How IP cameras are effective in preventing and solving crimes
There are a large number of high-profile cases all over the world where while investigating the surveillance cameras or IP Camera played a big role in resolving the case. Even the governments are planning more and more investments for these IP surveillance cameras on the streets and public areas and that is a major step in public security. There was a debated issue that arrived that installing more and more security cameras will invade or exploit privacy and that can harm the privacy policy, but there are solutions for this problem that can be taken into consideration while installing the IP cameras. First of all the cameras should be installed in a way that they avoid or mask the views of private areas which can be the yards of people’s houses or the views of someone’s windows or a particular area of someone’s property that is a private space. There are laws enforced on privacy exploitation and these should be well known by the people using and installing security cameras and they should also know the consequences of the misuse of this great technology.
Since this IP camera technology has been invented to date a lot of crimes have been prevented and the ones that occurred could be resolves easily as the faces of the suspects were clearly visible in the footage. After 9/11 the United States government has taken a pledge to install surveillance cameras all over, The estimated figure of cameras installed in the US goes up to 30 million. Chicago has about 10,000 cameras and around 6000 cameras are gazing the New York City, these figures state how important the security cameras are for surveillance. There have been many incidents in the past that have proven the need for these cameras in today’s time one of them was “The Boston Marathon 1/2
bombing” is one of them where there was a marathon organized for the citizens of Boston and while that was on some criminals got involved and did mob bombings, in the end, the security camera footage helped to catch the perpetrators.
The Abduction of Carlesha Freeland was one of such cases where with the help of security cameras a life could be saved and the criminal could be caught, 22-year-old Carlesha was abducted and forced into a car at Philadelphia sidewalk by an unknown suspect and the security cameras were able to capture the footage and 300 miles away in Virginia the police saw the video and were looking for a suspect the same kind of criminal who was responsible for the abduction of a teenage girl in the same car that was shown in the footage and after investigating the car and the owner was found and the police took him in custody immediately and Carlesha was rescued from his place alive and safe. Cases like these show how important security cameras are to avoid crimes in modern times and the technology of IP cameras is a perfect example of surveillance and security.