Ambush Magazine Volume 35 Issue 15

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Volume 35 Issue 15 · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 Facebook.COM/AmbushMag

Award Winning

Giant Halloween @AmbushMag

Celebrating LGBTQ Life, Music & Culture! Gulf South LGBTQ Entertainment/Travel Guide · 35th Anniversary 1982-2017 · For Adults Only

2 路 The Official Mag: 路 Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路

Magnolia, MS · · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 3

The “Official” Dish by Frank Pizzolato Email:

Ambush Speaks

On October 12, 2017, after a series of long and thoughtful negotiations, new owners and new investment has breathed new life and what we hope will be a very long commitment to the LGBTQ community in New Orleans and the Gulf South Region. The long and storied history of gay life in New Orleans has for 35 years been chronicled on the pages of Ambush. The enormous successes and dismal failures, the great joys and heartfelt tragedies which have made us and this City what we are, have appeared on the pages of Ambush. Moving forward, we have every intention of continuing that tradition. For a great part of its history, New Orleans was known as “The Queen City of the South” and we kinda like that. While connotation was different, it speaks volumes for us in the LGBTQ community and takes on a whole new meaning going forward. From Pensacola to Galveston, from Baton Rouge to Birmingham, from Lafayette to Jackson, and from Mobile to Monroe and Shreveport, the LGBTQ communities are as vital and vibrant as anywhere in the country. We eat well, drink well, love well, and play hard! While it seems like there is a move afoot to make us invisible again, Ambush will be there to make sure that NEVER happens. We will be there to provide information, cover events, and support the LGBTQ community as long as you will have us. We will never go back in the closet—they cannot build one big enough. Gay owned business, gay friendly business, gay organizations, and the whole mosaic that is gay life, we will record it, we will report it, and we will promote it. “A community united cannot be defeated!”

Inside this Issue of Amush Snap Paparazzi


A Community within Communities: Community Engagement


Commentary: From Russia with Oil


2017 Oracle Gala Highlights Transgender Rights


Moments in Gay New Orleans History


Book Review: The Remedy


Snap Paparazzi


Stonewall Sports


Under the Gaydar


New Orleans Opera through June 2018




A Little Crazy Never Hurts


Gulf South LGBTQ Entertainment & Travel Guide Since 1982 New Orleans, Louisiana

Facebook.COM/AmbushMag Gulf South Entertainment/Travel Guide Since 1982 • Texas-Florida Official Gay Easter Parade Guide© Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide© Official Gay New Orleans Guide© Official Pride Guide© Official Southern Decadence Guide© AWARD WINNING: Saints & Sinners Literary Festival Hall of Fame/2015, Louisiana Excellence Award: Media & Internet/2014, New Orleans Print Media Award/2014, 25th NO/AIDS Task Force Humanitas Award/2013, New Orleans Print Media Award/2013, Krewe of Mwindo Media Honoree/2009, Krewe of Petronius Carnival Spirit of Gay Mardi Gras XLVIII Award/2009, Forum For Equality Acclaim Awards X Media Recipient/2008, NO/AIDS Task Force Prometheus “Torch of Truth” [media] Award/2001 Email: ANNUAL READERSHIP OVER 1 MILLION: 260,000+ Print/780,000+ Online CIRCULATION: Alabama - Mobile Florida - Pensacola Louisiana - Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Metairie, New Orleans, Slidell Mississippi - Bay St. Louis, Biloxi STAFF: PUBLISHER/EDITOR/PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Frank Pizzolato, New Orleans GULF SOUTH/NEW ORLEANS AD SALES Frank Pizzolato, New Orleans THEATRE/PERFORMING ARTS CRITIC Brian Sands AD REPS/JOURNALISTS/PHOTOGRAPHERS Misti Gaiter, Tony Leggio, Hubert S Monkeys, Felicia Phillips, Frank Perez, Rev. Bill Terry-New Orleans Miss Cie-Mobile, AL National Advertising Rep: Rivendell Media 212.242.6863 Ambush Mag is published on alternate Tuesdays of each month by Ambush Publishing. Advertising, Copy & Photo DEADLINE is alternate Tuesdays, 4pm, prior to publication week, accepted via e-mail only:, except for special holidays. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for the claims of advertisers and has the right to reject any advertising. The inclusion of an individual’s name or photograph in this publication implies nothing about that individual’s sexual orientation. Letters, stories, etc., appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of the Publisher or Staff of AMBUSH Mag. Subscription rate is $45 for 1/2 Year; $75 for 1 year. Sample Copy is $3 First Class Mail. ©1982-2017 AMBUSH PUBLISHING LLC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTHING HEREIN MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER INCLUDING AD LAYOUTS, MAPS and PHOTOS.

Happy Halloween from Ambush Publishing LLC and the Ambush Team! 4 · The Official Mag: · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide · · · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 5

Snap Paparazzi Armeinius Cocktoberfest Event at their Den | Photos by Tony Leggio

6 路 The Official Mag: 路 Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路 · · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 7

A Community within Communities

2017 Oracle Gala Highlights Transgender Rights

by The Very Rev. Bill Terry+ Email:

by Frank Perez Email:

Community Engagement

Over the next several issues my hope is to point out several opportunities for community engagement. I also want to acknowledge the ways in which our community is engaged as a model for the greater community. One of the issues I have as both a priest and member of our larger community is that we seem to talk a lot and act less. That is the way it seems. It is no different now than it was for the early church. James the brother of Jesus had a lot to say about such phe-

nomena. Basically, platitudes and holy tomes, prayers and looking pious, for James, were hollow without works. He was the original ‘walk the talk’ Apostle. So this column over the next few issues will explore “walking the talk.’ Because if this faith that is professed will ever become a place of hope and if our community will ever become a place where we can all be one then we have to start walking. I am grateful for the opportunity to once again visit with the readers of Ambush and look forward to a renewed and faithful experience.

Commentary by Frank Perez Email:

The 2017 Oracle Gala, the annual flagship fundraiser of the LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana, will honor BreakOUT!, a local transgender youth advocacy group. Each year the Archives Project highlights an individual or an organization that has made a substantial donation of materials to an area museum or archival repository. BreakOUT! has recently made the Newcomb College Institute Archives the official repository of its organizational records. The Oracle Gala will take place at the newly refurbished Joy Theater on Saturday, November 11. BreakOUT! is at the forefront of fighting for transgender rights and criminal justice reform. This New Orleans based group has set a national example for transgender activism and is a vital aspect of our local LGBT+ community. The mission of the LGBT+ Archives Proj-

ect is promoting and encouraging the protection and preservation of materials that chronicle the culture and history of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community in Louisiana. The group’s main purpose is educating the community on the importance of archiving LGBT+ historical materials and making them available for future generations to access, research, and study. By developing financial resources to assist in the preservation and availability of certain LGBT+ collections, the Archives Project hopes to help promote the proper maintenance and preservation of historical LGBT+ materials and then index, publish, and maintain a current list of these materials and where they are located. Tickets for the Oracle Gala are available at

