September 2021
AMCHAM BOARD MEMBER MR. DAGEN VALENTINE Please meet Mr. Dagen Valentine, who has been serving as an AmCham Board member since 2021. Dagen Valentine serves as Country Director for American Councils for International Education in Armenia. In this role, he supports and implements programs focused on cultural exchange between Armenia and the USA. American Councils also implements Alumni activities for Alumni of USG sponsored programs. Mr. Valentine hails from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), a land-grant university. At UNL, Dagen received a MAS in Youth Development; led state and federally funded programs across Nebraska that increased collaboration between UNL and communities, increasing capacity & agency amongst rural communities and youth. Mr. Valentine has also developed curriculum and programs in partnership with other universities and private industry. Mr. Valentine has published curricula on Wearable Technologies; and journal articles regarding informal learning; maker spaces; and virtual reality. Dagen earned a BA in Elementary Education from Mount Mary College in Yankton, SD, US. He is an experienced teacher in dual-language programs. He served as a TEFL Peace Corps Volunteer in Shinuhayr, Armenia. Mr. Valentine enjoys outdoor activities like running, fishing, and long walks on the beach. He is an avid reader and enjoys traveling and exploring locations off-the-beaten-path.
MEETING WITH THE MINISTER OF ECONOMY MR. VAHAN KEROBYAN On 10 September 2021, AmCham held a meeting with Mr. Vahan Kerobyan, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia. About 70 participants from AmCham Member companies participated in the meeting. During the meeting, Mr. Kerobyan presented the Economic Component of the Republic of Armenia Government Program, after which there was a Q&A session with AmCham member companies. Mr. Kerobyan gives great importance to the private-public sectors dialogue. He strongly believes that through such meetings a roadmap will be drawn for a successful implementation of the Government Program. It was agreed that such meetings will be held quarterly to be able to follow up on the implementation of the Economic Program and for constructive feedback.
INDUSTRIAL STRATEGY AND RESULT FRAMEWORK PRESENTATION BY MR. TIGRAN JRBASHYAN On 6 September 2021, Industrial Strategy and Result Framework presentation by Mr. Tigran Jrbashyan, Partner, Director of Management Advisory Services at Ameria at Holiday Inn Yerevan-Republic Square Hotel. The Industrial Strategy and Result Framework was developed in 2019 by Ameria CJSC and its international partners with financial support from the Asian Development Bank. The developed Strategy was in line with OECD best practices and proposed new policy instruments for innovation-led industrial development with a focus on science, technology, and innovation. The following topics were discussed during the meeting: • The background and methodology for Strategy development • The key results on the productivity mapping and enterprise survey • The methodology for defining the unicorn sector • The key analysis for 5 years manufacturing industry strategy and results framework • The key analysis for 10 years’ unicorn sector strategy and results framework During the meeting, AmCham was pleased to welcome the representative from the Ministry of Economy and 17 AmCham Member companies. The participants expressed a great interest in the topic with their questions and were impressed with the work done. It was proposed to follow up with the Government of Armenia related stakeholders and apply the framework in the industrial development plans to make Armenia competitive. About Ameria CJSC Established in 1998, Ameria is one of the leading advisors in Armenia providing under the umbrella of a single team, an array of comprehensively packaged solutions composed of individually tailored management advisory and public advisory services for public and private clients. They are supporting local and foreign investors with extensive expertise in key industries of the Armenian economy, as well as advising Government and public institutions for designing key reforms in such sectors as justice and law, economic development, private sector development, etc.
WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (WFD) MEETING IN DOUBLE TREE BY HILTON YEREVAN On September 9 2021, AmCham in Armenia held a Workforce Development Committee (WFD) Meeting in Double Tree by Hilton Yerevan, Chicago Hall. AmCham President Mr. Ashot Hovanesian, Board Directors Mr. Tigran Jrbashyan, Ms. Irina Dumanyan, Mr. Gevorg Goyunyan, Mr. Dagen Valentine, 12 WFD Committee members, and AmCham Executive Team were present at the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Karine Sarkissian, the Executive Director of AmCham in Armenia. During the discussion, Ms. Sarkissian introduced how the Committees are being set up as per the AmCham Committee Rules and Procedures. She briefly presented the story of the creation of the Workforce Development Committee (WFD). As there was a big number of interested companies among AmCham members in the creation of WFD Committee, it was decided to form the following Working Groups (WG) under the WFD Committee to meet the common interest: • Education, Training and Development (ETD) WG • Strategy and Operational Excellence (SOE) WG • Labor WG With the simple majority principle of an election, Mr. Dagen Valentine from American Councils was elected as a Chair of the WFD Committee and Mr. Areg Abramyan from PwC was elected as the Co-Chair of the Committee. Dagen Valentine was elected as the Chair of ETD WG. Mr. Abramyan was elected as the Chair of the SOE WG. Ms. Lilit Gevorgyan, Grant Thornton was nominated and elected as the Chair of the Labor WG. It was decided that Mr. Dagen Valentine, Mr. Tigran Jrbashyan, Ms. Irina Dumanyan, and Mr. Gevorg Goyunyan from the Board of Directors will be representing the Board in the WFD Committee and in the 3 WGs.
WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (WFD) MEETING IN DOUBLE TREE BY HILTON YEREVAN The WFD Committee stated a brief mission for each of the Working Groups. • For ETD WG it was decided that the major idea is to understand and identify the existing and possible problems in education, its different sectors, analyze them, find out what sphere of the overall education needs amendments and what privileges (e.g. tax exemption, special spaces, etc.) can be given by the Government to promote the growth of the more productive workforce. • Regarding the Strategy and Operational Excellence WG, it was decided to focus on what has to be done from the operational point of view. The question is about what has to be done in the tax regime, tax accounting, in order to create a more affordable or welcoming environment for companies to invest. • The Labor WG is about labor issues. Again, to involve a more voluminous workforce in and outside of Armenia it was decided to find out what has to be done in changing the labor policy and labor code generally to gain better results. Next Steps: • The Chairman prepares content about the Committee mission, objectives and activities for the upcoming WFD Committee meeting • Call of the Committee members of engaging in the 3 WGs • The Board Directors’ Approval of the WFD Committee • Decide on the date and the frequency of the meeting
CONNECTING CHAMPIONS FOR WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ROUNDTABLES AT DOUBLETREE BY HILTON On 15 September 2021, the American Councils for International Education Armenia, in collaboration with the American Chamber of Commerce in Armenia (AmCham) and with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan, organized 1st event of the 4-part series of events Connecting Champions for Workforce Development roundtables at DoubleTree by Hilton Yerevan City Centre. The topic of the 1st event was: Identify Key Opportunities and Challenges of Workforce Development. Subsequent roundtables will be held in October, November, & December. The goal of the roundtables is to bring together the champions/advocates of the relevant sectors to define the opportunities and the pressing needs of the 21st-century workforce development in Armenia, provide recommendations to better address the needs of the private sector and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in Armenia's economy. AmCham was pleased to host Mr. Karen Trchunyan, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of RA, Mr. Davit Sahakyan, Deputy Minister at Ministry of High-Tech Industry of RA and Mr. Hayk Margarian, National Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Economy of RA. Mr. Karen Trchunyan and Mr. Davit Sahakyan also gave welcome speeches to the participants and a thank you note for organizing an event on Workforce Development. Prior to the roundtables, American Councils has disseminated a survey to AmCham member companies to gather information on the pressing needs in workforce development in Armenia. The key findings and recommendations have served as a basis for identifying the topics of the series of roundtables. During the series of roundtables, the representatives of AmCham companies and members of the USG alumni network, Higher Education Institutions were provided an opportunity to engage in a fruitful dialogue, offering input and feedback to help define the needs of the 21st-century workforce in Armenia. The series of roundtables are part of the U.S. Embassy Yerevan-funded project: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Networking Fund. The cross-cutting goal is to ensure that Alumni of U.S. government exchanges can continue to contribute to the ever-changing needs of the workforce, entrepreneurial activity, and higher education in Armenia.
