Ambush Magazine Volume 35 Issue 19

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Volume 35 Issue 19 Dec 19, 2017 · Jan 2, 2018 Facebook.COM/AmbushMag

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Christmas, Kwanzaa, & New Years @AmbushMag

Celebrating LGBTQ Life, Music & Culture! Gulf South LGBTQ Entertainment/Travel Guide · 35th Anniversary 1982-2017 · For Adults Only

Are You Ready For 2018? We’ll be back next year with a new look & expanded content!

New Year New Ambush Get Involved! We cover LGBTQ entertainment and events throughout the Gulf South. For information on contributing content or advertising, please email

2 路 The Official Mag: 路 Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路 · · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · · The Official Mag: · 3

The “Official” Dish by Frank Pizzolato Email:

As we approach publication of the final edition of Ambush for 2017 we were all shocked and saddened to hear of the death of Marsha. There are very few times when I am left speechless, at a complete loss for words. I had known Rip and Marty for many years, I have watched the growth and development and success of Ambush over the years, during the negotiations to acquire the publication, we were happy to give Marsha an exit strategy that allowed her to stay as involved as she wanted to be, as well as provide her with the transition to a new, future. We looked forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship. But, alas, that was not to be. She will be missed, but the legacy of service and dedication to the LGBT community, and to the City that was so much a part of the life she and Rip made for themselves will live on. We are closely following the antics of the anti- gay Republican Attorney

General of Louisiana, as he continues to harass the newly elected Mayor of New Orleans. From what we’ve seen there is nothing in the actions of Ms Cantrell that rises to illegal or criminal activity. We support her, and she should be allowed to prepare for her administration without the menace of an out of control political hack in the Attorney General’s office. In following the only play book the Republican Party has used for the past few years, he is using his office to sow discord, discontent, distrust wherever he feels it will benefit his political fortunes. His politics are toxic, his methods are despicable, and his views are dangerous. He fits right in with the current administration in Washington. Our problem is his actions hit us a lot closer to home. Everything he has done since taking office has been to placate the base of religious intolerant voters, as if there were no other voting population who matters. The wisdom of our

system has always rested on the idea, that while the vote of the majority will rule, there was never to be out oppression of the minorities who have equal protection under the law. The current make up of the Republican Party has cast that aside, and in places all over the country, those elected are ignoring the rights of those who did not vote for them, undoing years of progress made in the fight to build “a more perfect union”. Yet, we watched with great pleasure, the defeat of another “off the wall” Republican Party hack in Alabama last week. Congratulations and THANK YOU Alabama, you done good! You have spared the country the humiliation of having to deal with another angry white male, religious fanatic in public office. Hopefully, this is a sign of better things to come in 2018. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, and a Great New Year! Happy Holidays.

Inside this Issue of Ambush Snap Paparazzi


A Community within Communities






Obituary: Marsha


Moments in Gay New Orleans History


Film Review


Under the Gaydar


Bourbon Street Classic


Snap Paparazzi


Upcoming at Oz




Snap Paparazzi


Trodding the Boards




Snap Paparazzi


Book Review

27 Gulf South LGBTQ Entertainment & Travel Guide Since 1982 New Orleans, Louisiana

Facebook.COM/AmbushMag Gulf South Entertainment/Travel Guide Since 1982 • Texas-Florida Official Gay Easter Parade Guide© Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide© Official Gay New Orleans Guide© Official Pride Guide© Official Southern Decadence Guide© AWARD WINNING: Saints & Sinners Literary Festival Hall of Fame/2015, Louisiana Excellence Award: Media & Internet/2014, New Orleans Print Media Award/2014, 25th NO/AIDS Task Force Humanitas Award/2013, New Orleans Print Media Award/2013, Krewe of Mwindo Media Honoree/2009, Krewe of Petronius Carnival Spirit of Gay Mardi Gras XLVIII Award/2009, Forum For Equality Acclaim Awards X Media Recipient/2008, NO/AIDS Task Force Prometheus “Torch of Truth” [media] Award/2001 Email: ANNUAL READERSHIP OVER 1 MILLION: 260,000+ Print/780,000+ Online CIRCULATION: Alabama - Mobile Florida - Pensacola Louisiana - Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Metairie, New Orleans, Slidell Mississippi - Bay St. Louis, Biloxi STAFF: PUBLISHER/EDITOR/PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Frank Pizzolato, New Orleans GULF SOUTH/NEW ORLEANS AD SALES Frank Pizzolato, New Orleans THEATRE/PERFORMING ARTS CRITIC Brian Sands AD REPS/JOURNALISTS/PHOTOGRAPHERS Misti Gaiter, Tony Leggio, Hubert S Monkeys, Felicia Phillips, Frank Perez, Rev. Bill Terry-New Orleans Miss Cie-Mobile, AL National Advertising Rep: Rivendell Media 212.242.6863 Ambush Mag is published on alternate Tuesdays of each month by Ambush Publishing. Advertising, Copy & Photo DEADLINE is alternate Tuesdays, 4pm, prior to publication week, accepted via e-mail only:, except for special holidays. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for the claims of advertisers and has the right to reject any advertising. The inclusion of an individual’s name or photograph in this publication implies nothing about that individual’s sexual orientation. Letters, stories, etc., appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of the Publisher or Staff of AMBUSH Mag. Subscription rate is $45 for 1/2 Year; $75 for 1 year. Sample Copy is $3 First Class Mail. ©1982-2017 AMBUSH PUBLISHING LLC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTHING HEREIN MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER INCLUDING AD LAYOUTS, MAPS and PHOTOS.

4 · The Official Mag: · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

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Snap Paparazzi From B-Bob’s, Mobile, Alabama | Photos by Cie Rogers

6 · The Official Mag: · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

504-838-0358 • Portable Toilets with Solar Lights • Restroom Trailers • Temporary Fence

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your business. Our purpose. 331 Richard St., Gretna, La. 70053 · · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · · The Official Mag: · 7

A Community within Communities by The Very Rev. Bill Terry+ Email:


Beyond the cards, glitz, and glimmer; beyond the call for Christ in Christmas and beyond Currier and Ives there is a real story here. The story is more than a birth narrative. The birth account is found really in two of the Gospels and they serve as a sort of prologue to the rest of the story. But I believe that the birth of Jesus has a broader appeal and broader text. The broader appeal, the real text is simply this…innocence. Innocence is something that seems to be in very short supply these days. I not talking about naiveté - I am talking about innocence. That “something” that the world takes away. As Jesus was born according to the narratives in the Bible he was born into difficult circumstances. But none the less as humans we focus on the innocence of the child. We see imagines of his mother and often Joseph looking with adoring eyes at this new birth. It is sometimes said that witnessing a birth and being a part of a birth is as close to the divine as one can imagine. I agree. I was there when my son was born. Some of you know him. He is a big guy now. He is ginger, big boned, not really too much over weight- a bear of a guy. Yes, some of the folks at the Phoenix would come and visit him. He is, perhaps, a little naïve but he is a kind soul. When he was born he was small. His arms slender, he had a shock of red hair, he

cried and did what newborns do. When I held this new life in my arms, for a moment, there was perfect innocence. The innocence of Jesus is precisely what the Father; in this case I am talking God, wants for us all. God is who Jesus would develop such a deep connection with so much so that Jesus was undistinguishable from God the father. There was such deep intimacy between the creator and Jesus that Jesus would fondly call God, “Abba.” Abba was a term of endearment. And so it was that the baby Jesus would grow and develop and become the image of perfect innocence. He was filled with no guile and only longing for grace, peace, and harmony. Innocence. Where do we go to get this innocence in a world that seems to be falling apart in so many ways? For the LGBTQ community marriage may be legal now (thank God) but there are so many obstacles still remaining in laws and just as importantly in segments of the larger community. There is work to be done and so where is the innocence to be found? There are wars driving families out of homes. Where is the innocence to be found? It seems like the rich get richer and no one has heard of Scrooge (not the duck). Where, my friend, is innocence to be found? Is it lost forever? NO! The innocence of Jesus was found among the animals in a situation of homelessness even just for a time.

The innocence of Jesus was found and is found in the midst of horrible slaughter (Matthew 2). The innocence of all of us is found in the midst of the drama of life. That innocence is in the heart more than the mind. It is a state of being that requires some sort of awareness. Your innocence is what compels you to give the beggar a dollar or two. Your innocence is a collection taken up to help a gay man beaten down in the Quarter. Your innocence is a can of food for the hungry placed in a small out of the way box in a bar. Your innocence is in buying a toy or present for some poor kid and dropping it off at the Pub. Your innocence is manifested in your concern for someone other than you. Innocence is not a weakness it is a strength beyond most virtues. In a community that almost prides itself with its worldliness, mordant humor and almost brooding sense of the world- innocence can be found. It surfaces when we walk, or dance, with integrity and dignity. Innocence is found among the ashes. I know of two wonderful men who have been married for a while. They just adopted their second daughter. Innocence is not the absence of grit it is the absence of guile. These two men walk with dignity with two lovely daughters. They have started a blog and website to encourage other gay couples in their quest to become loving parents. They have many obstacles, mostly social, to overcome. Yet, when I see them smile they light up. Photos of the Dads with kids radiate innocence and indeed strength in

the same image. If you look very carefully you can see that the world has challenged them. Even in their smiles, somewhere at the edges of their eyes, there is weariness of a world without innocence. But, their hearts are full because their innocence made room for more love. My friends, if you are not a Christian or perhaps enjoy God in another flavor think about the nativity story in full context. Maybe even read the Bible stories as literature not holy writ. See if within that story something resonates with the 21st century. A powerful and vindictive leader plays a role (Herrod the Great); a small town anywhere is the location (Bethlehem); humble folk not rich and wealthy folk come to adore this new infant- humble folk (shepherds and farmers); one parent is adoptive according to tradition (Joseph). The other parent, a very young girl named Mary, which says at one point: “he (God) hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble and meek.” These are powerful words, powerful figures, and a powerful story that has as its bedrock, in many ways, innocence. Believer or not believe in the myth of the nativity; believe in the hope of a spirit that walks with integrity; believe in the hope of a just future. Then, show some of that innocence and receive the blessings of doing good things in a world yearning for change. HAVE A VERY MERRY AND INDEED INNOCENT CHRISTMAS!

pay more taxes • The richest 1% will see a tax cut of $32,000 • The richest 0.1% will see a tax cut of $208,000 • Teachers, graduate students, and firefighters will pay more taxes • Working families will be hit hard by the elimination of deductions for medical expenses and student loans • Small business will be hit hard by the elimination of deductions for local and state income taxes • Adding $1.5 trillion to the deficit • Taking healthcare away from 13 million people And these are just the consequences we know about. There are probably many more disastrous effects we are yet unaware of because the Republican leadership has allowed corporate lobbyists to secretly re-write most of the bill behind closed doors in the

middle of the night. This tax bill is catastrophic for the American people, but it is good for corporate America. The corporate tax rate will drop from 35% to 20%. The wealthiest among us have more money than they could spend in a dozen lifetimes. They don’t need a tax break. Their demand for lower taxes is selfish and greedy. A common person working 40 hours a week at the minimum wage lives below the national poverty line and yet republicans refuse to raise the minimum wage. That makes republican lawmakers assholes. But to further reduce working people’s salaries in order to give more money to the wealthiest among us is morally obscene and makes republicans not only assholes, but also downright evil. So evil, they will overlook treason and child molestation.