What we know so far is prob- ed. Ironically, they will suffer the most ably only a fraction of the tangled from his ill-conceived policies. Their Trump-Putian web of connections. Pu- salaries will decrease, their debt will intin is estimated to be one of the wealth- crease, and many will lose their health the higher the position to which you are iest men on earth, worth at least $70 insurance. Terrorist organizations will From Russia with Oil likely to be appointed. billion, most of which stems from in- continue to enjoy a recruiting bonanza Donald Trump, Jr., after lying Take Rex Tillerson, for examvestments in oil companies. We do not using his orange visage as a poster for months, recently admitted that last ple. A good old boy from Texas, Tillerknow the extent of Trump’s business child at their rush parties. Democratic year he met with a Russian official who son became the CEO of ExxonMobil, investments in Russia because Trump institutions such as the free press and claimed to have information on Hillary the largest oil company in the world, in refuses to disclose his tax returns, de- fair elections will continue to unravel. Clinton that would aid his father’s pres2006. In 2011, Tillerson signed a deal spite repeated promises to do so. But he’s an old white guy so idential campaign. Trump Jr. enthusiwith Rosneft, the state-owned oil comWhat, exactly, is the extent of it’s okay. And oh, but her emails. astically jumped at the opportunity to pany of Russia, to conduct offshore Trump and Putin’s mutual financial inobtain dirt on his father’s opponent. The fact that receiving aid from a for- drilling in the Black and Kara Seas and terests? Is this why Trump refuses to Frank Perez to Teach eign power, especially an avowed en- also to build a massive natural gas criticize Putin, a man even republicans emy state, in a presidential election is plant near Vladivostock. A research consider a thug and murderer? Is this French Quarter History illegal did not phase the Trump cam- center in the Arctic was also in the why Putin was so hell-bent on interfer- at Delgado Community paign at all. This lack of respect for works. According to conservative es- ing in last year’s election? Some have suggested that College democratic principles suggests an ut- timates, this joint business venture is Ambush columnist and local Russia’s interference in the election ter lack of patriotism at best and bor- worth at least $500 billion. author Frank Perez will teach French But the dollars signs stopped resulted from Putin’s contempt of Hilders on treason at worst. Quarter History at Delgado Community Trump the Younger was not dancing in the eyes of Tillerson and lary Clinton. Their mutual disdain for College beginning November 7. The the first Trump campaign / administra- Putin when President Obama imposed each other is well-documented and courses are offered through the Detion official to lie about the Trump-Rus- sanctions on Russia for arbitrarily “an- while that may be a part of the reason, partment of Workforce Development sia connection. Jefferson Beauregard nexing” Crimea in Ukraine. The impo- I suspect the real motive boils down to and are non-credit. Sessions, the racist Senator from Ala- sition of economic sanctions to pun- money. French Quarter History focusPresidents Trump and Putin bama whom Trump appointed Attorney ish bad behavior by brutal dictators is es on the history of the French Quarter General lied under oath about meeting nothing new. Recalling what happened have a lot in common. In addition to beas both the original city of New Orleans with the Russian Ambassador. Isn’t in when Hitler began “annexing” the na- ing greedy pigs who refuse to disclose and its shifting role as the city’s flagcomforting to know that the highest law tions of Europe, Bu$h the Elder went their financial investments, both Trump ship neighborhood. While the French, and Putin are misogynists. And both enforcement official in the land is not to war after Iraq “annexed” Kuwait. Spanish, and early American periSo with billions of dollars tied have a venomous contempt for human only a racist but also a perjurer. Perjury. ods are covered, the emphasis of the That’s what the republicans impeached up in Russia and competitors mov- rights and civil liberties. The ever-excourse is on 20th century history. TopBill Clinton over. Trump’s first pick for ing in, what’s an oil company to do? panding investigation into their sordid ics include, but are not limited to: archiNational Security Advisor, Michael Fly- Why, be appointed Secretary of State relationship is sure to expose more imtecture, historical preservation, colorful nn, resigned in disgrace after he was of course. It didn’t take long, about a moral and criminal behavior. The most characters, the rise of tourism, literacaught lying about his secret meetings month, for Tillerson to try to remove shocking revelations are probably yet ture and arts, drinking culture, crime with Russian diplomats. Never mind the sanctions. If the storms of scandal to come. Why else would Trump fire and vice, and LGBT+ history. The last the fact that he was on Turkey’s pay- concerning Trump’s Russia connec- the guy leading the investigation? He class meeting is a tour of the French roll as a lobbyist—a inconvenient truth tions had not been brewing, the sanc- is clearly hiding something. In the meantime, Trump’s sup- Quarter. The class meets Tuesday that never occurred to Trump the Elder. tions would have been lifted. evenings from November 7—DecemConflicts of interest don’t disqualify Now Hurricane Trump-Putin is gaining porters will continue to turn a blind eye. ber 13/. Tuition is $250. anyone with these people; conversely, strength and all the spaghetti models As long as he keeps spouting bigotRegistration is now open at the the greater your conflict of interest is, have the eye making landfall at the ed rhetoric and advancing prejudiced Delgado Community College website. White House. policies, his base will remain placat8 · The Official Mag: · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide · · · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 9

Moments in Gay New Orleans History by Frank Perez Email:

“An Interview with Dr. Ryan Prechter” FP: Your recently wrote your doctoral dissertation on New Orleans gay history. How did you get interested in this topic? RP: It began in 2013, when a good friend of mine pointed out it was the fortieth anniversary of the Upstairs Lounge fire. After reading about the tragedy, I was shocked (and a little ashamed) that I had never heard of such an important chapter of gay New Orleans history. As I began reading more about the fire, I discovered other fascinating stories about the New Orleans gay community that despite growing up in the city I had never been exposed to. It dawned on me that I knew little of my community’s own history. Also, if I was ignorant of this history, perhaps others were as well. This awareness came early in the process of working toward my Ph.D. in History, and I decided to devote my dissertation to telling the history of one of the most vibrant and important gay communities in the world. FP: What type of research did you do? What was the most challenging aspect of researching this topic? RP: Researching gay history before the liberation movements of the 1970s is particularly difficult due to the dangers of exposing one’s sexuality. Therefore, this project would have been impossible without the personal guidance of the passionate archivists working at several archival repositories in New Orleans. I must specifically acknowledge the work of the LGBT+ Archives of Louisiana, which is working so hard to fix the challenges of researching gay Louisiana history by creating an invaluable database cataloging the state’s gay holdings. That said, it would have been impossible to research gay New Orleans history in archives alone. Speaking with those who were there, including gay activists, artists, business owners, and scholars, was essential to uncovering a history which largely existed beyond the written word. Interviews were essential to this project, and the eagerness with which so many helped me tell this story will not be forgotten. It is also important to note that in recent years there has been a growing interest in writing about the history of specific events and places in gay New Orleans history, and the support of other scholars of gay New Orleans has been extremely helpful. FP: What is the primary argument of the dissertation? What have you concluded about New Orleans gay history? RP: My dissertation adds to recent scholarship which argues against the historical understanding of gay life in America as existing primarily on the East and West Coast. I argue against the belief that LGBT youths during the twentieth century fled entirely from the Midwest and Deep South for gay-friendly neighborhoods in New York and California. I have concluded that the New Orleans gay community has expanded since the end of World War I, and in fact LGBT transplants have been flocking to the city for various reasons for the last century. Ultimately, the history of gay New Orleans is important if one seeks to understand gay history nationwide. FP: Does your research focus exclusively on the gay male community or does it also include lesbian and transgender history as well? RP: It was very important for me to not present a history of gay New Orleans as a story primarily featuring gay white men. It was also important to not just pay lip service to the experiences of the local lesbian and transgender communities, but to illustrate how they are an integral part of the narrative. This has especially been true when telling the history of gay activism in New Orleans, and expressing how crucial the role of lesbians and transgender residents have been in the struggle for liberation. It was also important to not separate the issue of race from the history of gay New Orleans, particularly how the city’s own relationship with race impacted gay communities. This is especially important now with the work being done in New Orleans to help transgender people of color, a community often shamefully overlooked by the larger gay community.

navigating and exploiting these contrasts that the gay New Orleans community thrived in the modern era. For example, when the French Quarter was crumbling from neglect during the 1920s, gay artists saw an opportunity to create an artistic bohemia in the historic district. When raids on gay bars were escalating after World War II, the New Orleans gay community created exclusive gay Mardi Gras Krewes in which they could socialize without being threatened by undercover vice cops. One cannot underestimate the importance of Mardi Gras to New Orleans gay history. The modern Mardi Gras season allowed New Orleans festival goers to dress opposite their gender and party in the streets dating back to the 19th century without the slightest risk of criminal or social liability. This is a concept which is still inconceivable in many parts of the United States, underscoring the uniqueness of New Orleans gay history. FP: Did you discover anything in your research that surprised you? RP: The biggest surprise for me was how the New Orleans gay community became politically mobilized. The common misunderstanding is that the riots at the Stonewall Inn in New York in 1969 ushered in an immediate total radicalization of gay communities nationwide. In reality, while the 1970s became defined in many ways by the gay liberation movement, how individual cities became radicalized was not monolithic. Almost everyone I spoke with while researching this dissertation pointed to country singer Anita Bryant’s concert in New Orleans in 1977 as the moment in which the city’s gay community became radicalized. That is not to say that the New Orleans gay community was previously apathetic about gay rights, but their ability to foster safe gay spaces unavailable in other cities made the necessity of political activism less urgent. After Bryant famously led a successful campaign to repeal an anti-discrimination ordinance in Florida in 1977, the New Orleans gay community knew that they were not immune to having their own rights taken away. When Bryant performed in New Orleans soon after the Florida referendum, what organizers thought would be a modest turnout became a huge demonstration against Bryant’s homophobic message and in support for gay rights. What fascinated me during my research was how drastically things changed for the New Orleans gay community after the Bryant demonstrations. This passion for mobilization within the gay community expanded quickly and has never waned.

Book Review by Frank Perez Email:

The Remedy: Queer and Trans Voices on Health and Health Care.

Zena Sharman, Editor. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-55152-658-4. 272 pages. Sharman has done an incredible job of assembling 35 essays relating to Queer and trans health in this one volume. The Remedy invites readers to imagine what we need to create healthy resilient, and thriving LGBTQ+ communities. This anthology is a diverse collection of real-life stories from queer and trans people on their own healthcare experiences and challenges, from gay men living with HIV who remember the systemic resistance to their health care needs, to a lesbian couple dealing with the experience of cancer, to young trans people who struggle to provide health care providers who treat them with dignity and respect. The book also includes essays by health care providers, activists, and leaders, with something to say about the challenges, politics, and opportunities surrounding LGBTQ+ health issues. Given the current political climate and the dogged determination of Republicans to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, The Remedy is essential reading. Both exceptionally moving and an incendiary call-to-arms, this book is a must read for anyone—gay, straight, trans, and otherwise—passionately concerned about the right to proper healthcare for all. Zena Sharman is a femme force of nature and a passionate advocate for queer and trans health. She has over a decade’s experience in health research, including seven years as the Assistant Director of Canada’s national gender and health research funding institute. Zena co-chairs the board of the Catherine White Holman Wellness Centre, a holistic health care center for transgender and gender-diverse communities. She served on the board of the Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health from 2013-2015.

