Ambush magazine volume 32 issue 01

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Facebook.COM/AmbushMag Gulf South Entertainment/Travel Guide Since 1982 • Louisiana-Florida

by Rip & Marsha Naquin-Delain Email:

Official Gay Easter Parade Guide Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide Official Gay New Orleans Guide Official Southern Decadence Guide

Ambush Mag Celebrates 32nd Anniversary Issue, Raises over $3 Million for Charities & Causes It's hard to believe Ambush Mag is moving into its 32nd year with the publication of this anniversary edition. The longevity is due in part to the fact that New Orleans is a huge LGBT+ tourist destination, the home base of the publication direct from Bourbon Street, along with Houston, Texas; Mobile, Alabama; and Pensacola, Florida. While many LGBT+ print publications have gone under across the country due to the Internet explosion over the past several years, Ambush's unique home base location, select distribution destinations, and conglomerate of websites have kept it relevant. In working with various organizations and causes over the past three decades, the magazine has helped raise over $3 million. Through monetary donations, and its AMgrant (Ambush Advertising Grant Program), this publication has been fortunate in helping make a difference in the LGBT+ community in which we all live. From fighting the AIDS crisis, and causes in the political, social and personal arena, Ambush joined forces with the very organizations and community leaders who all made a difference. It was a joint effort that the entire community can be proud of. Every individual, business, and organization can, and does make a difference. Here is a salute to the entire Gulf South community from the oldest regional publication in existence since 1982, your Ambush Magazine. We would like to personally thank all of our advertisers, and our thousands of readers across the Gulf South, and internationally, for making Ambush what it is today.

31 Years in Review 1982/Baton Rouge: We busily cut and pasted the last remnants of what was to be the first issue of this mag on our kitchen table. It was 4:30am and this was the end of a 24 hour stint of painstaking labor, from hand setting type on an old Olivetti manual to peel off and stick lettering for the ads. It certainly had crossed our minds this night if Ambush was going to be worth all this grief. We believed that this paper could make a difference, uniting the entire state through one publication. Our previous two publications, The Zipper, and The Alternative had dealt with various parts of Louisiana, except New Orleans in both cases. In the early days of Ambush, we were 1985/New Orleans: A move to the mostly closeted in the northern part of the Crescent City was on the horizon for us. State. New Orleans was a shining beacon Taking a job offer at the St. Louis Crepe of what freedom could mean to most of us; Shoppe, and later Petunias, we felt sure the to be gay and to live gay. Was this an move would also be beneficial to the sucimpossible task for the rest of Louisiana? cess of Ambush. The format changed from How could we have known then that an 8 1/2 by 11 glossy to newsprint, a format Ambush would play such a major role in which made the mag profitable for the first the big picture. The mag provided an enter- time. tainment and news source that had never Ambush has flourished and thrived existed reaching the backroads of the State becoming first a Gulf South regional, and with new information, new ideas, a new way now is the oldest and only LGBT regional of life for many, who believed they had no left in the Gulf South. Headquartered in hope. Ambush grew up in an era when New Orleans, the mag also has the largest roadtrips were a way of life, leading us paid LGBT advertising base in Louisiana. across Louisiana from Baton Rouge to Ambush also led the way among local Alexandria, Monroe and Shreveport and to publications at that time with an editorial Lafayette, Lake Charles, Houma and New policy of inclusion. All aspects of the diverse Orleans. LGBT community have been included in We also virtually knew nothing about Ambush since its humble beginnings. The something called Karposi Sarcoma and "competition" back then waited months to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. In a year or so, now that it was "in," to cover an age of outlandish behavior and carefree the leather, drag and bar scene extensively. living, how could anything affect our way of And of course, let's not forget all those life? Never could we have imagined what a pictures, always an Ambush feature. Imitalittle known, rare disease called AIDS today tion is the sincerest form of flattery. would do to our entire community. The 1996/New Orleans: Ambush Inc. human loss, the loss of all that talent and took a giant leap out into the World Wide creativity, would forever change the face of Web with an attempt to market the LGBT the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender side of New Orleans and to have it become community. We all would go through living one of the top LGBT travel destinations in hell not knowing our community was only the country and the World. We also set our the first to be hit by this dreaded disease. sights on, and began marketing two of the After all it was a gay disease. It could not oldest and largest holiday celebrations held happen to the rest of the World. in the “Bourbon Street popular” New OrWith the ability to always survive the leans . . . Labor Day’s Southern Decadence worst, the LGBT community rallied around and of course Mardi Gras! The market various AIDS service agencies. These proved itself with an overwhelming amount groups have worked tirelessly to educate of traffic almost overnight. At present, with the public with safer sex programs, and the addition of a multitude of interlinked massive programs caring for the ill, teach- sites, the AmbushOnline Conglomerate ing both the gay and straight communities brings in an average of over 1 million viewthat the World can co-exit with AIDS.

OFFICE/SHIPPING ADDRESS: 828-A Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116-3137 USA OFFICE HOURS: 10am-3pm Monday-Friday [Except Holidays] Email: PHONE: 1.504.522.8049

ers. Some of the sites include:,,,, and 2005/New Orleans: Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans on Monday, August 29th bringing the city to a standstill. The storm stopped Ambush in its tracks as preparations were underway to print the largest publication in its history at 108 pages for the giant 2005 Southern Decadence holiday. Even though the French Quarter was spared flooding, the aftermath began on August 30 as looting and shooting began. Although we had planned on staying here on Bourbon Street even without electricity, there was no police visibility as things continued to get more dangerous. We would be in exile for almost a month until we returned to our beloved New Orleans on Tuesday, September 27th to find that the French Quarter had electricity and running (undrinkable) water. How exciting to open the doors of Ambush and begin the re-building process. Ambush was the first publication in the city to return to its publishing schedule hitting the streets on National Coming Out Day October 11, 2005. This was the first time in 23 years that this publication had to cancel three editions in the wake of the storm. Katrina also led to the cancellation for the first time in it’s 34 year history, Southern Decadence. Untold millions of dollars was lost to both the gay and greater New Orleans community at large. None of what we have achieved through Ambush would have been possible without its solid advertising base. We both take this opportunity to thank each and every advertiser, those who have supported us since the beginning, to those who support us on a regular basis, and to those who support us in holiday issues. Your faith in Ambush has shaped this publication into what it is and stands for today, community and commitment. From its support of the NO/AIDS Task Force, NO/AIDS Walk, Buzzy's Boys and Girls, Belle Reve/Esprit, Gay Appreciation Awards, Halloween, Art Against AIDS, Gay Easter Parade, Food For Friends, Southern Decadence, many of the krewes, and so many others, the Ambush reputation speaks for itself. 2013/Nationally: The Supreme Court's decision making The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the law barring the federal government from recognizing samesex marriages legalized by the states, unconstitutional, has changed the entire landscape in the LGBT community. Who would

ANNUAL READERSHIP OVER 1 MILLION: 260,000+ in print/780,000+ On-line CIRCULATION: Alabama-Mobile Florida - Pensacola Louisiana - Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Metairie, New Orleans, Slidell Mississippi - Bay St. Louis, Biloxi Texas - Houston

STAFF: PUBLISHER/EDITOR R. Rip Naquin-Delain, New Orleans PRODUCTION DIRECTOR M. Marsha Naquin-Delain, New Orleans GULF SOUTH/NEW ORLEANS AD SALES Rip Naquin-Delain • 504.522.8049 NEW ORLEANS AD SALES Paul Melancon 504.357.8440 THEATRE/PERFORMING ARTS CRITIC Brian Sands AD REPS/JOURNALISTS/PHOTOGRAPHERS Blanche-Alabama Frank Joseph, Charles Jenkins, Tony Leggio, Frank Perez, Arthur Severio, Rev. Bill Terry-New Orleans Bob Brunson, MIss Cie & John, Leon WeekleyMobile, AL Lauren Mitchell-Pensacola, FL National Advertising Rep: Rivendell Media 212.242.6863 Ambush Mag is published on alternate Tuesdays of each month by Ambush, Inc., R. Rip NaquinDelain, President. Advertising, Copy & Photo DEADLINE is alternate Tuesdays, 4pm, prior to publication week, accepted via e-mail only:, except for special holidays. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for the claims of advertisers and has the right to reject any advertising. The inclusion of an individual's name or photograph in this publication implies nothing about that individual's sexual orientation. Letters, stories, etc., appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of the Publisher or Staff of AMBUSH Mag. Subscription rate is $45 for 1/2 Year; $75 for 1 year. Sample Copy is $3 First Class Mail. ©1982-2014, AMBUSH, INC.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTHING HEREIN MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER INCLUDINGAD LAYOUTS, MAPS and PHOTOS. AMgrant - AMbush Advertising Grant Donation

have ever thought we would live to see such a ruling, much less being able to legally wed in 17 states now. On our 40th anniversary we tied the knot in New York City which was a dream of a lifetime for us. Now we see a multitude of LGBT couples, from young to vintage, becoming engaged, and marrying. For many of us vintage monogamous couples, it is a breath of fresh air to see so many committing to one another. It will only make the LGBT community stronger. It is imperative that we all support those things which make a difference in our everyday lives, defining what the lesbian gay bisexual transgender experience means to each of us. As we move into this new year, we eagerly await the unity and progress the future holds for our very diverse and talented community.

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31st Mardi Gras Classic Brings 62 Teams to Tournament Jan. 17-19 Volleyball New Orleans hosts the 31st Mardi Gras Classic volleyball tournament Friday, Jan. 17th through Sunday, Jan. 19th with 62 teams competing. In addition to the tournament, there will be several opportunities for social exchanges. The schedule includes: Friday, Jan. 17th Registration, 7 -10pm, OZ Night Club upstairs, 800 Bourbon Street Saturday, Jan. 18th Captains Meeting, 7:45am B Division – Tulane Reily Center BB Division – Hilton Health Club BB division WILL start tourney on Saturday afternoon after pool play A Division – UNO Performance Bldg Seeding party – See what time you

play 700 Club, 700 Burgundy Street , 8 11pm Dance the night away at Oz Night Club 800 Bourbon, 11pm-till Corner Pocket, 7pm-till Sunday, Jan. 19th Tournament Play Continues B division, 8am BB Division, 8am A Division, 8am Awards (TBD), 10pm Post Tournament Dance Party, 10:30pm-till, Oz Night Club, 800 Bourbon Street For more on the tournament, visit http:/ /

Gay Rugby in The Big Easy Jan. 17-19 for 2nd Rugger Convergence Beginning on January 17 and continuing through the weekend, players from a dozen gay-identifying rugby teams across North America will gather in New Orleans

for the second annual Rugger Convergence. The participating teams are part of a growing number of rugby clubs across the country and internationally that make the

sport accessible to traditionally underrepresented groups, especially gay men. All of these rugby clubs participate in local, regional, national, and international matches and tournaments. The goals of the event are to increase awareness of gayidentifying rugby clubs, build cooperation among teams, and to build brotherhood. Last year, Rugger Convergence, which changes locations each year, was held in Atlanta, Georgia, and had 100 participants.