Commentary by Frank Perez Email:

The Supreme Hypocrisy of the Republican Party

The Republican Party—that Grand Ole Party of patriotism and family values—has finally showed its true colors. Again. The GOP tax bill demonstrates clearly why the republican party has given up flag-waving and Bible-thumping in order to defend treason and pedophilia. The love of money (which is the root of all evil) has always been the Republican Party’s only core value. And while the GOP platform is filled with lip service to “God and Country,” their only true agenda has been corporate tax cuts. Why else would they work with and tolerate a President many of their own members believe to be mentally unstable and dangerous? Why else

would the Republican National Committee endorse a Senate candidate who was banned from shopping malls for hitting on teenage girls? Why? Because that is what their corporate donor-owners want them to do. Lowering corporate taxes is their Holy Grail and they will pass it even if they have to reveal themselves to be hypocrites in order to do so. So how bad is the tax bill? In a word, horrific. According to Forbes Magazine, hardly a liberal voice, the effects of the Republican tax bill include: • 87 million households will pay more taxes • Households earning less than $75,000 and families with children earning less than $200,000 will

8 · The Official Mag: · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

Commentary by Frank Perez Email:

Change in Leadership at BreakOUT!

na Dupree, Penny Proud, Githe and Brenting, and so many more.” “Over the past year, I have worked to fundraise our 2018 operating budget, relocate the office to a beautiful old home on Canal St., and grow the organization’s internal capacity through hiring additional staff to ensure its longterm success. It took me six years, but I couldn’t be more excited to now step aside to allow new leadership to flourish at the organization while we are in such a pivotal moment in our organization’s history, strategically poised to have an even greater impact when our movements need it the most.” “Growing an organization, like all of our work in this movement, is a labor of love. We create vehicles while driving them and hope that they will be able to move in the service of our collective visions. We make mistakes and work to be transformed by them. We give all of ourselves to this work and to transforming our movements, and in return, we can be truly transformed ourselves.” “In fact, so many in our movements have acknowledged that we must ourselves first be willing to be transformed before we can transform our movements, our worlds. It must come down first to our willingness to change in order to affect change, which is why BreakOUT! began doing more intentional somatics work this year as well by sending our staff to Generative Somatics trainings. The mandate from Southerners on New Ground, that we must be willing to be transformed in the service of the work, has never felt more true.” “I am eternally grateful for BreakOUT! and all of the people whose lives we touched along the way, who have all truly transformed me.* In this movement and in our various roles of leadership, we are tested and we make choices every day to rise to new challenges, continuing to remain grounded in our vision and values of collective liberation, interdependence, and transformation. As white people, adults, or masculine-presenting people, we must also practice humility, learn how to use our skills to fortify movements, lever-

age resources and access to power, take leadership from others, and get out of the way.” “We can also be transformed by the bold collaborations that are happening now more than ever, powerful alliances based off of shared liberation and shared fate as trans people, queer people, people of color, immigrants, and allies/accomplices. This work is no more present than in the Deep South, with its long legacy of front porch organizing and neighbor-to-neighbor relationship-building. We have political opportunity now more than ever in the South to organize across these lines.” “We can see what can be possible if we truly recognize the humanity in one another and actually believe that our liberation is tied. As the Right makes attacks on TGNC, immigrant, Black communities, and young people, it is becoming more and more clear that we have to be willing to re-ground ourselves and weave our movements more tightly together.” “The future doesn’t have to be so bleak if we can dare to be transformed together.” “BreakOUT! is also on its own path toward transformation. With my transition, we also have the opportunity to think more critically about what leadership in a youth-led organization can look like, what can be possible under POC leadership at the organization, and what transformation at BreakOUT!, in a new location celebrating new growth, can look like. If it’s anything like it was in 2011, we have no idea what possibility is on the horizon for our movements- and I can’t wait to find out.” “BreakOUT! will be moving to an Interim Director for the next few months as we search for more permanent leadership at the organization. We are grateful to our powerful team of consultants who are helping us navigate this transition. Stay tuned for more info!” Last month, BreakOUT! was honored at the LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana’s Annual Oracle Gala, an event that recognizes an organization or individual who has made a significant contribution to LGBT+ history.

Transgender Youth in Louisiana’s Juvenile Justice System. In addition to serving as Director of BreakOUT, Ware Seven years after founding Break- also served on the Advisory Board of OUT!, Co-Director Wes Ware is step- the Equity Project, a national initiative ping down. which advocates for glbtq youth in the According to Ware, “As a white, juvenile justice system. queer, transgender Southerner, I set Upon announcing his departure, out in 2011 with the hope and intention Ware issued the following statement: of growing the organization and tran“When we founded the organizasitioning leadership after five years. tion as a project of the Juvenile Justice I firmly believed- as I continue to be- Project of Louisiana in 2011 with six lieve- that our liberation is tied up to- powerful Black transgender and gengether. That none of us will be free until der non-conforming Founding Memtrans youth of color can walk down the bers, I don’t think any of us could have street without fear. And that people imagined what was to come.” most directly impacted should be the “We have done what our enemies ones who lead our movements, which and skeptical allies told us was not is why I hope the organization will tran- possible. We have become a powerful sition to Black leadership following my political force in our city with several term.” campaign victories under our belt, inIn December of 2010, the U.S. cluding implementing one of the most Department of Justice was investigat- extensive LGBTQ police policies in the ing corruption and inefficiencies in the country, Chapter 41.13.1 of the New New Orleans Police Department. In Orleans Police Department, which puts the course of its investigation, Justice power back into the hands of the comofficials met with representatives from munity to hold the NOPD accountable Women With a Vision (a communi- and further protect the rights of the ty-based nonprofit organization found- LGBTQ community in New Orleans.” ed in 1991 by a grassroots collective of “We amplified the stories of Black African-American women in response transgender young women from New to the spread of HIV/AIDS in commu- Orleans through a collaboration with nities of color), Brotherhood Inc. (a Ping Chong + Company called Say nonprofit group that aids young black My Name, Say My Name, which was males avoid the criminal justice system a beautiful demonstration of creative and reenter society after being incar- resistance, the healing power of storycerated), and the Juvenile Justice Proj- telling, and political education.” ect of Louisiana. Also at the meeting “We released a participatory action were a group of young glbtq people, research report about the experiences mostly black transgendered women. of queer and trans youth of color and On May 17, 2011- the International the New Orleans Police Department.” Day Against Homophobia and Trans“We installed a billboard to lift up phobia-BreakOUT was born. The the lives of transwomen of color murgroup’s founding members were Lhun- dered across the country and what real dyn, Amhari, Dee, Kenisha, Milan, safety looks like.” Jonathan. Reflecting on why she be“And this year alone, we’ve already came involved with BreakOUT, found- worked to help defend four transgender ing member Milan Alexander, who now young women from deportation, seserves as one of two full-time youth cured 30 name changes for our transorganizers for the group, says, “I’ve gender members through the Trans experienced racial and gender profiling Defense Fund that was launched after myself. It actually became the norm of the 2016 election results, released the my life. Getting involved with Break- Vice to ICE Toolkit with the Congress OUT helped me realize that I’m more of Day Laborers about powerful collabthan just transgendered; I’m a human orations across organizing bases, and being.” launched our first Building Our Power The group’s founding was also Institute in Spanish as part of our work aided by Ware, who had just received to make our programming more accesa Soros Justice Fellowship, a mone- sible to all of our members.” tary grant awarded to individuals who “We have marched, we have adspearhead projects to reform the U.S. vocated, we have celebrated, we have criminal justice system. Ware had created, we have resisted.” served as the GLBTQ Youth Director “We have also suffered great for the Juvenile Justice Project of Loui- loss over the years, including memsiana. In that capacity, Ware authored bers Diamond D’Maree and Ciara Alian insightful report entitled Locked Up yah Love, and community members and Out: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Penny Proud, Ciara McElveen, Chy10 · The Official Mag: · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · Official Southern Decadence Guide · · · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · · The Official Mag: · 11

Obituary: Marsha Naquin-Delain Written by Frank Perez

Marsha Naquin-Delain, as he was known to his many friends in the New Orleans community, died at his residence on Thursday, December 14, 2017. Born Marion M. Greeson in Baton Rouge, LA on June 17, 1953, he was a resident of New Orleans since 1985. He was the spouse of the late Robert J. “Rip” Naquin, who preceded him in death on August 8, 2017. He is the son of James Greeson Sr. and the late Betty Newsom Greeson, stepson of Betty Greeson of Sherman, Texas, brother of James Greeson Jr. (Cathy), and uncle of James Greeson III and Dana G. Duet. Delain grew up in Baton Rouge and was graduated from the Baton Rouge Beauty College. Naquin and Delain met outside a Bourbon Street bar in 1973, moved in together in Baton Rouge, and launched Ambush Magazine in 1982 before moving to New Orleans in 1985. Their same-sex domestic partnership was the first in New Orleans when it was registered in 1993. Naquin and Delain were married in New York in 2013, on their 40th anniversary together. From 1986 until Naquin’s death, the Ambush offices were located on the first floor of 828 Bourbon St., with the proprietors’ residence on the second and third floors. Legendary parties took place at

the 1830s “Ambush Mansion,” especially during Carnival. Social events at the residence were often occasions to raise money for charity. In August 2015, for example, a Magnolia Cotillion celebrating the couple’s second wedding anniversary raised money for Southern Decadence and its charities: the LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana, the Louisiana Equality Foundation and PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) New Orleans Scholarship Fund. Over the decades, the couple raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for a wide range of charities. The couple also founded the Krewe of Queenateenas and the Gay Easter Parade. Naquin and Delain were two of the five Grand Marshals of Southern Decadence in 2015. It is difficult to talk about Marsha without discussing Rip; the two were literally always together. After Rip’s passing, Marsha remarked to a friend, “This will be the first night I’ve slept alone in 44 years.” News of Delain’s passing sent shock-waves through the French Quarter and the New Orleans LGBT+ community. The general feeling of many was she died of a broken heart.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend a Funeral Mass at St. Anna’s Episcopal Church, 1313 Esplanade Ave, New Orleans on Saturday, December 23, 2017, at 11:00 AM, with visitation beginning at 10:00 AM. The Rev. Fr. William Terry will officiate. Kindly omit flowers. Memorials are suggested to Food for Friends or St. Anna’s Place-NOLA.