FP: What makes New Orleans gay history different than that of other cities? RP: What makes New Orleans gay history so different from other cities is the exact same thing which makes New Orleans itself so different. New Orleans is a city of contrasts, run by three different countries over three centuries, and is steeped in old world conservatives social and religious traditions while simultaneously celebrating the decadence and hedonism of the Carnival season. It was by 10 · The Official Mag: · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

Snap Paparazzi Halloween New Orleans at the House of Blues | Photos by Tony Leggio · · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 11

Stonewall Sports New Orleans!

Fall 2017 Kickball Standings TEAM







The Wannabes







East Compton Clovers







Kick Tease







A Team Has No Name







Backdoor Buddies







My Kick is Hard







Dirty Dianas







Suck My Kick







Funny Boners







The Equalizers







Kick Dats







Accidental Orgies







Free Ballers







Lowered Expectations







Stonewall Sports - New Orleans will bring together members of the LGBTQ community and our allies to play kickball, dodgeball, bowling, and volleyball. Stonewall Sports is an LGBTQ & Ally community-based, non-profit sports organization founded in 2010 that strives to raise funds for local non-profit organizations. Our league values each player for who they are and what they bring to the leagues community. Our New Orleans chapter of Stonewall Sports started in Fall 2016. Our Vision: We believe every person should have the ability to feel comfortable being oneself in organized sports. Our league will value each player for who they are and what one brings to the leagues community. We also believe organized communities have the ability and responsibly to support others in need. Our Mission: To provide an inclusive, low-cost, high FUN sport leagues that are managed as a non-profit with a philanthropic heart. Our Leagues Enjoy: • 7-8 Week Seasons Including Playoffs • Equipment & Facilities Provided • Uniform Shirts included in registration fee • Referees, Umpires & Administrators • Post-Game Activities at our home bar • Monthly social gatherings

Want to play? Get in touch! If you would like to join our league next season, visit our website at or contact us at

Fall 2017 Kickball Schedule: October 29, 2017

Games are held at St. Patrick’s Park at the corner of St. Patrick and Baudin streets across from Mid City Yacht Club. All are welcome! 12pm Suck My Kick vs Dirty Dianas

The Equalizers vs Backdoor Buddies


A Team Has No Name vs Kick Dats

The Wannabes vs Accidental Orgies


Kick Tease vs Funny Boners

Lowered Expectations vs Free Ballers


My Kick is Hard vs East Compton Clovers

Suck My Kick vs Lowered Expectations


A Team Has No Name vs My Kick is Hard

Accidental Orgies vs Funny Boners

Photo Credit Top: Randy Schmidt, Randy P Schmidt Photography, Right: Drew Lawless

12 · The Official Mag: · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

New Orleans has so much to offer from drag shows, theatre, parties, special events and festivals. This listing will try and spotlight just a few of the hot happenings in the city. So as Halloween nears, happy hauntings to all my sexy ghosts and goblins.

Under the Gaydar by Tony Leggio Email: It seems like forever since my last Under the Gaydar article but it has only been a few mere months. As you grow older, time becomes a much more precious commodity and life has a way demonstrating that in spades. I remember when I first approached Rip about writing a column for Ambush. I wanted to promote and covering the events both gay and straight in our city. Rip and Marsha liked the idea and Under the Gayday was born. Since then, I have written about many different topics, did interviews with some very noteworthy people, went to countless events and parties, described great places to travel., but most of all feeling I was part of something special. As years flew by and I found myself Easter Grand Marshal, then on the Gay Easter Parade Board, Pride Grand Marshal and just recently Southern Decadence Grand Marshal. Through all these wonderful things, there was one wonderful constant, my article in Ambush. Contributing to the magazine gave me a better understanding of the people around me in the community. Rip and Marsha created such an incredible force in our gay community with this publication in a time when we needed to come together more than ever. In 1982 with AIDS was decimating this country, this young couple started the oldest and largest LGBT+ publications in the Gulf South. I was humbled and honored to have been a small part of that and continue to be excited as Ambush reemerges. King Cake Coronations, bead tosses, Mardi Gras balls, Easter fundraisers or just sitting on the balcony shooting the breeze on a random Friday afternoon, I was lucky enough to spend lots of time with Rip and Marsha. But one of my fondest highlights was joining them for their wedding in New York; that truly was a joyous occasion. Their smiles and happiness was luminous. Rip was a force to be reckoned with. Armed with a quick and sometimes wicked wit, Southern charm and business acumen, it is easy to see why Ambush was so successful. Supporting so many causes in our community, he and Marsha gave so many fundraisers, charities and organizations not just money, but their time and energy as well as recognition in their publication. Ambush has meant so many different things to so many people from their fun picture pages (it is so much fun to see your picture in the paper, especially when it is color) to the articles that span every aspect of our community. It unified us not just for big events like Mardi Gras, Southern Decadence and Easter but throughout the year. Ambush was not just a magazine, it was a beacon of information, festivity and community. I do not think the realization of how epic a presence Rip Naquin-Delain’s played in not just my life but that of the entire New Orleans community until I started writing this column. He was a great man who made our community and city a better place for all of us. Whether you knew him well or never met him, if you are gay and living in our city, he touched your life for the better. He cared about his publication, his city and his community and he proved it daily. Rip, thank you so much. I do not ever think I said that enough to you and Marsha. But I am a better writer, activist, professional and yes even a better gay because of our friendship. Rest in peace my dear friend. Now as Ambush continues on with two dynamic new owners, I am excited to once again be part of something I considered as my home for many years. So in the issues to come, you will see my column take on a new facelift. I hope the readers join us on this exciting new journey. With all the turmoil in the world and our own political system, now more than ever the gay community needs to have a voice. I am looking forward to Ambush being one of the loudest voices in that choir.

Hot Happenings

Tuesday, October 24 - Saturday, October 28, 2017 Escape to Margaritaville; Saenger Theatre; 1111 Canal Street. More than a musical, ESCAPE TO MARGARITAVILLE is a way of life. The new musical, featuring both original work as well as the most-loved songs of legendary singer-songwriter-author Jimmy Buffett, will feature an original story by co-book writers Greg Garcia (“My Name is Earl”) and Mike O’Malley (“Survivor’s Remorse” and “Shameless”), and will be directed by two-time Tony Award® nominee Christopher Ashley. ESCAPE TO MARGARITAVILLE will launch in New Orleans as the pre-Broadway premiere before visiting key cities around the country on its road to Broadway – further emphasizing Jimmy Buffett’s adoration for the Big Easy. As a teenager, Buffett frequented the French Quarter, playing the guitar on a street corner singing for change. In the late 60’s, Buffett formed a folk trio, the Upstairs Alliance, and headlined The Bayou Room on Bourbon Street the same summer that the New Orleans Saints came to town. He attended the first New Orleans Saints game at Tulane Stadium in 1967, solidifying his position as an eternal Saints fan. Imagine a place where the sun is hot, the ocean’s warm, and the drinks are as cold as they are plentiful. Welcome to Margaritaville, the island paradise where city folk get away from it all and the locals get into the kind of trouble you can almost always sweet talk your way out of. This new musical is the story of a part-time bartender, part-time singer, and full-time charmer named Tully who thinks he’s got life all figured out. Until a beautiful career-minded tourist steals his heart and makes him question everything. For tickets, call (504) 525-1052 or go to Wednesday, October 25, 2017 Charlie Hides + A Dozen Divas; Cafe Istanbul; 2372 Sty. Claude Avenue; 8 p.m. Charlie Hides is a drag queen, impersonator, actor and comedian. Hides is known for his YouTube channel, and his participation in the ninth season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. He has produced hundreds of videos satirizing popular culture, and impersonating celebrities such as Cher, Madonna, Lady Gaga, and Lana Del Rey. He will be in NEW ORLEANS and bringing along A Dozen Divas in an all live and definitely not for the easily offended 90-Minute show. Tickets are VIP $25 (Includes meet and greet with the TransAtlantic Dame after the show) and GA for $20. For tickets go to their Facebook page or to Dragged From The Grave; Always Lounge; 2240 St. Claude Avenue; 8 p.m. Get ready for a spooky night of terrors. They have a star-studed cast of drag performers who are going to make you scream because they still know what you did 7 summers ago. Featuring: Gayle King Kong, LibeRaunchy the Beaux Queen, Annie Bacterial, Quinn Laroux and hosted by the one and only Laveau Contraire. Doors at 8 p.m., show at 9 p.m. $5 cover Thursday, October 26 - Sunday, November 5, 2017 Titus Adronicus; Allways Lounge; 2240 St. Claude Avenue. See ‘Em On Stage: A Production Company presents William Shakespeare’s violent, horrifying, and darkly comedic tragedy Titus Andronicus. Known as “Shakespeare’s bloodiest play”, the production will star Ron Gural in the title role of Titus and Trina Beck as the vicious and vengeful Tamora. The cast also includes Monica Harris (Aaron), Clint Johnson (Saturninus), Mary Pauley (Marcus), Levi Hood (Lucius), Kali Russell (Lavinia), Kyle Woods (Demetrius), Nathaniel Twarog (Chiron), and Eli Timm (Bassianus). Khiry Armstead, Kirk Johnathan, Marie Becnel, Kevin Macku, and Matt Story all play various roles. The production is directed by Christopher Bentivegna. Titus Andronicus tells the fictional story of the Roman army general Titus, who becomes caught in a cycle of revenge with the alluring and destructive Tamora, Queen of the Goths. Although it was extremely popular in its day, by the later 17th century it began to fall out of favour, due to the extreme graphic nature of its violence. Titus Andronicus runs October 26, 27, 28, 29 and November 2, 3, 4, and 5. Tickets are $25 for general admission and $30 for VIP admission. For tickets, go to Thursday, October 26, 2017 The New Orleans Jazz Orchestra Featuring Sheila E; New Orleans Jazz Market; 1436 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd.; 6 p.m. The Grammy-Award Winning New Orleans Jazz Orchestra (NOJO) will kick-off its official Fall Season on October 26th at the New Orleans Jazz Market. The showcase concert represents the first performance since the organization filled the Artistic Director and Bandleader role by appointing percussionist Adonis Rose. This showcase concert will

