Ambush magazine volume 31 issue 12

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the "official" dish by Rip & Marsha Naquin-Delain Email:

Ambush Official Pride Guide Boasts 52 Pages, the Largest in Over 15 Years Celebrating 31 years of Pride, Ambush Mag is proud to bring to you the annual Official Pride Guide, the largest one in over 15 years. It’s amazing to look back over the past three decades and see that through its efforts working with various organizations and causes that the magazine has helped raise over $3 million. Through monetary donations and its AMgrant (Ambush Advertising Grant Program), this publication has been fortunate in helping make a difference in the LGBT community in which we all live. Whether it was fighting the AIDS crisis, in the political arena, the social arena, or the personal arena, Ambush joined forces with the very organizations and community leaders who all made a difference. It was a joint effort that the entire community can be proud of. As history often repeats itself, every individual can, and does make a difference, so here is a salute to the entire Gulf South community celebrating June Pride Month. Make sure and check out all of the events and functions going on across the Gulf South. In Baton Rouge, Pride is celebrated on Sunday, June 15. See page 42 for more details. Here in New Orleans Pride weekend is June 20-24, celebrated in conjunction with the 40th Anniversary of the Upstairs Lounge Fire Memorial. The activities are immense as you will see just about everything happening in Pride Weekend Events on page 30. Browse through 38 pages of ads to capture the spirit of Pride in your community.

New Orleans Mayor Recognizes June 24th as "40th Anniversary Upstairs Lounge Fire LGBT Commemoration Ceremonies" Day The 40th Anniversary Upstairs Lounge Fire LGBT Commemoration Ceremonies are scheduled for June 24th and are designed to remember this significant event in New Orleans history and to afford the 32 victims of the fire the dignity and respect they were denied at the time of their death. The Mayor of New Orleans, Mitch Landrieu, has issued an official certificate recognizing June 24, 2013 as "40th Anniversary Upstairs Lounge Fire LGBT Commemoration Ceremonies" Day in the City of New Orleans. The certificate of recognition was presented to Rip and Marsha Naquin-Delain at the ULF Down The Bayou BBQ by Human Relations Commission Executive Director Larry Bagneris at Michael's On The Park, 834 N. Rampart. Presented by Ambush Mag and www.NOLAPride.ORG, Commemoration Ceremonies sponsors include: PLATINUM: Crescent City Tour Booking Agency, King Cake Queen Royalty Club, Charlie Case & Val St. Cloud, P.G. Killgore in Honor of Johnny T. Townsend, Stewart P. Butler, Wayne Self & Cody Braswell/ UPSTAIRS Musical, Barry Rutherford, David Berni; GOLD: In Memory of Marcy Marcell; SILVER: In Memory of Donnie Jay, Rhonda Roget & David Forth, Buddy

GAA Top 5, 4th of July, Essence Fest issue out June 25 DEADLINE: Tues., June 18


celebrazzi upstairs the musical 42nd southern decadence snap paparazzi/new orleans under the gaydar 40th upstairs lounge fire memorial 40th upstairs lounge fire memorial moments in gay new orleans history pride weekend events classifieds

6 10 12 14 20 26 27 28 30 32

trodding the boards halloween xxx a community within communities gay appreciation awards ballot baton rouge spotlight/upstairs lounge fire snap paparazzi/new orleans pensacola paparazzi mobile, mobile paparazzi ambush paparazzi/nola, metairie

34 36 37 38 42 42 44 46 49 50-51

Gulf South Entertainment/Travel Guide Since 1982 828-A Bourbon St. • New Orleans, LA 70116-3137 • 504.522.8049

Mullino & Joel Harris; and BRONZE: Rev. Robert A. Raymo & Lance Sauvageau, Frankie Fierce & Dusty Debris, P.G.Killgore in Memory of Toni Pizanie. The events are under the direction of Commemoration Ceremonies Chairman Frank Perez, co-author of In Exile: The History and Lore Surrounding New Orleans Gay Culture and Its Oldest Gay Bar, and Ambush magazine columnist covering Moments In Gay New Orleans History. The ceremony which is free and open to the public begins at 3pm June 24th at the Williams Research Center of the Historic New Orleans Collection (410 Chartres Street). Artist Skylar Fein will give a brief lecture accompanied by a slide show on the fire. Author Clay Delery will discuss the weeks following the fire. Both will be followed by a viewing of the Williams Research Center’s archival material concerning the fire, including the original police report as well as an original manuscript of Johnny Townsend’s 2011 book about the fire entitled Let the Faggots Burn: The UpStairs Lounge Fire. In 2008, The Upstairs Lounge tragedy was memorialized with an art exhibit by Skylar Fein at the Contemporary Arts Center as part of the first annual Prospect 1, a city-wide collection of art exhibits. It was restaged in 2010 in New York by “No Longer Empty.” Fein and Delery’s lectures, and the exhibit will be free and open to the public. The Historic New Orleans Collection event will be followed by a Jazz funeral procession at 4:15pm from the Williams Research Center to the site of the fire marked by a bronze sidewalk plaque at the corner of Iberville and Chartres Streets. There at 4:30pm a special blessing by Rev. Bill Terry of St. Anna's Episcopal Church, and a solemn reading of the victim’s names by Lesbian of the Year Misti Ates will take place. After the ceremony, there will be a second line parade (4:45pm) to a cocktail party (5pm) in The Balcony upstairs at the oldest gay bar in North America, Café Lafitte in Exile. The commemoration ceremonies will be capped off at 8pm at Café Istanbul with the New Orleans premiere of UPSTAIRS, a new dramatic musical by Wayne Self with a featured performance by New Orleans own popular Varla Jean Merman. Self is an activist playwright and composer whose theatre, music, advocacy, and writings have inspired, educated, and entertained thousands. He is a GLAAD media spokesman and a Huffington Post blogger, whose own website provides a needed platform for thoughtful, compassionate LGBT voices. Upstairs, Self’s third musical, was inspired by his time as a Music Director for a Metropolitan Community Church—a gay-affirming denomination whose New Orleans congregation lost many members to the Upstairs Lounge Fire. Self


Facebook.COM/AmbushMag Gulf South Entertainment/Travel Guide Since 1982 • Louisiana-Florida Official Gay Easter Parade Guide Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide Official Gay New Orleans Guide Official Southern Decadence Guide OFFICE/SHIPPING ADDRESS: 828-A Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116-3137 USA OFFICE HOURS: 10am-3pm Monday-Friday [Except Holidays] Email: PHONE: 1.504.522.8049 ANNUAL READERSHIP OVER 1 MILLION: 260,000+ in print/780,000+ On-line CIRCULATION: Alabama-Mobile Florida - Pensacola Louisiana - Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Metairie, New Orleans, Slidell Mississippi - Bay St. Louis, Biloxi

STAFF: PUBLISHER/EDITOR R. Rip Naquin-Delain, New Orleans PRODUCTION DIRECTOR M. Marsha Naquin-Delain, New Orleans GULF SOUTH/NEW ORLEANS AD SALES Rip Naquin-Delain • 504.522.8049 NEW ORLEANS AD SALES Paul Melancon 504.357.8440 THEATRE/PERFORMING ARTS CRITIC Brian Sands AD REPS/JOURNALISTS/PHOTOGRAPHERS Blanche-Alabama Frankie Fierce, Charles Jenkins, Tony Leggio, Frank Perez, Arthur Severio, Rev. Bill Terry-New Orleans Bob Brunson, MIss Cie & John, Leon WeekleyMobile, AL Lauren Mitchell-Pensacola, FL National Advertising Rep: Rivendell Media 212.242.6863 Ambush Mag is published on alternate Tuesdays of each month by Ambush, Inc., R. Rip NaquinDelain, President. Advertising, Copy & Photo DEADLINE is alternate Tuesdays, 4pm, prior to publication week, accepted via e-mail only:, except for special holidays. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for the claims of advertisers and has the right to reject any advertising. The inclusion of an individual's name or photograph in this publication implies nothing about that individual's sexual orientation. Letters, stories, etc., appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of the Publisher or Staff of AMBUSH Mag. Subscription rate is $45 for 1/2 Year; $75 for 1 year. Sample Copy is $3 First Class Mail. ©1982-2013, AMBUSH, INC.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTHING HEREIN MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER INCLUDINGAD LAYOUTS, MAPS and PHOTOS. AMgrant - AMbush Advertising Grant Donation

has an MFA in Musical Theatre Performance with an emphasis in Composition from Notre Dame de Namur University and is a candidate for a MTS from Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley. Tickets to the performance are $35. Proceeds will be donated to benefit the NOLA LGBTQ community.

ULF Down The Bayou BBQ Raises $1,023 @ Michael's On The Park Gumbo Cook-Off Champions Rip and Marsha Naquin-Delain presented their ULF Down The Bayou BBQ June 2nd raising $1,023 at Michael's On The Park. [continued on 8]

4 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • Facebook.COM/ AmbushMag • J une 11-24, 2013 • Of fic ial Pride Guide • NOLAPride.ORG

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The 14th Annual MASCARa Race held over Memorial Day Weekend in New Orleans raised a whopping $11,228 for the NOCCA Institute bringing total donations over the past 14 years to $110,654. (Photo above: Wood Enterprises Director of Marketing Michael Printy, Southern Eagle's Courtney Wilson, NOCCA Institute Executive Director Sally Perry & Southern Eagle's Jerry Peters; below: Michael Printy, NOCCA Institute's Richard Reed & MC Barbara Ella)

Michael's On The Park's Mike Cookmeyer joins Human Relations Commission Executive Director Larry Bagneris as he presents an official certificate to Rip and Marsha NaquinDelain recognizing June 24, 2013 as "40th Anniversary Upstairs Lounge Fire LGBT Commemoration Ceremonies" Day in the City of New Orleans from Mayor Mitch Landrieu. It was presented at the ULF Down The Bayou BBQ at Michael's raising $1,023 for the ceremonies benefiting The Historic New Orleans Collection.

Tami Tarmac and Venus Santiago were chosen as Southern Decadence Grand Marshals 39 by outgoing SDGM 38 Pat McArdle announced at Oz in New Orleans. Keep up with the new grand marshals at www.SouthernDecadence.COM.

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the "official" dish ...from 4 This fundraiser was hosted for the 40th Anniversary Upstairs Lounge Fire Memorial LGBT Commemoration Ceremonies which will be held June 24th. All proceeds minus expenses benefits The Historic New Orleans Collection in memory of the 32 Upstairs Lounge Fire Victims. Attendees got a chance to meet special guest Wayne Self who is bringing the World Premiere of the dramatic new musical UPSTAIRS to New Orleans June 20th-24th. Guests were treated to all-youcould-eat Pulled Wild Boar with New Iberia BBQ Sauce; Smoky BBQ Sausage, Mushrooms & Baby Corn; Rip & Marsha’s Famous Potato Salad; Bayou Baked Beans & Bacon; Cane Field Garlic Bread; and Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding. The event raised 420.00 door donations, 100.00 Platinum Sponsor Stewart P. Butler, 100.00 Platinum Sponsor Wayne Self & Cody Braswell/ UPSTAIRS Musical, 100.00 Platinum Sponsor Barry Rutherford, 100.00, Platinum Sponsor David Berni, 50.00, Silver Sponsor Rhonda Roget & David Forth, 76.00 50/50 Raffle, 77.00 50/50 Raffle winner Barry Rutherford donation, for a 1,023.00 total. Special thanks to Steve Patrick and Paul Melancon for working the door, and Rhonda Roget for doing the 50/50 Raffle.

2013 Gay Appreciation Awards Voting Online ONLY June 11-17 The 26th annual Gay Appreciation Awards voting is set for Tuesday, June 11th through Monday, June 17th online only at www.AmbushMag.COM/GAA. Only one ballot per person is allowed. Installed spam filters will delete any cheating ballots thus disqualifying those participants from receiving an award. Sponsored by Ambush Mag, the awards thanks those in the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Community who are often not recognized for the outstanding services and efforts they perform. These individuals and businesses have made the LGBT Community into the viable, successful and powerful community it is today. The 26th GAA Gala is set for Saturday, July 27th, 8-10pm, at Oz, 800 Bourbon Street. The 2013 winners are announced at this event. VIP Tables with four seats are $200 and are very limited. All proceeds benefit the William Fanning Foundation (Buzzy’s Boys & Girls). Contact Rip Naquin for table reservations at or 504.522.8049. Door admission is $10.

• Transgender of the Year • Lesbian of the Year • Gay Man of the Year • Marcy Marcell Entertainer of the Year: [female/male impersonator/drag star or entertainer] In addition, the Board of Directors presents the Lifetime Achievement Award. The Marsha Delain Award of Excellence: The Drag Ambassador Award is presented by Marsha NaquinDelain. The Board of Directors includes Lisa Beaumann, Teryl-Lynn Foxx, and Rip and Marsha Naquin-Delain. The Top 5 Finalist in each category will be announced in the next edition of Ambush. One of those 5 is the winner which is announced at the GAA Gala on July 27th.

