TAKEONEFREE!EJEMPLARGRATIS!TAKEONEFREE! Micelaneous............... Employment............... Business & Service.... Seccion latina............ Pets, Farm & Ranch.... Motorcade.................. Apartment Guide........
5970 E 31st St. Suite X, Tulsa • 74135 P.O. Box 4582, Tulsa, OK 74159
(918) 836-0707 24 Hour Fax: (918) 836-0719
2 10 11 12 13 B1 B6
Vol.9 No.40 Oct.03, 2013 - Oct.09, 2013.
www.tulsathriftynickel.com email: tulsa.americanclassifieds@yahoo.com Place your classifieds for FREE at www.tulsathriftynickel.com
Page 7 B
CASH 4 CARS Trucks, Vans, Junk, No Title - OK*
MOWER, YARD Man, commercial 21” B&S, 6 hp, push, $80. (918)361-1299 F I B E R G L A S S CAMPER, long wide Chevy, $300. (918)8578150 ELVIS DOLL like new $25.00 (918)289-1931 ELEPHANTS, 3 large, end table size from Southeast Asia, $100. (918)605-2728
BUNDLE AND SAVE! DIRECTV, INTERNET & PHONE From $69.99/mo. + Free 3-Months: HBO Starz SHOWTIME CINEMAX+ FREE GENIE 4-Room Upgrade+ NFL SUNDAY TICKET! Limited time. 888449-6821 WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201
GATES, METAL, 7 by 4 ft. and 9 by 4 ft. $75. (9180 439-3660 FULL MEMORY foam topper $75 (918)261-0841
As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good. GENESIS 50:20 Thrifty Nickel
STOP Creditor Action Harassing Calls, Lawsuits, Tax Levies Garnishments, Foreclosures
WANTED DEAD S E L A **Speak to an ATTORNEY about** OR ALIVE! I LS C E Cars, Trucks Chapter 7 Chapter 13 P ECIA S E Fresh Start Debt Consolidation or Vans. S P S E L S L A E NO TITLE NO CI ES / PECIA ALS 495-2222 E PROBLEM! P I S L S C E (918) 955-5246 SE / SPECIA IALS E / ESPE IALES Payment Plans Available or C E S C E S (918) 447-8975. IC ALS / ESP ECIALE S ESPE PECIAL ES S SP IAL / ES IAL E L C ES / Ofertas A C IALS E CI IALS E ESPESpecials P L S C ES A E I E C / C P E S E L S SP IALES ESP ECIAL / ES CIABUY OR RENT TO OWN! NO CREDIT CHECK! S L E S C P E A L P E I S L A ESP SPECI ES / E PECIA ALS ES ESPEC / E ECIAL ALS ES SPECI LES / ESP SPECI ES / E PECIA ALS / E ECIAL ALS ES SPECI ESP SPECI ES / E / E ECIAL ESP Painted TULSA BEST Auto, Everyone Approved! Every vehicle sold with warranty we help you rebuild credit! We have HUGE inventory! (918)836-7964 5711 E 11th St. Tulsa,OK. Suzuki, Yamaha, SeaDoo, CanAm, Kawasaki POWER SPORTS products all under one roof! Knowledgeable staff and Financing. Service and Parts. Tulsa’s absolute BEST Power sports Store and Service. New and Preowned water craft, motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, UTVs, accessories and more. 145th and the BA, www. mwpowersports.com, 918251-2553 RENT TO OWN 3 bedroom, 1 bath, one car garage, livable, needs work. 46th Street North and Peoria, big lot. $350. month. (918) 282-2383. LEARN HOW to become a SUCCESS magnet! To get your FREE “Success Secrets Revealed” CD, please call (918) 780-8095 CHICKASAW SWAP Meet “Rain or Shine” Thursday October 17th The Largest Auto Swap Meet in Oklahoma 712 E. Choctaw Ave., Chickasaw, OK. USED PALLET racking, uprights, beams and grids. Different sizes. Call anytime (918) 869-8418. KUBOTA TOO GREAT TO WAIT! POWER SALE. Powerful M Series utility tractors combined with powerful savings! Stewart Martin Kubota Sales & Leasing 12571 Hwy 75 Okmulgee, OK (918)7563560 www.smekubota.com C HI C K A S H A ANTIQUE Auto Swap Meet Sponsored By The Chickasha Antique Auto Club. The meet held on 40 acres at 712 E. Choctaw, Chickasha Oklahoma. Rain Or Shine-Outside Event 405-224-OKLA (6552) office 10am-3pm M-W-F FULL MEMORY foam topper $75 (918)261-0841
FREE Consultation
We are a debt relief agency We help people file bankruptcy (Title 11 USC)
Matthews & Associates, Attorneys PC 6901 S. Yorktown, Suite D • Tulsa
New AND Preowned jests with Easy Financing, and the best Service available! Shop in our store or online. HUGE discounts on SALE products. M&W POWER SPORTS, Broken Arrow OK 918-251-2553, www.mwpowersports.com 0$ DOWN & 0% A.P.R Financing up to 60 months offer ends September 30,2013 Stewart Martin Kubota Sales & Leasing 12571 Hwy 75 Okmulgee, OK (918)756-3560 www. smekubota.com FIND US on Facebook: Chickasha Swap Meet or Chickasha Antique Auto Club or on line at www. chickashaautoswapmeet. com NOW HIRING-Tulsa Transit Bus operators and diesel mechanics. Sign on bonus for diesel mechanics. APPLY TODAY!: Denver Ave Station-319 S. Denver Ave, Memorial Midtown Station 7952 33rd St. Fax Resume (918)5997266 Email:RECRUIT@ TULSATRANSIT.ORG EEEP/ AA/E-VERIFY & DRUG FREE (918)560-JOBS WWW. TULSATRANIST.ORG INDOOR/OUTDOOR T h er m o m eter / humidity gauge. $9. (918) 357-2573 COLOR TV $60. (918) 955-5110 STORM DOOR, 32 inches with glass and screen. $40. (918) 2727811 SUIT CASE $15 (918)698-9333 LINER REAR mat for Chevy crew cab, 2008 and up. $50. (918) 857-8150 I N T E R N AT I O N A L ELECTRIC travel plugs and voltage converter, $9. (918) 357-2573 FLAG POLE aluminum, 20 ft with flag $200. (918)577- 5483 GLASS SHOE CASE. 18x38x71 $100. (918)3713461
Built with Traditional
Mennonite Craftsmanship! Cottage Sheds
Sand Springs
A Safe Place Storage (918) 230-2029 Double H Sales (918) 946-0654
Dustin Toliver (918) 636-4129 River City Portable (918) 688-6060
Skiatook Mini Storage (918) 650-0802 CAO Sales (918) 606-0039
AND SETUP! within 50 Miles
Deluxe Cabins
Section A Page 2 ‑ October 03, 2013
The Thrifty Nickel Is Like A Four Leaf Clover!
I buy junk LANDSCAPING TIES vehicles. Good .00 TOP DOLLAR Condition! $ ea Dead or alive. Real Good .50 Condition! $ ea
5 7
918.724.2374 ADOPTION
A HAPPILY married couple seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on mom and devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses paid. Adam & Ruth. 1-800-7905260 Adopt: Loving, financially stable Christian couple looking to adopt a baby and complete our family. Please call Will and Marie 877-910-6425 Expenses Paid. P R E GN A NT ? C ON S I D E R I NG Adoption? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. ADOPT CONNECT 1-866-743-9212. Not Valid: IN, IL. ADOPT CARING, nurturing home for your newborn baby. Beautiful life, much love, secure future. Expenses paid. Legal, confidential. Devoted married couple, Walt/Gina. Call 1-800-315-6957. ADOPT: LOVING, stable, Christian couple hoping to add one more bundle of joy to complete us. Please call Will & Marie 877-910-6425 A DO P T I ON = L OV E WE’D feel blessed to give your baby a happy, secure home. Expenses paid. Patricia & Caleb, 1-888772-0068 * * A DO P T I ON CALIFORNIA couple in entertainment industry offers baby secure future, education, travel. Expenses paid. Richard/Karen 1(888)959-3099 or attorney 1(800) 242-8770
Antiques/ collectibles LARGE INDUSTRIAL push broom and sturdy leaf rake, like new. $25 (918) 8144673. ANTIQUE 4 ladder back chairs, reupholstered, unique, $295. (918) 8367771 Vintage DUCK baby rocker $75. (918) 9555110 GOLD LEAF mirror 60x30. $900. (918) 8144673. COCA COLA cans, 6 pack full, Super Bowl XXVII. $9 (918)357-2573 ANTIQUE POLAROID camera, all original. $200. (918)367-5350 ANTIQUE BICYCLE girls Schwinn, $150. 918697-0901
DISHES, JEWEL T Autumn Leaf $300. (918)577- 5483 COLUMBUS WASH Board. $35. (918) 814-4673. ANTIQUE SNOW ski tune-up kit, $50. (918)6972606 FOUR WROUGHT iron antique ice cream chairs, $100 per pair (918) 8144673. CHILDS SEWING machine, cabinet and chair, $75. (918) 955-5110 ANTIQUE RARE mahogany spool 3/4 bed. $299. (918)836-7771 A NT I Q U E TELEPHONE table, black with turn legs, $125. (918)266-4224 A NT I Q U E TRICYCLE, Junior Toy $100. 918-697-0901 PORCELAIN DOLLS with stander $25. each. (918) 833-2802 ANTIQUE POLAROID camera, all original. $200. (918)367-5350 A NT I Q U E MAGAZINE racks $60. (918) 955-5110 ANTIQUE OAK server, good condition, $100, (918)855-9625 ANTIQUE RADIO in wood cabinet. $150. (918)232-5120 ANTIQUE OAK server, good condition, $100, (918)855-9625 FOUR WROUGHT iron antique ice cream chairs, $100 per pair (918) 8144673. A NT I Q U E KNUCKLES, steel $75. (918)524-8736 A NT I Q U E CHILDREN’S furniture $50. each. Childs Singer sewing machine, $100. (918) 955-5110 ANTIQUE SNOW ski tune-up kit, $50. (918)6972606 LARGE LEOPARD pillow. $10. (918) 814-4673. A NT I Q U E Magazine rack, $125. (918) 955-5110 EXACT SCALE model car banks all metal in original boxes $15. each or 2 for 25. (918)251-8267 ANTIQUE POLAROID camera, all original. $200. (918)367-5350 OLD TRUNK, $40. (918) 955-5110 A NT I Q U E TRICYCLE, Junior Toy $100. 918-697-0901 Vintage DUCK baby rocker $75. (918) 9555110 ANTIQUE FOOT stools $25. (918) 955-5110
ll sta d n i n We grou llars n c i m e r sto
I pay cash! We do out of town pickups. You call it - We haul it! Running or not/Title or not. 7 days a week
1950’s ANTIQUE record cabinet , $50. (918) 955-5110 ANTIQUE POLAROID camera, all original. $200. (918)367-5350 AFRICAN WALL hanging hand carved wood $50. (918) 814-4673. SCREEN DOOR insert, 30 3/4” x74 3/4”. $10 (918)357-2573 KING CHARLES II chair cane seat and back. $700. (918) 814-4673. ANTIQUE BICYCLE girls Schwinn, $150. 918697-0901 VERA RUSSELL pottery vase, 22k gold trim, $75 (918) 224-8433. WAGON WHEELS, 5, all metal, 3 large, 2 small, $280. (918)455-7213 GAS PUMPS, miniature dye cast, $50. 918-6970901 RECORDS, VINYL, over 200, some collectibles, $300. (918)577- 5483 1930’s HIGH chair, $125. (918) 955-5110 SUSIE HOMEMAKER oven , works. $75 (918) 955-5110 ANTIQUE CHILD’S size curling iron for hair. $20. (918) 834-8519 SMALL ANTIQUE Table $30. (918)232-5120 MORRIS KATE’S mountain scene, painting in gold leaf frame. $2,500. (918) 814-4673. BARREL cane back chairs, $300 for pair (918) 814-4673. ANTIQUE DRESSING table and bench. $150. (918)232-5120 A NT I Q U E MODERATE wooden wash board, brass #2062, standard. $15. (918) 8348519 CD HOLDER $5. (918) 814-4673. 1930’s CHINA hutch, $125. (918) 955-5110 A NT I Q U E CHILDREN’S Shoe lathe $20. (918) 834-8519 AFRICAN WALL hanging hand carved wood $50. (918) 814-4673. Childs Vintage Original Bouncy Horse, $125 (918) 955-5110 ANTIQUE MISSION rocker, authentic sturdy, solid oak $297. (918)8367771 1950’s RECORD cabinet $60. (918) 9555110 A NT I Q U E BLACKJACK, Leather wrapped, $150. (918)5243736 ANTIQUE CREAM separator $300. (918) 4471117 GUMBALL MACHINE with stand, Harley Davidson, vintage $300. (918)6937374
LARGE WICKER chair. $150. (918) 814-4673.
appliances air condition WINDOW AIR Conditioner , one room (about 5000 BTU) $100. (918) 955-5110 CASH FOR CARS no title needed, pickup 7 days a week within 100 miles (9180457-6744
appliances heaters HATER DIESEL portable, 100.000 BTU $300. (918) 447-1117 VENT FREE gas wall heater, LP or NG never used $330. (918) 955-5110
appliances refrigerator PING PONG Table $50. Office desk $20. Fridge $70. 9 commercial lights $150. 5 commercial fans $100. Entertainment cabinet $75. (918)851-4374 R E F R I G E R A TO R WITH ice maker! Works great, moving. $125. (918)636-8299 WE BUY and sell refrigerators, ranges, water heaters, A/Cs and furnaces. (918) 313-9479 R E F R I G E R A TO R $100 good condition. Call Vaughn (918)636-6682 22 CUBIC foot G E frig. $150. (918)321-6176 (918)813-5927
Running Or Not
No Motors • No Wheels No Problem • I Will Buy
towing service
We Buy Wrecks
appliances washers & dryers
auctions C H I C K A S H A ANTIQUE Auto Swap Meet Sponsored By The Chickasha Antique Auto Club. The meet held on 40 acres at 712 E. Choctaw, Chickasha Oklahoma. Rain Or Shine-Outside Event 405-224-OKLA (6552) office 10am-3pm M-W-F Tulsa Auction Bring in Consignments 25% Commission Fee Sell Here 918-264-7518 Tu l s a A u c t i o n S p o t . c o m Make Money Quick! Hot Auction Deals Friday Night Auction 4 pm Start 918-264-7518 Visit Tulsa Auction! Tu l s a A u c t i o n S p o t . c o m 11118 East Admiral
n W carow se por ell ts!
We Build Wood & Metal. All Sizes & Styles. We Buy & Sell Used. Move All Sizes, Some Small Non-Portable. We Are O.C.C. Licensed And Insured, ARE THEY? 50 Buildings on Display Lot at Hwy 51 in Broken Arrow.
zieglersportablebuildings.com We Now Accept Credit Cards!
WHIRLPOOL GAS dryer, heavy duty, super capacity plus. $150. (918)686-5553 5 WASHERS and 4 dryers all work , $75. each. (918)730-7767 WHIRLPOOL GAS DRYER Heavy duty, extra large capacity, Good House Keeping seal. $150 (918) 686-5553
BABY BED, Stork Craft, oak, never used, in box, $200. (918)361-7856 BABY MATTRESS, Sealy Posturepedic, never used $100. (918)361-7856 appliances BABY STROLLER, small Peyperego, asking $75. appliances (918)361-7856 S U N B E A M GRACO PACK & Play MICROWAVE $40.. bed w/Carrier & bedding (918) 955-5110 $45. 918-492-6013 MICROWAVE, $35. (918) 955-5110 building/ RUG SHAMPOOER, remodeling Bissell with attachments, $60. obo.(918)282-8550 FAUCET, KOHLER 2 handle chrome, bath appliances was $138, $75. in box. (918)366-7678 stoves & dishwashers F L OO R I NG HAMPTON hickory 153 WHITE MAGIC Chef sq. ft $180. (918)446-3596 cook stove $275. (918) 95540 GALLON hot water 5110 tank. $100. 918-955-5110 30 INCH white electric range $100. (918)321-6176 W I NDO W S , ALUMINUM frame, (918)813-5927 47.5”x 54.8” $12. (918) MAGIC CHEF kitchen 798-5984 stove, white, $275. 918BATHROOM LIGHT 955-5110 bar, fixture, gold or silver. RANGE, MAYTAG, $30. (918) 955-5110 gas, white, like new! $250. FLOORING OAK (918)606-6605 natural 90 sq. ft $120. 30 INCH white electric (918)446-3596 range $100. (918)321-6176 NEW LENOX natural (918)813-5927 gas heating system and STOVE, ELECTRIC, air conditioning coil. $300. Hotpoint, 30” wide, white. each. (918) 872-7125 $75. (918)664-5702 Thrifty Nickel
(918) 836-0707
Junk Car Buyer
Dead or Alive
HOT WATER tank, gas, 40 gallon $250. (918) 9555110 F L OO R I NG hickory LAMINATED 200 sq. ft $200. (918)4463596 STORM DOOR, 32 inches with glass and screen. $40. (918) 2727811 BILL BAILEY Tree specialist 35 years professional, refurbish, replant, replace, reuse, remove landscape design (918)277-9623 MIRRORED GLASS shower doors $75. (918) 955-5110 BATHROOM VANITY, sink, marble top and faucets. $65. (918) 437-0744 FLOORING GUN STOCK, 216 sq. ft $180. (918)446-3596
carpet NEW RESIDENTIAL carpet $5.15 per yard, roll only, carpet pad & installed $10.99 per yard (918) 8342038.
