AMEGA Biz Overview

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• 1 in 4 People have Chronic Illness or Degenerative Disease Heart Disease Cancer Diabetes Arthritis Inflammation Depression etc… • AMA - Stress is a Major Factor in 75% of Sickness • 60% of Adult Population is Overweight or Obese • $60 Billion spent on Health Care in Australia - US$4.1 Trillion p/a in USA

Food… From Farm to Table • • • •

Pesticides, Herbicides, Fungicides… Harvested Before Ripe – Cold Storage, Lacking Nutrients Laden with Synthetic Additives, Flavours, Colourings Processed, Refined & Heated to create ‘DEAD’ Food


Mobiles, Wi-Fi, Electrical Appliances, Power lines, X-rays…

Pollution •

Smog, Exhaust, Industry, Cigarettes, Contamination…

Chemicals • Drugs, Personal Care, Hair Dye, Fragrances, Cosmetics, Cleaning Products, Building Materials, Fire Retardants, etc…

•Personal Consumer Debt is over $2.6 Trillion in USA ($8,500 per person) • Last 20 years people working 50+ hours a week has doubled in Australia. • 2008 Demographic International Housing Affordability ranked Australia (& NZ) as the most Unaffordable in the English-speaking world. • 2002 the Australian ‘Household Debt to Income Ratio’ rose from 56% to 125% over the Previous Decade, and it continues to climb. (RBA statistics) •Superannuation Funds disappearing – no means to retire

 Stressed  Tired & Low in Energy  Burdened or Depressed  Running on ‘Empty’  Constantly Sick or Suffering Ailments  Frustrated with Our Lives  Living From Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque  Having Too Much “Month” at the End of the Money

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Trends Timing Products People Plan




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NETWORK MARKETING Currently over a $427 Billion Industry!

- Entrepreneur Magazine

E-COMMERCE Already Trillions of Dollars &

Expanding at a Rapid Global Pace


Growing at $250 Million Per Day

“The network marketing industry continues to grow faster than franchises or traditional big businesses” “… it has proven itself to be a viable and rewarding source of income”

“Millionaires are the fastest growing minority in the developed world today. The more people increase their wealth, the greater proportion of their income they spend on wellness. Starting or building a wellness business creates the perfect storm of opportunity to make a lot of money and to do incredible good.”

Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki

Paul Zane Pilzer, World-renowned Economist

“In the 21st century, a business must use eCommerce to survive… The Internet is changing all our lives; it is becoming a necessity because we are in the computer age.” Bill Gates Founder of Microsoft

“I’d rather earn from 1% of the effort of 100 people than 100% of my own” J Paul Getty - America’s 1st Billionaire

A Proprietary Process Sourcing Zero-Point Life Force Energy •Applies Principles of Quantum Physics • Sourcing Natural Life Force Energy Which May Support Recharging, Cleansing and Rejuvenation of Our Cells. • Over Time it Promotes Enhanced Inner Vitality and Wellbeing • Energy is Channeled Throughout the Body to Where it is Most Needed • Applied to AMFood and Select Bio Energetic Products

Above Left: The bio photon field of a drop of face cream. Above Right: The drop of face cream after exposure to the AFT process.

Above Left: An image of the human bioenergetic field taken with a GDV device before consuming Amfood/DNA. Above Right: 30 minutes after consuming Amfood/DNA the energy field has dramatically strengthened.

Above Left: Human cell before AFT Above Right: Human cell after AFT

Combination of Ancient Magnetic Therapy and the latest Far-Infared Technology

•Increases body metabolism and boosts energy level •Protects body from E-smog, Radiation and E.M.F •Aids body detoxification •Reduces physical stress and pain ‘ New Technology goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed by those ignorant of its potential Next, it is subverted by those threatened by its potential Finally, it is considered self-evident.’ -Unknown

First to Market - New Class Epigenetic SUPERFOOD

Enhanced Cellular Antioxidant Activity and Detoxification Enzymes

The EPIGENETIC Story | CellActiv® = Sulforaphane

Millions Neutralized By Your Cells Own Generated Defenses

A Fusion of some of the Most Exotic Superfruits available

Acai, Goji, Mangosteen, Amalaki, Noni, Lou Han Guo...

Broad Spectrum Phyto-Nutrients

3 Pillars of Health: Energy - Function - Lifestyle

Convenience – Single Serve, Portable, Delicious

The research behind the development of CellActiv ® draws on a vast library of scientific investigation into the defined health benefits of Sulforaphane across a range of diseases... ‘The future of research and medicine would move beyond the crude and expensively derived evidence from RCTs, to personalised therapeutics, from new data on Phamacogenetics, Epigenetics and Nutrigenomics’ predicted - Prof Kerryn Phelps Integrative GP and Former AMA President Our Technical Department continues to catalogue the relevant research literature into its own extensive database.

“Switches On” DNA in each cell to produce a range of Antioxidant Compounds Sulforaphane

“Switches On” DNA in each cell to produce a range of Detoxification Enzymes

Broccoli Sprouts Our DNA Double Helix Contains Thousands of Different Genes.

The Sulforaphane yield of CellActiv® ‘Switches On’ around 200+ different genes all needed for the cell to protect itself and is the most powerful known substance with this effect.

Futuristic AFT™ EpiGenetic Protect Detoxify Balance Nourish Convenient Delicious Holistic High Demand

“With Amega, My Asthma problem is completely gone, and just by sharing the benefits of Amega products I have create an extraordinary income far beyond what my husband has earned in his 15 years of hard work” “Amega have such astonishing products! Never has it been SO EASY to show just how effective these Amega products are! They literally sell themselves!!!” “I just go and share the benefits of Amega’s products with everyone and I am rewarded with good commissions, but my best reward is the gratitude I receive from my associates for sharing the products and the opportunity with them.”

Arun Kemer

Eric Banks Pearl Goh


Executive Dir

VP Merchandise

Benjamin Cheng VP Corporate Dev

Jeffrey Tan

Eddy Chan

VP Distributor Network

Vivienne Butler

Group CEO

VP Training & Dev

Jaya Prakesh VP - IT

David Thena VP Operations

A Professional Management Team, Supported by more than 100 Executive Managers

Dr. SK RAMESH Product Consultant

Over 30 years of Business, Finance, Manufacturing, & People Development Experience

Australia USA - Delaware UK - London Malaysia Indonesia

India Taiwan Hong Kong Philippines Dubai - UAE

•11 Country Offices •Registered in Delaware, USA •Operating from our Regional HQ in Singapore •Over 5000 Stockists

1. Replicated Website 2. Cyber Office 3. Video - Audio - Post Cards 4. AMEGA Academy 5. LIVE Webinars 6. LIVE Conference Calls 7. 24/7 Online Marketing Site 8. Resource Library 9. High Tech – High Touch 10. Fun, Effective, Easy to Use

We Enhance - Health & Wellbeing We Ensure - On Going Training /Learning /Growth We Develop - People We Provide - A Rewarding Income Stream


PICK A PACK or PRODUCT and Create a Business Account (BA)


SHARE and Recommend the Benefits of Amega’s Products with Friends, Associates or Online Community.


HELP others PICK A PACK or PRODUCT and Be Rewarded with a Referral Commission for Your Efforts.


REPEAT this Process and Help Others Do the Same and You Can Create A Rewarding Income Stream… True Power of ‘Word of Mouth.’


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