DFW Black Business Journal

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Vernon Hadnot - D210.TV

It’s a New Game

in Sports Television Financial Lessons for a Richer Life Top Black -Owned Stores Local Southern Style Restaurants


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It’s a New game 6


Business Rules to Live By



Women Business Owners Achieve Federal Contracting Benchmark



Real Estate

Financial Lessons for a Richer Life



Get the Best Value for Your Home



Dallas Best Southern Cooking Restaurants

5 Most-Anticipated Social Events In Dallas This Spring





Black - Owned Etsy Store


Editor’s note

SPOTLIGHT Denita L. Lacking-Quinn – Achieve PR Crisis Management Strategies and Tactics Psyche Terry – Urban Intimates

18 18 30

diligence to your craft is so important to entrepreneurs in their quest to build a successful, enduring business. Most of us who decide to venture out and start our own business

TOOLS Spring Weather Risks to Watch and Prepare For

I was reading an article of few days ago about how dedication and

do so while still working a full time job. Unfortunately the peaks


and valleys that entrepreneurs encounter don’t usually come with a convenient schedule. I remember working 60-plus hour weeks at my main job, then spending most of my free time working fiercely to build my personal brand. It was exhausting. Feeling like I never had enough hours in the day. Finally I realized I needed to step out

Health & Wellness Healthcare Heroes

on faith and commit 100 percent of my time and effort to building


my own empire. It’s been an incredible journey full of highs and lows. Yet I wouldn’t trade my experiences for the world. The lessons I’ve

Non-Profit Spotlight If You Can’t Feed 100

learned after the bad days helped me enjoy the good days. I have


learned to appreciate the journey. I have learned to listen more and talk less. I’ve learned that actions speak louder than words. I’ve learned to acknowledge those who most don’t bother to see. I’ve learned to love more, and complain less. I’ve learned that God has


Pick Your Education Path powered by Naviance

my back when humans fail me. And honestly, you need to expect


humans to fail you. But prepared for your comeback! Let’s work together to build better communities, by building strong businesses, adding more jobs, providing access to better education and increasing our communities quality of life for all of its citizens.

Youth News Let’s celebrate our youth.


WE can do it, together. Blessings.

Anita C Roberts

Editor-In-Chief 5


It’s a New game in Sports Television We recently spoke with Vernon Hadnot CEO and producer of the innovative sports program D210TV featured on Time Warner Cable. D210TV, which is celebrating six years on the air this June, has been going strong and making a serious impact on the way viewers look at sports television. Vernon thought of a clever way to bring sports news to the viewers. “I wanted to produce a sports program from a female’s perspective. I wanted to break the mold and show that women are knowledgeable in sports, and viewers can see for themselves the game has changed.” D210TV, is an all access hometown program, which covers the Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Mavericks, FC Dallas, SMU football and basketball. Vernon began producing television shows in Austin in 1993 where he produced a show called After Dark an Entertainment/Sports


show that aired on TWC. After a lineup change he decided to try something different. “I didn’t like the way things were headed. I wanted to do something more meaningful.” The TWC sports program currently features four female reporters, Mercedes Owens, Kathryn Dunn, Natasha Jones and Tamara Jolee Metcalfe. All are not only a sight for sore eyes but extremely professional and knowledgeable in the sports genre they cover. “Each of my reporters are different, they come from wonderful backgrounds. All have studied journalism or have direct experience working in the industry.” Vernon believes his best experience with D210TV is working with such a tremendously talented team. He explains, “The dedication, loyalty, time and work they put in is as priceless as each of them are


to the team. Bryan Sanders, our photographer is our rock that keeps the team going”. Vernon is not one to take things for granted, he feels the show is still a work in progress and is always striving to find ways to take the show to the next level. Vernon recalled his dreams of being on television started at a very early age. “I can remember being 6 years old watching television and thinking I want to do that.” He says he always aspired to have a career in entertainment, which is why he went on to study communications in college and received his Bachelor of Arts Degree at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California and started working in the industry as soon as he could. Vernon’s advice for those wanting to get into the industry, in his own words. “It takes a lot of work and dedication to make it. Do your research it’s not as easy as it looks. There are no shortcuts for achieving success,

Kathryn Dunn



Kathryn Dunn. FC Dallas Head Coach Oscar Pareja

you have to put all your energy and effort into the work. You may have to go through a struggle or two, but do what you need to do in order to be a successful. It’s worth it.” When asked why he wanted to transition from “in front” to “behind” the camera he joked. “I don’t know, as men get older our faces get bigger.” Not only does Vernon produce, he also shoots, edits and works the graphics for the show. He was kind enough to share his best and most frightening moments on the job. He recalled being behind the scenes at a game where pro basketball player Kobe Bryant approached him after noticing he didn’t get any interview time. “We quickly turned on the camera but the microphone was having serious technical issues, during the whole interview all you heard was static, it was a complete nightmare.” “My best experience has been working with some extremely talented people on our team. Without them there would be no D210TV. I’m very thankful to be able to work with each one of them.” Vernon hopes to one day have his own sports channel. “We are also working on expansion, I want D210 to be a household name like FOX Sports and ESPN. We want to be nationwide, it’s a challenge we are prepared for.” They are actively working on adding National League Hockey next season to their coverage.

