Ambush Magazine Volume 35 Issue 16

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Volume 35 Issue 16 · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 Facebook.COM/AmbushMag

Award Winning

Pre-Thanksgiving @AmbushMag

Celebrating LGBTQ Life, Music & Culture! Gulf South LGBTQ Entertainment/Travel Guide · 35th Anniversary 1982-2017 · For Adults Only

2 路 The Official Mag: 路 Nov 7 - 20, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路 · · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 3

The “Official” Dish by Frank Pizzolato Email:

Ambush Still Speaking

As the week unfolds, it is important to remember that there is an election day coming very soon. In New Orleans and throughout the region, it’s time to get off your ass and VOTE! It’s an exciting runoff election. While New Orleans faces many challenges going forward, the runoff election for New Orleans Mayor not only determines who will led us through those challenges, but who will represent our city for New Orleans’ 300th birthday celebration when a lot of attention will be focused on the area. This new administration with new faces, new ideas, and—for the first time—led by a woman can send a powerful message to the nation and the world. It really will be a time to make sure we shine and show off the progress and resilience we’ve made in the past 12 years. Furthermore, with the runoff in District B, we have the opportunity to elect Seth Bloom, who could be the first openly gay member to serve on city council. As the world turns their eyes to the Crescent City for our tricentennial, our message will resound even brighter and louder than ever before. BUT you have to vote to make it happen. As if on cue to show just how important a vote for the right candidate is, mid-week I read with disgust the ruling of the Appeals Court in the fight over LGBT protections between Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards and Attorney General Jeff Landry. It was an action which had not been brought up before and never should have been brought this time. As a small minded political opportunist, Landry— whose sole purpose is to position himself for Governor—seized the opportunity to pander to the bible thumping yahoos who put Trump in the White House. While he claims to operate under the guise of so called Christian matters of faith (“so called” because they are no more Christian than I am a mid-wife), in fact he is only currying favor with the political bottom feeders who give Christ a bad name. Landry is willing to cast our life, liberty, and happiness aside to advance his own selfish agenda. We hope Governor Edwards will continue the fight, and stand up to this divisive and hateful charade. We need to let him know that we are behind him in the fight. We need to shine whatever light available on the small minded hate mongers who support Jeff Landry. We need to look at his contributors and expose their connection to the hate filled agenda he is pursuing in their name. We must never vote for or support those who attempt to gain political advantage through hate and fear. GO VOTE NOVEMBER 18th!

Inside this Issue of Amush Snap Paparazzi


A Community within Communities


Business Highlight


Stonewall Sports


Moments in Gay New Orleans History


In Memoriam: Errol Rizzuto


Under the Gaydar


Book Review


Snap Paparazzi




Krewe of Amon-Ra


Trodding the Boards


Facebook.COM/AmbushMag Gulf South Entertainment/Travel Guide Since 1982 • Texas-Florida Official Gay Easter Parade Guide© Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide© Official Gay New Orleans Guide© Official Pride Guide© Official Southern Decadence Guide© AWARD WINNING: Saints & Sinners Literary Festival Hall of Fame/2015, Louisiana Excellence Award: Media & Internet/2014, New Orleans Print Media Award/2014, 25th NO/AIDS Task Force Humanitas Award/2013, New Orleans Print Media Award/2013, Krewe of Mwindo Media Honoree/2009, Krewe of Petronius Carnival Spirit of Gay Mardi Gras XLVIII Award/2009, Forum For Equality Acclaim Awards X Media Recipient/2008, NO/AIDS Task Force Prometheus “Torch of Truth” [media] Award/2001 Email: ANNUAL READERSHIP OVER 1 MILLION: 260,000+ Print/780,000+ Online CIRCULATION: Alabama - Mobile Florida - Pensacola Louisiana - Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Metairie, New Orleans, Slidell Mississippi - Bay St. Louis, Biloxi STAFF: PUBLISHER/EDITOR/PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Frank Pizzolato, New Orleans GULF SOUTH/NEW ORLEANS AD SALES Frank Pizzolato, New Orleans THEATRE/PERFORMING ARTS CRITIC Brian Sands AD REPS/JOURNALISTS/PHOTOGRAPHERS Misti Gaiter, Tony Leggio, Hubert S Monkeys, Felicia Phillips, Frank Perez, Rev. Bill Terry-New Orleans Miss Cie-Mobile, AL National Advertising Rep: Rivendell Media 212.242.6863 Ambush Mag is published on alternate Tuesdays of each month by Ambush Publishing. Advertising, Copy & Photo DEADLINE is alternate Tuesdays, 4pm, prior to publication week, accepted via e-mail only:, except for special holidays. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for the claims of advertisers and has the right to reject any advertising. The inclusion of an individual’s name or photograph in this publication implies nothing about that individual’s sexual orientation. Letters, stories, etc., appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of the Publisher or Staff of AMBUSH Mag. Subscription rate is $45 for 1/2 Year; $75 for 1 year. Sample Copy is $3 First Class Mail. ©1982-2017 AMBUSH PUBLISHING LLC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTHING HEREIN MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER INCLUDING AD LAYOUTS, MAPS and PHOTOS.

Gulf South LGBTQ Entertainment & Travel Guide Since 1982 New Orleans, Louisiana

4 · The Official Mag: · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

TIS THE SEASON Southern Decadence

Charity Check Presentation

Sunday November 19 during Reba: Dragging for Jesus benefitting

Dodwell House and NOAGE: NO Advocates for LGBT Elders

Play Girlz

hosted by Gia GiaVanni

The Music of the

Fridays 10–11:30pm

Vanessa Carr Band

Fridays 7:30–9:30pm

The Music of

Senator Ken

Saturdays 7:30–9:30pm

who dat season!


The Official Home of Southern Decadence.

Divas R Us starring Monica


Jubilee: Dragging for Jesus

Saturdays 10–11:30pm

with Reba Douglas

Sundays 5:00–7:00pm

Best Happy Hour in the Quarter!



1239 Royal St. New Orleans •


N E V E R A C O V E R AT THE GOLDEN LANTERN · · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 5

Snap Paparazzi Various Photos from Halloween Parties & NOAGE Pot Luck Social at LGBT CC | Photos by Tony Leggio

6 路 The Official Mag: 路 Nov 7 - 20, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路

A Community within Communities by The Very Rev. Bill Terry+ Email:

Power and Abuse

Employer, priest, pastor, director, manager and teacher- all are positions of power. There are other powerful positions as well. Abuse of that power is what much of the conversation revolves around today. Here are just some of the less sensational charges:

• • • • • • •

feed the hungry give drink to the thirsty give shelter to strangers clothe the naked visit the sick minister to prisoners and bury the dead.

cede it. Do good means to stand in solidarity with the powerless whosesoever we find them. The powerless may be male or female of a certain race or creed, or a certain sexual orientation, of an economic class. Do good should be all of who and what we are. I am blessed because I get to see folks and particularly our community “do good” often. A few of those things might be collecting toys for kids in Puerto Rico, raising monies to teach kids in the Tremé, a hospice visit for a dying friend, support for those struggling, maybe as simple as buying a ticket to a fund raiser for a charity. Do good! So brothers and sisters let’s start to take a serious look at ourselves and our community and maybe we can tweak a few things in our collective lives. Maybe we can start to rebuild our social contract and elevate ourselves to a new level of holiness because in

so doing all of these things we are doing sacred work; even the least of us. So, here is that start of the list. I would love to hear of your additions to this list to build a better community within the larger community and to return us to our common humanity. Once more: • • • •

Do no harm. (Be gentle in spirit) Respect the dignity of every human being. (Go beyond what you see) Show diligence. (Do not be a part of that which hurts or deprives one of dignity) Do not neglect to do good. (Work actively to make all of these virtues true)