Supreme Court Puts Pause on Utah Marriage Equality The United States Supreme Court issued a stay temporarily suspending the issuance of marriage licenses to lesbian and gay couples in Utah. HRC President Chad Griffin issued the following statement: “Utahns and other Americans have witnessed the joy that marriage has brought to hundreds of loving and committed couples over the past weeks. While it is disappointing that the dreams of many more will be put on hold, we know that in the end justice will be served and no couple will be excluded from this cherished institution.

We still live in two Americans where full equality is within reach in one and another where even basic protections are non-existent. As the marriage equality map expands, history is on our side and we will not rest until where you live is not a barrier to living your dreams.”

FTM Applauds Administration’s Respect for Couples Married in Utah Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the federal government would respect the legal marriages of same-sex couples in Utah, estimated to be over 1,000. Evan Wolfson, founder and president of Freedom to Marry, released the following statement: “The Attorney General’s determination that the federal government must respect married same-sex couples in Utah as what they are — married — is lawful, predictable, and correct. Even though the 1,000+ couples married in Utah are encountering unfair treatment and disrespect by their home state and the other remaining states that discriminate, these couples are as married as any couple on the planet. As cases move forward in Utah and numerous states around the country, Freedom to Marry will continue working until all couples share in the freedom to marry and all marriages are respected throughout the United States. “We applaud the Attorney General and the Administration for their fidelity to the law, the freedom to marry, and the Constitution’s command of equality.”

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under the gaydar by Tony Leggio Email: Photo by: Larry Graham, GrahamStudioOne.COM

Book of the Month

Rush Into Mardi Gras

The holiday season may be busy for me, but it also allows me the opportunity to catch up on my reading. I was able to whittle my book stack beside my bed down quite a lot by reading several books by one of my favorite authors, James Patterson and his Private series of books. My books of the month of January are Private #1 Suspect and Private Games. Patterson continues this series about the international private investigation firm aptly named Private. These two novels are the second and third ones respectively. Private #1 Suspect has our protagonist Jack Morgan being framed for the murder of a former lover. There are lots of twists and turns as Jack navigates his way through a tangled web of mystery and deception all the while being strong-armed by the mob to recover some stolen pharmaceuticals and searching for a serial killer targeting luxury hotel guests. Once again, Patterson takes the reader on a wild ride as he brings his story to the thrilling conclusion. What is so delightful about his books is it feels like you are watching a movie. He vividly describes every detail so that you feel like you are in the action. You feel his characters emotions and with each book in the series,

The Friday Night Before Mardi Gras is hosting their VIP Rush Party on Friday, January 24 at the Octavia Gallery from 710pm. FNBMG was founded in 1999, and has been throwing, one of the craziest, most unique costume parties of the New Orleans Mardi Gras Carnival Season ever since. For 2014, they are partnering with the NO/AIDS Task Force to bring you Extravaganza XV. This year’s theme is 7 Deadly Sins, and is sponsored by Kettle One and Glazer Distributors. I can already imagine the costumes their creative guests will be donning. The Octavia Gallery is located at 454 Julia Street. For tickets or more information, go to

Movie Spotlight Naked As We Came is the newest feature film from director Richard LeMay whose previous credits include Whirlwind and 200 American. This family drama focuses on siblings Laura and Elliot who are called to their family home after their mother Lilly falls gravely ill. Once there they run into Ted, a handsome young stranger who has been living with their estranged mother for the last six months.

Naked As We Came become more familiar with them. Patterson and his writing partner on this novel Maxine Paetro, has proven that books can be just as suspenseful as any movie. The second book, which he wrote with Mark Sullivan, Private Games, takes the tension to London during the Olympics. A deranged killer is targeting people involved with the games and no one is safe. Athletes, coaches, and the actual Olympic committee itself are all at risk. This time Jack comes to the aid of Peter Knight, the new head of Private London. Knight takes the forefront of the story as he deals with his personal demons while trying to find a terrorist without remorse. Private Games is a great new installment in the series that introduces an entire new cast of characters and the backdrop of the Olympics makes for a thrilling plotline. Both thrillers are addictively fast reads securing Patterson’s spot on the bestseller list. For more information on these books and his other novels, go to

Old feelings of resentments flare up as the children and parent face their past and uncertain future. With her health failing, Lilly tries to make amends to her children while hoping to impart some wisdom to them to follow their dreams. When Elliott begins an affair with Ted, a man with secrets of his own, the story takes a very interesting and surprising turn. LeMay does an excellent job of giving a refreshing look at this family’s dynamics. The actors are very good, especially Karmine Alers who plays Laura. She brings a vulnerability to a character that is battling her own demons as well as trying to save her marriage. The two male leads Ryan Vigilant, who played Graham Collins on the CW’s show Gossip Girl, and Ben Weaver have great chemistry together. Rounding out the cast is Lilly played by Lue McWilliams who manages to nicely capture a woman who is facing the sun setting on her life. Family dramas tend to be very predict-

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moments in gay new orleans history by Frank Perez E-mail:

“Activism and Ink” Gay journalism traces its roots to the 1960s and originally manifested itself in the form of bar bulletins and organizational newsletters. In those pre-internet, preStonewall, highly homophobic years, the notion of a gay media was an alien concept because gay communities, if we can even call them that (perhaps gay subcultures is a better description) were essentially rendered invisible by the monolithic heterosexual society. The Advocate was founded in 1967 in Los Angeles as a local publication but it soon thereafter went national. As gays, lesbians, and feminists began claiming a stake in the cultural revolution of the 1970s, gay political organizations proliferated across the nation and with them, organizational newsletters and local newspapers. In New Orleans, the earliest gay identified publication was a newsletter entitled Sunflower, which was published in 1971 by the recently formed local chapter of the Gay Liberation Front. The first edition featured testimonials from several men, one of whom was straight, who were harassed, beaten, and arrested while in or near Cabrini Park (now commonly called the Dog Park), which was, apparently, quite the cruising ground, in the lower French Quarter. The New Orleans chapter of the Gay Liberation Front was formed in 1970. In January of 1971, the group (roughly 75 people) marched on City Hall and staged a demonstration protesting police harassment. The Gay People’s Coalition, which was formed in 1973 after the UpStairs Lounge fire, launched another publication called Causeway and established the Gay Crisis Phone Line. Causeway was edited anonymously by a Tulane student named Bill Rushton, who also edited the Vieux Carre Courier. An editorial from the January 1974 edition of Causeway declared, “There are enough gay men and women in New Orleans who are able to do anything they wish—be it swinging an election or electing a gay city councilman.” This clarion call, while certainly true, fell on deaf ears. As the embers of the UpStairs Lounge fire cooled, so did the ire of the gay community. In what was to become the dominant pattern of gay activism in New Orleans, the Gay People’s Coalition and Causeway, like the Gay Liberation Front and Sunflower before them, eventually faded away. In 1974, former Baptist minister Mike Stark formed the Gay Services Center, which was located on Burgundy Street in the Marigny. Initially, the group enjoyed a flurry of activity, including the publication of a newsletter, The Closet Door. But the group’s promise was never fulfilled. In a familiar pattern, the newsletter and the group were soon moribund. In 1975, the Gertrude Stein Society was formed by Bill Rushton, Alan Robinson and Ann Gallmeyer. The Gertrude Stein Society succeeded in assembling a mailing list, publishing a newsletter, and hosting a variety of social and political events, the most amazing of which was a gay-themed

television talk show called Gertrude Stein Presents. In one episode, Rushton interviewed Christine Jorgensen, whose sex change in 1951 had shocked the world. Her appearance galvanized the slumbering political consciousness of the local gay community and soon businesses and politicians began to court the gay community. Gay activism in New Orleans had finally produced some results, meager for sure, but results nonetheless. In 1977, Roy Letson and Gary Martin founded Impact. Impact differed from the aforementioned publications in that it was not an organizational newsletter but rather a general newspaper. Throughout its twenty-two year run, Impact went through several phases. In 1998, Kyle Scafide sold Impact to Window Media, a publishing concern based in Atlanta. A year and a half after the sale, the paper folded. Shortly after the sale, long-time writer and former editor of Impact Jon Newlin wrote, “Nevertheless, LimpAct has reinvented itself before and may well do so more than once again-reinvention usually had to do with what time Miss Letson had gotten up that particular day, thus the paper had its highbrow periods and its hard news periods and its arts-and-leisure periods and its scandalsheet-tabloid periods, sometimes more than one at once.” Newlin would go on to write a column for Ambush for eight years. Newlin’s writing was sassy and tongue in cheek and tinged with streaks of brilliance. Ambush was founded in 1982 by Rip Naquin and Marsha Delain. Originally, the magazine covered Baton Rouge and North Louisiana but was expanded to include New Orleans when Naquin and Delain moved to the city in 1985. Ambush now serves the Gulf South from Houston to Pensacola. Reflecting on the history of the paper, Naquin-Delain recalls, “Our first publication was The Zipper, distributed in Baton Rouge and lasted a year. The following publication was The Alternative distributed in Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Alexandria, Monroe, Shreveport and Houma, Louisiana, which was going into its 6th anniversary when we sold it to go into a straight bar business in Hammond. The person we sold it to ran it into the ground and it closed within a year.” Naquin-Delain continues, “When we left the straight bar business, we decided to do a publication reaching the whole state including New Orleans. A group of our friends from across Louisiana came to our home in Baton Rouge to brain-storm for the publication. On the last night, we got cocktailed and tried to come up with a catchy name, and our dear friend, the late Victoria Windsor, a famous drag queen from Monroe (weighing in at over 400 pounds) better known as Queen Victoria, said ‘Ambush,’ and we all agreed, it’d catch attention.”