Tamara Jolee. Dallas Mavericks Wesley Matthews 8

You can catch D210 every Monday night at 6pm on Time Warner Cable Sports TV. The new season starts every August so make sure you stay tuned. You can also follow D210TV on Facebook and Twitter for up to date news and sports.


Mercedes Owens. Cowboys Report Natasha Jones. Mavs Recap



Financial Lessons

for a Richer Life Let’s face it, personal finance isn’t nuclear physics. The basics are so simple that anyone can get the concepts down-- spend less than you earn, save and invest the rest. Knowing what should be done and actually doing it, however, are two different things. Most people realize that spending more money than they have is a bad, bad thing. That still doesn’t keep millions of people from racking up credit-card debt. Here are some money lessons, which have the power to change your life.

1. Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness

In our heart of hearts we know this. True happiness comes from the opportunities money makes available so that you can do the things that you want to do. If you have no idea what these things are, no amount of money will make you happy.

2. Goals Are the Key

Make specific financial goals and take the necessary steps to fulfill them. The old saying that if you don’t know where you’re going, it’s difficult to get there is never more true with your financial goals. Take the time to write down your financial goals in detail. Then write down the action steps. Financial goals give you something to strive for and give you clear knowledge on how you want to spend the money that you earn. They also help you avoid impulse purchases and spending money on things that aren’t important.

3. Don’t succumb to Impulse Purchases

Don’t spend money unnecessarily. Impulse spending (or spending money on anything that isn’t important to you and your goals) is the worst type of spending that you can do. This is how most people spend their money when they don’t have financial goals. It’s destructive if it also leads to credit card debt. Impulse purchases come about when you aren’t really sure what you want in your life or what will make you happy. This is why advertising is so effective. Advertisements make you believe that buying a product or service will give you the happiness that you are seeking, when this is rarely the case. If you can learn to be patient with your money and avoid impulse purchases by knowing what your financial goals are, you will make major strides in getting your finances in order.


4. Buy Memories, Not Things

A big lie our society plays on us is that stuff will make us happy. When it comes to spending the money that you do have, buying experiences and memories with those whom you care about is a much better use of your money than purchasing material things. It’s not the house that you buy, but the home that you make with your family inside it that matters. When you look back on your life, you will remember the times, memories and experiences far above the things that you have purchased. Understanding this will ensure that you get much more value out of the money you spend.

5. TV Is a Dream Killer

Most of believe we never have the time to do all that we want. But the opposite is true. We waste too much time watching others live their lives on television. When we spend our time watching TV instead of fulfilling one of the action items on our to do list, this is one of those major poor choices. People say over and over again that they don’t have the time to achieve the goals that they have. If you are the average person, a lot of that time you don’t have is being spent in front of your TV. If you want to achieve your goals and dreams, the first thing to do is start to wean yourself off your TV. You can’t imagine the amount of extra time that you have and all the extra things that you can accomplish when you take the time spent in front of the TV (or computer or whatever other form of procrastination you use) to work on the financial and other goals that you have.

6. Money Seduces

It’s a fact of life. At some point you will likely be offered employment that pays you more than what your dream job will pay, or a good salary when you aren’t yet sure what your dream job is. You will likely justify taking the job because the extra money will outweigh the compromise of putting off what you want to do and you may assume it will even help you to pursue your dream job in your spare time since it will mean you have more money. This is a false justification that will only serve to make you lose sight of your true goals in life. Be very careful of the seduction of a higher-paying job, because when you accept it, it will be difficult to leave.

7. Financial Mistakes Aren’t All Bad

I’ve made more than my fair share of financial mistakes, and you’re going to make financial mistakes, too. Everybody does and they can actually be a great benefit for you in the long run. The key is learning from them instead of repeating them over and over again. Instead of getting down on yourself when you make a mistake, take the time to learn from it and make sure that it never happens again. If you learn from your mistakes, you will come out far ahead than if you never make any mistakes at all.

8. Do What You Love and the Money Follows

The money probably won’t be there at first, and it might seem impossible for you to figure out a way to make money from it, but if you are truly passionate about it, there is a way to succeed and make a living doing what you love. It takes a lot of time, effort and persistence, and it won’t be easy. You will likely have to become quite creative to make it happen, but if you truly love what you’re doing, that effort will be the reason you are willing to put in the extra hours it takes to succeed.

9. Money Is Emotional

You know yourself better than anyone else, and what motivates you. What motivates you and what motivates someone else may not be the same. Take this knowledge and use it to your advantage. While personal-finance books will tell you the best way to handle your finances from an unemotional perspective, this advice is worthless if it doesn’t work with your personality. Adopt the methods that will help you get to your financial goals the quickest, leveraging your personal habits to do so. Doing something (even if it is a longer process) is almost always better than the choice of doing nothing because the method advanced doesn’t work well for your personality.