The challenge for us is to give new meaning to these very old and ap• Substitute teacher accused of bed- parently out dated lists that would purTo add to the list of virtues for our comding teen allegedly sent him nudes ported insure and clean heart and give munity please email: fr.bill@stannanoyou a ticket to heaven. So what might on Snapchat I look forward to receiving your • High school girls’ softball coach a contemporary list look like? So many contributions to the list. quits after allegations of sex with things are changing and our collective student Principal who had sex attention spans are shrinking. So, what might work? ‘dungeon’ in office gets prison Maybe we can start with an• HIV-positive hairdresser allegedly other old saying, “Do no harm.” In that cut tips off condoms to infect his simple phrase is packaged a statement Grindr dates I was sexually abused that stands against bullies, misogyby a teacher — and the school igExecutive PR & Talent Denver, Desert Tea Palm Springs, Di nists, homophobes, and those that are nored it) Roma Brazil, The Week Brazil, Mardi • High-ranking Cardinal accused of greedy and would deprive people of a (EPR&T) Gras Sydney, Propaganda New ZeaA little over a decade ago, af- land, Rio Fashion Week, Paris Fashion sex offenses heckled outside court right to live, to work, and to love. “Do no • Anti-abortion congressman re- harm.” Perhaps that is a starting place. ter getting his start in the entertainment Week and Official Events for Madonna. But it cannot be the end because “Do business working at OZ Nightclub as signs amid sex scandal The agency has also made a no harm” is a state of passivity in some Director of Public Relations and Pro- name for itself producing tours, events, • Our Community is experi- cases. Passivity can be a way to avoid motion, Michael Benedetti (California and shows of its own. Dragapalooenced with the abuse of power. It has and to accept unacceptable behaviors. native, New Orleans resident as of za™, a rock concert with drag queens 2000 / for 17 years) set out to forge his singing live that features notables like only been recently and only in some So what might be next? own talent agency, public relations con- Courtney Act, Willam, Sharon Needles, Perhaps we can ease into the states that “homosexuality” was “lesulting, and touring management com- Derrick Barry, Coco Montrese, Trixie active voice. How about “Respect the gal.” It is still within living memory when pany, Executive PR & Talent (EPR&T). Mattel, BibleGirl, and Rhea Litre has dignity of every human being.” Such a African Americans in some states were His vision was to create an agency sold out venues in Los Angeles and phrase implies at least some degree of factually prohibited from voting. Not too that served the LGBTQ community Seattle, and recently received acclaim activity. We have to check ourselves long ago it was against the law in some by building a roster from LGBTQ and for its stop at House of Blues New Orand our prejudices; we have to demonstates for mixed race marriage. But LGBTQ-allied talent, which could be leans in October. strate our respect in everyday engagethe abuse of power is not only manimarketed to venues, tours, and performents. But this doesn’t mean that we fested in the law but in our culture. In October, EPR&T’s drag dimances around the globe. have to demonstrate. We simply must I believe that life, in a genervision merged with Producer EnterSince then, Executive PR & tainment Group (PEG) in a move that al sort of way, is being demeaned and respect. Talent has grown into the premiere formed a super-agency partnership for The active voice requires that becoming less important. I believe that talent booking agency of its kind, now drag talent by expanding EPR&T’s liwe are no longer complicit with, nor individual “rights” and privileges are boasting: the largest exclusive roster censing and publishing prowess, as a part of, bigotry, greed, envy, vanity, displacing what we can call the social of Ru Paul Drag Race contestants and well as growing and adding diversify its subterfuge, and indeed that we act contract. The social contract should be winners; a lineup of over twenty world- exclusive drag roster. against it. So what can we say that an unspoken culture where each perclass DJ/producers who’ve won Gramis more than a passive state (do no son can and should expect life, liberty, mys, topped the Billboard Charts, and Upcoming EPR&T productions in harm) and more engaged than an acand the pursuit of happiness not at the who headline the biggest electronic tive self-appraisal (respecting and digexpense of others. It is accomplished New Orleans include: nity giving)? Let’s borrow a word from dance music events in the world; and by individual: our list “Diligence” not against sloth but a score of acclaimed actors, wide- • Christmas Queens www.christagainst hatred bias and abuse. Abuse ly-recognized reality stars, and award• humility against pride (House of Blues can simply be putting yourself above ing-winning performers and musicians • kindnessagainst envy — Nov. 22); www.executiveprandtalent. • Tiffany – 80’s Pop Icon and Tourothers. Abuse can be both passive and (roster: • abstinence against gluttony active but at least Diligence requires com). • chastity against lust ing Superstar (concert at House of Executive PR & Talent not only some action and a bit more than re• patience against anger Blues — Nov. 30); represents an impressive roster of tal- • Queens with Cox – The Premiere spect. • liberality against greed Finally, and no I am not going ent, but over the years it has grown to • diligence against sloth Impersonation Show (House of to go on for seven new virtues at least represent festivals, tours, shows, and Blues — June 8, 2018); If the foregoing sound familiar not this time – but here is the final one venues around the globe that seek to • Dragapalooza 4 (Decadence procure diverse, multitalented lineups. they are Christian in origin and were for our chat today: 2018). “Do not neglect to do good.” From 2016-2017 alone, Executive PR written in the 5th century as a sort of This is active if we honestly engage and Talent has programmed talent lineguide to a good soul. Even more on and mean this to be a true way of liv- ups for World Pride Madrid, Black and point is a list of “virtues” written in the ing for us all. Do good things means Blue Montreal, San Diego Pride, Se13th century and they are derivative digetting off the bar stool and lending a attle Pride, White Party Palm Springs, rectly from that Jesus guy: hand here and there. Do good means Memorial Day Pensacola, Pride Toronmaking active all of the things that pre- to, Gay Days Orlando, Mile High Party · · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 7

Business Highlight

Stonewall Sports New Orleans!

Fall 2017 Kickball Standings

Stonewall Sports - New Orleans will bring together members of the LGBTQ community and our allies to play kickball, dodgeball, bowling, and volleyball. Stonewall Sports is an LGBTQ & Ally community-based, non-profit sports organization founded in 2010 that strives to raise funds for local non-profit organizations. Our league values each player for who they are and what they bring to the leagues community. Our New Orleans chapter of Stonewall Sports started in Fall 2016.








The Wannabes







East Compton Clovers







A Team Has No Name







Kick Tease







Backdoor Buddies







Suck My Kick







Dirty Dianas







My Kick is Hard







Kick Dats







The Equalizers







Accidental Orgies







Lowered Expectations







Games are held at St. Patrick’s Park at the corner of St. Patrick and Baudin streets across from Mid City Yacht Club. All are welcome!


12pm Kick Dats vs Lowered Expectations

Free Ballers vs Suck My Kick


Funny Boners vs My Kick is Hard

East Compton Clovers vs The Equalizers


Dirty Dianas vs The Wannabes

Kick Tease vs A Team Has No Name


East Compton Clovers vs Dirty Dianas

Backdoor Buddies vs Accidental Orgies

Funny Boners Free Ballers

1 0

5 5

0 1

13 11

64 38

Our Vision: We believe every person should have the ability to feel comfortable being oneself in organized sports. Our league will value each player for who they are and what one brings to the leagues community. We also believe organized communities have the ability and responsibly to support others in need. Our Mission: To provide an inclusive, low-cost, high FUN sport leagues that are managed as a non-profit with a philanthropic heart. Our Leagues Enjoy: • 7-8 Week Seasons Including Playoffs • Equipment & Facilities Provided • Uniform Shirts included in registration fee • Referees, Umpires & Administrators • Post-Game Activities at our home bar • Monthly social gatherings

Want to play? Get in touch! If you would like to join our league next season, visit our website at or contact us at

Fall 2017 Kickball Schedule: November 12, 2017


Photo Credit Top: Randy Schmidt, Randy P Schmidt Photography, Right: Drew Lawless · · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 11

12 路 The Official Mag: 路 Nov 7 - 20, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路

Moments in Gay New Orleans History by Frank Perez Email:

Traveling Back to 1988 and 1971 Ambush readers of a certain age may remember blueboy. From 1974 to 2007, this glossy magazine featured pictures and centerfolds of naked men. Some people even read the articles. A friend of mine recently dug out his April 1988 issue and showed me an article about New Orleans entitled “New Orleans: Last American Refuge.” I eagerly read the article and while it was mostly fluff, it did provide some insight into the gay social scene of the French Quarter in the late 1980s. The article, written by Timothy Dougal, is accompanied by a photograph of The Great American Refuge, a short -lived gay bar located at the corner of Royal and Ursulines Streets in the French Quarter. Several gay bars are mentioned, some of which will be familiar to current Quarterites (Café Lafitte in Exile, Corner Pocket, Golden Lantern, Bourbon Pub). Other bars may not be familiar to younger or newer residents:

Le Roundup, Gregory’s (now the Double Play), Paw Paw’s (now the 700 Club), the Hairy Dog, Lucille’s, Changes, Hooters, Wolfendale’s (now Grand Pre’s), the Mint, Jewel’s Tavern, and Mississippi River Bottom (which is still around but no longer a gay bar). Several gay owned / friendly restaurants are referenced as well: the Clover Grill, Quarter Scene (now Eat), Petunia’s, Tortilla Flats, the Golden Star, and Café Sbisa. Other gay oriented businesses are listed, including a few B&Bs, the only one of which still around is Bon Maison. The article also lists several popular tourist attractions and historical sights. The article is insightful as much for what it does not say as for what it does say. For example, no mention is made of Southern Decadence. Southern Decadence had been around for sixteen years when the article was published. And the only reference to the AIDS epidemic is found in a subordinate clause that mentions the AIDS Information Center on Bourbon Street behind the Clover Grill as a place to pick up Ambush and Impact newspapers.