Thirty-one years later, Ambush is the oldest remaining LGBT+ themed print publication in the Gulf South. The long tenures of both Ambush and Impact, especially in contrast to the short-

under the gaydar ...from 8 able, but the plot twist near the end was refreshing and unexpected. I highly recommend checking this movie out, but I do suggest that you have a box of tissues handy, this film does pull at the heart strings.

Party Down It seems that the holidays flew by quickly, but the past two weeks have been pretty restful for me as far as the party scene goes. Christmas week, was very relaxing, which never happens. On Christmas Eve, I have my own personal tradition which may surprise many people. I help my mother cook some of the dishes for my family’s holiday gathering the next day, then went to 4pm Christmas Eve Mass at St. Francis Seelos in the Bywater. The Church was gorgeously decorated and the sermon was inspiring this year. The Advocate’s Steven Forster played the organ beautifully adding to the festive feeling. Then I had a quiet evening at home with my favorite girl, my dachshund Rose, watching holiday movies, drinking a nice bottle of champagne and embracing the peace and quiet. Christmas Eve has always been a night where I like to just take it easy, away from the crowds and the parties and just enjoy my home. The following day was full steam ahead as I went to my mom’s house first thing in the morning and we opened gifts with our first bottle of champagne of the day. Next we went to my cousin Angie’s house for Christmas with the family. There were lots of kids, great food and fabulous conversations, as I caught up with all their lives over the past year. My last stop was Christmas dinner at my friends Laura and Gary’s house. Gary, who is a chef, cooked a spectacular meal consisting of traditional fare like turkey, stuffing, and yams. A few bottles of wine and I was ready to call an end to Christmas 2013. My week was easy until Saturday night when I ventured out to my friend Cheryl Lemoine’s holiday soiree at her house in Mid-City. Cheryl is one of the top marketing people in the city having many restaurants as her clients, so you can imagine the food was outstanding. Champagne and wine flowed as I got to see many of my friends who I had not seen over the Christmas holiday season. It was an exquisite night with terrific conversations with interesting people, delectable cuisine and lots of booze. Now that is a party. Afterwards, my friend Richard and I traveled to the French Quarter for one of those epic nights that you quite do not remember the next day. All I have to say is God bless Oz, the land of Dance; for always welcoming drunken holiday revelers. Sunday I was a couch potato the whole day, gaining enough strength to venture out to Mags 940 to meet up with Jeff (aka Elizabeth Bouvier) and Chris (aka Barbara

lived organizational newsletters of earlier years, suggest that for gay publications to succeed, they must emanate from a business model rather than a strictly political or ideological orientation, which is to say that while some people may want “hard news,” they also want lighter fare such as entertainment, gossip, and party pictures. In this regard, the gay media is not much different than the straight media.

Ella) to watch the Saints game. More drinks, boisterous friends and a Saints win added to the happiness of the day. Also Princesse Stephaney was introducing her cocktail collection, which if you have not tried one of her Princesse series drinks, you are missing out. I had her retro inspired Pink Squirrel. All I have to say is no wonder everyone in the 1950’s was blitzed; those things back a surprising wallop. More quiet until New Year’s Eve, when Beaux, Barrett and I went to Albert Carey’s party in his condo. It is always a festive time with everyone dressed up enjoying a swanky cocktail party, then midnight on the rooftop to watch the fireworks. It was also our friend Brent’s birthday so there was plenty of celebration. After the clock struck twelve, we said our goodbyes and went to the Marigny for an end of the nightcap. Stopping off at Mags 940 where I was entertained by Tittie Toulouse and Electra City who are back from their fabulous vacation to far off Asia. After chatting them up, I crossed the street to the Phoenix where I saw some other friends. I have to say, lots of people there were ending (and starting) the new year off with a “bang.” New Year’s Day, I decided to throw a “Get Lucky” for 2014 gathering at my house for a few friends. I had all the staples of cabbage for money and black eyed peas for luck. It was a wonderful way to start the new year off, with close friends, enjoying each other’s company, because isn’t that what this life should be about. Happy 2014 everyone!

Tony’s Tidbits of Wisdom Go Team Bianca! I am so excited, our home girl Bianca Del Rio is going to get some pretty amazing national exposure in February when she becomes one of the contestants on RuPaul’s Drag Race. In case you have been living under a rock and do not know what this show is about. Here is a brief Wikipedia lesson. RuPaul’s Drag Race is a take on the reality competition series with a twist. It is produced by World of Wonder for Logo (right now it seems the only truly good show on Logo). I am still bitter when they got rid of Dante’s Cove, but I digress. RuPaul is the host, mentor, and source of inspiration for this series, which details his search for “America’s next drag superstar.” The show had its U.S. premiere on February 2, 2009 and is now in its sixth season, and Bianca is on it! In the show’s first season, it was the most-watched series on Logo (again not that hard to believe). The title of the show is a play on drag queen and drag racing and the title sequence and song, “Drag Race,” both have a drag-racing theme. Now that you are up to speed, we need to cheer our favorite to the finish line. I have been to New York to see Bianca and have to say, I miss that wonderful performer in our city. She is truly one of the funniest and best performers in drag today. But she always talks about New Orleans lovingly and appreciates her humble beginnings in our fair city, which makes her one hell of an ambassador. So Bianca, I wish you all the best, love your hair and hope you win. So sashay, lip sync for your life and show those girls what a true New Orleans lady is all about. If you have an event, story or idea, you want covered, contact me at

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celebrazzi Good Friends manager Tony Plum joins Wood Enterprises director of marketing/ operations' Chris Ward for the 20th Annual Turn-A-Bout Gala hosted by Good Friends Bar in New Orleans. Emceed by Rikki Gee and DJ Ping, the gala raised $1,180 for Belle Reve. (

Whitney Walters and Sandy Sachs celebrate their engagement New Year's Eve with the huge crowd in attendance at Sandy's club, Bourbon Pub and Parade in New Orleans. The couple will be married in California on Valentine's Day, 2014. ( (Below) Ninth Circle's Irish Mike joins Louie's @ Congo Square's Kenneth Matherne at midnight New Year's Eve as Ninth Circle became Louie's @ Congo Square in New Orleans.

Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Los Angeles' Sister Magically Deeilshes joins The Big Easy Sisters: Novice Sister's Moana Moans-a-lotts, Cathi Terr, Gloree Bea Divine and Eileen Eulick for the first Sister Gras in New Orleans. Held at the Phoenix kicking off Carnival Season, the event raised $400 for Buzzy's Boys & Girls. For more on The Big Easy Sisters visit

New Orleans own Darwin Reed and Opal Masters join good friend John Vignone in Pasadena, California for the 125th Tournament of Roses Parade. It was Darwin and Opal's first trip to see the parade, and they witnessed the first same sex marriage in the parade's history of Aubrey Loots and Danny Leclair on the AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s float on New Year’s Day. Renowned photographer Larry Graham of has just completed the official pre-coronation portrait of King Cake Queen XXI of Gay Mardi Gras Barbara Ella. She will reign as "The Borghese Queen" for the Krewe of Queenateenas Carnival festivities at World famous Ambush headquarters. (

(Below) Entertainers Barry Bareass and Lisa Beaumann host The Corner Pocket's New Year's Eve Party with owners Michael and Tommy Elias, and loads of The Corner Pocket Dancers on the bar in New Orleans. (

Gerard, Nicholas, and Butch join Frankie Fierce, Cindy and Derick for Frankie's pre-pre 30th b-day bar crawl at Michael's On The Park in New Orleans. (

Beautiful boys JT and Cody join Frank Perez for his 1st 12th Night Bash hosted at his fab new digs on Royal Street in New Orleans.

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Frank Perez’s 12th Night Bash @ his Fab New Digs on Royal Street ~ New Orleans ~ Photos by Jeff Palmquist 14 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • J an. 14-27, 2014 • Of fic ial Gay Mar di Gras Guide • GayMar diGras.COM Mardi

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Rikki Gee & DJ Ping host 20th Turn-A-Bout Gala @ Good Friends Bar

Friends & Staff with Ken Matherne @ Louie’s @ Congo Square

Kookie Baker in Jubilee @ The Golden Lantern

Joseph in Good Friends’ 20th Turn-a-Bout Gala Reba Douglas headlines Jubilee @ The Golden Lantern Bartender Jeff welcomes you to the all new Lucky Pierre’s Big Easy Sisters’ Eileen Eulick welcomes you to Sister Gras @ the Phoenix

Myles & Jay in 20th Turn-A-Bout Gala @ Good Friends Bianca Devereaux in Michael’s On The Park NYE show John & Manny join Darwin & Opal @ 125th Rose Parade in Pasadena, California

Big Easy Sisters’ Gloree Bea Divine & Cathi Terr kick off Carnival Season @ Sister Gras

Rene in Good Friends 20th Turn-A-Bout Gala

Athena Jewelle & Monica Synclaire-Kennedy @ the Phoenix for Sister Gras

Lords of Leather’s Lord King Pat & partner Ben join Sister Gras

Happy New Year from The Corner Pocket Boys

Joseph in 20th Turn-A-Bout Gala @ Good Friends

Aunt Ida in Michael’s On The Park NYE show

Lords of Leather Fetish Ball @ the Phoenix New Year’s Eve

16 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • J an. 14-27, 2014 • Of fic ial Gay Mar di Gras Guide • GayMar diGras.COM Mardi

Cookie St. Ann & Greg NYE @ Michael’s On The Park

La Scène Sociale (The Social Scene) ~ New Orleans, Pasadena ~ Photos by Frankie Fierce, Tony Leggio, Paul Melancon, Rip Naquin

SPI LA’s Sister Magically Deeilshes & Big Easy Sisters’ Moana Moans-a-lotts join Sister Gras @ the Phoenix

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trodding the boards by Brian Sands


Curtain Up on 2014! By the time you’re reading this, Colin Quinn, Alice Ripley and Southern Rep’s New Play Bacchanal will have already come and gone, but there’s still over twenty shows that will be “lighting the lights” between now and Mardi Gras. Before “Theater” moves from prosceniums and black boxes into the streets, here are some upcoming possibilities for drama and comedy that have nothing to do with February 1’s citywide primary. Of course, politics and theater are intertwined as seen in The Kingfish: The Life & Times of Huey P. Long which comes to the Joy Theater on Canal Street for two performances on Friday & Saturday, Jan. 24 & 25, at 8pm. John “Spud” McConnell returns in his off-Broadwaystarring role in this revival about the life and times of the ultimate Louisiana politician, the very theatrical Huey P. Long. Written by Larry L. (The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas) King & Ben Z. Grant and directed by Perry Martin, The Kingfish displays Long’s many facets and considers how he might have commented on current politicians and recent events as well as his own assassination. The Kingfish will be followed at the Joy by a show based on the life of Marilyn Monroe, who certainly knew her way around politicians. Award-winner Sunny Thompson stars in Marilyn: Forever Blonde, a one-woman play with music which takes us back to a photo shoot before Monroe’s untimely death and, using her own words & songs associated with her, reveals how she contemplated her fame, marriages, affairs and endless internal struggle. The audience will play an integral part of the performance as the “Photographer.” Sounds interesting. Marilyn: Forever Blonde will be at the Joy from January 29 to February 1, with matinee and evening performances. Tickets for both shows are available at or by calling 504-208-1180. Across the street from the Joy, Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles (Jan. 17-19) and Disney’s Beauty and the Beast (Feb. 49) return to the Saenger Theatre. Actually, a mash-up of the two, with the classic tale told through Beatles song, would be something I’d really want to see! The Shadowbox Theater on St. Claude Avenue will also be hosting two different shows in the next few weeks.