10. Embrace Compound Interest

If you want to be wealthy, understand compound interest and how it is your best financial friend from an early age. To retire early you don’t need to make a lot of money. All you need to do is begin saving small amounts early. The earlier you begin to put money into retirement savings, the more you’ll have, and the sooner you will be able to retire. Most people think that it is a matter of working hard and making a lot, but the true path to wealth is simply to start saving and investing from an early age. 11

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Real Esatae

Get the Best Value for Your Home Most sellers today are nervous and unsure. They wonder: is taking a loss on our house inevitable? The answer is no! A strategic sales plan, coupled with a smart buy in your new location will ensure that you recoup the maximum value for your home.

Think Strategy Consult with an expert, local real estate agent to ensure your house is priced competitively and well-staged. Why? Because while there are always three factors to getting a home sold—location, price, and condition—only two are under your control: price and condition. Of the two, which is more significant? Price. Remember that price will correct bad condition, but condition will never overcome a bad price. Act fast. You’re in a race against time—the best price you’ll get in today’s market is the one you get now. If you wait, it will be lower. And every month the price on your home decreases, your costs remain the same. For example, Keller Williams research shows that sellers who listed their home at the price the agent originally


recommended, sold the home 38 days faster. This is over a month of mortgage and tax payments! For a home that cost $200,000 at time of purchase, with 20 percent down and an interest rate of 6.5 percent, selling a month sooner results in a savings of $1101.31 for the mortgage alone, not including the taxes and insurance that the homeowner would be paying during this time. Don’t worry about where the market has been, keep your focus on where it is going. The price your neighbor down the street got six months ago is not relevant in a market where your house is competing with others from all across town. Again, a local real estate agent will have the kind of long-term, wide-ranging data that will help you decide how to pinpoint your price with precision. 13


Dallas Best Southern Cooking Restaurants


The best-known chicken and waffle pairing comes from the American soul food tradition and uses fried chicken. The waffle is served much as it would be at breakfast time, with condiments such as butter and syrup. This unusual combination of foods is beloved by many people who are influenced by traditions of soul food passed down from past generations. We’ve compiled a list of restaurants that give you the same down home, southern style recipes and many more. Enjoy!


www.smokerestaurant.com 901 Fort Worth Ave $$ · Barbecue Chef Tim Byre’s creative American menu centered around smoked meats, set in the hip Belmont Hotel.

Truckers Café

Fearing’s Restaurant

2121 McKinney Ave $$$ · American Chef Dean Fearing’s splashy Southwestern destination with a celebrated bar in the luxe Ritz-Carlton. 14

8445 S Lancaster Rd (972) 224-0008 $ - Fast food. Home-style cooking.


Pecan Lodge

www.pecanlodge.com 2702 Main St $ · Barbecue A variety of smoked meats, sides & desserts are served at this BBQ eatery along with beer & wine.

South Dallas Café

7035 Marvin D Love Fwy www.southdallascafe.net $$ · Restaurant Southern home-style classics served cafeteria style at this easygoing, family-run establishment.

Sugar Ray’s Soul Food 3308 Elsie Faye Heggins St Restaurant

Lockhart Smokehouse BBQ

400 W Davis St $$ · Barbecue Counter-serve joint dishing up Central Texas-style smoked meats on butcher paper, plus local beers.

Off the Bone Barbeque Rudy’s Chicken

3115 S Lancaster Rd $$ · Takeout Restaurant Walk-up & drive-thru stand is a cash-only local fixture serving fried chicken since 1995.

1734 S Lamar St $ · Barbecue Tiny counter-service stop puts a gourmet spin on BBQ with pecansmoked ribs & other specialties.

Lisa Fine Food & Catering $ · Restaurant 2550 W Red Bird Ln #404


www.hatties.com 418 N Bishop Ave $$$ · American Low country Southern fare & drinks, plus a renowned Sunday brunch, are offered in refined environs. Sissy’s Southern Kitchen & Bar www.sissyssouthernkitchen.com 2929 N Henderson Ave $ · Restaurant Upscale takes on retro favorites like deviled eggs & gumbo in shabby chic room or enclosed porch. 15


Slow Bone Just Like Big Momma’s 1223 E Belt Line Rd # 128 $ - Restaurant

www.slowbone.com 2234 Irving Blvd $$ · Barbecue Lunch diners line up at this casual joint serving brisket & other smoked meats with lots of sides.

Mama’s Daughter’s Diner

Ellen’s Southern Kitchen

www.ellenssouthernkitchen.com 1718 N Market St $$ · Grill Stylish Southern diner supplying all-day breakfast, plus comfort classics for lunch & dinner.

www.mamasdaughtersdiner.com 2014 Irving Blvd $$ · American Longtime flagship of a Southern truck-stop chain serving hearty home cooking for breakfast & lunch.

Sammy’s Bar-B-Q

2126 Leonard St $ - Barbecue Country-style BBQ joint serves a concise menu of sandwiches, platters & sides over the counter.

Mike Anderson’s Barbeque

www.mikeandersonsbbq.com 5410 Harry Hines Blvd $ - Barbecue Lunchtime brisket, pulled pork, deviled eggs, cobbler & more at classic cafeteria-style joint.