The 1988 blueboy article was not the first time New Orleans was highlighted in a nationally circulated magazine. Queen’s Quarterly was published from 1969 to the early 1980s. “Baubles, Bangles, and Bayou Boys—Mardi Gras: Farewell to Meat in New Orleans” appeared in the March/ April 1971 issue of Queen’s Quarterly. Unlike the blueboy article, which gives the impression that New Orleans’ fabled tolerance extended to the gay community, the Queen’s Quarterly article asserts that police harassment of gay bars was becoming more relaxed. We also learn from the article there were five gay Carnival krewes in 1971, although only the Krewe of Apollo is mentioned. Not specifically named, the Bourbon Street Awards are referenced as a “costume contest” in front of the Clover Grill as a must-see event on Mardi Gras afternoon. Royal Street between St. Peter and Toulouse Streets is described as “almost exclusively gay” and Café Lafitte in Exile is labeled “young and groovy.” Readers are also advised that hotel rates skyrocket over Mardi Gras weekend, some hotels fetching as much as $50 a night. Other helpful tips are also offered. Those looking to “order in” are advised that many hustlers work the corner of Royal and Iberville Streets. The Aquarius is recommended as the place to find pornography. And for those looking for public cruising spots,

the bathroom at the French Market where Dumaine meets Decatur is the place to be. In addition to Lafitte’s, other bars are mentioned: The Caverns (now the Pub), Pete’s Place (now Oz), the Galley House, the French Bull, the Grog, Alice Brady’s (now the Black Penny), Manny’s Den, and the Up Stairs Lounge. Gay friendly restaurants include Erny’s, the Coffee Pot, and even Café du Monde. The two aforementioned articles illustrate the historical significance, however minor, of source material that most people throw away. Such materials include not only periodicals but also fliers, brochures, posters, programs, and other ephemera. Fortunately, a concentrated effort is being made to preserve these items by the LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana.

For more information on the Archives Project, visit

In Memoriam: Errol Rizzuto by Frank Perez Errol Rizzuto, a long-time beloved fixture in the New Orleans LGBT community, passed away on October 29. Rizzuto, along with his good friend Robin Malta, was a co-founder of Café Lafitte in Exile’s annual Red Party, which raises money for local charities. Rizzuto also served as the Grand Marshal of Southern Decadence in 1999. In recent years, Rizzuto became very involved in the Krewe of Amon-Ra. He was the krewe’s Captain at the time of his passing. Word of his death sent shockwaves throughout the community. Those who knew him, both well and casually, flooded social media with fond memories, the universal sentiment being that he was kind and generous. More than a few posts described him as a “prince among men.” Rizzuto will be remembered for his cheery disposition and his love of life, as well as for being the epitome of selflessness. The following obituary was published in the Times-Picayune:

Errol Charles Rizzuto passed away on October 29, 2017 at the age of 57. He was the beloved son of the late Jack Rizzuto Sr. and Rosemary Bremerman Rizzuto. Loving brother of Jack Rizzuto Jr., Margaret Rizzuto, Carey Rizzuto (Mary Ann), Bobbi Rizzuto, Dennis Rizzuto and Terri English. Also survived and fondly remembered by many nieces and nephews. Errol had an unmatched zest for life that was surpassed only by his love for Mardi Gras. He will be forever remembered and deeply missed by his family and friends. Relatives and friends are invited to attend a memorial visitation to be held at ST. BERNARD MEMORIAL FUNERAL HOME, 701 W. Virtue St., Chalmette, LA on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. A memorial service will begin at 12:00 PM. Inurnment will follow in St. Bernard Memorial Gardens. To view and sign the Family Guestbook, please visit · · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 13

Under the Gaydar by Tony Leggio Email:

Community Spotlight

As Ambush enters it’s new phase, I wanted to change some of the ficus of this monthly column which used to the Bartender of the month. But I wanted to expand on my recognition of deserving individuals in this column. You will still see bartenders featured, but I will also feature other service industry professionals such as waiters, hotel employees as well as all forms of entertainers (not just drag - theatre folk, musicians), people in the non-profit world; basically anyone who makes a difference in our lives. My first spotlight is someone who is being recognized posthumously. Errol Rizzuto who worked at Clover Grill, artist, fundraiser, advocate, devoted member of Amon Ra and the epitome of a Southern Decadence Grand Marshal. I have known Errol for many years but it was not until I joined the Southern Decadence family as a Grand Marshal until I truly got to get close to this man whose kindness, laughter and amazing presence will be deeply missed by the New Orleans gay community. Errol was an amazing employee and made any visit to the Clover Grill special. He also helped support many fundraisers through his many donations of gift certificates. And he was truly one of the most talented men I know, especially when it comes to costumes. He wowed many audiences at the Amon Ra Balls with his spectacular costume pageantry. Every year was a creative and dazzling masterpiece. But many do not know he also was a great metal artist. I have an amazing piece of art he gifted me and my other grand marshals of a metal figure on top of a world, in each of our colors. He also made a necklace for us too. He could hot glue the shit of a wine glass also. Everything was feathers, glitter and sparkles and that was perfectly in line with his personality. For me, Errol taught empathy, kindness and to have a sense of humor. Let the bitter people sing in the background because that is all it is background noice. Focus on the task at hand and what I want to accomplish and everything else will fall into place. Hen was prophetic like that even more so after a few dirty martinis which was a common favorite of both of us. Errol, thank you for everything you have done to help the New Orleans Community. You are a champion of the gay community in NOLA and your legacy will continue. Long live the Dark Lady of Decadence!

where they held the giant dance party and the c costume contest. In the Parish Room was another DJ playing a more techno style. DJ Chris Cox was on fire and kept people on that dance floor until they turned on the lights. I would know because even in heels I was one of those who was there until the final song. They followed up Saturday with one of the best Sunday parties I have experienced since I have been attending the event. It was held at Crescent Park and was a dance party that had the Australian super DJ Kitty Glitter who is just simply incredible. There was also lots of cocktails, food trucks, a cool pinwheel art display, and lots of gorgeous men gyrating to the beat along the river with one of the best views of the city. They followed this up with their second line to the corner of St. Ann and Bourbon to continue the party. The next week started with a the introduction of NOAGE’s Pot Luck SoParty Down cial. It was held at the LGBT Community Center and had a very diverse crowd. It is so good to be back talking about the fabulous party scene in NOLA! This regular event is a way for the community to network and meet others. New Think of this as a gay version of the social pages in the Advocate or the Times Orleans Advocates for GLBT Elders is a wonderful organization that has many Picayune except with more glitter. The two weeks leading up to Halloween was advocacy programs to help not only the elderly but people of any age. They had busy and starting off the festivities was the Krewe of Armeinius’ Cocktoberfest a nice crowd with an array of scrumptious cuisine. It was refreshing to get out held at their den on Broad Street. If you have never attended this unique take on and meet new people. I highly recommend becoming a member of NOAGE, the the German celebration, then put it on your calendar for next year. This year’s cost is minimal and you get so much out of it. event brought the largest crowd since its inception. With Barrett Delong Church I also attended escape to Margaritaville at the Saenger and it was a fun as the event chair and his female German alter ego, he kept the festivities mov- night at the theatre. Making its way to Broadway, Escape is escapist entertaining. Church along with the help of the entire Krewe put on a fundraiser that ment that follows the formula of boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back included a drag show, silent auction, Weiner eating and beer drinking contests, bit with an upbeat soundtrack. I have always been a Jimmy Buffet fan and his dancing and a German feast. Of special note, Ray Durand’s witchy number was music fit perfectly for the storyline and the cast was outstanding. The surprise so much fun. The silent auction also was one of the better ones at a fundraiser. of the night was when Jimmy came out after curtain call and did two numbers “I I adore my Bryce Landry Bunny art piece. will play for gumbo” and ”Margaritaville”. He brought the house down and the The weekend continued with Halloween New Orleans on Saturday and dropping of beach balls on the audience was the extra touch to end the show on Sunday. Saturday was the big event held at House of Blues. I had my reserva- a fabulous high note. tions with the new format but they hit this party out of the park. The venue was The Saturday before Halloween was house parties and a Carnival krewe perfect for the crowd. The Hosts Lounge was in the restaurant and the Voodoo fundraiser. The two house parties I attended was artist Bryce Landry in Metairie Garden and included exclusive bars and delectable cuisine. The Music Hall was and Brandon Ferguson and Todd Bernstein in Bywater. Both parties had a dif14 · The Official Mag: · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

ferent crowd of partiers and unique costumes. Brandon and Todd’s party theme of Disney heroes and villains brought out many interesting interpretations. The Krewe of Petronius also held a spectacular event at Mr. Ed’s restaurant on St. Charles Avenue. They put on a Halloween themed drag show and had lots of goodies to nibble on as well as a silent auction. On Halloween night, it was back in costume (which by the way I love to do - four costumes this year) for the annual Mimiskdo, the incredible home of Michael Shlenker and Don Schwenn. This over the top soiree included lots of specialty cocktails from their impressive bar. The house was fully decked out inn Halloween decor for the delight of friends and neighbors. A ideal way to spend Halloween night. I hope everyone had a happy Halloween, now lets see what November has in store for us.

