Ambush Magazine Volume 35 Issue 18

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Volume 35 Issue 18 · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 Facebook.COM/AmbushMag

Award Winning

’Tis the Season @AmbushMag

Celebrating LGBTQ Life, Music & Culture! Gulf South LGBTQ Entertainment/Travel Guide · 35th Anniversary 1982-2017 · For Adults Only

2 路 The Official Mag: 路 Dec 5 - 18, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路 · · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 3

The “Official” Dish by Frank Pizzolato Email:

Thanksgiving has come and gone. I stayed in the City and cooked at home with good friends, too much food, too much wine, and way too much Bourbon Punch, but the 48-hour “food coma” that followed was almost worth it. Now, in rapid succession we move toward Christmas, New Years, Mardi Gras, and the beat goes on and on. Pace yourself, plan ahead, and enjoy every minute of the fun and good times this time of year has to offer in New Orleans. What in the world is wrong with the people of Alabama? How did they propel a lunatic fringe candidate like Roy Moore to the run off for the United States Senate? How many more angry white men do we need in public office? To our readers in Alabama: PLEASE vote and ask everyone you know to vote! Simply put, there is no way in hell you can vote for Roy Moore. It is always difficult to appreciate or even understand how things could go bad so quickly, particularly for those of us who live in this “protective bubble”

we have created in New Orleans. Remember, it was not that long ago, when opportunistic publicity hungry politicians would routinely raid the gay bars at election time, when the police would harass and brutalize gay or “perceived gay” persons just for being themselves. In the span of just a relatively few short years, we saw a sea change in most of these things. We got very comfortable, we came out, we became visible, we made a difference, some of us got married, and yet-with one election in 2016-Donald Trump has put everything at risk. He has given voice and validation to every hate filled religious fanatic and every however small lunatic fringe group on the horizon. Any glance at the rogue gallery of misfits and fanatics who make up his nominees for lifetime appointments to the Federal Bench should strike terror into the hearts of not only the LGBTQ community, but of everyone who has even a remote appreciation of the constitution. All of the “buzz word/ catch phrase”

hot buttons are being pulled out once again, including “states rights” “religious freedom,” “federal over reach,” and “activist judges,” but in the end it is about one thing. Are we just a collection of 50 little fiefdoms each making its own way and rules to live by, or are we in fact “one nation” with rights and privileges and responsibilities to that nation and to each other as citizens? Do the fundamental rights apply to all? Does a high school diploma from one state have the same basic value in the world because of the standards set as a “United State of America” as part of the American Nation? Can any Citizen be assured of the rights as guaranteed in the Constitution or will they be applied differently as we cross state lines? The current administration in Washington has fundamentally different answers to these and so many other questions which we have come to take for granted. The LGBT community must be concerned and stay forever vigilant in our defense of the hard fought and hardwon battles of the recent past.

Inside this Issue of Ambush Snap Paparazzi


A Community within Communities




Moments in Gay New Orleans History


Under the Gaydar


World AIDS Day


Snap Paparazzi


NOAGE Goes Safari


Transgender Day of Remembrance


Upcoming at Oz




Snap Paparazzi


Trodding the Boards


Snap Paparazzi


Book Review

27 Gulf South LGBTQ Entertainment & Travel Guide Since 1982 New Orleans, Louisiana

Facebook.COM/AmbushMag Gulf South Entertainment/Travel Guide Since 1982 • Texas-Florida Official Gay Easter Parade Guide© Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide© Official Gay New Orleans Guide© Official Pride Guide© Official Southern Decadence Guide© AWARD WINNING: Saints & Sinners Literary Festival Hall of Fame/2015, Louisiana Excellence Award: Media & Internet/2014, New Orleans Print Media Award/2014, 25th NO/AIDS Task Force Humanitas Award/2013, New Orleans Print Media Award/2013, Krewe of Mwindo Media Honoree/2009, Krewe of Petronius Carnival Spirit of Gay Mardi Gras XLVIII Award/2009, Forum For Equality Acclaim Awards X Media Recipient/2008, NO/AIDS Task Force Prometheus “Torch of Truth” [media] Award/2001 Email: ANNUAL READERSHIP OVER 1 MILLION: 260,000+ Print/780,000+ Online CIRCULATION: Alabama - Mobile Florida - Pensacola Louisiana - Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Metairie, New Orleans, Slidell Mississippi - Bay St. Louis, Biloxi STAFF: PUBLISHER/EDITOR/PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Frank Pizzolato, New Orleans GULF SOUTH/NEW ORLEANS AD SALES Frank Pizzolato, New Orleans THEATRE/PERFORMING ARTS CRITIC Brian Sands AD REPS/JOURNALISTS/PHOTOGRAPHERS Misti Gaiter, Tony Leggio, Hubert S Monkeys, Felicia Phillips, Frank Perez, Rev. Bill Terry-New Orleans Miss Cie-Mobile, AL National Advertising Rep: Rivendell Media 212.242.6863 Ambush Mag is published on alternate Tuesdays of each month by Ambush Publishing. Advertising, Copy & Photo DEADLINE is alternate Tuesdays, 4pm, prior to publication week, accepted via e-mail only:, except for special holidays. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for the claims of advertisers and has the right to reject any advertising. The inclusion of an individual’s name or photograph in this publication implies nothing about that individual’s sexual orientation. Letters, stories, etc., appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of the Publisher or Staff of AMBUSH Mag. Subscription rate is $45 for 1/2 Year; $75 for 1 year. Sample Copy is $3 First Class Mail. ©1982-2017 AMBUSH PUBLISHING LLC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTHING HEREIN MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER INCLUDING AD LAYOUTS, MAPS and PHOTOS.

4 · The Official Mag: · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·



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N E V E R A C O V E R AT THE GOLDEN LANTERN · · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 5

Snap Paparazzi Out & About with Frank | Photos by Frank Pizzolato

Out & About with Tone | Photos by Anthony Todaro

At the Allways Lounge for Lube Jock Strap Wrestling | Photos by Tony Leggio

6 路 The Official Mag: 路 Dec 5 - 18, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路

A Community within Communities by The Very Rev. Bill Terry+ Email:

The Holiday Shopping Guide Black Friday, Cyber Monday and a host of other buying opportunities abound at this time of the year. Then there are we charities. Tis the season for the big “ask” because tis the season AND its tax write off time. So, listen to those little bells in the malls and all of those free stamps and gifts that you get in the mail from us non-profits. Tis the Season! Then it is the social season. Preballs, festive gatherings, office parties, the social calendars fill up. If that isn’t enough there is some great entertainment that so often rolls into town about now from the classics to the bawdy it is all laced with yuletide schizophrenia. Then there are the Seasonal correctives that come from on high and I don’t mean heaven. Kwanza correctness, Chanukah hutzpah, and by golly we have to keep Christ in Christmas. I personally would like to see Christ in more than Christmas but that is just me. Yet, for me in the middle of this craziness, I’ve already had a great time at Winter Wonderland which was a delightful evening dedicated to raising funds for … you guessed it non-profit service organizations. So, no this is not

a harangue or a “bah humbug” about this time of year. I like seeing the Christmas lights as much as anyone. They are often lovely or at times whimsical. I like egg nog as much as anyone just not coffee flavored nog! Really! I even like the smell of fresh greens in the church or a home; just not our home with our fire retardant pre- lit collapsible tree. I love saying mass at midnight on the Feast of the Incarnation and seeing the smiling faces, somewhat drunk faces, the humble faces, all of those faces seeking tradition or faith or simply making the picture of Christmas complete. I love it. But haven’t we all contributed to some form of hyper commercialization when it comes to “The Holiday Season?” Isn’t it a bit over the top? I wish that we could all slow down a bit and become just a tad more mindful. So what is there to be mindful about at this time of the year beyond “Seasons Greetings?” Several years ago a Social Worker asked that I put together a service for those who have lost loved ones recently. The worship service was scheduled for the Longest Night which is on or about December 21st. A few people showed up and most of them in deep sorrow. You see the schizophrenia of the season seems to bury folks like

this. We all get so caught up in the ‘good times,’ pretend or otherwise, that some beautiful but hurting people get left on the side lines. This can and is a very hard time for many folks. It can be a time when a lonely person feels the loneliest. Imagine a kid who came out, let’s say this past summer, and was kicked out of the house. Summer isn’t too bad. There are a lot of warm places to go. It’s party time. A few tricks, maybe a hustle or two there, but it’s all good. Then that first cold snap of winter comes on and the evenings come early and shadows begin to lengthen. No Turkey for this young lad this Thanksgiving. Hell what is there to give “thanks” for? But the clubs are open the streets in New Orleans still give comfort - “screw home and parents and friends. They hate me any way.” Then it starts, pretty lights and he’s standing on the outside. A 21st century match girl. There is talk of happiness and joy and of a baby being born and gifting and re-gifting and food all around. But he’s on the outside. He even stands at the margins when THE Tree is lit in St. Louis Square or along Canal Street. So, perhaps you will see this young guy. Maybe more than a cocktail and meal is in order here maybe some time and talk might help. Maybe a bit of time to reach out more than a chance at some cheap sex or drugs or even a fancy illusion or two. But more than this

kid there are others. Two lovers who lived well together for years and one is no longer in this world but the other is. How does he or she handle this moment of aloneness? How might you offer some quiet time that recognizes loss while not permitting abandonment and singular marginalization? In the midst of the frenzy my friends: stop! Take stock in who and what is going on around you. Drink in the cheer as it surfaces but be available to those who are in another not so delightful place. You can be their Christmas gift by simply allowing them both the space to brood and the significant presence of caring. How that works out is up to you. Now in the spirit of “The Season” here is my pitch to you. So, if you really need to be embroiled in the harness of gifting and running up that credit card you will likely do some of that on Amazon. Please consider using Amazon “SMILE” which will work with your Prime account and designate St. Anna’s as your charity. Or, maybe you have purchased all that you care to and the stock market has been incredibly good to you - St. Anna’s is saying “tax write off.” So, let’s jump into the frenzy and be mindful and show charity of spirit. Until next time….