Tami Tarmac & Venus Santiago to Reign as Southern Decadence Grand Marshals XXXIX Outgoing Southern Decadence Grand Marshal XXXVIII Pat McArdle made it “official” on June 6th when she announced her successors, Southern Decadence Grand Marshals XXXIX Tami Tarmac and Venus Santiago at Oz New Orleans. The 39th grand marshals will lead the 42nd Annual Southern Decadence celebration including the 39th Southern Decadence Parade on Sunday, September 1st, 2pm sharp, beginning at [continued on 16]

Award categories up for public voting include: • Circuit Party/Event of the Year • Gay Mardi Gras Ball of the Year • Hair Salon of the Year • Neighborhood Bar of the Year • Buzzy Fanning AIDS Award [organization/individual doing outstanding service in the AIDS arena] • Bitch of the Year • Show Club of the Year • Donnie Jay Performing Arts Award [play, chorus or theatrical group/no individuals] • Restaurant/Deli/Coffee House of the Year • Dance Club of the Year • Bartender of the Year • DJ of the Year • Leather Bar of the Year • Cheridon Comedy Award • Fly Fashion Glamour Award • GLBT Business of the Year [no bars/restaurants/delis/hair salons] • Leather Person of the Year

8 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • Facebook.COM/ AmbushMag • J une 11-24, 2013 • Of fic ial Pride Guide • NOLAPride.ORG

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12 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • Facebook.COM/ AmbushMag • J une 11-24, 2013 • Of fic ial Pride Guide • NOLAPride.ORG

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Team Lafitte’s

Platinum Sponsor David Berni with Bill McCarthy & Dwain Hertz

Team Oz

Chef Rip joins Platinum Sponsors Charlie Case & Val St. Claude who are celebrating their 40th Anniversary in June

Team Michael’s On The Park Deja wins Best Drag with bar baron Mike

Platinum Sponsor Barry Rutherford with Silver Sponsors David Forth & Rhonda Roget

Team Clover Grill Sir Speedy’s Wayne & Billy with Herman & Paul

Ambush Tony Leggio & Mr. Coca Mesa-Josh Team Southern Eagle’s Kylie wins Most Money Raised, $3,786 Team Bourbon Pub

Team Southern Eagle

50/50 Raffle winner Barry donates it back with bar baron Mike & Rip Team Michael’s On The Park Team Rawhide’s Charlie Bear wins Ms. MASCARa

The Contestants

Team Rawhide

MC Barbara Ella

Nick, Dwain, Roy & Human Relations Commission Executive Director Larry Bagneris

14 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • Facebook.COM/ AmbushMag • J une 11-24, 2013 • Of fic ial Pride Guide • NOLAPride.ORG

ULF Down The Bayou BBQ Raises $1,023 for 40th Upstairs Lounge Fire Memorial @ Michael’s ~ Photos by Paul Melancon, Darwin Reed

14th Annual MASCARa Race Raises a Whopping $11,282 for NOCCA Institute ~ New Orleans ~ Photos by Rip Naquin

Team Good Friends Myles wins Fastest Time

Platinum Sponsor UPSTAIRS Musical’s Wayne Self & Ambush’s Paul Melancon

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39th Southern Decadence Grand Marshals Tami Tarmac & Venus Santiago announced by SDGM XXXVIII Pat McArdle (center) @ Oz

the "official" dish ...from 8 the Home of Southern Decadence, Golden Lantern, 1239 Royal Street. The new grand marshals will announce the “official” theme, colors, song, charity and all sponsors at the upcoming Southern Decadence Press Party in July. To keep abreast of all events, visit www.SouthernDecadence.COM.

14th MASCARa Race Raises $11,228 for NOCCA Institute The 14th Annual MASCARa Race over Memorial Day Weekend in New Orleans raised a whopping $11,228 for the NOCCA Institute. Sponsored by

Wood Enterprises and Bud Light, the event has raised $110,654 over the past 14 years for the institute. The award ceremonies was hosted following the race at Rawhide. Team Southern Eagle's Kylie won Most Money Raised bringing in $3,786, while Team Michael's On The Park's Deja DejaVue' won Best Drag, and Team Good Friends' Myles won Fastest Time. Team Rawhide's Charlie Bear won Ms. MASCARa by loudest audience response.

Corner Pocket Celebrates 31st Anniversary with Sugar Daddy Sunday The Corner Pocket, 940 St. Louis Street,

celebrates its 31st anniversary on Father's Day with its annual Sugar Daddy Sunday. The evening starts out with food and refreshments from 8-10pm. That is followed by the Sugar Daddy of The Year Contest hosted by Barry Bareass. Sponsor a boy, and you could end up taking home the trophy as Sugar Daddy of The Year. A portion of the proceeds benefits the 40th Upstairs Lounge Fire Memorial Commemoration Ceremonies/The Historic New Orleans Collection. See page 17, or visit www.CornerPocket.NET for additional information.

Phoenix Celebrates 30th Anniversary with Queer Film Festival As part of its month long 30th anniversary celebration, the Phoenix, 941 Elysian Fields, is presenting the New Orleans Queer Film Festival June 22-28. It will be seven days with three films per day at 3, 5 and 7pm for a total of 21 films. The choices run the gamut from The Sons of Tennessee Williams to Kink Crusaders. See page 13 for a complete listing. But that is not all. The Phoenix is having drink specials all month long with some great events including the Lords of Leather Beer Bust June 14th, Who's Your Daddy Contest June 15th, Renegade Bears Beer Bust June 21st, and Mr. Renegade

Bears Contest June 22nd. See pages 1819 or visit www.NewOrleansPhoenix.COM. There's also weekly store promotions at COK (Clothing or Kink) inside the Phoenix.

FNBMG Announces Charity Recipients Friday Night Before Mardi Gras (FNBMG) is very proud to announce its 501(c)(3) grant recipients for 2013. The distribution of funds was chosen by the FNBMG Board of Directors. Since its inception in the year 2000, FNBMG has dedicated itself to raising funds for 501(c)(3) charities primarily devoted to assisting individuals in the community who have been affected by HIV and AIDS. Including the donations for this year, FNBMG has donated more than $170,000 to many worthy organizations based in New Orleans. These efforts have resulted in a remarkable alliance of charitable service organizations, all dedicated to working for the common good. FNBMG thanks all of the following organizations for their assistance this year in not only promoting the FNBMG organization, but also for energetically and enthusiastically promoting FNBMG’s annual raffle. FNBMG’s Extravaganza XIV raffle raised $8,250.00.

[continued on 20]

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under the gaydar by Tony Leggio Email: Photo by: Larry Graham, GrahamStudioOne.COM

Bartender of the Month The old saying “patience is a virtue” is a great application in the work environment, but I feel it is especially true for bartenders. As a bartender, you deal with a wide spectrum of clientele in all stages of inebriation from slightly buzzed to full on cocktailed. Juggling this constant barrage of personalities directly correlates to how successful you will be as a bartender. My bartender of the month for June has this trait down and is also a great mixologist on top of that. Brandon or Honey B as he is affectionately known works at the 4 Seasons in Metairie. He has worked in the Quarter before and now brings his wit, professional skills and fun loving nature to suburbia. It

Bartender of the Month Brandon "Honey B" @ 4 Seasons

the "official" dish ...from 16 This year FNBMG is donating $11,000 to the following organizations: 1. NO/AIDS Task Force $ 3,000.00 2. PFLAG $1,200.00 3. BELLE REVE $1,100.00 4. FORUM FOR EQUALITY FOUNDATION $1,100.00 5. LGBT COMMUNITY CENTER $1,000.00 6. NEW ORLEANS PRIDE $1,000.00 7. PROJECT LAZARUS $1,000.00 8. NEW ORLEANS GAY EASTER PARADE $1,000.00 (benefitting Food for Friends) 9. YOUTH BREAKOUT $ 600.00 All checks will be distributed to the recipient organizations during Gay Pride weekend.

is a funny story the first time I met Honey B. He was working upstairs at Lafitte’s and wearing the cutest little black and white racing thong that playfully showed right above his low cut jeans. I asked him if he was celebrating race day (Amon-Ra was having a scavenger hunt on that day), and he quipped he was just waiting for the best man to cross his finish line. I knew immediately he was going to do well in this industry. Aided with a great sense of humor and a spectacular smile, Brandon is the right balance of speed and personality in his job. He also knows how to be patient with his customers especially when they have had one too many. Thank god for bartenders who take care of us when our judgment is impaired. Having to deal with intoxicated people is not out of the ordinary in his line of work, handling them with care is. Being a bartender also means large crowds at once, so his skills at delivering customers drinks timely also makes him a huge asset. No one likes to wait over five minutes for a cocktail, especially in a gay bar. I do not know how those straight bars get away with that. Brandon brings uniqueness to the New Orleans gay bar scene. He has that boy next door quality with a dash of devil may care attitude. He knows how to make great cocktails; he is an awesome listener and storyteller; and he is approachable. The ease in his manner makes him popular with the crowd in Metairie. So make sure you get out to 4 Seasons and say hi to Honey B. 4 Seasons is located at 3229 N. Causeway Blvd.

Let Them Eat Spam! The Mystic Krewe of Satyricon is bringing people back in history to medieval times. They are presenting the opening night of Monty Python’s Spamalot at Rivertown Theatres for the Performing Arts on Thursday, June 13. This hysterical farce is lovingly ripped off from the classic film comedy Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Spamalot retells the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, and features a bevy of beautiful show girls, not to mention cows, killer rabbits, and French people. The show stars Ricky Graham, Gary Rucker, David Hoover, Marc Fouchi, Mason Wood, and Mike Harkins as King Arthur. Tickets are $25. Rivertown is

located at 325 Minor Street in Kenner. For more information or tickets, call 504.252.5476.

Ring the Dinner Bell! I wanted to remind everyone of a fabulous Petronius event that you cannot miss. Cooking with the Queens will be held at the New Orleans School of Cooking on Saturday, June 15 at 7pm. This is an informative and hysterical cooking class that will feed your body and funny bone at the same time. With your $35 donation, you enjoy the cooking class with dinner of Shrimp and Artichoke Soup, Gulf Fish Meniere with Corn Maque Choux, pralines and fresh fruit crepes Flambe. Beer and Wine is available for purchase. Cocktails, delicious cuisine and drag queens, who could ask for more. For tickets to this event or more information, go to

It’s Prom Night! The Krewe of Amon-Ra is hosting their annual Prom Night on Saturday, June 22 at 8pm. This year’s theme is country and western, so be ready to side saddle the night away. There will be dancing with Celebrity DJ “DOM,” as well as a Wild West All Star Review with New Orleans Top Cowgirls Opal Masters, Reba Douglas, Crystal Charbonet, Trixie Treats, Safonda Peters, Maybelline Maskara, Rhonda Roget and Tami Tarmac. Other fun things happening include an outrageous Photo Booth Western Style (Hay Included), Slow Roasted Pork and lots of fixins, Red Hot Auctions and Raffles, plus the infamous queen and king of prom contest. Tickets $20 at Door. Buffet Included/Cash Bar. Or more information, follow them on Facebook or go to

Get Cagey with Armeinius Theatre is an important aspect on the gay community, so I love it when the gay carnival krewes support shows. It is a win/ win on everyone’s part. The Krewe of Armeinius presents the rehearsal night of La Cage aux Folles on Wednesday, June 19 at Tulane Summer Lyric Theatre at Tulane University. Check out this wonderfully comedic musical that introduces you to the lovely “ladies” of the Saint Tropez nightclub. Tickets are $35. For more information, go to

Get Bodacious FestiGals, the Ultimate Women’s Weekend focusing on culture, cuisine and cocktails, fashion, networking and fun, is presenting an event during their weekend that may appeal to many guys. Even though the weekend is for women, Festigals allows us men to become “festiguys” or in my case “festigay” for the Bodacious Bras for a Cause Luncheon and Auction on Friday, June 21 at the Hotel Monteleone. This event is hosted by New Orleans native and national personality Rhonda Shear. Presented by Ray Brandt Infiniti and Porsche of New Orleans, join actress, entrepreneur and Forbes’ “Queen of Reinvention” Rhonda Shear for a “fun-raising” luncheon featuring magnificent bra creations, designed by artists and celebrities. “Bra Art” for a cause with 100% of proceeds helping women with cancer. This year, bras are “stuffed” with lagniappe items, such as restaurant and boutique gift certificates, collectibles and even an incredible forum with Senators David Vitter & Mary Landrieu at a dinner for six. Tickets are $75 each or $650 for a table of ten. Ladies if you are interested, there are packages for the entire weekend. Guys, these bras designed by local and national celebrities are the perfect costume accoutrement to your wardrobe for Mardi Gras, Southern Decadence or Tuesday. For tickets or more information, go to

Party Down The heat is on. June has arrived and it seems like someone turned on the heater in New Orleans. But we are ready for summer and there are so many exciting things coming up. Let’s start the two weeks with a little soiree I went to on Tuesday for the unveiling of the new bar and party venue at the House of Blues Big Mama’s Room. This bar opens up onto Decatur Street and will be available for private events and during the weekend will showcase live music and be open to the public. Theatre is booming this summer and the talented Varla Jean Merman is on fire. On Wednesday, the Mystic Krewe of Satyricon hosted the opening night of ReDesigning Women at Mid City Theatre. The show starred Varla along with Ricky Graham, Brian Peterson and Jack Long. The place was a sold out crowd and the audience was rolling in the aisles with laughter. These Southern “ladies” put on

[continued on 22]

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under the gaydar ...from 20 one hell of a show; Sugarbaker’s would be proud. And the special highlight of the night was the scorching hot shirtless bartender Christopher Ramage. I swear, I would buy out every night if I knew he came with the deal. Sorry, that was very sexist and shallow of me. But that’s showbiz. That weekend was bustling with many festivals, one being the New Orleans Food and Wine Experience. I love this festival because it celebrates two things I enjoy the most: great cuisine and amazing wines. On Thursday I attended the Royal Street Stroll which is a wine walk throughout the galleries and shops on Royal Street. My friend Beaux and I began at a small gathering at 555, the restaurant at the Marriott on Canal Street; then we meandered down Royal tasting great vintners, seeing lots of friends and enjoying the night. This event also brings into play another one of my favorite past times, shopping. Afterwards we met some friends at Oz to do a little more cocktailing and dancing before calling it a night. I traveled Uptown to Philip’s on Friday to see my friend Jobie off. He was leaving the next day for two months in China, so a bunch of us said bai bai (goodbye in Chinese) to our friend over martinis. It is always fun doing this, because when he returns we will go back to the bar to welcome him back. It is like a fun cycle of drinking. Saturday was a total blur, literally. I went to the Grand Tasting for the Food and Wine Experience at the Convention Center with my friend Laura and Josh and we imbibed lots of tasty beverages. Imagine over 200 wineries tasting over 500 different

wines in three hours, you do the math. Then we went back to my house for more and the rest remains a mystery, although my camera says I went to the Gay Prom and Princesse Stephaney show at the 4 Seasons. Both those events look like they were lots of fun. Damn vino! My friend Chris (aka Barbara Ella) and I went to the Greek Festival on Sunday to enjoy their cultural delicacies, oozo daiquiris and festive music; and also to look at the hot Greek guys. We were successful on all counts. Memorial Day was one of those couch potato days where I just vegetated and caught up on TV. The following week, I attended Satyricon’s premier of Varla Jean Merman’s Twice Upon A Mattress at Café Instanbul. Once again it was standing room only crowd as Varla explained all the highs and lows of being a Disney Princess. This was the sneak preview of the show before she brings it to Provincetown later this summer. There are three really good gay friends of mine who I get together with every month to gossip and catch up on our lives. So on Thursday, we got together for happy hour at Dickie Brennan’s Steakhouse. They have one of the best happy hours in the city. You can get $5 cocktails and appetizers from 5pm to 7pm. The company and atmosphere was great and we all stayed way past happy hour time. Friday, I did something I had not done in a while by hosting an impromptu dinner party. I called four of my friends, fired up the grill and had an old fashioned cook out. Spontaneous parties can be the best. My best friend Jeff came in from Austin on Saturday and we attended the celebration of life for John Bozant who was a founding

member of the social group called the Betties. John unfortunately was taken from us too soon at a young age of 48 from cancer. His memorial party was at the Friendly Bar where a brick was laid in his honor. There was lots of laughter and fond stories of a life well lived. Afterwards, Jeff and I joined some friends at the 4 Seasons for Countess C Alice’s birthday show. In addition to the birthday “girl” there were several great performers like Barbara Ella, Natasha Sinclair and Lauren Brown. Everyone had a blast at the show and then ate some fabulous cupcakes, that were personally baked by the Countess herself. Sunday was a day for fundraisers. The first one was Bowlapalooza for Boys Town at Mid City’s Rock N’ Bowl. My friend Laura Tennyson put together this pleasurable afternoon that included a great silent auction, food from different restaurants around town, music by Amanda Shaw and of course bowling. I followed that party for a worthy cause by attending another one at Michael’s On the Park. Rip and Marsha hosted a down home BBQ featuring wild boar. I love it when they go on safari. The event was to raise funds for the Upstairs Lounge Fire Commemoration Ceremonies on June 24. It is such a worthy cause to finally give a voice to all those people who lost their lives in that tragic fire forty years ago. That ends my two weeks of fun, until next time see you out on the streets.