churches F R E E CHAPEL For Weddings. Time to Get Married. (918)835-3787 www.jesuscenter.net FREE BIBLE STUDY LESSONS-Delivered to your email box --Weekly prepared lessons, ready for a powerful presentationjust simply copy and past and present. www. BlackRobeRegimentChurch. com
clothing WRANGLER JEANS Men’s various sizes $5. per pair. 918-906-3971 B-52 BOMBER leather jacket size large. $50.(918) 936-4908 J A M Y S EXCLUSIVELY plus consignment has clothing from 0-6x and wedding dresses and formats in all sizes. (918)622-5667 SHIRTS, MEN’S L & XL. $2. 918-906-3971
16th Annual Fall Farm Equipment & Horse Auction Saturday & Sunday October 5th & 6 th Saturday @ 10am- ALL TYPES OF FARM & RANCH EQUIPMENT. GATES • PANELS • TRAILERS • TRACTORS • IMPLEMENTS (TAKING CONSIGNMENTS UNTIL SALE DAY)
Sunday @ 9am - Cowboy Church Service Sunday @ 10am - 200+ head of AQHA & APHA Horses of all types- riding horses, colts, broodmares, stallions and most of all a special color session for horses of color or producers of color. Norwood Auction Co. TX.Lic#7994
918-859-7532 Top Prices Paid
WRANGLER JEANS Men’s various sizes $5. per pair. 918-906-3971
commercial prop FOR LEASE-Newly remolded building for Retail, Office Space or Day Care. 2400 Sq. foot, 2 baths, Cable-Internet ready, new carpets. Ready for immediate lease. 7902 Charles Page Blvd. call (918)245-1357
computers FLAT SCREEN computer $150. (918) 9555110 COMPUTER DELL $125. (918) 955-5110 DELL COMPUTERS! Free iPad Bonus! No Credit Check! 100% Financing! Everyone’s Approved! Seen On TV! Just $99/Month! MyBrandNewPC.com 1-800-799-6331. C O M P U T E R EQUIPMENT working or not, any brand can be recycled by donating to Goodwill. Locations call (918) 581-1200 or www. goodwilltulsa.org
education HIGH SCHOOL PROFICIENCY DIPLOMA! 4 Week Program. FREE Brochure & Full Information. CALL NOW! 1-866-5623650 Ext. 55. www. southeasternhs.com ” T H E M OT I V A T I ON A L SPEAKING/RADIO VOICE OVER ACADEMY” Correspondence course offered (in the U.S. only) in Radio V.O. & Motivational Speaking from the comforts of your home. All ages. Full Time or Part Time Career. Course includes Marketing Instruction. Since 1965 4-45 Minute Lessons-Taken one a week $150.00(not by the month) Call: Little Anthony Bellante Jr 214-660-4799 starpower1959@yahoo.com
COLOR 32 inch TV, $50. (918) 955-5110 DVD’S, KIDS, (Teletubbies, Mickey, Diego, Callow, etc.) $2 (918)2610841 Radio, short wave, transceiver 6 meter, Yasu model FT 620B, $200 (918 494-3683 ARCADE, ASTEROID deluxe full size coin operated, needs repair $175. (918)938-3729
1972 ROWE Juke box 200 plays $650 (918) 2248433. E NT E R TA I N M E NT CENTER, glass doors, shelves, lighted. $300. 918313-8716
NEED EXTRA cash to buy furniture? Phone a Loan today. (918) 743-7019. A TT E NT I ON SUCCESS SEEKERS Do not look at any other opportunity until you have listened to the “Success Secrets Revealed” CD! To get your FREE CD, please call (918) 780-8095 NEED EXTRA cash? We pay cash for vehicles running or not. Any year, any model. Licensed and insured. Dave’s Wrecker (918) 693-7901 or (918) 712-4510. $ $ $ A C C E S S LAWSUIT Cash Now!! Injury Lawsuit Dragging? Need fast $500-$500,000? Rates as low as 1/2% ELECTRONIC month. Call Now! 1-800EQUIPMENT 568-8321. www.lawcapital. GARMIN GPS 1450 LM com still in the box never used $90 (918)734-1938 funeral H A R M ON Y needs ELECTRIC guitar and amplifier $125. DO U B L E ( 9 1 8 ) 6 9 7 - 0 9 0 1 MAUSOLEUM for sale at Green Hill Memorial Radio, short wave, Gardens, Sapulpa, Ok. transceiver 6 meter, Yasu Inside claimant control, model FT 620B, $200 (918 side by side, $4000. OBO. 494-3683 jasonbarbara364@@ymail. LCD TV’s starting at $89. com Tulsa Pawn Starz (918)770- we’re online 7869 tulsathriftynickel.com
(918) 836-0707
View us at http://www.tulsathriftynickel.com
October 03, 2013 - Section A Page 3
YOUR NEW VERMEER DEALERS ARE: KUBOTA CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT OF TULSA 10601 S. Memorial Dr., Tulsa, OK 74133 PH: 918-970-4614 www.tulsakubota.com
12751 Hwy 75, Okmulgee, OK 74447 PH: 918-756-3560 www.stewartmartinequipment.com
Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Rebel are registered trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. Š2013 Vermeer Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Thrifty Nickel Is Like A Four Leaf Clover!
Section A Page 4 ‑ October 03, 2013
$$$ Running FOR VEHICLES or Not Any Year/Any Model Licensed & Insured
250-3942 5 CEMETERY LOTS, Memorial Park, will sell for $1600. each (334)389-8304 Dean Walker 2 STACKABLE plots in Floral Heaven Veterans Cemetery plus bronze name plate (918)838-8414 2 LOTS in Floral Haven in Beautiful Garden of Memories, $3500. OBO. Judith (807)378-5004 D O U B L E MAUSOLEUM for sale at Green Hill Memorial Gardens, Sapulpa, Ok. Inside claimant control, side by side, $4000. OBO. jasonbarbara364@ymail. com we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com
(918) 693-7901 or (918) 712-4510 FLORAL HAVEN Veteran’s Field of Honor. 2 crypt plot including vaults, bronze headstone, opening and closing included, only $7,500. (479) 462-8332 CEMETERY PLOTS 2 For $800. each, in Memorial Park. (918)627-0366 if you know of a business that would benefit from having our paper stand at their location, please call us at (918)836-0707. We appreciate it.
GOBER POST FRAME BUILDINGS Shops, Garages, Houses, Agriculture, Commercial
1-405-595-0770 30x40x10 - $11,500 30x40x12 - $12,700 30x50x10 - $13,800 30x50x12 - $14,900
With 4” Concrete, Fully Insulated, 1- Commercial Overhead Door 1 - Entry Door, #1 29Ga 40yr Painted Metal Built on Your Level Site. Additional Sizes Available Mileage or Higher Concrete Prices May Apply Protect Your Home and Property!!!!!! Make sure your contractor is following the law Ask for general liability and workers comp insurance
furniture bed room C O V E R E D BEDROOM Bench , 3 foot long. $75. 918-9555110 IRON BED, head, foot, side rails, full. $150. (918)835-3259 STANLEY KING Bedroom Set, Triple Dresser, Chest, Mirror, Headboard, Two Night Stands, Rails, $1,000 (918)332-0923 BRAND NEW queen size pillow top mattress in good condition $150. Call or text (918) 814-7632 DAYBED LIKE NEW with white frame $125.00 (918)289-1931
BED QUEEN size with mattress, box , rails, headboard, $250. (918)6133206 4 DRAWER chest $40.. (918) 955-5110 QUEEN PILLOW Top mattress in original plastic $150. Call or text (918) 8147632 BED BENCH $100. (918) 955-5110 TWIN HEAD board with rail $40 (918)282-8550 TRIPLE DRESSER with mirrored hutch, 6 ft high, armoire, night stand. Excellent condition, (918)381-8020 BEDROOM SUIT with night stands, chest, bedding $250. (918) 633-5111 Thrifty Nickel
Junk Car Buyer
Dead or Alive
Top Prices Paid
EVERYBODY APPROVED!!! NO Deposit! Cable TV Internet Te l e p h o n e Se Habla Español
Call Today
Dating Easy
(918) 836-0707
1-888-773-1458 972-660-6900 Mon. - Fri.
(918) 664.1111 Men 4 Men
(918) 663.2700
FREE CODE : Say “AC Tulsa” For other local numbers call:
24/7 Friendly Customer Care 1(888) 634.2628 18+ ©2013 PC LLC
IRON BED, head, B U F F E T / H U T C H , foot, side rails, full. $150. walnut early American (918)835-3259 style. $125. Call (918) 5768835 TABLE WITH 6 chairs, furniture $100. (918) 955-5110 dinning room OVAL DINNING table, leaves, 6 chairs, ROUND TABLE two (Century) 67 inches $450. . excellent condition $500. (918)232-5120 (918)704-4412 CHINA BRUSHED BRASS ANTIQUE lamp $40. like new. hutch $100. (918) 955-5110 DINNING SET seats (918)704-4412 WOODEN KITCHEN 8, 2 leafs, wood, very nice! table, 4 chairs $125, cash. $100. 918-313-8716 DINNER TABLE for (918)425-2745 FOR SALE $150. Queen sale, $150. Call after 5 Pillow Top mattress. Call or if seriously interested. (918)565-0576 text (918) 814-7632 CHINA DINNING CHAIRS (2) ANTIQUE black padded with wood hutch $100. (918) 955-5110 COFFEE TABLES legs (918)808-6099 WOOD wood and glass $50. (918) SOLID BUFFET $150. 313-8716 TABLE WITH 6 Chairs (918)232-5120 $100.. (918) 955-5110 Thrifty Nickel
SOLID OAK Dining room with two leads 6 dining chairs $150.00 (918)289-1931
furniture living room ROUND MARBLE coffee table $200. (918)2325120 BARREL CHAIR, swivel, leather $150. (918)2618414 Thrifty Nickel
SLEEPER SOFA, queen, reupholstered, like new! $275. (918)742-8730 ROCKER RECLINER, beige, really nice. $100. 918-313-8716 R E C L IN E R ELECTRIC, navy blue fabric, like new. $300. 918313-8716 TV, 60” TOSHIBA, needs color focus tube $150 (918)946-4538 MAUVE SOFA $250. (918)232-5120
View us at http://www.tulsathriftynickel.com
(918) 836-0707
Dutch's Pawn Shop We Buy Estate Guns, Gold & Jewelry.
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COFFEE TABLE and end tables $100. for set. (918) 955-5110 FURNITURE FOR Sale! Good prices in good condition. (918)565-0576 SOFA TAN fabric $250. (918)859-5248 BIG ROCKER/ RECLINER $30. (918) 313-8716 PAIR END Tables (Ethan Allen) $600. pair $300. each. (918)704-4412 EVENING GOWN size 10, black with sheer sleeves. $100. (918) 313-8716 E N T E R TA I N M E N T CENTER with display lighting $150. (918) 3138716 BROWN VELVET wing back chair, $75. (918) 9555110 2 SWIVEL rockers and 1 recliner $25. each (918)3216176 (918)813-5927 ROUND MARBLE coffee table $200. (918)2325120 5 FOOT Wooden coffee table nice, $20. (918)-9063971 BROWN PATIO Wicker furniture, 5 piece sectional with large chair, and long matching table, lots of beige cushions. $700. Must see!! (918) 494-4019. BROWN VELVET wing back chair, $75. (918) 9555110
do you take
Viagra or cialiS?
October 03, 2013 - Section A Page 5
SatiSfaction guaranteed
OLDER POOL table average $300.00 (918)8290279 OFFICE CHAIR high back $35. (918)282-8550 PICK-NICK TABLE with 2 benches. $125. (918) 955-5110 ANTIQUE RECORD Cabinet, $75. (918) 9555110 QUEEN SIZE mattress, furniture excellent condition. Still Misc wrapped in plastic. Call or VHS CABINET $75. text (918) 814-7632 3 PIECE Ethan Allen (918) 955-5110 P E N S O A L E N A bookshelves unit $1000. HOUSE armoire, very (918)232-5120 nice. $275. (918)704-4412 Thrifty Nickel QUEEN SIZE plush mattress set. Will sacrifice $299. Call or text (918) 8147632 BROWN VELVET wing back chair, $75. (918) 9555110 LEATHER SOFA, Brown $350. (918)8595248
ARMOIRE FOR TV 32’36’ Queen Ann style, cheery. $275. (918)494-9802 ELEPHANTS, 3 large, end table size from Southeast Asia, $100. (918)605-2728 BOOK CASE, $75. (918) 955-5110 BAR STOOLS (2), 24”, maple, white, swivel. $40 for both. 918-808-6099 PINE FLOOR lamp with matching table lamps for $45, (918) 814-4673. BUFFET HUTCH 6 drawer & 3 shelf’s $125.00 (918)289-1931
Finding the right care facility takes time and requires careful consideration. Planning ahead makes the transition of moving into a care facility go a lot smoother. CARE LIVING CENTER located at 2100 Townsend Drive in El Reno, phone (405) 262-3323. In today’s society, many retired people are living more useful and productive lives. Many individuals may need some assistance, but may not require the structured environment or care a nursing home provides. CARE LIVING CENTER provides personalized services and they encourage residents to stay active and to participate in a variety of community services and social activities. They provide 24 hour security and emergency call response service. The well-trained and experienced staff assures safety aroundthe-clock and oversees the administration of medication. The happiness and well-being of their residents is the driving force behind everything they do. Payment for care can be made through Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance and private pay. The editors of this 2013 Business Review encourage you to experience the warm, comfortable, compassionate atmosphere of CARE LIVING CENTER for you or a loved one.
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The Thrifty Nickel Is Like A Four Leaf Clover!
Section A Page 6 ‑ October 03, 2013
20’ $3950 40’ $5150 40’ HC $5350
Insulated Available. Free Delivery in 405 & 918 Area Codes. 580 Area Code - Call for Delivery Visa & Mastercard Accepted
Prices Subject to Change without Notice Call Toll Free 1-877-258-1020
PENSOALENA HOUSE armoire, very nice. $275. (918)704-4412 BUFFET HUTCH 6 drawer & 3 shelf’s $125.00 (918)289-1931 SECRETARIAT WITH bookshelf, nice wood. $40. (918)272-4204 SET END/COFFEE tables with lamps. Glass top dining table with 4 chairs plus more. Call 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. only. (918) 743-0938 ANTIQUE HIGH chair $100. (918) 955-5110 BAR STOOL $25. cane and wicker. (918)704-4412 FULL SIZE pillow top mattress. $125. (918) 9555110 BABY BED white metal
GIFT ITEMS New in package & Some gently used HANDMADE
adjust with mattress, rollers $60. (918)521-5059 2 BIRD PRINT chair $75 pair (918)282-8550 MEDIA. Cabinet open front 37”x61”x6” Holds all sizes CD, DVD, Cassettes and VHS $40. Call (918) 576-8835 PINE FLOOR lamp and matching table lamps for $35, (918) 814-4673. SET END/COFFEE tables with lamps. Glass top dining table with 4 chairs plus more. Call 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. only. (918) 743-0938
furniture office FILE CABINET 2 door, wooden very nice. $50. (918)704-4412 PING PONG Table $50. Office desk $20. Fridge $70. 9 commercial lights $150. 5 commercial fans $100. Entertainment cabinet $75. (918)851-4374
• Automatics • Standards • Foreign & Domestic • Clutches
G&L Custom Carports Call Anytime!
Any size available
Now accepting credit cards!
20x20 - $1,095 20x24 - $1,395 24x24 - $1,695 24x30 - $1,995
12x20 - $1,595 20x20 - $2,195 24x24 - $2,995 24x30 - $3,595
12x30 - $1,895 12x40 - $2,550 20x30 - $2,295 20x40 - $3,395
Uprights - Beams and Grids
Different Sizes Call Anytime 918-869-8418 garage sales/ flea market FIND US on Facebook: Chickasha Swap Meet or Chickasha Antique Auto Club or on line at www. chickashaautoswapmeet. com GARAGE SALE: Thur.Sunday 7: am to 7: p.m. Clothes, furniture, shoes, misc.
Transmissions EARRINGS Norris Complete Transmission Service LAYAWAY AVAILABLE
(918) 836-0707
• Serviced • Rebuilt • Carryout • Axles • CV Joints
951-5758 (Weekends) 1015 E. 6th Tulsa • 3 Blks W. Of Peoria
(918)869-8418 • 69 Hwy N - Muskogee great gifts EARRINGS, 10K yellow gold, twisted hoops, 1 inch. $30. (918)891-2514 PURSE, COUCH, unused, $100. (918)6973141
guns & hunting BERETTA PISTOL Tomcat 32 auto. $400. Call (918) 287-4135 GUN SHOW/SALE! Vinita Oklahoma, Clark County Fairgrounds Oct 12-13th 9am. Private and FFL Dealers on site. Bring a gun for sale or trade Save $1 Bring this ad save another $1 Guns, Ammo, Military Surplus Collectibles and more. http://www. superdavesgunshow.com superdavesgunshow@ ymail.com
SHOTGUN AMMO, 12 gage, factory loads 7.5 shot. $10. per box. (918)6645454 GUN CARRY class $60.00 in Tulsa, Owasso, & Catoosa call Robert (918)697-9044 GUN SALE Miami OK Oct 5-6th Miami City Hall 5th and A St. opens at 9am. Private sales and FFL dealers on site. Bring this ad to save $1. Bring a gun to save another $1 off admission. Super Dave’s Gun Show http:// www.superdavesgunshow. com superdavesgunshow@ ymail.com AMMO, AMERICAN Eagle 223, 200 rounds $125. (918)638-1492 A M M O , WINCHESTER 22 long rifles HP 333 rounds, $35. (918)274-4746 put the savings in your pocket, not their cash register! Thrifty Nickel.
hunting & fishing 280-320 CLASS Elk $4500. Axis, Blackbuck, fallow, $2500. Axis, Red Stag $3500. Rams $800$1600. Bobby 512-4230362, Elgin, Texas. http:// www.eightpointranch.com
INTERNET & tECHNOLOGY DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) Hi-speed Internet starting $14.95/month (where available.) Ask About SAME DAY Installation! 1-800-261-8091. advertising recipe: take the best rates in town, add over 1200 locations, stir in weekly delivery reliability, and you have the best advertising value around! Call 918-8360707 for details!
lawn/garden GUTTER CLEANING landscaping also chain link and private fences. (918) 833-2802. LAWN CARE and hedge trimming. (918) 833-2802. EDGER, RYOBI, 2 cycle, $35. (918)955-9056 LAWN CARE and hedge trimming. (918) 833-2802. TROYBILT XT MOWER , heavy duty deck, Honda motor, $50. (918)232-3031 TWO LAWN mower blades, 8 inch, just sharpened. $10. (918) 3572573 LAWN SWEEPER for riding mower, 38” grass and leaf, $175. (918)627-4602 MOWER, YARD Man, commercial 21” B&S, 6 hp, push, $80. (918)361-1299 we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com
C R A F T S M A N RIDING lawnmower, Kohler engine. $400. (918)321-6176
VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL $95.00 100% guaranteed. Fast Shipping! CALL NOW! 1-800-849-4243. NEW ELECTRIC hospital bed with side rails paid $1,100. asking $800. OBO. (918) 378-3162 NEW CONDITION Medline Excel narrow wheelchair. Free walker and bathroom hand rails with purchase 225. firm. (918)307-0338 (918)2617459 everyone is doing it! You can too. Advertise at Thrifty Nickel, that is. Call 918-836-0707 to join the crowd!
