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Comics, Puzzles & Horoscopes


HOROSCOPES Messages from the Oracle in New Orleans Dan Beck, #1 Astrologer in New Orleans dan@innermakeup.net LEO What are dreams? the opportunity to read something into you’ve laid with beauty and harmony. July 23 - August 22

According to a modern underthe divine, just like a dream. Thomas Leo, you pulled the Ten of Wands. standing of dreams, electrical stimulation activates the sections of the brain that control imagery and feelings but not the areas that control higher reasoning. The theoretical purpose for this is to purge old memories and bring in new ones. This assertion is far less sexy than others proffered by religion and Sigmund Freud, to name two. Upon scientific observation, it appears that dreams are materially chaotic and fragmented, mirroring one’s normative perception of a dream. Dreams are crazy, confusing, and resist interpretation. Yet don’t we all want to believe there is some secret, embedded message in our dreams? This line of thinking wants to attribute a cause to dreams, i.e., there is a deeper reason that we dream. But what if there is no cause to a dream? Doesn’t that just leave us with a bunch of random particles firing around the brain? No, but only if we believe that chance favors the prepared mind and more importantly, that we are prepared to receive a little magic from randomness. Like the throw of the tarot cards or the immediate casting of an astrolPynchon in his famous novel Gravity’s Rainbow writes that there is “no difference between the behavior of a god and the operations of pure chance.” So through the acceptance of chance and of unexplained phenomena, like dreams, we might be able to divine something, even if there is no preordained message. Instead of writing your bi-weekly horoscopes based upon the movement of the planets, I am going to draw a tarot card for each sign. Each card’s message will hopefully give you some insight into the goings on in your life and how best to proceed. Finding the images and meanings of tarot cards is easy on the internet if you want to further explore the card drawn for your sign. ARIES March 21 - April 19 Aries, you pulled the Four of Wands. This is interesting, because your sign is blended with the harmonious planet Venus. The Four of Wands indicates your having erected some sort of structure. Now all you need to do is to take action in your normal Aries fashion to imbue the foundations TAURUS April 20 - May 20 Taurus, you pulled the Strength card. We see a woman harnessing and riding a lion. This has to do with “taming the beast” and using animalic energy in a controlled manner. This might have to do with your situation at home. GEMINI May 21 - June 20 Gemini, you pulled the Seven of Coins. Here we see a person seated below a tree that has the “fruit” of coins. This is the “money grows on trees” card. It indicates that you’ve put in some hard work as of late and what you need to do now is collect the “low hanging fruit.” CANCER June 21 - July 22 Cancer, you pulled the Ace of Coins. This is a “new start” card and indicates new money coming in. It is an earth card, cold and dry, so make sure to stay grounded with this new financial start. Sadly, this is a difficult card. It means your creative endeavours have been brought to a halt. Ten numerologically is a number of “one too many.” However, it is also a spiritual number, so letting go of this situation is the best course of action. VIRGO August 23 - September 22 Virgo, you pulled the Seven of Cups. We see a bunch of cups, and cups represent the element of water (emotions). The cups are floating in the air, and indicate that you probably have a lot going on in your head (a normal Virgo trait), and need to set your priorities straight. Be dispassionate about your choices but also grateful that you have options. LIBRA September 23 - October 22 Libra, you pulled the Five of Coins. Coins are money, and it shows the character(s) in a state of anxiety over finances. Make sure to keep your head on straight through the turbulence. Losing your mind doesn’t help anything. ogy chart, a chance moment offers SCORPIO

October 23 - November 21

Scorpio, you pulled the Six of Swords. Slow and steady wins the race to your vision. Use your background magic in novel ways to get what you want. Avoid getting caught in the heat of emotional battle.


November 22 - December 21

Sagittarius, you pulled the Six of Coins. This is a great card indicating material abundance. However, it is about sharing. Make sure you are judicious about where you dole out your money.


December 22 - January 19

Capricorn, you pulled the Palace of Wands. This card indicates that your creative energies are being supported on the home front. Make sure you make the best of your creative juices, as they are being supported in spirit and structure.

Aquarius, you pulled the Ace of Swords. This is a great card for you, as it is a card of starting something with a fresh, intellectual outlook. Anything you are starting right now, make sure you get off on the right foot.

PISCES February 19 - March 20

Pisces, you pulled the Tower. A diffi cult card, the Tower asks us to let go of the labyrinthine structures we have built up with our conscious minds. There is much more we need other than what we think is best for us.

Astrology was originally understood as omens, prophecies, and or

acles. Whenever you go to a psychic, tarot reader, or astrologer like me, you’re engaging with the possibilities of the future. Modern astrology, however, is also the alignment of the heavens at your moment of birth that serves as the signature of your personality. This combination of your star chart and sun sign—Aries, Taurus, etc.—and the usage of that tool to divine the future is here for your taking.

Thanks for reading. I’m Dan Beck, #1 Astrologer in New Orleans. Contact me for readings, parties, events, corporate trainings and more at dan@innermakeup.net or by calling 504-313- 8706. Visit http://www.innermakeup. net.

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