On 16 September 2021, AmCham in Armenia held a Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Committee Sustainable Waste Management (SWM) Meeting in Armenia Marriott Hotel, Boardroom. AmCham 1st Vice President and Chair of the FMCG Committee, Ms. Elina Markaryan, 2 representatives from AmCham Partner Company UMBA, a representative from the Ministry of Territorial Administration, and Infrastructure (MTAI) of the RA, 4 FMCG Committee Members, and AmCham Executive Team were present at the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Elina Markaryan and Ms. Karine Sarkissian Executive Director, AmCham. The Chair of the Meeting welcomed the FMCG Committee participants, moderated the discussion, briefly introduced the current project progress, and informed them about the fundraising status for the SWM Survey and the need to hurry up in order to meet the CEPA obligation of implementing the Waste Management for 2024. The proposal by the Consultant company was to make some changes in the initially proposed scope of work and re-define it to match the available budget of USD 36,000 vs the initially quoted USD 50,000. The participants agreed to proceed with the revised SOW if the quality of the survey will be satisfactory. After the discussion, it was decided to have an online Working Group (WG) brief discussion about the new scope of work with Mr. Kyriakos Parpounas, the head of the PSC Company. During the follow-up discussion with Mr. Parpounas, it was stated that in order to avoid duplication and extra work of assessing existing waste recycling facilities, including technologies, material sourcing from consumers, the effectiveness of the infrastructure, and environmental performance, the Consultant will refer to the Report on Waste Governance in Armenia conducted on March 2020 in the frames of the Swedish Armenian SDG Expert Exchange Program as the report includes information on the existing situation in Armenia. As a conclusion, a new scope of work was redefined: NEW SCOPE OF WORK 1. Assess the current situation with the management of the Selected Waste Types, including generation, sorted and unsorted collection, and recycling rate 2. Identify solutions to increase the recycling and Environmentally Sound Treatment of the Selected Waste Types, 3. Develop 1-2 best-case scenarios, including costs calculations and implementation plan 4. Review of Strategy of EPR system introduction /2018/and recommendations to update the Strategy/ including the required legislative changes and action plans It was also agreed that Mr. Parpunas will provide guidance on engaging the private sector representatives in the AUA Acopian Center for the Environment Waste Governance in Armenia, to be synergized with the SWM survey. It was decided to conclude the Contract with PSC in the week of 20 September 2021, so that PSC can start the Assessment project.
PWC CEO SURVEY PRESENTATION EVENT AT IBIS HOTEL YEREVAN On September 29, 2021, PwC Armenia held a PwC CEO Survey Presentation Event at Ibis Hotel Yerevan, Karin Hall for AmCham members. The presentation was conducted by Mr. Areg Abramyan, Manager, PwC Consulting services, Strategy, and Operations. Every year PwC conducts a global survey of the leaders of the largest companies. This is PwC's flagship survey, involving nearly 5,000 business leaders around the world. The goal of the project is to identify the key trends and patterns that influence the adoption of important management decisions. This year, for the first time, we PwC Armenia has prepared an Armenian edition of the study, containing more detailed data on the survey results in Armenia and comparisons with the responses of CEOs from other territories. During the first part of the event, Mr. Abramyan presented the results of the CEO Survey. He mainly talked about growth perspectives, threats and investments, workforce, and stakeholder engagement topics. The next part of the event was on how to contribute to the main priority of CEOs. Mr. Abramyan discussed how to ensure companies' growth, operational efficiency, and provided case studies of accomplished projects. The event was concluded by a 30-minute Q&A session where the participants asked some questions connected with the presentation and got fulfilling answers.