5pk Cigars.
Regular Size Candy Bars.
Buy 1 get 1 Free.
View us at http://www.tulsathriftynickel.com
(918) 836-0707
October 03, 2013 - Section A Page 7
NANDO’S Tire Shop
FREE TIRE BALANCING WITH PURCHASE! Open from 7am to 10pm 7 days a week.
5102 S. Union Ave. Tulsa, OK. 74107 918.409.9510 DENTAL PLUS $14.95 individual or $19.95 household related or not related per month Over 59,000 Dental Providers Nationwide Save up to 80% on Dental Services No Limits on Visits or Services Instant Savings No Age Limits No Paperwork No Waiting Periods Orthodontics All Specialist included Plus 3 additional programs at no additional cost Vision Prescription Drugs Chiropractic http:// w w w. e v er y o n eb e n ef i t s . com/40779256 kciz1@cox. net SAVE UP to 80% on Dental Costs You and your ENTIRE Household can SAVE up to 80% on your Dental Costs for ONLY $19.95 PER MONTH!! Includes FREE: Vision, Prescription, Chiropractic Care! *No Waiting Periods *No Contracts *No Limitations on Visits and Age *No Deductibles/ Co-pays *Change Dentists when you like COSMETIC DENTISTRY AND ORTHODONTIC(braces) INCLUDED!!! ENROLL TODAY http://www. apdentalplan.com/munoz supermomspray@gmail. com DENTAL PLAN for the whole household $19.95 includes vision, chiropractic and prescription. No pre screenings. No long paperwork. Use it the same day. Price guarantee for 2 years and money back guarantee on the plan. Unbelievable savings. That’s less than $240 for the whole year for the whole household. You save just by signing up. Reply to this ad for more information hcarelovejoy@gmail.com CASH PAID for diabetic test strips. Boxes must be sealed and unexpired. Call Med Hope Supplies at 1-866-374-0521 and help us help others! Thrifty Nickel
WHEEL CHAIR extra wide, heavy duty $75. (918)282-7373 B U S I N E S S BENEFITS Package $99.95 per month includes entire household Employer/ Employee Package Enhance employee productivity Reduce employee sick time Reduce business expenses Reduce employee tardiness Help employees save money Owner/manager $99.95 per month For as little as $49.95 a month per employee. http:// w w w. e v er y o n e b e n e f i t s . com/40779256 kciz1@cox. net BUYVIAGRA 100MG, CIALIS 20mg. 40 Pills + 4 Free !Discreet shipping, Save $500 now! 1-877-5951022
misc INDOOR/OUTDOOR T he r momete r / humidity gauge. $9. (918) 357-2573 COLOR TV $60. (918) 955-5110 STORM DOOR, 32 inches with glass and screen. $40. (918) 2727811 LINER REAR mat for Chevy crew cab, 2008 and up. $50. (918) 857-8150 I N T E R N AT I O N A L ELECTRIC travel plugs and voltage converter, $9. (918) 357-2573 FLAG POLE aluminum, 20 ft with flag $200. (918)577- 5483 GLASS SHOE CASE. 18x38x71 $100. (918)3713461 MOWER, YARD Man, commercial 21” B&S, 6 hp, push, $80. (918)361-1299 F I B E R G L A S S CAMPER, long wide Chevy, $300. (918)8578150
99 MO
For 12 months w/ America’s Top 120
w/ 24-month commitment. Restrictions Apply. Call for Details. 1. Monthly receiver & DVR fees apply. 2. Offer subject to change based on premium channel availability.
SUIT CASE $15 (918)698-9333 ELEPHANTS, 3 large, end table size from Southeast Asia, $100. (918)605-2728 BUNDLE AND SAVE! DIRECTV, INTERNET & PHONE From $69.99/mo. + Free 3-Months: HBO Starz SHOWTIME CINEMAX+ FREE GENIE 4-Room Upgrade+ NFL SUNDAY TICKET! Limited time. 888449-6821 ARCADE. ASTEROID deluxe full size coin operated, needs repair $175. (918)938-3729 BRAND NEW queen size pillow top mattress in good condition $150. Call or text (918) 814-7632 BOY OR girls Little Tikes toy chest $40. (918) 9555110 1997 DODGE Ram dual cab , needs transmission work and a battery, body good, asking $700. OBO. Call (918)419-2765 STAIN GLASS windows, beautiful, $300. (405)612-0745 Yale, OK. HOME SECURITY System. Free Equipment, Free Keychain Remote. Homeowners Insurance Discount. Limited Time Offer. Call Today, Install Tomorrow. Protect Your Home! 866-699-7919 RONALD REGAIN memorial $300. (918) 8144673. we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com
I G N I T I O N ANALYZER, Tune -It -Yourself. $12. (918) 3572573 BOARD, SERVING white marble, nice $10. (918)272-4204 FULL MEMORY foam topper $75 (918)261-0841 GATES, METAL, 7 by 4 ft. and 9 by 4 ft. $75. (9180 439-3660 FULL MEMORY foam topper $75 (918)261-0841 WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 LAWN SWEEPER for riding mower, 38” grass and leaf, $175. (918)627-4602 DIRECTV FREE NFL Sunday Ticket with 150+ Channels $29.99/month! Free HD/DVR! FREE Movie Channels! Ends Soon 1-888-713-1360 HALLOWEEN HAY! Great for carnivals, pumpkin patches, hay rides, yard decorating, etc. $4.00 per bale. (918) 266-1704. (918)857-6806 QUEEN SIZE plush mattress set. Will sacrifice $299. Call or text (918) 8147632 CHEST COOLER, vintage, excellent condition. (918)585-5848 people are looking for bargains in Thrifty Nickel, and they are finding them! Why not place your ad today? Thrifty Nickel.
PAYLESS DIVORCE Starting at $150 Prompt Service, UNCONTESTED, Court Ready INCLUDES: • Notary • Name Change Real Estate • Creditors • Children Excludes Court Costs
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Suzuki, Yamaha, SeaDoo, CanAm, Kawasaki POWER SPORTS products all under one roof! Knowledgeable staff and Financing. Service and Parts. Tulsa’s absolute BEST Power sports Store and Service. New and Preowned water craft, motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, UTVs, accessories and more. 145th and the BA, www.mwpowersports. com, 918-251-2553 we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com FAUCET, KOHLER 2 handle chrome, bath was $138, $75. in box. (918)366-7678 CASH FOR ANY CAR! We buy cars and pay on the spot. Sell your car TODAY! Call for INSTANT offer: 1-888-AUTO-239 (888-2886239) or www.SellACarUSA. com RUG SHAMPOOER, Bissell with attachments. $60. OBO. (918)282-8550 HYDRAULIC PIPE bender, 12 ton $85. (918)245-1124
HUUUUUGE SALE ON JETSKIS.... (We actually needed 5 “U”s to get the point across...) RIGHT NOW.... Financing available. You’ll never deal with a better staff to get you on your way to lake loving fun. Hurry in now before summer is gone (and you look back wishing you had moved on the deals!!) M&W Power sports, 145th and the BA, www.mwpowersports. com, 918-251-2553. EDGER, RYOBI, 2 cycle, $35. (918)955-9056 HUMMING BIRD with bottle feeder OU & OSU $10 (918)698-9333 INDOOR/OUTDOOR T he r momete r / humidity gauge. $8. (918) 357-2573 WINE BOTTLES empty 50 cents each. (918)6989333 SKILLETS (5) old cast iron, $35. (918)174-4746 WICKER SET 2 wicker chains and 1 bench $20 for all (918)946-4538
QUEEN SIZE mattress, excellent condition. Still wrapped in plastic. Call or text (918) 814-7632 BARBECUE GRILL $40. OBO. (918)282-8550 BARBECUE GRILL $40. OBO. (918)282-8550 RUG SHAMPOOER, Bissell with attachments, $60. obo.(918)282-8550 NEW and PREOWNED Honda cycles at great SALE pricing - massive inventory. Financing available. Come in to see us at 145th and the BA or call 918-2512553. Check our website at www.mwpowersports.com advertise it today… sell it tomorrow. Thrifty Nickel gets results.
NEW and PREOWNED Yamaha cycles at great SALE pricing - massive inventory. Financing available. Come in to see us at 145th and the BA or call 918-251-2553. Check our website at www. mwpowersports.com MICROWAVE UNDER the cabinet, $30. 918-8086099 CANADA DRUG CENTER. Safe and affordable medications. Save up to 90% on your medication needs. Call 1-800-261-8169 ($25 off your first prescription and free shipping. SINGER SEWING machine & cabinet $50 (918)946-4538 Thrifty Nickel
ENTIRE STORE HALF OFF Saturday, October 5th. 9am to 9pm
5133 South Peoria Ave. - Tulsa.
Everything in Entire Store 50% Off! With Every Purchase Receive an Opportunity to Win a 39" Flat-screen TV Drawing to be held Sunday, Oct. 6th at 2pm - Must Be Present to Win! Cash, Checks & Charge Cards Welcome. Come Early - Stay Late.
The Thrifty Nickel Is Like A Four Leaf Clover!
Section A Page 8 ‑ October 03, 2013 TROYBILT XT MOWER , heavy duty deck, Honda motor, $50. (918)232-3031 VACUUM BISSELL. $40. (918) 955-5110 OBAMACARE NOW available. Everyone accepted regardless of pre-existing health conditions. Call toll free to apply 800-963-3605. NEED TRAFFIC To Your Website? Drive 364,000 Visitors To Your Site In 24 Hours! Little Known Secret reveals How! Find Out Now!! www. BringsTraffic.com we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com MINIATURE LIQUOR bottle collection ( 30 full, 17 empty) $55. (918)357-2573 10-GAME SET (checkers, tic-tactoe, chess, solitaire, backgammon, snakes & ladders, Parcheesi, etc.). $9. (918)357-2573
MERCEDES BENZ left side mirror for 300, 420 or 560, $20. (918) 357-2573 QUEEN PILLOW Top mattress in original plastic $150. Call or text (918) 8147632 EARRINGS, 10K yellow gold, twisted hoops, 1 inch. $30. (918)891-2514 CHICKASAW SWAP Meet “Rain or Shine” Thursday October 17th The Largest Auto Swap Meet in Oklahoma 712 E. Choctaw Ave., Chickasaw, OK. FEED TROUGHS, several for $65. (918)3819520 PUGS GEAR hats 10 for $100 (918)946-4538 *DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/mo. FREE Installation FREE HD/DVR Upgrade New Customers - NO ACTIVATION FEE! Credit/Debit Card Req. Call (800)795-5319
CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS up to $28/Box! Shipping prepaid. 1 DAY payment. 1-888-366-0956. www. Cash4DiabeticSupplies.com GUMBALL MACHINE with stand, Harley Davidson, vintage $300. (918)6937374 W A L L P A P E R STEAMER Earlex LMB 150 NA $500. for $195. (918)492-6013 WATER FORD DECANTERS $150 each. Tulsa Pawn Starz (918)7707869 KILL BED BUGS & THEIR EGGS! Buy a Harris Bed Bug Kit. Complete Treatment Solution. Odorless, Non-Staining. Available onlinehomedepot. com (NOT IN STORES) 6x3 STORAGE cabinet, $50. (918) 955-5110
Painting will do Small jobs, interior and exterior. (918) 833-2802 ALL THINGS POWER SPORTS at M&W Power sports, 145th and the BA. New and Preowned with Financing Available. Did we say “ALL THINGS!?” Yes, we did. jests, ATVs, UTVs, Motorcycles, Scooters, Service, Parts, and Accessories, etc. Great Staff on hand to help guide you. www.mwpowersports.com or 918-251-2553 CRAFTSMAN BELT & Disk Sander $150. Tulsa Pawn Starz (918)770-7869 PURSE, COUCH, unused, $100. (918)6973141 WANTED OIL and Gas mineral rights, producing or non-producing. Contact (918)440-4600 online we’re tulsathriftynickel.com
safe, floor, combination, 24X17 $50. (918)286-3918 HAVING MARRIAGE Problems? Our system will solve them in weeks not months. Even when your partner dose not want too! Over 40,000 marriages saved worldwide. www. fixyourmarriageproblems. com S I M O N ’ S BINOCULARS 10x42. $50. Call (918) 287-4135 DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) Hi-speed Internet starting $14.95/month (where available.) Ask About SAME DAY Installation! 1-800-283-1597. C R A F T S M A N TABLETOP saw. $400, Shop smith multitask lath, $400. porcelain dolls State Fair, $25 each. John Deer H.O model train layout, $189. (918)248-7108
FAST FREE shipping on all orders. Quality Physicians Choice Diabetic Socks at a fair price. Please go to my eBay store: dansdiabeticsocks for Diabetic, Athletic, Womens, Work Boot, Over The Calf Socks and more. C H I C K A S H A ANTIQUE Auto Swap Meet. Free parts hauling and meals available on grounds. Admission is free, parking $4 which benefits a local youth group. All spaces 10x30. The meet held on 40 acres at 712 E. Choctaw, Chickasha Oklahoma. Rain Or Shine-Outside Event 405-224-OKLA (6552) office 10am-3pm M-W-F J A C U Z Z I WHIRLPOOL tub, 60”x32” almond, $75. (918)636-1179 CRAFTSMAN DRILL Press $150. Tulsa Pawn Starz (918)770-7869
SEVEN WOODEN bushel baskets; various sizes $4. total . (918) 3572573 MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-800318-1216 RONALD REGAIN memorial $300. (918) 8144673. we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com WILSON LEATHER bike vest small $149 retail asking $110 (918)902-7265 TULSA BEST Auto, Everyone Approved! Every vehicle sold with warranty we help you rebuild credit! We have HUGE inventory! (918)836-7964 5711 E 11th St. Tulsa,OK. CURIO CLOCK $100. (918) 955-5110
(918) 836-0707
USED PALLET racking, uprights, beams and grids. Different sizes. Call anytime (918) 869-8418. C R A F T S M A N PLANNER 6” $250. Tulsa Pawn Starz (918)7707869 get your phone ringing with a Thrifty Nickel ad that brings buyers!
On Sale Today Trailers! 8’x20’ GOOSENECK DUMP TRAILER 24K GVWR w/4’Sides
You Save
8’x20’ dump trailer with 4’ sides: 12k axle upgrade (24k GVWR): 3/16” flooring upgrade: Equipment ramps: Mounted spare tire & wheel: Total List Price
Your On Sale Today Price:
11,995 $ 1,500 $ 750 $ 200 $ 150
You Save
102’x40’ EQUIPMENT TRAILER 24K GVWR w/4’Sides
You Save
Your On Sale Today Price:
7’x12’ Gn Roll Off Trailer 14K GVWR 11 Yard Dumpster: 11 Yard Dumpster: 11 Yard Dumpster: 11 Yard Dumpster: 11 Yard Dumpster: Total List Price
9,995 2,995 2,995 $ 2,995 $ 2,995 $ 2,995 $
Your On Sale Today Price:
You Save
7x16 Gooseneck Dump Trailer: 48” Side Wall Upgrade: 3/16” Heavy Duty Flooring Upgrade: Manual Tarp Upgrade: Add 16” Full Size Spare and Mount: Total List Price
$6,995 $600 $600 $500 $200 8,895
Your On Sale Today Price:
8’x20’ Dual Tandem Roll Off Trailer, 20K GVWR 12K Axle Upgrade (24,000 GVWR) 20’ - 18-Yard-Dumpster 20’ - 18-Yard-Dumpster 20’ - 18-Yard-Dumpster 20’ - 18-Yard-Dumpster 20’ - 18-Yard-Dumpster Electric Automated Tarping System Key Chain Wireless Remote 16” Mounted Spare Tire & Wheel
You Save
Total List Price
$19,995 $1,500 $4,495 $4,495 $4,495 $4,495 $4,495 $1,600 $275 $175 46,020
Your On Sale Today Price:
7’x14’ DUMP TRAILER 16K GVWR w/3’ Sides
8 1/2’x35’+5’ Dovetail & Ramps (40’ overall): $8,495 $ 12k Axle Upgrade: 1,500 $ Anti-twist Torque Tube: 500 Heavy Duty Bridging (Reduces Frame Flexing): $350 $ Pop Up 300 $ Mounted Spare Tire & Wheel 150 Total List Price
7’x14’ Dump Trailer 14k GVWR: 8k axle and tire upgrade (16k GVWR): 3’ Sidewall upgrade:
You Save
Total List Price
5,995 $ 500 $ 300 $
Your On Sale Today Price:
Tandem 3,500lb. Axles, New 15” Six Ply Tires, 18” Sides
Tandem 6K axles, New 8 lug 16” tires, 24” sides
Tandem 7K brake axles, New 8 lug 16” radial tires, 2 5/16” bull dog style coupler, 3” sq tubing rails, ramps
Tandem 7K brake axles, New 8 lug 16” radial tires, 2 5/16” bull dog style coupler, 18’ deck w/ 2’ dovetail, ramps
7,000lb. GVWR
Sale Price
Cash Price
6x10 Dump – add $200
12,000lb. GVWR
Sale Price
Cash Price
Gooseneck – add $500
14,000lb. GVWR
Sale Price
14,000lb. GVWR
Sale Price
Cash Price
Gooseneck – add $500
Cash Price
Gooseneck – add $500
Triple 7K brake axles, New 8 lug 16” radial tires, 2 5/16” bull dog coupler, 20’ deck w/ 4’ dovetail, ramps
Tandem 7k brake axles, New 8 lug 16” radial tires, 20’ deck w/ 5’ dovetail and ramps
Tandem 10k dually axles, New 8 lug 16” dually tires, 27’ deck w/ 5’ dovetail and ramps
Tandem 15k dually axles, New 8 lug 17.5” dually tires, 35’ deck w/ 5’ dovetail and ramps
21,000lb. GVWR
Sale Price
Cash Price
Upgrade to 8k axles and 12 ply tires – add $1000
7.9% WAC*
14,000lb. GVWR
Sale Price
Cash Price
Upgrade to 8k axles and 12 ply tires – add $500 Longer Length– add $100/ft.
