Ambush Magazine Volume 35 Issue 17

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Volume 35 Issue 17 · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 Facebook.COM/AmbushMag

Award Winning

A Tribute to Rip Naquin @AmbushMag

Celebrating LGBTQ Life, Music & Culture! Gulf South LGBTQ Entertainment/Travel Guide · 35th Anniversary 1982-2017 · For Adults Only

2 路 The Official Mag: 路 Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路 · · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 3

The “Official” Dish by Frank Pizzolato Email:

Ambush Still Speaking

As we approach Thanksgiving Week here in New Orleans, we thought this would be a good time to use this issue to say our official good bye to Rip Naquin and to bid him farewell. Everyone in the LGBT Community who got to know Rip over the years came to depend on Ambush as their source to events in New Orleans and the region for 35 years. Rip was one of those lucky individuals who found his calling and had a passion for it. He brought that passion to the pages of Ambush. He used those pages to influence, affect, and change the LGBT Community in so many ways. He kept that drive and passion, through good times and bad. Together with Marsha at his side, they brought the parties, night life, events, and parades of the LGBT Community out of the shadows and onto the pages of Ambush. Thanksgiving Week is a fitting time to say good bye and indeed to say Thank You for the years of dedication he displayed. Going forward while keeping in mind the dedication and leadership Rip brought to these pages, we pledge to continue in that spirit. We will keep the drive alive and work to keep LGBT news and events out of the closets and on the streets. The LGBT community is very relevant to the future of this City we love so well. RIP, Rip. CONGRATULATIONS to Mayor Elect LaToya Cantrell! As the city

moves into its 300th birthday we are excited that the city will move forward under the leadership of the first woman mayor in its history. I have every confidence that she has the ability and the know how to be a leader for this moment in our history. She reached out early to the LGBT Community. She has a strong record on LGBT issues and has pledged an inclusive administration. We certainly applaud her efforts. We look forward to working with her, not only for the issues directly affecting LGBT issues, but on any issues where the good of the City is involved. We were surely sorry to see the results of the District B race. Seth Bloom was not only qualified but also ran an amazing race. We hope he will continue to apply his many talents to advancing the issues he spoke of in the campaign. He ran a good race with political insiders saying more than once “he’s doing everything right”. It just wasn’t in the cards for him this time. There are some new faces on the Council, Helena Moreno, Cyndi Nguyen, Joe Giarrusso, and Jay Banks. Most of them had strong support in the LGBT community. If you live in their districts please reach out to them even if you did not support them. Work with them on issues where you have common ground. Work with them when you can, oppose them when you must, but always move the ball down the field. Forward. Forward. Forward. Never Backward!

Inside this Issue of Amush Snap Paparazzi

6 & 24

A Community within Communities




Moments in Gay New Orleans History


Oracle Gala


Under the Gaydar


Stonewall Sports


The Real Cheese


Book Review


Classifieds Trodding the Boards Snap Paparazzi

Facebook.COM/AmbushMag Gulf South Entertainment/Travel Guide Since 1982 • Texas-Florida Official Gay Easter Parade Guide© Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide© Official Gay New Orleans Guide© Official Pride Guide© Official Southern Decadence Guide© AWARD WINNING: Saints & Sinners Literary Festival Hall of Fame/2015, Louisiana Excellence Award: Media & Internet/2014, New Orleans Print Media Award/2014, 25th NO/AIDS Task Force Humanitas Award/2013, New Orleans Print Media Award/2013, Krewe of Mwindo Media Honoree/2009, Krewe of Petronius Carnival Spirit of Gay Mardi Gras XLVIII Award/2009, Forum For Equality Acclaim Awards X Media Recipient/2008, NO/AIDS Task Force Prometheus “Torch of Truth” [media] Award/2001 Email: ANNUAL READERSHIP OVER 1 MILLION: 260,000+ Print/780,000+ Online CIRCULATION: Alabama - Mobile Florida - Pensacola Louisiana - Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Metairie, New Orleans, Slidell Mississippi - Bay St. Louis, Biloxi STAFF: PUBLISHER/EDITOR/PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Frank Pizzolato, New Orleans GULF SOUTH/NEW ORLEANS AD SALES Frank Pizzolato, New Orleans THEATRE/PERFORMING ARTS CRITIC Brian Sands AD REPS/JOURNALISTS/PHOTOGRAPHERS Misti Gaiter, Tony Leggio, Hubert S Monkeys, Felicia Phillips, Frank Perez, Rev. Bill Terry-New Orleans Miss Cie-Mobile, AL National Advertising Rep: Rivendell Media 212.242.6863 Ambush Mag is published on alternate Tuesdays of each month by Ambush Publishing. Advertising, Copy & Photo DEADLINE is alternate Tuesdays, 4pm, prior to publication week, accepted via e-mail only:, except for special holidays. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for the claims of advertisers and has the right to reject any advertising. The inclusion of an individual’s name or photograph in this publication implies nothing about that individual’s sexual orientation. Letters, stories, etc., appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of the Publisher or Staff of AMBUSH Mag. Subscription rate is $45 for 1/2 Year; $75 for 1 year. Sample Copy is $3 First Class Mail. ©1982-2017 AMBUSH PUBLISHING LLC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTHING HEREIN MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER INCLUDING AD LAYOUTS, MAPS and PHOTOS.

25-26 28 27 & 31

Gulf South LGBTQ Entertainment & Travel Guide Since 1982 New Orleans, Louisiana 4 · The Official Mag: · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

GIVE THANKS being for #blessed

Thank you Rip

for the many wonderful

memories and years at Ambush. Rip Naquin • 1953–2017

Play Girlz

hosted by Gia GiaVanni

The Music of the

Fridays 10–11:30pm

Vanessa Carr Band

Fridays 7:30–9:30pm

The Music of

Senator Ken

Saturdays 7:30–9:30pm


The Official Home of Southern Decadence.

Divas R Us starring Monica

Jubilee: Dragging for Jesus


Saturdays 10–11:30pm

with Reba Douglas

Sundays 5:00–7:00pm

Best Happy Hour in the Quarter!



1239 Royal St. New Orleans •


N E V E R A C O V E R AT THE GOLDEN LANTERN · · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 5

Snap Paparazzi From the MCC Fundraiser at Cafe Istanbul | Photos by Tony Leggio

The Big Easy Sister’s Boozy Bingo Toy Drive at the Phoenix | Photos by Tony Leggio

Risque, The Sultry Side of Drag Show at Allways Lounge | Photos by Tony Leggio

6 · The Official Mag: · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

A Community within Communities by The Very Rev. Bill Terry+ Email:

Rip Naquin

I cannot say when I first met Rip. But, I do know that I was quite aware that he was important to our community. I believe that Rip was involved in one of our more prominent funerals, Marcy Marcell. I remember him clearly standing near the center aisle dressed in white and joyously singing our songs. I remember Rip as one who embraced and enjoyed life. Rip and I got to know each other because Rip wanted to help our community. So, with his encouragement this column was begun. It is a testimony to Rip that he wanted a column that sought some way to impart heart, caring, and faith to a community that, at times, seems to seek it but not find it. So, “A Community within Communities” was started. Some of you may know that St. Anna’s Church is a Sanctuary Church not just for immigrants seeking safety from Trump but also a safe place for all people. I think and I know that Rip appreciated that. He was a man of faith, though you might not believe it, he was. With some sort of wit and a bit on longing he would with joy tell people that he was married at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. And so he was. While it was a bit of a clandestine

operation I suspect that Rip needed to be on holy ground for that. His faithful companion and partner Marsha was cherished by him and so, he needed holy ground to make his marriage the sacred act that it was. Whenever St. Anna’s was raising money for the Dodwell House Community Center Rip was sure to give us a PSA and deeply discounted advertising. Rip believed in improving the lives of our children and this whole community. Rip thought and loved BIG. I had the privilege of being invited to the Ambush Mansion for his parties on a few occasions. It was filled with fellowship a good gumbo and good friends. Vicki and I enjoyed ourselves and always met someone who made us feel welcomed. That is Rip and Marsha. I say Rip and Marsha because I cannot imagine them apart and so I do not expect that even now they are apart rather they are together a complete “set.” While Rip is watching over the community he is and always will be a part of Marsha and Marsha a part of Rip. You see my friends, there is more than this. There is life in all of its grandeur and challenges. There is heartache and heart throbs. There is sadness and joy. There is life and death

but for many of us death is a time of transition not finality. I believe this is true with not only Rip but with Marcy Marcell and all of the others who have gone before us. It is the hope and belief that there is purpose and meaning to our lives. We are hardened by our experiences and we are elevated by the capacity to love. So it goes, Rip gave generously when he could, Marcy brought joy and mentored as she could, Elizabeth Bouvier Princess Stephanie, and others give as they can and the litany goes on and on with this Community that is within the larger Community. So many do so much for the fabric that is our lives. Often this giving is hidden, like several taverns that collect food for the hungry, collect toys for children in

need, donate of their inventory for assisting community work. I have had the privilege and blessing to bear witness to all of the fund raisers and community works that go toward helping others within the LGBTQ community. Can we imagine if the whole country behaved like our community in giving and wanting only to love and to have some fun? Can you imagine?! And so, a man who kept us up with what was going on; a man who loved and had fun; a man who cared; a man who had a deep faith is waiting for us to join him and in the mean time we remember fondly our friend Rip. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace and may light perpetual shine upon them. You go girl!