14 · The Official Mag: · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

feature samplings from the NOJO’s extensive repertoire as well as new music. The beautiful Dee Dee Bridgewater Stage will be graced with all the talent you have come to expect from this big band and special guest Sheila E! Tickets are now available for purchase: and are $25 - GA, $50 Premium. All Saints Soiree; St. Louis Cemetery #3; 3421 Esplanade Avenue; 6:30 p.m. The All Saints Soirée will take place on the grounds of beautiful and historic St. Louis Cemetery No. 3 on Esplanade Avenue. The patron party will kick off with guests enjoying live entertainment from the Truffle Honeys and a presentation Honorary Chair Poppy Tooker as you sip on specialty cocktails and dine on cuisine prepared by premier New Orleans chefs. Following the patron party, the gala will feature tours of the cemetery, music by the Courtyard Kings, and a live auction for an anticipated audience of approximately three hundred guests. Proceeds from the Soirée will benefit the restoration and education efforts of Save Our Cemeteries to ensure the unique and iconic cemeteries of New Orleans are protected for generations to come. Patron Party 6:30 - 7:30 pm; Soiree 7:30 10:00 pm. Tickets are on their Facebook page or at Friday, October 27 – Sunday, October 29 World War II Air, Sea & Land Festival; Lakefront Airport. WWII Air, Sea & Land Festival will be held on October 27-29 at New Orleans Lakefront Airport. Guests will get to see WWII planes up close, either via touring one, experiencing them buzzing overhead during a low pass, or even climbing in for an incredible ride flight. This year’s Festival represents an exciting expansion, including more flight demonstrations, expanded performances, a new Victory Parade, and a STEM Zone and obstacle course for the kids (Kids under 12 are FREE.) For more information on the event visit, Friday, October 27, 2017 Divas Doin’ For Themselves; Mags 940; 940 Elysian Fields Avenue; 8 p.m. Join the men of New Orleans Gay Mens Chorus for a night of music, mascara, and mayhem. NOGMC gets in touch with their feminine sides (and fronts) for a night of incomparable entertainment. Elizabeth Bouvier and Guadloupe will be your emcees for the evening. Tickets are $10 at the door and benefit the NOGMC UNO Scholarship fund. Sinful Sister Social; The Phoenix; 941 Elysian Fields Avenue; 9 p.m. midnight. Come join The Big Easy Sisters they get Sinful at this social to raise money for different charities in the city. For a $10 donation you can enjoy Long Island Iced Teas from 9pm until Midnight. They will also have snacks, our famous Jello shots, and of course “Sinful” Sisters and Guards ofThe Big Easy Sisters. For an extra donation you can even bring home your very own “Cute AF Nun”. It’s always a grand time at this social. Catfight With Vinsantos and DJ Jenny; The Goat; 1301 St. Bernard Avenue; 10 pm - 3 a.m. In the cusp of Halloween weekend, prepare yourselves to dance your tube socks off at CAT FIGHT! Local Macabre Snob, Vinsantos teams up with one of his sister witches, Dj Jenny from California to bring you an ONSLAUGHT of Rock n’ Roll that you can dance to. Vinsantos former night CHAIN MALE (NOLA) mashes itself into Dj Jenny’s former club SIXXTEEEN (SF), producing the hardest rocking dance party this side of the planet. On the chopping block will be ROCK, HARD ROCK, BUTT ROCK, DEATHROCK, PUNK, POST PUNK, METAL, HAIR METAL, GLAM, GARAGE, and all the other kinds of Rock and Roll. Anti Dress Code encouraged. Ripped shirts, ripped pants, ripped underpants and sweat are all on the list. This party is a measly fucking $5. A portion of the door will go toward Jenny’s brother’s fire releif. He lost everything in the Sonoman County fire on Sunday. Prime Beef - Halloween Edition; Good Friends Bar and Queens Head Pub; 740 Dauphine Street; 10 p.m. - midnight. Prime Beef is back, Halloween style! Show everyone what you’ve got under those costumes as our mistress of ceremonies and head judge Dede Onassis has you square off against each other in a battle of the beef. $100 cash to the winner and a $50 bar tab High Profile - Haunted Jukebox Costume Karaoke; Hi Ho Lounge; 2239 St. Claude Avenue; 10 p.m. - 3 a.m. High Profile presents HAUNTED JUKEBOX! Their jukebox is haunted, and your voice is scary! Come sing karaoke with your favorite fairies. Garlic Junior, Visqueen, and Jassy are pleased to open up our stage for some dress-up karaoke fun to kickstart your Halloween weekend! No painfully long lines! Cheap drinks! CANDY! Dress code is Party City™ Basic Gurl. Arrive in your favorite sexy version of WHATEVER and come show off your look on the stage. Best costume wins a treat! Or maybe a trick! Saturday, October 28, 2017 2017 BOO-zy Pub Crawl benefiting the LGBT Center; French Quarter Bars; 1 - 7 p.m. Stonewall Sports New Orleans is hosting a BOO-zy Bar Crawl with all proceeds going straight to the LGBT Center of New Orleans, who we are partnered with. Like last year, registration for this event is $20. The list of partic-

ipating bars include: Golden Lantern, Lafitte’s in Exile, Oz, 700 Club, and Good Friends. Your $20 donation will: (1) secure your spot on the bar crawl, (2) will be given entirely to the LGBT Center, and (3) not go to any of your personal drinks for the evening. All drinks will need to be purchased on your own. Drink specials are currently being finalized with each individual bar. We will release those details once each bar as confirmed their specials for the evening. Each participant of the bar crawl will receive a Stonewall Sports New Orleans cup they can use during the event and take home at the end of the night, a rubber Stonewall New Orleans wristband signifying they are apart of the bar crawl, and the possibility of winning a door prize at each bar along the crawl! Costumes encouraged. To register for the pub crawl, please sign up at or on their Facebook page. Boneyard - Meet and Greet with Tyler Saint and Ace Banner; The Phoenix; 941 Elysian Fields Avenue; 5 p.m. The Phoenix and the Lords of Leather bring you the biggest party of Halloween Weekend, a meet and greet with Ace Banner and Tyler Saint. This exclusive party goes from 5 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $30 for open bar on well cocktails and domestic beers. If tickets are still available at event time, tickets will be $40 at the door. No refunds and no cameras, video equipment or cell phones allowed at the event. For tickets, go to their Facebook page or Trick O’ Treat Yo’Self; GrandPre’s; 834 N. Rampart; 6 - 10 p.m. Whether you need Halloween inspiration or have been planning your costume since July, BLAQ SHEEP MISSION will have you contoured! Join them us for a night of drinks, horror films and professional makeup artists on site ready to fulfill your goriest dreams! Services include: ZOMBIE MAKEUP, CLOWN MAKEUP, Latex applications, SFX, Gore, Beauty. Come in costume and let them finish your look! Pricing for all wallets! Call or Message them on Facebook now to book a seat, appointments are limited! 707-360-8768 Halloween on the Avenue presented by Petronius; Mr. Ed’s Seafood and Oyster House; 1327 St. Charles Avenue. A FABULOUS ride On The Avenue with two stops at The Famed Columns Hotel and The Swanky Delechaise following by a Posh Party at Mr Ed’s Seafood and Oyster House! There will be a VIP silent auction, a show PLUS hors d’ oeuvres, and just pure glamorous fun!. Costumes encouraged. For tickets go to their Facebook page or Spooktrum LGbooTQ Halloween Party: The Willow; 8200 Willow Street; 8 – 11 p.m. This Halloween is the 2nd Annual Spectrum LGBTQ Halloween Party. Come in a costume to compete in their costume contest for a chance to win a $50 bar tab! Spooooooktrum will be followed by Ladies Night at the Willow starting at 11!! ~ladies drink free~ (Ladies night is a $5 cover). The party is 18+ and no cover. The New Orleans Vampire Ball: House of Blues; 225 Decatur Street; 8 p.m. – 1 a.m. Endless Night is best described as a Venetian Masquerade, meets a Vampire Court, with the elegance of a burlesque cabaret and the energy of a rock concert. For tickets, go to Category Is Costume Contest: Good Friends Bar and Queens Head Pub: 74 Dauphine Street; 9 p.m. – midnight Join Good Friends Bar for the Category is... Costume Contest. Sign ups start at 9 p.m. The categories are: 1. Scary; 2. Sexy; 3. Funny; 4. Group; 5. Best Overall. The winners of the first four categories will each receive a $50 bar tab. The winner of best overall will receive $100 in cash. Hosted and judged by Franky Canga, Kimberly Clark, Madonnathan, and Dede Onassis. Halloween Is A Drag: Good Friends Bar and Queens Head Pub: 74 Dauphine Street; 11:45 p.m. – midnight. Drag artists Franky Canga, Kimberly Clark, Madonnathan, and Dede Onassis will be performing live for your entertainment, with sets at midnight, 1 am, 2 am, and 3 am. In between the drag sets, they’ll feature only the best dance and disco tracks to keep you dancing all night long! Sunday, October 29, 2017 Poppy’s Pop Up Drag Brunch: Tujaques Restaurant; 823 Decatur Street; 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Celebrate the spookiest holiday of the year with CrescentCare. In support of the NO/AIDS Task Force, Tujaque’s is hosting one of Poppy’s Pop Up Drag Brunches in October. A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit CrescentCare’s Food for Friends program. This initiative provides nutrition through pantry services and home delivered meals to clients living with HIV/AIDS and cancer in the Greater New Orleans area. Food for Friends provides 130,000 meals to its clients annually. MC Kitty D’Litter and her ladies will be back in our Krewe d’Etat Room to put on a Halloween show filled with singing and dancing while you enjoy a three course brunch and bottomless mimosas. $50 per person excluding tax and gratuity. Spaces are limited. Call (504) 525-8676 to reserve your spot today. Credit card authorization will be required for all reservations due to demand. Monica Beverly Hillz At Oz Shownight: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 9 p.m. Join Oz for a special Halloween weekend Sunday Funday Show Night on October 29th featuring the talents of RuPaul’s Drag Race star, MONICA BEVERLY HILLS! She will be performing alongside the fabulous Ladies of Oz in what is sure · · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 15