20,000lb. GVWR
Sale Price
30,000lb. GVWR
Cash Price
Upgrade to 12k axles – add $1000 Longer Length– add $100/ft.
Sale Price
Texas Pride Trailers The best Built, Best Backed, Best Priced Trailers- GUARANTEED
Website: www.texaspridetrailers.com 1241 I-45 | Madisonville, TX 77864 | Phone: 936-348-7552 | Fax: 936-348-7554 Call TEXAS PRIDE TRAILERS MANUFACTURING at (936) 348-7552 for any questions.
* See dealer for details
Cash Price
View us at http://www.tulsathriftynickel.com
(918) 836-0707 V A C U U M ELECTROLUX Ultra, was $399 now $285, in box. 918-366-7678 VHS MOVIES - 10 for $10. 918-906-3971 HEATER FLOOR register booster, electric, $10. 918-357-2573 DOLL PATTI Play pal / horseman $10. (918)3572573 tools (5), ELECTRIC. aLL FOR $50. (918)5579043 FOR SALE $150. Queen Pillow Top mattress. Call or text (918) 814-7632 JUICER, JUICE MAN with book, works great, good condition $30. (918)742-8624 DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/month Free Installation/HD-DVR upgrade. New customers. No Activation Fee! Credit/ Debit required. 1-800-7959329. TWO LAWN mower blades, 8 inch, just sharpened. $8. (918) 3572573 MERCEDES 1986 300E and 1986 190 tire kits and license plates for both. $75. (918) 814-4673. W A L L P A P E R STEAMER Earlex LMB 150 NA $500 for $225. 918492-6013 R E F R I G E R AT O R $100 good condition. Call Vaughn (918)636-6682 PAYLESS DIVORCE starting at $150 , Visa/MC; Member of BBB of Eastern OK. 24 years experience. No appointment necessary. Mon.-Fri. 9-6; Sat. 9-12. (918) 664-2401, 2756 South Memorial, Tulsa OK. paylessdivorceok.com HAUL OFF or buy major appliances working or not (918)915-1185 WAGON WHEELS, 5, all metal, 3 large, 2 small, $280. (918)455-7213 LARGE MIRROR with brass frame, $100. (918) 955-5110 CAGE, FERRET 3 ft. long. $20. 918-906-3971 C O N C R E T E STAINING for $1.00 a sq. ft with Maxcrete! Minimum 250 sq. ft! Jobs over 1500 sq. ft will be cheaper. I use Kemiko and H&C stain, prep concrete and clean, apply stain to your satisfaction, then add two clear coats to give depth and protection. (918) 991-8122 David. Power sports fans recommend M&W Power sports, 145th and the BA. Unbeatable, knowledgeable service to guide you through everything you need to enjoy your cycles, ATVs, UTVs, water craft, and more. Financing available and a HUGE inventory of both new and used products. Kawasaki, CanAm, Yamaha, Suzuki, and more.... 918251-2553 or check out our website at www. mwpowersports.com E L E C T R I C TREADMILL, Weslo $75. (918)836-5566 VACUUM HOOVER Elite rewind cord, hepta filter $40. (918)357-2573 COLD STEEL knife Reckon Scout. $150. Call (918) 287-4135
photographic equipment FLASH METER Samigon $100.00 (918)2874135 P hotographic 3x4 glass slides, 300 negatives, oak case $300 (918) 245-0155
portable buildings STEEL BUILDINGS: 5 only 16x20, 25x30, 30x38, 45x74, 50x100. Must Move Now! Selling for Balance Owed! Free Delivery! 1-800211-9593 x280.
roommates SEEKING MATURE ROOMMATE for Comradeship and to share expenses no drugs or drink references required, for more information call Harold (918) 355-5147
SEWING MACHINES CREATIVE 2140 Pfaff domestic sewing machine with embroidery. (918) 2301328 APOS MILLENNIUM Quilting Machine, total get started package with many patterns books pantos/ thread. (918) 230-1328
Tools & equipment
catch all the wheelin’ & dealin’ at Thrifty Nickel. Read it—you’re sure to find the car or truck of your dreams. SHOPMITH MARK V with saw $350. Tulsa Pawn Starz (918)770-7869 SPORTING BOB CAT, incubator, GOODS welding machine, steel work E L E C T R I C tables, 20 foot dove tail TREADMILL, Weslo trailer (918) 924-6999 $75. (918)836-5566 tools (5), ELECTRIC. BICYCLES $40 aLL FOR $50. (918)5579043 (918)321-6176
C R A F T S M A N TABLETOP saw. $400, Shopsmith multitask lath, $400. porcelain dolls State Fair, $25 each. John Deer H.O model train layout, $189. (918)248-7108 FOUR TOOLBOXES Snap-On, side mount $100. each. (918) 447-1117 CARBURETOR, HOLLY model 1850, 600 CFM square bore $85. (918)210-4576 TORO 6.75 HP Recycler Mower $150. Tulsa Pawn Starz (918)770-7869 20th CENTURY welder for sale contact Rod (918) 490-3446 ROOFING NAIL gun, Bausch, was $249, $185 never used. 918-366-7678 HYDRAULIC PIPE bender, 12 ton $85. (918)245-1124 DRILL, 18 volt DeWalt cordless with carry case, excellent condition. $100. (918) 210-4576 TORO 6.75 HP Recycler Mower $150. Tulsa Pawn Starz (918)770-7869
WANTED C H I C K A S H A ANTIQUE Auto Swap Meet. Free parts hauling and meals available on grounds. Admission is free, parking $4 which benefits a local youth group. All spaces 10x30. The meet held on 40 acres at 712 E. Choctaw, Chickasha Oklahoma. Rain Or Shine-Outside Event 405-224-OKLA (6552) office 10am-3pm M-W-F WANTED To Buy: Small home safe not working acceptable if reasonable. (918)224-7204
CASH 4 CARS! Trucks! Vans! Running or Not! Including JUNK. No Title OK! (918) 250-3942. CASH 4 CARS! Trucks! Vans! Running or Not! Including JUNK. No Title OK! (918) 231-1767. SEEKING MATURE ROOMMATE for Comradeship and to share expenses no drugs or drink references required, for more information call Harold (918) 355-5147 CHICKASAW SWAP Meet “Rain or Shine” Thursday October 17th The Largest Auto Swap Meet in Oklahoma 712 E. Choctaw Ave., Chickasaw, OK. BATTERIES: CASH for batteries car, truck, good or bad. (918)584-7057 BUYING STAMP collections, old postcards. Frank Salle, www. tulsastampbuyer.com (918) 627-2174. (918) 260-7907, cell. WANTED OIL and Gas mineral rights, producing or non-producing. Contact (918)440-4600 TULSA BEST Auto, Everyone Approved! Every vehicle sold with warranty we help you rebuild credit! We have HUGE inventory! (918)836-7964 5711 E 11th St. Tulsa,OK. CARS WANTED! PayMAX Car Buyers pays the MAX! One call gets you a TOP DOLLAR offer on any year, make or model car. 1-888-9-PAYMAX (1-888972-9629) GUITARS WANTED! Cash Paid! Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, old Fender amps also. John (918) 7242642 we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com
rday Early Bird Satu Special MON-SAT 9-9pm SUN 11-7pm
First 25 customers up till 12pm get a discount on all merchandise that’s not already marked off
50% Christmas in July 28th&29th
music PIANO, FREE , older upright. Good shape. (918)872-8157 PIANO UPRIGHT cheery $500.(918)859-5248 12- 45’s vinyl records $10. for all.(918) 834-8519. TRUMPET, YAMAHA, excellent, $150. (918)2327113 advertising your business doesn’t have to burn a hole in your pocketbook. Place your ad at Thrifty Nickel and save big! Call 918-836-0707. we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com
BOYS SCHWINN Stingray bicycle $150. 918697-0901 GOLF TAYLOR made 09 tour burner, irons 4-pw, $200, 918-853-7261 WOMEN’S GOLF clubs $10. set. (918)-906-3971 GOLF TAYLOR made 09 tour burner, irons 4-pw, $200, 918-853-7261 BLACK BACKPACK NFL travail sportswear. $17. (918) 834-8519 GOLF BALL retriever & divot stick, unused, $9. 918357-2573 GOLD CALL AWAY X18 pro series, irons, 3-pw, $175. 918-853-7261 BRAND NEW Schwinn Meridian 3 wheel bicycle with several free accessories. $250. firm (918)307-0338 (918)2617459 P L A S T I C SKATEBOARD. $7. (918)357-2573 NOTEBOOK SURGE protector, Rocket Fish, new in box $10. (918)357-2573 WOMEN’S GOLF clubs $10. set. (918)-906-3971
October 03, 2013 - Section A Page 9
• Mon & Wed - Seniors Day 25% off for all Seniors (55 & Up) • Military Discount Everyday 25% OFF for all Military Personnel • Tues & Thurs - College & trade school students get 25% off • Color tags specials daily - 50% off on selected items
6921 E. ADMIRAL PL. 835-3955
Section A Page 10 ‑ October 03, 2013
The Thrifty Nickel Is Like A Four Leaf Clover!
(918) 836-0707
Employment HOMEWORKERS NEEDED: Process and return mail from home. Full time/ part time. Year round work from any state. All materials provided. Call 1-702-3872363
employment MAINTENANCE OR HANDYMAN wanted to fix up houses and apartments in Tulsa. Truck or trailer needed. (918) 584-6979. $1,000 WEEKLY or more guaranteed salary mailing our financial company letters from home. No experience required. FT/ PT. Genuine Opportunity. Rapid Advancement. Free Information (24/7): 1-888557-5539 2002 FLEETWOOD 16X60 2 bedroom 2 bath, thermopane windows, wood cabinets, new plush carpet, open floor plan LN $21,700 Call (918)683-4973 2006 FLEETWOOD 2 bedroom 1 bath, Ideal for ranch hands, hunting camp, lake house, college dorm, 4 bunk beds in front bedroom, central heat/air, appliances GC $12,700 Call (918)6838400 PHILLIPS TREE Service wanted experience tree climber 2 year or more with saddle & rope & car or truck paid depend on knowledge (918)282-4198 S P E C I A L PURCHASE! 2014 Southern 16 wide 3 bedroom 2 baths, shingle roof, vinyl siding, open inviting floor plan, standard delivery and set up only $31,900 (918)683-8400 HELP WANTED! $1,000’s Weekly Processing Mail and Mailing Brochures! Experience unnecessary! Start Immediately!WWW. MAILINGNOW23.COM 1-888-285-7643 1994 CLAYTON 16X80 3 bedroom 2 baths, ridged panel steel roof hard board siding, all appliances, only $15,200 Call (918)683-4973 SAVE $10,000! Loaded 2011 Kabco 32x70 3 bedroom 2 bath. Custom built, 2x6 walls, thermopane windows, French Atrium doors, plywood floors, solid wood cabinets, hand laid rock fireplace. This one cost $84,900 new. It won’t last long at $71,900! Only one at this price! Call (918)6837791 CABIN LOOK 16 Wide 1+1 green shingle roof, cedar stained lap siding, hard surface floors, front living room with 10x16 covered porch for more info call (918)683-8400 or see the pictures at www. homestoreltd.com HELP WANTED! Make Extra Money in our free popular homemailer program, includes valuable guidebook! Start immediately! Genuine! Bonuses! 1-888-240-4546. www.easywork-fromhome. com
SELL THOSE unwanted items now and make some cash for the holidays. Call (918)836-0707. HELP WANTED: Maintenance man needed to do lots of house repairs, plumbing, framing. Must have pickup truck. CASH paid daily, Tulsa. (918) 5829157. $5,000 BONUS for Frac Sand O/O’s with complete rigs. Top CDL- A Company Drivers needed. Clean MVR, 14 days out, 2 years recent experience -benefits. 1-817926-3535. NEED A Job? Are You 18-30? Call Us! We pay for you to travel the entire USA. Demonstrate Citrus Clean All expenses paid! 407792-9487 or 407-221-2929 email: sissalncc@cfl.rr.com www.citruscleanit.com D R I V E R S : COMPANY. Great Pay, Miles, Benefits and Home Time. Passenger Policy. CDL-A with 1 yr OTR exp. 1-800-831-4832 x1406 HOMEWORKERS NEEDED: Process and
return mail from home. Full time/ part time. Year round work from any state. All materials provided. Call 1-702-387-2363 we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com A M E R I C A N HOMESTAR 28X80 4 bedroom 2 baths, spacious floor plan, new plush carpet, new counter tops, island kitchen, recessed porch, open roman tub in master LN only $45,800 Call (918)683-7791 WHY PAY More? Shop our website and save! Lowest prices on mobile homes. Homestoreltd.com NEED EXTRA cash? We pay cash for vehicles running or not. Any year, any model. Licensed and insured. Dave’s Wrecker (918) 693-7901 or (918) 712-4510. NOW HIRING-Tulsa Transit Bus operators and diesel mechanics. Sign on bonus for diesel mechanics. APPLY TODAY!: Denver Ave Station-319 S. Denver Ave, Memorial Midtown
Station 7952 33rd St. Fax Resume (918)5997266 Email:RECRUIT@ TULSATRANSIT.ORG EEEP/ AA/E-VERIFY & DRUG FREE (918)560-JOBS WWW. TULSATRANIST.ORG put the savings in your pocket, not their cash register! Thrifty Nickel. 2013 LEXINGTON 32 wide, approx 1560 sq.ft, 4 bed, 2 bath, rock island bar, appliances, fiberglass tubs and showers, thermopane windows, plush carpet, open floor plan, standard delivery and set up, central air, included, only $59,900 (918)683-7791 Thrifty Nickel $$HELP WANTED$$ EARN Extra income, assembling CD cases from Home Call our Live Operators NOW! 800267-3944, ext 115 www. easywork-greatpay.com EZ FINANCING! You’re approved, Credit scores of 575 and over! Special financing on select new mobile homes! (918)683779
business oppurtunities B U S I N E S S BENEFITS Package $99.95 per month includes entire household Employer/ Employee Package Enhance employee productivity Reduce employee sick time Reduce business expenses Reduce employee tardiness Help employees save money Owner/manager $99.95 per month For as little as $49.95 a month per employee http:// w w w. e v e r y o n e b e n e f i t s . com/40779256 kciz1@cox. net ANYTHING AUTO related can be found for all makes and models. Many parts and accessories for classics-antiques street rods-muscle cars- and special interests. The meet held on 40 acres at 712 E. Choctaw, Chickasha Oklahoma. Rain Or ShineOutside Event 405-224OKLA (6552) office 10am3pm M-W-F online Twe’re tulsathriftynickel.comNOW
HIRING-Tulsa Transit Bus operators and diesel mechanics. Sign on bonus for diesel mechanics. APPLY TODAY!: Denver Ave Station-319 S. Denver Ave, Memorial Midtown Station 7952 33rd St. Fax Resume (918)5997266 Email:RECRUIT@ TULSATRANSIT.ORG EEEP/ AA/E-VERIFY & DRUG FREE (918)560-JOBS WWW. TULSATRANIST.ORG advertising your business doesn’t have to burn a hole in your pocketbook. Place your ad with the Thrifty Nickel and save big! Call 918-8360707. H I S T O R I C LAKESIDE Pantry Restaurant is for sale located in Green Mountain Falls, Colorado. We are looking for someone to continue the 60 year tradition for serving great food that been the cornerstone of our very successful, well established and very popular restaurant. All original recipes included. Situated in the shadows of Pikes Peak in an very historic
and popular destination area. Slide Show provided by request Cliff Bruce Independent Broker For more information, 719-3065394 cebrucecolorado@ yahoo.com WE ARE seeking individuals who are looking to work in the healthcare field. Experience is NOT required to apply. We are seeking someone who is self motivated, dependable and who is a team player. We need people to enroll members into our discounted health plans and recruit benefit specialists. If you are interested in joining our dynamic team please fill out a form using attach URL to ad: http://www.IBOPlus. com/40779256 kciz1@cox. net F U T U R E MILLIONAIRES W A N T E D ! To get your FREE “Money Making Secrets Revealed” CD, please call (918) 7808095 advertise it today… sell it tomorrow. Thrifty Nickel gets results.