Commentary by Frank Perez Email:

The Problem With Republicans Trump has been in office almost a year now and in that short time, he has managed to confirm his critics’ worst fears. His greed and corruption, his racism and bigotry, his incompetence and ignorance, and his pride and ego are greater than even his harshest critics could have imagined. Many of his voters have seen through his demagoguery and abandoned him. Nevertheless, he still enjoys support from 20% of voters who are batshit insane, but most people realize he needs to go. Most people, that is, except Congressional republicans. A few Republican Senators (namely John McCain, Jeff Flake, Lindsay Graham, and Bob Corker) have criticized Trump for undermining American values and disgracing the Presidency, but House republicans have remained eerily silent. Why? Because openly speaking out against Trump puts their own reelection hopes at risk. Off the record and behind closed doors, the vast majority of republican politicians despise Trump and consider him a threat to not only the republican party but also to American democracy. Yet their constituents support the President. Some would say this is a catch-22 for GOP congressmen but it really demonstrates how spineless these politicians are, to say nothing of illustrating the moral bankruptcy of the republican party. If Trump were a democrat, impeachment proceedings would already be underway. They impeached Bill Clinton for lying about getting a blowjob yet they look the other way when Trump lies about everything that actually matters (finan-

cial corruption and treason, for example). All these gutless republican cowards can do is bury their heads in the sand as Trump disgraces his office and the nation. As long as they can continue to vote for tax cuts for the wealthy and take away people’s health insurance, they are content to let Trump dismantle the federal government and bring us to the brink of nuclear war. If Congressional Republics can remain silent while Trump savagely attacks Gold Star families and defends neo-Nazis as “very good people,” then they are complicit in the destruction Trump is wreaking on the nation. They are not only dangerous and embarrassing, they are evil. Remember the words of Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” As much as Trump needs to go, Congressional Republicans need to go even more. · · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 7

Moments in Gay New Orleans History by Frank Perez Email:

Remembering Rip I knew who Rip Naquin was long before I knew him as a friend. I had seen him at the bars for years and had even been introduced to him a time or two at various social events. Marsha was always, without fail, at his side. Together, they struck me as an enigmatic couple—mysterious and intriguing, yet aloof and unapproachable. There was something about them that made me want to know them. Rip, gregarious, boisterous and magnetic, the gravity of his charisma drawing people to him. And Marsha, calm and quiet, surrounding Rip like a force-field keeping callers at a safe distance. Together, they were a bright star in the gay French Quarter galaxy. My personal and professional relationship with Rip began one Monday afternoon in 2012 at Lafitte’s when Rip asked me if I would be interested in

writing a history column for Ambush. In Exile: The History and Lore Surrounding New Orleans Gay Culture and Its Oldest Gay Bar, a book I co-wrote with Jeffrey Palmquist, had just been published and apparently had caught Rip’s attention. When he offered me a column, I jumped at the chance. As an editor, Rip was a joy to write for. He gave me the freedom to write about whatever I was interested in and he never censored a word I wrote. And even when I wrote about people or places he was not fond of, he was fair and objective. He was a firm supporter of the First Amendment and genuinely believed in the freedom of the press. Sometime in late 2012, Rip informed me that the 40th anniversary of the Up Stairs Lounge arson was approaching and he asked me if I would organize a commemorative event. He told me money was not an issue; he

Transgender Activist Group Honored at 3rd Annual Oracle Gala

and Marsha would subsidize the ceremony. He then told me why this was so important to him. When Rip came out of the closet to his family, his father derisively told him, “You’re going to burn just like those fags in New Orleans.” His father eventually came around but Rip never forgot the comment. Behind all his bravado and shrewd business tactics and sharp tongue, Rip had an incredibly compassionate and generous heart. The hundreds of thousands of dollars he raised for local charities is eclipsed perhaps only by the countless acts of kindness he performed everyday for neighbors and those less fortunate—gestures only a few people saw. I was with Rip helping him lay out the paper at the Ambush offices in 2015 when the Supreme Court effectively legalized same-sex marriage. As we learned of the decision, we looked at each other in amazement for a moment and then he called to Marsha, who was preparing lunch. They embraced tearfully and joy filled the Ambush headquarters. Rip then instructed me to stop the task at hand and immediately write an article about the landmark decision. My best memories of Rip, however, are the times we shared on Monday afternoons at Lafitte’s. The draw

was bartender Jeff Palmquist, one of Rip’s best friends. As a handful of Jeff’s regulars would gather at the bar, we would all anticipate the arrival of Rip and Marsha. Once situated in their regular barstools, Rip would begin to hold court. Inevitably, hilarious antics would ensue. The more he drank, the louder he became and the harder Marsha would slap his leg and shush him. Eventually, his acerbic wit turned to me and thus would begin verbal sparring matches that produced side-splitting laughter. If I was unable to make to Lafitte’s on a Monday, Rip would text me the following morning to check on me. We often exchanged early morning texts. I’m not a “morning person” but a text from Rip always put me in a good mood. When my 12th Night Party took on a life of its own and we began the tradition of naming a “Grand Reveler,” there was never any doubt I would give Rip the title. What a joy it was roasting Rip at this year’s party. I dubbed him “The Award Winning Reveler” because he was so proud of his award winning potato salad. I miss my friend every day. He was a good man and I feel like a better person for knowing him.

by Frank Perez Email: The LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana recently honored BreakOUT!, a local transgender youth activist group, at its annual Oracle Gala. Each year the Archives Project honors an individual or an organization that has made a donation of historical materials to a local archival repository. Breakout! recently selected the Newcomb College Institute Archives as the official repository of its organizational records. The Oracle Gala was held at the newly refurbished Joy Theater and featured performances by the Carnival Kings and a silent auction. The event was emceed by Teddy Mars.

Founded in 2014, the Archives Project promotes and encourages the protection and preservation of materials that chronicle the culture and history of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community in Louisiana. Aiming to educate the public about the importance of historical preservation, the Archives Project also aims to share how individuals can safely entrust local archives with the care of the historical treasures they possess. To learn more about the LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana, visit https:// or follow the organization on social media.

Tops and Bottoms: A Celebration of Wine by Frank Perez

The Krewe du Rue Royale • Bordeaux blends from France Revelers will host a wine tasting on (East) and California (West). Thursday, November 30, at the French Each set of varietals will be Quarter home of Krewe Captain Frank paired with a small plate of hors d’oeuPerez. vres prepared by local chefs. The tasting will be led by local Proceeds from the event will wine expert Stephen Perkins. As of go to producing the Krewe du Rue this writing, the wines to be tasted Royale Revelers’ annual 12th Night include: Carnival Kick-Off party. • Sauvignon Blanc from New ZeaTickets are $100 and include land (South), and France (North), admission to the 12th Night Party. To • Tannat from France (North) and purchase tickets, or for more inforUruguay (South), mation, call Frank Perez at 504-941• Pinot Noir from Oregon (West) 1633. and France (East), and · · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 11

12 路 The Official Mag: 路 Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路

Under the Gaydar by Tony Leggio Email:

Ambush on the Road: Go Go Gulfport

I am a wonderful fan of quick get-aways from NOLA that are just a short drive away. They do wonders for your mental state and you get to explore cool places. One of my newest favorite spots for a break fro, NOLA is Gulfport, Mississippi about an hour and change form the city. Gulfport is located along the Gulf Coast and boasts sandy beaches, good restaurants, gaming and a surprisingly fabulous gay scene. My friends Beaux, Barrett and I along with Mama Leggio in tow arrived on Sunday. We had brunch at this amazing restaurant called The Chimneys. The brunch was truly a dining experience. Oozing with Southern charm, The Chimneys has broad porches that surround the home that you can sit and enjoy your meal. On Sundays, they have an incredible brunch special that includes unlimited champagne or mimosas for $5. You are also able to get an entree with two sides and one glass of champagne for only $20. The service was outstanding and the food was delectable. This meal alone was worth the entire trip to the coast. I highly recommend reservations because it does get crowded. After a few champagnes, we checked into our rooms at the Island View Casino also located on the beach. Our room was in the Beach Tower which has great views of the coast. Island View is one of my favorite casinos because it offers lots of different amenities from their dining options to the entertainment and of course gaming. Not being a big gambler, when I stay at a casino it’s the extras that win it for me. The BeachTower has its own bar that overlooks the water, an adults only pool (honestly who brings kids to a casino) and a quaint work out facility. The hotel is also in the midst of constructing a non-smoking casino attached to the Beach Tower. So we gambled a little bit before hitting the town for some more Sunday Funday experiences. We had dinner at El Agave Mexican Restaurant, a popular spot that has fresh food and a large menu with many options. Whether you want something light or deliciously rich, this is your place. Their margaritas are also top notch. This was the perfect place to start our night since literally only steps away is the city’s gay establishment, Sipps. This place has everything your little gay heart desires form a stage for some fabulous drag shows which usually happen every other Saturday to a pool table, courtyard with fun games (love playing jingo) and a large bar both inside and out. We had a great time hanging out with some of the locals and the bartender was witty and made us feel right at home. He also can concoct some mean shots! The bar has specials on certain nights like Drink and Drown on Mondays and Thursday, Sin buy one get one on Tuesday and Karaoke on Fridays in addition to the shows on Saturday. Simps is definitely worth checking out. I normally do not do buffets, but if I do the breakfast ones are the best and Island View has an awesome one. We started our day with breakfast, then little shopping at\ their outlet mall located right along the interstate followed up with a matinees at their cineplex which also had everything - coffee shop, restaurant, bar and arcade. It was quite the full day. We ended the evening at one of my favorite steak houses on the coast, Carter Green which is also located inside Island View. On Monday nights they have an incredible deal: a $20 prime rib dinner that includes a soup or salad, side items and dessert, The food, service and atmosphere made it the ideal ending to our fast two day jaunt. So next time you are thinking of an enjoyable escape, try Gulfport, you will not be disappointed!

Saying Farewell

When someone has been a pivotal part of your life the way Rip Naquin has been, it is truly hard to put into words how to say goodbye. Many of the things I have become part of was because of our friendship. Even before I started writing for Ambush, I have admired that man who created a publication that has lasted longer than most gay magazines, rallied a gay community around events such as Southern Decadence and Easter and whose philanthropic contributions have helped many non-profit organizations. You lived life to the fullest all the while working tirelessly to make Ambush a success. I was lucky not only to be a small part of your publication but to enjoy being part of your outside life. Your New York wedding was truly one of the most special events I have ever witnessed, and I am grateful to you and Marsha for allowing me to be part of this special occasion. As cliche as this may sound, my life has become infinitely better through knowing you. Rip, at different times you were many roles in my life: boss, teacher, confidant, mentor and most importantly friend. Thank you for everything you have done to support not only me, but the Gay/New Orleans community. Your

achievements will be remembered for years to come. As the saying goes, the sun never sets on a legend. Farewell my friend.

Party Down

There were lots of noteworthy events over the last two weeks from movie showings to fundraisers and even a little naughtiness. On November 1, All Saints Day, NOAGE along with the LGBT Archives presented a movie showing of Portrait of Jason, a film by Shirley Clarke who taped her subject, nightclub performer and gay African-American prostitute Jason Holliday, nonstop for 12 hours, resulting in this intense and moving portrait. These movie nights put on by NOAGE, this was the first collaboration of both organizations, but hopefully not their last, are wonderful ways to meet people and see films you never experience otherwise. For those who know me, I am a total shopaholic, so I was ecstatic to attend the opening of the new Tommy Hilfiger store in the Riverwalk Mall. It has been a while since I have been there and was thoroughly impressed with the selections available to me. If you are a Hilfiger fan, check out this place, they have some great sales and with Black Friday here, you know you may get some great deals. I also attended to theatrical offerings, the first was an entertaining cabaret entitled Varla Jean and Deven Green in New Orleans. Local funny lady and chanteuse Varla Jean Merman was joined for this show by Internet sensation Deven Green most known for her portrayal of Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian. Once again, Varla and guest who played mean electric ukulele had the audience roaring with laughter. My second show was The Last Five Years showing at Le Petit. The Last Five Years is a musical written by Jason Robert Brown and was produced Off-Broadway in March 2002. The story explores a five-year relationship between Jamie Wellerstein, a rising novelist, and Cathy Hiatt, a struggling actress. The show uses a form of storytelling in which Cathy’s story is told in reverse chronological order (beginning the show at the end of the marriage), and Jamie’s is told in chronological order (starting just after the couple have first met). The characters do not directly interact except for a wedding song in the middle as their timelines intersect. The show was fantastic (albeit sad) with a great cast thanks to the talents of Adair Watkins and Meredith Owens. My second Saturday was quite the whirlwind of events (four to be exact on one night). My first one was the LGBT Archives fundraiser at the Joy Theatre. It was a roaring twenties theme and the guests dressed the part from flapper girls to dashing guys in their Gatsby-esque suits. There was an auction, raffle and performance by the New Orleans Carnival Kings. The evening’s Oracle Gala honoree was BreakOUT! They also celebrated the donation of their archival materials to Newcomb Archives & Vorhoff Library Special Collections. The next stop on my party train was the Christmas Toy Drive Boozy Bingo hosted by the Big Easy Sisters at the Phoenix. They had a nice crowd and collected lots of toys. The Sisters kept the event lively and there were some fun prizes to be had. Then next up I attended the Metropolitan Community Church of New Orleans fundraiser at Cafe Istanbul featuring artist Mia Borders and her band. Born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, Mia Borders is heralded locally and nationally as one of the city’s best talents. All the proceeds benefit the work and ministries of Metropolitan Community Church of New Orleans. Not only was their great music, but they had one of the best silent auctions. I got a great prize and now am officially a new member riding this year in the King Arthur Parade. Bring on Mardi Gras! I ended my night on a more sexy side when I attended Risque, the sultry side of drag show at the Always Lounge. Emcee Johnny Passion put on an incredible show with some sensuously talented performers such as Pussy Hertz and Monique Michaels Alexander. I now have a new must see drag show that is new and refreshing. On Sunday, I attended a thank you gathering for the hosts of Bon Appétit. This year was their 10 year anniversary and a success for Project Lazarus. It was their biggest to date raising over $50,000 for the organization. The event was held at the gorgeous home of Warren Backer, Jr., and David Cortez. The event was generously underwritten by Scot I. Billeaudeau and Waterfront Wealth Management. They gave out fun awards to all the hosts at this afternoon soiree. The awards were created by artist Gary Schiro and each was designed specifically for the recipient. I adore my Drama Queen one. Also a giant shout out goes to the wonderful Baton Rouge contingent (Robert, Michael, Jason and Khanh) whose extraordinarily hard work which includes their movie nights and drag show brought in a huge sum. If you did not have an opportunity to attend this year, put it on your calendar for next year. This is definitely a great party! That concludes my highlights for the last two weeks, until next issue, keep partying.

NOTE: It you have a special event you would like me to cover, email me at · · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 13

Stonewall Sports New Orleans!

Fall 2017 Kickball Standings TEAM







The Wannabes







East Compton Clovers







A Team Has No Name







Kick Tease







Backdoor Buddies







Suck My Kick







Dirty Dianas







My Kick is Hard







Kick Dats







The Equalizers







Accidental Orgies







Lowered Expectations







Funny Boners







Free Ballers







Stonewall Sports - New Orleans will bring together members of the LGBTQ community and our allies to play kickball, dodgeball, bowling, and volleyball. Stonewall Sports is an LGBTQ & Ally community-based, non-profit sports organization founded in 2010 that strives to raise funds for local non-profit organizations. Our league values each player for who they are and what they bring to the leagues community. Our New Orleans chapter of Stonewall Sports started in Fall 2016. Our Vision: We believe every person should have the ability to feel comfortable being oneself in organized sports. Our league will value each player for who they are and what one brings to the leagues community. We also believe organized communities have the ability and responsibly to support others in need. Our Mission: To provide an inclusive, low-cost, high FUN sport leagues that are managed as a non-profit with a philanthropic heart. Our Leagues Enjoy: • 7-8 Week Seasons Including Playoffs • Equipment & Facilities Provided • Uniform Shirts included in registration fee • Referees, Umpires & Administrators • Post-Game Activities at our home bar • Monthly social gatherings

Want to play? Get in touch! If you would like to join our league next season, visit our website at or contact us at

14 · The Official Mag: · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide · · · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 15