First up is a remount of Jon Broder’s Tyler With A ‘T’: You Don’t Wanna Miss It One Man Musical Supershow Extravaganza which was recently seen at the N.O. Fringe Festival. This send-up of cabarets and rock concerts features Alex Martinez Wallace as the 9-year-old protagonist, Tyler, a star in his own mind. (Jan. 16-18) Tyler will be followed by An Outopia for Pigeons by Justin Maxwell, an absurdist comedy about extinction and hopelessness featuring Cotton Mather, Martha Washington—the historically real, last passenger pigeon—and a not-so-historic angry sperm whale named Charles Bronson. Bonnie Gable directs Rebecca Elizabeth Hollingsworth, Stacy A. Smith, James Patrick and Glenn Aucoin. Outopia runs February 6th through 23rd. Returning to politics, Southern Rep presents the National New Play Network Rolling World Premiere production of Peter Sinn Nachtrieb’s The Totalitarians, a dark, raucous comedy about the state of modern political discourse, relationships, and how easy it is to believe truths without facts, all set in Nebraska. The Totalitarians features Ben Carbo, Leon Contavesprie, Judith Hawking, and Jessica Podewell, and will be performed January 29 through February 23 in multiple spaces around Mid-City Theatre to deliver a uniquely participatory audience experience. I like the sound of that. Le Petit will also be in a political frame of mind with Golda’s Balcony by William Gibson (Jan. 24-Feb. 8), the longest-running one-woman show in Broadway history. Carl Walker directs Clare Moncrief as Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, who rose from an impoverished Russian childhood to become an international figure. Another national leader, though not as grandmotherly as Meir, will be seen when Skin Horse Theater presents its surreal version of Macbeth in what promises to be “what the Bard’s tale of bloodlust and betrayal might look like as filtered through the mind of David Lynch.” Dylan Hunter and Veronica HunsingerLoe will portray the doomed Scottish power couple, directed by Nat Kusinitz at The Tigermen Den (3113 Royal St.). Previews begin January 31 and the tragedy continues through February 18. On a lighter, but still regal note, Lisa

18 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • J an. 14-27, 2014 • Of fic ial Gay Mar di Gras Guide • GayMar diGras.COM Mardi

[continued on 19]

trodding the boards ...from 18 Picone and Dorian Rush are collaborating on The Queens of King: A Tribute to Carole King, a new cabaret show that will be at The AllWays Theatre on St. Claude. The show opens January 16 and runs until January 25. The Queens of King pays homage to King who wrote or co-wrote over 400 songs for 1,000+ recording artists. Picone and Rush will perform songs she made famous (I Feel The Earth Move, It’s Too Late, So Far Away) as well as songs she wrote that others made famous (Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow, (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman, You’ve Got A Friend). The music will span King’s career from the sixties to today. Unlike last year when there weren’t multiple productions of the same play, there’ll be two Cat on a Tin Roof’s opening on February 7, one at the Anthony Bean Community Theater (running through Feb. 23) and one at Furhmann Auditorium in Covington (through Feb. 16). And if that isn’t enough Cats for you, The NOLA Project will be mounting another one in March! Elsewhere on the North Shore, Jubilee Entertainment, a new production company, will present Jason Robert Brown’s Songs for a New World at the COPA in Covington, January 17-25. Over in Slidell, Cutting Edge Productions opens its season in the Attractions Salon with Cabaret (January 17-February 7). Katie Lynn Cotaya stars as the Kit Kat Klub’s Sally Bowles with Brian Fontenot as the Emcee, and Cutting Edge regulars Jim and Sara Pagones as Fraulein Schneider and Herr Schultz. Nearby, the Slidell Little Theatre will present that old chestnut Arsenic & Old Lace (Jan. 17-Feb. 2) but then gives us Radium Girls (Feb. 28-Mar. 16), an inspired-by-a-true-story drama set in 1926 involving Madame Curie, radium, luminous watch dials, and the girls who painted them. It’s gotten good reviews in previous productions elsewhere and I’m looking forward to it. Heading west, Under The Boardwalk is already running at Rivertown in Kenner. This original musical revue, created by New Orleans natives Richard Arnold and Kasey Marino, celebrates doo-wop and the Motown sound, and features Four Seasons and Beach Boys-like harmonies in such songs as My Girl, I Get Around, Walk Like a Man, Oh What a Night among many others. It continues through January 25.

24 through February 9. A comic tribute to the Bogart era, Murder is one of those interactive mysteries in which the audience votes on what they want the noirish detective to do next as he tracks down a killer. Was it the French madame/club manager, the voodoo priestess, the shyster British attorney, the black marketeer or the femme fatale? If you miss the denouement in Westwego, you’ll still have a chance to discover whodunit February 28March 2 when Murder transfers to the Northshore Harbor Center in Slidell. In addition to these extended Michael Taravella, Frank Von Hoven, Rich runs, there are some blink-andyou’ll-miss’em events coming up. Arnold & Marc Fouchi in Under The Sutton Foster and Seth Boardwalk Rudetsky return for this season’s On the West Bank, “Uncle” Wayne final installment of Broadway@NOCCA Daigrepont directs Murder at Café Noir at on January 27. When she was here in Jefferson Performing Arts Society’s March, she sang songs from Annie, Grease, Teatro Wego! in Westwego from January Les Miserables and Anything Goes. I

wonder what Foster, who proves you can be a diva and a really nice person, will have in store for us this time. While you’re at NOCCA, their Drama Department, whose Tartuffe in October was one of last year’s highlights, will be presenting Our Country’s Good, Timberlake Wertenbaker’s award-winning drama about a group of Royal Marines and convicts who put on a production of The Recruiting Officer in a penal colony in Australia in the 1780s. It runs January 2325. Want to see one of the stars of Pink Flamingos, Female Trouble, Polyester, Hairspray, Cry-Baby and Serial Mom up close and personal? Mink Stole, who has appeared in virtually all of John Waters’ films, brings her cabaret act to the AllWays on February 7 and 8. On January 25 at the Mahalia Jackson Theater, New Orleans Ballet Association presents Diavolo Dance Theater which redefines dance as an extreme sport. The Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra joins

Diavolo for the evening’s finale, Fluid Infinities, which is set to the music of Philip Glass and was commissioned by the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Long before Disney, Rodgers & Hammerstein or Stephen (Into the Woods) Sondheim created their versions of Cinderella, there was Jules Massenet’s Cendrillon. Having made its American debut in New Orleans in 1902, New Orleans Opera premieres a new production of this bonbon of a French opera on Valentine’s Day at the Mahalia Jackson with a repeat performance on February 16th. And on February 1, doors will open at The Eiffel Society (2040 Saint Charles Ave.) revealing an “enchanting, yet twisted love story” called Mascherarsi (Italian for “masquerade”). Inspired by literary classics and the music of Monteverdi and Mozart, the Reese Johanson Collective has created a cabaret/theater/rock opera experi-

[continued on 20]

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trodding the boards ...from 19

Enjoying Flip Side Bar & Patio

Broadway@NOCCA through January 27 Broadway@NOCCA returned to NOCCA, after Charles Busch’s Café Istanbul gig, with Alice Ripley, the 2009 Tony Award-winning Best Actress in a Musical for Next to Normal. Appearing on the frigidly cold recent Twelfth Night, Ripley entered the Nims Blackbox Theatre wearing a mask, beads and a snazzy red dress looking like she was ready to party. But as things progressed, the evening felt more like a wake than anything approaching a kickoff to Carnival season. Ripley began with the opening number from The Rocky Horror Show, Science Fiction/Double Feature (she was Janet Weiss in the 2000 Broadway revival), which seemed like a fun idea until she decided to do e-v-e-r-y verse at an extremely slow tempo. This was followed by Who Will Love Me As I Am?, the first act finale of Side Show, for which she and co-star Emily Skinner received a rare joint Best Actress Tony nomination. It’s a nice enough song and led into a charming story of her being recognized in an off-the-beaten-path locale in Hawaii by two guys who were about to be married and were going to use that song in their ceremony. But then came Lush Life and I’ve Been, the husband’s song in Next to Normal, and Karen Carpenter’s A Song For You and Joni Mitchell’s River and Les Miz’s On My Own, all introspective songs done at funereal tempi that drained the life out of them...and the audience. It’s a shame because Ripley seems like a sweet gal with a quirky personality and a droll sense of humor. Her finale, a suite of songs from Tommy (another Broadway show she was in) for which she accompanied herself on guitar was great—how cool to see a female rocker—but might have been even more effective had it been done earlier in the 90-minute set to change things up. At least, about two-thirds of the way through, a snippet from Company’s Getting Married Today and a tale involving Stephen Sondheim’s loafers perked things up. These led into a slambang version of The Ladies Who Lunch with Ripley’s keen acting skills adding another layer to Sondheim’s tart lyrics. And hearing her sing I Miss the Mountains, the breakout song she originated in Normal, was a treat. If her smoky alto voice, which with its warm timbre reminds one of a clarinet’s lower tones, had occasionally seemed a little ragged earlier, perhaps due to the weather and flight delays the night before, by Ladies and Mountains it sounded perfect. Jessica Means on piano was a sensitive accompanist but she’s no Seth Rudetsky. Of course, this was a different kind of evening, more cabaret than Q&A but, as with Charles Busch, Rudetsky’s exuberantly guiding presence was missed. It will be nice to have him back on January 27 for Sutton Foster’s return.