Condolences may be expressed online at THARP-SONTHEIMER-THARP Funeral Home of Metairie is in charge of arrangements. Information, (504) 8352341

12 · The Official Mag: · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

Moments in Gay New Orleans History

Film Review

by Frank Perez Email:

by Frank Perez Email:

The Year in LGBT+ Scholarship

This is an exciting time for LGBT+ history enthusiasts. Consider the following Christmas presents:

Out for Queer Blood

Out for Queer Blood: The Murder of Fernando Rios and the Failure of New Orleans Justice by Clayton Delery was recently published by Exposit, an imprint of McFarland & Co. Fernando Rios was a tour guide from Mexico City visiting New Orleans in 1958. After shepherding a group of doctors and their wives around the city, Rios went to Café Lafitte in Exile for a drink where he was met by a Tulane student named John Farrell. The two left the bar together and minutes later, Rios was savagely beaten in Pirate’s Alley by Farrell and two other Tulane undergraduates. Rios ultimately died from the attack and the three students were arrested and tried for murder. Not surprisingly, given the homophobic climate of the time, the three young men were acquitted. Out for Queer Blood is an important book for a number of reasons. Not only does it recall and shed light on a profound human tragedy, it also provides a glimpse into the homophobic climate of the times. The book will also include an interview with the son of John Farrell, who only recently learned of his father’s involvement in the murder.

Upstairs Inferno: the DVD

Documentary filmmaker Robert Camina’s Upstairs Inferno has been released on DVD and Blu-Ray. Both formats are packed with Bonus Features including: “Behind-the-Scenes: The Making of Upstairs Inferno” and a “Present Day Tour of the ‘Up Stairs Lounge.” With unique access (exclusive on-camera interviews from survivors, witnesses and friends/families of victims) and a fresh perspective (incorporating long lost artifacts, newsreel footage and photographs that haven’t been seen in decades), Upstairs Inferno vividly examines this oft-forgotten story and is considered the most comprehensive and authoritative film about the tragedy and its aftermath. Narrated by New Orleans’ own New York Times best-selling author Christopher Rice, Upstairs Inferno is a mesmerizing mix of crime drama and human connections that captures the heartbreaking feelings of unconditional love and overwhelming loss. An unsettling snapshot of what was, until the early hours of June 12, 2016, the deadliest single event to affect the gay community in American history, Upstairs Infer-

no gets inside the hearts and minds of a handful of vibrant people who experienced one of the most important and underreported moments in LGBT History.

Dr. Prechter’s Dissertation

In 2013, the 40th anniversary of the Up Stairs arson inspired Ryan Prechter, then a graduate student, to write a dissertation on New Orleans gay history. In a recent interview, Dr. Prechter noted, “My dissertation adds to recent scholarship which argues against the historical understanding of gay life in America as existing primarily on the East and West Coast. I argue against the belief that LGBT youths during the twentieth century fled entirely from the Midwest and Deep South for gay-friendly neighborhoods in New York and California. I have concluded that the New Orleans gay community has expanded since the end of World War I, and in fact LGBT transplants have been flocking to the city for various reasons for the last century. Ultimately, the history of gay New Orleans is important if one seeks to understand gay history nationwide.

The Stewart Butler Papers

The vast collection of Stewart Butler papers, which Tulane University acquired in 2016, has been processed and archived and is now available to the public. Leon Miller, head of research at the Louisiana Research Collection notes, “This is one of the most important archival collections for Louisiana LGBT politics.” Butler, who has a passion for securing equal rights for the LGBTQ community, started his career in activism by organizing voter registration drives in the New Orleans area in the 1970s. A decade later he helped found the gay rights advocacy group Louisiana Lesbian and Gay Political Action Caucus. The acquired papers include committee reports, minutes from board meetings and LGBTQ organization brochures. Butler has also served on the board of several organizations dedicated to LGBTQ equality, and received two awards from the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana.

Oral History

The LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana recently launched an Oral History Initiative. The aim is to capture personal stories and memories before they are lost forever. To participate in Continued on Page 24

Upstairs Inferno is Now Available on DVD and BluRay In 2013, during the 40th Anniversary of the deadly Up Stairs Lounge Arson (one of the most significant, yet often overlooked events in LGBT history), Camina Entertainment publicly announced the production of Upstairs Inferno, a comprehensive and compassionate documentary recounting (what was) the “Largest Gay Mass Murder in U.S. History”. Today, Camina Entertainment proudly announces the release of the critically acclaimed film on DVD and Blu-ray! Both formats are packed with Bonus Features including: “Behind-theScenes: The Making of Upstairs Inferno” and a “Present Day Tour of the ‘Up Stairs Lounge.” Upstairs Inferno can be purchased at: http://Purchase.UpstairsInferno. com. On June 24, 1973, an arsonist set fire to the Up Stairs Lounge, a gay bar located on the edge of the French Quarter in New Orleans, Louisiana. The fire ultimately killed 32 people and severely injured countless others. It permanently altered lives and was the root of many lifelong struggles. With unique access (exclusive on-camera interviews from survivors, witnesses and friends/families of victims) and a fresh perspective (incorporating long lost artifacts, newsreel footage and photographs that haven’t been seen in decades), Upstairs Inferno vividly examines this oft-forgotten story and is considered the most comprehensive and authoritative film about the tragedy and its aftermath. Narrated by New Orleans’ own New York Times best-selling author Christopher Rice, Upstairs Inferno is a mesmerizing mix of crime drama and human connections that captures the heartbreaking feelings of unconditional love and overwhelming loss. An unsettling snapshot of what was, until the early hours of June 12, 2016, the deadliest single event to affect the gay community in American history, Upstairs Inferno gets inside the hearts and minds of a handful of vibrant people who experienced one of the most important and underreported moments in LGBT History. “While Upstairs Inferno recounts a historic event, its underlying message crosses cultural boundaries”, Director Robert L. Camina emphasizes. “It’s easier for people to hate and fear things they don’t understand. No matter your

background, in the end, we are more alike than we are different. I think Upstairs Inferno reminds of us that.” Camina adds, “We made the film hoping audiences would walk away from it with a renewed call for compassion: Compassion for those unlike us. Compassion for those who are hurting. Compassion for those in need. Because there definitely wasn’t a lot of compassion when the deadly arson occurred.” “Sadly, a lot has happened in the world since the film was released and we started spreading the message of compassion and the impact of hate, “Camina continues. “It sickens me that mass murders have become so common. I think Upstairs Inferno’s message is as timely as ever: the power of family, friends and forgiveness in the shadow of immense pain.” With the release of the documentary, Camina Entertainment plans to emphasize those themes, as well as the overall preservation of LGBTQ history. Hopefully, by the Up Stairs Lounge Arson survivors sharing their stories, it can provide strength to others in need. Upstairs Inferno had its world premiere in New Orleans on June 24, 2015: the 42nd Anniversary of the Up Stairs Lounge arson. Survivors of the fire, families and friends of the victims and witnesses filled the audience. Many traveled across the country to attend the premiere. Some of the attendees hadn’t seen each other in over 40 years. The documentary went on to screen at 40 film festivals around the world. It won 20 awards, including 11 Jury Awards and 4 Audience Awards. This includes Frameline: the San Francisco International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, where they awarded Upstairs Inferno with the Jury Award: Honorable Mention, citing its “Special Contribution to Queer History”. In addition, Upstairs Inferno received a prestigious invitation to screen at the Library of Congress in February 2017. Christopher Rice (narrator) is a New York Times best selling author. His debut novel, A Density of Souls, was an overnight best seller, and was greeted with a landslide of media attention, much of it due to the fact that Christopher is the son of legendary vampire chronicler, Anne Rice. Much of his writing is heavily influenced by the years he and his Mom lived in New Orleans. Rice considers New Orleans his “hometown”. Christopher currently co-hosts his own Internet radio show, The Dinner Party Show, with fellow New York Times best-selling novelist, Eric Shaw Quinn. Rice recently published the novel, The Continued on Page 16 · · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · · The Official Mag: · 13

Under the Gaydar by Tony Leggio Email:

Party Down

December is such a fabulous month filled with lots of holiday cheer, parties and there is always something exciting going on here. Most of my last two weeks were spent out of town in Chicago and Scottsdale which you will read about in the other articles, but I did man age to have a little fun in NOLA so let’s get this party started. I normally hit up all the tree lightings at the major hotels but because of my work schedule the only one I was able to make it to was the Royal Sonesta on Wednesday. Literally I came off the plane and went to the party now that is commitment. No teething the ridiculous construction in front of their property but a damper to the events, then party was thrown in their courtyard and surrounding ballrooms. This elegant evening was filled with good food, libations and holiday cheer. The switch illuminating the building was thrown by two adorable patients form Children’s Hospital. These two children were in great spirits and made the night so0 special. Remember this is definitely a season for celebration, but always stop and say a prayer for those suffering. The following day I attended the New Orleans Magazine monthly Hob-

knobbers networking event at the new restaurant in the Warehouse District Briquette. Briquette is a contemporary coastal cuisine restaurant featuring local and global seafood are showcased as well as a well-curated wine list and craft cocktails. The place has a loft style atmosphere with wood and brick accents. I enjoyed the evening especially the crabmeat king cake - superb! Friday I attended two fun events in the Marigny, the first was the Crescent City Rougaroux Rugby team who threw a turnabout fundraiser at Mags 940. Talk about a crowded house. These men brought in lots of people to see them perform. Fun was had by all and I learned the our city has a rugby team full of hot guys. They definitely have a new fan now! Then I went across the street to The Phoenix for the NOLA Puppies and Handlers Beer Bust that had a Star Wars theme. The force was strong there. I also tried another new hot spot in the Warehouse District called Flamingo A Go Go. Now this place screams fun. They have great drinks and delicious fare. They have a large outdoor (and indoor space) and the decor is funky and eclectic. You can even reserve a seat in their special truck used for dining. They event have show movies/sporting events on the brick wall in their courtyard. Definitely check out

both of these places. Even though I was out of town for most of the following week, I was able to attend Art Against Aids on Saturday. The event was once again held at Club 44 right next to the Louisiana Superdome. The event was wonderful. From the moment you entered the party, guests were greeted with champagne and could pose for pictures with the holiday model in the snow globe. The auction was filled with great works of art, but was also especially fierce the year. The food was donated by many local restaurants, but the entertainment this year was stellar. They hadn’t a jazz band start the night out with a sultry singer called Jazzbird belting out holiday standards and classics, followed up by an excellent cover band called Roux the Day. The star of the evening was the super sexy David Hernandez who was a finalist on American Idol. He is a great performer. The music was pretty rocking the entire night keeping the dance floor always full. Congrats to the team at Crescent Care who put on this memorable evening. I ended my weekend by taking in a great show Not About Nightingales at the Zeitgeist Theater on Oretha Castle Haley Blvd. This show was mounted by the Tennessee Williams Theatre Company and boasted an outstanding cast. Each one of the actors gave 110 percent to their role keeping the audiences mesmerized for three hours. Although I did kind of find the play predictable (this is one of Tennessee Williams ear-

ly works), it was a great story and fun to watch. I especially like the scenes in Klondike (the boiler room). Nothing like a good prison movie to get your temperature rising. Until next time, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Hot Happenings

It’s Christmas, one of my favorite times of the year and there is still so much to do before the end of the year. Here are just few of the hot happenings going on this holiday season. Tuesday - Sunday, December 19 24, 2017 Irvin Berlin’s White Christmas; Saenger Theatre; 111 Canal Street IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS, the stage adaptation of the beloved classic film is coming to New Orleans this holiday season. Bring your loved ones for a heart-warming celebration of Americana to the Saenger Theatre. Presented by the New Orleans Theatre Association, IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS is part of the East Jefferson General Hospital Broadway in New Orleans 2017-2018 season. Tickets for IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS start at $30 and will be available at the Saenger Theatre Box Office (1111 Canal St.),, all Ticketmaster outContinued on Page 15

NEWCHEF NEWFOOD NEWVIBE IT’S A WHOLE NEW FEEL! 535 Franklin Ave., New Orleans, LA 70117 504-446-0040

14 · The Official Mag: · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

Continued from Page 14 lets and by phone at (800) 982-2787. IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS tells the story of two showbiz buddies putting on a show in a picturesque Vermont inn, and finding their perfect mates in the bargain. Full of dancing, romance, laughter and some of the greatest songs ever written, including “Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep,” “Happy Holiday,” “Sisters,” “Blue Skies,” and the unforgettable title song, IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS promises to be a merry and bright experience for the entire family! IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS features Music and Lyrics by Irving Berlin with Book by David Ives and Paul Blake and is based upon the Paramount Pictures film written for the screen by Norman Krasna, Norman Panama and Melvin Frank. Tuesday, December 19, 2017 Tacos, Tequila and Tiaras: Buffa’s Bar and Restaurant; 1001 Esplanade Avenue; 8 p.m. Tacos, Tequila, and Tiaras is a one of New Orleans’ only family friendly drag shows! Join hostess Vanessa Carr Kennedy every Tuesday, have a taco or two, and learn a little bit about the art of drag. Wednesday, December 20, 2017 You Better Sing Karaoke; Good Friends Bar; 740 Dauphine Street; 7 p.m. Join DJ Kory and DJ Derek as they play Karaoke at Good Friends Bar. Behind the bar slinging your drinks for you are Jeremy, Ryan, and Tim. Oz Show Night: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 10:30 p.m. This popular drag show is hosted by Persana Shoulders and features Nicole Lynn Foxx, Lisa Beaumann, Connie Hung, Anastascia Davenport; Chichi Rodriguez and Dominique DeLorean.

Thursday, December 21, 2017 Girl | Crush: Oz New Orleans; 800 Bourbon Street; 9 p.m. Girl | Crush is bringing you a weekly event for girls who like girls, and their friends! This flavor of CRUSH entitled DTF is exclusive to New Orleans’ #1 Dance Club, Oz and happens every Thursday night. The Jeff D Comedy Cabaret; Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 10 p.m. The Comedy Cabaret stars Jeff D. featuring Gia Giavanni. Enjoy hilarious comedians, amazing talent and the Ladies of Oz. Strip Off: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; midnight Persana Shoulders hosts the Strip Off every Thursday night. Sign up begins at 11 p.m. and the show features a spotlight performance by Miss Gay Louisiana America 2013 Mercedes Ellis Loreal. Winners receive 1st PLACE - $100 Cash o 2nd PLACE - $50 Bar tab Coven: Santos Bar; 1135 Decatur Street; 9 p.m. - midnight COVEN is celebrating the holidays as only New Orleans would! Join them on Winter Solstice for this extra reverent/irreverent beautiful/ugly brilliant/stupid show! COVEN is a New Orleans drag show like no other! Witches! Vampires! Ghosts! Why limit all this juicy spooky goodness to October? COVEN is a new monthly show that celebrates this town’s darkest, sexiest and most brutal flavors! Featuring performances from our core cast members: Apostrophe, Garlic Junior, Tarah Cards, Visqueen,, Haus DJ Vinsantos and their stage kitten: Bennigan Applebee McFridayz. 9 PM --- $10 admission Gear Night: Rawhide 2010; 740 Burgundy St.; 9 p.m. It’s time to bring your kinks to the front of of the line! There’s a $5.00 cover unless you’re sporting your gear (leather, rope, floggers, cuffs, heels, masks, etc.), and get ready for the time of your lives where they open their bar to frollic in the dark with as many tools as you can carry!

Friday, December 22, 2017 Festivus Eve Sinful Social: The Phoenix Bar; 941 Elysian Fields; 9 p.m. - midnight Come out and get festive at the Big Easy Sisters’ final Sinful Social [for 2017] on Festivus Eve. $10 all you can drink long island ice teas. $1 jello shots and there may even be some Airing of Grievances & Feats of Strength. New Meat Amateur Dance Contest: Corner Pocket; 640 St. Louis Street; 6:30 p.m. Hosted by Lisa Beaumann, anyone can enter - $100 cash prize. Saturday, December 23, 2017 The Appletini Revue Holliday Extravaganza!: Twist of Lime; 2820 Lime Street; 10 p.m. - midnight The Appletini Revue is having a party celebrating 12 years of Appletini excellence is the reason! Come catch the Appletinis as they present The Appletini Revue Holiday Extravaganza. The is a $5.00 cover at the door. Carnival Kings Show: Mags 940; 940 Elysian Fields; 9:45 p.m.Catch the New Olreans Carnival Kings present their monthly Drag and Variety Show with special guests including our NOLA’s Got Talent Competition Monthly Winner! Doors @ 9:45pm, Show @ 10:45pm, $5 Cover Tuesday, December 26, 2017 Bourbon Boylesque: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 8:00 p.m. See the men of Oz like you have never seen them before. The show stars Atomyc Adonis, Bobby B, Franky, Phathoms Deep and other special guests. Hosted by Trixie Minx. Tacos, Tequila and Tiaras: Buffa’s Bar and Restaurant; 1001 Esplanade Avenue; 8 p.m. Tacos, Tequila, and Tiaras is a one of New Orleans’ only family friendly drag shows! Join hostess Vanessa Carr Kennedy every Tuesday, have a taco or two, and learn a little bit about the art of drag. Wednesday, December 27, 2017 You Better Sing Karaoke; Good Friends Bar; 740 Dauphine Street; 7 p.m. Join DJ Kory and DJ Derek as they play Karaoke at Good Friends Bar. Behind the bar slinging your drinks for you are Jeremy, Ryan, and Tim. Oz Show Night: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 10:30 p.m. This popular drag show is hosted by Persana Shoulders and features Nicole Lynn Foxx, Lisa Beaumann, Connie Hung, Anastascia Davenport; Chichi Rodriguez and Dominique DeLorean. Thursday, December 28, 2017 Girl | Crush: Oz New Orleans; 800 Bourbon Street; 9 p.m. Girl | Crush is bringing you a weekly event for girls who like girls, and their friends! This flavor of CRUSH entitled DTF is exclu-

sive to New Orleans’ #1 Dance Club, Oz and happens every Thursday night. The Jeff D Comedy Cabaret; Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 10 p.m. The Comedy Cabaret stars Jeff D. featuring Gia Giavanni. Enjoy hilarious comedians, amazing talent and the Ladies of Oz. Strip Off: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; midnight Persana Shoulders hosts the Strip Off every Thursday night. Sign up begins at 11 p.m. and the show features a spotlight performance by Miss Gay Louisiana America 2013 Mercedes Ellis Loreal. Winners receive 1st PLACE - $100 Cash o 2nd PLACE - $50 Bar tab Friday, December 29, 2017 New Meat Amateur Dance Contest: Corner Pocket; 640 St. Louis Street; 6:30 p.m. Hosted by Lisa Beaumann, anyone can enter - $100 cash prize. Saturday, December 30, 2017 Gag Reflex: Allways Lounge; 2240 St. Claude Ave.; 11 p.m. Augmented with a core cast of some of the fiercest talents in the industry and turning duets in to group-ettes, Gag Reflex offers a new style of drag. Core Cast includes: Tarah Cards, Siren, Laveau Contraire, Fabigail Tchoupitoulas, Nancy Shame and Neon Burgundy. The theme of the show is Vinter Vunderland. Doors at 11 p.m. , show is at midnight, $10 Cover. Sunday, December 31, 2017 A New Years Eve Night To Remember: The Country Club; 634 Louisa Street; 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. Looking for the ultimate New Years celebration? Join the Country Club for either an early dinner OR an All inclusive event! All Inclusive Event Package - $99.00 Night begins at 8pm with a cocktail/champagne/hors d’oeuvre reception: Bottomless champagne included, 3 course meal and cocktail reception included, Live music, Access to the pool/entire facility for the party, Easy access to Crescent park/ Rusty Rainbow for viewing of fireworks, Party favors & Fun! This is an ALL INCLUSIVE EVENT-- Tax & Tips are included! Make your reservation now! Doors open at 8pm for reception and there are two separate dinner seatings. 8:30 & 9:30 pm. For those who don’t want to stay the night but want to stop in for dinner,We will have our special menu available A la carte from 5- 7pm. For more information: http://www.thecountryclubneworleans. com/event/new-year-2018/ Tuesday, January 2, 2018 Bourbon Boylesque: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 8:00 p.m. See the men of Oz like you have never seen them before. The show stars Atomyc Adonis, Bobby B, Franky, Phathoms Deep and other special guests. Hosted by Trixie Continued on Page 16 · · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · · The Official Mag: · 15