WANTED OIL and Gas mineral rights, producing or non-producing. Contact (918)440-4600
HEALING SALVE. Accelerate healing. Soothe itching & pain. Reduce inflammation. Handmade in small batches from my garden. www.GinasGarden. com or ginaledford@gmail. com GROUND BREAKING Diet That Won’t Disappoint. Safest and Best. www. DietThatWorks.info Text or Call 1-208-450-3675. HIGH SCHOOL PROFICIENCY DIPLOMA! 4 Week Program. FREE Brochure & Full Information. CALL NOW! 1-866-5623650 Ext. 55. www. southeasternhs.com C E R T I F I E D ORGANIC Ranch Raised Beef. No hormones administered. Shipped anywhere in USA. 1-208684-4870. Evenings
View us at http://www.tulsathriftynickel.com
(918) 836-0707
October 03, 2013 - Section A Page 11
Business & Service Hauling/Removal We can do it. Trees, debris, shingles, junk, anything. Residential or commercial Good rates Call Steve at: (918) 284-3158 or (918) 430-1619
asphalt & paving triple M ASPHALT: Asphalt / Concrete Work. driveways, parking lots, tear out, replace, overlay, patching, seal coats, stripping. John at (918) 381-7337
BEST-YET-CONCRETE Tear Out & Replace
Driveways, Sidewalks, Patios & Parking Lots
Don’t settle for less, you need the best!
Free Estimates Insured - BBB Member
918-402-6148 bankruptcy
bank r u p t cy , free Consultation as to you and your family’s concrete needs. In re: Bankruptcy. Reasonable prices. Beverly Great Deals on all P. Carson (918) 951-1987. types concrete work Tear out and replace, excavation. appliances building/ Free estimates. Call John (918) 486-5904 BEST APPLIANCE remodeling SERVICE. We repair washers, dryers, stoves, a d v e r t i s i ng construction refrigerators, ice makers, recipe: take the best Free estimates rates in town, add over 1200 heaters and air conditioners. Floor furnace service. We locations, stir in weekly roofs, room additions, & bathroom can also provide all of delivery reliability, and you kitchen Call now your plumbing needs. Free have the best advertising remodels. service call when repairs value around! Call 918-836- ( 9 1 8 ) 8 9 5 . 3 6 3 0 , duilderhaus.com made. All repair warranted 0707 for details! by honest and reliable, Bathroom vanity, BROTHERS CO. licensed and insured sink, marble top and Roofing & Construction. service tech with 25 years faucets.$65. (918)437-0744 (918) 747-4828. Free of experience. Senior and estimates. Serving veteran discount. 24-hour northeast Oklahoma for 32 business service available. Major years. Senior and veteran opportunity credit cards accepted. discounts. Residential and “Expect the best” (918) 693- F U T U RE commercial roofing and 5678. M ILLI O N A IRE S repairs. Portable buildings, WANTED! To get your FREE garages, patios and etc. “Money Making Secrets appliancesCD, please call Contractors Refrigerator/ Revealed” (918) 780-8095 J. DICKERSON freezers G e n e r a l CASH! CASH! CASH! carpet sales Buy/Sell, Appliances . NEW RESIDENTIAL Contracting chip SERVICE & REPAIR on carpet $5.15 per yard, roll and seal concrete work, refrigerators, washers, only, carpet pad & installed asphalt patching, side walks, dryers. Reasonable rates. $9.99 per yard (918) 834- steps, foundations, painting, roofing repairs, chimneys, (918) 938-8831 2038. decks and more. No job too B U Y I N G small. (918)961-0691 RE F RI G ER AT O R S , carpentry Ranges, water heaters, A/ delivery Cs and furnaces. (918) 832- R e l i ab l e Carpentry service service 1919 residential and commercial. HOT SHOT Delivery and Free estimates, 24 hour appliancesservice. (918) 836-8017 Pickup, hauling. Call John washers/ (918) 995-9829. (918) 230-9570
SELL THOSE unwanted items now and make some cash for the holidays. Call (918)836-0707. CASH CASH CASH, Buy/Sell, Appliances. SERVICE & REPAIR on refrigerators, washers, dryers. Reasonable rates. (918) 938-8831. SELL THOSE unwanted items now and make some cash for the holidays. Call (918)836-0707.
auto painting
cleANING SERVICES j E S S I C A ’ S Services, cLEANING Residential and commercial, reasonable rates. (918) 9023823. A N DRE A ’ S HOUSE Cleaning Services - any kind of cleaning. One tiem weekly, biweekly, monthly. No contract. We bring our own supplies. Free estimates. Andrea (918) 313-5153 - Miriam (918) 850-7590.
mad customs is a high quality, low cost paint and body shop. Doing work on all makes, models, factory colors to computers custom colors. Call Mike for C O M P U TER estimate. (918) 360-8334. EQUIPMENT working or not, any brand can be auto repair recycled by donating to S TRI C K L A N D Goodwill. Locations call AUTOMOTIVE is (918) 581-1200 or www. a locally owned Auto goodwilltulsa.org Repair. We perform all com p u t e r types of vehicle repair, repairs: in home repair from computer electrical on computers and game problems to engine and systems. Call(539)664transmission overhauls. 9889 (918) 832-7072
divorce payless divorce uncontested over 25 years experience. No appointment necessary. BBB Member. Visa/MC. Starting at $150. Mon-Fri 9-6; Sat 9-12 (918)664-2401, 2756 S. Memorial, Tulsa, OK. paylessdivorceok.com
(918) 774-0678 everyone is doing it! You can too. Advertise at Thrifty Nickel, that is. Call 918-836-0707 to join the crowd!
employment C om p any expanding benefits consultant needed, benefits sells it self, serious injuries only (918) 808-8139
fences REPAIR CHAIN Link and Wooden fences.(918) 833-2802
F IRE W O O D , SEASONED and split. Mixed $55 per rick. Oak $65 per rick. Delivered in the Tulsa area $25. Stacked $10. Call Steve (918) 284-3158. SEASONED FIRE hauling Wood stacked and delivered HAULING/ REMOVAL $70. per Rick. (918) 859We can do it. Trees, debris, 7280 shingles, junk, anything. Residential or commercial. foundations Good Rates. Call Steve FLOOR BRACING and 9918) 284-3158 leveling, checked brick and foundation repairs. All work insurance guaranteed. Free estimates. A FREE auto (918) 465-9955. GET insurance quote from garage sales ALCHEMY INSURANCE. We compare the brands, MOVING SALE Fri 28th you save money! We Sat 29th Many items! Must have 8 brands to help you see!! 525 South 29th West get insured with. Call Ave. (918) 619-3769 (855) 531-9154 or visit alchemyinsurance.com. handyman Visit our Tulsa location today! 11115 East 41st service Street, Tulsa, OK 74146 CASEY & Sons Mr. Fix- Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm http:// it remodel, home repair, www.alchemyinsurance. commercial, 50 years com/ experience, senior discount, Joe 918.798.0196 office LANDSCAPING 918.798.0190 BILL BAILEy Tree H an d yman 35 years Small jobs, drywall specialist refurbish, repair, electric, plumbing, Professional, painting, carpentry, call replant, replace, reuse, Terry 918.295.5852 cell remove, landscape design (918) 227-9623. 918.693.3770 HAULING/ REMOVAL HAULING/ REMOVAL We can do it. Trees, debris, We can do it. Trees, debris, shingles, junk, anything. shingles, junk, anything. Residential or commercial. Residential or commercial. Good Rates. Call Steve Good Rates. Call Steve (918) 284-3158 9918) 284-3158 S&C HANDYMAN, sunsh i n e 30 Years experience, home landscaping LLC repairs and plumbing, offers mowing, trimming, painting, cement, Heat&Air, leaf removal, yard clean up, trimming. Leave message sod, tilling, seeding, small tree trimming, removal and (918) 266-3379. planting, stump grinding, H A N D Y M A N : rock/flagstone, fence and painting, minor sprinkler repair. We Roofing, most types of flooring, offer honest, detailed, polite carpentry, gutter, and lawn work for a fair price. Free care. (918) 237-9926 estimates, Thanks Doug H A N D Y M A N - Smith 719-375-4747 PLUMBING, water heaters, faucets and more. LAWN MOWER Unlicensed. $30 per hour. Honest, clean, dependable. lAWN mOWER and small engine repair. Cement (918) 313-8400. repair. (918) 833-2802
Tim Ambrose owner (918) 378-1728 fax: (918) 286-0961
"Do you use these money making secrets?"
Call 918-780-8095 for a Free CD
HOME SERVICES. Painting - interior and exterior. Repairs, sheetrock, carpentry. Low prices. Roberto (918) 852-4555. H A N D Y M A N SERVICES. Big to small. We can solve any problem. Tulsahandy.com 918-9827772. Ask for Robert Mann. H A N D Y M A N SERVICES, only $50 for anything big or small! Call now (918) 895-3630, Builderhaus.com. GO with THE FLOW: C&C conversion, plumbing, mobile mechanism, hauling, tree and lawn service, remodeling. (918) 312-0849
(918) 747-4828
tim.ambrose@cox.net Proudly Serving Oklahoma for 32 Years
PR O F E S S I O N A L LAWN Care and Landscaping. Mowing, weed-eating, hauling, trimming. Residential/ commercial discount rate. (918) 812-0109. RELIABLE LAWN Service: Commercial, Residential, mowing, trimming, tree trimming, grass planting, 20 years experience! (918) 313-1187
Massage MASSAGE CLINIC Best Chinese massage in town. Full body massage with free hot stones. One hour special $45.00. Awesome Relaxation aligns spine, stops fatigue, pain & stress. Accelerates healing muscle joint injuries, aligns body, spine & hips. For appointments call Li Li 918-850-9692. Credit Cards welcome. 4711 East 11th Street (one block West of Yale) Tulsa PR O F E S I O N A L Care and LAWN Landscaping. Mowing, Light hauling, flower bed cleaning, fence line cleaning. Residential / Commercial. Discount Rate (918) 8120109
plumbing Plumbing, drain cleaning, gas piping, remodels, new construction. Licensed, insured. In town free estimates. (918)902-5726
pressure washing Great American: Residential and Commercial pressure washing. Quality work, great rates, licensed, insured, references. Free Estimates. (918) 804-3056
Roofing BROTHERS CO. Roofing & Construction. (918) 747-4828. Free estimates. Serving northeast Oklahoma for 32 years. Senior and veteran discounts. Residential and commercial roofing and repairs. Portable buildings, garages, patios and etc...
WE BUY all types of junk transmissions. Lester’s Gear 129 N Lewis Ave Tulsa, OK 74110 a d v e r t i s e unwanted items at Thrifty Nickel and pocket the profits! Call 918-836-0707 today to place your ad.
tree service
GREAT AMERICAN: Tree removal, trimming. Licensed, insured, references. Free Estimates (918) 804-3056. TREE PRUNING for health safety and appearance also dangerous removals and planting. Honest prices (918) 740-1785
Welding service Pipe, fences, corrals, utility trailer repair, etc. (918) 6397491. a d v e r t i s i ng your business doesn’t have to burn a hole in your pocketbook. Place your ad with the Thrifty Nickel and save big! Call 918-8360707. this ad could be yours. Thousands of people are reading this ad, just like you. Why not put it to work for your business? Advertise for as little as $10.00 per week, and watch your business grow! Call 918-836-0707 for details. if you know of a business that would benefit from having our paper stand at their location, please call us at (918)836-0707. We appreciate it. if you’ve got it and don’t need it, if it’s of any value and it’s priced right, Thrifty Nickel will sell it!
F U LL - H O U S E MOVERS, residential, structured commercial, compatible rates, dependable service. settlement Call today. (918)904-6877 IF YOU have a Structured Settlement with Allstate Mobile wash Liberty, Fireman’s Fund, WRIGHT MOBILE prudential, or State Farm WASH: We come to you, insurance, see Risk Law cars, motor homes, trailers Firm display ad this issue. and homes. Jerry (918) catch all the 210-7389 wheelin’ & dealin’ at Thrifty Nickel. Read it—you’re sure MUSIC LESSONS to find the car or truck of your dreams. guitar lessons Call Mark @ (918) 520-4804 transmission or e-mail at: markkirk63@ yahoo.com Broken Arrow J O H N ’ S t r ansm i ss i ons Foreigner or domestic. Why painting buy used? Get rebuilt with PARKING LOT warranty for the same price S T R I P I N G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or less. (918) 261-0776 We offer a wide variety of coatings including parking Thrifty Nickel lot striping, asphalt seal coating, Crack filling, Residential and commercial classifieds painting. We are a member of the Tulsa chamber of commerce and are insured and have lots of references. Give us a call no job to large or small! Call Nielsen’s Painting at 918-999-5111 We are looking for ask for John! HOUSE PAINTING: s a l e s p e o p l e ! Painting interior and exterior, repairs, sheet rock and wood trim. (918) 2648035 need ad-vice? The Thrifty Nickel staff knows the answers! Call 918-8360707 today!
Thrifty Nickel
Great Comissions!
Section A Page 12 ‑ October 03, 2013
R e f r i g erad o r $100 En buen estado. Con Vaugn al (918) 636-6682 Terreno Se venden de 5 a 25 Acres en la 145th y la 21st St. TODAS LAS UTILIDADES! Agua, Luz y Drenage. Listo para construir. INF. (918) 6259958 SE VENDE estufa como nueva $150. Araceli (918)565-0576 TOYOTA SEQUOIA en excelentes condiciones, 125 mil millas, Preciosa, a solo $9000. INF (918) 6259958 2002 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE Z71, 8 cylinder, automatic, red. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 CL 2001 ACURA Type-S, 6 cylinder, 5 speed automatic, silver. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 2004 FORD F250 Lariat super cab long bed 4WD, 8 cylinder, automatic, tan. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 2002 LINCOLN TOWN Car Signature Premium, 8 cylinder, 4 speed automatic, white. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)87877782008 FORD TAURUS X limited FWD, 6 cylinder, 6 speed automatic, white. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 2005 TOYOTA TACOMA SBX, 4 cylinder, silver. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 2005 NISSAN ARMADA LE 2WD, 8 cylinder, 6 speed automatic, black. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 THRIFTY NICKEL esta en todos lados. 2004 GMC YUKON SL, 8 cylinder 5.3 vortex, automatic, dark gray. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 LUIS FLORES Escucha tu problema y busca la mejor solucion. DUI, Ley criminal, familia, immigracion, accidentes de trabajo, compensacion laboral. Llama ahora (918)599-8118 O A K C O M PU TA D O R A S escritorio. $60 nuestra mejor offerta. 918-955-5110 Mesa de cocina con cuatro sillas $70. 918-9555110 Lavanderia o carrito de la compra $35. o major offerta . 918-955-5110 Thrifty Nickel Silla Antigua, paso de herramientas y table de planchar $75o mejor. (918) 955-5110. THRIFTY NICKEL Secadora a gas Kenmore $100.o major offerta. 918-955-5110 Auto propulsadA cortadora de cesped con bolsa $275. (918) 8332802. there are savings to treasure in the Thrifty Nickel! 918-836-0707 Thrifty Nickel
(918) 836-0707
Oklahoma City #1
4704 NW 23rd St. Oklahoma City, Ok 73127 405 946-1626
Tulsa #1
2119 S. Garnett Rd. Tulsa OK 74129 918 794-25-78
Tulsa #2
5147 S. Peoria Tulsa OK 74105 918 712-3222
T 1 6 7 8 13 14 15
Donde poco dinero basta... para llenar su canasta!!!
OCT W T 2 3 9 10 16 17
F S 4 5 11 12 18 19
621 N. Moore Ave. Moore OK 73160 TEL 405 896-8398 • FAX 405 896-8397
Buscanos en...
WE ACCEPT s e l a i c e p s E • s l a i c e p S MEAT MOLIDA DE RES
107 RIBS
2 1 P Z A S
4 $100
LB 299
2 $500 2 $100
3 99
REMATE DE GARAGE POR VIAJE. Material para construccion, Ropa, Una Congeladora en muy buenas condiciones y muchas cosas mas. (918) 402-3864 R e f r i g erad o r $100 En buen estado. Con Vaughn al (918) 636-6682 Terreno Se venden de 5 a 25 Acres en la 145th y la 21st St. TODAS LAS UTILIDADES! Agua, Luz y Drenage. Listo para construir. INF. (918) 6259958 3 RECAMARAS & 1 Bano alquiler a compra $550 por mes (918)902-1990 R e n t o de p artame n t o con refrigerador y estufa electrica $300 mensuales. 2516 E 6st Tel 835-8590 con Antonio. Compro Autos chocados o descompuestos para mas informacion llamar al (918) 852-4555 VISITANOS EN www. tulsathriftynickel.com 2003 CHRYSLER PT Cruiser R/T, 4 cylinder, automatic, blue. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 2003 GMC YUKON XL SLE, 8 cylinder, automatic, pewter. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 2006 CHRYSLER 300 Touring, 6 cylinder, automatic, dark gray. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 2004 GMC YUKON XL Denali, 8 cylinder, automatic, white. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 2009 Audi Q7 3.6 Premium Plus 84 mil millas como nueva. Veala! $27,000 Con Cameron al (918) 606 5498 2004 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE Z66, 8 cylinder 5.3 vortex, automatic, white. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 Se Solicita Vendedor que hable ingles y español, buena presentacion, con esperiencia en el ramo minima de dos años. Excelentes comisiones. Interesados madar su curriculum a thriftynickel@ tulsacoxmail.com 2003 CHEVROLET TAHOE 2WD, 8 cylinder, red. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 eL THRIFTY Nickel sale todos los jueves. Lo puedes encontrar en el QuikTrip, los Reasor’s y los Supermercados Morelos. 2003 DODGE RAM 1500 ST, 8 cylinder, automatic, gray. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 2006 HONDA ACCORD EX V-6, sedan, AT w/ XM, radio, 6 cylinder, automatic, silver. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. (918)878-7778 N A V IG A T O R Premium, 8 cylinder, 4 speed automatic, silver. Facilitamos credito con pocos requisitos, te doy el mejor precio si pagas cash. Call (918)878-7778
The Thrifty Nickel Is Like A Four Leaf Clover!