Happy New Year John, Amber & Lee


paparazzi Miss Empire State Gina Germaine

Happy Birthday Zac Miss USofA with Miss Venus

Order of Pan’s King Peter

Mobile’s Supreme

Mark & Nick with Miss Cie Miss Gay USofA ShaeShae LaReese @ B-Bob’s Miss Cie with John

B-Bob’s Realness Biloxi’s Just Us Bill Hincks @ B-Bob’s

Happy New Year Queen Michelle

Miss Rachel Meredith & Jawakatema @ B-Bob’s

20 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • J an. 14-27, 2014 • Of fic ial Gay Mar di Gras Guide • GayMar diGras.COM Mardi

Miss B-Bob’s 2014 ObSinity

All That & More! ~ Mobile, Alabama ~ Photos by Miss Cie & John

ence, with dinner, involving a love triangle amongst a Contessa, a Gondolier and a Maid. With mistaken identity, a magical mermaid and gypsy high jinks, it sounds like the perfect entertainment for the Carnival season!

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pensacola Excitement @ Emerald City ~ Pensacola, Florida ~ Photos by Lauren Mitchell


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NEXT Ambush DEADLINE Wednesday, Feb. 13 504.522.8049

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a community within communities

by The Rev. Bill Terry, Rector St. Anna’s Episcopal Church Email:

Whatever you do to the least of these you do to me. Homelessness on the home front is quite a different proposition than homelessness under the overpasses. Occasionally we see them clustered or alone with packs, bags, and shopping carts under the bridges in the Central Business District very close to The Mission. Just a few years ago there was a virtual tent city of them living in Parks throughout Downtown. They are still here

reVIEW... by Blanche Email: Photo by Larry Graham, GrahamStudioOne.COM

MAGAZINES... not the street... I don’t think I have ever admitted this in public or print but I am addicted to magazines. It started out very innocently many years ago. Before cable and the Internet if you wanted more than what ABC, NBC, CBS and AP and the UPI delivered to your house, magazines were the answer. You could go to the movies but publications such as PHOTOPLAY, SCREEN STARS, MODERN SCREEN, MOVIE LIFE, MOVIE STARS PARADE, MOVIE MIRROR and CONFIDENTIAL brought Hollywood into your home. It was the studio version of things but for a quarter you had candid pictures, most in color, and gossip written by Hedda Hopper, Louella Parsons, Rona Barrett, Rex Reed, etc. That was pretty exciting in small town Alabama in the 1960s. As I was discovering myself, I also discovered AFTER DARK magazine. Published from 1968 until the early 1980s, it was an entertainment magazine that covered theatre, cinema, ballet, performance art and various artists, singers, actors and actresses and dancers. It was a sorta “don’t ask, don’t tell” publication, geared to the gay community with lots of homoerotic photography but you could keep it on your coffee table. Similar in style was SHOW magazine, a pet project of A&P heir Huntington Hartford. It was more hetero in content but featured some excellent photography. It ceased publication in 1973 and should not be confused with the current SHOW MAGAZINE which is geared toward young urban men. Many magazines have changed over the years. Andy Warhol’s INTERVIEW is now just INTERVIEW. Originally printed on newspaper stock it was folded twice and arrived in a mailing sleeve, full of everything you needed to know about New York City and Hollywood... now it’s slicker and not quite so cutting edge. DETAILS, now a monthly men’s magazine, originally was about

the New York club scene. It was also printed on newspaper stock and full of pictures from Area, Limelight and Danceteria. Fashion was from TRASH AND VAUDEVILLE featuring punk rock and FIORUCCI home to disco and new wave. New Orleans native Bernard Zette was spotted often in the always changing installations at Area. IN TOUCH, now a staple at supermarket checkouts, was a porn magazine featuring the youngest of the certainly legal male models. UNCUT, now a movie and music mag from the UK, originally featured... well you guessed it. VANITY FAIR and THE NEW YORKER are two of the best magazines still printing. VANITY FAIR, published since 1983 in it’s present form features articles on popular culture, fashion and current affairs. THE NEW YORKER, published weekly since 1925, is a magazine of reportage, commentary, criticism, essays, fiction, satire, cartoons and poetry. It is known for it’s covers and cartoons. I need to add AMBUSH to the above mentioned publications. AMBUSH is celebrating 32 years with this edition. Congratulations to Rip and Marsha... many have come and gone over the years, but y’all are still going strong.

COMING ATTRACTIONS... ...The 71st Annual Golden Globe Awards were announced Sunday night, January 12. The 20th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards will be announced Saturday night, January 18 at 7pm on TNT and TBS. The 2014 Academy Award nominations will be announced Thursday morning, January 16 on Good Morning America. The 86th Annual Academy Awards will be presented March 2 on ABC.

if somewhat less visible. So what is the “Christian response” when a homeless person takes up residence on your own front stoop? How should it be handled? What care, if any, should be given? In the Prayers of the People found in the Episcopal Church’s Book of Common Prayer we read: “With all our heart and with all our mind, let us pray to the Lord, saying, “Lord have mercy.” For the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed and the destitute, for prisoners and captives, and for all who remember and care for them, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.” As the days grew short and the weather started to hint at winter during the Season that we call Advent, a man wandered onto the property located at 1519 Esplanade. We call this property Dodwell House. This historic house is under constant restoration and renovation with the hope of turning it into a community center for the people of Tremé and surrounding neighborhoods. Often volunteers can be seen entering, working, and giving of their time and labor in this exciting adventure. But this wandering man was not one of them. He is a homeless man. This wandering man, let’s call him Ishmael, is a man of the streets with no more than a few garbage bags for his possessions. Darryl Durham, the leader of the Tremé Community Chorus and Anna’s Arts for Kids program lives there in order to be a watchman for tools and work being done. Just so, the first encounter with Ishmael was a confrontation with Darryl. He claimed, in his tattered attire, that he owned the property and would have Darryl put out! Ishmael held a dirty ball cap in front of his lips to which he conversed in harried and confused ways. He pushed and shoved Darryl and forced his way onto the property itself. After a brief scuffle he was forced to stand outside the broken and falling gates of the property. What is the Christian response? Somewhat alarmed for his safety Darryl contacted the church. The response was factually that St. Anna’s called the Homeless Crisis Line, UNITY, and one other agency not now remembered. Each without compassion said, “Call the police.” What was the ChrisEllen DeGeneres will host. The ceremony has been pushed back due to the Olympics. ...DOWNTOWN ABBEY is back on PBS for Season 4. The show picks up six months after Matthews death. The series has already aired in the UK and has been renewed for Season 5. Sometime this month PBS will offer a Season 4 DVD for a $120 donation... if you can’t wait. ...The late-night talk show shakeup is coming soon. Jay Leno will go [continued on 28]

tian response? For Luigi the Parish Administrator making the calls he was stricken. He asked the priest simply, “Where is the compassion? They just don’t care!” So, a call was made to the First District Police precinct, the one covering this area. It seemed a bit of a waste of man power with all that is going on in the city. They said they would come and ‘take care of it.’ Even then, ‘taking care of it’ was in the form of loading Ishmael up into the police car and dropping him some blocks away. Yes, he found his way back to the Dodwell House that very day. You see, even though he is mentally disabled, at least appearing so, to bring in a person like this takes lots of time, lots of paper work, and as legend has it police hate to become bound in that process which takes them off the streets for the better part of a day. That was about five weeks ago now. At this point, passersby offer Ishmael some change, a plate of food. Why one good soul who ministers to the homeless came by and gave him socks (very important for those on the streets). As you pass by you can see Ishmael huddled on the front steps now surrounded with several large black garbage bags, he has set up a tent like place and has ‘borrowed’ a garbage can. He is setting up his home – yes like the nomadic Ishmael. He has been marginalized and institutionally dehumanized, again, not unlike Ishmael and the tribe of Abraham. He sits huddled up for the better part engaging a few in utterances and murmurs. For much of the day his ball cap is in front of those lips and he converses with it or into it. Darryl passes him each day wondering, “Will today be the day that he gets violent once again?” and “What can we do?” Our friend on the front stoop puts off volunteers not sure what to make of the situation. What is the Christian response to Ishmael? For us it is evident that he is a danger to himself from exposure, disease, and perhaps even the predatory behavior of some people. For us he is a passive threat to our own safety – not because he is mean or any such thing, but, rather he is mentally ill. Do we keep calling the police? Do we call a TV station to report? The bigger question is this, “Where is our compassion as citizens? Not to cast out or chase away but to care for those in need; real need. Over the next 72 hours our city will experience near freezing temperatures if not freezing. What shall we do? Do we take him in and enable him to continue his stoop life on the streets? Is that really what is best? We have done so in the past at our little church. In each case the situation ended poorly. Yes, Ishmael is but one man. For us he is an icon, an archetype, of a society that lives life in double standards of compassion. As it was said, “Remember, whatever you do to the least of these you do to me.”