Hot Happenings

Halloween was filled with lots of thrills, but as we enter the holiday season (yes it is officially the holiday season now) there are so many hot happenings to keep us occupied. Here are just a few of them to enjoy. Wednesday, November 8, 2017 Bubbles and Bon Bons: The Forum; 3131 Veterans Blvd.; 6 - 8 p.m. Join New Orleans Magazine for the inaugural Bubbles & Bon Bons, a sparkling soiree. This event will feature a tasting of 40 plus sparkling wines from around the world including Champagne, Cava, Prosecco and more. Indulge your sweet tooth with decedent delights from local bakeries and confection shops and enjoy a gourmet cheese and charcuterie display courtesy of 12 Season Catering. Tickets are $40 and can be found at Thursday, November 9 and Friday, November 10, 2017 Varla Jean and Deven Green in New Orleans: Café Istanbul; 2372 St. Claude Avenue International Chanteuse, and home-girl Varla Jean Merman, teams up with award-winning musical comic, Deven Green for two nights only! International drag chanteuse and petty criminal Varla Jean Merman is proud to host the New Orleans debut of the award-winning comic canary Deven Green for two performances only, November 9th and 10th at 8:00pm. Tickets are $25 for general admission. An extremely limited number of $40 VIP Meet & Greet packages are available. The VIP experience includes center seating, a post-show reception with the startlets, a special commemorative memento from Ms. Green, and a lingering infection from Ms. Merman. Tickets can be acquired by visiting: Friday, November 10, 2017 Miss gay Northshore LA USofA Pageant: Billy’s Lounge; 2600 Gause Blvd.; 8 p.m - 2 a.m. Introducing the 3rd preliminary to Miss Gay Louisiana USofA 2018. They will present the first annual “Miss Gay Northshore LA USOfA 2018

Pageant” to be held at Billy’s Lounge in Slidell Louisiana, promoted by Dominique DeLorean & Lawrence Joseph. Howling Success Patron Party & Gala: Hyatt regency; 601 Loyola Avenue; 7 p.m. - midnight Join LA-SPCA for the 39th Annual Howling Success Patron Party & Gala. The Hyatt Regency’s Empire Ballroom will be transported through space to celebrate our theme “Out of this World!” Celebrate your support of animals while enjoying cosmic cocktails, open bars, 25+ irresistible restaurants, live entertainment and more! Enjoy specialty acts throughout the night and stellar silent auctions all while you mingle with local and honorary Celebrity Chairs, actor Chris Chalk, actor Timon Kyle Durrett, pop & rock icon Bryan Ferry, director and producer Leslie Iwerks, actress and comedian Carla Jimenez, actor Phillip P Keene, actress Marisol Nichols, musician Amanda Shaw, actress and host Jill Wagner, celebrity trainer and actor Aaron Williamson and more. Howling Success is the area’s most unique fundraiser and supports the more than 43,000+ animals that come through our doors every year. Your support of Howling Success allows us to continue positively affecting families and their furry, feathered and hoofed companions throughout our region. Visit for more information. Lords of Leather - Military Appreciation Beer Bust!: The Phoenix; 941 Elysian Fields Avenue; 9 p.m. - midnight Wear your hottest military gear while you show support for our military and the military aesthetic! $10 Beer Bust (unlimited keg beer); snacks, sodas, and $1 Jello Shots. Leather Love and Laughter are always free! Funds go toward Bal Masque XXXV to be held on Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 8pm (The Alario Center (Westwego)). Friday, November 10 – Sunday, November 26, 2017 Thrill Me: The Leopold and Loeb Story; Allways Lounge; 2240 St. Claude Avenue; 8 p.m. See ‘Em On Stage: A Production Company, the Big Easy Award-winning theater troupe presents Thrill Me: The Leopold and Loeb Story. This critically-acclaimed and award-winning Off-Broadway musical (Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle Awards nominee—Best Off-Broadway Musical) tells the true-life terrible tale of the horrific 1924 murder committed by the notorious “thrill killers” Nathan Leopld and Richard Loeb. The production opens on November 10th and runs the 11th, 12th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th, and 26th at The AllWays Theatre. All showtimes are 8pm. Find tickets at November 11, 2017 Coffee Talk: New Orleans Healing Center; 2372 St. Claude Avenue, Suite 230; 10 - 11:30 a.m. This month’s topic is stress management with moderator Dr. Lynn Friedman. Third Annual Oracle Gala: Joy Theatre; 1200 Canal Street; 7 – 10 p.m. Don your glad rags, grab your giggle water and ankle on over for an evening of Jazz, gin, and jollies in support of the LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana and this year’s Oracle Gala honoree BreakOUT! The Third Annual Oracle Gala will have a 1920s theme. The gala will celebrate the donation of BreakOUT’s archival







For GirlsWho Dress to Kill 824 Chartres St. 504.418.1448



M–Sat 11–6 Sun 12–5 · · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 15

materials to the Newcomb Archive. There will be a silent auction featuring amazing art and collectibles, a 50/50 raffle, and much more. Cocktail attire suggested, 1920s costume encouraged. Admission is $50 per ticket, or $40 for members only. To become a member, renew your existing membership, or buy tickets, go to Risque – The Sultry Side of Drag: Allways Lounge; 2240 St. Claude Avenue; 10:30 p.m. Risque” is back on stage at Allways Lounge with no cover. Starring Johnny Passion, Monique Michaels-Alexander, Pussy Hertz and special guest star Miss Louisiana Leatherete Ilaynnah Eve. Tuesday - Sunday November 14 - 19, 2017 The King and I: Saenger Theatre; 1111 Canal Street The Lincoln Center Theater Production of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s THE KING AND I will make its New Orleans premiere at the Saenger Theatre Nov. 14 – 19, 2017. Presented by the New Orleans Theatre Association, THE KING AND I is part of the East Jefferson General Hospital Broadway in New Orleans 2017-2018 season. Tickets for Rodgers & Hammerstein’s THE KING AND I start at $31 and are available now at the Saenger Theatre Box Office,, all Ticketmaster outlets and by phone at (800) 982-2787. THE KING AND I, directed by Tony Award® winner Bartlett Sher, won four 2015 Tony Awards® including Best Revival of a Musical. One of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s finest works, THE KING AND I boasts a score that features such beloved classics as “Getting To Know You,” “Hello Young Lovers,” “Shall We Dance,” “I Have Dreamed” and “Something Wonderful.” Set in 1860’s Bangkok, the musical tells the story of the unconventional and tempestuous relationship that develops between the King of Siam and Anna Leonowens, a British schoolteacher, whom the modernist King, in an imperialistic world, brings to Siam to teach his many wives and children. Thursday, November 16, 2017 Evening of Art, Wine and Song: 53 Elaine Avenue (Harahan); 7 - 10 p.m Join The Lords of Leather for our annual Evening of Art & Wine! Donation of $20 gets you entry into this beautiful event at a private home where you can buy artistic creations, crafts, bath and beauty items, and jewelry by local artists. To add to everyone’s enjoyment, the amazing and talented Vanessa Carr Kennedy will be performing! They will serve light snacks, red and white wine, as well as Leather Love and Laughter during this evening of relaxation, creativity, and beauty. There will be silent auction items available as well. Friday, November 17, 2017 NOAGE Goes on Safari: The Audubon Zoo; 6500 Magazine Street; 7 - 10 p.m. Join NOAGE for our third annual gala! This year’s theme is “NOAGE

