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COMICS & HOROSCOPES HOROSCOPES Messages from the Oracle in New Orleans

Dan Beck, #1 Astrologer in New Orleans dan@innermakeup.net

In Bed, Trapped by a Net, but Still Getting Stuff Done.

If you follow astrology, you may have heard about the planet Mars recently moving into the sign of Aries. Remember that planets traverse 30° segments of the sky and function beneficially, mischievously, destructively, neutrally etc. Mars entering into Aries means Mars can do his thing, and this will be occurring through the end of 2020 into 2021.

Mars is visceral, physical, self-oriented energy and will ram ahead, no holds bar, as Mars is in his home sign of Aries. Aries is the energy of the spring equinox, the most powerful turn of all the seasons where winter breaks into spring. Thus in some area of your life, which will be addressed in your horoscopes, look for this type of energy and how to best apply it. Arthur C. Clarke in his famous book Childhood’s End teaches us that “It is not power, but the application of power.”

Mars being raw power can be incredibly focused or incredibly destructive. The ancients believed Mars found his joy in the 6 th House, which is the area right below the western horizon, the night part of an astrology chart, where he could “cool off” and focus on mundane, daily routines. It’s not that sexy, but it works. Assess where you’re putting your daily, physical, and biological drives, and you can make great strides.

But is that it? I don’t think so. And it has to do with Mars’ lover, Venus. You don’t need to be an astrologer to know that Venus and Mars are always inextricably linked. This is embodied in a famous myth that Venus and Mars were trapped by Vulcan in bed with a net. Doesn’t sound that bad, right?

Interestingly, Vulcan was the God of fire and was also a blacksmith, the God who focused on the daily grind. Synthesizing how I recommend using Mars’ energy, the Gods seem to be suggesting a combined need for love, harmony, and also the daily drudge work that is required to make progress.

Do not ignore Venus in relation to the aforementioned Mars transit. Make sure that you harmoniously take care of your, ahem, needs while tending to the work you know needs to get done. I think of the song My Funny Valentine—“Is your figure less than Greek, is your mouth a little weak?”

Love in the rinse cycle, to quote the title of a book in the movie She-Devil, can be less than glamorous, but it gets the job done. So while you’re forging ahead for the rest of the year, make sure to let Vulcan trap you in bed for a little bit. Find time for a little loving, as it will soften the edges of Mars’ relentless action that will be driving you through the end of the year.

ARIES March 21 - April 19

It’s all about you ‘til the end of the year. You’re feeling this in your bones, and it’s a natural state for you. You can’t get to a pure state of self, however, without the help of others. Start by checking in with neighbors this month, as they can help you begin this effort. Orienting to your immediate, local surroundings will ironically help you go far.

TAURUS April 20 - May 20

You need to retreat. This is non-negotiable. Practically speaking, integrating some form of spirituality like meditation will help. Through the end of the year it’s taking action to lay low.

GEMINI May 21 - June 20

You’re going to be viscerally driven to socialize through the end of the year. With COVID-19 still a big threat, however, emphasize social interactions that are solely based in your own self-interest. This means putting together meetings only with those who will support you in your endeavours. This will naturally, and prudently, diminish the number of people with whom you interact.

CANCER June 21 - July 22

This is absolutely the time to make some career moves. Think only of yourself. Make sure to play your cards close to your chest, however. Just because you take action doesn’t mean you have to broadcast it.

LEO July 23 - August 22

You’re going a little stir crazy, and this makes you want to travel even more. As that is not an option, expanding the mind from your armchair will give you what you’re looking for. Take an online class or philosophize. You don’t have to literally travel through time and space to go far.


August 23 - September 22

For the rest of the year, it’s about probing the deepest parts of your psyche. Finding out what truly motivates you brings you the opportunity to partner with those who truly can help you expand outward into the world. You gain recognition and friends from this. Ultimately, it gives you grounding and a solid base from which to operate.


September 23 - October 22

It’s all about relationships and partnerships with you through the end of the year. Make sure, however, you consider how your interactions with others, even the public, will be received. Stay balanced about what you believe, and then take action with this philosophy. Lead with your heart.


October 23 - November 21

You’re going to need to focus on your health through the end of the year. This can mean your physical or mental health or some combination of the two. This is essential or you could end up bedridden. Paying these kinds of costs are necessary for doing business both with yourself and society at large.


November 22 - December 21

Creative, self-expression is the key through the end of the year. But you’re going to need help from others, both individually and publicly. Remember that even though self-expression is very personal, it’s oftentimes not what you say, but what people hear, as the pollster Frank Luntz said. Try to balance the two—what you want and how people will receive it.


December 22 - January 19

Taking action on the home front is key for you for the end of the year. Any kind of project that needs tending to should be acted upon. If you’re thinking about it, do it, as the writer Cormac McCarthy once said.


January 20 - February 18

When was the last time you picked up the phone to call a sibling? Said Hi to a neighbor down the street? This is where it’s at for you through the end of the year. You find good fortune here, especially at the beginning of August.

PISCES February 19 - March 20

Put your money where your mouth is through the end of the year. This includes putting your money in the things in which you really believe. A good time to take a risk is in August. Have fun with this process!

Astrology was originally understood as omens, prophecies, and oracles. Whenever you go to a psychic, tarot reader, or astrologer like me, you’re engaging with the possibilities of the future. Modern astrology, however, is also the alignment of the heavens at your moment of birth that serves as the signature of your personality. This combination of your star chart and sun sign—Aries, Taurus, etc.—and the usage of that tool to divine the future is here for your taking.

Thanks for reading. I’m Dan Beck, #1 Astrologer in New Orleans. Contact me for readings, parties, events, corporate trainings and more at dan@innermakeup.net or by calling 504-313- 8706. Visit http://www.innermakeup. net.

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