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French Quarter/Faubourg Marigny/Bywater

accounting Mandeville LA [985] Shirley "Toni" McCord, CPA, #4 Sanctuary Blvd., Suite 304, 985.727.7797, Metairie, LA [504] Shirley "Toni" McCord, CPA, 3925 N. I-10 Service Rd., Suite 215, 504.888.8333,

alterations New Orleans, LA [504] Mr. Curtis Alterations, 529.3428

attorneys New Orleans, LA [504] Littlefield Law LLC, Attorney R. Kelp Littlefield, 639 Loyola Ave., Suite 1820, 504.525.1328 Tureau Legal, Troy A. Tureau , Attorney at Law, 8303 Pritchard Place, 70118, 504.602.9511,

bars Mobile, AL [251] B-Bob's Downtown, 213 Conti St., 433.2262, B-Bobs.COM Flip Side Bar & Patio, 54 S. Conception St., 431.8819, FlipSideBarPatio.COM

GABRIEL'S DOWNTOWN, 55 South Joachim St., 432.4900 THE MIDTOWN PUB, 153 Florida St., 450.1555 Pensacola, FL [850] EMERALD CITY, 408 E. Wright St., 433.9491, EmeraldCityPensacola.COM THE ROUNDUP, 560 East Heinberg St., 433.8482 Baton Rouge, LA [225] GEORGE'S, 860 St. Louis, 387.9798, HOUND DOGS, 668 Main St., 344.0807 SPLASH, 2183 Highland Rd., 242.9491, SplashBR.COM Lafayette, LA [337] BOLT NIGHTCLUB, 116 E. Vermillion, 524.1380 Lake Charles, LA [337] CRYSTAL'S, 112 W. Broad, 433.5457 Metairie, LA [504] 4-SEASONS / PATIO BAR, 3229 N. Causeway, 832.0659, CLUB LAX, 2301 N. Causeway, 834.7979 New Orleans, LA [504] 700 CLUB, 700 Burgundy, 561.1095, BIG DADDY'S, 2513 Royal, 948.6288 BOURBON PUB & PARADE, 801 Bourbon St., 529.2107, BourbonPub.COM CAFÉ LAFITTE IN EXILE, 901 Bourbon Street 522.8397, Lafittes.COM CORNER POCKET, 940 St. Louis, 568.9829, CornerPocket.NET COUNTRY CLUB, 634 Louisa St., TheCountryClubNewOrleans.COM, 945.0742

CUTTER'S, 706 Franklin, 948.4200 THE DOUBLE PLAY, 439 Dauphine, 523.4517 THE FRIENDLY BAR, 2301 Chartres, 943.8929 GOLDEN LANTERN, 1239 Royal, 529.2860, Facebook.COM/GoldenLanternBar GOOD FRIENDS BAR, 740 Dauphine St, 566.7191, GoodFriendsBar.COM KAJUN'S PUB, 2256 St. Claude Ave., 947.3735, KajunPub.COM LE ROUNDUP, 819 St. Louis, 561.8340 LOUIE'S @ CONGO SQUARE, 700 N. Rampart, 252.4558 LUCKY PIERRE'S, 735 Bourbon St., 586.1836, MICHAEL'S ON THE PARK, 834 N. Rampart St., 267.3615, MichaelsOnThePark.COM OZ NEW ORLEANS, 800 Bourbon, 593.9491, OzNewOrleans. COM PHOENIX/EAGLE, 941 Elysian Fields, 945.9264, NewOrleansPhoenix.COM RAWHIDE 2010, 740 Burgundy St., 525.8106, Rawhide2010.COM RAINBOW ROOM, 632 Bourbon St., enter thru Fishbowl, 994.1036, Facebook.COM/ rainbowroomonbourbon TROPICAL ISLE: Home of the Hand Grenade, 721 Bourbon St., 529.4109, TropicalIsle.COM VOODOO BAR, 718 N. Rampart, 265.0953 Slidell, LA [985] BILLY'S, 2600 Hwy. 190 West, 847.1921 Biloxi, MS [228] CLUB VEAUX, 834 Howard Ave., 207.3271 Houston, TX [713] NEON BOOTS DANCEHALL & SALOON, 11410 Hempstead Hwy., 677.0828,

costumes New Orleans, LA [504] QT PIE BOUTIQUE - 241 Dauphine St., 581. 6633

florists Baton Rouge, LA [225] FOUR SEASONS FLOWERS & GIFTS, 3482 Drusilla Ln., Drusilla Shopping Center, 924.1386, 1.800.237.5381

framing New Orleans, LA [504] ANGLE CUSTOM FRAMES, 4422 Magazine St., 269.3726

galleries New Orleans, LA [504] Court Yard Gallery, 1129 Decatur, 330.0134

guides America Damron Travel Guide, 800.462.6654, Gulf South/United States AMBUSH Mag, 828-A Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116-3137; 504.522.8049, AmbushMag.COM; International GayBars.COM, 828-A Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116-3137; 504.522.8049,



New Orleans, LA [504] Club New Orleans, 515 Toulouse, 581.2402,

New Orleans, LA [504] QUARTERMASTER DELI, THE NELLIE DELI, 1100 Bourbon, 529.1416

body rubs

hair salons

New Orleans, LA [504] Cum & Get A Rub Down-Good looking, middle age (but look younger), white guy, available for full body rub downs, servicing the FQ, DT hotels, guest houses, B&Bs, the Marigny & Bywater. Your place only, late night availability too, seniors welcome. Call Allen @ 504.250.8356. [is114]

New Orleans, LA [504] BOBBY BLUE CONTEMPORARY BARBER & BEAUTY PARLOR, 906 Bourbon St., 527.5100 FEE & ARTS REVIVAL STUDIO, 834 Chartres, 917.318.4300 HEAD QUARTERS HAIR SALON, 900 Rue Dauphine, 522.2666 MICKEY NOLAN'S SALON, 815 Toulouse St., 587.7782 SALON D'MALTA, 1233 Decatur, 565.5555, SalonDMalta.COM

book stores New Orleans, LA [504] FAB - Faubourg Marigny Art & Books, 600 Frenchmen St., 947.3700

chiropractic New Orleans, LA [504] DR. MICHAEL LECHLEITER, D.C., 1526 Magazine, 566.1833 [is114]

circuit/events Feb. 28-Mar. 4, 2014, Official Gay Mardi Gras, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush, GayMardiGras.COM Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014, 15th Official Gay Easter Parade, New Orleans, sponsored by Ambush, GayEasterParade.COM May 23-26, 2014 Memorial Day Weekend, Pensacola, FL, sponsored by Ambush, GayPensacola.COM Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 2014, 43rd Official Southern Decadence Celebration of Gay Life, Music & Culture, end of Summer Blowout including the Southern Decadence Parade & loads of activities, bringing over 150,000 revelers to New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush & SouthernDecadence.COM Oct. 23-26, 2014, Halloween 31, benefiting Project Lazarus, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by AmbushMag.COM, HalloweenNewOrleans.COM Dec. 26, 2014-Jan. 1, 2015, Gay New Year's in New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, GayNewOrleans.COM

hardware New Orleans, LA [504] MARY'S FRENCH QUARTER HARDWARE, 732 N. Rampart, 529.4465

lodging/accommodations New Orleans [504] AARON INGRAM HAUS, 1012 Elysian Fields, New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE: 504.949.3110, E-mail us at Condos with queensize beds, private entrances; located only six blocks from Bourbon Street and walking distance to most New Orleans attractions. Several favorite bars are within one block. [0713] BURGUNDY BED AND BREAKFAST, 2513 Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE/FAX: 504.942.1463, Toll Free (Continental US only): 1.800.970.2153,, E-mail us at Gay owned and operated in newly renovated 1890's double. Four guest rooms with private baths, guests' parlor and "halfkitchen", courtyard and half-open tubhouse with spa (hot tub/whirlpool). Clothing optional in sunbathing and hot tub area. Walking distance to French Quarter. Immediate vicinity of gay and lesbian bars/venues. [0813] Chateau LeMoyne French Quarter 301 Dauphine St., New Orleans, LA 70112, Phone: 504.581.1303, http://

26 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • J an. 14-27, 2014 • Of fic ial Gay Mar di Gras Guide • GayMar diGras.COM Mardi

new-orleans. Enjoy a stay enriched with the culture and history of New Orleans at Chateau LeMoyne. Our historic building features all the best of old-time architecture and our prime location allows guests to stay just steps from the French Quarter, while still at enough distance to enjoy a peaceful night’s rest. Versatile guest accommodations include charmingly appointed suites and cottages, while on-site amenities include drinks and dining, a scenic courtyard area and pool, and meeting and event space. When you’re ready to explore, top New Orleans attractions are only moments away. We look forward to welcoming you to the “Big Easy.” THE FRENCH QUARTER GUEST HOUSES, 1005 St. Peter, New Orleans, LA 70116, Phone: 877-681-5087 Email: Four meticulously restored boutique Inns located in the heart of the French Quarter’s most popular LGBT neighborhood. Each building’s individual character and charm provides an unforgettably authentic French Quarter experience! FRENCH QUARTER SUITES HOTEL, 1119 North Rampart St, New Orleans, LA 70116, Phone 504.524.7725, Toll Free: 800.457.2253,FrenchQuarterSuites.COM. Email us at Official Host Hotel of OZ New Orleans. A locally owned and operated French Quarter hotel that has been beautifully transformed into spacious multi-bedroom suites. Several historical townhouses are also available to accommodate larger groups of up to 26. Just 3 blocks from Bourbon St., free WiFi, swimming pool, and continental breakfast included. Off street parking is available. MARIGNY MANOR HOUSE, 2125 N. Rampart St., New Orleans, LA 70116, PHONE: 504.943.7826, Toll Free: 877.247.7599,, E-mail us at info@MarignyManorHouse.COM. 1840’s Grand Greek Revival guest house, large spacious bedrooms, private baths, antique 4 poster queen beds, wireless internet access, tv/vcr/dvd/cable, telephone, complimentary continental breakfast and off street parking. [0114] NEW ORLEANS COURTYARD HOTEL, 1101 North Rampart St, New Orleans, LA 70116, Phone 504.522.7333, Toll Free: 800.457.2253, NOCourtyard.COM. Email us at, Official Host Hotel of OZ New Orleans. A 19th century home that has been historically restored and transformed into a locally owned and operated hotel. Experience the rich history and hospitality of New Orleans at an affordable price. Just 3 blocks from Bourbon St, free Wi-Fi, swimming pool, and continental breakfast included. Off street parking is available. BON MAISON GUEST HOUSE, 835 Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116, 504.561.8498 BOURGOYNE GUEST HOUSE, 839 Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116, 504.524.3621

marketing & printing New Orleans, LA [504] SIR SPEEDY, 343 Carondelet, 586.9812, 586.9817, offering printing and marketing services including web design and hosting.,

massage New Orleans, LA [504] RIGHT TOUCH MASSAGE -- Christopher - Full body therapeutic massage (Swedish/Deep Tissue); heated table; private studio; tropical garden; Faubourg Marigny Area, French Quarter. Upgrade (Salt Scrubs Bodywork & Thai/Sport Stretching massage). Call/text 504.458.5996 / For pictures License #LA4553 [is2614]

