprodajne objekte robe široke potrošnje. U razvoju se ne trebamo zaustaviti samo na postojećim kapacitetima i biznisima, već od postojećih zdravih biznisa, prije svega, u sferi metalne i auto industrije odabrati najbolje i sa njima pokrenuti ekspanziju i u tom dijelu tržišta. Prilike su oko nas. Mi ih trebamo prepoznati i iskoristiti. U protekih 20 godina pokazali smo da znamo i da svoj sistem gradimo zdravo. Zato se novih prilika ne treba plašiti već ih treba prihvatiti i iz njih izvući ono najbolje za cijeli sistem.

Raif Čolić Arex d.o.o. smo 1995. godine osnovali Adem Hanić, Ekrem Hanić i ja u želji da na bosanskohercegovačko tržište, napaćeno ratom, plasiramo kvalitetne proizvode i obezbjedimo kontinuiranu distribuciju za sve veletrgovce. Upravo ovakvo opredjeljenje dovelo nas je do saradnje sa Ilijom Studenom kao našim dobavljačem šećera gdje smo u SCO firmi našli ono što nam je trebalo kvalitet i konstantnost isporuke. U toku 2001. godine na tržište kantona i šire plasirali smo 20.000 tona šećera i postigli svoj tadašnji maksimum, te u isto vrijeme počeli sa pregovorima o partnerskoj saradnji naše dvije kuće. U tom smislu, koncem 2001. godine, u Beču formiramo firmu pod nazivom SCO Arex Holding. Naš zajednički put u osvajanju bh. tržišta kao partnera počeo je krajem

Opportunities are all around us. We have to recognize them and take advantage of them. In the past 20 years, we have demonstrated that we know how to build a healthy system. Therefore, we should not shun from new opportunities but should face them and draw from them the very best for the entire system.

Raif Čolić Arex LTD was founded in 1995 by Adem Hanić, Ekrem Hanić and I in an attempt to sell high-quality products in the market of war-tormented Bosnia and Herzegovina and to ensure a continuous distribution for all wholesalers. Precisely this kind of commitment led us to collaborate with Ilija Studen as our sugar supplier where we found in the SCO what we needed, that is, quality and consistency of delivery. In the course of 2001, we placed in the canton’s market 20,000 tons of sugar and thus achieved what was our maximum back at the time, and at the same time started negotiations and partnership between our two firms. In this sense, in late 2001, we formed a company in Vienna called

2001. godine i od tada zajedno rastemo u smislu količina, prometa i obima poslovanja. Kao rezultat te integracije osnovana je firma SCO-Arex Holding, sa sjedištem u Beču, te njena kćerka, firma STUDEN & CO. Arex d.o.o. Gradačac, organizaciono obuhvatajući poslovne kapacitete u Gradačcu i Brčkom. Poslovne aktivnosti u Gradačcu nastavile su se kroz maloprodaju nafte i naftnih derivata, te veleprodaju šećera, u postojećim objektima u Kerepu. U Brčkom, tačnije u Ceriku, od 2003.godine se, iz sastava STUDEN & CO.Arex-a, izdvaja poslovna jedinica, benzinska pumpa CEROL, te od te godine uspješno posluje kao zasebna firma pod nazivom CEROL d.o.o., sa sjedištem u Brčkom. Krajem 2011. godine, u sastavu CEROLa, sa radom je počela još jedna novoizgradjena, moderno opremljena benzinska pumpa u Brčkom, na ulazu u Agroindustrijski kompleks Brčko. Od 2001. godine do danas zajedno smo izrasli u jednu od najbolje organizovanih kompanija i nećemo stati u svom daljem razvoju. Prilagođavanje novim tržišnim prilikama, prihvatanje izazova i osvajanje tržišta vodi nas ka našem cilju da postanemo jedan od najvećih naftnih distributera u Bosni i Hercegovini i veletrgovca prehrambenim proizvodima naših SCO proizvodnih kompanija.

SCO Arex Holding. Our joint endeavor to conquer the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina as partners started in late 2001. Since then, we continue to grow in terms of quantities of goods, the size of turnover and volume of business. As a result of this integration, SCO Arex Holding was founded with its seat in Vienna, as well as its daughter company, STUDEN & CO. Arex LTD Gradačac Company. Its organization included the business facilities in Gradačac and Brčko. Business activities in Gradačac continued through the retail of petroleum and petroleum products, as well as the wholesale of sugar in the existing facilities in Kerep. In 2003, a business unit was separated from the structure of STUDEN & CO. Arex, that is the CEROL gas station in Brčko, or in Cerik, to be precise, which has successfully operated ever since as a separate company called CEROL Ltd., based in Brčko. In late 2011, within CEROL, another newly built, modern gas station started working in Brčko, at the entrance to the agroindustrial compound of Brčko. From 2001 until today, we have together grown into one of the best organized companies and we our growth will not be halted. Adapting to the new market conditions, facing challenges and conquering of new markets leads us towards our goal of becoming one of the largest petroleum distributors in Bosnia and Herzegovina and a wholesaler of foodstuffs produced by our SCO production companies.



STUDEN & CO Holding STUDEN & CO Holding

Uprava / Board

Ilija Studen President

Petar Studen Advisory Board President

Slobodan Stefanović Senior Vice President

Saša Studen Corporate Vice President

Ekrem Hanić Corporate Vice President

Mitja Kovačič Corporate Vice President

Hronološki razvoj / Chronological development 27 1992





















Osnivanje firme STUDEN & CO Logistika d.o.o. za transport i trgovinu Brčko, kao i početak proizvodnje kristalnog bijelog šećera u STUDEN-AGRANA Rafineriji šećera.

Akvizicija firme ŽITOPROMET d.d. Brčko

Akvizicija firme MINGOS COFFEE d.o.o. Gradačac

STUDEN Middle East DMCC Dubai, UAE Otvaranje AGRANASTUDEN Sugar trading Serbia d.o.o.

Priprema za otvaranje firme AGRAGOLD Ltd Tirana/Albania, te rad na dva joint-venture projekta, prvi na Balkanu i drugi na Bliskom Istoku

ŽITOPROMET Shareholding Company, Brčko company acquisition

MINGOS COFFEE Ltd. Gradačac Company acquisition

Founding of STUDEN & CO Logistics Ltd. for transport and trade Brčko, as well as the beginning of production of crystal white sugar in the STUDEN-AGRANA Sugar Refinery.

STUDEN & CO Holding danas je integrisani dobavljač prehrambenih proizvoda koji se koriste za kuhanje u domaćinstvu i u prehrambenoj industriji sa fokusom na robama koje se nabavljaju i kojima se trguje na svjetskim tržištima.

Godišnji promet holdinga u 2010/2011

STUDEN Middle East DMCC Dubai, UAE, Opening of the AGRANASTUDEN Sugar Trading Serbia d.o.o.

Preparations for the opening of AGRAGOLD Ltd Tirana/Albania Company and work on two joint-venture projects, one of which is in the Balkans and the other in the Middle East

STUDEN & CO Holding is now an integrated supplier of food products used in household cooking and food industry with a focus on soft commodities that can be obtained and traded on global markets.

Annual turnover of the holding in 2010/2011 • over 400 million Euros ( cca. 500 mil.USD)

• preko 400 miliona Eura ( cca. 500 mil.USD) Cilj nam je da u oblasti trgovine, proizvodnje i distribucije budemo lideri kod proizvoda šećera, ulja i kafe na našim tradicionalnim tržištima djelovanja, te dalje proširujemo poslovanje, kako u smislu proizvoda, tako i širenjem na međunarodnim tržištima izvan regije Srednje i Jugoistočne Evrope.

Our objective is to become the leaders in the field of trade, production and distribution of sugar, coffee and oil products in the markets where we traditionally do business but also to further broaden our business operations, both in terms of products and in terms of expanding to international markets outside the regions of Central and Southeastern Europe.




Kontinuirano ulažemo u rast i razvoj naših ljudskih resursa. Sa agroindustrijskim kompleksom u Brčkom i tri proizvodne cjeline, predstavljamo značajnog i prije svega sigurnog poslodavca u regiji, te obezbjeđujemo radna mjesta za 600 zaposlenika.

We continue to invest in growth and development of our human resources. With our agro-industrial compound in Brčko and our three production units, we are a significant and, most importantly, a dependable employer in the region, securing 600 jobs.

Organizaciona shema / Organizational scheme 29 Divizija šećer i distribucija Division sugar and distribution

Divizija jestiva ulja, uljarice i žitarice / Division oils, oil seeds & Grains

Divizija berzanski proizvodi, logistika i korporativni servisi Divison commodity, logistics and corporate services

AGRAGOLD d.o.o. Brčko-BiH

AGRANA-STUDEN Sugartrading Vienna - Austria

BIMAL d.d. Brčko - BiH

STUDEN & CO GmbH Vienna - Austria

AGRAGOLD d.o.o. Zagreb - Hrvatska

STUDEN & CO Ltda. Sao Paulo - Brazil

ŽITOPROMET d.d. Brčko - BiH


AGRAGOLD d.o.o. Ljubljana - Slovenija

STUDEN-AGRANA Rafinerija šećera d.o.o. Brčko - BiH

AGRAGOLD d.o.o. Skopje - Makedonija / Macedonia

AGRANA-STUDEN Serbia d.o.o.