Tony’s Tidbits of Gay Wisdom Pride weekend is upon us and there are so many festive events planned to

celebrate our community. One event in particular I would like to bring attention to because it brings our fight for equality back home to us. In 1973, an arson fire swept the Upstairs Lounge in New Orleans killing 32 customers. Forty years later composer Wayne Self is bringing their story to the stage in the world premiere of Upstairs, a dramatic musical, June 20th – 24th at Café Instanbul. This event has lanquished in obscurity for years, its victims forgotten because it was a time when homosexuality was not accepted. But now their plight is being told. A few years ago, Skylar Fein created an exhibit about the Upstairs Lounge for Prospect One that will soon be on permanent display at the New Orleans Museum of Art. Recognition is coming to the forefront for these people. It is important that we never forget what happened that fateful day and what those unfortunate souls went through, as well as their friends and families. It is never too late to make wrong right; and even though this horror was not considered a hate crime (actually I believe all murder no matter who it is constitutes as a hate crime), the aftermath of how the people’s deaths were treated was the real tragedy. There will be a special performance on Monday, June 24th (the actual anniversary of the fire) where proceeds will go to the NOLA LGBTQ Community. Varla Jean Merman is the only local performer in this talented cast from the Los Angeles area. So please make every effort to see this musical. For more information or tickets, go to If you have an event, story or idea, you want covered, contact me at

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New Orleans Mayor Recognizes June 24, 2013 as "40th Anniversary Upstairs Lounge Fire LGBT Commemoration Ceremonies" Day

Skylar Fein ULF Lecture

Wayne Self UPSTAIRS the Musical

Clay Delery ULF Lecture

Varla Jean Merman starring in UPSTAIRS the Musical

Rev. Bill Terry Special Blessing @ ULF Site

Misti Ates Reading of the Names @ ULF Site

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moments in gay new orleans history by Frank Perez E-mail:

Rich Magill Exposes Hatred Rich Magill got angry in 1986. He had recently moved to New Orleans just in time to witness the City Council vote down a proposed ordinance that would have included sexual orientation in the city’s antidiscrimination policy. A similar proposal had been rejected two years earlier. Magill’s sense of justice was aroused by the City Council’s rejection and by the public controversy surrounding the ordinance—so much so that he embarked on a crusade to fight for gay rights. When the Council voted the ordinance down, council member Joseph Giarrusso told gay rights advocates they had failed to prove they had been discriminated against. Disappointed but determined to not give up, advocates of the measure went to Charlene’s (a popular gay bar at the time) for a party after the council hearing. It was there that Rich Magill met Stewart Butler, one of the city’s fiercest gay rights advocates. Upon striking up a friendship, Butler warned Magill, “I’m a political animal.” Butler then assured Magill that they would try again to have the anti-discrimination ordinance passed. That would take another five years. In 1991, the City Council did

pass the ordinance with Magill playing a key role in its passage. In the meantime, Magill busied himself in the struggle for equality. At Butler’s urging, Magill joined LAGPAC (Louisiana Lesbian and Gay Political Action Caucus), which had been founded in 1980 by Alan Robinson and Roberts Batson. LAGPAC worked to elect candidates supportive of gay rights and also staged two memorable protests against the Pope’s visit to New Orleans in 1987 and the Republican National Convention, which was held in New Orleans in 1988. As the Public Relations Coordinator for LAGPAC, Magill issued a press release calling on anyone interested in protesting the papal visit to attend an organizational meeting. He subsequently received thirty harassing phone calls which included death threats. Undeterred, Magill proceeded with the meeting and when the Pope’s helicopter landed at Notre Dame Seminary on Carrollton Avenue, Magill was there with about a dozen other protesters holding signs calling for gay rights and reproductive rights for women. When the Pope visited St. Louis Cathedral, Magill, along with Nathan Chapman, Roy Racca, and another person, distributed an open letter to the pope to the throngs of people waiting in

line to see the Pontiff. The gist of the letter asked how the church could treat gays and lesbians so cruelly when God made them that way. At one point, a priest found Magill and handed him a stack of the letters saying, “We don’t want these.” Magill recycled the letters and continued handing them out. Later, when the Pope-mobile rode down Canal Street, Stewart Butler, Anthony “Robby” DeJacimo, Leonard Green and Michael Thompson followed it carrying a LAGPAC banner. The following year, LAGPAC and other groups from around the nation, including the Human Rights Campaign, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and ACT-UP, protested the GOP convention in New Orleans. Magill organized GLITER (Gay and Lesbian Initiative to Educate Republicans), which held a candlelight vigil at Armstrong Park. 412 candles were lit, that number signifying the number of people who would be diagnosed with HIV during the convention. Congresswoman Lindy Boggs spoke at the vigil as did Mayor Sidney Barthelemy, ACT-UP co-founder Peter Staley and others. A police officer assigned to the event was overheard asking another officer, “How did the fags get the Mayor?” In 1989, the New Orleans gay activists turned their attention once again to the antidiscrimination ordinance. The Ordinance Coordinating Committee was formed in Dr. Brobson Lutz’ living room in December 1989. The committee consisted of eight members: Rich Magill and Judy Montz represented the Mayor’s Advisory Committee, Stewart Butler and Sandra Pailet represented PFLAG, Jim Wiltberger and Joan Ladnier represented LAGPAC, and Susan

Clade and Randy Evans represented the Forum for Equality. Mayor Barthelemy had previously created the Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Lesbian and Gay Issues and appointed Magill to the committee. Magill would eventually become Co-Chair of the committee along with Marilyn McConnell. In 1989, the committee began collecting data on the prejudice and discrimination gays and lesbians in New Orleans were experiencing. 10,000 copies of a four page questionnaire were distributed that summer and yielded 400 responses. Magill and Jim Wiltberger then spent a year analyzing the data. The results were not surprising; the report’s conclusion stated, “Quite simply, our 1989 survey and subsequent study prove that homophobic hate-motivated violence and discrimination are serious problems for New Orleans.” Exposing Hatred: A Report on the Victimization of Lesbian and Gay People in New Orleans, Louisiana by Rich Magill was published in 1991 and offered a thorough look at the homophobia the gay community in New Orleans faced at the time. The comprehensive report examined everything from subtle forms of discrimination to overt acts of violence. When the antidiscrimination ordinance came up for a vote before the City Council again in 1991, the report offered the council members political cover. Councilman Giarrusso finally had his proof and voted to approve the ordinance along with Dorothy Mae Taylor, Jim Singleton, Johnny Jackson, and Lambert Boissiere, Jr. Voting against the ordinance were Jackie Clarkson and Peggy Wilson.

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pride weekend events Ambush and www.NOLAPride.ORG celebrating 31 years as your "Official Pride Guide" presents Pride Weekend Club & Business Events in New Orleans coinciding with the 40th Anniversary of the Upstairs Lounge Fire Memorial Weekend, Thursday-Monday, June 20-24, 2013.

Thursday, June 20th... ~5:30pm, Gay New Orleans Walking Tour, Crescent City Tour Booking Agency ($25 reservations 504.568.0717), 638 St. Ann ~7pm, Bourbon Street's only all male entertainment: Dancers, Rainbow Room, 632 Bourbon ~8pm, World Premiere of the new dramatic musical UPSTAIRS, $35 Tickets, Cafe Istanbul Theatre, 2372 St. Claude ~9pm-3am, All Hands on Deck (open turntables), Ninth Circle, 700 N. Rampart St. & Voodoo Bar, 718 N. Rampart St. ~9pm, Sing Your Heart Out Karaoke with hosts Jasmine S/X & Joe “Lady P” Palafox with 11pm showtime, upstairs in the Parade, Bourbon Pub & Parade, 801 Bourbon St. ~9pm, Video Request Night, downstairs at the Pub, Bourbon Pub & Parade, 801 Bourbon St. ~12midnight, Strip Off hosted by Persana Shoulders with $100 cash prize, DJ Tim Pflueger, Dance Club of the Year Oz, 800 Bourbon St.

Friday, June 21st... ~5:30pm, Gay New Orleans Walking Tour, Crescent City Tour Booking Agency ($25 reservations 504.568.0717), 638 St. Ann ~6-8pm, BINGA (pronounced Been Gay) with Princesse Stephaney with fun, prizes & more, proceeds benefit Gay Mardi Gras Krewes, Michael’s On The Park, 834 N. Rampart St. ~6-9pm, Poolside Calypso BBQ with Dex Daley on the Steel Drum, The Country Club, 634 Louisa ~6pm, Pride Weekend Early Dancers, The Corner Pocket, 940 St. Louis St. ~6-8pm, Deals, Dares & Dancers with prizes and HOT Dancers, Dance Club of the Year Oz, 800 Bourbon St. ~7pm, Bourbon Street's only all male entertainment: Dancers, Rainbow Room, 632 Bourbon ~7pm, Boys On Parade Hot Amateur Strip Night hosted by Matt B. and Jasmine S/X with DJ Sean Michael, 12 midnight showtime with bigger 1st Prize - $200, 2nd Place - $100 & 3rd Place - $50 Bar Tab, Bourbon Pub & Parade, 801 Bourbon St. ~7pm, Dance Bitches Dance with DJs JRB & Tim Pflueger, plus Hot Men of Oz dancing on the bar, Dance Club of the Year Oz, 800 Bourbon St. ~7pm, New Orleans Bears Pride Beer Bust, Rawhide 2010, 740 Burgundy ~7pm, World Premiere of the new dramatic musical UPSTAIRS, $35 Tickets, Cafe Istanbul Theatre, 2372 St. Claude ~9pm-3am, All Hands on Deck (open turntables), Ninth Circle, 700 N. Rampart St. & Voodoo Bar, 718 N. Rampart St. ~9pm, Lisa Lynn Live Jazz, Home of Southern Decadence: The Golden Lantern, 1239 Royal St. ~9pm, Renegade Bears of Louisiana

Beer Bust, Phoenix, 941 Elysian Fields ~10pm, “New Meat” Amateur Dance Contest with $100 cash prize hosted by Lisa Beaumann, The Corner Pocket, 940 St. Louis St. ~11pm, Les Femelles Fatale with Show Director Princesse Stephaney & Guests, Michael’s On The Park, 834 N. Rampart St. ~11pm, Titan Media & Raging Stallion Studios own Damien Stone live, Phoenix, 941 Elysian Fields

Saturday, June 22nd... ~1-5pm, Pride Family Day @ Washington Square Park, Frenchman & Royal Streets ~3pm, New Orleans Queer Film Festival: Available Men, Phoenix, 941 Elysian Fields ~5pm, New Orleans Queer Film Festival: The Big Gay Musical, Phoenix, 941 Elysian Fields ~5:30pm, Gay New Orleans Walking Tour, Crescent City Tour Booking Agency ($25 reservations 504.568.0717), 638 St. Ann ~6pm, Pride Parade starts at Washington Square Park, down Royal Street to Orleans, right on Orleans to Burgundy, left on Burgundy to Conti, left on Conti to Dauphine, right on Dauphine to Iberville, left on Iberville to Bourbon, left on Bourbon passing the Pride Reviewing Stand @ Ambush Headquarters-828 Bourbon, ending @ Esplanade ~7pm, Bourbon Street's only all male entertainment: Dancers, Rainbow Room, 632 Bourbon ~7-11pm, Krewe of Amon-Ra Annual Prom: Country & Western Style, with Celebrity DJ “DOM”, Wild West All Star Review, outrageous western photo booth, slow roasted pork & lots of fixins, Red Hot Auctions & raffle prizes Cowboy Style, & Infamous Prom King & Queen Contest, Prom or Country Western Attire, $20 donation, 2300 Chartres across from The Friendly Bar ~7pm, New Orleans Queer Film Festival: The Sons of Tennessee Williams, Phoenix, 941 Elysian Fields ~7pm, World Premiere of the new dramatic musical UPSTAIRS, $35 Tickets, Cafe Istanbul Theatre, 2372 St. Claude ~7pm, Dance Bitches Dance with DJ TRIO: Bull, JRB & Tim Pflueger with lights by Johnny Eubanks, plus Hot Men of Oz dancing on the bar, Dance Club of the Year Oz, 800 Bourbon St. ~7pm, PRIDE Dance with DJ Mike Bryant (Los Angeles) upstairs in the Parade with 1am $1,000 Balloon Drop, Bourbon Pub & Parade, 801 Bourbon St. ~10pm, All Boy Revue hosted by Lisa Beaumann starring The Corner Pocket Dancers, The Corner Pocket, 940 St. Louis St. ~10pm, the only live performance in New Orleans of Celebrity Pride Grand Marshals James & Jaymes from Season 21 of The Amazing Race hosted by Persana Shoulders, followed by Meet & Great upstairs for photo and autograph opportunities, Dance Club of the Year Oz, 800 Bourbon St. ~10pm, Divas R Us Pride Show, Home of Southern Decadence: The Golden Lantern, 1239 Royal St. ~10pm, Mr. Renegade Bear Contest,