Hot Happenings

As we head to Thanksgiving, there are so many things to be thankful, first and foremost is all the hot happenings in the city. Here are just a few for your consideration. Tuesday, November 21, 2017 V is for Vinsantos: Always Lounge; 2240 St. Claude Avenue; 8 - 11 p.m. This month, cycle V of the New Orleans Drag Workshop is bringing you something to be thankful for: V is for Vinsantos. She’s the mistress of the dark, the clown of contempt, the vintage queen with the vintage face, and the drag grandmother of an entire fungal colony of “just okay” little drag creatures. This is the time of year that we’re meant to dwell on family, togetherness, and almsgiving. The cast will be serving you tributes, odes, and impersonations inspired by the HeadMISTERess herself. Featuring: Quinn Laroux, Annie Bacterial, Duchess Ovens, CeCe V DeMenthe, Holden Dove, Sir Ren Dipity, Smokestack Lightnin’ and hosted by Nancy Shame,, Dede Onassis, and Miss Pageant 2017 Franky. The time is 9pm, 8pm doors and the cost is $10. Wednesday, November 22, 2017 The Christmas Queens Present Official World Tour 2017: House of Blues; 225 Decatur Street; 7 p.m. Hosted by Peppermint and featuring performances by: Jiggly Caliente, Sharon Needles, Thorgy Thor, Ivy Winters, Ginger Minj, Phi Phi O’Hara, & Willam. Doors / Show: 7:00PM / 8:00PM. This is an ALL AGES event. All general admission tickets are STANDING ONLY. For

more information about Pass the Line or Foundation Room access, please call the Box Office at 504.310.4999. For VIP seating, please contact Thanksgiving Eve Party: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; Starting at 4 p.m. Come celebrate the start of the holiday season at oz and also not having work the next day! 1/2 price Video Happy Hour from 4-8 PM with VJ Kyle D! 1/2 PRICE ALL DRINKS FROM 4-8 PM! DJ Tim Pflueger spinning the rest of the night for our fabulous drag show starring the Ladies of Oz, hosted by Persana Shouders, and for a night of dancing to the best music on Bourbon Street! Thursday, November 23, 2017 Thanksgiving Night Party: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; Starting at 6 p.m. On Thursday, Thanksgiving Night Oz will open at 6 p.m. with 1/2 price all drinks til 8pm. So after your family fun and dinner, come on over to dance the night away with DJ Tim Pflueger and The Thanksgiving Edition of The Jeff D Comedy Cabaret. Then give thanks for sexy men at the Thanksgiving Strip Off hosted by Persana Shoulders with special performance by Chi-Chi Rodriquez! Friday, November 24, 2017 New Meat Amateur Dance Contest: Corner Pocket; 640 St. Louis Street; 6:30 p.m. Hosted by Lisa Beaumann, anyone can enter - $100 cash prize. Saturday, November 25, 2017 Lords of Leather - A Very Mary ChristmASS: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 8 - 10 p.m. It’s the annual Lords of Leather American Bandstand! This year they pay tribute the Christmas

and Winter holidays. $10 donation at the door is requested and of course tips are SO appreciated! Funds raised go toward Bal Masque XXXV to be held Sunday February 11, 2018. Gag Reflex: Always Lounge; 2240 St. Claude Ave.; Doors open at 11 p.m. The show of all shows, GAG REFLEX, is back for Season 3! Augmented with a core cast of some of the fiercest talents in the industry and turning duets in to group-ettes. Core Cast includes: Tarah Cards, Siren, Laveau Contraire, Fabigail Tchoupitoulas, Nancy Shame and NEON Burgundy. The theme of this show is Game Show Night. Show’s at midnight with a $10 Cover. Something Like The Lion King: The N ew Movement; 2706 Sty. Claude Ave new; 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. Come sing along to your favorite musical movies! Join The New Movement for a special anniversary episode of Something Like… A Sing-a-Long Show! Their musical cast sings the hits, then our improv cast creates new scenes based on those hits, bringing you a new view of some of our favorite musicals of all time! Join a cast of the rockin’-est singers in the city as you belt your face off to onscreen lyrics. Sunday, November 26, 2018 Winter Wonderland: The Eiffel Society; 2040 St. Charles Avenue; 5 - 9 p.m. Make your plans now to attend Winter Wonderland VI! This year’s non profit charities are PFLAG New Orleans .. Belle Reve and Anna’s Place of St. Anna’s Episcopal Church of New Orleans. Join them for a wonderful time and entertainment as we celebrate the true reason of the season while giving back to our community. Sponsorship and tickets are available by contacting Misti Gaither on Facebook.


Zingo: Corner Pocket; 640 St. Louis Street; 6:30 p.m. Play Bingo with hosts Opal Masters followed by the Barry BareAss Dancer of the Week Contest. Oz Show Night: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 9:30 p.m. This popular drag show is hosted by Persana Shoulders and features Nicole Lynn Foxx, Lisa Beaumann, Connie Hung, Anastascia Davenport; Chichi Rodriguez and Dominique DeLorean. Wednesday, November 29, 2017 Miss Gay New Orleans LA USofA Pageant: Oz New Orleans; 800 Bourbon Street; 8 p.m. - midnight Thursday, November 30, 2017 Showstoppers Cabaret - Faith: Always Lounge; 2240 St. Claude Avenue; 8 - 11 p.m. Showstoppers Cabaret is back, and this time they’re getting PIOUS. They are talking grace, charity, and salvation, not to mention global religion. It’s going to be SPIRITUAL. The cost is $10. The evening’s entertainment is hosted and produced by Dede Onassis. Coven: Santos Bar; 1135 Decatur Street; 9 p.m. - midnight Are you a good witch or a bad bitch? COVEN is a New Orleans drag show like no other! Witches, vampires, ghosts; why limit this juicy spooky goodness to October?C. OVEN is a new monthly show that celebrates this town’s darkest herstories! Featuring performances from our core cast members: Apostrophe, Tarah Cards, Franky, Garlic Junior and Haus DJ Vinsantos and introducing our virginal stage kitten Bennigan Applebee McFridayz. Does at 9 p.m. with show at 10 p.m. $10 admission Tiffany Live: House of Blues; 225 Decatur Street; 7 p.m.Pop Star Tif-






For GirlsWho Dress to Kill 824 Chartres St. 504.418.1448

VISIT OUR WEBSITE M–Sat 11–6 Sun 12–5

16 · The Official Mag: · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·


fany live in concert . Tickets start at $25. Select VIP meet and greet $50. Tickets: Friday, December 1 - Saturday, December 16, 2017 Not About Nightingales: Zeitgeist Multi-Disciplinary Arts Center; 1618 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd. NOT ABOUT NIGHTINGALES by Tennessee Williams is based on a true story. Delving into the dark and dangerous world of institutional corruption, Williams tells the story of a prison hunger strike with deadly consequences. When Butch leads a noisy but nonviolent uprising to demand the Warden give the inmates food fit for human consumption, the Warden strikes back, testing the humanity of everyone in his prison. Even the most hardened inmates melt at the thought of Klondike, a suffocating boiler room-turned-torture chamber which is reserved for men who step out of line. As the uprising reaches its boiling point, Jim, the Warden’s pet prisoner is faced with the hard choice between speaking up and losing his chance at release or staying silent and living with consuming guilt. Starring some of New Orleans’ Finest Artists: Zeb Hollins III as Jim, Sean Richmond* as Butch, and Nicole Himel as Eva, and featuring Ann Dalrymple, Todras Sam, Christopher Robinson, Stephen Stanley, Gavin Robinson, Cameron-Mitchell Ware, Adler Hyatt, with Joseph Furnari as the Warden. The Tennessee Williams Theatre Company is presenting its New Orleans premiere, right here in the prison capital of the world. For more informa-

tion or tickets, go to Friday, December 1, 2017 Oz VIP Card Pre Sale Party; Oz New Orleans; 800 Bourbon Street; 8 11 p.m. Want all-access 24/7 to New Orleans’ premier gay dance club and show bar? Join Oz for this special event from 8-10 p.m. in their upstairs bar. Buy our 2018 VIP card, which gets you no cover and priority entrance all year round INCLUDING all major holidays, for a discounted price! Save $50 on your purchase by attending! New Meat Amateur Dance Contest: Corner Pocket; 640 St. Louis Street; 6:30 p.m. Hosted by Lisa Beaumann, anyone can enter - $100 cash prize. Saturday, December 2, 2017 Beignet Fest: City Park festival Grounds; 61 Freiderichs Avenue; 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. More info is available at Sunday, December 3, 2017 Miss Showgirl of the South Pageant: Bourbon Pub and Parade; 801 Bourbon Street; 2 - 5:30 p.m. This is the first ever Miss ShowGirl of the South pageant. This is a great chance for female impersonator/drag queens to compete for a great prize package. Emcee Nicole Dubois takes guests on A Showgirl’s Christmas. Categories include Q & A, Gown, Talent and Presentation. Zingo: Corner Pocket; 640 St. Louis Street; 6:30 p.m. Play Bingo with hosts Opal Masters followed by the

Barry BareAss Dancer of the Week Contest. Oz Show Night: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 9:30 p.m. This popular drag show is hosted by Persana Shoulders and features Nicole Lynn Foxx, Lisa Beaumann, Connie Hung, Anastascia Davenport; Chichi Rodriguez and Dominique DeLorean. Friday, December 8, 2017 New Meat Amateur Dance Contest: Corner Pocket; 640 St. Louis Street; 6:30 p.m. Hosted by Lisa Beaumann, anyone can enter - $100 cash prize. Saturday, December 9, 2017 31st Annual Arts Against Aids: Club 44; Lasalle Street; 7 - 11 p.m. Join the NO/AIDs Task Force for the 31st Annual Art Against AIDS Gala at CLUB XLIV at the Superdome in support of men, women, and children living with HIV/AIDS in the New Orleans Community. The gala hosts some of the finest New Orleans has to offer: great food from local restaurants, a holiday boutique, a juried auction of art, local merchandise, and staycation packages. Entertainment is by American Idol Finalist, David Hernandez, Roux The Day Band and other local entertainers. For tickets are more information, go to Sunday, December 10, 2017 Holiday Sip and Shop: Fairgrounds Race Course; 1751 Gentilly Blvd.; noon - 4 p.m. The Fair Grounds Sip & Shop returns for the holiday season on Sunday, December 10 and will include a day of live horse racing!