Continued from Page 15 Minx. Tacos, Tequila and Tiaras: Buffa’s Bar and Restaurant; 1001 Esplanade Avenue; 8 p.m. Tacos, Tequila, and Tiaras is a one of New Orleans’ only family friendly drag shows! Join hostess Vanessa Carr Kennedy every Tuesday, have a taco or two, and learn a little bit about the art of drag. Wednesday, January 3, 2018 You Better Sing Karaoke; Good Friends Bar; 740 Dauphine Street; 7 p.m. Join DJ Kory and DJ Derek as they play Karaoke at Good Friends Bar. Behind the bar slinging your drinks for you are Jeremy, Ryan, and Tim. Oz Show Night: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 10:30 p.m. This popular drag show is hosted by Persana Shoulders and features Nicole Lynn Foxx, Lisa Beaumann, Connie Hung, Anastascia Davenport; Chichi Rodriguez and Dominique DeLorean. Thursday January 4, 2018 Girl | Crush: Oz New Orleans; 800 Bourbon Street; 9 p.m. Girl | Crush is bringing you a weekly event for girls who like girls, and their friends! This flavor of CRUSH entitled DTF is exclusive to New Orleans’ #1 Dance Club, Oz and happens every Thursday night. The Jeff D Comedy Cabaret; Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 10 p.m. The Comedy Cabaret stars Jeff D. featuring Gia Giavanni. Enjoy hilarious comedians, amazing talent and the Ladies of Oz. Strip Off: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; midnight Persana Shoulders hosts the Strip Off every Thursday night. Sign up begins at 11 p.m. and the show features a spotlight performance by Miss Gay Louisiana America 2013 Mercedes Ellis Loreal. Winners receive 1st PLACE - $100 Cash o 2nd PLACE - $50 Bar tab Friday, January 5, 2018 New Meat Amateur Dance Contest: Corner Pocket; 640 St. Louis Street; 6:30 p.m. Hosted by Lisa Beaumann, anyone can enter - $100 cash prize. Saturday, January 6, 2018 Chris Owens 12th Night Party: The Museum not Costumes and Culture; 1010 Conti Street; 6 - 8 p.m. Join Krewe of Stars in a benefit for the hugely popular Chris Owens Easter Parade and Krewe of Stars Mardi Gras Show Ball! Come enjoy King Cake, Champagne and Live Entertainment featuring the Yat Pack and David Cook. There will be a special unveiling of costumes from Chris Owens and David Cook. You will also get a sneak peak at this years Krewe of Stars Show Ball with Queen Irma Thomas. Tickets are $30 in advance (see their Facebook page) or $35 at the door. Frank Perez’s 12th Night Party:

Double Play Bar; 439 Dauphine Street; 7 p.m. The Lord of Misrule and his Mystik Krewe du Rue Royale Revelers command your presence at Frank’s Annual 12th Night Party. The doors open at 7:00pm. Procession of previous Grand Revelers and Coronation of the new Grand Reveler begins at 8:30pm. The Coronation of Grand Reveler IV will be followed by the Meeting of the Courts of the Rue Royale Revelers and the Krewe of Queenateenas. $20 gets you admission to the party (includes dinner and an open bar), as well as a year long membership in the Krewe du Rue Royale Revelers. Admission pins will be available soon at my shop at 638 St. Ann. As usual, the party will feature lots of booze, delicious food, scantily clad eye candy, and great people. Sunday, January 7, 2018 Zingo: Corner Pocket; 640 St. Louis Street; 6:30 p.m. Play Bingo with hosts Opal Masters followed by the Barry BareAss Dancer of the Week Contest. Oz Show Night: Oz; 800 Bourbon Street; 9:30 p.m. This popular drag show is hosted by Persana Shoulders and features Nicole Lynn Foxx, Lisa Beaumann, Connie Hung, Anastascia Davenport; Chichi Rodriguez and Dominique DeLorean.

Book of the Month

Whenever I go out of town, I always get an opportunity to catch up on my reading so over my last few excursions, I finished quite a few books I had beside my bed. Since James Patterson is one of my favorite authors, I will start with two stand alone novels of his that I literally finished in four days. Most of his thrillers are very formulaic, but his latest one entitled Murder Games I found quite refreshing mostly because the main character was gay. This was the first time I believe in any of his books he has had a gay main character. Writing the novel with Howard Roughan, I believe this is a major milestone and has brought me new respect for the author. Like many of his male protagonists, Dr. Dylan Reinhart is cool, sexy and embroiled in an intense crime. Dr. Dylan Reinhart is an Ivy League best-selling author who literally wrote the book on criminal behavior. When a copy of his book turns up at a gruesome murder scene--along with a threatening message from the killer-he becomes involved unwittingly. Aided by Elizabeth Needham a headstrong and brilliant NYPD Detective in charge of the case who recruits Dylan to help investigate another souvenir left at the scene ,a playing card. Another murder occurs with another card and now Dylan suspects that the cards aren’t a signature, but a deadly hint pointing directly toward the

next victim. The tabloids dub the killer known as “The Dealer” and New York City descends into panic. It seems only Dylan’s expertise can hope to go inside the mind of a criminal and convince The Dealer to lay down his cards. Relegating Dylan’s character as just being gay would have been easy, but while he hunts for the killer, you see him deal with unresolved issues with his father as well as his relationship with his partner as they try and adopt a baby. Murder Games is a fast paced and thrilling mystery. Hopefully we will be seeing more of Dr. Dylan Reinhart in the future. The second book I finished by Patterson is The Store who he co-wrote with Richard DiLallo. The Store takes the concept of Big Brother is watching you to the next and very dangerous level. Jacob and Megan Brandeis have gotten jobs with the mega-successful, ultra-secretive Store. Ay first everything seems perfect and safe. But their lives are about to become anything but as they find out about the sinister dealings of their new organization. What makes it evermore dangerous is Jacob and Megan have a dark secret of their own. They’re writing a book that will expose the Store--a forbidden book, a dangerous book. And when the Store finds out, there’s only one thing Jacob, Megan and their kids can do, run for their lives. In our consumer driven world, The Store is a fun roller coaster ride with plenty of twists and turns. Think Stepford Wives meet Amazon Prime with a little of The Firm thrown in for good measure making it a interesting read.

If you want to make sure your upcoming event is listed, email the information to me at ledgemgp@

Job Opportunities Ambush Magazine is growing!

Freelance & Contributing Writers Wanted

We want to hear from you if you are a working or aspiring journalist interested in covering topics meaningful to the LGBTQ community.

Snap Paparazzi Photographer Wanted

Do you frequent the LGBTQ bars and events? We want to hear from you if you are interested in regularly covering the bars and events.

If you are interested, please email your resume, cover letter, and portfolio to

Continued from Page 13 Vines, which is set in the outskirts of New Orleans. Christopher Rice also wrote the adapted screenplay for Anne Rice’s novel, The Tale of the Body Thief, which was acquired by Universal Pictures in November 2014, according to Variety Magazine. Robert L. Camina (director) wrote, directed and produced several short films before premiering his first full length documentary, Raid of the Rainbow Lounge (2012) to sold out audiences, rave reviews and a media frenzy. Raid of the Rainbow Lounge recounts the widely publicized and controversial June 28, 2009 police raid of a Fort Worth, Texas gay bar that resulted in multiple arrests and serious injuries. The raid occurred on the 40th Anniversary of the Stonewall Inn raid. The film, narrated by TV icon Meredith Baxter, screened during 33 mainstream and LGBT film festivals across the United States, Mexico and Canada. The film won several awards including 5 “Best” Film and 3 “Audience Choice” Awards. The film also received attention from the Office of the White House, Department of Justice and a division of the U.S. State Department. At their invitation, the Library of Congress hosted a screening in October 2014. (www. For more information, visit www.

16 · The Official Mag: · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

Bourbon Street Classic The Bourbon Street Classic Softball Tournament was hosted by the NOLA Softball League December 8-10. This year’s tournament, played in 40 and 50 degree temperatures at LaSalle and John Slidell Softball Complexes, saw 725 players, making up 53 teams, and representing 23 cities, competing for trophies in both C and D Divisions. The following are the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams:

C Division • 1st Chicago Black Widows • 2nd MidAtlantic Thunder • 3rd DC All Starz D Division • 1st Norfolk Gunners • 2nd Tamps Trash Pandas • 3rd Big Apple Renegades (Not pictured) · · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · · The Official Mag: · 17

Snap Paparazzi From the Art Against AIDs at Club 44 | Photos by Tony Leggio

18 路 The Official Mag: 路 Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 路 Official Southern Decadence Guide 路

NOLA Softball League Recruitment Day

Sunday, January 7, 2018 9 am – 12 pm The Softball Quad @ City Park Here’s your chance to be a part of a fun and competitive softball league. Joining NSL will give you the chance to make new friends, learn new skills and sharpen you level of play, as well as be a part of an established and exciting New Orleans sports league.

The New Orleans Softball League (NSL) is a member city of NAGAAA (North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance). All players are welcome regardless of experience/skill level, gender, race, sexual orientation, or sexual identity. Join us for our recruitment day and meet current members, work through some drills to determine the best fit

for your level of play, and learn more about the league. We have a spot for everyone, so whether it’s your first time to play , or you’re just wanting to dust off your cleats; join us on January 7th. If you have a softball glove, bring it along-if you don’t, come out anyway, we have you covered. All games are played on Sundays, with breaks fro Mardi Gras, Easter, and

Mother’s Day. Find us on Facebook at NOLA Softball League. See y’all at The Quad on Sunday, January 7, 2018.