to be a PHENOMENAL SHOW! Monday, October 30, 2017 Showstoppers Cabaret – Monsters: Allways Lounge; 2240 St. Claude Avenue; 8 – 11 p.m. On this night Showstoppers celebrates that which is aberrant and disruptive; the beast inside; the awesome signs the gods or Fate send to show their power, as an omen or as a miracle; the things that make people different, but that overarching social structures reject as against the natural order; the ugly truths that must be told, that become revelatory and astonishing in the light of the moon. 8 pm doors, 9 pm show. Cover $10. Cast includes Amber Alert, Lily Allure Burlesque, Ariana Amour (Adrian Claveria), NEON Burgundy, Kimberly Clark, Darling Darla James, Meredith Mon Archm, Lune Noirr, Hosted and produced by Dede Onassis.

remembrances). Dress/Costume: Appropriate to the celebration or with your own twist and is encouraged. Mask or makeup. Candles for the altar are available (in addition to any personal offering but a donation is appreciated. (All funds collected go to local New Orleans Charities). Movie Night – Portrait of Jason: Broad Street Theatre; 636 North Broad; 7 p.m. Co-sponsored by NOAGE and the LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana, “PORTRAIT OF JASON is a film in which Jason Holliday is given the entire screen for an hour and 45 minutes, during which time he makes probably as candid a self-revelation as has been known in the history of motion pictures or literature. And yet, how much is true and how much is a performance? Daring, provocative, ground-breaking and truly gripping, PORTRAIT OF JASON was one of the first LGBT films to be taken seriously by the general audiences. It remains one of the most remarkable films of American independent filmmaking.” Please arrive at least 15 minutes before showtime. In 2015, the United States Library of Congress selected Portrait of Jason for preservation in the National Film Registry. Admission is free, but you must RSVP to reserve your seat(s). Click the Eventbrite link on their Facebook page or go to www.

New Orleans Opera through June 2018 by Brian Sands Email:

As One at Marigny Opera House

Hannah goes to look up “transgender” (though that word is never mentioned) After many years of four-op- and, instead, in order to hide this curiera seasons, New Orleans Opera osity, becomes an expert on the Transhas been expanding its programming, vaal. Similarly, for most of Act Two, commendably, with its Chamber Opera Campbell and Reed precisely locate Series. the stations of Hannah’s journey as she In 2016, NOO presented attends college, is--happily--mistaken Brundibár, a children’s opera that had for a woman, and makes the decision been performed in the Theresienstadt to undergo hormone therapy (“As if concentration camp, in a memorable, one puberty weren’t awkward enough,” fully staged production at the WWII a line I love.). Her letter to her parents, Museum. who don’t know that she’s transitioning Earlier this year at the Marigny Opera House, NOO offered the (though her mother suspects someNew Orleans premiere of As One, thing’s going on), offering plausible exTuesday, October 31, 2017 which relates a transgender woman’s cuses as to why she won’t be coming Best In Show Costume Conjourney from youth to young adulthood home for Christmas (not enough montest: Good Friends Bar and Queens ey, too busy), is heartbreaking while with humor and sensitivity. Head Pub: 74 Dauphine Street; 1o Conceived by composer Laura avoiding sentimentality. p.m. – midnight. Good Friends will be Occasionally, however, the Kaminsky and with a libretto by Mark wrapping up Halloween right with the words turn generic and As One loosCampbell and transgender filmmakBest In Show Costume Contest! Signens its grip on the audience. er Kimberly Reed, As One uses two ups start at 10 p.m. with the contest at While Hannah may indeed singers to portray Hannah, a baritone 11 p.m. All costumes eligible. The winhave been an over-achieving “perfect (Hannah Before) and a mezzo-sopraner will receive $100 cash with a $50 boy,” we’ve heard this trope before and no (Hannah After). bar tab to the runner up. Hosted and the lyrics of this song flirt with cliche. In 80 minutes, As One depicts judged by drag artists Kimberly Clark Hannah’s experiences as she endeav- Later, in the second act, Hannah esand Dede Onassis. ors to resolve the discord between her- capes a transphobic assault; while of Halloween Night at Oz: Oz; Saturday, November 4, 2017 self and the outside world. Inspired in course such terrible things sadly occur, 800 Bourbon Street; 10 p.m. Party all Dress For Success Gala: Genpart by the life experiences of Reed, it feels shoehorned in solely to provide night long decked out in your best cos- erations Hall; 310 Andrew Higgins; 7 As One is divided into three sections: a motivating cause for Hannah’s subtumes for All Hallows Eve in the land of – 11 p.m. Dress for Success New OrHannah’s childhood in a small town, sequent actions. A concurrent listing of dance! At midnight, join 6x GAA Cher- leans is pleased to announce the inauher college years on the West Coast, names of transwomen who have been idon Comedy Award winner and South- gural Fashion Gala presented by the and finally learning about herself in murdered throughout the world is a ern Decadence Grand Marshal XLIII, Oscar J. Tolmas Charitable Trust with touching tribute to them, but results in Norway. Persana Shoulders, for their annual a Patron Party beginning at 7-8pm, Kaminsky has scored As One the dramatic narrative going slack. costume contest! Cash and prizes for followed by the Gala from 8-11pm. The final section, set in Norfor a string quartet which seems apt for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place with celebrity This year’s theme is “A Salute to Coco way where Hannah has gone for solthis small of scale, yet consequential, guest judges. Chanel: The First Feminist of Fashion”. itude and self-reflection, gives her a work. Lush intricate passages alterParty goers are encouraged to dress gorgeous aria that contemplates the nate with spiky, edgy ones that define Wednesday, November 1, 2017 in cocktail attire celebrating the theme wisdom she’s attained, yet it could’ve Hannah’s initially conflicted feelings. A Team Cheezy’s All Saints Day for the night. The Gala will showcase shift to minor keys accentuates Han- been almost anyone’s summing up Cookout!: Double Play Bar; 439 Dau- mannequins from various local bounah’s yearning for understanding and of their quest for self-knowledge. I phine Street; 5 – 7 p.m. Team Cheezy tiques in the theme of the evening. acceptance. Magnificent passages of would’ve preferred if, perhaps, there is hosting this event for this year’s There will be delicious fare served by churning, multi-note runs convey her had been some resolution with her faPancreatic Cancer Action Network’s local restaurants as well as amazing confusion as she learns about sex and milial relationships. PurpleStride 5k Run/Walk. Come join live music by the Jenn Howard Band, For such an intimate work, gender dysphoria. them for All Saints Day with Burgers silent auction and Chanel raffle courteFrances Rabalais’ direction, using only While Kaminsky uses comand Weiner’s on the grill and all the sy of Vintage329. Tickets available at: two chairs and a gray sheet to stand in plicated instrumental lines to underfixins! Only $10/plate. They will have a a variety of props, was appropriatescore equally complicated emotions, Raffles (50/50 and other fantastic do- cessnola. ly simple and mostly effective. Had she Hannah’s vocal lines are melodious, nated items). had more rehearsal time, I suspect she beautifully so, and character-defining, All Saints Day Mobile Altar would have found even more nuances unlike many other contemporary opProcession: Mags 940; 940 Elysian for her staging. eras where they oftentimes come off Fields; 6 – 9 p.m. The Big Easy SisBrenda Patterson brought an as arbitrary. ters of Perpetual Indulgence will be aching poignancy to Hannah After, Like Hannah herself, the libretIf you want to make leading a procession of remembrance spinning out line after line of Kaminto is a bit bifurcated. When Campbell through the Marigny/French Quarter in sky’s splendid music. In this thoughtful sure your upcoming and Reed stick to specific incidents celebration for the souls of those we performance, Hannah’s internal conand details, As One draws us into its event is listed, email love who have passed. Procession flicts subtly rippled across her face. world and we follow eagerly. starts at 6:00 pm at Mags 940 and the information to me at As Hannah Before, Luis AleIn Act One, songs about ends when it ends. This event is free jandro Orozco also sang with fine handwriting and a John Donne poem and Open to anyone. Bring an offertinction and a tone that had the richpinpoint how Hannah sees her situaing (object, picture, anything) to place ness of a woodwind instrument. Yet, in tion and reflects on it. There’s also a upon our mobile altar (All offerings are Part I, he fell into the trap, that often marvelous passage in a library where kept safe in reverence for use in future besets less experienced actors asked 16 · The Official Mag: · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide · · · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 17