AGRANA-STUDEN Representative Office Priština

MINGOS COFFEE d.o.o. Gradačac, Brčko - BiH

Divizija mineralna ulja Division mineral oils

STUDEN & CO Arex Gradačac - BiH

CEROL d.o.o. Brčko - BiH

STUDEN & CO Ljubljana

STUDEN & CO Zagreb

STUDEN & CO Logistika poslovna jedinica Ploče /

STUDEN & CO Logistika Brčko - BiH

Trading Kompanija / Trading company Proizvodna kompanija / Production company Distributivna kompanija / Distribution company Logistička i servisna kompanija / Logistics and services company


Divizija šećer i distribucija Division Sugar and Distribution

Diviziju šećer i distribucija čini osam kompanija, koje sa jedne strane obezbjeđuju sirovi šećer kao sirovinu, proizvode gotov proizvod, bijeli kristalni šećer i distribuišu ga na tržište regije, a sa druge strane trguju sa bijelim kristalnim šećerom drugih proizvođača, različitog porijekla na svjetskom tržištu. Iz divizije šećer i distribucija na tržište plasiramo proizvode pod brendovima STUDEN-AGRANA i AGRAGOLD.

Division Sugar and Distribution comprises 8 companies which, on the one hand, provide raw sugar as a raw material, produce white crystal sugar as the final product and distribute it in the regional market and, on the other, trade in other producers’ white crystal sugar of various origins in the global market. From Division Sugar and Distribution we market the products under STUDEN-AGRANA and AGRAGOLD brands.

Nove firme

New companies

STUDEN-AGRANA Rafinerija šećera d.o.o. Brčko

STUDEN-AGRANA Sugar Refinery Ltd. Brčko

Izgradnja jedine rafinerije šećera u BiH, STUDEN-AGRANA Rafinerija šećera, trajala je ukupno 2 godine, vrpcu su presjekli 06.06.2008. godine, g. Johann Marihart, predsjednik Uprave AGRANA-e i g. Ilija Studen, predsjednik Uprave STUDEN & CO Holding-a, u ime investitora koji su podjednakim udjelom u investiciji od oko 80 miliona KM (cca. 40 miliona EUR) omogućili realizaciju jednog od najvećih projekata u prehrambenoj industriji Bosne i Hercegovine. Kreirano je 160 novih radnih mjesta, a u martu 2008. stiglo je i prvo priznanje od strane Agencije za promociju stranih investicija BiH - „Najznačajnija greenfield investicija 2007“.

It took us altogether two years to finish the construction of one and only sugar refinery in BiH, STUDEN-AGRANA Sugar Refinery, and on 6 June 2008 the ribbon was cut by Mr. Johann Marihart, President of the AGRANA Management and Mr. Ilija Studen, President of the STUDEN & CO Holding Board, on behalf of the investors who invested the equal shares of 80 million KM each (approx. 40 million EUR) to implement one of the largest projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s food industry. It opened 160 new jobs and in March 2008 the first acknowledgment came from the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH – “The Most Important Greenfield Investment in 2007“.

Lijevo: Presijecanje vrpce na ceremoniji otvaranja STUDEN–AGRANA Rafinerije šećera Desno: Detalj sa ceremonije otvaranja STUDEN– AGRANA Rafinerije šećera

Primarna djelatnost ove firme i trajno opredjeljenje je snabdijevanje bosanskohercegovačkog tržišta i tržišta regije bijelim kristalnim šećerom vrhunskog kvaliteta po veoma konkurentnim cijenama. Uz kapacitet proizvodnje rafinerije od 150.000 tona bijelog kristalnog šećera koji se proizvodi iz uvoznog sirovog šećera, fabrika šećera predstavlja

This company’s primary business operations and its long-term determination is to supply the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the regional markets with top-grade white crystal sugar at competitive prices. With the refinery’s production capacity of 150.000 tons of white crystal sugar which is produced from imported raw sugar, the sugar

Left: Ribbon-cutting at the STUDEN–AGRANA Sugar Refinery opening ceremony Right: A detail from the STUDEN–AGRANA Sugar Refinery opening ceremony



Desno: Odličja STUDEN-AGRANA Rafinerije šećera za izuzetan kvalitet bijelog kristalnog šećera Lijevo: Mitja Kovačić, Corporate Vice President, Dr. Donatus Köck, ambasador Austrije u BiH Right: Awards won by the STUDEN-AGRANA Sugar Refinery for an excellent quality of white crystal sugar Left: Mitja Kovačič, Corporate Vice President, Dr. Donatus Köck, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to BiH

strateškog dobavljača za tržište Zapadnog Balkana.

factory is a strategic supplier for the Western Balkans’ market.

Nepune dvije godine po otvaranju STUDENAGRANA Rafinerije šećera, uz pobjedničku kombinaciju najmodernije proizvodne tehnologije i posvećenosti zaposlenih kvalitet gotovih proizvoda AGRAGOLD je prepoznat.

Less than two years after the opening of the STUDENAGRANA Sugar Refinery, the quality of AGRAGOLD brand of final products was recognized thanks to the winning combination of a cutting-edge production technology and the commitment of our employees.

Nagrade i priznanja: • 77. Međunarodni poljoprovredni sajam u Novom Sadu – 2 ZLATNE MEDALJE za: AGRAGOLD kristalni bijeli šećer u pakovanju od 1 kg i 5 kg; • 78. Međunarodni poljoprovredni sajam u Novom Sadu – 2 ZLATNE MEDALJE za: AGRAGOLD kristalni bijeli šećer u pakovanju od 1 kg i 5 kg i pehar novosadskog sajma za kontinuirani kvalitet šećera

Reward and Acknowledgments: • 77. International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad – 2 GOLD MEDALS for: AGRAGOLD crystal white sugar in 1 kg and 5kg packages; • 78. International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad – 2 GOLD MEDALS for: AGRAGOLD crystal white sugar in 1 kg and 5kg packages and the Cup of Novi Sad Fair for a continuity in the quality of sugar

STUDEN-AGRANA Rafinerija šećera je sastavni dio agro-industrijskog kompleksa u Brčko distriktu, ali i u BiH, u sklopu kojeg posluju i fabrike BIMAL, ŽITOPROMET i MINGOS COFFEE, i koji predstavlja veoma uspješan primjer saradnje austrijskih investitora sa privrednim subjektima unutar kompleksa. O tome najbolje svjedoči i zvanična

STUDEN-AGRANA sugar refinery is an integral part of the agro-industrial compound in Brčko District, but also in the entire BiH which also includes factories BIMAL, ŽITOPROMET and MINGOS COFFEE and their business activities. This compound is a very successful example of cooperation of Austrian investors with commercial entities seated in the compound. This is best evidenced by the official visit of the Ambassador

posjeta ambasadora Austrije u BiH, dr. Donatus Köck-a i gđe. Astrid Pummer iz Privredne komore Austrije u BiH, 2009. godine kada su skupa posjetili fabriku ulja BIMAL i STUDEN-AGRANA Rafineriju šećera.

of Austria in BiH, Dr Donatus Köck and Ms. Astrid Pummer of the Austrian Economic Chamber in Bosnia and Herzegovina back in 2009 when they together toured the BIMAL Oil Factory and STUDEN-AGRANA Sugar Refinery.

Austrijsku delegaciju su primili g. Mitja Kovačič, izvršni direktor BIMAL d.d. i g. Herwig Schwihla, direktor STUDEN-AGRANA Rafinerije šećera. Tema ovog susreta su bile dosadašnje ali i buduće investicije u Brčkom ali svakako i važnost Austrije kao zemlje investitora.

The Austrian delegation was received by Mr. Mitja Kovačič, Executive Director of BIMAL d.d. and Mr. Herwig Schwihla, Director of the STUDEN-AGRANA Sugar Refinery. The topic of this gathering were current and future investments in Brčko; Austria’s significance as an investing country was also addressed with equal attention.

17.06.2010. godine, STUDEN-AGRANA Rafinerija šećera potpisala je ugovor sa Coca-Cola kompanijom za Centralnu i Jugoistočnu Europu i time postala certificirani dobavljač šećera Coca Cola Hellenic. O značaju ovog ugovora najbolje je istakao g. Ilija Studen, generalni direktor AGRANASTUDEN grupe: “Ovo je priznanje za članove našeg tima koji su uspjeli da tokom dvije godine postojanja rafinerije šećera ispune sve zahtjeve veoma stroge kontrole kvaliteta koju ima Coca-Cola HBC Bosna i Hercegovina. Radujemo se našoj zajedničkoj suradnji koja će svakako doprinijeti lokalnoj ekonomiji ali i proširiti naše poslovanje u skladu sa međunarodnim kriterijima za samoodrživost svih poslovnih partnera“.