Upcoming at Oz Sunday, December 31 - NYE 2017 at Oz - Ring in 2018 at New Orleans’ premier gay dance club! Hosted by the fabulous Persana Shoulders! Celebrate the end of 2017 and dance all night to the music of our resident DJs (Kyle D, Tim Pflueger, and JRB)! Reminisce over the best moments of the year with a special video presentation brought to you by our resident DJs. Complimentary champagne at midnight! Savor the last moments of 2017 on the dance floor at Oz! Sunday, January 7 - Oz will be hosting their first Sunday Funday Show Night with RuPaul’s Drag Race star, Chi Chi DeVayne. She will be performing alongside the Ladies of Oz for what is sure to be a fabulous show! Hosted by Persana Shoulders, this will be Chi Chi’s last appearance before she returns to the screen on RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 3.

MARDI GRAS COMEDY CABARET - Laugh at Oz for our special comedy show starring local comic, Jeff D, and fabulous special guests. Thursday @ 10 MARDI GRAS STRIP OFF - Hosted by Persana Shoulders, Thursday @ midnight! $300 in cash and prizes for the winner! Sponsored by: Swiss Navy Our fabulous resident DJs (DJ Kyle D, DJ Tim Pflueger, and DJ JRB) spinning all weekend long! Sexy gogos dancing on top of the bar for your viewing pleasure! Weekend Hostess: SDGM XLIII: Persana Shoulders For more details, visit https://www.

Wednesday, February 7 - Tuesday, February 13 - Oz New Orleans presents MARDI GRAS 2018! We are very excited for a fabulous MARDI GRAS! Fabulous shows! MARDI GRAS SHOW NIGHT Starring the Ladies Of Oz, hosted by Persana Shoulders, Wednesday @ 10:30! · · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · · The Official Mag: · 19


529.2860, Facebook.COM/GoldenLanternBar Good Friends Bar, 740 Dauphine St, 566.7191, GoodFriendsBar.COM GRANDPRE’S, 834 N. Rampart St., 267.3615, KAJUN’S PUB, 2256 St. Claude Ave., 947.3735, KajunPub.COM MAG’S 940, 940 Elysian Fields Ave., 948.1888 OZ NEW ORLEANS, 800 Bourbon, 593.9491, OzNewOrleans. COM THE PAGE, 542 N. Rampart St., 875.4976 PHOENIX/EAGLE, 941 Elysian Fields, 945.9264, www.phoenixbarnola. com Rawhide 2010, 740 Burgundy St., 525.8106, Rawhide2010.COM TROPICAL ISLE: Home of the Hand Grenade, 721 Bourbon St., 529.4109, TropicalIsle.COM VALIANT THEATRE AND LOUNGE, 6621 St. Claude Ave., Arabi, LA, 504.900.1743 Slidell, LA [985] BILLY’S, 2600 Hwy. 190 West, 847.1921 Biloxi, MS [228] CLUB VEAUX, 834 Howard Ave., 207.3271


New Orleans, LA [504] FAB - Faubourg Marigny Art & Books, 600 Frenchmen St., 947.3700



Mobile, AL [251] B-Bob’s Downtown, 213 Conti St., 433.2262, B-Bobs.COM Flip Side Bar & Patio, 54 S. Conception St., 431.8819, FlipSideBarPatio. COM GABRIEL’S DOWNTOWN, 55 South Joachim St., 432.4900 The Midtown Pub, 153 Florida St., 450.1555 Pensacola, FL [850] THE ROUNDUP, 560 East Heinberg St., 433.8482 Baton Rouge, LA [225] GEORGE’S, 860 St. Louis, 387.9798, SPLASH, 2183 Highland Rd., 242.9491, SplashBR.COM Lake Charles, LA [337] CRYSTAL’S, 112 W. Broad, 433.5457 Metairie, LA [504] FOUR SEASONS & PATIO STAGE BAR, 3229 N. Causeway, 832.0659,

New Orleans, LA [504] 700 CLUB, 700 Burgundy, 561.1095, BIG DADDY’S, 2513 Royal, 948.6288 BIG EASY DAIQUIRIS, 216 Bourbon, 501 Bourbon, 409 Decatur, 617 Decatur THE BLACK PENNY, 700 N. Rampart BOURBON PUB & PARADE, 801 Bourbon St., 529.2107, BourbonPub.COM Café Lafitte in Exile, 901 Bourbon Street 522.8397, Lafittes.COM CORNER POCKET, 940 St. Louis, 568.9829, CornerPocket.NET COUNTRY CLUB, 634 Louisa St., TheCountryClubNewOrleans.COM, 945.0742 CUTTER’S, 706 Franklin, 948.4200 THE DOUBLE PLAY, 439 Dauphine, 523.4517 THE FRIENDLY BAR, 2301 Chartres, 943.8929 GOLDEN LANTERN, 1239 Royal,

Aug. 30-Sept. 4, 2017, 46th Official Southern Decadence Celebration of Gay Life, Music & Culture, end of Summer Blowout including the Southern Decadence Parade & loads of activities, bringing over 180,000 revelers to New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush & Oct. 20-22, 2017 Halloween 34, benefiting Project Lazarus, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by AmbushMag.COM, Dec. 29, 2017-Jan. 1, 2018 Gay New Year’s in New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, Feb. 9-13, 2018, 69th Official Gay Mardi Gras, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush, Easter Sunday, April 11, 2018, 19th Official Gay Easter Parade, New Orleans, sponsored by Ambush,


New Orleans, LA [504] QT PIE BOUTIQUE - 241 Dauphine St., 581. 6633


New Orleans, LA [504] CASSELL-BERGEN GALLERY, 1305 Decatur St., cassellbergengallery. com, 504.524.0671


AMBUSH Mag, 828-A Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116-3137; 504.522.8049, AmbushMag.COM;


New Orleans, LA [504] QUARTERMASTER DELI, THE NELLIE DELI, 1100 Bourbon, 529.1416

hair salons

New Orleans, LA [504] Two Guys Cutting Hair, 2372 St.

Claude Ave., Suite 125, appointments: Adikus 215.519.5030, Trent 504.239.2397


New Orleans, LA [504] MARY’S FRENCH QUARTER HARDWARE, 732 N. Rampart, 529.4465


New Orleans [504] AARON INGRAM HAUS, 1012 Elysian Fields, New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE: 504.949.3110, www.ingramhaus. com/xqey, e-mail us at Condos with queen-size beds, private entrances; located only six blocks from Bourbon Street and walking distance to most New Orleans attractions. Several favorite bars are within one block. [0118] BLUES60 GUEST HOUSE, 1008 Elysian Fields Ave. New Orleans, LA 70117, Phone: 1.504.324.4311,, The Blue60 Guest House with 5 suites provides a peaceful retreat in the center of the Faubourg Marigny, just blocks from the French Quarter and Frenchman St. [1115] BURGUNDY BED AND BREAKFAST, 2513 Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE/FAX: 504.942.1463, Toll Free (Continental US only): 1.800.970.2153,, E-mail us at Gay owned and operated in newly renovated 1890’s double. Four guest rooms with private baths, guests’ parlor and “half-kitchen”, courtyard and half-open tubhouse with spa (hot tub/whirlpool). Clothing optional in sunbathing and hot tub area. Walking distance to French Quarter. Immediate vicinity of gay and lesbian bars/venues. [0815] The french quarter guest houses, 1005 St. Peter, New Orleans, LA 70116, Phone: 1.800.367.5858,, email: Four meticulously restored boutique inns located in the heart of the French Quarter’s most popular LGBT neighborhood. Each building’s individual character and charm provides an unforgettable authentic French Quarter experience!


New Orleans, LA [504] AMBUSH Mag, Official Gay Easter Parade Guide, Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide, Official Gay New Orleans Guide, Official Gulf South Guide, Official Pride Guide, Official Southern Decadence Guide, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 522.8049, AmbushMag.COM; email: AMBUSHonLINE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137; 522.8049,, email:


FOOD FOR FRIENDS, 504.821.2601 ext. 254 FRIDAY NIGHT BEFORE MARDI GRAS (FNBMG), 504.319.8261, GAY APPRECIATION AWARDS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137; 522.8049; AmbushMag.COM/GAA GAY EASTER PARADE, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049,, GayEasterParade.COM GAY MARDI GRAS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, Gay-

20 · The Official Mag: · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

MardiGras.COM GAY NEW ORLEANS, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, GayNewOrleans.COM HAART (HIV/AIDS Alliance Region Two, Inc.), 4550 North Blvd. Ste. 250, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, 225.927.1269,, offers a complete continuum of care to people living with HIV/ AIDS including housing, primary care, medications, case management, and an array of supportive services. In addition HAART provides HIV prevention education and FREE testing to the Baton Rouge area. HALLOWEEN IN NEW ORLEANS, INC., PO Box 52171, 70152-2171; halloween KREWE OF AMON-RA, PO Box 7033, Metairie, LA 70010, KreweOfAmonRa.COM KREWE OF ARMEINIUS, PO Box 56638, New Orleans, LA 70156-6638, KREWE OF MWINDO, PO Box 51031, 70156; 913.5791, KreweOfMwindo. ORG, KREWE OF NARCISSUS, PO Box 3832, New Orleans, LA 70177. Contact: 504.228.9441 KREWE OF PETRONIUS, PO Box 1102, Kenner, LA. 70063-1102, www. KREWE OF QUEENATEENAS / KING CAKE QUEEN ROYALTY CLUB, 828-A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 522.8049, GayMardiGras.COM/KCQ LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana, 1308 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, LA 70116, 504.475.7911, www.lgbtar- MYSTIC KREWE OF LORDS OF LEATHER, 1000 Bourbon St #B415, New Orleans, LA 70116, MYSTIC KREWE OF SATYRICON, 2443 Halsey Ave., New Orleans, LA 70114, 504.906.7990 Todd J. Blauvelt / Secretary,, MysticKreweOfSatyricon.COM NO/AIDS TASK FORCE, 2601 Tulane Ave., Suite 500, 70119; 504.821.2601; NOAIDSTaskForce.COM PRIDE, NOLAPride.ORG RENEGADE BEARS OF LOUISIANA, PO Box 3083, New Orleans, LA 70177; renegadebearsoflouisiana@gmail. com SOUTHERN DECADENCE, 828A Bourbon St., 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, SouthernDecadence.COM ST. ANNA’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 1313 Esplanade Avenue New Orleans, LA 70116 504.947.2121,


Mumfrey’s Pharmacy, 1021 W. Judge Perez Dr., Chalmette, LA 70043, 504.279.6312, www.MumfreysPharmacy.COM. Supporting & serving the LGBT Community for over 20 years. Local pharmacy offering personalized family-like service, automatic refills & free metro wide confidential pickup & delivery. Also offering shipping for out-side our delivery area. When you call us you speak to a person, not a machine. See our ad.