Phoenix, 941 Elysian Fields ~10:30pm, North Shore Divas featuring Dominique DeLorean & Lauren Brown, Billy’s, 2600 Hwy. 190 West, Slidell ~10:30pm, Princesse Stephaney’s Show starring Princesse & Guests, 4 Seasons, 3229 N. Causeway, Metairie ~11pm, Bootsie & The Bitches with Show Director Bootsie DeVille & Guests, Michael’s On The Park, 834 N. Rampart St. ~11pm, Titan Media & Raging Stallion Studios own Damien Stone live, Phoenix, 941 Elysian Fields

Sunday, June 23rd... ~5am, Left Ovah Bitches Show: It’s A Shame starring Kabrina Watson, Jasmine SX, Dusty Debris & Delia St. James, Ninth Circle, 700 N. Rampart ~12noon, Classic Videos and Sing Along, the tradition continues with VJ’s Brendan Thompson and Chris Allen downstairs in the Pub; Sunday “T” Dance with DJ Eddie Mitchell (early) & DJ Sean Michael (late) upstairs in the Parade, Bourbon Pub & Parade, 801 Bourbon St. ~1-4pm, Pride Block Party hosted by Jaymes & James, and Blanche Debris, corner of Bourbon & St. Ann Streets ~1-4pm, Pride Reviewing Stand @ Ambush Headquarters, 828 Bourbon ~2-6pm, Nighthawk Band, Classic Rock, Home of Southern Decadence: The Golden Lantern, 1239 Royal St. ~2pm, World Premiere of the new dramatic musical UPSTAIRS, $35 Tickets, Cafe Istanbul Theatre, 2372 St. Claude ~3pm, New Orleans Queer Film Festival: The Falls, Phoenix, 941 Elysian Fields ~4-10pm, Pride Trash Disco with DJ Dominick, Cafe Lafitte in Exile, 901 Bourbon ~5pm, New Orleans Queer Film Festival: Bear Shorts: Volume 2, Phoenix, 941 Elysian Fields ~5:30pm, Gay New Orleans Walking Tour, Crescent City Tour Booking Agency ($25 reservations 504.568.0717), 638 St. Ann ~6-8pm, Drink & Drown, $10 all you can drink well drinks, upstairs in the Parade, Bourbon Pub & Parade, 801 Bourbon St. ~6pm, Pride Drag Show with Show Director Deja Deja-Vue’ & Guests, Michael’s On The Park, 834 N. Rampart St. ~6-8pm, Pride Sing-A-Long with Charles on Piano, Queen’s Head Pub upstairs @ Good Friends Bar, 740 Dauphine ~6pm, Sunday Funday: Drag Dingo games & prizes with Blanche Debris, Dance Club of the Year Oz, 800 Bourbon St. ~7pm, Bourbon Street's only all male entertainment: Dancers, Rainbow Room, 632 Bourbon ~7pm, New Orleans Queer Film Festival: Bear City, Phoenix, 941 Elysian Fields ~8pm, Ladies of Lypstixx Drag Review, upstairs in the Parade, Bourbon Pub & Parade, 801 Bourbon St. ~8pm, Sunday Funday: Boy Next Door Strip Off with Blanche Debris, winner $50 bar tab & $50 cash, Dance Club of the Year Oz, 800 Bourbon St. ~9pm-5am, Pride Full Moon Party, Rawhide 2010, 740 Burgundy ~9pm, Sunday Funday: Show Night with MC Blanche Debris starring Show Director Coca Mesa, Dominique DeLorean, Miss Gay New Orleans America Mercedez Loreal & Zhane Kennedy, Dance Club of the Year Oz, 800 Bourbon St.

~10pm, Boy Swimsuit Contest hosted by Barry Bareass with $50 cash prize, The Corner Pocket, 940 St. Louis St. ~10pm, Club Karaoke with Rikki Gee & DJ Ping, The Country Club, 634 Louisa

Monday, June 24th ~3pm, 40th Anniversary Upstairs Lounge Fire Memorial LGBT Commemoration Ceremony, Lecture/slide show by artist Skylar Fein & lecture by author Delery & viewing of the Williams Research Center’s archival material concerning the fire (free & open to the public), The Historic New Orleans Collection Williams Research Center, 410 Chartres St. ~3pm, New Orleans Queer Film Festival: Sagat, Phoenix, 941 Elysian Fields ~4:15pm, 40th Anniversary Upstairs Lounge Fire Memorial LGBT Commemoration Ceremony, Jazz Funeral Procession from the Williams Research Center to the site of the fire, corner of Iberville & Chartres Streets. ~4:30pm, 40th Anniversary Upstairs Lounge Fire Memorial LGBT Commemoration Ceremony, Special Blessing by Rev. Bill Terry of St. Anna’s Episcopal Church & Solemn Reading of the Victims Names by Lesbian of the Year Misti Ates at the Memorial Plaque on the site of the fire, corner of Iberville & Chartres Streets. ~4:45pm, 40th Anniversary Upstairs Lounge Fire Memorial LGBT Commemoration Ceremony, Second Line Parade to Cafe Lafitte’s ~5pm, 40th Anniversary Upstairs Lounge Fire Memorial LGBT Commemoration Ceremony, Celebration of Life Cocktail Party honoring the 32 Victims, Oldest Gay Bar in North America: Cafe Lafitte in Exile upstairs in The Balcony, 901 Bourbon St. ~5pm, New Orleans Queer Film Festival: Someday The Pain Will Be Useful To You, Phoenix, 941 Elysian Fields ~5:30pm, Gay New Orleans Walking Tour, Crescent City Tour Booking Agency ($25 reservations 504.568.0717), 638 St. Ann ~7pm, Bourbon Street's only all male entertainment: Dancers, Rainbow Room, 632 Bourbon ~7pm, New Orleans Queer Film Festival: Die Mommie Die, Phoenix, 941 Elysian Fields ~8pm, World Premiere of the new dramatic musical UPSTAIRS, $35 Tickets, Cafe Istanbul Theatre, 2372 St. Claude

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book stores


New Orleans, LA [504] FAB - Faubourg Marigny Art & Books, 600 Frenchmen St., 947.3700




















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French Quarter/Faubourg Marigny/Bywater

attonreys New Orleans, LA [504] Littlefield Law LLC, Attorney R. Kelp Littlefield, 639 Loyola Ave., Suite 1820, 504.525.1328

bars Mobile, AL [251] B-BOB'S DOWNTOWN, 213 Conti St., 433.2262, GABRIEL'S DOWNTOWN, 55 South Joachim St., 432.4900 THE MIDTOWN PUB, 153 Florida St., 450.1555 Pensacola, FL [850] EMERALD CITY, 408 E. Wright St., 433.9491, EmeraldCityPensacola.COM THE ROUNDUP, 560 East Heinberg St., 433.8482 Baton Rouge, LA [225] GEORGE'S, 860 St. Louis, 387.9798, HOUND DOGS, 668 Main St., 344.0807 SPLASH, 2183 Highland Rd., 242.9491, SplashBR.COM Houma LA [985] THE DRAMA CLUB, 126 N. Hollywood, 580.2582 Lafayette, LA [337] BOLT NIGHTCLUB, 116 E. Vermillion, 524.1380 TONIC, 2013 Pinhook Rd., 269.6011

NAPOLEON'S ITCH, 734 Bourbon, NINTH CIRCLE, 700 N. Rampart, 252.4558 OZ NEW ORLEANS, 800 Bourbon, 593.9491, OzNewOrleans. COM PHOENIX/EAGLE, 941 Elysian Fields, 945.9264 RAWHIDE 2010, 740 Burgundy St., 525.8106, Rawhide2010.COM RAINBOW ROOM, 632 Bourbon St., enter thru Fishbowl, 994.1036 ROUX BAR, 3162 Dauphine St. on the patio @ Prime Grille, 301.1740 SOCIETY PAGE, 542 N. Rampart St., 299.0156. VOODOO BAR, 718 N. Rampart, 265.0953 Slidell, LA [985] BILLY'S, 2600 Hwy. 190 West, 847.1921 Biloxi, MS [228] CLUB VEAUX, 834 Howard Ave., 207.3271

Lake Charles, LA [337] CRYSTAL'S, 112 W. Broad, 433.5457 Metairie, LA [504] 4-SEASONS / PATIO BAR, 3229 N. Causeway, 832.0659, CLUB LAX, 2301 N. Causeway, 834.7979 New Orleans, LA [504] 700 CLUB, 700 Burgundy, 561.1095, 561.1098, 700ClubNewOrleans.COM BIG DADDY'S, 2513 Royal, 948.6288 BOURBON PUB & PARADE, 801 Bourbon St., 529.2107, BourbonPub.COM CAFÉ LAFITTE IN EXILE, 901 Bourbon Street 522.8397, Lafittes.COM CORNER POCKET, 940 St. Louis, 568.9829 COUNTRY CLUB, 634 Louisa St., TheCountryClubNewOrleans.COM, 945.0742 CUTTER'S, 706 Franklin, 948.4200 THE DOUBLE PLAY, 439 Dauphine, 523.4517 THE FRIENDLY BAR, 2301 Chartres, 943.8929 GOLDEN LANTERN, 1239 Royal, 529.2860, Facebook.COM/GoldenLanternBar GOOD FRIENDS BAR, 740 Dauphine St, 566.7191, GoodFriendsBar.COM JOHNPAUL'S, 940 Elysian Fields Ave., 948.1888 KAJUN'S PUB, 2256 St. Claude Ave., 947.3735, KajunPub.COM LE ROUNDUP, 819 St. Louis, 561.8340 MICHAEL'S ON THE PARK, 834 N. Rampart St., 267.3615, MichaelsOnThePark.COM

Chalmette, LA [504] SIMPLY PRECISE CHIROPRACTIC, Dr. Domingo De Los Reyes D.C., 9135 West Judge Perez, Suite B, 504.302.1718, SimplyPreciseChiropractic.COM New Orleans, LA [504] DR. MICHAEL LECHLEITER, D.C., 1526 Magazine, 566.1833 [is1113]

circuit/events Aug. 28-Sept. 2, 42nd Official Southern Decadence Celebration of Gay Life, Music & Culture, end of Summer Blowout including the Southern Decadence Parade & loads of activities, bringing over 125,000 revelers to New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush & SouthernDecadence.COM Oct. 24-27, Halloween 30: I3OO, benefiting Project Lazarus, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by AmbushMag.COM, HalloweenNewOrleans.COM Dec. 27, 2013-Jan. 1, 2014, Gay New Year's in New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, GayNewOrleans.COM Feb. 28-Mar. 4, 2014, Official Gay Mardi Gras, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush, GayMardiGras.COM Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014, 15th Official Gay Easter Parade, New Orleans, sponsored by Ambush, GayEasterParade.COM May 23-26, 2014 Memorial Day Weekend, Pensacola, FL, sponsored by Ambush, GayPensacola.COM

costumes New Orleans, LA [504] QT PIE BOUTIQUE - 241 Dauphine St., 581. 6633 SOUTHERN COSTUME COMPANY - 951 Lafayette St., 523.4333, SCCNOLA.COM

florists Baton Rouge, LA [225] FOUR SEASONS FLOWERS & GIFTS, 3482 Drusilla Ln., Drusilla Shopping Center, 924.1386, 1.800.237.5381

framing New Orleans, LA [504] ANGLE CUSTOM FRAMES, 4422 Magazine St., 269.3726

guides America Damron Travel Guide, 800.462.6654, Gulf South/United States AMBUSH Mag, 828-A Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116-3137; 504.522.8049, AmbushMag.COM; International

GayBars.COM, 828-A Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116-3137; 504.522.8049,

groceries/delis New Orleans, LA [504] QUARTERMASTER DELI, THE NELLIE DELI, 1100 Bourbon, 529.1416

hair salons New Orleans, LA [504] BOBBY BLUE CONTEMPORARY BARBER & BEAUTY PARLOR, 906 Bourbon St., 527.5100 HEAD QUARTERS HAIR SALON, 900 Rue Dauphine, 522.2666 MICKEY NOLAN'S SALON, 815 Toulouse St., 587.7782

hardware New Orleans, LA [504] MARY'S FRENCH QUARTER HARDWARE, 732 N. Rampart, 529.4465

lodging/accommodations New Orleans [504] AARON INGRAM HAUS, 1012 Elysian Fields, New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE: 504.949.3110, E-mail us at Condos with queensize beds, private entrances; located only six blocks from Bourbon Street and walking distance to most New Orleans attractions. Several favorite bars are within one block. [0713] BURGUNDY BED AND BREAKFAST, 2513 Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE/ FAX: 504.942.1463, Toll Free (Continental US only): 1.800.970.2153,, Email us at Gay owned and operated in newly renovated 1890's double. Four guest rooms with private baths, guests' parlor and "half-kitchen", courtyard and half-open tubhouse with spa (hot tub/whirlpool). Clothing optional in sunbathing and hot tub area. Walking distance to French Quarter. Immediate vicinity of gay and lesbian bars/venues. [0813] THE FRENCH QUARTER GUEST HOUSES, 1005 St. Peter, New Orleans, LA 70116, Phone: 877-681-5087 Email: Four meticulously restored boutique Inns located in the heart of the French Quarter’s most popular LGBT neighborhood. Each building’s individual character and charm provides an unforgettably authentic French Quarter experience! FRENCH QUARTER SUITES HOTEL, 1119 North Rampart St, New Orleans, LA 70116, Phone 504.524.7725, Toll Free: 800.457.2253,FrenchQuarterSuites.COM. Email us at Official Host Hotel of OZ New Orleans. A locally owned and operated French Quarter hotel that has been beautifully transformed into spacious multi-bedroom suites. Several historical townhouses are also available to accommodate larger groups of up to 26. Just 3 blocks from Bourbon St., free WiFi, swimming pool, and continental breakfast included. Off street parking is available. MAISON DE MACARTY BED & BREAKFAST, 3820 Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE: 504.267.1564, MaisonMacarty.COM, Email us at Luxury gay owned and operated bed and breakfast. 8 bedrooms with ensuite baths, pool, sun deck and beautiful courtyard. Sleep, eat and play at Maison de Macarty. Book it now! MARIGNY MANOR HOUSE, 2125 N. Rampart St., New Orleans, LA 70116, PHONE: 504.943.7826, Toll Free: 877.247.7599,, E-mail us at info@MarignyManorHouse.COM. 1840’s Grand Greek Revival guest house, large spacious bedrooms, private baths, antique 4 poster queen beds, wireless internet access, tv/vcr/dvd/cable, telephone, complimentary continental breakfast and off street parking. [0114] NEW ORLEANS COURTYARD HOTEL, 1101 North Rampart St, New Orleans, LA 70116, Phone 504.522.7333, Toll Free: 800.457.2253,