Commentary by Frank Perez Email:

dation for Moral Law, a non-profit legal he met her, which would put her age at organization from which he collected 15 when he first noticed her. more than $1 million over five years, Yet President Trump and the Remore than the revenue the organiza- publican Governor of Alabama have Republicans & Pedophilia Southern constituents have bought the tion disclosed on its tax filings. endorsed Moore in his Senate race. lie, hook, line, and sinker. In addition to being a crook, Moore Why? Because Jesus. In their twisted Southern Republican voters have is also a hypocrite. Now there is noth- view, a pedophile is better than a DemI have always been bamboozled been so brainwashed, they are willing ing strange about hypocritical politi- ocrat. In the GOP mindset, a partisan by the fact that Southern voters conto vote for a pedophile rather than a cians, but Moore crosses the Rubicon vote supersedes everything, including sistently vote republican, against their Democrat. Enter Roy Moore, Republi- of mere hypocrisy into depraved creep- child molestation. So much for family own best interests. As a historian, I can candidate for the U.S. Senate from iness. Moore was so fond of teenage values and morality. understand why the South turned red: Alabama. white voters were pissed off when girls that local police departments were And why is a partisan vote so imMoore first stepped into the na- put on notice whenever he showed up portant that child rape can be overDemocratic President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964. tional spotlight 15 years ago when he at an event that included teenagers. looked? To pass corporate tax breaks, Johnson thought the Democrats had secretly had a monument of the Ten A retired Alabama police officer of course. lost the South for a generation, but Commandments installed in the Ala- said she and her colleagues were I’ve said it before and I’ll say it 53 years later, racist sentiments linger bama Judicial Building. Spouting his told decades ago to “make sure” again-the republican party is evil. I so-called Christian faith, Moore made a Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high don’t quote the Bible often, but I will among Southern voters. Republican politicians have done big fuss over the Ten Commandments school cheerleaders, and confirmed now: “The love of money is the root of an extremely effective job of exploiting Monument, all the while championing previous reports that the Republican all evil” 1 Timothy 6:10. And while I’m Southern voters’ ignorance and preju- himself as a defender of Christianity. Senate candidate was banned at the at it, here’s one for Southern voters, dice, as well as their religion, by depict- In his defense, pedophilia is not prohib- time from a local mall for predatory “”Beware of false prophets who come ing liberals as unpatriotic and atheistic ited in the Ten Commandments. behavior toward teenage girls. “We disguised as harmless sheep but are Moore was twice elected to and were also told to watch him at the ball really vicious wolves.” Matthew 7:15. “n****r-loving” communists who think women should be treated equally and twice removed from the Alabama Su- games, and make sure that ... he didn’t believe that sodomites have rights. preme Court for failing to uphold the hang around the cheerleaders,” she The GOP has falsely positioned itself United States Constitution. He is also said. Moore has admitted that he was as the party of “family values” and their the founder and president of the Foun- attracted to his wife eight years before · · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 7

Moments in Gay New Orleans History by Frank Perez Email:

20 Years Headlines



The LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana recently hosted a panel discussion on the history of HIV / AIDS in New Orleans. In preparation for the event, Archives Project intern Philip Ross, a student at Tulane University, compiled the following bibliography of early newspaper coverage of the crisis in New Orleans. Mulvhill, Kathleen A. “AIDS: Mystery Disorder” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 11 Apr. 1983, section 3, pp.4-5. Lesser, David. “Nation’s Concerns About AIDS Mirrored in LA.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 29 May 1983, section 1, p.15. The Chicago Tribune. “Morial Helps Write Resolution for AIDS Study.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 15 June 1983, section 1, p. 17. Nolan, Bruce. “Don’t Donate Blood, Potential Carriers of AIDS are Asked.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 18 July 1983, section 1, p. 11. Lesser, David. “AIDS Claim Too High, Doctor Says.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 20 July 1983, section 1, pp. 13-14. Lesser, David. “Gays Find Good Note in Festival” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 7 Sept. 1983, section 1, p. 17. Pope, John. “Steamboat President Vetoes Stance on Gays.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 25 Sept. 1983, section 1, p. 18. Ashton, Gayle. “AIDS March Turns Heads in Quarter.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 9 Oct. 1983, section 1, p.2. Ashton, Gayle. “Tulane AIDS Study Will Take Two Years.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 28 Oct. 1983, section 1, p. 24. Landis, Dylan. “No Need for AIDS Hysteria, Doctor Says.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 28 Jan. 1984, section 2, p. 3. Behre, Patricia. “Bible Quotes Pace Gay Rights Debate.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 9 Mar. 1984, p. 1. Donze, Frank. “Mayors Urged to Keep Public Aware of AIDS.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 17 June 1984, section 1, p. 3. Pope, John. “AIDS Fears Among

N.O. Gays are Growing.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 27 May 1985, p. 1. Donze, Frank. “Morial Forbids Discrimination Against Gays.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 22 June 1985, p. A25. Bond, Gay Lynn. “Charity and the Treatment of AIDS Patients.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 9 July 1985, p. A10. Pope, John. “City Lacks Money for AIDS Data.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 8 Aug. 1985, p. A38. Pope, John. “AIDS: Plague of the ‘80s - Killer’s Trail has Left Few Clue to Cure.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 11 Aug. 1985, p. 1, A10-A11. Pope, John. “AIDS: Plague of the ‘80s - Safe Sex Leader: Little Done Locally to Defuse Time Bomb.” The Times-Picayune/The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 12 Aug. 1985, pp. 1, A12. Pope, John. “AIDS: Plague of the ‘80s - $139,000 a Patient Spent, Study Says.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 12 Aug. 1985, p. A12. Pope, John. “AIDS: Plague of the ‘80s - Charity Cradles the Dying.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 13 Aug. 1985, p. 1, A6. Pope, John. “AIDS: Plague of the ‘80s - Chaplain Offers Sustenance by Lending a Sympathetic Ear.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 13 Aug. 1985, p. 1, A6. Pope, John. “LA. Task Force to be Named in AIDS Fight.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans,

LA], 21 Aug. 1985, pp. A21-A22. Pope, John. “AIDS Task Force Given 3 Months to Draft Policy.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 23 Aug. 1985, p. A18. Ogilvie, John F. “AIDS: Out of the Closet.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 6 Sept. 1985, p. A22. Warner, Coleman. “Blood Test Finds Few Exposed to AIDS.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 31 Sept. 1985, p. A31. Pope, John. “AIDS Scare Closing Bathhouse.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 23 Nov. 1985, pp. A19-A20. Pierce, Neal. “Will AIDS ‘Break the Bank’ of Cities and Charities?” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 2 Dec. 1985, p. A25. Pope, John. “Mexican Stores Draw AIDS Victims Hoping Drugs Fight Disease.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 14 Apr. 1986, pp. A15-A16. Pope, John. “Fear of AIDS Linked to Sex Disease Drop.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 22 Apr. 1986, p. A18. Pope, John. “Virus may not be the Only Cause of AIDS Cancer.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 7 May 1986, p. A26. Carey, Daniel. “AIDS Policy Called Absurd.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 20 July 1987. Fitzgerald, Thomas. “Gay Rights March a Mix of Protest and Celebration.” The Times-Picayune/ The StatesItem [New Orleans, LA], 12 Oct. 1987, p. A3. Cannizaro, Steve. “Man Sues Sex Partner Over AIDS Infection.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 14 Oct. 1987, p. B5. Pope, John. “AIDS Forecast is Dreary.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 23 Oct.

1987, p. A9. Dodds, Richard. “Rallying the Arts World Against AIDS.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 6 Nov. 1987, p. 3. Pope, John. “Nuptials Include Test for AIDS Virus.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 27 Dec. 1987, p. B1, B4. Pope, John. “AIDS Memorial Quilt to be Displayed in N.O.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 28 Mar. 1988, p. B3. Pope, John. “Policy is Eased on Unapproved AIDS Drugs.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 23 July 1988, p. B6. Pope, John. “Hope Prolonged for U.S. Help on AIDS Medication.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 12 Aug. 1988, p. A5. King, Ronette. “AIDS Risks to Blacks Stressed.” The Times-Picayune/ The States-Item [New Orleans, LA], 1 Dec. 1988, p. B3. Pope, John. “AIDS Figures Indicate Education Efforts Help.” The Times-Picayune [New Orleans, LA], 6 Jan. 1989, p. B5. Pope, John. “AIDS in the ‘90s - Killer Virus Seeps into Mainstream of Louisiana Life.” The Times-Picayune [New Orleans, LA], 28 May 1989, p. A1. Martin, Alex. “At Church-run Lazarus House, Life is Treasured.” The Times-Picayune [New Orleans, LA], 29 May 1989, p. A1. Pope, John. “Addicts Gain on Gays in AIDS Cases.” The Times-Picayune [New Orleans, LA], 9 Jan. 1991, p. A1. Pope, John. “State Lags in AIDS Treatment.” The Times-Picayune [New Orleans, LA], 11 Jan. 1991, p. B6. Negley, Jennifer. “Walkers from all walks of life - 6000 step out to join AIDS fight.” The Times-Picayune [New Orleans, LA], 10 Oct. 1991, p. A11. Pope, John. “AIDS Cases Surging among LA Women.” The Times-Picayune [New Orleans, LA], 4 Jan. 1992, p. A1. · · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 11