On 17 June 2010, STUDEN-AGRANA Sugar Refinery signed a contract with the Coca-Cola Company for Central and Southeastern Europe and thus became a certified supplier of sugar for the Coca-Cola Hellenic. The importance of this agreement is best reflected in the words of Mr. Ilija Studen, CEO AGRANA STUDEN Group President: “This is a tribute to the members of our team who have managed in the two years of the Sugar Refinery’s existence to meet all the requirements of the very strict quality control that the Coca-Cola HBC of Bosnia and Herzegovina abides by. We look forward to Svečano potpisivanje ugovora između STUDENAGRANA Rafinerije šećera i Coca-Cola HBC Bosna i Hercegovina. Ilija Studen, generalni direktor AGRANA-STUDEN Sugar Trading G.m.b.H. i Micrea Draja, generalni direktor Coca-Cola HBC Bosna i Hercegovina Ceremonial signing of the contract between STUDEN-AGRANA Sugar Refinery and Coca-Cola HBC Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ilija Studen, General Director of AGRANA-STUDEN Sugar Trading G.m.b.H. and Micrea Draja, General Director of Coca-Cola HBC Bosnia and Herzegovina


AGRANA-STUDEN Sugar trading Serbia d.o.o. Najmlađa firma članica Divizije šećer i distribucija počela je sa radom u 2011. godini u cilju poziciniranja i distribucije proizvoda Holdinga i partnerskih kompanija na tržištu Republike Srbije. Srbijansko tržište najveće je u regiji i kao takvo, poseban je i novi izazov za Holding i partnerske firme.

Ljudi Najveći broj mladih i motivisanih zaposlenika Holding je dobio upravo u Diviziji šećer i distribucija. Širok opseg poslovanja dao je priliku za posao velikom broju ljudi sa različitim obrazovanjem i iskustvom, te se ova divizija može smatrati najmnogoljudnijom i najbrže rastućom divizijom Holdinga.

Pakirni centar U STUDEN-AGRANA Rafineriji šećera od 2012. godine počeće se pakovati kristalni šećer u 1 kg papirnate vrećice, 1 kg PP vrećice, 1 kg OPP, 2 kg OPP, 5 kg papirnate vrećice, 25 kg, 50 kg, kao i Big bag i drugim pakovanjima u novoizgrađenom i moderno opremljenom pakirnom centru.. Grijanje u logističkom i pakirnom centru je toplim zrakom, dok je u prostorijama za druženje urađen sistem podnog grijanja koji reciklira toplu vodu koja se koristi u tehnološkom procesu proizvodnje.

Brend AGRAGOLD Neki kažu šećer je šećer. Mi kažemo šećer je AGRAGOLD. Već više od decenije na području Zapadnog Balkana AGRAGOLD je prisutan na policama trgovačkih lanaca i nezamjenjiv je sastojak u kuhinjama domaćinstava. Na pojedinim tržištima

our business collaboration which will certainly contribute to the local economy but will also expand our business operations in accordance with the international criteria for sustainability of our business partners. “

AGRANA-STUDEN Sugar trading Serbia Ltd. The youngest company member of Sugar and Distribution Division commenced its operations in year 2011 with the aim to position itself and distribute the Holding’s products in the market of the Republic of Serbia. Serbian market is the largest in the region and, as such, it has a special role and poses a new challenge to both the Holding and its affiliated companies.

People Majority of the Holding’s youngest and most motivated employees works right here, in Sugar Division and Distribution. A wide scope of business operations has opened up career opportunities for a large number of people from different backgrounds and realms of experience, so this Division can be considered as the most populated and fastest growing one in the Holding.

Packaging Center In 2012, STUDEN-AGRANA Sugar Refinery will start packaging crystal sugar in 1 kg paper bags, 1 kg PP bags, 1 kg OPP bags, 2 kg OPP bags, 5 kg paper bags as well as 25 kg, 50 kg and Big bag and other packages in its newly built and modern packaging centre.. The Logistics and Packaging Center is heated with hot-air heating system, whereas the socializing area is equipped with the floor heating system which recycles hot water used in the production process.


Najslađe u novom ruhu! je lider, na drugima polako gradi svoj put i pozicije na policama i u svijestima potrošača, a sve sa ciljem i željom da postane sinonim za šećer. Iako je u toku svog postojanja AGRAGOLD šećer i sam brend mijenjao izgled, uvijek je zadržao karakteristični crveni dizajn pakovanja i nekompromisno visoki kvalitet šećera. Mišljenje i želje potrošača su nam uvijek bile jedne od najvažnijih tačaka u razvoju brenda i asortimana. U 2011. godini smo sproveli opširno kvantitativno i kvalitativno istraživanje u regiji kako bismo došli do još dubljih saznanja šta potrošači misle o kategoriji šećera i brendu AGRAGOLD. Rezultate toga sproveli smo u posljednjem redizajnu AGRAGOLD šećera. Danas, u 2012. godini AGRAGOLD je dobio svoj novi izgled i time započeo svoj put repozicioniranja i izgradnje u regionalnog lidera i eksperta u kategoriji šećera. Za velika i mala domaćinstva, za sve koje vole praviti kolače, poslatice, slatko, džemove ili jednostavno žele zasladiti svoje tople ili hladne napitke, AGRAGOLD ima idealan proizvod u svom asortimanu bijelog šećera. Bijeli fini kristalni šećer AGRAGOLD pakuje se u papirnom pakovanju od 1 kg, 5kg i 25 kg kao i OPP pakovanjima od 1 i 2 kg. AGRAGOLD kocka

Some say sugar is sugar. We say sugar is AGRAGOLD. For more than a decade that AGRAGOLD has been present on the shelves of the Western Balkans’ retailers, it has become an irreplaceable ingredient in home kitchens. In some markets it has become the market leader, whilst in the others it slowly builds its way and positions itself both on the shelves and in the minds of consumers, with the goal and desire to become a synonym for sugar. Although in the course of its existence, the appearance of AGRAGOLD sugar and the brand itself have undergone changes, it has always maintained its typical red packaging design and uncompromised high-quality sugar. Our consumers’ opinions and wishes have always remained one of the most important points in the development of brand and product range. In year 2011, we conducted an extensive qualitative and a quantitative region-wide survey in order to obtain an in-depth knowledge of what consumers think about the AGRAGOLD brand and the category of sugar. Results of this survey results have been integrated in the latest AGRAGOLD sugar redesign.



pakovana u kartonu od 1 kg je idealna za slađenje kafe, čaja ili drugih toplih napitaka. Svi proizvodi pod markom AGRAGOLD proizvedeni su po najvišim standardima tehnologije u prehrambenoj industriji. Njihov kvalitet kontroliše se u svim koracima proizvodnog procesa, te nabave sirovine. Pored bijelog kristalnog šećera AGRAGOLD u svom asortimanu ima i šećer u kocki, šećer u prahu i smeđi šećer. Uskoro će asortiman obogatiti i niz drugih specijalnih vrsta šećera, kako bi još bolje ispunio želje svojih potrošača.

Today, in 2012, AGRAGOLD has a new look and has thus embarked on the journey to reposition itself and grow into the regional leader and expert in the category of sugar. For large and small households, for all those who love to make cakes, sweets, fruit preserves, jams, or who simply want to sweeten their hot or cold drinks, AGRAGOLD has an ideal product in its range of white sugar. White fine crystal sugar AGRAGOLD comes in paper packaging of 1 kg, 5 kg and 25 kg and OPP packs of 1 and 2 kg. AGRAGOLD sugar cubes in single-kilogram cartons is perfect for sweetening coffee, tea or any other hot beverage. All products marketed under AGRAGOLD brand are produced with the goal to meet the highest standards of technology in the food industry. Their quality is controlled in all stages of the production process and in the process of procurement of raw materials. In addition to white crystal sugar, in its assortment AGRAGOLD also offers cube sugar, powdered sugar and brown sugar. Soon it will enrich the product range to include a number of other specialty types of sugar, in strife to fulfill our customers’ desires as best possible.

Najslađe u novom ruhu!


Divizija Jestiva ulja, uljarice i 탑itarice Division Edible Oils, Oilseeds and Grains

Diviziju jestiva ulja, uljarice i žitarice čine dvije proizvodne kompanije koje za krajnjeg potrošača, kao i prehrambenu industriju proizvode jestiva ulja i brašno.

Division Edible Oils, Oilseeds and Grains comprises two production companies which produce edible oils and flour to serve the needs of both the foods industry and our end consumers.

Iz divizije ulje, uljarice i žitarice na tržište plasiramo proizvode pod brendovima BIMAL, AGRAGOLD, SANI, SOLIA, ŠEF KUHINJE i ŽITOPROMET

From our Division Oil, Oilseeds and Grains we market the products under the following brand names: BIMAL, AGRAGOLD, SANI, SOLIA, ŠEF KUHINJE and ŽITOPROMET

Nove firme

New companies



Period posljednjih 5 godina je zaista bio period širenja poslovanja, otvaranja novih firmi, preuzimanja postojećih i kreiranja novih radnih mjesta. Nova članica STUDEN & CO Holdinga je i fabrika ŽITOPROMET d.d. sa tradicijom proizvodnje brašna još od davne 1956. godine kada je ova fabrika izgrađena i prvi put puštena u rad. ŽITOPROMET je treća kompanija u agroindustrijskom kompleksu Brčko. Od ulaska STUDEN & CO Holdinga u ŽITOPROMET u 2009. godini uvedene su norme poslovanja uvriježene unutar grupe, kvalitativne norme koje obezbjeđuju zdravstvenu ispravnost proizvoda, te je na tržište plasiran novi proizvod ŽITOPROMET brašno.