Try a little



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Entrepreneur Spotlight

Denita Lacking-Quinn Achieve PR

Denita is an innovator, an inspirational strategic advisor. She has been a force behind some of the most recognized public relations campaigns for clients such as Lions Gate Entertainment, DJ Spinderella (Salt N Pepa), and the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce just to name a few. When not directing clients during media interviews or providing event logistics and market promotions for Tyler Perry Movies or the Soul Train Music Awards, Denita is volunteering in her local community. To her credit Denita has dedicated over 500 pro bono hours to nonprofits and schools over the last two years. She also serves on the board of three area organizations.

Denita Lacking-Quinn Owner, Achieve PR, Founder of DFW Black Bloggers

Crisis Management Strategies and Tactics In times of stress, one’s judgment is impaired, no matter how cool the head might seem. This holds true for both individuals and organizations in crisis mode, and the temptation to act out on social media can be too great for some. The best defense is a smart, succinct crisis plan that can be shared throughout an organization. In this excerpt from PR News’ Book of Crisis Management Strategies & Tactics, Vol. 8, Ann Marie van den Hurk, principal of Mind The Gap Public Relations, lists six recommendations for integrating social media into every crisis scenario your brand or client might face.

• Order: Many organizations are afraid to stand up for themselves on social media. It’s OK to bring order to the organization’s online space, which will allow for concerns to be addressed. • Listen: Listen to and try to understand what the negative commenter wants. Respond directly to the person, when possible. Respond publicly and have an open conversation or acknowledge the concern and then take it offline. How an organization handles a particular situation depends on the factors involved.

or YouTube channel unless it violates your stated community guidelines. This is a difficult concept for organizations to get accustomed to in the age of social media. Removing the offending comments may lead to more, harsher comments.

• Channel: Different social media channels have unique tones because they target different audiences. Each channel needs to communicate the same message, but that message needs to conform to the style of a particular channel. What works in a media release, on a website or in a brochure will not necessarily work on Twitter or Facebook.

• Tone: Social media is not the space for corporate tone. When

• Update: Websites and social media platforms need to be updated

responding, be personal, polite and professional. Never respond in a dismissive or impolite manner. It will only add fuel to the fire.

24/7. During a crisis, people will be expecting current information. They will be expecting interaction on social media platforms.

• Criticism: Do not censor criticism on your blog, Facebook account

This article was adapted from PR News’ Book of Crisis Management Strategies & Tactics, Vol. 8.


Tools for Entrepreneurs

Spring Weather Risks to Watch and Prepare For

Every business needs business continuity plans, especially small businesses.

These preparedness tips are based on real-life recovery experiences from business owners.

Our mother’s warned us – always be prepared. Or was that the boy scouts? As we know severe storms, often the form of deadly tornadoes or massive rainfall, which leads to flooding, typically causes millions of dollars in property losses across the country each spring.

The SBA has partnered with Agility to offer business continuity strategies through its “PrepareMyBusiness” website. Visit http://www.preparemybusiness.org to access previous webinars and for additional preparedness tips.

There are many inexpensive, efficient steps you can take now to make sure your company, clients and employees are safe in the months to come. Join the U.S. Small Business Administration and Agility Recovery offers tips on best practices for reducing spring weather threats. 20

The SBA provides disaster recovery assistance in the form of lowinterest loans to homeowners, renters, private nonprofits and businesses of all sizes. To learn more, visit http://www.sba.gov/disaster.

Non-profit Spotlight


If You Can’t Feed 100 People Then Feed Just One Minnie’s Food Pantry was founded by Dr. Cheryl “Action” Jackson to honor her mother, Minnie Hawthorne-

Ewing D.D. They are 100% people and community funded. Every dollar counts! Long term underemployment, unemployment and the high cost of food, gas, utilities and rent are forcing more and more people to seek emergency food. The need for emergency food is unprecedented. What does it take to fight hunger? It takes volunteers from Bank of America, Fossil, Wells Fargo Bank who are filling boxes with food contributed by Wal-Mart, Market Street and Pizza Hut, delivered throughout the community on a truck funded by TGI Fridays. Minnie’s Food pantry is fortunate to be surrounded by strong, multi-level corporate partnerships. Minnie’s Food Pantry is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization that provides food assistance to children and families in need in our community. Hunger is a growing epidemic and it continues to affect hundreds on a daily basis. Minnie’s Food Pantry provides numerous programs to meet the needs of every person who walks through our doors. Minnie’s Food Pantry is one of the largest pantries in Collin County and we are proud members of Feeding American, the North Texas Food Bank and GuideStar. We serve low income families as long as they meet the TEXCAP guidelines, regardless of their race, color, or religion. All donations are tax deductible. With your generous support, Minnie’s Food Pantry will be able to continue to roll out the red carpet and serve families in need in our community. It takes co-operation, efficiency, and strong partnerships to fight hunger. - See more at: http://www.minniesfoodpantry.org/i-want-moreinformation/our-story/#sthash.fMUfq4bI.dpuf


Business Rules to Live By

1 When in doubt, introduce others. Although times change, there are some things that always stay the same, common courtesy. Our society is constantly changing social norms but as business professionals we must remember that no matter the situation we still represent a professional organization/ business. We sometimes forget that business is about people. And there is no shortage of competent and reliable people in the business world and manners can make the difference. Wouldn’t you rather collaborate with, work for or buy from someone who has high standards of professional behavior? Here are some business guidelines that never go out of style.