Goes on Safari!” The gala will feature music and dancing, an open bar, delicious food, an auction, and much more! All proceeds benefit New Orleans Advocates for GLBT Elders (NOAGE). Suggested dress code: Safari attire or dressy casual. Tickets will be $65. Get your tickets by going to Eventbrite or on their Facebook page. For more information, email or call (504)5172345. F$@K It Up: The Goat; 1301 St. Bernard Avenue; 11 p.m. Enjoy some of your favorite DRAG QUEENS ‘F*@K IT UP’ for you literally! Staring Laveau Contraire, Franky, Gayle King Kong, Olivia Delye and hosted by Nicole Lynn Foxx. Doors at 11PM / Show at MIDNIGHT / $10 cover. Saturday, November 18, 2017 New Orleans Pride 8th Annual Pub Crawl: Around the French Quarter; 7 - 10 p.m. Get ready for one of the biggest and best Pub Crawls in the French Quarter! New Orleans Pride hosts its 8th Annual Pub Crawl: The Color Crawl at 7:00 p.m. This year, New Orleans Pride is teaming up with Stonewall Sports! For every “Stonewall” ticket sold, the organization will receive $5 from New Orleans Pride. The crawl is open to the first 100 participants. $25 includes a limited edition 2018 New Orleans Pride T-Shirt, a Pride Bandana, shots and give-a-ways at up to 8 bars. This year, there will be a mix of free drinks, free shots, $1 shots, and happy hour drinks. COSTUMES ARE ENCOURAGED! Come decked out in your favorite color and you can win extras! To register: on the event page. Jason Dottley - Life on the Gay List 2 Premier; Four Seasons Bar; 3229 N. Causeway Blvd.; starting at 8 p.m. Dottley star of “Sordid Lives:The Series” premiering his new one man show “Life on the Gay List 2: All The Sordid Details”at The Four Seasons Patio and Stage Bar Saturday November 18th doors at 8 p.m. and showtime 9 p.m. Get tickets on Eventbrite or their Facebook page. Petronius Does Disney - Drag Show and Sing-a-long: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street, 8 - 10 p.m. Join the Krewe of Petronius as we take on your favorite Disney numbers. All proceeds benefit Bal Masque LVII Sunday, November 19, 2017 Circus of Heathens: Four Seasons Bar; 3229 N. Causeway Blvd.; 7 - 10 p.m. Step Right Up and join Four Seasons for a night of Depravity and Naughty Fun! Burlesque, Drag, and Live performances are all on the varied menu for the evening. Featuring Sir Solitaire, Sister Glory Bea, Sister Prim N Proper, Sister Moansalot, Christy LaRitz, Z, Cyanide Seduction and Tag deCuir. Tuesday, November 21, 2017

16 · The Official Mag: · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

V is for Vinsantos: Always Lounge; 2240 St. Claude Avenue; 8 - 11 p.m. This month, cycle V of the New Orleans Drag Workshop is bringing you something to be thankful for: V is for Vinsantos. She’s the mistress of the dark, the clown of contempt, the vintage queen with the vintage face, and the drag grandmother of an entire fungal colony of “just okay” little drag creatures. This is the time of year that we’re meant to dwell on family, togetherness, and almsgiving. The cast will be serving you tributes, odes, and impersonations inspired by the HeadMISTERess herself. Featuring: Quinn Laroux, Annie Bacterial, Duchess Ovens, CeCe V DeMenthe, Holden Dove, Sir Ren Dipity, Smokestack Lightnin’ and hosted by Nancy Shame,, Dede Onassis, and Miss Pageant 2017 Franky. The time is 9pm, 8pm doors and the cost is $10. Wednesday, November 22, 2017 The Christmas Queens Present Official World Tour 2017: House of Blues; 225 Decatur Street; 7 p.m. Hosted by Peppermint and featuring performances by: Jiggly Caliente, Sharon Needles, Thorgy Thor, Ivy Winters, Ginger Minj, Phi Phi O’Hara, & Willam. Doors / Show: 7:00PM / 8:00PM. This is an ALL AGES event. All general admission tickets are STANDING ONLY. For more information about Pass the Line or Foundation Room access, please call the Box Office at 504.310.4999. For VIP seating, please contact Thanksgiving Eve Party: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; Starting at 4 p.m. Come celebrate the start of the holiday season at oz and also not having work the next day! 1/2 price Video Happy Hour from 4-8 PM with VJ Kyle D! 1/2 PRICE ALL DRINKS FROM 4-8 PM! DJ Tim Pflueger spinning the rest of the night for our fabulous drag show starring the Ladies of Oz, hosted by Persana Shouders, and for a night of dancing to the best music on Bourbon Street! Thursday, November 24, 2017 Thanksgiving Night Party: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; Starting at 6 p.m. On Thursday, Thanksgiving Night Oz will open at 6 p.m. with 1/2 price all drinks til 8pm. So after your family fun and dinner, come on over to dance the night away with DJ Tim Pflueger and The Thanksgiving Edition of The Jeff D Comedy Cabaret. Then give thanks for sexy men at the Thanksgiving Strip Off hosted by Persana Shoulders with special performance by Chi-Chi Rodriquez!

2017 Oracle Gala Highlights Transgender Rights by Frank Perez Email: The 2017 Oracle Gala, the annual flagship fundraiser of the LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana, will honor BreakOUT!, a local transgender youth advocacy group. Each year the Archives Project highlights an individual or an organization that has made a substantial donation of materials to an area museum or archival repository. BreakOUT! has recently made the Newcomb College Institute Archives the official repository of its organizational records. The Oracle Gala will take place at the newly refurbished Joy Theater on Saturday, November 11. BreakOUT! is at the forefront of fighting for transgender rights and criminal justice reform. This New Orleans based group has set a national example for transgender activism and is a vital aspect of our local LGBT+ community. The mission of the LGBT+ Archives Project is promoting and encouraging the protection and preservation of materials that chronicle the culture and history of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community in Louisiana. The group’s main purpose is educating the community on the importance of archiving LGBT+ historical materials and making them available for future generations to access, research, and study. By developing financial resources to assist in the preservation and availability of certain LGBT+ collections, the Archives Project hopes to help promote the proper maintenance and preservation of historical LGBT+ materials and then index, publish, and maintain a current list of these materials and where they are located.

Tickets for the Oracle Gala are available at

Saturday, November 25, 2017 Lords of Leather - A Very Mary ChristmASS: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 8 10 p.m. It’s the annual Lords of Leather American Bandstand! This year they pay tribute the Christmas and Winter holidays. $10 donation at the door is requested and of course tips are SO appreciated! Funds raised go toward Bal Masque XXXV to be held Sunday February 11, 2018. Gag Reflex: Always Lounge; 2240 St. Claude Ave.; Doors open at 11 p.m. The show of all shows, GAG REFLEX, is back for Season 3! Augmented with a core cast of some of the fiercest talents in the industry and turning duets in to group-ettes. Core Cast includes: Tarah Cards, Siren, Laveau Contraire, Fabigail Tchoupitoulas, Nancy Shame and NEON Burgundy. The theme of this show is Game Show Night. Show’s at midnight with a $10 Cover. Sunday, November 26, 2018 Winter Wonderland: The Eiffel Society; 2040 St. Charles Avenue; 5 - 9 p.m. Make your plans now to attend Winter Wonderland VI! This year’s non profit charities are PFLAG New Orleans .. Belle Reve and Anna’s Place of St. Anna’s Episcopal Church of New Orleans. Join them for a wonderful time and entertainment as we celebrate the true reason of the season while giving back to our community. Sponsorship and tickets are available by contacting Misti Gaither on Facebook.

If you want to make sure your upcoming event is listed, email the information to me at · · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 17

Book Review by Frank Perez Email:

Out For Queer Blood: The Murder of Fernando Rios and the Failure of New Orleans Justice. Clayton Delery. Exposit, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-4766-6884-0. 220 pages.

A year and a half ago I received in my inbox what at first glance appeared to be a spam email. Upon closer inspection the subject line said Rios murder / Ambush article. I opened the message and was astonished at what I read. The email was from Sean Farrell, who was writing to inform me that he had recently learned his father was involved in a murder trial in New Orleans in 1959. He found an article I had written years earlier in Ambush about the murder via an internet search. He wanted to reach out and learn more. I responded and put him in touch with Clayton Delery, a fellow writer who was, at the time, writing a book on the murder. Delery traveled to North Carolina and met with Farrell and has included the interview in his new book, Out For Queer Blood. In 1958, Fernando Rios was brutally murdered in the French Quarter simply for being gay. The vicious hate-crime was committed by three Tulane undergraduates, one of whom was Sean Farrell’s father. The killers turned themselves in and were tried for

murder. When the jury announced its verdict of “Not Guilty,” the courtroom erupted in applause. Such was the “climate of hostility” toward gay folk in New Orleans in the late 1950s. Out For Queer Blood is a new book that explores not only Rios’ murder but also the homophobic attitudes of New Orleans at the time. The book also includes a valuable history of hatecrimes and the “gay panic defense.” The murder of Fernando Rios was a seminal moment in gay New Orleans history that has largely been forgotten. Thankfully, because of Delery’s meticulous research and accessible writing style, that has begun to change. Clayton Delery will read from and sign copies of his new book, Out for Queer Blood: The Murder of Fernando Rios and the Failure of New Orleans Justice on Thursday, November 16, at 7:00pm at Café Lafitte in Exile. Clayton Delery, a retired teacher from the Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts, previously published The Up Stairs Lounge Arson, which was named Book of the Year by the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities in 2015. Delery serves on the Board of Directors of the LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana and is currently working on a book about gay conversion / reparative therapy. He lives in New Orleans.