(918) 836-0707
View us at http://www.tulsathriftynickel.com
October 03, 2013 - Section A Page 13
Pets/Farm & Ranch pets- dogs RAT TERRIER Puppies ready 09/14/13. Champion bloodline, 1st set of shots, wormed, tail docked and dew claws removed. $400.00 each - first come - Cash only. 2 Black/Tan Tri males, 1 Black/Tan tri female and 1 black/tan Merle female. Cute as a button. ACR registered with lengthy documented pedigree. Call/Text 430-2008170 lafarm2000@aol.com C H I H U A H U A PUPPIES 2 males, 1 is 4 months old and 1 is 6 months old. New litter ready to be sold the 15th of Oct. $100. and each. (918)9069471 TEDDY ROOSEVELT Terriers - otherwise known as short legged Rat Terriers. Toy size - should be under 10 pounds grown. Cute as a button. 1 black/tan merle male and 1 black/ tan male. $400.00 each, first come - cash only. 1st set of shots, wormed, tail docked, dewclaws removed and puppy papers for registration. Will be ready to go on Saturday 09/14/13. Call/Text 430-200-8170 lafarm2000@aol.com PIT BULL SANCTUARY has nice puppies, Young adults and older dogs available for adoption. Fees vary, $75. minimum. Call Mark (918) 430-0344 (918) 378-9463. Thrifty Nickel
TEDDY ROOSEVELT Terriers - otherwise known as short legged Rat Terriers. Toy size - should be under 10 pounds grown. Cute as a button. 1 black/tan merle male and 1 black/tan male. $400.00 each, first come cash only. 1st set of shots, wormed, tail docked, dew claws removed and puppy papers for registration. Will be ready to go on Saturday 09/14/13. Call/Text 430200-8170 lafarm2000@aol. com CHIWEENIES- ONE MALE $120., 3 FEMALES $100. EACH. (918)671-7708 SMALL 6 month , male Chihuahua $200., Mom and Dad on site. (918)321-6176 (918)813-5927 CHERRY IS a Red female Min Pin. Ready to go! Shots/Wormed/ Registered Tail docked and dew claws removed. Call/Text 430-200-8170 http://www.runningridge. com puppyfever@ americancanineregistry. comc NEED A BFF? 3 month old puppies, 4 Rottweiler look a likes, 2 tan Labs, 2 super fuzzy Teddy Bear types. (918)703-2810 (918) 517-5669
pets free animals WILL NEVER Grow Up. Mini kittens, 4 months old, size of 1 month old. (918)703-2810 (918) 5175669
pets supplies ANIMAL AD Of Tulsa, Plenty of wonderful dogs & cats. (918)974-6688 DOG HOUSE large never used $40 (918)2452716
farm equipment USED PALLET racking, uprights, beams and grids. Different sizes. Call anytime (918) 869-8418. $22,000 KUBOTA L4400DT with loader. Kubota Construction Equipment of Tulsa 10601 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 www.tulsakubota. com (918)970-4614 FARMALL C Tractor block $100. (918)275-4693 STEWART MARTIN EQUIPMENT, If It’s Not Orange, It’s A Lemon! Take a short drive-25 minutes South of Tulsa. (918)7563560 12751 HWY. 75 Okmulgee, OK 74447 www. smekubota.comwe’re online tulsathriftynickel.com Thrifty Nickel
K U B O T A CONSTRUCTION Equipment of Tulsa 10601 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa,OK 74133 www.tulsakubota. com (918)970-4614 FINANCING AS low as 2.75% available on a Pre-owned equipment! Your source for the best quality equipment for 80 years. Trade ins are always welcome. Stewart Martin Equipment (918)756-3560 12751 HWY. 75 Okmulgee, OK 74447 www.smekubota. com COMPLETE LINE of Kubota, Land Pride, Kawasaki & Stihl products. Trade ins are always welcome new Kubota equipment can be financed as low as 0% APR WAC. Financing as low as 2.99% on preowned equipment. Stewart Martin Equipment (918)756-3560 12751 HWY. 75 Okmulgee, OK 74447 www.smekubota.com KUBOTA $60,000 M110XDTC with loader. Kubota Construction Equipment of Tulsa 10601 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 www.tulsakubota. com (918)970-4614 $13,000 KUBOTA L2600DT with loader. Stewart Martin Equipment (918)756-3560 12751 Hwy. 75 Okmulgee, Ok 74447 KUBOTA $14,000 L4200GST Kubota Construction Equipment of Tulsa 10601 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 (918)9704614
ROUND BALE feeders, FARMALL C Tractor block $100. (918)275-4693 (2) $110. (9180381-9520 $5,500 BIG BEE 10ft Cutter NEW! Kubota livestock / Construction Equipment of AGRICULTURE Tulsa 10601 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 www. tulsakubota.com (918)970- H O R S E S THOROUGHBREDS 4614 KUBOTA yearlings for sale out of $7,200 B7300HSD Kubota “Mister Prospector” starting Village Vet Animal Clinic, P.C. Construction Equipment of at $1500 (918)247-6663 Tulsa 10601 S. Memorial 10HP INDUSTRIAL Is proud to announce Dr, Kathleen Scott irrigation pump, 220 electric Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133Is www. proud to announce has joine tulsakubota.com (918)970- with 15hp Jacuzzi pump. has joined our group. $500. (405)569-7295 4614 ad, we are offering any veterinary service to h $23,500 KUBOTA 28 BALES field hay With this ad, we are offering $11 OFF 4x5 her round,Meadowbrook $30. per bale. B26TLB Kubotaand you patients to Village any veterinary service toVet help on the N Construction Equipment of (918)538*2447 st Dr.81 ScottStreet welcomein youBroken and her Arro Tulsa 10601 S. Memorial FEED TROUGHS,E. Ave. & Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 www. several for $65. (918)381Meadowbrook patients to to set your a tulsakubota.com (918)970- 9520 4614 Village Vet on the NE Corner of 145th E BUTCHER GOATS TRACTOR PARTS, free range, no chemicals Ave & 81st Street in Broken Arrow. Used, Rebuilt, New. Most hormones, market price by parts less than 50%. weight. (918) 367-6473 Salvaging Tractors Daily. Call 918/258-0040 NOW Case-IH-JD-MF-Ford-AC- R E G I S T E R E D to set your appointment. MINIATURE horses DL-MM. Eagle Tractor Parts 1-800-833-5867 www. ages 3 months and up $250.00 and up. Muskogee eagletractorparts.com (918)869-6754 or you load. Delivery available. Trenton, North West corner. WE HAVE one of (918)869-7137 Cash(918)202-3009 (918) 830-3342 the largest inventory HALLOWEEN HAY! of Pre-owned and new NO LAND? DON’T Kubota equipment in OK Great for carnivals, pumpkin CRY! We’ll get you some! patches, hay rides, yard LOTS AND and surrounding area! Linda/ home. LOW DOWN Stewart Martin Equipment decorating, etc. $4. per ACREAGES PAYMENT. WAC. (405) 631bale. (918) 266-1704. (918)756-3560 12751 HWY. 3200. (918)857-6806 75 Okmulgee, OK 74447 NO LAND? DON’T PRAIRIE HAY, Top CRY! We’ll get you some! TAKE OVER 10 Acres. www.smekubota.com No Down. Trees. Turkey. $10,500 KUBOTA quality square bales, from Linda/ home. LOW DOWN Deer. $89/Month. SE OK. improved meadows, in PAYMENT. WAC. (405) 631B2400HSD with loader 818-340-1912. www.grland. Kubota Construction the barn. $5.00, utility hay 3200. com Equipment of Tulsa 10601 $4.00 (918) 266-1704 or FOR SALE North Turley S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK (918)857-6806 area 3 acres, one house, one 7 1/2 ACRES 5 miles BALES: 60 ft. single wide mobile East 1/4 south of Chelsea, 74133 www.tulsakubota. SQUARE Grass $6. Alfalfa Broom $8. home at 73rd and North $45,000. call (918)789com (918)970-4614 3144
Village Vet Animal Clinic, P Dr. Kathleen Scott
$11 off
Call 918/258-0040 NOW
Section A Page 14 ‑ October 03, 2013
The Thrifty Nickel Is Like A Four Leaf Clover!
(918) 836-0707
12571 Hwy 75 Okmulgee, OK 918-756-3560 www.smekubota.com
(918) 836-0707
View us at http://www.tulsathriftynickel.com
October 03, 2013 - Section A Page 15
Section A Page 16 ‑ October 03, 2013
The Thrifty Nickel Is Like A Four Leaf Clover!
(918) 836-0707
(918) 836-0707
Find Your Pot Of Gold With The Thrifty Nickel!
October 03, 2013 - Section B Page 1
Motorcade CASH FOR Cash for Cars Dead or Alive Junk Car Buyer Now Pick Up Yo u r Thrifty Nickel a t CARS Junk Cars “R ” Us TRUCKS, VANS, JUNK
250-3942 autobuyer CASH 4 CARS! Trucks! Vans! Running or Not! Including JUNK. No Title OK! (918) 250-3942. 1991 FORD Tempo 4WD. Runs and drives. No air. No radio. Needs some work. $700.00 Comes with original book and Haynes auto repair manual. amylynncp@zoho.com NOW HIRING-Tulsa Transit Bus operators and diesel mechanics. Sign on bonus for diesel mechanics. APPLY TODAY!: Denver Ave Station-319 S. Denver Ave, Memorial Midtown Station 7952 33rd St. Fax Resume (918)5997266 Email:RECRUIT@ TULSATRANSIT.ORG EEEP/ AA/E-VERIFY & DRUG FREE (918)560-JOBS WWW. TULSATRANIST.ORG NEED EXTRA cash? We pay cash for vehicles running or not. Any year, any model. Licensed and insured. Dave’s Wrecker (918) 693-7901 or (918) 712-4510. C H I C K A S H A ANTIQUE Auto Swap Meet Sponsored By The Chickasha Antique Auto Club. The meet held on 40 acres at 712 E. Choctaw, Chickasha Oklahoma. Rain Or Shine-Outside Event 405224-OKLA (6552) office 10am-3pm M-W-F CASH 4 CARS! Trucks! Vans! Running or Not! Including JUNK. No Title OK! (918) 231-1767. CASH FOR CARS no title needed, pickup 7 days a week within 100 miles (9180457-6744 NOW HIRING-Tulsa Transit Bus operators and diesel mechanics. Sign on bonus for diesel mechanics. APPLY TODAY!: Denver Ave Station-319 S. Denver Ave, Memorial Midtown Station 7952 33rd St. Fax Resume (918)5997266 Email:RECRUIT@ TULSATRANSIT.ORG EEEP/ AA/E-VERIFY & DRUG FREE (918)560-JOBS WWW. TULSATRANIST.ORG CASH FOR CARS no title needed, pick up 7 days a week within 100 miles. (918)457-6744 LINER REAR mat for Chevy crew cab, 2008 and up. $50. (918) 857-8150 1987-1995 GM Conv van doors or windows complete, $30. (918)6371059 1968-72 CHEVY/ GMC long wide bed, bed only. $200. (918)224-7293 1987-1995 GM front or rear bumper condition, $30. (918)637-1059 TOP CASH FOR CARS. Call Now For A Instant Offer. Top Dollar Paid, Any Car/Truck, Any Condition Running or Not. Free Pickup/Tow. 1-800-452-7729 we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com
1987-1995 GM Conv van doors or windows complete, $30. (918)6371059 AUTO HEADMAN headers 1958-1964 CHEVY SMB $110. (918)749-1767 1987-1995 GM front or rear bumper condition, $30. (918)637-1059 1982 CHEVY/GMC front clip includes fenders, inner fender, core support and hood. $300. (918)2247293 1987-1995 GM Conv van doors or windows complete, $30. (918)6371059 F I B E R G L A S S CAMPER, long wide Chevy, $300. (918)8578150 1987-1995 GM van duel bench seat/ bed, great condition, $100. (918)6371059 PARTING OUT 74 and 77 extended cab, long wide bed Ford pickups. (918)321-6176 (918)8135927 1959 CHEVY pickup parts truck. $550. (918)2247293 ALL THINGS POWER SPORTS at M&W Power sports, 145th and the BA. New and Preowned with Financing Available. Did we say “ALL THINGS!?” Yes, we did. jests, ATVs, UTVs, Motorcycles, Scooters, Service, Parts, and Accessories, etc. Great Staff on hand to help guide you. www.mwpowersports.com or 918-251-2553 REBUILT 350 automatic $350. turbo 400 $400. 700R4 $750. and all transmissions rebuilt with rebuilt converters. (405) 872-8387 Ciaud. All American model transmissions. FORD FACTORY turbine mags, 15 inch, small bolt pattern. $150. (918)224-7293 1982 CHEVY/GMC front clip includes fenders, inner fender, core support and hood. $300. (918)2247293 1990 CHEVY/GMC long wide bed, bed only $235. (918)224-7293 73-79 FORD PICKUP hood grill, fenders & bumpers $300 (918)3216176 1956-60 CORVETTE aluminum valve covers $75. (918)440-4600 1996 FORD F-150 chrome rear bumper. $125. (918)321-6176 (918)8135927 OIL WELL Scout tickets $250. per cabinet. (918)440-4600 MERCEDES BENZ left side mirror for 300, 420, or 560. $20 (918)357-2573 1987-1995 GM van duel bench seat/ bed, great condition, $100. (918)6371059 1987-1995 GM Conv van doors or windows complete, $30. (918)6371059
We Buy & Haul Off Cars
Dead or Alive QuikTrip 918-859-7532
Call Jerry 261-9736 Top Prices Paid 80-86 FORD pickup front finder and grill center. $150. (918)321-6176 (918)813-5927 ANYTHING AUTO related can be found for all makes and models. Many parts and accessories for classics-antiques street rods-muscle cars- and
special interests. The meet held on 40 acres at 712 E. Choctaw, Chickasha Oklahoma. Rain Or ShineOutside Event 405-224OKLA (6552) office 10am3pm M-W-F JEEP CJ7 or 5 bumper w/tow bar brackets, $50. 918-492-6013
boats & motors 1975 16 foot Terry Bass Boat 50 H Evinrude with 45 lb. trolling motor, heavy duty trailer. $1,500. (918)3216176 (918)813-5927
BASS BOAT and Trailer; 20 ft, Pro Craft, 150 HP Mariner, new trolling motor. $3,300 (918) 446-0355 14 FOOT Star craft v bottom alumni boat with 30 pound trolling motor, 18 hp. Johnson on trailer. $1,000. (918)321-6176
PONTOON BOATS, buy, sell or trade. Pontoons with or without trailers. (918) 698-6525. In the market for a car? Check out our Motorcade section!
New AND Preowned jests with Easy Financing, and the best Service available! Shop in our store or online. HUGE discounts on SALE products. M&W POWER SPORTS, Broken Arrow OK 918-251-2553,
Section B Page 2 ‑ October 03, 2013
S.O.S. Thrifty Nickel To The Rescue! www.mwpowersports.com HUUUUUGE SALE ON JETSKIS.... (We actually needed 5 “U”s to get the point across...) RIGHT NOW.... Financing available. You’ll never deal with a better staff to get you on your way to lake loving fun. Hurry in now before summer is gone (and you look back wishing you had moved on the deals!!) M&W Power sports, 145th and the BA, www.mwpowersports. com, 918-251-2553.