VIP Shoppers can attend one hour prior to the general public and receive bottomless drinks from 12-4pm. We only have 100 of these special tickets for $25! General Public can enter at 1pm and receive one free drink for $10 admission (our standard Clubhouse Admission price). Tickets are on sale now at Zingo: Corner Pocket; 640 St. Louis Street; 6:30 p.m. Play Bingo with hosts Opal Masters followed by the Barry BareAss Dancer of the Week Contest. Oz Show Night: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 9:30 p.m. This popular drag show is hosted by Persana Shoulders and features Nicole Lynn Foxx, Lisa Beaumann, Connie Hung, Anastascia Davenport; Chichi Rodriguez and Dominique DeLorean.

If you want to make sure your upcoming event is listed, email the information to me at ledgemgp@ · · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 17

The Real Cheese by Felicia Phillips Email:


Cheese came into existence. After an incident that may or may not have occurred was bantered about all over social media concerning something that Aubrey Synclaire claims to have witnessed, I was the butt of many jokes, Rip of course being one of the first , proclaiming me Miss Cheese Pussy Emeritus ! While sitting with him and Marsha at The Golden Lantern one night, right in the middle of one of his jokes, he looks at me and says, we are going to start a new column and you are the one that is going to write it, I responded yea Rip, keep drinking! He says no I’m serious, It’s going to be called The Real Cheese and you will get paid for each story, not much though because we are just poor folks with a paper route.(that was his favorite line)When i realized he was serious, I said well what do you want, a gossip column or what? He simply said just sit down and write what ever comes out of that bald head of yours! For nearly 2 years the stories flowed and for that I will be forever thankful to him. So for Rip before we all move forward ith Marsha and our new Wonderful Ambush Family, Frank and Tomy that I look back at that first column that came from a night of too much drinking and one man, Rip Naquin’s instinct. I’m Felicia Phillips The Cheese Queen of New Orleans and this my dahlins is how The Real Cheese Began!

was a long hour and believe me we were happy! )As the night progressed we decided we must stop into The Corner Pocket to admire Lisa B’s latest ensemble of new boys and of course contribute to multiple scholarship funds. Bartender Ashlee’s choice of cocktails and or possible shots for the evening assured more generous contributions . Anything we can do to help the younger generation out , I’m all for. After seeing to it that the fine young men of the night were in good hands, many good hands, we were off again. Now mind you this was just after the new WALK IN LARGE GROUPS signs had been placed thru out the quarter. I being a concerned citizen that was still very happy after the long happy hour was making sure to tell every passing person on the street to remember to WALK IN LARGE GROUPS. But never too old to be educated, upon telling a couple of transgendered working girls to be careful and walk in LARGE GROUPS, one of them taught me that and I quote; You don’t need a large group if you carry a railroad tie in your purse. So next people I saw I made sure to tell them if you don’t walk in a large group make sure to carry a railroad tie in your purse. Now we may have stopped at an undisclosed location near Burgundy and St. Ann for a lesson in how the average person’s looks and anatomy changes in very low lighting while enjoying cool and refreshing adult beverages for the greater part of the evening. This is where the line of my perspective may have started to blur,as I believe Fireball shots were forced upon us by either well meaning tourists or ourselves not sure which but I do know fireballs are of the devil. Thinking it was time to call it a night , since it was now the early morning , Madison proceeds to make sure I get home to my humble abode in The Marigny upon arriving we realize that I live right behind another undisclosed location similar to the one we had just left and decide fair is fair so we should pay a visit there as well since we were so near. More fireballs later we discover a stairway and venture into unforseen territory. It was actually quite tame and after small talk with the very friendly bartender we headed back down to leave, only to run into none other than Aubrey Synclaire who was not in her

male illusion but in blond full figured glory. She had a lovely entourage for a soon to be SDGM Has Been I must say! She insisted we come back up for deep conversation. It was at this time that I was distracted by a young gentleman that to me looked just like Clark Kent and somehow found myself sitting next to him while Aubrey held court of sorts. This is where prespective comes into play for what Aubrey saw and I saw were completely different. I innocently thought that just as Clark Kent would have, this man who we will just call Hey , as in Hey You ( he could have been Asian not sure) was more than likely hiding a Superhero costume under his mild mannered attire and I had to know so while attempting to see ,his belt buckle accidentally came undone and his pants slipped a bit, I being the helpful person I strive to be quickly after five or so minutes assisted him in redressing. Innocent of a night as it was it quickly came to and end and next thing I knew I was being awaken from a deep sleep in my bathtub by a text from Reba Douglas herself telling me about Aubrey’s four am post to Facebook, which just like fireball I say is of the devil. The post was her version of the last event of my night. It stated simply Im sitting here watching Philip Anthony passing out hand jobs like government cheese!..Well as we all now know everyone see things differently and our truths are just that ,our own As I can assure you no hand jobs were giving as it was a two finger job at best. And that my dahlings is The Real Cheese! Till next time I’m Felicia Phillips the Cheese Queen Of New Orleans

I can honestly say Rip Naquin was a man that either liked you or didn’t and that was usually the case vice versa. I didn’t like him, I loved him,although it was not an emotion felt at first site. Having been an established entertainer in Texas , I knew of Rip and Marsha through Ambush for years, their reputation was renown all over the LGBT community of the entire gulf coast, I knew from afar that he called his own shots and could be quite domineering. I valued Ambush as it was the last of the great fag rags left, and truly was what I used as my go to, to plan my move to New Orleans and it has proven to have been the right tool for me to use. Upon finally meeting Rip in person , I wasn’t in awe of the man, he wasn’t at all as I expected, yes initially I nearly peed in my panties from fear of some of the more than colorful insults he was known to hurl , fearing I would be one of the ones he just did not like,but that fear quickly vanished when I realized how funny this man was.He was a very layered man, he was tough as nails and soft as a babies butt at the same time. Hateful when he deemed necessary and the most loving person at the most needed times. I realize many may not have appreciated the diversity of his character for whatever reasons, but for myself, once I got to know him , I treasured him. I know that many to this day are still livid that when the internet first came into existence , he started registering The Real Cheese domain names for things like Southern When Rip asked me to start this Decadence and Gay Mardi Gras,think- column it took me some thought as ing it was his grab for control, maybe to what to write for the first one.We to an extent that was true, but I look on had discussed what kind of column it it as keen instinct and foresight. I don’t should be, tongue and cheek gossip think he even realized himself that by or my prespective of the many things making that leap onto the world wide I experience on my days and nights web thru Ambush and the Southern out and about in this sometimes drama Decadence website, what was a small filled, but for the most part wonderfully local event would become one of the wacky LGBT part of the magical place largest Gay Events in the world. New Orleans that I now call home.Well He explained himself best to me I decided since occasionally somewhen we were discussing his love / things thrown out could be considered hate relationship with Reba Douglas. shade I would base my first piece on They had just had another of their in- how the title ‘The Real Cheese’ came famous falling outs, Rip wasn’t drinking about which will in no doubt cast shade at the time and I knew if I asked what directly upon myself! their real problem was he would give Here we go , decided to do a litme a straight answer. He said well, the tle Friday night barhopping with bright problem with Reba is , she is just like new artist in town Madison Faile, who her brother Pearl.They both write their comes to us via Montgomery Alabama own scripts in their own heads and be- and who I have no doubt we will all be lieve every word of it whether its right hearing more about as he was taught or wrong, he paused took a breath and how to cut up by one of the south’s let out a little sigh and said ,JUST LIKE drag legends Gayla Delust! ME, and grinned the biggest grin! The night started off calm enough, Rip’s instinct never dulled as it is happy hour at Oz, Grandpres,Goodbecause of it that my column The Real Friends, and I believe the 700 club( it · · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 19

Book Review by Frank Perez Email:

Out For Queer Blood: The Murder of Fernando Rios and the Failure of New Orleans Justice. Clayton Delery. Exposit, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-4766-6884-0. 220 pages. The Pox Lover is a personal history of the turbulent 1990s in New York City and Paris by a pioneering American AIDS journalist, lesbian activist, and daughter of French-Haitian elites. In an account that is by turns searing, hectic, and funny, Anne-christine d’Adesky remembers “the poxed generation” of AIDS—their lives, their battles, and their determination to find love and make art in the heartbreaking years before lifesaving protease drugs arrived. D’Adesky takes us through a fast-changing East Village: squatter protests and civil disobedience lead to all-night drag and art-dance parties, the fun-loving Lesbian Avengers organize dyke marches, and the protest group ACT UP stages public funerals. Traveling as a journalist to Paris, an insomniac d’Adesky trolls the Seine, encoun-

tering waves of exiles fleeing violence in the Balkans, Haiti, and Rwanda. As the last of the French Nazis stand trial and the new National Front rises in the polls, d’Adesky digs into her aristocratic family’s roots in Vichy France and colonial Haiti. This is a testament with a message for every generation: grab at life and love, connect with others, fight for justice, keep despair at bay, and remember. Anne-christine d’Adesky is an investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker who reported on the global AIDS epidemic for New York Native, OUT, The Nation, and The Village Voice. She received the first Award of Courage from amfAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research. She was an early member of ACT UP and cofounder of the Lesbian Avengers. Her books include Beyond Shock: Charting the Landscape of Sexual Violence in PostQuake Haiti, Moving Mountains: The Race to Treat Global AIDS, and a novel set in post-Duvalier Haiti, Under the Bone.

20 · The Official Mag: · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide · · · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 21

22 路 The Official Mag: 路 Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路

Upcoming at Oz Wednesday, November 22 - Celebrate not having work the next day! 1/2 price Video Happy Hour from 4-8 PM with VJ Kyle D! 1/2 PRICE ALL DRINKS FROM 4-8 PM! DJ Tim Pflueger spinning the rest of the night for our fabulous drag show starring the Ladies of Oz, hosted by Persana Shouders, and for a night of dancing to the best music on Bourbon Street! Thursday, November 23 - THANKSGIVING NIGHT Oz opens at 6 PM with 1/2 PRICE ALL DRINKS FROM til 8pm. So after your family fun and dinner, come on over to dance the night away with DJ Tim Pflueger and The Thanksgiving Edition of The Jeff D Comedy Cabaret. Then give thanks for sexy men at the Thanksgiving Strip Off hosted by Persana Shoulders with special performance by Chi-Chi Rodriquez! Wednesday, November 29 - Miss Gay New Orleans Louisiana USofA pageant! Join Persana Shoulders and Oz as they present Miss Gay New Orleans Louisiana USofA. Come for a fierce night of competition as queens battle it out for a chance to move on the Miss Gay Louisiana USofA pageant! Categories include interview, formal gown, and talent. For more information on entering the pageant, contact Persana Shoulders.

From 8-10 PM in the upstairs bar! Buy Oz’s 2018 VIP card, which gets you no cover and priority entrance all year round INCLUDING all major holidays, for a discounted price! Save $50 on your purchase by attending! You don’t wanna miss out on this fabulous deal! Wednesday, December 13 - Join us for food, drink, friends, and holiday cheer from 8-10 PM for the Oz Annual Christmas Party, followed by our annual Christmas drag show at 10:00 PM starring ALL of the Ladies of Oz! Admittance is an unwrapped toy for a child in need! Get into the holiday spirit in the land of dance! Monday, December 31 - Ring in 2018 at New Orleans’ premier gay dance club! Hosted by the fabulous Persana Shoulders! Celebrate the end of 2017 and dance all night to the music of our resident DJs (Kyle D, Tim Pflueger, and JRB)! Reminisce over the best moments of the year with a special video presentation brought to you by our resident DJs. Complimentary champagne at midnight! Savor the last moments of 2017 on the dance floor at Oz! For more details, visit

Saturday, December 2 - Get all-access 24/7 to New Orleans’ premier gay dance club and show at the annual VIP CARD PRE-SALE PARTY! · · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 23

Snap Paparazzi Monthly Zingo Awards at the Corner Pocket | Photos by Darwin & Jeremy

24 路 The Official Mag: 路 Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路


529.2860, Facebook.COM/GoldenLanternBar Good Friends Bar, 740 Dauphine St, 566.7191, GoodFriendsBar.COM GRANDPRE’S, 834 N. Rampart St., 267.3615, KAJUN’S PUB, 2256 St. Claude Ave., 947.3735, KajunPub.COM MAG’S 940, 940 Elysian Fields Ave., 948.1888 OZ NEW ORLEANS, 800 Bourbon, 593.9491, OzNewOrleans. COM THE PAGE, 542 N. Rampart St., 875.4976 PHOENIX/EAGLE, 941 Elysian Fields, 945.9264, www.phoenixbarnola. com Rawhide 2010, 740 Burgundy St., 525.8106, Rawhide2010.COM TROPICAL ISLE: Home of the Hand Grenade, 721 Bourbon St., 529.4109, TropicalIsle.COM VALIANT THEATRE AND LOUNGE, 6621 St. Claude Ave., Arabi, LA, 504.900.1743 Slidell, LA [985] BILLY’S, 2600 Hwy. 190 West, 847.1921 Biloxi, MS [228] CLUB VEAUX, 834 Howard Ave., 207.3271


New Orleans, LA [504] FAB - Faubourg Marigny Art & Books, 600 Frenchmen St., 947.3700



Mobile, AL [251] B-Bob’s Downtown, 213 Conti St., 433.2262, B-Bobs.COM Flip Side Bar & Patio, 54 S. Conception St., 431.8819, FlipSideBarPatio. COM GABRIEL’S DOWNTOWN, 55 South Joachim St., 432.4900 The Midtown Pub, 153 Florida St., 450.1555 Pensacola, FL [850] THE ROUNDUP, 560 East Heinberg St., 433.8482 Baton Rouge, LA [225] GEORGE’S, 860 St. Louis, 387.9798, SPLASH, 2183 Highland Rd., 242.9491, SplashBR.COM Lake Charles, LA [337] CRYSTAL’S, 112 W. Broad, 433.5457 Metairie, LA [504] FOUR SEASONS & PATIO STAGE BAR, 3229 N. Causeway, 832.0659,

New Orleans, LA [504] 700 CLUB, 700 Burgundy, 561.1095, BIG DADDY’S, 2513 Royal, 948.6288 BIG EASY DAIQUIRIS, 216 Bourbon, 501 Bourbon, 409 Decatur, 617 Decatur THE BLACK PENNY, 700 N. Rampart BOURBON PUB & PARADE, 801 Bourbon St., 529.2107, BourbonPub.COM Café Lafitte in Exile, 901 Bourbon Street 522.8397, Lafittes.COM CORNER POCKET, 940 St. Louis, 568.9829, CornerPocket.NET COUNTRY CLUB, 634 Louisa St., TheCountryClubNewOrleans.COM, 945.0742 CUTTER’S, 706 Franklin, 948.4200 THE DOUBLE PLAY, 439 Dauphine, 523.4517 THE FRIENDLY BAR, 2301 Chartres, 943.8929 GOLDEN LANTERN, 1239 Royal,

Aug. 30-Sept. 4, 2017, 46th Official Southern Decadence Celebration of Gay Life, Music & Culture, end of Summer Blowout including the Southern Decadence Parade & loads of activities, bringing over 180,000 revelers to New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush & Oct. 20-22, 2017 Halloween 34, benefiting Project Lazarus, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by AmbushMag.COM, Dec. 29, 2017-Jan. 1, 2018 Gay New Year’s in New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, Feb. 9-13, 2018, 69th Official Gay Mardi Gras, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush, Easter Sunday, April 11, 2018, 19th Official Gay Easter Parade, New Orleans, sponsored by Ambush,


New Orleans, LA [504] QT PIE BOUTIQUE - 241 Dauphine St., 581. 6633


New Orleans, LA [504] CASSELL-BERGEN GALLERY, 1305 Decatur St., cassellbergengallery. com, 504.524.0671


AMBUSH Mag, 828-A Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116-3137; 504.522.8049, AmbushMag.COM;


New Orleans, LA [504] QUARTERMASTER DELI, THE NELLIE DELI, 1100 Bourbon, 529.1416

hair salons

New Orleans, LA [504] Two Guys Cutting Hair, 2372 St.