Under the Gaydar by Tony Leggio Email:

Ambush on the Road: Discovering Natchez I cannot believe that I have lived in the South all my life and never been to Natchez, Mississippi. It was one of the places on my bucket list and now that I have been there, I plan on traveling there much more. Less than three hours form NOLA, this picturesque city on the bluff just celebrated it’s tricentennial last year. I spent a few days exploring one of the most quaint and charming cities along the river. Driving into the city the first thing we spotted was a large female structure that was a luncheon restaurant called Mammy’s Cupboard known for their homemade desserts, specialty sandwiches and lunch specials. Built in 1940 and continues to stand as a much loved landmark on Hwy 61, South of Natchez, Mississippi. She is visited annually by local patrons as well as visitors from all over the world. You actually eat lunch in her giant hoop skirt dress, very local funky. We checked into our home for the next two days, the gorgeous Monmouth Historic Inn and Gardens. The

history is pretty impressive. The home was built by John Hankinson, a postmaster, lawyer and steamboat entrepreneur, during the depression that followed the War of 1812, and named after his home, Monmouth County, New Jersey. The mansion was a brick two-story in the Federal style, with a wide central hall with four rooms located off the hall on both floors. There was also a detached brick kitchen behind it, a garden house, and several outhouses. Hankinson began to have financial troubles in 1821 and borrowed heavily using the plantation as collateral. The loan was defaulted on in 1825 and the house was sold at a public auction to Calvin Smith, who one year later sold the property to John Anthony Quitman, the future Governor of Mississippi. John Quitman, originally of New York City, was a partner in a successful Natchez law firm and married Eliza Turner, a member of one of the most prominent families in the city. Quitman purchased Monmouth in 1826 for his wife and growing family. The house was extensively renovated by the Quitmans in 1853 in the fashionable Greek Revival style. After Quitman died at Monmouth in 1858, and his wife died a year later, their five daughters and one son inherited the plantation. In 1862, when Natchez was attacked by the

Union army during the American Civil War, most of the slaves escaped, and some joined the Union forces. Most of Quitman’s original possessions were either stolen in 1863, when the house was occupied by Union soldiers, or sold by Quitman’s daughters in 1865 due to financial difficulty. The house was spared from further damage during the war, as the daughters befriended a Union general and pledged loyalty to the United States. In 1866, three of the daughters, Louisa, Annie Rosalie and Fredericka, purchased their siblings’ share of the property, and by 1890, Annie Rosalie was the sole owner of Monmouth. In 1914, when she died, the house was left to her nieces, who later sold it in 1924. For the next half century, the house was severely neglected with the house and other surviving structures filled with litter and the grounds overgrown until Ronald and Lani Riches of Los Angeles, California, purchased the property in 1978 and restored the property to its original condition. The restoration of the house and original brick kitchen took three years. In 1982, after archaeological research determined the location of two small houses used as slave quarters, the buildings were reconstructed on the original sites. Now Monmouth is under new ownership by New Orleans entrepreneurs Nancy and Warren Reuther. Monmouth is now a small luxury hotel with 30 rooms and suites throughout the

house and grounds. There is a fine-dining restaurant on site, Restaurant 1818, as well as a casual dining in The Quitman Lounge. Tours of the mansion are offered daily at 10 am and 2pm, and a gift shop in open to the public 7 days a week from 8am until 9pm. There have been a number of notable guests including President and Hillary Clinton, Michael Eisner, Alec Baldwin, Maya Angelou, Sela Ward, James Woods, Rob Reiner, Connie Chung, Morley Safer, Debbie Gibson, Ruby Dee and Matthew McConnaughey. FYI I stayed in the Quitmen suite which has John Quitman;’s orginal bed in it and the one Matthew stayed in, so I slept in the same bed as he did, swoon! We did Sunday brunch at the Dunleith Historic Antebellum Home circa 1858. It was a very nice buffet lunch that is very popular among both locals and tourists like. Afterwards we familiarized ourselves by driving around downtown and making a pit stop at the Magnolia Bluff Casino located at the base of the hill. Even though it is a small as casinos go, it is a very nice and clean place with great staff and an impressive view of the river. That night I went for cocktails in the Quitman Lounge, a cute little bar on property before a candlelight dinner at their 1818 Restaurant. Dinner is served in what was once the gentlemen and ladies parlors. The room is illuminated by candles as is your table and the food is just splendid. This was

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most memorable dining experiences of the trip. From the appetizers to dessert, every dish was superb and their duck is to die for. After dinner I had a nightcap at the lounge which stays open to ten nightly. The next day, I went to breakfast in their Garden Room on the grounds. The indoor/outdoor space is a charming cottage that was made toasty by a roaring fireplace. Breakfast is included with the price of the room. Before we headed out for the day, I took a nice relaxing stroll through their wooded nature trail and sat out by the small lake they have on the property. They even have fishing poles to catch the fully stocked lake, but it is a catch and a release system. I also took the one hour guided tour of the house. Our informative guide’s name was Ivory and she detailed every historic aspect of the home and the furnishings in it. I love a house with many stories. Next was a day of shopping at the specialty boutiques, antique stores and even an old fashioned general store. They even have a David Bowie store for the hunter on your gift list. We went to lunch at this cool place located in the Natchez Under the Hill area called The Camp. This section of the city has music clubs restaurants and shops. The Camp is a rustic place with an outdoor beer garden and porch seating (both are dog friendly). Considered a sports bar and craft beer bar with 18 taps mostly dedicated to the beers of the South. Their menu is primarily specialty burgers, sandwiches and appetizers, with board specials mixed in. Their grilled cheese sandwiches are phenomenal. After lunch I toured more the historical aspects of the city. Walking downtown each building has a history and their stories are in placards on every block. The African American Museum is found on Main Street which is also has a monument for the

Natchez Burning, one of the deadliest fires in American history which took the lives of over 200 people, including bandleader Walter Barnes and nine members of his dance orchestra at the Rhythm Club in 1940. I also went to the Bridge of Sighs which has one of the best views of the Mississippi River from atop the bluff. My last stop was the Forks of the Road. This was the primary slave markets in Natchez located at the “Forks of the Road” about a mile east of downtown Natchez at a road juncture among the elite mansions of Monmouth, Melrose, and Linden. Most of the commercial marketing of slaves centered on this location. By the 1830’s the markets at the Forks of the Road in Natchez and the markets at Algiers in New Orleans were the two busiest slave markets in the entire South. Up to 32 dealers conducted store, courthouse, and river landing sales, or bargained with traders at Forks of the Road market. Groups of enslaved people would camp outside of Natchez for several days where they would bathe, be issued new clothes, and be lectured on how to conduct themselves in the market place. The Forks of the Road market was last used for slave trade in 1863. Union troops then used the market buildings as a refugee camp for newly freed slaves and as housing while occupying Natchez. By 1864, both of the market buildings were torn down. Although no remnants of the slave markets remain, the roads still fork at the site. Today, a Mississippi Department of Archives and History historical marker purchased by the Natchez Juneteenth Committee commemorates the site. On a special note, a wonderful way of seeing all the sights in the city is to get a ticket and take the guided tour on the Hop On/Hop Off Bus, well worth the money. That evening after drinks at the

Quitman Lounge we went to dinner at Fat Mama’a Tamales which also has an interesting history. Fat Mama’s Tamales started to take form in the mid 1980’s when a local woman who had been making tamales for years in Natchez, Mississippi, passed away leaving a real need for a new source of homemade tamales in our area. Jimmy and Britton Gammill, two local residents that love to cook, began attempting to make tamales on Saturdays with the help of both friends and family. The children of Jimmy and Britton, had started a small joke between themselves that if mama and daddy keep messing up the tamale recipe, she is going to have to name the shop Fat Mama’s after eating all the mistakes, hence the name. On June 9, 1989, Fat Mama’s Tamales was opened offering tamales only. In time, Fat Mama’s established itself as a “must see” attraction when you came to visit Natchez and at times, we would have customers lined out the door waiting to pick up tamales and get a “Knock-You-Naked” margarita and find a spot to sit on the patio and enjoy the meal. In August 2005, their son David Gammill graduated from college at Mississippi State University and returned to Natchez to run the day to day operations of the business so his parents could retire. They now have a new larger location at 303 South Canal Street in 2008. They have an expanded menu to include some regional and family favorite recipes and have lauded in Southern Living Magazine on many occasions as a must when in Natchez. I especially love their tamale pie, “Knock-You-Naked” margaritas and their “Fire & Ice” pickles. After dinner, we ended the night with a little more gambling at the casino. The following day we had breakfast and was on the road stopping in St. Francisville’s downtown area for lunch and some more shopping at their boutique shops. I definitely would recommend visiting Natchez for a quick relaxing getaway. We met so many people who travel there once a year. For more information, go to or www.monmouthhistoricinn. com.