Always introduce people to others whenever the opportunity arises, unless you know that they’re already acquainted. It makes people feel valued, regardless of their status or position.

2 A handshake is still the professional standard.

Not only does this simple gesture demonstrate that you’re polite, confident and approachable, it also sets the tone for any potential future professional relationship. In a very casual work atmosphere, you might be able to get away with a nod or a hello, but it’s worth it to make the extra effort to offer your hand.

3 Always say “Please” and “Thank you.”

This should go without saying, but even in a very casual professional atmosphere, this basic form of courtesy is still imperative. Today, sending a thank you e-mail is perfectly acceptable, but a handwritten thank you note is always a nice touch.


7 Don’t walk into someone’s office unannounced.

It’s disrespectful to assume that you have the right to interrupt other people’s work. Knock on the door or say hello if it’s open and ask if it’s a good time to talk. If the discussion is going to take more than a few minutes, it’s a good idea to call or e-mail and schedule a good time for both of you.

8 Don’t gossip.

It’s so hard sometimes to resist engaging in a little “harmless” gossip. But the reality is that gossip is never harmless. It is most certainly damaging to the subject of the gossip, but it also reflects poorly on you. It’s natural to be curious and interested in what other people are doing, but talking about someone who is not present is disrespectful.

9 Don’t eavesdrop.

Everyone is entitled to private conversations, in person or over the phone. The same goes for e-mail; don’t stand over someone’s shoulder and read their e-mails.

10 Acknowledge others.

When someone approaches you, acknowledge him or her. If you’re in the middle of something important, it’s fine to ask them to wait a minute while you finish. If you pass someone in the hallway or on the street, but don’t have time to talk, at least wave a hand and say hello. Busyness is not an excuse to ignore people.

11 Avoid the “Big Two.”

We have blurred many of the personal and professional lines, but politics and religion are still off-limits. These topics are highly charged minefields for a professional atmosphere. Leave them at the office door.

12 Be on time.

We’re all busy. Being punctual shows others that you value their time. Being late doesn’t mean that you’re busier than other people; it just means that you’re inconsiderate.

4 Don’t interrupt.

We’ve become a nation of “over-talkers,” so eager to offer our own opinions or press our point that we often interrupt others mid-sentence. It can be tongue-bitingly difficult to force ourselves not to interject, especially when the discussion is heated. Don’t. It’s rude and shows disrespect for the opinions of others. Remember, be assertive, not aggressive.

5 Watch your language.

Verbal and written communications are often much less formal than in times past, but be careful to choose your words wisely. Of course, derogatory, rude or offensive language is unacceptable, but so is slang. While it may be commonplace in our society, it’s never acceptable in a professional atmosphere.

6 Double check before you hit send.

While we’re on the subject of communication, always check your e-mails for spelling and grammar errors. Since the advent of spell check, there is no excuse for typos. Also, do a quick read to make sure the meaning and tone are what you wish to convey. And no smileys, please.

13 No phone during meetings.

When you’re in a meeting, focus on the meeting discussion. Don’t take calls, text or check e-mail. It’s disrespectful to the other attendees, not to mention, extremely annoying. It also makes meetings last longer because the participants keep losing focus.

14 Don’t be a business card pusher.

Don’t simply hand out business cards to everyone you meet. It’s a bit aggressive unless you’re on a sales call. Ask for the other person’s card, offer to exchange cards or at the very least, ask if you can leave your card before you reach in your pocket.

15 Show genuine interest.

Keep eye contact and make an effort to truly listen to what others are saying. We are so easily distracted in this climate of increasingly short attention spans; we often can’t wait for the other person to hurry up and finish so we can move on to the next thing. Resist the lure of distraction and haste. Take the time to ask questions and show an interest in the other person’s thoughts. 23

Health & Wellness



Dr. Vanessa Woolridge Dr. Vanessa Woolridge is an obstetrician-gynecologist in Plano, Texas who has been in practice for more than 20 years. OBGYN’s specialize in female reproductive health issues as well as gynecological health issues.

Dr. Nilda Lopez


Dr. Woolridge is a native of Mansfield, Louisiana. Her desire to become a physician was recognized at a young age. She attended Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Zoology.

Dr. Nilda Lopez is a Family Medicine physician with a kind and caring manner. A long-time resident of north Texas, she earned her medical degree from University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and gained family medicine training and experience during residency at John Peter Smith Hospital. She has additional training for the care of patients of advanced age and completed fellowship in Geriatric Medicine at John Peter Smith Hospital.