Claude Ave., Suite 125, appointments: Adikus 215.519.5030, Trent 504.239.2397


New Orleans, LA [504] MARY’S FRENCH QUARTER HARDWARE, 732 N. Rampart, 529.4465


New Orleans [504] AARON INGRAM HAUS, 1012 Elysian Fields, New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE: 504.949.3110, www.ingramhaus. com/xqey, e-mail us at Condos with queen-size beds, private entrances; located only six blocks from Bourbon Street and walking distance to most New Orleans attractions. Several favorite bars are within one block. [0118] BLUES60 GUEST HOUSE, 1008 Elysian Fields Ave. New Orleans, LA 70117, Phone: 1.504.324.4311,, The Blue60 Guest House with 5 suites provides a peaceful retreat in the center of the Faubourg Marigny, just blocks from the French Quarter and Frenchman St. [1115] BURGUNDY BED AND BREAKFAST, 2513 Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE/FAX: 504.942.1463, Toll Free (Continental US only): 1.800.970.2153,, E-mail us at Gay owned and operated in newly renovated 1890’s double. Four guest rooms with private baths, guests’ parlor and “half-kitchen”, courtyard and half-open tubhouse with spa (hot tub/whirlpool). Clothing optional in sunbathing and hot tub area. Walking distance to French Quarter. Immediate vicinity of gay and lesbian bars/venues. [0815] The french quarter guest houses, 1005 St. Peter, New Orleans, LA 70116, Phone: 1.800.367.5858,, email: Four meticulously restored boutique inns located in the heart of the French Quarter’s most popular LGBT neighborhood. Each building’s individual character and charm provides an unforgettable authentic French Quarter experience!


New Orleans, LA [504] AMBUSH Mag, Official Gay Easter Parade Guide, Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide, Official Gay New Orleans Guide, Official Gulf South Guide, Official Pride Guide, Official Southern Decadence Guide, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 522.8049, AmbushMag.COM; email: AMBUSHonLINE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137; 522.8049,, email:


FOOD FOR FRIENDS, 504.821.2601 ext. 254 FRIDAY NIGHT BEFORE MARDI GRAS (FNBMG), 504.319.8261, GAY APPRECIATION AWARDS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137; 522.8049; AmbushMag.COM/GAA GAY EASTER PARADE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049,, GayEasterParade.COM GAY MARDI GRAS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, Gay- · · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 25

MardiGras.COM GAY NEW ORLEANS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, GayNewOrleans.COM HAART (HIV/AIDS Alliance Region Two, Inc.), 4550 North Blvd. Ste. 250, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, 225.927.1269,, offers a complete continuum of care to people living with HIV/ AIDS including housing, primary care, medications, case management, and an array of supportive services. In addition HAART provides HIV prevention education and FREE testing to the Baton Rouge area. HALLOWEEN IN NEW ORLEANS, INC., PO Box 52171, 70152-2171; halloween KREWE OF AMON-RA, PO Box 7033, Metairie, LA 70010, KreweOfAmonRa.COM KREWE OF ARMEINIUS, PO Box 56638, New Orleans, LA 70156-6638, KREWE OF MWINDO, PO Box 51031, 70156; 913.5791, KreweOfMwindo. ORG, KREWE OF NARCISSUS, PO Box 3832, New Orleans, LA 70177. Contact: 504.228.9441 KREWE OF PETRONIUS, PO Box 1102, Kenner, LA. 70063-1102, www. KREWE OF QUEENATEENAS / KING CAKE QUEEN ROYALTY CLUB, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 522.8049, GayMardiGras.COM/KCQ LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana, 1308 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, LA 70116, 504.475.7911, www.lgbtar- MYSTIC KREWE OF LORDS OF LEATHER, 1000 Bourbon St #B415, New Orleans, LA 70116, MYSTIC KREWE OF SATYRICON, 2443 Halsey Ave., New Orleans, LA 70114, 504.906.7990 Todd J. Blauvelt / Secretary,, MysticKreweOfSatyricon.COM NO/AIDS TASK FORCE, 2601 Tulane Ave., Suite 500, 70119; 504.821.2601; NOAIDSTaskForce.COM PRIDE, NOLAPride.ORG RENEGADE BEARS OF LOUISIANA, PO Box 3083, New Orleans, LA 70177; renegadebearsoflouisiana@gmail. com SOUTHERN DECADENCE, 828A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, SouthernDecadence.COM ST. ANNA’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 1313 Esplanade Avenue New Orleans, LA 70116 504.947.2121,


Mumfrey’s Pharmacy, 1021 W. Judge Perez Dr., Chalmette, LA 70043, 504.279.6312, www.MumfreysPharmacy.COM. Supporting & serving the LGBT Community for over 20 years. Local pharmacy offering personalized family-like service, automatic refills & free metro wide confidential pickup & delivery. Also offering shipping for out-side our delivery area. When you call us you speak to a person, not a machine. See our ad.


New Orleans, LA [504] GRAHAM/STUDIO ONE NEW ORLEANS, by appointment,

CAFE ISTANBUL, 2372 St. Claude Ave., #140, 504.974.0786, CafeIstanbulNOLA.COM


New Orleans, LA [504] Gay New Orleans Walking Tour, Crescent City Tour Booking Agency, (LGBT Business of the Year) 638 St. Ann St., 568.0717. follow Gay New Orleans Walking Tour @ Facebook.COM

Metairie, LA [504] Chef Ron’s Gumbo Stop & Pub, 2309 N. Causeway Blvd., 835.2022, New Orleans, LA [504] The Bombay Club, 830 Rue Conti, 577.2237, www.bombayclubneworleans. com Broussard’s Restaurant & Courtyard, 819 Rue Conti, 581.3866, http:// Cafe Sbisa, 1011 Decatur St., 522.5565, Cheezy Cajun, 3325 St. Claude Ave., 265.0045, www.TheCheezyCajun. com Clover Grill, 900 Bourbon St., 598.1010, Country Club Restaurant, 634 Louisa St.,, 945.0742 Gene’s Po-Boys & Daquiris, 1040 Elysian Fields Ave., 943.3861, Ilys Bistro, 1040 Elysian Fields Ave., 947.8341, Kingfish Kitchen & Cocktails, 337 Chartres St. 598.5005, Mona Lisa Restaurant, 1212 Royal St., 522.6746 Orleans Grapevine Wine Bar & Bistro, 720 Orleans, 523.1930, Quartermaster: The Nellie Deli, 1100 Bourbon St. , 529.1416, Royal House Oyster Bar, 441 Royal St., 528.2601,


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real estate

New Orleans, LA [504] Engel & Völkers New Orleans, Michael Styles, Realtor — Michael specializes in helping first-time homebuyers and real estate investors find the perfect New Orleans properties. 504.777.1773, Latter & Blum, Steven Richards Realtor, 504.258.1800, New Orleans Relocation, Realtors — gay-owned boutique real estate agency for locals and newcomers. 504.273.0088


New Orleans, LA [504] BOURBON PRIDE, 909 Bourbon, 566.1570 COK (Clothing or Kinkl), 941 Elysian Fields, 945.9264 MARY’S FRENCH QUARTER KITCHEN & BATH, 732 N. Rampart, 529.4465 QT PIE BOUTIQUE - 241 Dauphine St., 581. 6633 XXXSHOP, 1835 N. Rampart St., 504.232.3063


New Orleans, LA [504] Formal Connection, 299 Belle Terre Blvd. LaPlace, LA, 985.652.1195


New Orleans, LA [504]

26 · The Official Mag: · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

Snap Paparazzi Bon Apetit Thank You Party at David Cortez and Warren Becker’s Home

The Oracle Gala at the Joy Theatre · · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 27

Trodding the Boards by Brian Sands Email:

Orpheus in the Underworld at the Mahalia Jackson Theater

In New Orleans Opera’s first-ever production of Jacques Offenbach’s Orpheus in the Underworld, Orpheus may have wound up in Hell but, for the audience, it was pure Heaven. Hector-Jonathan Crémieux and Ludovic Halévy’s libretto satirizes the ancient Greek myth of Orpheus. Their frothy plot features Gods revolting against their boring life on Olympus and heading down to Hades to have some fun. Already down there due to a trick by Pluto, Eurydice, Orpheus’ wife, gets tangled up with Jupiter, the Harvey Weinstein of his realm. Wackiness ensues. When it debuted in 1858, Crémieux and Halévy’s barbs took aim at the womanizing Emperor Napoleon III and other notables of the day. Jeremy Sams’ witty English translation irons out references that would no longer be comprehensible, but keeps the action lighthearted and gay (and, no, that is not a double entendre, just a li’l ol’ throwback to 1858 verbiage) and a teensy bit naughty (I wasn’t sure what he would rhyme with “luck her.”) Offenbach’s splendid score tosses out one ear-pleasing aria after another (The Fly Duet for Eurydice and a literally buzzing Jupiter should be a recital staple) leading up to the Infernal Galop (aka the music later used for the can-can). After triumphing with contemporary and tango operas earlier this year (As One and María de Buenos Aires, respectively), Maestro Robert Lyall brought the requisite light touch and assured pacing to this musical bon-bon. Director Alison Moritz’s inventive staging set the operetta first in a 1950s pink formica’ed kitchen surrounded by a lawn & picket fence and then, aided by Julie Winn’s tres chic costumes, in the rarefied environs of Heaven and Hell. Moritz extended the action out into the auditorium and to the back wall of the stage while imaginatively finding the right degree of humor to accompany Sams’ translation. With scenery by Steven C. Kemp that slyly exposed the stagecraft behind it and Don Darnutzer’s keen lighting, the production looked like a million and could easily hold its own against larger companies. What a pleasure to see a novel and vital interpretation of an 18th century work. Even the cast clearly appeared to be having fun as

they, in essence, got to play in a newly retrofitted sandbox. Moritz has already helmed a number of modern operas; I’d like to see what she might do with Carmen or Aida or La bohème. My only quibble with Orpheus was that, too often, the supertitles, overseen by Moritz, gave away a punch line before the singers actually got to it. Of course, that might have been beyond her control. In any case, she’s clearly a rising talent to keep an eye on. Led by Sara Hershkowitz’s crystalline-voiced (and saucy) Eurydice, the entire cast (Jeanne-Michèle Charbonnet, Casey Candebat, Daniel T. Curran, Jarrett Ott, Angela Mannino, Cree Carrico, Elizabeth de Trejo, Amy Pfrimmer, Kathleen Halm, Alexander Sibley, Juan Luis Williams, Seth Board and the New Orleans Opera Chorus) performed with