The last 5 years have truly marked a period of expansion of our business operations, establishing of new companies, acquisitions of the existing ones and creation of new jobs. One of the new members of STUDEN & CO Holding is ŽITOPROMET d.d. factory, with the tradition in flour production that started back in 1956, when the factory was built and first put into operation. ŽITOPROMET is the third company in the agro-industrial compound in Brčko. Since joining STUDEN & CO Holding in 2009, ŽITOPROMET has experienced introduction of the business norms that have long existed in the business Group as well as the standards of quality that ensure safety of products. It has also placed a new product - ŽITOPROMET flour



Fabrika danas ima 32 zaposlenika i u njoj se obavlja proizvodnja brašna od sirovina do gotovog proizvoda, a posjeduje i mlin proizvodnog kapaciteta 20.000 MT godišnje.

on the market. Today the factory has 32 employees and it produces flour from raw materials to finished products. It also owns a mill with the production capacity of 20,000 MT per year.



Integrisanjem ŽITOPROMETA u Diviziju jestivih ulja, uljarica i žitarica, te daljim razvojem BIMALa broj zapsolenih u proteklih pet godina je kontinuirano rastao. Od inženjera, preko tehnologa, preko operativaca u proizvodnji do komercijale, divizija je oplemenjena novim kadrom koji doprinosi razvoju Holdinga i dosezanju ciljeva.

Integration of ŽITOPROMET into the Division of Edible Oils, Oilseeds and Grains, and further development of BIMAL has resulted in a continual increase of the number of workforce in the past five years. From engineers, through technology experts and production operatives to the commercial division, the Division has been enriched with the new staff who make contribution to the Holding’s development and realization of its goals.

Novo skladište «logistički centar» gotovih proizvoda Logistički centar Brčko 2011/2012 Logistics Centre Brčko 2011/2012

Sa povećanjem proizvodnje ulja i šećera širili smo i skladišni prostor, kao i prostor namijenjen za druženje zaposlenika. U roku od 7 mjeseci i sa puštanjem u rad početkom 2012. godine, novo skladište gotovih proizvoda je dograđeno

New Final Product Warehouse “Logistics Center“ With the increase in oil and sugar production we have also expanded our storage space, as well as the space designed for the employees’ socializing. Built

na postojeće skladište i stvorila se cjelina «logistički centar» namijenjena za skladištenje, konfekcioniranje i otpremu gotovih proizvoda poput ulja, šećera i sl. Sa sjeverne strane logističkog centra prolazi industrijski kolosjek pruge, a sa južne se nalazi manipulativni plato sa kojeg je ostvaren ulaz i pristup. Usavršen je prostor sa ukupno 7 manipulativnih rampi za vagone i 7 rampi za kamione, a horizontalni i vertikalni transport u skladištu vrši se pomoću električnih viličara. Površina skladišta je 5900 m2 sa kapacitetom za 3500 paletnih mjesta za jestivo ulje i 6000 tona šećera. U sklopu novog logističkog centra nalazi se galerija veličine preko 500 m2 za komisioniranje proizvoda, kao i socijalne prostorije za 100 radnika skladišta i servisa. U postojećem skladištu adaptiran je prostor za socijalne prostorije, za 80 radnika SARS-a i 40 radnika punionice, te dograđen novi prostor za posjetioce uz postojeću punionicu.

in only 7 months and opened for business operations in early 2012, the new warehouse for finished products was added to the existing warehouse and created a unit Logistics Center intended for storage, branding and shipping of finished products which include oil, sugar, etc. The north side of the Logistics Center is flanked by industrial railway, and the south by a manipulative plateau with an entry and access. The area was upgraded with 7 loading ramps for wagons and 7 ramps for trucks, and the horizontal and vertical transport in the warehouse is carried out using electric forklifts. Storage area is 5900 m2 with the capacity for 3500 pallets for oil and 6000 tons of sugar. The new Logistics Center also houses a gallery of more than 500 m2 for product commissioning, as well as the socializing area for 100 employees who work in the warehouse and workshop services. The existing warehouse space has been adapted to serve as a socializing/lounge area for 80 workers from SARS and 40 bottling plant workers, and a new visitors’ area has been annexed to the existing bottling plant.



BIMAL brendovi

BIMAL brands

BIMAL Maslinovo ulje

BIMAL Olive Oil

BIMAL, kao vodeći brend u proizvodnji jestivih ulja, već šest godina donosi zdravlje na trpeze potrošača, a sada je strogom selekcijom izabrao najbolje mediteransko maslinovo ulje iz Italije i ostaje posvećen svom originalnom sloganu „Sunce naše kuhinje“. Od 750 miliona maslinovih stabala u cijelom svijetu, njih 95% raste na mediteranskom suncu, a za potrošače smo odabrali partnersku firmu Dentamaro koja od 1893. godine proizvodi vrhunsko maslinovo ulje i tajne proizvodnje već četiri generacije uspješno prenosi s koljena na koljeno isključivo u krugu porodice. BIMAL – ekstra djevičansko ulje nosi sa sobom karakter Mediterana i svojom svježinom okusa i mirisa oplemenjuje svako jelo jer je proizvedeno bez ikakvih hemijskih tretmana, bogato zasićenim masnim kiselinama i izvor je vitamina E i D.

For six years now, BIMAL, as the leading brand in the production of edible oils, has been bringing health to the consumer’s table, but now it has chosen the very best selection of Mediterranean olive oil from Italy in remaining true to its original slogan, “The Sun of Our Kitchen.” Of the total of 750 million olive trees in the world, 95% grow under the Mediterranean sun, so for our consumers we have chosen to partner with the Dentamaro Company which has been producing high quality olive oil since 1893 successfully transferring the secrets of its production from generation to generation for four generations making sure they remain in the sole possession of the family. Being produced without any chemical treatment, BIMAL - extra virgin olive oil encapsulates the character of the Mediterranean and enriches every dish with its freshness. The oil is rich in poly-saturated fatty acids and it is a good source of E and D vitamins.

Ljekovita svojstva maslinovog ulja dokazana su i naučno, te zbog njegovog specifičnog sastava pomaže probavu, djeluje preventivno na želudac, a korištenjem maslinovog ulja dobijate i pomoć od antioksidantskih dejstava koja se uspješno bore sa očuvanjem zdravih ćelija. Poželjno dejstvo je zabilježeno i na snižavanje

Medicinal properties of olive oil have been scientifically proven, and its specific composition helps digestion and is beneficial in prevention of gastric diseases. Also, by consuming olive oil, you will profit from the positive effects of antioxidants in preservation of healthy cells. Desirable effect are also observed in terms of lowering blood pressure

krvnog pritiska dok ujedno štiti vaše tijelo od kardiovaskularnih oboljenja. Maslinovo ulje igra veoma bitnu ulogu kod imunološkog sistema kojeg štiti od napada bakterija ili virusa. Koliko je zdravo maslinovo ulje govori i činjenica da se već vijekovima koristi u proizvodnji kozmetike jer proizvodi koji nastaju od maslinovog ulja koriste da bi imali zdrave nokte, kosu i kožu i zato je maslinovo ulje nezaobilazan sastojak usljed njegovih hranljivih sastojaka.

while, at the same time, protecting your body against cardiovascular diseases. Olive oil plays a very important role in building up the immune system to protect you against bacteria or viruses. The fact that olive oil has been used for centuries now in the manufacturing of cosmetics attests to the beneficial effects of this oil for human health as its used to make nails, hair and skin treatment products lending them its indispensable nutrients and healing properties.



Novi brend SOLIA

New brand SOLIA

Početkom 2012. stigao je zavodljivi novi proizvod SOLIA zahvaljujući naporima različitih članova tima BIMAL-a. Vrhunsko jestivo ulje je na ponudi potrošačima u četiri atraktivna okusa: SMILE, FIT, AROMA i STYLE. SOLIA ulja su prepoznatljiva po veoma jednostavnoj i elegantnoj staklenoj PET flaši, a 4 okusa su rezultat opsežnog istraživanja tržišta među potrošačima i predstavljaju precizan odgovor na njihove potrebe ultra-moderan brend Premium klase.

Early 2012 saw the arrival of a seductive new SOLIA product thanks to the efforts of a number of BIMAL’s team members. High quality cooking oil is available to consumers in four attractive flavors: SMILE, FIT, AROMA and STYLE. SOLIA oil is recognizeable by its very simple and elegant glass bottle and its 4 flavors are the result of an extensive market and consumer research. They represent an ultra-modern brand of premium class which is the precise answer to the consumers’ needs.

SOLIA SMILE je 100% suncokretovo ulje i kao takav je obavezni i standardni sastojak svake kuhinje pri spremanju hrane. SOLIA FIT je nastala od idealne mješavine ulja koja sadrži potrebne Omega 3 i Omega 6 masne kiseline. Za potrošače sa specifičnim načinom ishrane, SOLIA AROMA od 100% sojinog ulja pomaže u zdravoj ishrani ali i pripremi jela sa bogatom aromom kao što je azijska kuhinja i jela u wok-u. SOLIA STYLE je ulje idealno za pripremu jela na visokoj temperaturi.