522.8049, AmbushMag.COM; email: AMBUSHonLINE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137; 522.8049,, email:

museum/arts Baton Rouge, LA [225] LOUISIANA ARTS AND SCIENCE CENTER / RIVERSIDE MUSEUM, 100 S. River Road, 344.5272 LOUISIANA GOVERNOR'S MANSION, 1001 Capitol Access Rd., 342.5855 LOUISIANA STATE ARCHIVES, 3851 Essen Ln. LOUISIANA STATE CAPITOL, State Capitol Dr. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY HILLTOP ARBORETUM, 11855 Highland Rd., 767.6916 LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY RURAL LIFE MUSEUM, I-10 at Essen Lane, 765.2437 LSU MUSEUM OF NATURAL SCIENCE and MUSEUM OF GEOSCIENCE, LSU Campus, 388.2855 MAGNOLIA MOUND PLANTATION, 2161 Nicholson Dr., 343.4955 OLD ARSENAL MUSEUM, State Capitol Complex, 342.0401 OLD BOGAN FIRE STATION, 427 Laurel St., 344.8558 OLD GOVERNOR'S MANSION, 502 North Blvd., 344.5272 OLD PENTAGON BARRACKS, State Capitol Dr. at River Road, 342.1866 OLD STATE CAPITOL, 100 North Blvd. at River Road, 342.0500 or 342.4479 USS KIDD/NAUTICAL HISTORICAL CENTER, Government St. at River Rd., 342.1942 New Orleans, LA [504] BEAUREGARD-KEYES HOUSE, 1113 Chartres, 523.7257, Mon-Sat 10am-3pm CABILDO, 701 Chartres, Jackson Square, Tues-Sun 10am-5pm CAC [Contemporary Arts Center], 900 Camp St., 528.3805, EDGAR DEGAS HISTORIC HOME, 2306 Esplanade Avenue, tours by appointment: 504.821.5009, the house tour lasts one hour, is led by a great-grand-niece of Degas, and includes the award-winning documentary video, Degas in New Orleans: A Creole Sojourn 1850 HOUSE, 523 St. Ann, Tues-Sun 10am5pm GALLIER HOUSE, 1132 Royal, 523.6722, Mon-Fri 10am-3:30pm GERMAINE WELLS MARDI GRAS MUSEUM, 2nd Floor Arnaud's, 819 Bienville HERMANN-GRIMA HISTORIC HOUSE, 820 St. Louis, 525.5661, Mon-Fri 10am-3:30pm HISTORICAL PHARMACY MUSEUM, 514 Chartres, 524.9077, Daily 10am-5:30pm HISTORIC NEW ORLEANS COLLECTION, 533 Royal, 523.4662, Tues-Sat 10am-4:45pm LONGUE VUE HOUSE AND GARDENS, 7 Bamboo Rd, Metairie, 488.5488, Mon-Sat 10am4:30pm, Sun 1-5pm MUSEE CONTI HISTORICAL WAX MUSEUM, 917 Conti, 525.2605, Daily 10am-5:30pm NATIONAL D-DAY MUSEUM, 945 Magazine, 527.6012 NEW ORLEANS MUSEUM OF ART, City Park, 1 Collins Diboll Circle, 488.2631, Tues-Sun 10am-5pm OGDEN MUSEUM OF SOUTHERN ART, 925 Camp St., 539.9600 OLD U.S. MINT, 400 Esplanade, Tues-Sun 10am-5pm PRESBYTERE, 751 Chartres, Jackson Square, Tues-Sun 10am-5pm ST. LOUIS CATHEDRAL, Jackson Square, Mon-Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 1:30-5pm



New Orleans [504] SKULLY'Z RECORDZ, 907 Bourbon St., 592.4666

New Orleans, LA [504] AMBUSH Mag, Official Gay Easter Parade Guide, Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide, Official Gay New Orleans Guide, Official Gulf South Guide, Official Pride Guide, Official Southern Decadence Guide, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137,

organizations Mobile, AL ALABAMA PRIDE FEST, MobileAlabamaPride.COM GULF COAST BEARS & LEATHER AS-

SOCIATION, THE SOUTHERN RENEGADES, a Levi/ Leather Club, Pensacola, FL [850] APPETITE FOR LIFE, INC., provides 2 nutritionally balanced meals a day-lunch & dinner, for some 60 men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS, 1842 West Cervantes St.; Mail: P.O. Box 308, 32592-0308; 470.9111, Fax: 470.0201, GULF COAST TIDE, INC. w w w . G u l f C o a s t T I D E . o r g ; Alexandria, LA [318] CLASS [Central Louisiana AIDS Support Services], 103 Bolton Ave., 71301; 1.800.444.7993, 442. 1 0 1 0, FAX: 443.5216 Baton Rouge, LA [225] AIDSLaw of Louisiana, 4560 North Boulevard, Suite 118, 302.5968, HAART (HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region Two), 4550 North Blvd., #250, 927.1269, Fax: 927.7367,, GBLSU [Gays, Bisexuals, Lesbians & Supporters United], glsapres@unixl.sncc., Kristy Price, President, 388.5160 KREWE OF APOLLO / BATON ROUGE, PO Box 3591, 70821; KREWE OF DIVAS,, 343.0380 LAMBDA GROUP, 2937 Greenwood Dr., PO Box 82775, 70884-2775, 907.3665,, METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH OF BATON ROUGE, 7747 Tom Drive, 70806, Worship Sunday, 11am, Bible Study Wednesday, 7pm, 225.248.0404, PFLAG Baton Rouge, President Harold Truax, 225.218.8320 Lafayette, LA [337] ACADIANA CARES [Concern for AIDS Relief, Education, and Support], PO Box 386, Lafayette, LA 70502; 203 W. 3rd St., 70501; 233.2437, FAX: 235.4178; 800.354.2437 KREWE OF APOLLO / LAFAYETTE, PO Box 53251, 70505 PFLAG/LAFAYETTE, PO Box 31078, 70503 ROYAL ORDER OF UNICORN, PO Box 3985, 70502 Monroe, LA [318] GO CARE 2121 Justice, 71201, 325.1092 New Orleans, LA [504] ACLU and ACLU Foundation of Louisiana, P.O. Box 56157, New Orleans, LA 70156, 504.522.0628 x25, Fax: 888.537.0384, AIDS HOTLINE, 821.6050 in New Orleans, 1.800.99.AIDS[2437]-9 toll free statewide AIDSLaw of Louisiana, 3801 Canal St., Suite 331, 568.1631, ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, 838.3399 BELLE REVE NEW ORLEANS, AIDS Residence for Families, PO Box 3305, 70177; 945.9455 BROTHERHOOD, INC., To decrease the spread of AIDS and HIV among African Americans, 1661 Canal St., Suite 3230, 70112; 566.7955 COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK, a project of the NO/AIDS Task Force which works with the gay community to implement HIV prevention activities, 507 Frenchmen St., 945.4000, COPS 8 (Citizens' Organization for Police Support in the 8th District), 840 N. Rampart St., #51, 70116; 588.COPS (2677), FOOD FOR FRIENDS, 944.6028 FORUM FOR EQUALITY, 336 Lafayette, Suite 200, 70130; 947.2981, ForumForEquality.COM FRIDAY NIGHT BEFORE MARDI GRAS (FNBMG), PO Box 791376, New Orleans, LA 70179-1376; 733.3311,, GAY APPRECIATION AWARDS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137; 522.8049; AmbushMag.COM/GAA GAY COUNSELING LINE, 833.1500 GAY EASTER PARADE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049,, GayEasterParade.COM GAY MARDI GRAS, 828-A Bourbon St.,

70116-3137, 504.522.8049, GayMardiGras.COM GAY NEW ORLEANS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, GayNewOrleans.COM HALLOWEEN IN NEW ORLEANS, INC., PO Box 52171, 70152-2171; halloween HATE CRIMES NATIONAL HOTLINE, 206.350.HATE (4283), National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800.799.SAFE (7233), Hate Crimes Hotline at the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 800.552.6843 KREWE OF AMON-RA, PO Box 7033, Metairie, LA 70010, KreweOfAmonRa.COM KREWE OF ARMEINIUS, PO Box 56638, New Orleans, LA 70156-6638, KREWE OF MWINDO, PO Box 51031, 70156; 913.5791, KreweOfMwindo.ORG, KREWE OF PETRONIUS, 1701 Frenchmen St., New Orleans, LA. 70116 KreweOfPetronius.ORG, KREWE OF QUEENATEENAS / KING CAKE QUEEN ROYALTY CLUB, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 522.8049, GayMardiGras.COM/KCQ KREWE OF URSUS, LaCARP [Louisiana Community AIDS Research Program], 584.1971 LA-LIFT, Social Club for Lesbians, age 50+, who have fun together on weekends. E-mail: LAMBDA CENTER, 831 Elysian Fields Ave., 70117 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF NEW ORLEANS, 234 Loyola, Suite 421, 70112; 581.9106 LORDS OF LEATHER, P.O. Box 770435, New Orleans, LA 70117-4035, LordsOfLeather.COM

Metropolitan Community Church of New Orleans, services at 10am, 6200 St Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118; 504.270.1MCC MCLNO HOP Clinic, 136 S. Roman Street, 4th Floor, New Orleans, LA 70112; Appts.: 504.903.6959, MYSTIC KREWE OF SATYRICON, 2443 Halsey Ave., New Orleans, LA 70114, 504.906.7990 Todd J. Blauvelt / Secretary,, MysticKreweOfSatyricon.COM NEW ORLEANS BEAR AND BEAR TRAPPER SOCIAL CLUB, P.O. Box 57756, New Orleans, LA 70157-7756, 504.452.3564, NEW ORLEANS GAY MEN’S CHORUS, 322.7007,; NEW ORLEANS JAZZ & HERITAGE FESTIVAL, NO/AIDS TASK FORCE, 2601 Tulane Ave., Suite 500, 70119; 821.2601; NOAIDSTaskForce.COM N'R Peace, 3201 Gen. DeGaulle Dr., Suite 201, 70114, 364.1950 PEOPLE OF SUBSTANCE, INC. (POS), 7210 Arbor Dr., 70126, 244.1920, PFLAG/NO [Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays/ New Orleans], PO Box 15515, 70175; 895.3936, 392.0001,, PRIDE NEW ORLEANS CELEBRATION NOLAPride.ORG PROJECT LAZARUS, A Residence for PWAs, PO Box 3906, 70177-3906; 949.3609 REGIONALAIDS INTERFAITH NETWORK [RAIN], 523.3755 RENEGADE BEARS OF LOUISIANA, PO Box 3083, New Orleans, LA 70177; SOFTBALL LEAGUE – Great fun for all skill levels, beginner to advanced. Visit for full details and find us on Facebook. SOUTHERN DECADENCE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, SouthernDecadence.COM ST. ANNA'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 1313 Esplanade Avenue New Orleans, LA 70116 947.2121, Until It Is OVER, Inc., Executive Director