Party Down

My two weeks leading up to Thanksgiving were filled with trips, fundraisers, wine, art and the King of Siam. During my two weeks I traveled to Chicago and Natchez for Thanksgiving week. You will read about my exploits but for this article I will focus on NOLA events. I started my fun off with The King and I at the Saenger Theatre. I cannot believe I had not seen either the movie or this play before, but I was a King virgin. This production did not disappoint from the talented cast with powerful voices to the set and costumes. The opulent show is what

people go to theatre for. It was pure enjoyment from start to finish. Jose Llana and Laura Michelle Kelley are spectacular in the title roles of the King and Anna respectively. The Lords of Leather held their Evening of Art, Wine and Song on Thursday, November 16, at the gorgeous Harahan home of Cara and Dale Valez who are great supporters of the Krewe. There were lots of local artists on hand selling their work which ranged from sculptures and paintings to soap and sweets. The musical entertainment of the evening was provided by Vanessa Carr Kennedy who rocked the house. She performed some songs from all of my favorite artists. In addition to the good food and wine, the evening was everything the Lords always promise at their events, love, laughter and leather with the Krewe members. The following day was the wildly (pun intended) successful NOAGE fundraiser at the Swamp Exhibit at the Audubon Zoo. Guests boarded a train at the front entrance and were whisked off to the swamp exhibit where they partied with the bears and otters literally. The guests dressed in costume as everything from sexy animals to big game hunters. It was a festive night with beautiful weather. The evening consisted of delicious cuisine provided by the Audubon Institute, cocktails by Glazer, wine by Friday Night Before Mardi Gras and beer by Crescent Crown. There was a live auction done led by emcee Mark Romig and two awards were given out that night. The first was the Trailblazer Award bestowed upon Liz Simone who is a huge activist for LGBT issue and the second was the Community Impact Award given to Rip and Marsha Delain Naquin. There was a jazz band that kicked off the entertainment for the night followed by DJ Menace who had people on their feet to the very end. Afterwards, I went out for a few cocktails and stopped at the Allways Lounge in the Marigny where they were holding their Jock Strap Lube Wrestling hosted by Neon Burgundy. It is quite the entertainment experience. The following week in between trips I was able to attend the Christmas Queens show at the House of Blues. The group kicked off their tour in NOLA and it was fabulous. The queens sang Christmas carols and other festive holiday tunes backed up by hot male dancers. Peppermint did an incredible job of hosting the show that included Ivy Winters, Jiggly Caliente, Phi Phi O’Hara, Sharon Needles, Thorgy Thor and Ginger Minj. I highly recommend catching their show if you see it in another city befire the holiday is over. Lots of fun and it even snows.

Hot Happenings

We are happy and full from Thanksgiving, so now it is time to spread a lit-

14 · The Official Mag: · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

Avenue; 8 p.m. Tacos, Tequila, and Tiaras is a one of New Orleans’ only family friendly drag shows! Join hostess Vanessa Carr Kennedy every Tuesday, have a taco or two, and learn a little bit about the art of drag. That’s Not Drag: The Allways Lounge; 2240 St. Claude Ave.; 9 p.m. - midnight Featuring NOT DRAG performances by the New Orleans Drag Workshop Cycle 6: Chrysalis, Danny Girl, Dolly Pardon, Fabigail Tchoupitoulas, The Faun, Gayle King Kong, Kamra, LadyBeast and Napoleon Complex.

tle holiday cheer and have some fun under the mistletoe. Here are just few of the hot happenings going on this holiday season.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017 A DRAG QUEEN CHRISTMAS NEW ORLEANS: Civic Theatre; 510 O’ Keefe Ave.;6 p.m. Murray & Peter Present A DRAG QUEEN CHRISTMAS hosted by Trinity Taylor. A Drag Queen Christmas - The Naughty Tour, starring contestants from RuPaul’s Drag Race on VH-1, performing live on stage and rocking the catwalk. It’s an evening of holiday songs and outstanding drag performances with your favorite queens. CONTESTANTS: Latrice Royale INC., Sasha Velour, Shea Couleé, AJA, Eureka The Elephant Queen, Naomi Smalls, Chi Chi DeVayne Times- VIP M&G: 6:00 p.m.; Door time: 7:00 p.m.; Show time: 8:00 p.m.; Intermission: 20 mins. More info and tickets at

ans Healing Center; 2372 St. Claude Idol Finalist, David Hernandez, Roux Ave.; 10- 11:30 a.m. Set your time trav- The Day Band and JazzBird. Black Tie el clocks back to the early ‘60s as we Optional, FREE Parking, $75 General take a listening trip through the grow- Admission Ticket, $150 Patron Level ing sexual freedom of the ‘60s & ‘70s & Ticket, Patron Party 7:00pm. For more Thursday, December 14, 2017 early ‘80s as we track the ever-increas- information or to become a sponsor: Girl | Crush: Oz New Orleans; 800 Wednesday, December 6, 2017 Bourbon Street; 9 p.m. Girl | Crush is Toby’s Lefort’s Christmas Party ing LGBT themes in popular songs of Courtney Act - Lump of Coal: Café bringing you a weekly event for girls and Auction: The Four Season Bar; the day. You will hear on vintage vinyl how references to the LGBT communiIstanbul; 2372 St. Claude Avenue; 8 who like girls, and their friends! This 3229 North Causeway; starts at 7 p.m. ty grew from coded or merely inferred p.m. Santa has put Courtney in charge flavor of CRUSH entitled DTF is excluCome out and enjoy an evening helpin the ‘60s to out, loud & proud by the of the naughty or nice list and she will sive to New Orleans’ #1 Dance Club, ing families with kids living with HIV and late ‘70s, mirroring the higher visibility personally be delivering your Lump Of Oz and happens every Thursday night. Aids. There is a $5 minimum donation of our community within this historic 20Coal! Join her for an hour of the most IWO’s Holiday Party: The Country or a Walmart or Target gift card. Gathyear period. Presenter Kenny Tucker glamorous group therapy and sneak a Club; 634 Louisia Street; 6 - 8 p.m. The ering is from 7-9 p.m. with the auction is a longtime collector of 1970s pop kiss under the missile silo as I takes Independent Women’s Organization of beginning at 9. culture memorabilia. He has served as on the harsh hilarities of the holiday Greater New Orleans (IWO) is an orgaa volunteer board member for Forum season! Tickets are available at www. nization dedicated to promoting the isThursday, December 7, 2017 sues and candidates of the Democratic Girl | Crush: Oz New Orleans; 800 For Equality for the past 15 years, and Big Easy Sisters Beer Bust: Four Party. IWO will be meeting to enjoy the Bourbon Street; 9 p.m. Girl | Crush is currently serves as its PAC Chairman. bringing you a weekly event for girls Coffee and pastries provided courte- Seasons Bar; 3229 N. Causeway. holiday season with friends. There will who like girls, and their friends! This sy of PJ’s Coffee. At the New Orleans Blvd.; 8 - 10 p.m. Come out and share be cash bar and light appetizers. some pre-holiday cheer with The Big Holiday Drag Bingo with Forum flavor of CRUSH entitled DTF is exclu- Healing Center, Room #250. Rockin’ Around The Christmas EasySisters. $5 gets you all the draft for Equality: 700 Club; 700 Burgundy sive to New Orleans’ #1 Dance Club, Oz and happens every Thursday night Tree 2: Metropolitan Community beer [PBR] from 8 - 10 pm, then stay Street; 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. The holidays Church of New Orleans; 5401 S. Clai- for the Glitter Girls drag show. can be such a DRAG. Come join Kitborne Ave.; 5 - 8 p.m. Delicious food ty D’Litter as she hosts a few rousing Friday, December 8, 2017 and Fabulous Door Prizes will be at Tuesday, December 12, 2017 rounds of Bingo at 700 Club. WhethNuaghty is Nice Beer Bust: The the event along with a 50/50 Raffle and er you are a Grinch or decked to the The Real Housewives of 700 Club Phoenix; 941 Elysian Fiekds; 9 p.m. - a Silent Auction with Christmas Trees halls, everyone is welcome to this holTurnabout: 700 Club; 700 Burgundy midnight Join The Lords of Leather at and Wreaths. Suggested Donation at iday party! They will have $1 Bingo Street; 7 9 p.m. The Real Housewives The Phoenix for our “Naughty IS Nice the door: $10 (includes your 1st drink). Cards for some marvelous prizes and of 700 Club Presents: Nasty WomBeer Bust”. Wear your sexiest HoHoArt Against Aids; Club XLIV; 1500 en Turnabout 2017. Join the staff at gift certificates! All proceeds will benefit Ho gear! For $10 you get keg beer, Poydras St; 7 - 11 p.m. Join Crescent Forum for Equality! snacks, sodas, and, if you have a Care for the 31st Annual Art Against 6 p.m. fun, laughter, and drag perforNola’s Got Talent Cycle 3 mances by the employees of 700 Club sweet tooth (or any other body part) $1 AIDS Gala at CLUB XLIV at the SuperCHRISTMAS SHOW: Four Seasons and Faubourg Bistro. With a $30.00 Jell-O-Shots. Leather Love and Laugh- dome in support of men, women, and Bar; 3229 N. Causeway Blvd.; 9:30 ter are always free! Take a Ho-liday children living with HIV/AIDS in the New donation, well drinks and domestic p.m. - 2 a.m. The Carnival Kings have beer are free for 3 hours. With a $50.00 photo with Santa and his horny Elf! En- Orleans Community. The gala hosts a new show to tantalize and tease your donation, premium drinks and import ter the (large) “CCDTC” (candy cane some of the finest New Orleans has to senses. There is a $3 COVER. SHOW beer are free for 3 hours. All proceeds deep throating Contest) to win a prize! offer: great food from local restaurants, STARTS at 10:30 p.m. doors open 9:30 benefit CASA New Orleans. a holiday boutique, a juried auction of Tacos, Tequila and Tiaras: Buffa’s p.m. There will be drink specials. They Saturday, December 9, 2017 art, local merchandise, and staycation Bar and Restaurant; 1001 Esplanade are welcoming competitors for this cyNOAGE’s Coffee Talk: New Orle- packages. Entertainment by American · · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 15