On 24 September 2021, AmCham in Armenia held a Tax, Customs and Fiscal Policy (TCuFP) Committee meeting at Holiday Inn Express. 3 AmCham Board Directors, 7 TCuFP Committee members and 3 special guests, namely Mr. Haikanush Chobanyan, State Migration Service of MTAI; Mr. Hovhannes Aleksanyan, the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs, and Mr. Vardan Marashlyan, “Repat Armenia” Foundation were present at the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Gagik Gyulbudaghyan. The Executive Secretary of the Meeting welcomed the TCuFP Committee participants and briefly presented the main topic of the discussion which was about Repatriation/Immigration Promotion of Armenians from abroad via tax privileges. The Committee members mentioned a couple of questions to focus on when organizing a successful Repatriation: 1. The domiciliation of a business/company incorporated abroad to Armenia. 2. The motivation of enterprises to hire a competitive, highly-paid workforce 3. The conceptualization and understanding of who is the Repatriation/Immigration and Integration project target group. Mr. Aleksanyan stated that some institutional changes took place lately. He presented what has been done till now, mentioning that Armenia has security, demographics, resources, social-economic, modernization and other problems that should be solved through repatriation. Mr. Tigran Jrbashyan raised Diaspora, Repatriation, Migration, and Integration spheres to focus on while developing the proposal to be coordinated by a single institution. Ms. Haykanush Chobanyan presented what institutional reforms have been done till now and what documents are in the process of development in the framework of MTAI, State Migration Service. She stated that: 1. It is planned to establish a Ministry of Internal Affairs, which will have the Migration and Citizenship Service, which in its turn will unite today’s Migration Service of MTAI and Passport and Visa Department (PVD), estimated to be implemented in early 2022. 2. There is a draft Strategy under the approval of the GoA on the Integration and Reintegration issues. The Strategy document is for 2021-2031 with its implementation Action Plan for the 2021-2025 period. The strategy has been drafted by an Interagency Working Group, chaired by the Migration Service and the document has already been submitted to the Government for approval. The strategy outlines goals related to shelter and living conditions, rights and social assistance, access to healthcare and education, investing in and developing human capital, cultural integration, and cultivating a conducive environment, capacity building for structures, and development of competencies of the staff involved in integration and reintegration. 3. The next project is the online page of “TunDardz”, where all the people migrating/returning to Armenia and all the questions in this regard are covered. It is planned to create an Information Centre at the Airport as well, to support people returning to Armenia. 4. There is a plan to create an Integration Center, which will be under the responsibility of The Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs. The work is underway. Ms. Chobanyan noted that Migration Service targets immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and returnees whereas The Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs targets Repatriates issues only. It was decided that the WG will develop a suggestions package and meet with the government and other stakeholders to discuss and develop the final Policy Paper on Repatriation/Immigration and Integration, specifically State Revenue Committee, Ministry of Finance, Deputy Prime Minister. The specific tax benefits’ package to promote repatriation/immigration of Armenian diaspora based on the research from a couple of countries done by AmCham TCuFP Committee members is presented below: The committee suggests establishing the Ministry of Repatriation/Immigration and Integration (not the Ministry of Diaspora). 1. Armenian immigrants will receive a 10-year tax-exempt holiday for income from foreign sources (regular income and capital gain). 2. Repatriates / previous Armenian residents that stayed out of Armenia for more than 10 years also are eligible for the same tax holidays as new immigrants. 3. They are also exempt completely from reporting on their foreign income or assets (so for example a new immigrant or a repatriate, that has a company abroad and receives a dividend from that company – is exempt from tax on the dividend and exempt from reporting on that income). 4. Interests earned from immigrates’ deposits in Armenian banks will be exempted from income tax for 10 years. 5. Furthermore, if they have income from Armenian sources they are eligible for extra "credit points" (which offsets their tax payment for 3 years). 6. Exemptions from taxes on foreign pensions received (check with SRC, could already exist). 7. Immigrants and repatriates are also exempt from customs and importation taxes, mainly to import goods for the house or private cars (check with SRC, could already exist).
8. Reactivate the legislation related to domiciliation to Armenia: a process where a company transfers its registration from one jurisdiction (country) to Armenia. This is different from the company setting up an overseas branch, or incorporating a subsidiary in the foreign country. This legislation has been in force in Armenia for 7 years, but still, there is no application. This will support smoothly transferring SME businesses and their assets to Armenia and support their legal integration into the Armenian business field. 9. Introduce Special Assignee Relief Program (SARP) for Armenian individuals repatriating to Armenia. This program will encourage the relocation of key specialists to work in Armenia. The 50% of taxable employment income of 2,000,000 AMD and over (gross monthly salary) will be disregarded for income tax purposes. Income, which is disregarded for income tax is not exempt from other applicable social charges. For recognition of being Tax Resident in Armenia: 1. The person is a tax resident of Armenia if he/she stays more than 183 days in Armenia, but there should be another technical test, which is 425 days tested over 3 years (the tested year plus the previous 2 years if the individual stayed in Armenia for at least 30 days in the tested year). 2. Another argument for becoming a Tax Resident in Armenia is the "center of life" tests, which should examine the different family, economic, business and social ties the individual has to Armenia.