Book Launch Party at Lafitte’s

Author Clayton Delery

Author Clayton Delery will read from and sign copies of his new book, Out for Queer Blood: The Murder of Fernando Rios and the Failure of New Orleans Justice, on Thursday, November 16, at Café Lafitte in Exile at 7:00pm. In 1958, Fernando Rios was at Café Lafitte when he was picked up by a Tulane undergraduate named John Farrell. Moments after the two left, Rios was brutally beaten and subsequently died. The murder resulted in a sensational trial in which the defendants successfully used the infamous “gay panic” defense. Out For Queer Blood is a non-fiction account of not only the murder of Rios but also of the extremely homophobic atmosphere of 1950s New Orleans. At the time of the murder, Mayor Chep Morrison and the city

council were engaged in an effort to eliminate homosexuality from the city. Clayton Delery is also the author of The Up Stairs Lounge Arson, which was named Book of the Year by the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities in 2015. Delery serves on the Board of Directors of the LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana and is currently working on a book about gay conversion / reparative therapy. He lives in New Orleans.

Thursday, November 16, at Café Lafitte in Exile at 7:00pm. · · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 23

Upcoming at Oz Wednesday, November 22 Celebrate not having work the next day! 1/2 price Video Happy Hour from 4-8 PM with VJ Kyle D! 1/2 PRICE ALL DRINKS FROM 4-8 PM! DJ Tim Pflueger spinning the rest of the night for our fabulous drag show starring the Ladies of Oz, hosted by Persana Shouders, and for a night of dancing to the best music on Bourbon Street! Thursday, November 23 THANKSGIVING NIGHT Oz opens at 6 PM with 1/2 PRICE ALL DRINKS FROM til 8pm. So after your family fun and dinner, come on over to dance the night away with DJ Tim Pflueger and The Thanksgiving Edition of The Jeff D Comedy Cabaret. Then give thanks for sexy men at the Thanksgiving Strip Off hosted by Persana Shoulders with special performance by Chi-Chi Rodriquez! Wednesday, November 29 Miss Gay New Orleans Louisiana USofA pageant! Join Persana Shoulders and Oz as they present Miss Gay New Orleans Louisiana USofA. Come for a fierce night of competition as queens battle it out for a chance to move on the Miss Gay Louisiana USofA pageant! Categories include interview, formal gown, and talent. For more information on entering the pageant, contact Persana Shoulders. Saturday, December 2 Get all-access 24/7 to New Orleans’ premier gay dance club and show at the annual VIP CARD PRE-SALE PARTY! From 8-10 PM in the upstairs bar! Buy Oz’s 2018 VIP card, which gets you no cover and priority entrance all year round INCLUDING all major holidays, for a discounted price! Save $50 on your purchase by attending! You don’t wanna miss out on this fabulous deal!

For more details, visit

24 · The Official Mag: · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

Snap Paparazzi Halloween at the Corner Pocket | Photos by Jeremy Weinberg · · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 25


529.2860, Facebook.COM/GoldenLanternBar Good Friends Bar, 740 Dauphine St, 566.7191, GoodFriendsBar.COM GRANDPRE’S, 834 N. Rampart St., 267.3615, KAJUN’S PUB, 2256 St. Claude Ave., 947.3735, KajunPub.COM MAG’S 940, 940 Elysian Fields Ave., 948.1888 OZ NEW ORLEANS, 800 Bourbon, 593.9491, OzNewOrleans. COM THE PAGE, 542 N. Rampart St., 875.4976 PHOENIX/EAGLE, 941 Elysian Fields, 945.9264, www.phoenixbarnola. com Rawhide 2010, 740 Burgundy St., 525.8106, Rawhide2010.COM TROPICAL ISLE: Home of the Hand Grenade, 721 Bourbon St., 529.4109, TropicalIsle.COM VALIANT THEATRE AND LOUNGE, 6621 St. Claude Ave., Arabi, LA, 504.900.1743 Slidell, LA [985] BILLY’S, 2600 Hwy. 190 West, 847.1921 Biloxi, MS [228] CLUB VEAUX, 834 Howard Ave., 207.3271


New Orleans, LA [504] FAB - Faubourg Marigny Art & Books, 600 Frenchmen St., 947.3700



Mobile, AL [251] B-Bob’s Downtown, 213 Conti St., 433.2262, B-Bobs.COM Flip Side Bar & Patio, 54 S. Conception St., 431.8819, FlipSideBarPatio. COM GABRIEL’S DOWNTOWN, 55 South Joachim St., 432.4900 The Midtown Pub, 153 Florida St., 450.1555 Pensacola, FL [850] THE ROUNDUP, 560 East Heinberg St., 433.8482 Baton Rouge, LA [225] GEORGE’S, 860 St. Louis, 387.9798, SPLASH, 2183 Highland Rd., 242.9491, SplashBR.COM Lake Charles, LA [337] CRYSTAL’S, 112 W. Broad, 433.5457 Metairie, LA [504] FOUR SEASONS & PATIO STAGE BAR, 3229 N. Causeway, 832.0659,

New Orleans, LA [504] 700 CLUB, 700 Burgundy, 561.1095, BIG DADDY’S, 2513 Royal, 948.6288 BIG EASY DAIQUIRIS, 216 Bourbon, 501 Bourbon, 409 Decatur, 617 Decatur THE BLACK PENNY, 700 N. Rampart BOURBON PUB & PARADE, 801 Bourbon St., 529.2107, BourbonPub.COM Café Lafitte in Exile, 901 Bourbon Street 522.8397, Lafittes.COM CORNER POCKET, 940 St. Louis, 568.9829, CornerPocket.NET COUNTRY CLUB, 634 Louisa St., TheCountryClubNewOrleans.COM, 945.0742 CUTTER’S, 706 Franklin, 948.4200 THE DOUBLE PLAY, 439 Dauphine, 523.4517 THE FRIENDLY BAR, 2301 Chartres, 943.8929 GOLDEN LANTERN, 1239 Royal,

Aug. 30-Sept. 4, 2017, 46th Official Southern Decadence Celebration of Gay Life, Music & Culture, end of Summer Blowout including the Southern Decadence Parade & loads of activities, bringing over 180,000 revelers to New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush & Oct. 20-22, 2017 Halloween 34, benefiting Project Lazarus, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by AmbushMag.COM, Dec. 29, 2017-Jan. 1, 2018 Gay New Year’s in New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, Feb. 9-13, 2018, 69th Official Gay Mardi Gras, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush, Easter Sunday, April 11, 2018, 19th Official Gay Easter Parade, New Orleans, sponsored by Ambush,


New Orleans, LA [504] QT PIE BOUTIQUE - 241 Dauphine St., 581. 6633


New Orleans, LA [504] CASSELL-BERGEN GALLERY, 1305 Decatur St., cassellbergengallery. com, 504.524.0671


AMBUSH Mag, 828-A Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116-3137; 504.522.8049, AmbushMag.COM;


New Orleans, LA [504] QUARTERMASTER DELI, THE NELLIE DELI, 1100 Bourbon, 529.1416

hair salons

New Orleans, LA [504] Two Guys Cutting Hair, 2372 St.

Claude Ave., Suite 125, appointments: Adikus 215.519.5030, Trent 504.239.2397


New Orleans, LA [504] MARY’S FRENCH QUARTER HARDWARE, 732 N. Rampart, 529.4465


New Orleans [504] AARON INGRAM HAUS, 1012 Elysian Fields, New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE: 504.949.3110, www.ingramhaus. com/xqey, e-mail us at Condos with queen-size beds, private entrances; located only six blocks from Bourbon Street and walking distance to most New Orleans attractions. Several favorite bars are within one block. [0118] BLUES60 GUEST HOUSE, 1008 Elysian Fields Ave. New Orleans, LA 70117, Phone: 1.504.324.4311,, The Blue60 Guest House with 5 suites provides a peaceful retreat in the center of the Faubourg Marigny, just blocks from the French Quarter and Frenchman St. [1115] BURGUNDY BED AND BREAKFAST, 2513 Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE/FAX: 504.942.1463, Toll Free (Continental US only): 1.800.970.2153,, E-mail us at Gay owned and operated in newly renovated 1890’s double. Four guest rooms with private baths, guests’ parlor and “half-kitchen”, courtyard and half-open tubhouse with spa (hot tub/whirlpool). Clothing optional in sunbathing and hot tub area. Walking distance to French Quarter. Immediate vicinity of gay and lesbian bars/venues. [0815] The french quarter guest houses, 1005 St. Peter, New Orleans, LA 70116, Phone: 1.800.367.5858,, email: Four meticulously restored boutique inns located in the heart of the French Quarter’s most popular LGBT neighborhood. Each building’s individual character and charm provides an unforgettable authentic French Quarter experience!