SOLIA SMILE is 100% sunflower oil hence an essential and standard ingredient in food preparation in every kitchen. SOLIA FIT derives from an ideal blend of oils that contain the necessary omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. For a consumer with a particular taste in food, SOLIA AROMA made 100% from soybean oil is an accessory in any healthy meal but also in preparation of aromatic dishes such as those prepared in Asian cuisine and wok cooking. SOLIA STYLE oil is optimal for cooking at high temperatures.

SOLIA brend je više od proizvoda na trgovačkim policama jer putem svojih web stranica donosi korisne savjete o umjetnosti zdravlja i relaksacije kroz recepte iz kuhinja svijeta i čini se da je sigurnim korakom krenuo u osvajanje dama koje su spremne da se prepuste pozivu na kulinarsku avanturu: „Otvori me i odvešću te preko mora u tajanstvena prostranstva Indije, u rižina polja Kine, u prašume Brazila. Zagolicaću ti čula, ispuniti srce, nahraniti dušu, obradovati nepce, zauzeti ruke...“ SOLIA SMILE Ispunjena, zavodljiva, nasmijana, graciozna! Odmor na Vašem tanjiru i u Vašoj kuhinji! 100% suncokretovo ulje. Obavezni i standardni sastojak svake kuhinje. Namjenjeno

SOLIA brand is more than a product on store shelves as via its website it offers useful advice about the art of health and relaxation, bringing recipes from various cuisines of the world. With every step it takes, it seems to be on a safe road to win the hearts of the ladies who are ready to respond to its call to embark on this culinary adventure: „Open me up and I will take you across the sea to the mysterious vastness of India, rice fields of China, and rainforests of Brazil. I will tickle your senses, fill your heart, nourish your soul, and delight your taste buds, take your hands...“ SOLIA SMILE Content, seductive, smiling, gracious! Holiday on your plate and in your kitchen!

the art of cooking

NajďŹ nije ulje za vrhunske uĹžitke kuhanja.



svakodnevnoj pripremi hrane. Jednostavno i lako. „Kuhajte sa osmijehom!“ SOLIA FIT Zdrava, snažna, lagana, raspjevana, raduje se svakom novom danu! Sa SOLIA FIT uljem koračajte kroz život laganim i sigurnim korakom! Budite zdravi i sretni uz ulje SOLIA FIT. Idealna mješavina ulja koja sadrži potrebne Omega 3 i Omega 6 masne kiseline u idealnom omjeru. „Ako želimo biti fit kuhajmo sa SOLIA FIT!“ SOLIA AROMA Slobodna, radoznala, tajanstvena, spokojna. Doživite svijet u svojoj kuhinji, uživajte u iznenađujućim slatko-kiselim spojevima Azije i to sve uz malo mašte i našu uzbudljivu ljepoticu SOLIA AROMA! 100% sojino ulje. Ulje koje pomaže mome zdravlju. Za one koji preferiraju bogatu aromu. Ulje je odlično za azijsku kuhinju i kuhanje u WOK-u. „Za jela koja traže više arome!“ SOLIA STYLE Vatrena, brza, uzbudljiva, opasna. Raznovrsni i bogati ukusi južne Amerike, domaća jela, hrskave poslastice štagod da poželite, SOLIA STYLE će Vam pomoći da doživite nezapamćene ukuse. Posebno kvalitetna receptura koja ulju omogućava odlično podnošenje visokih temeperatura od 180 stepeni C. Ulje je za vruću kuhinju, jela koja traže stepen više. „Vruća kuhinja za one koji vole vruće!“

100% sunflower oil. Irreplaceable, standard ingredient of every kitchen. Designed for everyday food preparation. Simple and easy. “Cook with a SMILE!“ SOLIA FIT Healthy, strong, light, singing, looking forward to each new day! With SOLIA FIT oil walk through life in a light and steady pace! Be healthy and happy with SOLIA FIT oil. An ideal blend of oils with a perfect proportion of much-needed Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. “If you want to be fit, cook with SOLIA FIT!“ SOLIA AROMA Free, curious, mysterious, calm. Experience the world in your kitchen, enjoy the stunning sweet & sour combinations of Asia, all with a little imagination and our exciting beauty SOLIA AROMA!! 100% soy oil. Oil that helps me stay healthy. For all those who prefer a rich aroma. This oil is perfect for Asian cuisine and wok cooking. “For the dishes that need more flavor!” SOLIA STYLE A fiery, fast, exciting, dangerous. The diverse and rich flavors of South America, local dishes, crispy treats whatever you want, SOLIA STYLE will help you to experience unprecedented tastes. A recipe of a particularly high quality that allows oil a superb resistance in high temperatures of 180 degrees C. This oil is designed for hot cuisine and dishes that require a degree higher temperature: “Hot cuisine for those who like it hot!”.


Divizija berzanski proizvodi, logistika i korporativni servisi

Division Commodity, Logistics and Corporate Services

Divizija berzanski proizvodi, logistika i korporativni servisi jedna je od najstarijih divizija unutar Holdinga. Sastavljena je od šest kompanija i jedne poslovnice, a centrala trading poslovanja je u Beču, Austrija.

Division Commodity, Logistics and Corporate services is one of the Holding’s longest-existing divisions. The Division comprises 6 companies and one branch office and the headquarters of the trading business operations are located in Vienna, Austria.

Iz divizije berzanski proizvodi, logistika i korporativni servisi na tržište plasiramo proizvode pod brendovima STUDEN café i MINGOS COFFEE.

From the Division Commodity, Logistics and Corporate services we market our products under STUDEN café and MINGOS COFFEE brand names.



Nove firme

New companies

STUDEN & CO Logistika

STUDEN & CO Logistika

Osnovana 2008. godine u Brčkom doprinosi Holding-u organizacijom dopreme i otpreme robe riječnim, željezničkim i drumskim putem, te obavlja uvozno i izvozno carinjenje robe za firme iz Agroindustrijskog kompleksa Brčko i upravlja njihovim dopremama robe na industrijske kolosjeke. Skladištenje robe kroz redovna i carinska skladišta za članice grupacije iz Brčkog, ali i druge firme iz Holdinga su takođe sastavni dio djelatnosti STUDEN & CO Logistika.

Established in 2008. in Brčko, it contributes to the Holding by managing organization of delivery and dispatch of goods by fluvial routes, railway and road, carries out import and export customs clearance activities for the companies from the agro-industrial compound of Brčko and manages their delivery of goods to industrial tracks. Warehousing and storage of goods through regular and customs warehouses for the Group’s members from Brčko, and for other companies from the Holding are an integral part of the STUDEN & CO Logistics’ activities.

STUDEN & CO Logistika Ploče Razvojem preko-okeanskih i morskih otprema i doprema robe otvorena je poslovnica STUDEN & CO Logistike u luci Ploče. Od osnivanja 2009. godine, ova firma organizuje sve prekookeanske i morske dopreme i otpreme robe, te vrši otpreme željezničkim i drumskim saobraćajem.

STUDEN & CO Logistika Ploče Development of the trans-oceanic and sea freight forwarding and supply of goods has brought about the opening of the STUDEN & CO Logistics branch in the Port of Ploče. Since its establishment in 2009, this company manages all overseas and offshore delivery and carries out dispatch of goods by rail and road.



Agroindustrijski kompleks je 2010.godine obogaćen akvizicijom još jednog proizvodnog preduzeća MINGOS COFFEE. Osnovana 1999. godine, ova fabrika danas posluje kao još jedna kompanija pod upravom STUDEN & CO Holdinga. MINGOS COFFEE ima 19 zaposlenih i proizvodni kapacitet od 2.000 MT pržene kafe godišnje.

In 2010, the agro-industrial compound was enhanced by another production company i.e. MINGOS COFFEE. Established in 1999, the plant is now operating as another one of Studen & CO Holding’s companies. MINGOS COFEE has 19 employees and production capacity of 2000 MT of roasted coffee per year.

Premium kvalitet proizvoda postiže se pažljivim odabirom sirovine čijim miješanjem i tradicionalnim prženjem imamo savršenu mješavinu za savršen trenutak. U 2011. godini na tržište je plasiran redizajnirani MINGOS COFFEE brend.

STUDEN Middle East DMCC STUDEN Middle East DMCC je najmlađa trading firma u okviru STUDEN & CO Holdinga. Osnovna djelatnost je nabavka sirovina prvenstveno iz Azije, kao i prodaja na područjima Bliskog i Srednjeg Istoka. STUDEN ME smo organizovali kao

The premium product quality is achieved with a careful selection of raw materials whose mixing and traditional-style roasting result in a perfect mix for a perfect moment. In 2011, a redesigned MINGOS COFFEE brand was launched in the market.