New Orleans, LA [504] GRAHAM/STUDIO ONE NEW ORLEANS, by appointment,

CAFE ISTANBUL, 2372 St. Claude Ave., #140, 504.974.0786, CafeIstanbulNOLA.COM


New Orleans, LA [504] Gay New Orleans Walking Tour, Crescent City Tour Booking Agency, (LGBT Business of the Year) 638 St. Ann St., 568.0717. follow Gay New Orleans Walking Tour @ Facebook.COM

Metairie, LA [504] Chef Ron’s Gumbo Stop & Pub, 2309 N. Causeway Blvd., 835.2022, New Orleans, LA [504] The Bombay Club, 830 Rue Conti, 577.2237, www.bombayclubneworleans. com Broussard’s Restaurant & Courtyard, 819 Rue Conti, 581.3866, http:// Cafe Sbisa, 1011 Decatur St., 522.5565, Cheezy Cajun, 3325 St. Claude Ave., 265.0045, www.TheCheezyCajun. com Clover Grill, 900 Bourbon St., 598.1010, Country Club Restaurant, 634 Louisa St.,, 945.0742 Gene’s Po-Boys & Daquiris, 1040 Elysian Fields Ave., 943.3861, Ilys Bistro, 1040 Elysian Fields Ave., 947.8341, Kingfish Kitchen & Cocktails, 337 Chartres St. 598.5005, Mona Lisa Restaurant, 1212 Royal St., 522.6746 Orleans Grapevine Wine Bar & Bistro, 720 Orleans, 523.1930, Quartermaster: The Nellie Deli, 1100 Bourbon St. , 529.1416, Royal House Oyster Bar, 441 Royal St., 528.2601,


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New Orleans, LA [504] Engel & Völkers New Orleans, Michael Styles, Realtor — Michael specializes in helping first-time homebuyers and real estate investors find the perfect New Orleans properties. 504.777.1773, Latter & Blum, Steven Richards Realtor, 504.258.1800, New Orleans Relocation, Realtors — gay-owned boutique real estate agency for locals and newcomers. 504.273.0088


New Orleans, LA [504] BOURBON PRIDE, 909 Bourbon, 566.1570 COK (Clothing or Kinkl), 941 Elysian Fields, 945.9264 MARY’S FRENCH QUARTER KITCHEN & BATH, 732 N. Rampart, 529.4465 QT PIE BOUTIQUE - 241 Dauphine St., 581. 6633 XXXSHOP, 1835 N. Rampart St., 504.232.3063


New Orleans, LA [504] Formal Connection, 299 Belle Terre Blvd. LaPlace, LA, 985.652.1195


New Orleans, LA [504] · · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · · The Official Mag: · 21

Snap Paparazzi From Rouga-RouxPaul’s Drag Race Rugby Fundraiser at Mags 940 | Photos by Tony Leggio

From the Exotique Show at Mags 940 | Photos by Tony Leggio

22 · The Official Mag: · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

Trodding the Boards by Brian Sands Email: Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra through May 19 I had missed the first Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra (LPO) Holiday Spectacular featuring the 610 Stompers in 2015 and resolved to see last year’s edition which turned out to be fabulous. Could they top themselves this year? Indeed they did. Whereas last year’s Spectacular had a “round the world” theme and included a diverse variety of local cultural groups, for 2017 the Stompers, following the lead of the LPO which will be performing at Carnegie Hall on February 27, vowed to return to New York to follow up their Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade triumph of a few years ago, thus explaining the title’s subheading From the Big Easy to the Big Apple. This prompted the LPO and the Stompers to use an assortment of show tunes for the program. In their red jacket/white shirt/blue shorts outfits, and despite some prodigious guts overhanging certain Stompers’ waist-

lines, they displayed supreme confidence and impeccable style as they launched into such challenging numbers as Fiddler on the Roof’s Bottle Dance (wearing no kneepads!) and All That Jazz from Chicago. One wishes Jerome Robbins or Bob Fosse could have seen such breathtaking terpsichorean mastery. The Stomper merriment began with the Theme from New York, New York in which candy cane walking sticks doubled as swords, continued through My Shot from Hamilton for which a rapping Ted Dunaway (aka Erratica) brought the audience to its feet, and when it got to Cats, proved that Stompers make fine felines. Choreographers Karen Hebert and Kelly Fouchi did a great job of tailoring the theatrical dances to the talents of the Stompers particularly in the precise March of the Toy Soldiers that had Michael Lam (aka Cookie) standing out as a “soldier” determinedly trying to fit in. But what made this program at the

Orpheum Theater so special was its inclusiveness. The Double Steppers, an all-woman contemporary clogging team from Metairie many of whose members appeared AARP-eligible, joined the Stompers for an inspired tap dance version of One from A Chorus Line. The Landry/Walker Concert Choir did an absolutely beautiful, contemporary-sounding rendition of O Holy Night using a lovely arrangement. The St. Michael Special School Bell Choir, comprised of teens and adults with special needs, made heavenly music. And two NOCCA students, Olivia Belle Gray, who sang Memory from Cats, and Nina Ballon, who led the grand finale’s All I Want for Christmas is You, demonstrated how marvelous the youth talent is in this city. Ironically, while the six young orphans who belted out Annie’s It’s a Hard Knock Life with the Stompers were adorable, this number did not match the gleefully surreal heights as when they dazzled us as svelte Fosse dancers or Rockette-ish toy soldiers. After all, Stompers can portray ragamuffin orphans without stretching the imagination too far even if one doubts that they have “empty bellies.” Constantine Kitsopoulos lovingly conducted throughout, especially the more traditional Christmas numbers

that alternated with the Stompers such as Silent Night, White Christmas and Leroy Anderson’s Sleigh Ride. Every section of the LPO played superbly as always. Director Betsy Hirling Dobson paced the show perfectly and effectively used the narrow stage space while dispatching Stompers throughout the theater for maximum audience thrills. For some reason, the show’s title, Holiday Spectacular?, ended with a question mark. That might be the only inappropriate thing about this special holiday event as it unquestionably deserved a “!” Coming up on Jan. 4 (Orpheum) and 5 (First Baptist Church, Covington) is globally-renowned violinist Ray Chen performing Bruch’s Scottish Fantasy for Violin and Orchestra; Carlos Miguel Prieto conducts Brahms’ First Symphony and Rachmaninov’s Paganini Variations, Jan. 12 and 13 (Orpheum); and Jurassic Park screens on Jan. 20 and 21 with live orchestral accompaniment (Orpheum). The Tempest at Tulane’s Dixon Hall on Jan. 12 with school matinees Jan. 10-19 [The following is based on a performance I saw last July; the review didn’t run due to Ambush’s hiatus. Though the forthcoming remount will be at a Continued on Page 24 · · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · · The Official Mag: · 23