New Orleans, LA [504] AMBUSH Mag, Official Gay Easter Parade Guide, Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide, Official Gay New Orleans Guide, Official Gulf South Guide, Official Pride Guide, Official Southern Decadence Guide, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 522.8049, AmbushMag.COM; email: AMBUSHonLINE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137; 522.8049,, email:


FOOD FOR FRIENDS, 504.821.2601 ext. 254 FRIDAY NIGHT BEFORE MARDI GRAS (FNBMG), 504.319.8261, GAY APPRECIATION AWARDS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137; 522.8049; AmbushMag.COM/GAA GAY EASTER PARADE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049,, GayEasterParade.COM GAY MARDI GRAS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, Gay-

26 · The Official Mag: · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

MardiGras.COM GAY NEW ORLEANS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, GayNewOrleans.COM HAART (HIV/AIDS Alliance Region Two, Inc.), 4550 North Blvd. Ste. 250, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, 225.927.1269,, offers a complete continuum of care to people living with HIV/ AIDS including housing, primary care, medications, case management, and an array of supportive services. In addition HAART provides HIV prevention education and FREE testing to the Baton Rouge area. HALLOWEEN IN NEW ORLEANS, INC., PO Box 52171, 70152-2171; halloween KREWE OF AMON-RA, PO Box 7033, Metairie, LA 70010, KreweOfAmonRa.COM KREWE OF ARMEINIUS, PO Box 56638, New Orleans, LA 70156-6638, KREWE OF MWINDO, PO Box 51031, 70156; 913.5791, KreweOfMwindo. ORG, KREWE OF NARCISSUS, PO Box 3832, New Orleans, LA 70177. Contact: 504.228.9441 KREWE OF PETRONIUS, PO Box 1102, Kenner, LA. 70063-1102, www. KREWE OF QUEENATEENAS / KING CAKE QUEEN ROYALTY CLUB, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 522.8049, GayMardiGras.COM/KCQ LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana, 1308 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, LA 70116, 504.475.7911, www.lgbtar- LORDS OF LEATHER, 1631 Elysian Fields, #161, 70117, MYSTIC KREWE OF SATYRICON, 2443 Halsey Ave., New Orleans, LA 70114, 504.906.7990 Todd J. Blauvelt / Secretary,, MysticKreweOfSatyricon.COM NO/AIDS TASK FORCE, 2601 Tulane Ave., Suite 500, 70119; 504.821.2601; NOAIDSTaskForce.COM PRIDE, NOLAPride.ORG RENEGADE BEARS OF LOUISIANA, PO Box 3083, New Orleans, LA 70177; renegadebearsoflouisiana@gmail. com SOUTHERN DECADENCE, 828A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, SouthernDecadence.COM ST. ANNA’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 1313 Esplanade Avenue New Orleans, LA 70116 504.947.2121,


Mumfrey’s Pharmacy, 1021 W. Judge Perez Dr., Chalmette, LA 70043, 504.279.6312, www.MumfreysPharmacy.COM. Supporting & serving the LGBT Community for over 20 years. Local pharmacy offering personalized family-like service, automatic refills & free metro wide confidential pickup & delivery. Also offering shipping for out-side our delivery area. When you call us you speak to a person, not a machine. See our ad.


New Orleans, LA [504] GRAHAM/STUDIO ONE NEW ORLEANS, by appointment,

CAFE ISTANBUL, 2372 St. Claude Ave., #140, 504.974.0786, CafeIstanbulNOLA.COM


New Orleans, LA [504] Gay New Orleans Walking Tour, Crescent City Tour Booking Agency, (LGBT Business of the Year) 638 St. Ann St., 568.0717. follow Gay New Orleans Walking Tour @ Facebook.COM

Metairie, LA [504] Chef Ron’s Gumbo Stop & Pub, 2309 N. Causeway Blvd., 835.2022, New Orleans, LA [504] The Bombay Club, 830 Rue Conti, 577.2237, www.bombayclubneworleans. com Broussard’s Restaurant & Courtyard, 819 Rue Conti, 581.3866, http:// Cafe Sbisa, 1011 Decatur St., 522.5565, Cheezy Cajun, 3325 St. Claude Ave., 265.0045, www.TheCheezyCajun. com Clover Grill, 900 Bourbon St., 598.1010, Country Club Restaurant, 634 Louisa St.,, 945.0742 Gene’s Po-Boys & Daquiris, 1040 Elysian Fields Ave., 943.3861, Ilys Bistro, 1040 Elysian Fields Ave., 947.8341, Kingfish Kitchen & Cocktails, 337 Chartres St. 598.5005, Mona Lisa Restaurant, 1212 Royal St., 522.6746 Orleans Grapevine Wine Bar & Bistro, 720 Orleans, 523.1930, Quartermaster: The Nellie Deli, 1100 Bourbon St. , 529.1416, Royal House Oyster Bar, 441 Royal St., 528.2601,


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28 路 The Official Mag: 路 Nov 7 - 20, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路

The Krewe of Amon-Ra Photos by Jeremy Weinberg, Function Lt. Krewe of Amon-Ra · · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 29

Trodding the Boards by Brian Sands Email:

none of his other songs have seeped into the overall public consciousness (I hadn’t even realized those first two were his). Admittedly, (a) I’m not a Parrothead and (b) large chunks of the audience at the Saenger sang along with even the lesser known numbers. But I’d be surprised if the general audiences in New York’s metropolitan area will respond to Escape to Margaritaville the way they have to Mamma Mia! or even such other jukebox musicals as Jersey Boys or Beautiful. You can’t blame the hard-working cast which includes Rema Webb as the wry proprietress of the hotel and Don Sparks as her ornery love interest. I sometimes got the feeling, however, that with their prodigious talents, the performers yearned to be doing something a little more emotionally satisfying or adult or something. The direction by Christopher Ashley, a recent Tony Award-winner for Come From Away, is smooth and efficient, but he needs to exert his authority and be tougher on the librettists to prevent the entire enterprise from crashing on the craggy cliffs of Broad-

way. Kelly Devine’s enthusiastic choreography aptly captures Buffett’s self-described “drunken Caribbean rock ‘n’ roll” music. Howell Binkley provides gorgeously atmospheric lighting while Paul Tazewell’s costumes seem summoned from a Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville Café gift shop. Walt Spangler’s tiki bar/tropical isle set extends into the auditorium with giant palm trees on either side of the stage. On opening night, an ingratiating Buffett appeared at the curtain call and, after paying tribute to his local musical influences including the late, great Fats Domino, led the audience in a rousing sing-along of Margaritaville. It was the best part of the evening. I wonder if Buffett is willing to do that eight times a week in New York. Next up at the Saenger, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s immortal The King & I (November 14-19).

Escape to Margaritaville at the Viagra wisecracks and a runSaenger Theatre ning gag in which an Anglo misproIt’s not often that we in New nounces “Jesus” (as in a Latino charOrleans get to weigh in on a show be- acter’s name) display a similarly limp fore it heads to Broadway. Sure, The imagination. For a show set in the Bodyguard stopped by earlier this “Present Day,” a Beanie Baby referyear, but that doesn’t look like it’ll ever ence is about 20 years past its expiramake it to New York. tion date. The appearance of zombies Escape to Margaritaville, in Act One is dopey enough; by Act however, will with a planned March 15 Two they just seem like filler. opening at the Marquis Theatre. How In a broader sense, Garcia and long it will stay there is another ques- O’Malley seem to be working from the tion. Mamma Mia! template; yet Escape to Featuring over two dozen Margaritaville makes the long-running songs by Jimmy Buffett, Margaritaville ABBA musical seem profound by comdoesn’t strive to be anything more than parison. a feel-good musical, an extension of More importantly, Mamma On the Road with Bob Hope & Buffett’s “island escapism” approach to Mia! had over a dozen top ten worldFriends at the WWII Museum’s Stage life. wide hits to fuel it. Jimmy Buffett has Door Canteen through Nov. 26 If you consider yourself a “Par- certainly had an impressive career, but On the Road with Bob Hope rothead” stop right here and purchase other than Come Monday, Cheeseyour airplane, hotel and tickets for the burger in Paradise, and Margaritaville, Continued on Page 32 show now, ’cause nothing I write will really matter to you. Others, read on. Margaritaville’s plot is about as complex as a recipe for a tropical drink. Rachel, an environmental scientist (Alison Luff), and Tammy, a, um, it doesn’t really matter (Lisa Howard) are doing the escaping for a week-long bachelorette party on a Caribbean isle before Tammy’s marriage to zhlubby Chadd. Tully (Paul Alexander Nolan) is their hotel’s resident entertainer/lothario. He has a sidekick, Brick (Eric Petersen), who’s also zhlubby but in a nice way. It’s pretty clear from the get-go that not-interested-in-romance Rachel will melt after a few margaritas, and Tammy and Brick... But I get ahead of myself. Greg Garcia & Mike O’Malley’s book incorporates Buffett’s songs (including a few new ones) into the tale, creating plot points from the pre-established lyrics. Some fit well, some seem dragged in, most are somewhere in-between. Act One actually makes for a pleasant, entertaining and enjoyable hour or so; imagine an episode of The Love Boat with bubbly songs. The act ends with a slightly unexpected plot twist and Tully singing Buffett’s biggest hit, Margaritaville, in a surprisingly introspective manner. I thought it augured a more mature second act. Then the volcano exploded and, after intermission, Act Two completely jumped the shark. It’s not that Garcia and O’Malley, both veteran sitcom writers, have merely gone from silly fun to sheer ridiculousness, but that their writing seems lazy, a means to an end, substituting preposterousness for any semblance of believable, if zany, reality. 30 · The Official Mag: · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide · · · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 31