Cars WRECKED FRONT end. Interior is in great condition. Needing at lease $400 for it. around 160,000 miles. 918-378-3451 http://tulsa.craigslist.org/ cto/4080998637.html DOWN STREAM CASINO RESORT Free Bus ride from Tulsa, Owasso, & Broken Arrow every Thursday! Receive $5 Q Play from downstream! Must be 18 or older and have a valid government issued photo I.D Casino Arrival 11:00 AM Departure 4:00 PM For More Info cal 888-396-7876 ext. 6060 1st come 1st served, no reservations. REDUCED!!! 04 MUSTANG Convertible, 40th Anniversary Edition, 6 cyl, A/T, 6-CD, maroon, alloys, leather, 123k mi., $8,750. (918) 512-8844. 07 CHRYSLER 300, Executive RWD, color blue, great car! Call Austin Motors (918)313-8066 or (918)747-7337 4221
2002 CHEVY Impala V-6, auto, loaded . $1200. down. New A&B Auto (918) 445-2326. 1994 WHITE Buick Regal nice body. $600. 84K miles (918)428-4955 (918)574-1955 99 LINCOLN TOWN CAR. Less than 90K miles. Bad Credit, No Credit, Repos, Bankruptcy, Tulsa Best Auto (918)836-7964 1972 FORD LTD 400 runs well, needs tires. $2000. or best offer. (918)617-9646 MAKE BIG MONEY working from your kitchen table using these little-known cash attracting secrets! To get your FREE “Money Making Secrets Revealed” CD, please call (918) 7808095 NEED EXTRA cash? We pay cash for vehicles running or not. Any year, any model. Licensed and insured. Dave’s Wrecker (918) 693-7901 or (918) 712-4510. 07 BUICK LUCERNE, V6, CXL, color silver, Call Austin Motors (918)313-8066 or (918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK 2004 PONTIAC GRAND Prix $330 Mo. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667 07 KIA RONDO many features for an affordable price, six-cylinder engine, optional seven-passenger seating, red color call Austin Motors (918)313-8066 or (918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK Thrifty Nickel
Junk Car Buyer
Dead or Alive
918-859-7532 Top Prices Paid
(918) 836-0707 07 FORD ESCAPE. Bad Credit, No Credit, Repos, Bankruptcy, Tulsa Best Auto (918)836-7964 2001 SATURN silver, 3 door, SC2, new brakes, plugs, wires $3,750. (918)845-5742 TOP DOLLAR For junk cars dead or alive. We do out of town pickups. 7 days a week, (918) 706-4897. 1999 CHEVY Lumina LS, 4 door - 3.1 V6 motor, 192k miles, uses no oil or leaks oil, Power locks, windows, etc. Gold or light tan in color. Recently replaced thermostat and water pump for a heat up problem (working fine now). AC works good. New tires, interior carpet & straight and good paint. Tag good till Aug. 2014. Asking $2995. (I am not a dealer). grandlakersbc@yahoo.com 2006 CHRYSLER P.T Cruiser $165 Biweekly. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667 07 GRAND PRIX, power & windows lock, $1,350 down. East Side Motors (918)835-7433 7103 E. 11Th St. 88 PORSCHE 944 5-SPD, silver color, Call Austin Motors (918)3138066 or (918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK WRIGHT MOBILE WASH: We come to you, cars, motor homes, trailers, and homes. Jerry (918)2107389 2010 CHEVROLET COBALT LT, red, great gas saver, drives good! Call Austin Motors (918)3138066 or (918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK 2001 PONTIAC Sunfire 4 cyl, auto, air $2500. cash. New A&B Auto (918) 4452326 00 HONDA ACCORD 5 speed. Bad Credit, No Credit, Repos, Bankruptcy, Tulsa Best Auto (918)8367964
TULSA BEST Auto, Everyone Approved! Every vehicle sold with warranty we help you rebuild credit! We have HUGE inventory! (918)836-7964 5711 E 11th St. Tulsa,OK. 99 CHRYSLER 300M extra clean, great on gas, white color call Austin Motors (918)313-8066 or (918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK 2007 DODGE CALIBER HB SXT FWD, red color. call Austin Motors (918)3138066 or (918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK NOW HIRING-Tulsa Transit Bus operators and diesel mechanics. Sign on bonus for diesel mechanics. APPLY TODAY!: Denver Ave Station-319 S. Denver Ave, Memorial Midtown Station 7952 33rd St. Fax Resume (918)5997266 Email:RECRUIT@ TULSATRANSIT.ORG EEEP/ AA/E-VERIFY & DRUG FREE (918)560-JOBS WWW. TULSATRANIST.ORG 1998 HONDA $3000. as is . (918)951-6303 2005 SATURN ION $330 Mo. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667 2007 DODGE CARAVAN WGN SXT *LTD available, black. Call Austin Motors (918)313-8066 or (918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK ANYTHING AUTO related can be found for all makes and models. Many parts and accessories for classics-antiques street rods-muscle cars- and special interests. The meet held on 40 acres at 712 E. Choctaw, Chickasha Oklahoma. Rain Or ShineOutside Event 405-224OKLA (6552) office 10am3pm M-W-F 1982 GRANADA, 117K miles, mint condition. $1800.(918) 836-1687 we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com
! r e d ea L t n me y t a s P u J n r * o ow F D s w V o U L S s ! ’ & a s s l N k Tu uc W , Tr
O Cars D 9 9 $1
DieSeL Lariat $1400 DOWN
02 Ford F-250 V-6, LOaDeD $1400 DOWN
For a limited time, you could qualify for a car, truck or SUV for as little as $199 down.
06 VW Jetta caLL FOr Price!
07 Dodge Magnum $1,300 ` DOWN
11 Ford Mustang
`2.5 SL $1400 DOWN
918-574-6698 A PP LY o N L i N E @ C A r h o P. C o m Fast, easy and confidential financing for just about everyone!
04 Honda Element
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945 S. Memorial Dr.
*Limited time offer. Select vehicles only. With approved credit. Actual vehicle not shown. $199 down plus tax and registration. 29 monthly payments of $43.46 per $1000 financed. Based on 20.9% annual percentage rate. **18 month/18,000 mile limited warranty. See dealer for details.
(918) 836-0707
Find Your Pot Of Gold With The Thrifty Nickel!
October 03, 2013 - Section B Page 3
Wa s h e rs • D r ye rs • R e f r i g e r a t o rs
������������������� Ti n • Al u m i n u m • C o pp e r • Br a s s Al u m i n u m C a n s C a rs • Tr u c k s • Va n s
425- 4422
2000 FORD MUSTANG $75 Weekly. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667 BLOWN HEAD GASKET? Any vehicle repair yourself. State of the art 2-Component chemical process. Specializing in Cadillac Northstar Overheating. 100% guaranteed. Call Now 1-866780-9040. www.RXHP.com CHICKASAW SWAP Meet “Rain or Shine” Thursday October 17th The Largest Auto Swap Meet in Oklahoma 712 E. Choctaw Ave., Chichasaw, OK. 2001 PONTIAC Grand Am 4 cyl, auto, loaded $1500. down. New A&B Auto (918) 445-2326 05 CADILLAC DeVille. Bad Credit, No Credit, Repos, Bankruptcy, Tulsa Best Auto (918)836-7964 08 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 SL. $1400 Down. East Side Motors (918)835-7433 7103 E. 11Th St. WANTED DEAD or alive, cars, trucks, or vans, NO TITLE NO PROBLEM! (918) 955-5246, or (918) 447-8975. 1992 OLDS MOBILE Trofero. Sweet little collector car, 165K miles, mechanically sound, cold A/C, fun to drive! asking $2,500.- motivated to sell! (918)951-4177 text or call. BATTERIES: CASH for batteries car, truck, good or bad. (918)584-7057 06 VW JETTA, $1500 Down. East Side Motors (918)835-7433 7103 E. 11Th St. 1987 CADILLAC Coup DeVille Classic in excellent condition. White, burgundy. New engine and tires. $2800. firm. (918) 8727125 NOW HIRING-Tulsa Transit Bus operators and diesel mechanics. Sign on bonus for diesel mechanics. APPLY TODAY!: Denver Ave Station-319 S. Denver Ave, Memorial Midtown Station 7952 33rd St. Fax Resume (918)5997266 Email:RECRUIT@ TULSATRANSIT.ORG EEEP/ AA/E-VERIFY & DRUG FREE (918)560-JOBS WWW. TULSATRANIST.ORG CASH 4 CARS! Trucks! Vans! Running or Not! Including JUNK. No Title OK! (918) 231-1767.
CLASSIC CARS & parts 1972 FORD LTD 400 runs well, needs tires. $2000. or best offer. (918)617-9646 1975 FORD PICK UP, all original. 72,000 actual miles. Long wide, club cab. $5000. (918)321-6176
motorcycles & go carts HOOTER MINISPRINT very fast, includes extra parts and trailer $6500. 325-721-0768 Abilene Texas. YOU NEED a motorcycle. We have them. And they’re on sale. You should call us. We even have financing. And all the accessories you need to go with your new fun lifestyle!! Seriously. 918-251-2553 M&W Power sports, 145th and the BA, www.mwpowersports.com ALL THINGS POWER SPORTS at M&W Power sports, 145th and the BA. New and Preowned with Financing Available. Did we say “ALL THINGS!?” Yes, we did. jests, ATVs, UTVs, Motorcycles, Scooters, Service, Parts, and Accessories, etc. Great Staff on hand to help guide you. www.mwpowersports.com or 918-251-2553 NEW and PREOWNED Honda cycles at great SALE pricing - massive inventory. Financing available. Come in to see us at 145th and the BA or call 918-251-2553. Check our website at www. mwpowersports.com NEW and PREOWNED Yamaha cycles at great SALE pricing - massive inventory. Financing available. Come in to see us at 145th and the BA or call 918-251-2553. Check our website at www. mwpowersports.com 1998 HARLEY Sportster 1200, like new condition less than 12000 miles. $4,500. OBO. (918)629-0354 CASH FOR CARS no title needed, pickup 7 days a week within 100 miles (9180457-6744 WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI: Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, Kawasaki Triples, GT380, GS400, CB750, (1969-75) Cash-Paid, Nationwide-Pickup, 1-800772-1142, 1-310-721-0726. usa@classicrunners.com
rv’s & travel trailers NOW HIRING-Tulsa Transit Bus operators and diesel mechanics. Sign on bonus for diesel mechanics. APPLY TODAY!: Denver Ave Station-319 S. Denver Ave, Memorial Midtown Station 7952 33rd St. Fax Resume (918)5997266 Email:RECRUIT@ TULSATRANSIT.ORG EEEP/ AA/E-VERIFY & DRUG FREE (918)560-JOBS WWW. TULSATRANIST.ORG need ad-vice? The Thrifty Nickel staff knows the answers! Call 918-8360707 today!
FOR SALE model TD77 Master Tow- tow dolly with spare and tie down straps excellent condition. Call for price. (918)237-3430 37 FOOT Luxury By Design, 2012 model, washer, dryer, 2 A/C units, 2 bedroom, slide out, very nice. $22,000. Spiro (918) 409-9041 1998 5th WHEEL, 35 FT., 3 slides, all appliances, in Sapulpa, 4/seasons. $8000. (918)625-1645
SUV’s 07 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER 2WD LT, powerful performance, comfortable on the highway, lots of features, simple controls. Call Austin Motors (918)313-8066 or (918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK 1984 CHEVY BLAZER $3000 OBO. (918)231-7078 2004 CHEVY SUBURBAN $85 Weekly. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667 1997 CHEVY SUBURBAN $150 Biweekly. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667 we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com
2002 MERCURY VILLAGER $150 Biweekly. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667 03 NISSAN MURANO, SUV, leather, loaded, $1,300 down. East Side Motors (918)835-7433 7103 E. 11Th St. 03 CHEROKEE JEEP, limited, $1,000. East Side Motors (918)835-7433 7103 E. 11Th St. 05 CHEVY TAHOE Z71. East Side Motors (918)8357433 7103 E. 11Th St. 05 NISSAN PATHFINDER SE Off Road, most powerful V6 in the class, above average offroad ability, well-laid-out interior, flexible seating design, ample storage space throughout. Call Austin Motors (918)313-8066 or (918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK In the market for a car? Check out our Motorcade section! TULSA BEST Auto, Everyone Approved! Every vehicle sold with warranty we help you rebuild credit! We have HUGE inventory! (918)836-7964 5711 E 11th St. Tulsa,OK. 07 DODGE MAGNUM $1400 Down. East Side Motors (918)835-7433 7103 E. 11Th St.
2000 FORD Excursion LT 4x4, V-10, red. $6000. (918)789-3144 05 CHEVROLET TAHOE 1500 LS, V8, Automatic transmission. Call Austin Motors (918)3138066 or (918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK 2003 GMC ENVOY $85 Weekly. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667
2007 TOYOTA highlander-one owner-very clean-remote start-nonsmoker-all records-$13,000. 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER $350 Mo. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667 2001 KIA Sportage 4 cyl, auto, 4x4, $2850 cash. New A&B Auto (918) 445-2326
2003 NISSAN XTERRA $175 Biweekly. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667 10 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER FWD, V6, Base, (GS), color black, 4 doors, in good condition come out and take a look! Call Austin Motors (918)313-8066 or (918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK
2004 FORD Explorer 6 cyl, all power, auto, towing package, $8,000. (918) 2673202 Thrifty Nickel is packed full of things to buy, just like a mail order catalog…only Thrifty Nickel is better!! It’s new every week, everything is “on sale”, Call today to get an ad in the Thrifty Nickel! 918836-0707.
IN TULSA Bad Credit No Credit Not a Problem!
•Affordable payments. •Free limited warranty. •Low Down Payments. •Large selection of vehicles. W.A.C.
Lots of cars to choose from!
Section B Page 4 ‑ October 03, 2013
S.O.S. Thrifty Nickel To The Rescue!
(918) 836-0707
tires & wheels WHEEL RIM and tire P215/70R15 good 1/4 inch rubber Toyo Spectrum was on a Lincoln Town Car. (918)633-5005
trailers 6x8 UTILITY trailer with 3 foot sides. $400. (918)321-6176 (918)8135927 FIBERGLASS LONG wide topper $100. (918)3216176 (918)813-5927 4x8 FLAT Bed trailer $150. (918)321-6176 (918)813-5927 UTILITY TRAILER 4x6 with exterior storage, drop tail gate, $300. (918)653-3821 Thrifty Nickel NOW HIRING-Tulsa Transit Bus operators and diesel mechanics. Sign on bonus for diesel mechanics. APPLY TODAY!: Denver Ave Station-319 S. Denver Ave, Memorial Midtown Station 7952 33rd St. Fax Resume (918)5997266 Email:RECRUIT@ TULSATRANSIT.ORG EEEP/ AA/E-VERIFY & DRUG FREE (918)560-JOBS WWW. TULSATRANIST.ORG 20”X8” flat bed trailer $1000. (918)321-6176 (918)813-5927 LONG WIDE pickup bed trailer $250. (918)321-6176 (918)813-5927 In the market for a car? Check out our Motorcade section! this ad could be yours. Thousands of people are reading this ad, just like you. Why not put it to work for your business? Advertise for as little as $10.00 per week, and watch your business grow! Call 918-836-0707 for details. Thrifty Nickel
trucks CASH FOR CARS no title needed, pickup 7 days a week within 100 miles (9180457-6744 11 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 2WD REG Cab, 133, Great truck in good condition! Call Austin Motors (918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK 2004 DODGE Dakota V-8, auto, lorded, $4800. cash. New A&B Auto (918) 445-2326 04 FORD F-150, $1400 Down. East Side Motors (918)835-7433 7103 E. 11Th St. 2006 FORD F-150 V-8 auto, $9200. cash. New A&B Auto (918) 445-2326 2002 CHEVY 2500, Duramax, Diesel, $75 weekly. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667 1988 F-250 extended cab, long bed, 460 V-8, auto, power sheering and brakes, air conditioner. $3000. (918)321-6176 (918)8135927
04 DODGE RAM 1500. Bad Credit, No Credit, Repos, Bankruptcy, Tulsa Best Auto (918)836-7964 2001 DODGE 1500 $300 Mo. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667 03 DODGE RAM 2500 Quad Cab 140.5 WB ST, color black, great truck for work or any outside job! Call Austin Motors (918)3138066 or 918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK 2004 FORD F-150 $350 Mo. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667 2005 GMC SIERRA $165 Biweekly. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667 1997 DODGE Ram dual cab, rebuilt motor 5.9 lt. low miles, body straight and good no rust, needs transmission work, asking $800. Call (918)419-2765 2004 CHEVY Silverado black, standard, with tool box, 80K miles $6000. (918) 833-2802 get your phone ringing with a Thrifty Nickel ad that brings buyers!
09 CHEVY SILVERADO Z-71, 4X4, CALL! East Side Motors (918)835-7433 7103 E. 11Th St. 2010 FORD King Ranch F350 Super HD 4x4, mileage 48000 sun roof, carpet for floor, heated leather seats driver and passenger, navigation system, AM & FM Bluetooth Satellite Sirus System w extra bass, it has back up camera, it has the 6.4 diesel auto windows and locks with keypad lock it’s auto transmission tires are in good. Original bed for $37,500 or welding bed for $47,500 it has the additional top tool boxes on bed and oxygen/act rack. This is CASH Sale. 580364six90six... http:// oklahomacity.craigslist. org/for/3998152325.html bnrbuck@hotmail.com
Top Dollar Paid for Junk Cars!!!
We want your unwanted cars, trucks, vans & suv’s. Call today for a quote!
877.277.7470 918.794.7846
WE BUY UNWANTED VEHICLE$! 3112 N. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74106
we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com 2004 CHEVY Silverado black, standard, with tool box, $6000. (918) 8332802 1997 DODGE Ram dual cab , needs transmission work and a battery, body good, asking $700. OBO. Call (918)419-2765 00 DODGE RAM 2500 QUAD CAB, HD, color blue, User-friendly cab, distinctive sheet metal. Call Austin Motors (918)313-8066 or (918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK 08 GMC SIERRA 1500 EXT CAB 173.5 SL, white color, refined and very quiet ride, pleasing fit and finish inside, seats are comfortable for long drives, comprehensive list of safety
equipment. Call Austin Motors (918)313-8066 or (918)747-7337 4221 S. Peoria Tulsa,OK 05 FORD F-350, lariat, diesel, East Side Motors (918)835-7433 7103 E. 11Th St. Thrifty Nickel 02 FORD F 250 Diesel Lariat. $1800 Down. East Side Motors (918)835-7433 7103 E. 11Th St. 04 DODGE RAM 1500. Bad Credit, No Credit, Repos, Bankruptcy, Tulsa Best Auto (918)836-7964 1997 DODGE Ram dual cab , needs transmission work and a battery, body good, asking $700. OBO. Call (918)419-2765 get your phone ringing with a Thrifty Nickel ad that brings buyers!
vans 2007 DODGE Grand Caravan 103 K, V-6, auto, loaded., $4500. cash. New A&B Auto (918) 445-2326 2000 HONDA ODYSSEY $330 Mo. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667 WANTED DEAD or alive, cars, trucks, or vans, NO TITLE NO PROBLEM! (918) 955-5246, or (918) 447-8975. 2005 FORD Freestar V-6, auto, leather, loaded. $5500. cash. New A&B Auto (918) 445-2326 2005 DODGE CARAVAN $75 Weekly. 8102 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 832-7667
WANTED DEAD or alive, cars, trucks, or vans, NO TITLE NO PROBLEM! (918) 955-5246, or (918) 447-8975. savings stack up fast in Thrifty Nickel Want Ads. When you shop in Thrifty Nickel, you always save time and money. Read Thrifty Nickel, make a call, and buy exactly what you need at a low, low price. When you sell in Thrifty Nickel Want Ads, you always save in convenience and hassles. We help you write and place your ads. You determine price and sales arrangements. Call Thrifty Nickel today, 918-836-0707. everyone is doing it! You can too. Advertise at Thrifty Nickel, that is. Call 918-836-0707 to join the crowd!