32 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • Facebook.COM/ AmbushMag • J une 11-24, 2013 • Of fic ial Pride Guide • NOLAPride.ORG

NOCourtyard.COM. Email us at, Official Host Hotel of OZ New Orleans. A 19th century home that has been historically restored and transformed into a locally owned and operated hotel. Experience the rich history and hospitality of New Orleans at an affordable price. Just 3 blocks from Bourbon St, free Wi-Fi, swimming pool, and continental breakfast included. Off street parking is available. BON MAISON GUEST HOUSE, 835 Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116, 504.561.8498 BOURGOYNE GUEST HOUSE, 839 Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116, 504.524.3621

marketing & printing New Orleans, LA [504] SIR SPEEDY, 343 Carondelet, 586.9812, 586.9817, offering printing and marketing services including web design and hosting.,

massage New Orleans, LA [504] RIGHT TOUCH MASSAGE -- Christopher - Full body therapeutic massage (Swedish/Deep Tissue); heated table; private studio; tropical garden; Faubourg Marigny Area, French Quarter. Upgrade (Salt Scrubs Bodywork & Thai/Sport Stretching massage). Call/text 504.458.5996 / website for pictures, location & special. License #LA4553 [is2613]

media New Orleans, LA [504] AMBUSH Mag, Official Gay Easter Guide, Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide, Official Gay New Orleans Guide, Official Gulf South Guide, Official Southern Decadence Guide, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 522.8049, AmbushMag.COM; email: AMBUSHonLINE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137; 522.8049,, email:

museum/arts Baton Rouge, LA [225] LOUISIANA ARTS AND SCIENCE CENTER / RIVERSIDE MUSEUM, 100 S. River Road, 344.5272 LOUISIANA GOVERNOR'S MANSION, 1001 Capitol Access Rd., 342.5855 LOUISIANA STATE ARCHIVES, 3851 Essen Ln. LOUISIANA STATE CAPITOL, State Capitol Dr. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY HILLTOP ARBORETUM, 11855 Highland Rd., 767.6916 LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY RURAL LIFE MUSEUM, I-10 at Essen Lane, 765.2437 LSU MUSEUM OF NATURAL SCIENCE and MUSEUM OF GEOSCIENCE, LSU Campus, 388.2855 MAGNOLIA MOUND PLANTATION, 2161 Nicholson Dr., 343.4955 OLD ARSENAL MUSEUM, State Capitol Complex, 342.0401 OLD BOGAN FIRE STATION, 427 Laurel St., 344.8558 OLD GOVERNOR'S MANSION, 502 North Blvd., 344.5272 OLD PENTAGON BARRACKS, State Capitol Dr. at River Road, 342.1866 OLD STATE CAPITOL, 100 North Blvd. at River Road, 342.0500 or 342.4479 USS KIDD/NAUTICAL HISTORICAL CENTER, Government St. at River Rd., 342.1942 New Orleans, LA [504] BEAUREGARD-KEYES HOUSE, 1113 Chartres, 523.7257, Mon-Sat 10am-3pm CABILDO, 701 Chartres, Jackson Square, Tues-Sun 10am-5pm CAC [Contemporary Arts Center], 900 Camp St., 528.3805, EDGAR DEGAS HISTORIC HOME, 2306 Esplanade Avenue, tours by appointment: 504.821.5009, the house tour lasts one hour, is led by a great-grand-niece of Degas, and includes the award-winning documentary video, Degas in New Orleans: A Creole Sojourn

1850 HOUSE, 523 St. Ann, Tues-Sun 10am5pm GALLIER HOUSE, 1132 Royal, 523.6722, Mon-Fri 10am-3:30pm GERMAINE WELLS MARDI GRAS MUSEUM, 2nd Floor Arnaud's, 819 Bienville HERMANN-GRIMA HISTORIC HOUSE, 820 St. Louis, 525.5661, Mon-Fri 10am-3:30pm HISTORICAL PHARMACY MUSEUM, 514 Chartres, 524.9077, Daily 10am-5:30pm HISTORIC NEW ORLEANS COLLECTION, 533 Royal, 523.4662, Tues-Sat 10am-4:45pm LONGUE VUE HOUSE AND GARDENS, 7 Bamboo Rd, Metairie, 488.5488, Mon-Sat 10am4:30pm, Sun 1-5pm MUSEE CONTI HISTORICAL WAX MUSEUM, 917 Conti, 525.2605, Daily 10am-5:30pm NATIONAL D-DAY MUSEUM, 945 Magazine, 527.6012 NEW ORLEANS MUSEUM OF ART, City Park, 1 Collins Diboll Circle, 488.2631, Tues-Sun 10am-5pm OGDEN MUSEUM OF SOUTHERN ART, 925 Camp St., 539.9600 OLD U.S. MINT, 400 Esplanade, Tues-Sun 10am-5pm PRESBYTERE, 751 Chartres, Jackson Square, Tues-Sun 10am-5pm ST. LOUIS CATHEDRAL, Jackson Square, Mon-Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 1:30-5pm

music New Orleans [504] SKULLY'Z RECORDZ, 907 Bourbon St., 592.4666

organizations Mobile, AL ALABAMA PRIDE FEST, MobileAlabamaPride.COM GULF COAST BEARS & LEATHER ASSOCIATION, THE SOUTHERN RENEGADES, a Levi/ Leather Club, Pensacola, FL [850] APPETITE FOR LIFE, INC., provides 2 nutritionally balanced meals a day-lunch & dinner, for some 60 men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS, 1842 West Cervantes St.; Mail: P.O. Box 308, 32592-0308; 470.9111, Fax: 470.0201, GULF COAST TIDE, INC. w w w. G u l f C o a s t T I D E . o r g ; Alexandria, LA [318] CLASS [Central Louisiana AIDS Support Services], 103 Bolton Ave., 71301; 1.800.444.7993, 442. 1 0 1 0, FAX: 443.5216 Baton Rouge, LA [225] AIDSLaw of Louisiana, 4560 North Boulevard, Suite 118, 302.5968, HAART (HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region Two), 4550 North Blvd., #250, 927.1269, Fax: 927.7367,, GBLSU [Gays, Bisexuals, Lesbians & Supporters United], glsapres@unixl.sncc., Kristy Price, President, 388.5160 KREWE OF APOLLO / BATON ROUGE, PO Box 3591, 70821; KREWE OF DIVAS,, 343.0380 LAMBDA GROUP, 2937 Greenwood Dr., PO Box 82775, 70884-2775, 907.3665,, METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH OF BATON ROUGE, 7747 Tom Drive, 70806, Worship Sunday, 11am, Bible Study Wednesday, 7pm, 225.248.0404, PFLAG Baton Rouge, President Harold Truax, 225.218.8320 Lafayette, LA [337] ACADIANA CARES [Concern for AIDS Relief, Education, and Support], PO Box 386, Lafayette, LA 70502; 203 W. 3rd St., 70501; 233.2437, FAX: 235.4178; 800.354.2437 KREWE OF APOLLO / LAFAYETTE, PO Box 53251, 70505 PFLAG/LAFAYETTE, PO Box 31078, 70503 ROYAL ORDER OF UNICORN, PO Box 3985, 70502 Monroe, LA [318] GO CARE 2121 Justice, 71201, 325.1092

New Orleans, LA [504] ACLU and ACLU Foundation of Louisiana, P.O. Box 56157, New Orleans, LA 70156, 504.522.0628 x25, Fax: 888.537.0384, AIDS HOTLINE, 821.6050 in New Orleans, 1.800.99.AIDS[2437]-9 toll free statewide AIDSLaw of Louisiana, 3801 Canal St., Suite 331, 568.1631, ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, 838.3399 BELLE REVE NEW ORLEANS, AIDS Residence for Families, PO Box 3305, 70177; 945.9455 BROTHERHOOD, INC., To decrease the spread of AIDS and HIV among African Americans, 1661 Canal St., Suite 3230, 70112; 566.7955 COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK, a project of the NO/AIDS Task Force which works with the gay community to implement HIV prevention activities, 507 Frenchmen St., 945.4000, COPS 8 (Citizens' Organization for Police Support in the 8th District), 840 N. Rampart St., #51, 70116; 588.COPS (2677), FOOD FOR FRIENDS, 944.6028 FORUM FOR EQUALITY, 336 Lafayette, Suite 200, 70130; 947.2981, ForumForEquality.COM FRIDAY NIGHT BEFORE MARDI GRAS (FNBMG), PO Box 791376, New Orleans, LA 70179-1376; 733.3311,, GAY APPRECIATION AWARDS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137; 522.8049; AmbushMag.COM/GAA GAY COUNSELING LINE, 833.1500 GAY EASTER PARADE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049,, GayEasterParade.COM GAY MARDI GRAS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, GayMardiGras.COM GAY NEW ORLEANS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, GayNewOrleans.COM GULF GENDER ALLIANCE [GGA], NonProfit Support Group for Transgender persons. Monthly meetings, socials and political activism. Privacy respected and expected. Interview required. Nondiscriminatory. Call 504. 324.4035 or write PO Box 56836, New Orleans, LA 701566836;, E-mail: HALLOWEEN IN NEW ORLEANS, INC., PO Box 52171, 70152-2171; halloween HATE CRIMES NATIONAL HOTLINE, 206.350.HATE (4283), National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800.799.SAFE (7233), Hate Crimes Hotline at the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 800.552.6843 KREWE OF AMON-RA, PO Box 7033, Metairie, LA 70010, KreweOfAmonRa.COM KREWE OF ARMEINIUS, PO Box 56638, New Orleans, LA 70156-6638, KREWE OF MWINDO, PO Box 51031, 70156; 913.5791, KreweOfMwindo.ORG, KREWE OF PETRONIUS, 1701 Frenchmen St., New Orleans, LA. 70116 KreweOfPetronius.ORG, KREWE OF QUEENATEENAS / KING CAKE QUEEN ROYALTY CLUB, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 522.8049, GayMardiGras.COM/KCQ KREWE OF URSUS, LaCARP [Louisiana Community AIDS Research Program], 584.1971 LA-LIFT, Social Club for Lesbians, age 50+, who have fun together on weekends. E-mail: LAMBDA CENTER, 831 Elysian Fields Ave., 70117 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF NEW ORLEANS, 234 Loyola, Suite 421, 70112; 581.9106 LORDS OF LEATHER, P.O. Box 770435, New Orleans, LA 70117-4035, LordsOfLeather.COM Metropolitan Community Church of New Orleans , Interim Pastor Gail Minnick , Service

time: Sundays 5pm, 1333 South Carrollton Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118, 504.270.1MCC, www.MCCNewOrleans.COM, Pastor MCLNO HOP Clinic, 136 S. Roman Street, 4th Floor, New Orleans, LA 70112; Appts.: 504.903.6959, MYSTIC KREWE OF SATYRICON, 2443 Halsey Ave., New Orleans, LA 70114, 504.906.7990 Todd J. Blauvelt / Secretary,, MysticKreweOfSatyricon.COM NEW ORLEANS BEAR AND BEAR TRAPPER SOCIAL CLUB, P.O. Box 57756, New Orleans, LA 70157-7756, 504.452.3564, NEW ORLEANS GAY MEN’S CHORUS, 322.7007,; NEW ORLEANS JAZZ & HERITAGE FESTIVAL, NO/AIDS TASK FORCE, 2601 Tulane Ave., Suite 500, 70119; 821.2601; NOAIDSTaskForce.COM N'R Peace, 3201 Gen. DeGaulle Dr., Suite 201, 70114, 364.1950 PEOPLE OF SUBSTANCE, INC. (POS), 7210 Arbor Dr., 70126, 244.1920, PFLAG/NO [Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays/ New Orleans], PO Box 15515, 70175; 895.3936, 392.0001,, PRIDE NEW ORLEANS CELEBRATION NOLAPride.ORG PROJECT LAZARUS, A Residence for PWAs, PO Box 3906, 70177-3906; 949.3609 REGIONALAIDS INTERFAITH NETWORK [RAIN], 523.3755 RENEGADE BEARS OF LOUISIANA, PO Box 3083, New Orleans, LA 70177; SOFTBALL LEAGUE – Great fun for all skill levels, beginner to advanced. Visit for full details and find us on Facebook. SOUTHERN DECADENCE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, SouthernDecadence.COM ST. ANNA'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 1313 Esplanade Avenue New Orleans, LA 70116 947.2121, Until It Is OVER, Inc., Executive Director Don S. Evans, Sr., 5837 De Bore Drive, New Orleans, Louisiana 70126, Phone 504 722 1694, Fax 504 286 5784 VOLLEYBALL NEW ORLEANS, PO Box 13306, 70185-3306;, WILLIAM J. FANNING FOUNDATION [Buzzy’s Boys & Girls], 2301 Chartres, 70117; 943.8929 Shreveport, LA [318] PHILADELPHIA CENTER, PO Box 44454, 71134-4454; 222.6633 YWCAAIDS MINORITY COMMUNITY OUTREACH, 700 Pierre Ave., 71103; 226.8717

pets New Orleans, LA [504] DR. MIKE'S ANIMAL HOUSE, 1120 N. Rampart, 523.4455 LAKEVIEW VETERINARY HOSPITAL, 482.2173, LakeviewVet.COM

pharmacy Baton Rouge, LA [225] AVITA DRUGS SPECIALIZED PHARMACY, free discrete delivery serving Louisiana, Mississippi & Texas. Certified pharmacists caring for HIV/AIDS, new-to-market & hard-to-find medications including Serostim. Local pharmacy that supports the LGBT community. www.AvitaPharmacy.COM. New Orleans, LA [504] MUMFREY'S PHARMACY, 1021 W. Judge Perez Dr., Chalmette, LA 70043, 504.279.6312, www.MumfreysPharmacy.COM. Supporting & serving the LGBT Community for over 20 years. Local pharmacy offering personalized family-like service, automatic refills & free metro wide confidential pickup & delivery. Also offering shipping for out-side our delivery area. When you call us you speak to a person, not a machine. See our ad.