bring to the text, missing is a deeper If you think of classic TV actors, Still, it would be churlish to expect Continued from Page 23 exploration of all that the words mean one of the few who made the leap from a man of Asner’s age to memorize an different venue and a few cast memas well as their sublime poetry. For excomedy to drama is Ed Asner, picking 80-minute script. Similarly, to expect bers have changed, my understanding ample, as the romance of Miranda and up multiple Emmys for both The Mary a man best known for his videos to is that it will be basically the same proFerdinand, the young prince of Naples, Tyler Moore Show and Lou Grant. He present you with something else would duction.] blossoms, we should have a lump in returned to the Big Easy with A Man be like asking a fish to fly. And when I’m of two minds about the New our throat as their melting lines limn the and His Prostate written by Emmy and shows are as entertaining as these Orleans Shakespeare Festival’s prodiscovery of the purest of loves. Here, Golden Globe winner Ed. Weinberger, were, such little things can be easily duction of The Tempest. it’s all too surface-y. who’s best known for his work on The overlooked. Happy Holidays! On one hand, Director Clare MonSo do see this Tempest, espe- Mary Tyler Moore Show among many crief offers a highly intelligent rendercially if you’ve never seen it before, or other television successes. If you want your upcoming show ing of the Bard’s autumnal “comedy,” even if you have. I just wish there had Weinberger based A Man and His reviewed, contact Brian at bsnoa niggardly word to describe a work been more magic, Prospero’s or anyProstate on his actual experience of that is also a romance, an adventure, a one else’s, in it. collapsing in a museum while he was supernatural tale, and a towering sumin Florence during a cruise. He wound Continued from Page 13 mation of a lifetime of brilliant plays. Randy Rainbow at Café Istanbul up in a hospital to discover he had an the Oral History Project, visit the ArIn an edited version that comes in A Man and His Prostate at Le Petit tremendously enlarged prostate. Fortu- chive Project’s website at https://www. at a fleeting two hours, Moncrief has Theatre nately, his Italian doctor was one of the staged it well, nicely deploying her cast Two one-man shows recently visitfinest in Europe and a biopsy showed The mission of the LGBT+ Arof 18 throughout the auditorium. And ed New Orleans, one featuring a rising no signs of cancer. chives Project of Louisiana is promotevery line, spoken by each of these Weinberger leavens this tale with ing and encouraging the protection and actors, conveys its proper meaning, no comic presence, the other a beloved star still trodding the boards in the classic if, at times, somewhat predict- preservation of materials that chronicle small achievement. twilight of his career. Both were highable humor; finely detailed observa- the culture and history of Lesbian, Gay, In fact, this may have been my ly enjoyable though not without some tions, like of the dramatic crucifix by his Bisexual, and Transgender community fifth Tempest, but my first really, realshortcomings. bed, garnered big laughs. If things got in Louisiana. ly good one (not counting a barely reRandy Rainbow (yes, that’s his a little queasy when, post-operation, membered college production) as I’ve Unveiling the Muse: Gay real name) has garnered internationhe tries to find an “escort” to cure his endured disastrous versions of it with Carnival in New Orleans Raul Julia (NYC’s Shakespeare in the al acclaim and over a hundred million impotency, claiming “I’m doing this for Unveiling the Muse: Gay Carnival views with his popular series of politimy wife” as an excuse, overall it was Park’81) and Mark Rylance (London’s in New Orleans by Howard P. Smith cal spoofs and song parodies. Trump’s a masterful example of comic storytellGlobe Theater’05). The former feawill be published next month by the tured a helicopter, the latter, a cast of election last year has provided him with ing. University Press of Mississippi. Howan unending source of material. At 88, Asner has lost none of his three men plus three leather-clad feard Smith, of the University of SouthHis latest release, Desperate actorly abilities. He can infuse a line male dancers. ern California, has been researching Cheeto to the tune of Luis Fonsi’s with innuendo and, conveys rage and Finally, I understood and could fulthis intriguing history for several years. Grammy-nominated Despacito, nails sly humor with equal degrees of sharply appreciate how profound this play is. Smith’s research has been extensive 45 with such lines as “Desperate ness. Listening to him, he sounds like In her Director’s Notes, Monand includes oral interviews, as well cheeto, getting worse with every single the Lou Grant of 40 years ago. Wearcrief quotes the late Buzz Podewell’s as primary source material located in stupid tweet-o / Don’t know why your ing his costume of a Hawaiian shirt and instruction to “Just tell the story.” That archives and museums. Starting with hands are so petite-o / You’re upsetting shorts (such sexy knees, lol), Asner enshe did and did very well, assuredly the ill-fated Krewe of Yuga in 1958 and everyone you meet-o.” tered the stage, though, using a cane, interweaving the strands of Shakecontinuing through the present day, Rainbow also scored with the visibly frailer than the hard-charging speare’s plot, in a fitting tribute to one Smith’s book promises to be a faspresidential debate-themed BraggaGrant of yesteryear. Still, I’ll not soon of the Festival’s founders. cinating narrative of this truly unique docious! set to the tune of Supercaliforget Asner miming taking a piss and But if Moncrief took, successfully, New Orleans phenomenon. fragilisticexpialidocious! (“Heeeeee’s endowing himself grandly with a virtua traditional approach, she missed an super callous, fragile, egocentric, bragosic technique actors a quarter of his Tinderbox: The Horrific opportunity to explore a classic and dig beneath its surface, particularly when gadocious...”) and brilliantly used a age could learn from. While one admires Asner for go- Fire that Exposed a Naher cast seemed to be up to the chal- medley of Broadway tunes to lambaste Drump’s “covfefe” tweet. ing out on the road with this, which tion’s Prejudice and Fulenge. Making his New Orleans debut, also serves as both a public service With its themes of colonization, eled a Civil Rights MoveRainbow looked natty in a sparkly announcement for prostate cancer usurpation, proper government, to ment name just a few, The Tempest begs, black tuxedo jacket and sang along awareness and a tribute to the many Tinderbox: The Horrific Fire that with some of his videos including Ya famous men who have died from this especially nowadays, for directorial inExposed a Nation’s Prejudice and FuGot Trump Trouble! (using The Music disease, one can’t ignore the fact that terpretation (tho that does sometimes eled a Civil Rights Movement by Robert get you a helicopter or those leath- Man’s famed tune) as wonderfully apt certain details, for example how long Fieseler will be published by Liveright, now as it was during last year’s Rehe’s been married to his wife (35 years er-clad dancers). an imprint of W.W. Norton & Co. Fiepublican convention and Fact-Checkwith two college age daughters), might As one example, each time the seler’s book differs from the two preer, Fact-Checker, one of my favorites, have made more sense coming from a sorcerer Prospero (Danny Bowen) revious books on the Up Stairs Lounge which skewers Kellyanne Conway to slightly younger actor, closer to Weinferred to Caliban (Burton Tedesco) as arson in that it situates the narrative of the melody of Fiddler on the Roof ’s berger’s age, 72. his slave, as though that was a good the fire in a national context. Matchmaker, Matchmaker. Not surBut how can you not love a piece in thing, it caused me to twinge; could Robert W. Fieseler a journalist and prisingly with all the turmoil in DC, it’s which a character takes the eight bladthere not have been more ambiguity author. His journalism has appeared already slightly out-of-date as Sean der stones that doctors removed from here? Caliban’s enslavement elicits in Belt Magazine, Narratively, The Big some pity for him, and the butler Steph- Spicer, who appears in it, is long gone his body and brings them to parties to Roundtable, The Week, and other literas White House Press Secretary. show his friends, comparing them to ano’s plying him with liquor evokes imary journals. Taking questions from the audiStonehenge? ages of Europeans introducing Native ence for about 10 minutes during the As for the shortcomings of these Southern Decadence in Americans to alcohol with disastrous results. But Caliban did try to rape Mi- hour-long program, Rainbow proved to shows, in both cases I wasn’t quite New Orleans randa, Prospero’s young daughter, and be an engaging, down-to-earth pres- sure what to expect but was a tad disSouthern Decadence in New Orlehis exhortations to “Burn [Caliban’s] ence. He said that he does everything appointed that A Man and His Pros- ans by Howard Smith and Frank Perez books” conjure up Nazis and the alt- for his videos by himself working from tate was basically a reading with As- will be published next summer by the Right crowd; the two sides of this fan- his apartment in Queens, NY (“No one ner mostly sitting in front of a stand LSU Press. The book chronicles the tastical creature deserve a more tren- wants to work with me,” he joked). that held his script, while a good deal humble origins of Southern Decadence Asked how he comes up with ideas for of Rainbow’s show consisted of us chant analysis. and traces its evolution to one of the More importantly, while I applaud the satires, he replied, “I’m gay. I think watching his videos on a giant screen largest gay celebrations in the country. while he was backstage. the transparency that Moncrief and Co. in show tunes.” 24 · The Official Mag: · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

Dreams Do Come True by Nicholas Van Sickels, MD An impossible dream for people gripped by fear of an uncontrollable epidemic Dreams do come true. Thirty years ago, a simple way to prevent HIV was an impossible dream for people gripped by fear of an uncontrollable epidemic. Now it seems the nightmare may be ending. Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, has revolutionized the HIV prevention arena. One pill a day, prescribed by a medical provider and taken by an HIV-negative individual, can prevent infection. This isn’t a testthe science is in. PrEP has gained so much momentum in the last few years since the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) approved it as a prevention strategy. At CrescentCare, we were quick to start work getting people into care. Having begun as the NO/AIDS Task Force, how could we not? Our dedication to ending the HIV epidemic in New Orleans continues to be at the forefront of our efforts. Since 2015, CrescentCare’s PrEP caseload leapt from 90 to more than 600 in 2017. That’s not just 600 people at greatly reduced risk for HIV-think about all their sexual part-

ners, too. Even if exposed to HIV, a person on PrEP is a dead end to the spread of the virus in that scenario. Many HIV infections occur as the result of newly infected individuals who don’t even know they have the virus, with unchecked levels of infection, coming into sexual contact with others. PrEP has become an invaluable tool in the arsenal we’re using to overcome HIV. There has been some skepticism. It’s true that the only 100% effective method of prevention is abstinence, but total abstinence is an unrealistic solution. Condoms do work, and we advocate for condom use while on PrEP, increasing the amount of protection in place. Even still, condoms sometimes break, and some folks have a hard time negotiating condom use-these are people who can stand to benefit tremendously from PrEP. Once it’s part of your daily routine, you just take it each day; there’s no in-the-moment decision making that can be clouded by any number of factors. Simply put, PrEP changes the game. Another factor that’s changing the game is the Undetectable = Untransmittable campaign (U=U). Basically, if

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you take your HIV medications every day, and we don’t see the virus in your blood, you cannot transmit it - period. Furthermore, early testing and immediate treatment help people to reach that undetectable level faster - on average within 4-weeks. That’s something else we’re working on, with our CrescentCare Start Initiative, linking people to care within 72-hours of a positive test result. Between interventions like this and PrEP, we stand a good chance of ending the HIV epidemic in our city and our community. There’s still work to do, and New Orleans continues to be counted among the top five cities for new HIV infections in the United States. This must change. It will change. Between testing, education, PrEP, and effective HIV treatment, I have no doubt we’re going to conquer HIV in our lifetimes. That’s the real dream coming true. For more information regarding PrEP at CrescentCare, contact or call 504293-6842.

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Scorpio Boys Presents Bayou Boylesque

Friday 12/22 - 10pm

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Big Easy Stompers For Country Dancing Tuesdays 8-11

Happy Hour Daily noon - 9 $3 well and domestic Saturday 12/30 - 10pm · · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · · The Official Mag: · 25

Snap Paparazzi Pictures from the Corner Pocket, Napoleon’s Itch, and Zingo with Felicia | Photos by Jeremy

26 · The Official Mag: · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · Official Southern Decadence Guide ·

Book Review by Frank Perez Email:

The Inheritance of Shame. Peter Gajdics. Brown Paper Press, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-941932-08-7. 355 pages. $17.99.

Unfortunately, a book about surviving conversion therapy is still necessary. Author Peter Gajdics spent six years in a bizarre form of conversion therapy that attempted to “cure” him of his homosexuality. Kept with other patients in a cult-like home in British Columbia, Canada, Gajdics was under the authority of a dominating, rogue psychiatrist who controlled his patients, in part, by creating and exploiting a false sense of family. Juxtaposed against his parents’ tormented past― his mother’s incarceration and escape from a communist concentration camp in post-World War II Yugoslavia, and his father’s upbringing as an orphan in war-torn Hungary―The Inheritance of Shame: A Memoir explores the uni-

versal themes of childhood trauma, oppression, and intergenerational pain. Told over a period of decades, the story shows us the damaging repercussions of conversion therapy and reminds us that resilience, compassion, and the courage to speak the truth exist within us all. This is a powerfully moving book, well-written, and especially appropriate for anyone still fumbling around in the closet. It is also appropriate for anyone who has survived conversion therapy. Peter Gajdics is an award-winning writer whose essays, short memoir and poetry have appeared in, among others, The Advocate, New York Tyrant, The Gay and Lesbian Review / Worldwide, Cosmonauts Avenue, and Opium. He is a recipient of writers grants from Canada Council for the Arts (for non-fiction and fiction), a fellowship from The Summer Literary Seminars, and an alumni of Lambda Literary Foundation’s “Writers Retreat for Emerging LGBT Voices.” The Inheritance of Shame: A Memoir is his first book. · · Dec 19, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 · · The Official Mag: · 27

BY M E A L . BY D R I N K . BY WAT E R . The time-honored tradition of New Orleans neighborhood dining is alive and well at The Country Club. Think chef-driven cuisine meets casual elegance, and you begin to understand why this hidden gem of the Bywater is a local favorite for great meals, great company and for 40 years – an even greater time. 504.945.0742 | | 634 Louisa St. MUST BE 21 OR OLDER

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