6700 New Sapulpa Rd. Tulsa, OK 74131
AUTO SALES (918) 445-2326
2007 dodge grand CaraVan 103k miles, V-6, auto, Loaded
$2,500 CASH
2001 pontiaC sunfire 4 Cyl, auto, air
$4,800 CASH
$4,500 CASH
2005 ford freestar V-6, auto, Leather, Loaded
2004 dodge dakota V-8, auto, Loaded
2001 pontiaC grand am 4 Cyl, auto, Loaded
$1,200 DOWN
2002 CheVy impaLa V-6, auto, Loaded
$2,850 CASH
$9,200 CASH
(877) 227-7470 • (918) 794-7846 Summer Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm Sat & Sun: 8am-6pm Winter Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm Sat & Sun: 8am-5pm
2001 kia sportage 4 Cyl, auto, 4X4
2006 ford f-150 V-8, auto
(918) 836-0707
Find Your Pot Of Gold With The Thrifty Nickel!
Real Estate
New & PreowNed Home for sale/lease
Ready to Occupy • Located in Beautiful Communities • All Appliances • Landscaping • Decks • A/C
Financing Available • Free Washer and Dryer Ask About Our Rent to Own Programs!
Tulsa 838-7857 834-5577
Real state FOR LEASE-Newly remolded building for Retail, Office Space or Day Care. 2400 Sq. foot, 2 baths, Cable-Internet ready, new carpets. Ready for immediate lease. 7902 Charles Page Blvd. call (918)245-1357 the fast & inexpensive way to great results, Thrifty Nickel. Call today to place your ad. 918-836-0707.
Publisher’s Notice
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial Status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18., This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275
October 03, 2013 - Section B Page 5
Claremore 342-1392 245-8488
IN FORECLOSURE? Tulsa Foreclosure Center can Help! Negative Equity OK, Repairs OK, No house to big or too small. We buy Foreclosures! Call 918200-9814 ” TH E M O T I VAT I O N A L SPEAKING/RADIO VOICE OVER ACADEMY” Correspondence course offered (in the U.S. only) in Radio V.O. & Motivational Speaking from the comforts of your home. All ages. Full Time or Part Time Career. Course includes Marketing Instruction. Since 1965 4-45 Minute Lessons-Taken one a week $150.00(not by the month) Call: Little Anthony Bellante Jr 214-660-4799 starpower1959@yahoo.com HWY 59 Discount Homes, Neosho Mo. Large selection, (417)451-2609 WANTED: YOU don’t have to be rich! To get our homes. A DEED IS ALL YOU NEED! WAC. (405) 6313200. NOW HIRING-Tulsa Transit Bus operators and diesel mechanics. Sign on bonus for diesel mechanics. APPLY TODAY!: Denver Ave Station-319 S. Denver Ave, Memorial Midtown Station 7952 33rd St. Fax Resume (918)5997266 Email:RECRUIT@ TULSATRANSIT.ORG EEEP/ AA/E-VERIFY & DRUG FREE (918)560-JOBS WWW. TULSATRANIST.ORG get your phone ringing with a Thrifty Nickel ad that brings buyers!
2472 NORTH Quebec Ave. for sale large 3 bedroom house with garage and fenced yard. $900. down $399. month . (928)584-6979 NEW AND Used Homes for sale set up in park. Sunburst Estates . (918) 245-3840. CLASSIC COUNTRY Homes, Hwy. 412, Inola. (918)857-3333 FORECLOSURES AVAILABLE Statewide on land. No Money Down with your land! w.a.c. Land/ Home Pkgs. for new single, doubles & modular! EZ Free Application by phone 1-866764-3200 OKC LARGE SELECTION, new, used and repo mobile homes!(918)857-3333 www.hwy59discounthomes. comselction, FORECLOSURES AVAILABLE Statewide on land. No Money Down with your land! w.a.c. Land/ Home Pkgs. for new single, doubles & modular! EZ Free Application by phone 1-866764-3200 OKC DUE TO Illness, I can no longer work on my large 3 bedroom , 1 bath brick home on 1/2 acre lot in Henryetta OK. near I-40 asking 55,000 will finance with down payment at 6 1/2%, phone (918)652-4771 WRIGHT MOBILE WASH: We come to you, cars, motor homes, trailers, and homes. Jerry (918)2107389
Bixby 369-3030 Sapulpa 224-2437
Aparments/ duplexes PLAZA HILLS EAST Apartments. Now available 2 and 3 bedroom Apartments Starting at $545. Call (918)437-7733 2 BEDROOM Duplex , Section 8 okay. 1070 North Irvington , Tulsa. Keller Williams Realtors. Call Jan (918)327-7889 115 EAST Latimer, Large 1 bedroom with stove and carpets $399. month all bills paid. (918) 584-6979. RIVIERA WEST Townhouses large 1 and 2 bedroom, extra storage, large living areas, quite setting, privacy, balconies. (918) 638-0861 ONE BEDROOM duplex, two living areas, wood floors, new paint $400 month $300 deposit. 2851 East Admiral Ct. (918) 2611249.
houses for rent SHE’LL THINK our homes are sexy! She’ll really want her one! EZ approval by phone! WAC. (405) 6313200. HOUSE FOR rent 3 bedroom, central heat and air. 787 East Queen Street. $590. per month $250 deposit. (918)906-3937 put the savings in your pocket, not their cash register! Thrifty Nickel.
OKRates: Motel
580 W Dewey Sapulpa, OK
Mobile Home Community
Nightly - $30 Weekly - $160 Monthly - $500
(918) 224-5200
A-FRAME, 5 miles East of Chelsea, $500. month with $500 deposit (918) 789-3144. RIVIERA WEST Townhouses large 1 and 2 bedroom, extra storage, large living areas, quite setting, privacy, balconies. (918) 638-0861 HOUSE FOR Sale, 2273 N. Columbia Ave, Tulsa 1 bedroom, needs work, $4000 OBO (918)425-2367 $375/ FOR RENT. mo. 1-1/2 BDRM. 1414 N Yorktown. Security alarm, fenced yard. It’s not a duplex. 918-902-4604. Nate. adver t ise unwanted items at Thrifty Nickel and pocket the profits! Call 918-836-0707 today to place your ad. SECTION 8, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 1 car garage, 21st and Harvard, by fair. (918) 282-2383. SECTION 8, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, nice large kitchen, fenced, central heat and air, safe area, (918) 282-2383. 1 TO 4 bedroom houses near downtown area, some bills paid starting at $350. (918) 951-3607.
lots & acreage NO LAND? DON’T CRY! We’ll get you some! Linda/ home. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. WAC. (405) 6313200.
FOR SALE North Turley area 3 acres, one house, one 60 ft. single wide mobile home at 73rd and North Trenton, North West corner. (918) 830-3342 NO LAND? DON’T CRY! We’ll get you some! Linda/ home. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. WAC. (405) 6313200. TAKE OVER 10 Acres. No Down. Trees. Turkey. Deer. $89/Month. SE OK. 818-340-1912. www.grland. com 7 1/2 ACRES 5 miles East 1/4 south of Chelsea, $45,000. call (918)7893144 FINANCE OWNER small acreage’s. Subdivisions at Holdenville and Henryetta, OK. Rural utilities available. (417)4381108 10 ACRES hunting land , close to Illinois River and 800 acre Government game management area. $12000. will finance with $1000. down payment and $124. per month, owner. (918)774-3741 5&40 ACRE Parcels Located in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Surrounded by Mountains, Fishing, Hunting & Skiing. Easy Terms. No Qualifying. Owner Financing! 40 acres $24,950.00. 5 acres $16,950.00. 1-800-5357220. www.kcciland.com get your phone ringing with a Thrifty Nickel ad that brings buyers!
Move Your Home In Specials
918-245-3840 mobile homes lots S U N B U R S T ESTATES has single and double wide lots available. Sunburst Estates. (918) 245-3840. FORECLOSURE MOBILE home on land! Financing available! WAC. (405) 631-3200.
mobile homes WE CAN’T FIND LOWER PRICES IN OKLAHOMA! See list sherlockmobilehomes. com (918)652-7000 or (405)386-544 2001 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath single wide, garden tub Kitchen bar, new dishwasher, range. Only $19,900! Free Delivery Statewide! See Photo’s At sherlockmobilehomes.com (918) 652-7000 GOOD CALL! Fully refurbished 28x82 4 bedroom 2 baths, sunken den with fireplace! $62,900 financing available 417-4516767 2002 THREE BEDROOM double wide, 6” Walls, thermal windows, tape and textured, drop down kitchen with island bar, luxury home with extras!!!. Free Trucking State wide! See Photos At sherlockmobilehomes.com (405)386-5444 2001 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath single wide, garden tub Kitchen bar, new dishwasher, range. Only $19,900! Free Delivery Statewide! See Photo’s At sherlockmobilehomes.com (918) 652-7000 2013 FOUR Bedroom only $62,900! Upgraded classy black appliances, thermal windows. Free Trucking Statewide! See Photo’s At sherlockmobilehomes.com (405)386-5444 FOUR BEDROOM Doublewide, Only $43,900! Thermal windows, new carpet/vinyl flooring, new dishwasher. Free Trucking State wide! See Photos At sherlockmobilehomes.com (405)386-5444 we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com NEW PROGRAM!! Zero down with your land! Easy approval by phone! Call today 1-866-764-3200! THREE BEDROOM single wide, only $21,900.! Textured/painted Sheet rock walls, new dishwasher, new carpet & vinyl flooring. See Photo’s At sherlockmobilehomes.com (405)386-5444 NEW PROGRAM!! Zero down with your land! Easy approval by phone! Call today 1-866-764-3200!
ZERO - ZILCH - Nada Nothing - No kidding - No Money Down - if you have land or use family land!! No Land? No problem! Free approval by phone 1-866764-3200. 2009 OFFICE Double wide, 4 offices, 2 bath, built on CH/A unit, steel doors, Only $39.000!!! Free Trucking State wide! See Photos At sherlockmobilehomes.com (405)386-5444 NEW AND Used Homes for sale set up in park. Sunburst Estates . (918) 245-3840. CLASSIC COUNTRY Homes, Hwy. 412, Inola. (918)857-3333 3 BEDROOM single wide Kitchen bar, new carpet, new dishwasher, range. Only $18,900! Free Delivery Statewide! See Photo’s At sherlockmobilehomes.com (918) 652-7000 NEW PROGRAM. $0. down with your land or family land. EZ approval by phone. Free storm shelter thru July! Call today 1(866)764-3200 WAC, Se habla espanol. 3 BEDROOM, double wide, kitchen bar, new dishwasher, new carpet, garden tub, Only $29,900! Free Delivery Statewide! See Photo’s At sherlockmobilehomes.com (918) 652-7000 if you’ve got it and don’t need it, if it’s of any value and it’s priced right, Thrifty Nickel will sell it! FIVE BEDROOM doublewide, new carpet, remolded, garden tub , new dishwasher, garden tub, only $42,900. Free trucking state wide! See Photo’s At sherlockmobilehomes.com (918)652-7000 LARGE SELECTION, new, used and repo mobile homes!(918)857-3333 www.hwy59discounthomes. comselction, HWY 59 Discount Homes, Neosho Mo. Large selection, (417)451-2609 2009 THREE BEDROOM single wide, Only $23,900. 6” Walls, thermal windows, vinyl flooring, built on CH/A unit. Free Trucking State wide! See Photos At sherlockmobilehomes.com (405)386-5444 28x80 LUXURY Doublewide, 5 bedroom, 3 bath, 6” walls, thermal windows! Tape and textured, fireplace. Free trucking state wide! See Photo’s At sherlockmobilehomes.com (918)652-7000 2009 THREE BEDROOM single wide, Only $23,900. 6” Walls, thermal windows, appliances included, built on Ch/a unit. Free Trucking State wide! See Photos At sherlockmobilehomes.com (405)386-5444
Section B Page 6 ‑ October 03, 2013
S.O.S. Thrifty Nickel To The Rescue!
(918) 836-0707
Apartment Guide Plazahills East Apartments Swiming pool! Now renting 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments as low as $470 - all bills paid.
Call today!
13025 E 16th Pl, Tulsa OK We accept section 8 vouchers.
6221 East 38th Street, Tulsa, OK 74135
MOVE IN 1•2•3 & 4 SPECIAL!! Bedrooms
Apartment Features •Air Conditioning •Cable Ready •Ceiling Fan(s) •Oversized Closets •Some Paid Utilities Community Features Clubhouse• Playground• Pet Friendly• Laundry Facility• Basketball Court(s)• Emergency Maint. • Public Transportation• Wireless Internet Access• Hi - Speed Internet Access•
(918) 622-4428
Large 1 & 2 Bedrooms Extra Storage Large Living Areas Quite Setting Privacy Balconies
The perfect place for you
Great things are happening at
Edenwood Apartments
4811 S Jackson Av. Tulsa, OK. 918.638.0861 918.378.6851
500 Dayton Street www.fairhavenmanor.com Phone: (918) 682-4300
Move in Special $100 off First Month Rent Fair Haven Manor does not discriminate on the basis of disabled status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment inn its federally assisted programs and activities
ALL BILLS PAID Se Habla Electric Optional ESPAÑOL
299 399
Amenities Include: Large Closets Private Balconies On Site Laundry Facility On Site Security Answering Service 24-HOUR Emergency Maintenance Professional On Site Management Team
5555 E. 47th Place TULSA, OK
Accepting Applications!
Amenities Include: On-site Community Center On-site Laundry Facility On-site Swimming Pool Central Heat & Air
•All Bills Paid •New Renovations •Dining Room - Lunch Meals Provided •Pet Friendly •On Site Laundry and Beauty Shop •On Site Management and Emergency After Hours Maintenance •Secure Access to Buildings •52 and Over with Disabilities
Where rent is based on your income.
2171 N. Hartford Ave.
FAIR HAVEN Amenities Include:
For additional information please call 918.473.7733.
All Bills Paid!!! $50 to $75 off
of monthly rent for 12 months 5 Floor plans to choose from Call or stop in for details
The waiting list for Plaza Hills Apartments will re-open on November 01, 2013. The number of applications on file has been reduced to 30% of the estimated, annual applications needed. The waiting list is being opened for the following bedroom sizes…. 1 Bedroom units!
6805 S Lewis Ave Tulsa, Ok 74136 A-1 THE SIPAD has arrived! Be the first to take a look at home designed by Duck Dynasty! Call (918)832-9888 THREE BEDROOM Doublewide, 6” walls, thermal windows, tiled bath and shower, tape and textured living area, wood cabinets, Free Trucking State wide! See Photos At sherlockmobilehomes.com (918)652-7000 if you know of a business that would benefit from having our paper stand at their location, please call us at (918)836-0707. We appreciate it. MOBILE WRIGHT WASH: We come to you, cars, motor homes, trailers, and homes. Jerry (918)2107389 LARGE SELECTION, Used and Repo mobile homes!(918)857-3333 www.hwy59discounthomes. comselction, LAND HOME F o r e c l o s u r e s MO,KS,OK,AR... Move in ready... Financing available... Pricing negotiable 877-5826767
THREE BEDROOM single wide, Only $20,900. 6” Walls, thermal windows, hand textured ceilings. Free Trucking State wide! See Photos At sherlockmobilehomes.com (405)386-5444 ad v ert i se unwanted items at Thrifty Nickel and pocket the profits! Call 918-836-0707 today to place your ad. 3 BEDROOM single wide new carpet and vinyl flooring, Kitchen bar, dishwasher. Only $18,900! Free Delivery Statewide! See Photo’s At sherlockmobilehomes.com (918) 652-7000 ZERO - ZILCH - Nada Nothing - No kidding - No Money Down - if you have land or use family land!! No Land? No problem! Free approval by phone 1-866764-3200. FORECLOSURES AVAILABLE Statewide on land. No Money Down with your land! w.a.c. Land/ Home Pkgs. for new single, doubles & modular! EZ Free Application by phone 1-866764-3200 OKC
MODULAR AND MANUFACTURED HOMES ALL PRICES, SIZES, NEW, USED, REPOS, TRADES WELCOME, FINANCING AVAILABLE 877-582-6767 BRAND NEW 14X70 2 bedroom 2 baths, Handicap ready, wider doors, shingle roof, vinyl siding, delivered, set, a/c, steps, and skirted $37,000 417-451-6788 THREE BEDROOM Doublewide, 6” walls, thermal windows, tiled bath and shower, tape and textured living area, wood cabinets, Free Trucking State wide! See Photos At sherlockmobilehomes.com (918)652-7000 if you know of a business that would benefit from having our paper stand at their location, please call us at (918)836-0707. We appreciate it. MOBILE WRIGHT WASH: We come to you, cars, motor homes, trailers, and homes. Jerry (918)2107389 LARGE SELECTION, Used and Repo mobile homes!(918)857-3333
LAND HOME F o r e c l o s u r e s MO,KS,OK,AR... Move in ready... Financing available... Pricing negotiable 877-5826767 THREE BEDROOM single wide, Only $20,900. 6” Walls, thermal windows, hand textured ceilings. Free Trucking State wide! See Photos At sherlockmobilehomes.com (405)386-5444 ad v ert i se unwanted items at Thrifty Nickel and pocket the profits! Call 918-836-0707 today to place your ad. 3 BEDROOM single wide new carpet and vinyl flooring, Kitchen bar, dishwasher. Only $18,900! Free Delivery Statewide! See Photo’s At sherlockmobilehomes.com (918) 652-7000 ZERO - ZILCH - Nada Nothing - No kidding - No Money Down - if you have land or use family land!! No Land? No problem! Free approval by phone 1-866764-3200. we’re online tulsathriftynickel.com
FULTON PLAZA 4747 S Darlington
$299 1Bdr $399 2Bdr
Amenities Include:
Large Closets Open floor plans On Site Laundry Facility On Site Security Answering Service 24-HOUR Emergency Maintenance Professional On Site Management Team
(918) 836-0707
Find Your Pot Of Gold With The Thrifty Nickel!
October 03, 2013 - Section B Page 7
Section B Page 8 ‑ October 03, 2013
S.O.S. Thrifty Nickel To The Rescue!
(918) 836-0707