Dr. Woolridge received her Doctor of Medicine Degree from Howard University College of Medicine in Washington, D.C. At Howard University, she delivered her first baby and was exposed to addressing women’s health in a clinical setting. Those experiences made her decision to practice obstetrics and gynecology an easy one. She did her residency in OB/GYN at Tulane University College of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana. After completion of her residency, she began practicing medicine in Plano, Texas.

Dr. Lopez provides comprehensive primary care, with particular interest in geriatric medicine, pediatrics and tropical medicine. She most enjoys the ability to care for the whole family at all stages of life. Dr. Lopez enjoys mission work, poetry, singing traveling, being involved with her church and spending time with her husband and children.

Community service is also important to Dr. Woolridge. She is a member of several organizations committed to public service. She also has given public lectures on topics related to women’s health. Dr. Woolridge is married and has one son. Her hobbies are reading a book with intense drama, enjoying a good movie, and cooking a delicious pot of gumbo.

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d e t a p i c i t n A s t t s n e v Mo E l a i c s So a l l a D In g n i r p S This April 21 WOMEN›S COUNCIL DALLAS ABORETUM MAD HATTER›S TEA: STEEL MAGNOLIAS If you would like to turn a few heads, this is definitely the event for you. Every Spring, Dallas socialites gather in the beautiful gardens of the Dallas Arboretum to indulge in a time honored tradition; think classic Southern Tea Party with a modern twist. Hats are judged each year as a new theme is unveiled and ladies scramble to create the perfect hat in the hopes of getting to strut down the runway during the annual fashion show. This is the perfect event to revel in your “Southern Belle” persona and lend a helping hand in raising money to maintain a Woman’s Garden at the Dallas Arboretum. The Mad Hatter’s Tea will take place on Thursday, April 21, 2016. http://www.womenscouncildallasarboretum.org/3/ miscellaneous8.htm Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland Rd., Dallas, TX 75218


April 23 The 51st annual DMA gala benefiting the Dallas Museum of Art is one of the most sought after events of the year. This year the focus of the ball will be ART + Architecture. Featuring a sumptuous seated dinner, luxury live auction and a trendy after party this event attracts a noteworthy audience of philanthropist and art lovers. Proceeds from the ball contribute to the DMA’s passionate commitment to provide free access to its extensive collections and renown exhibitions. The DMA ART+ARCHITECTURE BALL will be held on Saturday, April 23, 2016. https://www.dma.org Dallas Museum of Art, 1717 North Harwood, Dallas, TX. 75201


April 29 May 6-7

Dallas Challenge is a 32 year old agency that offers prevention services for children and teens that are at risk of becoming involved with destructive behavior. It has helped turn around the lives of more than 6,000 local youth. Art has become a successful segue into empowering and connecting with these youth and lies at the foundation of The Art From the Heart Celebrity Art Auction and Benefit. It will be a fun filled evening at a trendy, urban venue with a unique charity art auction that will feature artwork from prominent celebrities, professional artists, fashion designers and Dallas Challenge students. The Art From the Heart 7th Annual Celebrity Art Auction and Benefit will take place on Friday, April 29, 2016 from 7-10:30pm at Lofty Spaces, 816 Montgomery St., Dallas, TX. http://www.dallaschallenge.org Dallas Challenge, Inc. 7777 Forest Lane, Suite C-410, Dallas, TX 75230

The celebrities will be out in full force to support Emmitt Smith, the NFL’s All Time Leading Rusher and his lovely wife Pat in there many initiatives to impact the lives of underserved youth through unique educational experiences and enrichment opportunities. Team 22 is one of their programs specifically designed to provide these children with access to summer camps, mentorships and special experiences. The culmination of all their efforts is an annual two day fundraising event which will commence with a party at the Omni Dallas and end with a golf tournament at TPC Craig Ranch. There will be a red carpet, celebrity reception, dinner, auction, entertainment and award ceremony for the players in the tournament. This event packs a lot of star power, but not for the reasons you may think. The lives of the youth it impacts is what shine most brilliantly of all. The 2016 7th Annual Emmitt Smith Celebrity Invitational will take place on Friday-Saturday, May 6-7, 2016. http://www.emmittsmith.com/celebrity-invitational

May 21 DIFFA (Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS) is one of the largest and most successful fundraising institutions helping service organizations in North Texas and nationally to provide preventative education programs, treatment and direct care services to people impacted by HIV/AIDS. This year DIFFA Dallas announces the highly anticipated, Circo Rouge. This extraordinary fashion experience presented by Headington Companies and the swanky Omni Hotel will be a treat for your senses with its unique eclectic mix of philanthropy and theatrics. With close to 2,000 patrons it’s certain to be a night to remember. The House of DIFFA Circo Rouge will take place on Saturday May 21, 2016 at 6:00 pm at the Omni Hotel Downtown Dallas. http://www.diffadallas.org/events DIFFA/DALLAS, 2050 STEMMONS FWY., MAIL UNIT 262, DALLAS, TX 75207