Continued from Page 30 & Friends is a follow-up to the Stage Door Canteen’s successful 2013 WWII-themed revue Thanks for the Memories: Bob Hope and His AllStar Pacific Tour. With this new show, Hope’s travels cover a wider area of time and space, ranging from North Korea in 1950 to Viet Nam in 1972. As with Thanks for the Memories, On the Road is thoroughly entertaining. Bill Johnson headlines again as Hope and leads a cast of ladies who impersonate the women who toured military bases with him, such as Ann-Margret and Lola Falana, with charm, vivacity, and splendid singing voices. The jokes are as corny as ever but nothing can take away from Hope’s commitment and bravery for going into war zones to lighten servicemen’s lives. The script, by Johnson and Victoria Reed, understandably avoids most mentions of politics, but we do learn that after 1966 it became increasingly challenging to book stars as attitudes toward the war in Viet Nam changed. Johnson still tends to deliver his punch lines quicker than Hope did, not always allowing their absurdity to sink in fully (“Thailand was Siam, land of cats, twins and Yul Brynner.”). But this does keep the show’s pacing going steadfastly forward, and Linda Hope,

Bob’s daughter, apparently commented that his was the best impression of her Dad she’s seen so who am I to complain? Among the “Friends” of the title, Katelyn Gulotta offers a breathy and sex kittenish rendition of I’ve Got a Crush on You as Jayne Mansfield. Skylend Roussell is properly Vegas-y as Joey Heatherton and peppy as Ann-Margret doing Won’t You Come Home, Bill Bailey? Jarrell Hamilton renders Barbara McNair’s slow tempo version of For Once in my Life seductively and powerfully. Christian Tarzetti displays her crystal clear soprano as Anna Maria Alberghetti with a charming interpretation of Mira from Carnival, treating it as a touchingly revealing musical monolog. Yet while Margi Cates’ version of Take Me Out to the Ballgame as a comically sultry Kaye Stevens and Emily Gyan’s full-bodied Show Me the Way To Go Home as Fran Jeffries demonstrate assured talents, one wishes that these singers, along with others such as The Taylor Maids and Marilyn Maxwell, had been put in better context since their names are not as recognizable as they once were. Choreographer Heidi Malnar captures the era with the frug and the watusi, at times encouraging the au-

Margaritaville dience to dance along. Period gowns, overseen by costumers Denise Mixon and Reed, are tasteful and still beautiful; those outfits which cover less flesh evince why these shows were so popular. On the Road finds the proper balance between Hope’s humor (even if we might now wonder at its appeal) and the seriousness of war during this fascinating period of history. Reed, who also directed, uses projections to convey information about the tours and performers. I suspect there might be

a more inventive way of doing this as the 75-minute show does occasionally have the feel of a PowerPoint presentation But no matter. With its 20 musical numbers done as wonderfully as they are, you’re most likely to leave the Canteen smiling as I did. Curtain Up Dear Black People by Chris James returns to Ashé Power House Continued on Page 34

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Continued from Page 32 (1731 Baronne St.) on November 17 and 18. This satirical one-act play discusses black culture in America: identity, racism, relationships, sexuality, music, politics, stereotypes and more as it asks such questions as: Can you be pro-black and date a non-black person? What is the solution to black issues that black people alone can execute? Do black women who wear weaves subconsciously want to be white? See ‘Em On Stage: A Production Company presents Thrill Me: The Leopold and Loeb Story November 10-26 at The AllWays Theatre (2240 St. Claude Ave.). This critically-acclaimed and award-winning Off-Broadway musical (Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle Awards nominee, Best Off-Broadway Musical) tells the true-life terrible tale of the horrific 1924 murder committed by the notorious “thrill killers” Nathan Leopld and Richard Loeb. Their desire to commit the “perfect crime” was the inspiration for Alfred Hitchcock’s 1948 psychological crime thriller Rope. Christopher Bentivegna directs Eli Timm and John Fitzpatrick as Leopld and Loeb. InFringe Fest is an independent, new New Orleans fringe festival occurring November 15-19 in the Marigny, Bywater and Arabi. With nearly 40 shows, there would seem to be something for everyone whether you like slapstick anarchism (Dario Fo’s Accidental Death of an Anarchist (Happyland Theater, 3126 Burgundy)), documentary theater (Postcards from Over the Edge dealing with New

Orleans’ complex relationship with prostitution (AllWays Lounge, 2240 St. Claude)), or a puppet folktale (Kate Culhane and the Dead Middle Man by the ever-inventive Pandora Gastelum (The Mudlark Public Theatre, 1200 Port St.)). Other intriguing entries include– --The Shop Around the Corner, an original adaptation of the Miklos Lazlos romantic comedy, reset to 1930s New Orleans. Performed in the classic radio theatre form, but updated with light blocking, props, and costumes for a viewing audience. Directed by Vatican Lokey for NOLA Voice Theatre (The Valiant Theatre & Lounge, 6621 St. Claude, Arabi) --The Baroness Undressed, a Butoh-Burlesque-Biography based upon the unbelievable life of the infamous Iron Bird of Paradise, Baroness Michaela de Pontalba who breaks the fourth wall to tell the story of a brutal attack by her father-in-law. Writer/performer Diana E.H. Shortes debuts the newest incarnation of her solo work (The Tigermen Den, 3113 Royal St.) --Transposing Omaha, a ‘lost’ play by legendary New Orleans poet Danny Kerwick, the inspiration for “Francis” in Lisa D’Amour’s Airline Highway. The Old Woman and the Old Man reflect, observed from the window by the Young Woman and the Young Man. Jennifer Growden directs a cast including Janet Shea & Roger Magendie (The Tigermen Den, 3113 Royal St.) Plus, for the adventurous, many more!

GrandPre’s Daily Happy Hour From noon to 9 pm $3.00 wells & domestics

American Horror Story Tuesdays @ 9 pm

Game Night Wednesdays @ 7 pm hosted by Honey Bee and Kory with Jello shots & bar tabs

Honey Bee Trivia Thursdays @ 7 pm with Jello shots & bar tabs

It’s Showtime on Rampart Saturday, November 18th @ 10 pm starring Monalot Fontaine, Sable Nicole Starr & Special Guests

Watch The Saints Games on our four giant screens with free food and shots with every Saint touchdown

34 · The Official Mag: · Nov 7 - 20, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

“The Color Crawl” Get ready for one of the biggest and best Pub Crawls in the French Quarter! New Orleans Pride hosts its 8th Annual Pub Crawl: The Color Crawl on Saturday, November 18th at 7:00pm The crawl is open to the first 100 participants. $25 includes a limited edition 2018 New Orleans Pride T-Shirt, a Pride Bandanna, shots* and give-a-ways at up to 8 bars. (*number of free shots may vary) More information can be found at or facebook. com/NewOrleansPrideFestival New Orleans Pride fully embraces the message of visibility of all communities in our mission to celebrate and promote history along with future prosperity of not only the New Orleans area, but the entire Gulf Coast Region. We are using public awareness and education about the LGBT community as a way to combat “phobias” and discrimination. These programs, seminars, and events leading up to, and during Pride weekend, are meant to include individuals from all walks of life. New Orleans Pride’s objectives are to create an atmosphere in the Gulf Coast Region, where everyone can feel comfortable, safe and respected. It’s time to stop segregation. New Orleans Pride is trying to create unity in all communities, bringing together the straight and homosexual communities. New Orleans Pride Festival is composed of a weekend of events that are centered around the LGBT Community of New Orleans and its allies. Fundraisers are hosted at various LGBT friendly locations in South Louisiana and Mississippi throughout the year. New Orleans Pride raises money for two reasons. First, funds are raised to put on the Pride Weekend Festival for the LGBT Community of New Orleans. Second, funds are raised for education in the community. New Orleans Pride focuses on Anti-Bullying and Anti- Discrimination in the school systems, as well as other LGBT issues. Pride makes a yearly donation to other New Orleans non -profit organizations. New Orleans Pride is a 501c3 Organization and all donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.





315 N RENDON ST NEW ORLEANS, LA 70119 Appetizers will be served Contributions are appreciated but not required for this event For more information, please contact


On November 16th, 170 business & community leaders will sleep on the street to raise solidarity and support for homeless youth & children at Covenant House. To join them - or support a sleeper with a donation - visit:

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