cle till 5pm the day of the show so if you think this may be something you want to try or have a hidden talent you want to start sharing just hit up Jillian Borges and get booked in this show! Cruisin’ in the Oaks; Happyland Theatre; 3126 Burgundy Street; 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. New Orleans’ naughtiest Christmastime event is a charity beauty pageant featuring celebrity judges, cocktails, and drag/non-drag contestants from around Greater New Orleans! Come out and support a worthy LGBTQ charity and have your picture taken on Santa’s lap at Happyland Theater in the Bywater. Naughty Xmas costumes encouraged and be sure to bring a coat! $10 entry / cash bar. For tickets go to Friday, December 15, 2017 F*@K It Up!: The Goat - 1301 St. Bernard Ave.; 11 p.m. Your favorite DRAG QUEENS ready ‘F*@K IT UP’ for you!! ..literally! Hosted by The Sensational Nicole Lynn Foxx with Traxxx by Edgeslayer (Edge Ra). There is also a Naughty Raffle sponsored by The Sex Sensei. Doors at 11PM / Show at MIDNIGHT / $10 cover Tuesday - Sunday, December 19 24, 2017 Irvin Berlin’s White Christmas; Saenger Theatre; 111 Canal Street IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS, the stage adaptation of the beloved classic film is coming to New Orleans this holiday season. Bring your loved ones for a heart-warming celebration of Americana to the Saenger Theatre. Presented by the New Orleans Theatre Association, IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS is part of the East Jefferson General Hospital Broadway in New Orleans 2017-2018 season. Tickets for IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS start at $30 and will be available at the Saenger Theatre Box Office (1111 Canal St.),, all Ticketmaster outlets and by phone at (800) 982-2787. IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS tells the story of two showbiz buddies putting on a show in a picturesque Vermont inn, and finding their perfect mates in the bargain. Full of dancing, romance, laughter and some of the greatest songs ever written, including “Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep,” “Happy Holiday,” “Sisters,” “Blue Skies,” and the unforgettable title song, IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS promises to be a merry and bright experience for the entire family! IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS features Music and Lyrics by Irving Berlin with Book by David Ives and Paul Blake and is based upon the Paramount Pictures film written for the screen by Norman Krasna, Norman Panama and Melvin Frank.

Tacos, Tequila and Tiaras: Buffa’s Bar and Restaurant; 1001 Esplanade Avenue; 8 p.m. Tacos, Tequila, and Tiaras is a one of New Orleans’ only family friendly drag shows! Join hostess Vanessa Carr Kennedy every Tuesday, have a taco or two, and learn a little bit about the art of drag. Thursday, December 21, 2017 Girl | Crush: Oz New Orleans; 800 Bourbon Street; 9 p.m. Girl | Crush is bringing you a weekly event for girls who like girls, and their friends! This flavor of CRUSH entitled DTF is exclusive to New Orleans’ #1 Dance Club, Oz and happens every Thursday night. Saturday, December 16, 2017 Queens of Gay Carnival: “Let Them Eat FRUIT Cake!” : Mags 940; 940 Elysian Fields; 7 - 10 p.m. The Sensational Queen Apollo de Lafayette XLI Kitty Fouche / John Bertrand , King Petronius Elect LVII Jake Aaron Thomas & Queen Apollo Elect XLII Birmingham Clay A. McCollum Present “ Queens of Gay Carnival: “Let Them Eat FRUIT Cake!”””. A HoliGAY EXTRAVAGANZA! All are welcome to join in revelry with two complimentary cocktails for every guest! NO COVER at the door. Doors open at 7PM with the “Battle of the Crowns” starting at 8PM. Mistresses’s of Ceremony are Kitty D’Litter/ Kevin Thomas & Kitty Fouche / John Bertrand . Live Entertainment Provided by the BEST Krewe Queens in the South! Saturday, December 23, 2017 The Appletini Revue Holliday Extravaganza!: Twist of Lime; 2820 Lime Street; 10 p.m. - midnight The Appletini Revue is having a party celebrating 12 years of Appletini excellence is the reason! Come catch the Appletinis as they present The Appletini Revue Holiday Extravaganza. The is a $5.00 cover at the door.

Ambush Nation, You’re Invited! Ambush Publishing cordially invites you to join us for cocktails, food, and entertainment at our Reintroduction Launch Party Please join us as we celebrate the relaunch of Ambush Magazine. Learn more about the publication and how to get involved. Ambush Readers, Writers, Prospective Writers, Advertisers, Prospective Advertisers, and Friends and Family of any of the above are welcome to join us! Monday, December 18, 2017 from 6pm to 8pm GrandPre’s Bar 834 North Rampart Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70116

If you want to make sure your upcoming event is listed, email the information to me at ledgemgp@

Tuesday, December 19, 2017 16 · The Official Mag: · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

World AIDS Day by Frank Perez Email: December 1 marked the 29th annual World AIDS Day. Since its inception in 1988, World AIDS Day is an opportunity for people around the world to raise awareness about HIV / AIDS, to support those living with HIV, and to remember those who have succumbed to the disease. The idea for the annual day began with James W. Bunn and Thomas Netter, who in 1987, worked for the Global Programme on AIDS at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Each year around the world, government and AIDS service organizations collaborate to sponsor and coordinate a series of events to bring attention to the pandemic. In previous years, local events have included HIV testing at area universities and other venues, commemorative services at houses of worship, and fundraising concerts and auctions. According to 2012 statistics from the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, a cumulative total of 32,904 persons have been reported with HIV infection in Louisiana, includ-

ing 333 children. The cumulative number of deaths among persons diagnosed with HIV/AIDS is 14,057. As of September 30, 2012, 18,493 persons are living with HIV infection in Louisiana; of these, 10,123 have an AIDS diagnosis. Statewide, 29% of new HIV diagnoses and 28% of new AIDS diagnoses are among women. HIV continues to disproportionately affect African Americans in Louisiana. In 2011, 74% of persons newly diagnosed with HIV and 76% of persons newly diagnosed with AIDS were African American. Worldwide, 34 million people are living with HIV infection. The 2017 theme of World AIDS Day is “My Health, My Right.” According to, the theme focuses on the right to health and explores the challenges people around the world face in exercising their rights. “All people, regardless of their age, gender, where they live or who they love, have the right to health,” said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “No matter what their health needs are, everyone requires health

solutions that are available and accessible, free from discrimination and of good quality.” The right to health is enshrined in the 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. This includes the right of everyone to the prevention and treatment of ill health, to make decisions about one’s own health and to be treated with respect and dignity. The campaign reminds people that the right to health is much more than access to quality health services and medicines, that it also depends on a range of important assurances including, adequate sanitation and housing, healthy working conditions, a clean en-

vironment and access to justice. If a person’s right to health is compromised, they are often unable to effectively prevent disease and ill health, including HIV, or to gain access to treatment and care. The most marginalized people in society, including sex workers, people who inject drugs, men who have sex with men, people in prisons and migrants, are often the least able to access their right to health; they are also the most vulnerable to HIV. Most of the Sustainable Development Goals are linked in some way to health. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, including ending the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030, will depend heavily on ensuring the right to health for all. · · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 17

Snap Paparazzi At the NOAGE Fundraiser at the Audubon Zoo | Photos by Tony Leggio

18 路 The Official Mag: 路 Dec 5 - 18, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路

NOAGE Goes on Safari by Frank Perez Email: On Friday, November 17, NOAGE (New Orleans Advocates for GLBT Elders) held their annual Gala. The event was dubbed NOAGE goes on Safari and was held at the Audubon Zoo. Roughly 150 people attended the Gala. In addition to food, music, and a live auction, the event also featured the presentation of two awards. Liz Simon was given the Trailblazer Award and Rip and Marsha Naquin-Delain were given the Community Impact Award

(accepted on their behalf by Misti Gaither). New Orleans Advocates for GLBT Elders (NOAGE), a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, was created from a steering committee of concerned residents and older adult service providers to address the challenges facing LGBT older adults in the New Orleans area. LGBT older adults often face discrimination when seeking medical treatment, have a higher rate of poverty, are sometimes isolated after the

Transgender Day of Remembrance by Frank Perez

Monday, November 20, marked the 18th International Transgender Day of Remembrance. TDoR was founded in 1999 by Gwendolyn Ann Smith to memorialize the murder of transgender woman Rita Hester in Allston, Massachusetts. Since then, the day has grown into an international event and a way to memorialize transgender people who have been murdered by transphobia. TDoR is observed in over 200 cities throughout more than 25 nations. In New Orleans, a commemorative event was held at Congo Square on Saturday, November 25. According to BreakOUT!, a local transgender youth advocacy group, “2017 has become one of the most dangerous years of record for transgender people, especially transgender women of color. As of this writing there have been at least 25 murders of transgender people in America, most of them Black transgender women. In New Orleans, QTPOC youth continue to deal with violence, be pushed out of homes, schools, and jobs, and are criminalized on the streets of the city in which they were born and raised. In spite of this, QTPOC youth continue to build, grow, and transform, showing remarkable resistance and resilience.” “This day is meant to remember those who have come before us - but local QTPOC youth also want to shift the meaning of the “R” in TDOR to recognize resilience and resistance, both of their ancestors and their present-day community. BreakOUT!’s goals for this year are to continue to come together as a community, to shine a light on the criminalization that our community faces at the hands of the police and criminal justice system, and to recognize

the resilience and resistance of both our ancestors and our present-day community.” Thus far in 2017, 325 trans men and women have been murdered worldwide. As of this writing, 26 trans people have been murdered in the U.S.; their names are listed here:

Thus far in 2017, 325 trans men and women have been murdered worldwide.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

loss of a significant other, and often feel the need to go back into the closet when living in a long-term care facility. The unique challenges faced by LGBT older adults require a unique response. NOAGE hosts socialization/ educational events for LGBT older adults, and works to increase the cultural competency of providers through trainings and workshops. To schedule a training, click HERE to contact us by email. As advocates on behalf of the LGBT older adult community, NOAGE is committed to ensuring that all LGBT older adults can live their best lives with the dignity, respect, and good health that they deserve. According to NOAGE Executive Director Jim Meadows, “LGBT older

adults are more likely to live alone, to live in poverty, to feel isolated, and to lack a caregiver. Many of them go back into the closet when entering long-term care facilities for fear of being mistreated by staff and their peers. NOAGE is working to combat these and other disparities by providing cultural competency trainings to healthcare professionals, and social events for LGBT older adults and younger LGBT people who want to establish friendships with those who made LGBT liberation possible. The success of the gala is a testament to our community’s increased understanding of the problems facing our elders, and their willingness to support them. We are thrilled with the turnout, and everyone had a great time.”

