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Working Debate at NA Standing Committee March 24, 2023 on Labor and Social Affairs

On March 24, the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs Heriknaz Tigranyan and the Committee members Mariam Poghosyan, Gayane Yeghiazaryan and Aghvan Vardanyan met with the Representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce in Armenia.

The basis of the working debate was the draft of the Labor Code, which was debated in the NA sitting last week and adopted in the first reading, within the framework of which some issues arose that, according to the representatives of the business sector, need to be regulated.


Online Meeting with Mr. Kyriakos Parpounas, an expert in March 24 Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) systems

On March 24, 2023, AmCham Armenia held an online meeting with Mr. Kyriakos Parpounas, an expert in Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) systems. The meeting was attended by industry members and AmCham Sustainable Development Committee members and focused on the establishment of a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) in Armenia.

The meeting began with a discussion of the steps necessary to establish a PRO, including the roles and responsibilities of its members, policies, and legislation, and funding sources. The group also touched upon the issue of electronic waste and the need for proper disposal and management of these materials.

The conversation then turned to the structure of the PRO, including the founding members, Board composition, supervision, budget allocation per company, and membership requirements. The group also discussed the government’s vision for EPR or DRS systems in Armenia and the role of industry leadership in promoting sustainable practices.

The meeting concluded with a Q&A session, during which attendees asked questions about the specific challenges of implementing a PRO in Armenia and the potential benefits for industry members and the broader community.

Overall, the meeting provided valuable insights into the steps necessary to establish a PRO in Armenia and the potential benefits of such a system for the environment and the economy. The engagement of industry members and the AmCham Sustainable Development Committee highlights the importance of public-private partnerships in advancing sustainable development goals and promoting responsible business practices.

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