Orpheus verve and glorious vocal abilities. Next up in this 75th anniversary season is George Whitefield Chadwick’s waggish operetta Tabasco (Jan. 25-28) followed, in March, by Terence Blanchard’s new jazz opera Champion about boxer Emile Griffith, and Gian Carlo Menotti’s The Medium in June. It may be New Orleans Opera’s Dia-

mond Anniversary but it seems to be entering into a golden era.

The King and I at the Saenger Theatre

Though I had seen the film version many years ago, I had only encounContinued on Page 29

28 · The Official Mag: · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

Continued from Page 28 tered The King and I on stage twice: once when my junior high school did it the year after I graduated and three years ago in a local production on the North Shore. Hence, while such amateur efforts can serve as a worthy introduction, the magnificent production that recently played at the Saenger allowed me to appreciate this masterpiece as though I was encountering it for the first time. Oscar Hammerstein’s book, based upon Margaret Landon’s novel Anna and the King of Siam which was itself inspired by the real life story of schoolteacher Anna Leonowens, balances drama, comedy and two love stories (one of the heart, one of the mind) while exploring gender roles, international relations, and cross cultural influences. Sure, parts of it seem cliched and simplistic (hey, it’s a musical from the 1950s), but well-rounded characterizations, themes that resonate as strongly as ever, and an overarching, deep-rooted humanity overcome this. Richard Rodgers’ score, seasoned more with Asian-influenced flavor than actual Thai music, provides one classic song after another, from the charming I Whistle a Happy Tune to the powerful My Lord and Master. The commanding orchestral March of Siamese Children and captivating Getting to Know

You remain timeless. You could hardly blame people for singing along in their seats. Hammerstein’s lyrics epitomize the form, at one point rhyming “prig of me” with “bigamy,” yet they also convey deep emotion with guileless simplicity (Something Wonderful, I Have Dreamed). Bartlett Sher’s Tony Award-winning production, which began life at Lincoln Center, combined sumptuous costumes (Catherine Zuber), a basic but evocative set (Michael Yeargan), and gorgeous lighting (Donald Holder bringing out moody red & orange skies) to deliver a visually stunning work. His own unfussy direction could hardly be improved upon. The choreography by Christopher Gattelli, based on Jerome Robbins’ original, beautifully fused Thai and Western styles; his superb second act ballet The Small House of Uncle Thomas marvelously reflects how a young, 19th century Asian princess might interpret the Harriet Beecher Stowe book. With her soaring soprano, British actress Laura Michelle Kelly makes Anna tough but sweet, starchy but with hints of sassiness that peek through her reserve. Jose Llana’s King proves a worthy foil to Anna, a strong leader who wants her help to bring his country

into modern times but resists letting go of traditions, even antiquated ones. If Llana did not completely erase memories of Yul Brynner, he fully embodied the role’s contradictions. A few less modern mannerisms (that elicited easy laughs) & a pinch more bone-deep regalness, and he’d be perfect. Q Lim and Kavin Panmeechao infused the doomed lovers Tuptim and Lun Tha with youthful passion tempered by justifiable fear; Lim’s operatic voice was particularly impressive. Joan Almedilla provided proper noble bearing as Lady Thiang, the King’s Number One Wife, imbuing her signature song, Something Wonderful, with subtle strength. With its endearing children and outstanding dancers, this King and I will be remembered as one of the best productions to grace the Saenger. Having savored this traditional approach, I would now hope to see an adventurous director bring a new interpretation to the musical. Perhaps reset in North Korea with a Kim Jong-un stand-in as the King? In my dreams... Coming next to the Saenger will be Irving Berlin’s White Christmas (Dec. 19-24), though it’s kinda hard to think about Xmas when, as I type this, it’s 74 degrees outside!

Next up for Southern Rep is Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley, running November 29-December 23 at Loyola University’s Marquette Theatre. Miss Bennet reunites the characters of Pride and Prejudice, putting bookish middle sister Mary Bennet front-and-center in this holiday-themed play. Aimée Hayes and Jeffrey Gunshol direct a cast that includes James Bartelle (4000 Miles), Monica Harris (Titus Andronicus), Ian Hoch (Caligula), and Emily Russell (Constellations). TWTC presents the New Orleans premiere of Tennessee Williams’ Not About Nightingales. Based on a true story, Williams gives an account of a prison hunger strike with deadly consequences. Written as a class assignment to pull a story from the newspaper headlines, and posthumously discovered & mounted for the first time in the late 1990s, Nightingales is one of Williams’ first plays concerned with social justice. Directed by Augustin Correro and featuring Zeb Hollins III, Sean Richmond, Nicole Himel, and Joseph Furnari, Nightingales runs December 1-16 at Zeitgeist Multi-Disciplinary Arts Center (1618 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd.). YouTube comic sensation Randy

Curtain Up

Continued on Page 30 · · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 29

Continued from Page 29 Rainbow makes his New Orleans debut December 1 & 2 at Café Istanbul (2372 St. Claude Ave.). If you haven’t seen his Internet political spoofs and song parodies, where have you been? Really, where have you been since they’ve racked up over a hundred million views. This guy is funny, really funny and we need him today. Like oxygen and water. I’m sure he’ll get you in the holiday spirit. Le Petit had to reschedule Ed Asner’s one man show due to the hurricane that wasn’t, but A Man and His Prostate is now heading to 616 Saint Peter Street on December 8 & 9. Sure, the title is a bit of an eyebrow-raiser, but who wouldn’t want to hear Lou Grant talk about his down-belows?! Last year’s Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra Holiday Spectacular with The 610 Stompers was pretty fabulous. Whether doing a June Taylor-esque routine to the Charleston or proving they’re our own hairy-chested Rockettes as the Babes in Toyland soldiers, they were all ineffably precious, an “Only in NOLA” phenomenon. If you need a laugh, and who doesn’t these days, don’t miss them on either December 9 or 10 at the Orpheum Theater (129 Roosevelt Way). After all, who needs another Nutcracker?

Rip Naquin

I first met Rip Naquin over 20 years ago when he was on the Board of Directors of the Gay & Lesbian Community Center and I was its art gallery director. He was bigger than life, a God of the Quarter who seemed to know everybody and everything going on in this section of the Big Easy. More importantly, he was among the most dedicated members of the Board, attending, with Marsha, virtually every opening we had and acquiring a work of art at nearly every one of them. His support meant a lot to me and to the Center. I first pitched an idea for an article to Rip when I was going to Sydney’s Mardi Gras in 1996. He immediately said “Yes” which began my writing for Ambush, first doing travel and interview features and then, in 2002, becoming this magazine’s theater critic. Rip was not a man of the theater and I don’t think he ever “got” me, but when I and Patrick Shannon, my co-critic from 2002-2010, approached him about starting the Ambie Awards that would recognize local productions, he unhesitatingly agreed and gave us tremendous support. Despite repeated invitations, he and Marsha were able to attend as presenters only once (as

Rip and Marsha at the Ambie Awards in 2009 the Awards were always on a Monday night when they were usually getting ready to deliver the paper the next day), but afterwards he did come to realize how much fun theater folk can be. In two decades of his editing my articles, Rip deleted only one word in one of them. He was steadfast, however, in allowing me to critique shows as I saw fit, even when I didn’t care for a production that had advertised with

us. I will always respect and remember him for that. And, in addition to all the fantabulous King Cake Queen coronation soirees and balcony bead tosses, I will always remember him for the opportunity he gave me to cover theater, not only in New Orleans, but around the world.

Join us Thanksgiving Our dear friend Rip. Day at 4:30PM for You are now the our pot luck brightest star in dinner. Bring your the sky. favorite dish 30 · The Official Mag: · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

Snap Paparazzi Out & About | Photos by Jeremy & Frank · · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 31

Robert “Rip” Naquin August 29, 1953 — August 8, 2017

32 · The Official Mag: · Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

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