STUDEN Middle East DMCC STUDEN Middle East DMCC is the youngest trading company within STUDEN & CO Holding. Its basic business activity is purchase of raw materials, primarily from Asia, but also sales in the regions of the Near and Middle East. We have organized STUDEN ME as a trading company which has taken over the entire green coffee trading but which also provides



trading firmu, koja u potpunosti preuzima trading sirove kafe i daje podršku diviziji jestiva ulja, uljarice i žitarice u hedging strategijama i tradingu proizvoda na tržištima izvan Zapadnog Balkana. U STUDEN ME smo organizovali Marketing odjeljenje koje je zaduženo za plasman proizvoda na tržištima Middle East-a, sa robnim markama STUDEN & CO Holdinga i robnim markama partnerskih i prijateljskih firmi iz regije Zapadnog Balkana.

Ljudi Poslovanje na berzi je okosnica rada STUDEN & Co Holdinga. Fleksibilnost, prilagodljivost tržištu, brzina, rizik menadžment su vrline koje posjeduju zaposlenici ove divizije i na osnovu njih iz godine u godinu gradimo svoju bazu ljudskih resursa. Akvizicijom MINGOS COFFEEa i otvaranjem STUDEN Middle East DMCC STUDEN&CO Holding dobio je niz novih kadrova koji su donijeli nova razmišljanja koja su se odlično uklopila u timski način rada i razmišljanja.

support to the Edible Oils, Oilseeds and Grains Division in the hedging strategies and product trading in the markets outside the Western Balkans. Within the STUDEN ME, we have set up a separate Marketing Division in charge of product placement to the Middle Eastern markets, bearing the STUDEN & CO Holding’s brand names as well as the brand names of other companies from the region of Western Balkans who are our partners and associates.

People Stock market trading is the backbone of STUDEN & CO Holding’s business operations. Flexibility, market adaptability, timely action, risk management are the virtues that our staff staff who work in this branch possess and these same virtues have been the cornerstone upon which we have built our human resources base from year to year. Acquisition of MINGOS coffee and opening of STUDEN Middle East DMCC has given the STUDEN & CO Holding a vast array of new staff who have brought new thinking who have excellently fitted in our teamwork and team spirit.



MINGOS kafa 100 % kafa

MINGOS coffee 100 % coffee

MINGOS COFFEE pržionica kafe posvećeno i sa velikom ljubavlju proizvodi visoko kvalitetne proizvode. Prženje kafe zahtjeva mnogo znanja i umijeća sa kojim se MINGOS COFFEE sigurno može pohvaliti. Od 2010. godine MINGOS COFFEE nalazi se u sastavu STUDEN & CO Holdinga što je dodatno ojačalo snagu naše pržionice jer je ova pozitivna promjena ojačala sigurnu nabavku kvalitetne kafe.

MINGOS COFFEE roasting plant has been producing high quality products with much love and dedication. Coffee roasting requires great knowledge and skill and MINGOS COFFEE can certainly boast to possess both! MINGOS COFFEE has been a part of STUDEN & CO Holding since 2010, which has further strengthened the capacity of our roasting house as this change for the better has ensured a safe supply of high-quality coffee.

MINGOS COFFEE kafa je jedinstvena mješavina kvalitetnih zrna kafe Arabika i Robusta. Posebnim i usavršenim metodama prženja, mljevenja te pakovanja kafe, zadržava se prvobitna aroma i miris. Ovakav način obrade zrna garantuje vrhunski ukus napitku spremljenom na domaći način, a stiže u domaćinstva naših potrošača u pakovanjima od: 100, 200, 500 i 1000 grama.

MINGOS COFFEE is a unique blend of high quality Arabica and Robusta beans. Special and advanced methods of coffee roasting, grinding and packing ensure that the original flavor and aroma are preserved. This method of grain processing guarantees a superb taste of the beverage prepared in the local style, and arrives in our consumers’ households in packages of 100, 200, 500 and 1000 grams.

MINGOS kafaa 100% kaf



MINGOS COFFEE Domaća moćna

MINGOS COFFEE Domestic and powerful

Prava domaća kafa za jaku tradicionalnu kafu. Moćna aroma, intenzivan ukus i savršen nivo pjene najbolje opisuju Domaću moćnu kafu. Selekcija najkvalitetnijih zrna kafe, usavršene metode prženja, mljevenja i pakovanja kafe garantuju konstantan kvalitet u koji se možete uvijek pouzdati. Neka jutarnja kafa i kafa sa dragim gostima bude prava DOMAĆA.

Authentic domestic coffee for a strong traditional coffee. Powerful aroma, intense flavor and a perfect amount of froth best describes the Domestic Powerful Coffee. Selection of coffee beans of a highest quality, advanced methods of coffee roasting, grinding and packaging guarantee a constant quality you can always rely on. Let your morning coffee and coffee with dear guests be truly DOMESTIC.

e f ka ne ć o m e ć a m Pravi ukus do , l u rf we o p of r Authentic flavo domestic coffee


MINGOS COFFEE Fine domestic

Savršeno usklađena mješavina kafe namjenjena ljubiteljima kafe koji traže harmoniju ukusa. Na osnovama tradicionalnih metoda prženja ova kafa nudi savršen omjer arome i pjene. Osjetite harmoniju domaće fine kafe svaki dan.

A perfectly balanced blend of coffee designed for coffee lovers looking for the harmony of taste. Developed on the basis of traditional methods of roasting, this coffee offers a perfect balance of flavor and foam. Feel the harmony of fine domestic coffee every day.

a f a k S O G N MI 100% kafa



Espresso BRAVO

Espresso BRAVO

Vrhunski kvalitet za Vaš užitak. Pažljivom selekcijom samo najkvalitetnija zrna kafe dospjevaju u BRAVO mješavinu. Zahvaljujući recepturi italijanskih espresso majstora i posebnoj metodi prženja BRAVO espresso karakteriše bogata boja, kremasta pjena i punoća ukusa. Uživajte u mješavini prave espresso kafe!

Top quality for your enjoyment. Through careful selection, the coffee beans of only the highest quality end up in BRAVO mix. Thanks to the recipe of Italian espresso masters and a specialized roasting methodology, BRAVO espresso features rich color, creamy froth and richness of taste. Enjoy a blend of this genuine espresso coffee!

s u k u n e š vr a S . ir Savršen odab te as t t c e rf Pe . n Perfect selectio


Divizija mineralna ulja Division Mineral Oils

Diviziju mineralna ulja čine dvije kompanije koje su locirane u Brčkom i Gradačcu, Bosna i Hercegovina.

Division Mineral Oils comprises two companies located in Brčko and Gradačac, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Nove firme

New companies



Osnovan 2003. godine i od tada do danas je zadužen za poslovanje naftnim derivatima i snabdijevanje i distribuciju naftnih derivata. Redizajn vizuelnog izgleda postojećih benzinskih pumpi i izgradnja novih je pokrenut 2010. godine. U septembru 2011. godine otvoren je novi i moderni benzinski servis

Founded in 2003, it has been in charge of trade of petroleum products and supply and distribution of petroleum products ever since. The re-design of the existing petrol stations and construction of new ones commenced in year 2010. In September 2011, a new and modern petrol station was opened at

na ulazu u Agroindustrijski kompleks. Osim što je svojim arhitektonskim izgledom uljepšala prilaz Agroindustrijskom kompleksu, građanima Brčkog također donosi puno novina i pogodnosti u svom moderno opremljenom prostoru.

the very entrance to the agro-industrial compound. In addition to improving the appearance of the agroindustrial compound’s driveway with its architecture, it also offers Brčko residents many novelties and amenities in its modernly furnished space.



Otvaranjem CEROL benzinske pumpe u Brčkom STUDEN&CO Holding unaprijedio je svoje poslovanje u tercijarnom, uslužnom sektoru. Naša misija jeste zadovoljstvo potrošača, a na CEROLu u svakodnevnom i neposrednom kontaktu sa potrošačima zaposlenici misiju zadovoljstva prenose i unapređuju iz dana u dan.

By opening the CEROL petrol station in Brčko, STUDEN & CO Holding has expanded its business operations in the tertiary and services sector. Our mission is the satisfaction of our customers, and in CEROL, in direct, everyday contacts with consumers, our staff implement and perfect this mission day by day.


Novootvorena benzinska pumpa CEROL u Brčkom

Newly opened petrol station CEROL in Brčko

Dani otvorenih vrata – (2005 – 2011)


Dani otvorenih vrata – (2005 – 2011)

Fudbalski tim Gradačačkih zmajeva Gradačac Dragons Football Club

BIMAL je svoja vrata po prvi put otvorio 10.09.2005. za zaposlene i za svoje sugrađane, te poslovne partnere. U želji da podijelimo naš uspjeh sa onima koji su nam pomogli da ostvarimo planove u proteklom periodu krenuli smo sa jednim danom i osmislili zabavu za djecu, dali šansu mladim pjevačkim zvijezdama u to vrijeme Jeleni Milušić i Enveru Lugavić. Prvi dani otvorenih vrata su zaokruženi velikim koncertom hrvatskog muzičara Gorana Karana pod sloganom – „Od Dalmacije do Panonske ravnice“.