Upcoming at Oz Wednesday, December 13 - Join us for food, drink, friends, and holiday cheer from 8-10 PM for the Oz Annual Christmas Party, followed by our annual Christmas drag show at 10:00 PM starring ALL of the Ladies of Oz! Admittance is an unwrapped toy for a child in need! Get into the holiday spirit in the land of dance! Monday, December 31 - Ring in 2018 at New Orleans’ premier gay dance club! Hosted by the fabulous Persana Shoul-

ders! Celebrate the end of 2017 and dance all night to the music of our resident DJs (Kyle D, Tim Pflueger, and JRB)! Reminisce over the best moments of the year with a special video presentation brought to you by our resident DJs. Complimentary champagne at midnight! Savor the last moments of 2017 on the dance floor at Oz! For more details, visit

Kendra Marie Adams Jamie Lee Wounded Arrow Derricka Banner Ava Le’Ray Barrin Kenneth Bostick Mesha Caldwell Tee Tee Dangerfield Sherrell Faulkner Chyna Gibson Sean Hake Kiwi Herring Jaquarrius Holland Ciara McElveen Kenne McFadden Jaylow McGlory Stephanie Montez Ebony Morgan Kashmire Nazier Redd Chay Reed Tiara Richmond Scout Schultz Gwynevere River Song Ally Steinfeld JoJo Striker Candace Towns Alphonza Watson · · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 19


529.2860, Facebook.COM/GoldenLanternBar Good Friends Bar, 740 Dauphine St, 566.7191, GoodFriendsBar.COM GRANDPRE’S, 834 N. Rampart St., 267.3615, KAJUN’S PUB, 2256 St. Claude Ave., 947.3735, KajunPub.COM MAG’S 940, 940 Elysian Fields Ave., 948.1888 OZ NEW ORLEANS, 800 Bourbon, 593.9491, OzNewOrleans. COM THE PAGE, 542 N. Rampart St., 875.4976 PHOENIX/EAGLE, 941 Elysian Fields, 945.9264, www.phoenixbarnola. com Rawhide 2010, 740 Burgundy St., 525.8106, Rawhide2010.COM TROPICAL ISLE: Home of the Hand Grenade, 721 Bourbon St., 529.4109, TropicalIsle.COM VALIANT THEATRE AND LOUNGE, 6621 St. Claude Ave., Arabi, LA, 504.900.1743 Slidell, LA [985] BILLY’S, 2600 Hwy. 190 West, 847.1921 Biloxi, MS [228] CLUB VEAUX, 834 Howard Ave., 207.3271


New Orleans, LA [504] FAB - Faubourg Marigny Art & Books, 600 Frenchmen St., 947.3700



Mobile, AL [251] B-Bob’s Downtown, 213 Conti St., 433.2262, B-Bobs.COM Flip Side Bar & Patio, 54 S. Conception St., 431.8819, FlipSideBarPatio. COM GABRIEL’S DOWNTOWN, 55 South Joachim St., 432.4900 The Midtown Pub, 153 Florida St., 450.1555 Pensacola, FL [850] THE ROUNDUP, 560 East Heinberg St., 433.8482 Baton Rouge, LA [225] GEORGE’S, 860 St. Louis, 387.9798, SPLASH, 2183 Highland Rd., 242.9491, SplashBR.COM Lake Charles, LA [337] CRYSTAL’S, 112 W. Broad, 433.5457 Metairie, LA [504] FOUR SEASONS & PATIO STAGE BAR, 3229 N. Causeway, 832.0659,

New Orleans, LA [504] 700 CLUB, 700 Burgundy, 561.1095, BIG DADDY’S, 2513 Royal, 948.6288 BIG EASY DAIQUIRIS, 216 Bourbon, 501 Bourbon, 409 Decatur, 617 Decatur THE BLACK PENNY, 700 N. Rampart BOURBON PUB & PARADE, 801 Bourbon St., 529.2107, BourbonPub.COM Café Lafitte in Exile, 901 Bourbon Street 522.8397, Lafittes.COM CORNER POCKET, 940 St. Louis, 568.9829, CornerPocket.NET COUNTRY CLUB, 634 Louisa St., TheCountryClubNewOrleans.COM, 945.0742 CUTTER’S, 706 Franklin, 948.4200 THE DOUBLE PLAY, 439 Dauphine, 523.4517 THE FRIENDLY BAR, 2301 Chartres, 943.8929 GOLDEN LANTERN, 1239 Royal,

Aug. 30-Sept. 4, 2017, 46th Official Southern Decadence Celebration of Gay Life, Music & Culture, end of Summer Blowout including the Southern Decadence Parade & loads of activities, bringing over 180,000 revelers to New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush & Oct. 20-22, 2017 Halloween 34, benefiting Project Lazarus, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by AmbushMag.COM, Dec. 29, 2017-Jan. 1, 2018 Gay New Year’s in New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, Feb. 9-13, 2018, 69th Official Gay Mardi Gras, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush, Easter Sunday, April 11, 2018, 19th Official Gay Easter Parade, New Orleans, sponsored by Ambush,


New Orleans, LA [504] QT PIE BOUTIQUE - 241 Dauphine St., 581. 6633


New Orleans, LA [504] CASSELL-BERGEN GALLERY, 1305 Decatur St., cassellbergengallery. com, 504.524.0671


AMBUSH Mag, 828-A Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116-3137; 504.522.8049, AmbushMag.COM;


New Orleans, LA [504] QUARTERMASTER DELI, THE NELLIE DELI, 1100 Bourbon, 529.1416

hair salons

New Orleans, LA [504] Two Guys Cutting Hair, 2372 St.

Claude Ave., Suite 125, appointments: Adikus 215.519.5030, Trent 504.239.2397


New Orleans, LA [504] MARY’S FRENCH QUARTER HARDWARE, 732 N. Rampart, 529.4465


New Orleans [504] AARON INGRAM HAUS, 1012 Elysian Fields, New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE: 504.949.3110, www.ingramhaus. com/xqey, e-mail us at Condos with queen-size beds, private entrances; located only six blocks from Bourbon Street and walking distance to most New Orleans attractions. Several favorite bars are within one block. [0118] BLUES60 GUEST HOUSE, 1008 Elysian Fields Ave. New Orleans, LA 70117, Phone: 1.504.324.4311,, The Blue60 Guest House with 5 suites provides a peaceful retreat in the center of the Faubourg Marigny, just blocks from the French Quarter and Frenchman St. [1115] BURGUNDY BED AND BREAKFAST, 2513 Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE/FAX: 504.942.1463, Toll Free (Continental US only): 1.800.970.2153,, E-mail us at Gay owned and operated in newly renovated 1890’s double. Four guest rooms with private baths, guests’ parlor and “half-kitchen”, courtyard and half-open tubhouse with spa (hot tub/whirlpool). Clothing optional in sunbathing and hot tub area. Walking distance to French Quarter. Immediate vicinity of gay and lesbian bars/venues. [0815] The french quarter guest houses, 1005 St. Peter, New Orleans, LA 70116, Phone: 1.800.367.5858,, email: Four meticulously restored boutique inns located in the heart of the French Quarter’s most popular LGBT neighborhood. Each building’s individual character and charm provides an unforgettable authentic French Quarter experience!


