This is what you must know to fight Influenza
National Influenza Vaccination Week highlights the importance of continuing flu vaccination, and aware people about the same.
What Are the Early Signs of the Flu?
Fatigue and weakness
Sudden fever (usually above 100°F)
Scratchy or sore throat
Dry and persistence cough
Chills and sweats
Muscle or body aches
runny nose
Nasal congestion
What to do to fight flu? Get yourself vaccinated because it’s never too late Wash your hands frequently, it reduces the risk of spreading the virus to others. Cover coughs and sneezes directly with disposable tissue. Boost your immune system with healthy food intake. (Fruits and vegetables preferred)
Stay home and get more sleep. Drink lots of fluids, especially water, tea, and low-sugar electrolyte drinks. Cancel social engagements. Stock up tissues, hand sanitizer, and pain relievers.
What not to do when you are infected? 2
Don’t shake hands and share hugs
Avoid going to crowded places
Don’t smoke or drink
Don’t go to work or school.
Don’t try unproven remedies.
Why vaccination is must? Recognizing the early signs of the flu is essential if you don’t want those viruses to feel like home inside you. The flu is contagious and its virus travels through the air in droplets. Influenza viruses are constantly changing with new strains.
So, antibodies made against flu viruses you've encountered in the past can't protect you from new influenza strains. So it becomes important for you to get vaccinated every season.
Is Vaccination safe? Are there any side effects? Influenza flu vaccines that protect against three flu viruses are called “trivalent”, and four viruses are called “quadrivalent.” According to CDC reports, millions of doses have safely been given to protect and prevent people from influenza virus. It says annual flu vaccination is the best protection against this virus.
Most people aren't having any problems with the flu vaccinations, however, if you have ever had an allergic reaction after vaccination, then you must ask your doctor about which vaccine is best for you.
iPatientCare Supports
National Influenza Vaccination Week December 1 through 7, 2019 1-800-741-0981