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Comics, Puzzles & Horoscopes

HOROSCOPES Messages from the Oracle in New Orleans

Dan Beck, #1 Astrologer in New Orleans dan@innermakeup.net

Y’all have been reading this column since its inception last August. Inceptions are important, as they are the beginning of something *hopefully* special. I’ve always written this column with the intent to entreat you, dear reader, to stop, observe the moment in which you find yourself, and participate in a ritual with your horoscope.

This is not much different from what I do with clients, as I believe astrology is an interpretive analysis and divinatory art. There is no stopping you from partaking in such activities, whatever your spiritual level. I don’t write these words to abstractly consider the philosophical underpinnings of astrology, rather to emphasize why astrology is so critical and immediately applica

ble at this moment.

Many of you might read this column seeking answers to what your future holds. If the future is preordained, do you really want to know the future? Maybe. But the more radical approach to divination is to acknowledge that we have some say over our future and perhaps much more free will than we might imagine. Thus, fate and free will clash.

There is fate, but what we do with fate might be free will. It’s a paradox, and reminds me of the two-headed god Janus whose heads face in two directions—one to the future, and one to the past. It is easy to rationalize the past and say things “were always meant to be that way” i.e. they were fated. If you look back, however, like one side of Janus’ head, there were probably some moments where you could have done something like read a horoscope or at least thought before you acted. Those turning points at opportune moments hold the keys to a different, hopefully brighter, future. So which deity can help you choose the best door, like the TV show Let’s Make a Deal? Ops.

Ops is the Grandmommy of astrology. Recall that Ops was the wife of Saturn, and after a prophecy foretelling the overthrowing of Saturn by his children, Saturn began to eat his progeny. Ops saved Jupiter and tricked Saturn into swallowing a rock instead of Jupiter, allowing her to clandestinely raise him. Later, mother and son got togeth

er to free the rest of the kids, Neptune, Pluto, Juno, Ceres, and Vesta. Ops not only symbolizes hope, but the Latin translation of this Goddess’ name means “riches, goods, abundance, and plenty.” Ops is a timely symbol of facing harsh realities while embracing optimism and ultimately coming into abundance.

I’ve talked quite a bit about Saturn in this column, on my website, and most succinctly on my Inner Makeup Astrology YouTube page. Working with Saturn can yield great results, but for the purposes of this column, and because of the saturnian, restricting, malefic influences we’re feeling this year, I’m focusing solely on Ops. Ops’ journey through the second half of the

year is best described as the Phoenix rising from the ashes, the story of the bird who cyclically dies and then rises again. This has practical applications for each of you.

Generally speaking, Ops is asking you to review and renegotiate all of your dealings with other people in the realm of joint finances, taxes, deep sexuality, and business. The phrase “getting into bed together” takes on the most potent and deadliest of meanings. As Joan Rivers said, “At the end of the day, it’s all business.”

After you’ve reviewed all of your contracts, social, financial, & otherwise, and have made the hard choices necessary for your survival, you rise from the ashes come the end of September at the fall equinox. Towards the end of the year, you begin to find a modicum of stability, and by early 2021, you’ll be seeing the future much more clearly. This is when Saturn and Ops join together in the sign Aquarius, the sign of the future (think of the song).

Hopefully by then Ops and Saturn will have worked out their marital difficulties!


March 21 - April 19

You’ve been going through a metaphorical psychological review recently. It almost feels as if you’re being interrogated by some sort of demon from the underworld. This is not easy stuff, but come autumn, you rise from the ashes. Transformation is necessary, and is the only constant in life.


April 20 - May 20

You feel as if your partner is subverting you. It might be, however, that you’re paranoid. Fear and mistrust will only pave the way for a potential breakup. It may in fact be that your significant other is trying to help you. Going on a witch hunt is not the way to address your feelings of insecurity.


May 21 - June 20

You’re reevaluating your sexual health, and the question arises, what do you desire on a daily level? The answer might not be as sexy as you like. Simple pleasures in small doses, however, often yield better results than periodic ecstatic thrills. Think of the long term.


June 21 - July 22

You’re going through different phases romantically. Things have gotten a little too deep. If you stay the course, however, you make gains in your health and daily activities. This puts you in a better position in your relationships. You have to bring your whole self to the others in your life, even if it means challenging yourself on the deepest, darkest levels.


July 23 - August 22

There’s been some intensity around your family. There’s also been a lot of transformation. This is not easy. The changes that are occurring now, however, will be for the better come the fall.


August 23 - September 22

Your cognitive processes have taken on a darker tone as of late. This continues through the fall. The best thing to do is accept these frightening thoughts, as they are ultimately revealing something that will help you. Lay low for the summer.


September 23 - October 22

You’ve had to be a bit secretive about your money lately. This is in fact the best course of action. This is actually not a bad time to really watch your pocketbook. The guarded feelings you have about your finances will pay dividends come autumn.


October 23 - November 21

You are experiencing yourself on a truly deep level as of late. The trans


November 22 - December 21

You’ve been going through a process of letting go. Some of your blind spots have gotten you in trouble, and now you’re engaged in a process of quiet self-reflection. This is all for the better. Come the fall, you rise again.


December 22 - January 19

Watch out for the motivations of your friends. There might even be some bullying going on. This is a chance for you to engage in some secret heroics. Shield the friend who is being bullied, and get revenge in the future.


January 20 - February 18

You’re having to make some moves on the down low regarding your career. There is nothing wrong with this. In fact, you’ll triumph down the road. Understand that the actions you are taking right now might result in the overtaking of those who seek to take you down. You can’t control the negative actions of others, only respond to them.


February 19 - March 20

Knowledge for you comes from hidden occult places. You are less interested in philosophy that comes from the academy. Secret, ignored knowledge is where it’s at for you. Through this autumn, if you’re optimistic, you happen upon a gold mine of revelations.

Astrology was originally understood as omens, prophecies, and oracles. Whenever you go to a psychic, tarot reader, or astrologer like me, you’re engaging with the possibilities of the future. Modern astrology, however, is also the alignment of the heavens at your moment of birth that serves as the signature of your personality. This combination of your star chart and sun sign—Aries, Taurus, etc.—and the usage of that tool to divine the future is here for your taking.

Thanks for reading. I’m Dan Beck, #1 Astrologer in New Orleans. Contact me for readings, parties, events, corporate trainings and more at dan@innermakeup.net or by calling 504-313- 8706. Visit http://www.innermakeup. net.

See you soon! Ken & The GrandPre's Team

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