Small Business

Women Business Owners Achieve Federal Contracting Benchmark


W 28

Women-owned businesses employ millions of American workers in communities all over the U.S. But when it comes to receiving federal contracts and capital, women are still under-represented. That’s according to a recent study commissioned by the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Small Business

Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet Administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration; member of President Obama’s cabinet


More and more, women-owned small businesses (WOSBs) are at the heart of our nation’s greatest technological advances, moving the world forward in cybersecurity, clean energy, human capital, and many other industries. That’s why I’m so pleased to report that, at long last, the federal government is breaking the mold for government contracting. Just in time for Women’s History Month. Last fiscal year the federal government set a new record for the highest percentage of contracting dollars awarded to womenowned small businesses in the history of the United States. 17.8 billion dollars, or 5.05 percent of all eligible contracting, was injected into the U.S. economy through women-owned small business contracts, supporting tens of thousands of jobs right here at home. To put things in perspective, this is the first time contracting for women-owned small businesses has ever been above five percent, a goal set by Congress more than two decades ago. One of the greatest champions in this effort has been President Obama, who has made support for women-owned small businesses a priority during his administration. When the President took office in early 2009, the economy was in freefall. He quickly put a spotlight on small business support as one of the best ways to kick-start economic renewal. Two months later he created the first-ever White House Council on Women and Girls. Under the leadership of Valerie Jarrett and with the support of countless others in the Administration, this Council has worked to build ladders of opportunity for women ready to take the lead, including as small business owners and entrepreneurs. Meeting this longstanding contracting goal means five percent is no longer our ceiling but our foundation upon which to build. Last December, the Census Bureau reported that women’s business ownership rates are also up 27 percent over five years. Women currently employ eight million American workers and their businesses generate nearly 1.4 trillion dollars in receipts. Today

we are working to expand on these strides through SBA’s pathbreaking ChallengeHER and InnovateHER initiatives. These historic contracting results for women-owned small businesses show that our efforts have paid off in communities and local economies across our nation. And SBA continues to push forward, using our report findings to add 36 new industry categories where women can compete for set-aside contracts and sole-source awards. This will dramatically expand contracting opportunities for women-owned businesses, paving the way for new jobs and industries to be created. Small businesses are some of the most agile, pioneering, and costeffective partners for the federal government. Today, more women are taking the lead at these businesses and delivering valuable goods and services to the American people. By contracting with these small businesses, the federal government acts as a catalyst for growth and innovation for all small businesses while supporting our overall economic security and competitiveness. Bringing thousands more women-owned small businesses more fully into the federal supply chain is not an act of government benevolence. It’s an economic imperative. And one of the greatest roles we can play to support these small employers is to open the doors for more of them to earn more of America’s business. Let’s keep the momentum going.


Entrepreneur Spotlight


Entrepreneur Spotlight

Psyche Terry How Perseverance Made Urban Intimates A Global Brand “I want to

empower women” Like many aspiring entrepreneurs Psyche Terry, CEO & Founder of Urban Intimates Global Brands, left corporate America to pursue her own business. In the beginning, she was told that designing and selling underwear and sleepwear was not a good idea. She persevered. Today Psyche has her own lingerie line valued at over $40 million dollars. Psyche who is a mom of three found herself searching for undergarments that were comfortable, stylish and fit her curves. After not finding all three Psyche decided to take matters into her own hands and create her own under garment line. In the beginning Psyche attended a training opportunity in Dallas that helped her focus, prepare and plan for success. At the end of the 5-day workshop, she eagerly pitched her product to Macy’s but lost the competition. Who knew that disappointment would be just the motivation she needed to one day become an expert in her field. According to Psyche, she didn’t feel like a failure, instead with focus and determination she continued to pursue her passion by learning the market. She flew to China to learn from industry professionals. She gained knowledge of how to grow and mass produce her inventory. Now her lingerie can be found in stores all over the country including Macy’s, JCPenney, and Wal-Mart.

Psyche Terry’s 3 keys to success: 1. Faith. Never, ever, ever give up. It doesn’t matter where you come from, high or low, you make your own destiny. 2. Connect with as many people as you can, wherever you can. You never know who could make a difference in your life. 3. Be willing to invest in yourself, whether that’s using your money, going to school, funding a trip, anything. For me, it was clearing out my 401k. Be edgy, be confident, be powerful, and don’t be afraid Urban Intimates is a global brand and has been featured in Forbes Magazine, Wall Street Journal, Black Enterprise, CNBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Univision, in Jones, Essence and Ebony Magazine. http://urbanintimates.com/


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Black Owned Stores

LiLi’s Creations sells one of a kind African inspired clothing.

https://www.etsy.com/shop/ LiLiCreations

Marcus Kwame sells unique art prints. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ MarcusKwame



De-Mes’tiks New York makes unique clothing and garments. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ DemestiksNewYork

A Holey Moley Lyfe sells stud earrings that make a statement. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ AHoleyMoleyLyfe


Theuniqueu sells handcrafted jewelry.