On 10 September 2005 BIMAL opened its door for the first time to its employees and fellow citizens, as well as for the business partners. Wanting to share our success with those who have helped us achieve our plans in the past, we started with one single day and came up with fun events for children, gave a chance to young singers (back then, Jelena Milušić and Enver Lugavić). The first open-door days were made complete with a big concert of Croatian musician Goran Karan under the slogan - “From Dalmatia to the Pannonian plain.”

2006. Rastom i razvojem firmi, te brojem zaposlenih, interno komuniciranje je dobilo veliku važnost i sljedeće godine smo Dane otvorenih

2006 The company grew and developed and so did its number of employees, internal communication became very important and the next year we

vrata osmislili na nešto drugačiji način – dodali smo sport i organizovali mini-fudbalski turnir između tadašnjih članica grupacije, a u večernjim satima ponovo nagradili zaposlene ali i sugrađane sa koncertom Goce Tržan.

planned the Open Door Days somewhat differently – by adding sports and organizing a mini-football tournament between the Group’s member companies and rewarding our employees with an evening concert with Goca Tržan.

2007. U organizaciji Dana otvorenih vrata uključuju se po prvi put sestrinske firme AGRAGOLD Brčko i STUDEN-AGRANA i sinergijski efekat je odlično prihvaćen u lokalnoj i široj javnosti. Ove godine manifestacija je prerasla u dešavanje koje traje 6 dana i u svom programu nudi za svakoga po nešto. Prvi dan dječija predstava Narodnog pozorišta u Tuzli „Maskenbal u Srebren šumi“, a sljedeći dan „Bosanski kralj“ Teatra Arena iz Tuzle. Ovo je bila i prva godina kada su Dani otvorenih vrata odvojili novi dan za dame i u hotelu „Jelena“ uz pomoć članica udruženja: Kolo srpskih sestara, Napredak i Žena Bošnjakinja, organizovana je izložba rukotvorina i običaja uz raznovrsne specijalitete iz naroda. U krugu fabrike BIMAL na završni dan manifestacije organizovan je koncert za građane Brčkog, a nastupili su Flamingosi i Mostar Sevdah Reunion.

2007 For the first time, sister companies AGRAGOLD Brčko and STUDEN -AGRANA joined the organization of the Open Door Days and the synergy got an excellent reception both locally and among the wider public. This year’s celebration grew into a 6-day-long series of events with a program that had something to offer for everyone. The first day was marked by a theatre show for children “Masquerade in Silver Forest” performed by the National Theatre in Tuzla and the next day by Tuzla Arena Theatre’s “Bosnian King”. This was also the first year that one of the Open Door Days was devoted to the ladies when an exhibition of handicrafts and local traditions was organized in Hotel Jelena, with the help of associations: Circle of Serbian Sisters, Progress and a Bosniak Women with various traditional culinary specialties. On the final day of the celebration, a concert was organized in the company’s compound for the citizens of Brčko, with Flamingos and Mostar Sevdah Reunion as lead performers.

2008. Godina kada su Dani otvorenih vrata već ubačeni u kalendar gradskih dešavanja i u prepunom Domu kulture u Brčkom predstava za djecu „Abrakadabra“, u režiji Žarka Milenića i izvedbi brčanskog dramskog ansambla Agencije za kulturu „Ilvas“, je otvorila manifestaciju. Takmičenje u govorništvu pod nazivom “Pričigen” organizovano po prvi put na ovim prostorima u kojima su učestvovali zaposlenici STUDEN & CO Holdinga sa nagradom putovanje za dvoje u Tursku. Lutkarska predstava “Bajke iz stare sehare” lutkarskog teatra SALE iz Tuzle, a onda predstava za odrasle „Malograđanska svadba“, Bertolda Bretha u izvedbi Narodnog pozorišta Tuzla. Žene su i ove godine briljirale sa svojim danom u hotelu „Jelena“ uz ugodan muzički program starogradskih pjesama i sevdalinki. Subota, i ujedno završni dan manifestacije, je okupila zaposlene STUDEN & CO Holdinga na jednom sportskom i porodičnom danu, ispunjenom turnirima u mini fudbalu i

2008 This year, the Open Door Days were added to the calendar of the town’s events and kicked off with the theatre show for children “Abracadabra” directed by Žarko Milenić, and performed by the Brčko Agency for Culture “Ilvas” drama ensemble. A competition in oratory skills called “Pričigen” was organized for the first time in the region, with participation of STUDEN & CO Holding employees and the main prize – a trip for two to Turkey. The puppet theater SALE from Tuzla gave a puppet show “Tales from the old chest”, followed by the theatre play for grownups – Bertolt Brecht’s “Petty bourgeois marriage”, performed by the National Theatre in Tuzla. Women have excelled this year with their day at the Jelena Hotel with an enjoyable musical program of traditional songs. On Saturday - the final day of the celebration, the employees of STUDEN & CO Holding gathered in a day filled with sports and family-friendly events, with



košarci, karaoke takmičenju za najmlađe koji su se primili karaoke mikrofona nakon cjelodnevnog uživanja u igricama koje im je pripremila grupa klovnova. Na dresovima timova, čija su imena odabrali zaposleni iz različitih kompanija STUDEN & CO Holdinga mogla su se pronaći veoma maštovita imena: Sirove strasti, Old Bulls, Gradačački zmajevi itd. Zvukovi fer suđenja i kolektivnog navijanja sa tribina, u kombinaciji sa karaoke pjesmama sa mini pozornice tokom cijelog popodneva je odjekivalo Ficibajer izletištom. 2009. Predstava „Putujuće pozorište STARETINAR“, u režiji Envera Hasića lutkarskog teatra SALE iz Tuzle je prethodila veoma posebnom događaju – svečanom otvorenju novog dječijeg igrališta obdaništa/zabavišta „Naša djeca“. Živjeti sa lokalnom zajednicom je te godine značilo i dijeliti naše uspjehe, a najmlađi građani našeg grada su sa nama podijelili izvođenje 8 koreografija plesa i ritmike na Trgu mladih. Manifestacija je ove godine prerasla krug fabrike i u punom smislu te riječi uljepšala život lokalne zajednice i našeg okruženja. 2010. Obradovali smo još jedno brčansko obdanište „Kolobara“, JU obdanište/zabavište

mini-tournaments in football and basketball, karaoke contest for children who set out on a karaoke contest after a day of fun with a clown troupe. Jerseys of the teams whose names were selected by employees from different companies of STUDEN & CO Holding group boasted some imaginative monikers: Basic Instinct, Old Bulls, Gradačac Dragons etc. Ficibajer resort reverberated with the sounds of fair trial and collective cheering from the stands, combined with karaoke songs from the mini stage. 2009 The play “ STARETINAR - The Traveling Theater,” directed by Enver Hasić and performed by the Puppet Theater SALE from Tuzla preceded a very special event - the grand opening of a new children’s playground in “Our Children” kindergarten. Living with the local community that year meant sharing our successes and our youngest residents shared with us a performance of 8 rhythmic dance choreographies in Trg Mladih. This year’s event outgrew the company’s compound in the full sense of the word and embellished the life of the local community and of our surroundings. 2010 With another donation, we made another Brčko kindergarten happy - “Kolobara” and held the Women’s Day at Hotel Jelena which has become a tradition by now. Our employees and their families enjoyed a full day of sports, socializing and recreational activities and the event was further enriched with an addition of a culinary competition. 2011 It was our pleasure to organize Children’s Day, traditionally hand over a donation to “Our Children” kindergarten and enjoy the company of a Brčko District’s ladies. In 2005 we opened our door wide to our fellow residents for the first time and in a great style, bringing to our city one of the biggest stars of the Croatian music scene - Goran Karan. Through the Open Door Days, the youngest members of our community, our hope, pride and motivation to contribute to the community were given their own day - Children’s Day and every year we cheer them

„Naša djeca“ donacijom i održali sada već tradicionalni Dan žena u hotelu „Jelena“. Naši zaposleni i njihove porodice su uživali u cjelodnevnom sportsko-rekreativnom druženju i obogatili sadržaj manifestacije sa gastro takmičenjem. 2011. Sa zadovoljstvom smo organizovali Dječiji dan i uručili sada već tradicionalnu donaciju JU obdanište/zabavište „Naša djeca“ i uživali u druženju dama Brčko distrikta. Svoja vrata smo za naše sugrađane širom otvorili prvi put 2005. godine i sa velikim stilom, dovevši u naš grad jednu od najvećih zvijezda hrvatske muzičke scene Gorana Karana. Najmlađi članovi naše zajednice, naša nada, ponos i motivacija za doprinos zajednici, kroz godine Dana otvorenih vrata dobili su svoj vlastiti dan – Dječiji dan i svake godine ih obradujemo iznova lutkarskim i drugim predstavama za djecu, ali i sami imamo priliku da uživamo u njihovim plesnim i drugim zabavnim izvedbama. Od kako smo 2009. godine dječijem obdaništu/zabavištu “Naša djeca” poklonili novo igralište, tradicionalno je postalo i to da svake godine uručujemo godišnju donaciju ovoj dječijoj ustanovi. Koliko smo zagovarači zdravog aktivnog življenja, ali i dobre sportske zabave, govori činjenica da već 6 godina za redom u sklopu manifestacije organizujemo sportske turnire zaposlenika STUDEN & CO Holdinga, a mogi već znaju o čemu tačno govorimo kada počnemo nabrajati timove domišljatih naziva Sirove strasti, Old Bulls, Gradačački zmajevi i dr. Dan/veče žena je kroz našu manifestaciju dobio jedan sasvim drugi oblik i ponosno iz godine u godine podržavamo rad udruženja čije članice doprinose očuvanju kulture, tradicije i običaja svih naroda Brčko distrikta i sa velikim zadovoljstvom spoznajemo da smo postali sastavni dio naše lokalne zajednice jer je manifestacija Dani otvorenih vrata prerasla u kulturno-sportsko dešavanje za građane i građanke Brčkog.