529.2860, Facebook.COM/GoldenLanternBar Good Friends Bar, 740 Dauphine St, 566.7191, GoodFriendsBar.COM GRANDPRE’S, 834 N. Rampart St., 267.3615, KAJUN’S PUB, 2256 St. Claude Ave., 947.3735, KajunPub.COM MAG’S 940, 940 Elysian Fields Ave., 948.1888 OZ NEW ORLEANS, 800 Bourbon, 593.9491, OzNewOrleans. COM THE PAGE, 542 N. Rampart St., 875.4976 PHOENIX/EAGLE, 941 Elysian Fields, 945.9264, www.phoenixbarnola. com Rawhide 2010, 740 Burgundy St., 525.8106, Rawhide2010.COM TROPICAL ISLE: Home of the Hand Grenade, 721 Bourbon St., 529.4109, TropicalIsle.COM VALIANT THEATRE AND LOUNGE, 6621 St. Claude Ave., Arabi, LA, 504.900.1743 Slidell, LA [985] BILLY’S, 2600 Hwy. 190 West, 847.1921 Biloxi, MS [228] CLUB VEAUX, 834 Howard Ave., 207.3271


New Orleans, LA [504] FAB - Faubourg Marigny Art & Books, 600 Frenchmen St., 947.3700



Mobile, AL [251] B-Bob’s Downtown, 213 Conti St., 433.2262, B-Bobs.COM Flip Side Bar & Patio, 54 S. Conception St., 431.8819, FlipSideBarPatio. COM GABRIEL’S DOWNTOWN, 55 South Joachim St., 432.4900 The Midtown Pub, 153 Florida St., 450.1555 Pensacola, FL [850] THE ROUNDUP, 560 East Heinberg St., 433.8482 Baton Rouge, LA [225] GEORGE’S, 860 St. Louis, 387.9798, SPLASH, 2183 Highland Rd., 242.9491, SplashBR.COM Lake Charles, LA [337] CRYSTAL’S, 112 W. Broad, 433.5457 Metairie, LA [504] FOUR SEASONS & PATIO STAGE BAR, 3229 N. Causeway, 832.0659,

New Orleans, LA [504] 700 CLUB, 700 Burgundy, 561.1095, BIG DADDY’S, 2513 Royal, 948.6288 BIG EASY DAIQUIRIS, 216 Bourbon, 501 Bourbon, 409 Decatur, 617 Decatur THE BLACK PENNY, 700 N. Rampart BOURBON PUB & PARADE, 801 Bourbon St., 529.2107, BourbonPub.COM Café Lafitte in Exile, 901 Bourbon Street 522.8397, Lafittes.COM CORNER POCKET, 940 St. Louis, 568.9829, CornerPocket.NET COUNTRY CLUB, 634 Louisa St., TheCountryClubNewOrleans.COM, 945.0742 CUTTER’S, 706 Franklin, 948.4200 THE DOUBLE PLAY, 439 Dauphine, 523.4517 THE FRIENDLY BAR, 2301 Chartres, 943.8929 GOLDEN LANTERN, 1239 Royal,

Aug. 30-Sept. 4, 2017, 46th Official Southern Decadence Celebration of Gay Life, Music & Culture, end of Summer Blowout including the Southern Decadence Parade & loads of activities, bringing over 180,000 revelers to New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush & Oct. 20-22, 2017 Halloween 34, benefiting Project Lazarus, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by AmbushMag.COM, Dec. 29, 2017-Jan. 1, 2018 Gay New Year’s in New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, Feb. 9-13, 2018, 69th Official Gay Mardi Gras, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush, Easter Sunday, April 11, 2018, 19th Official Gay Easter Parade, New Orleans, sponsored by Ambush,


New Orleans, LA [504] QT PIE BOUTIQUE - 241 Dauphine St., 581. 6633


New Orleans, LA [504] CASSELL-BERGEN GALLERY, 1305 Decatur St., cassellbergengallery. com, 504.524.0671


AMBUSH Mag, 828-A Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116-3137; 504.522.8049, AmbushMag.COM;


New Orleans, LA [504] QUARTERMASTER DELI, THE NELLIE DELI, 1100 Bourbon, 529.1416

hair salons

New Orleans, LA [504] Two Guys Cutting Hair, 2372 St.

Claude Ave., Suite 125, appointments: Adikus 215.519.5030, Trent 504.239.2397


New Orleans, LA [504] MARY’S FRENCH QUARTER HARDWARE, 732 N. Rampart, 529.4465


New Orleans [504] AARON INGRAM HAUS, 1012 Elysian Fields, New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE: 504.949.3110, www.ingramhaus. com/xqey, e-mail us at Condos with queen-size beds, private entrances; located only six blocks from Bourbon Street and walking distance to most New Orleans attractions. Several favorite bars are within one block. [0118] BLUES60 GUEST HOUSE, 1008 Elysian Fields Ave. New Orleans, LA 70117, Phone: 1.504.324.4311,, The Blue60 Guest House with 5 suites provides a peaceful retreat in the center of the Faubourg Marigny, just blocks from the French Quarter and Frenchman St. [1115] BURGUNDY BED AND BREAKFAST, 2513 Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE/FAX: 504.942.1463, Toll Free (Continental US only): 1.800.970.2153,, E-mail us at Gay owned and operated in newly renovated 1890’s double. Four guest rooms with private baths, guests’ parlor and “half-kitchen”, courtyard and half-open tubhouse with spa (hot tub/whirlpool). Clothing optional in sunbathing and hot tub area. Walking distance to French Quarter. Immediate vicinity of gay and lesbian bars/venues. [0815] The french quarter guest houses, 1005 St. Peter, New Orleans, LA 70116, Phone: 1.800.367.5858,, email: Four meticulously restored boutique inns located in the heart of the French Quarter’s most popular LGBT neighborhood. Each building’s individual character and charm provides an unforgettable authentic French Quarter experience!


New Orleans, LA [504] AMBUSH Mag, Official Gay Easter Parade Guide, Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide, Official Gay New Orleans Guide, Official Gulf South Guide, Official Pride Guide, Official Southern Decadence Guide, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 522.8049, AmbushMag.COM; email: AMBUSHonLINE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137; 522.8049,, email:


FOOD FOR FRIENDS, 504.821.2601 ext. 254 FRIDAY NIGHT BEFORE MARDI GRAS (FNBMG), 504.319.8261, GAY APPRECIATION AWARDS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137; 522.8049; AmbushMag.COM/GAA GAY EASTER PARADE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049,, GayEasterParade.COM GAY MARDI GRAS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, Gay-