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trodding the boards by Brian Sands


Re-Designing Women at Midcity Theatre I rarely watched Designing Women during its original network run; still living in NYC and, later, a new arrival in New Orleans, I had yet to come to appreciate its Southern sensibilities and humor. If the cast of Re-Designing Women had been on TV, however, I’m sure I would’ve been glued to the small screen from the get-go. Re-Designing Women’s concept, recently presented at Midcity Theatre, is a simple one, first seen here in 2010 featuring Golden Girls scripts. Take a beloved sitcom with four female leads, recast them with men, and then play it straight, with just a pinch of camp thrown in. Call it drag, call it unconventional casting, call it a loving tribute, call it performance art or whatever, it works. The original words still hold up while the new Women never condescend to their characters but fully commit to the foiblefilled humanity that Linda BloodworthThomason invested them with. Ricky Graham as Julia Sugarbaker marvelously heightened Dixie Carter’s pronouncedly stinging delivery but revealed her loving side as well. Jack Long reveled in Mary Jo’s conflicted morality and her competitive side, too. His/her brief moment

photography New Orleans, LA [504] GRAHAM/STUDIO ONE NEW ORLEANS, by appointment,

plumbers New Orleans, LA [504] PIPES "R" US PLUMBING, “Let us PEEP in your pipes”, 140 N. Carrollton Ave., Office 504.866.2730, Fax 504.484.0907, PipesRUsNewOrleans.COM

real estate New Orleans, LA [504] Gay-Owned Agency — New Orleans Relocation LLC, Mark Boline, Realtor/Broker,, 504.273.0088, 1027 Touro Street, New Orleans, LA 70116. Visit to search all NOLA properties for sale. Latter & Blum INC/French Quarter, Steve Richards, LGBT Realtor, 712 Orleans @ Royal, Cell: 504.258.1800, Office: 504.529.8140, Website:, Email: LATTER & BLUM, Agent Brian M. Pawlowski,, Agent Stace McDonald,, 840 Elysian Fields, 451.2495

restaurants Mandeville, LA [985] The Po-Boy Shack, 1703 N. Causeway Blvd., 626.1303 New Orleans, LA [504] Borracho @ Kajun's Pub, 2256 St. Claude, 267.6108. Clover Grill, 900 Bourbon St., 598.1010, CloverGrill.COM Country Club Restaurant, 634 Louisa St.,

of “nudity” was done with the tastefulness one would expect of a Georgia peach. Brian Peterson’s Suzanne Sugarbaker got laughs just by walking on stage. Then he topped that with a sublimely mimed baton-twirling act. Then he topped that with a truly touching speech about being an exbeauty queen. And it’s hard to believe that just six months ago Varla Jean Merman was playing and singing it straight in the title role in Menotti’s The Medium. Here s/he’s all coltish awkwardness as Charlene, the dimwitted receptionist who thinks Dolly Parton is her Guardian Movie Star. Despite Varla’s high profile turns on television (Project Runway, All My Children), stage (Lucky Guy) and screen (Varla Jean and the Mushroomheads), in Women she was a true team player. Director Graham brought out all the risible qualities of the three episodes that were presented. For the record, they were one in which the ladies (and a puppet standin for Anthony) go to New Orleans for a design convention; another in which Suzanne’s 30th birthday was set against Mary Jo’s daughter (a three foot high doll!) being entered into a beauty pageant by Charlene; and a tale of Mary Jo’s desire for breast augmentation interwoven with the women’s involvement in a charity talent

TheCountryClubNewOrleans.COM, 945.0742 Deanie's Seafood, French Quarter: 841 Iberville, 581.4141; Bucktown: 1713 Lake Ave., Metairie, 831.1316; Deanies.COM Fatoush Mediterranean Grill, Coffee House & Juice Bar, 2372 St. Claude Ave., #130, FatoushRestaurantNOLA.COM, 504.371.5074 Gene's Po-Boys, 1040 Elysian Fields, 943.3861 Krystal, 116 Bourbon at Canal, 523.4030 Lil Vic's Rosticceria, 719 Toulouse, 304.1238 Louisiana Pizza Kitchen, 95 French Market Pl., 522.9500 Mona Lisa Restaurant, 1212 Royal St., 522.6746 MUNCH @ 700 Club, 700 Burgundy, 561.1095, 561.1098, 700NOLA.COM Organic Banana, 1100 N. Peters, Bay 27, 587.7903 Orleans Grapevine Wine Bar & Bistro, 720 Orleans Prime Grille, 3162 Dauphine, 301.1740 Quartermaster: The Nellie Deli, 1100 Bourbon St. , 529.1416, QuartermasterDeli.NET

retail/shopping New Orleans, LA [504] BOURBON PRIDE, 909 Bourbon, 566.1570 BUNGALOWS, 719 Royal St., 522.9222 HIT PARADE, 741 Bourbon St., Facebook.COM/HitParadeNOLA LA MINA STERLING, 840 Royal St., 324.3423 MARY'S FRENCH QUARTER KITCHEN & BATH, 732 N. Rampart, 529.4465 PANDA BEAR, 415 Bourbon St., 529.8064 QT PIE BOUTIQUE - 241 Dauphine St., 581. 6633 RAB DAB CLOTHING AND GIFTS, 918 Royal St., 525.6662 SECOND SKIN LEATHER, 521 St. Philip, 561.8167

show. The finale thus featured white men playing white women performing as black women. The mind reels. Credit Brian W. Johnston for being game to make his drag stage debut as Bianca Del Rio, in a fun bit of in-joke humor. Vintage commercials for such local institutions as Frankie & Johnnie’s Furniture, McKenzie’s Bakery, and Universal Furniture (featuring a young Becky Allen) added to the ear-to-ear smiles that Re-Designing Women engendered. What a pleasure to see this group of brilliant comic actors at peak performance levels unlike The Golden Girls, in which two amateurish San Francisco-based performers dragged down Varla’s and Peterson’s expertise. Our local krewe of zanies will be returning with more Golden Girls episodes in December. Book your tickets now.

New in New York After a rather weak fall season, the New York theater scene has come alive with shows that offer laughs, thoughts and a variety of dancing showgirls. I may be prejudiced (I was assistant to the stage manager for the world premiere of Baby With the Bathwater) but Christopher Durang’s Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike (Golden Theatre, thru July 28) is his best, funniest and most moving play yet. Riffing on Chekhov, Vanya (David Hyde Pierce) and Sonia (Kristine Nielson) are siblings, though she was adopted, who stayed at home to look after their elderly parents while Masha (Sigourney Weaver) went off and became a movie star. Masha has now returned home with her new boy toy (Billy Magnussen) and threats to sell the family home. While there are touching undertones of mortality and loss, from the first flying coffee cup, Durang’s absurdist humor elicits wave after wave of laughter. There are theater in-jokes, the sassy brilliance of Shalita Grant who plays the family’s cleaning lady appropriately named Cassandra, and comic arias of despair from the heartbreakingly humorous Nielson who, as

spas New Orleans, LA [504] CLUB NEW ORLEANS, 515 Toulouse, 581.2402, PLANET BEACH, A Contempo Spa, 301 Burgundy St., 525.8266, PlanetBeach.COM

theatres New Orleans, LA [504] ALLWAYS LOUNGE & THEATRE, 2240 St Claude Ave., TheAllwaysLounge.NET CAFE ISTANBUL, 2372 St. Claude Ave., #140, 504.974.0786, CafeIstanbulNOLA.COM MAHALIA JACKSON THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS, 801 N. Rampart, Armstrong Park,, 525.1052 NEW ORLEANS FRINGE FESTIVAL, NOFringe.ORG Slidell, LA [985 CUTTING EDGE THEATER, 742 Robert Blvd., 649.3727, CuttingEdgeTheater,COM

tours New Orleans, LA [504] GAY NEW ORLEANS WALKING TOUR, Crescent City Tour Booking Agency, 638 St. Ann St. , 568.0717

Maggie Smith playing the Wicked Queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (don’t ask!) sends the looniness quotient into the stratosphere. Yet, in Act Two, Nielson gets to deliver one of the most wondrously heartfelt monologues ever written. And right after that, Pierce, whose silent reactions epitomize the finest of acting, gets a blazing tirade of his own decrying the dehumanization that modernity has brought us. Weaver deliciously overdoes the “star” turn and seems game for anything, Magnussen takes hunky airheadedness to the limit, and Director Nicholas Martin paces things expertly, balancing the laughter with some tears. I suspect some day there’ll be a Master’s thesis on the recurrence of Salade Niçoise references in Durang’s plays. Or how he repeatedly acknowledges that life is horrible but “just get on with it.” But at the conclusion of V&S&M&S, Durang marvelously offers a genuine new option to his audiences—Hope. Hope is what the experience of Jonathan Tolins’ Buyer & Cellar should give to all playwrights. After an acclaimed seven week run off-off-Broadway, it reopens on June 18 at the Barrow Street Theatre for at least ten weeks—and deservedly so! Buyer & Cellar tells the tale of Alex, a struggling actor in L.A., who takes a job working in the Malibu basement of a certain megastar. According to her 2010 coffeetable book, My Passion for Design, Barbra Streisand, inspired by Winterthur, the American decorative arts museum in Delaware, built an avenue of quaint storefronts—a doll shop, an antiques emporium, a gift shoppe, etc.–to house, with “totalitarian precision,” her vast collection of “stuff.” And in the world of B&C, She wants someone with whom She can dicker over prices whenever She descends to Her subterranean mall. There’s more, much more, about friendship, celebrity, hubris and self-delusion, but Tolins wisely sets up B&C at the start as a complete work of fiction (except for the mall which really exists!!) as, otherwise, given the vividness of the details with which the playwright embellishes his story, you’d be inclined to wonder “Did this really happen?” Michael (Ugly Betty) Urie, who stood out three years ago in The Temperamentals, is such a likable and engaging presence that he immediately wins our empathy not only as Alex, but as he metamorphoses into Barbra (natch); Barry, his high-strung Jewish boyfriend; Sharon, Streisand’s aide-de-camp who looks like “Cloris Leachman after she was told Phyllis was cancelled”; and even James Brolin. Buyer & Cellar offers such an insightful script, seamless direction by Stephen Brackett and Urie’s thoroughly natural performance that it’s sometimes hard to say where one stops and the other picks up. Tolins resorts to cliche only when he has Alex and Barry argue and afterwards have “great sex” and, to a lesser extent, posits this match-up of a mid-Western WASP and a NYC Jew (a cliche, admittedly, based on an oftentimes reality). With its abundant wit, simple technical demands (though Alex Koch’s visual projections add immeasurably to the production) and bravura role for an actor, I suspect Buyer & Cellar will soon be done all around

[continued on 37]

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a community within communities

by The Rev. Bill Terry, Rector St. Anna’s Episcopal Church Email:

Pride With A Purpose FROM WIKIPEDIA: “The UpStairs Lounge arson attack occurred in 1973 at a gay bar in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana, in the United States, and resulted in the deaths of 32 people due to direct immolation or inhalation of fumes. It was started with Ronsonol lighter fluid on the steps near the entrance. The most likely suspect was a man who had been thrown out of the bar earlier that day; he was never sentenced. It was the deadliest arson attack to take place in New Orleans at that time, and one of the deadliest attacks on LGBT people in United States history. Funerals and coverage Coverage of the fire by news outlets minimized the fact that LGBT patrons had constituted the majority of the victims, while editorials and talk radio jockeys made light of the event. No municipal figures made mention of the fire, and only one clergyperson, Reverend William P. Richardson of the St. George’s Episcopal Church, agreed to hold a small prayer service for the victims on June 25. Some 80 people attended the event, and Richardson was rebuked by Iveson Noland, the Episcopalian bishop of New Orleans, for the service the next day; Noland received over 100 complaints from parishioners concerning the service, and Richardson’s mailbox filled with hate mail. Eventually, two memorial services were held on July 1 at a Unitarian church and St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, headed by Louisiana’s Methodist bishop Finis Crutchfield and led by MCC founder Rev. Troy Perry, who had flown in from Los Angeles. Several families did not step forward to claim the bodies of the deceased. A few anonymous individuals stepped forward and paid for the three unknown men’s burials and they were buried with an identified victim named Ferris LeBlanc in a mass grave at Holt Cemetery.” I want to be very clear about a few things: L-G-B-T each makes for an array of hopes, needs, expectations, challenges, and experiences. There is both groupidentity and experiences and within the groups individual identity and experiences. Being a diverse population each person has a unique story to tell and unique ways of interpreting “life.” I also know or have been told that there are tensions amongst this lettered group; at least in some quarters. Some Ls don’t like Gs and some Gs don’t like Ls and some Ls and Gs don’t like or understand Bs and Ts. What a mess! But it is the truth isn’t it? Truth telling is hard. Recently I inquired about the discriminations and bias between African Americans that are dark and light skinned or how about “mixed-marriages?” Or is there some disparity perceived or otherwise between Creole and Non-Creole? It’s a mess! These points of dissonance and discord, hidden or not, blur the truth and some of the absolutes that we should seek and find and name. When Jesus came upon possessed peoples he called out to the