MEETING WITH MR. LARS KOLIND, A DANISH BUSINESSMAN On 30 September 2021, Leadership School Armenia in collaboration with AmCham in Armenia held a meeting with Mr. Lars Kolind, a Danish businessman at DoubleTree by Hilton, Tokio Hall. Mr. Kolind shared his experience with the participants on the challenges & opportunities of building a successful business and growing it, and how to create an impact for scale & longevity for a positive change. Mr. Kolind holds an M.Sc. in Mathematics from Aarhus University and a Bachelor of Commerce from the Copenhagen Business School. He is an adjunct professor of leadership and strategy at Aarhus University Business School. Mr. Lars Kolind is a business leader, serial entrepreneur, management author, and professor working globally from his base in Denmark. He serves as a board member and advisor to businesses in Europe, the Americas, and Asia and he has lectured at universities around the world. Mr. Kolind has 40+ years of experience in building world-class companies and inspiring leaders from Oticon to LEGO. Following the turnaround of Oticon, he embarked upon one of the most ambitious business development projects ever: Transforming the conventional manufacturing company into the world’s first truly knowledge-based and paperless organization. His work has been the subject of case studies by leading universities and business schools around the world and his books have been translated into 8 languages. Mr. Kolind states: “I want organizations to have an impact beyond just making money. In fact, I believe the best way to make money is by having a positive impact on people.’’ The event was concluded by a Q&A session during which Mr. Kolind answered the participants’ questions on how to replicate his best practices in Armenia.
Teryan 5 is a real estate development project by Galaxy Group of Companies and the Marriott International, encompassing a 75-meter tall 22 story building, in the heart of Yerevan. The first 11 floors of the building houses a 173 key Courtyard by Marriott hotel, while the second 11 floors encompass 75 luxury residences. Amenities for the residents include 4 levels of underground parking area for 90 cars, SPA, Fitness and concierge service. Total GBA of the building is 31,000 m². The building is designed by UK leading architects from Broadway Malyan.
Upay CJSC is a payment and settlement organization operating in the Republic of Armenia, which was founded by Ucom CJSC in 2018 and received a license from the Board of the Central Bank of Armenia. The mission of Upay CJSC is to provide specialized payment and settlement services in the Armenian market with the active use of the latest technologies, which will be aimed at making the payment process simpler, faster, and more accessible. Upay can be used in 2 ways: – Download the Upay app from the Play Store or App Store and make all money transactions without leaving home, directly from a smartphone – Visit the Ucom Service Center and contact the appropriate employee Upay e-wallet allow to make utility, mobile, internet connection, TV, parking, traffic fines, property tax, social networks other payments, repay loans and other money transactions. The wallet is designed with a simple structure and does not present complications during use. In order to ensure the convenience of our customers, we also provide services at Upay branches. Payments at branches are easy and fast, and the transactions are reliable. There are 42 branches, 20 of which are located in Yerevan and 22 in the regions. The company provides fast, simple, and innovative services in a wide branch network, the list of which is constantly expanding.
GITELIQ is a networking entertainment platform, where professional experts from different spheres come and share their knowledge and experience with the audience. During GITELIQ events, participants get knowledge about Armenia and the world’s leading events and developments and meet people with inspirational life stories and experiences that can motivate them to generate new ideas. More than 20 GITELIQ events have been organized in recent years, attracting more than 2000 participants from 200 Armenian leading companies. GITELIQ is also a community, which connects leading experts from different fields, who realize the importance of non-formal education, as well as the value of networking and meeting new people. In 2021, the GITELIQ team initiated a new project named “My Project by GITELIQ”. My Project by GITELIQ is an event management company that organizes various events that inspire and transform business. The events vary from training to networking meetings, charity evenings to closed business meetups, etc. Individual approach to each client is My Project’s main value.