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Don S. Evans, Sr., 5837 De Bore Drive, New Orleans, Louisiana 70126, Phone 504 722 1694, Fax 504 286 5784 VOLLEYBALL NEW ORLEANS, PO Box 13306, 70185-3306;, WILLIAM J. FANNING FOUNDATION [Buzzy’s Boys & Girls], 2301 Chartres, 70117; 943.8929 Shreveport, LA [318] PHILADELPHIA CENTER, PO Box 44454, 71134-4454; 222.6633 YWCAAIDS MINORITY COMMUNITY OUTREACH, 700 Pierre Ave., 71103; 226.8717

pets New Orleans, LA [504] DR. MIKE'S ANIMAL HOUSE, 1120 N. Rampart, 523.4455

pharmacy Baton Rouge, LA [225] AVITA DRUGS SPECIALIZED PHARMACY, free discrete delivery serving Louisiana, Mississippi & Texas. Certified pharmacists caring for HIV/AIDS, new-to-market & hard-to-find medications including Serostim. Local pharmacy that supports the LGBT community. www.AvitaPharmacy.COM. New Orleans, LA [504] MUMFREY'S PHARMACY, 1021 W. Judge Perez Dr., Chalmette, LA 70043, 504.279.6312, www.MumfreysPharmacy.COM. Supporting & serving the LGBT Community for over 20 years. Local pharmacy offering personalized family-like service, automatic refills & free metro wide confidential pickup & delivery. Also offering shipping for out-side our delivery area. When you call us you speak to a person, not a machine. See our ad.

photography New Orleans, LA [504] Arthur Severio Photography, 834 Chartres, New Orleans, LA 70116, 917.318.4300, ArthurSeverio.COM GRAHAM/STUDIO ONE NEW ORLEANS, by appointment,

real estate New Orleans, LA [504] Gay-Owned Agency — New Orleans Relocation LLC, Mark Boline, Realtor/Broker,, 504.273.0088, 1027 Touro

Street, New Orleans, LA 70116. Visit to search all NOLA properties for sale. Latter & Blum INC/French Quarter, Steve Richards, LGBT Realtor, 712 Orleans @ Royal, Cell: 504.258.1800, Office: 504.529.8140, Website:, Email: LATTER & BLUM, Agent Brian M. Pawlowski,, Agent Stace McDonald,, 840 Elysian Fields, 451.2495

restaurants Mandeville, LA [985] The Po-Boy Shack, 1703 N. Causeway Blvd., 626.1303 New Orleans, LA [504] Borracho @ Kajun's Pub, 2256 St. Claude, 267.6108. Clover Grill, 900 Bourbon St., 598.1010, CloverGrill.COM Country Club Restaurant, 634 Louisa St., TheCountryClubNewOrleans.COM, 945.0742 Deanie's Seafood, French Quarter: 841 Iberville, 581.4141; Bucktown: 1713 Lake Ave., Metairie, 831.1316; Deanies.COM Fatoush Mediterranean Grill, Coffee House & Juice Bar, 2372 St. Claude Ave., #130, FatoushRestaurantNOLA.COM, 504.371.5074 Gene's Po-Boys, 1040 Elysian Fields, 943.3861 Krystal, 116 Bourbon at Canal, 523.4030 Lil Vic's Rosticceria, 719 Toulouse, 304.1238 Louisiana Pizza Kitchen, 95 French Market Pl., 522.9500 Mona Lisa Restaurant, 1212 Royal St., 522.6746 Organic Banana, 1100 N. Peters, Bay 27, 587.7903 Orleans Grapevine Wine Bar & Bistro, 720 Orleans Quartermaster: The Nellie Deli, 1100 Bourbon St. , 529.1416, QuartermasterDeli.NET The Ruby Slipper, 2001 Burgundy, 525.9355, TheRubySlipperCafe.Net

reVIEW ...from 24 away... again. THE TONIGHT SHOW HIT PARADE, 741 Bourbon St., Facebook.COM/HitParadeNOLA MARY'S FRENCH QUARTER KITCHEN & BATH, 732 N. Rampart, 529.4465 QT PIE BOUTIQUE - 241 Dauphine St., 581. 6633 RAB DAB CLOTHING AND GIFTS, 918 Royal St., 525.6662 SECOND SKIN LEATHER, 521 St. Philip, 561.8167 XXX SHOP EROTIC BOUTIQUE, 1835 N. Rampart St., 232.3063

spas Metairie, LA [504] Body, Health & Wellness, 3262 Severn Ave., 267.4549 New Orleans, LA [504] Club New Orleans, 515 Toulouse, 581.2402, Planet Beach, A Contempo Spa, 301 Burgundy St., 525.8266, PlanetBeach.COM

theatres New Orleans, LA [504] ALLWAYS LOUNGE & THEATRE, 2240 St Claude Ave., TheAllwaysLounge.NET CAFE ISTANBUL, 2372 St. Claude Ave., #140, 504.974.0786, CafeIstanbulNOLA.COM JOY THEATER, 1200 Canal St., 208.1180, MAHALIA JACKSON THEATRE OF PERFORMING ARTS, 801 N. Rampart, Armstrong Park,, 525.1052 MID-CITY THEATRE, 3240 Toulouse, 488.1460, MidCityTheatre.COM NEW ORLEANS FRINGE FESTIVAL, NOFringe.ORG Slidell, LA [985 CUTTING EDGE THEATER, 742 Robert Blvd., 649.3727, CuttingEdgeTheater,COM



New Orleans, LA [504] BOURBON PRIDE, 909 Bourbon, 566.1570 COK (Clothing or Kinkl), 941 Elysian Fields, 945.9264

New Orleans, LA [504] Gay New Orleans Walking Tour, Crescent City Tour Booking Agency, 638 St. Ann St., 568.0717. follow Gay New Orleans Walking Tour @ Facebook.COM

starring JIMMY FALLON debuts Monday, February 17 on NBC from NYC. LATE NIGHT with SETH MEYERS starts February 24th following Jimmy. LAST CALL with CARSON DALY will follow Seth. This will leave Jimmy Kimmel, Craig Ferguson, Arsenio Hall and Conan O’Brian in Hollywood. This will also put Jimmy Fallon directly up against David Letterman, same town, same time slot. I have always been Dave, not Jay... so this will be very interesting. ...SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE has finally added a black female comedian to it’s cast. Sasheer Zamata will replace Maya Rudolph who left in 2007... yes 2007. Kenen Thompson can finally hang up his wigs and heels. Zamata starts January 18 when Drake host and is the musical guest. ...Congratulations to Lily Tomlin and Jane Wagner on their New Year's Eve wedding, this according to Liz Smith, Chicago Tribune gossip columnist. They have been together 42 years. I was a backstage groupie at the Bama Theater in Tuscaloosa, Alabama in 1976 when Ms. Tomlin was touring her one-woman show. She hit Broadway in 1977, the same year I hit New Orleans...

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Frankie Fierce pre-b-day crawl @ Michael’s On The Park

Always a great time @ Fatoush Restaurant NOLA


paparazzi Sandy Sachs & Whitney Walters engaged NYE @ Bourbon Pub & Parade

Cindy & Butch join Frankie Fierce @ Oz

Jim Lewis @ NO/AIDS Clinic 2014 New Year baby Andrew on the Bar @ The Corner Pocket Frankie Fierce on another pre-bday crawl @ Louie’s

Manager Richard with Miss Mascara Charlie @ Rawhide

Luis @ NO/AIDS Task Force

Blanche Debris & Raven Kennedy host Sunday Dingo @ Oz

Pensacola’s Roy & Sister Suzie @ Oz

Corner Pocket's New Year baby J.T. giving baby Mike a helping hand

Transgender of the Year Chi Chi Rodriguez in show night @ Oz Irish Mike & Greg ring in the New Year @ Ninth Circle

Catch Brandon @ The Country Club

Lisa Beaumann in show night @ Oz

Frankie Fierce pre-b-day crawl @ Good Friends

Albert, Jobie, Beaux & Charles Albert Carey’s NYE Party

Marvin, Richard, Cheryl, Laura & Robbie @ Cheryl Lemoine’s holiday party

30 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • J an. 14-27, 2014 • Of fic ial Gay Mar di Gras Guide • GayMar diGras.COM Mardi

Autour de la Ville (Around Town) ~ New Orleans ~ Photos by Charles, Jenkins, Paul Melancon

Devrim, Alexandria & Chef Bekir welcome you to Fatoush



La Scène des Clubs (The Club Scene) ~ New Orleans ~ Photos by Paul Melancon, Rip Naquin

GM Eric welcomes you to Rainbow Room direct from Bourbon St.

Country Club’s Bert, John & Todd New Year’s @ Ninth Circle

Kymber Devine direct from Galveston in Legends On The Park @ Michael’s

Lil slinging cocktails @ Voodoo Dancer Jax in the VIP Lounge @ Rainbow Room

Deals, Dares & Dancers with Posiedon, Frankie Fierce & Mike @ Oz

Antoine & new Louie’s @ Congo Square bar baron Kenneth Matherne

VIP Lounge bartender John @ Rainbow Room

Frankie & Miss Love pop in to Louie’s @ Congo Square

Frankie signs posters for Karli & Lana on his pre-birthday kickoff bar crawl @ Oz

Frankie getting a little Persana juice for his pre-b-day @ Oz

John works it out for Deals, Dares & Dancers @ Oz

Bartender Wayne & bar baron James toast in the New Year @ The Golden Lantern Creig & Ranzy join Deals, Dares & Dancers @ Oz

Dancer Carmine @ Rainbow Room June & Andrew with dancer Mike @ Oz’s Deals, Dares & Dancers

Cortland & Herb from Knoxville @ Rainbow Room

Estelle, Regina & Miss Love in for Legends On The Park @ Michael’s

Frankie’s pre-birthday kickoff with Miss Matherne @ Louie’s @ Congo Square

Bartenders Jeff, Aletha & Wilhemina ring in the New Year @ Lafitte’s

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32 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • J an. 14-27, 2014 • Of fic ial Gay Mar di Gras Guide • GayMar diGras.COM Mardi

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