up anew by bringing to them puppet shows and other shows for children, but also giving ourselves a chance to enjoy their dance and other entertainment performances. In 2009 we donated a new playground to the kindergarten “Our Children” which has grown into a tradition ever since and so every year we give our annual donation to this childcare institution. How strongly we advocates a healthy active life but equally good sports-related entertainment is proven by the fact that for six years in a row the festival boasts sports tournaments that we organize for the employees of the STUDEN & CO Holding. Many may already know exactly what we are talking about when we begin to call out the witty team names, such as Basic Instinct, Old Bulls, Gradačac dragons, etc. Through our festival, the Ladies Day / Night has morphed into a completely novel event and we proudly support the work of the associations with each passing year, as their members contribute to the preservation of culture, traditions and customs of all peoples of Brčko District and with great pleasure we recognize that we have become an inseparable part of our local community because the Open Door Days has become the cultural and sporting festival for all citizens of Brčko.


Ilija Studen sa udruženjem žena hrvatica – DOV 2011 Ilija Studen with the Association of Croatian Women – Open Door Days 2011

Konferencija Portorož


Portorož conference

Detalj sa 1. Radne konferencije komercijale i logistike STUDEN & CO Holdinga u Portorožu A detail from the 1st Working Conference of Commercial Affairs and Logistics of the STUDEN & CO Holding in Portorož

1. Radna konferencija komercijale i logistike STUDEN & CO Holdinga održana je 17.06.2011. godine u Portorožu, Slovenija gdje su učestvovale kompanije: AGRANA-STUDEN Sugar Trading, STUDEN-AGRANA Rafinerija šećera, STUDEN & CO Wien, Turm, Žitopromet, STUDEN & CO Ljubljana, STUDEN & CO Zagreb, STUDEN & CO Logistika, STUDEN & CO Arex i AGRAGOLD firme iz Slovenije, Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije i Makedonije.

1. The Working Conference of STUDEN & CO Holding Commercial Affairs and Logistics was held on 17 June 2011 in Portorož, Slovenia, with the following companies participation: AGRANA STUDEN Sugar Trading, STUDEN-AGRANA Sugar Refinery, STUDEN & CO Wien, Turm, Žitopromet, STUDEN & CO Ljubljana, STUDEN & CO Zagreb STUDEN & CO Logistics, STUDEN & CO Arex and AGRAGOLD companies from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Macedonia.

Radni dio Konferencije je otvorio g. Ilija Studen sa prezentacijom „Strategija razvoja STUDEN &

The working part of the conference was opened by Mr. Ilija Studen with the presentation “STUDEN & CO

CO Holdinga“, a u nastavku radnog dijela g. Eyal Leave je govorio o „Poslovanju sa berzanskim proizvodima unutar STUDEN & CO Holdinga“.

Holding’s Development Strategy”, followed by Mr. Eyal Leave’s speech on “Business Operations with Stock Exchange Products within the STUDEN & CO Holding”.

Vizija i planovi za budućnost grupacije su pojašnjeni prezentacijom o distribuciji na tržištima Centralne i JI Evrope, a g. Mitja Kovačič je govorio o „Pozicioniranju proizvoda STUDEN & CO Holdinga u Regiji“ sa osvrtom kolega iz AGRAGOLD distribucijskih firmi u nastavku koji su također održali prezentacije o ovoj značajnoj temi.

The vision and plans for the Group’s future were clarified in the presentation on distribution in the markets of Central and Southeastern Europe, and Mr. Mitja Kovačič addressed “STUDEN & CO Holding’s Product Positioning in the region”, followed by related speeches and comments from the colleagues from AGRAGOLD distribution companies who also gave presentations addressing this important issue.

Na Konferenciji je bilo i govora na temu „Strategije pozicioniranja i razvoja brendova“, kao i „Uticaja globalnih tokova u logistici na tržištima rada“, o čemu je govorio g. Slobodan Stefanović. Radni dio Konferencije zatvorio je g. Ilija Studen prezentacijom na temu „Operativnih i strateških ciljeva poslovanja STUDEN & CO Holdinga“.


The conference also opened the topic of “Strategies for Brand Positioning and Development” and “The Impact of Global Trends in the Logistics in Labor Markets” that Mr. Slobodan Stefanović spoke about. Mr. Ilija Studen closed the working part of the conference with his presentation about “Operational and Strategic Business Objectives of the STUDEN & CO Holding”. Članovi Uprave na 1. Radnoj konferenciji komercijale i logistike STUDEN & CO Holdinga u Portorožu Board Members at the 1st Working Conference of STUDEN & CO Holding Commercial Affairs and Logistics in Portorož

66 Strength Synergy Straightforward Success Change Colleagues Cooperation Courage Communication Organization Outstanding Opportunity Optimism

STUDEN & CO Holding danas

STUDEN & CO Holding Today

STUDEN & CO Holding je svoj razvojni poslovni put započeo 1992. godine otvaranjem prve firme u Beču. Od tada do danas, 20 godina kasnije, vođeni snagom naše zajedničke volje, sinergijom svih kompanija i partnera, direktnim i jasnim porukama, postigli smo uspjeh i razvili se u internacionalnu poslovnu grupu koja posluje na tri kontinenta. Naše kolege su saradnjom te nevjerovatnom hrabrošću razvile svaku pojedinačnu kompaniju i otvorenom komunikacijom doprinjele našoj poziciji na tržištu tokom svih godina, a posebno u posljednjim godinama velikih promjena kojima se svakodnevno prilagođavamo. Naša dobra organizacija i poseban odnos prema kolegama, poslovnim partnerima i poslovnim prilikama, te optimizam daju nam dodatnu energiju i snagu da se suočimo sa novim poslovnim izazovima.

STUDEN & CO Holding has set out on the path of its business development in 1992 when it opened its first company in Vienna. From then until now, 20 years later, guided by the Strength of our collective will, the Synergy of all companies and partners, Straigthforward and clear messages, we have achieved the Success and developed into an international business group with operations on three continents. Through Cooperation and incredible Courage, our Colleagues have developed each individual company and, by means of an open Communication, they have contributed to our position in the market throughout the years, especially in the recent years of a great Change that we adjust to daily. Our good Organization and the Outstanding relationship we have with our colleagues, business partners and business Opportunities, as well as our Optimism, give us an additional boost of energy and strength to face new business challenges.

Spoj tradicionalnog i modernog razmišljanja, iskustva i mladosti, postojećih mogućnosti i izazova, hrabrosti i jasnih ciljeva vodi STUDEN & CO Holding i njene zaposlenike ka daljem razvoju, osvajanju novih tržišta, izazovima i novim poslovima iz godine u godinu. Naše poslovanje počeli smo prije 20 godina kada smo zasađeni, a danas smo razlistano stablo u punoj snazi pred kojim je dalji rast, razvoj, grananje, integracija i povezivanje. Kako stabla proizvode kiseonik, tako STUDEN & CO Holding proizvodi poslovne mogućnosti koje zajedništvom i vizijom prihvatamo, unapređujemo i uvijek gledamo dalje od sutra.

A combination of traditional and modern thinking, experience and youth, existing opportunities and challenges, courage, and clear goals leads STUDEN & CO Holding and its staff towards further development, conquering new markets, challenges and new business operations with each year. We started our business 20 years ago when our roots were planted, and by now we have grown into a fully-blossomed tree, strong and healthy, awaiting further growth, development, branching out, integrations and connectivity. Just like trees produce oxygen so does STUDEN & CO Holding produce business opportunities that we embrace, perfect and always look beyond with the help of our common spirit and vision.

Interno glasilo STUDEN & CO Holding G.m.b.H. Wilhelminestraße 19/19, Wien Austria/ Internal publication of the Business Group STUDEN & CO Holding G.m.b.H. Wilhelminestraße 19/19, Wien Austria Izdavač/Publisher: Korporativne komunikacije/Corporate Communications Telefon/Phone: + 43 1 486 24 24 Fax: + 43 1 486 38 38 Email redakcije/Editorial office email: Glavna i odgovorna urednica/Editor-in-chief: Nataša Pucar Fotografija/Photography: Milan Dragičević,Herwig Schwihla, Ognjen Plavšić Produkcija/design: Ambrosia d.o.o., Slovenija Štampa/Print: Unagraf d.o.o., Srbija Distribucija/Distribution: Interno glasilo distribuiše se zaposlenim Holdinga i poslovnim partnerima/Internal publication is distributed to the employees of the Holding and business partners Tiraž/Circulation: 500 primjeraka/500 copies




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