That Artista creates “original paintings drawings and exclusive prints by Philece R.

https://www.etsy.com/shop/ Theuniqueu

https://www.etsy.com/shop/ thatArtista


Afrique La Chic makes Afrocentric jewelry and natural hair accessories. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ AfriqueLaChic

Calabash Creations produces an eclectic mix of handmade cards, art and gift items. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ calabashcreations

Three Little Birds Tees shares positive, fashionable and culturally aware messages with their 100 percent cotton tees. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ ThreeLittleBirdsTees

Boutique De Bandeaux creates thick, curly and natural hair accessories. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ boutiquedebandeaux



Tiare Smith Designs sells abstract painting, mixed media paintings, original paintings and cards. https://www.etsy.com/shop/TiareSmithDesigns

SANKOFAFREE creates culturally inspired jewelry. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ SANKOFAFREE

Paws Up By Rose and Pheeb sells custom-made dog apparel and more. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ PawsUpbyRoseandPheeb


Forever Audacious sells handcuffed art and accessories https://www.etsy.com/shop/ForeverAudacious


Pick Your Education Path powered by

Naviance Naviance is a comprehensive college- and career-readiness solution for middle and high school students that helps align student strengths and interest to post-secondary goals. Naviance connects learning and life by helping students discover their individual strengths and learning styles while exploring college and career options based on their results. Dallas ISD has made Naviance, a self-discovery and college interest and application tool, available to students, parents and district campus staff with the goal of enhancing our students’ ability to make an informed decision about choosing an endorsement, one of five areas of study students can pursue in high school to help guide their college and career experiences. Naviance provides early exploration of student college and career interests while helping inform academic readiness starting in 6th grade. Schools are also able to measure readiness at each grade level, 6-12, through various assessments geared towards helping students find their strengths, information about the college application process, academic preparedness and financial aid. Each of the tools in Naviance are designed to address the whole student through Academic, Career, and Personal/Social Development assessments.

Through Naviance, students and parents can: • • • • • • •

Explore and apply to colleges and universities Explore and apply to scholarships Prepare for the PSAT and SAT Learn about various career fields Learn about upcoming college fairs Build a resume Request transcripts for colleges

Naviance allows teachers and staff to engage with students and help them throughout the college application.

Through Naviance, teachers, counselors and staff can… • • • • • •

Access student academic information such as weighted GPA, PSAT/SAT scores Communicate with groups of students Create and promote college fairs and visits Manage and submit required documents for students applying to college via the Common Application Send electronic transcripts Prepare students for the PSAT/SAT

Pick Your Path by visiting http://succeed.naviance.com to get started.


s ’ t e t a r LLee b e t,s cel Youth News

our o ur . h t u yo

Since 2000, the United Nations has used International

Youth Day to draw attention to youth issues worldwide. This year the theme is Youth Civic Engagement. Young people share their stories, swap ideas, and participate in events on civic engagement activities. They are

future business owners, partners, and customers. As

youth around the world explore how to engage in civic, political, and social spheres, here are three ways that

small business owners can engage and help improve the

h t u o y

lives of youth locally, all while building credibility for your business.

Contact your local Youth Center

Many of us have roots at the local Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, or other recreation centers. Check in with your local center to see if there are opportunities to contribute to character and leadership building activities. These initiatives will enable you to use your know-how as a go-getter to be a living example to youth in your community. If you do not have time to be a part of programming, you should be able to become a sponsor. Another option is to check in with your local homeless shelter. Many offer courses that teach life skills to youth and parents. As a small business owner, you can pass on your knowledge on leadership, decision-making, business etiquette, interviewing skills, technology, and communication.


Become a Mentor

Mentoring is a great opportunity for personal and professional growth, not to mention a tremendous way to give back to the community. You may already know a young aspiring entrepreneur. If not, reach out to your network, or simply search “become a mentor [insert your city]” to find opportunities near you. Additionally, sites like Volunteer Match and Big Brother Big Sisters of America are great places to start your search. Is there someone in your life who empowered you as a young person? What are some ways you have engaged with the youth in your community? If you’d like to take part in International Youth Day programming, find out what’s happening near you.

Youth News

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Reach out to local Colleges and Universities

Most colleges have an internship program for their students and many now have entrepreneurship programs. Reach out to the career center or internship office at your local university and speak with a counselor about hiring a student. There may even be a local high school that has students who might be interested. Working with your small business will provide valuable professional experience for students and a young mind and fresh set of eyes for your business.


Browse UN job

openings, and apply All job openings in the UN Secretariat are published on the United Nations Careers Portal: https://careers.un.org

e t Let’s a r b e l ce

Locally recruited

Job opportunities

Jobs in the General Service and related categories, including those in the trades and crafts, security and safety, secretarial and other support positions, are recruited locally. Please contact the local office of the United Nations in your country directly. At Headquarters in New York, applicants wishing to submit their application for local employment are encouraged to register online at: http://careers. un.org and create a Personal History Profile (PHP).

If you are interested in working for other United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, please visit their websites directly. Most websites can be accessed through the links found at the International Civil Service Commission. Warning to Applicants There are job advertisements and offers that falsely state that they are from the United Nations. Please be aware that the United Nations does not request payment at any stage of the application and review process.


in the UN system




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