Steven Albert Kandarian Steven A. Kandarian was raised in West Hartford, Connecticut, by his Armenian parents. He started his career as a founder and managing partner of Orion Partners, LP and as an executive director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. Later, he became a board member of the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation, a member of the Financial Services Forum, and a member of the Economic Club of New York. In April 2005, Kandarian was appointed MetLife’s chief investment officer. Whilst CIO, he contributed to the company’s bottom line, enhanced the company’s focus on effective risk management, and strengthened its investment portfolio. On May 1st 2011, Kandarian became the president and CEO of MetLife. In his first three months as CEO, he expanded the company’s senior leadership team and announced MetLife’s 25-year agreement to obtain the naming rights of the now-called MetLife Stadium, in New Jersey. Kandarian also sold MetLife’s residential mortgage lending business and retail banking, in order to focus its resources on employee benefits business and global insurance. In 2012, he was appointed chairman of MetLife, but retired from the company in 2019. Currently, his estimated net worth is of at least $821,000. He owns 4,396 units of Exxon Mobil stock, and was appointed in 2018 the Independent Director at Exxon Mobil.
Armenian Business Community
Take the lead and make your voice heard in the upcoming changes! With this letter, we encourage the Armenian business community to join the efforts in establishing transparent, efficient, and sustainable post-consumer waste management system to meet Armenia’s obligations to introduce Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system by 2023. This commitment is part of the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) signed between EU and RA of Armenia in 2017: While Nature Protection Payments (Բնապահպանական վճարներ) aim to mitigate the damages caused to the environment, the Extended Producer Responsibility system ensures the proper handling of specific post-consumer waste products (tires, batteries, packaging, etc.) that producers or importers have put in the market. The models of Extended Producer Responsibility vary from country to country, and Armenia is yet to develop and adopt the best working model that would meet its environmental and economic needs. The global practice shows that the earlier the businesses engage in the initial stages of the strategy development, the better model the country adopts. While the RA Government is obliged to create the necessary legislative framework, the role of the private sector is to support this process through the following: ▪ ▪
Engage in a dialogue with the government and follow up on policy development, Co-finance the research/study of various scenarios for the introduction of an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Armenia and the development of an appropriate model according to international experience.
It is important that the private sector will take an active role in helping to create the best recycling system in the country. Municipal Post consumption waste (PCW) management is in a development stage in Armenia and we as a business community need to produce data and evidence on deciding the best case scenario to increase packaging waste recycling in the most effective and efficient way to create a win-win scenario that will meet compliance targets and at the same time mitigate potential tax implications on business. Together, we need to conduct research/study through a professional agency for the following purposes: • Analyze the current PCW situation, specifically volumes, types, collectors, recyclers, and opportunities; run SWOT to decide on the best waste collection and recycling practices, from the available alternatives, which will be the most suitable for Armenia and financially justified. • Develop the best case implementation plan/guidance scenario for taking actions with the best expert agency. • To engage with the government and negotiate the best case scenario of collaboration to drive the agenda and support the business interests. Join the initiative! American University of Armenia (AUA) American Chamber of Commerce of Armenia (AmCham) Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Committee Waste Management Working Group European Business Association Armenia (EBA) Union of Manufactures and Business of Armenia (UMBA)
Q&A Question․ What are the start and end dates of the research? Answer․ The dates will be determined when the number of organizations interested in the initiatives is confirmed. The study process is planned to start in September 2020. Before starting the study, a tender will be announced with detailed Terms of Reference. The best agency selection criteria will be based on the the best technical implementation experience and price. Question․ Which organization will conduct the research and how will it be selected? Answer․ Even though there are experienced organizations, the selection will follow the tender procedure – preparation of Terms of Reference, announcement for tender, receiving applications and selection. Question․ What is the purpose of the research and what will be the result. Answer․ As a result of the research, the best waste management model for both the public and private sectors will be selected. The model will be justified by financial and economic analysis based on the current situation in Armenia. Question․ Which level specialist form an organization shall be involed? Answer․ The organization should provide the contact details of a technical manager who is involved in waste management and environmental issues. However, the process must be under the general director’s supervision.