18 · The Official Mag: · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

MardiGras.COM GAY NEW ORLEANS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, GayNewOrleans.COM HAART (HIV/AIDS Alliance Region Two, Inc.), 4550 North Blvd. Ste. 250, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, 225.927.1269,, offers a complete continuum of care to people living with HIV/ AIDS including housing, primary care, medications, case management, and an array of supportive services. In addition HAART provides HIV prevention education and FREE testing to the Baton Rouge area. HALLOWEEN IN NEW ORLEANS, INC., PO Box 52171, 70152-2171; halloween KREWE OF AMON-RA, PO Box 7033, Metairie, LA 70010, KreweOfAmonRa.COM KREWE OF ARMEINIUS, PO Box 56638, New Orleans, LA 70156-6638, KREWE OF MWINDO, PO Box 51031, 70156; 913.5791, KreweOfMwindo. ORG, KREWE OF NARCISSUS, PO Box 3832, New Orleans, LA 70177. Contact: 504.228.9441 KREWE OF PETRONIUS, PO Box 1102, Kenner, LA. 70063-1102, www. KREWE OF QUEENATEENAS / KING CAKE QUEEN ROYALTY CLUB, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 522.8049, GayMardiGras.COM/KCQ LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana, 1308 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, LA 70116, 504.475.7911, www.lgbtar- LORDS OF LEATHER, 1631 Elysian Fields, #161, 70117, MYSTIC KREWE OF SATYRICON, 2443 Halsey Ave., New Orleans, LA 70114, 504.906.7990 Todd J. Blauvelt / Secretary,, MysticKreweOfSatyricon.COM NO/AIDS TASK FORCE, 2601 Tulane Ave., Suite 500, 70119; 504.821.2601; NOAIDSTaskForce.COM PRIDE, NOLAPride.ORG RENEGADE BEARS OF LOUISIANA, PO Box 3083, New Orleans, LA 70177; renegadebearsoflouisiana@gmail. com SOUTHERN DECADENCE, 828A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, SouthernDecadence.COM ST. ANNA’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 1313 Esplanade Avenue New Orleans, LA 70116 504.947.2121,


Mumfrey’s Pharmacy, 1021 W. Judge Perez Dr., Chalmette, LA 70043, 504.279.6312, www.MumfreysPharmacy.COM. Supporting & serving the LGBT Community for over 20 years. Local pharmacy offering personalized family-like service, automatic refills & free metro wide confidential pickup & delivery. Also offering shipping for out-side our delivery area. When you call us you speak to a person, not a machine. See our ad.


New Orleans, LA [504] GRAHAM/STUDIO ONE NEW ORLEANS, by appointment,

CAFE ISTANBUL, 2372 St. Claude Ave., #140, 504.974.0786, CafeIstanbulNOLA.COM


New Orleans, LA [504] Gay New Orleans Walking Tour, Crescent City Tour Booking Agency, (LGBT Business of the Year) 638 St. Ann St., 568.0717. follow Gay New Orleans Walking Tour @ Facebook.COM

Metairie, LA [504] Chef Ron’s Gumbo Stop & Pub, 2309 N. Causeway Blvd., 835.2022, New Orleans, LA [504] The Bombay Club, 830 Rue Conti, 577.2237, www.bombayclubneworleans. com Broussard’s Restaurant & Courtyard, 819 Rue Conti, 581.3866, http:// Cafe Sbisa, 1011 Decatur St., 522.5565, Cheezy Cajun, 3325 St. Claude Ave., 265.0045, www.TheCheezyCajun. com Clover Grill, 900 Bourbon St., 598.1010, Country Club Restaurant, 634 Louisa St.,, 945.0742 Gene’s Po-Boys & Daquiris, 1040 Elysian Fields Ave., 943.3861, Ilys Bistro, 1040 Elysian Fields Ave., 947.8341, Kingfish Kitchen & Cocktails, 337 Chartres St. 598.5005, Mona Lisa Restaurant, 1212 Royal St., 522.6746 Orleans Grapevine Wine Bar & Bistro, 720 Orleans, 523.1930, Quartermaster: The Nellie Deli, 1100 Bourbon St. , 529.1416, Royal House Oyster Bar, 441 Royal St., 528.2601,


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real estate

New Orleans, LA [504] Engel & Völkers New Orleans, Michael Styles, Realtor — Michael specializes in helping first-time homebuyers and real estate investors find the perfect New Orleans properties. 504.777.1773, Latter & Blum, Steven Richards Realtor, 504.258.1800, New Orleans Relocation, Realtors — gay-owned boutique real estate agency for locals and newcomers. 504.273.0088


New Orleans, LA [504] BOURBON PRIDE, 909 Bourbon, 566.1570 COK (Clothing or Kinkl), 941 Elysian Fields, 945.9264 MARY’S FRENCH QUARTER KITCHEN & BATH, 732 N. Rampart, 529.4465 QT PIE BOUTIQUE - 241 Dauphine St., 581. 6633 XXXSHOP, 1835 N. Rampart St., 504.232.3063


New Orleans, LA [504] Formal Connection, 299 Belle Terre Blvd. LaPlace, LA, 985.652.1195


New Orleans, LA [504] · · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 19

20 路 The Official Mag: 路 Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路

to play children, of scrunching up his face and overexaggerating Hannah’s emotions. Fortunately, this subsided once we got to Hannah’s college years in Part II. Proving he’s just as incisive and insightful with a contemporary chamber opera as he is with Verdi and Wagner, NOO Artistic Director Robert Lyall conducted The Polymnia Quartet with passion and assurance. Founded by local musicians in 2015, the Polymnia played this often challenging score with superb musicianship. The Polymnia Quartet again appeared under Maestro Lyall’s baton as part of the extraordinary ensemble for Astor Piazzolla’s tango opera María de Buenos Aires that the NOO presented during Ambush’s hiatus. I loved Piazzolla’s intoxicating music. Horacio Ferrer’s libretto, with its surreal plot focusing on the experiences of a prostitute in Buenos Aires, was, well, interesting. Judging from the enthusiastic response in the sold-out ballroom at the JW Marriott Hotel, where the two-performance run occurred, audiences here wish there were more such tango operas. So a hearty “Bravo” to New Orleans Opera for bringing As One and María de Buenos Aires to “America’s first city of opera” and for making the commitment to continue the Chamber Series with George Whitefield Chadwick’s waggish operetta Tabasco in January and Gian Carlo Menotti’s The Medium in June. Along with the mainstage productions of Offenbach’s comic Orpheus in the Underworld (coming up Nov. 10 & 12 at the Mahalia Jackson Theater), Terence Blanchard’s new jazz opera Champion about boxer Emile Griffith and a 75th Anniversary Celebration concert in the spring, this season promises to be a transcendent one for opera in New Orleans.

America’s Wartime Sweethearts: A Tribute to The Andrews Sisters at the WWII Museum’s Stage Door Canteen

sister Laverne was the only one who could read music; the trio recorded over 600 tunes, sold over 90 million records and was the best selling group during WWII; and that they were inspired by the Boswell Sisters of New Orleans. After covering songs like Alexander’s Ragtime Band, they scored their first hit with Bei Mir Bist Du Schön, the most popular song of 1938. From then on, they performed with some of the top bands in the land; joined Glenn Miller on his radio show; entertained troops all over the country; and appeared in countless movies. Reed’s supple direction unobtrusively keeps Sweethearts moving along fluidly while occasionally getting audience members involved for a little dancing with the featured performers, the Canteen’s in-house trio, the Victory Belles. Reed’s inclusion of clips from some of the Sisters’ films is a nice touch. Heidi Malnar’s choreography is simple but period-appropriate and inventively enhances the vocals. With their creamy voices and terrific harmonies, the Belles gorgeously recreate the sound of that era without slavishly imitating the Andrews Sisters. The three of them effortlessly shift from a polka medley to a Latin one while capturing the differing styles of each Sister. From Rum and Coca Cola to Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree and Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, four generations after these songs sat at the top of the hit parade, they still hold up as archetypal pop tunes. The Andrews Sisters may have been “America’s Wartime Sweethearts,” but if there’s any justice, the catchy songs they made famous will live on forever.

Curtain Up Known for their previous blood splatter shows (Evil Dead: The Musical, Musical of the Living Dead), See

‘Em On Stage: A Production Company presents William Shakespeare’s violent tragedy Titus Andronicus at The AllWays Theatre (2240 St. Claude Ave.) through November 5. Regarded as “Shakespeare’s bloodiest play,” Andronicus tells the fictional story of the Roman army general Titus, who becomes caught in a cycle of revenge with the alluring and destructive Tamora, Queen of the Goths. “Gallons of fake blood” are promised to bring this classic tale of murder to life just in time for the Halloween season. And if you thought Sweeney Todd’s meat pies were nasty, wait till you see Titus’s. Christopher Bentivegna directs Ron Gural as Titus, Trina Beck as Tamora plus Monica Harris, Clint Johnson, Mary Pauley, Levi Hood, Kali Russell, Kyle Woods, Eli Timm, Khiry Armstead, Kirk Jonathan, and Matt Story among others. JPAS and Loyola’s Theatre Department collaborate for the first time to give the regional premiere of Caroline, or Change by Tony (Angels in America) Kushner and Jeanine (Fun Home) Tesori. This award-winning musical takes place in Lake Charles, Kushner’s hometown, centering around two families, one Jewish and one African-American, as they navigate some of the greatest social movements of the 1960s, and a friendship develops between a young boy and his family’s maid. Troi Bechet heads the cast under Laura Hope’s direction. Caroline plays until November 5 at JPAS’ Westwego Performing Arts Theatre (177 Sala Ave.). Theater Lab NOLA brings back Fred Nuccio’s production of Beirut by Alan Bowne. Only this time, instead of being done at Mid City Theatre, you’ll go thru the Outlaw Pizza Company entrance (814 S. Peters St.)