New Orleans, LA [504] AMBUSH Mag, Official Gay Easter Parade Guide, Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide, Official Gay New Orleans Guide, Official Gulf South Guide, Official Pride Guide, Official Southern Decadence Guide, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 522.8049, AmbushMag.COM; email: AMBUSHonLINE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137; 522.8049,, email:


FOOD FOR FRIENDS, 504.821.2601 ext. 254 FRIDAY NIGHT BEFORE MARDI GRAS (FNBMG), 504.319.8261, GAY APPRECIATION AWARDS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137; 522.8049; AmbushMag.COM/GAA GAY EASTER PARADE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049,, GayEasterParade.COM GAY MARDI GRAS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, Gay-

20 · The Official Mag: · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

MardiGras.COM GAY NEW ORLEANS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, GayNewOrleans.COM HAART (HIV/AIDS Alliance Region Two, Inc.), 4550 North Blvd. Ste. 250, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, 225.927.1269,, offers a complete continuum of care to people living with HIV/ AIDS including housing, primary care, medications, case management, and an array of supportive services. In addition HAART provides HIV prevention education and FREE testing to the Baton Rouge area. HALLOWEEN IN NEW ORLEANS, INC., PO Box 52171, 70152-2171; halloween KREWE OF AMON-RA, PO Box 7033, Metairie, LA 70010, KreweOfAmonRa.COM KREWE OF ARMEINIUS, PO Box 56638, New Orleans, LA 70156-6638, KREWE OF MWINDO, PO Box 51031, 70156; 913.5791, KreweOfMwindo. ORG, KREWE OF NARCISSUS, PO Box 3832, New Orleans, LA 70177. Contact: 504.228.9441 KREWE OF PETRONIUS, PO Box 1102, Kenner, LA. 70063-1102, www. KREWE OF QUEENATEENAS / KING CAKE QUEEN ROYALTY CLUB, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 522.8049, GayMardiGras.COM/KCQ LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana, 1308 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, LA 70116, 504.475.7911, www.lgbtar- MYSTIC KREWE OF LORDS OF LEATHER, 1000 Bourbon St #B415, New Orleans, LA 70116, MYSTIC KREWE OF SATYRICON, 2443 Halsey Ave., New Orleans, LA 70114, 504.906.7990 Todd J. Blauvelt / Secretary,, MysticKreweOfSatyricon.COM NO/AIDS TASK FORCE, 2601 Tulane Ave., Suite 500, 70119; 504.821.2601; NOAIDSTaskForce.COM PRIDE, NOLAPride.ORG RENEGADE BEARS OF LOUISIANA, PO Box 3083, New Orleans, LA 70177; renegadebearsoflouisiana@gmail. com SOUTHERN DECADENCE, 828A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, SouthernDecadence.COM ST. ANNA’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 1313 Esplanade Avenue New Orleans, LA 70116 504.947.2121,


Mumfrey’s Pharmacy, 1021 W. Judge Perez Dr., Chalmette, LA 70043, 504.279.6312, www.MumfreysPharmacy.COM. Supporting & serving the LGBT Community for over 20 years. Local pharmacy offering personalized family-like service, automatic refills & free metro wide confidential pickup & delivery. Also offering shipping for out-side our delivery area. When you call us you speak to a person, not a machine. See our ad.


New Orleans, LA [504] GRAHAM/STUDIO ONE NEW ORLEANS, by appointment,

CAFE ISTANBUL, 2372 St. Claude Ave., #140, 504.974.0786, CafeIstanbulNOLA.COM


New Orleans, LA [504] Gay New Orleans Walking Tour, Crescent City Tour Booking Agency, (LGBT Business of the Year) 638 St. Ann St., 568.0717. follow Gay New Orleans Walking Tour @ Facebook.COM

Metairie, LA [504] Chef Ron’s Gumbo Stop & Pub, 2309 N. Causeway Blvd., 835.2022, New Orleans, LA [504] The Bombay Club, 830 Rue Conti, 577.2237, www.bombayclubneworleans. com Broussard’s Restaurant & Courtyard, 819 Rue Conti, 581.3866, http:// Cafe Sbisa, 1011 Decatur St., 522.5565, Cheezy Cajun, 3325 St. Claude Ave., 265.0045, www.TheCheezyCajun. com Clover Grill, 900 Bourbon St., 598.1010, Country Club Restaurant, 634 Louisa St.,, 945.0742 Gene’s Po-Boys & Daquiris, 1040 Elysian Fields Ave., 943.3861, Ilys Bistro, 1040 Elysian Fields Ave., 947.8341, Kingfish Kitchen & Cocktails, 337 Chartres St. 598.5005, Mona Lisa Restaurant, 1212 Royal St., 522.6746 Orleans Grapevine Wine Bar & Bistro, 720 Orleans, 523.1930, Quartermaster: The Nellie Deli, 1100 Bourbon St. , 529.1416, Royal House Oyster Bar, 441 Royal St., 528.2601,


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real estate

New Orleans, LA [504] Engel & Völkers New Orleans, Michael Styles, Realtor — Michael specializes in helping first-time homebuyers and real estate investors find the perfect New Orleans properties. 504.777.1773, Latter & Blum, Steven Richards Realtor, 504.258.1800, New Orleans Relocation, Realtors — gay-owned boutique real estate agency for locals and newcomers. 504.273.0088


New Orleans, LA [504] BOURBON PRIDE, 909 Bourbon, 566.1570 COK (Clothing or Kinkl), 941 Elysian Fields, 945.9264 MARY’S FRENCH QUARTER KITCHEN & BATH, 732 N. Rampart, 529.4465 QT PIE BOUTIQUE - 241 Dauphine St., 581. 6633 XXXSHOP, 1835 N. Rampart St., 504.232.3063


New Orleans, LA [504] Formal Connection, 299 Belle Terre Blvd. LaPlace, LA, 985.652.1195


New Orleans, LA [504] · · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 21

Snap Paparazzi From the Christmas Queens Show at the House of Blues | Photos by Tony Leggio

From the Lords of Leather Art, Wine and Song Event | Photos by Tony Leggio

22 路 The Official Mag: 路 Dec 5 - 18, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路

Trodding the Boards by Brian Sands Email:

Bridget Everett and Murray Hill--Live in New Orleans! at One Eyed Jacks Thanks to Presenter Daniel Nardicio, Bridget Everett and Murray Hill, two mainstays of New York’s alt-cabaret scene, recently made their joint New Orleans debut at a packed One Eyed Jacks. Everett, star of the indie dramedy Patti Cake$ and Amazon’s Love You More, exploded onto the stage with one of her signature numbers Fck Shit Up and continued for 60 minutes with crazy tales of illicit love, subversive humor, and rocking songs belted out with massive enthusiasm. Popping champagne corks into the air, Everett is not for the faint-hearted. Pushing the head of an audience member into her decolletage, the man was soon heard to exclaim from between her boobs, “I’m gonna suffocate.” He seemed to be enjoying himself though. Self-described as having “beaver-tail titties,” a wardrobe malfunction early on revealed that Everett speaks

truth about her anatomy. Despite her plus-size, or perhaps because of it, she fearlessly paraded through the crowd, balancing on chairs, assisted by her admirers’ willing hands to steady her. If Everett, however, merely traded raunchily on her big body and big voice, she would have faded long ago like so many others who hope to muscle their way into the spotlight. Rather, in between full-throttled numbers (What I Gotta Do, Come And Get It), Everett put forth a bubbly mid-western personality layered with a dark side, a well-groomed persona that enthralls and intimidates. As she said, taking a swig of champagne, “I don’t drink cause I have a problem. I drink cause it’s delicious.” Reminiscent of Sandra Bernhard, Everett alternated stories of her bizarre family in Manhattan, Kansas, with confessional tales of love gone wrong. It may have seemed like casual fun, powered by TNT, but Everett lays it out with cagy assurance leaving those of us who had heretofore been Bridget

virgins able, by the end, only to gasp out a breathless “WOW!” Opening for Everett was the impish transgender comedian Murray Hill who, with his old style humor, sends up showbiz-y performers, repurposing Borscht Belt rhythms with a potty mouth. “The more you applaud, the more I forget about my childhood,” was one of his milder lines. Quickly breaking the fourth wall, Hill got a straight couple, a gay couple, and a lesbian couple to make out to riotous applause from the diverse crowd. He followed this with the “Murray Hill Dance Challenge” pitting a gay guy against a lesbian and a straight guy who happened to be the mayor of a small, bayou town. Years of honing his craft in NYC may not have fully prepared Hill for the Big Easy, but did make for a mirthful set. Sure enough, the gay guy was the worst male dancer in history while the straight guy boogied with abandon drawing the audience’s cheers. Twas an unplanned and perfect lead-in to Ms. Everett. Next up from Nardicio will be the Dworld Underwear Party at a club in the CBD on Sunday, January 14, during MLK weekend with special guest “Penis Painter” Brent Ray Fraser. Like Renoir was rumored to have done, Fraser uses his phallus to create

art. Talk about Impressionism!

The Happy Elf at Slidell Little Theatre through Dec. 10 If you’re in Slidell and have some young kids and 90 minutes or so to spare and want to get into the Holiday spirit, then head over to Slidell Little Theatre (SLT) for The Happy Elf. I realize those conditions may pare down, significantly, those of this colContinued on Page 24 · · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 23