demons. From the Gospel of Mark we read: When [the one possessed] saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!” For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you evil spirit!” Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” It is true; many are the demons, which live within and around us. Yet, there are over-arching truths that can be discerned and fleshed out and centered upon even within this mess! Truth: every human has value and worth. Truth: every human that is despised or disenfranchised or marginalized because of who they are shares a common bond. Black men and Gay men share a bond of intolerance and prejudice as an example. Lesbians and Straight Women face the same workplace biases. Transgender and Bi-Sexual persons share disenfranchisement and even curiosity alongside of Latinos whose language and culture we refuse to often acknowledge. Strange bedfellows perhaps but none the less it boils down to what is right and just before the Law of this Land and what is right and just within the circle that calls itself religion. Both religion and our laws start with certain “ideals” such as: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The Declaration of Independence set the tone and portrait of what our government and its people would be about.” A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” John 13:34 sets about the ideal from which Christianity sets or should set its pattern of belief. These ideals become corrupted with the demons of bigotry, distrust, self-interest, misogyny, homophobia, racism: in short, the quest for superiority over another. It plays out not only in governments and religions but in philosophies and cultural trends. “Two thousand five hundred years ago, the Buddha was preaching in a male-dominated society,” he stated in an interview. “If [Buddha] stressed feminist viewpoints, nobody would have listened to him. The important thing is that now, for the past thirty years, we have worked to change that” The Dalai Lama. “[Aristotle] saw women subject to men, but higher than slaves” Wikipedia. Finally, “Always justify the burdens you impose upon girls but impose them anyway. . . . They must be thwarted from an early age. . . . They must be exercised to constraint, so that it costs them nothing to stifle all their fantasies to submit them to the will of others.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau. No age nor faith nor government has the corner of bias. I used women as the easiest example of such. But it knows no boundaries even within L-G-B-T. But we can find common

ground. To start, the common ground of our being: “respect the dignity of every human being.” Next, the shared experience of bias and hatred: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” Martin Luther King, Jr. Finally, the spiritual realm as taken from the book of the three faiths of Abraham: “He made the man and he made them woman He made them in his own image.” From these points on, the possibility of unity and Pride with a Purpose can become reality. I do hope and truly hope that when the PRIDE march takes place it is not just another excuse for a party but rather both a celebration of Life, Acceptance, Tolerance, and at least symbolic solidarity with all disenfranchised groups. Will there be banners and signs quoting Dr. King in solidarity with our Black brothers and sisters who have struggled? Will there be signs and banners in Spanish decrying violence economic and social in solidarity with our Latino brothers and sisters? Will there be emblems and symbols that call for religious toleration even in the face of religious persecution and not just of LGBT but of women, of the cast systems, of any violence in the name of faith? I truly hope that we have learned deep truths since that fateful day in 1973; a day that the city went silent. There is an old gospel song that goes like this:

trodding the boards ...from 34 the country. If you have a chance to see its topnotch debut, however, you’d be meshuganah to miss it. Like Tolins, Richard Nelson uses reality as a springboard for his probing imagination. Nikolai and the Others (Mitzi Newhouse at Lincoln Center, thru June 16) observes choreographer George Balanchine, composer Igor Stravinsky and umpteen of their, mostly, Russian friends as during the course of a weekend in Connecticut, these two 20th century artistic giants collaborate on the ballet Orpheus. While Nikolai is certainly about the process of creation, it also examines how the CIA helped fund artistic projects during the Cold War to bolster America’s standing in the world. The titular character, “Nicky” Nabokov, a minor composer and cousin to Lolita’s author, desperately wants to be acknowledged for his own artistic contributions but as a governmental operative charged with doling out money to prestige causes, he has become the go-to man when the “real” artists need additional funding for their projects. With eighteen characters, there are various hidden agendas—artistic, romantic, political—that generate dramatic tension. Michael Cerveris’ Balanchine may be the subtle ringmaster of the assemblage, but in Chekhovian fashion, all are given the chance to express their fears and aspirations. Nelson’s subtly arranged dramatic structure allows nature to unfold and while the first act could be 10-15 minutes shorter, ultimately you won’t want this alluring play to end. That said, while all the male characters are well-delineated, some of the female ones never fully come into focus; it doesn’t help that about four of the women have very similar appearances.

Lift every voice and sing till earth and heaven ring, ring with the harmonies of liberty. Let our rejoicing rise high as the listening skies; let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us; sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; facing the rising sun of our new day begun, let us march on, till victory is won. As Rector of St. Anna’s Episcopal Church my authority and voice are limited to this church and this parish. That while I am sure that our entire Diocese regrets its actions on that day and the days that followed, I will say this for we of St. Anna’s Episcopal Church: We humbly and deeply regret any historic hurt, pain, or prejudice shown to our brothers and sisters of the LGBT community and beyond. We regret and seek your forgiveness for our sins of the past. We seek reconciliation and solidarity with all of God’s good creation, that together we may be one. The Rev. William H. Terry, Rector, St. Anna’s Episcopal Church. Please join me with Fr. Richard Easterling for a special worship service at St. George’s Episcopal Church on Saturday, June 22 at 2pm, 4600 St. Charles Ave. and I hope to see you at some of the other events and memorials going on during the PRIDE weekend. Director David Cromer does the best work I’ve yet seen of his, often placing Balanchine and Stravinsky near each other as though a magnetic force is attracting these two iconoclastic geniuses. Notice also how, when the group stops gossiping in Russian to listen to Stravinsky’s divine music, each person’s posture tells so much about his/her character. And in a nice touch, Cromer (or is it Nelson?) has the actors speaking in standard English when speaking Russian to each other, only assuming thick Russian accents when they speak English to the few non-Slavs there. In the superb ensemble, two stand out. Alvin Epstein, who was in the original American production of Waiting for Godot, makes the set designer Sergey Sudeikin pompous but needy. In oxymoronic fashion, Epstein, who just turned 88 and so is 24 years older than Sudeikin was, portrays the vain man’s frailty with strength. Upon overhearing what some of the others really think of him, Stephen Kunken’s Nikolai evokes pathos with a restrained reaction despite letting the audience know that he must feel as though a dagger has just been thrust through his heart. Later, when the “geniuses” offer praise and encouragement for his work, Kunken registers satisfaction for the compliments with an underlying distrust that they are being given merely to gain his assistance. He’s like an arid plant lapping up water despite being aware of its toxicity. If Nikolai and the Others resembles a watercolor more than an oil painting, a feeling I also had about Nelson’s recent movie Hyde Park on the Hudson, don’t some say that’s the more challenging and estimable medium? Challenging could well describe I’m a Stranger Here Myself, Mark Nadler’s one man show that featured music from the

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trodding the boards ...from 37 Weimar era. A spitfire performer, Nadler never holds back when he can go all out. In this well-researched show, Nadler, a self-proclaimed “Jew from Iowa”, explored his family’s roots using songs by Kurt Weill among others. Though it took occasional detours and could’ve been even more focused, Nadler, backed by an unusual and

appealing combination of accordion (Franca Vercelloni) and violin (Jessica Tyler Wright) astutely drew a connection between Jews and gays in 1920s Germany. Seen recently at the midtown York Theater, I couldn’t help but think Stranger might’ve been even more at home in the Village or at least on the West Side. As for Kinky Boots (Al Hirschfeld Theatre), I believe I and my companion are

the only two people who haven’t enjoyed it. I wanted to like Cyndi Lauper’s score, but, except for the adorable Annaleigh Ashford’s rendition of The History of Wrong Guys, all the songs sounded the same. I wanted to like Harvey Fierstein’s book, but except for one moment in the second act featuring a repentant homophobe (Daniel Stewart Sherman), it never touched and barely amused me. I wanted to like the hardworking cast but except for Ashford and

Sherman, they all seem trapped by the book’s cliched characters. Director Jerry Mitchell laudably pulls off the big finale, but too often pumps up the volume when a softer, more real approach would’ve been much more effective. Better to go see Bianca Del Rio’s Hot Mess (XL Cabaret, Friday’s) if you really want to see some fabulous drag queens.

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baton rouge, the capital city Baton Rouge Mayor Declares June 15 Pride Day in City-Parish Baton Rouge/East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor-President Kip Holden once again this year signed a proclamation for Pride Day in the city-parish – declaring June 15, 2013, as Baton Rouge Pride Fest/GLBT Pride Day. “Our thanks to the mayor for recognizing the importance of our community to the area,” said Tom Merrill, chairman of Baton Rouge Pride Inc. and the Baton Rouge Pride Fest. The resolution was signed at the urging of the Pride Fest team. The mayor’s proclamation reads, in part: “Whereas Baton Rouge is a city composed of a great variety of diverse people, cultures, religions, sexual orientations, languages and customs, and whereas the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered communities have contributed to the City-Parish of Baton Rouge/East Baton Rouge through active involvement in cultural and economic progress, now, therefore, I, Melvin “Kip” Holden, Mayor-President of Baton Rouge and the Parish of East Baton Rouge, hereby do proclaim June 15, 2013, as BR Pride Fest/GLBT Pride Day.” The Baton Rouge Pride Fest will take place from noon until 6pm Saturday, June 15, at the Belle of Baton Rouge Atrium. It will be followed by the Louisiana Equality March, which will leave from the Belle and march to the state Capitol starting at 6pm.

Baton Rouge Pride Fest Honors PFLAG Reps. As 2013 Grand Marshals; Full Day of Activities Planned for June 15 Baton Rouge Pride Inc. and the Baton Rouge Pride Fest team members are proud to have two individuals serving as 2013 Baton Rouge Pride Fest honorary grand marshals – both representatives of PFLAG, locally and nationally. Jody Huckaby is the executive director of PFLAG National, and Carol Frazier is the president of the Baton Rouge chapter of PFLAG. In addition to presenting those honors to Huckaby and Frazier at 3pm, the Baton Rouge Pride Fest will include a full afternoon of activities and entertainment from noon until 6pm Saturday, June 15, at the Belle of Baton Rouge Atrium. “We’re definitely proud of what we have to offer Baton Rouge, and we hope to surpass the nearly 4,000 people who attended last year,” said Tom Merrill, chairman of Baton Rouge Pride Inc. and the Baton Rouge Pride Fest. “We think we definitely have something for everyone. “As with our past events, it’s going to be a family-friendly atmosphere, where you can be comfortable bringing your friends, family or anyone else interested in celebrating with us and in enjoying a great day of entertainment and education.” Huckaby, a native of Eunice, has held his current position with PFLAG since 2005 and is one of the longest-tenured leaders of a national LGBT organization. With more than 20 years of experience as a nonprofit leader, Huckaby travels extensively, both domestically and internationally, to train and speak about the importance of the family and ally voice in advancing acceptance and equality. He has become a visible spokesperson on issues affecting the GLBT community and loved ones, and he brings a unique perspective to his work – based upon growing up in a small Southern town in a large conservative family with a strong faith background. Frazier is credited by many with a crucial role in the major revival of the Baton Rouge PFLAG chapter. Serving as its president, she is a committed straight ally to the local LGBT community, and PFLAG here has grown tremendously under her leadership. A long-term care insurance specialist and business owner, Frazier also has been involved in the leadership of a variety of other community organizations. Among her expressed passions is making a difference to improve the lack of understanding and years of negative programming from conservatives and fundamentalists in Louisi-

ana. “As a new feature this year, Huckaby also is going to deliver a brief motivational speech about his perspectives on the LGBT community and progress being made by PFLAG and other organizations,” Merrill said. “This is a rare opportunity for those of us in Baton Rouge to hear from a national leader of a GLBT group.” This year’s honorary grand marshals join the ranks of previous honorees: Daphne MuShatt – 2012; Trixxie LaRue (James Chinn) – 2011; Larry Fremin – 2010; and Richard Dykes – 2009. As for other activities during the day: >The Pride Fest entertainment lineup includes legendary “Diva” Daphne MuShatt, local favorites Michigan Avenue, the Pocket Aces Brass Band, special guests Austin Babtist Women, New Orleans own Josh Duffy, the New Orleans Gay Men’s Chorus, Baton Rouge’s Krewe of Divas, Miss Splash America 2013 Aubrey Synclaire, Miss Gay Baton Rouge 2013 Alexis Lawrence and the step team from Sigma Phi Kappa Fraternity. >The community resource fair will include at least 40-50 nonprofit organizations, groups and businesses representing a gamut from cosmetics and jewelry to GLBT-friendly churches and service organizations. >The annual blessing of relationships will occur about 3:15pm, complete with the wedding cake. >A special kids’ play area will be offered again this year. >The Equality March will kick off at 6pm following Pride Fest, with participants marching from the Belle to the state Capitol. Admission to Pride Fest is free. A cash bar, some free food and other food for sale all will be offered, and donations to support future Pride Fests certainly are welcome. For more details on the events, visit The free admission is made possible by the generosity of sponsors, including: Red Stripe – Cox Communications

spotlight feature by Frank Perez E-mail:

Remembering the Upstairs Lounge Fire On Sunday evening, June 24, 1973, the deadliest crime against gays and lesbians in the history of the United States occurred at the Upstairs Lounge in the French Quarter. On that night an arsonist set the gay bar on fire killing 32 people and injuring still more. Many people, then and now, mistakenly believe the fire was a hate crime motivated by homophobia. It wasn’t. Rather, the crime was motivated by anger and revenge. On that fateful evening, an unruly hustler, Rodger Dale Nunez, was thrown out of the bar for badgering and fighting with a regular customer, Mike Scarborough. Scarborough was in the bathroom when Nunez, who was in the next stall, started harassing him through the glory hole. Scarborough complained to the bartender. As he was being escorted out of the bar, Nunez threatened to “burn you all out.” About thirty minutes later, a fire broke out on the stairwell. Then the buzzer in the bar rang which usually meant a cab had arrived. Luther Boggs, a regular at the lounge, opened the door to the stairwell to be greeted by roaring flames. As the fire spread, panic ensued. Bartender Buddy Rasmussen led about twenty people through a rear fire exit which was not clearly marked. Many dashed for the windows but the windows had burglar bars. A few were skinny enough to squeeze through but the others were doomed. Katherine Kirsch was on her way to buy cigarettes around 7:45pm when she smelled smoke at the corner of Iberville and Chartres. She opened the stairwell, saw the flames and immediately ran to the Midship Bar next door to call the police. Fire trucks arrived about two minutes later. They were met by a grizzly, horrific scene. The lifeless body of Bill Larson, Pastor of the local Metropolitan Community Church, was wedged in the window, his face and right arm protruding stiffly over the street. Buddy Rasmussen saw his boyfriend, Adam Fontenot, knocked off his feet with a blast from a fire hose while he flayed around on fire. George Mitchell escaped the fire but Orange Stripe – Avita Drugs Pharmacy, MCC of Baton Rouge, Tom Merrill and Rick Cain, Dr. J. David West and Dr. Billy F. Dudley, Lamar Outdoor Advertising, Glazer’s Distributing - Diageo Moet Hennessy and Ran-E-Hans / Funky Munky. Yellow Stripe – Bennett & Bennett Associates. Green Stripe – George’s Place, Krewe of Apollo Baton Rouge / Krewe of Apollo AIDS Crisis Fund, Danny Troge & Eric Hoffmann, Dow Chemical Co., Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge and Krewe of Divas. Blue Stripe – Four Seasons Florist, Dr. Don Hoppe, Greenoaks Memorial Park and Funeral Home, Jamie Graves / Bourbon Royalty and St. James Behavioral Health Hospital. Violet Stripe – Joe Traigle, Tiger Truck Stop, New Orleans Gay Men’s Chorus, Visit Baton Rouge, John Deshotel, Peter Lewis and Shad Duplessis, Carl Angelle and Adam Symborski, Audubon Nature Institute, Bounce ‘n Around, Synergy Home Care and Baton Rouge Coca Cola.