to get to the theater which used to be the dressing room area for the dearly departed True Brew Theatre. You’ll find, not surprisingly, a small space but in NOLA’s venue-challenged times, any new locale is a welcome one. One of the signature AIDSthemed plays of the late 1980s, Beirut takes place in an apocalyptic future where a young man named Torch has been removed to a dark, squalid room after testing positive for a nameless, sexually transmitted disease. His uninfected girlfriend, Blue, makes the dangerous journey across the quarantine line to be with him and, for the next hour, they engage in a desperate apache dance of love, sex and death. Newcomers Jason Piglia and Isabel Groedel star as Torch and Blue. In July, Theater Lab NOLA delivered an excellent production of Nick Payne’s thought-provoking play Constellations in the same space. Let’s hope they do so again. You can find out November 2-19. And not sure if there’ll be a desperate apache dance of love, sex and death at Café Istanbul (2372 St. Claude Ave.) on November 9 and 10, but international drag chanteuse and petty criminal Varla Jean Merman will be hosting SuperPower Summit of Talent, the New Orleans debut of comic canary Deven Green. This delightfully daffy diva duo promise to provide laughs and alliterations galore. A veritable human jukebox, Ms. Green sings songs ranging from the 17th century up to today’s hot hits, all the while accompanying herself on the ukulele. General Admission tickets are $25. VIP Meet & Greet tix are $40 and include center seating, a post-show reception with the starlets, a special commemorative memento from Ms. Green, and a lingering infection from Ms. Merman. In which case, you might be removed to Beirut.

This show returns with Wednesday matinee performances through November 22; it will then resume in January and continue until February 28. Here are excerpts from my review which originally ran in October 2014. America’s Wartime Sweethearts: A Tribute to The Andrews Sisters is a sprightly hour-long introduction to a group that virtually defined the World War II era. Following other such revues that paid tribute to Frank Sinatra and Louis Prima, the Canteen’s Director of Entertainment Victoria Reed has discovered just the right ratio of words to music for these entertainments. With over 30 numbers, the balance rightly tilts towards the music but along the way we learn that oldest · · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 21

A Little Crazy Never Hurts by Felicia Phillips Email:

I have always felt that to live in New Orleans you have to be at least a little bit crazy or you must now how to roll with crazy when it comes your way, and believe me it will come your way. Working first in the hotel business and now back behind a bar, it is a daily occurrence, that I have a conversation with guests that think that they just have to move here, or sometimes its comparing stories with others that have already transplanted themselves here. The one thing that is guaranteed is a story of a magical, crazy, or twisted experience will be shared. A couple of weeks ago a well dress middle aged lady , she is curious as to if I knew what going to become of a building a couple of doors down, telling me that before Katrina it belonged to a woman that was “anointed “by some voodoo priestesses in Africa, and sent back as a missionary to bring their culture here, along with thousands of dollars in artifacts that were abandoned after she was caught embezzling and Katrina hit. That story was fascinating but wasn’t the best of our conversation. We talked about how it is that people that aren’t born and bred here often don’t make it but a few months, but others such as her and myself, don’t just survive, but thrive, and that’s how our comparing of stories started. I tell her just one of my many experiences from before I took the plunge and moved here for the long

haul. Picture it Mardi Gras circa 2003, I bring a twenty two year old straight bartender from Texas with me for his first time, he was more than cool with it as he worked in the gay bar I managed, and was fascinated with my drag for some reason. So on the first night don matching costumes, it was around the time that Queen of the Damned was out and we went as kind of modern gothic Egyptian vampires. Both scantily clad, and I had on a mohawk with a pony tail that touched my ankles. Not realizing we were leaving our hotel in the CBD to head to the bars right in the middle of a parade, we almost decide to go back to the room, when we notice that we were fast becoming the center of attention, and once we got into character the crowds were literally parting like the red sea to let us pass! It was one of the most surreal experiences I’ve ever had. At one point a homeless man stops and looks us both in the eyes, and tells us nothing around us is real, that this is the matrix and that our real names are Jeremy and Isabella, then focusing on my companion whose name is John, he says don’t ever sleep around on her or she will rip your heart out with her own hands! Intense was the word of that night. After a very long night of cocktailing and some very hedonistic moments we end up somehow in front of St.Louis Cemetery, I had always had a fantasy of being with a hot hetro in a graveyard while in vam-

pire drag! So I just went for it, climbed over the fence, and he followed. We quickly started to sober up and knew we needed to get the hell up out of there, he boosts me up on to the wall and I crawl like a cat until I find a place to jump down. He is really feeling the vampire thing so he does a flip off of the wall, its then when we both have landed straight up on our feet that we see we are at the entrance to the Iberville Projects and there were people everywhere! Figuring we were either done for or we could just roll with it, we proceed to walk right thru the middle of the them, and it is complete truth that all the people slowly backed up into their houses and let us pass without incident! After sharing my story, I ask her to top that and tell me her story. She is now a prominent staff member of Tulane with a twenty year career, but it was at the fresh age of nineteen that she ventured here for the first time, via train from the east coast to check out the university. She liked Tulane but wasn’t sure if it was enough to relocate here for, on the day she was to catch the train back home she decided to spend her last couple of hours in Jackson Square to experience some of the magic and culture she had heard about. She assured me it was different in some ways than now, but in other ways much the same. While finishing up her lunch and preparing to head to the train station, an oddly dressed man sat down beside her, opened up a suit case and started to make animal balloons. He tells her he is a street performer that is a professional clown and begins to tell her all the things about the town that only a local would know. He is so good at capturing the essence of the heart the city in his words, that


before she knows it she had missed her train. Mesmerized by this quirky character she is convinced to go back to his French Quarter apartment (yes back then a street performer could afford the rent!) and stay over to experience all that there is to see and do, only problem is once she gets there, he is ready for and experience of a more fleshy kind, she was fine with that as he was kind of hot in a 1990’s gutter punk way, however it didn’t take her long to realize she wasn’t going to see much of the city as he kept her locked in , making her his own little sex slave! She said it was nearly three days before she got out and made her way back east, the whole time thinking did that really happen? I then ask her how could you have ended up back here for twenty years after something as traumatic as that? She responds oh it took two years before I could even think about coming back, but by then I had a great job offer that would turn into the position I now have, and I had to admit even with as insane of a first experience I had, I did feel some magical connection. And when I really thought about it I figured, hell if I could make it as a captive sex slave for a psycho clown who also gave me the clap, everything else there will be a piece of cake! Both stories just reaffirmed my belief that you will experience magical, crazy and often twisted things here, and you either become part of them are roll with them! And that’s the Real Cheese! Till next time dahlins, I’m Felicia Phillips the Cheese Queen of New Orleans.






For GirlsWho Dress to Kill 824 Chartres St. 504.418.1448

VISIT OUR WEBSITE M–Sat 11–6 Sun 12–5

22 · The Official Mag: · Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·


“The Color Crawl” Get ready for one of the biggest and best Pub Crawls in the French Quarter! New Orleans Pride hosts its 8th Annual Pub Crawl: The Color Crawl on Saturday, November 18th at 7:00pm The crawl is open to the first 100 participants. $25 includes a limited edition 2018 New Orleans Pride T-Shirt, a Pride Bandanna, shots* and give-a-ways at up to 8 bars. (*number of free shots may vary) More information can be found at or facebook. com/NewOrleansPrideFestival New Orleans Pride fully embraces the message of visibility of all communities in our mission to celebrate and promote history along with future prosperity of not only the New Orleans area, but the entire Gulf Coast Region. We are using public awareness and education about the LGBT community as a way to combat “phobias” and discrimination. These programs, seminars, and events leading up to, and during Pride weekend, are meant to include individuals from all walks of life. New Orleans Pride’s objectives are to create an atmosphere in the Gulf Coast Region, where everyone can feel comfortable, safe and respected. It’s time to stop segregation. New Orleans Pride is trying to create unity in all communities, bringing together the straight and homosexual communities. New Orleans Pride Festival is composed of a weekend of events that are centered around the LGBT Community of New Orleans and its allies. Fundraisers are hosted at various LGBT friendly locations in South Louisiana and Mississippi throughout the year. New Orleans Pride raises money for two reasons. First, funds are raised to put on the Pride Weekend Festival for the LGBT Community of New Orleans. Second, funds are raised for education in the community. New Orleans Pride focuses on Anti-Bullying and Anti- Discrimination in the school systems, as well as other LGBT issues. Pride makes a yearly donation to other New Orleans non -profit organizations. New Orleans Pride is a 501c3 Organization and all donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.





315 N RENDON ST NEW ORLEANS, LA 70119 Appetizers will be served Contributions are appreciated but not required for this event For more information, please contact


On November 16th, 170 business & community leaders will sleep on the street to raise solidarity and support for homeless youth & children at Covenant House. To join them - or support a sleeper with a donation - visit:

24 路 The Official Mag: 路 Oct 24 - Nov 6, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路

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