Song (cute), Two Scoops of Christmas Israeli desert town and have to remain leader, Tony (Monk) Shalhoub’s unContinued from Page 23 umn’s readers who might want to at- (fun), and, yes, The Poop Hole Song) overnight, it remains a small work (95 derstated manner belies the deepest of seem geared solely to 5 year-olds. minutes with no typical razzmatazz) emotions, a wondrous stew of humility, tend, but, well... I wish I could say nicer things with a bountiful heart. pride, shame and dignity. Rising star The Happy Elf is a stage adapabout The Happy Elf. But then I’d be As the Egyptians and Israelis get Katrina Lenk, makes Dina, the propritation of a 2005 TV special based on a liar which would make me naughty. to know each other, Itamar Moses’ etress of a small café, luminous and an original song by Harry Connick, Jr., Wouldn’t want that. skilled book interweaves three stories soulful and sexy and smart, her every who created a 14-number score for over the course of 24 hours, and each lithe movement perfection. They and this musical. In a season often overperson in it feels wholly authentic. We the rest of the cast, including the onstuffed with too many Nutcrackers New in New York see the pettiness of some, but the stage musicians, all equally splendid, and Christmas Carols, I admire SLT magnanimity of most of the others. Mocombine for countless tender moments When word came that the magniffor trying something different and givses dusts it all lightly with whimsicality, in this heartbreakingly wonderful show. ing the regional premiere to this show. icent new musical The Band’s Visit but avoids even a hint of sentimentality. At Studio 54 (254 W. 54 St., thru In it, Eubie the Elf competes with would be moving to Broadway I feared David (The Full Monty) Yazbek Feb. 25), John Leguizamo is holding nerdy Norbert to get on Santa’s sleigh that this small gem of a show could suffuses his memorable score with miforth in Latin History for Morons, team and, in the process, helps the lose some of its abundant charm in a nor keys and marvelous Middle Easta quasi-history lesson he wrote that people of Bluesville discover their inner larger theater. ern infl uences; his brilliant lyrics are those who slept through that part of Not to worry. Now settled in at the happiness. It arrives at a sweet ending moving and witty, yet remain wholly high school might want to pay attenthat aptly spreads the joy of the sea- Ethel Barrymore Theatre (243 W. 47 appropriate for the characters. Phetion to. Leguizamo uses Latino figures St.), The Band’s Visit has a bigger set son. nomenally orchestrated for Western from history to inspire his teenage son, Director Scott Sauber shepherds and the sound seems louder, but nothand Arabic instruments by Jamshied who’s being bullied at school and who a cast of 30+ which, in true communi- ing has been overdone. For those who Sharifi , I’m avidly looking forward to the also has to come up with a “hero” for a ty theater style, encompasses a wide saw it last year off-Broadway, the effect original cast album. school paper. range of Slidellians from adorable tots is like encountering a dear friend who’s Under Tyler Micoleau’s haunting Leguizamo masterfully impersonto fleet-footed seniors. The choreogra- been doing very well lately. For those lighting, David Cromer’s superb direcates conquistadors and a tweedy psyphy by Sauber and Clark Long effec- who’ll come to it with new eyes, get tion, cinematic in scope, takes its time, chologist, Aztec Emperor Moctezuma tively deploys the performers around ready to be seduced and entranced. allowing, through little gestures and and his own jaded tween daughter. Based on the 2007 Israeli movie the stage and, occasionally, into the moments of silence, the work’s beautiIt’s a pleasure to watch him shapeshift auditorium. Sally Ann Buras’ costumes about eight Egyptian musicians (“The ful longing to emerge organically. from one to another with such precisely provide lots of variations on patterns of Alexandria Ceremonial Police OrchesReprising his role as the band’s Continued on Page 25 red, white and green, until the scene tra”) who arrive by mistake in a teeny shifts to Bluesville and all become cloaked in blacks and other dark colors. Mikey Willman, who excelled as Donkey in last year’s Shrek, makes a properly peppy Eubie. As the overly officious Norbert, Scott Osborn supplies just the right meanness quotient (in a humorous way) with his actual son, Zachary, perfect as Little Norbert, a kind of Mini-He. Cara Duffaut cops a tough attitude at first as Molly, the cynical, attention-starved daughter of Bluesville’s Mayor but, ultimately, her smirk turns into a smile. Duffaut was outstanding in last year’s Beyond the Horizon at Loyola as an older neurotic widow and she is again so here in an age-appropriate role, displaying a great singing voice as well. Hopefully, for their final weekend, SLT will have corrected some tech problems, particularly a prominent light that randomly went on and off as well as some faulty mics that plagued a recent matinee. What I’m afraid can’t be corrected, however, is Lauren Gunderson & Andrew Fishman’s anodyne, drama-free book which has none of the unique charm of such holiday classics as How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer or A Charlie Brown Christmas. Why Connick’s somewhat snarky voice-over narration remains, other than for his celebrity presence, is beyond me. And while clearly, were it not for Connick’s involvement, The Happy Elf would still just be an idea in developmental limbo, his wan New Orleans-flavored score lacks his charisma with easily forgettable tunes and lyrics that with a few exceptions (The What 24 · The Official Mag: · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

Continued from Page 24 detailed body language and vocal tics. Yet despite some sharp humor, as when he compares those conquistadors to “NBA players at a Kardashian pool party,” and properly anti-Trump sentiments, Latin History rarely takes off. The passages involving his son would seem better suited to an afterschool TV special, while the lesson becomes a bit repetitive as one “hero” after another fails to live up his (and it is predominantly men who are profiled) putative reputation. (And why Leguizamo even keeps offering these less-than-impressive folks to his son is confusing. Chalk it up to dramatic license, I guess.) You don’t have to speak Spanish to fully enjoy Latin History for Morons, but it helps. And if you’re a Leguizamo fan or Latino, you’re likely to savor the show as much as my fellow audience members did whose exuberant laughter helped to add about 15 minutes to the performance’s advertised running time. Others, however, might prefer to avoid this classroom in favor of the many other things to do in New York. And lots of things there are especially if you’re a fan of the visual arts. Drawn to Greatness: Master Drawings from the Thaw Collection at The Morgan Library & Museum (225 Madison Ave. at 36 St., thru Jan. 7) is a lovely exhibition which highlights

more than 150 master drawings from the Thaw Collection, one of the world’s finest private collections. Among the works by major masters from the Renaissance to the modern era, my favorites included biblical scenes from Rembrandt and Tiepolo, portraits by Fragonard and Picasso, and an endearing landscape by van Gogh. At the Guggenheim Museum (1071 5th Ave. at 89 St., thru Jan. 7), Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World offers something for everyone though especially for those who like conceptual and experimental works. Bracketed by the end of the Cold War in 1989 and the Beijing Olympics in 2008, the exhibit surveys China’s artistic culture during a time characterized by the onset of globalization and its rise on the world stage. Although the show included only a few figurative paintings, they were my favorites, all timeless and very compelling. The Museum of Arts and Design (2 Columbus Circle thru Feb. 25) has Sonic Arcade: Shaping Space with Sound, an unusual multi-component exhibition featuring interactive installations, immersive environments, and performing objects. It’s like a wet dream for nerds. MSHR’s Knotted Gate Presence Weave lights up in reds, greens, blues & whites while emitting lotsa sounds that are triggered by viewers’ move-

ments. It’s uber-cool for kids of all ages. Sine Body by Julianne Swartz employs ceramic and glass, and appears visually static but captivates with an ever-changing aural flow. There’s also chic musical jewelry from Audiowear, and a Polyphonic Playground that makes music as you climb on it. And at the Lehmann Maupin Gallery (536 W. 22 St. thru Dec. 22) fans of the grand British duo Gilbert & George will swoon over their newest body of work, The Beard Pictures. These monumental works depict the artists in symbolic beards made from beer foam, flowers, and barbed wire, interspersed with imagery of street signs, graffiti, and ginkgo trees specific to their London neighborhood of Spitalfields. Playful but serious, surreal yet knowing, they capture our times in ways simultaneously profound and mischievous. Catch them if you can.

If you want your upcoming show reviewed, contact Brian at bsnola2@

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Sunday 12/09

4 PM

Join the

Big Easy Stompers For Country Dancing Tuesdays 8-11

Happy Hour Daily noon - 9 $3 well and domestic Saturday, 12/16

10PM · · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 25

Snap Paparazzi Pictures from the Corner Pocket & Zingo with Felicia | Photos by Jeremy

Krew of Amon-ra Gumbo Cookoff | Photos by Jeremy

26 路 The Official Mag: 路 Dec 5 - 18, 2017 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路

Book Review by Frank Perez Email:

An Oral History of the New Orleans Ninth Ward. Caroline Gerdes. Pelican Publishing Co., 2017. ISBN: 9781455622634. 192 pages. One of the inadvertent legacies of Hurricane Katrina was to give the 9th Ward of New Orleans a certain cultural cache in the national imagination. Prior to the storm, most people had never heard of the neighborhood and it was certainly not on the city’s 10-12 million annual visitors’ list of things to see. But because of the extensive news coverage following the flood, the 9th Ward seems to be on everyone’s radar. This newfound attention has been a mixed bag. Some residents lament the loss of relative anonymity and the peace and tranquility that accompanied it. Others complain the neighborhood has been exploited; for example, the City Council has passed an ordinance forbidding tour buses from crossing the Industrial Canal. On the other hand, all the attention has yielded some positive results, not the least of which are the eco-friendly homes built by Brad Pitt’s

Make It Right Foundation and other rebuilding efforts. For good or ill, people, especially locals, are finally appreciating how fascinating and culturally significant the 9th Ward is and has been. This is the subject of Caroline Gerdes’ An Oral History of the New Orleans Ninth Ward. This book grew out of a National Geographic Expeditions Council Young Explorers Grant. Based on interviews with 9th Ward residents, Gerdes weaves together a colorful quilt of living memory and explores the neighborhood’s shifting demographics, musical contributions to the city, racial politics, and religious heritage. A specialist in Ninth Ward history and a New Orleans native, Caroline Gerdes is a freelance journalist who frequently publishes in the Huffington Post and other national platforms. The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) and the New Orleans Times-Picayune have interviewed her as a regional oral historian, and she is also a Women’s Media Center SheSource expert. · · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · · The Official Mag: · 27

BY M E A L . BY D R I N K . BY WAT E R . The time-honored tradition of New Orleans neighborhood dining is alive and well at The Country Club. Think chef-driven cuisine meets casual elegance, and you begin to understand why this hidden gem of the Bywater is a local favorite for great meals, great company and for 40 years – an even greater time. 504.945.0742 | | 634 Louisa St. MUST BE 21 OR OLDER

28 · The Official Mag: · Dec 5 - 18, 2017 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

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