ran back in to rescue his boyfriend, Louis Broussard; their bodies were found intertwined, thereby occupying in death a position they saw often occupied in life. Many of the dead were burned beyond recognition but were ultimately identified through the dental records of local dentist Perry Waters, who also perished in the fire. Thirty men and two women died as a result of the arson. Nunez, who drunkenly confessed to the crime to friends on more than one occasion, committed suicide the following year. Some believe Nunez killed himself because he was so filled with remorse. Initial media reports and the police response to the fire were less than sympathetic. Some family members of the deceased refused to claim the ashes of their “loved” ones. Radio commentators joked the remains should be buried in fruit jars. The States-Item graphically described the aftermath of the fire: “workers stood knee deep in bodies . . . the heat had been so intense, many were cooked together.” On the issue of identifying the victims, Major Henry Morris, a detective with the New Orleans Police Department said, “We don’t even know these papers belonged to the people we found them on. Some thieves hung out there, and you know this was a queer bar.” At the time, many gay men routinely carried false identification to gay bars in order to avoid being outed in the newspapers in the event they were arrested during a police raid. While the media coverage was cruel and the police response was nonchalant, the religious establishment’s reaction was downright hateful. Church after church after church refused the use of their facilities for a memorial service. Father Bill Richardson (himself believed to be a closeted gay man) of St. George’s Episcopal Church, however, believed the dead should have a service and graciously allowed, over the protest of many parishioners, the use of St. George’s sanctuary for a prayer service on Monday night which was attended by roughly 80 people. He was subsequently chastised by his bishop and received no small amount of hate mail. Days later a Unitarian Church also held a small memorial service. A larger service was held on July 1 at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church on the edge of the French Quarter. Reverend Troy Perry, founder of the Metropolitan Community Church, officiated the service at St. Mark’s along with Methodist Bishop Finis Crutchfield, who would die 14 years later from AIDS. After the service, Reverend Perry pointed out a side entrance for those who wished to avoid the television cameras which waited outside the main entrance. Of the estimated 250 people in attendance, no one took his offer. The Upstairs Lounge arson attracted

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SDGMs 35 Tittie Toulouse & 34 Electra City

SDGM 35 Paloma

Miss Splash America Aubrey Synclaire, Oz MC Persana Shoulders & 2012 Pride Grand Marshal Matthew Birkhoff

Kabrina Watson headlines Left Ovah Bitches @ Ninth Circle

King Cake Queen Dusty Debris does The Lion King in Left Ovah Bitches @ Ninth Circle

Barbara Ella joins Countess C. Alice’s B-day Show @ 4 Seasons

Barbara Ella, Natasha Sinclair, bday girl Countess C. Alice & Lauren Brown @ 4 Seasons

Jasmine Essex stars in Left Ovah Bitches @ Ninth Circle Adrian Claveria, Stephen Valiente, Oz GM Tommy Elias & Human Relations Commission’s Larry Bagneris The cast of “Redesigning Women”

Opal Wiley, Princesse Stephaney & Klorocks Bleachman ready to hit the stage @ 4 Seasons in Metairie SDGM 38 Pat McArdle & partner Jacey Frew

Home of Southern Decadence: Golden Lantern bartender Wilhemina & bar baron James

SDGM 39 Tami Tarmac & partner Paul Davis

Pat McArdle’s final performance as reigning SDGM 38

Madonnathon & Tru in The Gumbo Revue @ Michael's On The Park

Countess C. Alice @ 4 seasons in Metairie for her birthday show

Monalot Fontaine & Dusty Debris on stage @ Oz

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Showgirls ~ New Orleans, Metairie ~ Photos by Chuck Hinkley, Tony Leggio, Paul Melancon

39th Southern Decadence Grand Marshals Tami Tarmac & Venus Santiago chosen by 38th SDGM Pat McArdle @ Oz ~ New Orleans ~ Photos by Paul Melancon, Rip Naquin

SDGMs 38 Pat, 36 Toby, 37 Tiffany & Misael, and 36 Julien

Southern Decadence Susan Luccis Rip, Tami & Marsha - minus Tami who made it as SDGM 39

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Emerald City Nightlife ~ Pensacola, Florida ~ Photos by Lauren Mitchell


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spotlight feature ...from 42

mobile New Where The Bears Are Star Headlines Mobile Bleather Weekend 5!

Nightlife ~ Mobile, Alabama ~ Photos by Leon Weekley

The “Gone with the Wind” fabulous Jawakatema Davenport!

Wendy’s Disco birthday bash @ B-Bob’s

Corey with Gabriel’s newest bartender Coby

Nikki & Nikki singing at B-Bob’s karaoke

Fans of the hit web comedy Where The Bear’s Are are already buzzing about some of the new characters entering the cast for season two. That includes hunky new detective “Marcus Martinez” played by newcomer George Unda. Unda will be this year’s special guest at Mobile Bleather Weekend 5, July 26-28. “So this is a big party?” asked Unda. Sure is! 2013 marks the fifth gathering of bears and leather lovers in the port city. As is our custom, B-Bob’s, Gabriel’s Downtown and The Midtown Pub will unite to become one big weekend progressive party. This year, a new bar will also join the fun. Flip Side, across the block from B-Bob’s and operated by BBob’s owner, Jerry Ehlen, will enter the fray. Mobile Bleather Weekend bills itself as the South’s premier bear/leather event. No run fees are charged. You’re Actor George Unda of the hit web simply invited to enjoy the Southern series, Where The Bears Are! hospitality offered by the Mobile gay edibles. Saturday afternoon, WTBA community Friday night is traditionally leather star George Unda invites you to stop by night, with a welcome cocktail party at Flip Side for a meet-and-great before Gabriel’s. The party then moves next the Pre-Contest Cocktail Party at door to B-Bob’s. While 2013 will not Gabriel’s. All of these events lead up to feature the Mr. Southern Renegade Bleather’s main event... The Annual Mr. contest, there will be some friendly Gulf Coast Bear Contest with special competition drawn from the crowd, so host, AJ McKay. The winner will rebe sure to wear your second skin. And ceive $150, a trophy, and lots of unconspeaking of skin, expect to see just that ditional love! Contestants can register as B-Bob’s welcomes a duo of dancers as late as the preview cocktail party. the committee at in the Loft bar. Then, the party goes Contact late as The Midtown Pub revives it’s for more info. Once again, The Hampton Inn and “Notorious Black Party” after midnight. Bear Saturday kicks off with the Suites, Downtown Historic District will annual “SausageFest” brunch at The be Bleather’s official hotel. Get the Midtown Pub, with lots of elongated special rate code at http:// Supporters for Mobile Bleather Weekend 5 include Bud Light, Barenjager, Hampton Inn & Suites, BBob’s, Gabriel’s Downtown, The Midtown Pub, Flip Side, Gulf Coast Bears and Lords of Leather. “Sounds awesome,” said Unda. The Mobile Bleather Committee invites you to come see for yourself, July 2628 in Downtown Mobile’s new entertainment district. (You can now exit a bar WITH your favorite beverage in hand!) You can also check out season one of Where The Bears Are at Leon & Ricky @ Bacchus Night and catch Club’s last hurrah the trailer for the new season, starring hot bear George Unda! Check the official website for continuously updated event information: http://

gay activists from all over the country to New Orleans. Reverend Troy Perry and others criticized the gay community of New Orleans for its apathetic attitude and general lethargy regarding the gay liberation movement so much in vogue in other American cities at the time. Local bar owners concerned about how all the attention might affect their businesses and prominent gay men who had grown comfortable with their place in the order of things responded by calling Perry and the other activists “carpetbaggers” and “outside agitators.” Despite these objections, the fire motivated a handful of activists to form the Gay People’s Coalition (GPC). The GPC launched a publication, Causeway, and established a Gay Crisis Phone Line. Causeway was edited anonymously by Bill Rushton, then a student at Tulane University, who also edited the Vieux Carre’ Courier. An editorial from the January 1974 edition of Causeway boldly declared, “There are enough gay men and women in N.O. who are able to do anything they wish—be it swinging an election or electing a gay city councilman.” This clarion call, while certainly true, fell on deaf ears. As the embers of the fire cooled, so did the ire of the gay community. In what was to become the dominant pattern of gay activism in New Orleans, the GPC, and Causeway, eventually faded away. Former Baptist minister Mike Stark formed the Gay Services Center, located on Burgundy in the Marigny, in 1974. Initially the group enjoyed a flurry of activity, including the publication of a newsletter, the Closet Door. But the group’s promise was never fulfilled; in a familiar pattern, the newsletter and the group were soon moribund. The Upstairs Lounge fire was a seminal moment in the history of gay New Orleans, the significance of which was even noticed by the arch-conservative Times-Picayune. A month and a half after the fire, the paper published a week-long series of six articles, all written by Joan Treadway, concerning homosexuality, the first of which was titled, “Gay Community Surfaces in Tragedy of N.O. Fire.” The tone of the article is surprisingly objective and Treadway even quotes local gay activists who succinctly summarized the multitude of dilemmas facing gay New Orleanians, namely police harassment, job and housing discrimination, and general societal alienation. In addition to forcing straight New Orleans to acknowledge its gay community, the fire also forced the gay community in New Orleans to confront itself. In this regard, the fire was our Stonewall—a wakeup call that sparked the activism of the 1970s and caused gays and lesbians in New Orleans to mature as a community. Now, 40 years later, our community is planning to commemorate the victims of the fire. The LGBT Commemoration Ceremonies are scheduled for June 24 and are designed to remember this significant event in our history and to afford the 32 victims of the fire the dignity and respect they were denied at the time.

See page 27 for a list of events.

NEXT Ambush DEADLINE Tuesday, June 18

504.522.8049 Sexy Chance dancing on the bar @ B-Bob’s

Lee & company at B-Bob’s

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Josh behind the bar @ Golden Lantern

Don, Society Page’s Willie & Michael’s On The Park’s Mike @ Society Page

Bartender Franco @ Corner Pocket

Voodoo bartender Otis Chase wins Memorial Day Wet Jockey Shorts Contest @ The Corner Pocket with MC Barry Bareass

Chuck & Brad cocktailin’ @ Michael’s On The Park

Bartender Jason in The Balcony upstairs @ Lafitte’s DJs Duane Parrish & Plez @ Ninth Circle

Bartender Josh @ Rawhide

Will welcomes you to Clover Grill Josh Duffy welcomes you to Bourbon Pride

Bartender Scott & manager Rene @ Rainbow Room Bartender Chris @ Bourbon Pub & Parade

4 Seasons’ Sebastian & Double Play’s Will @ Double Play

Ashley @ Fatoush’s new Juice & Snowball Bar Jessica, Ray & Clint @ Head Quarters

Good Friends bartender Cha Cha & gang join MASCARa Crawfish Boil @ Rawhide

Monster Cross & Angela @ Le Roundup

Salon d’Malta’s Monica with Ambush’s Paul @ Big Daddy’s

50 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • Facebook.COM/ AmbushMag • J une 11-24, 2013 • Of fic ial Pride Guide • NOLAPride.ORG

La Scène Sociale (The Social Scene) ~ New Orleans ~ Photos by Paul Melancon, Rip Naquin

Oz manager Glen & bartender Damon @ Oz



Wedon & Troy @ Satyricon’s “Redesigning Women” premiere

Ces't Tout Bon (It’s All Good) ~ New Orleans, Metairie ~ Photos by Tony Leggio, Paul Melancon

Chef Chris with Sous Chefs Gabe & Stella @ Kajun’s Borracho Gary & Lisa Lynn live Fridays @ Golden Lantern

Jason & Michael @ AllWays Lounge Remy & manager Eddie @ Second Skin Leather

Old Town Inn assistant manager Philip & manager Jason Michael welcomes you to Organic Banana

Renegade Bears’ Duaine, Golden Lantern bartender Wayne & Phoenix bartender Tom Petronius joins Lords of Leather Crawfish Boil @ the Phoenix

Joe & proprietor Craig @ Who Dat Coffee Cafe

The Lords welcome you to their Crawfish Boil @ the Phoenix

Celebrating @ Lords of Leather Crawfish Boil @ the Phoenix

John Bozant’s Celebration of Life @ The Friendly Bar

Celebrating @ the Gay Prom benefiting Buzzy’s Boys & Girls

Gary & Jeff join C. Alice’s Birthday Show @ 4 Seasons in Metairie

Dancer Daniel from Tupulo @ Rainbow Room

Becky Allen & friends in Varla Jean Merman’s “Twice Upon a Mattress” @ Café Instanbul

Brian & Daniel from Mobile @ Queen’s Head Pub

Bill & Rob @ Satyricon’s “Redesigning Women” premiere

Opal in The Gumbo Revue @ Michael’s On The Park

Sout hernDec adenc e.COM • GayMardiGras.COM • GayEast erParade.COM • J une 11-24, 2013 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • 51

52 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • Facebook.COM/ AmbushMag • J une 11-24, 2013 • Of fic ial Pride Guide • NOLAPride.ORG

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