To Be Continued… Bench
A colorful design with a very creative name. Freshome presents the new To Be Continued Bench, created by Julien Carretero. Julien is a very talented designer living for the moment in The Netherlands. He has many interesting projects and if you visit his web page you will also find some news about a design internship. The bench is actually a part of a series of furniture, all gathered under the title “to be continued”. Such furniture items
include a sideboard, a coffee table, and a cabinet. What unites these designs is their unique way of production.
The introduction to history ​New york furniture​ in its impeccable standard.
These are some words of the designer himself concerning the innovative bench and the process of production.“It deals with creating a real and recognizable uniqueness within serial production. Instead of leaving randomness manage the differences; it uses the repetitive actions existing within the production process as a tool for differentiation. Then each piece produced comes as a result of a process applied to the piece that came before. Each piece is then existing because of the others and couldn’t have been designed without the others. Each layer is cast on top of the one cast before following the exact outline of it. Because of the imperfection of the cast, the object slowly mutates and starts designing itself.�
With this willingly self-made design, one must wonder about the ergonomics of the bench. In spite of its interesting look, it doesn’t really seem too comfortable. If you would like to purchase this product or simply find out more information, you can contact the designer here.